#yvonne royal
lilakartoffelbrei · 6 months
Blume/Smith/Bär 9
Kennt ihr das Apfelblütental noch? Zwar ist der letzte Teil "nur" 8 Monate her, aber diesen Haushalt hab ich zuletzt vor drei Jahren vorgestellt. Neben einem stressigen Alltag habe ich tatsächlich auch ein wenig das Interesse an dieser Nachbarschaft verloren. Ich hab noch viele Bilder übrig (bin spielerisch am Ende von Teil 9) und hab die letzten Wochen auch immer wieder gespielt.
Genug langweilige Worte. Viel Spaß mit dem Apfelblütental
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Der Sommer bringt Veränderungen ins Apfelblütental. Eine davon der Umzug von Larissa und ihren drei Kindern in das kleine gründe Häuschen zu Andrew und Anton. Arthur kann es nicht fassen, dass er jetzt endlich bei seinem Vater wohnt.
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Die Zwillinge freuen sich über den Umzug, besonders weil der Spielplatz direkt gegenüber ist. Dennoch vermissen sie ihr altes großes Haus. Luna findet es so eng wie in einer Gefängniszelle. Und Ilias vermisst "seine Tante" Selma sehr. Zum Glück ist das Apfelblütental klein und überschaubar und alle haben weiterhin engen Kontakt.
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Albert freut sich für seine besten Freunde, dass sie unter einem Dach leben. Schon länger wünscht er sich eine Jungs-WG, so wie es seine Halbschwester Eileen mit ihren Freundinnen hat. Das Erwachsenenleben rückt näher und kann es kaum erwarten.
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Auch Anton träumt von der Zukunft, aber die Träume der beiden könnten kaum unterschiedlicher sein. Er möchte eine kleine Familie und ist schon jetzt ganz wild auf seine Rolle als "Onkel Anton". Auch wenn seine Beziehung zu Yasmin aktuell ruht, pflegt er eine enge Freundschaft zu ihr und Yvonne.
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Ilias ist von solchen Zukunftsplänen weit entfernt. Und Mädchen findet er aktuell sowieso doof, ganz besonders Nina. Da sie die beste Freundin seiner Zwillingsschwester ist, kommt sie fast täglich zu Besuch.
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Oft schaut auch Ninas Vater Hannes vorbei. Zwar ist der Kontakt zwischen Ninas Mutter und ihm unterkühlt, er versteht sich aber prächtig mit seiner Tochter. Und er hat im deutlich älteren Andrew inzwischen einen guten Freund gefunden.
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Gwendolin wacht als Geist über die Familie. War sie zuerst tief getroffen, dass Andrew und Larissas Liebe so schnell wieder aufflammte, so sieht sie jetzt wie glücklich alle sind.
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Doch trotz der vielen glücklichen Momente ist der Alltag oft sehr hart. Die finanziellen Probleme durch Gwendolins ambitionierte Ziele bestehen noch immer und haben sich mit der sechsköpfigen Familie nur verschärft. Dazu gibt es nur ein Kinderzimmer und zu wenig Betten. Die Teenager teilen sich das Sofa im Wechsel und Vater Andrew genießt die lauen Sommernächte auf dem Liegestuhl. Alle sind erschöpft.
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Die Situation spitzt sich zu, als das Sofa gepfändet wird. Larissa verbringt so viel Zeit wie möglich in der Bäckerei, aber ihr Gehalt entspricht nur einem Bruchteil der Ausgaben. An Rente ist für Andrew nicht zu denken. Besonders da aktuell weitere städtische Gebäude in Planung sind.
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Jede Geldquelle wird genutzt. Darunter auch ein prächtiger Geldbaum im Garten, den Yvonne organisiert hat. Die Familie rückt in den harten Zeiten nur noch näher zusammen.
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Besonders in der Liebe zwischen Andrew und Larissa zeigt sich dies und so ist sich Andrew inzwischen sicher: Larissa ist die Liebe seines Lebens. Das letzte Ersparte wird für einen Ehering mit funkelndem Kunststein ausgegeben. Natürlich hat Larissa ja gesagt!
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Steht Anton der Sache noch etwas skeptisch gegenüber, so ist Arthur komplett aus dem Häuschen: seine Eltern wollen heiraten! Schon seit längerem ist ein kleines Gotteshaus mit Friedhof für die verstorbenen geplant. Doch auch schöne Momente wie eine Hochzeit könnten dort stattfinden. Die ganze Familie sucht nach alternativen Geldquellen und findet diese im edelsteinhaltigen Boden des Apfelblütentals.
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Das meiste Geld verdanken sie aber Andrews Gehalt. Die Stadt steckt in den letzten Phasen des Schulbaus. Ihm wird zwar ganz anders, wenn er an die Kosten denkt, aber für die Zukunft der Kinder wäre dies ein wahrer Gewinn.
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Larissa ist viel im Fitnessstudio um ein wenig Zeit für sich zu haben. Auch wenn Larissa weiß, dass Andrew ihren Job nicht unwichtiger findet, möchte auch sie mehr beitragen. Wie gut, dass sie im Fitnessstudio auf alte und neue Freunde trifft, die sofort anbieten ihr ein wenig Geld für Trainingsstunden zu geben.
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Sie genießt aber auch die Abendstunden mit Charles, der fasziniert von ihrem Aliennachwuchs ist und ihr erstaunlich viele übernatürliche Erziehungstipps geben kann. Von Erziehungstipps ist Timba noch weit entfernt. Aber auch er genießt ihre Anwesenheit (vielleicht sogar ein wenig zu sehr?).
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Und dann ist der große Tag gekommen. Das Gotteshaus ist fertiggestellt und das glückliche Brautpaar steht vor dem Altar.
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Alle Freunde und Nachbarn sind zur Feier gekommen und gerührt von der ersten Trauung im Apfelblütental. Selbst Selma und Gwendolin, die jetzt auf dem angrenzenden Friedhof ihr Zuhause gefunden haben, sind bei der Feier dabei.
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Die Kinder vergessen die harten zurückliegenden Sommertage und genießen den Abend. Alle haben sich herausgeputzt.
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Die Feier geht bis tief in die Nacht. Am Ende ist nur noch das glückliche Brautpaar anwesend und genießt die Stille und einen letzten Happen vom Buffet. Die Kinder sind schon lange im Bett.
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Die Hochzeit war nicht die letzte Sommerparty im Patchwork-Haushalt. Die Zwillinge feiern ihren Geburtstag und laden viele ein. Das Haus ist voll.
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Und mit diesen zauberhaften Teenagern endet der Sommer im kleinen grünen Häuschen. Beide sind Wissenssims.
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lunarubra · 6 months
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We come in PEACE! This is for the peacemakers, the artists, the thinkers, the activists, the teachers, the dreamers, the cleaners…CONGRATULATIONS to my husband who fucking did it while holding himself and his integrity intact, I love you. Thank you to all our friends, our family, our neighbours, our community, it takes a village! Thank you to the winning team who anchored and buoyed us in equal measure. We love you all ❤️☘️
by Yvonne McGuinness
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bibaybe · 1 year
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OC Pride Challenge 2023 / Day Eight: LGBT Tropes
Seize the Power (Young Royals) Queer Tropes
taglist: @eddysocs @ocappreciationtag @foxesandmagic @wordspin-shares @veetlegeuse  
gif sources: x / x / x / x
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sammydem0n64 · 2 years
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Hey Yvonne I hope you find your dad but omg
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lxdymoon0357 · 2 years
Hello I was wondering if u did crossovers bc I got a crazy idea. What if u did a cross over with the villainess is a marionette, villains are destined dj die, and the way to protect the female lead? Like she is Penelope’s sister and she keeps getting transported in other worlds by mistake? And they’re all Yandere fore her? U obviously doing have to do this but this is just a e crazy idea 😅
(cool idea, but it's just blood.... Also Ashil passed his test and lived because I wanted him too!)
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Villains are destined to die X Villainess is a marionette X The way to protect the female lead's older brothers X Reader HCs
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※You were the only sister of Penelope, you both were extremely lucky and grateful to be taken in by the Eckhart family, they treated your sister nicely as well, but unlike your sister, you had a special power that is to move between three world where you’re meant to make people meet destiny, or something similar to that, your mother explained it to you, but you were very young to understand anything.
※ You grew up being a beloved child by your mother, sister and the people of the Eckhart duchy, you were seen as the kindest, prettiest and a gifted child by all.
※You met many people, including the royal rat with rubies for eyes, Vinter Varnandi, Yvonne and Ecklies, you quickly managed to form a dear companionship with each of them and quickly making them yanderes for you.
※You were quite close with your sister and hated the people in the manor for treating your elder sister badly, often triggering your power and transporting them somewhere and when they would come back they would either be dead or badly hurt.
※You formed a big companionship with Callisto, the crown prince who later on fell for Penelope and kept her close with him to keep you near him as well.
※You grew up healthy and grifted loved by your trashy brothers, you father, your annoying servants, your lovely sisters and many more people.
※When you grew up, the Eckharts learnt about your power and all your family loved you, then it was time to train your power, upon moving to one of the places you ended up bruised and fainted in a huge garden, when you woke up there was a beautiful man sleeping in a chair next to you, he looked extremely regal; He had short blonde hair with blue eyes and pretty lips with lashes, as you sat up in bed someone held your shoulder and slowly fluffed up your pillows, it was a girl who looked similar to the man sitting in the chair, she was one of the prettiest lady you had ever met, she had long blonde hair with shining blue eyes with pretty lashes and red lips.
※You later on learned their names, Cayena and Rezef Hill, they both were half siblings and the next emperor and princess in line for the throne
※You quickly managed to befriend them both, those two would spoil you rotten and also tried to keep you with them for as long as possible, you also met Cayena’s fiancée and half-brother, Raffealo Kedrey and Ethel Hill, both of whom you also happen to quickly befriend.
※They quickly became big yanderes for you, and upon learning how you got here and your power, they decided to slowly teach you about it, but not let you leave them, which was a big thing. They thought to keep you with them, while letting you visit your family for a few days every five months.
※So, once when Rezef was training you, you accidently ended up in a large, bloody field in someone’s arms, as you as you fell in their arms you fainted from exhaustion, but before you fainted you saw black grey hair with red eyes.
※As you woke up, you were in a huge red room completely bandaged, as you sat up you saw the door open, with three people entering, the man whom you saw before with a younger version of him and a gorgeous lady with blonde hair and ruby red eyes, with plump, red lips and a sharp face. The man who caught you was named Lant Agriche, his younger version was his son, named Dion Agriche and the lady was his beloved daughter, called Roxanne Agriche, you had ended up in the manor of Black Agriche.
※Lant had saw you falling from the sky and quickly caught you before you fainted in his arms, he saw your face and was mesmerized by it?...You don’t understand but that’s what Roxanne said, he brought you back to the manor carrying your princess style shocking everyone there, seeing the head of the family holding someone so tenderly, even more a beautiful person.
※You quickly took over the head’s heart as a dear child and he decided to make sure you were kept as safely as possible only letting a few people see you when you were knocked out for the days, them being only Sierra and Ashil, and maybe Roxanne on days when Lant was in very good mood.
※Ashil would describe you to Roxanne, Roxanne when she first got to see you was mesmerized by you, you were very pretty. She would constantly try to make Lant happy so he would let her see you.
※Sierra on the other hand would look after you, along with Ashil who would try to find some books on how to cure you fatser.
※Everybody in the Agriche manor wanted to see you, the lucky servants would tell about you to other servants who were asking them about you, everybody was curiously waiting for you to quickly heal so they could also see you and meet, including Grizelda, Fontaine, Maria, Jeremy, Charlotte, Dion and many more, I mean who wouldn’t be if they saw Lant carrying someone so tenderly.
※Now back to the present, as you sat up and saw the three come in and take a seat on the chair near your bed, Lant immediately put his hand on your shoulder and laid you back on the bed, while the other two sat on the other side.
※As the doctor came and checked up on you and gave you shots, Lant held your tiny hand in his, often using his other hand to stroke your hair and warm face with tenderness, which shocked the other two more.
※You quickly became the favorite between the Agriches, Dion loved you so much, you got gifts, sweets, treats, party invites and much, much more constantly.
※But you were also kept locked up in a room for hours on end, unless Lant would visit you with a beaming smile on his face, you were kept like this in the Eckhart manor as well, so it didn’t faze you.
※You would then by taught by the three family how to use your power and learn about it, so they can make a place where you power won’t work so you can’t teleport away from them anymore.
※Other than this type of behavior, you loved your families very much, you introduced everyone to each other, Roxanne, Cayena and Penelope got along very well always talking shit about someone they don’t like, Rezef, Callisto and Dion also became good friends often teaching each other if they tried to get to close to you their favorite torture methods, Jeremy and Reynold made a normal companionship and Sierra and Ashil became very close with Yvonne and Vinter, they would be the kindest to you and the most patient with you as well.
※You would often unknowingly cause arguments between the families, especially Rezef, Ashil, Callisto and Dion when you said your favorite brother was Ashil, he became a bit cocky for some time to the others people of his new found families and his own family.
※Everyone accepted each other, mainly because they all enjoyed blood, you would mostly be in the eyes of Lant, Dion, Ashil or Callisto, no one else because they all fall prey to your puppy eyes.
※They all end those people’s life in the most horrific way, the ones who tried to hurt you or get you away from them in any way.
※They love you so much, aren’t you happy having such a large family!!!
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the-torchwood-archive · 8 months
Torchwood Timeline (May 2024)
This is my canon timeline for the Torchwood TV stories, novels, and audio productions. It's fairly similar to the wiki timeline with a few small tweaks. It's also completely spoiler free, unlike the wiki timeline.
Some entries have firm dates, some have months, some have general decades, so I've tried my hardest to fit them into where I feel they fit. If anyone spots anything that I've missed or sees any glaring problems let me know and I'll try to suss it out. New stories will be added as they are released.
TV: Tooth And Claw
Torchwood Cardiff is founded
December 24th 1894:
Audio: The Empire Man
Audio: Infidel Places
Audio: Save Our Souls
December 24th 1898:
Audio: The Crown
Scenes from TV: Fragments
Jack joins Torchwood
May 17th 1899
Audio: The Victorian Age
Torchwood Glasgow is founded
Audio: What Have I Done
Post TV: COE Day 5 in Jack’s timeline
Audio: Curios
Audio: The Dying Room
Norton Folgate projects himself to 2016 for Audio: Ghost Mission
Norton Folgate is projected to 2009 for Audio: Outbreak
Audio: Goodbye Piccadilly
Audio: Madam, I’m
Audio: Parasite
Audio: Ashenden
Audio: The Unbegotten
Audio: The Black Knight
Scenes from TV: Children Of Earth Day Four
First contact with the 456
Audio: The Dollhouse
Audio: Double
Torchwood Los Angeles severs all ties
Audio: Dead Plates
Scenes from Prose: Trace Memory
Toshiko’s scenes
16th-22nd August 1987:
Past scenes from Audio: Disco
Alex Hopkins kills his team and Jack Harkness becomes head of Torchwood Cardiff
Audio: Piece Of Mind
Ben Brown hired by Jack Harkness
Suzie Costello hired by Jack Harkness
Ben Brown deceased
Scenes from Prose: Trace Memory
Owen’s scenes
Scenes from TV: Fragments
Toshiko’s scenes
Late 2004:
Audio: Blind Summit
Ianto returns to Wales
Audio: Suckers
February 2005:
Ianto is hired by Torchwood London as Junior Researcher
Scenes from Prose: Trace Memory
Ianto’s scenes
26th March 2005:
Audio: One Rule
Ianto is working as Yvonne’s PA
Audio: The Last Love Song Of Suzie Costello
Audio: Tube Strike
Audio: New Girl
Audio: Through The Ruins
Audio: Uprising
Audio: My Guest Tonight
Audio: Lola
Audio: Less Majesty
Audio: The Law Machines
Audio: 9 To 5
Sebastian Vaughn hired at Torchwood Three
Audio: The Vigil
Late 2005:
Scenes from TV: Fragments
Owen’s scenes
March 2006:
Owen Harper is recruited into Torchwood Cardiff
TV: Aliens Of London
April-September 2006:
Audio: Sync
September 2006:
TV: Boom Town
Jack confines the team to the Hub
September-December 2006:
Audio: Wednesdays For Beginners
Audio: Crush
Audio: Retirement Plan
29th November 2006:
Audio: Moving Target
January-Feburary 2007:
Audio: Locker 15
Audio: Dinner For Yvonne
Present day scenes from Audio: Disco
Audio: By Royal Appointment
Audio: Nerves
Audio: The Rockery
February-March 2007:
TV: Doomsday
TV: Army Of Ghosts
Scenes from TV: Fragments
Ianto joins Torchwood Cardiff
Audio: War Chest
February 2007-September 2009:
Audio: Coffee
Scenes take place between TV: Army Of Ghosts and TV: Children Of Earth Day Five
August-November 2007:
TV: Everything Changes
TV: Day One
TV: Ghost Machine
Prose: Another Life
Prose: Slow Decay
TV: Cyberwoman
Audio: Broken
Scenes take place between TV: Cyberwoman and TV: They Keep Killing Suzie
TV: Small Worlds
TV: Countrycide
Audio: The Great Sontaran War
TV: Greeks Baring Gifts
Audio: Restricted Items Archive Entires 031-049
Audio: Instant Karma
Audio: Ex Machina
Audio: Drive
November 2007:
TV: They Keep Killing Suzie
November-December 2007:
TV: Random Shoes
Audio: The Last Beacon
Audio: The Conspiracy
Audio: Fall To Earth
Audio: Uncanny Valley
Early events of Audio: The Office Of Never Was
18th-26th December 2007
TV: Out Of Time
Audio: The Grey Mare
December 2007-Janurary 2008:
Audio: SUV
Audio: Missing Molly
TV: Combat
Audio: Hidden
TV: Captain Jack Harkness
TV: End Of Days
January-May 2008:
Audio: Zone 10
Audio: Lease Of Life
February 2008:
Prose: Kaleidoscope
14th February 2008:
Audio: Dinner And A Show
February-August 2008:
Audio: Sigil
May 2008:
Torchwood goes to Tibet
Jack returns to Cardiff after TYTNW
TV: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
TV: Sleeper
Audio: Serenity
20th June 2008:
TV: To The Last Man
June-July 2008:
Prose: Something In The Water
Audio: Everyone Says Hello
Prose: Trace Memory
TV: Meat
29th June 2008:
Audio: The Lincolnshire Poacher
July-August 2008:
Audio: torchwood_cascade_CDRIP.tor
Audio The Office Of Never Was
Audio: In The Shaodws
TV: Adam
Audio: Tropical Beach Sounds And Other Relaxing Seascapes #4
August 2008:
Prose: The Twilight Streets
August-October 2008:
TV: Reset
TV: Dead Man Walking
TV: A Day In The Death
August-December 2008:
Audio: Corpse Day
Audio: The Hope
Audio: The Three Monkeys
Audio: Gooseberry
31st October 2008:
Prose: Pack Animals
November-December 2008:
TV: Something Borrowed
Prose: Skypoint
TV: From Out Of The Rain
TV: Adrift
Audio: Believe
TV: Fragments
TV: Exit Wounds
Audio: Expectant
Prose: Into The Silence
Audio: Lost Souls
January-February 2009:
Prose: Bay Of The Dead
Prose: The House That Jack Built
Prose: Almost Perfect
Audio: Department X
February 2009:
Audio: Ghost Train
May-September 2009:
Audio: Dissected
Audio: Rhys And Ianto’s Excellent Barbeque
TV: The Stolen Earth
TV: Journey’s End
Audio: The Sin Eaters
Prose: The Wrong Hands
Prose: Virus
Audio: Asylum
Audio: Golden Age
Prose: Consequences
Audio: The Dead Line
Prose: Risk Assessment
Prose: The Undertaker’s Gift
Audio: The Devil And Miss Carew
Audio: Submission
Audio: Outbreak
September 2009:
TV: Children Of Earth Day One
TV: Children Of Earth Day Two
TV: Children Of Earth Day Three
TV: Children Of Earth Day Four
TV: Children Of Earth Day Five
Late 2009:
Prose: Long Time Dead
March 2010:
Audio: House Of The Dead
Events of TV: The End Of Time and Audio: One Enchanted Evening in Jack’s timeline
March-June 2010:
Prose: First Born
June 2010:
Prose: The Men Who Sold The World
October 2010:
Audio: Poppet
18th-21st March 2011:
TV: The New World
22nd March 2011:
TV: Rendition
March-July 2011:
TV: Dead Of Night
TV: Escape To LA
TV: Categories Of Life
TV: The Middle Men
TV: Immortal Sins
TV: End Of The Road
September 2011:
TV: The Gathering
TV: The Blood Line
September-December 2011:
Audio: Army of One
Audio: Fallout
Audio: Red Skies
Audio: Mr Invincible
Prose: Exodus Code
Audio: Cadoc Point
November-December 2012:
Audio: Dog Hop
Late 2016
Audio: Forgotten Lives
Audio: Visiting Hours
Audio: More Than This
Audio: Ghost Mission
Audio: Made You Look
January-June 2017:
Mr Colchester joins a rebuilt Torchwood
Audio: We Always Get Out Alive
Audio: Night Of The Fendahl
Audio: Smashed
Ng joins Torchwood after this point
Audio: Driving Miss Wells
Audio: Sonny
Audio: Changes Everything
Audio: Aliens & Sex & Chips & Gravy
Audio: Oor
Audio: Superiority Complex
Audio: Love Rat
Audio: A Kill To A View
June 2017-October 2018:
Audio: Zero Hour
Audio: The Empty Hand
Audio: Poker Face
Audio: Tagged
Audio: Escape Room
Audio: Herald Of The Dawn
Audio: Future Pain
Audio: The Man Who Destroyed Torchwood
Takes place between TV: Superiority Complex and TV: Herald Of The Dawn
October 2018:
Audio: Cardiff Unknown – October 2018
October-December 2018:
Audio: See No Evil
Audio: Night Watch
Audio: Flight 405
Audio: Hostile Environment
Audio: The Green Life
Audio: Sargasso
Audio: Another Man’s Shoes
Audio: Eye Of The Storm
January-March 2019:
Audio: A Mother’s Son
March-August 2019:
Audio: Scrapejane
Audio: Day Zero
Audio: Thoughts And Prayers
Audio: Red Base
Audio: Aliens Next Door
Audio: Colin Alone
August 2019:
Audio: Misty Eyes
Audio: Goodbye Piccadilly, Audio: Ashenden, and Audio: The Unbegotten for Andy’s POV
Early 2022:
Audio: The Red List
Audio: Moderation
Audio: Propaganda
Audio: At Her Majesty’s Pleasure
Audio: Cuckoo
Audio: Pariahs
Audio: How I Conquered The World
Audio: The Five People You Kill In Middlesborough
Audio: A Postcard From Mr Colchester
Audio: Death In Venice
February 2023:
Audio: Doomscroll
Audio: Heistland
Audio: The Apocalypse Starts At 6PM
Audio: Thirst Trap
Audio: Another Postcard From Mr Colchester
Audio: Sabotage
Feb 2024: Moved Audio: The Vigil from 2007 to 2005
April 2024: Added Audio:Another Postcard From Mr Colchester and Audio: Sabotage to 2023
April 2024: Added Audio: Tube Strike to early 2005
April 2024: Added Audio: Missing Molly to early 2008
May 2024: Moved Audio: Wednesdays For Beginners, Audio: Crush, Audio: Retirement Plan from 2007 to 2006
May 2024: Added Audio: Dinner For Yvonne, Audio: By Royal Appointment and Audio: Nerves to January-February 2007
May 2024: Added Audio: Disco to August 1978 and January-February 2007
May 2024: Moved Audio: Hidden from November-December 2007 to December 2007-Janurary 2008:
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Rebecca trained at Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts. Theatre credits include A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Shakespeare’s Globe, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time for the National Theatre (UK and Ireland tour); Rathmines Road for Fishamble at the Abbey Theatre, Dublin; Trans Scripts at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and American Repertory Theater in Cambridge, Massachusetts; The Bear / The Proposal at the Young Vic; and Hamlet at the Gielgud Theatre and Athens International Festival. TV, Film and Video Game credits include Monsieur Spade, This Is Christmas, Irvine Welsh’s Crime, Hogwarts Legacy, Horizon Forbidden West, Heartstopper, Annika, The Rising, Sex Education, The Gallery, The Queen’s Gambit, Finding Alice, Creation Stories, Last Christmas, The Sisters Brothers, Colette, The Danish Girl, Flack, The Romanoffs, Moominvalley, Hank Zipzer, Boy Meets Girl, Doctors, Casualty, The Detectives, and Keeping Up Appearances.  Radio credits include Clare In The Community, Life Lines, The Hotel, and 1977 for BBC Radio 4. Guest appearances include Woman’s Hour, Front Row, Loose Ends, Saturday Live, and A Good Read.  She plays Tania Bell in the award-winning Doctor Who: Stranded audio dramas. Rebecca has also recorded numerous documentary narrations, audiobooks, and voice-overs. Rebecca is also a voice and speech coach, holding the MA in Voice Studies from Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.
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Born in South Wales, Seán trained at the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama. He has worked extensively in audio drama, television, theatre and film.  Seán is perhaps best known to Doctor Who fans as Narvin in the Doctor Who audio series Gallifrey and has appeared on TV in Doctor Who - The Christmas Invasion and Torchwood. Recent TV credits include Mudtown (BBCiplayer/S4C), Dal y Mellt (Netflix), His Dark Materials (BBC1), All Creatures Great and Small (Channel 5), A Mother's Love (Channel 4) and Series 5 of Stella (Sky1).  Films include supporting leads in Boudica - Rise of the Warrior Queen, cult horror The Cleansing,  the lead in Forgotten Journeys and John Sheedy’s forthcoming film ‘Never Never Never’
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Samuel Clemens trained at the Drama Centre London and is an award-winning director with over twenty years’ experience. Samuel has recently written and directed his debut feature film ‘The Waterhouse’ with Take The Shot Films & Featuristic Films and represented by Raven Banner Entertainment, which is due for release this coming year.  In addition, he has directed fourteen short films, winning awards all over the world including shorts ‘Surgery (multi-award winning), A Bad Day To Propose (Straight 8 winner 2021), Say No & Dress Rehearsal’. Samuel also directs critically acclaimed number one UK stage tours and fringe shows (Rose Theatre Kingston, Swansea Grand, Eastbourne, Yvonne Arnaud, Waterloo East Theatre) and commercials include clients JD Sports, Shell and Space NK. Samuel is also a regular producer and director for Big Finish Productions & Anderson Entertainment. He has cast, directed, produced and post supervised numerous productions of ‘Doctor Who – (BBC), The Avengers (Studio Canal), Thunderbirds, Stingray (Anderson Entertainment), Callan, Missy, Gallifrey’& Shilling & Sixpence Investigate’ and many more. Samuel has directed world class talent such as, Sir Roger Moore, Ben Miles, Tom Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Alex Kingston, Frank Skinner, Rita Ora, Rosie Huntingdon-Whiteley, Rufus Hound, David Warner, Celia Imrie, Samuel West, Youssef Kerkour, Sophie Aldred, Ian McNiece, Colin Baker, Olivia Poulet, Stephen Wight, Jade Anouka, Mimi Ndwendi, Michelle Gomez, Peter Davidson, Paul O’Grady and many more. Samuel is one of the founding members and directors at Take The Shot Films Ltd and is Head of Artistic Creation and Direction. Lastly, Samuel is a regular tutor at The London Film Academy, The Giles Foreman Centre for Acting & The Rose Youth Theatre and is a member of The Directors Guild UK. As for upcoming projects, Sam is currently in pre-production on his next feature film “On The Edge of Darkness”, which is based on his dad’s stage play “Strictly Murder”.
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Attila Puskás is a native Hungarian Voice Actor born in Transylvania – Romania, so Romanian is in his bag of tricks too, but most of his work is done in English, in a Transatlantic Eastern European Accent, but is quite capable of Hungarian, Romanian and International Eastern European accents, plus Standard American. His voice range is Adult to Middle Aged (30-40+) due to his deep voice. Vocal styles can range from authoritive, brooding to calming and reassuring and much more. He’s most experienced in character work, like Animations and Games, but his skills encompass Commercials to Narration as well. He’s received training through classes and workshops, pushing him to the next level to achieve higher standards. Now on a journey to perfect these skills and put them to good use!
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the-bi-library · 10 months
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Here is the part two of my bisexual BIPOC books posts!
Part 1 here
Books listed:
I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast Is Me by Jamison Shea The Relic Spell: Book 1 of the Phyrian War Chronicles by Jimena I. Novaro The Warlock Snare by Jimena I. Novaro Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert The Aurora Circus by Viano Oniomoh Rescues and the Rhyssa by T. S. Porter Far Sector by N. K. Jemisin and Jamal Campbell Xeni by Rebekah Weatherspoon Flip the Script by Lyla Lee A Scatter of Light by Malinda Lo The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson Shatterproof by Xen Sanders The Fall of Whit Rivera by Crystal Maldonado Scavenge the Stars by Tara Sim Zara Hossain Is Here by Sabina Khan When Tara Met Farah by Tara Pammi Royally Yours by Everly James For Sizakele by Yvonne Fly Onakeme Etaghene More To Love by Georgina Kiersten False Hearts by Laura Lam Babel-17 by Samuel R. Delany Tim Te Maro and the Subterranean Heartsick Blues by H. S. Valley Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody Becoming Dinah by Kit de Waal Caught in a Bad Fauxmance by Elle Gonzalez Rose The Black Veins by Ashia Monet Hearton by Amy Jo Cousins
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heavensickness · 22 days
Underrated moments from Death is the Only Ending for the Villainess that hit me hard
Penelope wanting to do nothing with Yvonne and just wanting to escape but still warning the Duke against Yvonne's true self because he is the only father figure she ever had and she couldn't bear to see him turn on her
Reynold following Penelope at gatherings like a puppy because she asked him not to leave her during a banquet and he feels guilty for leaving her
Also Reynold remembering that Penelope wants a bunny so he looks after baby bunnies for her. He even wants to breed a rabbit with fur the same colour as Penelope's eyes
Vinter being so in love with Penelope that he still prepares the poison she asked for even if she was going to use it to kill someone, and he was ready to cover up her crime
Eckles being an illegitimate child but still being so cherished by his father and siblings that when Delman was invaded they removed his name from the royal heritage so that Eckles would not be captured and killed as a member of the royal family
Callisto hating to hear women cry because it reminds him of the times when his mother, who lost the Emperor's favour, would hug him and weep when he was a child
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onlydylanobrien · 8 days
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Dylan O'Brien, Jason Reitman, Rachel Sennott, Cory Michael Smith, Gabriel Labell and Lamorne Morris with Stacey Yvonne at the “Saturday Night” premiere After Party at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) at Royal Alexandra Theatre in Toronto, Canada. (September 10, 2024)
📷©: stickykeys Instagram Story
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lilakartoffelbrei · 1 year
Blumen & Töpfe WG Teil 8
Tatsächlich habe ich diesen Teil schon vor laaaanger Zeit und mit wirklich viel Freude gespielt. Auch den Teil im Anschluss. Danach war beim Apfelblütental ein wenig die Luft raus und andere Projekte interessanter. Habe ich zwar fröhlich immer wieder hier und da ein Bild raussortiert oder einen Tag weitergespielt, so lag die Dokumentation fast ein Jahr lang brach. Ups. Noch immer mag ich diese BACC gerne und ich werde sie auch weiterhin hier vorstellen. Jedoch wird der Fokus in den nächsten Monaten mehr auf den Nachbarschaften Old Pleasant Valley und Mondscheinbucht liegen.
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Mit den drei neuen Bewohnern kommt auch ein neues Geschäft. Mit ihrem Laden Blumen und Töpfe verwirklicht sich Maja einen Traum. Sie verkauft wundervoll duftende Blumensträuße und pflegeleichte Topfpflanzen. Das Geschäft und die Inhaberin werden schnell ins Herz geschlossen. Der Laden ist gut besucht.
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Das Sortiment wird von schlichten Tontöpfen und ausgefallenen Vasen ergänzt. Alles handgefertig von Timba. Er ist ein draufgängerischer Künstler und hat noch keinen konkreten Plan im Leben. Ins Apfelblütental hat ihn der hohe Frauenanteil gezogen, denn er ist ein klassischer Romantiksim.
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Der Laden zieht die unterschiedlichsten Sims an und wird oft noch bis spät in die Abendstunden besucht. Blumensträuße für die Liebste, der perfekte Gartenzwerg für den Vorgarten oder und Tontopf für die Terrasse. Dem Besucherandrang werden Maja und Timba alleine nicht gerecht.
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Hagen wurde von Andrew angeworben. Er strebt eine Karriere im Bildungssektor an. Aktuell hilft er aber täglich im Laden aus. Er hatte nie geplant in einem Blumenladen zu arbeiten oder sich in die Besitzerin zu verlieben.
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Und Timba hätte nie gedacht, dass er sein Herz an die süße Briefträgerin verlieren wird. Er und Beate verbringen jede ihrer freien Minuten zusammen. Oft geht sie direkt nach der Arbeit mit ihm aus und kommt nichtmal dazu sich frisch zu machen.
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Die restliche Zeit verbringt Timba im Laden. Ein Stammgast ist schon jetzt Yasmin. Die beiden finden sich unwiederstehlich und können nicht genug voneinander bekommen.
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So ist Timba auch mit seinen Herzensdamen beschäftigt und nicht im Haus, als Maja einen Küchenbrand verursacht. Sie und Nachbarin und Freundin Julia wollten Kekse backen. Zum Glück konnte die Feuerwehr den Brand löschen bevor Schlimmeres passierte.
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Alle sind deshalb total durch den Wind. Besonders aber Nina. Wenn sie groß ist, möchte sie einen Feuerwehrmann heiraten. Jedem erzählt sie von dem spektakulären Ereignis. Timba entpuppt sich als besonders guter Zuhörer.
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Auch durch den Wind ist Maja. Ihr geht es seit dem Küchenbrand nicht so gut. Hat sie es zuerst auf die Aufregung geschoben, so weiß sie es jetzt besser: Sie und Hagen erwarten Nachwuchs.
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Nur selten schafft es die WG gemeinsam zum Essen. Der Laden, Dates oder die Schwangerschaftsvorsorge nehmen alle in Beschlag. Wenn sie zusammenkommen, dann unterhalten sie sich am liebsten über den Stadttratsch wie beispielsweise die vielen übernatürlichen Gruselgeschichten, die Nina gerne über ihren Opa erzählt oder die Liebesweisheiten aus Yvonnes Wahrsagerkugel.
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So ist es natürlich nur selbstverständlich, dass die ebenfalls schwangere Yvonne zur Babyparty eingeladen wird. Unter den Gästen ist auch die "verrückte Tante" des Apfelblütentals: Selma. Hagen hat sie eingeladen.
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Die Party hätte keine Minute später stattfinden dürfen. Kaum fällt Maja müde ins Bett setzen auch schon die Wehen ein. Begrüßt den kleinen Rotschopf Finn Lindenlaub.
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My Grimoire Research Library
this is a list of my major resource I've referenced/am currently referencing in my big grimoire project. For books I'll be linking the Goodreads page, for pdfs, websites and videos i'll link them directly.
There are plenty of generalised practitioner resources that can work for everyone but as I have Irish ancestry and worship Hellenic deities quite a few of my resources are centred around Celtic Ireland, ancient Greece and the Olympic mythos. If you follow other sects of paganism you are more than welcome to reblog with your own list of resources.
Parts of my grimoire discuss topics of new age spiritualism, dangerous conspiracy theories, and bigotry in witchcraft so some resources in this list focus on that.
Apollodorus - The Library of Greek Mythology
Astrea Taylor - Intuitive Witchcraft
Dee Dee Chainey & Willow Winsham - Treasury of Folklore: Woodlands and Forests
John Ferguson - Among The Gods: An Archaeological Exploration of Ancient Greek Religion
Katharine Briggs - The Fairies in Tradition and Literature
Kevin Danaher - The Year in Ireland: Irish Calendar Customs
Laura O'Brien - Fairy Faith in Ireland
Lindsey C. Watson - Magic in Ancient Greece and Rome
Nicholas Culpeper - Culpeper's Complete Herbal
Plutarch - The Rise and Fall of Athens: Nine Greek Lives
R.B. Parkinson - A Little Gay History: Desire and Diversity Around the World
Rachel Patterson - Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom: A Tarot Journey to Self-Awareness
Raleigh Briggs - Make Your Place: Affordable & Sustainable Nesting Skills
Robin Wall Kimmerer - Braiding Sweetgrass
Ronald Hutton - The Witch: A History of Fear in Ancient Times
Rosemary Ellen Guiley - The Encyclopaedia of Witches and Witchcraft
Thomas N. Mitchell - Athens: A History of the World's First Democracy
Walter Stephens - Demon Lovers: Witchcraft S3x and the Crisis of Belief
Yvonne P. Chireau - Black Magic: Religion and The African American Conjuring Tradition
Anti Defamation League - Hate on Display: Hate Symbols Database
Brandy Williams - White Light, Black Magic: Racism in Esoteric Thought
Cambridge SU Women’s Campaign - How to Spot TERF Ideology 2.0.
Blogs and Websites
Anti Defamation League
B. Ricardo Brown - Until Darwin: Science and the Origins of Race
Dr. S. Deacon Ritterbush - Dr Beachcomb
Folklore Thursday
Freedom of Mind Resource Centre - Steven Hassan’s BITE Model of Authoritarian Control
Institute for Strategic Dialogue
Royal Horticultural Society
The Duchas Project -National Folklore Collection
Vivienne Mackie - Vivscelticconnections
YouTube Videos
ContraPoints - Gender Critical
Emma Thorne Videos - Christian Fundie Says Halloween is SATANIC!
Owen Morgan (Telltale) - The Source Of All Conspiracies: A 1902 Document Called "The Protocols"
The Belief it or Not Podcast - Ep. 40 Satanic Panic, Ep 92. Wicca
Wendigoon - The Conspiracy Theory Iceberg
Other videos I haven't referenced but you may still want to check out
Atun-Shei Films - Ancient Aryans: The History of Crackpot N@zi Archaeology
Belief It Or Not - Ep. 90 - Logical Fallacies
Dragon Talisman - Tarot Documentary (A re-upload of the 1997 documentary Strictly Supernatural: Tarot and Astrology)
Lindsay Ellis - Tracing the Roots of Pop Culture Transphobia
Overly Sarcastic Productions - Miscellaneous Myths Playlist
Owen Morgan (Telltale) - SATANIC PANIC! 90s Video Slanders Satanists | Pagan Invasion Saga | Part 1
ReignBot - How Ouija Boards Became "Evil" | Obscura Archive Ep. 2
Ryan Beard - Demi Lovato Promoted a R4cist Lizard Cult
Super Eyepatch Wolf - The Bizarre World of Fake Psychics, Faith Healers and Mediums
Weird Reads with Emily Louise -The Infamous Hoaxes Iceberg Playlist
Wendigoon - The True Stories of the Warren Hauntings: The Conjuring, Annabelle, Amityville, and Other Encounters
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bibaybe · 1 year
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If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power // Honey
Between my fingers, she leaves, then she lingers If she's gonna go, well, then I'm goin' with her And I know that I won't forget
taglist: @ocappreciationtag @veetlegeuse @eddysocs @foxesandmagic @wordspin-shares
gif sources: x / x / x / x
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sammydem0n64 · 1 year
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notanichan · 6 months
otome masterlist
Warning: May have spoilers.
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🌕 - Routes I have finished. 🌑 - Routes I need to finish. 🌗 - Routes I have started but not finished. 🌟 - Games I have finished. 🕒 - Games' Developers/Publishers
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-> Mystic Destinies : Serendipity Of Aeons 🌟
🌕 Shou Hatori 🌕 Shinji Hirayama 🌕 Takumi Arai 🌕 Tatsuya Yukimura 🌕 Hikaru Kazama
-> Amnesia : Memories 🌟
🌕 Toma 🌕 Ikki 🌕 Shin 🌕 Kent 🌕 Ukyo
-> Nightshade 🌟
🌕 Kuroyuki 🌕 Gekkamaru 🌕 Goemon 🌕 Chojiro 🌕 Hanzo
-> Seduce Me
🌕 Sam 🌕 Damien 🌕 Matthew 🌕 Erik 🌕 James 🌑 Suzu 🌑 Naomi 🌕 Andrew 🌕 Diana
-> Seduce Me 2 - The Demon War
🌕 Sam 🌕 Matthew 🌕 Erik 🌑 James 🌑 Damien 🌑 Diana
-> Demon Crashers
🌕 Kael 🌕 Orias 🌕 Akki 🌑 Mirari
-> The Men Of Yoshiwara: Kikuya
🌕 Hayabusa 🌕 Takao 🌑 Kagura 🌕 Kagerou 🌕 Iroha 🌗 Iroha 2nd Season 🌑 Tokiwa
-> The Men Of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya 🌟
🌕 Ageha 🌕 Utsusemi 🌕 Takigawa 🌕 Gakuto 🌕 Asagiri
-> Seven Boys 2 🌟
🌕 Vincent 🌕 Randle 🌕 Bevis 🌕 Kevin 🌕 Aaron 🌕 Clement 🌕 Rock 🌕 Julian
-> Soulset 🌟
🌕 Yvonne 🌕 Shira 🌕 Apris 🌕 Verin 🌕 Shirr 🌕 Marco 🌕 Feathor 🌕 'Secret'
-> Hustle Cat
🌕 Reese 🌑 Finley 🌑 Hayes 🌑 Landry 🌑 Mason 🌑 'Secret'
-> This World Unknown
🌕 Asa 🌗 Luca 🌑 Garett 🌑 Val
-> The Royal Trap: Confines Of The Crown
🌕 Callum 🌕 Oscar 🌗 Nazagi 🌑 Gaston
-> Let's Not Stay Friends
🌕 Frenz 🌕 Taf 🌑 Burain
-> Nameless: The One Thing You Must Recall
🌕 Red 🌕 Lance 🌕 Yuri 🌕 Tei 🌑 Yeonho 🌑 ???
-> Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds
🌕 Souji Okita 🌑 Toshizo Hijikata 🌕 Hajime Saito 🌕 Heisuke Toudou 🌕 Sanosuke Harada 🌑 Shinpachi Nagakura 🌕 Keisuke Sanan 🌑 Susumu Yamazaki 🌕 Hachiro Iba 🌑 Kazue Souma 🌑 Ryouma Sakamoto 🌕 Chikage Kazama 🌑 Independant
-> Hakuoki: Edo Blossoms
🌕 Souji Okita 🌑 Toshizo Hijikata 🌕 Hajime Saito 🌕 Heisuke Toudou 🌕 Sanosuke Harada 🌑 Shinpachi Nagakura 🌕 Keisuke Sanan 🌑 Susumu Yamazaki 🌗 Hachiro Iba 🌑 Kazue Souma 🌑 Ryouma Sakamoto 🌕 Chikage Kazama
-> Re Alistair 🌟
🌕 Derek 🌕 Travis 🌕 Shiro
-> Backstage Pass
🌕 John 🌕 Benito 🌕 Adam 🌕 Matthew 🌑 Lloyd 🌑 Independant 🌑 Nicole 🌑 Alvin
-> Dream Daddy
🌕 Joseph 🌕 Robert 🌕 Craig 🌑 Mat 🌑 Brian 🌑 Hugo 🌑 Damien 🌑 Joseph Secret Ending
-> Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome
🌕 Saito Shinjou 🌑 Miki Hiraizumi
-> Monochrome Heaven 🌟
🌕 Kamishiro Akito 🌕 Kamishiro Asuka 🌕 Kamishiro Riku 🌕 Touma 🌕 Misaki Ryuuto
-> Dandelion: Wishes Brought To You 🌟
🌕 Jisoo 🌕 Jiwoo 🌕 Jihae 🌕 Jiyeon 🌕 Jieun 🌕 Wizard
-> Amplitude
Katy's Route 🌕 Jon 🌕 Ari 🌕 Simon and Bunny 🌕 ??? Jon's Route 🌑 Michelle 🌑 Katy 🌑 Liz 🌑 Luna 🌑 Grace 🌑 Eric
-> Cinderella Phenomenon
🌕 Rod 🌕 Karma 🌕 Fritz 🌕 Waltz 🌑 Rumpel
-> Home For The Heart
🌕 Joshua 🌑 Philippe
-> The Letter
🌕 Luke x Rebecca 🌕 Luke x Hannah 🌑 Luke x Marianne 🌕 Hannah x Zachary 🌑 Hannah x Marianne 🌕 Ashton x Rebecca 🌕 Ashton x Isabella
-> Crossroad
🌕 Wolf 🌕 Hunter 🌑 Fox 🌑 Wizard 🌑 Main Route
-> Night Class: A Vampire Story
🌕 Rowan 🌕 Aaron 🌑 Both? I think?
-> Miraclr
🌕 Lucifer 🌑 Michael 🌑 Gabriel 🌑 Uriel 🌑 Raphael
-> Heart No Kuni No Alice
🌗 Boris Airay 🌑 Peter White 🌑 Blood Dupre 🌑 Julius Monre 🌑 Twins 🌑 Ace 🌑 Elliot 🌑 Gowland 🌑 Vivaldi
-> 7'Scarlet 🌟
🌕 Isora Amari 🌕 Hino Kagatsuchi 🌕 Toa Kushinada 🌕 Sosuke Tatehira 🌕 Yuzuki Murakumo 🌕 True Route (Toa Kushinada) 🌕 Bonus Character Route (Hanate Yatsukami)
-> Steam Prison 🌟
🌕 Eltcreed 🌕 Ulrik 🌕 Adage 🌕 Ines 🌕 Yune 🌕 Grand Ending 🌕 Fin
-> Destiny's Princess
🌕 Sanada Yukimura - The Twin Brother 🌕 Takenada Hanbei - The Fiance 🌕 Fuma Kotaro - The Ninja Reinforcement 🌕 Oda Nobunaga - The Father 🌑 Date Masamune - The Commander
-> London Detective Mysteria
🌕 Holmes 🌗 Watson 🌑 Akechi 🌑 Jack 🌑 Lupin 🌑 Kobayashi 🌑 Baker Street Boys 🌑 Grand End
-> Psychedelica Of The Black Butterfly 🌟
🌕 Real World Ending 🌕 Bud Ending 🌕 Happy Ending 🌕 Bad Ending 🌕 Kagiha Ending 🌕 Hikage Ending 🌕 Yamato Ending 🌕 Monshiro Ending 🌕 Karasuba Ending 🌕 Karasuba Good Ending 🌕 Kazuya Ending 🌕 Yamato Good Ending
-> Red Embrace: Hollywood
🌕 Common 1 🌕 Common 2 🌕 Randal 1 🌑 Randal 2 🌑 Randal 3 🌕 Randal 4 🌑 Randal 4 (Leader) 🌕 Randal 5 (S.E.) 🌑 Heath 1 🌑 Heath 1 (Leader) 🌕 Heath 2 🌕 Heath 3 🌕 Heath 4 (S.E.) 🌑 Markus 1 🌑 Markus 1 (Leader) 🌑 Markus 2 🌕 Markus 3 🌕 Markus 4 (S.E.)
-> Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk 🌟
🌕 People 🌕 Heroes 🌕 Bad 🌕 Lord 🌕 Lavan 🌕 Heroine 🌕 Levi 🌕 Lugus 🌕 Hugh 🌕 Traveler 🌕 Links 🌕 Wolf
-> Dark Nights
🌗 Zeikun 🌑 Junoru 🌑 Sachiro 🌑 Kurato
-> Gods Of Love 🌟
🌕 Lysander 🌕 Helder 🌕 Exinious 🌕 Rhane
-> Re:Birthday Song 🌟
🌕 Yoru 🌕 Kairi 🌕 Syun 🌕 Ame 🌕 Nami
-> Ayakashi Gohan
🌕 Inushima Yomi 🌕 Serigano Manatsu 🌕 Hana Suou 🌕 Inushima Uta 🌗 Ibuki Haginosuke 🌑 Kimura Asagi
-> Bad Medicine ~Infectious Teachers~
🌗 Kuzuha Kakeru 🌑 Shido Kaname 🌑 Yanagi Ryota
-> Taisho x Alice I 🌟 🌕 Red Riding Hood 🌕 Cinderella
-> Taisho x Alice II 🌟 🌕 Gretel 🌕 Kaguya
-> Taisho x Alice III 🌟 🌕 Wizard 🌕 Snow White
-> Taisho x Alice Epilogue 🌟 🌕 Alice
-> Taisho x Alice Heads & Tails 🌑 Cinderella 🌑 Red Riding Hood 🌑 Kaguya 🌑 Gretel 🌑 Snow White 🌑 Wizard 🌑 Alice 🌕 Ryouishi
-> Ozmafia 🌕 Caramia 🌑 Kyrie 🌑 Axel 🌑 Scarlet 🌑 Caesar 🌑 Soh 🌑 Pashet 🌑 Robin Hood 🌑 Brothel 🌑 Hamelin
-> Fxxx Me Royally!! 🌑 Kaoru 🌑 Ryuusei
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🕒 Cheritz
-> Mystic Messenger 🌟
🌕 Jumin [valentines confession|http://aminoapps.com/p/200ytad] 🌕 Yoosung 🌕 707 🌕 Zen 🌕 V 🌕 Ray 🌕 Jaehee
🕒 Voltage
-> Love 365
🌕 Yamato - My Forged Wedding 🌕 Yuma - Buter Until Midnight 🌕 Genji - In Your Arms Tonight 🌕 Sosuke - Finally In Love Again 🌕 Subaru - My Sweet Boyfriend 🌕 Eisuke - Kissed By The Baddest Bidder
🕒 Visual Wordplay
-> Locked Heart
🌗 Sol D'Lockes (Mama Bear) 🌑 Royal LeBlanc (Papa Bear) 🌑 Deon D'Lockes (Baby Bear)
🕒 Hunex Co. Ltd.
-> Ephemeral
🌕 Shiba The Werewolf (R) 🌗 Shiba The Werewolf (L) 🌑 Nagi The Invisible Man (R) 🌑 Nagi The Invisible Man (L) 🌕 Ray The Vampire (R) 🌗 Ray The Vampire (L) 🌕 Natsume The Mummy (R) 🌕 Natsume The Mummy (L)
-> On The QT 🌟
🌕 Hibiki 🌕 Keima 🌕 Akira
-> Ephemeral - Miniature Garden 🌟
🌕 Hisui 🌕 Rion 🌕 Yugu
-> My Lovey
(Secret Crush) 🌟 🌕 Soshi Kujo 🌕 Masaki Kirigaya 🌕 Kotaro Kurumi 🌕 Reo Takatsuki
(Fantasy Of The Mind) 🌟 🌕 Julius 🌕 Kay 🌕 Lucian 🌕 Diorca
(Shinobi Kakuran Musou) 🌗 Hayate 🌑 Mikage 🌑 Kugumo 🌑 Yukinojo
🕒 NTT Solmare Corp. Games
-> Story Jar
🌕 (Deluxe Ver. The Last Sacrifice | The Demon King's Desire) 🌕 (The Last Sacrifice | Forbidden Ties)
(The World Or You)
-> Ninja Love
🌕 Sasuke Sarutobi 🌑 Goemon Ishikawa 🌑 Saizo Kirigakure 🌑 Kotaro Fuma 🌑 Musashi Miyamoto 🌑 Munenori Yagyu 🌑 Rennoshin 🌑 Hanzo Hattori 🌑 Nobunaga Oda
-> Obey Me 🌟
🌕 Lucifer 🌕 Mammon 🌕 Leviathon 🌕 Satan 🌕 Asmodeus 🌕 Beelzebub 🌕 Belphegor
🕒 Hanabi Media Games
-> Love Magic 🌟
🌕 Minuet 🌕 Paris
-> Love Magic 2
🌕 Minuet 🌑 Paris
-> High School Love
🌕 Tetsuya 🌑 Naoki
-> Love Triangle 🌟
🌕 Tsukasa 🌕 Kazuya
-> Ghost Love Story
🌕 Kyle 🌑 Vincent
-> Vampire Love
🌑 Tom 🌕 Sam
🕒 Ciagram Co. ltd.
-> Princess Closet
🌕 Reo 🌑 Shuu 🌑 Kai 🌗 Akito
-> Nightmare Harem
🌕 Lucia 🌕 Kaim 🌕 Levy 🌕 Mikael 🌗 Noel 🌕 Ricardo 🌑 Mefy 🌑 Oswald 🌑 Lucas
-> Dateless Love 🌟
🌕 Soji Okita 🌕 Toshizo Hijikata 🌕 Shota Yuki 🌕 Yoshinobu Tokugawa 🌕 Akinara Aiya 🌕 Shinsaku Takasugi 🌕 Ryoma Sakamoto 🌕 Shuntaro Furutaka
🕒 Genius Inc.
-> My Twin Romance
🌗 Haru 🌑 Yuki 🌑 Both 🌑 Shizuki
🕒 Seec Inc.
-> Jimi-Kare My Quiet Boyfriend 🌟
🌕 Prince Ending 🌕 Arrogant Ending 🌕 Dark-Side Ending 🌕 Princess Ending
-> In Search Of Haru 🌟
🌕 Haruka 🌕 Takaharu 🌕 Bad Ending 🌕 Haruto
🕒 Day7
-> Miss Detective's Undercover
🌕 Sean 🌗 Jeremy 🌑 Walter 🌑 Mystic Thief
-> Love Signal: D-Mate
🌑 Simon Lane 🌑 Richard Upton 🌑 David Mason 🌗 P:Ure 🌕 Greg Odell 🌑 Tay Caden
-> Marked By King Bs 🌟
🌕 Ashton Griffin 🌕 Nicholas Rosada 🌕 William Kal 🌕 Zack Snyder 🌕 Joel Barret
-> Loved By King Bs
🌑 Ashton Griffin 🌑 Nicholas Rosada 🌗 William Kal 🌑 Zack Snyder 🌑 Joel Barret 🌑 Erick Blanche
-> Sleeping Delivery
🌗 Damian Kraus 🌕 Luke Morris 🌕 Julian Parker 🌑 Leo Reinhardt 🌑 Sebastian Weiss
-> Beauty Rental Shop
🌑 Toby Lowell 🌑 Lucian Vasilis 🌗 Soren Rayne 🌑 Kylar Xander
-> SECRET Fan Crush
🌑 Leon 🌑 Woobin 🌑 Haejin 🌑 Dohwon 🌑 Taehee 🌕 Parang Ki
-> Proposed by A Demon Lord
🌑 Penn 🌑 Hael 🌗 Laika 🌑 Riley 🌑 Vernius 🌑 Ren 🌑 Cornell 🌑 Isaac
🕒 Avocado Entertainment
-> Vampire Idol
🌑 Edgar 🌑 Kang Tae Jun 🌑 Ian 🌑 Lee Sun Woo 🌑 Baek Do Ha
🕒 DeareaD Inc.
-> Monster's First Love
🌗 Achille 🌑 Ibuki 🌑 King
🕒 StoryTaco.inc
-> Dangerous Fellows - Romantic Thrillers
🌕 Zion 🌕 Eugene 🌑 Lawrence 🌕 Harry 🌕 Ethan
-> Queen's Number - Jackpot is not my concern 🌟
🌕 Aaron 🌕 Freyr 🌕 Gon 🌕 Mo-wan
🕒 Nix Hydra
-> The Arcana : A Mystic Romance
🌗 Julian 🌗 Asra 🌑 Nadia 🌑 Lucio 🌑 Muriel 🌑 Portia
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-> Storm Lover Kai!!
🌕 Kyosuke Mikoshiba 🌕 Yuto Uzuki 🌑 Mio Ikari 🌑 Rikka Toratani 🌑 Soya Tatsuhara 🌕 Takumi Mishiro 🌑 Tsukasa Sugai 🌑 Chihiro
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-> Collar x Malice 🌟
🌕 Kei Okazaki 🌕 Mineo Enomoto 🌕 Takeru Sasazuka 🌕 Kageyuki Shiraishi 🌕 Aiji Yanagi
-> Code Realize ~Guardian Of Rebirth~ 🌟
🌕 Arsène Lupin 🌕 Abraham Van Helsing 🌕 Victor Frankenstein 🌕 Impey Barbicane 🌕 Saint-Germain
-> Piofore: Fated Memories
🌗 Nicola Francesca 🌕 Dante Falzone 🌑 Gilbert Redford 🌕 Yang 🌑 Orlok 🌑 Finale Route
-> Birushana 🌕 Noritsune Taira 🌕 Shungen 🌑 Benkai Mukashibo 🌕 Yoritomo Minamoto 🌕 Tomomori Taira
-> Cupid Parasite 🌑 Allan Melville 🌑 Raul Aconite 🌑 Gill Lovecraft 🌑 Shelby Snail 🌑 Ryuki Keisaiin -> Virche Evermore 🌟 🌕 Lucas  🌕 Mathis  🌕 Scien  🌕 Yves  🌕 Le Salut (Adolphe/Ankou)
-> Hana Awase New Moon Here I am considering each game as a single route. 🌕 Iroha Volume 🌕 Mizuchi Volume 🌑 Karakurenai/Utsutsu Volume 🌑 Himeutsugi Volume
-> even if TEMPEST 🌟 🌕 Crius Castlerock 🌕 Tyril I Lister 🌕 Zenn Sorfield 🌕 Lucien Neuschburn 🌕 Ish
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To Play 1. Olympic Soiree 2. Butterfly’s Poison; Blood Chains
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28 notes · View notes
thedivided · 12 days
Gabrielle Cole - tracking device
Jack Sato - stealthy
Elijah Songaa - breathrough
Seoung Kwan - spiritual connection
Makoto Shizuka - shortcut
Cora Madden - investigative eye
Adriana Penn - self control
Yara Valle - second wind
Taylor Dalton - good teacher
Callum - team spirit
Yronica (( I forgot how to spell her last name )) - egocentric leech
Eman Attia - evanesce
Aaaqil Che - adaptability
Amari Tamiyyah - vagrants trick
Emery Rivera - disappearing act
Jun Inagaki - tough
Eiji Inagaki - old camera
Chaoxing Lai - xingxings mic
Gavin Prescott - gavins pistol
Becca Prescott - sole survivor
Rayner Byrne - rayner's shield
Crosby Aldrich - royal rule
Serena 'Sera' Vera - smooth skating
Jonas Weber - sanity soda
Nami Deng - hard times
Mamo Ikaika - mamos bat
Dakota Nicole - flame spray
Crystal Kaur - clear quartz
Sanjana Dewan - quiet steps
Kelvin Mars - sonar dart (( ? ))
Arlo Flores - healers touch
Iris Daley - pot of life
Saadiya Ali - course control
Anais Desir (( ? )) - complete control
Kiara Cruz - life of the party (( ? ))
Sarah - lone wolf
Yvonne Kojo - fight or flight (( ??? ))
Elizabeth Payne - self assurance
Lyndon Davenport - rauhm
Dante Fontana-Rosa - plane of elysium
Serena Wolfe - hunters instinct
Kyle Wolfe - bear trap
Yeona Jeung - obsessed
Yan Tian - detection machine
Ryder - detail oriented
Riley West - cheap thrill
Dae-Jung Pak - charm
Dakari Bowens - heal gun
Tabitha Harris - maternal instinct
Wren Harris - menial work
Parker - triple mocktail
Nathan Reyes - wits end
Emil - inspire
Evelyn Maurelle - dirty work
I can also name a few killer abilites
Werewolf - feral rage (active) / the hunt (passive)
Polluted - oil trail (active) / corruption consumes (passive)
ghost - blood phase (active) / sixth sense (passive)
Principal - extended strike (active) / hall pass (passive)
Showstopper - foul play (active)
Apostate - salvation (passive)
Watcher - watchful eye (active)
Janitor - worked ground (active) / no escape (passive)
Experiment - deep terror (active) / aftershock (passive??)
Surgeon - swift strikes (active) / surgical precision (passive)
Idol - you're mine (active) / obsessive nature (passive)
Host - ice trap (active)
Unforgotten - malefic shadows (active) / manifest (passive?)
Android - technological eye (active) / automation (passive)
ill list off what i remember, using the same list as you but some grouped together. Ill also only list what actually brought them to the mist
Gabrielle - tried making a ghost tracker gone wrong
Jack - last delivery of the night gone wrong
Elijah - only survivor of a camp massacre caused by banshee
Seoung - messed up a ritual and summoned ghost?
Makoto - fell asleep on a subway while going to a new job
Cora - all i remember is she was skeptical of people? and she lost her mom i think
Adrianna - dont remember, ive read it though
Yara - havent read it
Taylor - havent read it
Callum, Yronica, Aaaqil, Eman - detention, almost got killed by principal?
Amari - plane crash
Emery - pushed into the mist by showstopper
Jun - forgot
Eiji - forgot
Chaoxing - havent read, i think she disappeared while going offstage at a concert? Yara or Taylor followed her i think idk….
Gavin + Parker - car crash?
Becca - babysitting job turned final girl situation
Rayner - sentenced for execution, disappeared
Crosby - smth to do with rayners
Sera - havent read
Jonas - contacted by a company?
Nami - havent read
Mamo - bus crash??
Dakota - forgot
Crystal - forgot
Sanjana - got sweeped away by the mist while monitoring it?
Kelvin - sweeped away by mist before sanjana(all i remember)
Arlo - fell asleep in a library or smth
Iris - forgot
Saadiya - forgot
Anais - dad died when she thought she found love? got taken by mist while grieving
Kiara - escaped the party her alternate timeline self got kidnapped at
Sarah - got tossed into a lake??
Yvonne - framed? disappeared in a prison riot
Elizabeth - framed?? disappeared in a prison riot?
Lyndon - forgot
Dante - speared through the chest while sending out an SOS signal
Serena and Kyle - dad got killed by werewolf on a hunting trip
Yeona - went to look in STAR*STRUCKs dorm gone wrong
Yan and Nathan - partially forgot, all i remember is Yan’s dad got killed by an enemy organization
Ryder - didnt read
Riley - skydiving gone wrong
Dae - came back to dorm to see Ye-Jun’s confrontation gone wrong
DAKARI💙💙💙💙 - boat got punctured, he thought it was an injured marine animal. Came back w/ healing gun to find the boat top empty and a polluted fish creature
Tabitha - forgot
Wren - forgot
Emil - bled out in a protest turned riot?
Evelyn - didnt read
NOW. For killers
Werewolf - parents got mauled by a pack of wolves and he got bit, turned into a ww and killed serena and kyles dad
Polluted - lost his mom to pollution, pretty sure he washed up on a shore at one point
Ghost - kidnapped from a party. Tried escaping her captors on christmas(?) and got killed
Principal - lost his daughter because of yronica, tried killing her and her group
Show - forgot
Apostate - drowned in a lake?
Watcher - all i remember is hes a terrorist for attention
Janitor - killed by principal?
Experiment - didnt read
Surgeon - forgot
Idol - got confronted gone wrong
Host - containment breach????
Unforgotten - purely made of hatred of humans
Android - killed someone i think
Stalker - pushed sarah into a lake?
Voidskulk - got infected by a thing that killed her godfather or uncle or wtv
Warden - i think he got electrocuted to death in a prison riot
Empress - betrayed and beheaded
Stareater - hit by a shooting star
Possessed - near same as seoung, got possessed by an evil spirit instead
Banshee - killed herself to reunite with her sister? massacred elijahs camp
Boss - forgot
12 notes · View notes