#fandom: young royals
bibaybe · 2 months
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Manic // still learning
Who I am, what I'm on Who I've hurt and where they've gone I know that I've done some wrong But I'm tryna make it right
taglist: @eddysocs @ocappreciationtag @foxesandmagic @wordspin-shares @veetlegeuse @raith-way @oneirataxia-girl
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waybeforeyourtime · 3 months
"I'm shocked - shocked I tell you - that Wille gave up his title at the end of the series! SHOCKED! Where did it come from?? It all just happened in the last 5 minutes! There were zero clues!"
Literally, the first promo.
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swanparties · 4 months
the fictional couple on my computer hurt me so bad i had to reconnect with nature
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demadogs · 7 months
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Young Royals ◆ 1.05
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king-wille · 4 months
Analysis of Wilhelm and Simon's smiles in season 3
You can find the analysis for season 1 and season 2 in the links
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leojfitz · 3 months
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young royals rewatch: season 1, episode 1
I have all my friends here! Doesn't anyone care what I want? I don't want to go to some fucking boarding school! Why can't I decide how the hell I want to live? I want to live a normal life!
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very-feral-lesbian · 2 years
been thinking a lot about how ashamed i used to be for using ao3 and tumblr. but like ao3 survives solely off of user support and dedication to fandom, that shits beautiful.
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inexplicablymine · 10 months
The power of fandom compels you
There are millions upon millions of words and art and creative production of media for consumption for free. Just because we care. Because something compels us, because something inspired us, made us feel something inside.
We surround ourselves with others who also get so excited about it, and I stand here atop a little mound of my own creation while we all gush over the things we love and I am reminded about how joyous and lovely it is to care.
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moonage-nightterrors · 2 months
me, finishing a tv show: ha! i enjoyed that a completely normal amount. i feel very normal about these characters. now i will go about my day as usual and not obsess over this
me, two days and several fanfics later: well shit
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thyblake · 10 months
Why are shows with gay people just like 10x better than any other in human existance?
Like every show with a gay person just automatically because revolutionary and has the most amazing fandoms with the most vivid, creative, awe-inspiring plots and word building.
Arcane, Good Omens, BBC Sherlock Holmes, Our Flag Means Death, Umbrella Academy, Shameless, BBC Merlin, The Last of Us, the list goes on!
But I feel like any other show, regardless of genre, just falls flat when it lacks the ✨crispness✨ of queerness. Am I the only one that thinks this?
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bibaybe · 1 year
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OC Pride Challenge 2023 / Day Three: Bisexual
Octavia Mancini, Willow Lahey, Malia Bennet, Ruby, Bay Acker, and Park Sun-hi are Bisexual!
taglist: @eddysocs @ocappreciationtag @foxesandmagic @wordspin-shares @veetlegeuse  
gif sources: x / x / x / x / x / x
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waybeforeyourtime · 4 months
This isn't directly related to YR but I want to bring it up after I've seen way too many negative comments about Edvin backing away from fans.
If you say or imply anything negative about someone for backing away from a space where they are harassed daily, then you suck.
Sometimes actors have a serious threat against them. Like this one. Sometimes, they can't tell you when law enforcement is first involved. Sometimes they simply aren't ready to discuss it and might never be.
But.. sometimes it's simply the pressure they feel from fans.
I know I'll never change the obsessive fans' minds. They have a mental illness that makes them unable to stop themselves. But oh I've seen many people, who should 100% know better, cross so many lines.
Harassment includes positive, yet extremely personal comments as well. Imagine every time you signed on you had hundreds of people telling you that you saved their life, that you are the only thing making them happy, asking them to talk to you, asking you extremely personal questions.
That would stress most people out, even those without an anxiety disorder. The comments are well-meaning but for the person receiving them, they are overwhelming. So, someone doesn't have to only be receiving hateful comments to want to take a break.
There there's stalking friends'/families' accounts, digging in deep for photos from years ago, looking for any sign of the actor or worse who they're romantically involved with. If the actor wants you to know, they'll tell you. That's it. It's that simple. So, please, please don't do this. Every actor I've talked to about this topic told me that it feels so creepy and extremely violating.
Yet, in fandom, we've come to consider that okay and normal. Just part of being a fan. All fans do it. Well, I'm here to tell you that they don't, you've simply found an echo chamber of fans who think like you.
In this fandom, it just blows my mind - given the canon material - that any fans have crossed these lines. Some people have praised Edvin for his portrayal of Wilhelm's anxiety and for being frank about his own and now have turned on him because he's backed off social media, accusing him of 'moving on' and 'not caring about YR anymore.'
tl;dr Actors are human. They are not objects that exist for your entertainment only. Their personal lives are not reality shows for you to watch. They don't owe you anything more than what is in their job description.
If you know your behavior is wrong, if it makes you feel uncomfortable, but you can't stop yourself, please talk to a mental health professional. Don't spiral into being one of these people.
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svnraez · 1 year
shoutout to artists and fanfic writers, you guys really are the entire backbone of every fandom ever and i love you for it.
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i’ve seen how it makes you feel…
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thehyacinthsgirl · 1 year
Wille is the most selfish thing Simon has ever wanted.
Throughout the entire series, Simon is always loyal to a fault, always taking care of everyone else — even when it’s inconvenient. The only time he does something for himself is when he is in pursuit of Wilhelm.
His whole life, Simon has had to sacrifice or share victories. Even his own voice, which should be entirely his own to sing with, is corrupted by the crown. But what Simon has with Wilhelm is purely what he wants, and has nothing to do with what anybody else wants. It isn’t about Linda, or Sara, or August, or the Queen. It’s just about the two of them — and Simon has never had anything in his life like that, something that is completely his. That belongs to him. That no one, other than Wilhelm, truly knows, truly understands how it feels.
And that’s why it is so different. That’s why it is so monumental, and why both Simon and Wille fight so hard to keep it. It is both of their true selves fighting for what they truly want.
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reidiot · 2 years
felice: how's everyone doing?
simon: i'm breathing.
felice: setting the bar pretty low, huh?
simon: well, it's more than wille.
wille, having a panic attack, an existential crisis and a mental breakdown, all at the same time: honestly, fuck you.
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