#yuu to yuu communication
lanshappycorner · 11 months
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the...them ... juno belongs to @ai-kan1 ❤️
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cheekinpermission · 10 months
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The new chapter made me sad. Here's some happy content :)
Bonus Erin (Yuu MC) content under the cut!
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m-kyunie · 4 months
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late but holy shit 20 years!
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ryllen · 7 months
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obscure event that confirms yuu is well x x
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fell-e · 20 days
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first and last time i will ever draw chimera yuu/fayrouz/grim
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(heehoo cameos. mayu → @anbaisai, yuusha→ @crystallizsch, kalmia→ @skriblee-ksk, shuu→ @oya-oya-okay)
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autism fight scene redraw
+ bonus:
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trashy-panda09 · 4 months
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The finished version of yuusha Lilia. Experimented with the colors more and it turned out well I think 🤔
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Their crush see them dress up as a girl
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Nagisa, Hitohito, Mob, Ishigami, Riuuichi, Hanako ]
[ Assassination Classroom ] [ Komi can't communicate ] [ Mob Psycho 100 ] [ Kaguya-sama Love is war ] [ Gakuen Babysitters ] [ After-School Hanako-kun ]
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Just a cute reminder that all this scenarios are actually canon ✌🏼🐭
I had always find funny this kind of chapters, is like one of my favorites situations in comedy 😆
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Nagisa Shiota
Nagisa is aware of his femenine appearance and he has already made peace with it, even when he is bothered for how much importance his mother give to it he doesn't have much troubles with it (still it makes him really uncomfortable whenever he is is mistaken for a girl)
That time on the school trip when most of his classmates got poisoned he was eager to help, he was sure that he will fight for them and do whatever it cost him to find a way to help them, although dressing like a girl it was something that never really crossed his mind
He find it usless and he doesn't want to, but at the end his classmates conviced him to do it to be able to continue through the hotel, if you were there he will have to fight the inmense embarrasment but still find a little motivation on you too (if you were one of the poisoned he won't hesitant too much but it still make him umconfortable)
Nagisa is totally embarrassed, he just want to hide from the rest of the world in that moment, and every little comment you say about it just embarrassed him more (even if is a compliment), just asking to hurry up because the only thing he wants is to be in his normal clothes again
If you had to wait with the rest of the boys he is just relieved that you don't had to continue seeing him like this, but if you had actually go with him and the others girls his embarrasment barely let him continue, even, if it doesn't bother you, he slighly hide behind you with and inmense blush
When Yuuji approached to him he look at you like asking for help, but if he was interest on you he becomes really nervous, he doesn't want to leave you alone with an stranger (he knows that you can defend yourself perfectly fine but still make him nervous), but Kataoka don't leave him much option
When he finally can change his clothes his relief doesn't last long because his friends keep making some jokes about it and Karma even take some pictures of him, and since he knows Nagisa enough to know about his crush he insist on asking you how he looked and even offer you to send you the photo (if you actually accept his mind stop working)
Even if you were poisoned Nagisa won't be free from it because once you are recovered Karma makes sure to tell him about it and even show you the photo
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Hitohito Tadano
Hitohito is pretty calm with his crush, before even thinking on being your boyfriend he wants to be your friend (but that is also because he is shy to admit his crush), although it could be a little obvious for how much attention he pays to you or how clingy he can be at times, but overal he is always sweet and friendly towards you
Having to plan what to do in the cultural festival was being a difficult job, everyone argumenting what is the best for their godness but everything ended when Shouko tell him that she is interested on the Maid Cafe, he is too distracted with finally being able to start working that it isn't until later when he actually think on it (maybe because you two talk about it), in a second the thought of you using a maid costume slip in his mind, and that is enough to flustered him like crazy
Hitohito just occupies his mind with all the preparations for the cafe, not really wanting to think on that again, making sure everything goes alright (specially since he is the class representant)
When the day finally come he gets really nervous and not just because he is the one organizing it, if you work as one of the maids he can't help but look at you from time to time but mentally scolding himself when he catch himself, if you work as part of the staff he tries to stay by your side or work at the same as you and make an small chat
Dressing him as a maid wasn't even planned, or at least not as part of the original plan because that was Najimi's plan the whole time, and even if he tried to avoid it Shouko's excitement don't leave him much room to protest (and probably you too because Najimi will take advantage of his crush on you)
Hitohito already feels embarrased and his classmates' comments doesn't help, although he doesn't take it too bad and just accept it (he is already used to Najimi crazyness), although he is a little interest in your opinion if you laugh at it he may try to joke about it for trying to not die of embarrasment but if you actually compliment him he will get super flustered, although if you tease him for it he won't handle it too well just because he is practically combusting from the inside
At the end being able to joke about it with you make it and not too bad experience, and even if he is embarrassed he can't say that he regret it (as long as he can have fun with you)
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Shigeo Kageyama
Mob is already pretty introvert, but when he has a crush he can be a little shy with them, not really knowing how to act or what to do so he mainly just admire his crush from afar, however if you two were friends that could make things easier for him. As well, even when he is pretty innocent knows when he has a crush
Mob really trust his teacher Reigen, almost blindly, he always believes that Reigen know perfectly what he is doing, still he doesn't get why he should dress up as a girl, but he settles for the explanation his teacher gives him. It isn't like he is bothered by the clothes he just find it strange, so when you see him dress up like that his surprise (and little blush) is just for seeing you, not because your clothes
How the situation unfolds will vary depending on when you see them, if is before he do his job Reigen will be with him and since you reconiced Mob now Reigen is interested in know who are you (but is probably that he already knows about Mob's crush, though), the thing is that it could be pretty strange to see both dress up as a girls and Reigen prefer to don't talk about it and just go to do their job, so they just go away (but Mob promised to try to talk to you later)
In the other hand, if you saw him once he had finished finished exorcising the spirit of the school you will startle him a little when you approach to him since after the exorcism he has been thinking about what he had talk with the spirit. Honestly at that point Mob had kinda forgotten that he has a skirt so he isn't going to say anything about it unless you mention it, and he has no problem with explaining what he was doing (he never had problems with admiting that he has psychic powers, specially if you two are already friends)
In this case you two will have the opportunity to spend a little more time together, but then again Mob doesn't really mind too much the clothes so if you want to talk about it you have to be the one who bring the topic or else is more likely Mob won't say anything
If you compliment him, it doesn't matter if is in a joking manner or because he looks cute in a skirt, is still a compliment and is making him blushy and nervous
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Yu Ishigami
Ishigami is pretty discreet with his crush, he will love to be in a relationship with you but he will never force you to it so he mainly just appreciate the moments he has with you
He entered on the cheerleader club because was thinking that he could change that way, and even when he thinks they are pretty weird he is slowly start to get used to and even liking them
He finds strange their idea of using clothes or the other gender but he doesn't want to just give up without giving it a chance. While wondering who in hell ask to please lend him their uniform you almost immediatly crossed his mind (if you use the femenine uniform, that is), but he quickly brush off that option because he doesn't want you to see him as some kind of pervert and he doesn't know if he will be able to use the same uniform that you use daily, or at least not without combusting from the inside
Since he is doing it as a club activity for the festival he has enough time to mentalize about what he is going to do and be prepare to don't die of embarrasment, remembering himself that he isn't doing it alone and that it isn't just you who will see him like that (an argument that at first doesn't really help him though)
At the moment of the presentation he wasn't nervous anymore, he was motivated and even if he manage to see you between all the students that just make him feel more motivation, smiling in amused for what he was doing, something that he never dared to think he will
Although, through the day it happen other things that had fill him with anxiety and intrusive thoughs, but with the help of his friends and you he find the courage to over come all of that and continue with his day. And being able to talk to you like normal, joking around about the whole situation make him feel more comfortable (and if you actually give him compliments for his appearance, even in a joking manner, he will be really flustered), as well telling himself that this experience, as embarrasing at it was, is something he will never regret
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Ryuuichi Kashima
Ryuuichi wont even notice his feelings for you for a long time, he just brush it off as being really good friends, when he does notice his feelings for you he becomes pretty flustered by them and it would take him a while to get used before getting back to normal
Ryuuichi didn't thought much about doing a little cafe with the Babysitters Club for the festival but he was suprised by the cob costume Usaida made him and with having to dress up as a girl to don't make Kirin's father mad, but as much as he find it strange he doesn't complained
For you to see him like this has to be that you are part of the babysitters club (for what you will have to do the same) or that you visit the little cafe they made (is open to everyone who wants to came and if you are friends with the kids they will be more than happy to see you there)
Ryuuichi won't really have much problems with you seeing him dress up like this (besides, is just a wig) and the moment he sees you he will talk to you so casually, unless he is trying to convince Satoru that the nursery is safe for Kirin
Ryuuichi didn't mind much having to use a wig and he won't say anything unless you are the one bringing up the topic, either to ask him or to tease him (in that case is when he actually gets embarrassed), is more likely you two could be able to talk about this after the activities of the club and you two probably joke about it and about all that happened
If you compliment him, seriously or jokinly he will get pretty flustered and embarrassed but still will say thanks for the compliment. In the case you tease him about his appearance he will get really embarrassed, even if you don't do it it will be Usaida who start the teasing, even ask you directly how he looks with the wig, maybe put it back on (because Usaida knows about his crush on you even before he notice it and likes to tease him with it) and will end up making the kids talk about how he looked, embarrasing him even more in the process but at the end having fun with all of them is worthy (specially yours and Kotaro's smile) so he just give up
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Even when Hanako isn't discreet with his crush on you he doesn't accept it right away, he could be really flirty and clingy and even express openly that he is really interest and care for you, but he is always shy when it comes to get serious or emotional
Fighting dangerous supernaturals is already normal for him, but what it isn't normal is that one of the attacks he recive ended up turning him into a girl, but as strange as it may be he doesn't give it much importance knowing that the effects will just vanish
When they finish the fight Hanako even put himself a skirt, if you were there when it happen he doesn't really mind it too much, he just ask you what you think about his new appearance (even doing a little pose for you to apreciate it), although if you weren't there it doesn't take much time before he gets the idea to showing it to you
Hanako is planning to fully take advantage of this situation, saying that he want to do "things that just girls can do" although for how little time he has and because he can't go outside of the school there isn't much he can do, so he just plan to have some fun with you
Since Yashiro want to do girly things with Hanako he will accept (if you want to join them he will totally accept but will tease you for it), and while doing it he ask you almost every time how he look, for every new hair style, for every accessory, for the little make up he uses, every time
Hanako is already really flirty but now that he is a girl this give him a whole new opportunity, although goes from acting like a shy and fragile little girl to completely flirting like a girl (or at least how he thinks it is), playing with hair and moving her skirt on purpose, also it will reach the point where he got more clingy and even put his arms around you
However if you actually follow his flirtion or even insist on it it will flustered him a lot, he will try to keep calm and continue with the flirt but the more you insist the more nervous he gets, specially if you touch him dangerously close to his chest or waist, he will practically run away from you all flustered. In the other hand, if you compliment his new appearance it flustered him in a whole different way, in a more cute and innocent, but in both cases he will become a blushing mess (and probably the others will tease the hell out of him)
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r-aindr0p · 3 months
Are you French (derogatory) /j (I love your art I just noticed there's a lot of French words in them and I don't understand French)
I am ! And besides language lore stuff I mostly write a bit of french here and there with the twst guys !
Took the opportunity that there's at least two french/french coded characters to add a bit of conversation between them and french yuu ! Also leaving little crumbs of french here and there for other french speakers since I don't personally know people in my area that are a lot into twst (though I have one irl friend that is interested and I do twst loredump to other friends from time to time)
+ It's fun to draw them vibe or have 🥐 to 🥐 communication. Yuu found a sense of familiarity with Rook and Rollo
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rosemaze-reveries · 10 months
fellowyuu 🤧
fellow has come to terms w/ the fact that his magic is subpar. atp he expects that most people might mock him for it. but magic is still a novel concept to yuu, coming from a magicless world, so even the cheapest of spells impress them
like watching him levitate a needle to sew his patches while he's busy at the stove, or sparking a flame at his finger to light his cigarette
initially he finds yuu's amazed reactions fake & exaggerated, like they're trying to dance around belittling him. it'd lowk insult him but he wouldn't try to goad them into being "honest", he'd just deny it + spin the overbloated compliments back to them 😔🔫 someday they'll work it out
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gottabegenki · 9 months
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"𝒜𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝓎𝑒𝒶𝓇 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒽𝒶𝓈 𝓅𝒶𝓈𝓈𝑒𝒹. 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒'𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝓂𝒶𝓃𝓎 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒. ℐ 𝓈𝒽𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓁𝑜𝑜𝓀 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝓌𝒶𝓇𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓁𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉."  
2023 was quite a good year for me for many reasons, and now I hope 2024 can top it! I'm so glad to have got to know new people in the TWST community! Everyone has been so kind and cool and I look forward to getting to know more people!   
Thank you so much to everyone who's been supporting my small corner of my yumeship(s)! Those who take the time to comment, it makes me so happy to read your words. 💖💖💖💖 They're always so encouraging!   
And now my drawings resolutions this year are the following:  
💕Get better at drawing other TWST charcters  
💕Master Sebek's hair style 😭  
💕Try to lessen the amounts of WIPs I have saved
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koumeowkami · 2 years
as an astrology hoe, it annoys me that the dear vocalist characters don't have a date of birth and a zodiac sign for god knows what reason, so here i am to assign a zodiac sign to each one of them :D
reo is the perfectionist type: he's very critical, both towards himself and the others. his disciplined, ingenious, scrupulous demeanor makes him the perfect virgo. and yet, the virgo loses his mind when his feelings are deep: this explains how he's a clingy and cuddly little boy with his lover, completely erasing his usual personality lol
honestly i'm pretty conflicted about whether to choose pisces or cancer, but i think the latter wins. joshua is a babyboy!! he's sensitive, sweet and speaks softly. he's also really emotional tho, and easily ends trapped in his own thoughts. the cancer needs to be understood and protected, so to put it simply: protect joshua at all costs :(
a-tan's personality is a real mess and what's the messiest sign i know? aquarius!! he's sociable, selfless, but also REALLY unstable, impulsive and highly dynamic. i know many aquarius and i'm not lying when i say i never know what goes through their mind 😭 i get the same feeling with him. moreover, the aquarius is original, open-minded and nonconformist, and both a-tan's music and personality follow this perspective!
we all know that judah is a raging, ill-tempered boy and aries fits him SO MUCH. the aries is ambitious, impatient, aggressive and impulsive: all of these are basic judah traits! but he also loves hard and judah, despite everything, definitely does too.
a toned down version of judah. this boy is indeed hot-blooded, but he doesn't show it as much as a fire sign would (key words: as much). the scorpio tries hard to keep it together and be normal, being actually part of the "quiet squad", but he's brutally honest and can snap at any time. this bitch attracts quarrels: he does it ALL THE TIME!! and with his lover too!! but this just stems from tenacity and determination. scorpios do have a soft side, but you gotta dig a bit for it: this is like the ultimate tsundere sign lol
where do i even begin. momochi's double personality makes it pretty obvious why i chose this sign :D geminis have a pretty flexible and mutable personality, plus a VERY instable emotional control and this fits a yandere personality a lot. not to mention that the gemini is very creative and clever, making him a genius!
ciel always gave me a feeling of tranquility and stability among the chaos that surrounded the rest of the cast lmao. taurus fits him for his being a mature, serious and practical person, but also really determined!! taurus is also a really sensual sign and i need to mention that his first love song (luv your sting) is pretty sexy so... yeah
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llolianarchives · 4 months
The Prefect is prone to dreams that drown them, blurring their lines between imagination and reality– prophetic in its tellings yet draining in its strain.
(A short narration of short moments in time.)
Yue wakes up a disoriented, disillusioned mess. They often do, with how deeply sleep claims them and how verbose their dreams are spun. When their consciousnes, at last, returns to their clutch, eyes unscrewing to reveal the waking world, Yue is left winded: more tired than refreshed. 
It takes a few seconds – minutes, sometimes, to readjust.
Blink. Their mouth opens to ask a question about some distant dream now well beyond their fingertips.
Blink. They ground themself in the present. “I'm in Ramshackle. It's morning.”
Blink. Yue rubs away the remaining vestiges of sleep, streching their stiff limbs back to loose movement. 
And up they go, beginning the day.
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shoutmonishere · 8 months
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By gods Taiki looks so annoyed/pissed
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romancemedia · 9 months
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Anime Romances + School Field Trips
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mukomumo · 7 months
Just a bit of yuuta appreciation chat
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Look at how adorbs he is my cutie shmookie♡
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I like him the most out of the other yuus ˊ◡ˋ (yuka coming in at second☆)
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pinkpruneclodwolf · 7 months
Ok but what about a priest/priestess of Cernunnos Yuu in which instead of their existence hinging on Twisted-Wonderland, it's Twisted-Wonderland's existence that hinges on Yuu.
Like what if as Cernunnos priest/priestess they told him about fairytales during their time together, and before his death he created a small dream to send Yuu to so their final moments won't be in agony of being dismembered. But something went wrong, and that small little dream ended up growing until it became its own world. The mixture of Yuu's pain/Cernunnos's rage led to the creation of Blot/overblot. Because of the trauma of their brutal death Yuu doesn't manifest until centuries after, and that's only because they blocked it all out (Them being the only human left, meeting Cernunnos and becoming their priest/priestess, and their horrific end at the hand of the fairies).
So now to unravel Yuu or the secrets of Blot/Overblots would make the very world become undone (either yuu remembers and the blot/overblots become worse to the point of destroying twisted-wonderland, or they're killed in order to stop blot/overblots and the very fabric of reality crumbles).
No because blot being a result of both Cernunno's rage and Yuu's pain and the fact that each time they inch closer to defeating all of the Overblots the world slowly unravels. Because dreams are meant to end, because when your life is flashing before your eyes until the tape runs out all your left with is nothing.
And the crazy part about it is the awareness that at some point they realize that Yuu is what holds their world aloft, that precious dream of somewhere far from sorrows is at risk of crumbling into a nightmare for the simple fact that it shouldn't have persisted this long in the first place but what else can one do if not yearn to live? To dream? To hope for a world where they aren't torn apart?
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