#yuthura ban
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most-datable-undatable · 9 months ago
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thehylianbatman · 1 year ago
Some Thoughts on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
This post has nothing to do with Disney or their movies.
This post contains minor spoilers.
Hello. I've been playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic recently. I've picked up it again just after the Leviathan Escape, which is where I left it many years ago. I'm working my way through Korriban now, so I'm interacting a lot with Yuthura Ban.
I've heard rumblings in my readings that Yuthura was originally intended to be a companion character. Although I have no sources at all for this and thusly do not truly know if it is true of false, I find it likely; of the three Jedi companions you pick up, none are aligned with the Dark Side, meaning the only way to potentially explore the Dark Side gameplay is with the player character, which has large ramifications on the story. Bastila and Juhani are aligned to the Light, while Jolee is on the light side of neutral, and doesn't read as any kind of Dark Side user, even though he is best-equipped within the game's mechanics to be so. This means that most players will almost never encounter Dark Side elements during gameplay unless they specifically choose to do so, which changes story beats and the ending.
Yuthura as a companion character changes that. Her alignment is neutral, so she's mechanically fine to use the Dark Side (if not optimized), and her story makes sense for using the Dark Side; while Juhani makes sense story-wise, her alignment makes it uncomfortable.
Yuthura also adds to the team dynamic of the party. As it stands, for the Force representation, you have the player character, Bastila, Juhani, and Jolee. If you add Yuthura to the mix, it adds balance and results in a more fully-rounded view of the Force. A larger view, you might say.
Consider this dynamic: you have Bastila, an instructor for the Light Side. Although she's not a Jedi Master (I think), and you are not her padawan (I think), she is the one best-equipped to take that mentor role in the player's story as the leader of the party. You have Juhani, a student, like the player character, who is tempted by the Dark Side. And you have Jolee, representation of that said larger view of the Force.
Adding Yuthura to this dynamic, you'd have three instructors and two students. For the instructors, you get Bastila, a Light Side instructor who falls to the Dark Side; Yuthura, a Dark Side instructor who finds the Light Side; and Jolee, who simply seems to believe in the Force. For the students, you get the player character and Juhani, and, since Juhani can be romanced, this adds even more to the dynamic; Juhani, as a student, is rooted in the Light Side but tempted by the Dark Side. Spoilerific game events show that the player character is rooted in the Dark Side but tempted by the Light Side. The poetry and the balance of this team is simply sensible.
But how could it happen? Assuming the game's cut content were to be magically restored (Unlike KotOR II, KotOR I's cut content was cut very early in development, as far as I know, and so was never really developed at all, and was simply ideas at the conception stage), I imagine it'd go somewhat as follows:
Sleheyron (the only known visit-able planet cut from KotOR I) is added to the planets as the last planet the player visits. This makes the "canonical" order of planets Dantooine, Tatooine, Kashyyyk, Manaan, Korriban, and Sleheyron. In-game, the party is captured by the Leviathan before the last Star Map is retrieved; as it is, the last Star Map is on Korriban, where you meet Yuthura. In this imaginary scenario, the last Star Map is on Sleheyron.
These are all assumptions on my part.
While on Korriban, in-game, you can convince Yuthura to abandon the Sith cause and Return to the Jedi. If you visit the planets out-of-order and convince her to abandon the Sith before the party is captured by the Leviathan, you can find her at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. However, if you visit Korriban last, after you do this, Yuthura simply vanishes, since you cannot return to Dantooine at this point.
In this magically-restored version of KotOR, you go through Korriban as normal, but, at the end of the planet's storyline, you ask Yuthura to come with you, and , as in the game, she says no, but you offer to at least take her to the Jedi Enclave. She reluctantly agrees and boards the Ebon Hawk, just in time for the ship to be captured by the Leviathan, Bastila to leave the party, and a whole lot of spoilerific story things to happen.
This changes how the Leviathan rescue occurs; in-game, you can choose Mission, T3-M4, Canderous, Juhani, HK-47, or Jolee to do it. They all sneak around and spring the other characters out. Imagine this rescue if Yuthura is an option. As a high-ranking member of the Sith academy, whose finding of the Light Side has not yet spread to the ship, as it only just happened, choosing Yuthura is an easy option, as she can lie and say that she was captured by the party. While this might paint her as weak and cost her some prestige and respect, the Sith troopers handling the capture won't know any better, "free" her, and let her wander free as one of their own, rather than relying on guile, Jedi mind tricks, or stealth.
This can then become Yuthura's great test of loyalty with the party; while she's being controlled by the player, and thusly won't betray the team for gameplay reasons, narratively, the characters don't know that. Some of them will be disinclined to trust her, most likely Carth. She can use her (now former) position with the Sith Academy to get into locations on the ship that would be locked or barred to other characters, making the rescue easy for her if done right, but really hard for her if done wrong, since one wrong move reveals her hand and turns the entire ship against her. I imagine in this scenario that it would go down similarly to a Juhani/Jolee rescue.
However, we'll trust that she plays her cards right, and uses her position in order to quietly and easily free the party. This proves to them that they can trust Yuthura. It can also be a character arc for her; she initially does it for self-serving reasons, since the party could reveal that she had joined up with them and get her in trouble, so if she frees them, she can escape just as she had been planning to do. Just as the party doesn't trust Yuthura, Yuthura probably has trouble trusting the party, and just wants to get to Dantooine. However, the party reveals when they are freed what happened to Dantooine, and let's say this shocks Yuthura, who viewed the Dark Side as ruthless, but nuanced and personal, not flat-out evil (another assumption on my part). With her position at the Sith Academy vacated and no Dantooine to run to, in the party's eyes, she has a choice to make: either betray the party and try and return to the Sith, or join up with the party and continue her climb to the light side. Naturally, she joins up with the party, since there's almost certainly no way the Sith would take her back at this point unless she plays her cards really well, but she still isn't trusted by Carth and other such members.
Everything else on the Leviathan happens as in-game, and then the player goes to Sleheyron, and, just like almost everyone else gets a personal quest, Yuthura gets a personal quest here. She doesn't like being back, but she is, and now she can do what she's always wanted to do: free the slaves and free the planet. This can also tie into the larger story of Czerka Corporation being in the pockets of the Hutts and other such criminals. Sleheyron was intended to be under the control of four Hutt families, and cut content on Tatooine would mean that the player could turn both Tatooine and Kashyyyk against Czerka Corporation, but this aspect of the story lacks a meaningful conclusion. I imagine Sleheyron was intended to be that meaningful conclusion.
So let's say the Hutts are the original financial base of Czerka Corporation; maybe Czerka is a front entirely, or maybe it was founded by the Hutts to legitimize and cover their operations and it got so big that it broke free, or it was still founded by the Hutts but remains under their control while still able to pursue an independent path; they have a business relationship, let's say. Yuthura finds out about this and is particularly outraged, since Czerka has always been painted to her as a flawed but capable and neutral company that can help the Sith Empire, so the player character can go through the gladiator ring and do the combat and best the Hutts and put them in a begging position. This can lead to Yuthura making demands for the "right" option: free the slaves, have them revolt against Czerka Corporation AND the Hutts, reveal the connection between the two to the galaxy at large, and ruin them both (though only for now in the Hutts' case). Yuthura's choice of the "right" option also finally proves her trust and loyalty to the party and completes her character arc, while also adding extra evil to the Sith Empire for working with slavers (I can't remember if the Empire themselves uses slaves in-game, though I would certainly believe it if so). This is also a net positive for Sleheyron, which is changed for the better by the player, just like the other planets. Not only all of that, but it also completes the sub-story of freeing the galaxy from crime, cruelty, and corruption that's not being done by the Sith Empire.
Then you get the last Star Map, as well, fly off to the final location, and the game's story progresses as normal.
Yuthura and the other Force users would also be able to banter in this hypothetical scenario; she can banter with Jolee about using the Dark Side (how he does not feel bound to a Light or Dark Side, but doesn't make people suffer just because he personally views it not only as wrong but also generally inefficient), and speak with Juhani about balancing the temptations of the Dark Side with the faith in the Light Side, as people that both went down the path of the Dark Side but got off it at different times. Although her time with Bastila would likely be short in a canon case, and so they wouldn't have much of a chance for banter, if the player does the planets out of order, they could have an opportunity for banter, and I imagine they'd speak about instructing the Light Side versus instructing the Dark Side, and it's just be kinda funny, as most of Bastila's banters are.
I don't imagine she'd be a romance-able companion, as there is already a lack of such content as-is in the game, but, if she were, she'd be an interesting balance to Bastila, as a Force user not bound to the Light Side. Perhaps she could lead the player down a darker path in an inversion of Bastila's story. I personally feel, however, that she doesn't quite fit for such a role, and besides, Juhani is a better romance option anyways from a narrative standpoint; two Force students pulled in by both the Light and Dark Side, and all they have is each other. Very Star Wars.
Most, if not all of this, is conjecture on my part. I've read that Sleheyron was a cut planet, that it was supposed to be in control of the Hutts, that the planetary gameply would revolve around a gladiatorial combat ring, and that Yuthura, as a companion, would replace a Juhani that is not in the party. I don't have a source for any of that, although the last point I have only seen once, whereas I feel as though I've read multiple sources, some "official" in some way, about the first three points. Of course, I am no expert on the topic, and I suppose the writers at BioWare are the only ones who know for sure.
Please feel free to reach out or add any thoughts or notes. I find this very interesting and would love to talk about it. Primary sources in particular would be excellent, I'd love to read more about the development of this game.
Thanks for reading.
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incorrect-kotor-quotes · 2 years ago
Revan: Where's Lashowe? Yuthura: Oh, who knows. I was giving you an F on that terrible term paper you did when she came in complaining of cramps. I tried to be consoling, but I really don't like her. Yuthura: If her mother didn't tell her what a fucking bitch blood and pain is every month, it ain't my damn problem.
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phthalology · 1 year ago
delighted to hear amca getting on the “yuthura ban should be a party member and/or romance option” train. I think if I replayed kotor today I’d be so invested in her. I am so invested in her always
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flatscans · 1 year ago
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whyamiheredude3 · 2 years ago
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Yuthura Sketch
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waaaaanakin-crywalker · 1 year ago
I think I'm gonna have to bring Atton into OFS as one of Eloi's Sith agents because it means Eloi's squad would be Dustil Onasi, Atton/Jaq Rand, and Yuthura Ban, and that's way too hilarious and fascinating for me to pass up the opportunity.
we've got (1) an angsty edgy teen rebel with daddy issues who's a bit of a brat but can and will actually cut you in half without hesitation; (2) cringefail loser who just so happens to be a terrifyingly creative and skilled jedi killer; (3) tall goth mommy who shoots lightning. oh yes. this is excellent.
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luxettenebra · 2 years ago
thinking about the aftermath of the final battle with Malak --
how Navree throws himself into doing everything he can to help the people who were affected by Malak's campaign against the Republic, running himself absolutely ragged, no matter how much anyone objects
how Revan can't bring herself to trust the Jedi Council because she knows they wiped her memory and so runs away. she still maintains regular contact with her brother, and despite knowing if she said something about Navree's disregard of his time and energy he'd actually listen, never actually does
how the first person other than her brother that Revan turns to is Canderous because nobody would think to look for her among the Mandalorians
how Revan's nightmares and night terrors turn from her mother's execution to Malak's death by her own hand
(how if Revan were to rejoin the Jedi, she'd stick pretty closely to either Juhani or Bastila if she wasn't with her brother -- to the point that she affectionately refers to herself, Juhnai and Bastila as the Jedi Trio)
(how if Revan turns to the Darkside, she'd let her companions and brother live because she was already forced to kill her once best friend and can't bear to kill anyone else)
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ardenigh · 1 year ago
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additional notes in varying order of importance
- idk yet how i want the white accents to show up so it changes every time. is he redhood or not? none of my business yet
- eule-vos as a revan sort of functions as a morally chained and regulated version of whatever was going on with the revan anecdotes in kotor 2. he's still a win-at-all-costs type of guy. he'll still look at people in terms of what they can do to further his goals. he's the butcher on a leash. he's toeing the line for now because bastila and carth get weird when he doesn't but he'll also swan dive past it once they are out of line of sight.
- so ig, like, the butcher on a leash but he can step out of it whenever. he just doesn't want you getting nervous because that will be a whole nother issue to handle. he can heel just fine alright
- its like 1 am and i'm thinking about that post compilation that's like. guard/attack dog metaphors applied to people. or like how the devotion between an attack dog and the one holding its leash is as tenuous, sometimes, as the leash itself i don't know man whatever that's about. eule has shades of that. i think it's hard for any revan to not be a little unnerving on this front
- smth smth hk voice to give the illusion of control until the end comes or smth you know? like master like droid is all i am saying
- if, to solve a problem, a guy has to die - but he's with someone he values and who would disapprove of an outright murder - eule isn't above puppetmastering a circumstantial rube-goldberg execution machine yk. like, after a point does culpability even lead back to you? not really right? it's okay he will make it happen don't worry he can work within your moral constraints. you don't have to feel bad about it and you especially won't if you don't know
- (with all this in mind, outings with hk and canderous are also great times to cut loose a little)
- i don't think he struggles to love per se so much as i think that he can't do it conventionally it's always going to be built with an undertone of implacable duty or something like pity. and if he loves you he'll do it to death, only it won't be his and it might be yours. no single person is worth letting the galaxy fall, not to him
- everyone who has taken darth revan ever and smushed them together with the entire concept of having loved rome more... genius
- as is par for the course he is not a romancer he is barely a crusher alright the only remotely similar thing he's ever felt was for yuthura ban for about .4 minutes and looking back it might have just been that she's amiable and understands the shedding of morality for a goal but also, like, she's really purple and that's super eye catching (read: kev eule-vos is my walking excuse to never not bring up yuthura ban)
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knightotoc · 7 months ago
Sith murdered by Sith/future Sith*/ex-Sith:
Aleema Keto
Satal Keto*
Gav Daragon
Ludo Kressh
Naga Sadow
Tulak Hord
Sith murdered by Jedi:
Palpatine zombie/clone
Sith murdered by non-Force-users:
Ulic Qel-Droma
It's complicated:
Kylo (traded life forces with someone killed by...the Jedi?)
Naat Lare (killed by Jedi as unknowing pawns of a Sith test)
Nihilus + Sion + Traya (Exile can be either a Sith or Jedi or neither)
Jorak Uln + Mekel + Lashowe + Kel Algwinn + Shaardan + Uthar Wynn + Yuthura Ban + Dustil Onasi (Revan can choose to kill them)
Exar Kun (evil Sith ritual + Jedi-wrought forest fire = limbo situation)
Freedon Nadd (dies of old age but his ghost is murdered by a Sith)
Actually lives a long happy life without getting murdered as far as we know:
Marka Ragnos
Ajunta Pall
Xesh (technically predates the Sith)
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armoralor · 2 years ago
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collecting all known sapphic & wlw ship names in the Star Wars fandom. pls let me know if i have missed any or if you know of another spelling/variation for one below ♡
Artis x Meetra Surik (Jedi Exile): no ship name yet Balaya x Juhani: balayani Bastila Shan x Juhani: no ship name yet Bastila Shan x Yuthura Ban: no ship name yet Jaesa Willsaam x Lana Beniko: no ship name yet Jaesa Willsaam x Vette: no ship name yet Revan x Bastila Shan: revanshan, revanstila Revan x Juhani: revani Revan x Meetra Surik: revanmeetra Revan x Mission Vao: no ship name yet Revan x Yuthura Ban: no ship name yet Visas Marr x Miraluka: no ship name yet Visas Marr x Brianna: no ship name yet Yuthura Ban x Meetra Surik (Jedi Exile): no ship name yet
Ace Kallisto x Zia Zaldor Zanna: no ship name yet Affie Hollow x Nan: no ship name yet Avar Kriss x Lourna Dee: avardee, krissdee Ghirra Starros x Lina Soh: no ship name yet Keeve Trennis x Lily Tora-Asi: no ship name yet Keeve Trennis x Ty Yorrick: no ship name yet Lourna Dee x Chancey Yarrow: no ship name yet Lourna Dee x Quin the Bivall: no ship name yet Lourna Dee x Sestin Blin: no ship name yet Lula Talisola x Zeen Mrala: mralisola, lulazeen, zeenlula Matthea Cathley x Enya Keen: no ship name yet Matthea Cathley x Oliviah Zeveron: mattiah Matthea Cathley x Yana Ro: no ship name yet Sav Malagan x Kratu: no ship name yet Sav Malagan x Saya Keem: no ship name yet Sylvestri Yarrow x Jordanna Sparkburn: no ship name yet Yana Ro x Kor Plouth: no ship name yet Yana Ro x Shea Ganandra: no ship name yet
Osha Aniseya x Jecki Lon: oshecki, oshajecki, meknek, josha, lonseya Mae Aniseya x Jecki Lon: maecki, maelon Mae Aniseya x Master Indara: maedara Mother Aniseya x Master Indara: no ship name yet Mother Aniseya x Mother Koril: koriseya, mothership Mother Aniseya x Mother Koril x Master Indara: no ship name yet
Ar'alani x Borika: no ship name yet Ar'alani x Karyn Faro: no ship name yet Ar'alani x Wutroow: wutrolani
Adi Gallia x Aayla Secura: no ship name yet Adi Gallia x Depa Billaba: no ship name yet Adi Gallia x Luminara Unduli: no ship name yet Adi Gallia x Shmi Skywalker: no ship name yet Adi Gallia x Stass Allie: no ship name yet Ahsoka Tano x Barriss Offee: barrissoka, barrisoka, bahsoka, ahriss Ahsoka Tano x Barriss Offee x Riyo Chuchi: riyobarrissoka Ahsoka Tano x Riyo Chuchi: riyosoka, chuchitano Ahsoka Tano x Steela Gerrera: steelahsoka, ahsteela Ahsoka Tano x Trace Martez: tracesoka Asajj Ventress x Aayla Secura: no ship name yet Asajj Ventress x Adi Gallia: no ship name yet Asajj Ventress x Aura Sing: no ship name yet Asajj Ventress x Depa Billaba: no ship name yet Asajj Ventress x Latts Razzi: ventrazzi Asajj Ventress x Luminara Unduli: no ship name yet Asajj Ventress x Mon Mothma: no ship name yet Asajj Ventress x Satine Kryze: vestine, kryzetress  Asajj Ventress x Sugi: no ship name yet Asajj Ventress x Stass Allie: no ship name yet Aura Sing x Sugi: no ship name yet Bant Eerin x Luminara Unduli: no ship name yet Bant Eerin x Tahl: no ship name yet Bo-Katan Kryze x Eirtaé : no ship name yet Bo-Katan Kryze x Padmé Amidala: padkatan, bodala Bo-Katan Kryze x Rabé : no ship name yet Bo-Katan Kryze x Sabé : no ship name yet Bo-Katan Kryze x Saché : no ship name yet Bo-Katan Kryze x Yané : no ship name yet Breha Organa x Bo-Katan Kryze: no ship name yet Breha Organa x Mon Mothma: senatorqueen, bremon, monha, brehamon Breha Organa x Padmé Amidala: brehadala, brehapadmé, brehapadme Breha Organa x Mon Mothma x Padmé Amidala: no ship name yet Breha Organa x Satine Kryze: no ship name yet Breha Organa x Ursa Wren: no ship name yet Depa Billaba x Luminara Unduli: no ship name yet Depa Billaba x Aayla Secura: no ship name yet Depa Billaba x Stass Allie: no ship name yet Depa Billaba x Siri Tachi: no ship name yet Padmé Amidala x Aayla Secura: padmaayla, paayla Padmé Amidala x Beru Whitesun: sunqueen, berudala Padmé Amidala x Cordé: no ship name yet Padmé Amidala x Dormé: dormidala Padmé Amidala x Eirtaé: no ship name yet Padmé Amidala x Mon Mothma: mondala, padma Padmé Amidala x Rabé no ship name yet Padmé Amidala x Sabé: sabédala, sabedala Padmé Amidala x Sabé x Cordé: sabecordedala, sabécordédala Padmé Amidala x Sabé x Dormé: dormépadmésabé, dormepadmesabe Padmé Amidala x Sabé x Dormé x Cordé : no ship name yet Padmé Amidala x Sabé x Rabé x Eirtaé x Saché x Yané: no ship name yet Padmé Amidala x Satine Kryze: padtine, satidala, satdala Padmé Amidala x Riyo Chuchi: riyodala Queen Jamillia x Rabé: no ship name yet Saché x Yané: yaché, yache, sané, sane Satine Kryze x Arla Fett: sarla, arline Satine Kryze x Siri Tachi: siritine, satinesiri Satine Kryze x Tahl: no ship name yet Siri Tachi x Aayla Secura: no ship name yet Siri Tachi x Aayla Secura x Luminara Unduli: no ship name yet Siri Tachi x Bant Eerin: no ship name yet Siri Tachi x Darra Thel-Tanis: no ship name yet Shaak Ti x  Aayla Secura: no ship name yet Shaak Ti x Depa Billaba: lumidepa Shaak Ti x Luminara Unduli: lumiti Shaak Ti x Luminara Unduli x Depa Billaba: lumidepati Shaak Ti x Luminara Unduli x Aayla Secura: no ship name yet Shaak Ti x Stass Allie: strassti, allieti Shmi Skywalker x Tahl: shmitahl, tahlwalker Cordé x Sabé: sabecorde, sabecordé
Asajj Ventress x Ahsoka Tano: ventressoka Asajj Ventress x Ahsoka Tano x Barriss Offee: no ship name yet Asajj Ventress x Barriss Offee: no ship name yet Asajj Ventress x Fennec Shand: vennec Asajj Ventress x Barriss Offee: no ship name yet Ahsoka Tano x Aayla Secura: no ship name yet Ahsoka Tano x Kaeden Larte: kaesoka Ahsoka Tano x Kaeden Larte x Barriss Offee: no ship name yet Ahsoka Tano x Jyn Erso: nitejyn, jynsoka Ahsoka Tano x Enfys Nest: tanonest, sokanest Ahsoka Tano x  Trilla Suduri: trillasoka Barriss Offee x Rook Kast: kastoffee Bix Caleen x Dedra Meero: no ship name yet Bix Caleen x Jyn Erso: no ship name yet Bo-Katan Kryze x Ursa Wren: ursabo Bo-Katan Kryze x Rook Kast: nitekast, kastkatan, rookatan, borook Chelli Lona Aphra x Aiolin Astarte: no ship name yet Chelli Lona Aphra x Hera Syndulla: doctorpilot, aphradulla Chelli Lona Aphra x Magna Tolvan: aphratolvan Chelli Lona Aphra x Sana Starros: aphrastarros, chellisana, sanaphra Chelli Lona Aphra x Sana Starros x Magna Tolvan : no ship name yet Cinta Kaz x Vel Sartha: velcinta, cintavel, vinta Cinta Kaz x Bix Caleen: kazleen, bixcinta Cinta Kaz x Vel Sartha x Kleya Marki: no ship name yet Cinta Kaz x Vel Sartha x Mon Mothma: no ship name yet Elia Kane x Dedra Meero: no ship name yet Elia Kane x Karyn Faro: no ship name yet Elia Kane x Rae Sloane: no ship name yet Enfys Nest x Ahsoka Tano : no ship name yet Enfys Nest x Fennec Shand : no ship name yet Enfys Nest x Leia Organa : no ship name yet Kleya Marki x Cinta Kaz:  no ship name yet Kleya Marki x Mon Mothma: no ship name yet Kleya Marki x Vel Sartha: no ship name yet Hera Syndulla x Aayla Secura: no ship name yet Hera Syndulla x Omega: heramega, havocspecter Leia Organa x Enfys Nest: no ship name yet Leia Organa x Evaan Verlaine: royalpilot, leiavaan Leia Organa x Jyn Erso: jynleia, rebelprincess Leia Organa x Ooola: ooleia Leia Organa x Sabine Wren: sableia, leiabine, sabiniea, sabiea Leia Organa x Rae Sloane: no ship name yet Leia Organa x Sana Starros: sanaleia, sanleia Leia Organa x Sosha Soruna: no ship name yet Mara Jade x Jyn Erso: monjyn, jnymon Mara Jade x Oola: marala, oolajade Mara Jade x Sabine Wren: no ship name Mon Mothma x Dedra Meero: no ship name Mon Mothma x Kleya Marki: senatorspy, mothmarki, monmarki Mon Mothma x Jyn Erso: no ship name yet Mon Mothma x Tynnra Pamlo: no ship name yet Numa x Omega: numega Numa x Hera Syndulla: numadulla, numahera Oola x Lyn Me: no ship name yet Oola x Rystáll Sant: no ship name yet Oola x Camie Marstrap: no ship name yet Phee Genoa x Fennec Shand: pheenec Qi'ra x Ahsoka Tano : no ship name yet Qi'ra x Amilyn Holdo : no ship name yet Qi'ra x Enfys Nest : no ship name yet Qi're x Jyn Erso : no ship name yet Qi'ra x Leia Organa : no ship name yet Qi'ra x Rey : no ship name yet Qi'ra x Sana Starros : no ship name yet Reva Sevander x Ahsoka Tano: revsoka Reva Sevander x Tala Durith: talarev, revtala Reva Sevander x Qi’ra: revira Riyo Chuchi x Tynnra Pamlo: no ship name yet Trilla Suduri x Reva Sevander: revilla, trilleva Trilla Suduri x Nightsister Merrin: merilla, nightinquisitor Sabine Wren x Amilyn Holdo: no name yet Sabine Wren x Jyn Erso: jynbine Sabine Wren x Ketsu Onyo: ketbine, sabetsu, sabinetsu Shara Bey x Evaan Verlaine: no ship name yet Shara Bey x Jyn Erso: no ship name yet Shara Bey x Leia Organa: no ship name yet Yrica Quell x Chass na Chadic: yrichass
Ahsoka Tano x the Armorer: armorsoka, jediarmor Ahsoka Tano x Hera Syndulla: herasoka, lightpilot, pilotlight, herahsoka Ahsoka Tano x Morgan Elsbeth: morgansoka, morganahsoka, magistratejedi Ahsoka Tano x Sabine Wren: sabsoka, ahsokabine, tanowren, sokabine Bo-Katan Kryze x Ahsoka Tano: bosoka, jedinite, ahsokatan Bo-Katan Kryze x the Armorer: nitearmor, armorkatan, niteforge, boarmorer, barmorer, armoryze Bo-Katan Kryze x the Armorer x Ahsoka Tano: jedinitearmor Bo-Katan Kryze x Fennec Shand: bofennec, fenkatan Bo-Katan Kryze x Koska Reeves: koskatan, boreeves, bokoska Bo-Katan Kryze x Sabine Wren: bobine Elia Kane x Koska Reeves: no ship name yet Elia Kane x Shin Hati: no ship name yet Fennec Shand x the Armorer: sniperforge Fennec Shand x Drash: no ship name yet Fennec Shand x Garsa Fwip: fenfwip, garsannec, fwinnec, snipersanctuary, fennsa Fennec Shand x Leia Organa: sniperprincess, fenleia Fennec Shand x Koska Reeves: no ship name yet Fennec Shand x Mon Mothma: no ship name yet Hera Syndulla x Leia Organa: pilotprincess, leiahera, heraleia Hera Syndulla x Mon Mothma: mothra, mondulla, divorcebians, heron Koska Reeves x the Armorer: armoreeves Shin Hati x Ahsoka Tano: tanoti, shinsoka, lightwolf, lightsin Shin Hati x Ahsoka Tano x Sabine Wren: shinbinesoka, shinsokabine, shinanigans, wolfbirds, chimera Shin Hati x Leia Organa: sheia Shin Hati x Sabine Wren: wolfwren, wrenwolf, shabine, shinbine Shin Hati x Sabine Wren x Ketsu Onyo: ketshinbine, ketbineshin Shin Hati x Mara Jade: no ship name yet Shin Hati x Marrok: shinrrok, shinrok, knightwolf, wolfknight, shinmarrok
Captain Phasma x Bazine Netal: phazine Captain Phasma x Nastia Unamo: captainunamo, phasamo Captain Phasma x Rey: reysma Larma D'Acy x Wrobie Tyce: no ship name yet Leia Organa x Amilyn Holdo: amileia Leia Organa x Mara Jade: leiamara, maraleia Jessika Pava x Karé Kun: jessikare, jessikaré Jessika Pava x Paige Tico: no ship name yet Jessika Pava x Pammich Nerro Goode: no ship name yet Jessika Pava x Peet Deretalia: no ship name yet Jessika Pava x Suralinda Javos: no ship name yet Jessika Pava x Rey: reyva, bluerey, jessikarey, jeditestor, jessrey Jessika Pava x Rose Tico: no ship name yet Rey x Kaydel Ko Connix: no ship name yet Rey x Mara Jade: no ship name yet Rey x Rose Tico: reyrose Rey x Tallie Lintra: no ship name yet Rey x Zorii Bliss: reybliss Rose Tico x Kaydel Ko Connix: no ship name yet Rose Tico x Jannah: rosannah, jannahrose Zorii Bliss x Bazine Netal: no ship name yet Zorii Bliss x Jannah: no ship name yet
Ahsoka Tano x Juhani: no ship name yet Darth Talon x Darth Maladi: no ship name yet
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frankiefrankiefrankies · 1 year ago
Day 4 for femslash February
Prompt: doomed by the narrative
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
FRevan/Yuthura Ban
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translothcat · 1 year ago
is this who you mean? yuthura ban :3
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kotor has some really great twi'lek colors with the female twi'leks and their multicolored headtails and we see them in like 0 other bits of star wars canon and it bums me out. make twi'lek ocs with the funky kotor colors guys
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serenofroses · 2 years ago
idk why my brain insist on Yuthura Ban's design for Bastila.
also my brain: what if.... Yuthura and Bastila are same person.
Yuthura is very pretty and I loved her design (one of the best one for twi'lek in kotor imo).
I don't understand why Bioware doesn't give us purple twi'lek option. I would have considered that for Eleena and her Jedi Master mom.
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flatscans · 1 year ago
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inspired by the @starwarsbracket, the KOTOR character bracket has started, where you can vote for the best KOTOR character from both games!
the tournament starts tomorrow, sunday the 22nd @ 08:00 GMT
it is randomized, with major characters to low tier npcs competing against eachother
use the #polls or #tournament tags to find the polls on my blog
propaganda and cheating are encouraged!
send any propaganda through asks, and it will added into the polls!
not all characters will appear in the first round, the full character list can be found below the cut
good luck, and may the "best" character win!
full character list:
Jedi Exile
Canderous Ordo
Carth Onasi
Mission Vao
Bastila Shan
Jolee Bindo
Atton Rand
Visas Marr
Darth Sion
Darth Nihilus
Trask Ulgo
Vrook Lamar
Zez-Kai Ell
Darth Bandon
Calo Nord
Zax the Hutt
Ajuur the Hutt
Davik Kang
Saul Karath
Queen Talia
Bendak Starkiller
Deadeye Duncan
Kebla Yurt
Droidfucker Lady
Twisted Rancor Trio
Marlena Venn
Whimpering Locker Guy
Yuthura Ban
Uthar Wynn
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incorrect-kotor-quotes · 3 years ago
Revan: Hello, Sith Academy! It's me, your good buddy Darth Revan! WORSHIP ME!
Yuthura: Kill that monstrosity!
Revan: Ha ha! Not the first time I've heard that!
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