#yusuke left 4 dead
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mixnmatch4dead · 27 days ago
Hey all! Not answering an ask for this one, but my old drawing app is about to go Kaput and take all its data with it, soooo… Who wants some of my old doodles? Most of these are like pre-2021, so you’re getting to see some oldies!
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Nd for this last one, I decided to include Blake, Haruka, Sara, and Yusuke from the Japanese Arcade version of left 4 dead
Just for fun.
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ANYWAYS, would y’all prefer for my next post to be another full picture, or more smaller personality-fleshing doodles? Asking so i may try to revive this dang blog,,
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milaisreading · 1 year ago
Kisses and hugs do make a difference
Warnings: Reader uses she/her, but since she is crossdressing, guys refer to her as he/him. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
"(Y/n), why are you crying?" The 4 years old girl hiccups and looked up at her mom who was sending a sympathetic smile.
"I was playing with the football dad got me and fell down. Now my knee hurts." The girl started sobbing again as the older woman laughed a little and got on (Y/n) level to inspect her knee. It was red, but no scratches or anything.
"It hurts a lot?" The woman asked softly as the girl nodded her head.
"Here, I will teach you how to make all your boo-boos stop hurting." Hearing her mom's words, (Y/n) wiped the tears away and blinked up at her.
"A kiss on the spot makes all the pain go away." The woman said soothingly and kissed the bruised knee.
"Huh...." (Y/n) looked curiously at her knee and then up at her mom.
"Does it still hurt?"
"Actually, no... Do kisses really help?!" The girl looked excitedly at her mom, who nodded her head while laughing.
"Of course. And hugs help when you feel down. Remember that, ok?"
"Ok, mom!" The woman smiled down at her while patting her head.
"Now, come inside. I made you some cookies."
Dream ends
Gasping, (Y/n) quickly sat up in her bed and looked around the room, trying to adjust to the darkness.
"Mom... dad..." She muttered as she looked around, only for her eyes to land on Kaiser and Ness, who were sound asleep. Her excitement soon diminished as she realized where she was.
'Oh...yeah, they are gone.' She bit her lower lip and looked at the digital clock next to her bed.
'It's just 2 in the morning as well.' (Y/n) let out a small sigh and laid down on her bed, trying to fall asleep again.
The next day was pretty much uneventful, with Noa and the other senior players in Bastard helping them practice, and Kaiser trying to force (Y/n) to assist him, which was something she kept ignoring. While practicing with Raichi and Kiyora, one of the staff members called out for her to stop her practicing for an emergency. With Noa's permission, the girl left the field and followed after the staff member, wondering what was going on.
"Did something happen? What is the emergency?" (Y/n) asked in worry as the man let out an exhausted sigh and rubbed his temples.
"There is something going on at the French stratum." (Y/n) felt a small spark of anxiety in her system at the mention of it. Did someone from the Blue Lock team get hurt?
"What...what happened?" She asked in worry as the man shook his head and told her to follow him.
All the anxiety she felt diminished the moment she entered the training field, and frustration taking over when she noticed Rin and Shidou yelling at each other.
'Did they seriously injure each other?!' She thought, her irritation rising as she noticed the bruises on their faces.
"Hi there, (Y/n)!" Charles cheered as he ran up to her, hugging her from behind.
"Hi." She said back and walked over to where Shidou and Rin were. Loki was the first one to notice the two, and besides the frustration he felt towards the two, he also felt frustrated at Charles' behavior.
"Charles, get off of (Y/n)!" Loki yelled at the boy, who shook his head.
"Rin,Shidou." The two stopped their arguing and their anger slowly turning into panic as they looked at (Y/n). The said girl looked eerily calm as a smile decorated her face.
"Well, they are dead." Karasu chuckled as Tokimitsu hid behind him.
Once (Y/n) had finished berating the two, both her and Loki took it upon themselves to patch up the bruises. Thankfully it was nothing too serious.
"Can't you be serious for once? Especially since Blue Lock is televised." The girl asked Shidou as she fished for a bandage in the kit. The blonde just rolled his eyes at her behavior then smirked.
"You are quite cute when you get mad. I might keep up the act." Shidou snickered as (Y/n) blushed a little, but ignored him.
"There..." She muttered, looking at the bandaged cheek. The girl looked at it for a while, her eyes softening as she remembered the dream.
'Mom...' She thought, kissing Shidou's cheek. The said boy jumped a little as he looked at (Y/n) in shock and a flustered face. Loki's mouth was agape as he held Rin back from attacking Shidou.
"Not fair! What about me?!" Karasu whined as Tokimitsu played with the hem of his shirt.
"I want a kiss as well." Tokimitsu muttered as Charles was eerily quiet.
"What the hell?" Shidou muttered as he touched the spot (Y/n) kissed, while the girl woke up from her thoughts, looking at the rest in confusion.
"Is everything alright?"
"Yes, don't worry- DID YOU JUST BITE ME, RIN?!" Loki yelled, struggling to hold the younger Itoshi back.
The next day was fairly normal, with Kaiser and Isagi bickering while Ness tried to get a rise put of (Y/n), in which he was failing since she didn't pay much attention to him. The dream was still haunting her.
'I wish I had more time to spend with them...' She lazily took a bite of her food when a flinch caught her attention.
"Huh? Kurona, are you alright?" Both her and Yukimiya looked at the boy as he rubbed his head, wincing while nodding his head.
"Yeah, I just wasn't paying attention and a football hit my head." (Y/n) blinked as she got up from her spot and walked over to him, inspecting his head for a moment.
"It just looks a little bruised, as far as I can tell." (Y/n) hummed as the boy nodded his head.
"Probably, I just feel a slight ache." She looked at the spot Kurona was pointing at previously, her eyes softening again.
'A kiss makes the pain go away, as mom said.' She thought, leaning in and planting a soft kiss on the boy's head. Kurona gasped a little as a red blush spread across his face while the rest stopped what they were doing to look at them. Ness had fainted from the shock as Kaiser looked at her like a kicked puppy. Isagi, Hiori,and Yukimiya pulled Kurona to the side with the fakest smiles to 'talk'. Meanwhile Kunigami and and Gagamaru each gave her a napkin to wipe jer mouth away.
"Huh?" She looked at the duo in confusion, finally getting out of her trance.
"Hmm..." a figure from behind the door mumbled while watching the chaos.
"Is everything alright, Chigiri?" (Y/n) wondered as she kicked the ball towards the sprinter, who just sighed and shook his head.
"No... I have been feeling down ever since this whole Neo-Egoist thing started." The redhead admitted.
"Really? Why? You are doing great so far." (Y/n) gave out a small praise as the boy blushed.
"It's just, the more time passes the more I am aware what my limits are."
"Still on the injury?" (Y/n) asked as the redhead nodded his head.
"It will be alright, Chigiri. You came so far thanks to your willpower and strength." The redhead felt his heart beat increase as she said that and pulled him into a short hug.
'A hug makes the sadness go away...'
Chigiri stood there frozen for a moment, until he hugged the girl back.
"Unfair! You never hugged us, (Y/n)!"
"I feel sad too!!" Came Reo and Nagi's protests.
Over the course of the week the other players finally understood what (Y/n) was doing and they tried to either get hurt, or pretend to be sad. They just wanted a hug or a kiss from the captain.
"(Y/nnnn) I fell on my knee! It hurts. A kiss and bandages might help."
"Huh? Sure, Karasu."
"(Y/n), I kind of feel sad today because someone age my breakfast. Can I get a hug?"
"Of course Gagamaru!"
"(Y/n), I cut my finger on my paper earlier. Can you kiss it to make the pain go away?"
"Uhm.. sure, Yukimiya. But we need to disinfect it as well."
"(Y/n)! I fell on my head! Kiss it better!"
"Again, Bachira?"
"Lukewarm, give me a hug. I saw my brother on TV again."
"Hmmm sure. But you should really talk to him soon."
"I really feel anxious because of our match tomorrow. Can I get a hug?"
"Of course, Tokimitsu!"
"(Y/n)! Hug me! I just saw a mosquito!"
"Sure thing, Isagi."
"Can you kiss my cheek better? Miroku kicked a ball into it by accident."
"That looks really swollen, Otoya. Sure I will, but we need to get you an ice pack."
"Do you want a hug, Kunigami? You look really down?"
"(Y/n)... I had to talk to my parents today..."
"Do you want to talk about it, Hiori?"
"Can you hug me while we talk?"
"Sure, if that's what you want."
"Are you sad, again?"
"I just want to sleep while hugging something."
"Then go do that, Nagi. We have today off."
"Nagi, I didn't mean to hug me."
"Instructions were unclear. Mission successful."
"(Y/n), I fell on my nose. Can you kiss it better?"
"Sure thing, Niko."
"Your fabulous friend is feeling sad today. Come and cuddle with me."
"Ok, Aryu!"
"Barou, do you want a hug-"
"There. Does your hand feel better now, Reo?"
"It feel a little better. Just give it a kiss and it will be good as new."
All the while a certain French player was observing the attention everyone got from Blue Lock's midfielder, and he decided that enough was enough. He deserved his hug and kiss more than anyone, so he came up with a plan.
"You want me to what?" Loki asked in disbelief as Charles forced the football into his hands.
"Please. Please. Please. I swear, I will leave (Y/n) alone for a a whole week if you do this for me! Please!" The boy begged and begged until Loki sighed and finally gave in.
"Please, just don't freak him out. He is my closest friend in this place."
"Of course I won't!" Charles grinned.
And that's what got him here. (Y/n) holding an ice pack to his forehead as the boy held back a grin.
"And you say Loki accidentally kicked the ball to your forehead?" (Y/n) asked again, finding it hard to believe a prodigy like Loki would miss this bad.
"Yeah. I wanted to try a head shot and failed. Anyway, will you give my forehead a kiss now?" Charles quickly changed the subject as (Y/n) looked at him weirdly.
"You want one?"
"Of course!"
The girl sighed in defeat and nodded her head.
"Fine." She sighed and finally removed the ice pack, giving a short kiss to Charles' forehead. The boy sighed in bliss as (Y/n( went to put the ice pack away.
'Didn't think that everyone believed in kisses making the pain go away. Maybe mom was right..."
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cr4cked-maxxx · 5 months ago
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"Only those who have found the truth can choose their destiny!" (Shuichi Saihara)
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Hello, I'm Max or Maxxy, I go by He/Him pronouns ( <- transmasculine dumbass ) and I'm Bisexual. ( Basically I'm just a goofy ahh stupid black boy )
This blog is used for my many interests and hyperfixations. I will add TWs in the title of a post if it's about a sensitive topic/subject, I also make art and stuffs.
Please be respectful to me and my mutuals. Do not go and harass/terrorize me or them over stupid things. I'm willing to hear people out but if you make me or another person upset, I'm going to call you out on it. Also if you don't like me, there's a block button for a reason. Please use it.
Basic DNI list, etc.
I am a teenager, so if we are going to interact, don't be too weird...
I suffer from ADHD, Stress, Anxiety, & PTSD.
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My Interests ��:
Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt
9-1-1 Lone Star
The Amazing Digital Circus
Battle For Dream Island ( and other object shows by JacknJellify )
Scott Pilgrim
Left 4 Dead & Left 4 Dead 2
Yuyu Hakusho
Dungeons and Dragons
Night in the Woods
Sally Face
Five Nights At Freddy's
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
And other fandoms !!
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Kins N' shit 💻:
Gonta Gokuhara , Shuichi Saihara, Ibuki Mioda, & Himiko Yumeno, etc.
T.K. Strand, Carlos Reyes, Marjan Marwani, & Paul Strickland
Yusuke Urameshi, Hiei, & Kurama
Pomni, Kinger, Ragatha, Gangle, & Zooble
Needle, Firey, Leafy, Price Tag, Winner, Loser, & Cake
Asriel, Frisk, Chara, Napstablook, Mettaton, & Papyrus
Ralsei, Kris, Noelle, & Jevil
Kim Pine, Young Neil, Scott Pilgrim, Roxy Richter, & Ramona Flowers
Marcy Wu & Anne Boonchuy
Michaelangelo, Leonardo, Donatello, & Raphael
Panty Anarchy & Stocking Anarchy
Mae & Bea
Sal Fisher
Foxy, Bonnie, Freddy, Lolbit etc.
And other fictional characters !!
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#maxxy speaks - just talking
#maxxy rants/rambles - ranting and rambling about interests or things that bug me
#maxxy draws - I did art and slapped my name on it
#maxxy vents - venting out emotional feelings towards subjects or things about myself
#maxxy is a fucking idiot - shitposting ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
#maxxy's ideas - ideas or thoughts I come up with for fandoms ( aus, headcanons, etc. )
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If you find an acc with either the names cr4cked-maxxx/fizzygutzzz then I guarantee you it's me lmao
(f)art splurgeeee !!!
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Ma socials !!:
Anyhoosies! Hopefully this gave more info about me and my page. My DMs are always open and I'm always welcome to communicating with y'all! I'll try to reply as fast as I can! Thanks for reading! :}
"Gonta wants to become gentleman! Gonta protect friends, just like bugs!" (Gonta Gokuhara)
( Last updated 2/21/25 )
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pugs-cats-bb-8 · 1 year ago
Tactica-Kingdom 3
Why does it look like P2?
Now it looks like Arena.
Ann looks straight out of Scooby-Doo. 🤣🤣
So we went from the French Revolution to the Meji (?) Restoration/ feudal Japan to school with a door to hell...
Okay 🤠With hair.
They actually call them 🤠 people. I thought they were evil this time around.
They're roasting Ryuji 🤣🤣
He's made of fire?
Back to hell.
Ryuji ain't going to last if he keeps that up.
How the hell are we supposed to hit the enemy from down here? I'm pretty sure nobody brought their go go gadget boots.
Yusuke's willing to be friends with Ann even if she turns into a monster. 🤣🤣 Never change, Yusuke.
Sad past time.
Class President, I can see that.
I love how Ren manages to look so pissed off but so cute at the same time. 😍😍
Poor Yusuke 🤣🤣
How old is Toshiro?
Ryuji gets some good lines.
I like the hell landscape.
I love how they sometimes speak without moving their teeth. That's a talent.
Is that Yoshida?
I love Ren's little nod.
I love how they seem to open doors with their elbow.
Can Futaba stop with her doom and gloom when you get hit? You could take 10 damage, have plenty of health left and Futaba's screaming about how you're going to die. It reminds me of dancing where if the meter dropped too low, people started yelling. It's horribly stressing.
I love how Haru holds the front of her hat.
My man's a robot?
The battle music can get on your nerves.
Toshiro fought, with what Persona?
I kinda figured that was too easy, but hoped it would be that easy.
Dude had a mental shutdown without having a mental shutdown.
So, he's going to be charged with attempted murder, right?
Only cowards say "if you didn't expose me. I wouldn't have pushed her in front of a train". It has very " I only hit her because she makes me mad". Or "He likes it when I hurt him". vibes
🤬🤬How damn brain dead are people?
I feel sorry for Ryuji. Makoto could've grabbed his ear.
Futaba and Yusuke can make coffee?
Ren doesn't seem like he has a lot of facial expressions. Which sucks, I want to see him react to stuff. At least it's better than Sun/Moon, where you have this stupid 😐😐 while Lillie's mom is getting dragged into the Ultra World. (I mean she does deserve it) but still, at least be shocked or something.
I hate the 🤠 people here.
I love the engine/gun shot star.
That is one freaky shadow.
Is this going in a 4 direction?
Mummy wrappings
Ernesto has a very cool design. (It reminds me of Loki with the colour scheme) {Sometimes women have men's names and vice versa} Probably hell to draw.
I honestly thought Toshiro was going to be the bad guy.
My man floats.
That is fucked up on so many levels. I think I've seen a game like this.
How is this game still T?
5K health!
It looks like EMMA and Neo Featherman mixed together. (I'm not going to count it as the 4th Kingdom till they get to a new location).
Choo Choo Charles flashbacks 🚂🕷
Ryuji almost got run over 🤣🤣
How can Lavenza see to drive?
I honestly thought this happened at the beginning of the game. Morgana's talking nonsense.
🤣🤣 Blue children
🤣🤣 Toshiro's going to get his ass kicked
🤣🤣 Poor Yusuke
I hope there's seatbelts.
15 save slots
Melty people.
So... Maruki?
So Toshiro's mind is the engine?
Who's drawing the pictures?
Lavenza drives about as well as Haru.
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lgbtqmanga · 2 years ago
New Releases Mar. 14, 2023
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Be My Love, My Lord by Adumi Nagano
This is a world where humans keep beasts and beasts obey humans. Born as the second son of a well-known family, the lonely Reiji has always had his beastman servant, Tsubaki, as irreplaceable presence since he was a child.
But one day his feelings turn to love, and Reiji playfully kisses Tsubaki, which invites his bestial lust. His sharp bite overflows with his own repressed feelings, but comes with a dark realization; they are different races, different castes. Can they overcome these hurdles and embrace their love?
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The Dragon's Betrothed vol. 1 by Meguru Hinohara
Troubled writer Chiharu Izunome reluctantly returns to his rural hometown, hoping some R & R will refresh his creative juices. Instead of finding respite, he’s quickly entangled by an old promise to wed a local god!
Rin, the water dragon god to whom Chiharu has been betrothed, can be disarmingly friendly and charming, but inside lurks an animalistic ferocity. Can Chiharu escape Rin’s protective embrace, or is his fate already written?
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Golden Sparkle by Minta Suzumaru
Himaru Uehara’s first year of high school is off to a good start, minus one problem - he keeps having "especially intense" dreams. With only his mom and sister at home - and having skipped health class in middle school - he thinks it means there’s something wrong with him. Thankfully, a new friend has just the remedy and teaches Himaru exactly how to deal with those pesky dreams! But his solution only leads to more confusion, and the two find themselves navigating feelings they’ve never felt before.
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I Didn't Mean to Fall in Love by Minta Suzumaru
Inexperienced Yoshino is about to turn thirty. He’s nearly given up on ever falling in love, let alone having decent sex—until one day he steels himself and goes to a gay bar. There he meets Rou, a charming, silver-haired college student who is everything that Yoshino isn’t: mysterious, assertive, and experienced with both men and women. Yoshino finds himself hopelessly attracted to Rou, as their awkward courtship simmers into something more. But is it love?
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JOY vol. 2 by Etsuko (digital only)
JOY is back with a heart-tugging, yet happy and powerful squeal from Etsuko-sensei! Straight shojo manga artist Goh Okazaki and 4-panel illustrator Yusuke Akune finally made it official and became a couple. Their lovey-dovey days show no signs of stopping, but Goh has a rather unusual problem in the bedroom... “I should be happy, so why?” Meanwhile, Yusuke’s ex and old flame, Hibiki finds a special someone. Their romance takes an unexpected turn when Goh and Yusuke get involved. Will they manage to find true happiness?!
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Thousand Autumns: Qian Qiu vol. 1 (novel) by Meng Xi Shi 
Yan Wushi, leader of the demonic Huanyue sect, is a master cultivator, a brilliant strategist, and an incurable cynic. In his philosophy, every human heart is ruled by cruelty and selfishness. Anyone who believes otherwise is either a liar or a fool.
Enter the humble Shen Qiao, leader of the Daoist sect at Xuandu Mountain. He is both gracious and charitable, and exactly the type of do-gooder that Wushi despises.
When Shen Qiao suffers a shocking loss in a duel and is left for dead, Yan Wushi happens upon him and concocts a plan to teach him about the wretchedness of humanity. He’ll take Shen Qiao under his wing, test the limits of his faith, and lure him into demonic cultivation. After all, it is easy to remain righteous atop a mountain peak that touches the heavens. But a thousand autumns toiling on the blood-soaked earth will break any man.
The Seven Seas English-language editions of these novels will feature the uncensored text in deluxe paperbacks with exclusive new covers and interior illustrations. The ebooks will also be available on digital platforms.
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mrgamblingman · 3 years ago
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Left 4 Dead: Survivors (L4DAC) - Official Art
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kitsumidori · 4 years ago
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What's this? L4D fan art of the Japanese exclusive character?
For those unaware, these 4 are the playable survivors from the Taito arcade port of Left 4 Dead. The reason for the new characters is to appeal more the the Japanese market, mainly with the exception of Ellis (who is 23) and Zoey (who's presumably 19) all the other character's are to old, so they were replaced with younger, more anime looking character's (as well as tone down the violence)
Yusuke Kudo - Nonbinary, Homosexual
Haruka Hirose - Autistic, Pansexual
Sara Kirishima - Demiromantic, Asexual
Blake Jordan - Bisexual
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the-technocracy · 2 years ago
Dream.ai Series: 001.
Whilst this isn't the first subject matter I picked for my forays into AI created art, this is the first set of images I'm posting as part of my Dream.ai series here:
Ash Williams (Evil Dead franchise), As Illustrated By Various Artists.
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Simon Bisley set.
I was absolutely thrilled with these, although in actuality, I generated about a dozen, but this selection really captured the controlled chaos of Bisley's brushwork. I think the set of covers above would make for a great set for an adaptation of the teased, but never materialised season 4. . .
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Botticelli set.
This was, in fact, the first set of Ash images I had generated. I don't know why Botticelli was my first thought as an artistic interpretation, but it worked out reasonably well. It didn't really capture Botticelli's style quite so much, but I was impressed enough to save five of the ruddy things!
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John William Waterhouse set.
I think this is the set that impressed me the most, that genuinely made me go "Wow!" The Pre-Raphaelites is (are?) one of my favourite artistic movements, and John William Waterhouse, one of its foremost representatives, and I think his talent is captured pretty well in this set, if not precisely. I was most impressed by the second in this set, and surprised by the piece I called "Alternative Ash", as it definitely seemed to be an interpretation of my prompt, but still in Woodhouse's style. It was also literally the only one of about ten pieces that portrayed Ash as a woman - and I thought the result was pretty cool. Perhaps it's actually his daughter, Brandy. . .
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Yusuke Murata set.
This set was admittedly a bit hit-and-miss, although I'm very fond of the second one. I do genuinely feel that, if there ever was an Ash comic, then One Punch Man's Yusuke Murata would be absolutely perfect for it!
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Artgerm (Stanley Lau) set.
I'm quite an admirer of Artgerm and love his work (to the point that I bought his Marvel Portfolio and have a number of comics he painted covers for, waiting to be framed and hung on my walls!). Unfortunately however, these two images were the best it could muster, the other four or five I generated looking less than stellar.
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Katsuhiro Otomo (left) and Rumiko Takahashi (right).
These two I've admittedly mixed feelings about, but they have their merits; I rather like to think the Otomo version is an homage to the Ash vs Evil Dead series, and the other two characters we see are Kelly (*sighs dreamily*) and Pablo. The Takahashi version I simply wanted to include as an artist who, on paper, might be antithetical to Ash's world, but would really probably not be; this is a mangaka who, from the 1970s, made her living from horror, high action and sex comedy stories; Ash would probably be a cakewalk to her! Unfortunately, any other attempt I made to incorporate her style, as with Otomo, looked bloody awful.
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Hayao Miyazaki set.
Grossly inaccurate, but fun. These were the only three I made. Miyazaki-sensei would truly be antithetical to the world of Ashley J Williams, but what an interesting experiment it would be!
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HR Giger set.
These were a little disappointing, tbh. I'd rather hoped that, owing to Giger's surreal, dark and often disturbing style, we'd get something similar out of these, but alas no. The first one tries, I guess, with some kind of interpretation of Ash's chainsaw arm, but they were rather lacking in Giger's creepy, skin-crawly weirdness. They still have a certain je ne sais quoi about them though, so I'm including them here.
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Hope you enjoyed.
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thuganomxcs · 2 years ago
SONGS TO WRITE YUSUKE:  whether  it  be  melodies  that  give  you  inspiration  for  your  muse  or  songs  that  get  you  into  the  writing  mood   —   pick  10  songs  you  find  that  give  you  the  urge,   the  drive,   or  the  creativity  to  write  your  muse   !!
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1. Battle scars - Lupe Fiasco, Guy Sebastian.
“These battle scars, don’t look like they’re fading. Don’t look like they’re ever goin’ away. They ain’t ever gonna change.” Despite this giving me break up vibes, those lyrics gives me so much Yusuke vibes post the dark tournament. He’s dealt with two ‘deaths’ in his life in one little instances and it’s really left scars on him. It was at the moment Yusuke truly felt as though he’s taken the time he’s spent with his loved ones for granted and he’d be damned if he doesn’t cherish them even more now.
2. No love - Eminem ft Lil Wayne.
“I’m giving no mercy mark my words, ain’t letting up, relentless I smell blood. Don’t give a fuck. keep givin’ ‘em hell, where was you when I fell and needed help up?” Definitely one of those early pre-season one vibes with this song. This song definitely helps me vibe with Yusuke’s life before he got his life together. Back where people hated him without TRULY knowing him, the time where Keiko was the only one that shows any public kindness towards him. (I know you cared about him too in your own way Kuwabara, you’re still the GOAT.)
3. Judgment - Ryu ga Gotoku Zero .
“Wow, Breakin’ the law Breakin’ the world 壊せ 切り裂けTenderness” This entire song gives me Yusuke vibes, THANK GOD for Yakuza 0 because this lil piece here screams vibes for badboys. Whether it’s Yusuke during the start of the series or at the end of it, this song definitely reflects him in some way or another imo.
4. Daydream Generation.
“I know how it hurts when you been betrayed by people you trust, the pain never fades.” This is cheating considering it’s the ending of the entire series. I think this song could very well vibe with the entire cast to be honest but I always get a vibe to write as Yusuke when this pops on the playlist.
5.Old School - Overkill.
“They said that this would never last, we never gave a fuck!” This ENTIRE song is just attitude. It really vibes well with his flippant feelings for authority. Not to mention the name of the song is really tight if you’ve seen Yusuke in the ring.
6. Enemy - Imagine Dragons.
“Pray it away, I swear I’ll never be a saint no way.” I can honestly drop any single of imagine dragon,this one though..that ONE little sentence at the end is what gets me. It’s like Season 1 all over again, probably just those few minutes after he’s got ran over by car-chan. It’s kinda like ‘I got nothing but bad in me’ type of feeling when I hear it but OH he found out how wrong he was.
7. What about the rest of us - Action Bronson & Joey Badass.
“Lord have mercy, it’s the world we live in was only design for somebody wealthy.” To me this song speaks of how alienated Yusuke feels from the world around him. Like the song says with the prior statement, to him it really does feel like the world was made for the wealthy when people like him mean less than dirt to the ones with money.
8. Stand Proud - JJBA
“All right now. All right now. All right now 誇りのBullet (JOJO! JOJO! JOJO!)” This song itself is just hype. It was the chapter in the series I didn’t overall liked BUT I’d be damned if I don’t admit their openings were CLEAN. Either way just when this chorus hits I could literally that spark I need to get to my drafts. This is actually one of the songs that does play when i’m doin’ early morning drafts.
9. Headlights - Eminem ft Nate Reuss
“If the plane goes down, or if the crew can’t wake me up. Just know that I’m alright, I was not afraid to die.” This entire song is literally a redemption song. It gives me fees for both Yusuke and Atsuko, their relationship wasn’t perfect but there was still enough love there to fix them.
10. Dead and gone - T.I
“I turn my head to the east, I don’t see nobody by my side, I turn my head to the west, still nobody in sight.” This song right here is a letter to how much Yusuke’s friends and family shaped him by the end of the series. The old him was literally ‘dead and gone’.
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tagged: @curseleads​ (thanks for tagging the boy)
tagging: @universestreasures​ (yusei), @pluviacuratio​ , @theothervonkarmagirl​ , @healingwords​ (ann), @adamnedmartyr​ , @xkokuryuhax​ , @chibitantei​ , @solforger​ , @acandlelitdeath​ , steal it homies
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doctor-yamagishi · 2 years ago
Concern or Consideration Part 4: Reverse Trepidation
(Part 4 of plot sequence developed with @tacitusauxilium)
Now that the rooftop had been locked away, Ann, Ryuji, Morgana, and Akira had to move their hideout for their operations as the Phantom Thieves to a walkway overlooking an overpass. 
Though this turned out for the best, now that they had Yusuke Kitagawa as the newest member after his awakening inside of Madarame’s palace. 
Time was drawing closer to where they had to steal Madarame’s treasure. 
“We have all of the palace mapped out. All that is left is to deliver the calling card and then pull off the heist. Good job you guys.” Morgana commented, praising the members, earning appreciative nods from the human members. 
“There is one thing that has been bothering me.” Ann remarked, still thinking back to Fuuka’s confession to having a persona back on the rooftop. 
“If this is regarding the card, do not worry. I know of a way to get it to him to get his attention without drawing suspicion.” Yusuke remarked, unaware of that incident given that the majority of his focus had been either on the palace or on his individual art. 
“I trust you Yusuke, but it’s not that. It’s the student teacher at our school.” Ann remarked, which earned subsequent nods from Akira, Ryuji, and Morgana. 
“Fuuka Yamagishi, wasn’t it? She did offer to assist us and did say that she has a persona.” Ryuji commented, still trying to decide whether or not she can be trusted. 
“A persona?!? Do you think she is the one that is the source of all the mental shutdowns that have been occurring in town?” Yusuke remarked shocked, but turned with a focused look over at the Shujin students who had more of an interaction with her. 
“Don’t think so. She didn’t get to the school until the fiasco with Kamoshida blew over. There is no mention of her tying in with any of the mental shutdown victims, nor any direct connection.” Akira remarked, though it didn’t give any real consideration about whether or not to trust her. 
“The mental shutdowns have been occurring for a set reason, otherwise, they would be a lot more widespread. Someone that has something to gain with them being out of the way. The perpetrator or the perpetrator has been acting on someone else’s orders.” Ann remarked, though she was disgusted that someone would be so low as to let others become vegetables or dead for their own aims. 
“The perpetrator or the person that hired them could’ve sent them to try and investigate the Phantom Thieves. Might have wanted to join us to deliver information and possibly take us down so we didn’t possibly interfere later.” Morgana commented, though while Fuuka didn’t look like she would fit the personality of someone that would do something like that, they were all well accustomed to being labeled incorrectly and weren’t going to fall into that same frame of mind. 
“Need someway to subtly discern the identity of the perpetrator and see if Fuuka knows them comfortably. If she doesn’t, then we have a better chance that her offer is ernest and we don’t risk falling into a trap.” Akira remarked, earning a nod of agreement from the rest of the Phantom Thieves. 
“This needs to be done without us bringing up the subject, but that doesn’t sound like it will be an easy task. For now, let’s just focus on the palace and Madarame. Fuuka didn’t sound like she was in any rush for an answer one way or the other, but were are more pressed for time with Madarame’s threats if we don’t steal his treasure in time.” Morgana remarked. 
“Right, just give us a ring when it’s time to give this dirtbag a wake up call Akira.” Ryuji remarked, earning an exasperated sigh from Morgana as the Phantom Thieves went their separate ways for the day since Akira decided against going into Madarame’s palace or Mementos. 
“What’s your plan, Akira?” Morgana inquired looking at him. Though very few people could understand him given only those that have experience with the Metaverse in one form or another can do as such, Morgana wasn’t going to risk saying Akira’s code name should one of those people be within earshot. 
Akira motions that he is curious about that person that he met outside Takemi’s clinic. 
“Yasonobu Yamagishi, wasn’t it? Possible that he and Fuuka are related since they have the same family name. He did say that he delivers the prescriptions and chemicals that Takemi has been having you drink as her guinea pig.” Morgana remarked with a slight chuckle at the end, though the mention of being Takemi’s guinea pig almost made Akira rethink the decision since he might be dragged from Yasonobu straight to Tae given their work relationship, but Akira decided to stick with his choice. 
“Alright, back to the area of Leblanc.” Morgana remarked proudly as Akira nods his head before journeying to their destination. 
Arriving at the area of Takemi’s clinic, Nobu was running through all the sheets of items that were delivered to make sure Takemi had signed for them, before getting a feeling that he was being watched. Looking up from the sheets, he would look around and eventually notice Akira. 
“Did you come to have a chat with me?” Nobu inquired, curious, but hopeful cause he would appreciate a change of pace from looking through all the sheets in his hand. 
Akira would nod his head and Nobu would smile. 
“Hope you don’t mind me asking. I haven’t seen you here much before and I have been delivering to Takemi for a couple of months. Did you move here recently?” Nobu inquired, taking the time to validate and verify that both him and Morgana, who was perched with his front paws on Akira’s right shoulder have personas, but felt that it would be uncomfortable or awkward if he tried to bring it up. 
Akira began explaining about his criminal record which eventually brought him to the area, which at first startled Nobu. He hadn’t thought much about them being dangerous, but hearing that they have a criminal record did make him worry about his safety. 
Nobu would eventually revisit their meeting and would ultimately calm down. “You don’t strike me as the type of person that would have a criminal record. For one, you seem personable enough and you helped me. Both of which seem out of place for someone that would have a criminal record, so I will take your actions and my experience over your criminal record and trust you.” He would remark earning a long held sigh from both Morgana and Akira. 
“Glad that there are still people that do not just listen to the label.” Morgana remarked to Akira, unaware that Nobu did have experience in an effective Metaverse that allowed him to understand Morgana. 
Hearing Morgana caused Nobu’s eyes to dilate open from behind his glasses, but would take the moment while Morgana and Akira were nodding to each other in a shared relief for Nobu to calm down. Morgana’s ability to talk might have some relationship to him having a persona, Nobu would manage to convince himself in order to accomplish that task. 
“Don’t let the titles thrust upon you dictate your path. The truth will always emerge, just takes time. I believe in you.” Nobu finishes. 
Social Link Advanced: Charity Rank 2
Ability Acquired: 
“Feel free to drop by whenever you have some time. I have to get going back to the hospital and not sure if you want to be a test subject for Takemi right now.” 
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yyh4ever · 4 years ago
Botan's Assault Interview! The Secrets of the "Yu Yu" Four Warriors
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Source: Weekly Shounen JUMP #3-4, 1994. Photos by @sinnasuk3
This interview was also published in the "Yu Yu Hakusho Official Character Book Reikai Shinshiroku" as a Q&A. I translated that version here, however, the databook didn't publish Botan's answers and remarks neither some lines from the guys. Probably, because of space and restrictions on the number of pages, which is a shame, since a lot of context about the questions was left out.
Anyway, here follows the original and full interview from the JUMP magazine. Those questions were made during "The Black Chapter Arc", right after Yusuke awakens as a youkai and arrives in the Demon World to fight Sensui:
I, Botan, will make an assault on the four warriors. Let's start with Yusuke...!
1. Yusuke's Chapter
Resurrected from the dead! The spirit world detective descendant of the mazoku!!
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▲ Yusuke turned into a demon (mazoku). Regardless the outcome of the battle against Sensui, won’t he be able to return to the Human World? Keep a watchful eye on Yusuke's future actions!!
Botan: Oh, there he is, Yusuke. Heeeey, let me ask you a few questions.
Yusuke: In a fucking busy time like this? Damn you, Botan, what is it?
Botan: Err well, you’re fighting Sensui right now, but who's stronger, Sensui or Younger Toguro?
Yusuke: Yeah true. Well, if it's a simple comparison, Sensui. However, in terms of strength, Sensui may be superior, but I think the fight with Younger Toguro was more difficult in many ways.
▼ Younger Toguro, a former human who was reborn as a youkai, and Sensui, who is a human but exceeds youkai. It's a stark contrast.
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Botan: Oh, by the way, I heard that you're a descendant of the demon tribe (mazoku)! I think everyone is surprised...
Yusuke: I don't feel it at all. But, I feel a different "power" than before.
Botan: And even Puu-chan ended up becoming like that...he was cuter in his old form, though, wasn’t he?
Yusuke: Huh? Puu is Puu! He's the same. Even with the blood of the mazoku, he’s the same as I'm Yusuke Urameshi! I don't know what you are talking about.
▼ Puu when he had just hatched from an egg. By the way, he still says "Puu".
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Botan: Also, how are things with Keiko-chan? You've been neglecting her, but is that okay? You'll be in a big trouble later...
Yusuke: You’re annoying! Idiot! I don't have time for this. I’m out of here.
Botan: Hmm, he’s still the same as usual...Let's try the next one, Kuwabara-kun, shall we?
▼ Has there been any progress since this scene at the Dark Tournament?
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2. Kuwabara's Chapter
From youkai to dimensions! Cutting in two with a single stroke!! The knight in shining armor!!! 
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▲ Even though it was sudden, Kuwabara must have been quite upset about Yusuke’s true nature. There’s a possibility that the dimensional sword (jigentou) will continue to play a key role in the future development!!
Botan: I’ve heard Kuwabara-kun, a tough man who is playing a very active (!?) role in "The Black Chapter" Arc.
Hey, Kuwabara-kun. I was so surprised by the dimension sword.
Kuwabara:  Wa-hahaha! Well, I see, I see! But I was in trouble when I couldn't use my spirit power after the Dark Tournament.
Botan: Which one is easier to use, the spirit sword (reiken) or the dimension sword (jigentou)?
Kuwabara: It’s the spirit sword. Maybe, because I'm not familiar with the dimension sword, I can't get it out as I want. It'd be cool if I could reveal it at will, though. Aah, I want to show Yukina-san this heroic figure ツ ツ!!!
▼ Escaping by tearing the Uraotoko with the dimension sword! The man Kuwabara shows his real ability!!
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Botan: What are you talking about?
You've been arrested by Sensui for a long time...What kind of things did you do at that time?
Kuwabara: ...We watched a video together...
Botan: Hohoho...next question then. Shizuru-san, your older sister, seems to be quite psychic, but I think, how about making Shizuru-san a warrior too!?
Kuwabara: Geez, she's not interested at all. She’s scary enough as it is...I'm the one who's going to get beaten.
Botan: Ahaha! That's true.
Kuwabara: It's annoying when you say that.
▼ The strong and beautiful older sister Shizuru-san ♡ Kuwabara, I envy you.
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▲ At Sensui's place, he was watching a video in this shape...
Botan: By the way, what's up with the "I'll beat Yusuke in a match" thing?
Kuwabara: I'm doing it once in a while!...out of sight...I don't think you know.
T/N: There's a play with words in his answer. "Tamani" means "once in a while", but Togashi wrote the syllable "tama" in katakana, creating the expression "tama + ni". Tama is a word that can be colloquially used for balls (testicles). So, Kuwabara's answer could also be read as: "I'm kicking his balls" or "I've been going for his balls". This pun was removed from the Official Character Book version.
Botan: Why out of sight?
Kuwabara: Uh...I have to go! See ya ♡
Botan: Hahaa, you still can't win, can you?
3. Hiei's Chapter
Hellfire of the Demon World! A warrior with an evil eye clad in a black dragon!!
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▲ Hiei showed overwhelming power not only to Sensui but also to Yusuke. Is it his personality that he can't stand quiet and overlook things...!?
Botan: I can't find the next one, Hiei. Let's try using that.
Here, here, this is the “Itako” Whistle from the Seven Spirit World Tools! One, two, GO!!
Hiei: !...You again, wretch. Don't call me out so carelessly. That whistle is noisy.
Botan: Come to think of it, I used it before when Yusuke was kidnapped by Kido and his friends. By the way, when you're in the Human World, where do you live?
Hiei: ...on the tree...
Botan: On the tree!? You've been sleeping in a place like that!? Aahhh, you're having many difficulties, aren't you? You seem to be playing the underdog role¹ a lot recently, just like in Kaito’s "Taboo Word"...
Hiei: There's no such thing as underdog. You bastards got the wrong idea.
¹ T/N: the word used in Japanese is 'yarare' role and means a character that is destined to lose the fights. It’s usually an expendable role that serves to highlight the protagonist’s power. Hiei didn’t do much in the Black Chapter Arc, losing his soul to Kaito, disappearing almost the entire saga, sleeping during Amanuma’s match and finally being beaten by Sensui. Dragon Ball characters like Krillin, Yamcha and Tien Shinhan were usually called 'yarare’.
▼ Kaito's taboo, you should not say the word "hot". Hiei ignores it with all his might and his soul is taken. Although he denies it, it is a rare (!?) blunder.
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Botan: Yes, yes!...how stubborn...Well then, it seems that you keep your distance and have a neutral relationship with Yusuke and the others, but how’s it going to be from now on?
Hiei: There is no such relationship in the first place. But, well, we might not meet again in two or three years.
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▲ Certainly, Hiei was saying this. The reason why Hiei is fighting with Yusuke and the others now is probably because he was attracted by the human named Yusuke.
T/N: Hiei’s line from Vol. 4, Chapter 34 (source: mangadex)
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Botan: Hmm, I see. Also, you know, what would you do if Yukina-chan and Kuwabara-kun ended up falling for each other?
Hiei: ...impossible.. um, impossible...
Botan: Oh, you, somehow, aren't you sweating cold!?
Hiei: Tha...that's not true.
Botan: Really?...okay, you won. That was the stubborn Hiei-san!
▼ At the Dark Tournament, the two of them were like this. After all, is it Kuwabara's one-sided love...I wonder!?
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4. Kurama's Chapter
A handsome boy who freely manipulates plants! His true identity is...the great thief, Youko Kurama!!
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▲ After entering the Demon World, Kurama has completely turned into Youko Kurama. As his mother's happiness is close, he may be confused about his role as a human being in the future!?
Botan: The last is Kurama who is sorry for making you wait...but, there's something strange about him...Aha, as expected, it’s Youko Kurama...he might be a little scary...
T/N: Botan “sorry for making you wait”  is a reference to Kurama's politeness who always uses honorifics and polite speech.
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▲ T/N: Kurama’s line from volume 9, chapter 81: “Now, it's time for a spanking. The sin for making me angry is severe!!”. (he’s indeed a bit scary)
Youko: You're the one who called me? What are you going to ask...?
Botan: No, not you, but Kurama...(oh, it's confusing)...there’s an image of you becoming coolheadedness due to the battle with the Game Master Amanuma, what do you have to say about it?
Youko:  Ah...maybe, it was the influence of the Demon World’s hole, which seemed to be exceedingly approaching me. It is also a side effect of the Fruit of the Previous Life. Seemingly, when unrestricted hostility reaches the limit, there is a 50% chance that I will revert back to the original Youko Kurama. But every time this happens, the life force of "Shuuichi Minamino" is fairly reduced.
▼ In order to hurry to Sensui, Kurama hesitantly defeats Amanuma coldly...!
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Botan: That's not good for Minamino-kun's Kurama. You’ve been Youko Kurama since the hole to the Demon World was opened. Which form do you prefer?
Youko: I prefer Youko Kurama now. However, when I'm Shuuichi Minamino, I'd probably think that Shuuichi Minamino is better...
Botan: Minamino-kun's Kurama is, after all, a youkai who manipulates plants of the Demon World, is that why he is in the Biology Club at Meioh High School?
Youko: No, that's just because it seems to be the least busy club.
Botan: It didn't have a deep meaning. Then, will that child continue to live as Shuuichi Minamino in the Human World...?
Youko: Um, that's probably the case unless something goes wrong.
▼ The Lamp Weed blooms as a landmark in the cave. He can manipulate any plant!
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~The End~
Note: In the Official Character Book, the question whether Kurama would tell Kuwabara that Yukina is Hiei’s sister was published with Botan's Q&A. But, in the magazine, this question was actually asked to Togashi-sensei by Yusuke. You can check Togashi’s answers to several questions in the “Togashi-sensei Direct Answer! The secrets of  "Yu☆Yu☆!!”
日本語 🇯🇵
ぼたんの突撃! 『幽遊』四戦士 秘 インタビュー
死から復活! 魔族の血をひく霊界探偵! !
ぼ: あ、いたよ幽助が。お ~い、ちょいと質問させておくれ。
幽: このクソ忙しい時に何なんだよ、ぼたんテメーは っ! ?
ぼ: いやさ、今戦ってる仙水だけどさ、仙水と戸愚呂 (弟)ってのは 、ー体どつちが強かつたかね ? ?
幽: そうだなー。ま、単純にくらべれば仙水だな。ただ、強さでは仙水の方が上かもしんねーけど、 戸愚呂(弟)との戦いの方がいろんな意味でも苦しかったかな。
ぼ: あっ、そういえばさ、あんた魔族の子孫だったんだって! ?みんな驚いてると思うんだけどさ…。
幽: 全然、実感はねーな。ただ、今までとは違う "力" は感じるな。
ぼ: それにプーちゃんまで、あんな姿になっちまってさぁ…前の姿の方がカワイクて良かったけどねぇ。
幽: えー っ 、プーはプーだぜ! 変わんね工よ。魔族の血が混 じ ってだって、オレが浦飯幽助に変わりないのと同じ! 何言ってんだか。
ぼ: あとさ、螢子ちゃんとはどうなのさ ? ほったらかしだけど、いいのかい。後で大変な事に…。
幽: うつさいわ! アホ!! それどころじゃねー。オレぁ行くぜっ。
ぼ: ふーつ、相変わらずだねえ…。つぎの桑原くんにいつてみよつか。
妖怪から次元まで! 一刀両断!! 男伊達!!!
突然だったにしろ、幽助の正体には、桑原も相当動揺しているはず。今後も、 次元刀が展開の鍵を振ってくる可能性が! !
ぼ: やー、桑原くん。次元刀には、ビックリしちゃったよ。
桑:  わははー! いやー、 そうか、そうか! でも、暗黒武術会の後、霊力が使えなくなった時にやア困っちまったけどな。
ぼ: 今までの霊剣と次元刀とは、 どつちの方が使いやすいんだい?
桑: そいつは霊剣の方だな。次元刀は使いなれないせいか、思うように出せねーんだよ。自由自在に出せりやあカッコいいんだけどよ。 あーっ 、 この雄姿を雪菜さんにお見せしたいーツツ! ! !
ぼ: なに言つてんだよ。ずっと仙水に捕まってたクセに... あの時いつたいどんな事されてだんだい?
桑: ..いつしょにビデオ見てた…。
ぼ: とほほ…。じゃ次の質問ね。お姉さんの静流さんは、かなり霊感があるみたいだけどさ、あたしゃ思うんだけど、静流さんも戦士にしちゃうってのはどうだいつ! ?
桑: ぐげぇー、本人にその気がまったくねーよ。ただでさえコワイのに…オレの方がやられちまうわ。
ぼ: あはは!  それもそうだねエ。
桑: そう言われるとハラ立つな…。
ぼ: ところで、 〝 幽助と勝負して負かす 〟ってのはどうなってんの?
桑: タマにやってんぞ!…見えないところで…。知らんと思うけど。
ぼ: なんで見えないところなのさ。
桑: う…オレ行くわ! んじゃ ♡
ぼ: ははあ、まだ勝てないんだね 。
魔界の獄炎!  黒龍をまとい邪眼の戦士! !
仙水のみならず、 幽助にも圧倒的な力を見せつけられた飛影。このまま、黙っていられないのが、彼の性格だとしたら…!?
お次の飛影が見あた らないんだよ。アレを使ってみようかね。
ぼ: これこれ、霊界七つ道具のイタコ笛さね ! せーの! !
飛: ! ...まだ貴様が。そう軽がるしくオレを呼ぶな。その笛はうるさくてかなわん。
ぼ: そういや前に、幽助が城戸たちにさらわれた時にも使ったねぇ。ところでさ、あんた人間界にいる時やどこで暮らしているんだい?
飛: ...木の上だ…。
ぼ: 木の上! ?そんなところで寝泊まりしてたってのかい! ? はぁ〜、あんたもいろいろ大変なんだねぇ…〝禁句〟の海藤の時といい、最近やたらとやられ役っぽいし...。
飛: やられてなどいない。貴様らのカンちがいだ。
ぼ: はいはい!...意地つばりだね...。じゃあさ、今んとこ幽助たちとは、つかず離れずの関係みたいだけど、今後はどうするんだい?
飛: そんな関係自体、元々ない。だが、まぁ2 ・ 3年したら、また会ってやらんでもないな。
ぼ: ふーん、そうかい。あとさ、もしもだよ、雪菜ちゃんと桑原くんが、両思いになっちまったらどうするんだい?
飛: …あり得ん…うむ、あり得ん… 。
ぼ: あっ、 あんた、なんだか、冷汗かいてないかい!?
飛: そ…そんなことはない。
ぼ: そうかねぇ…ま、いいかつ。意地っばりの飛影さんでしたつ!
植物を自在に操る美少年!その正体は…大盗賊・妖狐! !
魔界に入って完全に妖狐と化した蔵馬。母親の幸福も近いことから、今後人間としての役割に彼自身が戸惑っていくかも! ?
ラストはお待たせの蔵馬…なんだけど、 なんかヘンだねぇ…。
ぼ: あはは、案の定、妖狐蔵馬。...ちょびっとコワイかも…。
妖: オレを呼んだのはお前か? 何を聞こうというのだ…?
ぼ: いやさ、あんたじゃなくって蔵馬の方なんだけどさ… (ああつややこしい) 遊熟者の天沼との戦 いなんかで、冷徹になったイメー ジがあるんだけど、どうだい?
妖: ああ…たぶん、魔界の穴の影響を受けて、限りなくオレに近づいていたようだな。あと、前世の実の副作用でもある。どうやら、制限しきれない敵意が限界点に達すると、約50%ぐらいの確率で元の妖狐に戻るらしい。もつともその度に、〝南野秀一〟の生命力をかなりけずってしまうのだが…。
ぼ: そりゃ南野くんの蔵馬にとっちゃ、よくないねぇ。魔界の穴が開いてから、ずっと妖狐の姿だし。どっちの姿の方がいいんだい?
妖: 今のオレは妖狐の方がいい。だが、南野秀一のときには、南野 秀一の方がいいと思っているだろうな…。
ぼ: 南野くんの蔵馬の方はさ、やっぱりあんたが魔界の植物を操る妖怪だから、盟王高校でも生物部に入ってるのかねエ?
妖: いや、あれは一番ヒマそうだったからだけのようだな。
ぼ: 深い意味はなかったんだねぇ。じゃ、あの子は、これからもずっと人間界で、南野秀一として暮らしていくことになるのかね...?
妖: うむ、よっぽどのことがない限りそういうことになるだろうな 。
出典: 「週刊少年ジャンプ」 1994年3・4合併号
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thequietmanno1 · 4 years ago
Thelreads, Vigilantes 25, Replies Part 1
1) “Yeah, because they totally will kill Knuckle here… Right…”-
Knuckle: You can’t kill me if I Kill Myself first!
2) “Right where we left, with Knuckle trying to asses the situation to react to it. They are trying to up the “oh no, Knuckle is going to fucking die” angle, but we know better than to react to it…”- Seriously, though, I think this is the first actual time we get to see inside knuckle’s head, rather than getting an outside perspective of what he’s doing from Koichi and Aizawa and such, and he really does show a ton of Similarities with Izuku here. His mind’s working a mile a minute, assessing, calculating and rationalising everything that just happened, even as his body’s going into cardiac arrest, realising everything that Kuin just did to him and how best to counter it before he dies in the next few minutes, all before he hits the ground- and he even has the time to appreciate how clever she was to think up such an ingenious way to mix her available assets together to best counteract him when he had her dead to rights.
Knuckle sometimes seems like he acts without thinking, and perhaps sometimes he does just for the hell of it, but there’s often a finely calculated plan made up on the fly somewhere in the method behind his apparent madness, and this is our first time getting to see how he puts it all together into one big asskicking package to best leverage his assets against his opponent’s natural-born advantages.
2) “Knuckle please, she just reacted in a moment of desperation, I wouldn’t be giving the parasite that much credit for it, even more since you literally gave her the idea to use electricity to stop a heart.”- On, the other hand, at least a large chunk of the brains behind that risky gambit came from his own kid’s smarts and intelligence being used to the queen’s advantages, so I think Knuckle is rather choosing to give credit to the due party here, rather than let the parasitic interloper have some respect in his mind. As Much as the Queen and Tamao are separate entities to an extent, there’s a lot of overlap between them, so I think Knuckle is just choosing to see his daughter having her moment of teenage rebellion behind the monster trying to run her body ragged.
3) “Oh god- Last panel you could see her arm but I had no idea of how badly it was. Okay, so she didn’t got any sort of electricity resistance, which does point out that Teruo also doesn’t have it, but since he managed to survive after unleashing all that power it may seem that he got other stuff under the hood.”- At least part of that seems to be her hand stuck partially into its mutated ‘attack’ mode, probably due to a bad reaction from her channelling bio-electricity through a limb containing unstable mutagens- it might wear off eventually if Kuin is allowed to detox herself, but right now, at the very least, Kuin’s motor signals can’t get through to move her arm around, so whilst it’s not horribly burned, there might be nerve damage and other complications internally.
4) “Oh my god Mic is still screaming I love this man and I refuse to accept that is the crowd doing this.”- Ever since I saw this, I’ve always imagined Cowboy Mic superimposing himself over the horizon every time he uses his powers.
5) “Although, I wonder how CC will deal with the legal repercussion of kidnapping a poor electrician that was just trying to sleep on his day off.”- It’ll have to get through the various other lawsuits and collateral damage injunctions he’s built up over the years first. The man needs oversight and supervision so he doesn’t constantly go too far, and even when helping others, he can’t help but slip a little kidnapping in there by accident.
6) “Alright, time to bring back the two most important people to ever be shown in this manga, time for the Emperor and the Magician card to be placed on the table once again.”- Well, I suppose Yusuke could liven up proceedings with some artistic design, and Morgana would be perfect as a department store mascot….
7) “Anyway, time to start the show, this time for good. This next song is dedicated to the old dude dying in the alleyway back there. He would’ve hated this jingle, god bless him.”-He hated it so much he brought himself back to life through the power of sheer will, and strategic electrocution, firstly so he can teach his daughter a lesson in how a proper young lady should behave herself, secondly so he can bust up those damn noisy singers blaring that gawdawful tune into his ears
8) “Pop, what even is that face you’re doing? I know you’re tensing up over the impeding start of the show, but you’re making a (>w<) face for pete’s sake”-It almost looks like she’s ready to… Pop from excitement
9) “Oh god that was probably really bright, but at least we finally got to see them again.”-Everybody looking at them got straight-up blinded and missed the first half of their well-practiced dance choreography
10) “I’ rather not take the word of either of you, considering arcs past the training grounds, thank you, but I’ll take my chances with that psychotic lizard man that sounds suspiciously similar to All Might.”- Try the Maruket-brand chocolate bars- they’re mightily flavourful, as told straight from the lizard’s mouth.
11) “Prez, that’s a shitty heart sign you’re doing, c’mon girl you’re better than this, you practiced a shitton after all. Also, showing those two in here…”- I legit straight-up thought they were trying to do a take on the Konami code for a second when first reading this
12) “Oh it’s so nice seeing everyone having fun, being full of joy over the event going right while Knuckle is biting the dust not that far away from there… Also, Makoto totally blackmailed CC into taking her up so she could get a better view of the show.”-she doesn’t even have to hint at blackmail anymore- by this point, every request of hers is asked of him to do it of his own free will, and the blackmail only gets brought up if he shows reluctance, which he never does because Makoto is the nicest boss a hero like him could ever want- far too nice to bring up a silly little thing like blackmail, wouldn’t you agree?
13) “Hey Koichi, do you mind telling Pop that Knuckle is dead once this is all over?”-Knuckle was killed but he won’t die- he’s a man on a mission with a damsel in distress to save- though granted, the ‘damsel’ part is debatable with all the mutations and mental screwery going on inside her, as well as her nearly killing Knuckle when he let his guard down.
14) “Alright… She definitely targeted the event because she had some lingering memories of her own wishes of being a musician, and it probably triggered some negative reaction in her mind. We kind saw that when she first saw the announcement, now that I think about it…”- Perhaps that’s another reason why Kuin was so fixated on crashing the event- not only are her ‘replacements’ there, but it’s a musical event in the same vein as the one she went out to on the last day she saw her dad, and her issues with being unable to express herself properly around her family through her passion manifest in violent dislike towards the whole thing, and an unnatural obsession with destroying the event no matter what, perhaps as a way of spreading the misery and dragging everybody down to her level in the process, but this also means she doesn’t cut and run when she should, which lets knuckleduster catch up to her despite recovering from being only mostly dead. Perhaps he staked out the event because he knew she’d be unable to ignore it, aware of how her own negative impression with such concerts would help lure her into his reach that much easier.
15) “Alright Knuckle, you gave the slasher smile of fatherly approval™ as well as the inspiring threat of paternal love™, it’s now time to kill her to save her, especially now that you showed that you can stop a heart and start it again with that thing in your hands”- It’s almost like teaching your kid how to swim by jumping into the pool first- nothing to be worried about, the water’s fine, come on in….
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antman-56 · 4 years ago
I Don’t Deserve You
Today was a special day. 
Well to the happy love birds, Ann and Ryuji, anyway.
How these two ended up together the majority of the school tried to figure out.
Hell even the school newspaper club made an article to understand the logic of those two. 
One was a beautiful model and the other was a total delinquent.
But as the school year raged on people started to notice a couple of things.
One : Ryuji stopped dying his hair blonde. It freaked Miss Kawakami out when he came to see Ann.
Two : He actually paid attention in his classes. From the below average student to making it to the top 10 in his class. (Mostly thanks to Makoto, and reluctantly Yusuke) He was accused of coping people and that accusation went with a full investigation. On which ended when they continuously found him in the library with his girlfriend and friends silently studying.
Three : He wore his school uniform correctly. This was actually the hardest thing for him and yet everyone didn’t even notice it. His guess was that they zoned him out. Until SOMEONE pointed it out.
And finally. 
Today was their one year anniversary. He had the day planned out. He asked Haru to make a reservation to a good restaurant (he would have done it but she was the daughter of a BIG CEO and he paid her back), have Makoto teach him some stuff about flowers (HE literally begged her), made enough time for Yusuke to make a “master piece” for free (he had to let them draw them on dates for the next 3 months) and Futaba to help him get find great deals on brand clothes and buy them somewhere convenient. And Akria just wished him luck last night. He really wished he was here to cheer him on.
Today had to be special.
But right now he had to get out of bed.
“It’s showtime.”
***Ann’s place***
 Ann had just finished her workout routine and was heading for the shower. 
Today would be a good time to try out that new shampoo bottle.
Ann turned to look at her phone.
“You rang.”
“Hey you have anything planned for today”
“No, not really. Why you wanna meet up?”
“That’s the plan. I’ll see you at 4.”
Ann just looked at her phone. wondering why he sounded more tense then usual. Maybe he was stressed out, he did go all out on the test.
Maybe he just wanted to see me. We haven’t really talked since testing began.
She decided to go all out for him. He needs to relax or else he may pop a blood vessel.
***12 o clock***
“Loyal love!”
“I can’t live without you!”
“Orange Blossom?!”
“Eternal Love!”
Makoto closed the book and nodded.
“I have no more to teach you.”
“And I have the flowers.”
Haru gave him the bundle of flowers.
“I really appreciate this you guys.”
“Hold still. Your ruining my draft.”
Everyone turned to Yusuke.
“He said I was to draw his date and so on for 3 months. Now stop moving.”
“Inari stop being rude. And just because I know you two. The last bus to your guyes houses will be delayed when your late.”
“ALRIGHT I can do this.”
“Knock’em dead tiger.” Akira said over the skype call.
Ryjui marched out of the attic with Yusuke behind him. With the group giving him their support. 
He soon came back up to see Futaba holding out his wallet. 
He took it and was on his way. Again.
“Such a dork.” Futaba stated.
Everyone nodded.
***4 o clock***
Ryuji was outside of Ann’s door and was holding the bouquet of flowers nervously in his hands.
Here he was in a red and yellow flannel shirt and black jeans. He got them on clearance and an additional half off price with Futaba’s help. He basically got the damn things for free. 
Sure the shirt needed a patch up job but Haru was more than happy to help and Makoto kept Yusuke at bay from styling the shirt.
Why was he acting like this. It’s not like their first date!! No it was the most important date of his life right now!! I mean girls hold these thing to a high standard. Right?
“Stop that.” 
“What!” That snapped Ryuji out of his thoughts. He turned to see Yusuke focused on the paper
“Paranoid. It makes the drawing less presentable and gives out the most minimal effect possible.”
“I’m not!!”
“Your shaking slightly. obliviously sweating and over thinking things.”
That caught him off guard.
“Ann loves you. And you her. I’m pretty sure no matter how this date goes nothing will change between you two.”
That really calmed Ryuji down.
“Unless she catches you staring at other girls.”
“Hey” He dropped the flowers and marched to punch him when the door opened. 
In front of them stood Ana, who decided to let her hair down, who wore a red blouse with a clover on her right shoulder and black skirt. 
The boys noticed she smelled like cherry with a hint of lavender. 
What Ann saw was Ryuji about to punch Yusuke, who had a pencil and paper for some reason?
“Uh... what’s going on?”
Ryuji quickly stumped for an answer.
“He was complaining about my price for this masterpiece.”
““What’s this master piece Yusuke?”
“My drawing of you two on your date. 
Ann blushed and stared at a equal blushing and flabbergasted Ryuji.
“And in return I get to draw you two on dates for inspiration for 3 months.”
“Yes, now please pretend I’m not here.”
Yusuke quickly went back to his drawing, hiding his face in the process.
Ryuji took that as his chance to fill in the awkward silence.
“So, yeah I did agree to that. So, you look... Wow!”
“You don’t look so bad yourself. Are those new?”
“Yeah they are anyway back on topic lets get this show on the road. Oh and these are for you”
He grabbed the flowers on the flower and gave them to her.
Ann took them and gave them a sniff. They smell nice and they matched their colors.
Ryuji grabbed Ann’s free hand and began to march.
Ann meet his speed and followed her boyfriend smiling for the gift and at his antics.
“Don’t walk to fast.” Yusuke complained.
***8 o clock***
Yusuke had just left the couple and they couldn’t be any happier.
They loved the man but when it came to being his ‘willing’ models...he was demanding.
But what they got saved Ryuji a fortune. He hoped. 
Yusuke refused to show them what he finished said something about adding the finishing touches later.
They had just finished going to the park and they decided to skip the movie since it was a rerun (and because Yusuke needed them to spot him).
Through out all this, Ann noticed something. 
Ryuji was still tense, even after getting to talk again. (minus Yusuke’s occasional comments).
She thought maybe it was because Yusuke was here that he was more tense that he had to show he was perfect for her but, no he seemed just as tense as he was on the phone.
Now here they were alone and heading to a nice dinner in Ginza.
“Hey Ryuji.”
“What’s wrong?”
“You’ve been acting weird all day.”
“What do you mean I’m acting weird?”
Ryuji began to sweat a bit more.
Since Yusuke left he was now on his own with Ann and she was now wondering if he didn’t meet her expectations. I mean they were followed for the majority of their anniversary.
“I don’t know what your talking about.” He answered weakly.
“Ryuji, what’s wrong?” She asked again with worry in her voice.
The last time he was like this was when he tried to hide the fact that his mom collapsed from over working herself. 
That was a nightmare times 10 for him and almost broke him. 
Now here they were. 
Ryuji desperately looking for a way out of this finally found an opening and unfortunately it was the worst one.
Ryuji grabbed Ann’s hand and ran to catch it.
Ann was screaming at him to slow down or to just stop but he didn’t listen. 
They had to get the train
Just as he reached the platform the train left.
He watched as the train left the station along with their perfect date.
She pulled her hand out of his and was now mad at him.
“Because I messed tonight up.”
“What are you talking about?”
She sounded more confused than mad right now.
“Our one year anniversary.”
He sounded defeated.
Ann just stood in shock at him remembering that. Hell she completely forgotten what today was. 
“I asked Yusuke to make a drawing for us, asked the girls to help me make this as special as fucking possible and after all that I still Fucked it up!!”
He fell to his knees and looked down.
She finally understood why he was so tense. He wanted to make today special and she forgot what today was because he made her feel special.
“Everyone was right. I don’t deserve you.”
Now that got her mad. 
She began to walk over to him and stopped when she was in front of his kneeling body.
“What the hell are you talking about!?”
He looked up to see her.
“You don’t deserve me that’s bullshit and you know it. You are kind in your own way, you went against the biggest bastard in the school on your own and when you were right everyone else felt like an idiot! You changed for me even when I didn’t ask you to! I mean look at your grades! You make it a part of your day to be with me even if you had to do something else! You were their for me when I needed you! So to hell to what every one else says!”
She stopped to breath and felt a few tears break out.
Everyone thought she hadn’t noticed what he’s been doing. What they failed to notice was that he had changed her.
She was no longer the quiet girl everyone talked about. And she wasn’t the airhead they claimed her to be. He taught her that she was her own person and that she can be who ever the hell she wanted to be.   
And right now she wanted to be Ryuji’s girlfriend.
Ryuji looked up to see her and with that got the strength to get up and hug her.
“I don-”
Ann grabbed the sides fo his head and kissed him. And it was nice when it was returned.
“Shut up. You do.”
They both smiled.
“Now come on lets see if we can get a cab.”
She grabbed his hand and dragged him to the street. 
“Inari you perv.”
Futaba said as she and him , binoculars in hand, spying on the couple. 
Yusuke was making a new piece. He finished the one for Ryuji and now for his payment.
For Ryuji It was a portrait of those two in the park. Ryuji’s head on Ann’s lap under a tree. when the entire scene was anything but the picture.
Those two just wouldn’t stop moving.
The display of love before him. Was an unconditional sort. If only he could have heard them then this piece would have the emotions that the couple had felt.
This new piece was a man in tears throwing his heart out and a woman catching it and running to him with it, all the while the village just stares at the two. 
“I am anything but. Now to name this piece.”
“How about, “Young Love”?”
Yusuke began contemplating the name. To Futaba he looked like he was ignoring her.
“Hey Inari, I’m going to steal your food if you don’t answer!”
“Not a bad name.” 
He grabbed his lunch box before she could open it and gave Futaba a kiss on the head.
“Bye bye love.”
Futaba stood still for a couple of seconds, red all over face, watching his retreating figure.
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cynthiaandsamus · 4 years ago
Custom Toonami Block Week 60 Rundown
Code Geass: Oh this episode is ROUGH like I thought I was over this kind of blatant emotional manipulation of killing the kindest character in the series in the cruelest way possible because anime storytelling has evolved a lot in the past decade or so but I AM NOT. The way Euphy’s death is juxtaposed over Lelouch’s war cry and Suzaku’s futile attempts to assure her that all her hopes for peace bore fruit and her realizing she’s going to die and breaking free of Lelouch’s control for one last confession to Suzaku made me FUCKING WEEP. Like not even Lelouch’s stupidly named United State of Japan could cheer me up after that, this bit here really is peak Code Geass, with Lelouch marching on Tokyo, ready to face Suzaku’s justified rage and ready to accept either outcome because he knows he has to do what he has to do but also feels he should definitely die for killing Euphy is fucking great. Like I don’t hate R2 the way some people do but this is where the series was at its best.
Inuyasha: The filler half of the Tsubaki arc finally comes to a close, there’s a fun little fight with Kagura and a zombie samurai from nowhere that has Kagura weakening the Wind Scar so Kagome and Sango have to run interference to make sure Inuyasha can actually hit the thing, it’s very short but kinda fun considering the girls tend to get sidelined a lot. Then giant ogre Tsubaki goes on a rampage and even tanks a Wind Scar, the irony here is the only thing that even slightly damages her is Kagome’s Sacred Arrow, so Kagome’s MVP overall. Gotta let Inuyasha get the kill though so the Backlash Wave destroys the giant ogre body and Tsubaki falls out like she’s controlling a Titan instead of her body being transformed, but somehow destroying the ogre also destroys the original demonic power she made a pact with to keep her young so she reverts to 70 years old and for some reason turns to dust to relieve Inuyasha of the duty of murdering a human while Kagura yoinks the jewel back. Honestly this little scheme was a HUGE gamble for Naraku to risk his 96% complete sacred jewel on cause Tsubaki just up and left with that shit. That being said I liked the little filler touches to try and make Tsubaki more fleshed out, it doesn’t really make her relatable or understandable by any means but it does paint her as someone who used to be innocent before her jealousy and vanity corrupted her and Naraku was able to take hold of that and use her.
Yu Yu Hakusho: The eight finalists of the Genkai tournament fight in the dark in what is the not Dark Tournament. The first couple of ninjas and assassins take each other out in ways that are easy to animate since no one can see anything. Botan shows up to run exposition through Yusuke and Kuwabara is filled in on the situation just in time for his fight with the Samurai that instead of using a real sword and just killing him, uses a wooden spirit sword and smacks him around for a while until he can break part of the sword and make his own spirit sword which they didn’t even try to not use lightsaber sounds for. Yusuke then fights the dude who just happened to pack a see in the dark helmet just in case they had to fight in the dark, boy that sure paid off. And last but not least the preview for the next episode is all “Man Yusuke’s having a tough time fighting this ninja guy, oh wait that’s the next match, I mean he’s fighting the helmet guy, forget that I just spoiled that he wins this, remember the tension!”
Unlimited Blade Works: Shirou continues fighting Archer and they go back and forth a lot without saying anything new, basically Archer says life is shit and Shirou’s a white knight idiot with no character traits and Shirou doesn’t disagree with this but because he’s a shonen protagonist he can’t just NOT be a stubborn self-sacrificing idiot, so he’s gonna keep on keeping on. Meanwhile Lancer doesn’t die when he’s killed and kills Priest Alucard and then dies for real and Shinji goes back to molesting Rin like that didn’t just happen except Lancer STILL doesn’t die when he’s killed and gives Shinji a little prick to go with what he is and THEN Lancer dies for real (probably) and wants to burn Priest Alucard’s body with him which if you have to go that far idk if you can really say for sure he’s dead but Rin’s fine and Shirou’s a moron so it’s okay.
Panty and Stocking: Okay so we got a decent pair of episodes this time, some of these have been hit or miss but I quite liked these two, a generic but cute zombie parody around the time that was starting to really heat up and probably one of the earlier “Kill Zombies with Sex Toys” genre (I can’t believe that’s an actual thing but it is) and then a trial by gameshow episode with a delightful Ace Attorney monkey and a solution that I saw coming but wasn’t immediately apparent so I felt smart for figuring it out beforehand. Overall these “Daemon Sisters have some Team Rocket scheme to kill Pant and Stocking” episodes are turning out fairly well, the series is growing on me the more it goes on. Also the ghosts in the trial episode are Ren and Stimpy for some reason.
FMA Brotherhood: Mustang refuses to do Human Transmutation to save Riza, making him the like one character in all of anime where the “I doomed the world to save someone I loved” thing doesn’t fly. Unfortunately we still have a plot to move forward with so Pride sacrifices a huge amount of his stone to force Mustang through and take his eyesight. Meanwhile Scar starts fighting Bradley in the ‘weird powers but insanely good martial arts skills” bout and May just kinda ditches everyone to go confront Father with Ed and the others while Al selflessly comes back to fight, dooming everyone by reawakening as the final sacrifice, it’s okay Al you tried, doubt you could’ve hid out in the portal of truth all day anyway.
Attack on Titan: The final episode of Season 3 (and for the purposes of this block the final episode I’ll be watching since Season 4 is/was on regular Toonami very recently) Everyone finally reaches the sea but Eren’s pissed because he knows across it there’s just racism and shitty ideas, ngl I feel him, I’m kinda pissed about it to. Floch almost has a few moments of being kinda nice and relatable but has to fuck it up every time by being an asshole at the last minute. It’s really nice seeing everyone playing in the water one last time though before the joyless venture that is the Final Season, rewatching the series as a whole has just made me realize it was never completely bleak until the last season and just makes me kinda mad  that we couldn’t have something a little more balanced in the end.
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luckystarchild · 5 years ago
So. Finished Ch. 103 and... ACTUALLY FUCK MY LIFE! Why you gotta do me dirty like that man?! I don't think I've ever been so anxious while reading in my life! So, questions. What was Yusuke talking about with Kei's eyes? Is the bracelet actually a thing from hiruko? (Cuz that's my theory) Are you gonna write out what she tells them or just start up the next chapter with everyones reactions? Is Shizuru gonna kill Kei? Are any of the boys gonna react to what Hiruko said about how they feel? Hm???
I will tackle your topics in order of appearance! Bear with me on the long response.
1) I do ya dirty because it keeps people coming back, and seeing you squirm helps me know I’ve got you invested. ♥
2) The comment Yusuke’s made about NQK’s eyes is a weird one, to be sure. Luckily we’ll get more context for that in the next few chapters. No spoilers yet, though!
3) Her bracelet is a thing from Suzuka; if Hiruko had a hand in it, we’ll find out eventually. The bracelet will come up again perhaps sooner than we expect…
4) Combination of both, sort of? I don’t think most of us are interested in seeing her tell her story, since we already know the details. But they WILL have follow-up questions to what she says, which we’ll see, and obviously their reactions will come up, too.
5) She might! But since Kei was telling the truth about Kuwabara being not-dead, and soothed Shizuru in a moment of crisis by telling the truth, I’m willing to bet Shizuru will be a little less hostile towards her. Not letting her off the hook, of course! Kei has some splainin’ to do.
6) Ooooooh, I’m glad you mentioned what Hiruko said about how the boys feel about NQK! You can imagine they’re all guessing which description applies to who (and nosy Botan is probably wondering most intensely of all). I imagine some very interesting glances were being traded behind Kei’s back, which she didn’t get to see since she pointedly didn’t look at the boys while Hiruko was talking. Whether or not they bring up which description fits them applies to each individual guy, I think. One of them will DEFINITELY bring it up in a serious way, while another will bring it up in a moment of humor.
If anyone has guesses as to which description applies to which of the main four guys, I’d love to hear it! I think it’s obvious, especially considering some of the metas I’ve written here on Tumblr, buuuuut…
Tumblr media
7) Angsty? Who, me, write an angsty chapter? Nevvvveeerrrr… (*ahem*) It will more than likely contain some angst, yes. But I have plans for a few comedic moments to lighten things up. There’s one out-of-left-field occurrence that will catch NQK with her pants down (metaphorically speaking… sort of?).
8) Rejection will be on a case-by-case basis, to be sure. I’m thinking at least one reaction will surprise readers, while most others will be pretty in-line with expectations. There’s a wildcard in there, though, that I’m guessing will throw some of you for a loop. It’s the reaction I’m most nervous to unveil.
9) LOL, thank you for hugging responsibly! I needed that laugh. I’ve been working from home since March 16th, which means tomorrow will mark the start of my fourth work-from-home week. It’s been ages since I’ve seen anyone other than my boyfriend and roommate. -_-; I miss hugs, but being responsible is more important, even over the internet! XD
Really appreciate these awesome questions and all of your time/effort. Thank you so much for reading, and see you next week with chapter 104!!! ♥
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 years ago
Kasumi/Hamuko Parallel post
I mean I’m not saying Kasumi is Hamuko reincarnated in Minato’s timeline, but I feel like it’s a very good possibility (considering MT’s lore and as well as possibly Persona’s). I mean again, it’d be REALLY SEXY if I was proven wrong with Adult!Hamuko showing up in P5S! REALLY SEXY ATLUS! ;w; (just watch and see me be right with both P5R and P5S, let’s hope not cause that’s giving me a headache just thinking about it haha ;w;). Anyway, this is mostly going to be a parallel post between Kasumi and Hamuko, both really freaking shallow to “hey those are some key character traits!” kinda stuff. I’ll organize it from newest release/info to oldest. So starting with PQ2 (prior to that I will open to why it’s perfect timing out of universe) and then P3P (during which I’ll talk about why the timing in universe is perfect too).
There will be spoilers of P5R BUT ONLY ones from a stream, which showed the first like 10 min of the game (the spoiler is that it confirms when a specific scene happens in game). There will be PQ2 spoilers tho so like....yeah 8U
(lowkey been trying to finish this since Cinderella’s announcement but better late than never and I wanted to at least get most of it done before P5S’ possible trailer tonight 8U)
Under the cut cause length and pics~!
So before with start with PQ2, I should say why this is perfect timing out of universe. PQ2 has just released, Hamuko is in the public’s head. Not only that but she was as important to the game as the main-main case (aka P5). Now would be the perfect time to release a new character who looks the same and has the same importance. I mean this wouldn’t be the first time they did it, they first did it with Arena-PQ1-Ultimax, with PQ1 having secret answers to Arena, and Ultimax later reaffirming these answers (I’ll keep it vague for those who have yet to play the, as I like to call it, “The Yasogami Labyrinth Trilogy.”) It could be that PQ2 was actually our Arena in a possible trilogy (with P5R being the PQ1 and P5S being our Ultimax, that’s just a theory tho, it could just be that this is a duology too 8U). But yeah this is why it feels like perfect timing if they wanted to make this twist. Now onto PQ2
PQ2 (might add more later):
Were to start is the real question, I’m kinda just going to list of things with pictures showing them. I’ll try to keep everything numbered to make it easier.
1) Both apparently first appear in the first arc which stars Kamoshida (Kasumi is stated to not introduce herself during that time, but we can still find her). Kasumi is around for Kamoshida, Hamuko is around with Kamoshidaaaaaman.
      a) Coincidentally enough, there is a little girl that appears in Kamoshidaaaaman’s trailer that looks A LOT like Kasumi. (which I dunno might also symbolize Hamuko, speculation on my end but I felt the female dinosaur kind of symbolized Yosukesaurus that we actually see in the movie so maybe it’s a parallel maybe not but I wanted to throw it out there), also if Kasumi’s life is anything like Cinderella (and trailer girl’s dad is dead from that impact), that means Hamu/Kasumi/Trailer girl both have their dads possibly not being around anymore:
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2) Both technically have a magical girl connection, Kasumi mostly from her transformation and what the devs said....but Hamuko said something really interesting concerning the PT and Magical Girls:
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3) (P5R first 10 min stream spoiler) Both are introduced into these two games via showing off how great fighters they are (even tho that’s not Kasumi’s chronological introduction to the audience because of the cold open, but it’s the first time we see her and it’s our first impression of her). 
4) I don’t care if I’ll repeat this below in the P3P thing, but yet again but PQ2 hinted at Hamuko’s big appitite again:
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5) Hamuko’s Ult Persona, both in P3P (tho it’s not shown in the credits) and in PQ2 is Messiah. Considering she’s a savior, and Kasumi’s relationship with magical girls (who usually are the “saviors”).....shallow I know but there. 8U
6) A big one, PQ2 actually hints at reincarnation, it’s just a throwaway line but....it’s not the first time Persona’s had a throwaway line and then it ends up coming true (sometimes it’s happenstance and sometimes it’s on purpose). (I should also note, reincarnation is a big part of MT, it’s even in the title, so it’s def not something that’s off the table). And the reason I’m including this is because, it kinda hints that even if Hamuko is reincarnated Kasumi, they’d kinda still have their own identity and be a different person. 
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7) Lastly (for now probably), Hamuko and Kasumi both end up “joining”/working with the PT at some point. I mean so does the rest of P3/4, but they really try to make Hamuko feel included, and she feels extra gung-ho about the whole thief thing. It’s a shallow/small one but I should include it anyway.
(the reason I might add more later is because I’m re-going through PQ2 to see if I pick up anything else, anyway onto P3P~!)
Before listing their similarities, I want to explain what I meant by the timing being perfect for in-universe. The reason being, if Hamuko died around 1999, she’d probably be reincarnated into someone who was born around 2000, and people roughly in 2000 (minus the first 4 months) are....guess what? 1st years during P5 (Futaba and Yusuke have late birthdays fun fact). And considering Kasumi is a first year~! Yeah it’s perfect timing if they wanted to pull a reincarnation card. 
1) They.....they have the same face..... I’M NOT JOKING THEY HAVE THE SAME FACE! It’s not the hair style it’s the face man! ;w; Rough same eye shape and face shape (sadly their portraits usually have their faces not being the same portfolio but this is the closest we have):
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2) The both have red eyes (which also look brown in some lighting). (I know some people want to say Hamuko has auburn hair for some gd reason even tho it’s pretty brown in a lot of artwork, but since that’s close to red and Kasumi has red hair like bonus points it seems if auburn is also a correct answer XP)
3) Both of their portraits like to have their eyes looking to the left (their perspective)/right (our perspective) area (the angle of their face differs tho):
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4) Both have been said to be big eaters. Like Atlus is freaking advertising this about Kasumi like crazy man, but Hamuko has food and her big appetite tied to a loooooot of different events with P3P. Like Hamu being a hungry girl and loving her food is a very iconic trait to her (ironically it’s not really done to death in PQ2 unlike Chie’s meat or Aki’s protein klfjsadl;fja). 
5) Both have red as a main theme (like red eyes, red ribbon, red shoes/headphones 8U). It’s shallow but important!
6) Shallow but interesting thing I notice, there’s a lot of key design similarities between Fem!Orpheus and Kasumi’s PT outfit and Cinderella. The biggest being the vine embroidery and the same heart design. There’s also the fact Fem!Orpheus Picaro also has red hair and a black headpiece similar to Kasumi who has red hair (all the time) but a black ribbon, also both have a similar flower connected to them (red gloves and black fingers, former for Kasumi and the latter for Cindy, but I don’t think it’s as important as the heart/vine/flower similarity). 8U Other than that I’ll just show it in the picture below:
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7) This one is part of a popular theory with Kasumi, and will possibly be debunked after P5R’s release but I do want to throw it out there. If the theory that Kasumi gets hit by a car in the rain (possibly during the fireworks festival), well..... That means they both have ties to car accidents. Just described what  might be Kasumi’s. Hamuko survived one 10 years prior to P3, and there’s two that happen in two separate events (she saves Yukari from a crazy driver almost hitting them), and I iirc Theo saves Hamu from a crazy driver). 
8) They have similar designed shoes (tho the promo art of Kasumi her shoes are different from the teaser so I dunno if it still counts) But it’s worth  mentioning since Atlus went out of their way to keep Yusuke’s shoes as a reference to the past Persona game school he was supposed to be a part of before they made Kosei (god I’m so sorry for that word salad, no I won’t fix it at least not now)...btw Yusuke’s are stated to be in reference to P3 it’s stated in the art book:
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9) Kasumi’s maid outfit is much closer to P3′s(and P4) than it is to P5′s (aka the traditional black and white as opposed to P5′s red and white), it’s just odd that it’s not also red 8U:
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10) Uhhhh this (I don’t care we’re look for the smallest details! >:D DX ;w; also I’m ok really I’m ok 8U ;w; orz):
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11) Last thing, but interestingly enough they both are known to jump really high. It’s not stated as a big thing for Hamuko, you just see it in her critical and that’s pretty much it. But it is a big defining moment for Kasumi (remember she jumps high to get a kid’s balloon). They also both like to twist and twirl in the air (tho Hamu is just designated to her critical). Shallow I know but I want to throw it out there. 8U:
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Seriously look at that air time!
I might add more to this section, because I feel like I’m forgetting something but flksdajf;akf I want to get this out. Before I end it I do want to add a few not completely related Hamu parallels (but I can still loop back around cause my mental gymnastics are top notch! Probably even better than Kasumi’s! 8U). First is Minato parallels, which via PQ2 we find out that he and Hamu are “basically the same person.” The similarities is that he and Kasumi both have the same type of sword, and both of their Personas have the same skin (I think Male!Orpheus’ face is the only “real part” and thus both have the same kind of skin), and OT and Cindy technically both have blue eyes. 8U Small but I wanted to mention those 3 things. The other is Mitsuru, fun fact between Hamu/Minty/Mitsuru/Kasumi they all seem to be honor students (or can be, Hamu/Minty it’s up to the player). But I now a lot of people think Kasumi’s red hair and it also being wavy remind them of Mitsuru more, almost like a sister? Kinda like:
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RIP to Hamuko, the cockblock sister zone destroyed us all that day. We stand with you girl. 😔✊✊
So yeah I dunno how else to end it. They just have a lot of similarities ok? And some of them are very distinct design features. Of course, again, it’d be really sexy of you to prove me wrong with Adult!Hamuko in P5S Atlus. ;) Be really sexy of you to stop ignoring Hammy and P1/2 characters~! Oh it’d be such a shame if I was proven wrong and those two things happened instead. Oh whatever shall I do~! 8U
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