#yumejoshi oc
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2stregafangirl · 8 months ago
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Have my persona 4 yume intro! Ft Sakia Minazuki!
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simpforthebetakids · 3 months ago
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Name: Oureus Urseid
Gender: male  
Sign: Ursa Major 
Body type: slender yet slightly chubby 
Blood color: #bb3054 
Underwear type: tribal briefs 
 Lusus:  tripleheadedbeardad
Personality: Oureus is a smart and intelligent yet meek and shy boy who is afraid of sharing his emotions and is extremely empathetic to the point of feeling overbearing at times but overall he always means the best, his friends often go to him for good advice as he usually gives intelligent and useful advice as Oureus is very emotionally smart, but because of this the others are somewhat too reliant on Oureus’s useful relationship  advice causing Oureus to feel self loathing that his friends might leave him if he become too boring and that’s why Oureus is so eager to be helpful and please everyone, all and all Oureus is a good person with a lot of things on his plate and is a huge people pleaser.  ( The scar on his eye is from when his Lusus in it’s angry state accidentally slashed a scar underneath Oureus’s eye and Oureus had it ever since that day, Oureus is more of an pacifist then a fighter but will resort to violence if it’s the only way to solve the issue. 
Likes: studying light gambling/ poker sketching psychological horror horror parodies  hunting his prey ( he doesn’t enjoy it it’s just when he needs to he’s more then willing to) tending to injured Lusil medical practices medicine coffee plushies helping others 
Dislikes: being emotionally alone not  being useful to others feeling useless unnecessary bloodshed his last resort being violence his Words not getting through to others the feeling of dread milk fizzly drinks. 
Love Interest: Jade Harley 
Moon: Prospit 
Strife: nailgunkind 
Classpect: mage of blood  
Fetch Modus: pokerface  
Ancestor: Blackjack Ursusclaw 
Chathandle: Spadedpsychoanalyst (SP) 
SGRUB land: Land of Tempest and Locks (LOT&L)  
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yumestuck · 1 year ago
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Name: Keteos Cetace
Gender: Male
blood color: #421469 ( seadweller)
Body type: muscular ( bara)
Shirt sign: Cetus
Moon: Derse
Underwear type: boxers
Personality: Keteos is a very cheerful and chipper person being easily sociable and talkative though he tends to be rather scatterbrained and easy to manipulate and deter giving his inherent trust in everyone.
Relationship with Eridan: He and Eridan are very close and are dating, he understands Eridan’s views on low bloods and is trying to change Eridan’s opinion on them but unfortunately he’s easily manipulated by Eridan to do his bidding.
Likes: dark magic working out Flarping with Eridan his Lusus music soda practicing dark magic with Eridan
Dislikes: people who are relentlessly cruel and mean to Eridan rude people Vriska
Chathandle: SeafoamOccultist ( SO)
Lusus: Snakewhaledad
Strife: Harpoongunkind ( the harpoon itself is made out of white science energy)
Ancestor: Admiral Lightgaze ( Basically a friendly admiral of Darkleer’s pirate ship who feel in love with Darkleer but Darkleer didn’t reciprocate his feelings back causing Lightgaze to commit suicide by hanging later it was discovered he has written several poems about love and getting rejected and it was a metaphor of Darkleer not returning his feelings back)
Classpect: Nurse of Soul
Team: Blue
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teddiesbestestpal · 2 years ago
Honey I’m home Vocaloid but Tiefsee and yaldabaoth
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amadacest-canonical · 7 months ago
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The best brothers ever! Ketaka/Amadacest
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zilodak · 22 days ago
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Do you guys remember my yume, Doe?
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And have a idea for Ohta Sakura ( Kyoko’s younger brother) special attack: Corrosio Propositum ohta’s light reddish pink uzi gun with a golden cross shape in the center attached to a golden chain lights up with fiery blaze energy as the gun glows light as the trigger is pulled shooting out a fiery blast shot of corrosive flames as the target is then stricken by it becoming engulf in fiery light as the target feels their sins and impurities cleared from their body as their destroyed.
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suoufield · 7 months ago
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When Edgeworth gets anything slightly wrong
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starshakez · 3 months ago
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I love you selfshippers with "unconventional" or weird f/os
I love you selfshippers with anime f/os
I love you selfshippers with cartoon f/os
I love you selfshippers with live action f/os
I love you selfshippers with nonhuman f/os
I love you LGBT selfshippers
I love you disabled selfshippers
I love you selfshippers with obscure f/os
I love you selfshippers with well known f/os
I love you selfshippers with 100 f/os
I love you selfshippers with only 1 f/o
I love you selfshippers that don't use self inserts
I love you selfshippers that make ocs or self inserts to fit into your f/os world
I love you selfshippers that ship with a main character
I love you selfshippers that ship with a background character
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kittyplushy · 7 months ago
New drug just dropped its called ur f/o being obsessed with how nice and soft you feel when you two cuddle. Youre like a living plushie to them
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burning-spyce · 4 months ago
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it's time for cheesebir- i mean turkey ❕️❕️🍴
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2stregafangirl · 8 months ago
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Chibi version of my end roll oc Kikuhana!
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simpforthebetakids · 4 months ago
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Have an Inarose/Illuminatingrenardshipping lore post as well.
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yumestuck · 1 year ago
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Name: Erebus Issoid
Gender: male
Blood color: #d6204e
Body type: slender with a little bit of muscle ( he does live in the jungle after all)
Shirt sign: Lynx
Moon: Prospit
Underwear type: Thong ( but he’s ashamed of it because it makes him look more primal and not as formal as he wants to appear)
Lusus: ManticoreLynxdad
Personality: Erebus is a rather shy and anxious person who tries to be as polite and courteous as possible not wanting others to think of as savage and primitive due to his hics being in a jungle, appearances are everything to Erebus after all and he needs to keep them up, he tends to be withdrawn and socially awkward, his dream is to be a Dramaquin so he’s focused on the general jester aesthetic including being dramatic singing songs and primarily speaking in dramatics, he’s being held out by feeling obscured and ignored by others and even himself in his own life.
Relationship with Gamzee: Erebus and Gamzee are childhood friends and know each other pretty well, though over the years Erebus has gotten pretty tired of Gamzee’s soper slime nonsense and fagyo but tolerates it so Gamzee can be happy, he’s not all that please with becoming Calliope and Calliborn’s temporary foster father #2 but he’ll accept it if it means Gamzee would be happy and will advance.
Chathandle: MuertosJester ( MJ)
Strife: Scythekind ( A hand-me down from his ancestor a scythe with a jester playing card motif with a jester’s bright red grin pattern on the scythe’s blade)
Fetch modus: Theater Stage Erebus has to perform an action to appease an imaginary audience to retrieve items the audience’s boos can make an object fade out of existence if Erebus isn’t careful enough.
Ancestor: Compadre Lynxboots ( basically a well known hero Dramaquin known for defeating evil with his scythe and is based off the legend of Puss In Boots also the Dreamworks one played by Antonio, he had a fling with The Grand Highblood and after he put on an theater performance for the Highblood as a declaration of love the Highblood mercy kills Lynxboots out of love via a stage prop so Lynxboots will never know fully the kind of monster that he really is, Lynxboots’s memorabilia is then saved by the grand Highblood up until Erebus is hatched as a grub as the memorabilia is sent to Erebus’s hive so Erebus can know who his ancestor is.
Classpect: Ward of Shade
Team: Red Team
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teddiesbestestpal · 2 years ago
Since p5 phantom x has you pulling persona characters it would be funny if they managed to pull Tiefsee and he looks at Luffy and Tief goes “.. who is this sassy lost child?”
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amadacest-canonical · 7 months ago
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Have my p3 oc Hirotaka Amada
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