"You're saying if we push this button, theres a chance that the literal entire atmosphere will ignite?"
"The chance is near zero"
"Near zero??"
"What more do you want from theory alone?"
"Uh, how about zero"
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johninrags · 2 years
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Yud - Let there be light
"The little that holds alot". So much indeed, it holds the big bang in place. This tiny letter is the secret of all existence. The Yud is an infinite sphere, the center of which is everywhere, the circumference nowhere. Here is a great poem on the spark of creation....
Beyond, beyond
It sounds full of wind and mist, doesn't it
It means other things exist, doesn't it
Beyond, beyond
It says Adam leave your list, doesn't it
Father why does my head feel this joy and this dread since the moment I said
I've got an itching on the tips of my fingers
I've got a boiling in the back of my brain
I've got a hunger burning inside me, cannot be denied
I've got a feeling that the Father who made us
When he was kindling the pulse in my veins
He left a tiny spark of the fire, smoldering inside
The spark of creation, is flickering within me
The spark of creation, is blazing in my blood
A bit of the fire that lit up the stars
And breathed life into the mud, the first inspiration
The spark of creation
I see a mountain and I want to climb it
I see a river and I want to leave shore
Where there was nothing let there be something
Something made by me
There's things waiting for me to invent them
There's worlds waiting for me to explore
I am an echo of the eternal cry of
Let there be
The spark of creation, burning bright within me
The spark of creation, won't let me rest at all
Until I discover or build or uncover
A thing that I can call, my celebration
Of the spark of creation
The spark of creation, may it burn forever
The spark creation, I am a keeper of the flame
We think all we want is a lifetime of leisure
Each perfect day the same
Endless vacation
Well that's alright if you're a kind of crustacean
But when you're born with an imagination
Sooner or later you're feeling the fire get higher and higher
The spark of creation
- by Stephen Schwartz
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Frank, how will the world end?
According to various models, the world could end in any of a number of ways:
Nuclear war
Ice age
Super supervolcano
Massive extinction of biosphere-critical species
Galaxy supernova ejecting all protons
Solar system smashed into black hole
Cambrian explosion II
Decay of the vacuum induced by protons on the edge of the event horizon
Burning ghost solar system
Extreme parton fusion in the 10 TeV region
Fatally damaging freeze on the free neutrons in the dibaryon in the resonance transition
All mammals moved to the men's room
Slippery slope that leads to a slippery slope to a slippery slope
Impact of a strangelet
Apocalyptic engine failure
Semantic satiation
Creation of hyperdense E8 vacuum bubble
First autocatalytic bacterial thermodynamic planet
They take offense to being called 'the three stars.'
Superconducting life forms would then try to infect us with their atoms
Water world
Drift in starship crew culture
Octanium dominates as a cooling agent for superconductors
Orgone energy blows past limit of Yudkowsky novel
We were going to write about the end of the world, and then we forgot that we were going to write about the end of the world.
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thahxa · 2 months
either way yall should read to the stars btw. so i can see more poasts about it on my dash
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tanadrin · 1 year
If you're not an ancap why do you talk like a Yud cultist?
i'm sorry that words with more than two syllables give you a headache
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please don't send me any more explicit sexual material
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sabakos · 5 months
somewhat of a silly thing to track after a certain point, pretty sure most people who are on my dash on a semi-regular basis that i don't follow are either mutuals-in-law or at most one more level removed.
a good chunk of the rest seem to have me blocked, the bastards.
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weaselandfriends · 1 year
Eliezer Yudkowsky suggests nuclear war as an alternative to ChatGPT in Time Magazine
Shut down all the large GPU clusters (the large computer farms where the most powerful AIs are refined). Shut down all the large training runs. Put a ceiling on how much computing power anyone is allowed to use in training an AI system, and move it downward over the coming years to compensate for more efficient training algorithms. No exceptions for anyone, including governments and militaries. Make immediate multinational agreements to prevent the prohibited activities from moving elsewhere. Track all GPUs sold. If intelligence says that a country outside the agreement is building a GPU cluster, be less scared of a shooting conflict between nations than of the moratorium being violated; be willing to destroy a rogue datacenter by airstrike.
Frame nothing as a conflict between national interests, have it clear that anyone talking of arms races is a fool. That we all live or die as one, in this, is not a policy but a fact of nature. Make it explicit in international diplomacy that preventing AI extinction scenarios is considered a priority above preventing a full nuclear exchange, and that allied nuclear countries are willing to run some risk of nuclear exchange if that’s what it takes to reduce the risk of large AI training runs.
Why is Eliezer Yudkowsky in Time at all? Why is he allowed to push one of the most deranged, uninformed opinions I have ever heard on such a massive, mainstream platform? The sources he posts for his theories are LessWrong blog articles and Trump-esque “everyone is saying” anecdotes. Yudkowsky has the same qualifications regarding quote-unquote “artificial intelligence” as I do. We’re fanfic authors.
I heard from Nostalgebraist’s blog that Yud truly believes this stuff, that he really has worked himself into a state of depression due to his certainty that a Terminator 2-style AI takeover is imminent. This isn’t a con. Yet his level of certainty and passion in this idea should not distract from his utter lack of expertise in the subject, let alone his obvious bankrupted understanding of geopolitics.
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rotzaprachim · 6 months
ladino news paper from the US in 1926. highly recc taking a look if you know hebrew letters and any spanish
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gurorori · 8 months
a bit of a controversial lolita opinion but i'll like.. never get used to polyester main pcs in lolita @_@
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fipindustries · 11 months
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god help me im reading mad investor chaos and the woman of asmodeus
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irradiate-space · 1 year
epistemic status: continuing to read Project Lawful
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i love to do fun things with diagrams
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doomwheelofcheese · 2 years
the big yud hillary-taylor thing was infinitely funnier to me because the first time i saw it I forgot who big yud was and somehow briefly confused eliezer yudkowsky with elie wiesel
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iteratedextras · 2 years
Scenario that would probably take too long for betting markets to pay out on:
AI doesn't kill off the human race.
Yudkowsky ends up being substantially wrong about the ways AI functions in practice, including the ways in which AI is dangerous.
However, he ends up being correct that AI is dangerous, and AI-related catastrophe causes death and destruction on the scale of World War 2 - but not more than that.
Because he was early and loud about the danger of AI, textbooks end up teaching Yudkowsky as the Anti-AI Guy, leading him to be praised as a historical figure by people who not only don't know why he was wrong, but routinely mangle everything he actually said.
Our descendants, such as they are, end up routinely having to explain who Yudkowsky actually was, and what it was he actually believed, over and over again.
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andmaybegayer · 1 year
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