#yu 001
thomas-reyes · 2 years
For: @liu-yu​ Setting: Thomas’ desk in the Sun open space / Yu’s ___________
This had started a couple of years ago. Thomas had not been a huge fan of it at first. He usually was the one with the code-name, the secrecy, the one in control of the narrative, and even more often, the one to torment others with his simple presence. He wouldn’t have called ph4ros a nuisance, but Thomas couldn’t precisely call them a friend either. They were on friendly terms, as long as they kept from benefiting from the other’s work.
He was sipping on “an excuse of a coffee cup”, which would be how his coworkers called his habit of surviving on a ridiculously high amount of cafe con crema with an unhealthy dose of sugar. If only he’d been one to care for criticism. Instead, he made a point of adding an extra sugar if someone was staring loudly his way in the break room (and then pour the inhuman beverage down the bog). 
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He was finishing an article trashing dear old Boris Johnson (something he’d have done for free) as the notification popped up on his screen. “New message from 𝚙𝚑𝟺𝚛𝚘𝚜“
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iamumbra195 · 9 months
Oh my god, 018 was a little sweetheart. He already gave me the vibe that he was a kind person, him and 008 both. But given all the flashbacks we've had of ppl trying to steal Ijin's food, someone giving him food in order to help him when they likely weren't given much probably stuck with him for so long
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Also, he's adorable. I love his hair so much
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poison-aivi · 28 days
yu ijin's multiple languages
i'm actually kind of sad that the manhwa didn't portray the cultural differences more in ijin, between the foreign land that he grew up in and korea. We had a glimpse of it, like ijin not being bothered by korea's summer heat while the others around him were nearly melting. it seemed to be implied that the foreign land is Mediterranean or middle eastern. there were more representation of culture shock in terms of morality and social-environment, but not the country and culture.
i wish there would be more representation to the different languages, like the numbers talking to each other in another language, but it seems like everyone speaks korean (the numbers suddenly being able to speak with ijin's family, etc.) . which can even be considered as a plot hole, but its just a small detail so its not a big deal. we can't expect a manhwa to be geographically accurate anyway lol
+ i actually headcanon that the camp resides in middle east, and the camp speaks arabic, but they are required to know multiple languages for the variety of different customers they get. this could be the plot hole's solution tbh, an explanation why ijin would know korean and english, same for the numbers. perhaps the camp had an associate to a korean team, thats why hangul was included to their language. lol atp im just setting up my own world building
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vibingphantom · 11 months
The world needs more teenage mercenary fics.. pretty pls 🙏
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scravex · 3 months
Happy late birthday Ijin
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I had no idea what 2 do for the background sooooooo sahara+jungle+bomb :3
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mintbluex · 1 year
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Teenage Mercenary - Survived again
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Ijin: Can I have a moment with him.?
XXX: Of course
Ijin, leaning over 600 Coffin: I know you're not dead.
600, opening one eye: No shit
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spellbcok · 7 months
a closed starter for feng yu ( @mvsicinthedvrk )
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it appeared that while the cia could move on from ruyi, she had a harder time. she spent the night meandering about the museum, seeming to be an onlooker of the entertainment, but her mind couldn't help but to clock every detail. it hit her every time she'd start counting the number of exits in each new room she entered. this one had two. the former agent turned her focus away from exits to attempting to enjoy herself. going down the snack table, she picked anything that looked interesting. "you know, this is about the fifth time this song as been requested and i have no idea what it is," she comments, venturing her hand in small talk. "do you happen to know?"
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ribbonfinale · 1 year
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That strange first episode where billionaire CEO Seto Kaiba was in Yugi’s class for one day, then never again for the rest of the series.
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liu-yu · 2 years
with @notquitedoctorhart
If there was one place in the world Yu hated, it was hospitals and doctors offices. It just reminded him of his dad a little too much. So, even if he was as sick as a dog, he tended to avoid going to see a doctor and would just ride his illness out in bed and hope it passed on it's own. However, this time, it was not passing. He'd had the shivers, a raging headache and a bit of an upset stomach for some days now, making it think it was more than just a common cold. But like hell he was going to drag himself to see a doctor. So, instead he decided to drag himself over to Mickey's.
Sure, he wasn't a fully trained doctor. But he was a med student, that was about the same thing in his mind. And sure, they hadn't kept the greatest of contact since they shared a room back in uni, they had kept in contact enough to at least know where the guy was staying. Which was why he now found himself on the doorstep, a shake smile on his lips as it opened. "It's not as bad as it looks," he was quick to cut in before Mickey could even say anything about how pale he looked. "Can I come in?"
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iamumbra195 · 9 months
I've been thinking for a while... are the numbers split by specializations?
In chapter 96, Ijin says that 005 is specialized specifically in assassinations and then he mentioned kidnapping and blackmail. So I've been thinking that certain numbers, because of their abilities, attitudes, or even their preferences specialize in certain things.
Let's take 004 and 006 for example. 004, while I believe he's fully capable of these things, doesn't specialize in info gathering or blackmail of any sort. I don't think he'd enjoy it and he's very temperamental. He even says at one point that he likes risking it instead of playing it safe and efficient the way Ijin did. He kinda seems like a loose canon. So like 005, who while incredibly intelligent is still reckless and gets angry very easily, I'm going to lump him in the area of assassination, specifically using closer combat like hand-to-hand, knives, and pistols. 006 on the other hand, is very well-suited for info-gathering and maybe even infiltration given all that we've seen from him in canon.
I'd like to say that Ijin and 002 are relatively on similar grounds and are very well-rounded in nearly everything which is why they're given the numbers they have and are regarded as the overall leaders.
So basically I think the numbers are split based on what they specialize in, whether that be intelligence, assassination, kidnapping, infiltration, maybe even robbery lol? What do you think?
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poison-aivi · 25 days
Yu Ijin as 001
Yu ijin hc as 001, dark wholesome, war comradeship
I need to know more about ijin becoming 001 amongst the numbers, how he became the bearer of the highest number, one of the, if not the best, leader of the camp.
We all know that ijin is good at fighting, perhaps naturally even. That sheer will of survival that made him grow to be the strongest, from nothing to the best. But combat can only take you so far. We see other numbers being neck to neck to ijin's fighting skills, that one way or another they might find a way to topple over ijin and take that 001 spot. But no, ijin secured that 001 and made it his identity, his and no one else's.
So there's something else that made ijin 001. And i think its his leadership, his comradeship, his ability to control his troop, his team's trust towards him that made them follow him at full will. It was ijin's humanity that made him different from the others.
Where his goal was to finish the mission successfully, as well as leave the mission successfully. Doing the given job was one thing, and making sure his teammates get out alive was part of it. Where if one of them dies during a shootout, he would not leave their corpse behind no matter how burdensome they become to the team and the fight. His alive teammates would question or scowl at his unimportant decision to keep them, but soon they'll watch as ijin imitates a burial for them, to hide their dead teammate from their watchful eyes underneath some leaves and branches, anything that could hide their body from the open to avoid getting their body messed around by whatever or whoever.
His alive teammates will watch as ijin bows his head and pay a respectful silence to the corpse, their dead teammate. They'll follow in suit, all silent half for respect and half for their own thoughts. They had gotten their minds so focused on their own survival that they had forgotten that this was their teammate that died. That this was not a burdensome thing, this was their teammate that they laughed with earlier while they were on their way to the mission. And soon after that, as they finally left the makeshift burial and are on their way back to the base, they will admire their leader for his unforgotten humanity, the one that may have even brought humanity back to them. And they will also realize that 001 would not be the type to leave them be to die alone at a warfield, he will give them a funeral and give their humanity some respect; they wouldn't die alone, cuz their leader would be there until their last breathe. And that earned 001 some respect and trust by them.
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gswmyunghwa · 2 years
with @gswyu​
though myunghwa didn’t really think of her current profession as her long term career, she was known to have fun with what she had. though far from her only source of income ( most came from her parents’ coffers ), it was certainly her source of entertainment. a way to capture her life into discrete memories. take a snapshot of time and preserve a version of her that would never fade or change. legs crossed, she sat before her computer screen with the raw footage of her latest project before her. never in a thousand years would myunghwa have imagined herself pursuing a story like this. yet here she was, replaying a day’s worth of interviews and random scavenging, sifting through for the best content to edit together of their adventures. she found herself rather excited, a first for one of these vlogs. 
“is that what you’re going to wear?” her personal intro filmed while walking to his place, myunghwa had texted the podcaster instructions seconds prior to arriving at his apartment. the intention—film him opening the door, giving a warm and seemingly unscripted greeting, and then introduce him and let him explain the mythos of the island ( because between the two of them, he was probably better researched ). for this story, he had to embody the intellectual who paradoxically also believed in the supernatural. was he was told that in advance, such that he could prepare? no. myunghwa had decided that this was the creative vision for their joint venture on the fly that very morning. one could wonder whether or not this truly was a partnership. to which she would respond, stick to ones strengths. he handled the work, she handled the framing.
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“this is not going to work, yu,” she criticized ever so delicately. under other circumstances, she’d take no issue with his fashion choices. today however, it was just not giving the image she envisioned for him. “firstly, i would like you to know i am not at all a judgmental person. you know me, right?” they had met a grand total of one time, during which she had practically forced him to do this project with her. “which is why, when i invite myself into other people’s homes,” she continued, brushing past him without permission, “i do so in only the direst of circumstances and with the purest of intentions. cross my heart, hope to die.” scanning his living space for nothing more than his clothes, she needed to put together something more appropriate. while their mission today was not necessarily to be fashionable, it was no crime to look the part. maybe if they were dressed well, they would attract the ghosts, spirits, demons, gods or whatever they were hunting for easier.
it was this thought that prompted her to flip the camera back on, making sure to keep it closer to her own face so as not to capture too much of his apartment. she wasn’t trying to broadcast his entire life without permission. after all, she crossed her heart and hoped to die! “okay, show me some options. we want to dazzle the ghosts today. but also, we want to be reverent.” the last bit said with only a touch of irreverence. “they should feel enamored but respected.” and what was her role in today’s production? well, no ghost hunting story was complete without the sassy skeptic with an impeccable taste ( for the finer things in life )...the latter was more a bonus in this case. 
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sugaclubb · 8 months
now tell me why I dreamt of yu and sam sending each other gifts AND I was the fucking mailman
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 Female Ijin or long hair Ijin friendship with 004
Just imagine 004 takes super good care of his hair and he notices Ijin’s hair and that if it was actually taken care of it would be super soft and shiny, so he teaches her(Ijin) how to take care of her hair while in camp.
004 was walking around camp and he noticed 001 with a fist of her hair in one of her hands and a knife in the other.
004:What the hell you doing!
001:cutting my hair
004:why on earth would you do that?
001:I can’t see with it
004:so just put it up! Not cut it.
001:can’t, I don’t know how to.
004:d-don’t know ho-you know what give me that and sit down.
004 proceed to take the knife from 001 and get a hairbrush from who knows where, and a spare hair tie and just start doing her hair.
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spellbcok · 4 months
a closed starter for feng yu ( @mvsicinthedvrk )
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ruyi had heard ramblings of similar instances to what just transpired. she'd had written them off as mad ravings or tall tales to keep the kids in line. morbid, yes, but so were most fairytales. to her, it was all just very improbable. and, yet, she had witnessed just what had been described. then come to find the aftermath was just as absurd. the dead reanimated— some with difficultly of recollecting. this was certainly not the dc she grew up in. "tell me you haven't forgotten me." the inquiry was, in part, reconnaissance. it didn't hurt to gather as much information as she could, including the extent of memory loss if he was a victim. what her mild delivery hid was the slight edge of concern she had. torturous song aside, he had been nothing but kind to her, so she didn't want harm to come to him. maybe even held hope it hadn't.
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