#( interactions: chen yu 001 )
gswmyunghwa · 2 years
with @gswyu​
though myunghwa didn’t really think of her current profession as her long term career, she was known to have fun with what she had. though far from her only source of income ( most came from her parents’ coffers ), it was certainly her source of entertainment. a way to capture her life into discrete memories. take a snapshot of time and preserve a version of her that would never fade or change. legs crossed, she sat before her computer screen with the raw footage of her latest project before her. never in a thousand years would myunghwa have imagined herself pursuing a story like this. yet here she was, replaying a day’s worth of interviews and random scavenging, sifting through for the best content to edit together of their adventures. she found herself rather excited, a first for one of these vlogs. 
“is that what you’re going to wear?” her personal intro filmed while walking to his place, myunghwa had texted the podcaster instructions seconds prior to arriving at his apartment. the intention—film him opening the door, giving a warm and seemingly unscripted greeting, and then introduce him and let him explain the mythos of the island ( because between the two of them, he was probably better researched ). for this story, he had to embody the intellectual who paradoxically also believed in the supernatural. was he was told that in advance, such that he could prepare? no. myunghwa had decided that this was the creative vision for their joint venture on the fly that very morning. one could wonder whether or not this truly was a partnership. to which she would respond, stick to ones strengths. he handled the work, she handled the framing.
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“this is not going to work, yu,” she criticized ever so delicately. under other circumstances, she’d take no issue with his fashion choices. today however, it was just not giving the image she envisioned for him. “firstly, i would like you to know i am not at all a judgmental person. you know me, right?” they had met a grand total of one time, during which she had practically forced him to do this project with her. “which is why, when i invite myself into other people’s homes,” she continued, brushing past him without permission, “i do so in only the direst of circumstances and with the purest of intentions. cross my heart, hope to die.” scanning his living space for nothing more than his clothes, she needed to put together something more appropriate. while their mission today was not necessarily to be fashionable, it was no crime to look the part. maybe if they were dressed well, they would attract the ghosts, spirits, demons, gods or whatever they were hunting for easier.
it was this thought that prompted her to flip the camera back on, making sure to keep it closer to her own face so as not to capture too much of his apartment. she wasn’t trying to broadcast his entire life without permission. after all, she crossed her heart and hoped to die! “okay, show me some options. we want to dazzle the ghosts today. but also, we want to be reverent.” the last bit said with only a touch of irreverence. “they should feel enamored but respected.” and what was her role in today’s production? well, no ghost hunting story was complete without the sassy skeptic with an impeccable taste ( for the finer things in life )...the latter was more a bonus in this case. 
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