#yttt tag
cookinguptales · 2 years
So now that YTTT is finished and posted and I've had some time to decompress from it, I wanted to talk about one of the central ideas I was playing with in the story. Because, yeah, sure, it was a nandermo love story, but it was really about stagnancy and change and fear and depression and how you can need change, you can crave change, but still find yourself mired in stagnancy.
I've thought a lot about the end of s4, and while I did not like everything about the tail-end of the season, I do think that Guillermo's right about the stagnancy in the household. And while it affects all of them, I think Nandor really is at the heart of it. The others, especially Nadja, are always willing to take on life's new challenges and try new things, but Nandor... he's a tough one.
Nandor is fascinating because he outwardly wants change. He's constantly talking about wanting more from his unending life and is constantly making plans to change his situation. He's looking for a soulmate, he's running the vampiric council, he's getting married, he's traveling the globe, he's joining a cult, etc. etc. etc. But... none of it sticks, y'know? And it never sticks because he never lets it. It's almost as if he purposefully (if subconsciously) sabotages all of these attempts at change because on a deep and cellular level, it scares him. As much as he always plays at change, he always takes it in a direction that's bad for him -- because then he has a reason to retreat back to the relative safety of the quiet nest he's created for himself.
He dates people who aren't good for him, who never ask anything from him because they don't actually care about him. He quits the council because it exhausts him and makes him feel powerless. He goes on a trip not because he actually wants to change but because he's running from his fear of being alone -- which only makes him feel even more alone during his journey. He.... well, he joins a cult. (And I could say a lot about how that very, very unhealthy coping mechanism was the one thing that made him briefly feel happy...)
In some ways, I feel like Nandor's simultaneous craving for and fear of change are a part of the vampiric depression that we see him struggling with throughout the entire series. It mirrors real-life depression, tbh. Change is healthy and you know it, but you keep finding excuses not to do things that you actually want (and need) to do. Oh, I won't do this class because it's too expensive. I won't go on that walk because I'm not really feeling it. I'm going to cancel my dinner plans with that friend because it's raining. And then next thing you know, you've been in your house for a month and you don't feel anything anymore.
Nandor's really stuck in that rut, isn't he? And he recognizes, I think, that he can't go on like this forever. His own feelings of loneliness and hopelessness scare him sometimes. But he's still not fully leaving the house, either. He's making all these plans and he's physically going out, but he's not emotionally leaving the "safe", unchanging space that he's built for himself in this house. He's still emotionally snuggling into that stagnancy.
I think it's telling that Nandor's whole arc with the Djinn in s4 is him constantly making small changes in his life and then smoothing them back over, wishing things back to the way they were in the first place. I think it's telling that he only calmed the fuck down in the finale when both Marwa and Freddie were gone, Colin was back to normal, and Guillermo was no longer threatening to leave him. Everything was back to the way it was before and he could go back to pretending he was okay with that. Stagnancy, while ultimately deeply unhealthy for him, is comfortable and it feels safe and it's very, very easy. He has retreated back to his version of solid ground again even if he'll straight-up die there one day.
And for Guillermo, whose entire driving force is change, who's reinvented himself multiple times in just a few years and who desperately wants to be changed further -- and who, I might add, would probably benefit from slowing down and accepting that some parts of his life (and himself!) are already good -- yeah, I can see how the dawning realization that Nandor is always going to sabotage any attempts at genuine change in his life would upset him. I can see why he'd take drastic measures to change that house. I may not agree with how he's going about it, but... I get it.
Nandor, for all that he spins his wheels without really going anywhere, has changed quite a bit over the past few seasons. And it's always been because of Guillermo. Nandor has resisted most meaningful change in his life, but he has not been able to resist Guillermo. The man is a force of nature. Even as Nandor desperately tries to cling to some sense of normalcy between them, Guillermo just keeps shattering that illusion over and over and over again. Guillermo will not allow Nandor to ignore the way that he has changed, the way Nandor has changed, or the way the dynamic between them has changed. And that's uncomfortable for Nandor, but it's also exciting. Scary, but also exhilarating.
Just look at the The Night Market, y'know? Guillermo is forcing Nandor to face who he really is and what that really means and Nandor is into it, even as his own slipping position scares him. He adores Guillermo's change! But what that means for him... well, that's the part that worries him. And it's the part that he refuses to think about too deeply. (Best... man, indeed.)
With YTTT, I wanted to use a time loop to explore the way that Nandor has been emotionally resistant to change. Making him literally live the same day over and over to make him realize that he's been doing that emotionally for years -- and that he's been forcing Guillermo to do it with him. It's a really fascinating (if frustrating) part of his character and I really, really hope that in canon we start to see him take real, meaningful steps forward. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't (this is a sitcom, after all) but like... man, a girl can hope, right?
Nandor, I am BEGGING you to let Guillermo change your life. You'll both be so much happier!
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yttt-right-or-wrong · 3 years
Angst: (takes out a gun)
Red Velvet:You'll use it to shoot Aki and Eri,right?
Angst: (Points gun to Red Velvet's direction)
Red Velvet:..To shoot Aki and Eri,right?
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quietestmelody · 3 years
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violencebian · 3 years
okay but as many kinnies as queen would have queen would also be the fandom trigger. like spider would have entire trigger warning tags like we do with midori
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hexflowers · 3 years
Idk what's going on but... *Munches popcorn*
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hollowisthyname · 3 years
You yawned, blinking groggily as you registered to your surroundings. Wait a minute. Hold on... this wasn't your bed. This wasn't anyone's bed. This wasn't a bed at all!
As you got up, you slipped slightly, catching yourself on a... wall? It was cold and made a light noise when you hit it. You couldn't exactly see in the darkness, but you assumed it was some kind of glass.
Quietly, you pressed your ear to the wall, hoping to listen for any clues on what was happening, when you heard it.
"Yo. You're wondering what to do right? Well, listen to what I say and maybe you'll get outta here alive."
It was a voice, echoing from the walls. It was mellow and had an edge to it, but it undoubtedly sounded young, maybe someone about your age.
"I dunno if you noticed, but you're in a glass right now. It's a wineglass, so it should be pretty thin. You've just gotta get out to begin. Alright?"
You felt your heart pound in your chest, trying to remain calm.
Who are you?
What's happening?
What do I do after that?
You can only use one choice currently
I'll try to figure out what's happening first!
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cookinguptales · 2 years
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Too (Chapter 1) WWDITS | Nandor/Guillermo | Explicit | ~2900 words
After Guillermo comes home with another vampire's bite on his neck, a poorly planned wish gets Nandor's dumb ass stuck in a time loop.
And Nandor's never handled eternity well.
It's up! The first chapter of the fic I've been working on for the last month. It was initially supposed to be a fic that was for the ToT exchange, an exchange with a word count minimum of 300 words. So like... Things obviously got a little out of hand...
This fic is entirely written and edited, but I do think it works a bit better chaptered out! So I'll be uploading a chapter each day until it's done. The word count will refer only to the chapter being linked.
tbh, friends, this fic is just flangst all the way down with a heavy dose of hurt/comfort to lighten the load. Nandor's an idiot who's made my life (and the Djinn's) extremely frustrating, but they'll all be happy in the end. I'll make sure of it. 💜
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burnt-toast-life · 2 years
I've seen someone recreate the game you hosted last year in the yttd tag :) I don't have time for it but you could join if you're still into yttd methinks it was p fun
ah,, if you mean smth like YTTT then no, its alright.
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You know what? I have been meaning to buy a new shirt at some point, so let's go shopping. :)
okay then , i'll go pick up my wallet , see you there?
57 notes • Posted 2021-08-15 20:22:34 GMT
In a world where ralsei is mean;
Kris isnt going to do what you say , idiot!
*Kris obtains the banana*
Kris what the absolute fuck.
59 notes • Posted 2021-09-20 10:27:40 GMT
@gorovs stop bullying me in our dms please its not my fault its my phone keyboard
64 notes • Posted 2021-11-22 15:27:05 GMT
guys we all agree soup is painfully slow to eat right
109 notes • Posted 2021-11-22 22:48:55 GMT
okay funny idea
reblog to deal 10 damage to me and like to heal 10 damage to me
hp: -1210(dead)
im gonna be updating this btw
161 notes • Posted 2021-10-17 12:58:39 GMT
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quietestmelody · 3 years
why did you tag me being gay as 'death game harai'
while i do not refuse my wish to love masculine people i do not plan on engaging in it during my execution unless one of them kills me themselves
HBASHFGASF i just tag everyone i met like that. its not just for your yttt things its for like every interaction i have with you
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violencebian · 3 years
"YTTT FANDOM LETS GO!!!!!!!!" its all fun and games until a p*rn bot ends up in the your turn to tumblr tag
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magical-muse101 · 3 years
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Heads up for all my followers, if you don't want have your inbox spammed, blacklist the tag "yttt". Your welcome.
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mythogem · 3 years
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#to prev tags: oh yea the tv in my room is only a few feet away from my pillow and i gotta keep my glasses on just to see what's on at night
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Mmm anyone wanna know how i pronounce their username in my head
35 notes • Posted 2021-08-31 14:15:37 GMT
Keeping her eyes at the ground, she's thinking about what will happen in the final round? Will she be voted? Will everyone and her die because of a wrong vote? She doesn't want to die like the others..
35 notes • Posted 2021-07-18 06:03:35 GMT
This is an important question for yttt
How tall are all of you
41 notes • Posted 2021-07-02 17:27:22 GMT
Hey yttt fellas take this alignment test and see where you lie in the alignment
I got True Neutral the first time (for a different test) and Chaotic Neutral the second time-
Other people take it too i'm curious
43 notes • Posted 2021-07-18 23:09:15 GMT
Mmmm who'd be the most popular and least popular in the yttt fandom-
47 notes • Posted 2021-06-30 22:02:46 GMT
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angst1clown · 3 years
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I posted 1,637 times in 2021
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I added 144 tags in 2021
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#/j - 18 posts
#yttd - 15 posts
#event: your turn to tumblr - 15 posts
#witch's heart - 13 posts
#tumblrkashi - 11 posts
#your turn to tumblr - 10 posts
#prev tags - 10 posts
#ashe bradley - 8 posts
#wh - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#so you saw this morally ambiguous guy who dressed like he wasn't done laundry for a month so he just grabbed stuff that seemed clean enough
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When you're in a Death Game and everyone's discussing beverages instead of trying to live.
34 notes • Posted 2021-06-28 16:45:53 GMT
Does anyone wish to commit war crimes with me? I have plans.
36 notes • Posted 2021-07-21 15:21:31 GMT
New game, give therapy to the person you reblog this from.
42 notes • Posted 2021-07-28 21:53:23 GMT
Girlboss and Malewife are not gendered terms. They are personality traits and in this essay I will
93 notes • Posted 2021-07-29 00:32:39 GMT
Fellas, is it gay to be the get away driver while your bro steals a table?
123 notes • Posted 2021-03-03 20:19:33 GMT
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