#youtube coronavirus
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covid-safer-hotties · 2 months ago
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redlettermediathings · 3 months ago
It was the best of times, it was the best of the worst of times.
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siryouarebeingmocked · 1 year ago
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Also, you don’t even need a face mask when you’re alone. 
These insufferable idiots are ignoring the actual context so they can be smug.
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mermayjester · 6 months ago
People mourn in different ways. I mourn by watching everything the cast has ever been in. So I'll be posting some links in anyone else wants to as well. 🖤
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ustrumpnews · 3 days ago
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tijrb · 4 months ago
I heard someone say, "People today are experiencing a Unknown symptom of COVID—no one has empathy or compassion anymore."
That really hit home. Cancel culture and online bullying, all in the name of "justice," are completely out of control. People are hated for allegations that aren't proven or just for the way they look. And it's not just online—people are just as hateful in the real world. Where did the empathy and compassion go?
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nothing-but-music-videos · 4 months ago
"Don't Cancel Halloween"
Music video, 2020
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apenitentialprayer · 9 months ago
transcript of the video below
And this was kind of channeled for me during the Pandemic, when (and whether it's the same in America, I don't know) in Britain, a lot of the churches basically focused on giving public health messages, kinda telling us to wear masks, to wash our hands and stuff. They were excellent messages, no doubt, but, you know, everyone else was saying that as well. I think that churches should celebrate what sets them apart. The problem for churches, basically, is that they won; so all the things that seemed radical and strange and bizarre to the Romans are now accepted. And a lot of what the Church has traditionally provided —education, healthcare, or so on, you know, charity relief— have been nationalized, the state provides that. So what is left for the churches to do? And I think what the churches should do is to celebrate all the mad-weird stuff that, you know, you're not getting from the Department of Health. So... angels, and God thundering from Mount Sinai, and all that kind of thing. Book of Job; all that stuff. I thought the weirdest thing, in the sense of "it sent shivers down my spine" and opened up vistas of possibility was the one exception that proves the rule in terms of churches not…. not making sense of the horrors that the world was going through during the Pandemic, which is quite early in the lockdown in Rome. The Pope — I can't remember what he was doing, he was… it can't have been a Mass, he was… it was some observance, in St. Peter's Square; and it was completely empty. Just him, in St. Peter's Square; and he, he made prayers and did whatever he was doing, and as he was doing it, bells were clanging out over Rome and the wailing of ambulances taking the sick to hospitals. And he went and prayed before an icon that tradition says had been sent from Constantinople in the reign of Gregory the Great; an icon of Christ, the infant Christ and the Virgin. And Gregory the Great, who was pope in the sixth century, had become pope during a period of plague. and his papacy existed in the context of the kind of suffering that we were going through. And he wrote a great commentary on Job, the Book of Job, which is, perhaps, the profoundest, most troubling, most (and for that reason I think) most satisfying attempt in the Bible to explain how a good God can permit evil to happen. I mean, it doesn't give an answer, but it kind of transcends, perhaps, the need to have an answer for that. And watching that gave me a sense of… the unbelievable wealth of the Christian attempt to explain why we, why we're here. Christianity is the most… successful explanation that humanity has ever come up with to explain why we're here, and why bad things happen, and why good things happen, and the whole nexus of it. And that is an unbelievable reservoir for us to draw on. And I felt that very, very strongly writing Dominion. Kind of… my eyes were opened up to the, the incredible richness in this tradition, and I think that is part of the weirdness; moments that enable you to feel that, to feel that you're not just you in 2023. That you're part of the totality of the human experience that is (perhaps) embraced within the mind of God. I mean, it's a very, very profound feeling, I think.
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tomorrowusa · 10 months ago
« The country that Trump left behind was a hot mess. The week of Nov. 7 when President Joe Biden was elected, almost 9,000 Americans were dying of COVID-19 each week, but before he could take office that number would reach 26,000 deaths per week. The rate of deaths would never again reach that level, even during spikes generated by new and more contagious variants. 
The unemployment rate when Biden was sworn in was 6.4%. It would never be that high under Biden. 
It’s hard to understand how anyone can feel they were better off four years ago than they are today. But then again, maybe brain worms are more common than we knew. »
— Mark Sumner at Daily Kos reminding those with short attention spans that things were not better in the United States four years ago.
In 2020 Trump apparently felt that repeating COVID-19 would just "go away" would make it disappear.
^^^ That video was put together and published on 30 April 2020. A few days later "The City That Never Sleeps" shut down overnight subway service for several months. That sort of thing happens in NYC only during disasters like Hurricane Sandy.
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Post your own Trump pandemic photos to refresh people's memories about 2020. 💡
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grits-galraisedinthesouth · 2 years ago
"They have been playing games with us. The Palace has played a game of semantics for 25 years." According to David Emanuel, "at a Coronation Dinner Princess Anne told Camilla 'you’re not Queen. You're the King's Consort.' "
"You’re not Queen. You're the King's Consort."-Princess Anne
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talistheintrovert · 2 years ago
it's hard being a teenage girl in my 20s, and it's even harder when older people tell me my feelings aren't valid just because I'm young
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covid-safer-hotties · 22 days ago
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random-videos-i-love · 27 days ago
If A Ghost Possessed Someone In 2020
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azuremallone · 2 months ago
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CDC claims one severe patient so far. Their website though, reports no human cases. In the case of the one person, they state the person had been practically laying about with a bunch of dead and dying chickens.
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In fact, the CDC wants to only allow PCR tests that detect both COVID-19 and influenza, despite that they cannot differentiate between whether you have one, the other, or both. These tests just show you as infected with "something".
Don't believe me? They tried to debunk statements that they were phasing out a COVID-19 test because it couldn't tell the difference between COVID or Influenza, but then they contradict this and state on the record that they want tests that cannot tell the difference and that's why they're getting rid of tests that only check for COVID-19.
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Oh, CDC...
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kate-royal-style-world · 2 years ago
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A Royal Recycling (part 305)
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rollerska8er · 4 months ago
one of my favourite videos of the last few years is the video of an antimasker walking up to a park ranger who is clearly doing some work and being like "why you wearing a chin diaper, huh? you scared of COVID?" and the guy just kinda smiles and says "no, i'm grinding metal. get out of my face?" and the antimasker just goes. "oh" and walks away
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