#youth in canadian history
if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 months
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"YOUNG CANADA WATCHES THE FURIES," Toronto Star. July 3, 1934. Page 19. --- The superb demonstration of air acrobatics, given Toronto by England's three silver Furies yesterday lifted thousands of chins to the sky. These youngsters viewed the exhibition from the C.N.E. grounds. They had a ring-side seat for every loop and dive without the attendant discomfort of a crick in the neck.
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allbeendonebefore · 1 year
thinking about how much damage stuff like the alberta report did to us as a society and i am still mad about it and this was within my lifetime. the report may no longer exist but everyone on social media continues to parrot it so it might as well be still alive and kicking.
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GODDO returns with 50TH Anniversary show & ‘Best of’ release
Canada’s GODDO will return for a 50th anniversary show October 31, in Oshawa, Ontario. The band lead by singer/bassist/ songwriter Greg Godovitz, …GODDO returns with 50TH Anniversary show & ‘Best of’ release
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hetheyshe-remade · 1 year
happy pride month!!! it's also indigenous history month here in canada. i'm a two-spirit youth support worker whos been struggling financially the last few months, and have just barely been able to cover my basic needs. i'm also looking to getting a car soon and need help with savings, as a car would give me a lot of new opportunities for employment + help me in becoming more self-sufficient. if anyone wants to help out a disabled two-spirit wo/man this pride month or give reparations to a first nations person whos been struggling due to generational trauma & canadian racial inequality this indigenous history month, my p-yp-l is linked below. reblogs would help out too! thanks!
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cantaloupetheclown · 1 year
hey just so you know it is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada today, September 30th. this day recognizes the tragedy and horror of the "Indian Residential School" system that was active since before 1867, and continued up to 1997. it was focused on removing Indigenous youth from their tribes and communities and assimilating them into the culture of european colonizers, which effectively cut off an entire generation from their people and families, destroying many aspects of Indigenous culture. it was also responsible for the deaths of many Indigenous children, most of which were covered up as much as possible.
September 30th is also called Orange Shirt Day, in honor of Phyllis Webstad. when she was initially taken into a residential school, they confiscated her personal clothing, including a brand new orange shirt, and never returned them. many people choose to wear orange shirts on this day in solidarity of the children that were stolen.
the day is now dedicated to learning about Indigenous cultures, figuring out matters of reconciliation and recompense, minimizing further harm to Indigenous communities, and honoring the lives lost and changed due to this act of genocide.
colonization is very prevalent all over the world, so even if you're not Canadian it likely reflects a similar history in your country, that is one reason why I feel it can benefit people of all nationalities to learn about.
and while reading and learning online is important, nothing can match the experience of talking about it directly to Indigenous people who have gone through these things. their stories and beliefs and experiences are important and incredible to learn about.
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creatorsawoman · 11 months
my 2s repost the links should lead to archive links <3
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Hi I want to apologize for taking so long to respond, I wanted to get my thoughts together, to answer this properly. This’ll be long.
First, it is important that I define to you what exactly I know and see two-spirit as/to be. I’ll start with the definition from wikipedia: “Two-spirit (also two spirit, 2S or, occasionally, twospirited) is a modern, pan-Indian, umbrella term used by some Indigenous North Americans to describe Native people in their communities who fulfill a traditional third-gender (or other gender-variant) ceremonial and social role in their cultures.”
What I know the usage of the term two-spirit to be, yes, it is quite an umbrella term. I find it used all over Canada and America by Indigenous youth who identify as trans, AND by those who are LGB. As it is in usage now, it seems to just be the catch-all for any GNC or LGB indigenous kid. A label. And although I do think it’s wonderful for any LGB or T-identified or gender non-conforming Indigenous child to find a label that makes themselves comfortable and makes it easier to find others who have the same life experiences, I also think it’s wrong.
The intention of Two-spirit is meant, as we see in the wiki definition, as a catch-all describer of “traditional third-gender, ceremonial and social role in their cultures” for anybody who is North American indigenous. Anon I’m sure you know already but for those that don’t, our roles, typically, are heavily appointed by Elders. You don’t just identify yourself into performing traditions, you are appointed it by elders, or else you ask for their, for lack of better word, blessing. But… you’d be hard pressed to find much of our culture that does this for a “third gender” or “two spirit”.
I can’t speak for every indigenous culture as I was raised mainly into the Cree part of my family and not the Saulteaux/Oji-Cree, but in Cree culture the word of our Elders is sacred. Oral history is how we learn of our culture, in part because we were hit hard in the Canadian genocide of First Nations. I can very safely say, out of all the things I learned from my elders, the only thing I ever had to “teach” them was what Two-spirit meant and what a third-gender is. Because they didn’t know. They could tell me what life was like before they were taken away from the reservation, they could tell me tales of creatures, of Wendigo and Little People, they could tell me and teach me what is sacred to us, what our roles as male and female are, but they couldn’t tell me what Two-spirit is. I had to learn that from the white man. Why is that? Well… possibly because it’s not a thing. It’s not sacred. It isn’t part of the history.
And even if it is in any subset of our cultures, all these kids and indigenous youth who use 2S to identify themselves? They were not appointed the term by elders, they label it themselves.
I think it is important to note here that “Two-spirit” itself was a term first (as we know so far according to Wikipedia, so take that as you will) founded and pushed out of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, which is Treaty 1 territory, home to Anishinaabe. I am not a part of this territory (although I have Elder family members who are from Sandy Bay, who I can confirm also do not know of two-spirit) but one quick search of “anishinaabe third gender” will even only bring up modern day Two-spirit ideas, and the coining of the term in 1990. Same with any search for “(nation) third gender.” I have had a very lovely Anishinaabe anon in the past, and she has also vented her frustration at the use of the term, especially as an umbrella term for any Indigenous kid who is LGB or T, so I do take some assumption there from her that it is also not much of a thing in Ojibwe culture or any of the other Anishinaabe cultures.
What’s most important, and why I oppose it so much (other than the fact that it’s just, as I see, straight up a white man-made concept) is that the term “two-spirit” was created to replace other, more offensive words.
It’s main replacement is for “berdache”, a white (French) word, used against male Indigenous men, particularly homosexual Indigenous men. It is a slur. “Male berdaches did women’s work, cross-dressed or combined male and female clothing, and formed relationships with non-berdache men.”
It is, also, meant sometimes to replace the word, Winkte, or winyanktehca. Lakota meaning ‘wants to be like a woman’. Particularly used against, again, homosexual Lakota men.
It is, also, sometimes used as a replacement for Nádleehi, which was/is used in Diné culture as a word for effeminate males. Particularly used against, you guessed it, homosexual Diné men.
Now, to me, I think it is pretty plain to see that this is a term meant to replace some of our more homophobic terms used in Indigenous communities. But replacing homophobic terms with new ones doesn’t make it any less homophobic. These terms were meant to other homosexual indigenous men, and they were also used by white people. For us to, in this day and age when our culture is shifting to a less homophobic one, use the term two-spirit to continue to other LGB indigenous people? That’s not right to me. There was no reclamation of any of these terms, there was just a white replacement word that doesn’t sound as bad. But it still means the same thing. It’s still as white as a Frenchman calling a gay Indigenous man berdache.
I could keep going on and on, especially about how it is used in current day culture by indigenous youth as a special label, and how none of the people using it seem to actually have talked to their elders about it, but really my biggest problem with it is just how extremely homophobic it is. And how white people use it as “proof” that transgenderism has “always existed” when those same white people don’t even bother to fucking listen when some of us scream at them how wrong they are. And then I could keep going on screaming about how it’s been shoehorned as an acronym onto Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women which is so fucking disrespectful.
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mercurygray · 4 months
HBOWW2 Rewatch: June-August 1943
Since Week 2's episodes really only take us through 3 months of 1943 there's not a lot of big picture stuff to get caught up on.
But man, oh man, are there some big things happening elsewhere.
June: The Zoot Suit Riots take place in Los Angeles when a group of sailors on leave get into a fight with Mexican American youth near the waterfront, leading to retaliatory action from many more sailors and soldiers in the following days. The riots last ten days, and are only stopped when the Army and Navy declare L.A. off limits to military personnel. (This is not the only race-related act of violence this month, but it is certainly the most well known.)
Charles de Gaulle and Henri Giraud are named co-presidents of the French Committee of National Liberation. This institution would challenge the legitimacy of the Vichy government and provide a unifying force for French forces abroad and at home. It will also function as a provisional government in Algeria, which has recently been liberated during the North Africa campaign.
The Tuskegee Airmen have their first encounter with the Luftwaffe as six P-40 Warhawks are attacked over the island of Pantelleria by 12 German Focke-Wulf 190 fighters. Pantelleria has recently surrendered and will serve as a jumping off point for the invasion of Sicily, which begins in July. (Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz is currently serving as the head of Mediterranean Air Force Command.)
The invasion of Sicily starts on July 9th as a combined US, British and Canadian force lands at points around the island, starting a month-long race by General Patton's forces to move from Licata in the south to Messina in the north in an effort to catch the Germans before they can evacuate to the mainland. (Sadly, most of the Germans do make it off the island.) Both this campaign, and the North Africa campaign that preceded it, are launched to redirect resources away from the Eastern Front - a move that largely succeeds.
Speaking of the Eastern Front, the battle of Kursk begins on July 9. It is the single largest battle in the history of warfare, and is a turning point for the entire European war. The use of air support in what is largely a tank battle leads to one of the single costliest days of aerial combat.
On July 19, Allied Air Forces bomb Rome, which leads, in some large part, to the resignation of Mussolini as Prime Minister on July 25th, ending a 17 year dictatorship.
On July 27th and 28th, the RAF bomb Hamburg. High winds and drought conditions lead to the greatest single-day loss of life in wartime as more than 30,000 city residents burn to death after bombs set the entire town aflame.
Also in June, the new town of Oak Ridge, Tennesee, which will house workers for the Manhattan Project, officially receives its first residents, and "Comin' in on a Wing and a Prayer" by The Song Spinners tops the Billboard singles chart.
Heading into August, Operation Tidal Wave, the bombing of Ploesti, Romania, begins as 177 B-24 bombers attack the oil plant. This will be the first of many, many bombing runs on this target, which is a sigificant source of fuel for the Axis. (And you can't outrun Patton in Sicily or fight tank wars in Russia if you don't have fuel)
The United States Women's Air Service Pilots, or WASPS, is officially formed under the auspices of Jackie Cochran and Nancy Love. The program consolidates 2 previous groups in an attempt to leverage civilian pilots for ferrying duties.
So. It's August of 1943. The Allies are eyeing mainland Italy for their next assault. The Russians are slugging away in Kursk. The 8th Air Force has just gotten through the Regensberg- Schweinfurt raid. September will probably hold much of the same. Or ...will it?
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olympic-paris · 8 days
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more …
September 13
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c.1350 BC – Pharoah Akhenaten, husband of Queen Nefertiti, may also have had a male lover - his younger general, Smenkhare, who later became pharoah himself.
After the discovery in 1922 of the tomb of Tutankhamen (a child of unknown relationship to Akhenaten), Percy Newberry noted that objects had been taken from Smenkhkare's burial chamber to increase the treasure in Tutankhamen's tomb; and among these was a box inscribed on its knobs with "Smenkhkare beloved of Akhenaten" and "Akhenaten beloved of Smenkhkare."
Newberry in his article (1928) also drew attention to a small private stele (upright stone slab) in the Berlin Museum, originally made for a military officer, which showed two kings (identified by their crowns, one the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt and the other a war crown), nude and sitting side by side. Although the piece is unfinished, with its cartouches blank (ovals which usually contained names), the figures seemed easily identified as Akhenaten and Smenkhkare, the former caressing the youth's chin while Smenkhkare rests his arm around the older king's shoulder.
Two other pieces then also came to mind, a relief of a similar youth pouring wine into Akhenaten's cup (Berlin Museum) and a sculptor's trial piece of Akhenaten kissing a child seated on his lap (Egyptian Museum, Cairo) - and some scholars pondered whether these pairs might also include Smenkhkare. (Actually the former conveys no sexual meaning, and the child in the latter seems very young.)
Subsequently, Egyptologists battled over Akhenaten's sexual biology and orientation. For example, Donald Redford, a Canadian archaeologist, wrote (1984) that he personally disliked "this effete monarch, who could never hunt or do battle," while Cyril Aldred, Keeper of Art and Archaeology at the Royal Scottish Museum in Edinburgh, saw (1968) "homosexual relations between the elder and the younger monarch" pictured on the Berlin stele, taking into account also the same-sex "beloved" titles, and the disappearance of Nefertiti's name from all records near the end of Akhenaten's reign.
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c.570 BC – Anacreon, born in Teos, Ionia was one of the nine Lyric Poets of the golden age of Greek poetry. And being the good and manly Greek he was, Anacreon's poems and odes were largely about the beautiful boys he loved or longed for or held in his arms as he cooed lyrical poetry to them. He kisses and tells; he names names: Smerdis, Leukapsis, Smialus, Eurylus and Bathylus, are among the youths he sings to. From his erotic verse there survive striking images of his beloved young men: the peaceful character of Megistes, the eyes of Cleobulus, the blond locks of the Thracian Smerdis.
Anacreon's poetic sentiments and style were widely imitated by Hellenistic and Byzantine Greek writers, though they tended to exaggerate the strain of drunken eroticism and frivolity present in his work.
The structure of his poesy was so popular in its own time that others imitated the eponymously named "Anacreontics." Anacreon was rediscovered by English poets int he 19th century and they swooned for him like a well-oiled boy in the gymnasium. The vogue for Anacreontics in English culminated in the popular song "To Anacreon in Heaven." In 1814, Francis Scott Key wrote "The Star Spangled Banner" on this day, based on the then popular "To Anacreon in Heaven."
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1928 – Robert Indiana, best known as the creator of the LOVE series of paintings and sculptures, is an openly gay American artist who has incorporated autobiographical and gay themes within his work.
Indiana was born on September 13, 1928. Oil company manager Earl Clark and homemaker Carmen Watters of New Castle, Indiana, adopted the infant as their only child. Clark attended local schools before studying Russian at Syracuse University. He served in the U.S. Army Air Corps from 1946 to 1949 and then entered the Art Institute of Chicago with the assistance of the GI Bill. He won a scholarship to the University of Edinburgh. He earned an M.F.A. there in 1954 and moved to New York City. Clark rented a loft in an old warehouse on the southernmost tip of Manhattan that became an artistic center because of its cheap rents. There he became part of a group of young artists including Agnes Martin, Lenore Tawney, Jack Youngerman, and Ellsworth Kelly. For a time, he and Kelly were lovers.
Clark changed his surname to Indiana in 1958 to reflect better the American focus of his work. He first attracted notice in 1959 with unpainted assemblages, stenciled with short words and constructed from scavenged wood, pieces of iron, and wheels. Indiana is part of the pop art movement, though he deprecatingly refers to himself as a "sign painter." Like other pop artists he invests commonplace objects and familiar images with new meaning. However, his works occasionally deviate from the pop art norm by evincing intense personal and political engagement. They express concern over social issues and make pointed political statements.
His painting Yield Brother (1962), for example, focuses on the peace movement while his Confederacy series (1965-66), created during the Civil Rights movement, attacks racism in four southern states.
In addition, Indiana tends to be more autobiographical than other pop artists. For example, his EAT/DIE (1962) diptych focuses on the last word, "eat," spoken to him by his mother on her deathbed. The painting also evokes the diner his mother managed, which had the familiar "EAT" sign looming overhead. Indiana also collaborated with gay pop artist Andy Warhol on the 1962 short film Eat.
Indiana has also been influenced by the great American queer writers Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, and Hart Crane. His Melville Tryptich (1961) is considered one of his classic images, and several paintings have been inspired by Crane's poem of longing and gay affiliation, "The Bridge."
In 1964, Indiana received a commission from the Museum of Modern Art for a Christmas card design. He created a picture that emphasized the words Love is God (1964). Typical of pop artists, Indiana serialized the image. In 1966, he exhibited a series of "love" paintings, including a definitive version featuring four red block letters completely filling the canvas against a blue and green background. Each letter fills a quarter of the picture, the L and a tilted O in the top quadrants, the V and E in the bottom quadrants. The LOVE image had an immediate impact, especially among the youth culture of the 1960s. As a painting, graphic design, and a sculpture, it has become one of the most pervasive and widely disseminated images of all time.
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In 1973, the U.S. Postal Service commissioned Indiana to do a LOVE postage stamp. The resulting product became the most popular stamp ever issued by the U.S. government.
In 1978, Indiana moved to Vinalhaven, Maine. Working with Vinalhaven Press, he has used the traditional printmaking media of etching and lithography to depict the solitude and isolation of his life in rural Maine. Indiana's more recent works include biographical elements of gay lives, including his own. Indiana continues to accept commissions.
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1952 – Randy Jones, born in Raleigh, North Carolina, is an American disco and pop singer and best known as the cowboy from Village People.
He attended Enloe High School in Raleigh, North Carolina and graduated in 1970. While there, he was a founder of Enloe's Drama Club, which was then called "Amicus Scaena"; Latin for "friend of scene" or "friend of theatre". He then studied at North Carolina School of the Arts before moving to New York.
Jones had a marriage ceremony with his boyfriend of 20 years, Will Grega, at a New York club on May 7, 2004. Although the marriage is not legally binding, as gay marriage was still illegal in New York state, Jones commented that: "It's only a matter of time before the courts rule in favor of what's morally right and humanly decent." The pair published a book together in 1996, titled Out Sounds: The Gay and Lesbian Music Alternative.
He released in 2007 a disco and pop solo album Ticket to the World. In 2009, he appeared on Flight of the Conchords in their music video for "Too Many Dicks".
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1994 – Layton Williams is an English stage actor, best known as one of the boys who played the title role in Billy Elliot the Musical at the Victoria Palace Theatre in London's West End, and as the character Kylie in the BBC TV series Beautiful People 2008 and 2009. From late 2016, he began playing Angel in the 20th anniversary tour of Rent around the UK. The production, particularly himself, received rave reviews.
After several months of training at the Billy Elliot Academy in Leeds, Williams debuted in Billy Elliot the Musical on 26 February 2007. His training was documented on The Paul O'Grady Show in which he appeared in on 25 May 2007 and then in several morning TV shows, TV interviews, and short clips related to the musical. He is the second non-Caucasian boy, the other being Matthew Koon, and the first mixed race youth to star in the show. He gave his finale performance in the musical on 29 November 2008; Williams is still the second-longest running performer as 'Billy' in the show's history. On 31 January 2009, 2 months after his final performance, Layton appeared on the programme Feelgood Factor on ITV, where he and two other 'Billy' actors, Tanner Pflueger and Tom Holland, performed a specially choreographed version of Angry Dance from Billy Elliot the Musical.
Williams has studied street dance and drama at Carol Godby's Theatre workshop in Bury, Greater Manchester. He also studied ballet at Centre Pointe, Manchester. Williams was awarded a scholarship to Sylvia Young Theatre School in Marylebone, London and stayed there until 2008. He attended Broad Oak High School in Bury, his home town, but now attends the Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts. During his time at the Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts Williams was featured in a children's documentary 'School for Stars' which was broadcast on the children's television channel CBBC.
He was offered the part as young Michael Jackson in the West End Musical Thriller Live where he did a few performances before he outgrew the role. Williams became well known to a TV audience as the character Kylie – acting, dancing, and singing – in the 2008 and 2009 BBC Two comedy Beautiful People, series 1 and 2. Since 2012 he has played Stephen Carmichael in the BBC Comedy Bad Education.
Following that he performed the part of Duane in Hairspray the Musical 2015 - 2016 tour. He has just announced that will will also be in the new 20th anniversary cast of Rent which begins touring in October 2016. Layton is a strong supporter of the charities Stonewall and Ditch the Label.
Williams is openly gay. His grandparents are from Jamaica, but his father was born in the UK.
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rnp5324 · 4 months
❖-Corps | Head full of thoughts
Actual story stuff -Magneto governs over the island nation of Genosha, a safe haven for all Mutants, even the ❖-Corps members are welcome here. Currently, he is opposing the rising Fellowship of Humanity organization in the United States, a branch group of the Friends of Humanity with more of a theocratic agenda—based off the Moral Majority in a sense. His focus rests on the politicians like Allison’s father, who wish to push extreme legislation against Mutants in Montana, threatening to take action with his acolytes to put a stop to the impending oppression. -That and, due to Allison being a spokesperson for her dad’s campaign, gets a big stink eye from Magneto after she disappeared; When she manifested her X-Gene. -The Fellowship works in the interests of a broader organization known as Armageddon. They are a terrorist group with the desires of ‘purifying’ humanity on a global scale, but of course, they intend to do this by making imperial forces work in their favor. -Magneto is seeking Allison to make a bargain with Richard Natus: Her safe return in exchange for eliminating his Anti-Mutant legislation, or to be met with forced resistance and Allison kept as a political prisoner. -Yeah, the US/UN ain’t too happy about it. They step up to say they’ll fire on Genosha if Magneto even tries to lay a finger on Richard. -Charles Xavier is in a race against time to reach Allison before Magneto does. He is able to locate her through Cerebro in order to warn her and guide the youth, and Logan is not too happy about being found by Charles after requesting the team leaves him alone in the fallout of his major incident. Ya know, to create more tension. -Logan and Allison had taken refuge in the Canadian wilderness since that’s where Logan was staying inside of his RV. The two butt heads due to their clashing ideologies, but eventually have to suck it up and work together to help her control her new powers, without being disgusted. -Kikyo Mikage works under Magneto as one of his acolytes, but only kills if there is honor in the task he’s assigned. Kikyo is willing to use violence to deliver justice and that’s something he really values in Magneto. Kikyo can finally live as himself in Genosha instead of living in the shadows of Japan’s society. Though he finds it incredibly dishonorable that Magneto would weaponize the wellbeing of a child to achieve his objectives, which ultimately leads him to join Logan. -Oh yeah should mention that Armageddon is running science experiments to artificially create an Omega Class Mutant as a weapon to take down the world’s strongest Mutants, basically what they were trying to do with Deadpool in X-Men Origins Wolverine, but actually cool. The Mutant is called Magnum Opus. I’m a fan of puns, you see.
Side notes -If Wanda and Pietro get involved in this, they are both going to be Mutants and brown skinned. I MAKE THE RULES!!! -Anyway uh still working on who else I want as Magneto’s acolytes lol -Sometimes I refer to Allison as “Allen”. It’s her self-imposed disguise name which Logan makes a joke about it being a boy’s name. -Genosha is definitely stockpiling on weapons, no doubt. -Allison borrows one of Logan’s shrunken down suits to help with her Mutation! It’s blue in contrast to his red. Logan gets his own category -He refers to large sections of Canada as Sectors. It’s likely this stems from his time working under Alpha Flight, and the Canadian Government before joining the ❖-Corps. -He’s managed to keep a majority of his old suits with him, as he believes that it’s the only solid part of his history he can look back on. Perhaps not as himself, but as Wolverine. -Anyway the reason Logan is at a low point in his career is bc the last mission he was on involved him unwillingly going on a Berserker Rage that resulted in a destructive rampage and the stabbing of his teammate and Girlfriend, Storm. During his rage, she took charge of the situation to lure Logan away from civilians and attempt to subdue him with the other ❖-Corps on duty. It worked at a cost. -The best way to protect those he cares about is at a distance, though that doesn’t mean he’s not going through an extreme heartache with likely losing Ororo. -Maybe she shouldn’t have told Logan that if he’s going to use his claws on anyone to them on her. Bad oversight. /HJHJ -I didn’t want her to just be Logan’s love interest in this, she’s a hero too ya know! She was doing her damn best to save whoever she could in the onslaught and even put her own life on the line. -Logan has nightmares about killing the rest of the team, and hates that they don’t put up much of a fight to stop him. -As you can imagine, he’s not too happy to be stuck with some teenager off the side of the road. Worse is that Logan knows exactly who she is as a political figure, and how dangerous he is. The initial thought was to find her somewhere safe and tell her to scram, but outside intervention damns him. -So funny thing, turns out he and Allen have a lot more in common with their struggles than they thought; Runaways who’ve done awful things they can’t take back, while struggling to understand their true nature.
Uh yeah well that ended up being a lot lolol Feel free to leave suggestions, I’d love some outside feedback!!
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In the previous post I introduced Greenpeace. These are some wins from June posted on their website.
- Hyundai Construction Equipment commits to help stopping illegal mining in the Amazon
Greenpeace East Asia released the Stop the Excavators report in April of this year, calling to heavy machinery manufacturers to take measures that prevent their equipment being used illegally, in ways that cause violations of human rights.
This exposé revealed that Hyundai Construction Equipment is apparently the favoured brand used in illegal mining in Indigenous Lands in the Amazon.
Hyundai has now announced a series of measures to protect the forest, and will act to prevent this in the future.
- ReconAfrica suspends oil drilling in Okavango Delta
The Canadian oil company ReconAfrica has stopped drilling in Namibia’s Okavango Delta, after it was faced with lawsuits and environmental concerns. For now, the drillings have only been suspended, but this is a step in the right direction, proving that people power can work wonders.
In 2019, ReconAfrica announced fracking in some of Africa's most sensitive (both in terms of water supplies and as livelihoods for the communities in the area) environmental areas. Namibian youth climate activists, indigenous, environmental and human rights groups have been working since then to prevent this from happening.
- ASEAN steps up commitment to end forced labour and human trafficking practices of migrant fishers
In May 2023, ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) leaders officially adopted the first ASEAN Declaration on Migrant Fishers Protection in history. This declaration follows many years of active campaigning by human rights advocates and civil society organizations. The campaign aims to push stronger policies to protect Southeast Asian migrants working in fisheries and their rights.
This declaration emphasised that protecting and fulfilling the rights of migrant fishers is an entire migration cycle (recruitment, placement, and repatriation), and so is a shared responsibility among the ASEAN states.
- Local fishers and civil society join forces to reforest mangroves in Senegal
The local community in the traditional fishing town Joal in Senegal started reforesting mangroves in a show of what direct action is really about.
Joal is located near mangrove forests, that are essential breeding grounds for many fish species, and are vital therefore for the fishing communities in those areas. They also store more carbon than tropical forests, and are capable of curbing climate impacts such as floods.
- Dutch creative agencies choose to no longer work with fossil fuel companies
23+ creative agencies in The Netherlands put together a Fossil No Deal, stating that they will stop working with fossil companies and no longer encourage fossil passenger transport. They call it verdrag verantwoord verleiden, a treaty for responsible seduction.
- Thailand applies new PM2.5 ambient standard
In the beginning of June, the new PM2.5 ambient standard was officially applied in Thailand. 
The new standard is now 15 μg/m3 for the annual standard and 37.5 μg/m3 for 24-hour standard, which is in keeping with the revised WHO air quality guidelines. This is a big step in the right direction to help reduce PM2.5 and solve air pollution in the country.
Greenpeace Thailand is still not at rest, though, and are continuing to fight to get the PM2.5 at its source, that is from the industries.
- In New Zealand, FSC abandons plans for ‘GE learning’ process
Greenpeace Aotearoa and other environmental organizations have been pressuring the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification scheme to abandon its plans for a ‘Genetic Engineering (GE) learning’ process.
The long-standing principle of not certifying GE trees came under threat  after pressure from FSC certified plantation  company Suzano from Brazil that has a subsidiary doing GE eucalyptus tree research trials (for glyphosate resistance). 
- Citizens say yes to net zero emissions in Switzerland
 Swiss citizens have voted in favour of a new law to reach net zero emissions by 2050. The new climate law, which was initiated seven years ago, passed a referendum with about 59% of the voters.
Net zero is now enshrined in the “federal law on climate protection, innovation and strengthening energy security“.
Let me know if there's anything else you'd like to see, news from your own countries, or if you'd like to add anything or share.
I'm also here to listen, my DMs and Asks are always open :)
Love you all, and see you next time, be safe!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 months
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"THREE LADS TRAPPED IN CAVE-IN-ONE DIES," Toronto Star. June 26, 1934. Page 3. ---- When the cave which they had constructed in the sandy earth in the avine on Beechview Ave., just east of Woodbine Ave., collapsed last night, three boys were trapped underground. Rescue crews from the fire department and the Consumers' Gas Co., along with three physicians, worked on Donald Stevenson for over four hours, but were unable to bring back any spark of life. The two other boys seemed none the worse for their experience. In the pictures are shown the three boys, Charles McBride (1), Donald Stevenson, the dead youth (2), and Billy Gibbons (3). The mouth of the cave is shown in (4)
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ourmindonmusicpodcast · 7 months
Rik Emmett Announces The End Of Triumph: "I'm Done"
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fatehbaz · 2 years
There are three reasons why an international audience should care about the otherwise insignificant Canadian city of Thunder Bay, a community of 120,000 souls 100km North of the American border right in the middle of the world’s second most spacious nation-state.
The first is that, as Canada’s murder and hate-crime capital, with the vast majority of these terrors directed at Indigenous people, roughly 13-20 percent of the population, its example has a lot to teach us about the dire failure of the Canadian model of liberal capitalism, corporate multiculturalism, and half-hearted “reconciliation.”
Second, as a troubled (post-)extractive and logistics-based economy in a “first-world” country — a country that exports and finances extractive industries around the world — its patterns of racist violence reveal something profound about capitalism today.
Finally, Thunder Bay’s problems demand, and are generating, the kind of radical, grassroots solutions that point towards the kind of transformations all communities need to embrace in the years to come to overcome the dangerous intertwined orders of contemporary colonialism and capitalism [...].
The isolation, the economic marginality, and the history of extraction and racial resentments all contribute to, but cannot completely explain, the staggering degree of racism in the city. [...] Like many police forces in Canada, officers in the Thunder Bay Police Service (TBPS) have been known to drive Indigenous people out to the outskirts of town, take their shoes and coats, and leave them to walk back or freeze to death. Unlike most police forces in Canada, the TBPS has recently been found to be plagued with profound “systemic racism” by two independent and high-profile reports. [...] The real reason for the investigations was the deaths of seven Indigenous youth, most from remote Northern communities, most in the city to access high school education or medical services denied to them in their communities. [...]
As scholars Damien Lee and Jana-Rae Yerxa note, many precedents stand behind these fears. Indigenous people end up dead in Thunder Bay at staggering rates. [...] Just before the most recent police reports were issued, the mayor (a former Police Association president), the police chief (a fool) and the city’s most successful lawyer (a convicted child molestor) were all implicated in a scandal involving a blend of sexual abuse, extortion, and breach of trust. [...]
Meanwhile, just as I moved to the city in early 2017, an Indigenous woman was fatally injured in the street when one of a gang of white teenagers out joyriding threw a heavy metal trailer hitch at her from their speeding car. It took her several agonizing months to die from her internal injuries. [...]
The rank, racist and reactionary hypocrisy so common in Canada and in Thunder Bay is, unfortunately, often mistaken for merely a cultural anachronism, which can be solved through better public education, greater cultural sensitivity and more opportunities to celebrate diversity. This has, for instance, been the approach to the problems of racist policing in the city: another “cultural competency” workshop [...].
In spite of a great deal of rhetoric about “nation-to-nation” negotiations by the Trudeau government, it is profoundly clear, as Mi’Kmaq lawyer and professor Pam Palmater warns, that the State does not and cannot accept the idea that Indigenous people would be allowed to say “no” to, for instance, mines, forestry, corporate fishing or pipelines [...].
To this day Canada is a key player in a global capitalist imperium that specializes in extractive industries and extractive forms of debt.
The Mining Association of Canada reports that “the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and TSX Venture Exchange accounted for 57 percent of the global mining equity raised in 2016.” As Alain Deneault and William Sacher have noted, Canada has historically structured its laws and commercial norms to empower the theft of indigenous lands to be violently transformed into “resources” for export, a specialization that is now itself exported around the world as Canadian-owned or -funded corporations are called upon to “develop” mines and extractive projects globally.
Every Canadian with savings is necessarily complicit: almost all pension funds, banks and other investment vehicles here are wrapped up in the TSX and therefore the extractive industry. Meanwhile, as Peter Hudson illustrates, Canada also has a long legacy of renovating national, municipal and personal debt into a tool of neocolonialism, notably in the Caribbean where Canadian banks have enjoyed profound influence, even monopolies. [...]
The ruling class and international capital, working hand in glove, have consistently used divide-and-conquer techniques to sew the seeds of racism that undermine solidarity. Thunder Bay is only a particularly poignant example, a place so small and marginalized that it cannot sustain the veneer of polite, civil, cheerful liberalism that is the country’s brand.
Text by: Max Haiven. “The colonial secrets of Canada’s most racist city.” ROAR Magazine. 13 February 2019. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks added by me.]
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papaya2000s · 24 days
The History of Korean Male Groups – From Yeonhee Professional Singers’ Quartet to BTS -> Pt. 3/? (Rewrite)
In my previous post, I noted the absence of a clearly defined "first" male musical ensemble in Korea prior to liberation, with both the Yeonhee Professional Quartet and the 'Youth Member' frequently recognized as early contributors. These two groups exhibit notable similarities and play pivotal roles in the historical narrative of male musical ensembles in Korea.
The documentation for the Yeonhee Professional Quartet is considerably more comprehensive than that for the 'Youth Member' during the 1920s and 1930s, with surviving information favouring the former. Consequently, the Yeonhee Professional Quartet is often acknowledged as the first male ensemble in Korea to operate under an official name, predating the 'Youth Member' group.
The Yeonhui Professional Quartet is distinguished as the inaugural male group in Korea to possess an official team name, consisting of students from Yonhui College, which is the predecessor of Yonsei University.
Before delving into the specifics of the Yeonhui Professional Quartet, I will provide background information on the College itself.
*Note - Yeonhee College has undergone various name changes and spellings, including Yonhui, Yeonhui, Yonhee, and Yonsei, with Yonsei being its current name.
Yonsei University (연세대학교)
In my earlier post, I provided a brief overview of the incorporation of Western cultural aspects, including architecture and music, into Asia, specifically analyzing their assimilation within the frameworks of China, Japan, and Korea. I will now shift my attention to the historical context and background of Yonsei University (연세대학교), if you want to know more about the whole history of Yonsei University I added the link to the wiki.
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Yonhui College and what it looked like in 1918 which is still used today.
Yonsei University (연세대학교; 延世大學校), a distinguished private institution located in Seoul, South Korea, is deeply rooted in Christian principles. Established in January 1957 through the amalgamation of Yonhi College (연희전문학교; 延禧專門學校) and Severance Union Medical College (세브란스 의과대학; 세브란스 醫科大學), its origins trace back to the 1920s.
Yonhui College, founded in 1915 as Chosun Christian College (조선기독교대학; 朝鮮基督教大學),was among the earliest modern educational establishments in Korea, while Severance Union Medical College evolved from Gwanghyewon (광혜원; 廣惠院), the nation's first modern medical institution, established in 1885. The university's name, "Yonsei," reflects its heritage, combining elements from both founding colleges.
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Photo 1 - Underwood Hall of Yonsei College seen from below (1939). Photo 2 - Underwood Hall, which houses administrative offices (2017).
Yonhui College, which succeeded Gyeongsin School, played a pivotal role in the formation of Yonsei University alongside Severance Hospital. Initially established as Joseon Christian School on March 5, 1915, it was reconstituted as Yonhui College, a private institution, on April 7, 1917.
During the latter part of the Japanese colonial era, in April 1944, the institution was seized under the guise of enemy property, leading to the expulsion of Korean administrators and faculty by the Japanese Government-General of Korea, and it was subsequently renamed Gyeongseong Industrial Management College.
Following Korea's liberation on August 15, 1945, the institution was elevated to university status and officially renamed Yonsei University.
Beginnings (1885–1916)
Yonsei University Medical School has its roots in the establishment of Gwanghyewon on April 10, 1885, recognized as Korea's first modern hospital to implement Western medical practices.
Founded by American Protestant missionary Horace Newton Allen, the institution was renamed Chejungwon (제중원; 濟衆院), meaning "House of Universal Helpfulness," on April 26. In response to various challenges, Canadian Oliver R. Avison took over management on July 16, 1893. Initially supported by the Korean government, the hospital faced financial difficulties during the First Sino-Japanese War and the Gabo reforms (갑오개혁) in 1894, resulting in its complete oversight by the church.
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The Yonsei College flag flutters in the wind in 1939.
In 1899, Avison attended a missionary conference in New York City, where he highlighted medical efforts in Korea, attracting the interest of philanthropist Louis Severance, who made substantial contributions to new facility construction, leading to the hospital's renaming as Severance Hospital.
Although primarily a hospital, Chejungwon (later Severance Hospital) also focused on medical education, enrolling its first class of 16 medical students in 1886, a year after its inception. By 1899, it achieved independent status as a medical school, and in 1912, increased collaboration among various missionary groups resulted in its rebranding as Severance Union Medical College in 1913.
The broader history of Yonsei University begins with the founding of Chosun Christian College on March 5, 1915, by American Protestant missionary Horace Grant Underwood, who was sent by the church. Underwood served as the first president, with Avison as vice president, and the college was initially located at the YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association), commencing courses in April with 60 students and 18 faculty members.
During WW I & II
On August 22, 1910, Japan annexed Korea via the Japan–Korea Treaty. In 1911, Governor-General Terauchi Masatake enacted the Ordinance on Chosun Education (조선교육령; 朝鮮敎育令), followed by regulations in 1915 that aimed to suppress private education, requiring all schools to obtain approval from the governor-general and conduct instruction in Japanese.
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Chejungwon (Gwanghyewon) inside Yonsei University campus, restored to its current form in the 1980s (2009).
Severance Union College struggled to meet these regulations, leading to changes in policies, curriculum, faculty expansion, and clarification of its governance. It gained recognition as a professional medical school on May 14, 1917. In 1922, Governor-General Makoto Saito's Revised Ordinance on Chosun Education (개정조선교육령) imposed stricter faculty qualifications, prompting Severance to hire more faculty with degrees from accredited institutions. By 1923, Severance regained the authority to confer medical licenses to graduates without a state exam, a privilege lost since 1912. In March 1934, the Japanese Ministry of Education validated Severance by allowing its graduates to practice medicine across Japanese territories.
In 1934, Oh Geung Seon (오긍선; 吳兢善) became Severance's first Korean president, marking a significant milestone in the institution's history.
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Ordinance in front of Underwood Hall (1939)
The 1915 and 1922 ordinances greatly impacted Chosun Christian College, which aspired to be recognized as a college but was classified as a "professional school" due to the 1915 Ordinance prohibiting Korean private colleges. It later became Yonhui College, evolving into a university with six departments, while facing curriculum restrictions that banned courses in Korean history, geography, and the Bible outside theology. The missionary council criticized Japan's strict regulations compared to its private schools.
After the March First Independence Movement in 1919, Japan's control over Korea eased, as shown by the 1922 Ordinance, which lifted strict oversight of educational content and allowed Yonhui to include Christian programs and the Bible in its curriculum, while still requiring Japanese literature. Korean history was rebranded as Eastern History, and the Korean language was incorporated when possible.
Post-1922, Yonhui discontinued its Department of Agriculture after its first cohort graduated, and efforts to reinstate it were largely unsuccessful, though a training centre for agricultural education was established.
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Yonhee College campus (1939).
Yonhui had an open policy for admitting non-Christians, allowing Christian students to influence them. However, in the late 1930s, Japan intensified its assimilation efforts in Korea under Governor-General Jirō Minami, implementing policies like Sōshi-kaimei and enforcing Shinto practices while recruiting Koreans for the military.
The 1938 Ordinance on Chosun Education mandated Shinto adoption, reduced Korean language instruction, and emphasized Japanese studies. Yonhui resisted by introducing Korean language courses in late 1938, but by March 1940, it was forced to adopt Japanese studies.
English classes were restricted due to deteriorating U.S.-Japan relations, leading to a ban on English coursework. In 1938, President H.H. Underwood accepted Shinto practices to keep Yonhui open, while pressure from governors-general resulted in the loss of U.S. financial support, worsening the institution's financial situation.
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Photo 1 - Lee Han Yeol Memorial The June Democratic Struggle began on June 9, with student organizations mobilizing for protests on June 10. Lee Han-yeol, a Yonsei University student, was critically injured by a tear gas grenade and became a symbol of the protests. He died on July 5, shortly after the government met public demands. His national funeral on July 9 drew over 1.6 million mourners, and he was buried at the May 18th National Cemetery. 1987: When the Day Comes (2017) Korean movie based on the true story, and focuses on the events that led up to the June Democratic Uprising in Korea caused by his death.
At first, sang Hymns, School songs, and Cheer songs
This is where it might become a bit confusing for some as it mentions other songs and Album Numbers that might not make sense to how its apart of the History Korean Male Groups, but it does is some way.
The official debut song of the Yeonhee College Choir was the Yeonhee College cheer song and school song recorded on the Columbia SP Album (Album number 40358) in September 1932. In other words, they were not a male vocal team singing popular songs from the beginning. So, at first, the team’s name was written on the album as Yonhee College's quartet.
Those who sang hymns and school songs on campus released ‘Watermill’ and ‘Farmer's Song’ in September 1932, following ‘Idiot Tour of Seoul’, an adaptation of a song by foreign composer Smith, and ‘Let's Play’, a black folk song (Columbia Records, Album Number 40359). The folk song SP (Colombia Records, Album Number 40361) containing, was released under the same team’s name. So, there is more than one Yeonhee Quartet.
Yeonhee Professional Orchestra (연희전문사중창단)
Yeonhee Professional Quartet, Vocal Quartet, Ensemble or Orchestra seem to be the same but might actually be different groups, which threw me off a bit, especially with all the photos of the groups that the University had. It’s confusing since there might have been several groups with the same name at the University, and I’m not sure which male group was the first to “debut”. So, I’ll just compile all the photos and related info together. Overall Yeonhee University might have been the first to debut a Korean male group.
An orchestra/ Quartet/ Ensemble composed of students attending Yonsei University during the Japanese Colonial Period. 
The 1960s marked a notable increase in the popularity of male quartets in Korea, with groups such as the Bluebells, Mellotone Quartet, Johnny Brothers, Bongbongsa Quartet, and Arirang Brothers emerging as prominent figures in the music scene. The Bluebells, often referred to as 'Korea's first male vocal group', played a pioneering role in this genre. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that the Yeonhee Professional Quartet, originating from Yeonhee College, had already made significant contributions to the musical landscape during the Japanese colonial era, thus laying the groundwork for future male vocal harmony ensembles in Korea.
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Photo 1 - Yeonhee Professional Quartet (연희전문사중창단) (1932) Names of the people in the photo: English – Lee In-beom, Choi Seong-du, Hwang Jae-gyeong, Shin Yeong-gyun (Piano Hyun Je-myeong) Korean - 이인범, 최성두, 황재경, 신영균(피아노현재명)
Established in 1929, the Yonhui College Orchestra/Quartet conducted biannual concerts for approximately a decade, beginning in 1930, under the leadership of Hyun Je-myeong (현제명). This initiative not only showcased the talents of the ensemble but also contributed to the cultural fabric of the time, reflecting the evolving musical tastes amidst the backdrop of colonial rule. The Yeonhee Professional Quartet, recognized as the first male vocal ensemble in Korea, transitioned from performing hymns and school songs to embracing popular music, thereby broadening their appeal and influence.
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Photo 2 - Yeonhui College Orchestra (연희전문사중창단) and its leader, Hyun Je-myeong (현제명) (second from the right)Date of photo taken and student’s names are unknown.
The Yeonhee Professional Quartet, comprised of tenor Lee In-beom, Choi Seong-du, bass Hwang Jae-kyung, second bass Shin Young-gyun, and pianist Hyun Je-myeong (현제명), made their debut in September 1932 with the release of Yeonhee College's "Cheering Song" (응원가) and "School Song" (교가). They subsequently produced a variety of folk songs and original compositions, including "I Am Silhyeo" or “I'm lost” (나는 실혀) and "Hahaha," (하.하.하) and gained exposure through performances on Gyeongseong Broadcasting Station (JODK) (경성방송국).
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Photo 3 - Yeonhui Professional Orchestra (연희전문사중창단) (1933) Date of photo taken and student’s names are unknown.
This ‘group’ could be considered at the first Korean or Foreign-Korean co-ed group/ Orchestra, as you can see two females and two or three foreign people in the front row (I don’t think the people in the photo could be considered a “group” as it could be classed as an Orchestra, as mentioned under the photo) from Yeonhee University, but there is no information confirming that (this is my opinion).
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Adding to the people that are in the picture it looks like that there are a few foreign men in the front row next to the two females on the right (shown in photo 1 above), I zoomed into the photo and you can see two or three foreigners in the photo (shown in photo 2 above), this would make sense as the University was founded by Horace Newton Allen, an American Protestant missionary and was appointed to Korea by the Presbyterian Church in the USA.
The activities of this orchestra facilitated the emergence of musicians such as Kim Seong-tae (김성태), Lee In-beom (이인범), Kim Saeng-ryeo (김생려), and Lim Dong-hyeok (임동혁).
On October 10, 1933, the Joseon Musicians Association hosted a music recital for Hyun Je-myeong and Hong Nan-pa at Ewha Haktang in Jeongdong, during which the Yonhui College Choir performed "Boat Song," composed by Hyun Je-myeong with lyrics by Lee Eun-sang (이은상), alongside "Watermill" and "Jeolumbari," both also written by Lee Eun-sang and composed by Hyun Je-myeong.
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Lee Eun Sang (이은상) (Pen Name - Nosan) (1903 – 1982) was a Sijo Writer, historian and a poet and after liberation, he wrote ‘Nosan Sijo Anthology’ and ‘The Meaning of the Blue Sky’.
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The lower grades of Ewha Hakdang, in the 1910s. Ewha Haktang (이화학당; 梨花學堂) in Jeongdong now Ewha Woman’s University, was founded/ established in 1886 by Mary F. Scranton a female American missionary.
“I'm lost” (나는 실혀) and "Hahaha," (하.하.하)
In April 1933, the Yeonhee Professional Quartet (연희전문사중창단) produced a sound recording for Columbia Records that included "Hahaha" (하.하.하), an adaptation of a work by the foreign composer Crown, as well as "I am Silheo" or "I’m Lost" (나는 실혀), composed by Sherborne (셜본이). Interestingly, the album attributes the arrangement to Ji Gong-bo, who is believed to be a foreign arranger who is specified on the album, a practice that is quite rare.
I couldn’t find anything on composers Crown and or Sherborne only that it’s a school in the UK, and couldn’t find anything on Ji Gong-bo as well?
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‘I am lost’ (나는실혀)/ ‘Ha.Ha.Ha’ (하.하.하) – Vinyl Record Front.
This phonograph album marks the debut of the Yeonhui Professional Quartet, recognized as Korea's first male vocal ensemble, as they earnestly began performing popular songs across various genres. The album signifies their transition from academic life to a professional career as a vocal group. Notably, a photograph exists of the quartet alongside Professor Hyun Je-myeong (Photo 1 shown below), who accompanied them on piano during a broadcast on Gyeongseong Broadcasting Radio (JODK) (경성방송국) shortly after the album's release (as already mentioned above).
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Following their initial release, the quartet produced several notable recordings, including "Yuwangmin's Song" (유랑민의 노래) and "Joseon's Song" (조선의 노래) in August 1933 (album number 40450), as well as "Mungteongguri Jangga-ga" (멍텅구리 장가가요) and "Goodbye" (굿빠이) in September 1934 (Colombia Records, album number 40536). In January 1935, they continued their output with "My Wife Sleeping" (낫잠자는 마누라) and "Sapsaegae" (삽살개). During this period, the ensemble was still referred to as the Yeonhui Professional Quartet.
In April 1935, the group rebranded as the ‘Yeonjeon Quartet’, and by December 1936, they released "Jeolleumbali" (절늠발이) composed by Hyun Je-myeong, which represents their final known album release. The phonograph records produced by the quartet are now regarded as rare artifacts, making them difficult to encounter in contemporary collections.
Included Songs:
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The two song that were on the vinyl that were sung by the Yeonhee Professional Quartet.
Yeonhee Professional Quartet Members:
The only photo that has names attached to them is Photo 1: Lee In Beom (이인범), Choi Seong Du (최성두), Hwang Jae-gyeong (황재경), Shin Yeong-gyun (신영균) (Piano Hyun Je-myeong) (피아노현재명). I will briefly talk about him and the other members here but will go into detail about them separately in future posts.
Hyeon Je Myeong (현제명; 玄濟明)
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Hyun Je Myeong (December 8 , 1902 – October 16, 1960) (His pen name is Hyeonseok and Japanese name is Kuroyama Saimei) was a pianist , violinist , tenor singer , song lyricist , song composer , and arranger during the Japanese colonial period in South Korea. He was included in the list of 708 pro-Japanese collaborators announced in 2002, the list of people scheduled to be included in the Dictionary of Pro-Japanese Collaborators by the Institute for Research in Collaborationist Activities published in 2008, and the list of 704 pro-Japanese collaborators announced by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Pro-Japanese Collaborators in 2009. In the second half of 2008 (No. 43) of the academic journal 'Korean History Citizen Lecture', a special feature commemorating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Korea, titled 'People who founded the Republic of Korea', he was selected as one of the 32 people who laid the foundation for the founding of the country in the culture, religion, and media sectors.
Lee In Beom (이인범; 李仁範)
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Lee In Beom (1914 – 1978) was a musician and was a director of the Korean Opera Company, Professor of Yonsei University College of Music. Was a member of the Yonhui Professional Quartet, he toured the country twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. He participated in the Gyeongseong Welfare Chamber Orchestra, a pro- Japanese music group that toured the country at the end of the Japanese colonial period to play music of the times and encourage support for the war. As a result, he was selected in the music category of the list of people to be included in the Dictionary of Pro-Japanese Figures published by the Institute for Research in Collaborationist Activities in 2008.
Choi Seong Du (최성두; 崔聖斗)
No photos of just him like Lee In Beom, Hyun Je Myeong other than being in this group photo exist that I could find, I could only find information on him.
Choi Seong-du was a clarinet and piano player. Born in Seoncheon, North Pyongan Province.  Graduated from Sungjeon College and Yonhee College. He worked with Lee In-beom (이인범), Jang Myeong-ho (장명호), and Cha Hyeong-gi (차형기) under the guidance of Hyun Je-myeong (현제명).
Hwang Jae Gyeong (황재경; 黃材景)
No photos of just him like Lee In Beom, Hyun Je Myeong other than being in this group photo exist that I could find, I could only find information on him. I hope this information is for the write Hwang Jae-gyeong as his name when searching came up with more than one person with the same name.
Hwang Jae-gyeong was a flutists and arranger (popular singer) and was a member of the Yonjeon Music Club during the Japanese colonial period. He performed at a concert hosted by the Christian Youth Association on November 27, 1926, and worked with Cha Hyeong-gi , Choi Seong-du , and Han In-hwan under the guidance of Hyun Je-myeong
Shin Yeong Gyun (신영균)
Couldn’t find any information or photos of just him like Lee In Beom, Hyun Je Myeong other than being in this group photo.
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I’m not shore which person in this photo is Shin Yeong-gyun, Choi Seong-du or Hwang Jae-gyeong
I didn’t realise this until I read a few of their wiki pages that some of them were on the list of 708 pro-Japanese collaborators during the Japanese Occupation, I thought that one of the reasons that he was mentioned so much and that he a lot of information was because he was very famous composer and that he worked at the Yonsei University, they are probably one of the reasons why? I feel like (in my opinion) that Yeonhui Professional Orchestra/ Quartet (연희전문사중창단), might not be popular or be mentioned today as the “first” male group is because Hyun Je-myeong, Lee In Beom were pro-Japanese, and that 3 out of 5 of the members having information both in a good or bad way.
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coochiequeens · 6 months
Justin Trudeau is attacking a man who wants women to have access to single sex soaces while a sadistic TIM is using his gender identity to be moved to a lower security prison.
OTTAWA — Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre says he believes "biological males" have no place in sports or change rooms that are labelled female.
Poilievre was asked at a news conference Wednesday about his position on whether transgender women should be allowed in spaces that are labelled for women and whether he would introduce any legislation to stop it.
Poilievre told reporters he believes "female spaces should be exclusively for females, not for biological males."
That is in line with a policy resolution Conservative party members voted for at their convention last fall, which says women should have access to "single-sex spaces" in areas like prisons, bathrooms and sports..........
Poilievre said many of the spaces in question are controlled by provinces and municipalities so it is unclear what role the federal government could play.
"But obviously, female sports, female change rooms, female bathrooms, should be for females — not for biological males."............
He was asked repeatedly during a recent news conference on Parliament Hill about his stance on access to hormone therapies and puberty blockers for minors, following Alberta Premier Danielle Smith's proposal to restrict them.
He said he believes children should be able to make such choices about their bodies "when they're adults."
When asked directly whether he opposes the use of puberty blockers for gender-diverse youth under the age of 18, he said, "Yes."...........
Premiers of conservative governments in Saskatchewan, Alberta and New Brunswick all introduced new policies that require schools to notify parents when transgender or non-binary students want to go by preferred names and pronouns.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has accused the premiers and Poilievre for attacking transgender rights.
When it comes to the proposed restrictions on gender-affirming medical treatments, Trudeau said Poilievre wants government to take away parents' ability to do what's best for their kids in consultation with doctors.
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Feb. 21, 2024.
Stephanie Taylor, The Canadian Press
See whole article
By Genevieve Gluck March 16, 2024
A notorious sexually sadistic killer who fatally stabbed a man with a screwdriver during intercourse has recently been claiming to identify as a woman while incarcerated and was allowed to move from a maximum-security prison to a medium-security facility. Luka Magnotta, 41, born Eric Clinton Kirk Newman, brutally murdered Concordia University student Jun Lin in May 2012 after meeting him through Craigslist for a BDSM encounter.
Content Warning- the article discusses how he killed Jun Lin and kittens
Magnotta, a transvestite, male escort, and porn actor, has an extensive criminal history that includes disturbing incidents of animal abuse. The subject of a popular true crime documentary series titled “DON’T F*CK WITH CATS,” Magnotta had been sadistically torturing and killing kittens then posting the footage online in the years leading up to the murder. In a similar fashion, Magnotta recorded a snuff video of Lin’s slaying which depicted him dismembering the victim before performing acts of necrophilia and cannibalism.
After the killing, Magnotta dismembered Lin and mailed pieces of his corpse to both the national headquarters for both the Canadian Conservative Party and Liberal Party. Other packages sent to elementary schools contained Lin’s foot and hand.
On May 29, 2012, a man discovered Lin’s decomposing torso stuffed inside of a suitcase that had been left in a garbage pile behind an apartment in the Snowdon area of Montreal. Police quickly identified Magnotta as a suspect, but he had already fled, having purchased a round-trip ticket for a flight bound for Paris.
Three days later, Interpol issued a red notice calling for the arrest and extradition of Magnotta at the request of Canadian authorities. An international manhunt was conducted, with authorities being notified that Magnotta may have disguised himself as a woman.
On June 4, the deranged killer was arrested at an internet cafe in Berlin, where he was reading news stories about himself. Magnotta was ultimately sentenced to life in prison for the horrific crime.
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sixthratesoma · 16 days
Re: pro-Palestinian activism I am very poor, and am not very popular, so my reach in pushing back against the genocide in Gaza feels very short. But I can talk a little, at least. I'm sorry if this is a little awkwardly worded. But the matter is very tender, and I want to treat it with some dignity I do not naturally possess. I am half jewish, quarter German. My paternal grandfather was a Hitler Youth, the family on my mother's side Spanish jews fleeing the horrors of the war. My parents, their respective children who were born or raised in America. It's a weird, dark thing. Both sides of a genocide are somewhere in the family history. It's given me a lot to think about over the years.
My grandfather was captured and deprogrammed by the Canadian army. In truth, I loved him dearly. My grandfather did not participate in much of the darkness of the war, and was captured the moment he was sent out. His change of heart was true, and the kindness that came with it lasted a lifetime. I know, stay with me. By contrast with my grandfather's candidness about his shameful past, my mother's family I didn't even know were Jewish refugees until a few years back. Most of that was hidden from us, me and my siblings. All the hard work and sacrifice they took to come here my sister had to find and dig through. It is a void in our history that swallows all questions. Most of the eyewitnesses to it are dead now.
My grandfather's legacy was a burden on me all my life. It was men like him, however brainwashed, who made those voids. And there are hundreds. There are thousands. Families unpersoned from history. Sacrifices snuffed out, their dried fruit at rest with the dust. I loved my grandfather. But there can be no truce with the abyss. The dead in Gaza join the members of my family who did not escape it. That the people who perpetrate this violence again are jews themselves is a sickness unto death. It is not 'impolite' to compare them to Nazis and do not believe them if they tell you otherwise. Their ancestors endured cruel, absurd darkness, the murders of children, the division into camps, rape and torture, the systematic extermination of a people-- and they made their peace with that darkness. It is not dramatic coincidence. It is human evil at its height. You cannot let it win.
Please ruin the reblogs of this post with any fund that needs donation to help the people of Palestine. Any single one you can think of. Please do not grow weary in the face of true evil. Goodness can exist in this world. Go and make it. And if any Palestinians read this: كان الله معك. أحبك من كل قلبي.
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