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❌Achtung Triggerwarnung😅 #symbolbild ⬇️ Du bekommst, was Du verdienst❗️👌🏻 #immer 💯 • • • Niemand kann ein anderes Ergebnis erwarten wenn er regelmäßig das gleiche macht.🙃 Es mag eine Zeit lang gut gehen… Aber irgendwann holt dich alles ein. #früheroderspäter Die Welt bewegt sich stets und ständig. Also bewege dich und arbeite hart.👈🏻 Sei ein MACHER. #team24fitschwerin #schwerin #hwpo #nopainnogain #lifestyle #meme #fitnessmeme #fitnessmotivation #weightlifting #barbell #snatch #myresults #yourresults #schwerinmachtglücklich #schwerinmeinestadt (hier: Team 24FIT) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj2ahrMKpMJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Are you goal setting? . . . . Having a clear goal in mind for the week is imperative to getting your results! Choose wisely to make it attainable, decide on what workouts you will be doing and when. Be precise and write this down so that there is accountability to your actions. Nutrition needs to be planned for the week and again STAY ON PLAN be responsible for what you put in your mouth. Stay focused and positive for your weeks goal #DoIt . . . #transformationfacility #yourhealth #yourgoals #yourresults #yourexcuses #intershapecommunity (at Intershape Fitness)
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Describe one internal and one external method for the disseminationof your EBP project results
Describe one internal and one external method for the disseminationof your EBP project results
Describe one internal and one external method for the disseminationof your EBP project resultsDescribe one internal and one external method for the disseminationof your EBP project results. For example, an internal method may bethe hospital board, and an external method may be a professionalnursing organization. Discuss why it is important to report yourresults to both of these groups. How will…
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Describe one internal and one external method for the disseminationof your EBP project results
Describe one internal and one external method for the disseminationof your EBP project results
Describe one internal and one external method for the disseminationof your EBP project resultsDescribe one internal and one external method for the disseminationof your EBP project results. For example, an internal method may bethe hospital board, and an external method may be a professionalnursing organization. Discuss why it is important to report yourresults to both of these groups. How will…
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Describe one internal and one external method for the disseminationof your EBP project results
Describe one internal and one external method for the disseminationof your EBP project results
Describe one internal and one external method for the disseminationof your EBP project resultsDescribe one internal and one external method for the disseminationof your EBP project results. For example, an internal method may bethe hospital board, and an external method may be a professionalnursing organization. Discuss why it is important to report yourresults to both of these groups. How will…
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Describe one internal and one external method for the disseminationof your EBP project results
Describe one internal and one external method for the disseminationof your EBP project results
Describe one internal and one external method for the disseminationof your EBP project resultsDescribe one internal and one external method for the disseminationof your EBP project results. For example, an internal method may bethe hospital board, and an external method may be a professionalnursing organization. Discuss why it is important to report yourresults to both of these groups. How will…
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Describe one internal and one external method for the disseminationof your EBP project results. For example, an internal method may bethe hospital board, and an external method may be a professionalnursing organization. Discuss why it is important to report yourresults to both of these groups. How will your communicationstrategies change for each group? My EBP is on hand washing
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It's Just A Bunch Of Honkus Ponkus Halloween Witch Duck Vintage Retro T Shirt
Who donatedmoneyto that we were able to build wells forI think it was twelve hundred and fiftypeople in Malawi and and that was reallyamazing and then we we built it wehelped build an orphanage in Honduraswith Joshua Becker and the folks fromhis charity the hope effect and we withthe folks at misfit and enjoy coffeehouse over and Laos we built anelementary school over there and withyour help as well the people who donatedto that and so we were able to help outwith that we also had some extra moneyfrom that so we funded a It's Just A Bunch Of Honkus Ponkus Halloween Witch Duck Vintage Retro T Shirt high school fora year in Kenya and of course we’ve donea bunch of other philanthropic things aswellwe wanted to find different ways tocontribute to the world around us andwe’ll continue to contribute we wantedto dedicate a year to the contributionas we were finishing up the thedocumentary which by the way so we justturned six years old we’ve spent thelast three years in this documentarywe’ve spent half of the minimalistscomms life span on this this documentaryso think about that we perspective. Well theentire gift giving chapter plus thereare 11 other other. Is a great time to start to shiftthe paradigm paradigm now I say start toshift right because when is the besttime to talk about Christmas gifts it’sFebruary you’re already way way way toolate and so you’re going to have toconcede to some of the normal traditionsand expectations because by definitiontraditions are not very flexible but youcan implement new traditions next yearand you can start that now you can startto plant the seeds for next year rightnow and make a little bit of room thisyear so that next year your holidayseason is much more meaningful and bythe way this more this holiday will bemore meaningful by implementing somesubtle changes in your tradition thisyear so give some experiences if youneed to give a physical item some ofthose experiences you can gift up babyyou can you can box up and hand into abecause someone wants that physical giftand the especially but with kids Ellaloves unwrapping things and so even ifwe’re going to go do something likewe’re gonna take her to to Florida thisthe spring and
Source: It's Just A Bunch Of Honkus Ponkus Halloween Witch Duck Vintage Retro T Shirt
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Didn’t think I would beI’m just meeting like really I gotfrozen early like two feet of snow outthere I know right it’s it’s supposed tobe negative 19 degrees tonightnegative 19 was the wind no no no isthat with the humidity or yeah but it’sa dryin Celsius it’s probably pretty close inCelsius actually I know that’s beforewindchill but not wasn’t in Los Angelesfor a It's Just A Bunch Of Honkus Ponkus Halloween Witch Duck Vintage Retro T Shirt long weekend Bex and I had a freeweekend so we went out there and man Ihad one of the best times I’ve had in inyears it was amazing we saw Johnny Langin concert and what was he playing itman no it was it was a big venue but wehad we had really good seatsand oh my goodness he I didn’t I’d neverseen John Lang I loved his music butI’ve never seen him live before and yeahhe���s probably the the best blues playerI’ve ever seen but not just thatare you into Blues now what it’s weirdthat like six it’ll be jazz some whiteguy from Fargo North Dakota is the bestplayer that I’ve ever seen he’s awesomeand I I’ve never never seen him alivebefore but my goodness I mean. Really being clear on what youwant to get out of that plan so when itcomes to the art supplies what is yourresult what do you want do you wantfeel better because you have less artsupplies and it’s less cluttered thengreat use that and form a plan around itand stick to it and and whittle thatdown yeah and don’t assume you have toget rid of something in order to be moreof a minimalist right if you find valuein it great yeah I’ve totally metminimalist with book collections nomatter what Josh thinks no I’m kiddingall right third third question here fromFrank Martin Frank mark Frank Martinasks what was the most difficult thingfor each of you to get rid of you knowpeople will ask that question in theirother like was that the big screen TV orwas it your Lexus or was it yourwhatever and the truth is the mostdifficult thing for me to get rid ofwasn’t a physical thingit was my identity the first question wetend to ask other people is what do youdo and we get so tied up in the answerto that question the title that’s on ourbusiness card. I wasactually in Spokane at the time Iremember getting some call See Other related products: A School Bus Driver's Dream Vintage Retro T Shirt
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India Alert | Episode 313 | Sweet Aunty ( सवट आट ) | Dangal TV Channel
-Yes, mom.
What are you always lookingat through the binoculars? -Come on.
Let me see too.
-Mother, I… -Show me.
-I was looking at the stars.
Looking at the stars? During the day? Yes, I can see them through these too.
Is it? I want to see too.
-Fooling your mom?-Hey.
Your results are due today, right? Are you worried about that? No, right? -Mom.
-Listen to me carefully.
I won’t spare you if yourresults are not good this time.
Mom, my results will be great.
Don’t worry.
Let go of my ear.
-That is better.
-Let go of my ear.
Watching stars during the day? Come on, get ready fast.
I couldn’t even see properlybecause of mom today.
Where did she go now? Drat.
But no problem, my lad.
She will come to you one day.
Let’s take a 2 minutes break.
And then we will start again.
Look, our new neighbor, Ms.
Miss? Isn’t she married? She is not married but sheis still so fit and fine, right? She will focus on herfigure where there is no Husband and family, right? She doesn’t have toworry about family like us.
I am also worried aboutour kids’ results now.
Hey, Rekha.
What about your son’s results? What to say? My son doesn’t pay attentionto his studies at all.
I am very worried about him.
Why? Did Varun flunk his exams again? What else?I don’t know what he does all the time.
How to make him focus on his studies? Do one thing.
Shweta tutors collegestudents at her home.
Get Varun enrolled there.
Good idea.
He doesn’t study at home.
Maybe this will teach him something.
But I don’t know how toconvince him for these classes.
Will he even consent? Mom, why are you after me? I don’t want to join any classes.
Study at college, at home and not classes.
-No, I am not doing it.
At lease meet the teacher once.
Madhu said that she teaches well.
Please meet her once.
Mom, I don’t want to join.
I told you… Listen, she is here.
Please talk properly, son.
Look, who has come? Come in.
This is Ms.
I was just talking about her.
Hi Varun.
Third year, right? So, are you coming fromtomorrow to my home for classes? -At 5 pm sharp.
-All right, Rekha, Bye.
Come let me see you out.
See you.
Teach him well, Ms.
Bye! He will come from tomorrow, for sure.
What happened? Come.
Your house is very beautiful, like you.
Thank you so much.
Okay, sit here.
I will be back.
Hmm? Show me your books.
Books? Okay.
Show me the other one.
The rest of the books.
-Yes, mom.
-You have come, son.
How was your day today? -Very good.
-Did Shweta teach well? -Hmm.
Continue to focus on your studies And then you will ace your exams.
Hmm? Mom, I am focused.
I am just waiting for my results.
Very good.
-You wrote it correct, Varun.
-Thank you.
And yes, ask me about your doubts anytime.
Treat me as your friend not a teacher.
Friends? You mean we are friends now? Any doubt? This hand has got Shweta’s fragrance.
Varun, memorize the twochapters I taught you today.
Ma'am, you will haveto come to my home tomorrow.
Why? Because tomorrow is very special for me.
-Is it?-Yes.
What is so special thatI have to come to your house… One minute.
Rekha? Your mom is calling.
Yes, Ms.
Shweta, you have to come our house tomorrow.
-Why?-It is my son Varun’s birthday tomorrow.
You have to come tomorrow and no excuses.
Please come.
So tomorrow is specialbecause it is your birthday.
I will have to come now.
After all we are friends.
Hmm? Varun, come and cut the cake.
Yes, Varun, why aren’t you cutting your cake? Wait for some time.
I am waiting for someone.
-Any other guest?-Yes, someone special.
Varun, come and cut the cake.
People will get late.
Come on.
Yes, mom.
I thought you won’t be able to come.
How can I disregard your invite? Thank you.
Come on, son.
Cut the cake.
“Happy birthday to you.
” “Happy birthday to you.
” “Happy birthday dear Varun.
” “Happy birthday to you.
” Come, Ms.
This is my room.
Nice room, Varun.
What happened? Cake.
There is cake on your face.
I will clean it.
-Thank you.
I am so sorry, Varun.
I couldn’t get you any gift.
Seriously, I am sorry.
No problem.
But there is somethingyou can give me as a gift.
What is that? Varun! What are you doing? This is not right.
You are my student.
So, what ma'am.
I like you.
I am always thinking about you.
Please try to understand.
Varun, you need to understand.
This is wrong.
There is a huge age gap between us.
This is not possible, Varun.
This… Age doesn’t matter in love.
One only loves in love.
-Shweta, please try and understand.
I will never let go ofyour hand since I have held it.
Shweta, please agree.
I love you a lot.
I want to marry you.
I love you, Shweta.
What is happening? What is happening? -Mother…-Aren’t you ashamed? -Mother!-Aren’t you ashamed? I sent him to you forclasses not for such dirtiness.
-Shameless woman.
You should have thought about your age.
Look, I am telling you.
I won’t spare you ifI see you near my son again.
-Get out of my house.
Get out.
-Mom! Mom, what is this nonsense? You cannot talk to Shweta like this.
That middle aged womanhas become Shweta for you.
What else did she teach you? She has not taught me anything.
Just listen to me.
I love her.
And that’s it.
Love her? Love her? Look at your age.
She is not much younger than me.
Love her? Do you even understandwhat you are saying? Don’t you dare.
If I see you around thatwoman then I will not spare you.
You cannot stop me from meeting Shweta.
I am stooping you now.
Got it? And remember, this is my house.
And you have to do my bidding here.
Mother, whether you agree or not.
I will not let Shweta get away from me.
I will make Shweta mine.
Just watch.
Hi mom.
We got married today.
Stop this nonsense.
I don’t accept this middle-agedwoman as my daughter-in-law.
-Mom, we…-Don’t enter this house.
And you.
I told you last nightto stay away from my son.
-Didn’t I?-Mother.
-Get out from here.
Think about it.
If Shweta won’t stay here, I won’t either.
Okay, I won’t allow her in my house.
So, you can leave too.
Get out.
I am leaving.
I will not return.
Okay? Come, Shweta.
What are you doing, Varun?She is your mom.
She has the right to scold you.
And who gets angry at their mother? Varun, she is rightin being angry with us.
We got married against her wishes.
And what were your about to do? You are his only son.
How will she live if you leave her alone? Who will take care of her? You are correct Shweta.
Did you listen? You abused Shweta andshe is worried about you.
Try to understand, mom.
Listen to me.
Don’t worry.
It will take time butwe will convince her together.
We will have to convinceher otherwise my plan will fail.
Such a grand house.
So much wealth.
And Varun you are the lone heir.
And I.
I am your wife.
I will rule.
They say love has no limits.
One can fall in lovewith anyone at anytime.
Our story today isalso about an odd couple.
Greetings, I am Girish Jain.
Welcome to this newepisode of Crime Alert.
Even Varun fell in lovewith his neighbor, Shweta.
And she was almost double his age.
Varun was so much in love that he didn’t even listen to his mom.
And he married a womanalmost his mom’s age and got her home withoutany investigation.
But Varun didn’t know that his true was just a game of fraud for Shweta.
A game where both Varunand his mom will be targeted.
What will Varun'ssenseless wedding lead to? Come, let’s watch.
Hey! What is all this? Are you teaching my son all this? Please stop it now.
You have been naggingsince I came this morning.
Behave yourself.
This is my house.
No matter how I speak, listen properly.
You have no space in this house.
Got it? Be ashamed.
You are older.
My son is innocent.
A child.
You should tell him not to do all this.
And you are doing it instead.
Let him go.
Tell me, what do you want? Silence.
Just shut up.
Rekha, I am no longer your neighbor.
I am your only son’s wife.
This house is mine too just like yours.
It will be better ifyou don’t mess with me.
Otherwise remember.
Your only son’s heart is under my control.
And Ms.
Rekha, if I hurt him by mistake then you will lose your only son.
Got it, mother-in-law? Excuse me.
It is my and your son's… Your young son’s nuptial night.
So, excuse me.
What is this? It’s our first night, right?Let’s celebrate.
Come on.
I haven’t tried this before.
Then try it today.
-What happened?-Nothing.
No need to do all this.
And this is my houseso don’t come to my kitchen.
-Got it?-But mother-in-law, breakfast… If you want to have breakfastthen you find a way out.
But not in my kitchen.
Shweta, sit.
I will arrange for our breakfast.
Okay? Hmm.
Our breakfast is here.
-Hello, aunt.
-Hello dear.
-Where is your mom?-Mom… Madhu.
You two here? You didn’t come tothe park since two days.
So, we came to ask after you.
No problem.
Hello, Ms.
What are you doing hereso early in the morning? Have you come to tutor Varun? But all these marks of marriage.
Have you gotten married? Wonderful.
Congratulations, Shweta.
Introduce us to your bridegroom.
Where is your husband?Who is the lucky man? Forget all that.
What business we have with her husband? -Come on.
Won’t you meet Ms.
Shweta’s dear husband? -Yes.
I am her husband.
We got married yesterday.
Come, Shweta.
You here? -How are you?-How are you? Come on.
-Here is your pizza?-Thank you.
Varun you didn’t tell you got married.
Is it true? Yes, I have gotten married.
Really?Where is your wife.
Introduce us.
I will.
Shweta, you are here too? Hello.
We have come to meet Varun’s wife.
Introduce us to your wife.
This is my wife.
Come on, Varun.
You can win it.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
-I know you can win it.
-Come on.
Come on.
I know you can do it.
You will win this time.
Do it.
Do it.
Do it.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
This girl is just sticking to Varun.
She might be trying tosnatch away my lotto ticket.
Did you see, mother-in-law? How your son is flirtingwith strange girls? You tell me about customs.
This… These customs… Shweta, can’t you see? They are friends.
Their friendship is hurting me a lot, mother-in-law.
Anyway, one shouldn’t flirtwith other girls after marriage.
Do you know your son’s antics are torturing me mentally? So, get it.
If I report to the policeabout this mental torture then you two will be apprehendedfor domestic torture.
So make your good son understand.
All right, bye.
See you.
-See you.
Take care.
And call me as you reach.
You and your friendshave littered so much, Varun.
Clean it up.
-Me?-What else… You know your son treatsyou like a child still.
But you are grown up now, Varun.
You are married.
So, you have to take the responsibilities.
And you also needto become a good husband.
Okay listen.
One has to help hiswife in household chores.
Right, baby? You are correct.
I littered so I will clean it up.
Where is the broom? There.
In the back.
You are correct.
I littered so I will clean it up.
You know mom never let me do all this.
That’s why I am still a baby.
Mother-in-law, where are you? Why are you shouting like that? Mother-in-law, I need to go shopping.
After all I am your daughter-in-law.
So, I have to wear goodclothes as per your family status.
Mother-in-law, don’t ask.
I can’t tell you howdemanding your son is.
He is warm blooded.
Just become a man.
So, I will have to shopaccording to him, right? So, mother-in-law, as I was saying.
Your time is over.
So, give me your bunch of keys.
I want money.
You want to go shopping, right? -Yes.
-Use your money.
Because I am not giving you any money.
What did you say? Not giving any money.
Yes! You don’t know me.
Are you trying to scare me?So, let me tell you.
You cannot scare me.
What will you do then? What will you do? You will go and make a police complaint against me and my son.
Right? Fine.
That is good for me.
My son will see your reality.
And that fake web of loveyou have trapped my son in.
That will get removed to.
Go and complain to the police.
This old woman will not surrender so much.
She has control over all the money.
I will have to find anotherway to get the money.
As I was saying, I need some money.
-Why?-I have got many expenses.
How do I cover them? I need money.
But Shweta, I am still in college.
How do I earn money? And the pocket money momgives me gets spent immediately.
But I promise when I will start earning you will live like a queenand cover all your expenses.
I promise.
Why don’t you take money from mom now? -From mom?-Hmm.
Baby, I married you.
Not your mom.
Why should I ask money from her? And you have to take allmy responsibilities as a wife.
But I am still in college, how do I earn money? I don’t like doing thesame thing repeatedly, baby.
I want money.
It is your problemas to how you will get it.
Shweta, where do I get it?Where I get money from? Varun, I just have this.
Even I have only this.
I hope this will help.
And even I have only this.
Thanks friends.
Thank you.
But what happened, Varun? All good? Yes, all good.
Shweta wants to go shopping.
But she knows you are in college.
You don’t have a job.
Then why is she asking money from you? She also takes classes.
She doesn’t want to work anymore.
And she is correct.
I am her husband.
I should bear her responsibility.
I should cover her expenses.
-Okay, bye.
-Thank you.
Here is the money.
My good husband.
What is this Varun? This is just 2000.
I can’t even buy a sari with this.
And you know that I don'tlike wearing cheap clothes.
Shweta, keep this for now.
I will get the remaining in a few days.
I don’t know when youwill have your few days, Varun.
Anyway, baby.
I have got good news for you.
I know that you want to be a good husband.
That’s why I spoke to afriend of mine for a job for you.
Job? Don’t worry.
It’s a part time job.
Go to college during the day.
And work at night.
But what is the job? They needed a watchman in their society.
So, I recommended your name.
A watchman? Shweta, have you lost your mind? My son will work as a watchman? So? What’s so bad about it? He is sitting uselesslyat home after marriage.
At least he will earnsome money like this.
When you got married you knew that he is a college going kid, right? But you still married him, right? So, why are you bothering my son now? He is my husband.
I will do what I want to.
Why do you care? And yes, if you are soworried about you son, fine.
You can cover my expenses.
Give me the keys.
Okay, so that’s why you are doing this.
I told you to stay away from her.
Don’t trust her.
She consciously trappedyou in this web of love.
-Understand it now.
Stop your drama.
Give me the keys.
I am late.
Are you mad? You cannot talk to mom like this.
Wow! Even this small kid has found his speech.
You can continue yourmother-son drama later.
Give me the keys, I am getting late.
-Give me the keys.
-Shweta, are you mad? What are you doing? Shweta! Don’t try to stop me again.
Give me the keys They say, people should think over ten times before taking a big decision in life.
Examine all aspects.
After proper thought andadvice from your well-wishers one should take decisions.
But unfortunately Varunmade a huge mistake here.
He was so enamored byShweta’s superficial beauty he took a huge decision likemarriage without investigation.
But now he is shockedwhen he saw Shweta’s reality.
A youth was asked to leave his studies to become a watchman.
Shweta has never loved Varun.
Her aim was Varun’s money.
His property.
But she was getting impatient due to the delay of herplans getting materialized.
And she exposed her true self to all.
And Varun’s mother was silent because she was scared for afalse domestic violence case.
But as they say, every sin ends for sure.
But will a cunning womanlike Shweta accept defeat so easily? Or is this family goingto face some more problems? Come, let’s watch.
Are you mad? What are you doing? Varun, what are you doing here? You didn’t even come to the café with us.
And you also left college early.
What happened, Varun? You look troubled.
What is the matter? I think I made a hugemistake by marrying Shweta.
Why? What happened? No.
I can understand.
Maybe problems are happening because of your age difference.
Bro, why don’t you leave her? You just got marrieda few days ago, right? It is not so easy to leave her.
What is the problem? Just tell her that you don'twant to continue this marriage.
And we are there.
If she says no, we will convince her.
So, Varun’s life is gettingruined because of me.
How dare you talk like that to my husband? Causing problems between a couple? Aren’t you two ashamed? Shweta, don’t talk to them like this.
-Why shouldn’t I? They are instigatingmy husband against me.
And you want me to keep quiet.
And this girl.
She is smitten over you.
No, Ms.
It is nothing like this.
-You misunderstand.
-Hey, shut up.
I have not misunderstood anything.
And listen to me properly.
If I see you around myhusband again it won’t be good.
Got it? Stay away from my husband.
Got it? -Shweta, you…-And you.
You have spent enoughtime with your stupid friends.
-Come on.
Listen to me.
I said come home.
Means come home.
Shweta, why have you got me here? You want to leave me, right? Shweta, it is nothing like that.
They were just saying.
I am not thinking of it.
I didn’t marry you so thatyou can just leave me anytime.
I married you so that Icould own your house and property.
Huh? And unless I get that, you cannot leave me.
What? You mean… You want to leave me, right? Okay, do one thing.
Write over everything to me.
Your house, property, money.
And then I will set you free.
You can go wherever youwant after that for all I care.
Call you mother and tell her to come here with the property documents.
Call her.
Call up your mom like a good kid.
Very good.
-Take this.
-I won’t.
what will you do? -What will you do?-What will I do? -I won’t call her.
-You want to know what I will do.
You want to know what I will do.
You want to know what I will do.
Stay in your limits, Shweta.
-You want to know what I will do.
-I won’t call her.
-Hello aunt.
-Hello, dear.
Aunt, where is Varun and Shweta? Actually, there was somemisunderstanding because of me.
So, I just wanted to solve it.
What misunderstanding, dear? And where is Shweta and Varun? They haven’t reached home yet? But Ms.
Shweta left forhome with him since long.
Shweta? But she didn’t come here.
What happened? Tell me what is the matter.
What happened? Aunt, actually Varun wasvery sad about his married life.
Why don’t you leave her? Just tell her that you don'twant to continue this marriage.
Yes and we are there.
Causing problems between a couple.
Aren’t you two ashamed? And in anger she took away Varun with him.
So, we thought he had come home.
Varun has not reached home.
Where did Shweta take Varun? He has not come home.
His phone is unreachable.
What do I do? Varun, I have been trying to call you.
Your phone was unreachable.
You could have called.
I was so worried.
It’s me not your darling son.
Shweta? Shweta, is Varun with you? Yes, he is there.
Right in front you.
And if you want your son alive and safe then just carry outmy instructions.
Got it? And yes, if you inform the police then I will get you twoarrested for domestic violence.
Got it? Aunt, why are you so worried? What happened? Shweta has kidnapped my kid.
God, what do I do now? I cannot waste even a minute now.
It’s been so late.
When will this old woman come? Waiting for your money? I had loved you.
I didn’t even listen to my friends.
Everyone said that I was wrong.
But I was crazy in love with you.
Shut up.
You are just blabbering since long.
You think you have become wise since you listened to other people.
That is your problem.
You are a big fool.
You always believe others easily.
You trust it.
I have got a remedy for that.
Yes, I will cure it now.
Shweta, no.
Shweta, keep it away.
Shweta, keep it away.
-Your ears…-Shweta.
They are the biggest problem.
-No, Shweta.
-No ears.
-No, Shweta.
-And no hearing problems.
Shweta God! What have you done to my child? Shweta! What have you done to my child? Did you do what I told you to do? Give the money and take him.
You want money? You want the property? How dare you hurt my son? -How dare you?-Hey.
If I can do this to himI can also kill him for money.
-I have the money.
Here is the money.
Move the knife.
First do what I have told you to.
Remove the knife first.
Stop there.
Arrest her.
Take her away.
My child.
Your condition… Hello? Ambulance? A scary incident which shocked everyone.
Friends, one can fallin love with anyone at anytime.
But one also needs trust andrespect beside love in relationship.
And that happens only ifyou and your partner are true.
To accept each other'spositives and also negatives and lead a complete life.
Be faithful in marriage.
This is the main ruleof a happy married life.
Varun’s one-sided lovewas a ladder of crime for Shweta.
And she took advantage of his emotions and ruined his lifeand the people around him.
That’s why friends, we request you all that choose your liferelations after proper thought.
So, that these relationscan make your life happy.
And not ruin it.
With this I Girish Jain, bid you adieu from thisepisode of Crime Alert.
I will see you again toalert of another such crime.
Meanwhile be alert, be safe.
Crime Alert.
Voice against Crime.
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India Alert | Episode 313 | Sweet Aunty ( स्वीट आंटी ) | Dangal TV Channel
-Yes, mom.
What are you always lookingat through the binoculars? -Come on.
Let me see too.
-Mother, I… -Show me.
-I was looking at the stars.
Looking at the stars? During the day? Yes, I can see them through these too.
Is it? I want to see too.
-Fooling your mom?-Hey.
Your results are due today, right? Are you worried about that? No, right? -Mom.
-Listen to me carefully.
I won’t spare you if yourresults are not good this time.
Mom, my results will be great.
Don’t worry.
Let go of my ear.
-That is better.
-Let go of my ear.
Watching stars during the day? Come on, get ready fast.
I couldn’t even see properlybecause of mom today.
Where did she go now? Drat.
But no problem, my lad.
She will come to you one day.
Let’s take a 2 minutes break.
And then we will start again.
Look, our new neighbor, Ms.
Miss? Isn’t she married? She is not married but sheis still so fit and fine, right? She will focus on herfigure where there is no Husband and family, right? She doesn’t have toworry about family like us.
I am also worried aboutour kids’ results now.
Hey, Rekha.
What about your son’s results? What to say? My son doesn’t pay attentionto his studies at all.
I am very worried about him.
Why? Did Varun flunk his exams again? What else?I don’t know what he does all the time.
How to make him focus on his studies? Do one thing.
Shweta tutors collegestudents at her home.
Get Varun enrolled there.
Good idea.
He doesn’t study at home.
Maybe this will teach him something.
But I don’t know how toconvince him for these classes.
Will he even consent? Mom, why are you after me? I don’t want to join any classes.
Study at college, at home and not classes.
-No, I am not doing it.
At lease meet the teacher once.
Madhu said that she teaches well.
Please meet her once.
Mom, I don’t want to join.
I told you… Listen, she is here.
Please talk properly, son.
Look, who has come? Come in.
This is Ms.
I was just talking about her.
Hi Varun.
Third year, right? So, are you coming fromtomorrow to my home for classes? -At 5 pm sharp.
-All right, Rekha, Bye.
Come let me see you out.
See you.
Teach him well, Ms.
Bye! He will come from tomorrow, for sure.
What happened? Come.
Your house is very beautiful, like you.
Thank you so much.
Okay, sit here.
I will be back.
Hmm? Show me your books.
Books? Okay.
Show me the other one.
The rest of the books.
-Yes, mom.
-You have come, son.
How was your day today? -Very good.
-Did Shweta teach well? -Hmm.
Continue to focus on your studies And then you will ace your exams.
Hmm? Mom, I am focused.
I am just waiting for my results.
Very good.
-You wrote it correct, Varun.
-Thank you.
And yes, ask me about your doubts anytime.
Treat me as your friend not a teacher.
Friends? You mean we are friends now? Any doubt? This hand has got Shweta’s fragrance.
Varun, memorize the twochapters I taught you today.
Ma'am, you will haveto come to my home tomorrow.
Why? Because tomorrow is very special for me.
-Is it?-Yes.
What is so special thatI have to come to your house… One minute.
Rekha? Your mom is calling.
Yes, Ms.
Shweta, you have to come our house tomorrow.
-Why?-It is my son Varun’s birthday tomorrow.
You have to come tomorrow and no excuses.
Please come.
So tomorrow is specialbecause it is your birthday.
I will have to come now.
After all we are friends.
Hmm? Varun, come and cut the cake.
Yes, Varun, why aren’t you cutting your cake? Wait for some time.
I am waiting for someone.
-Any other guest?-Yes, someone special.
Varun, come and cut the cake.
People will get late.
Come on.
Yes, mom.
I thought you won’t be able to come.
How can I disregard your invite? Thank you.
Come on, son.
Cut the cake.
“Happy birthday to you.
” “Happy birthday to you.
” “Happy birthday dear Varun.
” “Happy birthday to you.
” Come, Ms.
This is my room.
Nice room, Varun.
What happened? Cake.
There is cake on your face.
I will clean it.
-Thank you.
I am so sorry, Varun.
I couldn’t get you any gift.
Seriously, I am sorry.
No problem.
But there is somethingyou can give me as a gift.
What is that? Varun! What are you doing? This is not right.
You are my student.
So, what ma'am.
I like you.
I am always thinking about you.
Please try to understand.
Varun, you need to understand.
This is wrong.
There is a huge age gap between us.
This is not possible, Varun.
This… Age doesn’t matter in love.
One only loves in love.
-Shweta, please try and understand.
I will never let go ofyour hand since I have held it.
Shweta, please agree.
I love you a lot.
I want to marry you.
I love you, Shweta.
What is happening? What is happening? -Mother…-Aren’t you ashamed? -Mother!-Aren’t you ashamed? I sent him to you forclasses not for such dirtiness.
-Shameless woman.
You should have thought about your age.
Look, I am telling you.
I won’t spare you ifI see you near my son again.
-Get out of my house.
Get out.
-Mom! Mom, what is this nonsense? You cannot talk to Shweta like this.
That middle aged womanhas become Shweta for you.
What else did she teach you? She has not taught me anything.
Just listen to me.
I love her.
And that’s it.
Love her? Love her? Look at your age.
She is not much younger than me.
Love her? Do you even understandwhat you are saying? Don’t you dare.
If I see you around thatwoman then I will not spare you.
You cannot stop me from meeting Shweta.
I am stooping you now.
Got it? And remember, this is my house.
And you have to do my bidding here.
Mother, whether you agree or not.
I will not let Shweta get away from me.
I will make Shweta mine.
Just watch.
Hi mom.
We got married today.
Stop this nonsense.
I don’t accept this middle-agedwoman as my daughter-in-law.
-Mom, we…-Don’t enter this house.
And you.
I told you last nightto stay away from my son.
-Didn’t I?-Mother.
-Get out from here.
Think about it.
If Shweta won’t stay here, I won’t either.
Okay, I won’t allow her in my house.
So, you can leave too.
Get out.
I am leaving.
I will not return.
Okay? Come, Shweta.
What are you doing, Varun?She is your mom.
She has the right to scold you.
And who gets angry at their mother? Varun, she is rightin being angry with us.
We got married against her wishes.
And what were your about to do? You are his only son.
How will she live if you leave her alone? Who will take care of her? You are correct Shweta.
Did you listen? You abused Shweta andshe is worried about you.
Try to understand, mom.
Listen to me.
Don’t worry.
It will take time butwe will convince her together.
We will have to convinceher otherwise my plan will fail.
Such a grand house.
So much wealth.
And Varun you are the lone heir.
And I.
I am your wife.
I will rule.
They say love has no limits.
One can fall in lovewith anyone at anytime.
Our story today isalso about an odd couple.
Greetings, I am Girish Jain.
Welcome to this newepisode of Crime Alert.
Even Varun fell in lovewith his neighbor, Shweta.
And she was almost double his age.
Varun was so much in love that he didn’t even listen to his mom.
And he married a womanalmost his mom’s age and got her home withoutany investigation.
But Varun didn’t know that his true was just a game of fraud for Shweta.
A game where both Varunand his mom will be targeted.
What will Varun'ssenseless wedding lead to? Come, let’s watch.
Hey! What is all this? Are you teaching my son all this? Please stop it now.
You have been naggingsince I came this morning.
Behave yourself.
This is my house.
No matter how I speak, listen properly.
You have no space in this house.
Got it? Be ashamed.
You are older.
My son is innocent.
A child.
You should tell him not to do all this.
And you are doing it instead.
Let him go.
Tell me, what do you want? Silence.
Just shut up.
Rekha, I am no longer your neighbor.
I am your only son’s wife.
This house is mine too just like yours.
It will be better ifyou don’t mess with me.
Otherwise remember.
Your only son’s heart is under my control.
And Ms.
Rekha, if I hurt him by mistake then you will lose your only son.
Got it, mother-in-law? Excuse me.
It is my and your son's… Your young son’s nuptial night.
So, excuse me.
What is this? It’s our first night, right?Let’s celebrate.
Come on.
I haven’t tried this before.
Then try it today.
-What happened?-Nothing.
No need to do all this.
And this is my houseso don’t come to my kitchen.
-Got it?-But mother-in-law, breakfast… If you want to have breakfastthen you find a way out.
But not in my kitchen.
Shweta, sit.
I will arrange for our breakfast.
Okay? Hmm.
Our breakfast is here.
-Hello, aunt.
-Hello dear.
-Where is your mom?-Mom… Madhu.
You two here? You didn’t come tothe park since two days.
So, we came to ask after you.
No problem.
Hello, Ms.
What are you doing hereso early in the morning? Have you come to tutor Varun? But all these marks of marriage.
Have you gotten married? Wonderful.
Congratulations, Shweta.
Introduce us to your bridegroom.
Where is your husband?Who is the lucky man? Forget all that.
What business we have with her husband? -Come on.
Won’t you meet Ms.
Shweta’s dear husband? -Yes.
I am her husband.
We got married yesterday.
Come, Shweta.
You here? -How are you?-How are you? Come on.
-Here is your pizza?-Thank you.
Varun you didn’t tell you got married.
Is it true? Yes, I have gotten married.
Really?Where is your wife.
Introduce us.
I will.
Shweta, you are here too? Hello.
We have come to meet Varun’s wife.
Introduce us to your wife.
This is my wife.
Come on, Varun.
You can win it.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
-I know you can win it.
-Come on.
Come on.
I know you can do it.
You will win this time.
Do it.
Do it.
Do it.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
This girl is just sticking to Varun.
She might be trying tosnatch away my lotto ticket.
Did you see, mother-in-law? How your son is flirtingwith strange girls? You tell me about customs.
This… These customs… Shweta, can’t you see? They are friends.
Their friendship is hurting me a lot, mother-in-law.
Anyway, one shouldn’t flirtwith other girls after marriage.
Do you know your son’s antics are torturing me mentally? So, get it.
If I report to the policeabout this mental torture then you two will be apprehendedfor domestic torture.
So make your good son understand.
All right, bye.
See you.
-See you.
Take care.
And call me as you reach.
You and your friendshave littered so much, Varun.
Clean it up.
-Me?-What else… You know your son treatsyou like a child still.
But you are grown up now, Varun.
You are married.
So, you have to take the responsibilities.
And you also needto become a good husband.
Okay listen.
One has to help hiswife in household chores.
Right, baby? You are correct.
I littered so I will clean it up.
Where is the broom? There.
In the back.
You are correct.
I littered so I will clean it up.
You know mom never let me do all this.
That’s why I am still a baby.
Mother-in-law, where are you? Why are you shouting like that? Mother-in-law, I need to go shopping.
After all I am your daughter-in-law.
So, I have to wear goodclothes as per your family status.
Mother-in-law, don’t ask.
I can’t tell you howdemanding your son is.
He is warm blooded.
Just become a man.
So, I will have to shopaccording to him, right? So, mother-in-law, as I was saying.
Your time is over.
So, give me your bunch of keys.
I want money.
You want to go shopping, right? -Yes.
-Use your money.
Because I am not giving you any money.
What did you say? Not giving any money.
Yes! You don’t know me.
Are you trying to scare me?So, let me tell you.
You cannot scare me.
What will you do then? What will you do? You will go and make a police complaint against me and my son.
Right? Fine.
That is good for me.
My son will see your reality.
And that fake web of loveyou have trapped my son in.
That will get removed to.
Go and complain to the police.
This old woman will not surrender so much.
She has control over all the money.
I will have to find anotherway to get the money.
As I was saying, I need some money.
-Why?-I have got many expenses.
How do I cover them? I need money.
But Shweta, I am still in college.
How do I earn money? And the pocket money momgives me gets spent immediately.
But I promise when I will start earning you will live like a queenand cover all your expenses.
I promise.
Why don’t you take money from mom now? -From mom?-Hmm.
Baby, I married you.
Not your mom.
Why should I ask money from her? And you have to take allmy responsibilities as a wife.
But I am still in college, how do I earn money? I don’t like doing thesame thing repeatedly, baby.
I want money.
It is your problemas to how you will get it.
Shweta, where do I get it?Where I get money from? Varun, I just have this.
Even I have only this.
I hope this will help.
And even I have only this.
Thanks friends.
Thank you.
But what happened, Varun? All good? Yes, all good.
Shweta wants to go shopping.
But she knows you are in college.
You don’t have a job.
Then why is she asking money from you? She also takes classes.
She doesn’t want to work anymore.
And she is correct.
I am her husband.
I should bear her responsibility.
I should cover her expenses.
-Okay, bye.
-Thank you.
Here is the money.
My good husband.
What is this Varun? This is just 2000.
I can’t even buy a sari with this.
And you know that I don'tlike wearing cheap clothes.
Shweta, keep this for now.
I will get the remaining in a few days.
I don’t know when youwill have your few days, Varun.
Anyway, baby.
I have got good news for you.
I know that you want to be a good husband.
That’s why I spoke to afriend of mine for a job for you.
Job? Don’t worry.
It’s a part time job.
Go to college during the day.
And work at night.
But what is the job? They needed a watchman in their society.
So, I recommended your name.
A watchman? Shweta, have you lost your mind? My son will work as a watchman? So? What’s so bad about it? He is sitting uselesslyat home after marriage.
At least he will earnsome money like this.
When you got married you knew that he is a college going kid, right? But you still married him, right? So, why are you bothering my son now? He is my husband.
I will do what I want to.
Why do you care? And yes, if you are soworried about you son, fine.
You can cover my expenses.
Give me the keys.
Okay, so that’s why you are doing this.
I told you to stay away from her.
Don’t trust her.
She consciously trappedyou in this web of love.
-Understand it now.
Stop your drama.
Give me the keys.
I am late.
Are you mad? You cannot talk to mom like this.
Wow! Even this small kid has found his speech.
You can continue yourmother-son drama later.
Give me the keys, I am getting late.
-Give me the keys.
-Shweta, are you mad? What are you doing? Shweta! Don’t try to stop me again.
Give me the keys They say, people should think over ten times before taking a big decision in life.
Examine all aspects.
After proper thought andadvice from your well-wishers one should take decisions.
But unfortunately Varunmade a huge mistake here.
He was so enamored byShweta’s superficial beauty he took a huge decision likemarriage without investigation.
But now he is shockedwhen he saw Shweta’s reality.
A youth was asked to leave his studies to become a watchman.
Shweta has never loved Varun.
Her aim was Varun’s money.
His property.
But she was getting impatient due to the delay of herplans getting materialized.
And she exposed her true self to all.
And Varun’s mother was silent because she was scared for afalse domestic violence case.
But as they say, every sin ends for sure.
But will a cunning womanlike Shweta accept defeat so easily? Or is this family goingto face some more problems? Come, let’s watch.
Are you mad? What are you doing? Varun, what are you doing here? You didn’t even come to the café with us.
And you also left college early.
What happened, Varun? You look troubled.
What is the matter? I think I made a hugemistake by marrying Shweta.
Why? What happened? No.
I can understand.
Maybe problems are happening because of your age difference.
Bro, why don’t you leave her? You just got marrieda few days ago, right? It is not so easy to leave her.
What is the problem? Just tell her that you don'twant to continue this marriage.
And we are there.
If she says no, we will convince her.
So, Varun’s life is gettingruined because of me.
How dare you talk like that to my husband? Causing problems between a couple? Aren’t you two ashamed? Shweta, don’t talk to them like this.
-Why shouldn’t I? They are instigatingmy husband against me.
And you want me to keep quiet.
And this girl.
She is smitten over you.
No, Ms.
It is nothing like this.
-You misunderstand.
-Hey, shut up.
I have not misunderstood anything.
And listen to me properly.
If I see you around myhusband again it won’t be good.
Got it? Stay away from my husband.
Got it? -Shweta, you…-And you.
You have spent enoughtime with your stupid friends.
-Come on.
Listen to me.
I said come home.
Means come home.
Shweta, why have you got me here? You want to leave me, right? Shweta, it is nothing like that.
They were just saying.
I am not thinking of it.
I didn’t marry you so thatyou can just leave me anytime.
I married you so that Icould own your house and property.
Huh? And unless I get that, you cannot leave me.
What? You mean… You want to leave me, right? Okay, do one thing.
Write over everything to me.
Your house, property, money.
And then I will set you free.
You can go wherever youwant after that for all I care.
Call you mother and tell her to come here with the property documents.
Call her.
Call up your mom like a good kid.
Very good.
-Take this.
-I won’t.
what will you do? -What will you do?-What will I do? -I won’t call her.
-You want to know what I will do.
You want to know what I will do.
You want to know what I will do.
Stay in your limits, Shweta.
-You want to know what I will do.
-I won’t call her.
-Hello aunt.
-Hello, dear.
Aunt, where is Varun and Shweta? Actually, there was somemisunderstanding because of me.
So, I just wanted to solve it.
What misunderstanding, dear? And where is Shweta and Varun? They haven’t reached home yet? But Ms.
Shweta left forhome with him since long.
Shweta? But she didn’t come here.
What happened? Tell me what is the matter.
What happened? Aunt, actually Varun wasvery sad about his married life.
Why don’t you leave her? Just tell her that you don'twant to continue this marriage.
Yes and we are there.
Causing problems between a couple.
Aren’t you two ashamed? And in anger she took away Varun with him.
So, we thought he had come home.
Varun has not reached home.
Where did Shweta take Varun? He has not come home.
His phone is unreachable.
What do I do? Varun, I have been trying to call you.
Your phone was unreachable.
You could have called.
I was so worried.
It’s me not your darling son.
Shweta? Shweta, is Varun with you? Yes, he is there.
Right in front you.
And if you want your son alive and safe then just carry outmy instructions.
Got it? And yes, if you inform the police then I will get you twoarrested for domestic violence.
Got it? Aunt, why are you so worried? What happened? Shweta has kidnapped my kid.
God, what do I do now? I cannot waste even a minute now.
It’s been so late.
When will this old woman come? Waiting for your money? I had loved you.
I didn’t even listen to my friends.
Everyone said that I was wrong.
But I was crazy in love with you.
Shut up.
You are just blabbering since long.
You think you have become wise since you listened to other people.
That is your problem.
You are a big fool.
You always believe others easily.
You trust it.
I have got a remedy for that.
Yes, I will cure it now.
Shweta, no.
Shweta, keep it away.
Shweta, keep it away.
-Your ears…-Shweta.
They are the biggest problem.
-No, Shweta.
-No ears.
-No, Shweta.
-And no hearing problems.
Shweta God! What have you done to my child? Shweta! What have you done to my child? Did you do what I told you to do? Give the money and take him.
You want money? You want the property? How dare you hurt my son? -How dare you?-Hey.
If I can do this to himI can also kill him for money.
-I have the money.
Here is the money.
Move the knife.
First do what I have told you to.
Remove the knife first.
Stop there.
Arrest her.
Take her away.
My child.
Your condition… Hello? Ambulance? A scary incident which shocked everyone.
Friends, one can fallin love with anyone at anytime.
But one also needs trust andrespect beside love in relationship.
And that happens only ifyou and your partner are true.
To accept each other'spositives and also negatives and lead a complete life.
Be faithful in marriage.
This is the main ruleof a happy married life.
Varun’s one-sided lovewas a ladder of crime for Shweta.
And she took advantage of his emotions and ruined his lifeand the people around him.
That’s why friends, we request you all that choose your liferelations after proper thought.
So, that these relationscan make your life happy.
And not ruin it.
With this I Girish Jain, bid you adieu from thisepisode of Crime Alert.
I will see you again toalert of another such crime.
Meanwhile be alert, be safe.
Crime Alert.
Voice against Crime.
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India Alert | Episode 313 | Sweet Aunty ( स्वीट आंटी ) | Dangal TV Channel
-Yes, mom.
What are you always lookingat through the binoculars? -Come on.
Let me see too.
-Mother, I… -Show me.
-I was looking at the stars.
Looking at the stars? During the day? Yes, I can see them through these too.
Is it? I want to see too.
-Fooling your mom?-Hey.
Your results are due today, right? Are you worried about that? No, right? -Mom.
-Listen to me carefully.
I won’t spare you if yourresults are not good this time.
Mom, my results will be great.
Don’t worry.
Let go of my ear.
-That is better.
-Let go of my ear.
Watching stars during the day? Come on, get ready fast.
I couldn’t even see properlybecause of mom today.
Where did she go now? Drat.
But no problem, my lad.
She will come to you one day.
Let’s take a 2 minutes break.
And then we will start again.
Look, our new neighbor, Ms.
Miss? Isn’t she married? She is not married but sheis still so fit and fine, right? She will focus on herfigure where there is no Husband and family, right? She doesn’t have toworry about family like us.
I am also worried aboutour kids’ results now.
Hey, Rekha.
What about your son’s results? What to say? My son doesn’t pay attentionto his studies at all.
I am very worried about him.
Why? Did Varun flunk his exams again? What else?I don’t know what he does all the time.
How to make him focus on his studies? Do one thing.
Shweta tutors collegestudents at her home.
Get Varun enrolled there.
Good idea.
He doesn’t study at home.
Maybe this will teach him something.
But I don’t know how toconvince him for these classes.
Will he even consent? Mom, why are you after me? I don’t want to join any classes.
Study at college, at home and not classes.
-No, I am not doing it.
At lease meet the teacher once.
Madhu said that she teaches well.
Please meet her once.
Mom, I don’t want to join.
I told you… Listen, she is here.
Please talk properly, son.
Look, who has come? Come in.
This is Ms.
I was just talking about her.
Hi Varun.
Third year, right? So, are you coming fromtomorrow to my home for classes? -At 5 pm sharp.
-All right, Rekha, Bye.
Come let me see you out.
See you.
Teach him well, Ms.
Bye! He will come from tomorrow, for sure.
What happened? Come.
Your house is very beautiful, like you.
Thank you so much.
Okay, sit here.
I will be back.
Hmm? Show me your books.
Books? Okay.
Show me the other one.
The rest of the books.
-Yes, mom.
-You have come, son.
How was your day today? -Very good.
-Did Shweta teach well? -Hmm.
Continue to focus on your studies And then you will ace your exams.
Hmm? Mom, I am focused.
I am just waiting for my results.
Very good.
-You wrote it correct, Varun.
-Thank you.
And yes, ask me about your doubts anytime.
Treat me as your friend not a teacher.
Friends? You mean we are friends now? Any doubt? This hand has got Shweta’s fragrance.
Varun, memorize the twochapters I taught you today.
Ma'am, you will haveto come to my home tomorrow.
Why? Because tomorrow is very special for me.
-Is it?-Yes.
What is so special thatI have to come to your house… One minute.
Rekha? Your mom is calling.
Yes, Ms.
Shweta, you have to come our house tomorrow.
-Why?-It is my son Varun’s birthday tomorrow.
You have to come tomorrow and no excuses.
Please come.
So tomorrow is specialbecause it is your birthday.
I will have to come now.
After all we are friends.
Hmm? Varun, come and cut the cake.
Yes, Varun, why aren’t you cutting your cake? Wait for some time.
I am waiting for someone.
-Any other guest?-Yes, someone special.
Varun, come and cut the cake.
People will get late.
Come on.
Yes, mom.
I thought you won’t be able to come.
How can I disregard your invite? Thank you.
Come on, son.
Cut the cake.
“Happy birthday to you.
” “Happy birthday to you.
” “Happy birthday dear Varun.
” “Happy birthday to you.
” Come, Ms.
This is my room.
Nice room, Varun.
What happened? Cake.
There is cake on your face.
I will clean it.
-Thank you.
I am so sorry, Varun.
I couldn’t get you any gift.
Seriously, I am sorry.
No problem.
But there is somethingyou can give me as a gift.
What is that? Varun! What are you doing? This is not right.
You are my student.
So, what ma'am.
I like you.
I am always thinking about you.
Please try to understand.
Varun, you need to understand.
This is wrong.
There is a huge age gap between us.
This is not possible, Varun.
This… Age doesn’t matter in love.
One only loves in love.
-Shweta, please try and understand.
I will never let go ofyour hand since I have held it.
Shweta, please agree.
I love you a lot.
I want to marry you.
I love you, Shweta.
What is happening? What is happening? -Mother…-Aren’t you ashamed? -Mother!-Aren’t you ashamed? I sent him to you forclasses not for such dirtiness.
-Shameless woman.
You should have thought about your age.
Look, I am telling you.
I won’t spare you ifI see you near my son again.
-Get out of my house.
Get out.
-Mom! Mom, what is this nonsense? You cannot talk to Shweta like this.
That middle aged womanhas become Shweta for you.
What else did she teach you? She has not taught me anything.
Just listen to me.
I love her.
And that’s it.
Love her? Love her? Look at your age.
She is not much younger than me.
Love her? Do you even understandwhat you are saying? Don’t you dare.
If I see you around thatwoman then I will not spare you.
You cannot stop me from meeting Shweta.
I am stooping you now.
Got it? And remember, this is my house.
And you have to do my bidding here.
Mother, whether you agree or not.
I will not let Shweta get away from me.
I will make Shweta mine.
Just watch.
Hi mom.
We got married today.
Stop this nonsense.
I don’t accept this middle-agedwoman as my daughter-in-law.
-Mom, we…-Don’t enter this house.
And you.
I told you last nightto stay away from my son.
-Didn’t I?-Mother.
-Get out from here.
Think about it.
If Shweta won’t stay here, I won’t either.
Okay, I won’t allow her in my house.
So, you can leave too.
Get out.
I am leaving.
I will not return.
Okay? Come, Shweta.
What are you doing, Varun?She is your mom.
She has the right to scold you.
And who gets angry at their mother? Varun, she is rightin being angry with us.
We got married against her wishes.
And what were your about to do? You are his only son.
How will she live if you leave her alone? Who will take care of her? You are correct Shweta.
Did you listen? You abused Shweta andshe is worried about you.
Try to understand, mom.
Listen to me.
Don’t worry.
It will take time butwe will convince her together.
We will have to convinceher otherwise my plan will fail.
Such a grand house.
So much wealth.
And Varun you are the lone heir.
And I.
I am your wife.
I will rule.
They say love has no limits.
One can fall in lovewith anyone at anytime.
Our story today isalso about an odd couple.
Greetings, I am Girish Jain.
Welcome to this newepisode of Crime Alert.
Even Varun fell in lovewith his neighbor, Shweta.
And she was almost double his age.
Varun was so much in love that he didn’t even listen to his mom.
And he married a womanalmost his mom’s age and got her home withoutany investigation.
But Varun didn’t know that his true was just a game of fraud for Shweta.
A game where both Varunand his mom will be targeted.
What will Varun'ssenseless wedding lead to? Come, let’s watch.
Hey! What is all this? Are you teaching my son all this? Please stop it now.
You have been naggingsince I came this morning.
Behave yourself.
This is my house.
No matter how I speak, listen properly.
You have no space in this house.
Got it? Be ashamed.
You are older.
My son is innocent.
A child.
You should tell him not to do all this.
And you are doing it instead.
Let him go.
Tell me, what do you want? Silence.
Just shut up.
Rekha, I am no longer your neighbor.
I am your only son’s wife.
This house is mine too just like yours.
It will be better ifyou don’t mess with me.
Otherwise remember.
Your only son’s heart is under my control.
And Ms.
Rekha, if I hurt him by mistake then you will lose your only son.
Got it, mother-in-law? Excuse me.
It is my and your son's… Your young son’s nuptial night.
So, excuse me.
What is this? It’s our first night, right?Let’s celebrate.
Come on.
I haven’t tried this before.
Then try it today.
-What happened?-Nothing.
No need to do all this.
And this is my houseso don’t come to my kitchen.
-Got it?-But mother-in-law, breakfast… If you want to have breakfastthen you find a way out.
But not in my kitchen.
Shweta, sit.
I will arrange for our breakfast.
Okay? Hmm.
Our breakfast is here.
-Hello, aunt.
-Hello dear.
-Where is your mom?-Mom… Madhu.
You two here? You didn’t come tothe park since two days.
So, we came to ask after you.
No problem.
Hello, Ms.
What are you doing hereso early in the morning? Have you come to tutor Varun? But all these marks of marriage.
Have you gotten married? Wonderful.
Congratulations, Shweta.
Introduce us to your bridegroom.
Where is your husband?Who is the lucky man? Forget all that.
What business we have with her husband? -Come on.
Won’t you meet Ms.
Shweta’s dear husband? -Yes.
I am her husband.
We got married yesterday.
Come, Shweta.
You here? -How are you?-How are you? Come on.
-Here is your pizza?-Thank you.
Varun you didn’t tell you got married.
Is it true? Yes, I have gotten married.
Really?Where is your wife.
Introduce us.
I will.
Shweta, you are here too? Hello.
We have come to meet Varun’s wife.
Introduce us to your wife.
This is my wife.
Come on, Varun.
You can win it.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
-I know you can win it.
-Come on.
Come on.
I know you can do it.
You will win this time.
Do it.
Do it.
Do it.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
This girl is just sticking to Varun.
She might be trying tosnatch away my lotto ticket.
Did you see, mother-in-law? How your son is flirtingwith strange girls? You tell me about customs.
This… These customs… Shweta, can’t you see? They are friends.
Their friendship is hurting me a lot, mother-in-law.
Anyway, one shouldn’t flirtwith other girls after marriage.
Do you know your son’s antics are torturing me mentally? So, get it.
If I report to the policeabout this mental torture then you two will be apprehendedfor domestic torture.
So make your good son understand.
All right, bye.
See you.
-See you.
Take care.
And call me as you reach.
You and your friendshave littered so much, Varun.
Clean it up.
-Me?-What else… You know your son treatsyou like a child still.
But you are grown up now, Varun.
You are married.
So, you have to take the responsibilities.
And you also needto become a good husband.
Okay listen.
One has to help hiswife in household chores.
Right, baby? You are correct.
I littered so I will clean it up.
Where is the broom? There.
In the back.
You are correct.
I littered so I will clean it up.
You know mom never let me do all this.
That’s why I am still a baby.
Mother-in-law, where are you? Why are you shouting like that? Mother-in-law, I need to go shopping.
After all I am your daughter-in-law.
So, I have to wear goodclothes as per your family status.
Mother-in-law, don’t ask.
I can’t tell you howdemanding your son is.
He is warm blooded.
Just become a man.
So, I will have to shopaccording to him, right? So, mother-in-law, as I was saying.
Your time is over.
So, give me your bunch of keys.
I want money.
You want to go shopping, right? -Yes.
-Use your money.
Because I am not giving you any money.
What did you say? Not giving any money.
Yes! You don’t know me.
Are you trying to scare me?So, let me tell you.
You cannot scare me.
What will you do then? What will you do? You will go and make a police complaint against me and my son.
Right? Fine.
That is good for me.
My son will see your reality.
And that fake web of loveyou have trapped my son in.
That will get removed to.
Go and complain to the police.
This old woman will not surrender so much.
She has control over all the money.
I will have to find anotherway to get the money.
As I was saying, I need some money.
-Why?-I have got many expenses.
How do I cover them? I need money.
But Shweta, I am still in college.
How do I earn money? And the pocket money momgives me gets spent immediately.
But I promise when I will start earning you will live like a queenand cover all your expenses.
I promise.
Why don’t you take money from mom now? -From mom?-Hmm.
Baby, I married you.
Not your mom.
Why should I ask money from her? And you have to take allmy responsibilities as a wife.
But I am still in college, how do I earn money? I don’t like doing thesame thing repeatedly, baby.
I want money.
It is your problemas to how you will get it.
Shweta, where do I get it?Where I get money from? Varun, I just have this.
Even I have only this.
I hope this will help.
And even I have only this.
Thanks friends.
Thank you.
But what happened, Varun? All good? Yes, all good.
Shweta wants to go shopping.
But she knows you are in college.
You don’t have a job.
Then why is she asking money from you? She also takes classes.
She doesn’t want to work anymore.
And she is correct.
I am her husband.
I should bear her responsibility.
I should cover her expenses.
-Okay, bye.
-Thank you.
Here is the money.
My good husband.
What is this Varun? This is just 2000.
I can’t even buy a sari with this.
And you know that I don'tlike wearing cheap clothes.
Shweta, keep this for now.
I will get the remaining in a few days.
I don’t know when youwill have your few days, Varun.
Anyway, baby.
I have got good news for you.
I know that you want to be a good husband.
That’s why I spoke to afriend of mine for a job for you.
Job? Don’t worry.
It’s a part time job.
Go to college during the day.
And work at night.
But what is the job? They needed a watchman in their society.
So, I recommended your name.
A watchman? Shweta, have you lost your mind? My son will work as a watchman? So? What’s so bad about it? He is sitting uselesslyat home after marriage.
At least he will earnsome money like this.
When you got married you knew that he is a college going kid, right? But you still married him, right? So, why are you bothering my son now? He is my husband.
I will do what I want to.
Why do you care? And yes, if you are soworried about you son, fine.
You can cover my expenses.
Give me the keys.
Okay, so that’s why you are doing this.
I told you to stay away from her.
Don’t trust her.
She consciously trappedyou in this web of love.
-Understand it now.
Stop your drama.
Give me the keys.
I am late.
Are you mad? You cannot talk to mom like this.
Wow! Even this small kid has found his speech.
You can continue yourmother-son drama later.
Give me the keys, I am getting late.
-Give me the keys.
-Shweta, are you mad? What are you doing? Shweta! Don’t try to stop me again.
Give me the keys They say, people should think over ten times before taking a big decision in life.
Examine all aspects.
After proper thought andadvice from your well-wishers one should take decisions.
But unfortunately Varunmade a huge mistake here.
He was so enamored byShweta’s superficial beauty he took a huge decision likemarriage without investigation.
But now he is shockedwhen he saw Shweta’s reality.
A youth was asked to leave his studies to become a watchman.
Shweta has never loved Varun.
Her aim was Varun’s money.
His property.
But she was getting impatient due to the delay of herplans getting materialized.
And she exposed her true self to all.
And Varun’s mother was silent because she was scared for afalse domestic violence case.
But as they say, every sin ends for sure.
But will a cunning womanlike Shweta accept defeat so easily? Or is this family goingto face some more problems? Come, let’s watch.
Are you mad? What are you doing? Varun, what are you doing here? You didn’t even come to the café with us.
And you also left college early.
What happened, Varun? You look troubled.
What is the matter? I think I made a hugemistake by marrying Shweta.
Why? What happened? No.
I can understand.
Maybe problems are happening because of your age difference.
Bro, why don’t you leave her? You just got marrieda few days ago, right? It is not so easy to leave her.
What is the problem? Just tell her that you don'twant to continue this marriage.
And we are there.
If she says no, we will convince her.
So, Varun’s life is gettingruined because of me.
How dare you talk like that to my husband? Causing problems between a couple? Aren’t you two ashamed? Shweta, don’t talk to them like this.
-Why shouldn’t I? They are instigatingmy husband against me.
And you want me to keep quiet.
And this girl.
She is smitten over you.
No, Ms.
It is nothing like this.
-You misunderstand.
-Hey, shut up.
I have not misunderstood anything.
And listen to me properly.
If I see you around myhusband again it won’t be good.
Got it? Stay away from my husband.
Got it? -Shweta, you…-And you.
You have spent enoughtime with your stupid friends.
-Come on.
Listen to me.
I said come home.
Means come home.
Shweta, why have you got me here? You want to leave me, right? Shweta, it is nothing like that.
They were just saying.
I am not thinking of it.
I didn’t marry you so thatyou can just leave me anytime.
I married you so that Icould own your house and property.
Huh? And unless I get that, you cannot leave me.
What? You mean… You want to leave me, right? Okay, do one thing.
Write over everything to me.
Your house, property, money.
And then I will set you free.
You can go wherever youwant after that for all I care.
Call you mother and tell her to come here with the property documents.
Call her.
Call up your mom like a good kid.
Very good.
-Take this.
-I won’t.
what will you do? -What will you do?-What will I do? -I won’t call her.
-You want to know what I will do.
You want to know what I will do.
You want to know what I will do.
Stay in your limits, Shweta.
-You want to know what I will do.
-I won’t call her.
-Hello aunt.
-Hello, dear.
Aunt, where is Varun and Shweta? Actually, there was somemisunderstanding because of me.
So, I just wanted to solve it.
What misunderstanding, dear? And where is Shweta and Varun? They haven’t reached home yet? But Ms.
Shweta left forhome with him since long.
Shweta? But she didn’t come here.
What happened? Tell me what is the matter.
What happened? Aunt, actually Varun wasvery sad about his married life.
Why don’t you leave her? Just tell her that you don'twant to continue this marriage.
Yes and we are there.
Causing problems between a couple.
Aren’t you two ashamed? And in anger she took away Varun with him.
So, we thought he had come home.
Varun has not reached home.
Where did Shweta take Varun? He has not come home.
His phone is unreachable.
What do I do? Varun, I have been trying to call you.
Your phone was unreachable.
You could have called.
I was so worried.
It’s me not your darling son.
Shweta? Shweta, is Varun with you? Yes, he is there.
Right in front you.
And if you want your son alive and safe then just carry outmy instructions.
Got it? And yes, if you inform the police then I will get you twoarrested for domestic violence.
Got it? Aunt, why are you so worried? What happened? Shweta has kidnapped my kid.
God, what do I do now? I cannot waste even a minute now.
It’s been so late.
When will this old woman come? Waiting for your money? I had loved you.
I didn’t even listen to my friends.
Everyone said that I was wrong.
But I was crazy in love with you.
Shut up.
You are just blabbering since long.
You think you have become wise since you listened to other people.
That is your problem.
You are a big fool.
You always believe others easily.
You trust it.
I have got a remedy for that.
Yes, I will cure it now.
Shweta, no.
Shweta, keep it away.
Shweta, keep it away.
-Your ears…-Shweta.
They are the biggest problem.
-No, Shweta.
-No ears.
-No, Shweta.
-And no hearing problems.
Shweta God! What have you done to my child? Shweta! What have you done to my child? Did you do what I told you to do? Give the money and take him.
You want money? You want the property? How dare you hurt my son? -How dare you?-Hey.
If I can do this to himI can also kill him for money.
-I have the money.
Here is the money.
Move the knife.
First do what I have told you to.
Remove the knife first.
Stop there.
Arrest her.
Take her away.
My child.
Your condition… Hello? Ambulance? A scary incident which shocked everyone.
Friends, one can fallin love with anyone at anytime.
But one also needs trust andrespect beside love in relationship.
And that happens only ifyou and your partner are true.
To accept each other'spositives and also negatives and lead a complete life.
Be faithful in marriage.
This is the main ruleof a happy married life.
Varun’s one-sided lovewas a ladder of crime for Shweta.
And she took advantage of his emotions and ruined his lifeand the people around him.
That’s why friends, we request you all that choose your liferelations after proper thought.
So, that these relationscan make your life happy.
And not ruin it.
With this I Girish Jain, bid you adieu from thisepisode of Crime Alert.
I will see you again toalert of another such crime.
Meanwhile be alert, be safe.
Crime Alert.
Voice against Crime.
The post India Alert | Episode 313 | Sweet Aunty ( स्वीट आंटी ) | Dangal TV Channel appeared first on IPTVRestream.
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India Alert | Episode 313 | Sweet Aunty ( स्वीट आंटी ) | Dangal TV Channel
-Yes, mom.
What are you always lookingat through the binoculars? -Come on.
Let me see too.
-Mother, I… -Show me.
-I was looking at the stars.
Looking at the stars? During the day? Yes, I can see them through these too.
Is it? I want to see too.
-Fooling your mom?-Hey.
Your results are due today, right? Are you worried about that? No, right? -Mom.
-Listen to me carefully.
I won't spare you if yourresults are not good this time.
Mom, my results will be great.
Don't worry.
Let go of my ear.
-That is better.
-Let go of my ear.
Watching stars during the day? Come on, get ready fast.
I couldn't even see properlybecause of mom today.
Where did she go now? Drat.
But no problem, my lad.
She will come to you one day.
Let's take a 2 minutes break.
And then we will start again.
Look, our new neighbor, Ms.
Miss? Isn't she married? She is not married but sheis still so fit and fine, right? She will focus on herfigure where there is no Husband and family, right? She doesn't have toworry about family like us.
I am also worried aboutour kids' results now.
Hey, Rekha.
What about your son's results? What to say? My son doesn't pay attentionto his studies at all.
I am very worried about him.
Why? Did Varun flunk his exams again? What else?I don't know what he does all the time.
How to make him focus on his studies? Do one thing.
Shweta tutors collegestudents at her home.
Get Varun enrolled there.
Good idea.
He doesn't study at home.
Maybe this will teach him something.
But I don't know how toconvince him for these classes.
Will he even consent? Mom, why are you after me? I don't want to join any classes.
Study at college, at home and not classes.
-No, I am not doing it.
At lease meet the teacher once.
Madhu said that she teaches well.
Please meet her once.
Mom, I don't want to join.
I told you… Listen, she is here.
Please talk properly, son.
Look, who has come? Come in.
This is Ms.
I was just talking about her.
Hi Varun.
Third year, right? So, are you coming fromtomorrow to my home for classes? -At 5 pm sharp.
-All right, Rekha, Bye.
Come let me see you out.
See you.
Teach him well, Ms.
Bye! He will come from tomorrow, for sure.
What happened? Come.
Your house is very beautiful, like you.
Thank you so much.
Okay, sit here.
I will be back.
Hmm? Show me your books.
Books? Okay.
Show me the other one.
The rest of the books.
-Yes, mom.
-You have come, son.
How was your day today? -Very good.
-Did Shweta teach well? -Hmm.
Continue to focus on your studies And then you will ace your exams.
Hmm? Mom, I am focused.
I am just waiting for my results.
Very good.
-You wrote it correct, Varun.
-Thank you.
And yes, ask me about your doubts anytime.
Treat me as your friend not a teacher.
Friends? You mean we are friends now? Any doubt? This hand has got Shweta's fragrance.
Varun, memorize the twochapters I taught you today.
Ma'am, you will haveto come to my home tomorrow.
Why? Because tomorrow is very special for me.
-Is it?-Yes.
What is so special thatI have to come to your house… One minute.
Rekha? Your mom is calling.
Yes, Ms.
Shweta, you have to come our house tomorrow.
-Why?-It is my son Varun's birthday tomorrow.
You have to come tomorrow and no excuses.
Please come.
So tomorrow is specialbecause it is your birthday.
I will have to come now.
After all we are friends.
Hmm? Varun, come and cut the cake.
Yes, Varun, why aren't you cutting your cake? Wait for some time.
I am waiting for someone.
-Any other guest?-Yes, someone special.
Varun, come and cut the cake.
People will get late.
Come on.
Yes, mom.
I thought you won't be able to come.
How can I disregard your invite? Thank you.
Come on, son.
Cut the cake.
“Happy birthday to you.
” “Happy birthday to you.
” “Happy birthday dear Varun.
” “Happy birthday to you.
” Come, Ms.
This is my room.
Nice room, Varun.
What happened? Cake.
There is cake on your face.
I will clean it.
-Thank you.
I am so sorry, Varun.
I couldn't get you any gift.
Seriously, I am sorry.
No problem.
But there is somethingyou can give me as a gift.
What is that? Varun! What are you doing? This is not right.
You are my student.
So, what ma'am.
I like you.
I am always thinking about you.
Please try to understand.
Varun, you need to understand.
This is wrong.
There is a huge age gap between us.
This is not possible, Varun.
This… Age doesn't matter in love.
One only loves in love.
-Shweta, please try and understand.
I will never let go ofyour hand since I have held it.
Shweta, please agree.
I love you a lot.
I want to marry you.
I love you, Shweta.
What is happening? What is happening? -Mother…-Aren't you ashamed? -Mother!-Aren't you ashamed? I sent him to you forclasses not for such dirtiness.
-Shameless woman.
You should have thought about your age.
Look, I am telling you.
I won't spare you ifI see you near my son again.
-Get out of my house.
Get out.
-Mom! Mom, what is this nonsense? You cannot talk to Shweta like this.
That middle aged womanhas become Shweta for you.
What else did she teach you? She has not taught me anything.
Just listen to me.
I love her.
And that's it.
Love her? Love her? Look at your age.
She is not much younger than me.
Love her? Do you even understandwhat you are saying? Don't you dare.
If I see you around thatwoman then I will not spare you.
You cannot stop me from meeting Shweta.
I am stooping you now.
Got it? And remember, this is my house.
And you have to do my bidding here.
Mother, whether you agree or not.
I will not let Shweta get away from me.
I will make Shweta mine.
Just watch.
Hi mom.
We got married today.
Stop this nonsense.
I don't accept this middle-agedwoman as my daughter-in-law.
-Mom, we…-Don't enter this house.
And you.
I told you last nightto stay away from my son.
-Didn't I?-Mother.
-Get out from here.
Think about it.
If Shweta won't stay here, I won't either.
Okay, I won't allow her in my house.
So, you can leave too.
Get out.
I am leaving.
I will not return.
Okay? Come, Shweta.
What are you doing, Varun?She is your mom.
She has the right to scold you.
And who gets angry at their mother? Varun, she is rightin being angry with us.
We got married against her wishes.
And what were your about to do? You are his only son.
How will she live if you leave her alone? Who will take care of her? You are correct Shweta.
Did you listen? You abused Shweta andshe is worried about you.
Try to understand, mom.
Listen to me.
Don't worry.
It will take time butwe will convince her together.
We will have to convinceher otherwise my plan will fail.
Such a grand house.
So much wealth.
And Varun you are the lone heir.
And I.
I am your wife.
I will rule.
They say love has no limits.
One can fall in lovewith anyone at anytime.
Our story today isalso about an odd couple.
Greetings, I am Girish Jain.
Welcome to this newepisode of Crime Alert.
Even Varun fell in lovewith his neighbor, Shweta.
And she was almost double his age.
Varun was so much in love that he didn't even listen to his mom.
And he married a womanalmost his mom's age and got her home withoutany investigation.
But Varun didn't know that his true was just a game of fraud for Shweta.
A game where both Varunand his mom will be targeted.
What will Varun'ssenseless wedding lead to? Come, let's watch.
Hey! What is all this? Are you teaching my son all this? Please stop it now.
You have been naggingsince I came this morning.
Behave yourself.
This is my house.
No matter how I speak, listen properly.
You have no space in this house.
Got it? Be ashamed.
You are older.
My son is innocent.
A child.
You should tell him not to do all this.
And you are doing it instead.
Let him go.
Tell me, what do you want? Silence.
Just shut up.
Rekha, I am no longer your neighbor.
I am your only son's wife.
This house is mine too just like yours.
It will be better ifyou don't mess with me.
Otherwise remember.
Your only son's heart is under my control.
And Ms.
Rekha, if I hurt him by mistake then you will lose your only son.
Got it, mother-in-law? Excuse me.
It is my and your son's… Your young son's nuptial night.
So, excuse me.
What is this? It's our first night, right?Let's celebrate.
Come on.
I haven't tried this before.
Then try it today.
-What happened?-Nothing.
No need to do all this.
And this is my houseso don't come to my kitchen.
-Got it?-But mother-in-law, breakfast… If you want to have breakfastthen you find a way out.
But not in my kitchen.
Shweta, sit.
I will arrange for our breakfast.
Okay? Hmm.
Our breakfast is here.
-Hello, aunt.
-Hello dear.
-Where is your mom?-Mom… Madhu.
You two here? You didn't come tothe park since two days.
So, we came to ask after you.
No problem.
Hello, Ms.
What are you doing hereso early in the morning? Have you come to tutor Varun? But all these marks of marriage.
Have you gotten married? Wonderful.
Congratulations, Shweta.
Introduce us to your bridegroom.
Where is your husband?Who is the lucky man? Forget all that.
What business we have with her husband? -Come on.
Won't you meet Ms.
Shweta's dear husband? -Yes.
I am her husband.
We got married yesterday.
Come, Shweta.
You here? -How are you?-How are you? Come on.
-Here is your pizza?-Thank you.
Varun you didn't tell you got married.
Is it true? Yes, I have gotten married.
Really?Where is your wife.
Introduce us.
I will.
Shweta, you are here too? Hello.
We have come to meet Varun's wife.
Introduce us to your wife.
This is my wife.
Come on, Varun.
You can win it.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
-I know you can win it.
-Come on.
Come on.
I know you can do it.
You will win this time.
Do it.
Do it.
Do it.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
This girl is just sticking to Varun.
She might be trying tosnatch away my lotto ticket.
Did you see, mother-in-law? How your son is flirtingwith strange girls? You tell me about customs.
This… These customs… Shweta, can't you see? They are friends.
Their friendship is hurting me a lot, mother-in-law.
Anyway, one shouldn't flirtwith other girls after marriage.
Do you know your son's antics are torturing me mentally? So, get it.
If I report to the policeabout this mental torture then you two will be apprehendedfor domestic torture.
So make your good son understand.
All right, bye.
See you.
-See you.
Take care.
And call me as you reach.
You and your friendshave littered so much, Varun.
Clean it up.
-Me?-What else… You know your son treatsyou like a child still.
But you are grown up now, Varun.
You are married.
So, you have to take the responsibilities.
And you also needto become a good husband.
Okay listen.
One has to help hiswife in household chores.
Right, baby? You are correct.
I littered so I will clean it up.
Where is the broom? There.
In the back.
You are correct.
I littered so I will clean it up.
You know mom never let me do all this.
That's why I am still a baby.
Mother-in-law, where are you? Why are you shouting like that? Mother-in-law, I need to go shopping.
After all I am your daughter-in-law.
So, I have to wear goodclothes as per your family status.
Mother-in-law, don't ask.
I can't tell you howdemanding your son is.
He is warm blooded.
Just become a man.
So, I will have to shopaccording to him, right? So, mother-in-law, as I was saying.
Your time is over.
So, give me your bunch of keys.
I want money.
You want to go shopping, right? -Yes.
-Use your money.
Because I am not giving you any money.
What did you say? Not giving any money.
Yes! You don't know me.
Are you trying to scare me?So, let me tell you.
You cannot scare me.
What will you do then? What will you do? You will go and make a police complaint against me and my son.
Right? Fine.
That is good for me.
My son will see your reality.
And that fake web of loveyou have trapped my son in.
That will get removed to.
Go and complain to the police.
This old woman will not surrender so much.
She has control over all the money.
I will have to find anotherway to get the money.
As I was saying, I need some money.
-Why?-I have got many expenses.
How do I cover them? I need money.
But Shweta, I am still in college.
How do I earn money? And the pocket money momgives me gets spent immediately.
But I promise when I will start earning you will live like a queenand cover all your expenses.
I promise.
Why don't you take money from mom now? -From mom?-Hmm.
Baby, I married you.
Not your mom.
Why should I ask money from her? And you have to take allmy responsibilities as a wife.
But I am still in college, how do I earn money? I don't like doing thesame thing repeatedly, baby.
I want money.
It is your problemas to how you will get it.
Shweta, where do I get it?Where I get money from? Varun, I just have this.
Even I have only this.
I hope this will help.
And even I have only this.
Thanks friends.
Thank you.
But what happened, Varun? All good? Yes, all good.
Shweta wants to go shopping.
But she knows you are in college.
You don't have a job.
Then why is she asking money from you? She also takes classes.
She doesn't want to work anymore.
And she is correct.
I am her husband.
I should bear her responsibility.
I should cover her expenses.
-Okay, bye.
-Thank you.
Here is the money.
My good husband.
What is this Varun? This is just 2000.
I can't even buy a sari with this.
And you know that I don'tlike wearing cheap clothes.
Shweta, keep this for now.
I will get the remaining in a few days.
I don't know when youwill have your few days, Varun.
Anyway, baby.
I have got good news for you.
I know that you want to be a good husband.
That's why I spoke to afriend of mine for a job for you.
Job? Don't worry.
It's a part time job.
Go to college during the day.
And work at night.
But what is the job? They needed a watchman in their society.
So, I recommended your name.
A watchman? Shweta, have you lost your mind? My son will work as a watchman? So? What's so bad about it? He is sitting uselesslyat home after marriage.
At least he will earnsome money like this.
When you got married you knew that he is a college going kid, right? But you still married him, right? So, why are you bothering my son now? He is my husband.
I will do what I want to.
Why do you care? And yes, if you are soworried about you son, fine.
You can cover my expenses.
Give me the keys.
Okay, so that's why you are doing this.
I told you to stay away from her.
Don't trust her.
She consciously trappedyou in this web of love.
-Understand it now.
Stop your drama.
Give me the keys.
I am late.
Are you mad? You cannot talk to mom like this.
Wow! Even this small kid has found his speech.
You can continue yourmother-son drama later.
Give me the keys, I am getting late.
-Give me the keys.
-Shweta, are you mad? What are you doing? Shweta! Don't try to stop me again.
Give me the keys They say, people should think over ten times before taking a big decision in life.
Examine all aspects.
After proper thought andadvice from your well-wishers one should take decisions.
But unfortunately Varunmade a huge mistake here.
He was so enamored byShweta's superficial beauty he took a huge decision likemarriage without investigation.
But now he is shockedwhen he saw Shweta's reality.
A youth was asked to leave his studies to become a watchman.
Shweta has never loved Varun.
Her aim was Varun's money.
His property.
But she was getting impatient due to the delay of herplans getting materialized.
And she exposed her true self to all.
And Varun's mother was silent because she was scared for afalse domestic violence case.
But as they say, every sin ends for sure.
But will a cunning womanlike Shweta accept defeat so easily? Or is this family goingto face some more problems? Come, let's watch.
Are you mad? What are you doing? Varun, what are you doing here? You didn't even come to the café with us.
And you also left college early.
What happened, Varun? You look troubled.
What is the matter? I think I made a hugemistake by marrying Shweta.
Why? What happened? No.
I can understand.
Maybe problems are happening because of your age difference.
Bro, why don't you leave her? You just got marrieda few days ago, right? It is not so easy to leave her.
What is the problem? Just tell her that you don'twant to continue this marriage.
And we are there.
If she says no, we will convince her.
So, Varun's life is gettingruined because of me.
How dare you talk like that to my husband? Causing problems between a couple? Aren't you two ashamed? Shweta, don't talk to them like this.
-Why shouldn't I? They are instigatingmy husband against me.
And you want me to keep quiet.
And this girl.
She is smitten over you.
No, Ms.
It is nothing like this.
-You misunderstand.
-Hey, shut up.
I have not misunderstood anything.
And listen to me properly.
If I see you around myhusband again it won't be good.
Got it? Stay away from my husband.
Got it? -Shweta, you…-And you.
You have spent enoughtime with your stupid friends.
-Come on.
Listen to me.
I said come home.
Means come home.
Shweta, why have you got me here? You want to leave me, right? Shweta, it is nothing like that.
They were just saying.
I am not thinking of it.
I didn't marry you so thatyou can just leave me anytime.
I married you so that Icould own your house and property.
Huh? And unless I get that, you cannot leave me.
What? You mean… You want to leave me, right? Okay, do one thing.
Write over everything to me.
Your house, property, money.
And then I will set you free.
You can go wherever youwant after that for all I care.
Call you mother and tell her to come here with the property documents.
Call her.
Call up your mom like a good kid.
Very good.
-Take this.
-I won't.
what will you do? -What will you do?-What will I do? -I won't call her.
-You want to know what I will do.
You want to know what I will do.
You want to know what I will do.
Stay in your limits, Shweta.
-You want to know what I will do.
-I won't call her.
-Hello aunt.
-Hello, dear.
Aunt, where is Varun and Shweta? Actually, there was somemisunderstanding because of me.
So, I just wanted to solve it.
What misunderstanding, dear? And where is Shweta and Varun? They haven't reached home yet? But Ms.
Shweta left forhome with him since long.
Shweta? But she didn't come here.
What happened? Tell me what is the matter.
What happened? Aunt, actually Varun wasvery sad about his married life.
Why don't you leave her? Just tell her that you don'twant to continue this marriage.
Yes and we are there.
Causing problems between a couple.
Aren't you two ashamed? And in anger she took away Varun with him.
So, we thought he had come home.
Varun has not reached home.
Where did Shweta take Varun? He has not come home.
His phone is unreachable.
What do I do? Varun, I have been trying to call you.
Your phone was unreachable.
You could have called.
I was so worried.
It's me not your darling son.
Shweta? Shweta, is Varun with you? Yes, he is there.
Right in front you.
And if you want your son alive and safe then just carry outmy instructions.
Got it? And yes, if you inform the police then I will get you twoarrested for domestic violence.
Got it? Aunt, why are you so worried? What happened? Shweta has kidnapped my kid.
God, what do I do now? I cannot waste even a minute now.
It's been so late.
When will this old woman come? Waiting for your money? I had loved you.
I didn't even listen to my friends.
Everyone said that I was wrong.
But I was crazy in love with you.
Shut up.
You are just blabbering since long.
You think you have become wise since you listened to other people.
That is your problem.
You are a big fool.
You always believe others easily.
You trust it.
I have got a remedy for that.
Yes, I will cure it now.
Shweta, no.
Shweta, keep it away.
Shweta, keep it away.
-Your ears…-Shweta.
They are the biggest problem.
-No, Shweta.
-No ears.
-No, Shweta.
-And no hearing problems.
Shweta God! What have you done to my child? Shweta! What have you done to my child? Did you do what I told you to do? Give the money and take him.
You want money? You want the property? How dare you hurt my son? -How dare you?-Hey.
If I can do this to himI can also kill him for money.
-I have the money.
Here is the money.
Move the knife.
First do what I have told you to.
Remove the knife first.
Stop there.
Arrest her.
Take her away.
My child.
Your condition… Hello? Ambulance? A scary incident which shocked everyone.
Friends, one can fallin love with anyone at anytime.
But one also needs trust andrespect beside love in relationship.
And that happens only ifyou and your partner are true.
To accept each other'spositives and also negatives and lead a complete life.
Be faithful in marriage.
This is the main ruleof a happy married life.
Varun's one-sided lovewas a ladder of crime for Shweta.
And she took advantage of his emotions and ruined his lifeand the people around him.
That's why friends, we request you all that choose your liferelations after proper thought.
So, that these relationscan make your life happy.
And not ruin it.
With this I Girish Jain, bid you adieu from thisepisode of Crime Alert.
I will see you again toalert of another such crime.
Meanwhile be alert, be safe.
Crime Alert.
Voice against Crime.
The post India Alert | Episode 313 | Sweet Aunty ( स्वीट आंटी ) | Dangal TV Channel appeared first on IPTVRestream.
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