melissa-titanium · 1 year
you ever start to fall into that fanonized way of thinking like u r just watching a thing or thinking about a character and ur mind just Omggg they r such a cinnamon roll! NO. NO.
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timogsilangan · 1 year
every day h0llow knight gijinka artists wake up and go "what if i humanized the dreamers and gave the one literally called the beast the darkest skin out of all of them" and just. dont interrogate that at all
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bettertwin1 · 15 days
what about. FIVE fishies
Youreall FUCKED UP
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
HIIII haha just needed a few days, sorry to disappear!
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vibratingskull · 9 months
Mermaid!Thrawn x F!reader chapter 7
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Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
You’re wiping the glasses and putting back the cups in their cupboard when a client enters the cafe with the song of small bells. Your colleague takes them in charge while you finish tidying up the bar. “Welcome!” you both greet.
There aren't a lot of clients at those hours usually, so you’ll have time to wipe the tables clean with a little chance. “I hope it won’t rain, I don’t like those clouds.” Your colleague mumbles. She’s a sweet 16 girl that is a bit lazy but she gets the job down, so you don’t tell, and in exchange she doesn’t tell on you when you leave before your shift ends. “Don’t count on it” you respond “It is supposed to rain the whole week.”, “Arf…Group incoming! I’ll let them to you, you’re quicker than me!”, “Oh the good excuse to dump them on me!” You nudge her and she giggles in response “I will take them if you promise to clean the coffee maker.”, “Deal!”
As the groups enter you refasten your apron and take out your notebook, clicking your pen “Hello, what can I get you… ?” your sentence dies in your throat when you realize who you have in front of you. 
The group that hunts Thrawn.
“We’re just here to take cover from the rain.” The leader responds. “I can’t let you in with those harpoons.” You politely object. “And if you want to stay you’ll need to order something.”, “We’re not staying long and we won’t manipulate the harpoons inside, I promise.” he argues. “I can’t let you stay with those weapons, just lay them outside.”, “They’ll get stolen!” He responds harshly
Good! You intend on it.
“This is the law sir, you can’t just enter a shop with blades.” you gently respond. He looks black at you before sighing “Alright…” He rises and seizes the harpoons to put them outside against the wall. “Can you fill up our bottles with hot coffee?” a girl approximately your age asks, handing you said bottles, “Of course.” You take the thermos and walk behind the bar to fill them up, innocently eave-dropping on the group.
“Do you still believe?” one of them asks, looking discouraged,”I am sure they’re here! Somewhere under the surface.” the young woman responds with assurance, “Well, if someone has some optimism left it’s alway you, Karyn!” The denominated Karin smiles and high fives her comrade. The leader comes back, drenched. “You should scream louder, not everyone hears you.” He chastises, and adds even lower, “this is a secret mission you dumbass, so callate !”
The group fell silent. You finish filling the bottles and bring them back. “It's 35$.” You annonce, “it's a robbery or something ?” the leader complains, “It's 35$ or the door.” you repeat, impassible. He groans but pays, without tipping, of course. 
You go back behind your bar but listen closely to what they say. “When do we try again ?”, “Not before the weather calms down. Our barks would sink.”, “He won't be happy.” Karyn notes, “Well he will have to wait! I won't die for that!” The leader hammers home “But we are advancing, we can cross several areas and some others deserve more of our attention. The open sea must be explored more.”, “In barks?” Karyn raises a mocking eyebrow, “I can procure us some motorized boats with sonar. I just have to ask him.” The leader explains, focused.
They take out a plan and start tergiversation over it. You're pricking up your ears when someone enters. “Welcome, what can I…”
Your voice dies again. Eli stands, drenched and trembling, not even taking off his hood. “My mother invites you for dinner.” He simply says, “Oh… That's super nice of her.” you finally manage to say after a second of silence. He looks tired and not pleased. “So you come or no?” He asks impatiently, “Yes ! I'll come with great pleasure. But do you want something to warm you up? A Coffee or-” but he already disappeared when you turned back to him.
He didn't forgive you, it seems.
Your heart sinks painfully, youreally did a mistake... “Who was that hottie ?” your colleague asks. “A friend… “, “Where can I get a friend like that?”, “When you're 18. Go clean the Coffee maker.” You order, refocusing on your tasks at hand. You turn to the group only to realize they're already gone.
Well they won't attack until the weather calms down…  
When your shift ends you take your bike, and turn towards the sea. It is Black and agitated under grays, menacing clouds. Your hear thunder roars away and you pul your hood on your head, biking away from the ocean. 
Away from the shore, a blue head pierces the water to look at the Land. Thrawn observes silently the people hurrying to get cover away from the Rain. It always seemed strange to him who always knew the softness of water on his skin. He doesn't know anything else but water. 
A second head pierces the surface next to him. She looks at him severely, enjoining him to go back in water. 
He nods and follows her without a look back . 
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steviesummer · 1 year
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Thanks to the lovely @famfarafa for this prompt! Sorry it took me so long, hope you enjoy it: “This is the Munson residence. Can’t come to the phone right now, please leave a message after the beep.”
“Hey Eddie,” Steve’s voice came out from the answering machine, but it sounded strange. “I’m gonna have to reschedule our movie - ouch! Hey, stop that - night. Something - no, don’t - sorry, something came up.”
Eddie was concerned. He checked that his walkie was on - it was and the volume up. Didn’t seem like it was Upside Down related or a major emergency. Robin hadn’t said anything about Steve seeming off when he stopped by Family Video to pick up a few tapes. And despite sound odd, Steve didn’t sound particularly stressed or in pain.
Still, the message was very odd. He decided it wouldn’t hurt to find out exactly what was going on and dialed the Harrington home. It rang several times before going to voicemail; Eddie hung up before he had to listen Robert Harrington’s self-important message.
He didn’t want to use the walkie and panic everyone, so that left him only one option.
“Steve, you there?” Eddie called out as he open the front door, not waiting for an answer. “I got your - is that blood? Why is there blood?? Steve?” If he hadn’t been worried before, he was after he saw the mess that was the entryway.
The normally neat and tidy front hall was messier than he had ever seen it. There was mud and a few small sticks all over, plus a red smear on the wall that was clearly not paint. Eddie heard movement in the kitchen and immediately abandoned the entry, only to stop abruptly in the door.
“Steve, what is that?”
“Eddie!” Steve looked up. “What are you doing here?”
The fact that he sounded genuinely surprised did not make Eddie feel better. “What am I doing here? Youreally left some cryptic voice-mail canceling out date and didn’t expect me to come looking for you? After everything that’s happened in this town?”
Steve paused. “Okay, that’s fair. I just found this sweetheart by the road on my way home. She’s hurt but the vet’s office isn’t open this late. I couldn’t just leave her there and I didn’t think Wayne would appreciate me bringing a cat to the trailer with no warning.”
“Are you sure that’s a cat?” Maybe it was because of how the entry looked or maybe it was her size, but Eddie wasn’t sure he believed this was actually a cat. He fidgeted from his place in the doorway, watching as Steve realized this.
Steve smiled reassuringly at him. “Yeah. I think she’s a Maine Coon. My grandma had one, they get really big. Really sweet, though. Here, come see.” He patted the floor next to him.
Eddie walked over hesitantly to where Steve was sitting, navigating around the contents of the first aid kit strewn on the floor. He sat down behind Steve and moved so he could peer over his shoulder. Now that he was closer, he could see what Steve meant. He could also see the source of the blood from the entryway. Steve had wrapped her back leg in bandages but she had clearly bled on this shirt first. Steve caught him looking over his work.
Steve shrugged sheepishly. “I wasn’t sure exactly how to bandage a cat, but I figured it would be better than nothing.” Eddie smiled to himself. Not exactly what he expected of his evening but now that the panic had faded, nothing he couldn’t work with.
“Well,” Eddie started. “I can’t say I ever though I’d be okay with my boyfriend missing a date because of a girl, but I think I can make an exception this time. She is pretty cute.”
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asokkalypsenow · 6 months
Everyone knows your tastes change as you get older but it feels like there’s not really a good way to tell someone that no you dont really like the candy they got for you especially bc youreally liked it when you were 15 bc they clearly were thinking of you its just their information is out of date. Thats why I think every fifth half birthday or something you should get to send out an updated list of preferences with 0 hard feelings to everyone you know. We should institute this immediately
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can i have a diagnosis professor :P
- @luckystones
youreAll good
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averagemafuyukinnie · 2 months
did a few shows now goodnight i love yuyuyuhgsysygdebdbbx youreall super awesome
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cacaitos · 2 months
yeah guys youreall so funny ltb reviews of gingy snatch
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lyxthen · 7 months
Grief an interesting thing, because you will be living your life, as usual, and out of nowhere, a single thing (a small thing, like a jade stone, or a blue truck, of the weight of the keys in your hand, the shape of a pawn on top of the chessboard, a bottle of cheap wine tucked inside the cellar) will make yourealize the extent of your loss. Even if it was years ago, and you can barely remember it at this point. Even if you think you are fine with it, done with it. You may even joke about it, if only to pretend it doesn't affect you.
It never really goes way.
You know, despite everything...
I really miss my dad.
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You used to be mine
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You used to me mine/he used to be mine I wrote this in like 10 min...so yea
Purse angst writing is like my therapy now lol 18+ just in case mention if fluf just angst.
You used to be mine is a song from the musical waitress but I got that phrase itself got stuck in my head for more than one reason I feel like I should turn it into a song
You used to be mine. We were happy. The little kisses the holding hands the shared laughes and my giggles as you for some god unknown reason tried to tickle me. The spark in your eyes,
You used to be mine.
We used to be awake at night talking. I'd struggle to stay up on days where I was so very tired and I knew you had days that were the same. And you comming back was such a a happy joyus time. From the deep kisses one would think you just came back from war. And in a way you had. Now its a mix of sadness and joy because I diny know if things had mm of you slipping away but still.. id give anything to get them back again because you used to be mine.
I honestly don't know what day things changed I wish I could pinpoint it but I do remeber the day when I went its diffrent. You had flown in and I went to you hurriedly to hug like always like a repeate but you you didnt I barely got a hug it was like something was holding you back like you couldn't smile. I wrote it off to a long day, a bad day pushing everything else in the back of my mind like how you'd still look at me diffrent happier, relaxed even on days you were tired and could barely keep your eyes open. I used to be your source of comfort on days where you were pissed off. But then again you used to be mine.
Things slowly slipped unit was too much for me to bear or too little and I cried I mourned our relationship but it made me wonder if we had one at all was it dead long before I noticed. Did you...did yiu play me was I just some pawn to keep you warm on lonely nights. Your demeanor had changed everything about you had changed. I know people grow but this it was too sudden it was too much. Like it pained you to look at me but I wasnt going to let go without.... without you doing it first no, no I wasnt going to be the one to blame for thr fall because, somewhere one time youreally were I know it in my heart even if my mind is wondering I know you used to be mine.
Holding on my a thread was an overstatement. It was like we were going through the motions that were lifeless zombies dont even fit the bill. But still I loved your presence and I was going to hold on as much as I could for as long as I could. And I did whatever I could.
Because you used to be mine
Maybe you could remember
One day the last day of your visit "hey come on sit doen," you had said with just softness and Monessen such love like you had before I saw the love. For a brief flash I had seen love but there was sadness in your eyes after. I knew it was coming and at least you had t he heart by to do it in person. I know it wasnt only because you were a good person but because I was yours and you used to be mine.
I wasnt going to pretend to be strong and not cry. I did you just held me. You had no words just your arms and a sniffle or two. Yiu had said it was nothing I did. Nothing I could've done better. Or diffrent I had been perfect thst I was perfect. But it just things change. They do he was right he changed.
And thats who my tears were for the man you used to be... the man he used to be. It was like he died I don't know why . But the man in front of me wasn't the one I had a relationship with he wasn't mine. He wasn't my human or my person. He was just something else.
But then there were ds softly spoken barely heard words.. sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry. On repeate diffrrnt mixes of first s third but by hey were there there. He had stayed that night. I'll never understand why. He had left in the morning. He had held me and for a bit it was like it was when he used to be mine
I had woken up and just watched him sleep knowing it would be th last time. Then I had fallen back asleep I had always wondered if he had done the same. Il don't think ill ever have an answer. That morning I had woken before he left but I know he did know. He had bent down moved hair from my face. Whispering as long as the (thought) hd could without "waking" me
"I never wanted to hurt you."
He continues
"You'll see its better for you."
I didnt move a muscle. I needed to know everything
"I live for you. I love you"
He kissed me
"You'll always have my heart."
"I'll always be yours."
I wonder if that man is somewhere still out there alive or if the man he is now is just a holle a shell of mystery, a shell of himself. a puppet of the man who used to be mine
That man I'll always love though the man who used to be mine.
Epilogue: I will never believe that the man never was mine
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izzyfatart · 2 years
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They Keep Sneaking Up On You
Really should've taken the creaking noises like tensions inside the heart of a dwarf star a sign maybe your clothes might not be hanging on for long. Commission for Tuxxted on Twitter
Posted using PostyBirb
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♱  DIABOLIK LOVERS: Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sakamaki Ayato | Ecstasy 5½  ♱
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⌜ Scene: Garden ⌟
Yui: Ooh!
Smell these ones, Ayato-kun!
Ayato: Aah? What’s special about ‘em? They’re just roses.
Yui: But, these roses are particularly strong! They’re at their best to use when they’re very fragrant.
I’ll take one or two from this bush, I think.
ー Yui snips off a few roses. ー
Hmm, hmm…
( Not only can I make rosewater to spray around my room with these, but I hear it also really helps wounds heal faster! )
( Bottling some up would be super handy, too, so I can carry it around! )
( You know, in case of Ayato-kun... )
Ayato: …Geez, you’re gonna strip the garden bare at this point.
Yui: Don’t be a drama queen, I’m being sparce with my pruning.
Ayato: Drama queen, my ass. You’re the girl ‘round here.
I don’t get what you need this for anyway. Why not pass the time with Yours Truly some, instead of focusin’ on some flowers?
Yui: Huff…
Anyway, if you’re not going to help, could you not complain in my ear?
Ayato: …Shuddup.
Yui: Come on… Don’t be that way, Ayato-kun.
Ayato: Seriously, shut up. I think I heard somethin’ over that way…
━─┉┈◈ Selection ◈┈┉─━
  ❈  Like what? ( ♥ )
Yui: ( Ayato-kun looks really serious about this… )
( Even if I didn’t, I should hear him out. )
Youreally heard something? What did it sound like?
Ayato: I dunno, it’s hard to tell when someone’s blabberin’ away right beside me.
Yui: ( H-Hey, now…! )
  ❈  It's probably nothing
Yui: Heard something…? It’s probably just a few rabbits, you know?
Ayato: God, you’re a pain in the ass.
ー Ayato puts a hand over Yui’s mouth. ー
Yui: …!!
( Ayato-kun’s hand over my mouth! )
Ayato: … …
Yui: ( Silence… )
( There’s nothing, after all. He’s surely just hearing things? )
ー A twig ahead snaps. ー
Yui: …!
Ayato: …Get down.
ー Yui does as she is told. ー
???: …ven’t… …years…
Yui: ( …! Someone’s voice! )
( They’re getting closer… Ayato-kun was right! )
???: …Keep close… Ryuuto.
Yui: Ryuuto…san?
( What’s more… That’s another voice! )
Ayato: …Yo.
???: …Aah, Ayato.
Ayato: You’re already up to no good, you sly bastard. I can tell… So, scram.
Ryuuto: Mind your manners, that is your uncle you’re speaking to.
???: Leave him be. I can handle myself.
Ayato: …What kinda stunt are you tryna pull, Richter? Sneakin’ down this way?
Richter: This property is as much ours, as it is yours; Are we not allowed to take a leisurely stroll around our lake, once in a while?
Ayato: Don’t beat ‘round the bush. You think I’m stupid or somethin’?
Richter: Perhaps so. If you are trying to pick a fight, that is.
Do not make a scene out of nothing, Ayato. We have told you our business, so I believe we are free to be on our way; We owe you nothing more.
Yui: ( I want to get a good look of who’s with Ryuuto-san… )
( But, if I peek my head through the leaves, I’ll get spotted right away. )
( Probably best to keep down, like Ayato-kun said. )
Ryuuto: …Come along, Father. We can detour around this garden on another day.
By the looks of things, their scent is rotting away all the good roses, anyhow; Those balding bushes… Fufu, what a pitiful sight.
Richter: … …
ー They walk away. ー
Ayato: …Tsk. Those guys really gimme the creeps.
Coast is clear, Yui.
ー She stands back up now. ー
Yui: ( …Was it really necessary to hide like that? )
Hey… Mind telling me who those guys were?
I mean, I know Ryuuto-san, but the other person you were talking to… Your “uncle”?
Ayato: …Don’t worry ‘bout that old fart.
With ‘em creeping around, just stick by my side, got it?
ー He grabs her by her arm. ー
Yui: W-Wait…! Ayato-kun, please don’t pull me!
Ayato: We’re goin’ inside. I’m not hangin’ around here any longer, for whenever they start wanderin’ back this way.
Yui: B-But, I haven’t got enough roses yet!
Ayato: Hah? Not enough?
…Didn’tcha hear those guys?
Yui: Hear about… Do you mean the “balding bushes”?
Ayato: Yeah. Told you it looks like you’re strippin’ the garden bare.
Next thing you know, Reiji’s gonna be on or asses about it too, ‘n I’m not in the mood for that four-eyes to start naggin’…
So, c’mon, titless. Or, do I gotta drag you?
──────��� ≪ °♛° ≫ ───────
←  [ ✥ Ecstasy 05 ✥ ]⎥[ ✥ Ecstasy 06 ✥ ]  →
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egg-emperor · 2 years
"Well, even though it's dark fiction, you're the ones who repeatedly yelled at Sage in the first place, right? Why are you pretending to be a victim?"
Are you kidding me.
Anon. Please look at your message, then go outside and think about what you typed.
IF you happen to be in one of those environments where you're pressurred to go after people who are "acceptable targets", please tell someone close to you. You might be in one of those cult like groups.
becase this is not normal person behavior. Are youreally going to dismiss what someone's been through just because someone made posts about what they don't like about a Fictional. Character.
Read that again.
Fictional. Character.
You either have been hoodwinked into or are actively choosing to go after a real person over something that does not exist.
In either case I hope you get out of that headspace. And also remind that what you're doing is far closer to illegality than anything egg-emperor's done. Just for consideration.
sorry for the rant E.E., just. Had to get in some cents.
Nah don't worry about it, that's what I would've said if I had the energy but I'm just done repeating my points when people like that clearly don't listen lol. I appreciate you saying it though and pointing out how ridiculous and ironic it is.
Whatever the case is, I pity them for how they're getting this worked up over it along with everyone else that's been harassing me. But I also find it amusing how they'll go after people for opinions and fics they write about a character because they apparently find it that offensive but then don't care or respect real people that have feelings and have even actually been though real shit.
And it's appalling how they'll continue to treat people terribly after they find this out, either blaming them for what happened to them or dismissing it entirely. I've had both happen multiple times since. I should never have had to disclose it as that's bad enough that I felt pressures to but the reactions I've gotten from some people have been disgusting and cut deep.
It's easy for them to go around saying I'm a bad person that loves writing child abuse, make accusations and treat me terribly just because I wrote a character known for mistreating and even trying to kill children (Eggman) manipulating a character that happens to be an ageless AI that looks like a child, something he's also known for doing because that's what felt accurate to me.
But it's hard to give me respect and consideration as someone that's experienced bad things as a real person and just wanted to write my interpretation based on what I thought was accurate and involve my experiences. So if this is really a moral battle and I'm a terrible person, why are they the ones mistreating me and acting like they feel worse for a character experiencing similar?
I'm just creating what I want to on my own blog, I'm not the ones attacking people and blaming or dismissing what they've been through so they can keep accusing me of horrible things and stay mad over a character. It just keeps proving that they don't care about survivors and it's really just about hating that I feel about and portray a character differently.
And they want to find reasons to deem me an acceptable target over something that shouldn't be that deep and serious, so they accuse me of fucked up shit like child abuse and treat me like a monster based on what I create so it can feel justified. But in the process they're just treating a survivor like shit and dismissing their experiences so they can still feel like they're in the right for attacking me.
And I just hope these people will stop and think and realize that and treat other survivors with better respect than they have with me in the future. Because nobody deserves to be blamed and dismissed for their very real pain and treated horribly all because of a character and the story and opinions created from them like I have.
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domesticabuser · 11 months
you really cant trust white ugly theyfabs anymore. We used to be a nation
youreally cant cos if you Tumblr post about them theyll run down to the police department with their last friend (their mother) with an acab patch on their denim jacket they got off etsy with their allowance money and tell the police officers that your posts are scarin em bad
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