#I’m notoriously bad at remembering to do so 😭
turtleblogatlast · 6 months
HIIII haha just needed a few days, sorry to disappear!
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littlemisspascal · 1 year
lol hi! do you think you can help me find a fic?
it’s joel miller x fem reader and they don’t exactly like each other. and i think she stole his watch and joel finds her and figures out that she’s close with a FEDRA soldier (a little jealous). it’s a series i believe!
i’m sorry this is so vague! 😭
Hi! I am notoriously bad at remembering fic titles so hopefully someone recognizes this and can help 😊
Putting out the Find A Fic Alert!
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fernweh-s · 1 year
Seriously I remember when sense8 got canceled and everyone bullied them to finish the storyline cuz they left it off on the worlds biggest cliffhanger. They need to do that more often and I’ve never seen midnight Club how was it?
Omfg that sounds like such a struggle. Though Goldy would be such a cute nickname Lmaoo jk jk 😂
Dam not even worth it?!? Sheesh that’s saying something I’ll watch the first two episodes n see how bad it is. I’m scurrd doe my brain may imploded by how bad it is 😅
Terry is my fav to take over the Batman mantle. Everyone else is blah especially Tim
God I hated when tim took over
Fr the tie in aspect was the appeal like you take that away n what ya think was gonna happen smh 🤦🏽‍♂️
Yes, from ya pinned lol. Pleasure to have your acquaintance Mel.
Lmaooo the Sense8 movie to wrap everything up was SUCH a rare blessing bc Netflix is notorious for cancelling shows out of the blue and then just leaving us hanging (santa clarita diet movie WHEN???????? 😭😭😭 I'm still sO mad it got cancelled on a cliffhanger)
It's possible I might just be a little bitter at the Batwoman show for making Kate and Beth not be identical twins, which (to my immense annoyance) seems to be something that has bled over into the comics bc of the show and I hate it!!! 😤😤 Literally a very core part of Kate's character (and of her survivors guilt) was that she was an identical twin! It made her surviving while (her and her dad thought that) Beth died so bittersweet. Jacob looked at Kate and saw Beth. Kate looked at herself and saw her sister staring back at her—that all gets lost when they're turned into fraternal twins. Their story just doesn't hit the same. The characters were created to be identical twins; and they lose something very fundamental to their characters when that is taken away.
Lmaooo I love Tim as a character but yeah not as Batman. I also don't like Dick taking up the mantle either, tbh. And while I don't HATE the idea of Damian for it, I don't think that he SHOULD. Terry is definitely one of my preferred choices, but honestly my favorite is actually Jason (not battle for the cowl, Jason though. We do NOT talk about that lmfaoo. That writing did my boy sO dirty), I think in a well written story, out of all Bruce's kids/proteges, Jason would actually make for the best Batman (but also, I am 1000% a Jason Todd stans so, I have some bias...)
Lmao exactly!! It was way more interesting as a tie-in, than like, trying to be it's own separate thing.
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llycaons · 1 year
ep7: ah, young love
okay so this episode had a lot of EXCELLENT scenes but also some that don’t land very well and read as a little tryhard and poorly thought out. imo
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since we weren’t done being beaten over the head with the parallels yet 😭
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exchanging significant looks! the first (?) of MANY. they will have a long career in staring at each other ahead of them
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oh damn is that what the original plan was? fuck, this plot is boring
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this is so sweet. wwx got a little connection to his grandmaster
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I remember wwx having much bigger ‘rip to you but I’m different’ vibes but he seems more chill here this rewatch
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this is actually one of my least favorite tropes/moments for wx. it just feels like a contrived situation that’s designed to make the audience go ‘oohhh, that’s gay!!!’ without any intentional input or decisionmaking from the characters. like it turns them from subjects into objects? it’s hard to explain but I think this is annoying and meaningless as a romantic writing choice
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I love how I can read lwj again now. and he looks SO hurt and betrayed
also his face/nose look rounder than usual. he’s always had round features but they look accentuated in this shot. another reason that lines about lwj’s sharp jawline confuse me in fics
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aw shit did he say zhiji
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wwx is so cute when he’s serious
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lwj writing off wwx as telling stories and being silly, internally rolling his eyes, and then VISIBLY reassessing when he realizes that wwx is actually being very clever in misdirecting nhs. like ‘OH. he’s smart!’
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wwx literally looked at lwj for five seconds and jc lost it lmao
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all of his looks of sadness tend to be so...private? inwardly directed? he’s out theoretically in public but he’s experiencing this sorrow entirely unconnected from anyone else. wwx tends to be expressive when he’s sad, jc is loud and physical, jyl reaches out to others. but lwj usually doesn’t let anyone else see, then just tucks it away like this
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this shot is so fucking funny. wx and xy awkwardly standing in the waiting room as the evil cc does heretical experiments in his throne room
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I usually don’t endorse assigning a character top/bottom status because it’s dumb and unrelated to how real life people act. that being said this man is a slut and I fully believe he knows what he’s doing. where’s that post about him being erotically darth vader chocked by wrh
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awww jyl is so pretty
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man, wwx really was a dick to nhs
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ah I love this scene. so pretty!
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mm! lxc and lqr being there too is so nice. it’s easy to forget that they’re teachers too and they look after these kids
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CLASSIC SHOT. I fully endorse the ‘lwj had a crush he was confused and frustrated by, and at this moment his crush compounded into genuine and very intense young love’ I don’t endorse love at first sight I think it’s silly
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at first I felt bad because jzx didn’t want to be in an arranged marriage (fair) and wwx kept going after him for it but nah. look at his face. what a tool
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wwx trying so hard to protect his sister’s heart/reputation bc he loves her but his public freakouts just embarrass and humiliate her more 😭
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I love that lwj has never looked this confused before or since
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I love youuuuu
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so funny that this is how we’re introduced to jfm, who is notorious for having no backbone
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this is what I mean when I say wwx seems to be from a different setting than other characters. nobody else would do this type of exaggerated posturing. it gives him such a distinct personality and mannerisms, which is probably really hard to write coherently
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interesting you say that, with your history. you who never married, hm?
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I cannot believe that people genuinely think jfm was as bad or worse than myu. for all his faults, he stood up against jgs to ensure his daughter didn’t end up in an unwanted marriage like his. and he doesn’t treat wwx (or jc) as well as he should, but myu would never have taken wwx in and never would have loved him or defenced him or taught the way jfm clearly does. he does treat jc badly, but it’s not like myu treats jc much better, and the fact that she treats him worse because wwx is around and better than him at stuff doesn’t reflect on jfm or wwx, but rather on her as a person. I have a soft spot for jfm despite not really respecting him at all
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the song playing here is SO sad god he misses her so much
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jyl saying wwx will marry a beautiful woman, because she thinks him flirting with guys is a phase or something?. I actually read her as very sweet and loving to wwx, but straight and not really totally understanding how his attraction to men is just as important to him, if not moreso, than his attraction to women. a few explanations for his response
1. he means it because he’s not bi as speculated, he’s gay (possible - he’s been very forward with the porn and the insinuations)
2. he means it because he’s already sold on marrying lwj (VERY early for this to be the case imo. also he was laughing about living in CR and the idea of someone marrying lwj just a few eps ago)
3. he means it because he genuinely doesn’t want to get married he just wants to hang out with his big sister (if so: 🥺😭)
4. he’s pretending to joke around but he really means it but he doesn’t know why yet (given how good he is at masking his own desires and avoiding his own feelings, perhaps this is most likely)
5. he’s fully joking in order to make her happy (he doesn’t seem that serious to me)
imo if the writers wanted this to be a legitimate moment of wwx expressing his desires that conflict with jyl’s (and the rest of society’s) views on what marriage should be, they should have maybe not framed it so lighthearted? ah, it’s wwx, he hides what he really wants under jokes all the time
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in the book he actually inspired like, dozens of disciples to drink and shirk their classwork instead of just nhs and jc. very funny ngl
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hard to see in this shot but wwx’s look of what I can only describe as awe when lwj walks in. my boy
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I love his confidence he’s so funny
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oh everything hurts
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he’s so funny playing around with the bunnies and making them talk. too much ‘chaos gremlin’ wwx not enough ‘playful and sweet’ wwx
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something I really love about these early arcs, despite that yin metal plot being so boring I could cry, is how protective wwx is of lwj. he really cares about him and wants him to be okay!
overall despite adoring young wwx and lwj, and enjoying many of the scenes in this episode, I still think this arc has the least compelling wx. but it's laying really important groundwork for plots and relationship dynamics that will become delicious later, so I don't mind
personal highlights
lwj’s confused face
wwx being very dramatic
jfm defending jyl and jzx’s right to decide who they marry
xy, for being very entertaining in his sluttiness
wwx making the bunny talk
wwx being protective of lwj
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bookofmirth · 2 years
hi!! at what point do u think taking inspiration from a book becomes just ripping off and plagiarising ?
i recently reread acotar and tog and the similarities to some other works are so blatant i feel offended 😭😭 (exaggerating)
from TOG the similarities to Garth Nix’s Sabriel series are insane! SJM pretty much just lifted wyrdmarks from that series amd wrote it into TOG. like down to all the important details of how they’re used, drawn on the body and how they call monsters from the dead. the ‘cauldron born/made’ phrases are also just taken from Nix. i know fantasy authors are very much inspired by each other and fantasy as a whole can be authors ripping off each other but it’s so off putting sometimes.
but i think the craziest is ACOTAR. recently i became obsessed with Anne Bishop and after reading her Black Jewels trilogy … it’s safe to say it reminded be A LOT of acotar. even the characters are SO similar to the acotar characters. rhys is a carbon copy of damon. feyre is janaelle. surreal is mor. cassian is lucivar. even cassian and rhysands friendship is so similar to damon and lucivar. also so many friendship dynamics in the inner circle are similar to Bishops. the illyrian race is basically the eyrian race pretty much lifted from the page. down to their wings, traditions, coming of age events amd how they treat women. the MC of black jewels also goes from a realm of light to the shadow realm. so feyre going from spring to night. the way the rest of prythian perceived the night court is the exact same way the shadow realm is perceived. the female villain is so similar to amarantha.
i think book 1 of acotar is a great example of being inspired by a tale (beauty and the beast) and using it as inspiration but book 1 is has too many similarities to anne bishops series
the similarities are so blatant that i couldn’t really immerse myself in acotar because i kept remembering the black jewels trilogy. obviously, fantasy tropes are so similar. every author reuses the same exact ones. i’m sure Anne Bishop tried to do a hades persephone retelling with black jewels so even she was inspired by something but the similarities are so uncanny!!!!
i do like sjms books a lot and i know she’s vocal about loving these authors but sometimes i wish she took concepts and made them a little more original rather than lifting them off the page and into her works. i know sjm is notorious for having a little ‘borrowing’ issue but i didn’t realise it was THIS bad 😭 down to phrases, concepts, races being taken and copied.
anyway from now on when i see people complaining about not being able to find a series that makes them feel the way acotar did i’ll just recommend Anne Bishops one. it’s the source material anyway 💀
OOF this is a tough one.
So technically, characters can be copyrighted, but plots cannot. That's why we can have 1,001 enemies-to-lovers stories, why it's just fine for us to have a one hundred "magic school with a chosen one" stories.
I totally get what you mean, though. Sometimes books seem to cross the line from "this author used the same general moves in the narrative" to "um, you just copied this scene and switched out the names???"
I've never read Anne Bishop, but I did just catch up on Plated Prisoner and boyyyyyy the first two books especially were straight up acomaf/acowar territory. I mean, they watched the stars on some special night, he had his IC I mean Wrath, then we had Mor I mean the other one whose name I already forgot, there to show the MC that she can be a tough, funny woman. It's basically fanfic for people who really wish Tamlin had gotten more thoroughly fucked over in acotar. Which is totally valid, I know that some people do want that, but it got to the point where I was making a list of similarities. It's just... uncomfortable, at a certain point.
This is just me riffing, but I feel like that's the problem with SJM not committing to world building. We get the vibe, the feeling of the trope or the object or the cultural reference, but she doesn't go far enough to make it her own. It's very... well, I think the crossover is indicative of this, tbh? It's all a cool idea, until she moves on to the story she actually wants to tell (which in the case of acotar, will come back to the romances. Then the reader is left wondering what the fuck kind of world building shit they just got left with.) SJM probably has a couple hundred wikipedia pages bookmarked lmaooooo
Maybe when I need that acotar feeling without the acotar fandom drama, I'll read Black Jewels!
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nctsjaemin · 2 years
Your Taeyong facecams set is amazing! ♡ post/674385189826330624/nct-127-taeyong-facecams. You seem to have the perfect balance of cool tones and warm in that set. Do you mind me asking how you get such vibrant, lustrous coloring without sacrificing quality, and without making faces unnaturally/overly red/orange? In other words, do you have any tips on how to get vibrant coloring and crisp gifs? Your help would be greatly appreciated! Happy New Year~ ♡
okk first things first! i’m so so sorry this answer is super late. i had this saved in my drafts for ages but i completely forgot to post this (that’s why it still say happy new year down below 😭😭). everything below this paragraph is what i meant to post earlier. again, i’m so sorry for how late this is. i’m such an idiot i should have checked if i had posted this yet, i thought i did but obviously not.
firstly, i just wanted to say thank you so much for your kind comments 🥺💕 it really means a lot and i'm glad you like my gifs. also happy lunar new year! i hope you had a great day if you celebrated ~
anywayyy onto colouring and ps help! tbh it really depends on the video you are giffing from. i find the number of adjustment layers required varies between videos. despite this, there are a few things that i always do to try to restore skin but it can get a bit complicated so i've tried to explain things more clearly below the cut!
(before i get started, i just wanted to put it out there that i am by no means a professional, nonetheless, i hope i can be of some help!)
tip #1: start off with a curves adjustment layer (note! this isn’t always necessary unless the lighting is really bad. if the lighting is ok, then you can skip this step and have selective colouring as your first adjustment layer. or go ahead and colour as you normally do.)
curves is a lifesaver when it comes to fixing dodgy lighting. this tool comes in handy especially when you're giffing live stages or comeback/fanmeeting vlives. i use the black colour dropper tool (shown below) and select a point on my image that should be the darkest colour (this could be somewhere on their mic/ headset, their hair, or something in the background). this should hopefully sort out the lighting to some extent and make your gif easier to colour after. in the taeyeon gif screenshot below, i think i selected the darkest colour to be a point on her glasses or her mic. (i can’t remember exactly because i made the gif last summer 😅).
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(left: no psd, right: curves adjustment layer) i’m using screenshots from a taeyeon vlive gif as an example because vlives are notorious for having terrible lighting and weird filters. as you can see, the image on the left is the original vlive. the lighting for this video is really bad and the colours are really washed out. whereas on the right, after adding a single curves adjustment layer the colours are slightly more vibrant and there’s a greater contrast. 
tip #2: after using curves, i tend to use 2 layers of selective colour. the first layer i use is almost like a baseline for my colouring. i find it's easier to make small adjustments and slowly work my way to the final product. sometimes i might include an additional selective colour layer later on, but this really depends on the video i’m giffing from as some videos will require more/less changes. 
in terms of restoring skin, you should focus on changing the % levels of the colours: red, yellow, white and sometimes magentas and neutrals (underlined in image below.) 
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in general, i find increasing the magenta and yellow % of these colours restore the skin (ex in image below.) you can also increase the black % levels to make the red/yellow colours darker. but if you find the skin is looking unnatural and too red/orange then don't be afraid to slightly decrease their levels and increase the % levels of cyan. i've come across a few skin restoration tutorials that talk about increasing only the red or yellow colour levels, but bear in mind skin tones involve all the primary colours, so adjusting the cyan or blue % levels of the reds/yellows can help the skin look more natural. reducing the black % levels for the reds can also help when your colouring is too strong or you’re giffing from a performance/mv with red lighting.
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tip #3: use channel mixer, colour balance and hue/saturation
channel mixer, colour balance and hue/saturation are very similar to selective colour. they're just different ways of adjusting the hue levels of each colour in your image. if you have more questions about these settings then feel free to ask! (this tutorial will be too long if i explain here 😭)
tip #4: remove colours you don't want
you can do this via selective colour or hue/saturation. if there's a colour you don't want/need in your image then just remove it by putting the colour value as 0 or -100%. this helps to increase the quality of your gifs if there are less colours as this will reduce the file size, preventing tumblr from compressing your gif if it is too large.
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tip #5: another curves layer
i add another curves layer at the end. but this time instead of using the colour-dropper tools, i adjust the RGB, red, green, and blue settings. (click on the drop-down list and then adjust by moving the curve at the centre point.) 
RGB - moving the curve upwards (towards the left, in the north-west direction) makes the image brighter; in the opposite direction it makes the image darker.
Red, Green, Blue - moving the curve upwards makes the image more red/green/blue and vice versa in the opposite direction. 
in the image below - i used the red setting as an example. if you move the curve by dragging it from the middle, in the direction of the black arrow, then the image will become have darker red tones. if you move it in the direction of the blue arrow the image will have less red tones.
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tip #6: high-quality videos, vapour-synth, under 3mb
it sounds obvious, but the original quality of your video really matters. if you want hq gifs then gif from hq videos 👌 preferably 1080p (and higher) or ts files. with that being said, some 4k facecams' quality are terrible, so you'll notice in my facecam sets i've only giffed recent performances because their quality is better than the older ones.
i use vapour-synth to trim and sharpen my gifs. i wouldn't say this program is necessary but it does help! however, i know of many gif makers who don't use vapour-synth and only use ps, and their gifs are still really hq and sharp. a good alternative is using the smart-sharpen tool in ps and you can also add a gaussian blur layer over your image to make the sharpening look less harsh (just be sure to adjust the opacity% of your gaussian blur layer.)
keep your gifs under 3mb! otherwise, tumblr will compress them and make them look more grainy. 
tip #7: refer to your other gifs
to match the colouring in a set, i usually have my other gifs open in ps so that i can refer to them and check if the colours are similar. but honestly, i've found over time it's best not to be too pedantic over having matching, cohesive colouring. you don't need to stress over getting every gif to have similar colouring because it's not worth it. giffing on tumblr should be fun, so don't sweat it and just enjoy creating!
at the end of the day, i hope you can always enjoy creating content and have fun making gifs/gfx 😊 but once again, thank you so much for liking my gifs and i hope this tutorial made sense and was of some help to you 💕
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final comparison (left: original no psd; right: final colouring) image below: screenshot of all my adjustment layers
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twopoppies · 3 years
hi there gina! I remembered this fic where H & L are best friends but harry is famous and is in 1D while louis isnt, theres this one scene where theyre shooting a music video and harry got paired with louis (cause theyre also stunting at the mo) oh yeah and louis is demisexual. Do you happen to know this one? cause i want to re-read it so bad😭 thanks gina
Hmmmm. The only one I’m familiar with where Louis is demi is this one:
California Sold by isthatyoularry (M, 134K)
Notoriously closeted boyband member Harry Styles is famous on a global scale, meanwhile Louis, as his best friend, is back home in Manchester, living the typical life of a 24 year old. When Harry needs Louis with him in LA, a publicity stunt gone wrong changes their friendship forever.
A fake-relationship AU between two lifelong best friends.
But I don’t think Harry is part of a band in this one. I could be wrong, though.
Does anyone else have any other suggestions?
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tomdutch · 2 years
So this doesn’t really matter, but for clarity the LDS and the FLDS are not the same thing… the FLDS follows the very “traditional” polygamist teachings and the LDS doesn’t not (that’s the main difference but there are some other differences that can come into play). I haven’t seen the specific doc you are talking about, but fundies are an area of interest of mine, so I’m almost certain it’s specifically about the FLDS branch because “keep sweet” is kind of their catchphrase. Honestly, both branches are pretty bad (like check either Wikipedia page and you are in for a nightmare), but the FLDS is much more notorious because their scandals are paired with girls in prairie dresses instead of girls dressed like they have only ever existed inside a farmhouse instagram filter.
Anyway, the girl you found on Pinterest is probably LDS, so not likely a prairie dress person!
Feel free to ignore this btw. You just hit on an area of interest of mine and I jumped on the chance to talk about it lol
wow i remember in the documentary they talked abt the flds being a subsection of mormonism that’s very fundamentalist but i don’t think they ever specified there’s an lds on its own. i remember specifically a woman said in her testimony that the traditionalists evolved into the church of latter day saints, so it was presented in a way that made me assume that’s the Only one??? regardless i 100% believe you when you say they’re both fucked up lmao as cults usually are. and nawt farmhouse instagram filter 😭✋🏽
also just a lil extra comment it has nothing to do with the difference between lds/flds but as a woc i remember watching this shit and being like wow there hasn’t been a single black person or poc this entire time….. and obviously with hindsight it’s an all-white cult but it was never like outright said in the series where their political beliefs stood, only that they’re clearly supremely misogynistic and live in republican states. still since the lack of poc is smth i notice immediately bc ya know i am one, it was just a lil smth that made me laugh. i can’t imagine these ppl tryna indoctrinate my melanised ass even if i weren’t muslim it would just be insane. little house on the prairies cosplayers who marry off their 14 year old girls, their children, AND a loosely christian cult bc lbr not once in the bible was any of their shit beliefs mentioned……. choose a struggle
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eyos-interlude · 4 years
Sending Summer-y vibes your way sweetums! :)
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--  I name my playlists using three Apple emojis that I feel matches the vibe I’m going for that specific playlist. --
When I was younger my parents would host a barbecue and my cousins and brother and I would have water gun battles, chicken fights in the pool and play hide-and-seek in the pool house lmao. It’s probably cancelled this year :( (for obvious reasons) but I made a playlist of the songs I remember and enjoyed during the parties. 
“IT WAS LITTY AS A TITTY.” - my brother, three seconds after reading the paragraph over my shoulder
I may not have been alive in the 90s but I can still vibe with their music!!!!!!
here’s the link bruv 😌
(as of 5/27/2020 this playlist has 36 songs and is 2 hours and 28 minutes long)
(play these songs in whatever order you want but my lazy ass just presses shuffle on Spotify)
Are You That Somebody - Aaliyah (I used to wanna be her so bad lmao)
Bills, Bills, Bills - Destiny’s Child
Creep - TLC
Doo Wop (That Thing) - Ms. Lauryn Hill
Family Affair - MY QUEEN  Mary J. Blige
Fantasy - Mariah Carey
Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It - Will Smith (I’m still mad he didn’t rap in the Aladdin reboot but whatever)
Ghetto Supastar (That is What You Are) - Pras, Ol’ Dirty Bastard, Mýa (love the names)
Hit ‘Em Up Style (Oops!) (feat. Foxy Brown) (Remix Radio Mix) - Blu Cantrell, Foxy Brown
Independent Women Pt. 2
Independent Women, Pt. 1 - Destiny’s Child
It’s Tricky - Run-D.M.C.
Jump - Kris Kross
Jumpin’ Jumpin’ - Destiny’s Child
Killing Me Softly With His Song - Fugees (these,,,,are a VIBE bitch)
Let Me Blow Ya Mind - Eve, Gwen Stefani
Lose My Breath - Destiny’s Child
Miami - Will Smith
Mo Money Mo Problems (feat. Puff Daddy & Mase) (Remastered 2014) - The Notorious B.I.G., Mase, Diddy
My Lovin’ (You’re Never Gonna Get It) - En Vogue
No Diggity - Blackstreet, Dr. Dre, Queen Pen
No Scrubs - TLC (i literally played this song on repeat for like three weeks after my first breakup. I was cryin and vibin 😎✌️)
Now That We Found Love - Heavy D & The Boyz, Aaron Hall (If this isn’t played at my wedding I’m divorcing IMMEDIATELY)
Poison - Bell Biv DeVoe
Return of the Mack - Mark Morrison
Say My Name - Destiny’s Child (I,,,,,,love,,,,,,themmm)
Shoop - Salt-N-Pepa (not the pig)
Summertime - DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince
Supersonic - J.J. Fad (SUPA-SONIC ding, ding ding, ding ding)
Survivor - Destiny’s Child
Tell Me - Groove Theory
The Boy Is Mine - Brandy, Monica
This Is How We Do It - Montell Jordan, Wino
Waterfalls - TLC
Where My Girls At - (stuck at home 😭) 702
You Make Me Wanna... - Usher
here’s the link again :)
anyways drink water love yourself you’re beautiful and ily <3.
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wakasa-wifey · 2 years
OMG I AM SO SORRY 😭😭😭 I’ve been so busy writing this Jean Kirstein one shot (royalty au btw) that I forgot 🥺 I assigned you an emoji already though hehe 😄😄
Hey you got to sleep for 10 hours goodness that’s so cool 😍 and omg I love Eid, many of my friends are Muslims and the person who cooks for us is also a Muslim so the food I get to eat for iftaar is amazing 🥰 also, omg I believe the color would look great on youu!!
Wait MALAY?! Omg! Omg! Okay, so, I’ve been to Penang and I love the place. I’m sad that I couldn’t see the traditional dances but I’m sure that when I do get to go again, to Penang AND to KL, it would be wonderful 💕💕 also sign me up for slow dances hehe
If I’ll be honest, I can relate to you haha. Bollywood dance steps are usually hard to pick up, and I still find it hard sometimes but it should get better with practice and whenever you do get a chance to dance again, imma cheer for you from here 💛💛 and omg thank you so much it means a lot 😭😭
K3G I can’t imagine the number of times I’ve watched K3G, I even remember watching it on my birthday with my last roommate before I came back home. Bajrangi Bhaijaan’s so beautiful and you’re talking about 3 idiots hehe
IT'S FINEEEE!!! Being able to be in your element and write it away is a sacred thing bcs ik how bad it is to have writer's block we all do, so I'm happy that you don't have that! AND YEAYYYY I LOVE THE EMOJI <33 THANK YOU!! and i made up my mind, I'm gonna call you my sweetheart bcs you're so soft spoken i need to create a protection team soon.
YESSSSS sleeping is my hobby really hshshs and iftar food is always the best, especially after a full day of going out searching for Eid's clothes.
YES YES I'M MALAY! AND PENANG?!?! I LIVE NEAR PENANG HEHEHEHE. i agree with you! Penang is such a good place to visit if you know the place for historical sightings but otherwise it's much more known for the beaches. BUT IF YOU'RE HISTORY FREAK LIKE ME, i suggest going to Melaka, there's many historical sites you can visit and places where they perform traditional dances! But if you're planning on going to KL soon, do tell me so I can bring you around! I'm going back to university this May and it's near KL so ehe. KL is more of a city than historical site but there's a notorious traditional dance academy which usually holds a performance for selected dates and open to public! Or i can just bring you to my university, we have Performing Art course and they usually holds performances too!
I will teach you 'tarian zapin' the dance usually need partner to dance with!
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my days to dance ended couple years ago hshdhd i can't excessively dance since i have this rod on my spine (i have scoliosis, it wasn't bad when i was small until i accidentally crack my spine falling half a feet during royal scout ascension camping) so i mostly just enjoy ppl dancing and turn my interest into makeup instead! i may not be performing on stage nowadays, but i do lotta backstage works with costumes and makeup!
Yesss!!! K3G is iconic we can't take that word away. Bajrangi Bhaijaan is so beautifully written, they're pressing on the minorities and historical war, which i absolutely geeked out at. I just love them really. YES YES 3 IDIOTS OH GODDDD how could I forgot the title. I love that movie sm! My mom and sis prefers bollywood movie with dances while I much more prefer those that have intricate story details but 3 idiots is too iconic to not love <33
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tohokuu · 3 years
that's why when i first watched s1 of euphoria i immediately remembered our grade 8 days 😔 grade 8 was TOUGH because tbh there was a lot of tea going on and our section was very notorious of making controversy and a "bad image" to our school... being a kid is like pretty much a lower level of experimenting if ur brave enough lmao, there are also some few dumb things that i made on that time:
- got on a group photo holding up our middle fingers, someone posted in on her story and some schoolmates reported it. yes we were on school WITH uniform 😬
- first time travelling farther without my parents permission (not the first time without permission tho), my mom still doesn't know until now but honestly i would've been killed
also to add highschool tea in grade 9 we were on our english class gc with our respective teacher, someone shared porn on that gc lmao
and no, sadly, we don't kinda talk anymore 😕 maybe someday tho, who knows 🤷🏽‍♀️ he's active on ig and sees my stories so, yeah
also i remember your insecurity rant, i feel the same way.... ya know like... i know people are more accepting these days, somehow my imperfections always get the worse from me. i really hate this, my mom says it's just baby fat 😞 i'm turning older and older for this to even be. although i'm not obese and pretty healthy, it's not what i want since i'm always getting slapped at my face for being asian and asians have an obsession with being skinny. same goes with being brown, it's a filo thing, but we still glorify being pale 😕 and when you don't cherish your skin, then people get mad at you for not loving your own culture 😐
not even getting started with imperfections. my "smokers" lips that i was born with, a big ass birthmark on the back of my thigh, stretch marks, skin hyperpigmentation, even hip dips 😟 my aunt (who was with us since my brother was born, not the other one) was making fun of my hip dips, she called it ugly when i put on skinny jeans, contradicts the shape of my fat thighs that makes a weird body shape now... i didn't even know what hip dips was until i was grade 10....
- ☀️
this ask is beyond old- like maybe over a week ? 😭 i’m so sorry
but anyway, grade 8 was so memorable for me. i just really liked grade 8 but the uniform thing you told me, do you guys still have the picture ?? it’s got to be memorable !
and yeah no body insecurities got the best of me the last couple weeks. only recently i’ve been feeling a bit better but it’s just so hard
i’m so sorry about what your aunt said about you. she can’t see you the way i do. i think you’re beautiful however you are <33
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