Alejandro (and the other guys ig)
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He/It - Neurodivergent - Queer - Mexican - Catkin - Adult for a Year - It was OSDD all along - Bad People DNI
Last active 60 minutes ago
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lyxthen · 1 day ago
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Detective cerrá el orto
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lyxthen · 2 days ago
And like. I know revolutionary art will not come from Hollywood. Good art, sure, but not revolutionary art. Still, it's really depressing to see the billboards full of USAmerican stuff instead of things produced locally, or international films from other places. It's just so tiring and dehumanizing to always see yourself from the eyes of the opressor in mainstream media, even when that media is *good* (like Breaking Bad, which I do love).
I think the fundamental flaw in the portrayals of the "third world" from third world countries is the dehumanization that comes with only the *negative* parts ever being represented. The poverty, the war, the violence, it is always the *focus* instead of simply a fact in our lives. The first world gets off filming, comercializing and feeling pity for our struggles without ever actually understanding that we are real people and that the source of a lot of our struggles is *them.*
The reason Emilia Pérez for example felt so superficial is because of how fetishized the whole ordeal is- completely detached from reality, melodramatic, not actually interested in engaging in conversation about the root causes of drug-related violence or the role the US plays there. It's only ever seen as a Mexican Struggle because Mexicans are Corrupt and their country is fucked up because they're fucked up. No acknowledging of the historic conditions that led us to this point, of the material conditions of the people involved in the trade, nothing. It's a fundamentally uncurious movie that isn't actually examining the topics it tackles, it's just repeating the same things the media have already said about Mexicans and Trans People and patting itself in the back for doing so.
And this is a trend in every Hollywood film that features a country that is not the US or Western Europe. It's always about the misery, but never about the causes behind the misery. It's not about us as actual characters, instead of as conduits to send a trite message of compassion and charity to the global middle class.
And it is so fucking exhausting.
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lyxthen · 2 days ago
I think the fundamental flaw in the portrayals of the "third world" from third world countries is the dehumanization that comes with only the *negative* parts ever being represented. The poverty, the war, the violence, it is always the *focus* instead of simply a fact in our lives. The first world gets off filming, comercializing and feeling pity for our struggles without ever actually understanding that we are real people and that the source of a lot of our struggles is *them.*
The reason Emilia Pérez for example felt so superficial is because of how fetishized the whole ordeal is- completely detached from reality, melodramatic, not actually interested in engaging in conversation about the root causes of drug-related violence or the role the US plays there. It's only ever seen as a Mexican Struggle because Mexicans are Corrupt and their country is fucked up because they're fucked up. No acknowledging of the historic conditions that led us to this point, of the material conditions of the people involved in the trade, nothing. It's a fundamentally uncurious movie that isn't actually examining the topics it tackles, it's just repeating the same things the media have already said about Mexicans and Trans People and patting itself in the back for doing so.
And this is a trend in every Hollywood film that features a country that is not the US or Western Europe. It's always about the misery, but never about the causes behind the misery. It's not about us as actual characters, instead of as conduits to send a trite message of compassion and charity to the global middle class.
And it is so fucking exhausting.
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lyxthen · 2 days ago
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People from here shouldn't get to make films anymore. Sorry.
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lyxthen · 4 days ago
I don't know this person's name. I don't know how they know my phone number. I don't know how they know they address. I know they're from the same city as me. They are not threatening me but by God. By God. Are they being transphobic.
Transgender achievement unlocked: Have a stalker (you are now very scared)
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lyxthen · 4 days ago
Transgender achievement unlocked: Have a stalker (you are now very scared)
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lyxthen · 6 days ago
Hit blog limit in the capital, it's 4:40pm and I got 14h20min until I can post again.
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Have some shorks photos from Paris last year.
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lyxthen · 8 days ago
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@ageblue-aka-varnah-g Heyyy I made u something <3
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lyxthen · 8 days ago
doodle of oc of mine… perhaps? if not no prob
Sure! Send a picture and I'll draw them
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lyxthen · 8 days ago
Oli puedo pedir pupet/ceruledge porfi, el que sea más fácil de dibujar 👉👈
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Nunca había dibujado a Ceruledge, hice mi mejor esfuerzo 🧡
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lyxthen · 9 days ago
Harry du Bois? More like Harry & De Bois. Am I right fellas
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lyxthen · 9 days ago
I am a Marxist not in the sense that I think Marx (and Engels) were "right about everything" but in the sense that pretty much all social sciences today have their roots in Marxist thought, because he was the one to propose a more scientific approach to the study of society and social dynamics, focusing on material conditions and their impact, on the things that can be observed and measured and studied. Dialectical materialism and critical theory are to sociology what natural selection and gene theory are to biology.
Of course, it doesn't mean Marxism sacred, that there aren't things to revise or add or discard. We have to question these things if we want to make progress, the same way questioning the law of universal gravitation led to the discovery of relativity. This isn't a cult, it is not supposed to be, we are meant to debate and argue, because that's in the spirit of science. Infighting is not a bug, it's a feature.
The wider society needs to understand Marx not as an extremist political figure (which is what U.S. sponsored propaganda has turned him into, I believed this for a long time), but as a philosopher, the most important philosopher of modernity, in fact. We also need to teach history as a science, instead of as a collection of fables centered around specific individuals, with a clear narrative structure and a sweet little moral at the end to wrap it up. That is not how things work.
I remember, back when I was like 15, when I got my first Engels reading for school: The Part played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man. I rolled my eyes, because I'd heard from the right-wing political YouTubers that anything remotely associated with Communism was evil, and I was just starting to deconstruct all that, calling myself a centrist and all that. But instead of revolutionary propaganda, what I found was just... science. Science I already knew about, and that I knew was true. It's not a particularly challenging read, and while some ideas are outdated, the text has aged surprisingly well, over all.
I liked the essay. I really, really liked it. I still hold it dear to my heart, flaws and all, because it made me realize that maybe these radical leftists weren't so scary. If one of their most prominent thought leaders turned out to be a reasonable, approachable guy, maybe they were reasonable, approachable people, too.
So I kept reading, and I kept learning. It took me years to finally come to terms with the fact that every field from sociology to economics to psychology had been influenced or directly sprouted from Those Communist Guys, and even longer to finally admit that yes, I am a communist too, because instituting communism through violent revolution is the only reasonable response to the systems of exploitation behind poverty and climate change, and we should probably set things on fire about it.
(Meeting actually practicing communists helped a lot, too. Turns out, the guys committing acts of domestic terrorism against the local government are actually kinda chill.)
What I mean to say is this: we need to teach people how the world actually works first. We can radicalize them later, but the first step is giving them the tools to accurately describe and understand their reality. Not everyone has to become a scholar, I certainly am not, but getting familiar with the basics is essential, the same way it's essential to learn to read and write, and perform basic arithmetic. I was lucky enough that this was taught to me in school, and I can attest that it makes a difference.
We live in a world where misinformation and conspiracy theories on social media are turning our kids into little fascists. We need to bring them back to earth before it's too late.
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lyxthen · 15 days ago
Hiii!! I'm doing doodle requests, if anyone wants me to draw them a little something send an ask!
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lyxthen · 17 days ago
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Powerful fucking statement
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lyxthen · 17 days ago
Extremely telling that there is nothing related to women's rights on the trending tab while my Instagram is full of posts about it. Tumblr you were supposed to be the SJW website what the FUCK is going on
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lyxthen · 21 days ago
We need to get people to understand that drug trafficking is literally just another expression of capitalism and that we cannot eradicate the former without also eradicating the latter.
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lyxthen · 22 days ago
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Ainda Estou Aqui (2024, Walter Salles)
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