#your taste as someone who keeps the things you hold most dear private and close to your heart. this is fine < is decidedly not fine
chanrizard · 25 days
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DominATE World Tour ✧ SEOUL D-2 (240825) ending ment
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Listen,,, what if a afab nb reader sneaks in to weston and befriends the p4,,, besties with violet and falls for Redmond,,, what if
hmhmhmmmm what if indeed~ ;)
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Well, you really shouldn’t be here… but, you’re awfully cute, so he supposes he can keep your little secret for now. As long as you’re alright with continuing to dress in the masculine uniform and have other people call you a man? It might be a little uncomfortable; he knows that if he had to do the opposite, dressing as a woman and having other people call him things like “ma’am” and “she”, he’d be uncomfortable. If it won’t bother you too much, he’s happy to play along. Of course, you can be yourself with him and the other prefects in private.
Edgar himself (and some of the others) might mistake you for a girl at first. Oops. It’s just that to them you look and sound feminine, and so that’s their first conclusion is that you’re a woman. … Well. After they figure out that you’re not a man, that is. Gregory being… Gregory… catches on quicker, realizing that you’re neither, and is the one who easiest adapts to calling you ‘they’ when no one else is around, as well as gently correcting the others. It actually, amusingly enough, sticks quite well with Edgar. Where he might have slipped up several times in the beginning, and immediately apologized each time, it eventually goes the other way; around other people, he almost slips up and calls you ‘they’ instead of maintaining your male disguise. He’s gotten a little too good at this part and just doesn’t want to disrespect you!
Really, Edgar is glad that you and his friends get on well. Especially he’s relieved you have Gregory as a constant companion. The other man is an odd person, to be sure… however, that’s probably what makes him good company for you. He’s a bit unconventional, as are you, right? He’s always making you hold some strange pose whilst he draws a flower, or mixing up concoctions before asking you, “Does this taste funny?” Much as Edgar is delighted to be your lover, he’s equally delighted that you have someone who’s a close friend as well. He also encourages your friendships with the other prefects, of course ― he just knows that, without mincing words, Gregory is most assuredly your favorite.
He writes you love poems, as he would with any partner. So. Many. Love. Poems. At least you can’t doubt the depth of his feelings for you…? Though being with you helps him practice not using gendered language in his writing. He’s always written about women in this way before, so, he’s used to that. It’s exciting to him to be writing in a new way, all thanks to you. You’re such a darling!
Likes to see how close he can get to breaking rules, without actually doing so, and often involves you. For example, Weston does have the rule that there is to be no sneaking in girls to spend the night in dorms… “but, you’re not a girl, are you? So you can spend the night in my room!” … And so on. Provided no one peeks into his room or enters before knocking, he’s free to lie in bed with you and kiss you as many times as he thinks he can before he becomes annoying.
He specifically asks, once the two of you decide that you’re in a relationship, what you want to be called as far as pet names go. Sweetheart? Dear? Darling? Love? Even though he knows none of those are gender-specific, he wants your input. If he’s going to call you something incredibly, insufferably lovesick, you might as well choose it.
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frogecstacy · 3 years
Hi! I really love your writing! My favorite is the one where the brothers don’t notice MC’s lipstick. Could I request you continue it with the newdateables (minus Luke) or just do Barb if that’s too much
OOf course lovely!!!
I’m so happy you liked it!
I’d be happy to do the new dateables (except Luke of course because I consider him my son)
For anyone who sees this first here are the brothers
Part 2 of the new dateables not noticing they are wearing MC’s new lipstick (except Luke)
Reader is gender neutral 
Hope you like it
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Your relationship with Diavolo had to be very appropriate and mature when addressing the public and attending meetings
Never really getting to fool around (if you know what I mean)
However while still dating a royal Diavolo always made sure he had time for you and that your relationship was fun
He had read somewhere in a human world magazine that keeping you partner happy and living life to the fullest was how a relationship lasted
He vowed to live by that. I kid you not if not for Barbatos this man would have pledged his life to make sure your every need was acquired 
Diavolo had been very busy recently and you thought maybe this new lipstick you had bought would spark his attention
He wanted you to paint a picture on his face
Your lips and the brush and the lipstick as the paint
Sadly you two were in a meeting regarding a new lunch menu, but the only thing this man had on his mine was eating your lips
His brain going BRRRRRR
You quickly picked up that his attention for this conversation was dropping quickly and was trying to end the conversation
As soon as the chef that runs the cafeteria left, Diavolo gave you no chance to say goodbye
His lips were on your quickly grabbing your cheeks so you could face him
“Now darling I must say this new lipstick of yours is quite tempting” Diavolo was smirking giving you a teasing tone
“Is it a crime to want my boyfriend’s attention” you loved giving him those innocent puppy dog eyes
“Why yes it is my dear, I’m afraid your punishment will be giving me more kisses” 
How you loved Diavolo’s “punishments”
This led to a quick make out session but it was cut short as Barbatos called reminding Diavolo he had a meeting with elderly demons regarding some RAD students getting out of hand
“We’ll continue this later my love, I hope you’ll be reapplying the lipstick. It tastes amazing.”
As you looked over at Diavolo you saw the lipstick marks on his face and was going to tell him but he was already gone
You were a bit worried but thought that Barbatos would remind before he entered the meeting
You were wrong Diavolo had quickly ran into the meeting and was met with wide eyes
“I’m sorry I am late I had... ugh, some important matter to attend to” he had thought maybe they were mad that he was late but Barbatos had quickly pulled him aside for a private chat
“My Lord I believe you have MC’s lipstick all over your face” Barbatos was smirking
He could have stopped this but I mean who doesn’t love a bit of excitement 
Diavolo looked at himself through his camera phone and turned bright red
He just walked in to a meeting with a bunch of elders lipstick smudged all over his face
I mean the man jinxed himself, he wanted you to paint a picture
He quickly than realised something, why be embarrassed, these geezers should know he’s in an active relationship and he doesn’t care for their opinion
He wiped off most of the marks but left one on his neck for them to know he enjoyed himself, reminding them they took him from his enjoying moment
He walked right back into that board room with his signature smile and laugh and continued with pure confidence
You later found out and was so embarrassed but that thought was quickly swept away and Diavolo said he wanted to wear your love all the time
Damn sorry I got carried away with Diavolo’s
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They should seriously make a UR+ card of this man ASAP
Okay Barbatos is 24/7 butler so you don’t always get time with him
BUT... you had a plan to get his attention today
You had bought a new lipstick that you knew would be to Barbatos’s liking
You had went to the castle for tea but you just wanted to get Barbatos (Sorry Diavolo we kinda used you as pawn today)
You had come to the castle in a new outfit that made you look stunning 
You already are stunning lovely this outfit just made you God’s competition. Simeon have to step up his game
Okay so you enter the castle giving a small kiss to your boyfriend and saying Hi to Diavolo
Barbatos quickly saw your new lipstick and outfit and man had to hide the small blush on his cheeks
I mean he could’ve known you were going to do this but he still would be blushing 
Your chit chat with the two was small as you could Barbatos was watching the way your lips moved or the way you sipped on your cup of tea
He was not subtle in any way today
Wanting to feel your lips on his he reminded Diavolo of some work he had to complete
Barbatos insisted in guiding you to the door and for Diavolo to return to his studies
As Barbatos was leading you out he put his hand on your lower back and said “I see what you’re trying to do my dear. You want me to give you some attention” 
Now at the door and facing him you said shyly “Is it working?”
“Mhm” as Barbatos hummed his answer he leaned into you and kissed your lips
But one kiss wouldn’t suffice, he need more
Now pining you against the wall he was holding you
Your kisses started to get more desperate and Barbatos was addicted to to your lips
You were kissing all over his face
His neck, his lips, his forehead, his cheeks, he was lost in the feeling
Being so lost in your loving lips he didn’t hear Diavolo walking down the hallway to ask a question 
You both froze when Diavolo stopped talking and was staring at you two
Barbatos quickly pushed you outside and closed door
Was calm and neutral Barbatos embarrassed
He didn’t hear the end of it from Diavolo
However the prince was now reminded he assistant was in a loving relationship and need to give him more time off
Barbatos was trying to explain himself but Diavolo cut him off laughing and saying “Barbatos you should wash your face first before you explain yourself”
He left to wash his face confused but knew why when he saw himself in the mirror
He was tempted to walk out and enter a new timeline
But how could he leave you, he loved you more than any teasing Diavolo could give
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I could not find a good gif for him so I’ll have to get one of my own for future posts
Okay I know everyone thinks this man is Holy as hell but I think NOT!!!
I mean look at him, look at his angel outfit you can not tell this man isn’t a tease 
If he asked I would give him all the kisses he wanted
Okay so you and Simeon were going to go on a nice date in the DevilDom and you decided to wear a new lipstick
I think sometimes this man just throws out all levels of holiness when it comes to your hotness 
I mean who would be able to resist your beauty. No one bam!
You and Simeon were going to Ristorante Six for a well deserved date
You two had agreed to meet there, but Simeon had the wind knocked out of him when he saw you
He seriously had to have conversation with Micheal asking why you weren’t an angel
I mean your his angel though soooo
Okay so not only is your outfit jaw dropping he can’t get his eyes of your lips
While you two are eating dinner you remind him that his eyes should be up here, looking at your eyes
While dinner was nice all Simeon wanted to do was kiss you lushes lips
He watched you reapply the lipstick before leaving
He burned the brand name into his head and made sure he would but it again
When finally reaching the house of Lamentation he couldn’t leave without a kiss
So when he received a kiss from you he couldn't get enough
Your small kisses quickly became long and needy
Simeon had you pushed up against the door and was kissing you like there was no tomorrow
You both making sure no spot on your faces were unkissed, the moment had to come to an end as you could someone approaching the door
One last kiss and whisper of a goodbye before Simeon left to go back to Purgatory Hall 
When he got home Luke screamed
Poor baby probably doesn’t even know how to make out with anyone
Soloman was smirking and suggested that Simeon go look in the mirror
When he saw himself and he blushed 
He had to admit though he looked good wearing your lipstick
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Okay so this man loves getting handsy and intimate at random moments
Like you could be walking together at RAD and then he’ll just start kissing you and go into an empty classroom
He loves keeping the name of the sneaky and mysterious sorcerer 
But behind his little act he just loves kissing you
So when he sees you wearing a new lipstick at RAD he pulls another one of his stunts
However maybe it kinda backfired on him
So you two are talking about a new spell you were working on
I mean the two most powerful sorcerer’s dating makes the most powerful power couple
While you’re talking about one ingredient you can’t seem to prepare right you find yourself suddenly pinned against a classroom door
His hands are at your hips and his lips are mere inches away
He’s looking at your lips and asks “Is this a new lipstick”
“Ugh, yeah it is. Do you like it?” 
Solomon wasn’t usually this bold or so revealing in the halls 
He responds with the gears in this already wanting to kiss you “I love it”
He already has his lips on you and he’s hoisted your legs around his waist
Opening the classroom door and closing it behind him, he places you on the desk turning your light kisses into a hard make out session
Your lips trailing everywhere from his lips to his neck to his forehead
After almost trying to see who could go without air for the longest you two heard the bell rings and quickly separated going to your different classes 
Solomon had ran into Asmo and he got a handful of questions from him
Solomon was confused but than it him, he must be wearing MC’s lipstick all over his face
“Ahh, you and MC getting real bold at school Solomon” Asmo loved the tea on your relationship 
Solomon’s pride didn’t falter and just said “We did an experiment and that was it”
He walked away smirking
What a sneaky bastard
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littleoddwriter · 3 years
Hello dear! Can i request a Roman Sionis X Male!Reader where the reader is a metahuman with the ability of manipulating blood (aka a vampire) and tries to hide it from his lover until Roman finds out when Reader saves him from a mobster? Fluff please + Roman as proud as hell of his lover? Thanks in advance!
Life's Good | Roman Sionis x VampireMale!Reader
I am so sorry it took me so long to finally write this! I'm slowly catching up with the last few requests I've received before my break. I hope you're still interested in this and like what I've done with it (I admit, it got a little away from me because I was super invested in the scenario I came up with, so it is probably less fluffy than you may have wanted, sorry)!
summary; see above.
notes; CW // Blood-Drinking (mild Dub-Con for that at first); Gun Violence; Being Threatened; Murder (not graphic). Vampires; Kind of angsty?; Fluff; Aftercare (non-sexual, but you know, after feeding from someone).
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Unlike most people would think you’ve actually been born this way. Your parents were vampires, conceiving you naturally, which of course meant you’d been born a metahuman. You’ve lived quite a normal life, despite the fact that instead of eating, drinking and sleeping like other humans would, you only slept rarely, only ate people food when you had to fit in, and otherwise you fed from humans, drinking their blood. You’d never killed anyone with it, though. Enough people who wanted you to feed from them existed, establishments were you could find them were all around the world. It was a pretty good life.
Still, you usually opted to keep it secret, unsure as to how people might react. While the general opinion of vampires has changed in all these centuries, standing in front of one was still a wholly different thing for most. You understood and respected that.
So when you met Roman – his scent so enticing, you had trouble keeping your fangs in – you stood in front of the question once again. Should you tell him?
Eventually, you decided to go with the flow and see where it’d take you. You didn’t immediately want to ruin your chances with him before you’ve actually gotten to know him at all.
At first it was a casual relationship anyway, no need to tell him your big secret then. But as time went on, your relationship became more serious. You stayed over at his loft more frequently, forced to eat his food and drink his beverages, so as not to let him suspect anything. It didn’t hurt you or anything, it was just unnecessary and you’d never get really used to, well, actual food and such. All the different textures and tastes and what you could do with what to change it. It was fascinating, but not exactly your favourite thing.
Of course, one fateful day it had all come to a head.
You had just admitted to yourself that you loved Roman a couple of weeks ago, not daring to say anything to him, as you didn’t fancy ruining what you two had with those three simple, yet powerful words.
Now though, you regretted that decision more than ever, terrified that maybe you would never be able to tell him how you felt.
It all happened so fast, too. One moment, you and Roman were out on the streets, way into the evening, having just had dinner at an expensive restaurant he’d invited you to; and you were laughing, talking about something – you couldn’t remember what – when you turned into an alleyway. In the next moment, a rival mob boss shot at the two of you. Warning shots, missing you both on purpose.
“What the fuck?!” Roman exclaimed, livid, but you could smell the underlying anxiety change his usual scent from when he was enraged. You hated it.
The gang leader – whatwashisface, you could never keep up – stood now in front of you two, having Roman at gunpoint. His men had surrounded you two, pointing their guns at both of you.
“What do you want?” Sionis spat at the other mob boss, glaring at him with a piercing, wild look in his eyes.
You stayed silent, your hands raised out of instinct. The bullets wouldn’t be able to kill you, unless they were specifically made for it, but that was so unlikely, you weren’t overly worried. You were concerned about Roman, though, anxious that this might have been it.
“Set an example, that’s what. You can’t scare us into submission. You can’t control us. You really think getting a hold of the East End would give you enough power to do that? Fuck you, I say!” the leader yelled.
“Well, fucking go on then if you’re really so tough! Or are you only bark and no bite? Cowardly ambushing me in private like that, I’m inclined to believe you are nothing but a talker. You can’t scare me either, you fuck.” You really wished Roman would shut up for once, lest he’d really get himself killed this time.
Your mind was racing with all possible outcomes this situation could bring. Only one was sure to get Roman out alive; and boy were you glad you’ve fed from someone yesterday.
Even though you had never killed anyone and didn’t desire to do so, you were ready to do anything for Roman, no matter what. You didn’t care that he’d know then, know that you were a freak of nature, as some hateful people liked to call people like you. You didn’t care that you’d take lives. They weren’t innocent, dared to threaten your love and you just couldn’t see past that.
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and concentrated, focusing your abilities into play and onto every single man of this rival gang. It was rare for you to use any of your powers that didn’t exist and activate naturally, like your strength. Your parents had taught you to only use them for self defence and this situation was practically screaming for it.
Snapping your eyes back open, now glowing red, all of the men around you gasped and crumbled, letting their weapons clatter to the ground, grasping at their throats, or chest, trying so hard to save themselves. Moments later, they were all just lifeless bodies, lying around Roman and you, as if you were some victorious kings. And in a way, you were exactly that, weren’t you? Roman was soon to be the King of Gotham after all.
All too suddenly, all the strength left your body, your legs giving out. Roman, despite his apparent shock, caught you, steadied you. Gently, he lowered you to the ground, keeping his arms tightly wound around you.
It had taken a lot more out of you than you had anticipated. You desperately needed to feed.
“Y/N? Baby, hey, look at me,” Roman spoke softly, something only reserved for you, you had come to realise.
With half-lidded eyes, you looked up at him, a strained sound passing your lips. “You okay?” you asked, still unsure if everything had truly worked out the way you thought it would.
He scoffed, “Yes, quit worrying about me. Are you okay? What the fuck was that anyway?”
“Just gotta eat,” you murmured, slurring your words heavily, “Sorry about the- that. I’ll explain later.”
“What do you mean you have to eat? Baby, I can’t follow you. I hope you realise that I’m missing some of the fucking context here,” he chuckled, which bordered on sounding hysterical.
“Blood. Vampire. Now, Roman, or else- fuck. Won’t make it.” Your eyes fluttered closed for a moment, your voice just barely above a whisper anymore. Fuck, you hoped he understood. Even more so, you hoped he was okay with it and that maybe he liked you enough to save your life. You didn’t exactly fancy feeding from him, when he was basically pressured into it. But he had a choice, you told yourself.
When you were slowly lifted up a bit and felt skin against your lips, you forced all your last strength to open your mouth – your fangs had automatically unsheathed when you unleashed your powers – and bite down.
The first taste of Roman was as intoxicating and overwhelming as you had always fantasised it would be. A shaky moan came out of him when you started sucking in earnest. Pretty quickly, you regained more and more strength, feeling increasingly less dead. You cupped the other side of Roman’s neck with your hand and pulled him further in. Shit, you couldn’t possibly get enough.
After a few, long moments, you felt Roman push against you, as well as pulling at your clothes, calling your name. Reluctantly, and almost as if you were just waking up from a trance, you let up and licked up the excess blood on his neck, simultaneously licking his wounds closed.
Roman was breathing heavily, and you were still feeling out of it, as you two just kneeled in this alley, holding each other, amidst the dead bodies of Sionis’ former rivals. It was bizarre.
“I think we should go home,” Roman said eventually, his voice sounded so soft, as if he was barely present in the real world.
You nodded and got up, helping Roman to do the same. He was swaying a little and this time you were the one who steadied him. Drinking someone’s blood always took a toll on both parties and you knew you had taken more from him than you usually dared to do with anyone. It made you feel guilty. You had to make it up to him later – if he still wanted you then – that was for sure.
When you had arrived at Roman’s loft, you helped him lie down on his chaise longue, legs propped up on one of his many pillows, to help his blood flow to where it was most needed. Then you went over to the kitchen to get him a glass of orange juice and an energy bar.
Roman nodded in thanks when you pressed either item in his hands, standing above him. You felt so uncomfortable, didn’t quite know what to do with your hands, or if you were even supposed to still be here. He’s been so unusually quiet the entire time, albeit it was most likely due to shock and blood loss.
“So, you’re a vampire.” Roman stated, looking at you, and you hated that you couldn’t place his expression into any kind of category. You just nodded in answer. “Right. And why exactly didn’t I know?”
Your mouth opened and closed a couple of times, looking for the right words. “I was afraid of losing you over it,” you settled on telling the truth eventually.
Again, Roman only nodded; his expression was still so indecipherable, but then a certain shine caught in his eyes. You’ve only witnessed it a couple of times thus far.
“You killed for me,” he practically gasped. “Have you killed before? Being a vampire and all, I’d presume you have.”
You shook your head, “No, that was the first time, actually.”
“Fuck,” he muttered. Then, in an instant, his expression morphed into something prideful, a huge grin plastered on his face, his eyes brighter than any stars you’ve seen in the sky above – it was breathtaking. “You killed for me,” he repeated, sitting upright, throwing his legs over the side of the chaise longue, planting his feet on the ground.
“Y-yeah, I did,” you replied, a weak chuckle leaving you. You still couldn’t quite believe that you’ve done it, especially when you spared a thought on how it made you feel – powerful, so far above others, good.
“I can’t fucking believe you. Fuck, you’re a dream come true, my little prince! You’re so special. A vampire! And you killed for me, because-“ He couldn’t finish it, realisation dawning on him, you could see it in his eyes, in the way his smile slowly vanished.
“Because I love you, yes. I couldn’t lose you over some stupid mob boss who thought he could ambush you like that.”
Roman licked his lips and nodded, placed the empty glass and half eaten energy bar on the table in front of him, and got up.
“I’m proud of you,” he then said, taking you by surprise.
“What? Why?”
“For not letting your fears get in your way. You were afraid of losing me for being a vampire, but you were probably even more terrified of losing me to my mortality. And you pushed through it. Almost fucking killed yourself, only to save me. I’m proud of you for doing that. I’m grateful, too, naturally.”
“Oh, yeah, that makes sense. Thanks, Roman,” you snickered.
Instead of continuing the conversation, Roman pressed his lips against yours in a passionate kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist. Putting your arms around his shoulders, you kissed him back, hoping to show him just how grateful you were with that single kiss.
Then you remembered your guilt from before and broke it. Roman glared at you for a moment. “What?”
“You never gave your consent, I- I fed from you and you never-“
“I did. By offering myself to you. I had a choice, you know? So quit it. You’re not guilty of anything, my boy. And just so you know, I’ll fucking kill you if you ever feed from anyone else again, ‘kay?” He was smirking, but his eyes had an edge to them, which let you know that he was serious about his threat.
Giving a short laugh, you nodded and kissed him again. Life really was good.
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unholyplumpprincess · 4 years
Eternal Honeymoon Phase
For @itsthesinbin bc we were yelling about Morticia and Gomez and it’s spooky season so the Addams Family works perfectly. I HOPE U LIKE IT!!!!
Summary: You’re the newest addition to the Addams Family couple and you’re a little shier when it comes to their sexual appetites. You’re, well, a virgin, and when you finally ask to do more, Morticia has a better idea on how and when to take your virginity. Under the moon of Halloween, you shall be their sacrifice.
PLEASE REBLOG IF YOU LIKE! Minors and ageless blogs DNI or you will be blocked.
Fandom: Addams Family
Relationship: Morticia/Gomez/Reader
Warnings: NSFT/R18+, Reader is gn and has a vulva, also reader wears a dress but it’s a costume for an angel costume!, implications of virginity kinks for Gomez and Morticia, uhhhh ya get eaten out and ur face fucked, overstimulation.
Words: 3.3k
Morticia and Gomez had never been against adding a third to their little ‘eternal honey moon’ romance.
It’s just that no one had ever quite...fit into their world of them as a couple. They could come off a little strong, a little, ah, overbearing and well. Downright indulging in intimacy like rabbits tended to not be something people enjoyed, much to Gomez’s and Morticia’s surprise. Whatever did people mean that they lost a ‘spark’? They just didn’t see it.
They had met you at a family gathering. You’re a friend to one of the many, many, many family members there, exuding such a sweet and kind energy amongst all the dread and vulgarity. You’d seemed a little overwhelmed among everyone else yet still was just as polite with everyone. Your state of dress had been borrowed, Morticia had noticed, from cousin Lilith. The dress you had on spilled off your shoulders and you kept adjusting it with a little shy bow of your head and flashing a small smile.
Poor thing.
~Rest under the cut~
You’d caught Morticia’s eye first, who had hummed her interest as Gomez dipped her upon the dancefloor. Her head had been tipped back, showing the long, pale expanse of her neck that he ached to kiss as her hair spilled behind her. But, he’d seen her eyes lingering on you, trailing up and over to you from where she was looking and a grin spreading across his face. “Cara mia?” He questions in a teasing tone, kissing over her shoulder and up to her neck before pulling her to a standing position. “The one Lilith brought has your attention?”
“Yes...Don’t you think they look rather sweet standing there?” Morticia hums in reply once she returns to his embrace, swaying their bodies together and making sure to twist so they both could glance over at you. You’re talking to another cousin, tucking hair behind your ear and smiling kindly at something someone else says. A laugh graces your features, and even Gomez is humming now.
“Out of place,” He agrees, taking her hand and letting her spin from his grasp only to bring her back in time with the waltz, resting his head upon her breast with a sigh from his lips. “You have always been fond of the smaller ones, haven’t you, Tish?” A playful tease that earns him that charming little laugh from his wife’s lips.
That night they had both approached you, each offering a dance. Morticia quite liked the way your cheeks warmed a healthy shade of pink and you’d been honest about how your dress kept falling. To which Gomez, ever the gentleman had offered his assistance there. Brandishing a pin from seemingly nowhere and getting behind you to help pin the dress closed better. You’d smiled so bright then, thanking him with a hearty laugh. “I thought I was going to pop out of it any second now! Thank you- Would you both like to dance? I’m sure we can come up with something together!”  
And how odd you had been. Breaking traditions of just two in an intimate dance. Showing them how Gomez could hold your waist from behind and you could hold Morticia’s from the front and all sway together. Over your shoulders you hadn’t seen the way the two looked at you. A bright spray of sunshine in their gloomy, dark worlds.
They quite liked their rainy days full of thunder and harsh winds, and at first, they thought that wouldn’t be your speed.
You’re invited privately to come into their home for dinner. You’re such a vibrant ray of sunshine in the otherwise dark room, lighting it up with the glow of your presence. There are quiet tests here and there as they get to know you. Such as inviting you on terribly stormy days only for you to excuse yourself with the children to go out and play. Only to come back in soaking wet and smiling just as bright as Gomez wraps you in a towel with a laugh as you exclaim how beautiful their home always is.
And how much you loved that it was always storming or cloudy.
Another time, Mama offers you something and exclaims it to be a sort of poison. Morticia had watched as you smiled, only questioning if it at least tasted good before you’d put it into your mouth. It had been laced, of course, Mama was always good at such things. Thankfully it only made you terribly drowsy. Such a sweet thing you had been with your head in Morticia’s lap that day. Gomez having helped you out of your shoes and let you lay your legs across his lap, stroking over your calf. You’d smiled so lazily up at them, your voice happy as could be. “It did taste good. She wasn’t lying on both accounts, huh?”
Nothing frightened you. Nothing turned you away. Somehow you took doom and gloom and made it into something bright and beautiful without modifying what it looked like. Even the children took kindly to your presence. The house just came to life with you inside it, everyone seemed more active. Even Gomez had taken to leaning over the railing with wistful sighs as he watched you, and Morticia knew it was up to her to do something about it.
You’d been asked to accompany them both to dinner privately. Neither Gomez or Morticia had been into the dating scene- as is they married practically a month after they had met and proposed the day of meeting. Yet, you seemed a little old fashioned to just be proposed to in such short notice. Much to Gomez’s dismay who already had a ring picked out for you and had pouted when Morticia gently closed the box to tell him as such.  
You’d agreed joyously to dinner, and not long after had your relationship begun. Gomez had been the one to ask if you would be moving in with them, both of them delighting in the flush on your face and stuttering out about how you weren’t particularly attached to your apartment. He’d insisted with a big smile, and you’d agreed. The children were just as excited, even if Wednesday had showed her own happiness in her own little way of offering to hide weapons in your room ‘just in case’.
Prompting you to ask, of course, “Just in case? What, an attacker?”
“No,” Wednesday had spoken as if it was the most obvious answer on Earth. “Just in case I want to test your reflexes.”
Morticia and Gomez had the delight of watching you spare a grin to her, pretending to pout and telling her. “Aw, man, that’s too bad because maybe I waaaant tooo test,” Only to quickly scoop her up, resulting in their daughter letting out a shriek of terror and joy. “YOUR reflexes!”
The look they had shared was full of love, Gomez’s smile lighting up the room and Morticia having to resist the urge to steal your moment and whisk you away to the bedroom.
To present day, you three have been a couple for nearly half a year. Your first kisses with both of them had been shared, as well as some more intense heavy petting. Normally resulting in you in between them with scarlet red lipstick marks curling up your neck and bite marks on the other side. No one went further than just making you a blushing mess, always one of them murmuring to you that you just need say the word and they would ravish you.
A week before Halloween you shyly tell them that you’re ready to go further.
Morticia has to rest a hand on Gomez’s leg to keep him still when he sits up eagerly in their bed like a dog hearing the word ’treat’, but Morticia only cups your cheek fondly. Smoothing her thumb over the apple of your cheek and drawing you into an oh-so-soft kiss. “In a week, my dear, we shall have a ritual on Halloween night. You are a virgin, correct?”  
Her bluntness had made your face burn, a huff going from your nose but you’d nodded. Gomez had hummed next to her, reaching over to replace her hand with his own rougher one and letting you lean into his palm with a pout. “Now, now, none of that, sweetheart! We’ll have plenty of time to plan for you and get questions out of the way. Like condoms! Shall we need condoms? Tish- we don’t have condoms, do we?”  
“No, my love, we have never desired them before.” Morticia had responded with a sly smile on her lips, sharing a look with you. It seemed you would burn up before they even got to play, but you’d shaken your head, your voice seemingly caught in your throat.
“Good,” Morticia near about purred. “We shall inquire further- would you like to join us in bed tonight to make preparations?”
You had joined them that night. Talking of consent and what you thought you might want to try or be comfortable with. Ending up curled up in Gomez’s arms with your face buried in his warm, hairy chest and Morticia’s freezing cold arms around you from behind. Embraced and safe within their bodies.
When Halloween approaches, the children are so excited to drag you and Fester outside to come up with games. Pugsley had dressed as a pirate fit with an eyepatch and a sword in hand, whilst Wednesday had merely taken dressing brightly for once. When questioned, she’d merely said in a stoic tone of voice, “A majority of the animal kingdom has brightly colored flesh in order to identify who is poisonous.” You’d thought it was rather clever.
Yourself, you had dressed as a cliché angel. With a white dress that reached the floor with a slit up each leg for more freedom. The top was a plunge neck with criss crossing strings over your chest, and flaring sleeves down to your fingertips. You’d even gotten a little halo headband and little wings to match. Though your halo was quickly given to Fester who had quite the fascination with it, smiling as you told him you two matched.
Perhaps you had dressed as an angel as a tease. Morticia had admitted that she was quite attracted to the fact that you hadn’t had penetrative sex yet, spoken exactly like that. And Gomez had agreed, not as bluntly but definitely implying that it was very much a ‘thing’ for them both. And maybe you were trying to get a little payback for in the middle of the week. When you had been so comfortable resting with them only to find yourself teased with hot and heavy kisses from Gomez and little nips on your neck from Morticia as they both told you how good of a sacrifice you were going to make on Halloween night.
When you’d arrived, you’d certainly felt their hungry stares. You’d call this righteous payback, thank you very much.
The entire day goes rather well, you’d thought. The children had a day full of fun and were being put to bed by Lurch, slung over both his shoulders as they both wave to you before vanishing around the corner of upstairs. Immediately you feel arms wrap around your waist from behind, a warm kiss pressed to your shoulder and Gomez’s voice sighing out. “As much as I appreciate the time you spend with the children, I am glad it is our turn now.”  
“And what if I’m too tired, hm?” You tease out, only to fall into giggles from your lips when his arms squeeze tighter around your waist and a low growl comes from his throat. You hear the click of heels approaching before Morticia is in front of you, her long fingers tipping your chin up with two fingers. You can practically hear both yours and Gomez’s breaths leave your body at her beauty. She always looked so regal, especially tonight in a more spider web designed dress that had a slit up the leg.
“If you are too tired, we shall simply put off until next Halloween. I am patient.” She speaks coolly, a quirk to a corner of her mouth when you whine aloud and lean back into Gomez’s arms who makes the same sound as you. Clearly the most patient one in the room was Morticia, but even then, her eyes are flicking down the front of your low plunge dress and you have a feeling that wouldn’t last long.
After a few teasing ‘double checks’ from the both of them, you are brought to a room that you don’t recognize. It’s wide open with windows covering one side, and in the center of the room is soft looking cushions and blankets. In a star formation on either side of the center where the comfortable spot looked were lit up candles, all black with roaring red flames. You should have realized Morticia wasn’t joking when she said sacrifice, but in your heart, you knew nothing bad was going to happen. Nothing you didn’t want would happen.
Gomez is the one who strips you from behind, warm kisses placed on everywhere he exposes behind you. Trailing kisses down your back until he can’t reach whilst standing anymore and letting your dress pool to the floor. Morticia watches, patient as ever with her hands folded at her waist, though her head does tilt, this hungry gaze in her eyes as they fall to your hips. You weren’t wearing underwear, you thought it would give your dress undesirable lines. You flush when you hear the appreciative sound behind you, a firm hand tracing down your side and squeezing your ass.
“You were just as eager to get here as we were all day.” Gomez growls in your ear, both his hands grabbing your hips now and yanking you back against him. You whimper faintly, tipping your head to the side when guided to feel the searing hot kisses up your neck. You’re already dizzy with arousal, faintly hearing Morticia say something only to be released and guided to the cushions instead by her hands.
You’re lain on your back, watching Gomez strip from his suit jacket and loosening his tie to work on the buttons. Morticia slips out of her dress, revealing a black lacy get up with matching bra and panties, a garter belt holding spider web thigh highs on her long legs. You swallow thickly when she crawls up to you, nudging your legs apart that tremble as they fall open. Cold kisses leave scarlet prints up your inner thigh beginning at your knee, her lips coming up and over your hip to your lower abdomen and kissing her way back down, down, down.
Her fingers part your lower lips and you throw your head back in embarrassment when she smiles up at you under her lashes. “Already so wet, little one? How sweet.” You can’t even help the way your hips jump when her cold mouth presses an open-mouthed kiss over the hood of your clit, her tongue pressing downwards against you before sealing her lips lightly over you.
A low whine leaves your throat, your fingers quickly twisting into the sheets beneath you as your hips start to hump against her mouth without thinking. You feel a pressure by your head before your eyes flutter open halfway, looking up at Gomez who pushes your hair out of your face adoringly. “Open your mouth, sweetheart, stick out your tongue for me.” Murmured gently from his lips, and you do as told, a shudder racing through your body when Morticia’s tongue dips lower.
His cock is in his hand, thick enough to the point not even his fingers touch when holding it. It looked shorter, maybe at about five inches with the foreskin pulled back with a tug of his hand across his cock. Your mouth waters at the sight of the flushed head, fluttering your eyes closed when he glides the head of it across your tongue. “Ah, there you go, darling, just get used to the taste for now.” Spoken lowly in his throat, as if he’s holding back from just grabbing you and slipping into your throat.
You get to experiment with little laps of your tongue after a moment, keeping your lips parted to allow him to slide the shaft over your lips so you could get used to the weight. A moan spills from you when you feel Morticia’s tongue back on your clit, applying pleasant pressure and moaning against you in turn. You whimper sharply, your hand reaching down to try and find her. She takes the hint, her fingers lacing with yours at your hip to hold your hand there.
It isn’t long before Gomez is pressing the head at your lips, talking you through it ever so softly. “Breathe through your nose, relax your jaw- there you go, that’s my sweet pet.” Crooning as he presses carefully into your mouth. It stretches your jaw, your head tipped backwards and your breath stuttered. He only dips halfway, his hand coming down to rest on your jaw, helping you keep tilted and supported.  
By the time he finally slips all the way into your mouth, his balls against your nose and your eyes nearly rolling into the back of your head, you’re cumming. You squeeze tight to Morticia’s hand, automatically swallowing around the weight in your mouth with moans blossoming from your chest. Your body trembles, hips stuttering up against her mouth where she licks you through each wave and even afterwards. Until your tremors are too much and you’re making soft whimpers around Gomez’s cock and trying to shake your head, but his hand holds you still.
“Mmh. That was one. Just four more.” Morticia practically croons, pressing a kiss to your engorged clit that’s surely circled by a ring of lipstick right now. Your hips jerk upwards, moving your free hand up to Gomez’s thigh and clinging to him when his hips start to move lightly.
Four?! Four more?! You try to sob out, but only the tail end of it gets out when Gomez pulls his hips back until the head rests heavy on your lips. You try to speak, but Morticia’s nails tracing up your thighs as she sits up catches your attention more. “My love, the toys?”
“Behind you in the bag, dearest.” He hums out fondly, the hand gripping your jaw smoothing his thumb over your wet lips until your lips part again, taking his cock once more with a low growl in his voice. “I think you were made to be a toy for us, little one. How well you take me.”  
You can’t help your own whimper when he slides all the way back into your mouth. Your eyes fluttering just as you feel Morticia return with the light pressure between your legs. She lifts one of your thighs, angling you better for the rounded head of a smaller toy that you assume is a dildo, already wet with lubrication. “I would ask Gomez to prepare you as my nails are too long,” Morticia explains, her hand lying flat on the mound of your sex, her thumb circling your clit to not overstimulate you just yet. “But, it seems he is preoccupied at the moment. I cannot say I am not jealous.”
“In d-due time, my dear,” He huffs out, his hips speeding up slightly when you prove you can take the smaller thrusts. Your toes curl, feeling the toy slowly slide into you with a delicious, slight stretch to it. It isn’t long before Morticia’s moving it in sync with Gomez’s hips, your eyes rolling into the back of your head and feeling just like the toy Gomez claimed you were.
You know by the end of the night you’ll end up well taken care of and tired out. But for now, you’re happy to be caught in between them, drooling around Gomez’s cock and feeling Morticia’s cold tongue lapping at your slick.
You think Heaven is a lot darker and gloomier than thought to be.
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cuppimagines · 3 years
What Happens when you Squeal
OH GOD this request was a long time coming, but I finally got it done! This is sorta, an expansion to Harkan’s own organization that he allies with, lotta bug fellas in this one (in fact only bug fellas)
Word count: 2.6k
This was dangerous, but, even if you ran the risk of getting in less than desirable trouble, it’s better than letting more of these guys just roam the streets, being a danger to much more innocent lives. You drove up to the station you intended on turning your evidence for. It was a thick folder, filled with pictures and documents, anything you got your hands on, but all of it had enough evidence to make sure that no loophole in the legal system could get these guys out of prison. You were ready, you were getting out of your car to step up to the station, and that’s when you felt a presence behind you.
“How about coming with me? You don’t need to turn those in,” a deep, gravely voice told you, as a hand gripped your shoulder. Would you cooperate? Or would you still walk in at risk of getting harmed?
“Go on, make your choice,” the same voice said. You sighed, and turned around to face him. The large frame, massive, scuffed hands, a 5 o clock shadow on a strong square jawline. And most notable is the large rhino beetle horn on his face and multiple arms. You knew what he was here for, and who he worked for. You just followed him.
“Let’s take a little drive, your car,” he said, going into your pockets and grabbing your keys. “Don’t try and drive anywhere else, you’re being followed.” You got in your car, and he joined you, barely able to fit due to his size and bulk. He told you where to go, where to drive off to, and after what seemed like way too long, you ended up at a large warehouse that looked like a fortress looming in the night. That’s when you realized as you parked, that there were other lights behind you, a couple more cars. When you got out and were escorted into the warehouse, you saw that there were about, four more men behind you alongside the large rhino beetle man that had a grip on your shoulder. All four other men also were large, with bug like features. A moth, a wasp, a mantis, and a lightning bug. They were looking at you. Looking at you with looks that seemed excited, and hungry.
The warehouse seemed mostly full of crates, equipment, some tables and chairs for workers to take a breather on.
“Is this the evidence?” The mantis held up your folder, and pulled a lighter from his pocket. “Looks like this won’t be of use anymore.” Your eyes widened as you watched him hold the fire over it, before the lightning bug grabbed the lighter.
“Let’s not worry about smoking the place up yet, we got plenty of time,” he replied.
“What are you guys…going to do to me?” You asked.
“Well, originally, we were gonna beat your teeth in and send you out to sea,” the beetle told you. “But then…we found out the private investigator was some pretty little dame. And you’re even sweeter looking in person.”
“Who knew someone with such a face would get caught up with our work,” the moth said with a smirk. “You’re real pretty, so we’re doing you a favor if anything.” You were pushed against a few crates, some that were stacked in a way that let you sit on them as you were surrounded by five large monstrous men. Your knees buckled under you, yet there was some sense of excitement that showed in your face because of how flushed it was.
“Take those clothes off, now,” Beetle told you. You did as he told, your hands going to unbutton your blouse, toss your coat to the side, undo your pants. All the while you were being ogled at, the more layers you took off, the more it was obvious they were going to absolutely ravish you.
“Oh you’re real cute, real fucking gorgeous,” Wasp grinned. “I can’t wait to make you cum your pretty little brains out~.” He was already quick to approach you before you even had your bra off. He groped at your breasts, his hands squeezing them so hard and so roughly that you whimpered in his grasp. Tugging on them as he pulled that bra off of you, rough calloused hands giving them such a rough time, yet you moaned for it. And he laughed in response.
“Pretty little investigator bitch~!” He said as he licked his lips. “You like this don’t you?”
“Save some for the rest of us you fucking idiot,” Mantis got right next to you as Wasp groped you, and he leaned in for a kiss. He tasted a lot like cigars, which didn’t surprise you all too much as he forced his tongue in you mouth. You felt his hand creep down your panties, and his long fingers started rubbing circles in your clit. At that moment, you had to find something to grip onto, and tried reaching up to grab Wasp’s shirt as Mantis’s fingers went so deep into you, so so deep. You moaned and closed your legs around Mantis’s grip, but Wasp pulled away from fondling your breasts raw to keep your legs spread to show the rest of the group.
“I can’t wait to stick my cock in her…” Beetle licked his lips, his pants pulled down already as he rubbed his hard cock through his boxers. As you moaned and started shaking while Mantis was knuckle deep, pounding you with his fingers, Wasp leaned back down, sucking your breast, and you could feel yet another long tongue start to swirl around your nipple. All these sensations, Mantis’s tongue and fingers, Wasp’s mouth and hands on your breasts, you were going crazy, you tried to thrust into Mantis’s hand, trying to reach some form of climax, but no, Mantis decided to pull out when he felt you grip his fingers tighter than before.
“We got her prepped, your turn big guy,” Mantis told Beetle, before tugging a resistant Wasp back.
“Just save some for the rest of us,” Moth huffed. “Once you get a hold of a girl you won’t let go until she’s practically comatose.”
“A fitting punishment though, for a pretty little snitch like her,” Beetle looked down at you, and you looked away a bit nervously. Eye contact, or being looked at by all these men even in your state still made you nervous, you weren’t used to all these eyes on you, and Beetle noticed just how anxious you seemed.
“Pretty girl, it’s okay, we won’t hurt you, we’re just showing you what happens to cute little kittens who squeal too much,” he smirked as his hand ran through your hair. You felt his cock before you saw the monster he was preparing you for. The head of it pushed against your walls, stretching you out so full, Mantis’s fingers couldn’t have possibly prepared you for this off all things. He was thick, long, you already gripped tightly onto Beetle’s clothes as you felt inch after agonizing in.
“Ah- ah! Oh god! I-I…” You cried out the second that massive cock, already halfway in you, completely thrust into you and stretched you out more than you thought you could be.
“Oh GOD you’re a tight fit!” Beetle moaned as he gripped the crates above you with one hand. You were shaking, your mind went blank, your head tilted back. He started to thrust when your grip loosened as you got more accustomed to his size, but that just got you back to holding onto him for dear life and moaning those sweet little moans
“Oh you boys are gonna love her when you get your turn!” Beetle laughed. “You’re a tight little bitch aren’t you? Squealing for me the same way I bet you were gonna squeal to those pigs back at the station!” His one free hand, as two were gripping your hips and one was gripping your hips, had started groping and kneading your breast, that was already so sensitive. Oh god the others were so excited to get their turn with you.
“Don’t fuckin rub it in or I’ll pull you off her myself,” Lightning bug told him. He was hard as a rock, and in excitement his abdomen was glowing a faint glow and his wings flapped, despite him looking pissed off and even jealous. Though you could barely hear him talking over your own moaning and your thoughts completely liquifying. Beetle was so rough with you and he was so so big that your stomach bulged with each thrust of his cock.
You grasped onto Beetle tighter, he was getting rougher and faster, and you could hear his horny crazed grunts and moans. You cried out and gripped his shirt so tightly that you heard a bit of tearing as you reached your climax, and he filled you up with his seed.
Beetle pulled out, and you laid there, limp and breathing heavily. But you knew it wasn’t over just yet. Moth and Lightning bug got you up, in fact Moth lifted you into his arms, gripping your thighs while using one hand to undo his pants. As Lightning bug pressed behind you, you could feel not one but two cocks, the both of them were readying themselves, two perfect holes for them to fuck.
When you felt the two of them thrust into you, you gripped onto Moth as tight as you can, shaking and whimpering at their sizes. Moth sat on the crate, making it a bit easier to both of them to pound you, Lightning Bug even grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled it, his cock filling your ass, stretching it out, making you scream for the both of them.
“How about you grind on our cocks, princess?” Moth chuckled. “Show is how much you want this…!” At that command, You kept your head in Moth’s chest, and very weakly started grinding into both their cocks, moving your hips as they thrust into you, but your hips already felt weak from the way Beetle had his way with you. Impatient, Lightning bug pressed his body onto yours from behind, moaning as he started fucking your ass more aggressively. Moth was slower, more patient even when his face was flushed and his cock twitched inside you, but Lightning bug was real excited for this, he wanted to break your pretty little ass with each rough thrust.
“Cmon princess~!” Moth tilted your chin up to look at him. He saw your eyes glazed over, mouth open, face flushed as you were being fucked, and he was absolutely infatuated with the way you looked. “Ohhh look at you! You’re so adorable, such a sweet face…we should ask the boss if we can keep her~!”
“AH- ah…k-keep me??” You whimpered between being pounded hard by Lightning Bug. You couldn’t believe that they were already breaking you enough that you enjoyed the thought of doing this again and again with them. You were going from a detective to a plaything for the men you were trying to lock up, and you didn’t care at all, you really did want this, it felt so good!
“We probably will~!” Lightning bug started kissing your neck from behind. “Gotta keep an eye on- oh fuck…! On our little snitch!” You felt his cock twitch inside you, and he started fucking you faster and harder. Both sensations were too much, you felt overwhelmed in the best of ways and you wanted more. You couldn’t take it, despite your stamina you tried to move your hips against them, begging under your breath to cum, until you felt the both of them fill you up Lightning Bug first following Moth. And god did you cry out as you clenched around both their cocks, your eyes squeezing shut as you rode out your orgasm.
They both pulled out of you, and even though you were exhausted, you knew that this wasn’t the end of it. You tried to stand up, but couldn’t and fell back into Moth’s lap.
“She’s already looking exhausted,” Wasp approached you, and Moth handed you right to him so he could get up. You had to lean against him or else you swore you were going to fall to your knees.
“Don’t forget, this is a punishment for her,” Mantis grabbed you and laid you on your stomach back on the crates. He started to grope your ass, spreading it apart to look at how both holes at this point were stuffed with cum. Wasp tilted your head to the side to look up at him, as he pulled his cock from it. It was one thing to know you had to ride their cocks like this, but looking at Wasp’s size with him very eagerly awaiting your mouth, you weren’t sure you’d be able to take it all without choking.
But, as dazed and tired as you were, you lifted your head up, and brought your lips to his cock. All while Mantis had you inch by inch take his cock in your ass. Mantis practically growled when he managed to fit it all inside you, and your screams of pleasure got muffled when Wasp shoved his cock down your throat. Tears stung your eyes, you tried breathing through your nose, and you looked up as Wasp’s hungry expression.
You felt them thrust almost in tandem with you, as Mantis was deep in your ass, Wasp was deep down your throat. Both sensations were still so new to you, and you felt so dazed and drunk with pleasure that your mind felt like it was melting. So nervous at the start of it, but now you took your “punishment” proudly from them. You grinded your ass on Mantis, and since Wasp’s grip on your head was loose, you decided to bob it up a down kn his cock. You were so eager now, and the rest took notice.
“Little slut likes her punishment doesn’t she?” Lightning Bug smirked.
“God I fuckin love it too!” Mantis moaned. “This whore feels sooo fucking good!”
“We’re bringing her back, we can’t- ah fuck!” Wasp gripped your head and held you there as he fucked himself with your mouth and throat. “We can’t just send her back home-! I need a new fucktoy like this!” Your mouth felt so good to him. Even as your vision grew white and your air seemed to be cut off, you were excited to pleasure Wasp and Mantis. Again you seemed to have a Burst of energy, solely from the fact that these men were fuckin you to a mindless, cock hungry state.
If you could talk at the moment you’d beg to cum, to plead for more, it all felt so amazing! Wasp and Mantis kept a tight grip on you, your head held to Wasp’s hips, and your hips being grabbed and pulled onto Mantis they both came inside you. You gagged and tried to swallow Wasp’s seed. But you had to pull away, it was all way too much and you spat it out. At that, Mantis slapped your ass and you cried out, even though you were exhausted beyond belief.
“We’ll teach her to swallow, for now though…” Mantis pulled out. All five of them were satisfied you learned your lesson as you laid there on your stomach trying to catch your breath.
“Now you know what happens when you snitch, dollface,” Beetle approached you, gripping the red area that Mantis smacked you.
“Y-yes sir…” you whimper. If you had an ounce of energy left, you’d say “If I try to turn you in, would you do the same thing?” But you were limp and exhausted, so easy to pick up as Beetle did and put you in the back seat of your own car as they left the warehouse after cleaning up. A blanket was put over you, and just like that, the moment your body hit the upholstery of the seat, you fell asleep.
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lena-imzadi-221b · 3 years
Yup welcome to the club of I've got long multi chapter fics simmering in my head but I saw a thing, heard a song and oops my fingers slipped....
Fingers slowly travelled from his back to his side, grabbing a handful of his white dress shirt as Lando seemed to hold on for dear life. They were standing close, too close. His whole right side was engulfed by a tipsy Lando, his eyes impossibly close. Those glazed over big colour of the universe eyes staring right into his soul. He took the dare presented to him as he watched Lando's mouth fall open lazily, tongue darting out, licking...waiting.
"Dios mio Lando! Ok, my turn. What does love mean to you. The word, the feeling?"
The younger man frowned, swayed against him, grabby fingers letting go of his shirt, landing on his lower back, drawing circles with his fingers, tapping, stopping, holding on again. Did he realize he was being so extremely touchy...with him no less...in a club full of random drunk people...in almost darkness hidden away in a private corner behind a curtain where the deep beats filled him up and made this whole situation seem even more ridiculous. How did they end up behind a very soft velvet curtain anyway?
"Love? I guess it's about wanting to do everything together, sharing and accepting to feel really comfortable with each other. To make each other smile when life sucks, to want to see their love in their eyes like you just gave them the moon you know. Wanting to be with someone even if the world would be against it, even when it's...a feeling of warmth and feeling safe with them...but sometimes it hurts so much cause you want to be with them and you love them so much it hurts cause you can't...."
The words were almost pleading, yearning. For what? Or even who?
Lando blinked, frowned, shook his head and before Carlos could ask more, felt Lando's soft curls brush half his face, hot breath against his cheek, neck. "What is love to the great muppet Carlos Sainz?"
Without warning Lando's lips and nose pressed against his cheek, arm around his neck and he stumbled back as a couple had danced into the thick curtain and bumped into them pushing Lando against him. Carlos wrapped an arm around Lando's waist to steady him as the couple yelled a giggly drunk apology through the curtain and moved away. "Wow sorry, they just-" But Carlos shook his head and smiled, squeezing Lando against him before letting go.
Like a magnet Lando was back sticking to his side, no wandering hands this time, he was fidgetting. A question. Waiting. Oh right. "So love ey. To me a bit the same as you very elequently said-" that got him a snort from the younger man with a smile nonetheless and twinkling eyes on top "- it's also about filling someone's empty spaces. Wanting to hold onto someone. It's not about taking and keeping, it's about letting go and see what comes back. Providing a place where you can be yourself and the other person doesn't have to be afraid to be the person they are, even when they are not at their best. And when they are not you want to do everything you can to fill those places that are lacking so they can become their best. And you do that willingly for as long as you can and as long as you are allowed to be by that person's side."
Lando's looking at his hands, his adams apple going up and down and Carlos has to lean closer to hear what he says.
"If that is love to you then...you love me." His voice due to the music was still loud but it sounded so far away and when Lando's eyes meet his, Carlos is stunned into silence. He couldn't look away, stuck in a trap he laid out for himself. Slowly, he reached out for Lando, fingers tentavily grabbing onto the other's fingers. Grabbing harder, pulling Lando even closer to him. He kept his gaze sharp, focused and nodded. "I do."
Lando's eyes widened, lips parted just slightly. There it was. Hanging between them. No going back.
"Thank you."
Ok. That wasn't the response he was expecting. Who says 'thank you' after a decleration like that?
He felt Lando take a shaky breath, hands squeezing his. He'd somehow forgotten he was still holding Lando's small hands. "Sorry, that's not-" Lando gestured between them with his hand now leaving his hand limp by his side. He's sorry for what? His response? What was going on between them? Regrets? Leaving? Not what?
Lando's voice cracked as he tried again but tears well up in his eyes, Carlos felt him shaking all over. Instinctively Carlos reached over and wrapped his arms around Lando. He feels the tug of his shirt as Lando clenches his fists at the fabric at his sides and the weight of Lando's head as he hides his face into the crook of Carlos' neck. Eventually he felt Lando wrap his arms around him too, stepping so close there was no more space between them. He felt him take a deep breath and he had to concentrate to hear Lando over the loud music.
"Carlos, you are an amazing person, you're so talented, you're such a good driver, better than you think, so much better than anyone gives you credit for. Being your team mate those two years have been the most rewarding thing I've ever done in years. Ever. The best time. I owe you so much. So much. Why do you keep up with me? Why me?"
Carlos sighed into Lando's hair. "I told you, because I love you."
"I know." Lando murmered against his collar bone, he felt lips against his neck.
Carlos' love is like Agape. It's selfless. It is about giving and doing for someone else, even if time would bring it to an end eventually, even if there's no payoff. Lips pressed against his cheek, the corner of his mouth and Carlos turned his head slightly and felt Lando's lips, gently, on his. He tightens their embrace. His heart's in his throat when he pressed into Lando's lips and he felt him melt into him.
Lando brings a hand up to the side of his neck and gently brushes his thumb along his earlobe as he tilts his head and kisses Carlos back fully. It send a shiver down his spine. He's feeling lightheaded and dazed and he needs a moment so he pulls back. But Lando has other plans, hand behind his head, fingers in his hair, he pulls Carlos back in, lips gently parted. When Lando pulls back, he touches his forehead to Carlos'. He exhales heavily, eyes closed. "Sorry, I-"
Carlos moved, nuzzling the side of Lando's nose with his own, then carefully nips at Lando's bottom lip. Lando tips his head back to meet and sigh into Carlos' full lips. The kiss is slow and sensual. He feels Lando cup his cheek and deepens the kiss. This is-
Lando licks his lower lip and he opens for him. It's intense and raw. He savours the taste of Lando's tongue sliding against his own. Heaven.
Before long their breathing becomes uneven, their kisses desperate and needy. "Lando?" Carlos asks hoarsly between kisses. Lando pulls back and bumps his forehead to Carlos' shoulder. Both trying to get their breathing back to normal.
Lando leans back and gazes at him, surprisingly more steady on his feet. "We made each other a better part of ourselves. You filled up empty space I didn't know I had or was even possible to.... I'm just really glad I met you and you want to share your life and these moments with me. I want to give you a place for you with me for as long as you would let me."
Carlos smiled at the tears being reflected back to him as he felt his own forming. "Is that your way of saying that Lando muppet Norris may love me as much as I love him?"
Lando looked at him through his eyelashes, tilting his head, that look that got him out of so many things and made Carlos love him a little bit more every time. "They say milk and chilli do go well together...." They giggled but Lando's expression turned serious as he nodded maybe more to himself. "I love you, I truly do. Maybe we can take this slowly and see what adventures we'll go on?"
Carlos smiled lovingly. "Let's have our first date tomorrow evening, yeah?"
"You mean this wasn't a date? Huh could've sworn this evening started with you not being able to keep your hands off of me and getting yourself so tipsy because you couldn't deal with being in love with your friend and looking for some courage to hint at it but failing miserably."
Looking lovingly at Lando, Carlos laughs out loud. "My muppet friend, you never cease to make me happy. You want to grab another drink and have a dance or come to my place, watch a movie, kick your ass in FIFA and make a midnight snack?"
Lando giggled and entwined their hands, pulling Carlos towards the exit, leaning against him. "Let's go home, I'm in the mood for cuddling, a nice horror movie so you can keep me safe and that midnight snack."
"Yeah home. Hey I thought you wanted to take us slowly?" Carlos winked and waggled his eyebrows. He was rewarded by a high pitched giggle. "I will in a few dates but I'm actually really hungry."
"That's what I was saying!"
"Stop!" Another heartfelt giggle.
"I'll never stop Mi Vida."
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weneepaw · 3 years
Handcuffs / Ep 01 _ Invitation
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Word count: 5.8K
Characters: Wonho x Honey (just a fictional character)
Genres: Angst, Romance, Smut, Fluff in some other sides
Warning for this part: English is not my first language so if you see some errors in grammar or words please don't mind it and enjoy it 😅😅
Summery: Lee Wonho is an idol, a god like one but he has some secrets in his life, just like all other normal people. But those secrets are turning to some serious problems and hurting his feelings. Every time he thinks about them, things are just going worse. He needs help to fix himself and finds a way to go free and it's like he found a great one at his birthday night party. Or maybe he just thought in that way? Will she becomes a helpful friend or only a disaster to ruin his life?
After some long weeks, there is a time for him to getting some rest. He was so busy lately and working so hard non-stop to his ass off on his albums and choreography of stages because he needs to get his place at business and manage his life in the best situation. He always wants everything to be perfect and flawless, so he works until midnight to the sunrise for days and skips his time to rest because he just can’t sleep when his damn brain doesn’t stop thinking about songs and stages and how they could be in fans’ eyes. Fans are always so much important and valuable to him, like always he says they keep him alive, but that much caring about them sometimes makes him forget about himself and what he needs as a normal big boy. He is an adult male, after all his schedules and his career, he needs to have a normal life and a healthy sex life too, for sure. But every time he is asked about having a girlfriend or being in a relationship, he shows his teenager shy smiles and says, he is happy to be alone and he has his fans, but let’s be honest, fans can make his sex life to be real? He knows the answer as everyone else does but he just disregards and prefers to think about how he can be on his own best for others.
Of course, he is damn good at everything, he is super talented and has a perfect look. From head to toes, he is the definition of perfection at one sight. He got a perfect buff body that worked on it hard for 10 years his ass off again, just like other things, and still cares about it too much. He and his body are out of genders to be loved and his personality is much more adorable than his muscles or abs. he can talk in that way to makes your heart meltdown over his voice and smiles, His beautiful sparkling eyes and his damn soft pink lips are too cute to handle but besides of all these sweet features and his manly look, there is always some secrets in the dark. He usually tries to ignore those secrets and telling himself he still has time to fix some hidden problems but also, he knows it’s already getting too late for it.
Tonight is a special night for him and his friends made a little party for him in a VIP club named “Lady M Club”. This party is all private and there are no worries about getting caught while having some fun. All the guests must have an invitation card to get permission to come in, so everyone there are idols or important people who want to have a good time in their personal space.
His all friends are present and so excited to make him surprised. but for him, today was only like other days to get up, go to work and only focus on the songs till night and then get back home. But his friends want to give him some happy moments and a little gift for his birthday, thanking and appreciating him after all the time of his hard work. Sure he deserves it all, but he doesn’t know it, himself.
He is just relaxing in the back seat of the car, while his manager is driving him home. In the space of the care is nothing but silence. He looks tired and leans his head back, watching lights of the cars and stores in street sides coming and going away, thinking about his life. Life is like this car and lights are like people, but he is always just like now. In his personal life, he just can watch them coming and leaving, there is no one who he can be able to hold it tight, but the fans. Anyway, he always can’t deny it all the time, he feels alone. Most of the nights and sunset hours of the days, when everyone is drowning in their own life and going on their ways, it’s only him, lonely on his bed, in the gym, in the room, in the studio, or wherever else. He tries hard to only keep his mind on his job and fans, but he is a human after all and needs someone only for him. And there is a fact, fans can’t just fill this gap in his life up.
Tonight, he will be on his 28 and another year passed so fast. Time is flying so damn fast and he is thinking about his dark secrets, the reason for being alone all these years and even running away from talking with his family or friends about marriage or being in a relationship. Even when he is thinking about it, he is under stress and uncomfortable feels come around because when he is trying to find a way to fix it, things just go weird and scary more and more indiscriminately. Lately, he is even trying to escape thinking about it but he can’t stop this body to do not react. He needs and unfortunately, he knows it, but can’t do anything for it.
He is all drowning in his fears and doesn’t notice that car is moving in another way and it’s not even close to his place. When he just snaps back on the present life, the car was in front of an unknown club door. He becomes confused and looking around.
“What’s this?” he whispers under his lips. He has no idea what is coming up.
“Your friends and team Wonho decided to build an especial night for you, so better you don’t make them wait for it more.” His manager states and comes out of the car. He smiles before coming down. His friends always were kind and so cherish him. They always were in his side in the best or worst times in the professional or ordinary times of his life and warming his heart up to go on and be the best. He always had a good and happy time with them, so tonight will be one of those good memories too.
He walks into the club's hall, following his manager. Suddenly lights and sparklers all around the hall turn on with a loud voice of crowd in there, singing the happy birthday song for him. His friends holding a big cake in their hands, his backup dancers are clapping and singing so happily, even his hairstylists and makeup artists are there to celebrate this wonderful night with him.
There is a cute chubby white rabbit on that light blue creamy cake with a big “happy birthday”, plus 2 little candles. He looks like a happy baby, standing right there and watching his friends and that creamy cake with a big cute grin on his face. He likes creams on the cake more than all of it so there is no wonder why he tries to take some creams from it even before blowing on the candles. He tastes his creamy finger with giggles as sweet as the cake flavor and finally, blows the candles with the ending of the happy birthday song.
Everyone makes noise for this big little boy and he looks incredibly happy. But it didn’t take too long because he hears a question reminding him of some fears.
“What did you wish before blowing on candles?” Minhyuk asks and makes his smiles almost disappear. By the way, he tries to hold it on and pretends as nothing happened. He had no wish on his mind before, but when he asked it, one word just passes from his thoughts. He surreptitiously wishes his fears be gone and stop hurting his feelings more.
“Nothing. I already got everything I want and I need, like best friends and going on billboard charts.” He says but it mostly smells like a lie.
“Yes, you make everyone jaws drop with your songs and concerts. You are one of the best male solo artists now. We are so proud of you bro.” Shownu says, putting his hand on his shoulder so proudly. But while he was appreciating him, another bro comes up with some annoying words.
“But now, living alone must be hard and boring, right hyung?” Changkyun asks and makes keeping that fake smile even harder. Now they were sitting around the table and start eating some piece of cake. He just drops his head down, knowing they are waiting for his words to know if he is doing well alone? So he has to answer it and stop making them consider that.
“It was hard at first and I was nervous about everything because I always had you guys around and now I have to take it all alone but I tried to take control. I’m fine now, don’t worry about me.” He scrambles at his best but it doesn’t look like if it works. That just turns to a switch on for his friends that are close to him as his dear little brothers show their feelings about his empty place at home and talking about some old memories. Memories are tasting bitter-sweet now. He will always keep them deep down in his heart and never forget or leave them but he can’t deny he does miss those days too. Sometimes, the world is just too cruel but we have to go on like him.
Only some minutes later, space just gets back on a fun and happy night. Everything is ready for having a good night out of all idol hustle life and just be young, wild, and free for everyone, but him. He just sits there alone, watching his friends dancing around or flirting with some of the girls at the party. He is rolling down on his thoughts and even didn’t notice the loud song in the club until he finds his ears are reacting as a female voice volume up. He gives his glance to the source of the voice, to the canter of attention on the little stage in front of the hall.
Some girls are singing and dancing there but one of them is the main vocal. Her voice is strong and will stay in your mind forever but it’s not just about that. She has 2 big dark beautiful eyes full of little stars. It’s kinda impossible to do not stare at her, with her black short hair, bright smiles while a red danger color has painted her lips and a shiny black short decollete dress hugs her craved body so tight. She makes sure that every girl in the party feels nervous about losing their men over her.
Hoeseok finds her looking at him back but there was a male familiar voice to steal his attention and give it to the owner of it.
“She’s pretty.” It’s Hyungwon, standing beside him from how god knows long minutes before and he didn’t notice his presence.
“y-Yes. But I was just watching the show like others.” He tries to protect himself, clearing his throat to make his voice goes right into Hyungwon's ears and don’t cause any misunderstanding. But it’s like Hyungwon is already into another thought of reality as he smiles with some special meanings to his friend.
“She’s a new friend of ours so we decided to introduce you to her too. This club belongs to her.” Hyongwon explains more about that female fatal who is still watching them with no shame on her wild eyes. Hoseok only shakes his head as he got the information and decides to drop his head because he is already choking with a clumsy feel boiling inside of him and he doesn’t want it to jump out with a blush on his face.
He just wants his night to go as well with no drama or any chaotic issues but it's freaking hard to focus on himself while that female voice is feeling ticklish in his ears like a magical spell to take him back and watch how mysterious she can be. But no, he is not one of those types of boys who are looking for pretty sexy girls to add some fun to their life. He just minds his own business and stays away from all troubling shits. He goes on his way.
Fortunately, songs finished and noises calm down but it doesn't mean party night is over. He is just pleased that voice is gone, so he can keep himself down easily, but it's like everything is out of his control tonight. Because while he is getting successful on taking good enough self-control, he hears Changkyun is greeting so warm to someone new-coming in the crow and automatically feels anxious rush in his bloodlines.
Before he tries to look at the new one, that familiar damage control female voice plays in his ears again. It's her, now closer and even more dangerous than what she seemed from the top of that little stage. She's perfectly a red light alert of danger to any man who is not about to get in deadly troubles, but also her bright smile pushes any buttons to make keeping any good controls impossible. He's not that crazy or even drunk to do any weird act, but he just feels he can't keep his eyes on himself when she is around. That girl is no good for his health because his heartbeat is already rose so damn fast and its pumping voice fills up his ears. He can't hear others' voices when they talk and laugh with her and her friends, until he feels Hyungwon's hand on his shoulder, saving him from a feeling like a coma with open eyes.
“I’m Chae Honey. Nice to meet you.” He only sees that girl in front of himself, offering her hand and introducing herself with a light smile on his red lips. Maybe he is all mesmerized by this foreign girl who has a face almost close to Korean cute babies but he still knows how should be polite or just try to keep himself together and push himself to DO NOT look like a boy who didn’t see any other girls in his life before.
“I’m Lee Hoseok, as might you know my name already, and nice to meet you too.” He says with a simple smile and tries to look confident enough. He secretly hopes they don’t see his clear embarrassing symptoms, as red cheeks or stupid look smiles. He has no idea what's wrong with him now because clearly he was around many beautiful girls before and he usually didn’t give a flying fuck, so what's different now?
“Oh, of course, I know you.” She states with a bigger grin. Her friends are already giggling behind her and whispering things between themselves. She tries to join them, but she didn’t even bother to keep her voice as a whisper to say “He’s too cute, isn’t he?”
And he just finds himself turning to their funny entertainment for rest of the night. This is so fucking embarrassing. They easily sit together and raise a toast for his birthday but intenlligibly, he just smiles and apologizes because he can’t join them for the peach champagne. He doesn’t like to drink while he knows it will catch him only on 2 shots and he will make himself even more ashamed in front of others. No thanks, He prefers to stay away as much as it's possible from them and rolls down on his thoughts' gray clouds.
But it didn't take too long. His friends want to enjoy and use all of their time with girls, music, and alcohol. What he doesn’t want to do. Why the fuck even he is here now for? It was like a torture on birthday's night before they leave, but when the last one, Shownu, just left and let him be alone with that damage control girl, it just turns to a perfect slowly death to him. The best he can do now is just stare at his feet and play with his glass of orange juice.
But he doesn’t know, the more he tries to be invisible, the more he attracts her attention to his shy behaves. She watches every move of him. His fingers gently dancing around on edge of glass between his hands, his nervous eyes, the way he moves neurotically his legs on the floor. He looks so cute to be able NOT To stare. It's rude but she just can't help.
“You are acting so awkward.” She says, while she keeps her big tempting eyes on him and drinks the last sip of her champagne. Almost makes him jump of his seat, surprised by her words. It wasn't hard for her to catch him up and he knows it completely, but he doesn’t want to be that easy.
“Excuse me?” He tries in his way to show things differently, hoping it works out and confuses her. But she didn't change her mind even for one second and just smirks. Like she already has read his mind and knows everything. What a dangerous lady!
“I’ve seen lots of boys and big men in my life and you are not like any of them around me. You are feeling so uncomfortable from that first moment you saw me. What’s the problem? I’m just wondering.” She lets her empty glass rest freely alone on the table and pulls herself closer to him, to make sure he hears every word she spells with her tongue. But it makes him even more nervous. Any move of her, even a simple breath and even that sweet scent of her, makes him nervous. She is so harmful to him.
“I’m just surprised by all this show because I was on my way home and suddenly I saw myself here. I apologize if I made you feel bad because of my behavior. I’m just tired.” He explains as best as he could, hoping he just leave him to be and find another fun company of her own for rest of the night, but she doesn’t want to go anywhere. He catches her eyes already. Rabbit on a damn shit trap.
“Yes, but it’s not for working too much until the morning.” She says with a smirk that makes her look even more devilish. He watches her like she's the real Satan and just comes on the earth to deceives him and makes him do horrible things. But the fear in his eyes only causes a beautiful light tone laugher of her.
“Don’t look at me like I’m a witch or something. I just know that kind of tiredness. And for your knowledge, I’ve seen lots of celebrities here and talked to them more often too.” She apprises to him about the truth of her. Might it help him relax and tries to have some fun.
“I don’t know what are you looking for on me, lady.” His words come out so cold like ices on a glass of whiskey, audibly talking to her about letting him go, but will she give up? absolutely not!
“Honestly nothing because you look like a statue of Michelangelo but only made of glass and I can see everything without even bother to ask.” She giggles silently after saying those words, mostly looks like saying she kinda gets into him already, but just even he can take the point? Not at all!
“I'm trying to make you take it easy.” So she tries to talks at an easier level of flirting.
“Yes. But I don’t need that ma'am.” And there we go again with Hoseok and his words from another level of speaking to fuck off bitch topic but in a polite way. He even doesn’t want to take a chance for himself to know a girl who is showing green lights to him, to come into her world.
“Ain’t you prince charming baby boy? Because you look like a gentleman jumping out of one of the fairy tails.” She speaks of that fact which is saying, the more you push and the more I'll follow.
“Are you trying to flirt with me?” He asks with a suspicious look on his face. Of course he found that out from the very beginning but he doesn’t want to accept it. Even now he hopes more kicking that he found her point on her face, would makes her to get off. But mostly and far from his hopefully wishes to all dead and living Gods, she looks like saying to herself ,,GOD! He finally finds out what's going on,,.
“Maybe. Just for finding what’s the problem of those red cheeks and wet hands?” She states and wants him to know his nervous acts are so clear and there's no need to try harder to hide them because he simply can not. But the ice-cold-look boy keeps his glances away and leaves her only with no words.
“Maybe a female Hitler girlfriend?” She tries to guess. When he doesn’t want to play with her, she continues it alone.
“Ah no!” He says in an annoyed tone. He looks so done already with her but why just doesn’t leave and run away to save himself from this devil murmuring in his ears now? “No, I have no girlfriend.” He just says to make her stop.
“Interesting big boy!” She says while thinking about other possibilities. “So may I ask why no girlfriend?” she tries again with another guess.
“Because I have a very busy lifestyle.” He lazily answers, almost giving up on her little game.
“OH God, please! Be honest with a girl like me who knows 99% of idols has their lovers.” She says in disbelief. In her thoughts, a man just like him never can be alone in his life because he is already too perfect to be untouched by no girl's hands. Girls are ready to kill for him, she can swear.
“Maybe I’m just on that 1%.” He states against her judging tone and raises an eyebrow. Now he looks like that devil which he used to imagine her in disguise.
“People on that 1% are only looking for a good partner, so do you?” She continues on her explains about what she almost experienced with people around her and at the end, when she indirect points at what scares that big boy in front of her the shit out, she just killed all the warming up space between herself and him.
When he just drowns in his silence again, she tries this time to read his facial expressions. “There is something that you are hiding from everyone, Lee Hoseok.” She speaks about what she can see behind his eyes. There's a secret. A truth is untold to anyone.
As to keep saying no words is not a good way to reject lady devil away, he gets another idea. “How old are you?” And he asks to start it with a question.
“It’s a dangerous question to ask from a lady, big boy.” She says perfectly amazed by this change in his voice and sentence.
“I just wonder because your beautiful face can’t talk honestly and your tongue is about to have over 30.” So now he tries his best to use some of his flirting skills. He and everyone around know he is one of the best boys on it, so it's better he uses it now.
“Oh my my! I’m only 22.” She says almost raising her volume and puts a hand on her chest as he hurts her with his mean words. Acting just like a drama queen. That looks funny and makes him smile.
“If I had a sister, she could be your age.” He playfully talks before takes the last sip of orange juice on his glass.
“But people don’t flirt with their sisters, so I dare you to call me sisi now.” She wiggles her eyebrows while talking back in the same tone as his. Causing a warm laugher between them like they are not strangers anymore and it feels right.
He feels better now around her. He likes the power she holds and how she is full of positive energy even while he kept pushing her away and tries to break her heart politely, but he couldn't. He just can't break a girl like her or maybe better say because this is her. An especial one.
As the silence back, Honey finds some heavy glances on themselves. It was Hoseok friends, hopefully watching them and wishing under their whimpers between each other that Hoseok finally decides to move on and step up to another level of his life. A new thing and new feels.
“They’re thinking you are finally starting something.” She calmly tells him what she already found from their way to watch them and trying hard to do not act like they are watching their most exciting favorite TV shows.
“Why is that so matter?” His annoyed tone backs when he looks up at his friends and makes them immediately turn around and do anything to look normal as much as possible.
“Because they want you to be happy.” Honey tries to make him understand that his friends only want him to have a life for himself.
Before this party and even the time that they all decided to plane a big gift for him, Honey and Hyongwon and sometimes with other boys, they talked about how Hoseok lives as Wonho on stage and mostly he forgets the Hoseok part of his life. That personal part, that part which should be full of his things, not fans, not friends, not even his family but only him and what he enjoys doing. They always said how he cares about others more than himself and it's not hard to find him completely lost in thoughts to how to fix things when someone is talking about its own problems.
Secretly, boys thought that probably Honey is the one who can change Hoseok's life with her special powers of being a female alpha. They just wanted to give a chance to their best and kind friend to get some happiness for himself. But this all wasn't like Honey didn't know anything about the secret plane.
She knew Hoseok or that sexy Wonho always shinning on TV or everywhere else he appears with his god-like body shape. She silently had a little crush or some ticklish feel for him but she wasn't sure to look perfect enough to be with an amazing complete man like him.
This female fatal always tries to look so incredible and shine better than other girls around, but on another side, she always asks herself is she enough for everything? Is she good at what she's doing? And in her own eyes, no matter how much she tries, she's never all enough. Maybe it's all because she never had someone simply told her that she's fine. She doesn't need to push herself too much to get through. People always expect too much and they don't understand how it can hurt.
Suddenly, she finds herself drowning in staring at him like she is all about to appreciate one of the best and awesome works of art just here next to her. He is tired and needs to sleep, so she thinks it's better to make the night shorter and let him to finds his peace for what is left of the dark hours of the night.
“I have to wait till they back and we give you this. But I think before you get more awkward in front of everyone, better I do it now.” she states before taking off a little envelope from her handbag.
“This is your birthday gift.” Then she explains what's up about it, keeping the envelope close to him, expecting he takes it sooner and opens it.
“Two tickles of a flight, straight to Jeju Island for a break.” As he takes the envelope and slowly trying to open it, she couldn't help but leaks what's the surprise on it so then sees how his face changed to a shocked look.
“But I can’t go to a break now. I have a lot of stuff to do here.” He disaccords the idea of what they planned for him.
“They got your back and just want you to relax your mind only for a week.” She tries to comfort his worries and tells him to go and just have fun.
He looks at tickets in his hand. He knows he needs that to relax his mind for some days and only let his body and soul rest in peace to get enough energy to come back and work even harder. Indeed, he finished his promotions of his new album just some days ago and a great online concert after that, so he can accept it and just go. But when he just looks at that extra ticket, he feels bad even more that what it was. He doesn't want it. Better he chocks himself with working damn hard and pass out in late hours at night till tearing up every sunset in lonely holidays.
“You have to choose who you like to take with yourself for this trip.” She talks and makes it even more difficult to him. That much hard till he can't just deny that sad truth in his life.
“But I’m alone.” He says, mostly like a painful whimper and drops his head down. This view just aches Honey's heart. She doesn't want to see him like that.
“Any crush or someone you were into and you couldn’t tell it to her or even him to be with you?” She desperately tries to remind him what is not even exist in his life. And soon, when his expression even didn't change on a good way, she gives up. She feels guilty now because she sees herself as a bullying little girl at kindergarten who holds on a poor little boy and torturing him by the fact that he is all alone with no friends. She feels like a monster now.
“Ok! It’s up to you baby boy. You have your time till Friday night to find someone and stop being alone after all these years. Don’t you think?” She just says fast and gets up without waiting a second for his conceivable answer. But her words light his mind up this time. She's right. He's so sick to be alone, to wake up alone, to eat alone and even crying alone. Enough is enough to him.
He takes a deep breath and rise his head up to look her in the eyes, but it was like she was just that devil he thought about before and now she's all gone. Fully disappeared. But he doesn't want to give up. After all these times, he feels different around a girl and he can't deny his inner tendencies. His secret desires that used to scare him the hell out now feels not that bad and he knows it's all because of this fearless wild woman. He can't let all of this go so starts to search around between the crowd.
His friends are coming to him just by the time that they saw he gets lonely again. Almost disappointed in that thought he lost his chance to get a good girl in his birthday's night. Minhyuk climbs up to say some sarcastic words but Hoseok is faster. "Didn't you see where Honey goes?" He asks without even thinking twice and lets his friends confused. They also search around themselves to find her, but mostly they are curious why he is searching over her now after that long conversation between themselves? They want to know all about it.
"Does everything go well or ..." Hyongwon asks but he cuts his words off, his eyes moving between people faces one by one. "I'm fine. I'm about to leave and thank you for all of this but ..." He pauses at his words as his eyes catch her in front of the bar, ordering a drink for her terrible feels.
"I need to thank her too." He ends his sentence with some words which are meaning differently in this situation. Passing his friends so fast and almost running to the girl who is busy with choosing a heavy drink for herself.
She thanks the barman with a simple smile on his face which is gone almost when barman is turning around. She takes a deep breath and wants to spin around and see if he still looks upset or not, but when she just moves, almost jerk off with seeing him in only some inch distance with her face and body.
“Come with me.” He talks so speedy and she is not sure even if she hears him right with the loud music playing in the club.
“w-What?” She asks, looking like a lost little girl and completely eyes confused, do not to know where to focus. But he seems so serious and in rush.
“I know I look so rude and weird now but I think I want you to come with me.” He keeps himself down a bit and explains what he means. Now watching her with hope in his eyes to she accepts.
“So … I have to pack my things up.” She says confusedly. Not sure even what she's doing. Maybe it was what she waited for, but surely not like that. Anyway it looks cute so then why not?
“See you later.” He says with a fainted color smile on his lips. Probably thinking about he could save himself but also there's a voice in back of his head, saying terrifying words about how he can even control himself when he gets alone with this girl?
“Saturday morning on 9 AM.” She mentions date and time written on tickets. Low key saying that she spends a lot time to stare at those tickets wishing she be that lucky one who can stay with him on his unexpected vacation.
“Good night.” He says quickly as he sees his friends coming there. He was in pressure enough tonight from in and outside so better to run away now and let them to guess any dramatic things around what happened tonight.
“Yeah ... Good night.” She whispers, as watching his perfect back going out of her club, leaving her alone in shock and a bunch of questions which are coming to her and she doesn't know even how the fuck she supposes to tell them.
Finally!!!!! I dare myself to upload it and there we go 😉
I hope you guys enjoy and don't care about errors lol 😆
Please let me know if you like that or not 🙏🏻🙈 sorry I'm so curious and excited for this fiction as it's my first one in English so ... Yeah just let me know 😅
Thank you guys 💕💕
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jyunshiim · 4 years
Catharsis *✬★*’☽* ✬ ⤷Jungkook X Reader au | Part 1
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Genre → supernatural | some angst | romance | historical (ish) 
Contains → vampire!Jungkook | romance | supernatural concepts | 
Listen to →  Catharsis
Word count → 12K ( 12247 )
TW → some mentions of death, blood and gore
Chapters/sequels → coming soon 
Summary:  After being told the Tales of Prince Jungkook, you were curious to discover more about the history of your town and the abandoned castle you were forbidden to enter. You discover who he is and why he was he had such fate but you also discover who you really are. Little did you know, your family’s history and the towns history intertwined. Will the past ever leave you?
Centuries ago, legend had it that vampires and werewolves and many other supernatural creatures roamed the grounds of your hometown. The mountains were inhabited by these supernatural creatures and the mortals objected to sharing the land with these callous creatures since they believed they were bad luck. This mystical town was at the edge of war; riots between the mortals and immortals would transpire every full moon, blood and wounds in every direction. Of course, the King sat and observed; what more could he do when the two separated societies loathed each other. There was little power over the hatred they had for each other, nothing could keep them apart for the selfish humans craved destruction, blood and death. The Castle sat towering over the town, holding its status. Red skies sheathed the firmament that loomed over the now silent town as the King stands at the large stained glass window that looked over into the town. He could see the clear separation between the mortals and the and immortals; he sighed. As much as the King tried to keep them civil, it would never happen. He turned around to see his son gazing at the shelves and the paintings that were hug up in the King’s private study room which was located in the tallest tower of the castle. His finger brushes over the leather cover of the books and took one that was a book on Folklore which interested him the most. “Father, can I borrow this?” He holds it up to his father and his father nods in affirmation. The son takes the book and runs down the spiral staircase and finally down the large staircase that faced the vast wooden double doors to the castle. He pulled the rings on the door to open them and ran down to the front green space which was enclosed by evergreen trees arrayed along the front. He went down and sat on the verdant grass, the evening air gentle and pleasant. He flicked the page open; there was a contents page on all these supernatural creatures from vampires, witches, psychics, sirens, werewolves and many others. He was invested, he wanted to learn more about these creatures, but he didn’t know the history of his bloodline. Years prior to 1864, the King studied Vampires and how to kill these creatures, how to abolish such vile specimen. His family were hunters and studied how to capture, torture and kill vampires. He peacefully read the piece of literature, immersing himself and broadening his knowledge. He heard the sound of heels climbing up the stairs of the castle and it was none other than she, the love of his life, the one the Prince was going to marry. She was beautiful, divine piece of art, everything he ever wanted. He jumped up onto his feet dropping the book onto the grass. “Evening my dear Prince, Jungkook,” she curtsied to you. He felt his heart thump out of his chest. “Oh please, do enter my father must be waiting for your arrival,” Jungkook opens the door like the gentleman he is. Her smile was everything to him, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He kept a photo she gave him as a token of devotion and love, she loved him too, but she waited for the time the King arranged the royal wedding.
As the love of his life walks into the main hall, he goes back to grab his book which has seemed not to be where he dropped it. This was a strange occurrence, and he didn’t know what he did with it. Jungkook began frantically searching behind the bushes until someone pushed him over to the other side of the bush. “looking for this your majesty?” A tall male with a dark demeanour approached from behind him holding the Folklore book. Jungkook was angered by the utter disrespect he experienced and tried to grab this disrespectful man. “uh uh, it’s not very royal of you to grab a commoner like this is it?” he scoffed. As Jungkook blinked, the man vanished – where did he go – Jungkook was confused. He brushed himself off and sighed as he attempted to go back into the castle but he was tackled with super speed by this man. Everything turned black. He awakens, his neck and head in pain and his stomach growling in hunger. He thought he was pushed over and hurt his head and neck, only having a minor concussion on his head.
He thought nothing of it, the man must’ve attacked you since the King wasn’t favoured by a lot of people, so the prince was leverage to get back at him. He gulped, trying to cure his dry throat and entered back into the palace. The girl was sat at the dinner table along with his father and the girl’s assistant. She was a part of a rich family so her status was compatible with him. “Son where have you been? Why do you look so…. Pale?” The inspects him as Jungkook’s breathing became heavier. “Son are you unwell? Servants, take him to his quarters!” his father demanded. The girl’s assistant looked at Jungkook concerned, she knew what was wrong and little did the King know, she was a descendant of the most powerful of witches concealed as a commoner that would assist the wealthy family’s prized possession – their daughter- since she was the only half witch, wealthy child in the town. The daughter was also a part of the same bloodline, they were cousins of course although the daughter’s mother married a rich man, who was a powerless human being making her less powerful. As Jungkook was escorted to his slumber quarters he lay there in cold sweat.
“Your Majesty, would I have your permission to see your son to just examine his condition?” the assistant pleaded. The King agrees to the offer; “oh yes, please feel free, please tell me what’s wrong with him!” the King sounded concerned. She nods as she runs up the stairs holding her dress and stand outside his door. “May I come in?” she knocks with respect and manner. There was no reply or response so there was no choice but to open the door on her own, so she twisted the door handle and gulped. She gasped in absolute horror to see Jungkook drenched in the blood of his servants with the tall, broad shouldered man next to him. “well done my little fledgling, your first taste of human blood,” he smirked before going towards the witch. “Why are you here?” he asks the witch. “ Seokjin I could ask you the same! Why did you turn the PRINCE out of all people!” her voice was angry and infuriated. “just a bit of fun my magic potion,” he strokes her shoulder, or attempts to before he hisses. “hmm ouch extra witchy protection…” he scoffs “ well Prince Jungkook’s going to need one of your fancy sunlight protecting rings like your great-great grandmother made me, see you later.” He sits at the edge of the window before shifting into a crow and vanishing into the nothingness of the forest. What could she tell the King? She didn’t want him to become exiled or even worse, executed!
That’s what your aunt used to tell you. The tales of the vampires and the numerous supernatural creatures that roamed the town you lived in and how the castle that sat on the mountain was a chamber of secrets that no one dared to discover. It was said that anyone who even attempted to enter would either disappear or have vivid night terrors – it was deemed to be so haunted. “That sounds so cool!” your voice sounded vivacious “now I wanna go and see for myself!” but your aunt gave you a disapproving look. “I don’t think that would be the most ideal thing to do, don’t even dare!” she raised her voice, moving her hair out of her face as she began to gather the utensils from the side of the sink to dry them up and put them away. Your great grandmother gave you a family heirloom that was a blue crystal locket which was filled with a flower and another gem like stone which had a carved white rose on the surface. Your before she passed away, she told you to take care of it and to never lose it. You didn’t know why but you kept her word and wore it all the time. “so what happened to the prince after? Did the king ever find out?” You ask. “Your grandmother would know this, It’s just a story anyway but I think this is what happened,” she begins and continues the captivating tale of Prince Jungkook.
Shortly after the maids encounter with Seokjin, she turned around and heard rattling at the door but before she count meet whoever was outside, she failed to keep it closed and his lover ended up finding him in this condition; the fear in her eyes flooding her mind and showing on her face. Little did she know vampires fed off fear since adrenaline was what made blood sweeter and more available. He charged at her before the witch warded him off with the poisoned Vervain scalding his face making him whimper like a puppy. “you-”his lovers voice cracked, ““BEAST! FIEND! Stay away from me-” his lover screamed in terror. The witch shut the door on him and put her necklace with other magic and herbs on the handle of the door so he couldn’t open it. Jungkook’s lover ran down the stairs, stumbling and tripping but not caring, not giving a second though as to where she is running to. “where are you going!” the King tried to stop. “Your son- t-the Prince,” her words stumbled upon each other, “VAMPIRE” she yelled before running out of the palace, Jungkook watching the love of his life leaving him forever.
“what happened next? This is getting too good to stop here Aunt,” you lean on your hands at the island counter as she cooks dinner. “Hm, from what I can remember she told me that he had to be exiled probably executed too”
The Prince spent weeks in his room not being able to leave until the King brought in priests and organised a ceremony for everyone to attend although by everyone, he meant just the supernaturals. He didn’t like what he was going to do to his son, but he had to do as much as he could to keep his people safe even if that meant to kill his own son. During that ceremony, which was held at a local church, he trapped all the vampires inside and transported Jungkook to the building. He was chained like an animal and thrown into the building like he meant nothing. The supernaturals congregated outside the venue which was an ancient church that was built by the commoners many years prior to 1864. The doors opened to rows of concreate seats facing to the front of the church, wooden supports holding up the ceiling above the immortals and the alter standing at the front empty for a little while. Everyone was seated, the immortals though that them and the mortal King had a civil relationship- they were wrong. The ceremony started and Seokjin sat at the back and watched Jungkook sitting on the backrow, starved. “awh seems like someone was held hostage,” he snickers before getting his composure back. “Just a joke but you know what’s happening right?” Seokjins eyes widen excitedly, “this is a mass execution, he’s blowing the church up… bOOM!” He laughed hysterically “I know this only because this church had been rebuilt before because the same happened to me,” He sits beside you. “what! Blown up?” Jungkook asks, “yeah but it’s fine, I just wanna keep you by my side,” he smirks before searching for an escape route and little did the King know, Seokjin has been around for many years and knew the underground tunnel systems, so behind the alter was the entrance to the underground tunnels. There was a short pause before starting since the King forgot his ‘speech’ and had to go and find it in his carriage however that was when it was all going to happen. And it did.
“So did Prince Jungkook survive?” you question at the cliffhanger. “No one knows but legend has it that his spirit still lingers in the castle and the church and on top of that you can hear his angelic voice down every hallway,” you felt shivers down your spine. You wanted to see it for yourself; was it true the castle was still functioning as normal like people said. Your brother opens the front door and walks in beaten and bruised. “Namjoon! What happened?” the tone in your voice your voice sounded startled! It had been months since he got into a fight and it was usually over something stupid but this time something felt strange. “what happened? Answer me!” your aunt raise her voice.  Even if he was 20 he still needed some discipline since you both lost your parents at a young age. “fight, what else?” he throws his shows aside near the door and runs up the stairs slamming his bedroom door. Your aunt sighs’ “you two are making me feel old!” you get up from your seat and help her with the table, “but you’re very pretty though so don’t you worry.” Your mind lingered about the forbidden area of the town, where the new bell towered church sat, on the boarder of the road to the castle and the main town.
It was a new semester and you entered the school with confidence as your two best friends waited at the entrance for you. After the long summer, you, Jimin and Yoongi were finally united as a trio again and caught up on your summer away. “so, where did you go?” Jimin asked as he fixed the raven brooch on his jacket. “Oh, I just went to the countryside to see my grandmother and she told me all sorts of weird stories about our family, not going to lie they didn’t sound real, but her great grandmother was a witch!” the fascination in your voice being clear and present. “so that would mean you’re a witch, through descent!” Yoongi wonders, “but witches aren’t real?” you shake your head. “No, Yoongi, apparently according to her we also have psychics in our family so I could be either there’s a possibility!” you sounded crazy to them but you brushed it off because you know what you were told. Maybe it wasn’t real, your grandmother is old and stories can change over time. They’re stories after all. “maybe you’re right Yoongi, maybe it is just stories,” you continue walking with them. Despite being a new semester, it didn’t feel different at all. You wondered around to your class and placed your bag on the floor, your necklace falling out of your bag made another student turn their head. “Hey, you,” the person called out and you turned your head pointing to yourself. “me?” you tilt your head. “yeah, where did you get this collector’s item from?” He sounded so fascinated by it, “oh sorry for just taking it off you, I just love collector items especially when they have close historical links with the town!” he smiles “I’m Taehyung by the way!” he hands the necklace back to you and you held it back in your hands and wore it around your neck again to not lose it. For your films class you were put into pairs to produce a short film of any genre. There wasn’t anyone you really knew in the class although everyone has some acquaintances in the class so you glance over at Taehyung who twiddles his pen, leaning on his palm. It seems like he was waiting for someone to pair up with him. “you must me joking,” you mutter to yourself before you take your stuff and seat yourself next to him. “about time, I thought you’d move sooner to be fair,” he smiled at you, the curl on his forehead sitting peacefully before he blows it away from his face. “what you staring at? My curls,” he messes with you. “whatever, we need to plan our film, what are you into?” you ask him and he ponders with a pout, “I like documentary, what about you?” so you think. “I mean I don’t really mind, documentary is easy but maybe a short film would be so cool especially with the whole spooky history, what do you think?” Taehyung nods. “I supposed that’s a good idea too, we could combine them if we tried hard enough and I don’t know what kind of worker you are.” He rolls his eyes and then flashes a playful smile. God how cocky. He seemed like a nice guy so you let it be and tried to write up a plan for your class. Although once the bell went, you thought he’d leave – like every other project buddy you had – but he asked if you were doing anything after school. “oh, umm no I’m probably going to do some homework or start reading up for other classes, why?” he smiles softly, “oh I was wondering if you wanted to do anything interesting, only if you want!” You paused and stopped walking. “depends what it is?” you hoped it wasn’t something weird. “wanna go exploring?” the bells in your head started to ring. Did he just say exploring, as in discovering new things. “exploring what…” you drag on “oh come on, the forest! No one has been there in years god knows what we could find!” His voice was ecstatic. You didn’t want to be impulsive; “hmm I’ll let you know,” you shrug before you turn to go to the cafeteria, “wait! Heres’ my number if you’re interested” you take the piece of paper that seemed crumpled up and thank him, waving him goodbye. You see Jimin at his locker; “Hey!” you made him jump and he groaned, “oi, don’t do that that scared me, where’s yoongi?” he asks looking around. “I don’t know, I haven’t seen him since class?” but as you said that, he walks around the corner. “I see you made an impression on Taehyung,” he nods at you, “how did you know?” your eyes widened. “He’s going around telling false tales about him being a part of the hunter bloodline and how he found a witch or something, so I assumed he was talking about you” Yoongi whistled before heading to the cafeteria. You were confused, how did he even know that. “must be one compulsive liar,” Jimin snickers before punching Yoongi. “Possibly” he shrugs but it made you think how Yoongi didn’t believe you about the witch thing so there could be an element of truth. You were curious.
Home was where you felt safe yet so limited. A wooden box with a silver latch sat at your window ledge, entreating you to open it and discover what was inside. It was gifted by none other than your great-grandmother; and you glanced at it, your fingers twitching to unclip the lock. You ignore it, trying to dedicate your focus to your trigonometry homework however you felt an energy calling you. You tutted and groaned at your focus being dismantled by your frantic thoughts; you dropped you pen and slammed your book shut, walking over to the window where the box sit.
“this box should be kept near the window to ward off any supernatural energy to keep you safe.”
Your grandmother said weird and wacky things however you went along with it. You wanted to open the box and you went against your grandmother’s rules and sat at your window ledge but before opening the box, you realised that there were lights on at the vampire castle. Your jaw dropped and your eyes widened in joy – were you imagining things – you rubbed your eyed however they weren’t a figment of your imagination. It was real. You wanted to yell at your aunt to let her know but she already thought you were crazy so you left it and opened the box. It was an amethyst necklace with a silver spiral trapping the get and a purple and white flower inside and along with the necklace was a letter written a long time ago, it was concealed with a wax seal and carefully placed inside of the box. Your curiosity was intensified by the castle and you thought to yourself for a bit. Didn’t Taehyung want to go exploring? Maybe now would be a good idea but no, you wanted to see for yourself on your own. “hey, can I come in?” your Aunt asks knocking on the door so you leaped onto your bed and grabbed a textbook. “yes, you can!” you said slightly breathless. “I have some snacks for you, eat up,” she says before looking at your window wide open, “so what’s this then?” she sets some warm soup on your desk. “oh, it was just getting a bit stuffy” your nervously chuckle. She narrows her eyes, “alright, eat up alright, I’m going to watching a show, if you need me in downstairs.” She lets you know before shutting your door. You couldn’t let the soup go cold so you eye it for a moment before sighing and sitting at your desk, both hands cupping the curve of the bowl and, you guessed it, downed it in one go. You wiped your mouth fast and think of a route out and looking outside of your bedroom didn’t seem like a far jump down. You grabbed your phone and your jacket and tried to sneak out. It was a success. You sighed in relief and walked down the back streets, hood up, to the forest.
Dancing in the dark.
Stumbling through the leaves and decaying animals, you managed to enter the mystical forest you dreamed of going into you. The air was different, it stung to breathe in but perhaps that was the cold weather who knows. You hear a crunch of a twig snapping in half which startled you, your head whipped around to see nothing but the leaves swaying in the icy breeze. Inhale. Exhale. You went on your way further. The darkness made it difficult to see anything, you squint your eyes to check your surroundings. Are there still these supernatural creatures living or were they all killed off? The buzzing in your mind catches you off guard and you strip on a piece of concrete and reach out to grab the leafy floor although it was another concrete brick like textured object. Frantically, you search for your phone and press the flash button to see a staircase. A gasp leaves your mouth and you stand yourself up. The towering structure, two turrets and one fragmented turret loomed over you dauntingly. “that must be where he was held..” you whisper to yourself. A flash occurred from the corner of your eye and you were shaken by the suddenness of it. It seemed like a candlelight was blown out from the middle room of the castle but you weren’t too certain. You were hesitant to go inside but you took a deep breathe and you did. How bold of you. The doors were tall, around 7 feet tall with two ring handles, which seemed to be made out of a type of metal. The colour was faded and rusty. Your fingers brushed over it but the heavy, wooden doors gracefully opened welcomingly. The relinquished palace had a strong aura, an aura of life. You peer through the doors to see the interior cold and untouched. The mess of the table, an earring to gleaming in the moonlight next to your feet. You pick it up. This must be Prince Jungkook’s lover’s earring. You begin to explore this castle, the unbelievable history was at your finger tips right now. You look up to the stained glass windows that looked to the full moon, your necklace was shining bright… brighter than usual. Your curiosity took you to the broken turret room, the bed soaked in blood from that specific evening, the box let wide open with crystals and stone. “That must be from my grandmother,” you pick up the crystals, “holy water and herbs, what a great pair.” A voice spoke from behind your startling you. You turned around but no one was there; was it his voice still echoing in this room, does his spirit still roam?
“no, don’t be stupid, spirits can’t scream,” He chuckles. Why did he sound a lot like Taehyung? “Taehyung?” you stutter, “oh! It worked, wow I’m so happy,” Jungkook chuckles, “years of practice what can I say, the Kim’s were easy to mirror.”
You couldn’t believe it, it really was him in real life but you froze from fear and shock. “frightened now are we?” his eyes were glowing an fiery red, “go ahead, run like they all did,” he smirks before giving you way. You drop the crystals and you clutch to your necklace but as you bolt to the front door, stumbling down the stairs, he was already there waiting for you. “hm I’ve gotten quite good at this haven’t I My Love,” he smirks before you felt a pang of fear in your heart. You tripped over the concrete stairs again and you get back up again, running to the main town. Little did you know, you lost your necklace making you a lot more vulnerable than you think.
You climb onto the bins and try to pry your window open again and sneak back in. The lights were off so you had to be quiet. “my necklace!” you gasp at the realisation you lost it.
Your nightmares were vivid, like your were being attacked by him since you didn’t feel safe without your necklace. You didn’t know what it did but it kept you safe.
The necklace helps keep you safe from compulsion. Compulsion from a vampire is dangerous especially when they know you’re a witch, they can almost ask you for anything and use you for their own benefit. The necklace should always be worn, never taken off. The ring a vampire wears is keeps them from scorching in the sunlight, so they are among us – Witches society 1800’s
“Whatever, I’ll go back and find it,” you shake your head and open your eyes during the early hours of the morning. Two glowing orbs moved from your window and you rubbed your eyes and turned away. Your heart beat hard, like it was going to beat out of your chest.
You felt uneasy the next day at school but you went on as you would do. “have you seen Taehyung today?” Jimin asks pointing at him standing against his locker with your necklace in his hands. Anger flooded through your blood stream, why does HE have it? “Taehyung! Why did you take my necklace again?” you seemed to have forgotten what happened the night before. “what? I found this at the ca-“ he stopped himself, “hm, I see.. apologies here take it back,” he hands to you with a glint of mischief in his eyes, “only if you promise to help me find him.” You gasped at the absurd deal but you wanted to find him too, you wanted to know more. “fine..” you sigh and he smirks, “perfect…”
Why did you forget about what happened last night? Was it because you were under some sort of compulsion; the orbs? It must’ve been him. “Did you know your ancestors were from the line of the most powerful witches?” Taehyung whispers to you in film class. “yes, I did, how do you even know that?” You reply dryly. “Well your ancestors were of great help to us hunters,” he leans back in his chair, “although some of you were in love with the Prince and his family,” he scoffs. What did he mean by that? “huh? Elaborate please?” you ask him, pausing your written plan and turning to him. “My ancestors left letters, diaries and capsules for us and there was a division amongst the witches; some of you lot protected the prince and others wanted him dead so all the vervain plants in this town and perhaps all over the world were cursed as a repellent for compulsion, some other magic stuff was involved but I’m a hunter,” he starts off, “So the Lady of Prince Jungkook had a close link with the witches to protect her lover but unfortunately he turned and her assistant began to protect him since he did a lot for their family, no one knows of what happened to the Lady but legend has it that she was turned by something else I don’t really know and-“ you interrupt him, “you know awfully a lot don’t know hm…” you began to get suspicious of him but the crest on his jacket seemed believable enough. “maybe we should hang out after classes to actually talk about our history” his lips curl and he looks back at the teacher at the front of the room.
Later that afternoon; you and Taehyung sit face to face, opposing each other at a local café. “so, you are from the witches who kept these vampires safe and I’m obviously a hunter,”  you taps his fingers on the table, “you’re not a hunter you’re a descendant don’t get too cocky Tae,” you rolls your eyes. “Have you done magic?” he asks you, “well obviously not?” you take your cup and sip aggressively at his stupid remarks trying to drown it out. “I see, but you know what that necklace does right?” he points at your neck as the stone hung down. You shake your head. “stop compulsion and it’s also a poison to vampires,” he nods. “is it now…” you sounded unfazed. His hand touched your hand and you felt a strange sensation. Your body went into shock and a bright light flashed at your eyes and you were able to see something, like a movie but you were actually there. You saw yourself running away but your were inside of the castle, the lights were bright and you felt fear. You saw people with stakes and fire, as well as bows and arrows shooting at the turrets. It was the day the prince turned. Why were you running away? He lets his hand off you. “how was that? Did you know you could do that?” he smugly smiles. You felt your chest pang with pain and you felt breathless. “what the fuck was that?” you kick him under the table. “you just saw your past life, that’s all…”
So was Jungkook’s lover a witch too? Were you her? You couldn’t be. “I think we should go back to the castle, I want to check something,” you say, “now we’re talking little Witch,” he pats your head. “don’t fucking call me that, “you push his hand away, “disgusting.”
“Hey Aunt, I’m going to a friends house to stay over is that okay?” you ask her politely. “Of course! You can call me whenever you need to okay.” She smiles and waves. This was your chance to collect items from the castle. You met Taehyung at the taped trees where it said ‘no trespassing’ yet you and him crawled underneath and wondered deep inside the forest. “Wow, what if we just kissed here,” he nudged you. “I’ll tell you now, I have zero interest in you Hunter boy, shut up and start looking,” you sounded a tad bit aggressive but you had to show your place. You arrived at the entrance again although no lights in sight. The door was opened from the night before so you walked in, holding your necklace for protection; “I want to go to the study room,” you point and Tae nods. The study room was extravagant the walls opaqued with leather spined books. Your fingers brushed over them until one of them caught your eye. It was a book on Folklore but wedged between it was a thick envelope. You pulled it out, the wax seal opened and a fire damaged letter amongst others. They were love letters exchanged between him and his lover and one of them which he seemed to have opened when he was in the church. He managed to save it. You pull out a photograph too of his lover and you look at it closely, inspecting every detail until realising how much she looked like you. “doppelgänger?” you gasp before Taehyung wonders in finding something. “Hey, has there always been running electricity here?” he asks you. “it’s a really old castle so there shouldn’t be,?” you reply to him, shoving the letters in your bag. Taehyung switches a light on and back off. “you shouldn’t be snooping around my office…” Jungkook sits at his desk, legs up his eyes glinting a fire red. “You know, it’s been a while since I tasted any human blood in years, no one seems to give me any company…” You see a black shadow move to the light switch out the door and back to the seat in under a second. “oh yes and um.. you guys are trapped in here,” he smiles playfully. “now, what should we play? Spin the bottle and the first human it lands on I drain you? Sounds fair right?”
“we didn’t mean any harm, I was just curious what was in here because-” you were interrupted, “I know you didn’t mean any harm witch, I mean him,” his eyes began to burn a bright red, his fangs appearing as he smiled, his eyes dark. “nono, I’m not like them I’m just a highschool kid!” Jungkook nods at him pleading. “you know, the more scared you are the sweeter your blood tastes,” he charges at him and you squeal. “STOP!” Jungkook stops, his fangs and eyes turning back to normal. There was something about you that you didn’t know about yet Jungkook did. “Seems like you missed out on you history classes,” he chuckles before he gazed into Taehyung’s eyes and whispers something. “So, why did you want to snoop into my castle? Steal from me?” he scoffs as Taehyung moves to stand next to you. The necklace was dangling out of your bag and he carefully pulled it out and Jungkook smiled as he did so. “Leave from here..” His eyes glow a yellow this time and there as a feeling within you that you had to leave. Taehyung dropped the necklace to the floor and you had an urge to run away from this castle. Adrenaline began to seep into your system as Jungkook whispers “boo,” you bolted out the door which flung open. The rapid steps you too through the leaves was frantic and desperate to leave. His sly tricks; he used Taehyung’s weak body to compel you. You were vulnerable now.
Weeks went by and you had a memory which you couldn’t remember, a void in your mind, pure emptiness. You move your bag to the floor to empty a seat next to you in your history class but Taehyung wasn’t in today. Although someone else was. He looked familiar and like you knew him but you thought nothing of it. “hey, long time no see?” his lips curl into a smile and pushes his dark hair back. What? But when you blinked he was gone again. You were seeing things and you thought you were genuinely delusional to the point a doctor’s appointment sounded good. “yo guys?” you asked Jimin and Yoongi as you guys sat in the basketball court that lunch break. “Was a new student admitted today or am I going crazy?” You think carefully. “no new students today, you my friend need to lay off the caffeine and start sleeping, you’re up at like 3am every single day?” Jimin sighs, “SLEEP WILL YOU!” Your friends thought you were going a little crazy but you took their advice. You were feeling fatigued and low when you arrived home and your aunt was sitting on the couch with someone. “hey! Your friend came over to return this saying you lost it at school,” it was the necklace you thought you had. What, how? “hey there! Thought I’d come visit you to return this,” he smiles and his eyes glint the amber tone. Fuck. Jungkook compelled you to forget that day you and Taehyung went to the castle, he was playing mind games all day. So he was in school but only in your mind or had some power where he couldn’t be seen? “I was asking your aunt if we could hang out more often since you keep avoiding me these days,” his tongue rests on his fang before retracting them when your aunt faces him. “what a nice boy,” your aunt smiles, “of course you guys can hang out I’m more than happy to allow that, in fact now would be great since I have an interview to go to” she gets up in a hurry and grabs her bag. “where?” you ask her. “The café and bar down the road from here?” your aunt looks at you suspiciously. “Oh okay,” you say nervously before you and Jungkook were left in your house alone together.
“You’re not a very smart witch now are you, a little bit clumsy hm,” he hums, he stands up and moves closer to you. “since I have been invited in, no salt or garlic will ward me off..” he smiles mischievously, “your family gave me permission to enter, a little careless to be quite frank with you,” he rolls his eyes and smirks. “what do you want…” your voice shakes but you feel frozen. “What do you think? New blood…” with his power of speed, pushing your by your shoulders to the wall, his eyes sharp. “don’t mess this up for me okay, don’t do it again…” you felt a surge of emotions and visions moving through your mind, you could feel pain and resent , the feeling of betrayal and devastation, your neck burning on your left side before he let go of you. “You just saw everything didn’t you?” His voice profound. “I-” you gulp “what if I did? I don’t have control over it!” you pant after using that energy. “no one has done that for years, I guess you are useful after all even if you are the dumbest witch I’ve ever seen…” he scoffed. “well I guess I’ll go but I’ll see you when I need you to find her, bye dumb witch” he waves as he just walks out of the front door with no care in the world, like he’s a normal human. “I’M NOT A DUMB WITCH!” you screamed internally before slamming the door. It seemed like he was searching for his lover but why would she be alive now.. unless someone turned her?
A few months went by with no contact from Jungkook until your phone pinged in class this one day during class from a random number.
“look outside the window, meet me outside now.”
What the hell? You did what the text asked you to do and you see Jungkook in a jacket that you recognise. It was a leather jacket embellished with large silver button on the front, isn’t that yoongi’s. “yes witch it is yoongi’s but I didn’t kill him, hurry up,” he could hear your thoughts. You ignore him and moments later the fire alarm goes off. He was like a little demon causing trouble in your life!
You manage to go outside to evacuate, and he pulls you aside and used his powers to move away from the site. “Can you see into the past using this?” it was the letters and the photo you took but he got them back somehow. You didn’t want to admit to stealing them. “I don’t know how to use my powers,” you mutter “what… you don’t what…” he stands towering over you, “just try, I don’t know manifest it or whatever you do?”
He was clueless yet desperate to get answers about his beloved. “I have to read up on this I really don’t know much,” you panic before he holds you hands between his, the letters and photos sandwiched between you palms. He was the closest thing to her and it worked, his energy worked.
You saw a night sky, the stars scattered across the sky like precious jewels it’s luminescent light beaming down with a full moon perched just above one of the towers. His beloved stood at the castle doors after Jungkook’s father’s death, the empty halls echoing Jungkook’s shrieks of pain. It was empty, or so she thought. But you felt a sensation, it was harsh and painful like something piercing through skin. It was Seokjin. “every single one of my prey are stupid,” he tuts before draining her and leaving her lifeless corpse to someone else. There was a crowd of people, hunter supposedly; “Stop, isn’t this the woman that was supposed to marry the prince?” One of them gasped. “yes sir, it was but is she dead?” another queries. “Seems so Hunter… do you think Jungkook is still alive?” the leader tuts. “I don’t think so, the fire seemed difficult to escape from…”
But during that time Jungkook left for Europe, to be safe, to join the European vampire population for a while before returning a few hundred years later.
Jungkook’s pale skin became paler with anticipation. “so… what did you see?” he asks, eyes full of hope. “she died… a long, long time ago..” you gulp pulling your hands away before running the opposite direction. Jungkook catches up. “Oi witch,” he chuckles nervously, “you better be joking,” his voice trembles and slowly turns into anger. “Who killed her, tell me, tell me how she died witch or I will kill you for being so useless!” he raises his voice. “I don’t know! He had pale skin and dark hair, broad shoulders and he was a vampire too!” you yelp. Jungkook steps back. “seokjin attacked my Princess… knowing I was waiting for her…” Jungkook’s voice became sorrowful, his heart shattering into a million pieces there and then. “I searched for her for years and what’s the point now..” his fiery eyes shoot at you. “what can you do to fix this, to bring her back, you can do it right?”
“I-I don’t know how, please don’t hurt me,” you cover yourself with your arms. “I wont hurt you.. you did the best you could and I cant be angry at you, I’m sorry”
You could feel his pain, his heart tightening and not releasing at the though of the love of his life being gone. “is there anything I can do to help you?” you ask hoping there was something you could help with. “you could stake me?” His voice was lifeless and monotonous. “I don’t think I want to Jungkook, if it makes you feel better I have always been interested in you and your history, my great grandmother told us about how everything was like back in her times and-” Jungkook interrupted you; “who was your great grandmother what did she do?” You felt a connection now, there was something he unlocked. You explained to him how your great grandmother was a part of the powerful witches in her time and how his lover was close with her. Although that’s when it hit you that that was her story she was telling and you unlocked a new timeline. “you are no way the descendant of-“ he paused, “let me process this, so I am talking to a close relative, well distant but you know of the woman I was meant to marry.. it makes so much sense why you looked like her I followed you around every where thinking it was her but I have been proven wrong and I’m sorry…”
he followed me? It all made sense.. the glowing orbs outside the window, the strange noises you’d hear every night, the vivid nightmares.
“oh, that’s fine,” you didn’t know what more to say but you felt bad for him. Jimin texted you and said that everyone was sent home because there was a gas leak in the school. “ah great, we’ve been sent home because of a gas leak,” you sigh, “well, I guess I’ll be going sorry for not being much help.” You say before turning around and making your way to the street. Jungkook grabs your arm. “wait, I’ve been so lonely and constantly on the run,” he begins, “it would be nice to have a friend that’s close to home,” he smiles. He genuinely smiled at you; “me? Didn’t you call me dumb?” you tut, “okay maybe I did and maybe you are but hey there’s no harm in some teasing hm?” he eases on his grip. “well, okay I suppose but where Taehyung?” you ask him suspicious of his intentions. “Oh, I told him to stay away from you since I knew how his ancestors were like, not nice people I’ll tell you,” You nod you head, interested in what he had to say. Maybe this would change things around, make your boring life a little more interesting.
Weeks went by and you didn’t hear from Jungkook which was of surprise to you since HE was the one pleading you almost to be friends. It was around 1am and you sat at your window watching the moon and the stars as the breeze brushes against your legs. You sigh, what a mad world you lived in? People think you’re crazy but the crazy people think you’re fascinating. Funny. You noticed little trinkets and strange objects being wedged or put outside your window. First it was some sort of herb then it was a gold chain with a rose that opened to store powders to other herbal substances in. “Nice moon right?” Jungkook smiles making you yelp nearly tumbling out of the window. “How are you in my ro-“ his finger rests on your lips and hushes you. “Shifting, finally mastered it, wanna go out for a bit and talk?” he asks and flashes a mischievous smile. “1am? Are you crazy?” You gasp. “you’re asking a vampire who eats people if they’re crazy…” you look at him and blink. “I don’t eat people only those who deserve it,” his cheeks puff up as he smiles. “okay fine lemme just ge-“ before you could finish any sentence he grabbed you around your waist and you both were somehow on the ground. “You need to stop doing that, I have motion sickness,” you breathe. “maybe you should collect some leaves for that then,” Jungkook sarcastically remarks and you groan at his incompetency to communicate without insulting you. “please, stop insulting me,” you roll your eyes. “but… you’re a bit of a idiot though… you couldn’t even figure out how to use your necklaces and utilise your herbs what if I killed you huh?” he shoved you as you walked through the empty town. “then I DIE? Oh wait you wouldn’t know that because you’re IMMORTAL!” you scoff, “bet you don’t even know how death feels like,” you cross your arms.
Jungkook laughs at you getting angry at what he says. He’s been around long enough to figure out how to tease. He looks around to see if anything was open. “there’s that diner place open,” Jungkook points. “please stop reading my thoughts, it’s weird and creepy!” You mumble and he chuckles. “Scared I’ll see something I shouldn’t?” he nudges you gently before opening the door to let you in first.
“Jungkook, long time no see,” the owner smiles with such delight as she goes to hug him. You were confused and downright shocked to see such close interaction. “this is the owner, I don’t think you met her, she’s very sweet almost like my mother,” Jungkook’s arm drapes around her shoulder. “how long have you known him for?” You ask knowing for a fact that Jungkook is a few hundred years old. “He came in a couple years ago drenched in the rain, he seemed so exhausted,”
I wonder why…
“ohh okay, fair enough, just so you know I’m not his girlfriend or anything,” you tut before sitting down. “I love the steaks here, they’re so .. tender,” Jungkook teases. “please don’t put me off-“ you raise your hand gesturing ‘stop’. He sat back and let the waitress do her job. You sat there with food in front of you and Jungkook gesturing for you to eat, “promise you wont kill me will you, I’ve had enough of the tension of you trying to kill me,” Jungkook’s eyes widen. “oh no no you got the wrong idea, I want to befriend you not k-“ he whispers, “kill you?”
“right so what DO you want,” you chew as you speak. “friendship dumb witch what else? Just a companion until you die or something,”
Great, just another person to use you again.
“mmh okay,” your unsure, monotonous voice echoes in his ears.
Since the night at the diner you had a bittersweet relationship with Jungkook and ever since that day, he began to wait outside you school to see you and hang out with you or sometimes turn up at your house. He was suspicious to you but you went with it to do your own investigating.
“Why are you here?” your harsh tone a little too harsh for Jungkook’s liking. He gazed at you and then your aunt; “hey is your niece allowed to come to mine since we have a project to study for?” he shouts out to her and she turns around elated. “oh of course anytime! Thank you for asking for permission, I’m not good at this parenting stuff,” he scratches the back of her head. “what do you think you’re doing?” your intonation increases. “a favour trust me,” he winks at you and then smiles at your aunt. “come on then, we better be going since it’s super important!”
You were confused and unsure how to react. What did he want from you that needed you to be away from the town – it was incredibly suspicious. You and Jungkook walked down the main street towards a small gap behind some buildings. “what- where are you taking me?” Your stutter and Jungkook sighs, noticeably annoyed at you for being so uncooperative. “maybe it’s easier if I just do this-“ he groans as he swipes you of your feet and all you felt was a huge gust of wind in your face. Your face, unconsciously, buried itself into Jungkook’s chest as you gripped onto his arm for safety. He needs to not use his speed on you without notice, motion sickness is not fun. After meandering through the trees and trampling over dead leaves he arrives to the destination. “if I put you down you will throw up on my stairs and I do not want that witch,” he grins as he saw your face embarrassed since he read your thoughts. “also it is not weird you buried you head into my chest, quite frankly, I enjoyed that,” he chuckles as you slap his chest defensively, “don’t make fun of me!”
He seats you down on a chair, embellished in gold and a burgundy velvet, the arms a solid wood. All the chairs were like this, the royal aura still remained. “everything is fully functioning because over the years I adapted and I fixed things here and there, the only thing not working right now is the dismantled turret,” he laughs thinking this ‘joke’ was funny. You let out a nervous laugh. You weren’t going to lie to yourself but your heart acted strangely when he showed his true self to you. “you were interested in discovering more about the castle so why not give you a tour!” as he began he gently took your hand considering you were feeling a little sick from the sudden, rapid movement. Your heart did it again, stop.
Jungkook started off with the dining and study area going into depth about how his father would do his work there and how he would sometimes fall asleep. Jungkook spent most his time in this study when he read books and learnt more about the world around him and. The grand staircase; he helped you up the stairs, hand in hand and showed you the east side and the west side. There was a locked door in one of the walls which caught your eye. “What’s this?” you ask Jungkook, “ well that used to be the execution dungeon and since my father died I never opened it once,” he continues to walk up as you nod your head affirmatively. “Finally this is my bedroom, since my one was well… destroyed,” you gulp. You look around; the brown and beige colour scheme was very modern although the lights were still chandeliers. The walls were all painted a hazelnut tone but there was gold embellishing on the side skirting.  There was a combination of modern and historical aspects, it was fascinating. You felt an odd connection to the castle but you never understood why and thought nothing of it yet again. “my love looked exactly like you,” he sat down solemn on his bed and pats the space beside him for you to sit next to him. “I remember she used to pick those lavenders in the lavender fields with her maid over there,” he points out of the window where there was a windmill but the land was replaced by plain dirt. “she loved blossoming flowers, Gypsophila, she loved those,” he trailed off as he looks at a broke stem on his bed side table. “I though he’d turn her, he promised he would for me?” you stopped him there. “wait who is this ‘he’ you’re taking about?” you ask engrossed in his own history. “Seokjin, member of one of the first ever vampires, he turned me for no reason other than boredom,” he groans in annoyance, “why me?”
“does he not visit now and then or is he just travelling all the time?” you ask. “of course, he’s living his life, committing crimes, getting the women he loves and left a hopeless, family-less prince alone for years, he lied to me,” his voice cracked. “Hey, don’t worry it must’ve been hard for you to be alone all these years and fend for yourself! That’s just cruel,” your hand settles on his shoulder and he falls to your lap. “now, you’re the only friend I have and who doesn’t think I’m insane…” he begins “but the downside is you look like her and I don’t know what to feel?”
You needed answers. Everything he said made sense although you needed to find out more and your grandmother’s friends were the place to go… at some point.
As you sat at a table in the cafeteria with Jimin and Yoongi you scroll through your messages from your aunt since you searched for any contacts your grandmother left behind. There was one person who you knew quite well though you needed some time to visit her. “what are you doing, you’ve been so distant from us we don’t hang out anymore?” Yoongi confronts your odd behaviours, “yeah you have and it feels like you don’t want to hang out because we saw-“ Yoongi eyes Jimin to be quiet. What was being said about you? “what? Saw what?” you ask looking at them both, “the dude that waits for you outside like everyday, you never said you got into a relationship?” Jimin crossed his arms. “look, that isn’t my boyfriend for starters, he just needs some help with finding someone who was close to me,” you lie a bit, “he’s just someone who knows my family and I’m helping him until he leaves, don’t get mad at me for it,” you pleaded. They both look at each other and nod; “fine, I’m assuming you’re busy today too?” Yoongi sips at his drink. You nod. “as I thought, alright no problem we’ll organise something some other time,”
Phew. You were off the hook. After school that day, you went home to pack a bag with some necessary items like your portable charger, some snacks, your purse, a hair tie and just an extra set of clothes if you got stuck somewhere. “hey Aunt, I’m going to visit grandmother’s friend, is that okay?” you ask her ad she stares as your bag. “how long for sweetie?” she points, “oh not too long, I just have stuff in there for emergencies since buses don’t go there often,” you nod. “hmm okay, fine keep messaging me and updated! Be safe,” She waves. You open the door and Jungkook stands there, a new phone in his hand. “got an upgrade!” he smiles “wait, where are you off to?” he asks as he follows you to the bus stations. “no where, just go home,” you mutter. “no tell me or I’ll read your mind!” he threatens -playfully of course- , and you stop walking. “just leave me alone this once and let me find something out alone without you constantly invading my privacy! Get a grip vampire!” your tone was harsh and frustrated. “there was no need for that but apologies witch, I’ll leave you, farewell.” His smile faded and his playful face vanished. He turned around and walked away without turning back and eventually disappeared into the dark nothingness.
You tried to brush it off but to think that’s how his past lover might’ve acted towards him made you feel guilty. The bus was empty, as dead as night, only a few travellers boarding to visit people or for other reasons that no one knows about. The engine growled as the driver sighed as he waited for all the passengers to board. You situated yourself on the left, three rows from the back placing your bag next to you so no one sat with you. The bus jolted and began to move out of the bay it was parked in; the journey began. The stars covered the bleak sky and your head rested on the cold glass of the bus. Your phone flashes blue; “hope your journey is safe!” it was Jimin sending you a text message. Your grandmother’s friend’s house was around 2 hours away so the journey was a long one indeed and the last stop was directly near her home. During the trip you drifted off and the dream you had felt like a message. You saw fire, blazing flames and hear shrieks and screams but from your point of view, you were running far far away. You saw a carriage and a white horse which you climbed into and you began to go somewhere, like it was an escape. The area was a rural area, with flower fields and a windmill – one of which you recognised- although there is where you dream stopped and the bus driver was standing next to your seat. “Sorry ma’am but this is the last stop, are you getting off here?” he asks you a little concerned. “oh yeah that’s fine, this is the stop I needed anyway!” you frantically grab your bags and run off the bus. There was barely any lights except for one house which was visibly your grandmothers friends home. You remember the windmill behind her home and the large flower field that stretched out for miles. You knock on the door and it immediately opens. “I was expecting you darling,” she smiles as she lets you in to get warm and comfortable.
“I know what you’re here, I’ve been feeling a strange energy for a couple months, something supernatural?” she utters, “am I right that you’ve encountered supernatural energy?” she asks straightforwardly. “how did you even know” you ask her your mouth semi gaping open. “your grandmother left me a few things and one of them was a necklace connected to you,” she smiles as she shows her wrist with the stone with your initial on it. “ like voodoo?” your eyes widen. “no silly, it’s to keep you protected,” she smiles setting down an herbal tea in front of you. You sip it and it tasted bitter; “sweet isn’t it?” the woman asks, “you can call me your grandmother by the way.” You look at her strangely. “is the tea supposed to be sweet because it’s too bitter?” the ‘grandmother’ shakes her head, “you’ve been interacting with this supernatural energy, have you been put under compulsion,” she asks concerned. “well that’s why I’m here, I met the Vampire Prince and he said that I look like his past love or something and that there’s a strong connection with me and his past so I came here for you to look at my past life?” you explain to her briefly. “past life? Connection to THE vampire prince? I haven’t heard of him in years I thought he was killed that’s what my great grandmother told your grandmother before she passed?” she thought carefully, “okay what did you want to know? Your past life?” she asks again, and you nod your head sure and certain that’s what you wanted to do.
You sat in the armchair and she began to speak to you until you suddenly went into a dream like state. From then you had no idea what was happening in the real world.
Your past life was blessed with riches and wealth. You were in your early 20’s and had a good life til then. You had a cousin who was by your side all the time and you spent most of your time together in the lavender fields and at banquets with your past life father’s family. There was a lot of gold and white, lace and silk. You wrote long hand written letters and sealed them, storing them in a brown tea stained envelope with a rosemary tied to it with a small length of tweed string. From the riches and wealth it declined after you ran away from a castle, your pearl earring falling from your ear. You also tried to run away but were stopped by another entity and that’s when you passed away.
So it did make sense. You were a perfect reincarnated version of the vampire prince’s first love. It made sense how you were a witch too, it made sense how your parents were murdered. It was the hunters trying to cleanse the town of all witches since they sided with the vampires. You opened your eyes from your hypnosis and felt your cheeks wet. “don’t worry, now you have your answer use it wisely,” she says as she goes to the kitchen. Maybe seeing Jungkook next might be the next best idea. Although tonight you had to stay here since it was already late enough and your grandmother’s friends let you stay for the night.
Jungkook sat on his bed looking at the stem on his bedside table. He sighed wishing he could bring her back but what use was there if she grew a bitterness to him because of him being a vampire. The new version of her was so much more open minded and considerate. She was different but also the same but all that mattered is that he felt accepted by you. Perhaps the Prince was falling in love again and wouldn’t that be predictable if he felt accepted. “it could’ve been this way if you weren’t so afraid and trusted me…” he whispered to himself, a tear trailing down his cheek. He was certain he was falling for you, he could feel a change after all these years. Finally he felt the burden raise from his shoulders and he felt like he can move on with someone new. Change has come.
Your route home was early the next morning. The bus arrived at 8am so you needed to take that bus home so you could at least attend you afternoon classes. The bus was fuller, and you had to sit next to someone. You gave them an awkward smile and sat down although they didn’t acknowledge you at all and ignored you. 2 hours felts too long but you dealt with it. Fast forward to when you arrived, you went home to grab your books to go attend classes. You felt some ease knowing your past and your connections it also seems like Taehyung transferred elsewhere after the threats he got from Jungkook. You seat yourself in your class and Jimin hands you over the notes taken for another class, you mouth ‘thank you’ as you take them off him. “how was your trip?” Jimin asked. “it was okay, actually it was great!” you smiled. Something seemed to have changed since to left for a day.
When your afternoon classes ended, you walked out with Yoongi and Jimin waving them goodbye since they had other plans for the evening. You see Jungkook leaning against the fence waiting for you and waved at you. He has a glow today and seemed really ecstatic. “hey, are you alrig-“ before you could even finish your sentence he pulled you into a hug. “I feel great,” he smiles, “wanna grab a coffee? It’s on me,” he smiles, his bunny like teeth showing. It was truly endearing. You nod your head, “of course!” the change of behaviour making you feel something in your stomach. Butterflies? Possibly, yes.
You sit at a table in a rustic looking coffee house and Jungkook goes to order two coffees, one being a caramel macchiato with extra caramel drizzle and a black coffee with an extra espresso shot. “ you seem so happy today? Whats up,” you ask him drinking your black coffee. He smiles shyly, you’ve never seen this side of him before; “I guess I’ve moved on after all these years,” he sips his sweet drink, “I found someone else,” Oh someone else… “is she pretty do I know her?” you pretend to act dumb. “yes, yes you are.” He looks at your, eyes full of love. It made sense, his past lover was bitter towards him and the universe let him start again with you. “me?” you point at yourself, “don’t be stupid why wo-“ he interrupts, “because you accepted me, no one else did and if they did it was the work of compulsion.” He gulped. “I mean it would be wrong for a vampire and a witch to be together any way right?” He chuckled nervously. “I don’t think so…” you began to let your suppressed feelings seep through. “it’s not a crime is it, to love someone who makes you feel the way you do?” you begin to mumble nervous that the words spewing out of your mouth made sense. “are you telling me Little Witch that you shared the same feelings,” his cockiness took over again. “oh my god you ruined the moment with your cockiness!” you swing  your head back in frustration, “yes yes I do, is that clear enough?”
Despite you being passive aggressive, he found it charming. After your lowkey coffee date, you both walked along the stream that was near the town with beautiful greenery. His hand nervously tried to slip into yours as you walked but he freaked out every time. “what’s wrong, the herbs getting to you?” you tease. “huh what, what herbs are you trying to poison me!” he pretends being over dramatic. “The herbs behind those mushrooms there,” you point and go to collect them into your little metal tin box. “don’t worry I’ll wash my hands in the stream so you can hold it, it’s getting pretty heavy for me,” you cringed at your pick up line but Jungkook appreciated it. “with your advice, I borrowed a book from someone that was passed down for generations so I can practice witchcraft properly!” You tell Jungkook as his hand holds yours. “wow you actually took my advice,” he becomes shy. “this isn’t like you, you’re usually so confident and cocky,” you laugh before he smiles and uses his speed to push you up against a tree as he looks at you with eyes full or adoration. “is this more like me now?” his fingers brushing down the side of your cheeks and tucking your hair behind your ear. He admired every inch of your face and you stared back at him in awe. Without anything being said he had his first kiss with you after all these years waiting for the other version of you. The kiss only lasted a couple seconds since it was a peck and he moved back and lovingly gazed into your eyes for a little bit before your hands cupped his jaw and brought it closer to your lips for something a little more meaningful than a peck. Although midway through the kiss, drops of rainfall plunged from the grey clouds looming above you. “ugh,” Jungkook groaned before he swiped you up again, “hang on tight,” he smiled sweetly before speeding to his home sheltering you from the rain. “are you feeling okay because I know last time you weren’t feeling the best.” He asked you. “yes I’m fine,” you brush yourself down from where the rain did catch you.
Months passed and your relationship with him grew. You were both at your happiest until Seokjin came to visit one day. “I see you found another one,” he scoffs, “what a lousy vampire you are!” he leans against the wall of his castle. “leave her alone, I know what you did to my first love!” Jungkook growls. “or what? Are you going to kill me,” you laughs manically. “being a vampire means being alone and just using people for your own good,” Seokjin was cold, “either you break her heart or I will, your choice” he threatens. “Seokjin, leave, just go I don’t know what you’re on my tail,” Jungkook yells. “you’re a vampire not a wolf idiot, and because you are one of my creations,” he laughs again. “you wouldn’t kill her,” Jungkook states, “you’re right I wouldn’t, but I can kill you and devour your corpse, your choice…”
He leaves again but his words meant nothing to Jungkook. Was there a reason to why he killed his first love and threatened him about Jungkook’s current girlfriend now? There was. A hidden history no one knew about, not even Jungkook. He ignored him and continued his relationship with you inviting you to his castle that day. “hey, what’s wrong?” you ask him, embracing him after the phone call you had. “can you stay with me today?” he asks. “yeah I can but what’s wrong?” Jungkook didn’t reply. He didn’t speak but he arms wrapped around your body and embraced you back. “just be with me, like this for a little while,” little did you know he was battling an actual war with Seokjin but he refused to let anything get between you and him. He would risk his life for you, fight for you. Losing himself would be better than losing you and he lived by that. Beneath the ‘Vampire Prince’ image was just a poor boy who lost everything. You lean back and lift his head up as it was drooping so low. Without any notice, his lips landed carefully onto yours and his arm around your waist pulls you closer although the atmosphere was different. He was scared and desperate. He said nothing but only a small apology left his lips. He was gentle and slow but began to feel desperate for more than a mere kiss. His kisses trail down the side of your lip to your jaw and as much as you trusted him you were a little frightened at his cravings. “don’t-” you panic. He looks at you with pleading eyes, “I promise, I will never hurt you,” his voice cracked. He was deceived and left stranded to be killed by his previous lover, you were his only anchor now. He began to get slightly more passionate that before and using his speed abilities, you found yourself in his bedroom, you still between his arms. You knew he wouldn’t cross the line, he wanted whatever you wanted, and this is where you were most comfortable with. Jungkook proceeded to continue his actions moving closer to his bed and gently laying you down as he situated himself over you. The passion within him was burning like a fire, he was waiting for the day he could care for the love of his life.
Star crossed lovers. The universe tested you and will continue to do so. Was love such a crime? All Jungkook knew was to keep you safe even if it meant risking it all, he didn’t want to be in such excruciating pain ever again. Even if he was happy with you, he was paranoid and scared of all the possibilities that could happen but right now it was just you, him and the history that combined your love together and satisfied you both. Each-others presence was enough and if Seokjin ever took you away from him, let there be war.
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Can you write a drabble about jealous taehyung with lace? Ty 🥺
So... I had to brainstorm with my dear mate abt this one since we never really saw Taehyung as someone who could be openly jealous or would even consider the feeling, since we see him as a confident person, and even more than that, we think that he and Lace are very open about trust and loyalty. We think that both of them would be happy with introducing a third party in the bedroom — not on a regular basis though. Lace is a sucker for Taehyung — and Taehyung alone; he knows it, and he also knows that he has a beautiful girlfriend who is bound to attract people’s attention and make them believe that they can flirt with her. Still, Lace gives the cold shoulder to anyone but her man.
We found out a potential loophole.
Pairing: Kim Taehyung x reader (nicknamed Lace)
Wordcount: 1.5k (sorry, I got carried away)
Genre: angst/smut/fluff
Rating: 18+
TRIGGER WARNINGS: uhm, there are dirty thoughts in the middle (mild) and smut at the end (mention of oral male receiving, female receiving, rough penetration, biting). Possessive!Tae. Takes place a few weeks after Love Talk and mentions a few events in Illicit Affairs (which should — hopefully — come out soon).
As you walked down the long corridor of the small gallery, Taehyung tried not to notice — or better, not to care about — the young artist waiting by the door, walking several steps behind you.
Taehyung’s hand twitched before he shoved it in his pocket. He wanted to touch you.
Having that... that vulture staring at you... It made his stomach sour.
Maybe it was because this was your first date after having you all to himself, after knowing how you taste and how you moan, how your breasts flush when you’re about to cum, how good it feels to grip your hips while you ride him, to feel his fingers sink in the flesh of your ass.
He took his hands out of his pockets and joined them behind his back, cracking his knuckles and rolling his shoulders in an attempt to calm down.
You stopped in front of a picture, observing it for a moment. It was a hyper-realistic painting of a watermelon sculpted into a cube, placed there in the middle of the white canvas. It was truly the game of a virtuoso.
“Impressive.” You said, before turning toward the man about a metre or two away. “How long did it take?” You asked nicely, still impressed by the amount of details: the seeds, the small veins, the grainy texture of the watermelon.
“About three months.” He replied. “I had started it as a still life, but I changed my mind and redid it with a more... Surrealistic approach.” He explained.
Taehyung raised an eyebrow, trying to keep his annoyance at bait, licking his lip before biting it. “Good job.” He said, trying to be grateful even though he wanted to rip the man’s eyes away from his skull.
The only thing holding him back was that he didn’t know how you would react to that. And if you would ever love his fingers as much after seeing him perform such a crude act.
You smiled at the artist and took a few steps to the next painting, this time a basket of cherries — only barely visible from behind a lace curtain. It was alarmingly realistic, truly breathtaking in the amount of precision poured into every small thread making the see-through effect. “Wow.” You commented under your breath.
Taehyung thought about how different his style was from these pictures. Sure, they were very good and they showed great talent, but that didn’t mean that he would want one in his own house.
“I was in Greece when I made that one.” The artist explained. “Beautiful country. Have you ever been there?” He asked.
You turned, making your light summer gown twirl in the motion, exposing more of your calves and the soft skin of the inner side of the knee as the slit parted, the plump, soft flesh of your thigh still protected by the row of small buttons that ran from your belly button to your knees.
Taehyung thought you were too beautiful for this universe. Nevertheless, as he stared at you and the artist there, right in front of his face, he felt actually menaced, for the first time. Something ugly slithered around his chest, tightening and tightening as your calm, composed voice said: “No, I’ve never been to Greece. I’ve only ever visited Jeju once, and I’ve travelled to Japan a couple times but normally I don’t get the chance to travel much.” You explained, blushing.
He would take you all around the world, Taehyung thought. He would spend Christmas with you in the Alps and make love to you in Amsterdam for your birthday, and of course, he would take you to Greece, feed you grapes and cherries and damn watermelon too. He would have you in white, light clothes and take pictures of you standing by the sea, your bright, flowy skirts contrasting with the deep blue of the sea — like the one he saw in Malta. He would rent a small house away from anyone and watch you sunbathe naked, with no one interrupting him as he drew you again, and again and again, until his hand could draw you with his eyes closed. He would leave the windows always open, the long white curtains flowing in the breeze as he would wake up from his afternoon nap and wrap his naked body around yours, kissing you and rubbing against you until you were nothing but two bodies melting into each other, like an embrace could naturally slide into passionate lovemaking. He couldn’t even think about nights. Nights were something he was too weak to think about.
Lost in his musings, he didn’t even realise your visit had come to an end, the gallery empty just like it had been when you had arrived, booked for a private visit for Taehyung and you alone, for safety and viewing pleasure.
“Thank you for visiting,” the artist said, bowing to Taehyung.
“Thank you for guiding us,” Taehyung replied. “I’ll let you know if I find any of the pictures fit.”
“Of course.” The artist said, kindly.
Taehyung nodded and was ready to leave the moment he heard the artist speak again. “Excuse me, miss, I’d like to ask... I’ve been working on portraits for my new collection, and I would be extremely pleased if you would pose for me.” He said. “I don’t usually... I usually book professional models but I thought someone with your looks could be really interesting to portray.” He explained. “I can leave you... Uhm.” He rummaged in his pocket and offered you a small piece of paper. His business card. Stealing a pen from the entry table, he wrote something on it. “I’d be honoured.” He commented, offering you the card.
You raised your eyebrows and smiled. “Thank you. I can already tell you I don’t think I’ll accept.” You looked at the floor. “I don’t have much spare time and I’m a bit too uncomfortable when people stare at me.” You chuckled embarrassedly. “Plus, I don’t think my boyfriend would be very happy with it.” You said, giving him a hint.
Taehyung was furious, still he kept all his inner turmoil to himself. Until you reached the car. The moment you sat at his side on the passenger’s seat, he started the car and began driving silently.
“Are you upset?” You asked, looking at him, keeping all the enthusiasm about the exhibition to yourself. You were more than capable to divide the artist from the person behind it. He was talented, maybe a bit sleazy as a person — and a bit too flirty — but still, talented. Plus, Taehyung hadn’t made it clear that he was with you as your boyfriend.
Taehyung tutted. “No.” He replied.
“Did he make you uncomfortable?” You could feel his mood poison the air in the car like dark waves of black oil covering the surface of the sea. It reminded you of a scene from Howl’s Moving Castle, when the young, beautiful wizard gets depressed and all his house starts getting covered in green slime.
“I’m okay.”
Catching his free hand, you placed it on your thigh pulling it toward the inner side.
He couldn’t resist, his thumb immediately drawing slow, lazy circles on the smooth, tender skin.
You noticed him taking the route to his apartment. “Aren’t we going out for dinner?”
“Mh.” He noted, counting the minutes until he could claim you all to himself.
“Do I need to un-book?” You asked with a mischievous grin.
He looked at you, his mouth forming a slow, insecure smile before he nodded in reply.
The rest of the night is a fuzzy memory of his mouth hungry and his hands grabby on the lift on your way up to his apartment, the shape of him hard in your palm as you entered the door, your attempt at offering him a blowjob, already lowering yourself to one knee before he pulled you up.
“That’s generous of you but I need inside.” He growled as he walked the both of you to his bedroom.
You didn’t even remember anything of him undressing you, it was all a whirlwind of limbs until you found yourself with your legs spread open and his mouth on your clit, his fingers stretching you before he stood on his knees and grabbed a condom.
You remembered his groan as he slid inside, your walls welcoming him with their tight embrace. “Dammit Lace, love this pussy.” He spoke through gritted teeth, your hands landing on his butt and pulling him toward you, inside you, harder, faster. “That’s my pussy.” He said, ramming in. “All mine.” He said, slowing down only to get the right angle. “My girlfriend.” He said, biting your breast, and giving the most precise jabs to your g-spot, suckling your tit, tugging at it, stretching it with his mouth before letting it fall back heavy to your chest. “My nymph. All mine. Mine.” He said again, your body too tense for speaking. Your high reached you as his fingers started toying with your bundle of nerves, rubbing it furiously until both you and him were nothing but two desperate beasts fucking each other.
“I love you.” He said, as soon as he was back to planet Earth, his body heavy on top of yours, his cheek glued to your chest with a mix of drool and sweat. “Love you, my precious dove.” He said again, rubbing the outside of your leg. “My love.” He repeated as you patted his head and reassured him yourself.
“Only yours.”
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itsamejin · 4 years
it’s you || part 1 || taehyung angst/fluff || hanahaki au
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Part 2
Summary: You’d rather live with thorns endlessly scratching the back of your throat than be devoid of the light that Taehyung brought into your life. Even if your love for him was slowly killing you, you didn’t mind as long as you could keep the warmth of his presence until the very end.
Warning: Mentions of throwing up, coughing up blood, death, some slight violence
Genre: Fluff, Angst, hanahaki!au, college!au, fuckboy!tae
Premise: Hanahaki Disease comes in different forms in this universe. The disease would eventually disappear if your love wasn’t that strong to begin with, but if you truly, deeply love someone, your flowers will rip at your throat. Throwing up flowers wasn’t a rare occurrence and for most people it disappeared after a few days. If Hanahaki persists, surgery is recommended, but it would severely dull the positive emotions of the person under surgery. Due to this, some choose to die with their unrequited love. 
Commission Request: @guksflavor
Word Count: 8,313 words
Taehyung was obnoxiously handsome, too handsome to be a normal guy majoring in Psychology at one’s local university. Often mistaken for a celebrity, frequently breaking girl’s hearts, Taehyung was known as the campus “flower boy”. 
It was never meant as a term of endearment. In fact, it offended Taehyung deeply when people would whisper about his private life as if he was incapable of hearing the slight jabs to his character. The nickname came from the notorious fact that Taehyung would cause several people to spit out flower petals from his mere presence alone.
It was the common case of “love at first sight”, a kind that never lasted very long after getting to know him. 
Of course, throwing up petals was the first sign of the feared Hanahaki Disease, but it was never that serious when it came to Taehyung. The flowers would stop after a day or two and the girls who convinced themselves that Taehyung would be their future husband soon realized that their feelings never reached below the surface. 
Their love was shallow, for no one really loved Taehyung outside of his good looks and he didn’t really mind. 
Why should he when he hasn’t fallen in love either?
That’s why he was thankful for you and the rest of his close friends who scoffed at his blatant attempts at flirting. He was grateful for you helping him study or telling creepy girls off when they got a little too close to him at parties. He liked that you rejected his advances and that you cared deeply for him despite his tendency to annoy you. He appreciated having a friend that just... wanted to be a friend.
So why were you in the campus restroom stall, for the fifth time that week, spilling your guts out into the toilet? Why were you grasping at the wall, holding onto it for dear life, as you stared at a striking bundle of yellow flowers coated in toilet water? Why did you cry at the sight of beautiful and fully bloomed daffodils?
You swallowed back the incoming wave of discomfort but it kept coming. All because you couldn’t help but have your heart flutter when he put a hand on your shoulder. Your mind swam in thoughts of him and you weren’t quite sure if you could go on like this. If you could continue to want someone when it only brought you pain.
Why were you in love with Kim Taehyung when that was the last thing he wanted from you?
“Want to see something cool?” Taehyung asked, sprawled on your living room floor next to you. It was one of those lazy days you had with him, the kind that was only meant to be enjoyed by friends.
Taehyung gave you a dirty look but sat up anyways.
“I’ve been working on my flexibility lately,” he chided. “I can touch my toes for 30 seconds now.”
You closed your eyes and gave him a fake smile.
“Good for you,” you sighed. Sometimes Taehyung had too much energy that you couldn’t match up with. You liked to humor him on days like this when he got extra pouty.
“So you’re not even gonna look?” he said, feigning sadness. 
You rolled your eyes behind closed eyes and sat up to face him. You regret opening your eyes because his face was far too close to yours. You would have given him a flower shower right when your eyes locked.
“What was that?” he chuckled. “You looked like you saw a ghost or something. Am I that scary to look at?”
He squeezed your cheeks with both hands and you attempted to pull away from him, only to have him squeeze harder.
“Yes, you’re hideous,” you said through broke sentences. “A beast. You look like a half-eaten mango.”
Taehyung burst out in laughter and let go as he let himself collapse back on the floor. He was that confident in his looks to not mind your snide comments.
“That’s rich coming from you,” he cackled.
You glared at him and hit his stomach with your fist, earning a big ‘oof’ from the oversized child in front of you.
“Say one more word and I will never set you up on that date with my friend,” you threatened, hurt that you had to mention another girl for Taehyung to quit his laughing.
“I’m sorry my queen,” he said dramatically, pretending to kneel at your feet. “I have wronged you.”
You scoffed at his antics and pinched his ear as he wailed for you to stop.
“This is what you get for being stupid,” you said through his cries for help. You lifted his head up to your face and was met with a dazzling grin. Why did he have to smile like that towards you? Why did he lead you on in the most innocent way possible?
“You love when I’m stupid though,” he teased, attempting to tickle your sides.
‘I love you even when you’re not stupid,’ you yearned to say out loud, but the words never escaped your lips.
As the days passed it was getting harder and harder to speak. The thorns of some of the flowers made permanent etch marks in the back of your throat. You could muster yourself to sound normal on most days, but just earlier you had thrown up a dozen roses at a small social gathering and the embarrassment and pain had become unbearable. 
You wished there was an easy explanation for your pain, but any time you tried to voice your thoughts out loud, you felt suffocated.
Your friends had noticed pretty early on that you had Hanahaki, but like everyone else, they thought it would disappear just as quickly as it came. Taehyung probably would have noticed if it weren’t for him being so desensitized to the disease that he never even bat an eye when you’d excuse yourself from the bathroom every time you two hung out.
He was the naive type, the one that needed to have it spelled out to him when an explanation was due. Maybe that’s why your heart would hurt so much at the thought of telling him about your condition. It would probably break him if he knew.
“[Y/N], at this point in time it’s imperative that you get surgery,” your doctor said sternly, twisting around in his chair. “It’s not safe to continue on without treatment.”
When the three month grace period passed, it was strongly recommended for you to get the surgery before your vocal cords were damaged beyond repair. 
If you continued to suffer from Hanahaki, death would be awaiting any moment.
“I know,” you said softly. “I’m willing to take that risk.” 
You had your reasons for not wanting surgery. It’s not like you wanted to die, but getting the procedure came with its consequences. Emotions would not come easily and there would be an absence of love in your life... not just for the person you have feelings for, but for everyone around you. So here you were, six months in and losing your voice more and more as the days went by. You were aware of what awaited you next.
You would know. Your mom went through the same procedure.
“You’re very young,” your doctor started, sighing at your stubbornness. “I know that this is a difficult situation, but getting this surgery will save your life. I can’t force you to change your mind, but I want you to weigh your options.”
You nodded at him but tuned out his words as to not be convinced. You couldn’t bear to see Taehyung as just another face, no longer finding the meaning behind his smile, no longer seeing the beauty in his movements. You would rather die a painful death than let go of the love you had developed for a man who didn’t feel the same for you.
“I’ll let you know if I decide differently,” you replied with a whisper. He looked at you with a tinge of disappointment.
“I can’t prescribe a higher dosage of painkillers,” your doctor said solemnly. “Any more and that would be killing you just as much.”
You looked down onto your knees and felt tears stream down your face. Whatever you choose to do, it would end with you in heartbreak anyways. You figured this was the least painful option.
Taehyung was always the type to mess around and flirt without thinking. You could count time and time again of him getting kicked out of bars or clubs from talking to other guy’s girlfriends and leaving Jungkook and you to clean up the mess. 
The intense gaze his eyes would hold when he’d see someone he found attractive, the way he’d confidently saunter towards them without feeling nervous. You admired Taehyung because he was someone you could never be. So himself, so unafraid of what the world would think of him.
You took a shot of whiskey and swallowed harshly. Your throat was burning from the petals that had invaded it earlier in the day, but you needed to drown out your feelings of sorrow somehow. Taehyung had managed to sneak back into the club, now making his way onto the crowded dance floor looking for his next target.
“You feeling okay?” Jungkook asked, patting your back as you coughed a bit at the taste. Jungkook was your mutual best friend with Taehyung, the defining person that made you the Three Musketeers. He was your rock when times were tough.
“I feel like shit,” you sighed deeply, watching as Taehyung grabbed an unassuming girl by the hand and blew her a kiss. “It’s like the flowers get bigger each day.”
Jungkook knew about your disease. In fact, he was the number one supporter of you getting that life-changing surgery that would impair your emotions for Taehyung permanently. He wanted you to live more than anything, even if it meant costing you a semblance of your happiness.
“Why don’t you just confess to him?” Jungkook asked bitterly. “I mean it couldn’t hurt, right? You’re basically preparing to die at this point.”
You scoffed at his straightforwardness. He was obviously upset with your decision to refuse the surgery and he was showing it to you in a very Jungkook way by making petty comments in a shady club. 
He’d never gotten Hanahaki so he would never understand, you thought.
“If I told Tae, wouldn’t you think he’d hate me?” you asked genuinely, tilting your head up at Jungkook. He stared down at you and you could tell he was holding back... because you knew the right answer to the question was yes.  He’d have the same reaction as any other womanizer who couldn’t keep a relationship to save his life.
Taehyung would hate you if you loved him. 
“He’ll probably ignore you for a bit, but that’s him being stupid,” Jungkook sighed, patting you on the head to comfort you a bit. “I mean, he’d probably try and force himself into falling in love with you if you told him about your... situation.”
You pursed your lips. You could see Taehyung do exactly just that. That was his classic way of ghosting the girls he messed around with, but Taehyung would never commit to those same tactics with you. He considered you like family and he’d probably blame himself until the end of time if he were to find out.
“See what I mean?” you avoided eye contact with Jungkook as you felt your eyes tear up a bit. “It would be all fake. He’d hate me and then pretend to love me and then I’d die either way. It would hurt a hell of a lot more if I let that happen.”
Jungkook furrowed his brows and glared at you.
“There’s always the possibility that he does fall in love with you, y’know?”
You shook your head and fiddled with your fingers.
“Taehyung doesn’t fall in love,” you muttered softly. 
The two of you stayed silent, aware that the words you uttered were true. Even as he danced with beautiful women around him, you couldn’t help but keep your eyes solely on Taehyung. He would never let himself be so vulnerable as to fall in love with somebody, let alone a close friend like you.
So why did you let him worm into your heart so easily?
Six months ago...
“[Y/N], I’m asking you just this once,” Taehyung begged, puppy eyes activated. “I am begging you to give me her number.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. He always wanted to bother you when you worked your shift at the bookstore. Somehow, Taehyung still didn’t want to make himself useful by helping you put away books.
“Tae, we’re in the same class,” you sighed as you stacked up some magazines on top of each other and pushing a bunch of them into one of the higher shelves. “You could just ask her yourself.”
He whined and gave you that infamous pout known to make every girl on campus swoon. If it weren’t for your self-control you would have punched him right then and there for trying to act cute with you while at work.
“I can’t be too direct,” he replied with those pouty lips. “The other girl I'm trying to get with in that class will notice.”
You scrunched your nose. For someone who hated giving people Hanahaki, he couldn’t help but play around with girls as if it were a sport. He was practically an expert in making himself hated amongst his exs.
“You’re gonna regret being such a fuckboy one of these days,” you warned, but taking out your phone to pull up her number anyways. “Mark my words.”
He let out a cheer and hugged you from behind, squeezing you until the oxygen left your body. You tried to push him off of you, but he didn’t budge. It was better to just let him get his clinginess out of the way and then kick him in the shins later.
“I’ll treat you to dinner for this,” he said, grinning as you sent him her number through text message.
“Yeah, yeah,” you sighed. “Please let go of me I feel like I’m about to throw up.”
He laughed and kissed your cheek, a sound that resounded from the store so loudly that it made you wince.
“Love ya,” he smiled, rushing out of the store like a giddy teenage girl. You clenched your fists and touched the area he pecked. Somehow it made you angry at how excited he looked at the thought of another girl. 
What did they have that you didn’t? Did you not exist to him at all?
You clutched onto your stomach as you felt something rumble. You felt an uncomfortable itch in the back of your throat and asked your boss if you could be excused. You tried making it to the bathroom in the back of the bookstore but you stumbled on a pile of books before you could reach your destination. You were on your knees, clutching your stomach as you hurled the contents inside of your stomach onto the wooden floors.
‘I’m so getting fired for this,’ you thought, as you kept your eyes clenched. When you decided to open them, you weren’t met with the soupy substance of the pizza you ate earlier that day, but with an array of pink peonies scattered across the floor. You shook your head out of disbelief. 
No one throws up that many flowers on the first day of contracting Hanahaki. It was always one or two petals and it never came in full blooms of flowers. You had experienced this before with a boy back in middle school and it never turned out so... dangerously beautiful like this.
The sight in front of you was astonishing, the books stacked behind the scattered petals made for a picturesque view. Something about it didn’t sit quite right with you though, as if this signaled your demise.
You whisked through the flowers to see if anything abnormal was found in the flowers and there you saw it. Small specks of blood on the petals.
You realized then that you were screwed.
The club continued to stay lively as Taehyung danced his heart out, simultaneously avoiding the bouncers that made their rounds around the club. He couldn’t risk getting kicked out again. 
While you enjoyed seeing how much fun he was having, it made you sick to your stomach at how up close and personal he was with other girls. It made your blood boil at how easily it was for Taehyung to be so enamored with someone he could meet just five seconds ago, but feel nothing for you when you’d been friends for much longer. You held onto Jungkook’s arm to keep you steady as you felt another vomit session come up. You were starting to get dizzy and it wasn’t from the alcohol.
“You look like you’re about to faint any second now,” Jungkook said, worry etched all over his face. “Do you need me to take you home?”
You just laughed softly and grabbed onto the table in front of you instead of Jungkook. You weren’t leaving tonight knowing that Taehyung was still having the time of his life in front of you, even if it hurt to even stand. You just needed to take your mind off of him, that’s all.
“Jungkook, if you just randomly got amnesia one day and forgot everyone around you, how would you feel?” you asked him, pouring another round of whiskey into your glass to ease the headache.
“What does this have to do with you fainting?” he grumbled, stealing your shot and gulping it down for yourself. You scoffed at his blatant attempt to keep you from drinking.
“Just answer the question,” you said, now eyeing a girl Taehyung had his body pressed against. She looked about ready to pounce on him any second.
“I don’t know, I’d probably feel like shit,” he shrugged, motioning for you to pour him another drink. You obliged.
“Well that’s how getting that fucking surgery would feel like,” you said rather aggressively as now the girl was taking Taehyung to the back of the club, where the restroom stalls were. You felt the familiar feeling of choking occur but you muscled through it.
“You’re overreacting,” Jungkook said, rolling his eyes. He didn’t drink the shot yet and instead handed it to you. He noticed Taehyung getting dragged to the restroom too and felt like you needed it, even if your hands were shaking as you grabbed it from his hands. You clenched your fist as you swallowed the cold liquid. It had flushed down the flowers temporarily.
“Not overreacting. I’ve seen it first-hand myself,” you said.
He looked at you, surprise written all over his face, but didn’t press any further. That’s why you appreciated Jungkook so much. He never overstepped his boundaries, unlike Taehyung who practically invaded your personal space each time you saw him. The two were so different from each other and you were so different from them. You wondered how the three of you even became friends.
“I don’t want to turn out like an empty shell for the rest of my life,” you continued, still holding the empty shot glass to your lips. “I’d rather die doing everything I wanted to rather than live a meaningless life.”
He glanced at you, slightly impressed by how stubborn you truly were. Nothing would get to you and no amount of pleading would make you change your mind. You weren’t going to get that surgery.
“So are you gonna make like a bucket list or what?” he asked, taking the whiskey and chugging it straight from the bottle. You looked at him in disgust as he detached himself from the liquor. It seems like both of you were drinking to forget.
“I should, shouldn’t I?” you smiled, finally setting the glass down as you saw Taehyung exit the bathroom looking disgusted. “Might as well since I’m gonna die anyway.”
You two laughed at the morbidity of it all. It wasn’t a funny situation to be in, but you had to make the most of it. Would this be the last time you go clubbing with Jungkook and Taehyung? Would your life end before it even really started?
“That girl puked hydrangeas on my fucking shoes,” Taehyung yelled, rushing to the two of you. “We gotta leave, I am not having her follow me around after this.”
Jungkook and you scoffed at his silliness. This was better, you thought. The atmosphere between Jungkook and you earlier was so grim. Typical Taehyung brightening up the mood wherever he went.
Even as the feeling of thorns pricked against your throat, you couldn’t shake off the smile that was on your face. For Taehyung had made you happy and you couldn’t imagine not feeling any emotion other than love as he looked at you with such sincerity.
You couldn’t bear the idea of Taehyung not having an effect on you.
“Please, Jungkook,” Taehyung cried, shaking him back and forth as all three of you stood in the university hallways waiting for the lecture hall to open. “Just give me the notes, I’ll give them back I promise.”
Jungkook clicked his tongue and tried to pull his backpack away from Taehyung who was furiously trying to make a grab at it.
“Fuck off dude, you should’ve studied when you had the chance,” Jungkook sighed, searching for some assistance from you. “It’s not my fault you got wasted at the club last night.”
Taehyung whined at Jungkook’s reluctance to help him out. It wasn’t his fault he couldn’t cram any information that morning with that stupid hangover of his. Pretty soon, Taehyung was looking at you too, expectations written all over his face. You huffed out an annoyed breath and opened up your own bag.
“Tae, just use my notes,” you shook your head lightly, taking out the composition book tucked near the back of your bag. “Stop bothering Jungkook, he looks ready to start a fight with you any moment now.”
Taehyung’s eyes lit up in a way that made your heart stop, naturally gravitating towards your direction. He looked so pure and innocent in moments like these when he gets something he wants. You couldn’t help but feed off from his positive energy.
You handed him your notebook as he stared at it in awe.
“You are the only person who wants to see me succeed,” Taehyung said dramatically, kissing your notes as if it were the seventh wonder of the world. Jungkook scoffed and smacked Taehyung’s head.
“What are you gonna do without [Y/N] always covering you?” he rolled his eyes. Somehow his words stung a bit. 
You didn’t think Jungkook really knew the weight of his own words, but you were thinking deeply about it. What would Taehyung do without you being there for him all the time?
Taehyung shrugged.
“Doesn’t matter, [Y/N]’s gonna be my guardian angel forever,” he teased and put an arm around you. You clenched your jaw and looked down a the floor. You could not let yourself yack some damn petals in that hallway during exam season.
"Do you not feel sorry for her one bit?” Jungkook scoffed, clearly done with Taehyung’s childish antics.
“Why should I?” Taehyung asked innocently, nuzzling into your hair as he held you tight. Somehow his touch felt suffocating, even though his arm was lightly placed on your shoulders. 
“It’s not like she can live without me either,” he teased, booping your nose. 
Jungkook and you exchanged glances and both simultaneously pulled on his ears.
‘If only he knew,’ you thought to yourselves.
After the quiz that Taehyung most likely failed, he invited Jungkook and you over to his place to eat some ramen. 
“Sorry man, we actually have a life outside of you,” Jungkook said, declining his offer. “I’ve got extra shifts at work to cover anyways.”
You nodded at Jungkook’s excuse and proceeded with your own.
“I have some stuff to catch up on, so I can’t go,” you replied, trying to act nonchalantly. “Maybe next time, Tae?”
He shook his head at you two, feigning sadness.
“Both of you always act cold towards me, I’m starting to feel like this is a one-sided friendship,” he sighed, clenching his heart as if he was shot. It took everything in you to not step on his foot right then. He might not know about your condition, but the comments were unnecessary regardless if you had Hanahaki or not.
Jungkook and you simply stared at him and he awkwardly put his hand down when none of you showed a reaction.
“Fine, go do whatever,” he said, pompously. “I was gonna invite a girl over for dinner anyways.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes. 
“Alright, bro. Have fun or whatever,” he said, trying to shoo Taehyung away. “I’ll walk [Y/N] to her dorm, you just leave.”
Taehyung clicked his tongue at him, but eventually left, leaving you to be with Jungkook alone.
“He’s the worst,” you sighed, and to that Jungkook nodded in agreement.
“You’re still choosing to die for him, though,” Jungkook muttered under his breath. You flinched at his words, saddened by Jungkook’s word choice. If he put it like that then you sounded like a weirdo.  
An awkward silence fell between the two of you. You half-expected Taehyung to come back to you guys and interrupt your conversation to help lighten the mood, but he never came. Jungkook expected you to talk first since you were the one that asked to talk to him anyway, but it was clear his underhanded comment had made you uncomfortable.
“Why did you want to meet up with me anyway?” Jungkook asked, easing the tension just a bit.
You coughed awkwardly and looked up at him with a new sense of determination in your eyes that he hadn’t seen in a while. You seldom looked motivated these days.
“It’s about that bucket list thing you mentioned yesterday,” you started. “I want to do one of the things as soon as possible.”
He furrowed his brows in confusion.
You bit your bottom lip, not quite knowing how to phrase what you were about to say without making Jungkook upset. He’d probably nag at you like he usually does.
“I don’t have a lot of time left, Jungkook,” you said softly. “I just want to do as much as I can before I get stuck in a hospital bed.”
He stared down at you with sorrowful eyes. He wished there was some other way to help you, one that didn’t ultimately end in you dying.
“What do you need?” he asked kindly, surprisingly taking your words pretty well. 
You smiled up at him and pulled out a piece of paper from your bag. Jungkook took it from your hands and was met with small sketches of flowers that you had presumably drawn. He studied the designs carefully, confused. 
“Okay, how the hell am I supposed to know what this means?” he asked you, angling the paper in different ways to see if he was supposed to crack a code or something.
You shook your head in disappointment. You thought he’d get it by now, considering it was in his line of work.
“Tattoos,” you said simply. “I want a whole sleeve of flowers on my right arm and a bunch of small ones on like my thigh-”
“Stop stop stop,” Jungkook said, waving a hand in front of your face to shut you up. “You want a what now?”
You smiled brightly and spoke with more confidence.
“I want tattoos!”
He scoffed and handed back the paper to you.
“Are you only saying this because you’re gonna get discounted at the shop I work at?”
You shook your head rapidly, not amused by his assumptions.
“No, I’ve just always wanted them,” you said seriously. “I was always too scared with the needle but since I’ve got nothing to lose, I thought why not?”
Jungkook poked you with his index finger in the area between your eyebrows.
“You need to stop talking like that [Y/N],” he said seriously. “I hate when you get all negative.”
You smiled sadly at him.
“Give me the tattoos and I’ll stop talking,” you teased, but your words lacked genuine feeling.
Jungkook heaved out a sigh.
“Fine, but don’t come crying to me if you regret it,” he said, turning his back to you so he could make a call to his boss. Turns out he actually would be working that day.
The feeling of Jungkook’s needle on your skin didn’t hurt as much as you nearly thought it would, the pain only coming in dull waves. 
After throwing up flowers consistently for the past few months, nothing could quite match up to the pain of thorns poking at your throat at random times of the day. To you, this was child’s play.
“You’re taking this pretty well for a beginner,” Jungkook complimented, still focusing on the light curves of the forget-me-nots he was etching onto your skin. A whole array of flowers would be drawn on your arm eventually.
“I’m good with my emotions unlike some people,” you said, clearly referencing how agitated Jungkook had been recently. He seemed to lash out every little thing and even made snide comments when he thought no one was listening. Jungkook was definitely taking your situation harder than you were at this point. 
He only smiled at your words, not making any big movements as to not disrupt his work.
“I’m just shocked you’d want the stuff that’s gonna kill you to be on your body forever,” he replied back. Although he spoke too morbidly, he made a fair point.
“Well, the flowers mean more to me than just that,” you started, slightly wincing as Jungkook’s needled started drawing on a new patch of skin. 
Jungkook noticed your discomfort and tried to ease your mind.
“Tell me about that,” he asked, hoping you didn’t feel even more uncomfortable with the question. He anticipated your reply as you coughed awkwardly.
“I’m actually doing this for my mom,” you said softly, avoiding eye contact with him. “She had Hanahaki too and it didn’t turn out well.”
He took a step back to get a good look at your sleeve. He had been working at this tattoo for two hours now and he only seemed to finish just one small section. ‘This would take several sessions of hard work,’ he thought to himself.
“You never talk about your mom,” he pointed out, lightly dabbing the bleeding parts of your skin to avoid infection on your skin.
“My mom got the surgery,” you said slowly, suddenly feeling a sting as the needle hit your skin again. “She found out my dad cheated on her after throwing up flowers for a couple of nights.”
He stopped his movements for a bit, shocked with your revelation. He knew you were hiding something, but he never expected it to be this big. He looked up at you and regretted seeing your sad expression so up close. It seemed you were about ready to cry.
“It literally broke her,” you continued. “She didn’t find joy in anything anymore. Like, she was a completely different person.”
Jungkook stopped his wrists from moving and pulled back a bit. He didn’t know how to comfort you. It was always Taehyug’s forte when it came to emotional stuff. What was he even supposed to say?
“Did you tell her?” Jungkook gulped, his words were shaky. “About not wanting the surgery.”
It was then that you started to break down and it wasn’t from the pain of getting a tattoo. It was the look of complete and utter worry from Jungkook that set you off into a fit of tears. 
“Who is there to tell, Jungkook?” you whispered through the tears. “She’s dead.”
He looked at you in shock, not really registering your words. Obviously, your mother hadn’t died from Hanahaki, she already got the surgery. The reason, he knew, must’ve been much more sinister. He didn’t quite know how to approach you as you hiccuped through your tears. He patted your back in reassurance and repeated time and time again that it was okay, that Taehyung and him would be there for you.
“I’m sorry you had to see me like this,” you mumbled. “I’m a shitty friend.”
He shook his head and was about to reply when an unwelcomed guest came bursting through the tattoo parlor doors.
“Jungkooooook,” you heard a yodel, belonging only to a voice you two could recognize perfectly. 
You made swift movements to wipe away the tears from your face and Jungkook pretended as if he was in deep focus on drawing something on your skin. Taehyung entered Jungkook’s station, unassuming and bright as ever. He held a plastic bag with takeout boxes in his hand, presumably food.
“[Y/N]? You’re here too?” he asked in confusion, eyebrows slightly furrowed. "Getting a tattoo?”
You nodded hesitantly and he gave an even more worrisome look.
“Can someone explain what’s going on?” he asked slowly, trying to decipher what was really happening.
Jungkook coughed awkwardly.
“I think I’m gonna check out the other clients for a second,” he said, standing up and setting down his tools. “I’ll be right back, [Y/N].”
You looked at Jungkook pleadingly to stay, but he shook his head. He did not want to get involved in whatever discussion was about to go. You sighed and brushed the strands of your hair that was getting on your face. You just hoped your red eyes from crying went unnoticed.
“How come you didn’t tell me you were getting a tattoo?” he asked sadly, sitting on the stool Jungkook once occupied. “Is this what you meant when you said you were ‘catching up on things’?” 
You pursed your lips, not quite knowing how to respond.
“It was a personal thing,” you whispered, massaging the back of your neck. You felt the flowers in your stomach once again.
“What, so you told Jungkook and not me?” Taehyung pouted, setting the food he brought on a nearby table. “I texted him if he was at work and he said yeah. I usually surprise him with Thai food. I didn’t think you were gonna be here too so I only bought enough for two.”
You smiled at him. Taehyung was still as considerate as ever.
He took a look at your tattoo, slightly confused with the realistic flower patterns. His fingers ghosted over them as if to make sure they were real.
“Why flowers?” he asked. He never thought of you as a flora type person. He’s probably never seen you hold a flower in his life.
“None of your business,” you scoffed trying to face away from him. You didn’t want him to see your flustered expression and the puffiness of your under-eyes. He pouted at your words and lack of eye contact.
“You’ve been so distant from me lately, [Y/N],” he said in a cutesy voice. “I feel like Jungkook and you have been hanging out with each other more than with me. I’m starting to feel really left out.”
You chuckled. You weren’t mad at him for barging in during your tattoo session, but you were frustrated with his naivety. There you were getting the most feared items on the world tattooed on your skin and he questioned very little of it? How dense was he really?
“We can hang out some other time, alright Tae?” you said, ruffling his hair lightly. “I just want this first session done and over with.”
He grinned up at you and squeezed your hand that was on his head.
“Then let me stay here to be your emotional support,” he teased, taking your hand into his. You nodded with a smile, but an uncomfortable feeling had erupted in your stomach.
“Will you excuse me for a second?” you asked urgently, pain laced in your voice. He nodded worriedly as he watched you rush off into the restroom. ‘You were having a lot of stomachaches lately,’ he thought to himself.
You covered your mouth with your palm as soon as you were out of Taehyung’s sight, making sure not to throw up anything on the tattoo parlor floor. Jungkook saw you escaping from his station and followed you into the unisex bathroom. He rushed over to you as you threw up into the toilet bowl, some excess flower petals hitting the floor instead. Tears welled up in your eyes as the flowers kept coming in several colors, all different sizes. They were all tulips, stained in blood and mucus, a truly disgusting sight to behold. 
Jungkook patted your back gently and tried to ease you through the pain. Your mouth ached as the last petal left your lips and you desperately grabbed onto Jungkook’s thigh as you coughed out blood. Your lips were horribly stained with a deep rouge.
“Water, please,” you pleaded with your strained voice in between coughing fits. 
Jungkook got you the water and while you tried to act like nothing happened when you came back to Taehyung who was playing Candy Crush on his phone, he couldn’t help but notice how raspy your voice had gotten since just a few moments earlier and how tired your eyes looked when you stared at him. 
“Are you sure you wanna keep on going?” Jungkook whispered to you. “We can have another session tomorrow. I think it’s probably best you go home.”
You shook your head.
“I just want to be with him a bit more,” you said softly, glad that the boy of your affection was so deeply engrossed in his mobile game. “I didn’t lose that much blood.
Taehyung, at the corner of his eye, couldn’t help but see a small pink petal on your shoe with tinges of red splattered on it. He saw the way Jungkook would ask you every 30 seconds if you were feeling okay when he was never the type to talk while he tattoed.
He wondered if it was any of his business to ask.
Throughout the next two weeks, Jungkook had finished the various tattoos you  wanted through grueling sessions with Taehyung bothering the two of you in the sidelines. Within those weeks, your health had massively deteriorated as well. The number of flowers you threw up increased by the day and the amount of blood that showed up was worrisome, to say the least. You knew your time was coming up, so it was only fair that you were to complete something you desired most before your eventual demise. 
Go on a proper date with Taehyung. 
Not like the one-on-one hangouts you had with him where you’d throw on whatever. No, you wanted to get dolled up and pretty this time, so you asked him if he wanted to go watch a movie with you and eat dinner after. You knew it wouldn’t change how Taehyung felt about you since he wouldn’t even consider your invitation as a date, but you still wanted to look your best regardless. 
You got ready hours before he intended to come over to pick you up. You lathered on several layers of lipstick, not really knowing what you were expecting to happen anyways. When you finally made your way outside, you were satisfied the starstruck look in Taehyung’s eyes
“Wow you dressed up today,” he chided as he saw you exit your dormitory. “You have someone to impress or what?”
He winked at you and you only scoffed in response. It was obvious that he was staring intently at the new tattoos you had embedded into your skin. It was nice seeing him look at you in a way that you weren’t used to... like he actually found you attractive.
“Please, I look good for myself,” you said confidently. “Can’t say the same for you considering you wore that shirt yesterday.”
He clicked his tongue in your direction.
“Whatever, whatever,” he said, waving his hand in front of him. “I get to have you all to myself today. No Jungkook in sight. I could rub this in his face later.”
You laughed at his silliness. If you wanted to delude yourself, you’d have thought Taehyung was jealous. He was so cute, with his hands stuffed in his pockets as he looked at you with a flushed face. You only had to tolerate the fluttering feeling in your stomach for a few hours or so, how bad could it be? You just needed to endure it until Tehyung left and you were free to throw up all the petals you needed to.
“Let’s go to the movies?” you offered and he smiled, agreeing with your suggestion.
It was nice like this, walking by his side without a care in the world. It made you sad to think that this too would be taken away from you. That you’ll never get to hear him babble about dates gone awry or see how his smile would get wider when he saw his favorite food again. It would all be taken away from you eventually, one way or another. You clenched your fist, attempting to focus on his voice rather than the nausea that had overtaken your body. 
It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair that you had to love him all alone.
“I don’t think I get to tell you enough how much I appreciate you,” Taehyung said, breaking the comfortable silence between you two. “You always look out for me even when you look like you aren’t.”
You smiled at his compliment.
“There’s no need for that,” you replied. “What kind of friend would I be if I just watched you suffer alone?”
You tried to swallow down the hypocrisy that came with your own words. He had no idea that you were lying through your teeth right then and there. You tensed at the sound of Taehyung chuckling at your comment.
“That’s what friends are for after all,” he said in agreement.
It happened almost suddenly. The first cough and then a second and then you couldn’t stop your knees from hitting the concrete of the city sidewalk.
“[Y/N],” Taehyung shouted, kneeling next to you on the crowded street. His voice was distorted among all the other sounds you were hearing. There were bells, whistles, the sound of an incoming storm. You started hyperventilating.
‘Not here, not here. Anywhere else but here,’ you screamed to yourself in your head.
You clenched your stomach and tried to hold back the impending contents that were soon to escape your lips. You shook your head as tears threatened to spill out of your eyes. You didn’t want Taehyung to see you like this.
“[Y/N], tell me what's wrong,” Taehyung pleaded. “I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong!”
You couldn’t help as the tears rolled down your face as the first petal left. And then another. By then, a crowd had formed around you two and someone was in the process of calling an ambulance. You couldn’t stop the bloody white roses that escaped your lips, slashing the inside of your throat as more of them came. All parts of your body ached, but your heart hurt the most. Taehyung’s face was in such distress and you were the reason for it.
You were the reason for his pain just as he was the reason for yours.
The last thing you heard before collapsing in his arms was Taehyung screaming your name, the blood mixed with lipstick on your mouth staining his shirt. He called for help and eventually, they did come. They came but it felt like he had already failed you somehow. Like he could’ve done more to protect you.
As the EMTs hauled you off into the ambulance truck, he took one last glance at the pile of flowers that stained the concrete.
It looked too similar to the flowers drawn near your shoulder.
Taehyung sat near your hospital bed, clenching his hands together and shutting his eyes to even out his breathing. ‘I’m a dumbass for not realizing earlier,’ he thought to himself.
The nurses had filled him in about your condition just a few moments earlier. He found out that you were six months into being diagnosed with Hanahaki and that you had no intention of getting surgery. It hurt his heart to think that you were suffering all alone, carrying the burden of a terminal illness all by yourself. He hated to think that the person you loved had no idea you were in such pain. Taehyung found himself hating the person you longed for, even if he didn’t know who that was.
He took a glance at your resting features.
You looked so pale in the dim hospital lights and the sound of your heart monitor made him apprehensive. You had Hanahaki and you never bothered to tell him? Was this another one of your secrets you were hiding from him lately? He sighed, burying his face into his palms.
"You don’t deserve this [Y/N],” he said solemnly, brushing away some strands of hair from your face. “Anyone would be lucky to have you be in love with them. That person doesn’t know what they’re missing out on.”
Taehyung went through a list of people in his head who could’ve been your possible unrequited love. It couldn’t be Namjoon, the guy that was helping you out all the time at the bookstore. You two barely talked. It wasn't Seokjin from lecture hall either, you said he wasn't your type. Was it Hoseok from the same department? Perhaps was it-?
He webbed his fingers through his hair out of frustration. Who could it possibly be?
Taehyung was disturbed from his thoughts from a slight knocking sound that continued on for a few seconds.
"Come in," he replied back cautiously.
To Taehyung’s surprise, Jungkook opened the door, a bouquet flowers in his hand as he walked through. Taehyung's body tensed at the sight of him. He had put two in two together and now he clenched his fists together, tightening his jaw.
It was him. It had to be him.
"I would've come earlier, but I wanted to get these for her when she wakes up," Jungkook said solemnly and set the flowers down near the hospital nightstand. "How's [Y/N] holding up?"
Taehyung stood up from the seat next to your bed, cracking his neck to the side to release some tension. He came close to Jungkook, glaring at him in a threatening stance. Taehyung grabbed at his collar.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing bring flowers to a patient with Hanahaki?"
Taehyung's voice didn't sound quite like he usually did. There was a growl akin to anger in the way he spoke. Jungkook pushed him off of him, confused as to why Taehyung was picking a fight with you when you were sleeping just a few meters away.
"It's just a nice gesture," Jungkook seethed. "Why are you being so fucking hostile when you didn't even know she had Hanahaki in the first place?"
Taehyung scoffed, shoving Jungkook by the chest.
"You knew?" he squinted his eyes at Jungkook. "You fucking knew and you didn't do anything about it?"
Jungkook took a look at your sleeping form. He was glad you weren't awake to be hearing this because he was ready to do something he'd regret. He didn’t mind getting kicked out of the hospital if it meant putting Taehyung in his place.
"Why should I do anything, huh?" Jungkook sighed. "I’ve been begging her to get the damn surgery. She won't fucking listen to me!"
Taehyung punched him right then. His wrists were bound to bruise by the impact of it all and Jungkook just stared at him in shock, clutching his cheek.
"It's your fault that she's dying," Taehyung started, tears welling up in his eyes. "You should have fucking tried harder to convince her. You could’ve stopped this."
Jungkook charged at him and pushed Taehyung against the wall. It was a miracle you hadn’t woken up from all the noise they were making. There was bound to be complaints from neighboring rooms for the ruckus the two boys were causing.
"Me?" Jungkook gritted his teeth, taking a good hard look at Taehyung. "You’re saying I'm the reason?"
Taehyung scoffed at his face and pushed him off.
"Who else then? Who else is fucking killing [Y/N]?!" Taehyung cried, his voice echoing in the hospital room.
Jungkook took a step back from him until he soon brought his fist back to hit Taehyung square in the jaw. He fell onto the floor and cringed at the pain.
“I know it’s not my business to say anything,” he mumbled, but loud enough for Taehyung to hear him. “And that it’s between [Y/N] and you but I’m really fucking sick and tired of seeing her break down over someone as incompetent and stupid as-”
“Can you just spit it out already, you piece of shit-”
Jungkook threw another punch at Taehyung when he made his way to stand. He had collapsed on the floor again, trying to readjust his jaw. Jungkook’s hand was bleeding at that point, but he didn’t care one bit. Taehyung deserved everything that was coming to him.
“It’s you,” Jungkook seethed. “You’re the reason why she’s fucking dying!”
Taehyung stared up at him in a state of shock as your body had started to wake up into consciousness. The two boys stared at each other, dripping in anger.
“What did you say?”
A/N: Another Taehyung fic up my sleeve! Sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger like that :P The second part will be a lot more intense. Special thanks to @guksflavor for commissioning this and also buying 2 coffees for me, I really appreciate it. It was a whole lot of fun writing this first part and I hope you guys enjoyed it. It’s my first time writing about Hanahaki Disease, so I wanted my interpretation to be slightly unique. I’m so glad I got a request like this from the get-go, since I love these kind of angsty stories. If y’all want to commission for stories or simply donate, my Kofi is linked on my blog. If not, that’s totally fine, I’m thankful for your support either way.
PS. Trash part two comes out at the end of this week, please anticipate it a lot!
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whereflowersbloom · 4 years
Sealed Fate
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The Western horizon was on fire: hot pink turned into mauve, wild orange into gold, the bright colours fading into paleness, then darkness. It was the day they whisper their vows before the gods, both Raven and Damian believed that love was not what stood at the foundation of their pledge, at least not the kind that fate had in store for them. No, that’s what they want to believe, what truly mattered most at this point was peace, peace through political marriage rather than an overwhelming affection. Peace. Damian, the youngest son of King Bruce and the noblest of all of Gotham’s princes, living or dead. As King Bruce was only left with Damian and Richard. Raven, a demigod, sired by Trigon the Terrible and mortal Arella.
The fragile truce between Gotham and Azarath balanced on the tip of a blade, depending on this union of convenience. Kon-El was wearing a scowl that would freeze unquenchable fire from the House of Hades. She could feel Trigon’s dark eyes burning into her face, the harsh, singeing heat of a desert behind it. She wanted to run, but she was also afraid of him giving chase. What was the point anyway. Before coming to Gotham, she knew how to fly, wings spread wide, flying away, her shoulders have borne heavy burdens, heavy burdens of solid stone. Oh she prayed to fly away from them, and roam the freedom of the sky, but her father had cut off both her wings and left her rooted to the ground. There would no longe mountain's peaks with the promise of wondrous views to keep. It all came to an end the day her father told she had been promised to Damian: Prince of Gotham, the great. Gotham the glorious. Gotham the magnificent. She should be honored, but her thoughts and feelings on the matter were inconsequential as the advice of a woman in wartime.
A week later she found herself at her wedding feast. Wearing a silver attire, a veil, a lilies and myrtle garland, and a golden headband. The Brothers and sisters her husband had in plenty, raised to be warriors they fought during war to lose their short lives. Helena and Timotheos had fallen. No body of Jason had been found after the last battle with Crete. She only met her husband her wedding day. He was reserved but polite and not overly perfumed, and when her eyes fell on him she thought of Narcissus. Narcissus, who had been unable to pull away from his own reflection in the pond, enchanted by his own beauty until death claimed him. Although the way her tutor had prattled on and on about Damian’s innumerable virtues, Raven had not expected him to be as radiant as a god. The sun-kissed skin stretched to wrap around muscles built from years of practicing complex military skills, broad shoulders and powerful arms, displaying strength and virility akin to a noble lion, movements of disconcerting grace for one so large. His facial features had a frank and honest quality to them, bright and deep-set eyes, as green as spring leaves with the touch of Persephone, a Greek nose, full lips. He was a God in beauty and stature. Reluctantly, tore her gaze from his beautiful face and focused on her new family. They have been so impeccably polite, specially Richard. ‘Welcome my good sister. We are all so blessed to have you.’ Blessed. Blessed child she had been called once long ago.
Do you feel blessed, my dear sister?” Richard asked, passing a golden wine cup into her hand. His wide smile meant no harm nor his words. As she grew up Raven was left to learn how to smile and laugh prettily at compliments that made her skin crawl, feign the innocence of any maiden her age.
Blinking several times, she looked back at him and smiled weakly. “Of course, brother.”
Richard was all dancing, light and lean seduction, dark myrrh hair and flushed red lips, rosy cheeks and aristocratic arched eyebrows, adorning himself in a blue and gold tunic. Her new brother appeared to be content to sit in the shadow of his younger brother and watch him gleam in all his glory. Cassandra did not speak with her, she was the only calm in the midst of a storm of abrupt adjustment. She tried to pay no heed to the murmurs of gossiping women at the feast, eyes green with envy as she had married the godlike prince. Foreign seductress. Demon spawn.
Bruce and Olivier discussed vehemently about warfare and politics with Kal-El and Kon-El. Diana and Artemis were carrying an excited conversation about traveling and Shiera’s recent journey in Egypt. She caught no sight of Trigon to her relief.
Trigon. Other gods might have roared their pleasure at the skills and intelligence of their offspring, praised their achievements for all to hear whilst filling themselves to the brim with nectar. Not Trigon, who wanted to sire no child but found himself infatuated with Arella, bedding her out of enjoyment.
If she were godly, truly a deity, in all of its ways with fantastical unlimited power, then one could not help but ask: Would Trigon praise her then? Did he not want her because she bled red as earthlings. As I’d guessing what she was thinking her husband finally spoke.
“For a deity to come down on solid ground isn’t seen many times. For her to wed a mortal willingly is even more ambiguous.” Damian exhaled softly, standing right next to her. His voice was so deep, so soothing and alluring as she had imagined.
“I am no deity. I am the undesired offspring of the god of death.” She said in a choked voice. Not sure if he was mocking the nature of her position. Green eyes alight with amusement.
“You are anything but undesired, wife.” Damian responded, voice low in his throat, and private; a voice she knew in her bones he meant only for her. His face reflected an earnest expression filled with so much pure-hearted sincerity that it stole Raven’s breath away
No man had ever spoken of passion or desire to Raven, and all that she knew of such words she had overheard her tutors speak, or learned from old songs; the glory of being called beautiful in tones, not of cool reason but burning emotion flooded her entirely. She was desired. Biting her lip, her face flushed, and shining starlight hair drooping over her face as if that would somehow hide how obviously close to tears she was.
Damian smiled serenely and Raven felt like he’d seen the sun. Resembling the sun and light, Apollo.
He had a gentleness to him that is completely foreign to her experience, not seen at first sight, discerning the heavy emotions in his eyes. Raven did not know before that it was possible for men to be gentle. One glance and she thought of him kissing her mouth, just as he thought of tasting her skin. Uncertainty lies in her desire for the reciprocal dedication to infallible ardour.
Air. Her lungs were in need of air.
She went to the garden of Thetis, to sit among the flowers and watch the moon-washed stars. The goddess of flowers must have visited bringing brightness and beauty wherever she stepped, as she appreciated a patch of narcissus, foxgloves, hyacinth, and delphinium displaying tightly clustered flowers upon tall stalks in varied blues and purples, in full bloom, surrounded by the thick chorus of crickets chirping all around. With all thoughts of threats and protecting her homeland, Raven found herself strangely empty. It wasn’t hollowness: it was the emptiness of shock, of disbelief and misunderstandings when everything you’d imagined was pulled out from underneath you and she was suddenly living in a reality where someone admired her? Yearn for her touch rather than fear her.
“Raven.” Kon-El sighed her name as he walked closer to her, fabric softly trailing on the grass and it made Raven tremble. His ocean eyes saddened, darkened, burning through her and reducing anything to ash, to nothingness. There were things that must be said but she couldn’t bring herself to apologize.
“When Morpheus came to me in my dreams. I did not dare look upon his godly figure. But I heard his voice like a thunder from grand Zeus. He promised your hand would be mine to hold.” The words had come bitter and aching with such profound loss that it made her throat tighten with his emotion.
“I have a husband now, Kon.” She mumbled quietly, using his infancy name, casting her gaze downwards. “They were nothing but hollow words, grains of sand carried upon the wind of Aeolus.” His disapproval at the mention of the word husband was obvious.
Attempting to reason with him to not make a claim of a right that was no longer his. She could sense his anger, regret, sorrow. Envy . Why do you look at me in such way? Why do you look at me as if you pity me? Why do you look at me with eyes filled with sorrow and hatred, all at once? Where did her sweet and naughty Kon go? She wished to voice those questions.
With clenched fists, he nodded. “It’s for the gods to decide as our fate lies in their hands.” Kon-El spoke solemnly with unshakable conviction. “You have a husband tonight, but take heed as The Fates could cut his thread of life coming morrow.” He bowed down and left without saying no more.
No. No. He would not dare. Notion spit forth from such a place of hate, fear and confusion like its like a venom small at first or great yet if allowed it to take over fully.
The night was calm, witness of the conversation between two old friends, the stifling hot of the day finally giving way to a coolness which smelled like an approaching storm. Yes, she could feel it, there was a storming coming with the unforgiving and celestial ire of Zeus.
The feast passed quickly, with laughter and high spirits carrying it along. However, Raven could never quite relax after hearing Kon-El’s threatening words. And there was the bedding ceremony to proceed, not in public. Thank to Merciful Elea.
Torchlight played on Raven’s face as she motioned with her hands like a sorceress, then the royal peplos she wore dropped off her like the skin off a snake and she emerged. Goddess Nyx in human form, her breasts round and ripe and firm, her belly flat and sculpted thighs, the tangle of dark hair between her legs an invitation and a challenge. She was bare before him. So very delicate, so vulnerable, so unlike anything he’d ever laid eyes upon. It intrigued him, that vulnerability, laid bare for him to see under the soft glow of the torches. The daughter of the God of death.
What a curious creature she was. Gifted with the beauty of Aphrodite, the mysterious eyes of Nyx, holding the stars of Orion in them. They had been in his mind on and off at the feast, wrapped up in the hazy, sweetly intoxicating lull of inebriation.
As he looked down then back up her body, to her timid eyes, no challenge in them, though her lips still twisted in a semblance of indecision. Doubt. It was obvious that while she was not truly frightened of him, nonetheless the shadow of doubt and tension was present. Damian swallowed hard. He had avoided looking at her more than necessary during the ceremony but he gave into temptation as Aphrodite whispered in his ear all the ways he could have her. He did not like Gods nor their offspring. The Gods enjoyed tricking mortals for their own merriment. But, she was his wife and there was no escaping now. He cursed quietly for his mortality.
Raven dug her pearly teeth into the fleshy hills of her bottom lip, reminding herself to stay in control, taking a deep breath, fists clenched at her side as she took a brave step forward. “My prince.”
“Damian.” He corrected immediately as he straightened up for a fraction of a second before he bent his head and allowed his lips to graze Raven’s ear. “My name is Damian.”
With uncommon courage, she reached for the clasp holding his jade tunic under his chin. The heavy cloth sighed down around their feet. With a delicate feather-like touch, Raven traced the longest scar on his bronze body that went from Damian’s left shoulder down to his right hip. His breath hitched at the sudden invasion, but relaxed into her touch, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment. No one had ever dare touch him intimately without his permission.
She could see hidden amongst the bright hues an emerald green clouding over with Damian’s lust. Their lips melded together as if they were made for each other and moved in sync as Damian threaded her fingers into Damian’s thick raven locks. Damian gently nipped her lower lip, and when she gasped heavily against his, he slid his tongue inside the warm cavern of her mouth to meet hers.
Her mind temporarily muddled with an electrical charge coursing through her veins making it hard for her to focus on any one part of her anatomy than her mouth against his. Everything tingles, starting at the back of her neck and rushing down, an uncomfortable yet exhilarating heat razing through her nerves only to whirlpool in her lower belly, churning, before continuing down all the way to her toes. He tasted like pure ambrosia.
As they continued kissing, his lips become eager, desperate, feverish. She’s never been kissed like this before. Kon-El had kissed her cheeks out of mischief a few times when they were children. Innocent love. Never with parted lips and tongue, with a hunger that would scare her had the same kind of hunger not driven her own greedy mouth to kiss and suck and nip. And yet she knew with the wisdom of Athena, that even if she’d kissed a hundred men a thousand times, nothing would ever compare to this.
Peppering her neck with kisses and listening to her gasp his name, he carried her slowly to the crimson bed where he laid her down. Dragging his teeth gently downwards, along the expanse of her sweet, alabaster skin. There all shyness was replaced with audacity and devotion. Not being able to resist the urge, he bit into her neck, at her pulse point where he could feel her unsteady heartbeat against his tongue as he laved at it.
Hands that were calloused and large and warm and so very gentle for a warrior, as they find their way roaming her natural curves. They skimmed over her thigh and hip, caress the soft skin of her waist, ghost over the swell of her breasts. His mouth, hot and wet, closed around her breast and sucks lightly, thus making her suck in a sharp breath. Expert tongue swelling around her pink nipple. What in the name of Hera he was doing to her? She wanted more. More. More.
Raven cannot utter a single word. Her mouth too dry, her mind too drunk on arousal, to form any coherent phrase. Calling his name between small whimpers showing her heightened ecstacy. This must be Elysium in all its glory. It was such a sweet torture.
Damian thought to himself she tasted like earth, starlight, like flowers blooming in the night. What was he thinking? She was his wife, no more. Daughter of his nemesis. His young heart hammering inside of his chest, the memory of his mother’s voice haunting him as she vanished with the wind.
Something flared in Damian then, flared up in his chest and his belly like a flaming arrow shot high to signal the start of a nighttime raid, and he seized her hips and pushed up inside her. Raven groaned softly in pain. Fear sent her stomach and chest quaking, her breaths coming short and fast, mind flooded with words of maidens about the pain of maidenhead being taken. At first, his strokes were slow, but his eyes do not look upon her face. The flower garland tumbled off her head and was crushed under their grappling bodies, the scent of a summer noon briefly filling the night.
She opened her legs wider and wrapped them around Damian following her instincts. Her velvet heat encased him, and he had to restrain himself from descending into madness at the pleasure. He felt like he was drowning in the Aliakmonas, the river swollen with melted snow. Raven’s round breasts goaded him, her hands caressed him tenderly, her ripeness clenched around him. As he started thrusting faster, harder, pumping in and out of her at an erratic pace. Damian drops his forehead to her shoulder, an animal like grunt in her ear, and she heard herself moan along with him. She even shifted her hips so that he hits her just right, his pubic bone rubbing against a sensitive spot his hand had touched.
He could tell she was close by the way her walls were fluttering around him, and he brought one of his hands down between them to rub circles onto her bundle of nerves. Damian also angled his hips enough to reach for the deep spot in the center of women that made them cry with satisfaction with each push.
Something inside her tightens, inside her belly where a babe will grow with the blessings of the gods, and then another wave of pleasure washed over her, pulling such a loud moan from her it should leave her ashamed, but she doesn’t care. Sweat beds clouding her vision, and the ragged breath of her husband hot against her moonlight skin, salty with sweat.
He reached climax and came harder than he had ever. His thrusts slowed, hips stilling as he emptied himself, thick, hot, white ropes of his seed filling her up to the hilt. Letting out a weary sigh he removed his body atop hers, carefully. It was done. Fulfilled his duty he told himself. A clear lie. Damian considered cupping her cheek and kissing her temple but he couldn’t do it. No. His features hardened as he turned away from her.
“I will show you respect as my wife. I will please you in all the ways a husband and lover can. But do not ask me to love you, for that is not an oath I can honor.” His voice came out hoarser and raspier than ever in the darkness, before rolling to the other of the bed preparing to fall in the arms of Morpheus.
There was an emptiness inside of her soul, her center she couldn’t describe. Waiting to be full again. Aching. Pulsing. Whirling.
“But I thought…” Raven began, a lump forming in her throat, not wanting to admit that she had hoped he could ever find love with her. Perhaps fondness. What about the gentleness he had shown her? The words died with the quietude of the royal chamber as if Harpocrates had made himself present.
Perhaps coming morrow with the grace of Apollo, he would bring Damian’s gentleness back to her. All she can do is hope and pray tonight. A lone tear slipped down her face as she closed her eyes.
Notes: Hello it’s me again with a new AU. Sorry not sorry. Had to get it out of my system 😂😂😂😂🙈🙈🙈🙈
Do not panic please. This is the first chapter and there will be Damirae fluff I promise. Happy Damirae moments and probably more smut than in other stories 👀👀
Hope you all enjoy. @ravenfan1242 @tweepunkgrl @chromium7sky @deepbreadlover @timid-soot-sprite @kallura-juniblade @shewhowillnotbenamed1 @andthendk @alerialblu
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writeblrfantasy · 3 years
i am thrilled to present to you another short from acogs: khyris mi'hail, or khyris the beloved in my conlang!
i'm especially happy with this one, but i say that about all of them, don't I? this one is inspired by the story behind the hanging gardens of babylon, how the king had them built for his homesick wife.
like most of my shorts, you don't need to know acogs to understand this <3 enjoy!! word count about 5k
“Everybody wake up, c’mon, everybody up!” The sound of pans banging together accompanies Major Malika’s shouts.
Khyris has been awake for an hour already, but he still groans at the thought of leaving his warm cot. The other corporals in the tent with him grumble and swear at the major with more colorful language than Khyris would dare risk.
Khyris sticks his head out of his blankets, bracing against the freezing winter air and squinting into the bright morning light of the tent. A few bastards who wake with the sun are sitting on the floor drinking coffee, the smell of which finally draws Khyris out of his warm cave.
“We were afraid you were dead,” says Eric, mumbling like he’s half dead himself. “You don’t move at all.”
“Nice to know you’re watching me sleep,” Khyris retorts, pulling on his three extra layers to fight back the biting chill. “Give me some of that.” Coffee in his system makes him feel a little more human, enough to make him realize there’s a group huddled around the morning campfire just outside.
Khyris joins them, coffee in hand, and finds them all staring at a map. “What’s going on?”
“Big news today,” Aeron says, grinning, full of energy no matter the time. “The queen’s visiting.”
Khyris almost spills his coffee. “What? Why? That man couldn’t lift a sword to save his life, what does he want with us?”
“Stow your hatred for a moment, my dear Khyris. He’s here to pick a spouse.”
Khyris stares, then laughs. “For a moment I thought you were serious.”
The other’s smiles slowly fade. Delia stares into her coffee like it holds the answers of the world—or more accurately, an escape from Khyris.
“You are serious. Sweet Cai.” Khyris buries his head in his hands. “Explain.”
“He’s here exactly because he can’t lift a sword to save his life. He wants someone who can. Solid strategy, I think.”
Khyris shakes his head. “He has hundreds of willing options back at court, the experienced soldiers paid too well to be out on the field. Why doesn’t he pick from them and leave us alone?”
“He doesn’t want a lazy court soldier. He wants a fieldman. Someone he knows he can trust with his life.”
“So he wants a bodyguard for a spouse, is what you’re saying. I thought he already had a team of those.” Khyris looks around. “Do you think Major Malika would notice if I disappeared for a week or two? Tell her I was indisposed. I was longing for home. Let me be a deserter, anything but having to see that bastard’s face.”
“Why are you so against him?” Aeron asks.
“Because he doesn’t give a damn about any of us. He just throws money at us, gives us more orders to build more cities, and every year checks in to see how we’re doing. He’d rather entertain the fools and artists of his court than pay mind to us.”
“So you don’t want to see him, but you’re mad he hasn’t come yet? Make up your mind, man!”
Khyris sighs. “I just don’t think you all should be kissing his ass, is all. He should be appreciating what we do for him. We just finished building him al-Hasa, he should be grateful.”
“We’re not kissing—” Aeron breaks off into a devious grin Khyris has seen before, and it’s never ended anywhere good. “You like him, and you’re mad he doesn’t like you back?”
Whistles and laughter go around the fire. “What?” Khyris sputters. “This is the queen we’re talking about, not some barmaid. You lot are ridiculous.”
Apparently happy with being labeled ridiculous, what Khyris thought were friends begin singing, “Khyris the Angrily Smitten” in an off key parody of a song he can’t remember.
“You sound like you’re drunk and it’s only sunrise,” he says in disgust, burying himself in coffee, his only friend this morning.
Later that day, he’s in the middle of a group training session and managed to forget about the queen’s newest joke. The stress of the major’s shouts during exercises in the middle of winter doesn’t leave much room for Khyris to think about anything else, though Aeron finds a way around it as always. Aeron’s only here to support his family’s farm—cooperation doesn’t matter much to him as long as he still gets paid.
In the middle of another round of hot yet cold push-ups, Major Malika calls for a sudden stop. “His Majesty is here,” she snaps. “I want to see some salutes, hear some respect. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Major,” they chorus, lining up to watch His Majesty Amoun’s brown and gold carriage pull up to the campsite. Khyris’ left hand goes to the side of his head like all the others, trying to keep his eyes in line as the carriage stops in a cloud of dust. The door opens with a click, and out steps a shadow cloaked in black, unusual for Kadar. Khyris’ eyes drift despite himself.
Khyris forgot how young the queen is, and how attractive, despite his own dissenting opinions. A dark, neat sheaf of hair and mustache frame a smiling face. His long winter cloak shows hints of Kadar yellow in ribbons and pins, but otherwise everything from the fur to his shoes is black.
“Welcome, Your Majesty,” Malika says with a deep bow.
“Thank you, Major. I’m delighted to be here.” Queen Amoun approaches the line of soldiers with his coat sweeping out behind him, just short enough not to get dirty on the sand. The soldiers drop their salutes as Amoun slowly walks in front of them like he’s inspecting them. Khyris fights not to close his eyes and disappear into a safer, less ridiculous world. He has many choice words for the queen, but keeps them all wisely to himself.
Amount is just passing Aeron and Delia, about to pass a stiff Khyris, when he stops and looks him up and down. “What’s your name?” Amoun asks.
Khyris swallows, cursing Cai in every way. He can feel Aeron’s traitorous, poorly smothered grin on his profile. “Khyris, Your Majesty.”
“Khyris,” Amoun repeats, slowly, like the sly tongue of a snake. He grins. “What a beautiful name.”
What to say to that?
Amoun solves the problem for him. “I look forward to seeing your face during my trials, Khyris.”
Khyris’ mind races, thinking of the Cairic Trials of Taru. They are Kadars, dammit, not Cairic. But, if the queen wanted to find a spouse who could defend him, there is not a much better way than that. “Trials, Your Majesty?”
Amoun laughs, a gentle, warm sound. “Wipe that fear off your face. I am not referring to the Trials of Taru, as thrilling and testing as they are. The trials I have created are much simpler, and will be much more to your taste, if that quiver on your back means anything.” He takes a step back so more soldiers can hear him.
“I wish we had a forest to do this, but alas, we are not in the north or in Tel Cairis. As you can see, there are three targets there.” Amoun gestures grandly to the three red targets being set up several hundred paces away, in the middle of the desert. “Whoever can perfectly hit the three targets”—he pauses for effect— “will get a private dinner with me.”
Khyris struggles not to laugh.
“The trials begin immediately, for all of you,” Amoun says. “You are soldiers, I’m sure you’re used to quick thinking and quicker requests. Come on, now.”
Khyris shuffles into a single file line with the others, Aeron at his back. “Not a word,” he hisses.
“Not a word,” Aeron echoes, but Khyris can hear his grin. Worst of all, he begins humming that awful song, Khyris the Angrily Smitten. He actively wishes for death even as he’s pulling his bow off his back and nocking an arrow into it.
Fail Amoun’s stupid target challenge. The easiest task in the world. He’ll be officially taken out of consideration, free to go back to the idiots at the campfire in the morning.
His focus drifts in and out while waiting for the other soldiers to shoot, even if they’ve never touched a bow before. Evidently Amoun believes miracles are possible. He seems like the type.
Amoun stands to the side of the line drawn in the sand where the archers must stay and shoot, his presence undoubtedly helping no one. Ever since he was a child, Khyris couldn’t stand people watching him practice or hunt. He savored the quiet of the northern forests where he grew up, savored the peace and focus in his heart while he hunted his family’s dinner. To have anyone else watching him, waiting, judging if he shot wrong, would ruin that sacred peace.
He sighs and shifts his weight impatiently.
“Relax, would you? You’re the best archer here, I have more reason for nerves than you do,” Delia says from somewhere behind him.
“That’s exactly the problem,” Khyris says. “I’m afraid I’ll do well.”
Someone scoffs ahead of him. He doesn’t keep his dislike of the queen private, but the way Amoun looks back toward the sound makes Khyris flush. Please don’t notice me, don’t notice me, look away.
“Then miss and make a fool of yourself,” Delia says. “You’ll be known as the army’s best worst archer, but not the queen’s spouse, a title I wouldn’t mind having. It’ll be a steady source of income for my family, at least.”
Khyris smiles. He and Delia became friends because of their similar situation. Aeron barged his way into their lives with no possibility of leaving. “I’ll be in the front row at your wedding.”
“I’d prefer your blessing on my bow.”
Khyris watches sorry swordsman after swordsman point their bows at the targets only for their arrows to land somewhere far off in another direction. Major Malika barks at them that they’ve failed, which is not an unusual thing for her to say, but they’ve never had to perform in front of the queen before.
People who have never touched a bow in their life still stutter and apologize for wildly missing. That’s the effect the queen’s presence has—not that it affects Khyris, of course. He glances sympathetically at the losers and thinks, I’ll be joining you in a minute.
At last, it’s his turn. Major Malika orders him forward with her usual grit, but Amoun is smiling with his big brown eyes and it’s every bit as unnerving as Khyris predicted.
“Let’s see what you got,” he says quietly, where only Khyris can hear. Khyris grits his teeth, mentally ordering him to shut up and let him focus.
Why is he trying?
Because it’d kill him to miss, he decides. He hasn’t missed since he was eleven, and he won’t start now. He has too much pride in his finest skill to be a laughingstock. Major Malika would know he wasn’t trying and would make him try again. He’s too good an archer for his own good.
He closes his eyes, trying to ignore Amoun’s presence, and lets the bow do the work.
The first arrow hits. He doesn’t stop to check. His focus is on the second target, and a minute shift of his position readies him for the next shot. Khyris disregards all other sound but the grip of his fingers adjusting on the bow, the whoosh as the arrow flies free. He can’t quite block out the gasp Amoun makes, but shaking it off is easy.
The wind begins picking up just slightly, hardly noticeable to anyone else, but Khyris knows the song of the bow like his own skin, and it’s not what he needs.
You’ve done well, says the voice in his head. No one will believe you purposefully failed if you miss. You will be free, and your dignity will be intact.
The other archers shot in quick succession, too eager or humiliated to wait. Khyris knows he’s already taken longer than anyone else, but he waits another few seconds before nocking another arrow and letting it fly.
Khyris opens his eyes to find his arrows in the center of all three red targets. He sighs in relief.
Relief for what?
All is deadly quiet, and then some idiot begins cheering. Khyris shuts his eyes again.
Aeron. Of course it’s Aeron.
Soon, everyone is cheering or clapping, Amoun loudest of all. Khyris flushes hot, looking around for him, who’s grinning like someone just handed him all the wealth of Kadar.
Khyris goes over to him and wraps him a hug, drawing laughter and ‘aw’s from the onlookers. It’s just an excuse to whisper, “I hate you to the skin of your bones,” in Aeron’s ear, who just laughs louder.
Khyris stands in front of a little pond where some fool spilled water outside Amoun’s tent, turning left and right to inspect his outfit. It’s the only fine thing he has, provided by the army, meant for rare banquets at the palace.
It’s a velvet jacket in Kadar yellow decorated with the few gold medals he has to his name, one for exceptional scouting, another for bringing down the largest hog anyone had ever seen, large enough to feed the whole camp for an evening.
The yellow tent flap opens and Khyris quickly snaps to a stiff position, relaxing when Amoun gestures for him to. “Khyris,” he says with a warm smile. “Thank you for joining me.”
You didn’t leave me much of a choice, Khyris thinks, though even he’s not bold enough to say that to the queen’s face. He’s wearing a thin golden circlet with soft brown gems embedded, the crown of Kadar. Khyris has never been close enough to see it; it sparkles in the evening sunlight.
He’s never been close enough to see the queen’s face like this—the kindness deep within earthy eyes, his short, well-trimmed beard and mustache, the single lock of black hair hanging down on his forehead. His black cloak doesn’t have a smattering of dust, and the long fur hairs poking out of the collar make Khyris ache for the crude fur coat he made himself the last time he was home—these velvet jackets don’t do much in the way of warmth.
Amoun even smells like the forests of the north, Khyris’ home, with a hint of soft incense.
“Please, come in.” Amoun steps aside to let Khyris slip past him. He takes a quick look around. Amoun’s tent is nicer than any camp tent he’s ever been in, a colorful carpet covering the sand, a table of golden wood with two chairs set up in the middle, a white curtain hiding what’s presumably a bed in the corner. Even the lanterns, burning with blessed warmth, are polished and new compared to the grimy ones in the tent Khyris shares with five others.
“Sit,” Amoun says softly, latching the tent flap closed to keep out the abhorrent wind. Khyris sits, happy to be out of the cold with a plate of hot food in front of him, if nothing else. The faster he can fail this and get it over with, the better.
Amoun sits opposite him and unclasps his cloak, revealing a finely woven black waistcoat over a long sleeved yellow shirt.
“Ah, so His Majesty is capable of wearing color,” Khyris says before he can think about it. He refuses to go back on it, even as Amoun looks at him in surprise. Khyris won’t be the timid little soldier afraid to even look at his queen. He respects himself more than that.
“I admit my dress is rather unconventional for Kadar,” Amoun says, slipping into a relieving smile. He picks up a white teapot and pours them both steaming cups. From the smell, it’s coffee—in the evening? Another oddity. “It’s one of many reasons for people to distrust me—or worse, dislike me.” He smiles again over the rim of his cup.
Khyris is holding his for warmth until he remembers that he’s not in the tent waking up to Aeron jabbering in his ear, he has manners. He quickly puts it back on the table. All the manners he learned from his father and his one visit to court suddenly leave him. Hopefully his country boy ignorance doesn’t show too much.
No, he wants it to show, doesn’t he? He wants Amoun to be disgusted with his choice and let him go.
Khyris grips the handle of the coffee cup again but after a few seconds of indecision, leaves it on the table.
“I do hope you’ll enjoy this meal,” Amoun says, oblivious to Khyris’ inner turmoil and the fact that this is the best meal Khyris will ever have in the field in the middle of winter. “Have you ever been to a palace banquet? Forgive me for not remembering your face—you all look the same in those jackets.” He shovels a forkful of something into his mouth—wait, what are they eating?
Khyris gathers himself and picks up his knife, reminding himself to breathe. “Yes, Your Majesty,” he says after what’s probably too long of a pause. “I have been to a palace banquet once, shortly after I joined your army.” He focuses on cutting what he now discerns to be lamb, a delicacy they don’t get out here at the building sites, laying on a bed but of golden rice. It’s hot and warms him to the bone, but it’s not as spicy as the kind his father used to make.
Amoun laughs, speaking with a full mouth. “Let’s not pretend it’s my army. Cai knows I don’t pay enough attention to it. Oh, forgive me”—he smiles sheepishly— “when I’m alone with someone, especially here instead of the palace, I forget my manners. My upbringing is coming back to haunt me. Perhaps that’s another reason people detest me.”
Khyris pauses. Suddenly the food is vastly less interesting than Amoun. “You grew up humble, Majesty?”
“Please, call me Amoun. I am here to court you.”
The reminder makes Khyris bring his eyes back to his plate. Make him throw you out.
“Yes,” Amoun continues, “I came from the forests of the north. My parents were well off, and I have no siblings, but it was not a glamorous childhood by any means. Not compared to what I’m used to now.”
Khyris chews slowly, hyperaware of everything. “I also came from the forests of the north, M—Amoun.”
“Really?” Amoun’s silver clatters against his plate. “I knew I chose well. Where exactly were you raised?”
Khyris tells him about the cabin his mother built, four young siblings and a father too crippled to hunt, a mother too overworked to cook, the privilege Khyris considered hunting.
He loses track of time as Amoun talks about those same forests, hiding from great imaginary beasts that were only the howls of the wind in the trees as a child, the warmth of the curry Amoun’s mother made—the same one Khyris’ mother made for his birthday.
Khyris has never met someone who grew up in the north forests before, and he soon finds he can’t keep the smile off his face.
Before Khyris knows it, they’ve both finished their meals and wine has replaced the coffee. No attendants come in to bring them dessert, Amoun only gets up and accepts plates from them through the tent flap.
Khyris doesn’t have to leave his chair the whole time—he feels like the queen here, dipping a spoon into the bowl of warmth honey cake soaked through with cream. Amoun asks him about his friends, his family, laughs at every story of his siblings, goes somber when Khyris tells him why he joined the army.
Amoun makes him feel like everything he has to say is worth something to him, that his nods aren’t the polite, diplomatic ones he’s no doubt used to putting on. Khyris is only too happy to return the favor and admire the reflection of the lamplight in Amoun’s eyes.
And then it’s ending. The wine has faded from Khyris’ system, and the warmth of Amoun’s hand as he helps Khyris to his feet is bittersweet. He doesn’t know when he stopped trying to make Amoun dislike him, if he was ever trying at all, but now he’s foolishly praying that Amoun will ask him back.
“Thank you for such a wonderful evening, Khyris,” Amoun says, smiling like the witches of legend are said to do—so strong, so beautiful, they make it impossible to look away. Khyris’ limbs seem to draw closer of their own accord before he realizes and quickly puts distance between them.
“Thank you,” Khyris says, a shadow clouding over his heart as he turns toward the tent flap that Amoun holds open.
“Would you like to go out with me again?” Amoun asks as Khyris is about to leave. He stares in hopeful disbelief. “It’s perfectly alright if you don’t. I would never force you into anything you would not want—I have heard the stories your companions tell. Khyris the Angrily Smitten.” Amoun’s lips curve into a smile with an unescapable hint of pain. “I think the angry part is more prevalent. You are one of the ones who would detest me at court.”
Khyris is again mad at Aeron, for an entirely different reason. Has this whole magical evening gone to shit?
“Majesty—Amoun”—he takes a deep breath— “I—I was wrong about you. I would like to go out with you again. It is possible for minds to change.” He laces his own fingers behind his back, arms held taught in the stiff jacket.
Amoun’s answering grin is brighter than the sun.
Amoun has to go back to Ramia, of course, and Khyris back to the city building corporal’s lifestyle, but they spend every chance they could get together, alone, in a welcome relief from life for both of them. Aeron and Delia have been nothing but evil about it, but it’s no less than Khyris would expect.
His and Amoun’s second outing comes mere weeks after their first, when Khyris thought he might go mad from anticipation. Would their next meeting be just as perfect as their first? He frets, despite Aeron’s relentless teasing about the fact that so recently, he’d despise himself for fretting about this.
He made the mistake of addressing the queen as Amoun in Delia and Aeron’s presence. At the risk of his own sanity, he’s been careful to censor himself since, though Aeron probably sees right through it.
Their second date is every bit as good as the first and more. Amoun invites Khyris to the camp where he’s staying, visiting another battalion of soldiers in the north. Khyris was happy to go just to escape Aeron’s teasing, but the smile Amoun gives him upon arrival did things to him he didn’t know were possible. After a few days together and the blistering kiss Amoun gives him when they part, Khyris knows his mind is made up.
It should not come as a surprise when Amoun proposes only a few months later. The whole purpose of Amoun’s visit, after all, was to find a spouse to court.
He’s not just falling for the queen of Kadar for all the perks of being his lover. when Amoun first announced this challenge, Khyris thought the steady income for his family would be the only reason he’d ever agree if miraculously chosen.
As soppy and awful as it sounds, as much as he’s becoming the very lovestruck fool he loved to hate, he enjoys Amoun for him, not for his money or his power or his safety. His company. His smile. His mix of ease and nerves, how he both seems to know exactly what he’s doing and has no clue at all.
Now, he’s in Ramia again for the first time in four years in the part of it he never thought he’d get to visit in his lifetime: the queen’s private palace apartments. Amoun is looking at him the warmth of the sun in those eyes and asking if Khyris will be his forever. What can Khyris say but yes?
Khyris might hang around court more often than he ever thought he would, but he still can’t bear to leave the army. He sees past the humor in Aeron’s voice when he asks, “Don’t forget about your fellow corporals when you’re the queen’s husband, alright?” Khyris spends half of the days leading up to wedding with the soldiers, working hard and crashing harder just like he did before, and the other half in some kind of paradise of luxury with Amoun.
He invites Aeron and Delia to the palace when he visits—he’s learned, as the queen’s betrothed, there’s little he can’t get away with, including sudden leave for any soldier he likes. Seeing the raw awe on Aeron’s face makes his own adjustment a little easier to bear.
He and Amoun decline to get tattoos of betrothal—that’s a Cairic tradition at heart, and the queen of Kadar couldn’t be seen with that, especially since they’re trying to move away from Tel Cairis’ traditions.
Being suddenly waited on and served food even better than the stuff in Amoun’s tent on their first date is nice, but jarring. He’s so used to the humble life, getting everything himself, being independent. The army only enforced that, even when he gained friends.
Now the clothes he wears puts his yellow dinner jacket to shame, and every bit of building has been made by hundreds of men compared to a few. He can only wonder how Amoun adjusted.
Amoun is a sweetheart, empathetic and sensitive. Unfortunately, this means Khyris can’t keep a secret around him, and he quickly notices Khyris’ discomfort.
“Mi’hail, please,” he implores one night, because of course he’d be the type to use old fashioned terms of endearment like that. “Tell me what I can do to make this place feel as much as your home as it is mine. All I desire is to make you happy.”
Khyris sighs, closing his eyes for a moment. His cheek is pillows on the silk nightshirt covering his arm, so light and soft and decadent you can hardly call it a shirt. His feet are made warm by the sheets of Amoun’s bed, the warm orange glow of candlelight turning Amoun’s skin the most beautiful gold.
This is not the first time Amoun has asked, but Khyris always tells him not to bother, he’s busy enough, he’s done enough already. “If we are to be married,” Amoun tries, “it cannot be on unequal footing. I will not have you be a sacrifice to be with me. You grew up with so little—let me repay you now.”
“Oh, and you grew up in luxury?” Khyris counters.
“Stop trying to switch the subject.” Amoun sits up against the cushioned headboard. “Tell me, or I will not leave it alone.”
Khyris knows how capable he is of that. He manages a small smile.
“A garden,” he settles on at last, thinking of the northern forests, how he loved the trees but always wished for a more glamorous, well-tended grove. “Remind me of the north, where we are from. Give me a version of our forests that’s neater, that shows the nicest parts without all the ugly ones.” He sighs, already picturing it, almost able to smell the richness of the tree sap if he concentrates. “With a fountain,” he adds. “Is that too much?”
Amoun’s eyes are shining. “Not at all. I will do it, mi’hail.”
Amoun builds him a garden. He commissions a fountain. He brings the forests of the north to Ramia.
Khyris underestimates him once again.
It takes so long and takes up so much space, Khyris is eventually banned entirely from the west side of the palace in case he catches a glimpse of Amoun’s hard work. All he knows is that Amoun is always beaming and giddy with excitement and anticipation of Khyris’ reaction.
The damn thing takes so long to build, Khyris doesn’t get to see it till three weeks after their wedding, when they get back from their trip alone to the forests of the north.
When everything is finally done to Amoun’s liking, Amoun can’t let go of his hand as he leads him out to see it. He even makes Khyris close his eyes, an incredible trust exercise. When Khyris is allowed to open them, his jaw falls open.
He’d been prepared by the sound of flowing water, but nothing could truly brace him for this. From the top of the steps leading inside where they stand, Khyris can see the whole thing: the fountain of himself holding his bow, quiver at his back, free hand reaching up to fix his hair. “Wh—how did you get a statue of me commissioned without needing me there?”
Amount just grins.
None of the trees are old enough to provide shade yet, but stone beds with soil inside house several young, green trees that will grow up to be the great sprawling ones of the north. The floor is stone, not dirt, and it’s much nicer and cleaner to look at than the leafy forest floor. The smell of the trees is absent, but it’s more than made up for with the greenery tucked into every spot, the rare pops of pink flowers from the east. Everything is well tended and trimmed, from the hedges to the plants to the shape of the trees.
Each layer up to the palace entrance is covered in some of potted plant, and an artificial river runs around every bit of it to feed them, the channel carved into the stone.
Khyris can’t fathom how he imported everything and how it’s stayed so fresh—the wont of a queen, he supposes.
“The gardens of Khyris,” Amoun says quietly at his back, wrapping an arm around his shoulder to pull him closer.
After another minute of silence, he laughs nervously. “Speechless, mi’hail?”
“Uh, yes.” Khyris turns his head to kiss him. “I don’t know how to thank you. it’s absolutely gorgeous. I—seriously, all of this is for me?”
“I would be happy to ban the public if you asked,” Amoun confirms. “Does it take you back to the north forests as it does for me?”
“You know it does. It’s perfect in every way.”
Amoun walks him down the steps to the garden itself, showing him every carefully chosen detail. Khyris is happy to stand with him near the fountain, enough for the sound of the rushing water to lull him into a sense of calm. He wonders how he could’ve ever hated Amoun.
“Khyris the Angrily Smitten, they called you all those months ago,” Amoun murmurs. Khyris’ ears burn hot.
“I find it endearing,” Amoun confesses, “but I know you find it rather—embarrassing. I’d like to call you something else.” His fingers curl around Khyris’ neck, soft and warm. “Khyris mi’hail? Khyris the Beloved?”
Khyris fights the smile threatening to break out and fails. “Better than Khyris the Great, or something awful like that.”
Amoun laughs. “I am great enough for both of us,” he says, and pulls Khyris to the sound of the water mingling with the wind. An earthly heaven without Cai.
shorts taglist (lmk to be added/removed) @magic-is-something-we-create @lunarmoment @missingpeace
acogs taglist (lmk to be added/removed) @magic-is-something-we-create @inkflight @spencer-nyx @writing-is-a-martial-art @ashen-crest @wisteria-eventide @nikkywrites @denkis-phone-charger @myhusbandsasemni @lynolord @ettawritesnstudies @golden-apple-s-blog @chazzawrites @pen-of-roses @47crayons @wickerring
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bentforkent · 4 years
earth-shattering, red roses
penelope garcia x gender neutral!reader
a/n: here is my very hesitant, very obscure, and very late submission for @veraiconcos​ fic challenge. is there a market for penelope x reader fics? dunno, but there should be. penelope rights. 
tagging sweet @gaystevie​ 
content warnings: none - this is half fluff, half angst :) 
word count: 1842
in which you’re penelope’s online friend and she develops a crush on you. 
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“and then i just,” penelope pauses to hold up a pair of campy earrings to the camera, “pick out some earrings, and i’m good to go!” after putting the jewelry on, she turns her face to model. her hair is pulled back into a bun, adorned with some fluffy hot pink hair accessory. 
“looks cute, pen,” you muse, watching her pose on your tiny phone screen. penelope looks at you with a wide smile. there’s a piece of your hair sticking up and out of place, and she desperately wants to reach out and smooth it out. her thumb twitches.
 “alright my sweet soulmate,” she starts with a smile. you know what’s coming.  “it’s time for me to head to work.” 
you pout at her pixelated face. “already?”
“unfortunately, dear,” she says, but despite feeling reluctant to hang up, her words come out as cheery as ever. 
“alright, penny. have fun at work,” you say, and as soon as she acknowledges your farewell and offers her own, the screen goes black with nothing but a tri-tone to signal the end of the call. 
 you and penelope met seven months ago on some new, groundbreaking virtual world game. penelope’s character was a fairy, with wings that glowed so much she had to have paid extra to have them. (she hadn’t. she just hacked into the fairly new and easy-to-bypass code and given her character the virtual wardrobe of her dreams.) she made a point to keep true to herself, even through her tiny computer alter-ego.
 the two of you often floated in the same circles as you played the game. you were funny, always typing something witty into the chat, and she quickly found herself very fond of you. she let her fingers hover over her keyboard before typing out her first message to you. after the whole “fisher king” fiasco, she respectfully refrained from contacting people on the internet, resigning herself to admiring from afar. but you were different. you had interacted with penelope already, exchanging compliments and working together to solve quests in the game. you knew her, and she knew you, but direct message felt like a new realm. it felt...intimate. 
when you replied to her first message, a simple “hi penelope!” with a butterfly emoji attached for good measure, penelope nearly flew out of her desk chair; she was so excited.  she quickly typed back to you, punctuating with approximately two million exclamation points and a link to her own personal social media. you smiled widely to yourself watching penelope’s chat appear on your computer screen. 
over the next months, you and penelope had become practically inseparable. well...virtually, at least. you lived much too far from penelope, and penelope much too far from you.  your distance spanned one timezone and a handful of states, but with how often you two talked, you always felt close. you learned her favorite color, her favorite movie, her favorite tv shows. she learned your guilty pleasure snack, your nighttime routine, and your favorite song to drive to. after 12am, you’d whisper into the phone receiver about your day, telling her about everything that bothered you or brought you joy. penelope revelled in these chats. listening to you was the best part of her day. this was your friendship, and it was good. 
 but recently things had been ever-so-slightly different. penelope lingers on a phone call even though she is exhausted, just to hear your voice. she proof-reads her text messages multiple times before sending them out--who does that? the red heart emoji is fast becoming her most used, taking the place of the pink one. the pink one is platonic, it’s always been platonic, and the red one is romantic. how is this happening? often, penelope lies in bed, imagining you’re laying against each other with your hands entangled. she reaches and rests her hand on the other side of the bed, where you would lie if you were there. sometimes, when she’s really tired, she believes she can feel you.
when thinking about this, penelope’s chest feels tight in the most exhilarating way. she’s confused, naturally. the last time she felt this way was when she thought she had real feelings for derek. (she’d buried whatever feeling that was way deep down in the depths of her brain.)
 could it be love if you had never touched? no. no, penelope is a romantic, but she’s also a realist. this can’t be love, not yet. but...a crush. the realization of the word seeps into her bloodstream, setting each cell in her body on fire. it’s a nice fire, a warm fire, a fire that flickers in pink flames. penelope spins around a few times in her work desk chair. 
gee, how lucky is she that she’s got her own little cave here? no one to interrupt her private moment of reckoning...although, now that she thinks of it, it’s not much of a “moment” from the outside. it’s not like her cheeks are stained red and there’s a sign on her forehead that reads “i have a crush!” any one of her coworkers could walk in right now and have no clue anything is any different. (penelope forgets that she’s terrible at hiding things and that she works with trained behavioral profilers.) she pauses a minute, staring at the door, half-expecting hotch to walk in and chew her out for not looking up white males in nebraska, or something. 
 penelope smoothly rolls her chair over to where her cell phone rests. she really shouldn’t be making a personal call at work, she thinks, but she also really shouldn’t have hacked into reid’s work computer and changed everything in english into tagalog last week. penelope can’t remember the last time she genuinely cared about the FBI’s rules. (in her defense, it took spencer like--half of a second to figure out what the unfamiliar language was, and a whole work day to understand it. she was teaching him!) 
 she picks up the phone, grinning as she swipes through recent text notifications of you updating penelope on your day. she finds the “call” button quickly, and waits as it begins to ring.
“penelope?” you question upon answering. “i’m at work, i can’t really talk right now.” you sound happy, despite the intrusion penelope knows she’s providing.
 “no, i know,” penelope replies, twirling a pen in her free hand. she taps her foot quickly. “which is why i’ll make this super quick.” she drags out the word ‘super’ like it tastes like candy.  “i have a crush on you. an earth-shattering, red roses, big crush on you.”
“oh,” you gasp, surprised. “oh! yeah!” you shake your head quickly, as if trying to wake yourself from a dream. all penelope can hear on the other line is the swooshing of air. “yeah, penny, me too. definitely me too. by that i mean, i have a crush on you too.” you’re stumbling, tripping over the words in your haste to get them out, but neither one of you seem to notice. all you can tell is the grin on your face is starting to hurt your cheeks, and all penelope can tell is that if she pulls her knees any closer to her chest she might squish herself. 
 “okay, cool,” penelope says through a smile. 
 you give a breathy laugh. “i really do have to go, though. i’ll definitely talk to you later, though. bye, penny,” you say, and hang up before giving penelope the chance to quip a witty goodbye. 
 you like her back, penelope thinks, the harps playing in her head making her feel like a juvenile pining after someone on the playground. her stomach flutters. the angelic voices in her head are singing, something that sounds like a warbled, choral version of “i wanna dance with somebody” by whitney houston. she closes her eyes, and relishes in it. 
after a second, the stark silence in penelope’s office startles her into reality. 
what is this?
what is she doing?
 oh, fuck, she thinks. tears well in her eyes. what is she doing? this is so unrealistic, penelope thinks, berating herself. you’re far away, only connected to her through a phone screen. it’s a great sentiment to have this sweet crush, yeah, but it’s not practical. not real. it’s not like penelope would ever be in a position to pack up and fly to you, and after hearing you gush about your job just the night prior, she knows you certainly feel the same.
 and then she feels like shit for even calling, for even telling you that she felt this way. it would cause nothing but problems. penelope pauses, in her brain. no, it wouldn’t even cause problems! being with you is so incredibly far-fetched that there isn’t even a “will they, won’t they” debate. any problem is solved with a simple “won’t they.” no, this wouldn’t cause problems, but it would cause heartache, and she should’ve known better. penelope thinks she’s feeling a bit of that heartache now. she sniffles, toying with a tiny plush pig she keeps perched on her desk. sometimes penelope just gets blinded by the butterflies. it’s her best trait and most fatal flaw.
 there’s a knock at her door. derek. 
 “hey babygirl,” he says, pushing open the door and leaning into the doorframe. “what are you doing for lunch?” 
 with her back turned to him, she rubs at her eyes delicately, trying very hard not to mess up her makeup. “uh, i brought my thermos. soup,” she says, clawing desperately at the bubbly personality she can feel slipping away from her for today. she’s just down in the dumps. 
 “hey, what’s wrong?” derek asks, instantly picking up on her sour mood. he steps into her office and closes the door behind him. 
 penelope turns to him, eyes rimmed in red, and gives him a half smile. derek, sweet derek, always so in tune with penelope, is looking at her intently, worry written in every crease of his face. penelope always feels lucky to have him, but especially in this moment. in a rush of emotion, she stands, flings her arms around his neck and pulls him in to a tight hug. 
 derek chuckles. “i love you too.” 
 penelope pulls away with a half-hearted chuckle, swatting the air as if to get rid of the negative emotions plaguing her office. “you come in here with your big muscles and your pretty face and somehow you’ve got me crying in your arms.” she laughs again, slightly more enthusiastic this time. 
 derek pulls her to his chest again, holding her there without words. penelope lets out a deep sigh, releasing every single emotion she just ran through. 
she could deal with those later. she could deal with her royal mess with you later. right now, it didn’t matter. what mattered now was her office, her lunch, and derek morgan.
“derek?” she asks, voice small. he turns to her, prompting her to speak again. “if i asked you to stay, would you?”
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reinepadova · 3 years
To Be Seen
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“The person who removes a mountain, begins by carrying away small stones.”
Sweet, bright, and floral – words that encapsulate the enticing smell wafting up from a beautifully carved tea tray, with the decanted water flowing down into its grooves to a catch basin underneath. Two pinming tea cups, already warmed and rinsed – painted in a beautiful array of geometric patterns – are a matched set with the tea pitcher currently pouring the first infusion.
“Your tea, Miss.” A large gloved hand – dark and unassuming, except for the dull shimmer of a large jade ring at its thumb, and a shining topaz gem cut in a sharp diamond at the wrist – pushed the filled drink with practiced ease near a seated figure, whose garbs of soft greens, subtle blues, and hints of black, signify a distant relation to the deceased.
“Thank you,” the figure said, her hand reaching for a cup, her head tilted to the unadorned wall. Though her arms seem relaxed, her shoulders were stiff, while her legs were tucked sideways, like a force of habit. She made a fine picture of poise and sophistication from afar, but perfectly humble in her mourning up close.
The host hummed graciously, savoring his first sip, noting the elegance in her figure despite the rather defensive posture. Hmm. If she remains unmoving, pain shall spread on her lower back.
“This drink is made from an evergreen shrub, which grows abundant at Jueyun Karst,” he began, calm dignity resonating in his voice. “It is said to be a place where the adepti enjoy their seclusion, hence the people's reluctance to disturb it's grounds. As such, these leaves are very rare. Only skilled herb gatherers that inherited the wisdom – and the courage – to traverse these lands are able to obtain them.”
“I see,” she replied, an empty cup waiting for a second infusion. He obliged and continued.
“Notice it's yellow hue? It is an accidental discovery. The color of dried tea leaves is normally green, with a taste that range from bittersweet to nutty, or from floral to oceanic. Some, on the other hand, would go so far as to liken it to simple vegetation. 'Grassy', they would say. Hmm. Tea may not be their beverage of choice.”
“Fascinating,” his guest replied, even tone barely hiding polite disinterest. He quirked a slight brow but remained undeterred - he's had encounters with people more ornery in years past.
As curious as her passively hostile behavior towards him has been for the past few days, he shall not stoop low to the level of the ignorant – like those at the marketplace, who circulate hearsays that leave much to be desired. He's only grateful young Mei is spared, for he may start questioning the integrity of his people.
He turned auric eyes down to his cup, watching the idle swirl of the liquid within.
He may only know just the surface of her troubles – like the vague taste of anguish from the void of her dreams – but he's determined to release the pressure through the cracks of her facade, like flushing steam from a smoking mount.
He knows beneath a calm mountain, lies a dissonance that could erupt, painfully and forcefully, at any given moment.
“But years ago, it is said a farmer had forgotten to dry out a batch of these leaves. And a cloth, flung free from a drying line, landed from above, sealing the warm moisture on them shut for a full summer's day. To the farmer's delight, the taste of the finished tea turned light and mellow, and the so-called grassy flavor gone without consequence. This procedure  is now known as 'sealing yellow', the widely accepted finish for the tea we enjoy now.”
“How interesting.”
“Quite so.”
Hmm. Mayhaps the origins of tea may not be of interest?
Silence reigned heavily on the two tea companions, like too much burnt incense hanging in the air. A low cough from one tried to break through the discomfort, while the other remained resolutely silent.
“Would you prefer a different drink? We have other varieties that may be more palatable for your taste.”
The lady seem to snap out of thought, shaking her head insistently while eyeing the gloved hand that moved to remove her cup. “No. That's unnecessary. This will do. Thank you for your service,” she dismissed, gently but concisely, with an unconscious hand rubbing at her eyes.
“Is there nothing else I may assist in?” he asked, subdued, concern coloring his words. His uncharacteristically tilted head missed entirely by the lady's distraction.
“No,” came the tired reply, an undertone of exasperation escaping in the same breath.
“...nothing at all?”
She seem to take a deep breath, holding it for a minute, before letting it out in one, even sigh.
Not far from the one-sided conversation, peeking at the side of a privacy screen, the seventy-seventh director of Wangsheng looked on, a feline smile stretched across her face. She watched, with growing giddiness, at the most hilarious drama she'd ever witness in her waking years yet!
“Hu Tao-zhǔrèn? Should we not intervene?” Ferrylady whispered, glancing worriedly at the guest lounge herself. She wanted to help dispel such a morose atmosphere, as ironic as that is, for it is her duty for an honored guest, as well as to their noble consultant.
“Shhh~ Not now, Ferrylady. This is getting good.”
“But, madam, this has been going on for three days. Progress is no where to be found.”
“Exactly. This is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to this place!”
"Madam. 'Exciting' is counterproductive to what we strive for in this business."
Ferrylady knew her young boss would have squealed if not for their absolute need for discretion.
No good thing comes from eavesdropping such a private exchange after all.
Hu Tao just hushed her again, silently crawling forward to get a better view. The shadow of the large vase their dear consultant insisted they buy the other day made for a good hiding spot. Something about its story being a distraction for the distraught passed through her mind.
“Miss Ferrylady?  H-Hu-zhǔrèn? Why are you crouching down there?”
The two snapped their attention to their new employee, who wore a very bemused expression while pulling at the collar of his stiff uniform.
“Shh! Meng, do you want the troubled souls in the parlor to catch your feet? Drop down behind us now and complete the formation. This is your first assignment~” Hu Tao murmured seriously, an unreadable twinkle reflecting in her eyes. Meng would have gasped out loud if he hadn't slapped his hands over his mouth.
He swiftly did as he was told, back brushing against the wall in the cramped space, before he swiveled worried eyes all around them. Ferrylady just sighed, familiar with their director's ways of keeping someone quiet.
“Now keep quiet for the next half hour you two. Act Two is about to begin~”
Stella mildly wondered if it would be child neglect to jump from the pier right outside the parlor, leaving Mei all alone. It's the only thing she could think of right now to prevent herself from strangling this, this – ugh! This persistent man!
She knows there is a custom of not speaking with customers, out of respect for old tradition – but this one seem to have missed the memo.
Before the day Mei's grandmother passed, the old woman had enough breath to tell her where she wished to have her wake, what she and Mei should wear, what their manners should be during mourning period, and other matters relating to Mei's future.
But despite her meticulous notetaking – her brushstrokes needed lots of work, she knows – Stella still felt unprepared for the kind of reception she received at the infamous Wangsheng ever since their return back at the Harbor.
After tucking in a sleepy Mei in her room, Stella went straight to the parlor, placing three of the Glaze Lilies in the simple pots she requested in advance, nestling them in between wreaths of white flowers surrounding the covered body.
When she finished burning the joss paper for a final offering, she jumped at the male voice directly from behind her. Whirling around, her heart skipped a beat, brows falling low at his short salutation.
The gentleman before her wore a suit that was subtle in opulence, and elegant in form – a large contrast to the uniform worn by the undertakers that assisted her and Mei before taking off to Qingce Village. She noted the thick rings that contrasted against his gloves – rings worn on the thumb, symbolizing the authority the wearer wields, as well as the arrogance boasting of wealth. Her brow had twitched.
“Good evening. May I ask why is the boss of Wangsheng seeing me?” she inquired, arms crossed. Its the only explanation for someone of importance to act like a host in the dark hall.
Despite the hammering beat in her chest, and the lost of color from her face, she stood tall with a firm stance – bracing herself in case this man mocks her for her ignorance. But when no sound of condescension came, she felt unsettled, and focused on his shining tie instead.
It's an unfortunate habit she has around these types she has yet to break, but a good enough technique to show they still have her attention. They usually have some sort of trinket on them – a silken pocket square, an heirloom brooch, or a collar clip – so its not difficult to direct her eye near their neck. 
She could have glanced up to a point near their ear, to give the illusion of eye contact - but she didn’t want to remember their face, she has no interest to know of it, to know of them. She has no plans of interacting with this person ever, if she could manage it.
But she was brought out of her thoughts by a sudden chuckle, a smooth and sonorous sound, like rumbling thunder in the distance. It was not taunting or haughty, like she had expected. It sounds like a relief of tension – like heavy rainfall after a long dry spell. Stella took a step back, surprised at her passing thought that it sounded attractive. “I am not the boss of this hallowed hall, much to the confusion of most. You are not the only one who assume so. I am merely one of its consultants. Wangsheng caters to all needs, no matter the status, affiliation, or ethnicity. Hence its forthright pursuit for various advisors in order to fulfill any request – for the benefit of the living, and those that have passed.
I myself do my best to be of assistance to any of our customers, when present.”
“That's, uh, nice?” Stella stuttered, utterly speechless. Not because the explanation lacked clarity – it’s actually worded very eloquently – but because this man, this consultant, was still talking to her, despite the lack of eye contact – a discourtesy these types would easily recognize. It was practically beaten into her head that it was a shameful habit, growing up – that no man would want to be her husband if she does not get over it.
Which motivated her more to never want marriage.
She could feel his eyes roving over her face, the path of their focus mostly resting on her cheeks –surprisingly, never straying down. “Indeed. And if I may say so, you seem to need a boost of energy. Or perhaps a good rest. We offer drinks that could assist you with either. If you allow it, I will prepare it to your liking.”
She tucked her head down, not knowing what to say. Not because she felt flattered or embarrassed by the attention of such an attractive-sounding individual.
But... the thing is –
She hates men.
She really, really hates men.
Growing up in a household that treated her more like a prize than a living being, she had no real choice on how to live her life. Powerful men of elevated backgrounds would strut before her, fluttering their clothes made from rare threads to show off their affluence, leering in greed and unwanted desire at her place behind a special dais – layers of gauzy silks the only physical protection she has from their disgusting gazes. But they were never thick enough for her to block out the absolutely dark intentions in their eyes, nor the reverberating hunger in their sleazy words. It made her skin crawl badly every time – feeling phantom insect's feet trail up and down her arms, creeping sludge up her throat, until it claw up to the sensitive skin of her scalp. No matter how much she bathes in scorching hot water after every encounter, skin scrubbed raw and red, she never manages to erase the feeling right away. Only in sleep could she hope to find peace.
If she even could.
They tell her that her feelings were irrelevant. Her treatment – expected. After all, everyone is led to believe she inherited attributes that show she has the blood of those that dwell in the heavens – in the upper universe that human beings could only dream to reach. And thus her body is seen as a sacred vessel, a carrier for future generations to come – perfect beings that would never suffer from mortal wounds, or mortal illnesses. The mother that shall birth the perfect world. You are one being that can propagate, and produce the most flawless humans the world has ever seen. Humans that would become the paragon for everyone else to aspire to! –
Stella scoffed mutely, unfolding her arms, before stepping back into place. That was what her foolish cousin had thought. Had believed. Had obsessed.
He was a brilliant scholar. A specialist of the unknown. And a zealous believer of their family's history and sacred roots. His fixation with perfection is a flaw in and of itself. A selfish desire that eventually led to everyone's death – especially one she held most dear – Selene. Her sister by name, if not by direct blood. The only relative that actually cared for her, that loved her, that protected her when no one else would.
Selene was the one that taught her how to sing – how to hone the beauty in her voice. She taught her how to fight – with a weapon used by an ancestor who fought her fate until the last of her breath. 
Selene taught a many great things, especially other skills that would have otherwise been useless if she was still in her own world – a world that pampered her like a sacred idol, with wings clipped short in a gilded cage.
The very memory of Selene dying in her arms serve as a reminder to never be selfish. To be mindful. To remember that even just one person's open hand is enough to live life for.
But, right now, with her muscles straining from holding her stiff position for so long, she is very much in a mindset to defy her own oath.
She really hates men.
But... she's trying not to. She has to not to – for Meilin's sake:
Most of the fishmongers at the harbor are men – Mei loves seafood.
Most of the chefs are men – Mei loves well-cooked food.
All of the guards are men – Mei trusts them to protect their house and harbor.
If not for Mei, Stella would have gone to live as a hermit by now, fishing or hunting for her own meals, cultivate her own harvests, or protect herself from foolish thieves.
For Mei, she will persevere. For Mei, she will try.
But –
She really hates men.
Specifically, this type of man.
Those greedy monsters cloaked in beauty and money. That speak well of culture and knowledge – both useless, and worthless. For it is a mere show of having been educated on knowledge the masses could not afford to have.
Her heart had not skipped a beat because she finds him attractive   – she still doesn’t know what he looks like. But from his clothes, his manners, his flowery words, she could only conclude one thing: this is the type of husband her family had wanted. The traditional type that wanted a traditional wife.
Out of all the typical traits that kind of wife should have: bearing many children, many perfect children, was the main goal. All the while she must always be silent, until spoken to. Be obedient without question. And wise enough to know her place  – while being the perfect trophy her husband could boast about.
Stella took deep, silent breaths, controlling her thoughts from making her jump to conclusions.
She had to tread carefully with any man in this world. The people at the market were nice enough so far. Respectful of deals, and follows through with their word. 
But, she's not blind to the staring – both the subtle, and the obvious. 
Her face, unfortunately, is one of the attributes she inherited from their family's progenitor, their beloved ancestor, and it's been described as appealing at worse, and magnificent at best. 
But she pays these no mind. Complements are empty words after all. Especially when they find out she can no longer produce children. That's alright. She has long accepted that any who show interest in her, will soon disregard it after they learn of her disability. Traditional men especially, will throw her away.
That's why – although she has her oath for Selene, and a promise for Gran-gran and Mei – she herself could never give an eternal vow to anyone. Not anymore.
Not after what she's done to herself.
But despite her cold aloofness day after day, night after night, this man remained persistent. Kept pestering to cater to her needs, when she made it perfectly clear the Ferrylady was doing a great job of taking care of her already. That he should focus on more important clientele than her.
Unfortunately, it's the sixth day now of Gran-gran's funeral, and she's still being served personally by the stubborn consultant with the alluring voice, who wouldn't stop inquiring if she was able to get a good night's sleep after clearly seeing she isn't. She knows the bags under her eyes are getting darker, and the whites of her eyes turning red with dryness.
It's times like this she misses those blissful sleep of white nothingness – the long morning nap, and the night she and Mei had to camp out before arriving at the harbor. The only explanation for them was the presence of that little guardian that wrapped around her snuggly like a giant tree in its branches – one made out of scales, and gems, and warmth. 
Ah. But it isn't a tree, is it? It was a dragon – or so Mei said. A legendary creature that is normally large and serpentine in form and built – either something that brings about disorder and chaos, or something that protects with might and force.
“Good thing Mr. Guardian is the protector type!” Mei had added brightly, even though Stella knew the little girl was extremely disheartened to see it disappear in the distance after escorting them to the edge of Liyue Harbor, fluffy tail flickering in a silent wave.
She will admit to miss its strange, yet comforting presence. The soothing calm she can feel as she stares at its amber eyes – whether out of vexation or gratitude. It would wrap around her like a thick blanket, enveloping her in a warmth she could feel in her bones, and in her heart.
Ah, well. Maybe she'll look to tame one of the strays around the area. See which ones are easy to domesticate. Maybe, one of them would have eyes as gold as Mr. Guardian. Maybe then she'll be able to cuddle up to something and get some much needed sleep.
As the lady continued to fantasize of respite, a lost look entering her eyes, Morax thought now is the right time for a change. Where diplomacy fails, action may succeed.
When her hand moved to subtly rest at her waist, trying to reach her back, and a pained look briefly passed over her expression, he acted – for the first time – without a second thought.
“You have not slept well after I left, have you?”
Morax murmured low, well aware of their audience in the background, but reached out to her nonetheless, touching the tip of her nose, hoping his action would trigger a memory, their memory, together.
He patiently waited for her indignant squeals and sputters to subside, staring steadily at her face until her angry gaze focused back on his.
She turned silent immediately, a great confusion painted her features. Her hand hovered close to his face – no doubt to slap him for his boldness.
The quiet this time was not uncomfortable – it felt very nostalgic, like the thrum of water drops on stone, or the hum of rocks being mined from the earth.
The kind of silence that defined their first meeting, letting her tug him free from her pack, and staring at him with open bewilderment – with awe-filled curiosity set deep in her exquisite eyes.
“...Mr. Guardian?” she uttered, like a secret, both hopeful and afraid. She withdrew her hand to cover her mouth, while her body sagged heavily on her chair. 
Sitting still was never a problem, but the want to comfort made his hand ache. He could only smile for now, to acknowledge the charming moniker, and to prevent from startling her further.
Blinking once, she took in his face. Blinking twice, she fisted her hand. 
She suddenly covered her eyes, rubbing them incessantly, as if his image burned her physically and she's trying to find relief. He gave in and reached out, holding them still – something he could not do before lest he hurt her with his claws.
When she focused back on him, eyes turning anxious, Morax slowly lifted a third infused cup, carefully wrapped her fingers around it, before slowly letting go. He rested his arms at his sides and turned entirely to her – hoping his body language was open enough for her to let down her guard, just as she always was while he was Exuvia. He noticed her sitting up straight against her chair, eyes asking questions upon questions mutely in the air.
A dull thud from behind them went unnoticed.
“Please. Have a drink. Let it soothe your nerves. 
The sea breeze outside will do much good for your head. Let me escort you to where the water meets the wall. And there, we might be afforded better privacy for your questions,” Morax softly besieged. He cut his gaze to the screen behind them, letting his focus rest on it for some time. Nearly silent sets of feet scurried away after a moment.
“Okay,” the lady consented, breaking through his concentration. When Morax gazed back, she took a long, slow sip, seeming to finally savor the tea he served, making him sit a little straighter in his seat. Her eyes softened slowly, and watered as recognition set in, which in turn made him tug at the corner of his lips in relief.
A knock was heard, before the slide of the door reached Meng's ears. “Yahooo. How is she? Have you revived Ferrylady yet?” 
“Uhm, I'm afraid not, ma'am. Maybe this is a good thing? It's better if she has her rest for the night,” Meng whispered back, blowing the lantern light out as his co-worker rested heavily on her bed.
The director and undertaker silently went out, walking away from the sleeping quarters as both thought back on the circumstances of the Ferrylady's fainting. “Yeah. Might as well~ Zhongli-xiānsheng certainly put her in quite a shock. I almost saw her spirit escape from her! Too bad it happened before we got to see what our consultant did to make our guest putty in his hands. Looks like that hermit strikes again! At least this time the lady seems like his age – physically I mean – and totally not like his stuffy personality. I like her~” Hu Tao sang, thinking of giving the lady a small discount on the incense she'll need to use tomorrow.
“W-would it really be alright to leave them alone?” Meng asked, nervously pulling at his gloves.
“Hmm? Any concerns I should know about? Oh! Is she one of those pretending to play 'hard to get', but actually wants to snatch Zhongli-xiānsheng for herself~?” Hu Tao asked, fluttering her eyes exaggeratedly.
“No, Hu-zhǔrèn! You got it entirely wrong.”
Meng furrowed his brow, organizing his thoughts. “From what I heard, as well as my own experience in assisting her, she tends to avoid men. All men. Except maybe the kids and the grandpas. I saw her hand quake once when I accidentally brushed hands with her trying to move her potted plants for her.”
“I didn't think you had it in you. You sly dog~”
“No no no,  Hu-zhǔrèn! You misunderstand again!” Meng waved his arms frantically in front on him. “I mean... yes! I'll admit she's very beautiful. A-and she seems considerate, and kind. But she's a little, uhh, too beautiful? Even I know I'm not a good match for her. But her skittish behavior makes me feel like, like scum – like the lowest of the low,” he said dejectedly, shoulders falling. “She makes me feel guilty for even breathing in her space.”
Hu Tao hummed, a finger on her lips, before her brows quirked up in surprise at Meng’s suddenly spirited stance. “A few of the guys at the wharf noticed too, and speculated something must have happened to her. It's really sad to think of the possibilities. But we all talked about it, and agreed to do our best to be gentle in our interactions with her. No touch. Keep a good distance. And watch our words. We don’t want her to feel like we’re boars on the prowl.”
“Wow. Well done, Meng,” whistled Hu Tao, smiling wide.
“E-erm. Thank you?” Meng scratched at his head, face turning red in embarrassment.
“That's the longest I've heard you speak. Ever! I'm so proud of you~ You're not such a pitiful scaredy cat aftercall,” Hu Tao hooted in glee.
“W-what? M-madam...” Meng groaned, head falling down on his chest in dismay.
Hu Tao giggled softly, and changed her carefree stance. She gently patted him on the shoulder to get his attention. “Just kidding~ You really have to lighten up.
But, I didn't lie. What you're doing is very honorable. And even if you're too common for someone like her, I'm sure in time she'll notice and appreciate what you all are doing.”
Was that supposed to be comforting? Ugh. I still don't understand the director. I have so much to learn.
“Besiiides. If you guys are honorable already as ordinary citizens, what more someone of  Zhongli-xiānsheng's caliber?”
Meng nodded, smiling brightly. “You're absolutely right, ma'am. I should not have doubted his intentions.”
“Maybe by now, he's escorting her home. So let's have faith in our reliable consultant!”
“Yes, ma'am!”
[←Previous]  | Chapter 6 |  [ Next → ]
A/N: Just to clarify, Hu Tao meant Zhongli is such a devastating lady-killer. He just doesn’t know it. And yes, more eye-flirting with these two. Sighs. He has such pretty eyes. Updated again on 04/15/2021 because I’m my own biggest critic.
Gong fu style of serving tea is so mesmerizing to watch. I can see Zhongli do it every time.
Fun fact: In ancient China, yellow tea was indeed considered very rare. And since yellow is the traditional imperial color, only emperors are able to enjoy it. Unless they deem a guest fit to be served the tea - which is considered a high honor.
Zhongli’s rerun banner is coming up sooner than I thought. I should have known Genshin would have a mid-anniversary thing too. Or something like it. I panicked, caved in, and bought the Blessing of the Welkin. His mats are not readyyyy aiyaah
Follower Tag:  @meladollsims
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capri-ramblings · 4 years
I thought of this randomly but, what would the vice dorm leaders react to finding a dirty magazine insides mc's bag resulting from Ace's pranks? Just for fun, no nsfw here hehehe
I loved writing this lmao,poor MC (Psst btw i referred Ortho to a minor cause he a baby okay,bye)
["It's not mine,I swear to God"]
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Trey Clover
- He would have the biggest smug grin you'll ever live to see
- You know which one, MC.
- He'll be discreet with it in a sense that no one else would see it but you
- And then he'll just act all dumb about it when you tell him it wasn't yours and that it was probably Ace's stupid prank
- "I don't know what you're talking about, MC? Why would you of all people be carrying around such a thing?"
- Trey's going to have the time of of his life teasing you about it
- Of course he knows it was Ace's doing and he'll have a good talk with the sneaky first year later but he won't pass up an opportunity to make you flustered
- God, when he pulls a stunt like accidentally asking Riddle if he'd know someone with access to such things, you'd probably die of embarrassment before the red haired could even guess what was happening
Jade Leech
- He would probably have a smug grin equal to Trey's but he wouldn't be so nice about it at all
- He'll literally would walk up to you and have his usual friendly demeanor,before he just pulls the damn thing out and goes all
- "Oya,I really didn't think you'd fancy such entertainment,dear MC"
- and cue Floyd Laughing and bullying you for like half a week, going around an asking questions about how you got it and who was your favourite in it to which you'd try to tell them it was all Ace's dumb prank
- They'd probably listen and believe it too but Ace would hear from them a bit later
- Jade likes seeing you all uncomfortable and red cheeked
- The act of embarrassing you was like squeezing you dry of all your self pride and that was always fun to watch
- Though if Floyd was being too loud about it, he'd probably drop it and tend to the matter as any responsible vice dorm leader would
- It's no good if other people had fun teasing you after all
Ortho Shroud
- This little boy would have came to MC the moment he saw it and promptly ask them to stash it away somewhere more secret
- He wouldn't scold them or even judge, Because it's normal for their kind, isn't it? Everyone has their own way of how they'd spend their alone time
- Ortho would be so understanding it'd be so very hard to tell him it wasn't yours, he even promised to keep it a secret from Idia
- He's so caring. You were sure to give Ace an earful later on
- The problem now was that Ortho thinks you like those kind of magazines and since he likes you so much and sees you as his bestest friend, he'll start sneaking in some more and putting it away in places only you'd know with small little notes that read things like;
- "Hope you like this kind too!"
- "Pssst,this one has a swimsuit theme"
- "From your best friend,Ortho!"
- Oh god, it's just terrible. You were practically letting a minor buy you pornography
- If Idia knew he'd have a heart attack
- So you told Ortho to stop and at first he thinks it's because he didn't get your taste in magazines but then you tell him the whole thing and he just bursts our laughing. He goes to tell his brother and Idia almost chokes on air.
- "You should've told me sooner, silly!"
- He doesn't hold anything against you but he'll take the magazines away and have Ace reap what he sow
Rook Hunt
- Rook is surprised but like Ortho he doesn't judge you or see you in any sort of bad light
- Though he does confront you about it and asks you why would you put such a thing in such an easily accessible place
- You tell him it's a prank pulled on by Ace and he'll let out a chuckle
- He finds it amusing, the fact that you and Ace were so close made him feel giddy
- "I wish you were that comfortable with me" He said and you without really thinking said that you were because you did see Rook as a friend,so in a way you were already comfortable with him, weren't you?
- He'd be happy to hear it.
- Though you just made yourself another friend who would pull pranks on you to express their affection
- Yes, you read that exactly
- Now you have both Ace and Rook playing tricks on you, but the difference was that Rook was a bit more strategic in his pranks and you could never see which way it was coming from
- You thought the magazine in your bag was horrible? Wait until Rook does his version of it.
Jamil Viper
- "What is this?"
- Unlike most of the vice dorm heads, Jamil tries to not judge you but ends up doing it anyway
- And he will be discreet about it, pulling you to the side and taking the magazine out, but only because he sees it as a chance of blackmail for when he needs you to help him with something you morally wouldn't do
- Though,you wouldn't know it at first
- Jamil would act as if he's the worried older brother coming to give his younger sibling a scolding
- "It's one thing to even have this kind of thing and another thing to bring it around in something as vulnerable as your bag. Really,what were you thinking MC?"
- You'd tell him, no,it wasn't mine, it's Ace thinking this kind of humour is actually funny, and he'll act all understanding and say he won't tell anyone but oh,boy, you just gave him the confession that Ace would actually have dirty magazines in his possession and that means another blackmail card up his sleeve
- Probably not the best vice dorm head to catch you in this situation but if you play your own cards well enough,you might just survive
Lilia Vanrouge
- Oh,my
- "Who would've thought you liked this kind of thing,MC?"
- Lilia would have so many snarky teases about it the moment he sees the front page and he'd be smiling widely while he searches the whole school for you
- And when he finally sees you
- You'll experience the most trying challenge in your entire life
- To not strangle Night Raven's most prestigious dorm's vice head with every ounce of your energy
- Like Trey and Jade, Lilia finds pleasure in bullying you about it but unlike the two he won't stop just cause people might find out
- Honestly,he already knows it probably wasn't even yours to begin with but what's the fun in coming clean so fast?
- He likes seeing you blush and desperately try to shut him up, it's like watching a baby get all fussy and it's been a while since he's had anyone to tease
- Lilia would have you chase him to keep his mouth shut and through it all, you'll hear him laughing like some kind of toddler on a sugar rush
- From the outside,people would think the two of you were playing some kind of game but you're internally screaming and Lilia is aware you wouldn't want to talk to him for the entire year after his little stunt was over
Ruggie Bucchi
- He has all the power to let the entire dorm know about it, but instead he comes to you privately and uses it to blackmail you
- "What? You thought I was gonna let you loose that easy?"
- Thanks to that thick headed Ace, Ruggie now had an assistant to help him with Leona who the dorm head himself questioned their sudden willingness to be his slave but because Ruggie was grinning from ear to ear and you had too much self pride to let Leona of all people know someone snuck in a dirty magazine in your bag, you just said it was of your own whim
- He probably wouldn't leak your situation despite him making you believe he would, because if Ruggie had to be honest, he liked you and he didn't want anyone else to push you around
- And since you're always helping people, he knew you'd eventually get used to lending him a hand and then he wouldn't use Ace's prank to blackmail you
- I guess Ruggie would be your best bet I'm this situation,sure he seems like the sort that would tell the entire school, but once he sees you genuinely upset about it, he'll just use it as fake bait to have someone else attend to Leona
- At the end of the day though, the magazine somehow ends up on Ace's bed and Riddle just so happens to pass by for an inspection
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