#your poor meow
holyguardian · 11 months
❝ i gave you the truth. you owe me the same. ❞
ASOIAF: Sword of Storms starters.
Aerith's lips twisted at his words. He wasn't wrong — he wasn't even in the wrong, it was a fair ask after all was said and done. She just didn't like feeling pinned. There was absolutely no wriggle room here. Not even a small step for her to dance.
There was a very long, very heavy sigh that left her.
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"Right. You're right." Kunsel had been beyond patient, not that he had any other choice in the matter. But he handled himself with the kind of grace she wasn't so sure she deserved.
"You saw them. The... whispers. You also saw... a memory, a moment in time with Zack." The quiet of the inn room seemed to close in around them. Aerith didn't like how heavy the air felt, but she had never been good at these serious conversations. Ever the one to brush things off and dance away from her problems. "I have seen a lot... but in the opposite direction."
She shifted uncomfortably on the bed where she sat. "Something has gone wrong. We are supposed to be heading towards these events that have yet to pass, but things are already changing, and the Planet is in danger. I know that claiming the end of days is the biggest sign of crazy — I do. And yet I have to claim it anyway. There is so much to untangle here, and I will try to answer any of your questions as best I can, but that is one of the bigger truths I have to get out there. Our Planet is in danger, and our group has to save it."
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saragrosie · 2 months
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As promised, incredibly stupid s4-5 drawings
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kittykatninja321 · 19 days
Very deeply annoyed by the fanon idea that Talia treated Jason like a pet or a tool when he was catatonic, because when you actually read lost days you can clearly see that Talia is literally the only person who looked at Jason while he was catatonic and still saw a person and treated him like a person while everyone else around her (Ra’s and the doctor she hired) was ready to dismiss Jason as an empty shell
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farosdaughter · 4 months
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PHILOISE WEEK DAY 2: favourite quote
it was hard to imagine a lonelier spot
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0friedegg · 2 months
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i still hasn't seen this meme with them so i couldn't resist...
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dovewingkinnie · 10 months
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hero thats on her way to kill every single villain on earth most powerful villain thats scared shitless because he knows he'll be next one day
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the-catboy-minyan · 6 months
just... something I've noticed. (cw: this is about i/p and leftist activism)
so many stories are like:
villain: "there's a problem in this world that needs to be fixed, an injustice in the systems that control our life, so I shall fix it with VIOLENCE AND MURDER AND MORE VIOLENCE!"
hero: "halt, you fiend! I, a Good American Citizen™, shall stop you. scease this treachery at once!"
*proceeds to beat them up and do nothing about the issue that caused this, Happy Ending uwu everything is solved*
the purpose of these stories were propaganda, obviously, to associate fighting for justice with violence and villainy, and heroism with restoring the status quo and never questioning it.
people called bullshit, but instead of going "the source of the issue wasn't the villain, it was the system they were in. you can't just get rid of them and go about your day, you have to remove the problem from its source as well", they went "the source of the issue isn't the villain, it was the system they were in. the villain was actually completely justified in their response because of the end goal! sure their actions are bad, but the system is worse!" while completely ignoring how in most of these stories, the villains were okay with actual mass murder.
and here we are, in a post Oct. 7th world, where people look a massacre of Jews, and say the exact same thing. justifying undescribable acts of violence by saying "well these noble savages Palestinians had endured 75 years of genocide (wrong) apartheid (wrong) and ethnic cleansing (also wrong)! their response is understandable! I don't condone their violence, but something had to be done." and you get people simping for actual extremist terrorist organisations, marching around while parroting calls for genocide, and repeating words to make them sound educated on a conflict they only know about from social media posts.
yes, the systems are unfair and cruel and social justice needs to be achieved. but you can't turn a blind eye or actively condone horrific acts that are done in the name of that cause. speaking against it won't make you the "movie protagonist™", you HAVE to speak up against it if you want to work towards a peaceful future.
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iulovemaze · 29 days
I know I joked about Harvey's love language being spending money on people, but it's actually heartbreaking to watch season 5 and him genuinely believing that it's a gesture of kindness and care. It also makes perfect sense why he'd think that. He's admitted pretty early in the show that as a kid, he felt lonely even though he grew up with family around him. Not even going to get into his issues with his mom.
Outside of his father, Jessica was probably the first person to care for him and provide him with a future by paying for his law school. He was able to get far in his life thanks to her actions. All he did was mirror her: Donna's salary, hiring Mike, paying for his rookie dinner, fronting Scottie's partnership payment, etc.
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jewishjon · 1 year
Look, I love Jon as much as the next person but I think some of you have gone so far along the ‘Jon is a sad little man who did nothing wrong’ route that you’ve genuinely forgotten all the times he held power in a situation or like. Made a decision that hurt people
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remembrancersticky · 3 months
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So anyway, I really like @moodymisty's custodes oc Valerius Caledon
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vicdraws · 1 year
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Like moss on a stone.
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 2 months
i have to laugh about people complaining about how Bigoted and Disrespectful thingol is to the noldor as if he doesn't:
remain friends with finrod and tell him the location of nargothrond, which finrod goes on to be the king of - meaning thingol is fine with there being a noldorin elven ruler in beleriand
outright state that he will not cut ties with fingolfin and his followers, who do participate in the slaughter of his brother's people, merely because he sees that they've atoned for their actions
host galadriel in doriath and make no objection to her wedding with celeborn, his own grand-nephew - meaning he is also fine with noldor staying in his court and marrying into his own family
the only noldor whom he openly dismisses and dislikes are the fëanorians, who participated in the aforementioned slaughter of his brother's people, insult him, and refuse to acknowledge him as a king despite him having maintained his kingdom in beleriand since before they were born and certainly long before they came there. but that's just it isn't it. fandom can't handle someone in-universe disdaining their precious innocent war criminals and that's why everything bad that happens in the first age is thingol's fault. or the fault of his grandson for not giving the silmaril that his parents nearly died to obtain to the people who disrespected his grandfather and tried to rape his mother. or the fault of his great-granddaughter for not giving the silmaril to the people that sacked her home, killed her entire family including her brothers who were children, and made her a refugee as a toddler. it is definitely not the fault of the people who decided to do all the ambushing and attacking, no absolutely not. that's nonsense, they're just victims of tyrannical close-minded racist elu thingol and his equally entitled descendants :DDD
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gay-strawberry · 3 months
i think its really funny that the cat king in a desperate attempt of kissing edwin (role playing as charles) not only did he not get a kiss he also awakened edwin's hidden feelings for charles
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secretiovesick · 2 years
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candiedstarss · 5 months
Kwak Dong Yeon's ability to play poor little meow meow's should be studied. My god that mans dedication to being sad and pathetic is elite.
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il-predestinato · 7 months
If lestappen teammates the only reason they lost is because max was too busy staring at charles' ass to focus on the game
Although my deeply unserious lestappagenda wants to agree with you 🤭… the realist in me knows they lost because outside of racing, Max and Charles are two of the most unathletic losers we’ve ever seen. I mean have you seen them try to play football, basketball, [insert any sport that is not F1]?! 😭🙈
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