#young posse edit
052900 · 2 months
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Young Posse for Dazed Korea (2024) ✩♬⋆⁺₊.
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hwchaey · 6 months
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𔘓 𝓛 ִִֶָ 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗀 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗌𝖾 : xxl ep ✿
ㅤ ⊹ㅤ 𓈒 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𖹭 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀⠀ ۫ ꒱ 𝗏𝖾𝗋. 𝟹
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kpop-locks · 5 months
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ doeun ; simple + edit ”♡ᵎ ꒱
like/reblog | @exolyxions
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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h-yeoni · 11 days
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⠀ ꐙ♡ ⠀ ⠀for ⠀ now ⠀ ill⠀ be ⠀ your ⠀ ๑ lover.
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tamarahooray · 3 days
woohoo i made an edit
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sailorjisunq · 4 months
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neyafromfrance95 · 1 month
are we EVER going to talk about the ageism against women properly?
bc it has been growing rampant in gen z and the arguments against it aren't exactly addressing the issue through examining the double standards people have for women and men.
yes, ageing is a privilege but i don't think that this argument is doing anything to dismantle the patriarchal mentality that is ingrained in our culture.
in many ways, people's counterpoint to "women expire after the xyz age" is basically "well, ageing is a privilege and natural so you should be ok with being an expired undesirable grandma whose only purpose is taking care of children bc at least you're not dead". we are never going to actually dismantle the ageism against women if this is our only argument.
we have to address the fact that women aren't allowed the same standards that men are.
men are allowed to have two types of desirability - a boy and a man. we don't say that men in their 50s look good *for* their age, we say that they grew well into their age, we simply say that they are attractive 50 years olds.
but women can only be and feel beautiful and desirable if they are young. if a woman in her 50s is objectively fine, we say that she looks good *for* her age, insinuating that there is no way she could ever *just* look good at 50, no "for"s, since she isn't 19-25 anymore and that's the only age range when a woman is truly attractive and desirable.
isn't this actually abhorrent? the fact that people can live up to about 100 years but women are taught to believe that only in 6 of these years they are in their prime? that patriarchy tells women that after their early 20s they are expired and the only valid way for them to be desirable and beautiful is to try to replicate the qualities of the 20 years old version of themselves that according to the same patriarchy, older women can no longer posses?
and the argument that women should not wish to be desirable at all in the name of feminism is very faulty, imo. it often comes from young and pretty women who don't really understand what being deemed "undesirable" in society means. the assumption that women being ok with the patriarchy telling them that they should feel expired after 25, should feel like they looked better in their 20s even if they take a better care of themselves now, should just do the "grandma" stuff while their male counterparts still get to experience romance and the life to its fullest, is not going to be some kind of a feminism win.
the "ageing is a privilege" has started to feel like an argument for women to once again settle for the bare minimum (at least you aren't dead) and conform to the unfair limitations the patriarchy forces on women.
i think what needs to change is us giving these misogynistic double standards any sort of validation. they are not rooted in some kind of universal truth about the inherent difference between men and women, they are rooted in patriarchy. we need to stop acting like younger and older women are in competition and start acknowledging that both are desirable and beautiful in their own ways.
i know that this post won't get much traction, but i feel like we need to talk about this topic more bc the internalized ageism that gen z women have is going to mess them up and the counterpoints to their assumptions are sometimes weak and unhelpful.
edit: thanks for yall's input in the reblogs! i would love to hear more from people so please feel free to reblog and say all that's on your mind regarding this subject since we really need to start addressing this and keep the conversation going!
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neptune-scythe · 8 months
Do you ever think about how Kaz making sure Inej is reunited with her brother is so he doesn't have to deal with his own grief?
Hear me out
Obviously he cares about Inej and wants her to have her family back and that's his main focus, or at least his main focus consciously
But here's the thing
They're mirrors of each other. Two people who lost brothers, Kaz's is gone forever ... But inej's is still out there (probably). Now we all know Kaz has never dealt with his grief, and probably barely even acknowledges it, mostly because he doesn't know how. That's not something people just ... Know how to do, grief is a process and if you don't have a single other person to help you or even be the slightest bit supportive it's going to be nearly impossible to grieve in a healthy way. Let alone being in a constant state of survival mode having to watch your back all the time because you're a kid in a very dangerous place and pretty much ever single person is an enemy, or at least not someone trustworthy or helpful. But I hella digress my bad
My point is Kaz hasn't dealt with the loss of his brother (why have I not used his name once? Bitch idfk my bad Jordie you deserve better bestie), which was a meaningless death. And by that I mean Jordie didn't sacrifice himself for some cause, he wasn't a casualty of a greater issue ... He just died. Because that what people do.
And especially for a kid who's all alone with not a single soul left on the earth who gives a damn about him, that's a pretty tricky concept to grasp. That your whole world, the most imporant person in your life could just die ... Just be completely gone in a moment. Thus why Kaz immediately blames Pekka and devotes his life to revenge, even though Pekka was only indirectly involved in Jodie's death. But blaming Pekka gives his death a meaning, it means there's something he can do to make it mean something.
Once again super digressed from my main point whoopsieeee. Hope y'all are enjoying the wild ride of my thoughts rn (I'm literally just stream of consciousness writing this shit, and for shits and giggles imma leave it that way no edits this is a first draft post you're welcome)
I'll never know because I'm not rereading this shit
JORDIE's death meant nothing, and Kaz's revenge on Pekka didn't give it meaning either ... Which he probably knew deep down that it wouldn't. But those are the kinds of thoughts we ✨silence✨ because we need the rage for vengeance to keep us alive and doing things.
Now back to Inej and Harij.
Reuniting them will for Kaz make his own situation mean something (in my opinion don't at me these my head canon thoughts). That even though he can't bring his own brother back, he can bring back hers. And knowing that they're together will make his own grief a little easier to bear. It balances it out, if you will.
Two brothers lost, one brother found. Good math
Harij is Inej's younger brother
So consider Kaz is doing it as much for him as for Inej. He's making sure another little boy (he's obviously not a little boy anymore but like ... He was 12 ((idk how old he'd be know)) and that's plenty young) doesn't have to lose his older sibling forever.
And also consider
Kaz knows he doesn't deserve Inej, he knows he most likely won't always have her ... And more importantly she won't always have him.
He won't always be able to protect her, to keep her safe. But her brother could. Her brother could be there for her and her support her and even do a far better job (probs idk what bros personality is like but I bet Kaz Brekker is assuming shit too) than Kaz could. So by reuniting her with her brother he's making sure she's taken care of, that even if he lets her down, she'll never be alone.
Because real talk her
Y'all are allowed to have your head canons and shit I am NOT gatekeeping
But canonically Kaz Brekker is not the jealous or possessive type. If Inej wanted to leave him for someone else he'd be upset yeah but he's knows full well Inej is a living Saint and worth far more than he could ever deserve in a billion lifetimes, and he's also far more concerned with her happiness and well-being than what she can provide for him.
So he'd be satisfied being away from her, not knowing a single thing about her life, as long as he knows her brother is there with her.
He doesn't need to take care of her, he just needs to know that she is taken care of.
I rest my case
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Thank you for coming to my TedTalk 🫡
(addition because I did actually reread it and damn I somehow forgot my entire point???
So yeah
About him using reuniting Harij and Inej as a way to avoid dealing with his grief.
It's like this
Brother dies
Kaz goes straight to revenge, never actually processes any of it, just jumps straight into making Pekka pay for it ... Which tbh is dealing with it in a sense but it's in a very passive way of going straight to doing without ever processing ... If that makes sense.
And that's repaying violence with violence, which leads to more violence. It's a cycle of destruction that Kaz is playing into, which is very hard to get out of once it starts.
But reuniting Harij and Inej is a break in that cycle. It's Kaz using his own pain as motivation and incentive to do something that will heal others. And making sure that neither Inej nor Harij get caught in the same cycle as Kaz did, it's using his own knowledge of that cycle to protect others from it. And more specifically, he doesn't know how to heal himself, he doesn't know how to move on or process and grieve, he doesn't know how to leave the cycle ... So he's helping Inej and Harij heal from their pain instead, and making sure they never enter the cycle.
Because he probably is well aware that revenge isn't the healthiest way to channel grief (but bro doesn't care because Pekka needs to be put in his place and we stan him for that), but channeling it into helping someone he loves is healthy.
And real talk here
Kaz probably believes he will never move on or heal from Jordie's death. Thus him being trapped in the ouroboros of suffering ... And go with me here.
If we view the ouroboros (snake eating its own tail if y'all don't know) as a literal scenario Kaz is trapped in, it's a mental prison basically, and one he has accepted that he will never leave. His fate is sealed, and he can't do anything to save himself from that.
BUT even if he can't ever break out of the ouroboros, he can keep others out, he can't save himself but he can save others from being trapped there as well.
And because of this he won't have to deal with the fact that he's trapped, he can focus all his energy on keeping others out ... And it gives it meaning. That even though he's trapped forever and can't do anything for himself, he can do something for other people because of it. Because the only way to avoid the ouroboros is if someone inside warns you.
That was a wild metaphor I hope that made sense lol
Also once again these are my head canons and I wrote it from Kaz's perspective so to speak, so when I say things like He cAn NEVer HeAl that's because that's what he thinks (imo) not what is objectively true. Healing is absolutely possible and bro can get it he just doesn't know it yet.)
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probablygoodrpgideas · 10 months
Narrative Permission
People can do a lot of different things and RPGs are usually not concerned with making up rules for every single possible action anyone could take.
There are some actions that are neither so common that it can be reasonably assumed that anyone can do them nor are they something that the game system concerns itself with.
Languages and artistic skills are pretty common examples that less complex systems usually don't bother with. In cases like this, your background could give you the narrative permission to use these skills.
For example, if your Scoundrel character in Thirsty Sword Lesbians is a musician you have the narrative permission to play a song to impress the Baroness while other characters might not. Functionally, you are still just rolling +Heart for an Entice move, but you can flavour it differently.
Another type of narrative permission can be found in Call of Cthulhu.
While your skills are obviously mostly there so you can roll skillchecks, they can also grant various kinds of narrative permissions.
For example, while regular driving explicitly doesn't require a skill check, you're (usually) still going to require narrative permission through skill investment to drive anything that isn't a car. For example, if you want to drive around in some kind of construction vehicle like an excavator, you're gonna need a couple of skill points in heavy machenery, even if you don't need to roll to drive it (again, assuming regular driving. If you're in a desperate fight against a dark young and try to hit it with an excavator despite not having any experience controlling one, go ahead and roll for it)
High levels in skills can also give you narrative permission to know a guy. An average investigator probably isn't going to know any professors of physics but if you have a high education stat, you might know someone.
Equipment in CoC is also mostly done through narrative permission. While you might name some important items explicitly during character creation, most possesions in the game are handled by asking "Would it be reasonable for someone like this to have this?"
Does the 1920s student own a truck capable of transporting a bunch of crates full of evidence? Probably not. Does the 1930s smuggler? Of course.
In ICON, there are many cases where narrative permission plays an interesting role.
Obviously they only matter for narrative play because in tactical combat, what you can and can't do is pretty strictly defined. However, your abilities in tactical combat can influence your narrative permissions.
A spellblade with various teleport abilities has narrative permission to teleport. Depending on the GM, this may increase effect or decrease risk on some Traverse checks, or it might even remove the need for them entirely.
But this can only get you so far. If you didn't put any points in Smash, no amount of arguing about being a Collossus who can do all kinds of cool Smash-adjacent things in combat is going to make it so you have more than 0 Smash in narrative. You need to select your narrative skills in a way that supports the fantasy of your character, including their tactical combat fantasy.
Also there is your narrative gear, which isn't supposed to represent every single piece of equipment your character posses, just the stuff that really matters, and which broadly falls into two categories: Things that are listed there so you don't have to argue about whether you have it (e.g. light sources, rations, a tent) and things that are supposed to inspire you (e.g. single-use flash bomb, copious sweets)
Both exist to grant you narrative permissions, but the first category is more about making sure you have narrative permissions you probably would have had anyway in a system without gear tracking (such as previous editions of ICON), the second category can actually expand your narrative permissions or give you new ideas for things to do.
Without your gear explicitly mentioning you have these things you might have never even gotten the idea of using a flash bomb to escape the guards, or use sweets to calm down a child. But even if you had gotten the idea on your own, explicitly calling out that you have these things can save a lot of time on trying to convince your GM that you have them.
However, the flipside to this is that having a gear system like this makes the gaps stand out more. I keep bringing up not having to convince your GM that you have something, but if there is something that you feel like you should have but that isn't listed in your gear, the existence of the gear system might make it harder to convince them that you should have it.
The system is an interesting middle ground between gearing systems that make you track everything you have (e.g. dnd 5e) and one that barely makes you track anything (e.g. CoC)
Are there any intersting examples of narrative permission you know?
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importantgalaxyrunaway · 10 months
Comments- Colby Brock x y/n- part 7-
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AUTHORS NOTE: omg guys I am so so sorry just got back into Sam and Colby and decided to finish this in my drafts I had like a paragraph written already. This is my first time back into writing fanfiction since a concussion i had so I’m trying my best sorry it’s so short this is a continuation of my series where y/n got possessed in the last part
warnings: mentions on possession, fluff, slight slight angst,
“Babe” Colby called from his computer “you should come see this”
after me getting possessed I insisted on them posting the video. We were so lucky that we caught it on camera. They were hesitant at first but I said I want people to know what happened. It’s insane that I got possessed but I want people to know what really happened. It was a really scary experience. But I’m still really worried about the video. Would they say I’m just overreacting?. That it was fake and I was just a coward? But I always get some kind of nervous when they post a video with me in it. But this video was special. I still haven’t gotten to watch it yet. I had spent most of the time recovering and spending my time with Colby.
I go over to the computer and see him sitting reading comments. I sit down on his lap, even though he’s just wearing such a simple outfit sweatshirt and comfy pants he still looks hot. I look through the comments and to my surprise they are divided into basically two parts (well maybe 3 with the amount of people commenting “I don’t claim any negative energy from this video”) the first is about how scary it was when I got possessed and how bad they feel for me. The second is how people are talking about how they think me and Colby are dating and that there is so much chemistry between us. Another thing I noticed is that the video went viral. I mean stupid viral, more than most of their videos combined. It had only been out for 5 days and it already reached 50 million views!!! Mostly I think because of my possession from outside viewers who weren’t subscribed but there were plenty of fans. Some of the comments said the following:
Cheriklover333: I feel so bad for y/n she looks so scared I cant imagine how horrible it must feel to be posses like that
kurtwagnerisacinnimonroll: did anyone notice how Colby looked at y/n 😩. I need someone like that and did yall notice her hickeys 😳
Polaris-alt-account: people who think Colby and y/n are dating 👇
that comment had over 500k likes
I groan “shit! Shit! Shit!” I rub my temples “colbs I never wanted this im sorry I dragged you into this—“
“hey hey it’s okay baby” he wraps his arms around me and presses his head on top of mine. The weight of his body on mine feels good. The closeness and warmth feels good. His hands slip into mine and grasp it lightly but firm. He is protective but caring. “You didn’t drag me into anything. I don’t care what people think I just wanna be yours”
I nod but I still have tears in my eyes not much and I feel stupid for crying but I can’t help but think I’m the one that got us into this whole mess. My gaze drifts back to the computer monitor
rosefromtitanic: you guys need to chill yes I see the way he looks at her but they should come out and say it before we jump to conclusions I think they should do a Q and A
a smile on my face appears as a light bulb practically goes off in my brain. My eyes wander to my boyfriend. And again I’m taken aback by just how breathtaking he is…I can see his muscles and I wonder what under his shirt…………snap out of it!! You need to focus.
“colbs how do you feel about about making our relationship public?”
Edit: I TRIED I REALLY DID ITS THE BEST I COULD DO FEEDBACK PLEASE!!! might write a part 8. But x men is currently my hyperfixation and am definitely going to be writing for Peter maximof and young Charles Xavier so if you’re interested send ideas. Going to write for young Coryo snow even though he’s evil he’s hot. Tried my best couldn’t leave you all hanging
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c00kietin · 5 months
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ROXIE!!! >:33
I want to talk a bit about her more so. yeah.
I haven't given her a specific age, but she's a young adult!
I just use she/her pronouns, but I don't think she'd be bothered if you used they/them or it/its either.
Aroace!! Maybe it's just because she's like my child and don't really like the idea of her being in a relationship and it's simply something she's not interested in.
She's not really human either?? I mean, she has a set of chompers and has no nose but that's kind of it-
Oh and she's very physically strong!! She could punch a hole through somebody if she wanted to.
She uses this strength to kill people and eat them :D
Roxie has eaten humans her entire life, after finding out that the vast majority of other foods and drinks make her sick.
If she's really desperate, she'll go for animal meat but human flesh does a lot better for her health.
She doesn't have much of a preference, but finds it a lot more convenient when the victim has less hair.
She doesn't eat teenagers or children much either since they don't provide her with enough food. She might have one as a midnight snack :3
anyways moving on from that edgy killing stuff- Roxie has her hair tied up into two buns most of the time, and doesn't like wearing skirts or dresses. They feel like they limit her movement a lot.
Which she does a lot of. Moving. She doesn't like being bored and likes to climb things and sprint around like a cat.
She enjoys fighting/wrestling others as well!
She doesn't have other hobbies other than that- who knows, she might gain a new skill someday.
She does like listening to music! While I do associate songs with Roxie and stuff, I think an artist she would listen to the most would be Blondie and the Runaways- idk why I just picture her singing those :D
edit: I now have decided she listens to Insane Clown Posse too hee hee
Wait, almost forgot about Lucia- I might make a proper profile for her someday, but let's just say she has done some pretty illegal stuff as well and kind of took in Roxie so they can both avoid trouble. Unfortunately, Roxie is like a three year old with knife and causes trouble regularly.
They're like the vine "Let me see what you have- " "A KNIFE!" "NO!" lol
anyways thanks for reading this far you get a gold star :>
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hwchaey · 4 months
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𝓛 ִִֶָ ૮♡ა simple of young posse
، 넌 like or reblog ! don't repost my edits
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theycallmequeenie · 6 months
Yondu X Reader Part 6
Master List
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6:
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A\N: AS always I did not create the Gif I do not posses those skills I used the gif search bar. If you are the creator of any of the gifs I've used and would like to to Gove you proper credit please let me know and I will edit to tag you for the credit. I know I’ve been gone forever and I’m getting flakier and flakier and at this point I’m truly surprised if anyone still follows any of my stories. Again, I apologize the headspace has been utter garbage and I’m fighting as hard as I can to get content written and posted if only, I could get the headspace and the family to cooperate at the same time that would be wonderful. After all that rambling, here’s the story, enjoy and happy reading. 
Yondu began to talk to Y\N trying to calm her anxiety that seemed to spike out of nowhere in the middle of the night taking her hand from his thigh and bringing it up to his lips to place a gentle kiss on the back of it before placing it over his heart.
“Darlin’ I don’t know what’s got you fretting all of a sudden, but I want you to listen to me. As long as that heart right there is beating you ain’t ever gotta worry ‘bout nothin’ getting you in the night. I promise you that.”
Yondu, as gently as he could, pulled Y/N to his chest and slowly rocking her back and forth trying to calm her as quickly as possible. He didn’t know what she may have been through, but he knew it had to have been something terrible to have her this out of sorts from simply being in a different bed than her own. Why hadn’t she realized yet that she and the boy were the two safest ones on that ship as long as he was around. Yondu would rather sacrifice his own life than to ever let either or those two get hurt in any way, shape, or form. 
If Y/N questions, her safety still after being on his crew for this long, could something have happened with them or was this something from her life back on Terra messing with her still? Yondu made a mental note to try and ease her into opening up as to why she had this reaction later when she was actually awake enough to delve into potential past traumas. 
Yondu managed to get her calmed and back to sleep within about an hour of her waking as she had, and it was a restful rest of the night. As the day started it came with the sounding of alarms to wake and get to work on the ship. More maintenance for the ship and caring for Peter he was still young and needed taught the basics or everyday life all be it not the everyday life that was expected by him and Y/N. 
Yondu carefully woke Y/N and handed off her daily Ravager attire of her denim coveralls with the Ravager emblem over the part that rests over her heart and the pants and plain white tee she wore under them. She offered a small smile as she took them and hurried off to the captain’s bathroom to ready herself for the day.
Once dressed she left the captain’s quarters, checked in on Peter, and started on her daily tasks. She did her best to avoid Yondu all day and for the most part she was successful until it came time for the nightly meal. 
Yondu basically cornered her asking her why she had been avoiding him all day to which she tried to get away without responding. She wasn’t ready to talk about what had happened the night before and was going well out of her way to avoid it. She just wasn’t ready for that particular conversation with Yondu. She thought if he knew what caused her to wake the way she did in his bed he would see her as ‘soft’ and that would be the end of their relationship. Something she wasn’t ready for, nor did she want. 
Yondu decided to let her avoid their conversation at that moment but was determined to at least find out what had happened last night that she had woken up so terrified. He left her eat and socialize like she normally would, but he watched her closely. Waiting for her to decide to call it a night and retire to her quarters for the night after making sure the boy was in for the night. Once she had tucked the boy in then Yondu would make his move and get her to talk to him. 
Yondu was waiting outside of Peter’s quarters for Y/N to finish up the boy’s nightly bedtime routine. A fact that Y/N was unaware of until she exited Peter’s room. Upon realizing Yondu was waiting for her startled her which caused her to let out a little yelp of surprise before greeting him.
“You surprised me Cap. Wasn’t expecting you to be lurking just outside the door, Sir.” She spoke barely loud enough to be heard by him and made no efforts to make eye contact. She wasn’t entirely up for the conversation she knew was about to be had but she knew Yondu was like a bulldog with a bone when he wanted answers.
“Well Darlin’, you’ve done an excellent job of avoiding me today and I needed to talk witcha ‘bout las night…” He stopped and gave her a knowing look he had a feeling this was going to be a hard conversation to have with Y/N, but he needed to confirm his theories about his love. Deep down he wanted to be worried over nothing more than a simple bad night but something in his gut told him there was more to it. He really hoped it wasn’t as bad as he feared.
With a sigh Y/N nodded and agreed to talk with him only in his private quarters as to not risk the rest of the crew overhearing the conversation. She motioned to Yondu to lead the way back to his room as she was clearly not in any hurry to have that conversation.
Her childhood was the one thing that she never talked about. It wasn’t a good experience and not something she enjoyed revisiting. It was a harsh reminder that she was damaged goods. A fact her father would remind her of almost daily. Y/N was starting to feel the anxiety build at the thought of telling Yondu what caused that nightmare the night prior. The fear of her father’s words ringing true was weighing heavily on her. What if they were true what if once Yondu finds out about how damaged she was and decided he wasn’t interested in her anymore because the trauma was too much to deal with on top of everything else on his shoulders. What if he agreed with Y/N’s father, that she was in fact completely unlovable…
To Be Continued…
Part 7
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siphoklansan · 1 year
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300 Followers Milestone Celebration���
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꧁𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐤𝗼𝐫𝐧𝗺𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐚꧂
อนันต์ อัฏฐกรเมธา
“A young man from a fallen kingdom, his name strikes fear into many hearts.”
Height : 186 cm.
Birthday : October 8th
Age: 18
Homeland : East of Scalding Sands
Best Subject : Astrology
Club: Magical Shift club
Talents: Knowledgeable in astrology and fortune telling, Skilled with archery
Hobby: Crochet, Weaving silk
Likes: Animals, chrysanthemum tea, supernaturals
Dislikes: Misunderstandings
Favorite Food: Street Food
Least Favorite food: pomegranates
꧁𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 & 𝐀𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬꧂
"𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞" The ability to reverse a person’s (or multiple) movements and objects’ movement/form. The length of how far back he can reverse is unknown, but he usually only goes back to 10 seconds. The longer he reverses, the more stamina it takes.
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐧 : Warriors are adorned with talisman (tattoos) , giving wearers resistance to black magic and blot. And also some resistance to normal physical damage (ex. a normal blade, a bullet)
𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 : Anan is from a blood line directly from The King of Yakshas. He has an enormous amount of mana, making him a very powerful mage both in magical and physical terms.
꧁𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐀𝐛𝗼𝐮𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐧꧂
His last name : “Atthakornmetha” means a philosopher with skills as if they posses eight arms. Strange, right?
Anan is inspired by a character from a literature called Ramakien (รามเกียรต์). It is a Thai version of Ramayana (just in case this rings a bell to anyone). The character Anan is inspired by is….*drumroll please!* Thotsakan! Bro is the antagonist of the story and has TWENTY ARMS AND TEN FACES…WHAT-
Thotsakan has the ability to remove his heart. He stores it in a box far away from him, so he’s technically immortal. But if he’s near the box, the heart returns to him so he’s not immortal anymore. I initially planned this to be Anan’s Unique Magic, but man, it’s too op like😭 Bro can rival Malleus and I don’t want to make a very OP character. Weaknesses are good!
Adding on to the previous paragraph, the information about Thotsakan’s ability will have something to do with his backstory…stay tuned >:-)
My best friend helped me design Anan. She’s amazing at art and very creative too!
My sister also helped me with some headcanons for him AND his unique magic!<3
I have a lot to work on with Anan, at first, his personality is similar to Malleus. It was difficult to put my finger on something unique for him.
Screaming crying throwing up on whether or not I should create a new dorm for my OCs or shove them into one of the seven dorms. Thing is I already designed a unique dorm uniform for them </3 so for now, Anan will be wearing an orange vest. I’ll edit this post later if I changed my mind!
꧁𝐀𝐛𝗼𝐮𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐧꧂
Anan really likes animals, especially small and cute ones like rabbits and hamsters. But animals occasionally run away from him. They’re scared of my boi :(
Anan is the type of friend to always look out for you. When you bend down near a table, his hand will cover the edge of the table so you don’t get hurt. Bro always saves a seat for you during lunch time. Bro remembers your birthday too.
He…has an RBF. He’s very friendly, but he just looks intimidating/angry all the time.
He’s also the type to carry a small pouch around with essential items inside. Your lips are chapped? Say no more, he got chu. Need some mints? Here you go, m’lord/lady. Your nails are dirty? Here’s a nail clipper-
Anan is not afraid to show affection. He will show you that he cares, public or private. He’s always there if you need something, and not in a suffocating way either. Despite his intimidating aura (and looks) if you manage (somehow) to relax and let your guard down, he doesn’t seem so intimidating anymore. And it’s quite relaxing.
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 300+ FOLLOWERS💗 I’m so happy I get to share my art on tumblr, in a wonderful community and have people enjoying my silly little art! I’d love to interact with everybody so don’t be shy to ask some questions or barge into my askbox! Thank you again~
Lmk if you have any questions or headcanons about Anan, I’d love to hear them🫶
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sailorjisunq · 4 months
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지아나 + 태형
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