#young eda x reader
saintship · 1 year
Hear me out on this one. Stupid as hell idea but I think it'd be funny.
Price has a daughter. She's a civilian and for security reasons she no longer has the same last name.
She starts to date Kyle (gaz) and they hit it off.
I just think the confrontation would be kinda funny if none of the three actually knew.
-ed anon (Eda)
Finally getting some length back in my fics (not like that.)
Warnings because I've forgotten them the last like 10 fics: Meet-cute, fluff, swearing, Gaz having a british tantrum, Soap being a little shit
I’d do it again - Gaz x Price’s daughter!Reader
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“You like her?”
Gaz startled slightly at Soap’s question, glaring in response. “What?”
“The lass.”
He looked to where Soap nodded subtly, at the girl he’d been downright staring at moments before. She just had a glow about her; from her clothes to her eyes, and when she laughed, air seemed to catch in his lungs.
“Dunno what you’re talkin’ about..” Gaz drank from his beer, tearing his gaze away.
“Oh, don’t give me that!” Soap gave what was meant to be friendly shove, but ended up causing Gaz to spill beer onto the front of his white sweater.
"Oi! Bellend, you are! You fuckin'-"
"Do you need some?"
Gaz was distracted from tackling his friend to the bar floor when your voice sounded beside him, soft and questioning. You held a handful of napkins under one arm, the other hand holding out a few to him.
"Thank you.."
Gaz took the napkins gently, gazing at you as if he'd been hypnotized.
"No problem." You smiled as your friends called obnoxiously for you to come back, waving quickly before returning to your seat.
"That was horrifying." Soap murmured, staring after you.
"Oh, shut up!" Gaz kicked his ankle, trying to soak the beer off his front. "You're the worst, this was brand new.." He complained.
"What I'm getting from this is that now you have an excuse to talk to her." Soap retorted proudly.
"Oh, right, like, 'Thanks for the napkins, wanna go out? I know I smell like beer, but that's all part of the charm!'" Gaz crushed up the napkins, setting them down next to his bottle.
"You've got it figured out!"
Gaz only groaned, resting his forehead briefly on the polished wood counter.
"At least Price stayed back, aye? He's a lot worse than me." Soap whispered as if Price would hear him from base.
Gaz hummed in agreement, recalling how a young woman had approached their Captain and only left with several embarrassing facts about Gaz rather than anything about the man she'd walked up to. He'd stayed back to catch up on work, encouraging Gaz and Soap to go on. As for Simon, he was where he'd gravitated toward at the beginning of the night; dominating the entire bar at pool one man and woman at a time.
"I'm heading back; do not follow me! Talk to her." Soap eased off his stool, leaving a bit of cash on the counter, and leaving Gaz with a clap to his shoulder.
"Night.." Gaz's focus returned to you, and with a quick breath, he downed the tail end of his drink and stood to approach you. You were at the jukebox by yourself, just scanning the options as an easy 70's track currently carried through the room.
He made sure you could see him coming as not to startle you, and to his surprise, you smiled.
"Hey.." He began gently.
"Hi. Looks like you got most of it out." You gestured to the slightly faded stain.
"Yeah.. thank you, by the way, for the uh.. napkins." Gaz inwardly cringed at himself, shifting his weight compulsively.
"Any time..." You tilted your head in question, and his heart exploded.
"Kyle. I'm Kyle.." He spit out.
You introduced yourself in return, and smiled a bit wider when he shook your hand.
So that was how you and Gaz began; over spilled beer in a 70's dive bar. Over the next month, you learned so much about each other it felt like you'd known him for years. Dinners, late night drives in his car with the top down and the street lamps reflecting off his stupidly perfect teeth. He couldn't help it when you knew exactly how to make him laugh, deeply and truly, especially when it felt like he never would again. You knew you couldn't know much about his job, and you decided it would be okay until something proved it wasn't. He was a breath of fresh autumn air; strong, patient, funny. You were done for.
When he offered to show you the primary SAS base he worked in, you nearly cried, which confused him and flattered him all at once.
"It's nothing special, really, it's-"
"It's a huge part of you." You'd replied firmly. "What's important to you is important to me."
And then Gaz was the one who's eyes were stinging.
It was a lengthy process to gain visitor clearance, but each step of the way only made you more ecstatic. He had asked the 141 to be in the common room for a bit, wanting to surprise them. When he pushed the door open, Soap and Ghost were there. He was slightly confused, but figured his Captain was the busiest of all of them.
Soap was warm and excitable as expected, making sure to embarrass Gaz as deeply as possible by recounting the events of the night you met. Ghost mostly observed, but appreciated your awareness and respect of his space. You answered his questions truthfully, and weren't afraid to quip back.
"Hate to leave so soon, lass, but we've got a meeting." Soap clapped Ghost on the shoulder as they both rose, and you followed suit.
"Good to meet you." Ghost murmured, shaking your hand with a surprising control of strength. You smiled and said your goodbyes, only turning to Gaz after they'd rounded the doorway.
"Was that okay?" You asked, fidgeting with your hands.
"Are you joking? They love you.." Gaz took the risk of kissing you in the open, stroking your cheek as he pulled away. "Not as much as me, though.." He said softly against your lips. You smiled into another kiss, leaning into the hand that stroked your back as he pulled away.
"I want to try to find Price.." He muttered, looking down the hall. At the first mention of his Captain's name, he noticed your eyes sharpen a bit, but focused on a doorway ahead, pulling you along gently.
Gaz stopped at a door and knocked. Your brow furrowed as your mind started to turn over, deflecting any thoughts that your boyfriend's military Captain could also be your-
"Dad." Your voice wavered nervously as you came face to face with exactly who you'd prayed this man not to be.
"Sweetheart?" Price murmured. He looked between you and Gaz a moment, then at your joined hands.
"She's not.." Price pointed at you as he muttered to Gaz.
"She is.. I'm so sorry, I didn't know-"
"Didn't know you were shagging my daughter?"
"Dad!" You hissed, at which he huffed, but conceded to settle down.
"Sir, I swear to you, I had no idea." Gaz released your hand to show his palms in surrender, fear flickering in his eyes.
"Fuckin' hell.." Price leaned back on one foot, one hand on his hip while the other stroked his jaw.
Gaz glanced back at you. "Why don't you have the same-"
"Why do you think?" Price snapped.
"It shouldn't matter, he's the best guy I've ever been with." You defend your relationship fiercely.
"Really?" Gaz murmured.
"Sergeant." Price grunted. Gaz returned to his meek position of silence. 'Is that really true, darling?" He asked you softly.
He sighed deeply, his head rocking from side to side for a moment as if to satiate the angel and devil on his shoulders. "Let me ask you something." He pointed to Gaz. "If you had known. Would you still have been with her?"
Gaz squirmed under the intense pressure, but couldn't bring himself to lie.
"Yes, sir. I would."
Price laid a gloved hand on Gaz's shoulder, and the young Sergeant looked near ready to faint. A beat of silence passed, before Price spoke, his words all the confirmation that any of them needed.
"Good lad."
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pregnant s/o hcs ; hunter
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requested by ; anonymous (30/04/23)
fandom(s) ; the owl house
fandom masterlist(s) ; main | hunter-only
character(s) ; hunter wittebane
outline ; “hcs for hunter x pregnant! reader 👀 id place them at about 27 years both they have their lives planned and it just happened! + The gangs reactions”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
now neither of you had necessarily planned for this to happen — like, at all
yes you’d had the conversation about kids when you first started dating because you wanted to make sure you were on the same page
because being young didn’t mean that you weren’t dating to stay together
so you both knew that you wanted a kid, eventually, and you were both at a point in your lives where it was stable for the first time ever
you’d just moved in to your first family home, one on the titan’s stomach so you had a wonderful garden
hunter was making excellent money as a palisman carver and you’d even started growing your own palistrum saplings in a little nursery at home
magic was just starting to stabilise after the whole belos situation
and you’d settled well into your job as a teacher at eda’s wild magic university
it was the perfect time and it… well
it just happened
you’d started feeling a bit unwell and your cycle was late and you were starting to feel a little bit bloated and hunter was worrying himself sick
so you went off to a checkup at the new hospital, perfectly calm and sure nothing would happen
and then you got the news
you were like actually really pregnant
neither of you knew how to react, staying silent and frozen for a few beats, before you finally realised what had just happened
and you just started grinning and celebrating and hunter picked you up and spun you around in a circle as you giggled and repeated the news
you were going to be parents
you were going to have a baby
like for real
and you couldn’t wait
you’re given a few potions to take for your nausea and your doctor insists you stop by for regular appointments since your pregnancy is a very new phenomenon — hunter being a grimwalker, and all
and that was when the next chapter of your lives together officially began
you gathered everyone at your home under the guise of a housewarming party to deliver the news and everyone was thrilled for you
king made a joke about being your ‘practise baby’
luz and amity were crying and amity was just barely holding back her girlfriend from tackling you
willow was grinning broadly as she pulled you both into a hug and said she was so insanely happy for you
(as well as touching your stomach and very sternly telling your baby to behave and stop making you ill)
gus used his illusions to pull together a whole celebration out of thin air and said how excited he was to be an uncle
eda slapped hunter on the back and told him he’d done good
lilith was trying to hold back her tears as she gave you both a hug and congratulated you
camilla kissed you on the cheek and gave hunter a kiss and said something about how all of her babies growing up
(she said something similar at luz and amity’s wedding a few years ago)
and darius and eberwolf were just sticking with hunter and joking with him about finally tying you down — darius tried to hide how teary-eyed he was behind a remark about finally getting to be a grandparent
which made hunter cry
but yeah you all made a day of it and you couldn’t ask for a better support system of aunts and uncles and grandparents for you baby to have in their life
even if willow and eda were getting really into the idea of teaching them to play grudgby and flyer derby…
as your pregnancy progressed your sickness gradually went away and hunter started to make a point of sitting down and talking to your bump every night
like you’ll be laying in bed, comfy as can be, and he’ll sit down beside you and just place his hand over your bump as he talks in this loving voice to your baby
he talks about his day, how he grew up, and how he’s changed
he tells them to behave and stop giving you heartburn and kicking your bladder
he promises that he’ll never make them feel unloved or unwanted — that they’ll never doubt themselves for even a second of their life
and you cry and tell him he’s gonna be the best dad
and he says that he knows he will because he’s got you by his side
and you spend the rest of your pregnancy prepping the nursery and clothes and crying over how small baby shoes are and being more in love with your boyfriend than ever
you can’t wait to start a family with him — and by the size of your bump you won’t have to wait much longer
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gravedigginbbydoll · 1 year
pencil shavings and shared smiles {pt.1}
Fem! Teacher Reader x Teacher! Eddie
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Masterlist Next
AN: Heyo! So I was watching Abbott Elementary and got sad, so there’s that. Hopefully, this will be a multiple-part thing but do not expect regular updates. I am a busy gal, lol. Also not heavily edited!
WARNINGS AND CONTENT: Minors DNI!!!, Noncanon, Hawkins AU, Normal Hawkins, Rumors about Eddie, Eventual Smut, Very fluffy, Outcasts and Bullying, Mentions of Loneliness, Flirting, Fem!Reader, use of Y/N, older! Eddie, short-haired Eddie, 1995/1996 Hawkins, F! Reader has a dark past, angst.
Summary: The last thing anyone expected Eddie Munson to do once he graduated was to go off to get an Education degree. Now he’s approaching 30 and the coolest music and drama teacher in Hawkins. Enter you, a new teacher at Hawkins Middle School. You moved to the little sleepy town of Hawkins from the city, hoping to give kids joy in learning while also settling into a calmer town. You meet Eddie while moving your stuff into your classroom, and he piques your interest. But people talk, and you can’t help but wonder…Is he the monster they claim he is?
You walk through the doors, arms heavy with the large box full of posters and decor for your classroom. You walk briskly through empty hallways, cursing yourself for not asking the nice older woman working the front desk for some assistance. Finally, you turn one of the labyrinth hallways into what should be your hall. English. You sigh out of relief. For such a small town and school, you felt as though the hallways went on forever. You’re about to turn into your room when you hear rambunctious laughter and shouting from a nearby hallway. Your curiosity is peaked. It’s late in the summer. Most teachers are here to set up, but some are home, enjoying the days before the school year starts. 
You scurry to put your box haphazardly in your classroom, the only one devoid of posters and books. You then walk as quietly as you can in your heels, the soft clicking against the tile almost silent with all the excitement in the classroom. Finally, finally, you reach a point where you can peek into the door, seeing the back of a man dressed in a dark flannel, the sleeves rolled up so you can see the tattoos littering his skin and rings on his hands, his nails painted a chipped black. His hair is wild and wavy, cut shorter on the sides and longer on top. He speaks animatedly to a group of young kids, all of them seemingly 13 or 14. They look at him with stars in their eyes, and it tugs at your heartstrings. 
“So upon the last blow by Lady Eda,” He gestures to the petite girl to his left, her hair in colorfully beaded twists, her shy grin with a mouthful of rainbow braces. The rest of the kids sit on the edge of their seats, awaiting the following words. “The mighty and powerful dark wizard is laid to rest!” The kids erupt in joy, shouting and jumping out of their chairs, a few members hugging the petite girl you assumed was ‘Lady Eda.’ The mysterious man clears his throat again, and the kids rush to their chairs and sit intently. “You are cheered on by the crowd of townspeople, all leading you to the tavern, where you sing and dance the night away. The town is now free of his evil. Congrats, heroes.” He speaks warmly in his raspy tone, the kids in front of him beaming and seeming to burst with joy. “And with that-” He puts down a folder and folds up some journals, “We finish the campaign.” He gets up, showing you the distressed and torn jeans and combat boots on his lower half. “Now get out of here, twerps. I’ll see you with the new fish soon. You can show them the ropes.” The excited chatter continues; the kids grab their bags and stuff their things in them. They all hurriedly leave the classroom, finally noticing you and seeming to tone their excitement, nodding a ‘hello ma’am’ to you, except for ‘Lady Eda.’ She sticks behind, enveloping the man in a tight hug as he chuckles and hugs her back, leaning down and gently telling her to enjoy the rest of her summer. She nods excitedly, running out the doors after her friends, barely noticing you. 
You peer out of the shadows, knocking on the door frame, seeing the man gather up his stuff and mutter at a volume so low you almost miss it, “Fucking Doyle.”
You furrow your brows and smile a bit, amused by the mystery of this man and his evident hatred for a teacher you knew was in your hallway. “I’m no Doyle, but it’s nice to get a feel for who I should avoid,” you joke, your tone light. 
The mystery man attempts to stand up quickly from his bent position of picking up things, hitting his head on the edge of a desk, “Oh- I- Shit!” 
You fight a smile, biting your lip at this man who’s quite a character. You expected mostly bored housewives and businessmen in Hawkins, but it was shaping up to shock you quite a bit. 
He carefully got up this time, holding a hand against his head and spinning on his heel. His big brown doe eyes and a slight smattering of freckles make your heart jump a bit. He had smile lines and a shy smile, his facial hair short and scruffy. You feel your cheeks heat. Fuck. You didn’t expect a young man around your age who was so damn attractive at Hawkins Middle School, of all places. 
His face broke out into a shy crooked grin as he walked towards you, a hand held out towards you. “Hi. I’m Eddie Munson. You can just call me Eddie. I teach music and drama. I also run the DnD club here- that’s what the kiddos were doing here.” 
You shake his hand gently, feeling the calloused fingertips against your palms. “Hi. I’m Y/N Y/L/N. You can call me Y/N. I’m teaching English. I’m down that way,” you point back towards your hallway. 
He nods, smiling, removing his hand from yours gently. “Well, nice to see someone younger than the dinosaurs in that hallway.” 
You snort, feeling heat creep across your skin immediately and covering your mouth. “Sorry- Is it really that bad?” 
He nods, and his face molds into a false sorrow and pity expression. “I heard that Mrs. Winnow was around at the birth of Christ.” 
You snort again, another laugh bursting as you smile at Eddie. “You’d think with that kind of life, she’d be teaching history, wouldn’t you?” 
Eddie grins devilishly, shaking his head. “Nah, she’d immediately make all the other teachers obsolete. They need their jobs.” 
You grin, your heart pattering with joy at the young coworker. You were glad to find someone in a similar age range. So far, you only met your neighbors in your rundown apartment, who were around 40, and a few coworkers, who were above 50. 
Eddie cocks his head at you, leaning against the doorway, his arms crossing his chest, covering his distressed Metallica concert shirt. “So, you’re new to Hawkins, huh?”
You laugh humorlessly, sighing, looking up at him. “That obvious, huh?”
He smiles softly, an expression reading I’m sorry. “Eh, most of us grew up here. It’s not a town that people are really flocking to. So what brings you here?”
You fiddle with a loose thread on your blouse, biting your lip. You don’t want to say too much, so you shrug and smile. “I wanted some change from the big city. So I closed my eyes, spun around, and pointed at a map. Lo and behold, fate decided Hawkins.” 
He nods and still has a crooked smile as he turns, grabbing up his messenger bag full of items you assumed he used for the campaign. “Well, let me know if you want to meet some living humans, not fossils. I have a few friends here, and none are quite at retirement age yet.” He grabs a piece of paper he had about, jotting on it quickly, then handing you the parchment, smiling. “My number. In case you want to take me up on the offer.” 
You pocket the number, looking up to thank him. You look up, and his back is turned toward you as he exits the school, lifting his hand and waving while calling over his shoulder, “Bye, city girl! Good luck with the fossils.” 
You fight a smile as you walk back to your classroom, your fingers brushing the parchment in your pants pocket. 
Once you set up your classroom, sweat dripping down your forehead, you realize you have no books for your bookshelf. You frown, biting your lip. The classroom looked terrific, with posters for books you felt were classics and a few inspirational ones. With soft lamps and lights along with the desks arranged, you should be satisfied. You curse yourself, knowing a teacher’s salary is not enough to splurge on books, but you can’t help but hate how only the textbooks are on the shelf. You head out of the school, determined to get more leisure reading books for your future students. 
You head to a local bookstore, fondly named ‘Hit the Books.’ An older man with small glasses is behind the counter explaining to a very disinterested edgy teen how to use the register. You look at the expansive store, surprised how it could stay open in such a small town with so few customers. Next, you head over to the Young Adult and Children’s section. You grab a few books, holding them in your arms as you walk from aisle to aisle. Eventually, your stacked up to your chin with books, struggling to hold them. You hear a chuckle behind you and cautiously turn, waddling like a penguin to avoid spilling novels everywhere. 
There stands Eddie, his grin clear as day. He’s missing his flannel, now just in a short sleeve, his tattoos in full view and adding to his grungy look. “You need help? It seems like you’re carrying a library there.” 
You feel heat travel across your skin and shake your head, backing up a little, “I got it-” You almost trip, Eddie catching you by your shoulder, and his eyes twinkle with amusement. 
“I think I’ll help anyway,” He grabs half of the stack of books, his own at the bottom. You spot ‘Merlin’s Woods,’ a book you recognized as one that had been among the fantasy books for teens and children. You fight a bit of a smile at this, Eddie helping you to the register. The young teen girl lights up at his appearance, her thick black eyeliner exaggerated by her wide blue eyes. The older man, however, looks on in a bit of disdain, making you frown slightly.  
“Mr. Munson! How’s it going?” The young girl asks, clearly more alert than before, ringing up your books along with Eddie’s. You’re about to interrupt her and let her know you’ll pay for your own when Eddie squeezes your hand without looking at you, smiling and catching up with the girl. Eddie then looks at you after paying, a smile on his lips. 
“Do you need help lugging out this library to the car-”
The older man, still gruffly bothered by Eddie’s presence, shoves a box in the young girl’s arms and hands Eddie his book. “Don’t worry, Mr. Munson; Julia can handle it.”
The young teen Julia looks at the older man in protest, her brows furrowed. “Mr. Munn, I’m supposed to work the -” 
He cuts her off, holding up a hand. “Shush. Go help the missus with her books.” 
She groans, mumbling as she stacks the books in the box. You look to Eddie, his smile faltering as he looks at you, holding his book. Something tells you the bookstore worker does not like Eddie. Something else tells you that Eddie knows. You open your mouth to say something before Eddie clears his throat, glancing at Mr. Munn. 
“I guess I better head out. I’ll see you around,” He says softly, smiling at you gently before turning and quickly jogging to a motorbike outside. You watch him sling a leg over the bike and drive away, feeling a twinge of hurt and sadness. It may not have been your fault, but you couldn’t help but feel for Eddie. 
“Careful with who you surround yourself, Miss. That Munson boy is trouble. He may have straightened out a bit since heading to college, but he is still a bit delinquent. Be careful,” The old man gruffly tells you, pointed looking at you over his glasses. “You look like a nice girl.” You feel your skin prickle with disdain and heat travel from the back of your neck across your chest. Nice girl. You hate that phrase. It meant docile. Obedient. You ignored the older man’s stare, turning towards Julia. 
“C’mon, my car is out here.” You lead the young disgruntled teen toward your modest, rundown car, opening the trunk. She huffs as she places the box in the back, clearly heavy for her small frame. You close the trunk and turn towards her, about to utter a thank you, when she stares hard at the floor and kicks a small pebble before sighing. 
“Mr. Munson isn’t a bad guy. Just so you know,” she softly says, looking up at you, her big eyes full of sincerity. 
You nod and smile softly, “I figured. But do you mind me asking why Mr. Munn is so set against him?” You tilt your head at her, and she huffs out a breath, annoyance at the older man clear across her face. 
“Some dumb old rumors the geezer still believes from the ’80s. Mr. Munson was the town’s troublemaker and outcast. There are a lot of crazy rumors about him. I don’t think they’re true, but he never tries to disprove them. He came back to help outcasts feel safe at school. Give them a teacher to trust,” The young girl’s voice is thick with emotion, and you can picture she was one of the outcasts Eddie helped. It pulls at your heartstrings. 
“Well, thank you, Julia. I appreciate your help. And don’t worry, I won’t listen to the rumors,” You playfully wink at the girl as she weakly smiles and waves goodbye before retreating into the small shop. 
You climb into your car, starting up the engine as you bite your lip and wonder… 
Who really is Eddie Munson?
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starbychoice · 1 year
A Song For Little Ears
(Platonic) Raine Whispers x Child!Reader
Summary: Raine finds a child and deicides to care and raise them.
The day Raine found young (Y/N) was cold and dark. The isle was on a verge of spitting up another one of it's nasty storms of boiling rain. As Raine ran down the streets of Bonesborough, they already saw fellow witches outside casting protective spells on their homes in hopes to protect it from the hurtful weather.
As Raine ran past an alley, almost to their house as the rain started to fall, they heard a noise. This wasn't just any noise, but a cry. From the sound of the cry, it was obvious that it had to have been an infant or young child. Raine looked around cautiously, making sure this wasn't anyone's trick to lure witches in. When they decided it was safe, they slowly and carefully walked down the alleyway. There they saw a woven basket on the ground by a stack of crates.
Getting closer, Raine saw a infant in which couldn't be more then a year old. The small child was covered in a blue blanket, which had beautifully stitched stars and constellations. It wasn't an uncommon thing for mother's to put their children up for adoption, but just abandoning them was abnormal.
Raine knew that it would start pouring soon, hurting both them, and the small child. With that in mind, Raine made the decision they thought was best in that moment. That was taking the small child with them, planning on taking the child to the emperors coven after, in hopes of finding someone to take care of the infant.
At this time Raine didn't particularly want a child holding them down, but they had to admit. The child they now held in their arms was very cute. Raine could never forget when the baby looked at them for the first time. The boiling isles seemed to stop, for just a moment when they looked in the child's eyes.
That was one of the few reason Raine decided to keep young (Y/N). There wasn't many good reasons for Raine to keep a child at such a young age, but they had their reasons that were more important then any logical reason Raine should not adopt the infant. Raine didn't even know how to take care of a baby, but that didn't stop them. Hell, Eda didn't even think it was a good idea, and she was the queen of making bad choices!
There was much trial and error with (Y/N), but Raine fought through every one. Weather that be sleep deprivation, colic, and even worries for (Y/N) when their small body falls while trying to sit up for walk. Although there's all those little happy moments that make up for the big bad ones.
It was early in the morning. Raine had just awoken from a hard night, (Y/N) had been crying almost all night long. Raine had no clue why, they were stuck by (Y/N)'s crib, trying to figure out why she was still crying. Eventually (Y/N) did fall asleep, although so did Raine. Raine had fallen asleep next to (Y/N)'s crib sitting in a rocking chair, the top of his body hanging over the top of the crib.
Raine, still halfway asleep, felt something pulling on their hair. Well, a certain someone pulling on his hair... Opening their eyes, they saw the precious face of (Y/N). Raine smiled as (Y/N) tiny fingers weaved through Raine's hair. They thought that this would be a cute moment, that was before (Y/N) pulled on Raine's hair rather harshly for a baby. The combination of a tight grip and surprising strength for a baby was not good in this moment.
Raine immediately pulled back at the pain of having his hair pulled out by a baby. Raine held the part of their head that was brutally assaulted by baby hands. That was when they heard the giggle of (Y/N). Raine glared at (Y/N) slightly, hearing the baby's laugh. (Y/N) giggled more at Raine's look, it was almost insulting!
Looking at (Y/N)'s face, Raine knew they couldn't stay mad at them. Raine sighed, the frustration leaving their body hearing (Y/N)'s giggles. They smiled, picking (Y/N) up. As soon as Raine had done this (Y/N)'s hands were on his face, squishing Raine's cheeks. Raine laughed holding (Y/N) close.
Raine's all time favorite memory of them and (Y/N) was one night when (Y/N) woke up in the middle of the night, wailing. Raine sighed hearing (Y/N)'s cries, "Looks like its gonna be another hard night.." Raine said to themself. Raine dragged their feet to (Y/N)'s crib, picking (Y/N) up and mumbling comforts.
Raine rubbed (Y/N)'s back, hoping (Y/N) would just go to sleep. Suddenly, a light bulb went off in Raine's head. Raine sat (Y/N) back in their bed. (Y/N) wails grew louder when Raine sat them down. Raine summoned his violin, beginning to play soft melodies. (Y/N)'s crying ceased, sniffles only being heard now.
Raine played a common lullaby, humming along with it and closing their eyes. They continued playing for a few minutes, until the song finished. Raine opened their eyes, they were immediately relieved to see (Y/N) asleep. Making their instrument disappear, they leaned into the crib kissing (Y/N)'s head before going back to bed themselves.
I love parental Raine so much, might just be because of my own parent issues but ill take it.
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xjulixred45x · 6 months
OKAY! I know I had to bring a petition today but this idea came to me and I had to get it out as soon as possible! I will publish the next petition tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at the latest I swear!
Hunter (Toh) x Lorna (Over the Garden wall) Reader
Like, the reader is a girl who was cursed from a very young age, maybe by wild magic, maybe by enemies of her family, but she has an entity that absorbs her energy, making her sick and can only be controlled with a special bell (it's like its equivalent to Eda's elixir).
Her auntie Whispers overprotects her A LOT, since it is the only family she has and because she doesn't want anyone to be a victim of Lorna reader's curse if she is activated, but she also specializes in the healing coven to be able to help her niece.
It's one of the ways she could meet Hunter.
Whether Hunter as a Golden Guard goes to collect something from Auntie Whispers' house or she takes the reader to the palace to be treated by healers, Hunter is left with the impression of the girl, someone quite weak, yes, but when he knows which is because she is cursed, he can't help but empathize and compare the situation a little with Belos (as UNHEALTY as it is, Hunter still loved his uncle back then).
Can you imagine if Hunter at first also thought that Lorna!reader did live in an abusive home? ironically auntie whispers was a better aunt/uncle with him in 1 hour than Belos was in his entire life 🤣
Hunter at first would try to talk to Lorna! reader for research purposes, he believes that if he can know how other people's curses work then he could understand Belos' curse, but as I said his empathy skyrockets when he sees how Lorna! reader has to distract herself from having a sick body (being partially controlled by a demon) by doing household chores to try to suppress the entity that now controls her life.
Lorna!reader allowed the interactions because 1- Hunter was around her age and 2- she believed that if she had a better understanding of her curse, it would be easier to handle it. Besides, she wanted a friend.
From this, Hunter would begin to show his most real side and not just that of the Golden Guard, if he had to run an errand to Auntie Whispers, he would help with Lorna! reader's task (even if he had to learn them from scratch because he had NO IDEA what house maintenance was like. Let's just say that now he appreciates the cleaning crew more), if he ran into her running an errand now he was carrying her things or if she was just walking, he was taking her on his back to her house. Don't you know that with these winds you can catch a cold? If she wants to avoid getting sick she should make less effort.
Hunter even feels comfortable telling the reader about the things he read about wild magic, he justifies himself by saying that he wants her to try every possible method to cure her curse, and that's partly true, but in general he likes as reader listens carefully to his rants without getting bored and shows a real interest in what he has to say.
Hunter would definitely be pretty upset/worried if he had to deal with Reader's cursed transformation, although more than anything he would be very disturbed by the fact that Reader has to deal with that thing on a daily basis.
Let's say it triggers his most protective side, PHYSICALLY PROTECTIVE, Hunter will be somewhat ignorant as a Golden Guard, but at this point he is also a friend of the reader and will not let her be lynched for something she cannot control.
Hunter likes to talk to the reader about the outside world, he knows what it feels like to be locked up and without interaction (although in the reader's case, it is for the safety of others), so he ends up stopping by when he has free time and tells her a couple of anecdotes he has about work or when he was a scout, you know, being that figure that he would have liked to have.
By the time Hunter realizes the interest he has in Lorna! reader is not the same as he has with, for example, his flyer dervy colleagues, he is a blushing mess, and they are probably the ones who encourage him to be more open with her.
If we talk about a full-fledged relationship, it's all FLUFF.
Hunter tries to help as much as possible to prevent the reader's curse from acting, whether by getting bells, helping Auntie Whispers in her research, bringing remedies to improve the reader's physical condition and thus make her healthier, etc.
If the curse is indeed CURABLE then Hunter highly encourages the reader to seek said cure and do it together, even if she got used to living with the curse, Hunter would be so SO happy to see his partner live peacefully and without pain because of guilt of the curse.
If, on the other hand, the curse has no cure as such, then they try to find alternatives together to keep her asleep and make it more manageable, apart from the fact that if someone tries to judge the reader for her curse (EHEMEHEMBOSCAEHEHEHEME) Hunter or 1, gives them The Look and they shut up or 2, use the old scare tactics they used in the emperor's coven.
Hunter would be quite distraught over Lorna! reader during her time in the human kingdom, but at the same time I think she would make mental notes of things that she would have liked to see (she even learns several of Camila's home remedies for colds and flus that she wants to try on reader).
In general, two little sunshines being little sunshines.
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tree0frog · 11 months
Fandon-the how house
paring-raine x eda x teen reader
main master list
The Owl House Masterlist
matchups-closed{check the main page to see if they're updated}
quick note Raine and Eda are parental figures to the reader so it's a platonic ship ;}
you sighed pulling your hood over your head as you walked through a wooded area a mint-haired person walked beside you.
"I don't think this is a good idea" you sighed pulling your hood more so it fully covered your face making the person laugh.
"Don't worry {y/n} you'll be fine trust me Eda will love you plus she already has two kids" Raine smiled looking at you.
the two of you quickly moved closer to the owl house it wasn't much different from what Raine had told you.
now standing by the door your never worse sure you knew that Raine and Eda were dating and Raine was soon going to move in with her but what about you.
Raine had taken you in and soon adopted you from a young age teaching you everything you know about bard magic as well as all other types as well,it was always just the two of you, but now that Raine has their new family where does that leave you in this big picture.
you were pulled from your thoughts as you looked to see Eda she was tall and was missing an arm but it was infact Eda you could see past her slightly seeing Luz and King.
her kids who you had heard so much about.
it was then you realised Raine had moved on that they had a new family one without you in it.
"I can't do this"you muttered turing on your heel causing the two adults to look at you.
"[y/n]?" Raine asked making eda eyes widen slightly.
"{y/n} where are you going" Raine called out after you but you had quickened your walking to a full-on run at this point and they knew they couldn't catch up to you,sighing they turned to their girlfriend.
"I'm sorry songbird I hadn't told them yet I thought we could tell them together ahh I was so stupid." Raine cried out as they entered their soon-to-be home.
"came down rainstorm they will be ok you know I didn't think they would run off like that though am I really that scarry" Eda asked looking at the small pial of paper on the small table in her living room.
"you stay here I'll go find them"eda smiled kissing Raine on the cheek before leaving Owlburt.
it didn't take long to find you sitting beside an old tree head resting on your knees it was then she had gotten a good look at you.
you where young aroun 16/17 you had {s/c}skin and {h/c}hair.
"kid?" Eda called out making you jump a little.
"hmm" was your response. You noticed how she sat down beside you but left a little room between the both of you.
"you know Raine loves you," she said not really sure where she was going with this.
"I know they do i love them as well their my only family" you said your voice shaking a little.
"look kid I'm still new to all of this but I know that Raine wants you in their life for as long as you let them and so do I" She stopped pulling a piece of paper from her hair making you turn to face the older woman.
"so kid what do ya say how about we expand your family if that's ok with you" she held the paper and a pen out to you and it took you a second to realise what she was asking.
"y you want to adopt me "your voice broke tears welled up in your eyes,
"of course, rainstorm told me about you and how they wanted you to come live in the owl house with them and sooo Raine asked me you could live with us too and so i thought why not adopt you." at this point you were crying your tears socked the off white paper as you singed the papers giving them back to eda.
"t thank you s so much"you whipped your eye on your cloak.
"don't sweat it kid now have you ever broken the law"
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multiverse-imagines · 2 years
vash x wolfwood!reader
vash just fawning over wolfwood’s sister, like he’d be staring without him even noticing.
when she notices she’s like “what’re you staring at?” immediately looks away.
she seems mean on the outside; but is very kind and sweet once you get to know her.
also Nicholas and her bicker a lot
if possible can u write this please
A/N: The sister????? The potential for Vash and Wolfy to be… IN-LAWS???!?!?!! Or even more interesting AN ANGSTY TRIANGLE??? OH I AM SO DOWN
I also finished Black Lagoon Recently, so this prompt was very appropriate! How serendipitous. This character totes took heavy inspo from Eda.
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So Called Nun
In Vash's opinion, there were only two things in this world that seemed to throw Nicholas D. Wolfwood off his game. Drinking too fast, and seeing those from his past. The latter was definitely true when one night Nicholas was definitely on edge.
"You good, Wolfwood? You've almost drunk that whole bottle and it's not even midnight yet." Vash asked, worried about his friend.
"Don't worry about it, Needle Noggin." Wolfwood grumbled before downing another shot of Jack, the smack of the whiskey causing him to slightly totter in his chair.
Suddenly, the clatter of the saloon doors slamming open caused the patrons to fall silent. Normally, someone slamming into the saloon in attempts to assert dominance you get a simple eye roll. The bar stayed silent at the venue of a young woman… in a nun's garb?
A pair of gaudy sunglasses sat atop her covered head, and her eyes were hazed over with the memories of intentional murder. To the trained nose, she reeked of death and decay, as if those she'd killed clung to her robes in a meager attempt to drag her to hell as they seeked retribution. That's how she looked to Wolfwood who nearly fell out of his chair at the sight of her.
To Vash however, she was truly a beautiful angel! A woman of the cloth who clearly sought out those who needed the grace of God! The shades were a wonderful accent to her eyes that were intensely full of passion!
The woman immediately stomped over to Wolfwood, kicking a chair out of the way to sit down on. She snatched Nicholas' bottle of Jack before plopping down on the chair, kicking her legs up into the table in front of her.
Her boots were anything but elegant. Once sleek combat boots were now cracked and ragged leather, one of which wasn't even tied.
"Nico, Nico, Nico, it's been so long!" She gave him a toast with the bottle before downing a good amount of the remaining portion.
"And what the fuck do you want, dear Sister?"
"Is that how you treat family after not coming home for nearly 6 years? Livio would be so upset." The woman shrugged. She glanced over to the red coated man who was making the most wide eyed love struck face at him. She swore she could see drool in the corner of his mouth.
"And what are you looking at, ya damn Needle Noggin? Take a fuckin picture." She scowled at him. Vash immediately turned his head away from her, looking at the ground.
"Hey, leave my buddy alone. He's basically harmless." Wolfwood rolled his eyes at her, "besides, he's into rough treatment." His fingers tapped Impatiently on the table.
"Ah, I see how it is." A sneaky sneer came over her face. She got up from the chair, standing over Vash, gently taking his chin to guide it to look up at her.
"I'm sorry, little puppy, what was your name again?" Her voice turned smoother.
"V-Vash the Stampede, Miss!" He tensed up at her hand moving to cup his face.
"How adorable. Your wanted posters don't do you justice, really." She brushed her thumb against the beauty mark on his cheek, "Maybe God's blessing can be upon you tonight, Puppy." She teased him.
Wolfwood on the other hand, had swatted the shot glass away so as not to break it in his hand. He flexed his hand to keep it from locking up.
"Did you have a reason you were here, Sis?" He tried to keep the growl out of his voice. It didn't work.
"Ah, yes. About that." Her voice gained an air of intensity as she abandoned teasing the stampede, and walked around to stand in front of Nicholas, "Chapel and Livio are headed home, but not after they terrorize the whole town, and kick everyone but our family out. I can't do anything about it, since I have some obligations that are a little more… binding." She glanced away, dodging her reason for not assisting,
"My point is, I can't help them, but I know you two can. Please make sure everyone is okay, and don't get yourself killed? They've been bugging me about getting you to come home anyways." She chuckled halfheartedly. Wolfwood took a deep breath, and sat forward in his chair.
"Alright. I'll make a beeline that way first thing in the morning. If you clean up early, you can always join us." He looked up to his sister.
"That's a nice thought, but I don't think that'll be possible, big brother." She shook her head. Her voice was softer than before, as if she was peeking out from behind the shield she'd put up.
"Ah, don't go all soft on me now, don't worry, big bro will handle everything!" He gave a hollow smile that would put Vash's to shame as he put his arm up and flexed.
"I'm sure you've got this. Well, I better head out, Nico-ni. I'll buy drinks next time." She smiled, with almost a bittersweet smile as she ruffled his hair. She snatched the bottle of Jack off of the table, and made her way out of the bar, "Consider this collateral!" She laughed maniacally.
"What a woman." Vash practically had little hearts floating around his head.
"Yeah, what an idiot." Wolfwood frowned, now boozeless, and his buzz gone. He leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling, processing his sister's words.
Livio. How long had it been?
He needed a cigarette.
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mothrite · 2 years
Eda to heal mother issues or family issues
Since this was vague it was hard to tell whether you wanted Eda x Reader so I ended up doing this!!
You got a new mama now
SUMMERY: Platonic! Edalyn Clawthorne x Abused!Adopted!Reader where Eda adopts you and you become King, Luz and Hunter’s sibling!!<33
WARNINGS: Mentions of parental abuse, child neglect and manipulation, in detail description of fresh wounds and PTSD. Angst to fluff
A/N: I had a few ideas for this but with the request I tried to stay vague. I didn’t use any quotes or describe the reader since I wanted you to be able yourself in their place, This is a short but hopefully sweet oneshot, if requested I might do a part 2!!Proof Read by myself!
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The sizzling drops of boiling water falling from the bleak sky were much quieter then the sound of two bare feet running through the forest. They didn’t stop moving ahead, not when they heard the sound of their mother screaming at them to return, not when the boiling rain fell to their exposed skin and not when their legs felt as though a knife was being dragged from their hips to their heels. They couldn’t stop moving, not for a single second. They had been running for what felt like days, but was simply a few hours.
The young child’s eyes glimmered with a small sense of hope as they saw a tall house come into a view. They staggered as they attempted to limp over and knock on the door but failed as the second they reached the wooden surface, they collapsed against the ground. The running finally caught up to them, and now they were hopelessly crying at some stranger’s door, wishing they had just stayed home and listened to their mother’s wishes instead of fighting back against her abuse. They should have asked father for help, but it’s not like he would have done anything, he probably doesn’t even know they exist.
As they tried to lay their back against the white concrete, they almost screamed in pain only now realizing just how many scolds their were on their back. They yelled out for help, shrieking sounds of a strained voice. With their shoulder against the wall of the house they heard a voice. A high pitched voice asking if they were ok in a not so gentle tone. As they forced their eyes to open and look at the being, they were met with a beady eyed owl demon who’s body extended from the door. They could barely make out a sentence before everything went black.
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“I couldn’t just leave them out there. The rain is going to be pouring for the next three days. That means NO ONE is allowed out. Not you, not king, not Hunter and certainly not this kid.”
As they slowly pried their eyes open they were surprised to be met with the sight of The Owl Lady, a human a small demon and a young witch. Did she want something from them? Then it clicked. They had stumbled to The Owl Lady’s house and fainted before help could get there, at least that’s what they thought, until the woman in a sleek yet torn red dress noticed them stirring and cut her conversation short and she hurried over and helped them sit up, making sure to avoid touching their now bandaged skin. They looked at the figure now sitting on the edge of the couch where they had been resting.
“You ok kid? I know the rains can be tough. I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
They stared at her, confused and almost suspicious. Why was she helped them? Wasn’t she a criminal?
“Now take your time with answering but is it ok if I ask you a few questions?”
They merely nodded in response. She asked their name and they gave an answer with simply their first name. She then asked why they were out in the boiling rain for so long and without the proper protection. Just then it hit them that their mother would be searching for them at this moment. They struggled to answer, only being able to barely explain that they ran away after a fight with their mother. When Luz asked why they would run away over one fight they had to take a few deep breathes and gave their reply while clenching the blanket that wrapped around their legs and torso. They explained how their mother would abuse them and manipulate them and that night they were sick of everything and ran away before she could hit them.
Once they finished talking they looked over at the four individuals, all had gone quiet in the home. The only thing filling in the empty space was the sound of rain rolling off the barrier that covered the house. They looked down, disappointed with themselves. How could they open up and expose their deepest secrets to people they had just met? Suddenly as they spoke up they felt two pairs of arms wrapping around their body. Eda and Luz had hugged their sides and they could feel Luz’s tears silently dropping against their skin. And as they looked at Edalyn her eyes were clenched tight and she pulled the child closer and whispered into their ear.
“It’s ok. I’m here now and I’ll make sure that she never puts a single hand on you ever again.”
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writing-fanics · 1 year
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⁂ starry eyed ⁂
✦ Hunter X Collector!Reader ✦
[Chapter Four: I'm Back]
previous chapter > final chapter
“Y/n? Yoo-hoo! You can come out now. Well, it's okay, she just broke, so I'll fix her.” The Collector says, he snaps his fingers but the spell dissipates
“What? Why isn't it working? The Archivists aren't here, they couldn't have taken her.” Belos aims another beat at the Collector. King suddenly roars and defends the Collector, conjuring a round shield with glyph patterns on it. His eyes have become purple and extra fangs have appeared in his jaw. A blue light glows in his mouth and tears flow down his face as he roars again. 
“Owl Lady, you know where my Y/n is, right?” He asks, looking at Eda, having only known [Y/n], for such a short amount of time already seemed to care for the young girl. But seeing, how upset Luz was, “Back up, kid. I don't think I can control myself right now.” Eda roars and grows in size and reverts to her original Owl Beast form. Her eyes have become orange and has extra sets of wings. Roaring again, she joins King and they attack Belos. King releases his power and they avoid the blasts. Terrified, The Collector trips, causing him to let go the star. 
“She's really gone.” The Collector says, looking down at the necklace in his hands, his sister was gone. 
A star floats into the In-Between Realm and settles into the water. From it, Y/n’s body reappears adn she sinks into the water. “I hope he’ll forgive me,” She thought, a hand grabs her arm and pulls her before she goes any further. 
“King?” She said, looking up at him, and he chuckles, “No. But he does get his good looks from me.” Papa Titan says, and she looks at him in shock. “Oh, Titan.” She says, sadly and he looks at her, “Oh, me. Nice to meet you, Y/n the Collector.” He says, looking at her and she looks at him. 
“Haven’t seen you since you trapped my brother and I here,” She said, looking up at him. “Dead-looking?” He said, and she looks at him, “Does that mean I'm also—” She asks, and he looks at her, “Ah, no, nope, no. Don't wanna do that. If you go under without a portal, you really will be dead-looking.” He says, and she looks down. 
“So you’re King's dad!” She says, looking at him, “I think King said it best once. "I am both King and Queen, best of both things." He says, and she smiled softly, as he chuckles, “But Dad works fine.” He says. 
“Even though I’m dead this is the last place I wanted to end up back in.” She said, sadly looking down. “About that.. Sorry.” He said, and she looked over at him and smiled, “It’s okay, you were protecting your child..But to be honest. I knew what my siblings were doing.” She said, looking down.
“That’s why they sent me down here with my sibling, and-” She shook her head, “Looking back if anyone deserved to be trapped here its me and not him.” She said, shaking her head. 
“Despite that, even though I want to mend my relationship with him. When I saw him fly up to Belos, I hoped with all my heart I would see them blast him away, and—” She sighs, looking down at her hands. She couldn’t believe what she was saying. 
Papa Titan looked at her sadly, “Hey, I can relate. I was willing to do anything to keep my kid safe. But I attacked the wrong people.” He said, and she looked at him, “Dragged you and the Collector down here for nothing.” He said, and she looked at him. 
“Does that make us as bad as Belos?” She asked, looking at him. 
“What? Have you been drinking Eda's homemade Apple Blood?” He said, and she looked away, “Well, Belos says he's trying to save humanity. And we are saying we want to save our families. So isn't that the same thing? Don't—Don't these feelings come from the same place?” She asked, looking at him. 
“You assume Belos's goal comes from a genuine place. But that man doesn't care about about anything but his need to be the hero in his own delusion. And because of that, he fears what he can't control.” He says, looking at her. “And now that fear is going to win.” She says, 
“Ah, dang.” He says, and she gaps as she sees Papa Titan’s chest is being affected by Belos’ possession. “I thought I had more time left. But Belos will have full control soon. You ready to stop him?” He asks, looking at her and she raises her eyebrow, “What? What can I do?” She askes, looking at him. 
“Think of it as an apology. So let me use my last bit of life to help you.” He says, as he extends his hand. On it, varius glyphs appear. “But if you do you’ll no longer be a collector.” he said. 
“Are you sure you wanna give this power to me?” She asks, looking at him, “Well, you're the one here, and you seem like a Collector.” He says, and she looks at him, “But I can't give you anything unless you choose to accept it. So the question is, will you choose yourself?” He asks, and she thinks for a moment, she’d be sacrificing her being a Collector living forever. But did she want that, to watch as the ones she’s grown to love  fade away Hunter, she sees him more than a friend? She didn’t want to lose him again. 
She takes his hand and a golden orb surrounds her. She starts to float up. “Now, Belos will be able to control everything, so you have to defeat him fast.” He says, and she looks down at him. She knew, King always wanted to learn about his father, “But-” She says, and looks down at him. 
“My power won't last forever, so use your time wisely.” He says, and she keeps floating up, “Oh, but what about -” She says, looking at him, “Eda the Owl Lady?’ He says, and salutes, “Send her my regards, big fan.” He says. 
She reaches out and holds on to Papa Titan’s claw to keep from being sent further upward, “No, King, what about King? Don't you wanna say something to him?” She asks, and he thinks for a moment, then whispers something in her ear. She’s excited by what she hears, “Oh. He'll love that.” She says, and chuckles, Papa Titan takes on his larger form and starts to sink into the water his body slowly sinks until it finally disappears. 
“Goodbye, Y/n.” He says. 
The Collector Room in the Archive, Camila begins to wake when Gus holds a light spell above her. Gus deactivates the light spell. He gasps, “She's waking up!” She says, and the others look at Camila. Gus helps her get to a sitting position as she repositions her glasses. “Wha—what's happening? Where's Luz and Y/n?” She asks, and everyone's facial all drop as she asks this. 
“Uh—” Gus says, Camila is now nervous. Meanwhile, everyone hears rumbling not far from them, and they all look to see the walls and ceiling begin to collapse. Amity tries to shield themself with abomination matter, but it does not take form and falls on top of her. 
“What's wrong with my magic?” Amity says, and Camila stands up and walks to Amity, “Can't you tell? You're exhausted. You all are! None of you have gotten rest in days.” Camilas says, and Willow looks at her. 
“But what can we do? We can't leave everyone like this.” Willow says, looking at everyone, “And what about Luz?” Hunter says, and Amity’s face saddens, “and Y//n?” Willow says, and Hunter’s face saddens as well. 
“Luz is a Noceda. You know what that means? It means she's way too stubborn to let any of this get her down.” Camila says, and puts her arm around Amity who blouses at the mention of Luz. 
Camila notices Hunter’s sad and worried expression, “Same for Y/n,” She says, looking at Hunter. Everyone looks at each other and smiles, knowing Camila is right. “They'll be okay.” She says, tears had welled up in her eyes. 
“In the meantime,” She wipes away her tears, “I think I know how we can help, even without your magic.” She says, smiling. 
Eda and King fight Belos’ monster form. They are still in a state of rage. As Eda and King, fight and Belos fires, The Collector hides alongside Luz. [Y/n]’s necklace is sent flying near them. He attempts to desolate the battle. “No, please stop! Run away!” He pleads, snapping his fingers but nothing happens.
“Why isn't anything working?” He says, and notices the moss growing onto his hands. “I don't want anyone else to go away. I don't want anyone else to go missing! I'm sorry for everything!” He starts crying and feels his face, noticing the tears. 
Luz looked at him sadly, “What is this stuff? Why-why won't it stop?” He cries, and then he notices the moss growing onto Eda’s claws, and he and Luz. Desperately brushes it off
“No! No, no, no, no! Get off of her!” He cried, and the Collector gets scared, when Belos prepares to crush them with his hand. He brings is hand down, but the beam of purple light deflects it. When the light clears, there is a gaping hole in Belos’ hand. A star shines through. A figure can be seen with an appearance similar to a titan. 
The fog clears revealing that it is [Y/n]. Eda, King, Luz, and The Collector are all in shock.“Huh? It can't be—” The Collector says, in shock, [Y/n] looks up at Belos in her new Titan Collector form, “I'm back!” She shouted, grinning. Eda, King, Luz, and The Collector all stare at her in awe and shock. 
She glares at Titan Belos, “Now, Belos..” She said, grinning mischievously, “Lets play a game!” She shouted, and Belos roars in anger. Causing everything to shake, inclusive the Archives. [Y/n] creates a glowing orb around her, King, Eda, Luz, and the Collector. It shoots up suddenly in erratic motions. “Oops, never had this much power before.” She said, sheepishly. 
Belos roars and the Archives shake precariously, “Oh no, everyone's still in the Archives.” Eda says, and The Collector looks up at her, “Leave them to me.” He says, he jumps onto his blue star and flies off. He notices the mold progressively getting worse.  
“Come on, you can at least do this.” He says, to himself. 
Eda, Luz, King, and [Y/n] travel to the stage below the Archives. The mold approaches quickly and takes form of monstrous faces. [Y/n] starts a spell, but struggles to make it. She’s never held this much power before especially not the Titan’s since his would always cancel her powers out since she was a collector. But Eda and Luz’s hand guides her. “Concentrate, think of what you want and—” Eda says, and the spell manifests into a large shield. The moss bounces off of it and curls upward. Luz, Eda, and [Y/n], push it forward and it eradicates the moss. Red grass takes over and shines the arena/ 
“Yes!” Luz chuckles, the moss appears on multiple sides, Y/n! On three! One—” King says, and she smiles. “Two!” [Y/n] says. “Weh!” [Y/n] and King shouted, they are able to get rid of most of the moss. The rest of it starts to engulf the roof of the arena. [Y/n] and King smile at each other. 
“Eda!” Luz shouts, and flies upwards on Stringbean with King in tow and indicates Eda to follow her and [Y/n]. [Y/n] smiles, and she spins creating a giant star that clears the entire area. THey notice a looming shadow adn realize the left arm of the Titan is rising. 
“Hold on.” [Y/n] says, and she flies up. 
In the Archives, Amity rescues Cat using a plant glyph as a giant rock falls above her, which Willow destroys with a fire glyph. Amity and Willow smile at each other. Camila continuously draws various glyphs and hands some off to Hunter. Gus is on his staff holding Amelia over hsi shoulder before a stray rock hits him and he falls. Gus uses a safety spell to gently fall and Hunter saves Gus’s palisman by using an ice glyph. 
Hunter carries Amelia away as Gus flies off with more glyphs in hand. Everything violently shoes again, causing the castle to lose its support at the Titan’s horn. They panic as they plummet, but pink strings manifest and hold it up. The Collector is seen straining to hold the structure up. The gang stares in shock as he smiles down at them.
“The Collector?” Hunter says, and his heart sinks for a moment seeing the Collector wearing [Y/n]’s necklace. “Is he—?” Willow says, looking up at him, “He's helping!” Gus says. 
[Y/n] looks down and sees where the magic is coming from, she flies down toward the heart of Titan. Rainewhispers caught in the moss. They are whistling their version of Eda’s Requiem in order to halt the moss’s growth. Their glasses have fallen off, and a purple beam of light can be seen. “Who's there? Stay away!” They struggles in the moss’s hold a hand and puts their glasses back on.
“It's okay Raine, I got ya.” Eda says, she pulls Raine out of the moss and hugs them.  
“I am— still not used to this new look, but it doesn't matter.” They said, as she kisses Raine while they embrace, “I'm just happy you're here.” They said, noticing [Y/n] standing next to Luz’ “How long was I out for?” They said, and [Y/n] looks down notices the Titan’s power starting to fade.
“We don't have much time. Let's end this.” Luz says. 
“Finally,” Raine says they clear a path to the throne room in the castle. They see Belos’ form in the heart and prepare for an onslaught. Luz and [Y/n], launch spells that destroy the upcoming branches of mold, then summon a set of ice stars and climb to the heart. They both grab Belos’ ribcage and start pulling. 
“You can't defeat me!” Belos shouted, a large number of hands manifest and attempt to hurt Luz and [Y/n]. Eda slices them up with her harpy magic. Raine whistles at the moss causing it to retreat. King releases his powers and helps to protect, Luz and [Y/n]. 
“Do not underestimate me, Belos. For I am the Good Witch Luz, Child of the Human Realm, Student of the Demon Realm, and Warrior of Peace!” Luz Shouted,
“Do not underestimate me, Belos. For I am the Collector Y/n, Child of the Stars,” Y/n shouted, her eyes glowing orange and various glyphs manifest around her hands. The Titan yells in agony and everything shakes again. The Collector struggles to hold up the Archives. Eda, Raine, and King continuously attack. 
“NOW EAT THIS, SUCKA!” [Y/n] and Luz shouted, as they successfully tore Belos out of the heart and everything falls silent as their screams echo into the silence. The monster Belos outside the heart screams in agony as its heart emits a flash of purple and blue and black lights and it explodes. The Titan’s hand is stabilized as a rush of energy runs through it. 
The Titan’s eyes lose color and turn off. Back in the castle, the monster turns to stone and eventually turns into dust. And is blown away along with the mold. Thus restoring the red grass across the isles. The Archives building is slowly lowered down to the Titan’s head. The pink strings disappear and a tired Collector flies to where Camila and the others are. The blue stars disappear as the moss around his hands slowly begins to fade away.
Amity steps closer as the Collector recoils in fear. Amity then offers her hand out to him. He takes it, and small tears form in his eyes. They all rush to the balcony as they stare in awe as the moss slowly clears up. Back at the castle, the molds also start to clear up one by one. Raine, Eda, and King burst out of the moss. King gasps for air as Rain and Eda look at each other as she smiles. 
[Y/n] is then standing in front of Belos’ goo form, which slowly turns into Philip. “Y/n— Y/n, I'm- I'm free. Thank goodness you saved me from-” Phillip pauses his speech as he sweats nervously, “From that horrible curse.” He says nervously. She just stared at him, with blankly stare. 
 “Yes, I-I was cursed with a terrible, terrible sickness, by— by dark magic,” He says, as he speaks, the sky slowly turns dark, signaling the fall of boiling rain. 
“It forced me to do all those horrible things, but-but now, I'm free.” He says, a drop of boiling rain falls and he screams in pain, the part where the rain touched him on the hand becoming green. Boiling ran starts to fall from the sky. 
“AH! Qui-Quickly, now!” he says, nervously she just stared at him as he crawls towards her begging, for his help. “Don't- Don't you want- to make peace - Y/n?” He asks, and she stares at him, she’d never forgive him never. Betraying her brother, manipulating others, possessing her, and hurting Hunter and her friends. 
He slowly reverts back to his goo form due to the boiling rain. Her expression remains unfazed, the rain turning to sparkles in her hair as the boiling rain does not affect her. “Don't just stand there!” He shouts, his body decomposing fully, she crawls towards her, “You'll be just as bad, just as conniving, just as evil, and just as unforgivable as those Archivists!” He says, and she stares at him as he holds onto her leg. 
“We're human. We're better than this!” He says, and she takes a step back. A scowling Rain, King, and Eda step in front of her as they handle Belos, the trio under the protection of the magical lead Raine had conjured. 
“Well, we ain't!” Eda says, angrily. The tri raise their feet and stimp Belos repeatedly, bringing him to his end. “That was extremely satisfying.” Raine says, looking over at Eda. “Ew, it's on my claws!” King groaned, Raine feels the sun outside and they shut down their leaf. A glowing light comes from behind them as [Y/n] glows adn floats, her power from the Titan finally released. The energy manifests into the form of the Titan, Rain, King, Luz, and Eda stare in shock. 
“Is that—” Raine says. 
“I think it is.” Eda says, and looks to King, “Dang kid, you do have tall genes.” She says, to him. 
King’s eyes sparkle in wonder as the manifestation of his father flies’s away. [Y/n] returned to her wolf costume. She opens her eyes, but realizing she doesn’t have powers anymore, she falls and screams. Eda and King, run up to catch her as the three lay on the ground side by side, panting. The clouds slowly start to reveal the sun shining as the three look on, their faces steady. 
“Oh! Your dad had a message for you.” She says, and whispers to King. “I— loaf you? I loaf you.” He chuckles, “Bread pun!” He exclaims, and everyone laughs. [Y/n] sits up and smiles looking at Luz, “Isn't it amazing? We did it. After everything, after all that— we stuck together.” Luz says, and [Y/n] looks at her and smiles, “Yup, we did alright.” Eda says.
“I'll say.” King says. 
@tinkerbellsgf @supernerdycookietrashblr
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you don't have to write this, just a request so yk,
if possible could you write Alador Blight x Reader smut?
specifically that Alador and Reader have been friends since hexside and at some point reader maybe suggests Alador take a break from work?
honestly it makes me a bit red to request but it's similar to "say no to this" from Hamilton
So yea :') take creative liberty if you wanna write this, you don't have to tho
have a nice timezone writer !!
Well damn- of course i will write this! Thanks for the lovely request anon!
I have never written smut in my life, i just read it so this shall be interesting
Here are some words that you my need for this fanfic: y/t = your track, h/c = hair colour
Alador Blight x afab!reader (they/them pronouns)
Warnings: smut
Contains: oral (m receiving), a bit of hair pulling, afab reader
Minors dni
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It all started with two young Hexside students, one was in the abomination track, a kid named Alador, and the other in y/t, A kid named y/n, they were good friends, maybe even had crushes on one another, but both of them were too shy to ask the other out
Alador soon cought feeling for another girl and in the future they got married and had three children, but his love for y/n never seemed to disappear, and that created deep regrets
When the collector showed up and changed everything, he got to see his first lover again upon teaming up with Edalyn
"hey Alador! We accidentally broke one of your abomination creation, can you fix it?" Eda said as she walked in to the base
"of course Edalyn." Alador said as he went towards the entrance and picked up the broken abomination
"oh and before i forget y/n wanted to talk to ya." Eda said as she walked away, Alador seemed to not hear what she said and walked over to his workshop
He dragged the abomination in to the workshop and slammed the door behind him, locking it so that no one would bother him
"uhh, hello." A voice was heard behind him, he quickly turned to see y/n sitting on the desk
"y/n? What're you doing here?" He asked as he walked over to you, the tips of his ears turning a light pink
"just wanted to check in on you, you seemed kind of distant lately." They said as they got off of the desk
"I've just been busy." He states as he walked over towards the desk, pulling the brocken abomination creation with him
"with what?" They asked
"things." He answered
"well i could help you with those things." Y/n said as they looked at Alador, wiggling their eyebrows. Alador turned bright red as his pants seemed to be tighter than before
"so what can I do?" They asked as they pulled a chair next to Alador and sat down
"well for started you can screw these bolts on to this metal chest plate." He said as he took the chest plate off of the abomination and gave it to you
"that's not the only thing I can screw." Y/n mumbled, but Alador heard it, his pants tightened even more
They worked together on the chest plate, but Alador's pants never seemed to loosen up
"you good there?" Y/n asked, seeming to notice Alador's sweating
"yup- just fine." He breathed out
Y/n raised their eyebrow but shrugged it off and continued to work
Soon y/n was done with their part of the chest plate and they decided to check out Alador, i mean who wouldn't?
Untill they spotted it
Alador had a tent in his pants, they smirked
"oh so that's why you're sweating." Y/n said, Alador's face turned red as he just ignored y/n ad continued to work, thinking they would drop it
"well you could have just asked for my help." Y/n said s she got up from the chair and kneeled down in front of Alador
His eyes widened as he looked down to see you smiling innocently at him
"may i?" They asked
"please do." Alador breathed out
Y/n smirked and started to unzip his pants and pull his underwear down
Alador gasped as his length sprung up
Y/n grabbed his length as she started to pump him, he panted as y/n's movements quickened, they put their lips on his tip and slowly circled it with their tongue
Alador grabbed the table tightly as he bit the sleeve of his coat as to not make any noise to alert the others
Y/n slowly started to push his length down thier throat as alador bit harder on his sleeve, panting heavily
Y/n giggled seeing his reaction and that sent vibrations up his shaft as he groaned and grabbed y/n's hair and pushed them down his dick
They gagged but continued their motions, Alador's hand still in between their h/c hair
Alador felt as if he was going to explode, his dick pulsating in y/n's throat, but before he could finish y/n pulled away from him
"w-why'd you stop?" Alador panted as his and left their hair
Without a word y/n stood up and sat on Alador's lap, catching him by surprise
"though I'd try something else, but i have to have your consent of course." They claimed, smiling innocently
Alador rolled his eyes as he stood up and put y/n on his work desk, y/n's eyes widened as he tugged at their pants/ skirt/ whatever you're comfortable with, looking lustfully in their eyes
They smiled lightly as they nodded and alador quickly took their pants/ skirt/ whatever you're comfortable with off withe their underwear
"well someone's needy." They teased, propping themselves on their elbow's, alador groaned as he slowly started to insert himself inside of y/n' wet heat
They moaned as alador put a hand over their mouth
"Quiet they might hear us." Alador whispered, they nodded as they grabbed a clean cloth near them and tied it to heir mouth, bitting on it, getting alador a bit more turned on, but he wasn't going ti admit that of course
As he slid himself all the way in he gave y/n time to adjust before rocking them back and forth at a snow pace
Y/n's needy moans were muffled my the cloth as they barely mumbled something and pulled at Alador's coat, signaling him to go faster
He sighed and went a bit faster as their muffled moans became more frequent
Alador being lost in pleasure began to speed up a little more ad he quietly moaned and groaned in to y/n's ear, they squeezed his coat as their tight heat tightened even more around him, slowly but surely y/n was feeling a knot tighten in their stomach, they released with a moan as Alador groaned he thrusted harder in to them, making them whimper and moan as they grabbed on to Alador, feeling weak after their orgasm
Alador's thrusts became more sloppy, y/n knew he was about to finish and with one final thrust alador pulled out and came on their stomach
They both planted as alador reached and untied the cloth around y/n's mouth
"we better clean up before anyone sees us like this." Alador stated as he pulled away from y/n's grasp
"I'll get you a towel and clean clothes." Alador said as he out his pants on and unlocked the door to his workshop, leaving it and closing an locking the door behind him
"seems like you had a fun time." A voice was heard, he turned to see Eda
"Edalyn! Were you listening in on us?!' he panicked
"yeah thought you were gonna talk crap about me or something but instead i got free porn audio that i will use to blackmail you." Eda said as she waved a scroll around that showed a voice recording
"Edalyn, don't. you. dear." He said
"catch me if you can!" She yelled as she got on owlbert ad flew away
Hope you liked this story sorry if it is a bit cringe, i mean it is my first time writing smut sooo
But again hope you like it and i hope you have a great rest of your day
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justice-maul · 2 years
Last updated on: August 1 2024
Archives are things I don’t write for anymore and are listed down below
Most Recent Post:
Key: Recent (made within thirty days):✨ Smut:🔞 Fluff:☀️ Angsty:🎭 Personal Favs:❤️‍🔥
Please Me~ Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader 🔞
Only a Fool~ Wanda x FTM Reader 🔞☀️
Promises~ Young Tony Stark x Top Male Reader College Au 🔞❤️‍🔥
Avengers Giving You a Blowjob | Headcanons 🔞
Tony Stark x Younger Poolboy Male Reader | Headcanons 🔞❤️‍🔥
Killmonger NSFW Alphabet | Headcanons 🔞
«Hateful Lust» Tony Stark x Dom Rival Male Reader 🔞✨❤️‍🔥
Obsession~ Storm x Male Reader 🔞❤️‍🔥
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler x Dom Male Reader
Jason Todd x Male Werewolf Reader | Headcanons ☀️🎭
Jason Todd x Top Male Werewolf Reader | Headcanons Part 2 🔞❤️‍🔥✨
«Agents of Shield»
Nothing here yet..
Hot Cocoa~ Peter Parker x Winged Male Reader ☀️
«Temptation» Tom!Peter Parker x Top Avenger Male Reader 🔞✨
«Star Wars»
Nothing here yet..
«The Boys»
Nothing here yet..
«The Witcher»
Nothing here yet..
«Obey Me Shall We Date»
Quit Teasing~ Mammon x Dom Male Reader 🔞
Nothing here yet..
«Call Of Duty»
Nothing here yet..
Nothing here yet..
«Attack On Titan»
My Dream~ Eren x Egyptian Goddess Reader ☀️
Need Help?~ Armin x Dom Gender Neutral Reader 🔞
«Owl House»
Principal Bump x Professor Reader | Headcanons ☀️
Platonic King x Titan Male Reader Headcanons ☀️🎭
Some Alone Time~ Eda x Trans!Masc Reader 🔞☀️
«Stranger Things»
Nothing here yet..
«The Arcana»
Nothing here yet..
Things I no longer write for:
«Death Note»
L x Black Female Reader | Headcanons ☀️
«High Rise Invasion»
Little Toy~ Sniper Mask x Dom Gender Neutral Reader 🔞
Penelope Decker x Lucifer's Younger Brother ☀️
«My Hero Academia»
Serve Me~ Prince Tamaki x Dom Gender Neutral Servant Reader 🔞
Pathetic Hero~ Mount Lady x Ex Villain Male Reader 🔞
Great Dom~ Mirko x Quirkless Male Reader🔞
«Jujitsu Kaisen»
Pretty Girl~ Megumi x Dom Gender Neutral Reader | Thirst 🔞
Not So Tough Now~ Sub Alpha Gojo x Dom Omega Reader | Thirst 🔞
Obedient Pets~ House Husband Toji & Sukuna x Gender Neutral Reader | Thirst 🔞
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soulmate au hcs ; principal bump
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requested by ; anonymous (02/09/22)
fandom(s) ; the owl house
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; principal bump
outline ; “hi mod! if youre comfortable writing abt him can i request gender neutral reader x principal bump from the owl house? specifically soulmate headcanons?”
note ; the au used here is one where anything you write on your skin appears on your soulmate’s skin.
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
as his soulmate you’ve been witness to the highs and lows of his teaching career by proxy of the notes he’d leave you — scrawled across his arms and transferred onto your own whenever he had the time free to write to you
you get to hear about everything from his growing bond with frewin (his palisman who was apparently very expressive, at least if his illustrations were anything to go by), his debate about growing out his hair (with your encouragement he decides to finally take the leap), and his ongoing battle with a kid called eda — who, based on everything he’s written to you, must be something of his arch nemesis
and of course you offer your own input and advice where you can — which he often takes to heart and always seems to work in his favour, even if it’s through a different method than he initially intended
naturally the reverse is also true and he’s happy to offer his own input and advice to any situation you might find yourself in, especially if it involves one of the magic types taught at hexside since he’s able to quickly note down the footnotes of a spell or area of study for you to help jog your memory for whatever you’re doing
the two of you became an item quite quickly after you started to be able to communicate, working around the rules of what you were forbidden from exchanging in order to arrange a time and a place to meet up — using ink to blot out distinctive designs on your arms and wearing clothing with shorter sleeves to make sure you’d be able to recognise each other immediately
and that was that
the two of you stuck together through his teaching career as he worked his way up to the position of principal at hexside, with you being the one to support and uplift him even when things seemed especially hopeless with his students
you even helped him find new ways to accommodate multitrack students after the human, luz, persuaded him to make those options available to his students — spending the better part of a week brainstorming through the night and rearranging the schedules of each hexside track to allow students to cross between them without compromising either part of their education
it took several sleepless nights and the two of you ended up absolutely wreaked afterwards, but it was made more than worth it when you both saw how happy the students were with all of the changes you made
whenever you visit him at work for whatever reason, you’re always greeted politely by those you come across — with students being on their best behaviour (including, at one distant point in time, the infamous young miss eda clawthorne) as they greet their favourite ‘mx bump’ and staff always happy to stop and chat with you about the latest gossip that’s been working it’s way around the school
some even ask you for advice in figuring out who their soulmate is and you even become something of a ‘soulmate consultant’ as you and bump get older
that being said, bump isn’t the type to brag about finding his soulmate or show you off for the most part — of course he’ll mention you in passing if anyone asks and he doesn’t hide his relationship from anyone, he’s just not very over the top about it or eager to share his personal life with his colleagues or students (he enjoys his privacy but he’s far from ashamed of you and will pass on any messages to you that he’s asked to)
you are the only other person frewin trusts and will happily lounge upon (when he’s not helping your beloved see, of course), and his mood will notably lighten whenever he sees you after a long day — arguably he’s happier to see you than bump is (at least outwardly) and the two of you joke about it often
after bump’s retirement the two of you dedicate yourselves to helping the isles rebuild whilst settling into a new, mostly quieter, life together
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specter-writes · 1 year
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sworntolove · 10 months
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(◞◟)🌸⁺ — sworn to love | owl house oneshots
———— sworn to love | owl house oneshots on quotev ( user @/cartoony )
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———— welcome to sworn to love! a collection of romantic/platonic one-shots of your favorite pairings from the disney show the owl house. i greet you a warm and pleasant welcome and thank you for visiting. happy reading!
———— there are two methods on how to request a one-shot! first method is to request through the mailbox located at my blog. you can choose to remain anonymous or not. the second method is to request through the comment sections of the book ( linked at the top of this post ).
reminders on requesting! please make your request detailed so that i can satisfy your request. please include the pairing you want the one-shot to be about (ex. hunter x willow, luz x amity, edric x oc, hunter x reader, etc.) and a short but detailed description/sypnosis about what the plot of the story is. you can add any other extra details if you wish. thank you!
———— IT WAS ABSOLUTE HELL. Exams were less than a week away, and Aliyas was about to burst in stress. Being an honor student since elementary, a lot of pressure was put on her at such young age.
Aliyas looked at her math book and sighed in fustration as she crossed her arms, tears pricking out the edges of her eyes. She rubbed her eyes unconsciously to try and get rid of her tears, but the more she got rid of it, the more tears came out.
She shakily sighed and picked up her books and ran to the library door and opened it only to..
She fell to the ground and so did the books she held. She panicked as she started apologizing profusely and picking up her books from the ground. She saw a hand help her out and she looked up to see her friend, Robbie, looking at her with immense worry...
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#౨ৎ  ⁺  one-shot!
#౨ৎ  ⁺  announce!
#౨ৎ  ⁺  reblog!
#౨ৎ  ⁺  random!
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#౨ৎ  ⁺  huntlow!
#౨ৎ  ⁺  lumity!
#౨ৎ  ⁺  gustholomule!
#౨ৎ  ⁺  raeda!
#౨ৎ  ⁺  aladarius!
#౨ৎ  ⁺  xreader!
#౨ৎ  ⁺  xoc!
#౨ৎ  ⁺  luz
#౨ৎ  ⁺  amity
#౨ৎ  ⁺  willow
#౨ৎ  ⁺  gus
#౨ৎ  ⁺  hunter
#౨ৎ  ⁺  eda
#౨ৎ  ⁺  raine
#౨ৎ  ⁺  edric
#౨ৎ  ⁺  emira
#౨ৎ  ⁺  alador
#౨ৎ  ⁺  darius
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psd credits to weirdestwitch and brightplaces on deviantart. divider by v6que on tumblr.
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mystic0idoit · 2 years
I haven't wrote shit In awhile so imma start taking request.
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Fandoms I'll do and conditions.
Gravity falls
I am indeed inlove with this fandom, I will do billdip only if dipper is aged up to 18, I will not do pines family x each other, nor will I ship the grunkles with younger charaters. Smut is indeed allowed I don't write it often but I will for charaters that are 18+ (dipper and Mabel could be aged up as well)
Owl house
This one is a different story, I won't be writing smut for this fandom purely because I personally do not feel comfortable with doing so yet considering their still making episodes and charaters are young. Ships I won't do is eda x any child, eda x Lilith, eda x literally anyone other then rain. I also won't do Luz x Hunter because I see them as siblings to much.
Teen wolf
I Hardly remember anything about the show other then season 3 drama and some early characters, my memory of the show is purely based on fanfiction. Smut is allowed, I will infact do stiles x anyone other then his parents (that includes Melissa)
Black phone
I actually have recently watched this, and have a hyperfixtation on it already, so please send writing request. I do any ships for this other then grabber included ones and Finney x his family, also if there's any writers out there please think about Finney x the ghostboys cause I can see it and I will write about it. I also don't know any of their age I'm just assuming they are all in middleschool. So yeah. I'm not doing smut.
Miraculous ladybug
I love this show, I've yet to see the newest season due to it being nonexistent on my streaming services, I'll do any ships except family related ones, I will even include crossovers from marvel or DC. Smut is only allowed if the characters are 18+ (highscool senior age is allowed)
Most fandoms are allowed as long as incest isn't allowed. MALE READERS ARE 100% LOVED AND NEEDED, I'm genderfluid and pansexual so I'm not invaideding and sexualities or fetishing them.
Here's fandoms I'll do cause this is a long post.
The black phone
Stranger things
Harry Potter (I don't know much except moive info)
Gravity falls
DC (Tim and Jason are a questionable ship I may do idk)
Miraculous ladybug (Marinette x felix is loved, also poly is okay)
Fantastic beast (I'm only writing for newt, and newt x readers cause that's the only charater I cherished enough to remember)
Fnaf (no William x dead children)
I think that's it.
Once again smuts allowed for 18+ characters, no incest, No pedophilia, no racism, no rape, no homophobia. Readers are highly recommended, male/female/trans/nonbinary/genderfluid are all accepted but if a reader is canonically gay for a certain sex then only that certain sex reader.
If you want a specific body type fill free to include that, that includes personality, race, and so much more. I wanna write to make everyone comfortable.
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bumblebbyxx · 1 year
Hello! ✨️
I have 10 questions for you:
Q1: Is your request box is still opening for Hunter (TOH) x female reader headcanons and oneshots?
Q2: Do you have request rules for Hunter (TOH) x female reader headcanons and oneshots?
Q3: Can you accept prompts and songfics for request?
Q4: Can you accept yandere moments for Hunter (TOH) x female reader headcanons and oneshots?
Q5: Can you accept suggestive moments like neck kisses, makeouts and hickey for Hunter (TOH) x female reader request? I am sorry for asking an awkward question.
Q6: What are your thoughts on Hunter (TOH)?
Q7: What are your favorite The Owl House characters you admire? Mine is Hunter!!!!
Q8: What are your least favorite The Owl House characters you hate? Mine is Emperor Belos!!!
Q9: Can you accept fanfics with Hunter (TOH) x female reader like fanfics has more chapters than 40 chapters, 30 chapters or 20 chapters for request?
Q10: Can you accept crossover fanfics with Hunter (TOH) x female reader for request?
Hello!! Thanks for leaving some questions!
My request box is still open for Hunter (TOH) x female reader headcanons and one shots. If you would like to leave one, just leave a question.
I do not have any request rules. NSFW of character x readers is allowed, as long as they are not very young minors, like Gus (TOH). I also do not do child x adult ships, nor do I do noncon.
I do accept songfics upon request.
I do also accept yandere hunter x female reader, as long as it is not noncon.
I do accept suggestive moments with Hunter, as long as it is not noncon or above/under his age difference.
I think Hunter is very cute and sweet! He is so adorable and I love him very much 💖💖
I think my favorite (TOH) character is also Hunter, and Eda too!!
I also really hate Belos, as well as Odalia and Boscha! 😡
Yes, I accept long chapter fan fictions for Hunter (TOH) x female reader for request.
I do accept crossover fics.
Thank you for leaving questions 💕💕!!
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