#young Rick Sanchez x reader
Okay, so here's what had happened.
I originally started writing a Rick C137 x Reader fic. The mc is non-binary / gender neutral, and they were gonna be a type of space traveler kinda like Rick. It was gonna be super rad, I still have a hella long outline for the story, and i'm definitely gonna write it eventually.
But then I started brainstorming a one shot-
Again, it was C137 x reader. However, this time, it was just gonna be like a one-off scenario where Rick is absolutely blackout drunk, and he tries to kill the mc. Is it healthy? Probably not- but then neither is Rick. I was really excited about this one shot (and am still writing it- I just thought it needed something and am still workshopping it.)
I read Rickfucker's absolute MASTERPIECE of a story called "10 Ways to Say I Love You" and it was about Young Rick when he was in the freedom fighters x reader. That story was so immaculate. So unbelievably good- it got my head spinning on a Young Rick x reader fic.
(Because bro, who doesn't love Star Wars? That shit slaps. That kind of story would slap- and thus I got REALLY INTO WRITING ONE.)
And now my brain is spinning a beautiful idea of a Rick Prime x reader fic that has something to do with the finite curve (because I just rewatched season 5 ep 10 and It slaps so hard holy shit.)
But now my brain is spinning, bro. Idk which one to work on first. Is it sustainable to work on several at once? Is there one that's more appealing? I'm kinda lost, man, lol.
I'm probably gonna finish the Young Rick one first if I'm being completely honest here. That one is so fun to write. But then again- so is the Rick Prime one. I'm very much scrambled and in need of fanfiction to the point where my brain is writing it, bro.
Help me I am deeply mentally unwell.
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christiecandor · 9 months
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I see a lot of you bummed you missed season 7 and/or the marathon on Adult Swim last night, and since I've already been helping a few of you watch it, I've decided to put together a little something for everyone in the fandom on my Google Drive account! Merry Rickmas, all! 🫶
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Rick Sanchez x Self - Insert OC Fan-Fiction
Hey guys٫
I have 10 chapters released on wattpad of my self-insert OC x Rick Sanchez fan fiction - if you liked my Dick Prime excerpt chapter please go give it a read 💜
Heres a little summary for you;
Aurora Augustine is an interdimensional traveler from X-258 - a dimension beyond the central finite curve where she is the smartest woman in the universe. She also happens to be the Rick Sanchez' best friend - whom she hasn't seen in 6 years. Long story short, when a romance goes bad and Rick saves her from the former, she enters back into his life almost as if she never left. Rick proposes that in order for Aurora to stay with the Smiths - she has to help him as he re-starts up his plan to eliminate Rick Prime to finally get justice for his dead wife and daughter. Aurora agrees and Rick realizes that her presence in his life starts to bring up feelings that he long thought were dead.
As always any feedback is encouraged and MUCH appreciated.
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rickfucker · 2 years
10 Ways to Say I Love You (young!Rick Sanchez/Reader) - Pt. 1
I have hit my follower goal!!! thank you all so much for reading my nonsense and giving me a follow. it’s literally always been a goal of mine to be one of those popular fanfic writers and idc if that’s silly.
Link to the inspiration for this ficlet. 
AO3 Link
young!Rick Sanchez/f!Reader 3441 Words - SFW CW for Explicit Language, Canon Compliant Violence, & Minor Character Death
Though the windows are only tinted by the dark blue of the outside, the fluorescent lights of the meeting room are plenty to wake you up. Your head is only being held up by your hands, which are only being held up by the heaviness of your head. Simple physics that plagues your existence.
Other members of your fleet chat away with one another, the gross smell of eggs filling your nostrils. It makes you internally gag; not enough energy to even fully commit to that. Once you have to get up, you’ll make your tiny Styrofoam cup of tea with the scorching hot water sitting readily in front of you. For now, you just welcome its warmth on your hands through the plastic.
Leave it to Rick Sanchez to convince you that going out to that stupid Interplanetary Club the night before a mandatory morning meeting was a good idea. The man was too charming for his own good. Definitely for yours.
Your stomach churns as you take meditative inhales through your nose and exhales through your mouth. If it really turns out to be worth it, you aren't going to decide until after this feeling subsides. 
You lift your head as you sense someone's presence at your table. Speak of the devil.
His signature smirk adorns his face as he takes a seat diagonal to you. He looks fine. Great, even. You glare at him.
It only makes him laugh, a sound that tickles your ears but bangs against your skull. You hide your head in your crossed arms.
“Oh, come on. I didn’t get you that drunk, did I?” You can hear the smile in his voice.
You sigh deeply, your voice groggy as you start to speak. “You should know by now that my tolerance is shit compared to yours.” You shoot him another glare. “And clearly my refractory time, as well.”
“Ooh, talk dirty to me, baby,” he flirts, but you’re too tired to be bothered by it. 
The night was mostly a blur of drugs and dancing and colorful drinks handed to you - which you drank without question. You trusted Rick in a sense. More like you trusted Birdperson, and they trusted Rick.
He was fighting the same cause you were. He was a bit brash, but it was a welcome change from the rest of the people on your team. You had gotten sick of the polite, forced niceties that came with sharing a living space with a hundred other aliens. Rick is a wild card, named a rogue. His motivations are unclear. But if there is one thing you really know about Rick, it’s that he knows how to party.
A lot of the things he came into the club with were incredibly rare and hard to find. Even if Rick didn’t have the greatest attendance record when it came to anything that didn’t include firing guns, you can’t imagine he has that much time on his hands to go hunting down illicit substances. 
But he’s always there to take someone down when he’s needed.
“I’m surprised to even see you here. You usually skip these, don’t you?” You prop up on your elbow, letting your eyes adjust to the bright light. You take note of the two to-go cups in front of him. Earthly looking.
“Noticing when I’m gone, hm?” He lays it on thick, one lengthy hand wrapped around one of the cups.
You point at the free cup with a questioning look, curiosity officially piqued. He gives mock surprise.
“Oh, this? Ye-yeah, I may have made a pit-stop while I was deigning to show up.” He smiles, pushing it your way. “Two sugars, right?”
Your mouth falls open as the smell finally wafts your way; coffee. Your hands immediately wrap around its warmth, mouth falling open in awe as you look at him with wide eyes. 
“Shut up!” you whisper. “Where the hell did you get this?” Another rare commodity around here. You had switched over to caffeinated green tea, but it just wasn’t the same. Especially during a hangover.
“I can’t divulge my sources.”
You smile at him while you take a sip. You relish in its heat and bitter aftertaste. “I’ll take it.”
You don’t think to ask how he knew your order.
When you wake, your room is still covered in darkness. Your hand flies to the digital clock on your nightstand. 2:35AM
You flop back onto your bed with a sigh. Most nights were like this; you either struggled falling asleep or staying asleep - at your worst, both, spending your night counting the ceiling tiles. 
You can hear the sound of hushed voices outside of your room and into the shared hallway of your fleet members. You didn’t function on a typical schedule most times. Most other solar systems didn’t even subscribe to time in the way of weeks, months, and years. The present is only the present. There’s a yesterday and a tomorrow, but time doesn’t really exist beyond our perception of it.
You think you prefer the daily trials of life with that mindset in clutch.
You eye your door longingly, silently wishing you had just made plans for tonight instead of turning in your bed for hours on end. You need to catch up on sleep, yeah. But trying your best to sleep whenever you can clearly isn't working for you.
There’s laughter and footsteps. Shushes followed by more demure giggling. The sound slowly fades out of your peripheral hearing, your eyes closing in defeat.
They snap open to the quiet, quick succession of knocks on your door. You furrow your brow as you flip the blankets off, making your way to the entrance while pulling your robe tight around your waist.
Your hand print scans beside the door with a blue light and a beep, the aluminum sliding open to reveal a somewhat disheveled Rick, dressed casually and leaning on the door frame.
Your eyes squint to adjust to the hallway lights. “Rick?” A glance to your right reveals the rest of the group has gone, leaving the two of you alone. “It’s two in the morning.” You cross your arms in indignance, trying your hardest to look annoyed.
He speaks in a whispered frenzy. “Yeaaah, yeah. Listen, listen. So, BP and I went to the cantina after hours to steal some of the good cereal ‘cause if I have to eat bran one more fucking time I’m gonna- gonna blow up this whole f-fucking station - and there were these other crew members trying to break into the main office to forge some shit. Get this: This chicks best friend slept with her boyfriend - like who gives a fuck, right? But they were gonna fake a mandatory transfer for this guy to get ‘em out of our station, so I helped, and now we’re gonna go stink bomb this chicks room while she’s out in exchange for whole milk for the fucking. Cereal! Do you want to come?”
You blink at him. 
You could describe Rick as many things. Intimidating. Charismatic. Mysterious. 
Upon getting to know him better: childish.
It was never unwelcome and was almost always charming. You could watch him 180 in a team meeting - from planning an assassination attempt to whispering flustering mnemonic devices in your ear for each of your crew members in the room.
You glance back at your messy bed, a sad reminder of what you know you’re missing. But yeah. You do want to go.
A sound passes your lips, somewhere between a sigh and a laugh, shedding your robe and going for one of your sweatshirts instead. He whispers a ‘yesssss’ with a punch of his fist in the air. Your smile grows.
“Only if I can have the kind with the marshmallows.” you add.
He grins. “A girl after my own heart.”
You barely had time to register it in the moment - an enemy’s gun pointed toward one of your own. Your finger twitching on the trigger, shooting the alien dead like second nature. When you angrily met the eyes of your teammate, leaving their station and ducking out from everyone's eyesight, you barely shot the offender down in time. 
Rick wasn’t paying attention.
No, his back was turned. He was alert when you spoke to him, but not toward the fight at hand. 
“Rick, what are you doing?” you yelled from across the room, your voice quiet among the lasers, pistols, and the burning of your ambush explosives.
“Don’t worry about me,” he replied, his eyes hard. He took off. You didn’t see him until long after the mission was over.
You catch him hanging low in the hallway by the cantina. Rage flares in your nostrils, and you shove him before he even knows you’re there.
He stumbles a bit to the side, shooting a crazed look at you with an accompanying ‘what the fuck?’
“What the fuck was that earlier? Abandoning a mission?”
He protectively covers where you pushed him with a hand, rolling his eyes but softening. “How about you worry about yourself, sweetheart.”
You scoff. “That fucking mosquito almost shot you, idiot.”
His lips turn down. An annoyed scowl you’re so used to seeing. “Right, my bad. Forgot to pick up a thank-you card.”
He presses the right buttons, your fingers fisting and stretching out anxiously by your side. The flicker of the fluorescent lights makes you nauseous. “Don’t be a dick,” you say dumbly.
He crosses his arms. “Be- because ambushing me and starting a fight was so fuckin’ polite of you.”
You sigh, ignoring him. Your eyes glance up and down the hallway to make sure no one can hear you, though you’re not sure why. “What were you doing?” you whisper, your true curiosity spilling.
His arms fall away, turning. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he deadpans.
Your anger turns way into disappointment, and suddenly he’s walking away from you. “Rick-”
“Hey.” His voice has a bite, annoyance or warning, you don’t know. “Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to.”
It shuts you up, stops you dead in your tracks. You stand there and watch him walk away, wanting to blow your head off for a reason you can’t explain. Why did he piss you off so much? Why did you act so stupid? If you were trying to express concern for him, which you told yourself you were, you did a shit job at showing it.
You awkwardly nod at the others hanging around down the hall as you pass them on your way back to the cantina.
Your tray of boring cafeteria food sits untouched and cold to your left. You don’t have much of an appetite these days.
Your fingers are occupied with spinning the tiny screws that hold the fluid component sturdy to its top. You’ve never thought you had overly manly hands until this moment. Your fingers are stubby and huge and tinted red from being stabbed by the screws flipping out of their sockets from the pressure. 
You aren’t particularly gifted with in-field tech, but you’re trying to improve. Which is why you repeatedly refused the help of your friends when you complained to them about the gun malfunctioning. You should learn these things in case of an emergency. You should be self-sustaining.
The screw slips back out of the socket and you curse as it scratches your cuticle, slamming your fist on the table - maybe a little too hard. You reel in your frustration in hopes nobody heard it and is looking at you like you’re crazy from past your peripherals.
You eye your abandoned tray with exhaustion, reaching for your water. Your hands burn as they scrape against the plastic cap. 
He appears then, just to the left of you, body leaning cooly against the table. The look in his eyes spells trouble to you, his brow raised in questioning. You take a long sip of your water while Rick’s eyes meet yours, glance down to the pile of hardware in front of you, and look up at you again. 
You set the cup down, willing yourself to keep his eye contact though your body tells you to break it. “What?” You finally ask.
He nods toward the pile. “Looked like you were having some trouble.”
His tone isn’t exactly mocking, but given the last conversation you’d had with each other, there was no telling if he only came over here to get back at you for poking the bear, or if he was actually trying to be helpful. He’s too nonchalant; you can never quite get a proper read on him.
“No trouble,” you say in as neutral a tone as you can, “I’m figuring it out.” That sounded more sure in your head.
“I could take a look at it,” he offers, but your stubbornness wins out.
“I’ve got it handled, Sanchez.” Well, that was a little too aggressive.
The longer he stares at you, the more you shrink under his gaze. He looks away for a moment, working his jaw in what you can tell is annoyance, before he’s moving into your personal space. He leans onto both his elbows propped on the tabletop, just close enough that you instinctually scoot back. He looks up at you, now. 
Suddenly, your mind goes blank.
“Come on. Let me fix it.” 
The close proximity leaves you speechless. Your heart picks up speed. Your stomach churns.
It’s just sour enough that you immediately recognize the feeling.
You simply nod, eyes dancing off his face, scared that your voice will fail you if you speak.
He only flashes you a small grin, one that makes you go even stupider, before stealing your equipment in an armful and sitting next to you. He gets to work right away. When he undoes the handiwork you had put in, you don’t even question it. You knew Rick was a scientist; an engineer. He was responsible for a lot of the equipment the fleet used - explosives, armor enhancements, ammo. And you definitely weren’t going to be touching that gun again until it was fixed lest God smite you.
You sit with silence between you, your eyes not leaving his hands at work for even a moment until he’s finished. Your gun, somehow, works better than it had when you first received it years ago.
You squeeze your eyes shut tight, counting each beat of your heart as you try to slow your breathing. You calculate it’s racing somewhere past 150, and if you’re going to get out of this alive, you need to not have a panic attack. 
Isn’t your body supposed to function on auto-pilot in times of distress? You’ve been in plenty of fights. Your hands, your arms, your chest; your body branded the kind of scars you only get from years in the force. On the front lines, at that. You’ve been shot, burned, stabbed, everything short of torture.
So why is now the time that your body decides it can’t move?
The mission was supposed to be routine. You were picking up a supply drop with one other team member, Doss. You were often paired together because of your particularly complimenting skill sets and fighting styles. You didn’t mind marching into battle with melee weapons, swinging batons and punching your way through any situation you encountered.
Doss, though? He was a trained recon sniper. He stayed back to watch your six. You would scout out locations together, catch enemies when they weren’t looking, steal supplies, and get the fuck out without so much as a scratch on your knuckles.
Not today.
Food rations were getting low, so that was your number one priority. Medical supplies came next; as much as you can carry on your back. You had walkie’d back to your teammate from the inside after filling your packs to no response. You knew what protocol told you to do from here; hold your position and wait for backup. But you were an idiot who didn’t follow protocol.
You worried on your lips when you tried to make contact again. Static. Nothing.
Doss was on the outskirts of the building, half dilapidated and abandoned. You hadn’t been to this location before, but you were assured of its neutrality and safety. 
It was uncertain if it was a planned ambush. If you were in some group's territory and didn’t know it. It certainly wasn’t the Federation. They had particular styles that gave them away.
You made your way through the halls back to the front entrance, moving slowly. You abandoned one pack, too much to carry on you while trying to be inconspicuous. You heard the voices, saw shadows as you ducked behind a wall. How many were there? Six, seven, maybe… There could be more outside, out of range for you to hear. 
Still no sign of Doss. 
You can feel the tears pricking at your eyes, burning in a humiliation you can’t explain. You should have stuck together. You didn’t want to admit it. 
They’re filing in slowly, now, and you can hear the voices getting closer to you as you skirt down the hall and quietly shut a door behind you, a shaking hand dialing on your walkie.
“Supply team seven to base, please respond.” You keep your voice low, though it shakes with the sheer effort it’s taking you to not fucking cry.
No response. 
There was no way you could fight the lot of them. You didn’t come prepared with a firing weapon. Your power fist wouldn’t help you if you got shot.
You try again with no response. Your walkie was still working properly, no signs of malfunction. Who the fuck is manning the radio servers?
You squeeze your eyes as they burn, wiping your cheeks as you try to come to your current reality. You do the first thing you can think of. What were the chances he even kept his walkie on him? 
You dial Rick’s number and extension.
You take a shaking breath, pressing down to talk. “Rick, I swear to fucking God, please have your walkie on you right now.”
The static crackles for a moment, and you silently count your blessings before the rough melody of his voice breaks through the tiny speaker. 
“What is it?”
You laugh quietly, hysterically, reminding yourself to add Rick’s existence to your list of blessings. “There was some kind of ambush. Or we aren’t where we’re supposed to be. I don’t fucking know.” Your voice wobbles. “Doss is-” a hiccup, “he isn’t responding, Rick, I think he… There’s so many of them. I don’t- I don’t have anything, I-” Word vomit that you can’t stop, tears now freely flowing down your face. 
His voice stops you. “Stay there. I’m coming to get you.”
You’re hyperventilating just a little, and the first wave of relief washes over you. You don’t bother responding. 
You stay vigilant, furiously wiping your tears away as you wait for him, for some signal that you’re going to make it out of this alive. Raiders and marauders were all over the place these days; you weren’t the only side getting antsy against the Federation. As it turns out, the void of space doesn’t consider the enemy of it's enemy to be it's friend. Unknowns are always enemies.
When Rick shows up, it’s without grandeur. He grabs you to leave out the front door, and your eyes gloss over the wasted aliens that he took out before he found you cornered away. He took them all out himself, it looks like. You don’t know how. A single human of all things taking out a whole swarm of raiders? You would be criticizing his work ethic in any other circumstance, but only now does your body fall into autopilot. Blood and guts all over the floor, now on your shoes as you scrape them against the hard concrete outside. 
You see him, Doss, or at least, what’s left of him. Face down, by the looks of it, brains and blood splattered against the ground in a sight that would normally make you queasy, but you don’t feel anything.
They sniped the sniper. It probably happened so fast that it was relatively painless. He didn’t suffer. You say it to yourself over and over again. He didn’t suffer. He didn’t suffer.
You leave the planet relatively unscathed, though Rick bears the blood splatter of your enemies, already fading into the worn leather of his duster.
He says nothing to you, but you feel his eyes on you the whole way home.
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bouncybongfairy · 6 months
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Better Off Dead
Rich Sanchez x Fem Reader Smut
Summary: After getting into a blow out fight with your mom, you decompress at Summer's house party. While tripping balls, you mistake Rick for God. What better way to worship someone than by offering them your body?
Word Count: 1.0k+
Account Ref: @kaionyx
TW: Rough Smut, Intox kink, Worship kink, Degradation kink
You slammed the door and sat on the bed. Wiping tears from your eyes after getting into an argument with your mother. Hearing the front door slam, you looked out the window and saw her getting in the car. You knew that even if she came in trying to reconcile you wouldn’t have accepted the olive branch. It was still kinda bitchy that she didn’t bother to try. After wiping the tears off your face, you unlock your phone. Wanting to distract yourself from the fight and stumbling across Summer’s story. She was throwing a party tonight, an open invitation to the entire highschool. It almost felt like fate placed a golden egg right in your lap. What better way to cope with mommy issues than blacking out at a friends party. Without wasting any time, you started getting ready. Blowing out your hair and trying hard to make sure every step of your makeup routine was done just right. Going into your mom’s liquor cabinet and taking an oversized bottle of Kirkland vodka. Kind of like a symbolic middle finger to her. 
Even though you were reckless you didn’t drive your car to Summer’s. The point of going to this party was to get white girl wasted. So there was no point of risking getting a towing company sicked on you by disgruntled neighbors. You could hear frogs and crickets as you walked towards the front door. The lawn was already covered with trash and several inebriated life forms passed out in the grass. It felt like an out of body experience, Summer greeted you. The fact that she remembered who you were was quite flattering. Immediately you made your way towards the kitchen. Getting yourself a healthy amount of liquor before going back out to socialize. You recognized several people from your school but instead of peers they were bodies to dance on. Tonight you didn’t give a fuck, wanting to push the envelope. Trying to see what’s past recklessness and blacked out. After four shots, a joint, and a bump of an unknown substance you were close to finding out. 
Rick was sitting on the couch, watching you dance. Humored by how many girlfriends you were making, flustered and jealous. Eventually you’d run out of young men to dance with, now moving onto girls. It was obvious to him that you crave attention, what surprised him was how self aware you were. Not acting drunk for your peers but just slowly numbing yourself with liquor and music. He watched Summer throw these parties a million times over. He knew the difference between parting for social status vs. the need for emotional numbing. Bringing his bottle and taking a couple swigs before getting up and heading towards the garage. The night was getting wilder, Summer invited you into her room. You were promised drugs would be involved, so of course you followed. She explained that it was powder from some crystal she got from her grandpa. It came with some type of warning but you ignored it. 
The minute the powder went into your nose you felt electric. Like you were moving at slow and ultra speed at the same time. You stumble into the bathroom and set your arms on the vanity. Making the mistake of staring at yourself in the mirror. Not being able to ignore how much you look like your mother. Tears flooded into your eyes and you forced yourself to go back down stairs. Stumbling down and making your way into the garage becoming overstimulated by the environment. Slamming the door and being taken back by how quiet it was. Now getting into your feelings, wondering why God would give you such a fucked up mother and life. Picking up something from the shelf on your right and throwing it. 
“YO! What the fuck!” Rick yelled, making you jump and stumble and fall onto your knees, “What the fuck is your problem,” he said, standing above you. 
You looked up at Rick, who was standing in front of the light coming off his work bench. The spikes in his hair were creating shadows that looked like beams of light. The way Jesus is depicted most of the time. Crawling over to him and putting your hands at his feet while looking up to him. Rick felt all the blood in his brain flood into his dick. Lips red and swollen from crying and mascara stained tears running down the sides of your face. Skin covered in goosebumps, jaw chattering and pupils so dilated you couldn’t tell what color your eyes are. 
“What did I do to deserve such a f-fucked up life? I swear if you fix it I'll do a-anything you want. I promise I'll be a good girl -hiccup- from now on, I’ll pray to you every night I s-swear,” you pleaded, now putting your hands together. 
“Holy fuck,” Rick muttered to himself hungerly as a smirk grew on his face; bringing his hand down and running his thumb over your cheek. Wiping one of your tears away before responding, 
“If you want me to be your God I will but, I am warning you now: I expected a lot more than devotion, I want to own you from the inside out,” he growled, grabbing your jaw. Making you look up at him while responding. 
“Whatever you say,” you said, scooting closer to him. 
With that he wrapped his hands around your throat. Slowly tightening his grip more and more, you brought your hands to rest on him but didn’t protest. Barely audible sounds were squeaking out of your throat as you struggled to breath. You were beginning to see stars and your ears were roaring, making all sounds become muffled. The light in your eyes was fading, humoring Rick, 
“You wanna die for me? You wanna die for your god?” he asked, in a cooing voice. Nodding your head before turning a corner, becoming less conscious. 
He finally let go, picking your body off the ground and draping you over his desk. Using an exacto knife and cutting your panties off. Rolling your skirt up before undressing himself. Finally letting his cock breath after being strained against his boxers. Reaching down and getting a thick coating of your wetness to use as lube for his cock. He lines himself up and pushes his cock into you. Slowly at first, admiring the way your walls were gripping his shaft. 
“Wake up, God’s blessing you with a gift, don’t be rude,” he said, slapping you face a couple times. He groaned as you started waking up and spasming around him. Not being able to stop his hips from fucking into you, “Fuck you’re so damn tight, like your pussy doesn’t want to let me go,” he chuckled before picking up the pace. 
Gripping the desk because of the amount of pleasure you were in. Hearing the slapping noises as he used your body however he wanted. The way he degraded you while breaking you on his cock was driving you crazy. Clenching around him every time he bottomed out, your body involuntarily milking his shaft. His nails were digging into the soft skin of your hips. Fucking you at an animalistic pace, unwilling to give you any mercy. Eventually your moans turned into begging, you muttering out desperate little cries like ‘oh god' and ‘please’ as he used your hole. 
“Keep begging and praying to me, it only makes me want to destroy you more,” Rick grunted as his thrusts became more frantic. His hips start jerking as he cums deep into your pussy. Pressing himself as far into you as he could while claiming you. The feeling of his thick, warm ropes of cum pooling inside you sends you over the edge. Your walls are quivering around his sensitive cock. After catching his breath, he pulls out. Admiring your destroyed pussy as his cum leaked out of it. Taking his two fingers and gathering a good amount of his load onto them. Leaning over and shoving them into your mouth and throat. Slapping you when you spit it out, rubbing it on your entire face. This immediately takes you out of your daze for a couple moments. 
“Spitting out your God’s offering? What happened to your promise about being a good girl?” was the last thing you heard him say before passing out.
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dolcettamagica · 6 months
𐙚˙⋆.˚ 𝐍𝐨 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬
rick sanchez x reader
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anon request: please i can request literally anything with rick sanchez acting jealous. Thanks and if you don't accept requests just ignore this tags: sexually suggestive, possessive & obsessive rick, daddy kink notes: minors dni wc: 2.2k
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Rick doesn’t get attached.
He is Rick Sanchez. The smartest man, scratch that, creature alive. He isn’t a mere human, he is a God. Whatever Rick wants, he gets. He invented interdimensional travel. He fucked a planet.
Rick doesn’t get attached.
He knows that everything and everyone is replaceable. If someone dies he can just switch universes. Does he lose something? Same thing. Nothing is unique. There are millions of versions of everything. 
Rick doesn’t get attached.
That’s why when you confessed your feelings in a drunken haze Rick yelled at you. Rick thought you were at least smarter than Morty. You should have known that Rick doesn’t do feelings. That you’re nothing special. That you’re just a quick fuck when his cock gets hard and needs some easy pussy wrapped around it.
Rick doesn’t get attached.
He didn’t understand why he felt pressure in his heart when you started crying, endless tears streaming down your cheeks as you apologized after he rejected your feelings. He didn’t understand why he suddenly felt the need to reach his arms out and pull you into a tight embrace. Instead he insulted you as a whiny dumb bitch before disappearing through a green portal.
Rick doesn’t get attached.
So why was he fuming with rage as he saw you cuddled up on the couch with some other man weeks after he told you to fuck off?
A relentless fire, burning away any semblance of rational thought consumed Rick. His eyes smoldered with suspicion at the slightest hint of the man's attention toward you. Rick’s gestures became tense and guarded, his clenched fists betraying the turmoil within. Every smile directed at you from that dude sent a surge of insecurity coursing through Rick’s veins, twisting his features into a mask of possessiveness. Each innocent interaction fueled his rage until it consumed him entirely.
“Wh–Who the fuck is that–that lame fratboy on my couch?!”, Rick didn’t even bother to step closer, his voice dripping with anger. Your eyes shot wide open as you saw the tall scientists near the door. After your confession you avoided him as best as you could – after all you did live with the Smith family ever since your parents (their old neighbors) abandoned you. You never joined an adventure again. You never went into his garage to simply chat with him. You didn’t even ask if you could smoke space-weed. Nothing. That pissed Rick off even more because he caught himself missing you one time too many.
“I’m so sorry, sir. I’m Michael”, Michael was a polite, handsome young man, who attended the same college you did. Smiling, he reached his hand out towards Rick to shake his hand, “Are you y/n’s grandfather?”
If looks could kill every version of Michael would be dead by now. “You’re fuck–fucking stupid.” Rick would’ve loved to just kill that boy or at least cut off Michael’s hand, which was dangerously close to your thigh. You two were way too close for Rick in general. “y/n, who is that? Your new–new lover, huh? You little– Spreading your legs a–already?”
Rick knew he was overstepping it. He should have never said that but he couldn’t help it. You didn’t talk to him for weeks after you said that you love him with all your heart and now you’re with some lame, boring dumbass? Is that what undying love looks like? 
“…You’re a fucking asshole, Rick”, Rick could hear you holding back your tears, the way your eyes started to water, your cheeks painted red. He hurt you – again. Meanwhile Michael had already stood up and made his way over to Rick.
„Listen to m–„ Michael didn‘t stand a chance, Rick immediately interrupted him. 
„Li–Listen to me, shitface. I know– You fratboys are all the fucking–fucking same. You wanna tell me y–you‘re serious about y/n?“, he stepped closer, „You– Could you give her your phone and promise–promise she wouldn‘t find nudes or chats from other pussies?“
Absolute silence. This was all it took for Rick to confirm his suspicions. „Now you‘re si–silent? Jesus. How predictable. Jesus fucking christ. You think just because you’re d–defending her right now she’ll let you have– get a piece of her? You– Do you really think y/n would do that?” More silence though now Michael’s expression almost matched Rick’s. Both were fuming with rage. Rick simply shook his head, pulled out his portal gun and ended up in his garage again. If he would have stayed any longer he would have ended up beating that fratboy to a pulp.
In the dimly lit confines of his garage, the air thick with the pungent scent of portal fluid and vodka, Rick's rage simmered beneath a haze of alcohol fumes. His knuckles whitened around his flask as he gulped down the fiery liquid, each swig fueling the inferno of jealousy and resentment burning within him. The echoes of a heated argument still reverberated in his mind, igniting a storm of emotions that threatened to consume him whole. His bloodshot eyes fixated on nothingness, yet his thoughts were consumed by visions of betrayal and deceit, twisting his features into a contorted mask of fury.
Rick's movements grew increasingly erratic, his drunken stupor amplifying the intensity of his emotions. Each swill from the bottle became a desperate attempt to drown out the insecurities gnawing at his soul. Yet, with every passing moment, the flames of anger raged higher, feeding off his intoxication like a relentless blaze devouring dry timber. Alone in the darkness, he surrendered to the tumultuous tempest raging within, consumed by a toxic cocktail of alcohol, jealousy, and resentment. Resentment towards Michael, you and most importantly – himself.
“Fuck it.”
His plan was to be teleported in the middle of your room, right in front of your bed. Instead he landed right on top of you on your bed. Maybe he really did have too much to drink. But fuck, did he miss this. Your silky hair, your soft skin, your body pressed against his, your eyes staring into his. The faint glow of moonlight filtering through the window accentuated the contours of Rick’s silhouette, casting a seductive allure over the scene. His gaze, intense and unwavering, bore into yours, a silent invitation laden with unspoken desires.
As you laid on the bed, a mixture of melancholia and yearning coursed through your veins, your heart quickening in response to his proximity. The air crackled with tension, charged with the palpable electricity of unspoken words and unfulfilled longing. Despite the intimacy of their proximity, there lingered a delicate balance between attraction and apprehension, a dance of emotions teetering on the edge of possibility. In that fleeting moment, suspended in the hazy embrace of moonlight, you found yourselves ensnared in a silent exchange of desire, your hearts entwined in the delicate threads of possibility.
“What…what are you doing, Rick? Please leave”, your voice was shaking, filled with sadness. Just like a few weeks ago when Rick rejected you. Honestly as the days unfolded, the weight of his decision settled upon him like a heavy shroud, suffocating him with the burden of regret. What once seemed like a reasoned choice now gnawed at his conscience incessantly, tormenting him with the realization of what he had forsaken. In the quiet moments of reflection, your presence lingered in the recesses of Rick’s mind, a constant reminder of the warmth and companionship he had callously turned away. He yearned for a chance to rewind time, to recant his words and embrace the opportunity he had foolishly cast aside. But as the echoes of his rejection reverberated through his thoughts, he grappled with the harsh truth that some wounds inflicted by one's own hand can never fully heal, leaving behind scars of remorse that serve as a painful testament to lost love.
In a moment of raw vulnerability, Rick found himself enveloped by a surge of longing and regret as he reached out to embrace you. His arms wrapped around your trembling form, pulling you close with a tenderness born from the depths of his remorse. With each beat of his heart, Rick felt the weight of missed opportunities and unspoken apologies pressing down upon him, a heavy burden he could no longer bear. As your bodies pressed together, he savored the warmth of your presence, a fleeting glimpse of the connection he had foolishly forsaken. In that embrace, Rick sought solace in the familiarity of your touch, yearning to erase the distance he had allowed to grow between you. But even as he held you close, Rick knew that some wounds run too deep to mend with a simple embrace, and the ache of regret would linger long after your arms had untangled and they parted ways once more. So, he didn’t let go.
“Why– Why did you b-bring that boy over?”, Rick whispered into your ear.
“…Why do you even care?”
With a heavy heart and a tangled web of emotions, Rick mustered the courage to lean back and face you, intent on conveying the depth of his regret for his earlier rejection. His words caught in his throat, a silent plea for forgiveness lingering on Rick’s lips. Yet, beneath the facade of contrition, a different truth simmered—a truth he dared not confess. Deep down, Rick knew that admitting his regret would unravel the carefully constructed walls he had built around his heart, exposing the vulnerability he had long sought to conceal. So, with practiced deceit, Rick masked his true intentions behind a facade of remorse, weaving a tangled web of half-truths and feigned contrition in a desperate attempt to suppress the stirring of emotions he dared not acknowledge. In the shadow of his deception, the echoes of his regret remained unspoken, a silent testament to the complexities of love and the fear of baring one's soul to the object of Rick’s desire.
“Did you– Did you fuck him?”
“Why do you care?”
“y/n, st–stop with this shit. Are you dating him?”
“Why do you care?”
As you persisted, your insistence slicing through the fragile veneer of Rick’s composure, a simmering rage ignited within him, fueling the flames of his resentment. With each passing moment, your few simple words bore deeper into Rick’s wounded pride, stoking the embers of his anger into a blazing inferno. The weight of your expectations pressed down upon him like a suffocating weight, a constant reminder of the vulnerability he sought to shield from your penetrating gaze. Fueled by a toxic cocktail of jealousy and insecurity, his temper flared, unleashing a torrent of pent-up frustration and bitterness.
“What the fuck– What d–do you want to hear, huh?!”, Rick leaned on his hands, which were lying next to your head.
“Rick, listen, you rejected me. You didn’t want me, remember? I can fuck and date however I fucking want! ”
“No! You fucking can’t!”, he screamed into your face, “You said– You said loved me! Talking about– about undying love and now?! Now you get with s–some young bastard from co–college who only wanted to– to fuck you anyway!”
“That’s exactly what you wanted, too! You only wanted to fuck me!”
“That’s not fucking true! I– The last fucking weeks were pure torture. I fucking m–miss you! I can’t fuck–fucking stop thinking about you, y/n. I miss your fucking smell, your h–hair, your voice. Fucking e–everything! I miss your face, the–the way you nag me to drink more water. Jesus fucking christ! I miss you. Why– Why the fuck are crying even more now?!”
With tears of joy streaming down your cheeks, you listened intently as Rick finally mustered the courage to confess the truth hidden behind his guarded facade. As his words washed over you, each syllable laden with the weight of unspoken longing and regret, a floodgate of emotions burst forth within you. Your heart soared with a bittersweet symphony of relief and elation, the echoes of Rick’s confession resonating deep within your soul. The tears that spilled from your eyes were not born of sorrow, but of an overwhelming sense of gratitude and validation, as you realized that the love you had held in your heart had not been in vain.
In a tender moment suffused with the weight of unspoken truths and undeniable desire, Rick leaned in closer, his breath mingling with yours in the hazy embrace of the moonlit room. With a gentle touch, Rick cradled your face in his hands, his fingers tracing the contours of your skin. As your lips met in a fervent kiss, time seemed to stand still, the world falling away to leave only the two of you entwined in the delicate dance of passion and longing. With each caress, the walls he had built around his heart crumbled, leaving him vulnerable and exposed in the embrace of her warmth. In that moment of intimacy, you surrendered to the magnetic pull of your shared desire, bodies entangled in a silent symphony of love and redemption.
“You know– You know I’m not good with…emotions and shit. But– But you’re important to me and–and I’m not letting another man touch what’s mine.”
“You were jealous?”
“I wasn’t– Fuck it. Yes, yes, I was. Wanted to k–kill that motherfucker. The way he–he had his arm around–”, in the middle of his rant you wrapped your legs around Rick’s waist, pulling him closer. His crotch pressing against yours.
“Just so you know, I have been very, very lonely the last few weeks.”
“Oh? S–So you’ve been a good–good girl for daddy, huh?”, it didn’t take long for Rick to get hard, his bulge pressing against you, his hand now choking you slightly, “F–fuck, princess, daddy’s going to–to reward you for being so patient.”
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rickssugarplum · 10 months
The Rick is Over
MAJOR SPOILERS FOR 7x05! Watch it first before reading this! Thanks and enjoy! ❤
(Rick Sanchez x Reader) Spoilers for 7x05, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
You help Rick process it all.
With the pull of the lever, all the lights in the sub-basement go out, finalizing the end of the decades-long show that's been ongoing most of his life.
It's all finally over.
Rick Prime is dead.
Still coated head to toe in blood, Rick stands in the darkness in the now useless lair, where he'd spent countless days and nights searching, tracking, and looking for any signs of his lifelong enemy. The one who caused him all his pain, destroyed all of his dreams he had when he was young. All he ever wanted, was to live as a husband and father to the two most precious girls in his life.
That life had been ripped away from him so many years ago.
Now, he has killed the man who was responsible. His ultimate goal had been achieved.
So, why does he still feel so empty?
He didn't say a word while flying back home. The voice of his grandson right beside him felt like miles away. It was as if his entire world had gone mute. He could not just go to sleep in his room. Not tonight.
You were in your living room, reading a book in complete silence, until it was broken by the familiar whirling sound of the portal. You were clearly expecting Rick to emerge from it, but you nearly screamed when you saw him soaked in crimson blood.
"Oh my God! Rick?!!" you shrieked as you stepped towards him. He stood there, emotionless.
"Rick! What the fuck happened!? You look like you came through a slaughter!"
The old man just looked at you; still silent. It caused even more panic in your veins.
"Rick, please. You're scaring me! What is going on!? Say something!" you begged. He was never one to be quiet, even more alarming when he's drenched in blood. Did an adventure go awry or...
"W-where's Morty!? Is he okay?" You asked in fear that something might have happened to him. Your heart rate slightly lowered when he nodded, assuring his grandson was alright.
Looking more closely at him, you saw more damage inflicted on his face. "Jesus Christ, Rick. Your nose is broken!"
Rick finally spoke in a hoarse but defiant voice. "I got him."
His bloodshot eyes stared directly into yours. You saw the anger he's shown in them only when he's described his past, his stolen life; his darkest demons.
Immediately, you knew who he was talking about.
"You-you got...him?" You couldn't speak the name, despite sharing it with the man in front of you. Rick simply nodded again. Not knowing what exactly happened, the blood covering him made one thing clear.
Rick had finally killed his enemy.
Slowly, you took his hands, searching in his eyes for any ounce of how he was feeling, knowing he had avenged his wife and daughter.
"Are-are you okay?"
Morty had asked him that exact same question after it was all said and done. He said that he was. But now seeing the concern in your face and repeating his grandson's words just mere hours before caused the final crack in the dam.
Suddenly you felt two long arms around you, grasping your frame tightly, and Rick let out the loudest, broken wail you'd ever hear. His anguish was bigger than his body, causing him to collapse, dragging you both to your floor. You simply held him as he cried into you, letting out decades of repressed grief and trauma that'd haunted him.
"Shhhh... It's okay, Rick..." you murmured, placing his head on your chest and stroking his slightly damp hair. "It's over..." you whispered. "I'm here... I've got you..."
The man was trembling like a newborn fawn. He looked so fragile. You couldn't possibly know exactly what was going through his tormented mind as he screamed into your chest. His cries sounded so animalistic, it almost scared you. But your heart was breaking hearing him suffer inside. He had cried for the life he lost, his wife he had promised forever to, and his little girl, whom he swore to protect. All Rick wanted was to have his beloved Diane by his side and to see his baby Beth grow up. He wanted them to grow old together. All of his plans. His dreams. Their future, will never come.
Tears welled up in your own eyes, but you stayed and gently rocked him, whispering words of comfort.
"It's alright, baby," you said softly.
Baby. Diane used to call him that. He let out another sob at that memory. Leaning down, you press soft kisses on his forehead.
"I'm so proud of you, Rick..." you confessed. It was the truth. You wanted him to know that. How lucky you were to have the most passionate Rick throughout infinity. He squeezed you a bit tighter at your affirmation.
Time didn't matter to either of you. You could hold him forever if he needed it. That would be how long it would take to heal this broken heart.
After awhile, his sobs started to fade into soft weeping.
"Rick? Can you look at me?" You asked softly. There was no command in your voice. It was mainly to make sure he knew his surroundings. Slowly, he lifts his head up to look at you. The blood of his enemy was slightly rinsed underneath his eyes from tears. You cupped his face in your hands so tenderly, giving him a faint smile.
"You did it."
Rick's expression had become nearly blank. After all the crying, he almost felt numb. "What do you need right now?" you asked him, stroking his cheek.
He wrapped his arms around you again. This time, not in desperation, but in comfort and gratitude. In his hold, he simply whispered,
"Just you..."
It relieved you to hear his answer. You both stayed in your embrace, with no plans on letting each other go. Rick could feel a slight relief as you assured him you were not going anywhere. He closed his eyes and let everything sink in. Through all the changes he's made, he's achieved the biggest change of all. The hunt for his nemesis was over.
What now?
He's going to find out.
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spamwmona · 1 year
Rick Sanchez X Reader Through A Screen pt. 2
This took way longer than I liked to admit to finally publish but that's my bad. I've been going out with friends a lot.
You stayed in Summer's room, sitting on the mattress they had placed for you on her floor, a pink sheet and butterfly pillowcases covered it. You assumed it belonged to a young summer, along with the yellow and pink comforter you knew would be perfect for the wintery weather. You hated everything about this whole arrangement, but you didn't want to seem ungrateful. It wasn't the family that bothered you, nor was it sleeping on a mattress in a teenage girl's room. It was jumping from different universes, with a man who kidnapped you and now living with a version of him that suddenly “cares” about his family.  
You wouldn't admit it, but you really couldn't remember anything from your old life. You didn't even remember how you ended up with Prime. Maybe that's why you felt so angry and agitated when Rick wouldn't stop questioning you, but you never told him you couldn't remember. How long have you not been able to remember? Did the memories slowly fade or did He wipe them all together? You didn’t question it much when you were with Prime, you were more worried about proving how much you loved him so he wouldn’t leave you alone again. 
You stared at the ceiling creating shapes out of nothing, your mind racing with a billion thoughts. That’s all you got done since you finally started getting back to yourself. 
The soft hum from the heater kicked on automatically, filling the slight chilly room. It was comforting in these times.
What if you never made it home? You couldn’t stay like this forever, just waiting to magically reappear in your old bedroom. You definitely didn't want to stay with the Smiths for obvious reasons. Your heart ached just thinking about how your family must have reacted to you disappearing. Did they miss you as much as you missed them?
Part of you worried about going back. What if they blamed you?
You sighed, and closed your eyes, drifting off into a dark slumber, part of you wishing you were back with Prime, because all though things were shit, you gave up on escaping and were able to get used to never knowing. Now you had hope back, and it overwhelmed you with many thoughts of how you could get back home.
Rick helped his daughter carry in the groceries, an uncomfortable smile present on his face, but no one could tell the difference, they were too happy to have him present in their life, something he wasn’t known for. His mind wandered to the girl upstairs.
What was it that kept him drawn in? Why did Rick program him to care so much? Was it to possibly get more information out of her? He knew just as well as the man who created him, there is no information to get out of her, nothing from her past existed in any of the dimensions they could travel. 
He sat the bags at the table and listened to his daughter and her clone talk about how impressed they were with the work he had done to the house. He for sure went overboard with decorations on account he knew his daughter would be pleased, plus it gave him time with Y/N.
By the time they had set up a movie in the living room, you were waking up. Sweat rolled off your forehead and onto your lap forming a small damp area on the blanket, your cheeks were red and your eyes were bloodshot, and it felt like you had been sucking on cotton due to how dry your mouth had become. The thudding of your heart was enough to snap you back into reality long enough to process the dream you had.
You were about six, sitting in what you assumed was a therapy room. The reason you assumed that? The lady who was talking to you kept asking how particular things made you feel, if your parents paid attention to you, the usual stuff you guessed would be talked about.
What really caught your eye was the socks she had on. You were staring at the ground until she uncrossed her legs revealing the Rick and Morty socks that poked out of her shoes. Her pants rode up enough for you to make out the details to confirm it was Rick and Morty.
"Y/N?" She smiled at you, taking note of your interest. This was the first time your eyes sparkled in her entire time of talking to you. You woke up before she could ask another question.
One of your hands held you up, while the other entangled itself within your mop of hair, pushing it away from your face. You couldn't help but hope that was part of your memory returning, but it was so random and made you feel very uneasy.
Not as uneasy as the robot game you walked in on, though.
You locked eyes with one another and he gave a sympathetic look, making you internally cringe and walk back to the kitchen where you sat your glass of water down. That fucker definitely wasn’t Rick, which meant he was probably up to something and that made you uncomfortable enough to barge into the garage with a scowl on your face. 
“Rick!” You shouted, looking around the room. There was a chance he was on a different planet, you just needed to confirm he wasn’t there, and neither was Morty. Well, until he walked in from outside the garage door with an angry look on his face. “Morty? Have you seen the real Rick? We have an imposter.” You crossed your arms.
“Yeah, he’s in a secret lab downstairs.” He responded in annoyance. You could tell it wasn't targeted at you, it was targeted at whatever was going on with his family. 
You didn't understand why you were so upset, was it because you secretly felt betrayed? Of course all Ricks were the same. That’s what you told yourself at least, But you wanted to be proved wrong for once. You expected it and tried to prepare yourself for it, but it hurt. You knew the Rick in there wasn’t as kind as the one he created. He was cold and uncaring. 
You followed Morty as he stormed into the kitchen. The imposter looked at Morty and asked if he wanted to tag his “grandpa” back in; but Morty responded with, “You’re not even my grandpa, youre a fucking robot!”
The Smith family looked heartbroken as Jerry, who had been standing by his side the whole time, cut through the top of his wrist with his ham knife, exposing wires. Things seemed to go in slow motion as they took turns dismantling the robot, but he looked relieved having finally been taken out of his misery. 
You backed up into the garage again, deciding you’d rather sit this one out and enjoy some alone time  tinkering with Rick's shit until he stops being a bitch and decides to face his family. You wouldn’t care for too long about what happened today, you had too much other stuff to deal with and promised yourself if it involved Rick to be over it in 24 hours or kill him.
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serenityhange · 3 years
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usedtosaybitchalot · 6 years
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I was looking through concept art and stuff from the art book and it made me really want to draw a younger Rick (mainly because of the fringe tbh)
In the middle of drawing this I was inspired to write a short fic based on it! It’s my first time writing Rick so I’m sorry if it’s kinda shit but I may as well post it anyway cus I really like the general idea of it ^^
The Old Photo (Rick Sanchez x Reader) 704 Words, SFW
Synopsis: You enter Rick’s garage one day and find an old photo of him that makes you love him even more than you already did.
"Hey, Rick-" You smiled as you entered the garage before realising that Rick was nowhere to be seen. You huffed, debating on whether or not you should wait for him to get back so you could see him. When you heard the sound of rain heavily slamming against the garage door however, you figured that staying there for at least a tiny bit wouldn't hurt.
Your gaze shifted to the concrete floor of the garage where you noticed what appeared to be an old photo beside Rick's chair. Curiosity got the best of you and you just had to see what it was a picture of, so you swiftly walked across the room and gasped when you got a clearer look at it.
Though the corners were frayed and there were quite a few creases and tears, it became clear almost instantly that it was an photo of Rick from when he was much younger. You picked it up gently, not wanting to damage it even more. You'd guess that he was either in his early twenties or late teens in the picture, though some of the details were unclear due to the faded quality and the fact that his hand was resting on his cheek. The look of complete boredom on his face made you smile softly to yourself as you studied the details of his face more. His hair didn't look too different from how it did nowadays, but you could definitely tell that it was slightly softer-looking and the fringe that he had was absolutely adorable to you. His skin also looked much softer, despite small amounts of teenage acne just barely visible due to the quality.
You wondered if the lab coat he was wearing was the same one he still wore, and as you stared observantly at the image you didn't even hear a portal opening up behind you. It was only when you heard footsteps that you spun around to face Rick, looking surprised to see you there.
"Hey, (Y/N), wh-what are you doing here? I thought we were going out tomorrow night." He asked, seeming surprised but happy to see you.
"We still are, but I was bored and wanted to come and see you." You smiled, reaching out to hug him. After the two of you shared a quick embrace, his gaze shifted down to the photo in your hand. He quickly realised what it was and raised his eyebrow.
"Where- where did y-you find that photo?"
"On the floor by your chair," You shrugged your shoulders lightly, taking another look at the picture and smiling, "How have you always been so cute?"
Rick rolled his eyes but smiled, "I never really th-thought about it, (Y/N)," He shrugged, "Honestly I forgot that photo even existed until now."
"Well it's a really nice photo and I personally love it," You blushed as you looked at it and then at him, noticing that his eyes still had the same glimmer as they did in the photo. 
"Y-you can keep it then."
"Yeah," He belched, "I don't really need it and I can t-tell that you want it, so have it." 
"Thank you!" You grinned, stretching out your arms to hug him again. The two of you shared a much tighter embrace this time as you sighed happily. As the hug ended, you stood on your tip-toes for a second just to give him a quick peck on the cheek. He smiled at you before stepping across to his desk and sitting on his chair. 
"I gotta head back out now, Rick, I need to get home," You said, still unable to stop smiling at him. You gently folded the photo and placed it in your pocket, hoping that it wouldn't get any more damaged than it already was.
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow," He replied, turning to face you, "And if I find any more old photos lying around I'll let you know."
You blushed again, thanking him as you walked over for one last kiss on the lips before you left. As much as you loved the newly-found old photograph, nothing could ever top the love you had for the Rick you knew today.
A/N - Thanks for reading! If anyone has advice for writing Rick please message me, I might write more one-shots like this and I’d love some advice/criticism! ^^
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daddyzanchez · 6 years
Hey! Can I get a young rick with spanking, daddy kink rough possessive sex and two young ricks? M/f/m. Reader insert please?
So this is the final product and oh my God, it took forever! The possessive sex is basically just them bickering about how to fuck you and I really hope you like their characterisation.
5400 words (the longest one shot I have ever written) - erotica - F/M/M - Threesome, double penetration, anal sex, vaginal sex, blowjob, spanking, daddy kink, possessive behaviour, sex club, creampie, fingering, anal fingering, verbal humiliation, praising, hmmm is there more damn look at all these tags
Link to story on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16147940
Double The Fun
A dry spell had done this to you. You were standing on the pavement in front of a big black door with a member-card in hand, a loud booming bass from the inside causing you to feel the music under your feet. It was your friend who had given it to you, told you that you could borrow it for the weekend because you needed it more than her. In her own words, you needed to get the tension fucked out of you, to lose control and get laid.
The name of the place was too embarrassing for you to say or even think about but you could not hide the fact that you were about to be let into a sex club, a bdsm club, in the more discreet part of town. The way you had tiptoed around the fact that you were going wasn’t like you, no, you were quite experienced in this kind of thing but you had never done it with strangers.
To you, the trust was too important to ask complete strangers to give this to you when you barely knew them but your friend had reassured you that these clubs were different. People with the same interests in the bedroom met each other here, they knew the importance of consent and great communication during rougher themes during sex.
After a long look at the card, you were let in by a bouncer that gave you a nod. Given that you had never been here before, it took you a few moments to get used to the dimly lit place but you soon found the main room that could be described as a normal club.
The reddish colours and bright lights were a wild contrast but as soon as your eyes got used to the new scenery, you found your way to the bar in the corner and sat down on a barstool. Behind you, people were dancing and talking, actually yelling into each other’s ears as the music drowned out any noise. You as well even had to lean over the bar to order a Gin and Tonic. The move made you blush as you knew that the dress you had worn was too skimpy to move too much in, it would slide up and expose your body more than what was acceptable in public but you convinced yourself that it was okay today.
When your drink arrived, you took a rather large gulp of it and though you knew it wasn’t the best idea to be intoxicated during these things, you knew you needed to calm your nerves just a little. As the liquor burned on its way down your throat, you turned on the barstool and scanned the crowd for a possible hook-up.
You were so focused on a woman and her boyfriend that you never saw the two men approaching you until you nearly dropped your glass when your shoulder was tapped. You never thought that you would end up laying your eyes on two completely identical men, possibly twins, who smiled at you. One of them decided to pay for your drink whilst the other leaned close to talk into your ear, “You looking for company tonight?”
You nodded, not quite able to tear your eyes away and avoid the fact that these men looked so alike that it was a bit scary; short hair and young faces. They looked kind of boyish but still old enough to come off as authoritarian. Doms then. You wondered if they were they really here together? A part of you hoped so even if it seemed highly inappropriate.
“C-can we go somewhere else to talk?” He continued and reached out for your hand, leading you into the entrance foyer after you had agreed.
The music died down again when you closed the door behind you, and finally, you could hear their voices properly. The one who had been in charge of getting you out here introduced them, “I’m Rick, this is Rickard.”
You said your name, voice shaking a bit more than you had hoped. You were nervous as well as extremely intrigued, the two men looking both intimidating and trustworthy which made you even more turned on by the idea of having them both. They were everything that a sub like you could hope for.
“First time here?” Rickard asked with a grin, tilting his head and giving you a once-over, his grin turning into a pleased smirk as his eyes went over your body.
“Yes but I’m liking what I see,” you said after gaining the courage to put on a bit of charm, “What are you searching for?”
“We’ve been trying to set this up for a whi-while,” Rick admitted as he gave you a thorough inspection as well, eyes settling briefly on your breasts, “Two doms searching for a sub, how does that sound?”
God, you were in heaven. That was too dirty to say no to, especially after the pleasant buzz of the gin. You nodded, taking a step closer, “Are you clean?”
They both nodded, “Are you safe?”
“Yes, the pill. Now continue, I’m listening.”
They explained their situation, how they wanted a bit of fun with a woman who knew what she was doing, and you definitely had the experience for what they wanted. They wanted rough, asking if you would be okay with slaps and marks which you agreed to without the slightest bit of hesitation. The fact that you would be able to see and feel the memories of the night before you was a treat, something you haven’t felt and seen for a while. Additionally, you agreed to some daddy-roleplay, something you hadn’t quite explored yet but it was on your list of things you wanted to try.
“Daddy,” you tried out, tasting the word in your mouth for a moment. It felt right.
“Don’t call me that,” Rick said, and Rickard rolled his eyes.
“T-the bastard’s too narcissistic to hear anything but his own name,” Rickard explained.  
“I can work with that,” you said, more excited than ever when you were lead downstairs until you reached a long corridor with rooms on each side.
You figured that you were a few levels below the ground and when you finally stopped, you felt like your stomach was going to burst from all the butterflies inside of it. The door had a big number on it in a curly but gothic-looking font and Rick, still in charge, reached in front of you and opened it, “We reserved it for the whole n-night, no one is going to disturb us.”
Despite that fact that you had never been in a club like this, you were still not surprised by the decor of the private rooms. The walls and the floor were black, the room just as dimly lit as the rest of the place and you found leather furniture along the sides that had drawers underneath which you figured was for equipment. On the left was a rack with all kinds of bondage equipment, leashes and collars and you weren’t going to be short on condoms as well as lube, as a whole bowl was packed with it in the corner. At last the centrepiece was a big king size bed with blood-red sheets and poles in every corner, where you could tie your partner up.
“Wow,” you said as the two of them closed the door behind you. They both walked to sit on the bed and you found yourself a bit unsure of what to do next despite a threesome not being something new for you. Why could you not just do as usual?
“Sure you want this, sweetheart?” Rickard asked, clearly trying to read your face.
“Yes, just give me a moment, Daddy,” you decided to jump right into it, watching Rickard’s face light up at the name as you slid the straps of your dress off your shoulders. Luckily, you had not worn a bra today, so when you pulled it down, until it pooled around your feet, your breasts were exposed. There was no point in going slow when you had already discussed the terms. The two of them smiled and then looked at each other and gave approving nods before starting to undress as well.
You watched them with fascination, amazed at the way they mirrored each other when they pulled off their shirts and then went for their trousers. The idea of going at it with two people looking so much like each other was a dirty fantasy, something straight out of a dream and here it was, happening right before your eyes.
You felt less exposed now that they were completely naked but before you had time to admire their erect cocks, Rick held out his hand and you walked to take it, being pulled close and onto the bed. Immediately, you were laid down on the mattress and they were over you. Rough, you reminded yourself, there was no time for formalities.
With a moan, you accepted Rick’s mouth on your neck who explored your sensitive skin to find the right spots where it made you almost jerk involuntarily. Rickard on the other hand was much more gentle, kissing your lips and instinctively, you reached up to wrap your arms around him.
A hand gripped your wrist. It was Rick’s, “That’s not what we agreed on, R-Rickard.”
You let your other arm fall to the mattress again, “So no touching?”
“No, not unless you’re told,” he continued, letting go when he saw you giving in.
Rickard rolled his eyes, still hovering over you and smiling down at you, “Cut her some s-slack, she’s absolutely adorable.”
“Thank you, Daddy,” you put on your sweetest and most innocent voice and it made both of their cocks twitch, poking into your thighs.
Rick allowed the both of you to continue, getting back into his position and started going down your body, biting gently all the way down to your panties. It was only fair that you got naked as well, he said, hooking his fingers into the waistband and pulling them off. Rickard immediately reached down, a hand sliding over your stomach till he could find your already swollen clit. You were beyond aroused by now, feeling your wetness leak onto your inner thighs. Sure, it had not been long but from the very moment you had laid eyes on them, something inside of you had stirred.
Whilst Rickard kissed you again, taking control of the kiss and not letting you have any say in what was going on, much to Rick’s surprise, you felt two fingers slide into you. It was Rick, crooking his long digits upwards until they could brush against your g-spot.
“Oh,” you groaned when your clit was stimulated at the same time, head falling back and the kiss breaking. When you felt the waves of pleasure wash over you and building, you automatically reached to touch like before and Rick responded by biting into the skin of your thigh with force, making you sure of a mark on your skin later. You yelped as well, balling your fists to make you refrain from reaching for his hair.  
“That’s it,” Rick said with a hard tone, pulling back and leaving you empty without warning, “It looks like we’re dealing with a bit of a brat, Rickard, she’s obviously doing this on pur-purpose.”
“I’m not,” you groaned, relaxing your body again, “Daddy, tell him!”
“I’m not,” he simply mocked your voice but then winked at you, hinting that this was simply a part of the play, “Stop looking for Daddy���s help. He agrees with me, now tell me, what should we do with- to you?”
“Exciting,” Rickard sat up, looking to his identical partner, “Flip her over. I want to watch.”
“Just my thought, I-I-I need a good look at that ass, maybe play a little, before I ram it,” Rick said with a sleazy grin, and with that, you were roughly pulled around and onto your stomach.
“She’s all yours,” Rickard announced, crawling off the bed to sit on the sofa and letting Rick take over. He started off by simply running his palm over your behind, grabbing one cheek and shaking it a little so your flesh jiggled and in front of you, you saw Rickard stroke himself as he watched you being fondled.
“Now,” Rick sounded like he was about to give you a lecture but instead he slapped your ass and made you jolt forwards on the bed, gripping the sheets and groaning at the sweet burn of his hand. More, you needed more to stop being a brat. Above you, Rick continued his beginning lecture, “When I-”
Rickard cleared his throat at that and Rick sighed, “When we say no touching, we mean it, sweetheart. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” you were barely finished before another painful smack that made you pant and made your head hang between your shoulders rained down on your skin. Rickard was stroking himself a little faster, probably loving the pained expression on your face, his breathing getting more rapid in the background. You wanted to see his reaction, looking up and feeling your pussy throb when you gained eye-contact; his eyes looked absolutely wild.  
“S-say my name,” Rick scraped his nails over the redness you guessed was forming on your ass and it stung so much that you were in tears.
“Yes, Rick,” you tried again, burying your head in the mattress. In return, you felt his rough hand rub the place he had slapped you with a lot more kindness than what was in his voice. You noted that you had to remember that Rick was the narcissist of them, forgetting to say his name was out of the question.  
“I’m sorry, did that hurt?” He asked, continuing his caring touches. You nodded, letting out a whimper for show but Rick responded by hitting the same place once more, “Good. It’s supposed to.”
“Don’t you think she’s had e-enough?” Rickard interrupted, and your gaze returned to him, sending him a thankful expression; if Rick was going to fuck your ass, you did not need it to be stinging as much as you enjoyed a spanking.
“Are you getting bored over there?” Rick asked with a scoff, “Not that I’m surprised, your dick must be bored from all the alone-time y-you have with it.”
You couldn’t help but giggle a little at that, hiding your face once more to stifle it. Rickard rolled his eyes, a thing he seemed to do a lot around his friend, and crawled onto the bed.
“You’re being reaaal funny,” he grumbled but then looked down at you, “Anyway, if you want her ass, I want her cunt. No discussions. W-who’s first?”
You decided not to say anything, concluding that there was a reason why they referred to you as were you not even here. It was oddly hot and so, you just lay still and waited for whatever was coming. You hoped it was you soon.
“I thought we could share her, fill her up real good,” Rick replied, causing your heart to leap into your throat. Them both at the same time?
“Let’s not overwhelm her,” Rickard mumbled, and you were almost going to burst. He was such a sweetheart despite their promise of going rough, “Weren’t you the one who wanted to get sucked off? Y-you kept talking about that before we got here.”
“Fine,” Rick got up from your thighs and you realised that your feet had been sleeping. You rolled onto your back, spreading your legs without a word and Rick looked slightly jealous when Rickard settled between them. His gaze fell on your cunt which was aching to be fucked by now, the spanks having sent excitement throughout your body without you realising how much more wet it had made you. Still, Rick did not complain, only shifted on the bed till he was sitting on his knees besides your head.
Meanwhile Rickard slid into you without warning, grabbing your thighs and pulling you flush against him until he bottomed out. The sudden stretch of your pussy made your eyes roll back into your skull and as he set out a pace, you decided to close them instead and enjoy the ache his generous girth provided.
You both moaned in unison, Rickard lifting your legs up to wrap them around his waist. The rhythm felt good but not so good that it would make you come and hopefully not good enough to make Rickard come. You hoped he was able to control himself, not spoiling the fun, but voicing your concern was probably enough to get another smack to the bottom.  
Suddenly, you heard shuffling besides you and opened your eyes once more. Rick, who had been quiet for a minute or two, was shifting on the bed to lie besides you, propping his head up on his elbow and reaching down between your legs to rub your clit as you were fucked open. It made you clench involuntarily around Rickard’s cock, making him grunt and slow down a little, “Jeeesus, y-your pussy is fucking magic.”
“Don’t come, Daddy,” you moaned, daring to say it, and Rickard just chuckled as he gave you a hard thrust in return for that remark.
“Shut up, you,” Rick laughed, fingers quickly rubbing from side to side but instead of keeping quiet, your moans just increased in volume until you already felt on the verge of having what you expected to be your first orgasm of the night.
“She’s not shutting up any time soon,” Rickard laughed, leaning a bit forward to change the angle of his hips. He then sped up again, hips slamming into yours with such precision that you felt like you would see stars any moment now.
“I-I can make her,” Rick crawled to kneel besides your head, the loss of clit-stimulation being a slight (a big) disappointment but you weren’t here to demand anything, “Open up.”
You did as you were told, letting your mouth fall open with a moan and in the next second, Rick had leaned over you and you felt his length slide into your wet mouth. You closed your lips around him, sucking expertly whilst he moved his hips to fuck your mouth.
The sensations were overwhelming despite them having agreed on not causing you to feel like that, Rickard’s cock making your whole pussy pulse and scream for your climax and Rick’s cock occasionally poking at the back of your throat when he became a little too enthusiastic.
You gagged when he held you by your hair and pulled you down on his cock, tears filling your eyes and spilling down your cheeks but instead of pulling back, Rick sped up his hips whilst holding your hair in a tight grip, “Look at her, she’s about to sob.”  
“So. F-fucking. Pretty,” Rickard praised, accentuating each word with a hard thrust and causing you to whimper around Rick’s length.
Rick just moaned in agreement but finally pulled away when you swallowed around him to prevent the spit in your mouth from sliding down your chin. It had obviously been too much, “Fucking hell, that was close.”
“Can’t handle deepthroating?” You decided to be bratty again, trying hard to catch your breath and blinking up at him.
“I think it’s about to be my turn, don’t you think, Rickard?” Rick said without looking at him, eyes glued to you, “You’re being way too s-soft on her anyway, listen to her! If she can still breathe and talk, you’re doing it fucking wrong.”
Rickard had stopped moving to glare at his friend, “Shut up and go get the lube then, show me what I’m doing wrong, you bastard.”
“I’ll show you,” Rick simply said, confidence in his voice as he got off the bed to grab a handful of lube-packets from the bowl in the corner.
“Hello?” You said in dismay, gesturing to Rickard’s hips that were not moving.
“You know for a sub, you’re quite commanding,” Rickard gave you a single, teasing but hard thrust that send you upwards on the bed and made you groan, “M-maybe you do need some dick in your ass.”  
The lube-packets were thrown onto the bed, Rick motioning for Rickard to get off of you, “This position isn’t going to work, and you know it.”
“What should I do?” You asked and sat up, curling your toes when you felt Rickard pull out of you. There was nothing worse than being empty when one hadn’t even gotten off.
“Don’t look so sad, you’ll be f-full of cock in a moment or should I say cocks. Straddle him,” Rick said as he ripped open a packet of lube, drizzling it onto his fingers, “Go on.”
Rickard laid down and you followed orders, the anticipation of what was about to happen making your heart thump in your chest. Jesus, it had been a while and despite being nervous, you couldn’t wait.
“No, straddle his cock, you fucking ditz,” Rick said behind you, making you blush in embarrassment. Immediately, you reached below you and grabbed Rickard’s dick, guiding it into your pussy once again and sinking all the way down. He groaned, hands finding your hips to pull you forwards.
“You need to get on your knees and l-lean forward, baby,” Rickard explained, helping you into the right position until you had your ass exposed. This was always tricky but they seemed to know what they were doing.
“Like this, Daddy?” You asked and blinked sweetly.
“Don’t fuck her yet,” Rick said, carefully opening another packet and drizzling it over your ass. When it dripped down the cleft and between your cheeks, you shivered at how cold it was and reminded yourself that you needed to relax, if this was going to be good.
“Then hurry up,” Rickard said, hands exploring your body and running over your breasts, “Look at her, I can’t wait.”
“Then why don’t you marry her,” Rick scoffed, his already slick fingers scooping up some of the lube between your cheeks, “A-are you ready?”
“Yes, Rick,” you remembered saying his name this time, letting out a deep breath and still tensing up slightly when you felt his fingers stretching you open in the next second. Behind you, Rick ordered you to relax and you tried your hardest.
His fingers were inside of you and it felt intense for your muscle to be stretched after so long, especially when he tried to scissor and unscissor them. You whimpered, squeezing your eyes shut to force yourself to take it.
Underneath you, Rickard was catching on to how it felt for you, a hand sliding down to rub your hip affectionately, “Relax, sweetheart. Daddy won’t let it hurt.”
“It- it doesn’t hurt,” you finally moaned, carefully moving just a smidge, “Just intense.”
“Don’t you move,” Rick gave your ass a slap that made you jolt on Rickard’s cock. You both groaned and Rick sighed, still fingering you open, “I-I guess I asked for that one.”
“I can take it now,” you informed him, reassured him by breathing deeply and finally relaxing like you had wanted to all the way through, “Please, Rick.”
Rick pulled out his fingers slowly and you could hear him shuffling on the bed behind you, ripping yet another packet of lube. He waited until Rickard spread his legs underneath you, the movements making you moan again as his cock shifted inside of you and then Rick was on his knees, leaning over your back.
Slowly, you felt his cock breach the ring of muscle that, despite having been prepped, still stung at the girth. They both had impressive cocks after all, thick and long at the same time, a thing you rarely saw go hand in hand. It meant that they filled you up well, and now that Rick was all the way inside of you, you felt them push against that little wall of muscle between your ass and your pussy and holy hell, it was like they were splitting you open.
“Oh my God,” you said with a shaky breath, gripping the sheets underneath you to get used to the feeling. If any of them moved now, you wouldn’t know what your body would do. Below you, Rickard was staring at your face with nothing but pure wonder, examining every little detail; the widening of your eyes, the crinkle of your nose, how your mouth fell open. He held a hand up when Rick was about to thrust, stopping him.
“Give her a mo-moment,” he said, rubbing your hip again.
“Fine! But we said rough, didn’t we?” Rick grumbled but still allowed Rickard to make a decision for once. The three of you stayed in the position for a few minutes until your breathing was under control again.  
“Okay,” you said at last, feeling confident in yourself to give them what they had clearly wanted from the moment they saw you, “Do I move?”
“Yes,” they said in unison and with that, you lifted your hips and slid up on both of their dicks before sinking down again. All three of you swore, the start-pace a bit uneven and confusing for all of you but soon, with a bit of work, you found a rhythm that made you able to bounce on their cocks.
It finally worked, and it felt fucking amazing, the heads of their cocks hitting your g-spot from each side. You were a gasping mess and so were they, loud obscene slick and smacking noises filling the room as well. A part of you wondered about exactly what they felt during this but you were sure they could feel their cocks brush together indirectly inside of you, stimulating each other as well as you, and the thought was delicious.
You clenched when Rickard hit your g-spot to perfection, your body squeezing the both of them without any control of it and their whines were enough to know that they could indeed feel more than just you; a man had never made such a noise when simply fucking you.
“She’s perfect,” Rick groaned, speeding up his thrust and Rickard and you following suit just after, the sensation of it all simply doubling and making sweat form at your brow, “Sweetheart, feels like fucking heaven.”
Your hands were bunching up the sheets by now, the grip only tightening when they started to pound you and everything below your navel felt like it was burning. Your muscles could barely handle anymore but still, they made every thrust more brutal due to their desperateness for getting off and filling you.
You were stuffed to the brim with cock and still despite how it was so deliciously rough, your clit was untouched and barely got the stimulation you needed to come. If only they would touch you soon, you thought when your mind, for a brief second, wasn’t blank.
Rickard’s hands on your hips were moved, a single on tightening its grip whilst the other one snaked its way down between your legs. Sure, these guys were strange, and definitely not twins, but they weren’t mind-readers, right?
You did not really care right now, a couple of fingers finding your clit made everything else irrelevant. You could feel that Rickard had a hard time seeing what he was doing, most likely terrified of shifting and ruining the rhythm but when he finally rubbed his fingers on you, quickly from side to side, you cried out.
“Fuck- fuckfuckfuck,” you panted, every word followed by tiny puffs of air. The very core of you shook as the orgasm snuck up on you so fast that it was almost embarrassing, and it hit you like a train; legs shaking, arms giving out and muscles clenching quickly around the cocks deep inside of you.  
“Shit,” Rickard said breathlessly, pushing up into you with force and continuing to fuck you. He was close, you could hear it because his breathing was like earlier when he had had to lower his enthusiasm and surely enough, he came with a grunt, staying inside of you so he could finish in your pussy, a hot sensation erupting inside of you.  
Rick followed behind him, speeding up his thrusts and finally shuddering as he emptied himself inside of you as well. The feel of warm come in your cunt and your ass was crazy erotic, leaving you unable to breathe properly or even think any kind of thought. You could only feel. No other sense was working.
The three of you lay in a sweaty and completely exhausted heap. None of you had your breathing under control and none of you seemed to want to move for a very long time, feeling dazed and extremely satisfied.
“Jesus,” you heard Rick mumble, being the first one to break the silence. Carefully, he pulled out of you and Rickard seemed to understand that it was time he pulled out as well. Immediately, you felt come leak from you and onto the sheets.
“Yeah, I-I need some fucking water after that one,” Rickard chuckled and slid out from underneath you, making sure you were comfortably lying on your back before leaving the bed much contrary to Rick who had just gotten up without warning.
You heard them walk around in the room but right now, you could barely even lift your own head to look at them and what they were doing. The ceiling was interesting, you tried to convince yourself and slowly, you also found yourself drifting in and out of sleep, senses on overload.
Suddenly, you heard the door and despite your aching body, you sat up quickly in almost panic and anger. Did they just leave you without a word?
“Don’t worry,” Rickard’s voice was a relief and you turned to see him fully clothed again, “Rick just went to the bar to get you some water and he is also picking up a towel… for, y-y-you know.”
His eyes wandered down your body for a quick second and you followed his gaze, realising that you were absolutely covered in come and your own wetness between your legs. With a blush, you cleared your throat, “Thank you.”
“So, can we see you again?” Rickard asked.
That you had not expected, and you looked just as surprised as you felt.
“W-well?” He waited for an answer.
“Yes, yeah, definitely,” you said, letting yourself fall back into the mattress.
Then there was silence and it was pleasant. You needed to calm down, everything in you fighting to stay awake due to your body being overwhelmed and you closed your eyes to rest until Rick came back.
You weren’t sure how long it had been when Rickard woke you up, holding a bottle of water out for you. Rick was smirking at you from the sofa along the wall, watching you gulp down almost the entire thing, “My, fucking, my, l-looks like we wore her out real good.”
Rickard snickered, nodding, “And here I am, already asking for when round two will be.”
“So, he told you,” Rick said, and you nodded.
“I think she’s got potential,” Rickard held out the towel next. You started giving yourself a thorough wipe-down, knowing that it would only do a superficial job.  
“A shame we have to get going or I w-would’ve suggested round two in this same night,” Rick bragged.
“I have to go too,” you lied, looking around for your panties and wondering what they had been thrown at, “A shame though, I loved this.”
“We, or, I put your clothes on the chair in the corner,” Rickard said with a soft smile, “We really have to get going.”
You thanked him, getting up to get dressed and at least try to look decent. Rick and Rickard both stood now, nodding in agreement and exchanging looks of approval like earlier. Rick, the boss of them, was the one to say their goodbyes.
“We’ll definitely s-see you,” he said, heading for the door and Rickard following suit, “We’re here every Friday night.”
The room went extremely quiet when they closed the door behind them but instead of dwelling on it, you decided to fix your dress straps instead.
When you accepted the way you looked, you walked out of there, still uncertain if this had really just happened. Two things you were certain of though: The ache in your lower body did not lie and your friend was not getting her member-card back.
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mortytheestallion · 3 years
doves in the wind
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4
Rating: 18+ (minors DNI)
Wordcount: 2.3k
Warnings: Rick Sanchez x F!Reader, age-gap (older man/younger woman), unprotected sex, semi-public sex, angst 
a/n: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, it’s the longest i’ve ever written for any fic! I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas!! :)
Fucking Rick.
He comes into your life, charms you, proposes to you; and then starts disappearing and changing while acting like everything is the same. You miss the Rick you met, the one you fell in love with. You don’t know who this is.
Maybe it’s not even your Rick. 
The thought washes over you like a bucket of ice water. Your knees feel weak at the notion that Rick took you from your own life, your own universe, and you’ve been living a lie for the last year. You shake the thought from your head. If that was true your Rick would’ve found you a long time ago, at least you hope so. 
It wasn’t like your Rick to live like this, however, with a family you’ve never even heard of while forcing you into a little, shitty apartment. He had said there was some trouble with business, and that it was safer to be here. It was like his own little version of a witness protection program, and who were you not to follow?
You sighed, trying to shake the gnawing feeling at the back of your brain. There was no use in pulling threads, asking about business would get you nowhere. Rick had thrown himself into this new identity and played dumb anytime you mentioned a former memory or asked about going back. While you were glad he was reconnecting with his family, again that he had never mentioned, he had casted you aside. Maybe Rick’s age and familial duties were finally catching up to him. 
You could remember a time where you came before everything in Rick’s life, even his precious empire.
The sand was hot on your legs, your damp skin was illuminated by the beating sun. The water lapped softly at the shore, low tide creating a soft white noise interrupted by Rick and you. 
The apples of his cheeks were rosy, a slight sunburn making its way down his delicate skin. You had begged him to wear sunscreen, something he had brushed off as “being for young people.” The warm sun gave your skin a slight tingle given its protection, Rick’s large hand coming down on your ass knocking you out of your trance, giving it a sharper sting enhanced by the chafing of the sand.
His signature shades were long discarded somewhere along with the picnic you had prepared, Rick had gotten you a villa with a private beach in Costa Rica for your anniversary. You involuntarily clench around him, he lets out a soft groan and reaches up to bite harshly at your breasts. 
“Rick,” you whine out, “We have dinner with the Peñas tonight, and I wanted to wear something low cut.”
“Then why do I buy you all that fucking make-up?” He murmurs teasingly, pairing it with a lazy thrust, nuzzling his nose up the length of your neck.
You mewl as he begins to nibble on your ear, and you can’t help but grind down faster on him. The sand shifts around the two of you as Rick pulls you down to lay flat against him, an arm around your waist traps you against his sticky skin. 
His cock is always a stretch, the warm burning sensation is welcome and could probably lull you to sleep if it wasn’t for the thick desire that encompassed your mind turning everything syrupy. Rick’s libido didn’t surprise you anymore, it was welcomed in fact. The intimacy felt like reassurance, and it wasn’t unlike Rick to channel his affections more through actions than words. 
This time was different though.
You felt yourself shivering despite the warm breeze, your undoing was imminent. Another one of Rick’s talents was the amazing sex, no matter where, when or how. 
Love, the word suddenly flashes through your brain very much akin to an airplane pulling a banner. You can’t help the moan that slips out as he brings you to your peak, your recent realization making it even sweeter than anytime before.
He follows soon after you, pumping you full of himself as always. He waits for some to drip down from the back of your legs and onto him before seemingly coming back to himself. He peaks his eyes open, gazing at you through small slits before relaxing back into the sand. 
“Marry me.” 
The memory brings tears to your eyes. Within the last couple of years Rick had brought you to your highest, and now the lowest. You couldn’t even wear your engagement ring anymore, Rick never seemed to relax when you had it on and had even asked you not to wear it around his family. His excuse was that his daughter hadn’t recovered from his last marriage, and you hadn’t wanted to overstep. 
It almost seemed that he was pushing you out, making way for his new life and bulldozing the old one. 
You sniffled a little, letting a couple of tears fall. The photo of the two of you from that same trip rested at eyesight on your dresser. Your room was in disarray, all of the travel items you possessed were strewn about. Most of your clothes were hastily sorted and folded into semi-neat piles. Your eyes flickered back to your dresser where your passport and plane ticket lay, a deep sadness and anxiety settled low in your chest as you reread the ticket for the thousandth time.
One Way: Miami
There was nothing here for you in this shitty state, in this shitty city, in this shitty fucking apartment. There was nothing here without Rick. 
You pinched the bridge of your nose hoping to relieve the pressure of your headache. You had to tell him you were going, it would be closure. Only it wouldn’t be, at least you hoped. 
You hoped he would beg you to stay, or at least promise to take you back. You wanted him to promise to make everything better, a small part of you hoped he actually would. The bigger part of you, however, knew that wouldn’t be the case. Not after the last fight the two of you had. 
You’re tense as you pull up to Beth’s house. You don’t want to call it Rick’s because then it means he’s moved on, chosen a life without you in it. It’s not as if he had invited you into their lives, even though it was one he had dragged you to. It was a hard pill to swallow that there would be no wedding, no life together, no family. Rick already had one of those. 
Maybe this was his way of getting you to break things off. Make you do the dirty work. He was able to walk off guilt free because you were the one leaving, despite his behavior over the last year. 
You’re almost thankful the garage door is closed, he might’ve left if he saw you coming. His last words ring in your ears.
“I’m not coming back this time.”
You feel embarrassed, crawling back with your tail between your legs in a last ditch effort to repair what’s beyond broken. Your relationship was shattered glass and all you have is scotch tape. 
You brought the ticket. It's gripped tightly in your right hand, your knuckles almost white from the tension in your grasp. You stare at the white plastic of the garage door for several moments, trying and failing to summon some courage and ease your breathing. You don’t want to go in seeming desperate, despite the fact that it's practically rolling off of you in waves. Before you lose all semblance of strength your hand knocks softly, almost as if he won’t be able to hear it. Some part of you hopes he won’t, so you can say you tried and be able go home to drown your sorrows in faux peace. 
He does though. 
The whirl of the garage springs is loud against the quiet lull of the street, and you try to quell the quivering in your throat that’s trying to claw its way out. His lanky form comes into sight slowly with the lift of the door, even the sight of his legs makes you want to burst into tears. 
His eyes are soft when they meet yours. Regret shines through but you know he’s too stubborn to ever apologize. 
Another body comes into view from a back corner of the room, a young boy with a yellow shirt sits on a stool. His brow is furrowed as his eyes flicker between you and Rick for a moment before he speaks. 
“Rick? Who’s this?”
Your lip quivers at the question. One minute you’re going to get married, and then suddenly the family he seems to pull out of thin air doesn’t even know who you are. Rick’s shoulder’s slump as he gives you a pleading look before turning to Morty. 
“Get the fuck out Morty! You — Can’t you see you’re upsetting her!” 
The boy, now identified as Morty, flinches before muttering something and slipping through the door that leads to the house. You watch his retreating form, knowing that as soon as your gaze returns to Rick it’ll be the beginning of the end.
Or rather, moving out here was the beginning of the end. 
The thought is just another fragment of the shard of the glass that is your relationship. Seeing Rick’s look of pity makes you feel even more pathetic, and even a little angry at yourself for coming back at all. He deserved to be left alone with no warning, just like he left you. 
“Listen I —,” “Rick, I  —,” He lets out an awkward laugh, his slender hand coming to rub the back of his neck while he avoids your gaze. It was a telltale sign of Rick’s anxiety, he became very fidgety and refused to hold eye contact. It was only something you had ever seen here, and it seemed to become more frequent as time passed. 
It was something you would miss, you realize. You would miss his little quirks, and the sharp bite of his wit whenever you tease him or push his buttons. You hadn’t realized just how much you’d miss Rick until you were letting him slip through your fingers. Tears well up, and you have to bite your lip extra hard to keep some semblance of holding it together. 
“Hey,” Rick murmurs softly, moving his hand from his neck to gently grasp your hand, “I’m really sorry. I’ve been thinking — I know I haven’t really been around a lot, and I promise things are gonna change. I —I want to change, for you.”
You can’t help the tears that escape down your cheeks, as you lunge towards him. You grab a lapel in each hand harshly bringing his face down to yours, it's a bit awkward and he resists slightly in confusion, but you still manage to bring his lips to yours. 
It's hopeful and desperate, and you’re gripping his coat so hard you can feel your ticket cutting the thick meat of your palm. He’s all teeth and tongue, but you’re not much better as the tears flow freely wetting the both of you. 
There’s a brief moment after the two of you break apart, it's silent except for your quiet sobs as he pets your hair. It's a fleeting moment of tenderness and the most intimacy Rick has shown you since the major life changes he’s brought to the both of you. You almost wish you could believe him, stay here wrapped up in his arms and have the black hole of sadness that consumes you dissipate. 
You were better than that. You were better than this new Rick. 
“I’m going back home.”
He goes rigid at your soft admission, stretching to hold you at arm's length. It’s the first time you’ve made direct eye contact since you arrived, you can’t help but squirm slightly under the pressure of his gaze. His eyes bore deep into yours, searching for any and every emotion and secret they hold. Almost to see as if you were testing him, god you almost wish you were. 
“You don’t love me anymore, “ he flinches as you break the silence, finding the courage to stare back into his gaze, “I can’t wear my engagement ring, and let’s not kid ourselves, there’s obviously not going to be any wedding.” 
He breaks his gaze, and drops his arms. Your tone is harsh, but you don’t care. It’s all the hurt, anger, and sadness you’ve been bottling up since you gave up ever returning to the life you once had together. 
“We had plans for the future, Rick, and for someone your age the immaturity you’ve shown me over the last makes me question whether you ever meant what you said or if this had been the plan all along.” 
Rick opens his mouth, but then closes it, as if deciding it would be better not to talk at all. Your chest is heaving, and the tears have stopped falling so rapidly, the blood roaring your ears overpowers his silence. 
“I don’t want you to go.” His voice is barely above a whisper, it’s as if he doesn’t want you to hear, or maybe doesn’t want to admit it at all. 
You shake your head, pulling back a step and wiping your tears away. He was too late, maybe when he had showed up at your apartment when you last fought it could’ve been salvaged. It's over now. 
You’re locked in a stalemate. Rick is too stubborn to show any real emotion or intimacy, he won’t beg you to stay, or explain himself, or dissolve into some long heartfelt confession. Because that’s not Rick. But you’re not gonna break this time, he’s worn you down to the bone and there’s nothing left here for either of you.
A portal opens up from across the room and your Rick steps out. 
From across the. . .
Across. . . 
Your Rick.
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dirtyrick · 7 years
Who wants another part to The Groupie?
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rllysick · 5 years
Rick Sanchez x Reader: Multiple Part Stories
Rick Sanchez x Reader: Multiple Parts
Make up Sex by NikkiDoodle: After a near death experience Rick and you decide it's high time you both get so drunk you forget the whole experience.The only problem is neither one of you can keep your hands to yourselves while drunk.
Second Time Around by NikkiDoodle:  After the motel sex you see if Rick's offer was legit. Only difference is now that you're sober you're super shy and extremely innocent acting which puts Rick in a dominating position.
Science by NikkiDoodle: Beth and Jerry have been at each other's throats over Rick. Jerry doesn't want Rick around you, and Beth sees nothing wrong with it as she defends her father once again. Only she's wrong. So terribly wrong. And they both find that out the moment that garage door is opened. (smut mentioned)
Science Fair by NikkiDoodle: You need help with your collage science project. So you ask Rick for help. (2 Chapters)
Merry Christmas by NikkiDoodle: Your mother and father decide to have Christmas at your uncle Jerry's house this year. Now your parents get to meet Rick Sanchez, the man who you were caught with in the garage this summer. (5 Chapters)
You Can't Be Serious by NikkiDoodle:  Jerry over heard Rick's confessions of love and looses it. Thinking that you're being played by Rick - like the rest of his family - he wants things to end.
The Blind's Side by Jinkies_Lydia: This takes place after episode one of season two. How the reader meet and became involved with Rick Sanchez after Morty won't keep his blinds down and she keeps seeing things from her window she'd rather not see.
Tickets to Ride by Jinkies_Lydia:  Takes Place after season 2 episode 2. The reader has decided to warm up to the idea of Rick's flirting. And has found the perfect opener after Rick returns with a fist full of tickets from Blips and Chitz.
I Like 'em Mean by Jinkies_Lydia:  Takes place after season 2 episode 3. The Reader is worried about Rick. And learns a bit about Unity.
Real Weird by Jinkies_Lydia: Takes place after season 2 episode 4.
Should You Stay or Should You Float? Consider Headism Today! by Jinkies_Lydia: Takes place during season 2 episode 5.
Bloodhound by Jinkies_Lydia:  This story is about period sex. If that is not your thing turn around now. Takes place after season 2 episode 7, “Big Trouble in Little Sanchez”. The Reader comes onto Rick at her bloodiest time of the month after a wild ride previously with Rick after killing his other clone bodies, drenched in his own blood.
Hello, Mr. Merlot by Jinkies_Lydia: There is mild sexual references in this story, but over all it’s more a reflection piece about the reader’s building relationship with Rick and his family. Takes place after season 2 episode 8.
Bullet Proof by Jinkies_Lydia:  Installment for season 2 episode 9
Flat line by Jinkies_Lydia:  Installment for season 2 episode 10
All In by Hoodoo: Rick C-137 invites you along to his standing poker game with some of the boys--alternate versions of himself. You have no money and only a rudimentary knowledge of the game of poker, but don't worry, they'll find a way to make it work. (8 Chapters)
Double Up by Hoodoo: Miami Rick invites you to a private party at his penthouse, plus Cop Rick but minus Rick C-137. A sequel to "All In". (7 Chapters)
Slow Play by Hoodoo: Rick C-137 + Miami Rick + Cop Rick + reader = pure filth. (4 Chapters)
What's A Girl Like You Doing in a Place Like This? by Hoodoo:  Bartending gives you the opportunity to meet--and hook up with--Ricks.
Young Punk in a Fur Coat by Hoodoo: You don’t need an addiction to Kalaxian Crystals; you already have an addiction to Ricks and that’s plenty.
Council of Ricks: Riq IV by Hoodoo: Most Ricks were dickish, but this one buries the needle on that gauge. How much can you take?
What Evil Lurks in the Heart of Rick? by Hoodoo: The lovely Maidservant_Hecubus wanted to see how our intrepid bartender [you!] would handle Evil Rick. Let's find out, shall we?
Riq IV: Revisited by Hoodoo: Riq IV is walked through the Citadel wearing his leather harness and collar. You're holding the leash.
Incubi, When You Need It by Hoodoo: You've been having horrible nightmares. Good thing SEAL Team Ricks are there to help you forget.
Denied by Hoodoo: A new Rick comes into the bar. You'd love to hook up with him, but three strikes and you're out.
Saurophile by Hoodoo: A Rick you've never, ever seen before--nay, never even imagined may exist!--comes into the Bar. Of course you're intrigued, but . . . can it even be physically possible?
Shortcomings by Hoodoo: Early on in your career as a bartender at The Bar, you meet a Rick who's not quite like the others.
Riq IV: Something New by Hoodoo: Riq has another session with Bartender, who surprises him with something he didn't know he wanted...
Play That Song by Hoodoo: A new Rick with talented fingers comes into the Bar . . .
Give and Take by Hoodoo: Another night that Riq IV, Speaker for the Council of Ricks, shows up at the Bar, needing a little release. A little discipline. But he also wants to please his Mistress, and brings along a new toy...
Teetering on the Edge of a Blade by Hoodoo: Like the rest of them, the SEAL Team member with mismatched eyes occasionally visits the Bartender privately.
Triple Play by Hoodoo: Riq IV + reader + young upstart Council member Maximums Rickimus = Hardcore hijinx!
Submerged by Hoodoo: A Rick who can't make it to the Bar asks our intrepid Barkeep to visit him. She knows why he's asking, and agrees to meet him on his terms.
That Was How by Hoodoo: The Barkeep has met a lot of Ricks. How did she get to where she was? Why is she so obsessed with them? Rick c-137 holds the key. 
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rickssugarplum · 11 months
Rick Returns
After a much too long hiatus, I have finally made a new Rick fic. Wow. A lot has changed since my last fic, but I want to thank all of you amazing readers who have been so patient. Please forgive me if my writing is a little rusty. Thanks again and excited for Season 7 tonight! ❤
(Rick C-137 x Reader) SFW-, Swearing, Hurt/Comfort, Missing Someone, Season 6 Spoilers, 1,900+ words
Rick comes to see you again after a long time. And you find some changes in him.
It had been too long. Far too long. You hadn't heard a single word from Rick in what felt like a lifetime and were still wondering what the hell went wrong. It seemed to have happened out of nowhere. One day, everything had been fine, and then suddenly, he all but disappeared. He didn't come see you anymore; he wouldn't call you up, not even a single text. At first, you started to think an adventure went awry. Then you started thinking something was really wrong, but you weren't sure what. Is he on a new planet? Did he have to do a high-paying mission? What if he's hurt? Or could he be dead? With how things are now, he might as well be. He started to become a series of bittersweet memories now. You did everything you could to try to forget him, but that was pointless. Rick Sanchez wasn't a man you can just forget, no matter how hard you tried. Many tears were shed, and many thoughts crept into your mind. If his leaving had nothing to do with his space-traveling lifestyle.
Did I do something wrong?
Did he find someone else?
Was I...not enough?
Many months had passed, and you were certain the blue-haired scientist was out of your life forever.
Close to midnight, you were in your bathroom washing your face and getting ready to sleep. As you enter your bedroom, about to lay down in your bed, you hear a sound you thought you would never hear again—the loud warp of a portal.
Immediately, your heart sped up rapidly as you wondered if you were hallucinating. But when you saw a young brunette boy in a yellow t-shirt, you were completely puzzled.
You were worried he was here to tell you really bad news about his grandfather. But you had no time to even ask what was happening before another figure broke through the portal. A figure much taller. The silhouette of his spiky hair caught your eye immediately.
It was him. He was here. Rick was back in your room.
His eyes were fixed on you right away. There was almost a determination in them. Yet he also looked unsure.
"Thanks, Morty. I'll take it from here." He motioned the kid to the portal, presumably back home. The boy took a worried glance at both of you before turning back through the portal and disappearing. Now it was just you and Rick. Looking into his eyes for the first time in forever, all the pain came back crystal clear. And the source was right in front of you.
Rick shut his mouth and understood right away. You were not going to let him off so easily.
"You son of a bitch." You spat at him.
"I know you're mad, and I-"
"Mad!? You ghost me for months; I haven't had even one measly fucking text, and you think I'm mad!?" You interrupted. "I didn't know what the hell happened to you! All these months without any contact from you. Nothing."
Rick stayed silent. He had no argument to make.
"At first, I just thought, 'Oh, he's on a big adventure with Morty! No biggie!' Or had a run-in with an alien mob or something, and it would just take a bit longer to get back to me," you explained. Looking back at Rick, he was rubbing the back of his neck, his eyes looking down to the floor. But you knew he was still listening.
"I was starting to think you were dead." You confessed, trying to keep yourself together.
Rick took in a deep breath before he answered. "I owe you an explanation. All I ask right now is that you'll let me give you that," he requested.
Goddamnit. Just hearing his voice again is painful.
"I thought you were done bailing on people," you said bitterly.
Rick interjected, "Hey, don't start with that." You watched him grab his flask out of his lab coat and take a sip from it.
"Why? Truth too much for you? Does the great Rick Sanchez actually have a kryptonite?" you mocked.
Rick put his hand over his mouth, keeping himself quiet as you let out everything you suppressed inside all this time.
"You told me you'd never leave me behind. No matter where you'd go, you would stick around." You scoffed. "I was really fucking stupid to believe you."
Rick was starting to get agitated. This was not how he pictured this playing out.
"Ugh. Look, I didn't come here to argue."
"No. You want to smooth everything over so I can do any favors you'll want. Bet you never even thought about me all this time. Out of sight, out of mind, right?"
"It's not like that!" he argued. The nerve of him "Why wouldn't it be? It's the same ending to every chapter in your life, Rick. You'll never change."
He winced. That one stung a little. You knew some of your statements could hurt him, but you were too angry to care. Part of you wanted him to see how it felt to be let down by someone you've given your heart to.
"You left an entire dimension after destroying it."
Rick was losing his composure. "Don't."
"Left your family on a tiny planet when the world was going to shit."
He didn't want to hear any of this. "Stop."
"You left Morty to be with some fucking crows."
"Knock it off," he warned.
"Or what!? Are you gonna leave again?" you challenged. "I was starting to accept the fact that you wouldn't come back. What would stop you now?"
"That's not what I meant!" he argued.
"Why would I be so special that you wouldn't bail again? You've done it your whole life. Starting with your own wife and daughter!"
Rick lost it. "I DIDN'T LEAVE MY WIFE AND DAUGHTER!" he shouted. His hands tangled in his hair, and his eyes squeezed shut.
That stopped you dead in your tracks. Confused, you stepped closer to him. A soft gasp escapes when you see that his face has now become wet with tears.
"Rick...?" you said softly. All the rage you previously had inside you has now completely evaporated. This new shift startled you. He was not someone who openly broke down. Nor would he tell such a lie while doing so.
If he didn't leave them, then why weren't they ever with him? Unless his wife took their child and left him, or if they had...
A new feeling is integrated into you: guilt. You were starting to pick up all the tragic pieces together. The heartbreak was plain to see on Rick's face as he trembled in front of you.
In that moment, the source of all his demons became more clear than ever before. He had truly suffered the worst kind of pain.
"Oh...Rick...." Your voice cracked. The distance between you both closed as you wrapped your arms around him. He accepts them immediately and holds on tightly.
"I'm so sorry..."
His face is buried in your neck. To shield his face, or more to just feel you again, it didn't matter. Right now, he needed this. Stroking his baby blue hair, you had almost forgotten how soft it was...
"Rick...I'm sorry...I had no idea..." you said in shame, thinking back to everything you'd said to him before. Now, he had every right to be mad at you. But his first response you received was a soft, gentle kiss on your neck, making you lightly shiver.
"It's haunted me for many years. Consumed most of my life," he confessed. Lifting his head up, you see his face. His eyes were red, and his cheeks were damp from his hurt flooding out of him. Your thumbs gently brush away the tears under his eyes. "I...thought I had finally could have a new chance to find some stability, be with a family, but...something did come up...and it all came flooding back..."
Your brows raised at that.
"So...that's why I haven't been around."
You still weren't entirely aware of the whole story. But one thing was certain: When Rick Sanchez is consumed by something, he gives his all into it.
"I'm such a fucking idiot..." you blurted out, shaking your head. "I thought...you had just gotten bored and moved on from me..."
Rick interjected, "Oh no, baby no..." He pulled you back into his arms, placing your head on his chest. His heartbeat soothed you as you took a deep breath in and out.
"You weren't the only one I hurt here... I-I had kept Morty out of it all too..."
A sigh escapes you. "He's such an amazing grandson to you," you mutter.
"Yeah...but he's not my grands-"
"Yes, he is." You interrupted. "It doesn't matter where you came from or where he came from. He's been there for you through everything and seen you at your worst. And the fact that he came here tonight with you just to make sure you were okay shows me that he still cares about you despite everything. I know he wouldn't want any other Rick. And you wouldn't trade him for any other Morty. You are his grandpa, Rick."
His arms hold you a bit tighter, a silent 'thank you' for your encouraging words.
"Did he tell you to come talk to me?" you wondered.
"Uh no. I, uhh, hooo boy...You won't believe it when I tell you," he warned you awkwardly.
"What?" You didn't know what or who else could convince him to do anything.
"I...was told I should see you by...my uhh...therapist..." he finished, rubbing the back of his neck.
Your eyes bugged out in shock. "A therapist!? You're seeing a therapist!??
He scoffs "Okay, you really don't have to rub i-" His sentence is cut off by a surprise kiss on his cheek, leaving him a little startled. "Oh, Rick. I'm so proud of you," you say sincerely. It's as if hell had frozen over. He really has changed.
"Yeah, she's, uh, she's alright," he admits with a small smile. "She also told me to tell you what I needed to say, so... I'm sorry."
Your vision starts to get blurry with tears. Those two simple words from this man mean so much. Cupping his face in your hands, you give Rick a small smile before leaning forward and pressing your lips to his. Your arms wrap around his neck, never wanting to let him go. He holds you close when he kisses you back with a little more desperation. He hasn't been kissed by you in so long.
When you finally break away to breathe, you look into his eyes again. This time, they look more serene. As if he feels some shred of peace for the first time in... he can't remember when.
"I've missed you..." you whispered. He pressed his forehead against yours.
"I missed you too, baby..."
With that, every shattered piece of your heart had been put back together. There was more he needed to share with you, but the emotional reunion and the fact that it was late at night left you exhausted. But you were going to sleep much more peacefully with the eccentric man resting beside you once again.
After all these painful months, Rick was finally back. He's changed in some ways, and you were looking forward to seeing how these changes would guide him to a better path.
Because, no matter what happens, you will always love him.
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sfn-tms · 4 years
Kano Headcannons
Kano was a risky choice because I both hate and like him. I know people like to imagine him having a soft side (especially in x reader fanfics), but that seem out of character. That doesn't mean I don't like those fanfics tho
Kano was the type of kid that was both a nerd and a bully
His father was abusive and an alcoholic and soon he realized they had a lot in common
His responses were often agressive and he found from a very young age the joy in making people suffer
People didn't like being around him, but he didn't care. It was better! It was only him
Soon enough, being alone and cruel weren't enough and he started searching problems and fights
He lost his eye in his 20s and, kinda like Rick Sanchez, being the engineering and mathematical genius he is; Kano both designed and made his robotic eye
He's the type of guy that, when in front of a lesbian couple, proposes a threesome to show them what 'a real man' is or to make them straight
He's messy and he loves it
Horrible coworker
The idea of people being disgusted by his actions makes him laugh
Kano has at least two knives in every room in his house
He has a mermaid tattoo in his butt cheeck. No regrets
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