ramyeonupdates · 5 years
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{ #clientsneeds } || source: hattieempowers
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ecswells · 6 years
Achievement Unlocked!
The Dragon Thief has received it’s first few rankings on Wattpad after being published 3 days ago:
#107 in fantasy-romance out of 2.4k stories #162 in newstory out of 2.54k stories #534 in youngadult out of 10.1k stories #32 in thief out of 574 stories
I am truly happy and surprised that I’m sitting on these rankings as is. A great starting point that can only get better from here. As always, please support me by reading the first chapter of the novel: https://www.wattpad.com/688028333-the-dragon-thief-the-beginning-1
An excerpt from The Dragon Thief (Riftling, CH 6):
“Enjoying the swim?” A silvery voice came. Lanna ducked her body under the water so only her head poked above, although she knew the pond was so pristine and clear that it would hardly serve her any cover. Nox came out of the trees and stood, arms crossed, with a small smile on his lips.
“Did you follow me?” Lanna scoffed.
Nox walked over to her clothes and began inspecting them as they dried.
“I came to let you know we were ready to move on. The King’s Road is just a bit ahead. Alderyth reckons we can be out of this forest and in a nice, cosy Riftling inn by sundown.” Nox then glanced to Lanna. “Although, it looks like you’re already all cosy here. Perhaps I shouldn’t disturb you.”
Lanna’s cheeks flared red in anger.
“Of course you shouldn’t. You shouldn’t even be here while a lady bathes!”
“A lady?” Nox laughed. “I see no lady.” Then, he began to remove his shoes. Lanna took a step into deeper water.
“What are you doing?”
“I changed my mind. Maybe I will disturb you.”
He started to remove all the layers of his robes. A white tunic and white pants peeked beneath. He began taking off his tunic, and even though Lanna was furious at his practical joke, she couldn’t help but not look away. Beneath his shirt was a slim but toned frame. She was surprised to see such defined muscles in his stomach and chest. When Nox began to remove his pants, Lanna found herself too embarrassed to continue watching. Plus, she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction thinking she was enjoying this. Because she really wasn’t, right…?  
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emariathchronicles · 3 years
The first book of TCE is out on wattpad. Read this exclusive books about Evil spirts of Emariath which is a book from Emarith library. 
Follow me on wattpad - PenelopeTales0
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natekrtaywrior · 4 years
Different But The Same
Nate sat in his living staring at Heathrow. It’s early in the morning and his donkey friend lay by an open window, sleeping. Nate notices the fuzz on his friend’s back.
“His mane is growing back, I can’t wait to hear his voice again”, he thought to himself.
All of a sudden Nate hears a whisper, “Nate.” Nate did not know where the whisper was coming from.
“Nate”, he hears it again. Nate gets up, starts walking around the room. He follows the whispers like a game of hot ‘n cold. With each whisper of his name, Nate moved around the room. He stops a few steps shy of Heathrow when he realizes the whispers are coming from his sleeping friend. Heathrow was repeating Nate’s name in his sleep. Excitedly, he jumps on top of his friend. He gives him the biggest, tightest hug he can give.
“You can speak! You can speak!”, Nate happily said.
Startled, Heathrow jumps up and looks around. He did not know what was happening. Nate asks him to speak again, to say his name once more. Heathrow tries speaking but all that comes out of his mouth are whispers.
“That means you’re getting better!” Nate tells Heathrow.
Heathrow and Nate spend the rest of the day talking. Nate had to sit extra close to his friend since Heathrow’s whispers were so low. Sometimes the talking donkey had to repeat himself multiple times. He did not mind, neither did Nate. Nate was happy to hear his friend’s voice again.
Now that he finally kind-of got his voice back, Heathrow felt comfortable with resuming his daily walks through the park with his friend. As they walked through one of the park paths, something caught Heathrow’s eye.
“You see that?” Heathrow whispered. “Watchu say?” Nate answered. “Did you see that? Something seems weird.” Heathrow whispered.
They both stop walking and start looking around the park. Something does seem weird but they can’t figure out what it is. Out of nowhere, Nate notices a flash. There it is again, and another flash.
They both run towards the flashes and stop dead in their tracks when they finally see it. They see a man in a shiny silver suit, walking through the park waving a wand all over the place. With every flash, a double of whatever was hit with the flash appeared. One tree became two trees. Two people become four and so forth. One weird detail was that each double had patches of shiny silver all over, and the original person or animal would stand still, as if they were in a trance. The shiny, silver doubles made tight moves and seemed very robotic.
“Those doubles are the same but different but mostly the same”, Nate said as he motioned for Heathrow to get behind him. We have to stop him and get everything back to normal.
“Hey!”, Nate screamed at the villain. Before Nate could utter another word, the villain waved his wand in Nate’s direction. Nate jumped out of the way just in time. When he looked up, he noticed the flash and a pair of Heathrow. Nate had forgotten that Heathrow was standing behind, and now Heathrow has a double.
Heathrow is standing still, like he’s in a trance. Nate calls for him but he does not move. The shiny, silver Heathrow is moving around, like a robot.
Nate felt guilty that Heathrow was once again a victim; he knows he has to do thing to get him out of this trance. “What can I do to eliminate Heathrow’s double and stop this villain?”, Nate thought to himself. A couple of flashes went off a couple of feet in front of him – Nate had to act quick or he will end of like Heathrow and everyone else at the park.
“You’re the reason we have warning labels on everything!”, Nate screamed as he dodged another ball of flash. He knows he has to get that wand away from the villain. “What can I do to stop him?”, he thought to himself as he dodged those flashes. Nate knew that if he got hit by one, he’s done and he will not be able to help Heathrow and the others.
The villain laughs as he waves his wand towards Nate. Each wave getting faster and more aggressive; Nate was beginning to get tired but he knew he could not give up. Nate remembered he had a small travel mirror in a satchel that Heathrow always had with him.
Nate has a close call a couple of times, and the villain’s laugh we getting on his nerves. Nate ran, jumped, and rolled towards Heathrow. In a swift, he snatched the satchel from around Heathrow’s neck and jumped behind a tree. Nate rummaged through the satchel and found his weapon of choice, the mirror.
When he jumped out from behind the tree, Nate came face-to-face with the villain. With a quick swing of the wand, the villain waved it at Nate. There was a big flash, bigger than what came out of wand in previous attacks.
Once the flash faded, there were three figures and a tree. Nate was standing, holding out the travel mirror, pointing it towards the villain. His head turned away and eyes tightly shit – as if he was scared of whatever was in front of him. The villain, pointing his wand at Nate, stood like he was in a trance; his shiny, silver double moved around like a robot.
Heathrow ran towards Nate, whispering his name. Nate slowly opened his eyes, touched his body - making sure he is the real Nate and not the shiny, silver double. Relieved, Nate looks around and notices everyone fake double is gone, except for the villain’s double.
Nate notices Heathrow and gives him a big hug. The police arrive, and take statements from everyone that was at the park. As Nate and Heathrow walk home, they laugh at how the talking donkeys first day out turned out.
Still whispering, Heathrow says about the day’s events, “I wouldn’t have it any other way!”
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misstoddynho · 4 years
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Primeiramente, Feliz Dia dos Pais!! Ano passado eu criei a #tagfrasesdepai e hoje trago de novo pra não deixar a data passar em branco. ⠀ 👨🏻Você é I-GUAL-ZI-NHA(O) sua mãe!: personagens com personalidade parecidas Sendo sincera, têm uns mocinhos da Lisa Kleypas que são tudo farinha do mesmo saco. Por ex, o Sebastian (série Estações do Amor) se desmembrou em Leo Hathaway e Harry Rutledge (ambos da série Os Hathaways) ⠀ 👨🏼Quando eu tinha sua idade...: livro que traz boas lembranças Já que Sol da Meia-Noite veio pra ressuscitar as Crepusculetes, vamos de Crepúsculo para essa resposta... ⠀ 👨🏽Pergunta para sua mãe: livro lido por indicação To Kill a Kingdom e The Shadows Between Us.. maravilhosos e ótimas leituras! ⠀ 👨🏾Aproveita que sua mãe não está em casa: um livro comprado em promoção Minha edição de 10 anos de Anjo Mecânico que comprei numa super promoção relâmpago ⠀ 👨🏿Puxou o pai!: um personagem que você se identifica Repetindo a resposta de sempre, Hanna de Playboy Irresistível ⠀ 👨Onde você pensa que vai com essa roupa?!: um livro com capa feia Sorry not sorry mas a capa de Sol da Meia-noite é péssima! ⠀ 👨‍🦳Dinheiro não nasce em árvore: livro desejado No momento Daughter of Pirate King • • #alexandrachristo #tokillakingdom #tricialevenseller #theshadowsbetweenus #fantasy #youndadult #booktag #balaiodebabados #instabook #bibliophile #bookaddict #bookaholic #instalitetario #bookstagram #amoler #bookstagrammer #bookstagramslz (at São Luís, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDqveLWDg5s/?igshid=du88dc1ti2ww
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iclementeb · 5 years
Ya a la venta, Los hijos de los magos muertos, una novela de fantasía juvenil con toques steampunk.
En Akwaburgo, la ciudad industrial y comercial más importante del reino de Khonikash, un grupo de magos se rebelaron contra la corona, pero algo salió mal. Muchos acabaron muertos y sus hijos desaparecidos.
Quince años más tarde, lord Zeth Austen los busca en los suburbios de la ciudad para formarlos y reintentar la revolución. Elle, ladrona y espía de la mafia; su mejor amiga Lyan, una joven cortesana cuya virginidad está en subasta; Svet, un genio de la mecánica; Ekôn, un atractivo estibador; Ben, trabajador de una taberna; y Daren, el mejor tirador de la armería.A ellos se les une Zoraya, una esclava que resulta ser la princesa del reino de Phöisker.
Cuando comienzan a aparecer cadáveres de magos por toda la ciudad y lord Zeth Austen desaparece sin concluir la formación de los hijos de los magos asesinados, estos se verán envueltos en una trama de intrigas que pondrán en peligro sus vidas y el delicado equilibrio de la corrupta ciudad de Akwaburgo.
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Poison Ivy: Thorns - A new YA book by Kody Keplinger and Sara Kipin.
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RENAISSANCE de Denis Lereffait
Aimez-vous les dystopies ? Aimez-vous Hunger games et/ou Divergente et/ou Le labyrinthe ?
Renaissance, c'est tout ça et autre chose à la fois ! L'auteur n'a pas copié ce qui se fait déjà, mais a créé un monde totalement inédit dans cette saga en 6 tomes.
Vous suivez des enfants et adolescents de 10 à 18 ans, dans un village emmuré, qui passent leur journée à s'amuser, surveillés par des robots. Une voix se fait entendre régulièrement : humaine ou robot, on ne le sait pas ! Dans la journée, ils ont le droit, une seule fois, de se promener au-delà du mur, tout près du village. A 18 ans, les adolescents sont emportés quelque part pour la Renaissance. Quelque chose d'abstrait dont personne ne connaît la signification. Mais voilà... un adolescent a réussi à reprendre contact avec l'un d'eux resté dans le village. C'est à ce moment-là que l'aventure commence !
Une saga addictive et pour vous la faire découvrir, nous vous proposons des packs afin que les tomes 1 et 2, et 3 et 4, soient au prix de dernier opus rassemblant les tomes 5 et 6, soit 22,90 euros. C'est le moment d'en profiter ! Il n'y en aura pas pour tout le monde.
N'hésitez pas à découvrir l'écriture de l'auteur ici : http://fr.calameo.com/read/0031790599d2f90121806
-> tomes 1 et 2 : http://boutique.rebelleeditions.com/acc…/322-renaissance-1-2 -> tomes 3 et 4 : http://boutique.rebelleeditions.com/acc…/323-renaissance-3-4 -> tomes 5 et 6 : http://boutique.rebelleeditions.com/acc…/166-renaissance-5-6
Et si vous souhaitez recevoir les 5 tomes d'un coup, nous vous les proposons pour 59,50 euros avec bougie littéraire, quelque chose en rapport avec la saga, un goodies Rebelle et quelques gourmandises ! -> http://boutique.rebelleeditions.com/ac…/324-renaissance-saga
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fredhandbag · 7 years
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Finished the audiobook of The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken “Ruby is sent to Thurmond, a brutal government rehab camp, on her tenth birthday. She survived the disease that killed most of America’s children, but the survivors have emerged with abilities they can’t control. And Ruby is one of the dangerous ones. She hooks up with other kids - Liam, Chubs and Zu - and together they search for East River where kids like them have formed their own camp. But there are forces at work that want to use Ruby’s abilities for their own agenda. And she must make a terrible choice...” This is an excellent story from Bracken. The audiobook performance is outstanding. Ruby asks some questions that we all have asked. There are plenty of characters to cheer for and lots of bad guys. A scary future that Bracken has written. #thedarkestminds #alexandrabracken #ya #youndadult #dystopian #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #bookshelf #booknerd #bookhoarder #bookworm #booklover #bookish #bookreview #bookclub #novel #bookaddict #bookaholic #bookcover #bookhaul #bibliophile #goodreads #homelibrary #bradslibrary #thriller #audiobook #rcpl
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bookwhit · 8 years
Cinder by Marissa Meyer
My book review for Cinder by Marissa Meyer
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Title: Cinder Author: Marissa Meyer Published: 01/03/2012 by Feiwel and Friends Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Fairy tale Stars: 4 Content Rating: 3 Cover: Sixteen-year-old Cinder is considered a technological mistake by most of society and a burden by her stepmother. Being cyborg does have its benefits, though: Cinder’s brain interference has given her an uncanny ability to fix things…
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lisa-lostinlit · 6 years
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✨ INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAY ✨ . 💬Do you enjoy baking? What’s your favorite thing to bake (or to eat, if you’re not a baker 😉)? . Anise Wise loves three things: baking, potion making, and reading her spellbooks in blissful silence. . Deadly Sweet by @loladodge is a cute story full of sweets, magic and adventure!!! If you are an urban fantasy fan, definitely check this one out! . Today I have partnered with the author for an amazing giveaway! There will be two winners with two different prize packs: • US only--Treat House set + a hard copy of Deadly Sweet • Int'l--ebook of Deadly Sweet and eARC of Sugar Spells (Book 2 in the series) . ✨TO ENTER: - follow me, @loladodge and @storygramtours - tag a friend you think will be interested . ✨For an EXTRA entry: - visit @myfriendsarefiction and repeat these steps . ✨RULES: - Giveaway will end August 20th at midnight EST - not affiliated with Instagram - must be 18 or have parents permission - must be a public account so I can verify entries . Good luck, friends! If you would like to learn more about the book or purchase a copy click on the link in my bio! ________________________________________________________ #DeadlySweettour #DeadlySweet #LolaDodge #Mystery #Urbanfantasy #Witches #storygramtours #yalit #youndadult #magic #bibliophile #bookgiveaway #bookstagram #bookish #bookphotography #bookandcandle #readersofinstagram #booksofinstagram #booksofig #seekthesimplicity #pursuepretty #flatlaystyle #bookishflatlay #cozy #cozyvibes #cozystyle — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2nL5lh4
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pagingserenity · 6 years
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QOTD: What books did you haul this month? . I went home last week to go to my library’s annual book sale and managed to find these gems! I FINALLY own the entire #GallagerGirls series and the #Divergent books! And of course, I couldn’t resist buying another Ally Carter books. . Even better than these finds? The price. It only cost me $6.50 for all 7 books! This is why I love used book sales. . I also got an ARC of LIGHT YEARS by Kass Morgan and my preordered copy of TWO DARK REIGNS but I was too lazy to take a photo of them. It’s midterm season, okay? Cut me some slack. 😅 . Overall this month features a very successful haul and a very unsccessful book buying ban. 🤦🏻‍♀️ . ………………………..... . #allthebookssept18 [september book haul] #fantasynaticfandoms [Flourish and Blott's: hual] #fearyournovelseptember [september haul] #creativebookstagram [#stacksaturday] . . #bookstagram #bookhaul #allycarter #veronicaroth #epicreads #bookish #bookstagramfeature #booksofinstagram #readersofinstagram #instareads #youndadult #usedbooks #yareads #yalovin #ireadya https://ift.tt/2DFKEh8
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angela1977tf · 6 years
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📣📚 Get it for only 99¢ today! A Long Thaw by Katie O'Rourke AmazonWorldwide: http://getbook.at/LongThaw Books2ReadLinks: https://www.books2read.com/LongThaw #womensfiction #youndadult
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misstoddynho · 4 years
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Taylor Swift surpreendeu todo mundo com o lançamento de Folklore. Como boas swifters que são, as meninas do @queriaestarlendo criaram a #folklorebooktag e claramente eu não poderia deixar de responder. ⠀ 🍂The 1 – Um livro que você queria ter favoritado, mas acabou te decepcionando Mais uma vez deixo registrada minha decepção com Darkdawn ⠀ 🍂Cardigan – Um livro young adult subestimado As Crônicas dos Kane, do Riordan ⠀ 🍂The last great american dynasty – Personagem que você mais ama odiar. Repetindo a resposta da Nizz, amo odiar o Darkling ⠀ 🍂Exile – Você estava gostando da história, mas o final estragou tudo A Tecelã do Céu teve um final beeeem forçado em algumas situações ⠀ 🍂My tears ricochet – Personagem favorito de todos os tempos. Kya, de Um Lugar Bem Longe Daqui, e a minha mulher maravilhosa, Evelyn Hugo ⠀ 🍂Mirrorball – Um livro que você mudou de opinião depois de um tempo de leitura Até agora nenhum pois todas as releituras foram boas ⠀ 🍂Seven – Um livro que você não lembra nada da história, mas ainda tem carinho por ele A trilogia O Teste; na época que li achei muito boa ⠀ 🍂August – Um livro que você leu emprestado Putz, vários! ⠀ 🍂This is me trying – Um livro que você tentou ler, mas abandonou Tentei ler Espada de Vidro, mas com 20% e a cópia do jatinho X-Men, larguei ⠀ 🍂Illicit Affairs – Um livro que você ama, mas mais ninguém leu A duologia Lobo por Lobo ⠀ 🍂Invisible String – Um livro que você sabia que ia amar antes mesmo de ler Um Estranho Sonhador e Musa dos Pesadelos ⠀ 🍂Mad woman – Uma antagonista favorita Alessandra (The Shadows Between Us) não chega a ser uma antagonista mas acho que se encaixa nessa categoria. ⠀ 🍂Epiphany – Livro com o melhor plot twist Não chega a ser O plot twist, mas algumas situações no final de Chain of Gold me deixaram de queixo caído ⠀ 🍂Betty – Seu livro mais desejado do momento The Invisible Life of Addie La Rue ⠀ 🍂Peace – Um livro hypado que você ama E vocês acharam que não falaria de Aurora Rising hoje hein? ⠀ 🍂Hoax – Um livro que te destruiu. O final de Aurora Burning nunca será superado • • #lainitaylor #museofnightmares #strangethedreamer #fantasy #youndadult #folklore #booktag (at São Luís, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDV9uMfDqzh/?igshid=5upayu6bolsl
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angie1977t · 6 years
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📣📚 Get it for only 99¢ today! A Long Thaw by Katie O'Rourke AmazonWorldwide: http://getbook.at/LongThaw Books2ReadLinks: https://www.books2read.com/LongThaw #womensfiction #youndadult
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📣📚 Get it for only 99¢ today! A Long Thaw by Katie O'Rourke AmazonWorldwide: http://getbook.at/LongThaw Books2ReadLinks: https://www.books2read.com/LongThaw #womensfiction #youndadult
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