#you're keeping this locomotive in.... motion
wanderingcas · 1 month
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title: paradigm
pairing: dean/cas
tags: apocalypse au, angst w/ a happy ending, slow burn, h/c
The roadside motel, barely one star on a good day pre-apocalypse, stands in the gloom and rain like a shimmering oasis. The lodge style, with each room having its own entrance and therefore just one door to barricade, makes for the perfect quick escape.
And, better yet: the vending machine outside the abandoned check-in office is full and waiting to be purged.
Both Dean and Cas wordlessly complete their tasks: Dean locks the windows and draws the curtains while Cas shatters the vending machine’s glass with the butt of his shotgun. Dean waits until Cas is through the door with an armful of snacks before settling the heavy dresser against it.
Dean whistles in appreciation as Cas dumps the contents of the vending machine on the table: chips, candy, mints, mini energy shots. Everything a starving man in the middle of the apocalypse could want. “Geez, Cas. How’d you know about this place?”
Cas shrugs, settling himself on the faded pink flower comforter of the only bed in the room. “I saw this motel when I was coming into town. I assumed it had a vending machine of some sort.”
Dean shakes out his wet hair, droplets flying every which way. “Yeah, but a full one?”
“It was a lucky guess.”
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I've an anthro tiger character who can walk/run/etc both bipedal and quadrupedal. Within the scope of the story he also becomes an amputee - so now hes missing his entire left arm and his right leg up to the knee. I've figured out that bipedally he mostly uses a crutch. but is there anything i can do for him that'll still let him scamper around? I've not been able to find reference for animals missing limbs in a similar configuration.
alright this one was fun. mobile aids for non-human bodies can be tricky, but it's cool and important!
the first step of course is making sure you can keep a character design relatively consistent in both a bipedal and quadrupedal stance.
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(image description: simplified sketches of a feline character standing on all fours as well as upright on two legs. their left arm and right leg have also been colored over in red to note that these limbs are missing. there is also a note on the image stating that the arms and legs should be roughly the same length. end description)
keeping the limbs similar in length is important for quadrupedal motion, if you want the spine to be kinda parallel to the ground. otherwise, you get sloped backs which are not the best for smooth motion. but the more important part of this ask is the matter of mobility aids for a character that moves between bipedal and quadrupedal motion! so let's talk about that.
for one thing, if your character is not using a leg prosthetic, they'll need two crutches when they walk upright. one crutch is helpful when you have two legs but one of them is weaker, and in that case you'd use the crutch on the strong side, actually.
I previously reblogged a post about proper cane usage, but it can apply to crutches as well! and from what I've seen, the crutches that have a forearm brace are the most popular for comfort and ease of use. your character happens to be missing an entire arm on the same side he would be using a cane or crutch if he had a leg prosthetic on. so that does make things tricky. alternatively, he could use a leg prosthetic and not bother with a cane or crutch. but! you don't have to do that. you can still give him crutches, leave his right leg without a prosthetic, and even give him a versatile prosthetic for upright and quadrupedal motion!
conveniently, cats are well documented to manage just fine with three legs, whether they are missing a back leg or a front leg! there's even at least one cat out there missing both front legs and doing fine! so, your tiger fella really only needs one prosthetic to do both kinds of locomotion, I think. here's what I've got:
telescopic/collapsible arm prosthetic-crutch-combo and a collapsible or folding forearm crutch that can be carried on a belt when not in use.
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(image description: the same feline character sketched upright and on all "fours", this time with added mobility aids. the notes on this sketch say "one leg, no prosthetic, requires two crutches. cats get along fine with three legs." the mobility aids drawn on the character include a folding forearm crutch and an arm prosthetic strapped to the left shoulder that can be extended into a tall crutch for walking upright. end description.)
play around with it until you're satisfied! if you just want a leg prosthetic instead, no crutches, then I think he could use the exact same prosthetic both upright and on all "fours" without the use of an arm prosthetic.
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(image description the feline character again, this time showing a simple leg prosthetic that attaches at the knee, has a small thick piece bending slightly back, and then a longer straight rod ending in a foot pad. end description.)
you'll have to adjust the exact proportions and design to better match your character, of course, but these are the options i thought could work for your idea. I hope that's helpful and gives you more ideas for how you want to draw him! good luck!
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antiquatedsimmer · 1 year
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As the women engaged in pleasant conversation in the parlor, Eddy and Daniel made their way out of the kitchen through the side door, embarking on a leisurely stroll across the sprawling expanse of the property.
Eddy's eyes widened with intrigue as he absorbed the news. "Well, I'll be damned! A full-fledged Railsystem right here in Henford? "
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Daniel, standing tall with a rugged demeanor, nodded with a sense of authority. "Yep," he replied, his voice resonating with confidence. "It's going to be a grand undertaking, my friend. We're still in the early stages, mind you. We're busy mapping out potential routes and acquiring the necessary parts to ensure the steam train functions flawlessly."
"It's going to be a grand undertaking, my friend. We're still in the early stages, mind you. We're busy mapping out potential routes and acquiring the necessary parts to ensure the steam train functions flawlessly."
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Eddy turned his head towards Daniel, "Do you happen to know why they decided to begin construction through Henford? It seems rather distant, and the community is very close-knit. "
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"We're nearing the end of our Western Expanse, Edward," Daniel said with a tinge of melancholy in his voice. "The days of the wild west are fading away, giving rise to a more civilized era. "
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Daniel's countenance shifted to one of resolve as he spoke, "Out here in Henford, my friend, we witness the seeds of a promising future. The vast expanse of land holds great potential for a blossoming community. There's ample room for the construction of factories, bustling businesses, and stately homes. The men I've had the privilege of working with, esteemed businessmen who helm locomotive companies, are fervently seeking to establish extensive trade routes connecting cities near and far."
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Eddy squinted his eyes, using his hand as a makeshift visor to shield them from the piercing sun. "You know my sentiments 'bout them overconfident industrialists. Them fancy men with their top hats and deep pockets, struttin' 'round like they own the world, noses high up in the air."
"Seems to me, this is nothin' but a bunch of wealthy folks gone mad, chasin' after more gold. They wanna tear up this land in Henford, disruptin' the natural order of things. Ain't sound thinkin', if you ask me."
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"Ya know, Daniel, I've witnessed it all before," Eddy remarked, "These grand plans of progress, tearin' up the land, buildin' tracks, and hopin' that shiny locomotive keeps chuggin' along. But what happens when that contraption breaks down? You're stranded, dependin' on a hunk of metal rather than a trusty horse."
He paused for a moment, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "A good horse, now that's somethin' reliable.
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"These young folks today, they're all caught up in this newfangled technology. " he scoffed
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Daniel turned to Eddy his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Well, Edward, I must say I didn't expect you to be such a skeptic. But hear me out." He motioned towards the vast horizon, his hand gracefully sweeping across the landscape. "This train system, it's not just about the fancy inventions and speed. It's about progress, about opening up new avenues for hardworking folks like yourself."
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Eddy let out a hearty laugh, his voice tinged with a hint of skepticism. "Well, I reckon I'll believe it when my eyes behold it, Daniel."
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