#you're asleep ayato you heard NOTHING
supportingfire · 2 years
" thoma. " tender fingers slide along the flesh of bare back, ardored enchantment dictating the svelte line of his digits rest carefully at his waist. in the dim morning hour, the swordsman nestles closer, nose bumping lightly along a mark he'd left upon the younger's clavicle the night before. rare - for ayato to arise first, and sleep still obviously pulls at him, judging by the way his voice cracks in raw discomfort (made worse by the night's transgressions, no doubt), and his blinks are slow and long. " thoma... " comes the gentle repeat, this time he flutters a kiss over his retainer's throat, before nudging him on his back. ayato sprawls atop him then, consistently chilled frame seeking the warmth that comes from the pyro-user's body in droves. his cheek nestles atop a broad chest, calloused fingertips dipping along his retainer's sides, over the frame he'd left in stark nudity alongside his own. the touch is possessive, yes, but more than anything - it's sweet, adoring. the lord commissioner resigns himself, allowing exhaustion to wash back over him, and his eyes to flutter shut once more. the steady beat of thoma's heart is what lulls him back into a warm, dreamless place, kindled by the soul of the being beneath him.
touch my muse meme \\ accepting
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he'd been dreaming.
fields of fresh grass, a breeze that carried the smell of windwheels and sakura trees, and sunlight feeling more like a soft caress than source of heat. what it was about wasn't the most important, it was more the feeling that enveloped him when he looked upon an old tree he knew from him childhood. comfort, belonging...except, the leaves were different in this one…pink sakura began blooming on each branch, a lush green soon dotted with rosey pedals. it was a soft embrace of two worlds, two parts now melded to make one.
thoma. he hears it on the wind, first. the tree turns translucent, liquid, and flows into the rest of the landscape like water, pure and strong. before long, the picture fades, and consciousness returns. he smells sakura blossoms and fresh linens. he hears his lover coo his name, feeling the warmth of lips to his chest. ayato…what time was it-?
lord commissioner doesn't seem to care for that, urging a still waking retainer onto his back, only to make himself comfortable atop him. the pressure is a comfort rather than anything cumbersome, thoma spreading his legs to let ayato slot himself more comfortably against him. the more he blinks sleep from his eyes, the more he realizes the sunlight through the window, already knowing it was later than he normally would have liked. there was always tasks to be done - breakfast to make, meetings to arrange, surfaces to clean, but…
a glance down at silken periwinkle strands accompanied with owner's hands clasping for him, thoma recalls the remnants of what he saw in his mind. the culmination of what once was, what is now, and what could be. his main task as chief retainer was caring for the home, and that has safely turned from an object, to a person.
ayato was his present, and future, and he'll waste a few sleepy mornings in bed if it meant more moments such as this.
an arm raises to drape over young lord's back, securing him comfortably where he lays while listening to the rhythmic breathing that meant the man had fallen back to sleep, "i suppose a little longer won't hurt," he murmurs, free hand tenderly moving aside soft blue bangs. his lover's eyes are closed, his face still in sleep, but oh so beautiful. his voice barely reaches above a whisper, "…i love you, ayato."
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lillaluna · 6 months
in this world and that world
Pairing: Diluc, Childe, Ayato, Wriothesley x f!Reader
Summary: You're absolutely in love with your beautiful character from the game Genshin Impact and at one point, you meet him in your reality.
You've had an absolutely lousy day, preceded by the same morning and preceded by the same evening. It's been like this for a month now.
Going home after work, you decided that it would not be a bad idea to buy yourself a bottle of wine, especially today was Friday. Going to the shop, you went to your favourite rack and took that bottle of wine, which you had taken almost every Friday until today.
"I'd better not take it, it's not the best vintage and…"
"I'll probably sort out my own drinking, mister!" - you were just starting to wind up, like a flame that had been inadvertently splashed with fuel. Turning round to the guy who'd made the remark you were preparing to unleash all your anger on him, but when you met his scarlet eyes you froze. Then somewhere in the back of your mind you heard the sound of breaking glass. "Diluс," you squeaked.
The guy ignoring your daze fussed around you, holding out his hand for you to safely step over the shards from the broken bottle. He kept saying that one of the staff would come and clean it up, when you automatically put your hand into Diluс's open palm, and as soon as your fingers touched you passed out.
After waiting at the bus stop for almost an hour, you decided there was nothing more to catch there and headed home on foot. It wasn't a long walk, but you were hampered by a downpour, the first of the rainy season. Scolding yourself for forgetting your umbrella at home and pressing your head into your shoulders as if it could save you from the large drops of rain, you waited for the traffic light to turn green, standing in front of the pedestrian crossing.
And at some point, the rain stopped. No, not everywhere. The drops stopped falling on the top of your head, pouring under your clothes. Without taking your eyes off the ground you turned your head a little and saw a man's light-coloured shoes, followed by white trousers. As you looked up, you noticed a blue shirt. And a white jacket that was thrown over the man's broad shoulders.
This image already reminded you vaguely of someone, and looking up, you met the blue eyes of the guy across from you.
You must have looked like a madwoman, standing like that, under the umbrella the man held over you, while you stared at him and literally forced yourself to breathe.
"Ayato…", you whispered quietly, afraid that the magic was about to dissipate or that you'd wake up in bed sweating, but the guy across from you just smiled sweetly.
"I thought we knew each other. I can't figure out where I've seen you before".
Evening. Your room in the student dormitory, where you've been trying to memorise the answers to the tests for one of the most important exams of your life for the past hour. On the one hand you're let down by your absent-mindedness and lack of concentration, and on the other… On the other hand by the loud music that's blaring, as it seems to you, to the whole neighbourhood.
Unable to stand these beautiful tunes, you decide to go and deal with the troublemaker. Of course, you hope to just ask him/her to turn it down, but you don't completely dismiss the idea that you might have to fight.
You had to knock long and hard, pulling the doorknob a few times before the music stopped and you finally heard footsteps outside the door. Preparing to utter an angry tirade, you took more air into your lungs, and as soon as the door opened you let the air out like a balloon.
Your first thought was that you'd fallen asleep. Yeah you must have fallen asleep playing on your phone, and that's why in your dream you now have Childe standing in front of you and smiling cheekily, awkwardly scratching himself on the back of his head.
"I guess I did it too loud," the guy says, but you just let it pass and looking at him full in your mind's eye, you unceremoniously reach out and poke your finger right into his chest to make sure he's real.
Kicking the crap out of the punching bag at the gym became your favourite method of stress relief. Channelling all the negative emotions, you excitedly sent powerful, by your standards, punches into the sports equipment hanging in front of you.
You were not a super athletic girl, but rather the opposite, more of a slim and too thin. And very uncoordinated…
The "head with ears", as you called the hairstyle of your favourite character from your favourite game, captured your attention immediately, and you completely forgot about the fact that you were about to be attacked by a freshly beaten pear.
A moment later it did, and you collapsed to the floor with a loud "oh, fuck". Dropping your gloves and rolling over onto all fours, you crawled away from the still swinging punching bag. Your head felt a little dizzy as you shook it out of your eyes. Your gaze was immediately drawn to the red sneakers, which, judging by their size, were worn on a man's feet.
"Fuck," you exhaled, and lowered your head, recognising that in a moment, you'd have to burn with shame.
Resting one hand on the floor, you pushed yourself up to squat. Slowly glancing down at your legs, your black shorts, and then your white sports shirt, you tilted your head questioningly to the side as you noticed the scars on the guy's neck in front of you.
"I can't help you if you're going to sit in that pose and stare."
You could have sworn you were ready to faint when you heard that painfully familiar voice. As you looked up sharply to the guy's face, you realised that surely the pear had hit you on the head too hard, because in front of you stood Wriothesley, the same damn Duke Meropide.
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krispycreamcake · 3 months
Diabolik Lovers x reader (part 3)
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It was almost 3am, your heart was pounding, palms were sweating, lungs heaving. You couldn't believe what had just happened between you and shu. There was no way any of this could possibly be real....Vampires? There was supposed to be no such thing. Why was this happening to you? You felt tears trickle down your chin, wetting your clothes. Everything that man said back then, it all slowly came together. You couldn't help but judge your poor criticism of the offer Karl had made you. He knew your desperate situation and he knew he could fix it, offer you the slightest bit of relief, in exchange you unknowingly gave your life.
Thunder boomed above you, as the winds crashed against your large windows, shaking the pane. You made sure to lock your door and windows, however it did nothing to ease your overwhelming despair. You crawled into bed, draping the covers over yourself as you prayed to whatever being out there to keep you safe. If vampires could exist then surely there was at least a God. Right.....? Morning couldn't come less quicker as you were sure you hadn't slept a wink. Only until the sun started to peek from beyond the vast mountains, could you feel just slightly better. Your body fought with all its might to force itself awake, but that small window of comfort was all you needed to fall asleep. You could almost feel your worries get burnt to a crisp as the soft warmth of the glistening aura of the divine's golden ball shone its grace upon your bitterly cold skin. Your eyelids crashed on itself like a long awaited avalanche, finally allowing your body some rest. You're not sure how long it had been before you awoke to the sound of ruckus outside. You groggily got up and slipped off the bed as your body was now on autopilot. You dragged your way to the door, listening for what was the cause of this conglomeration of chaos.
"Chichinashi- Stop fighting me- Oi! Where do ya think you're really going?" What was that supposed to mean and what was a....what was it? Chee-Chee-noshi? By the sounds of it, it could've been no one other than that flame headed boy, Ayato. But all this shouting this early in the day? Wh- Your thoughts were interrupted as another voice boomed out. "Oi! Keep it down! Some people would like to sleep damn it! Always shouting and screaming like it aint no one else's problem!" You jumped back from your door due to the sheer volume of that other guy. Him you didn't know, it certainly wasn't shu. You continued to listen as Ayato angrily responded. "Ha! There's no way an outta control guy like yourself is trying to tell Ore-sama what to do! Y'know Subaru, I always thought it was about time you learn to have some respect for your older brother-" You couldn't even listen the rest of the conversation before a loud smack was heard and then silence. Did Ayato really hit Subaru?? Soon enough you could hear a full on brawl going on right outside your door. You didn't for the slightest moment think about opening your door, but was it really okay? What if they needed your help? No- that's a stupid idea, why would they need your help? They're vampires for Christ's sake, you're supposed to be their food. Nothing more than a bloodbag...but even so was it okay to just stand by and let them pulverize each other to a pulp?
Before you cold think anymore, you hear footsteps increasing in speed as it hastily made its way to your door. You immediately jumped out the way just as a disastrous thud echoed throughout the elegantly crafted hall. Wood splintering in every which way as the impact caused the door to fly off its hinges. It felt almost surreal to you as Subaru came crashing through your door, landing on a pile of wooden rubble. You subconsciously ran up to his laying form, forgetting all about your experience with his vampiric bother. You immediately crouched near his bashed body, observing how badly beat his face was. One of his cheeks were swollen while his lip continued to bleed profusely, like a fountain gushing out water after not having been in use for years. You felt sympathy swell in your heart for the crimson drinking creature as you used the sleeve of your nightgown to dab up his wounded lip. His eyes fluttered open to gain a better understanding of his surroundings. "Subaru- oh my god- a-are you okay?? Do you need to go to the hospital? You're bleeding..." You anxiously stammered out. He twisted his face away like he was almost disgusted by the act of kindness. You felt your heart drop a little at his rude gesture. "Tch, of course I'm fine." Was all he said in his gruff voice before getting up as Ayato's head poked around the doorframe.
He immediately belted out in a fit of laughter as he criticized his brother's poor situation. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't get anymore words out as the spectacle clad man came speeding behind him. "Just what do you both think you're-" He immediately silenced his scolding as he took in the sight before him. Reiji pinched the bridge of his nose before glaring at all three of you. If looks could kill, Reiji would be in jail for more than just a case of predetermined manslaughter.
It wasn't long before you, Subaru and Ayato found yourselves doing household chores.....for a month. How was it that you just got here and yet things couldn't have gone worse? Luckily Reiji said he'd spare you the trouble if you helped him in his experiments, but you were still thinking over your decision. For now however, you were currently pruning the rose bushes with Subaru, who honestly didn't seem to mind. In fact, he almost seemed relax, granted that a guy with such stone cold expressions could muster any facial declaration that didn't warrant anything else than a worried glance. His usual penetrative stare softened as his ruby eyes remained trained on the delicate petals of the white rose. It was hypnotic to see such a harsh blood-sucking beast be so attentive, it almost made him seem human. You watched as his muscularly toned biceps clench and release each time he cut off a few extra leaves, the way his white wispy locks danced to the chorus of the winds, trained eyes making sure that he wouldn't accidentally harm the flower. Your world almost came crashing down as he looked your way, not a word said.
Instead he inched closer, hesitance absent in his calculated steps. You stood paralyzed like a deer in headlights as this 6ft something man came brooding your way. There he was right in front of you. You were as sweaty as a sinner in church as his hand shakily made its way to your neck, brushing aside your hair as his eyes widened. You weren't sure what was going through his mind but none of it looked pleasant.
"Damn...already?" Was all he managed to say before yanking his hand away and stuffing it in his pocket. You felt yourself become embarrassed, felt yourself grow meek at his comment. "It was Shu....I- I didn't want it...it hurt so much I almost passed out." You started, not quite sure why you felt the need to clarify your desires to the albino man, but a part of you felt it was the right thing to do. "Of course it'd hurt, it was your first time." You felt a blush creep up on you as those string of words struck a familiar chord in your mind. Subaru instantly picked up on it and realized what he said before visibly growing embarrassed and strutting away, daring not to make eye contact. "Just hurry up so we can get this over with!" He shouted before speeding away to the next bush behind you. You continued working, feeling despondent that your conversation with him ended so quickly. Your gut told you that he was the safest to be around, at least for now. "Are your brothers going to kill me?" You voiced, tone timid and voice faint as you couldn't help but think about if you were going to make it out alive. You notice his body grow rigid at this, dropping his hands as he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Does it matter if you do? If you're here then that means you were chosen because no one would miss you...But even so, you should continue striving to live on and get away from this place...from us monsters."
Was he really saying what you thought he was? In that moment something inside you shifted as you watched the man continue trimming the rose bushes, completely oblivious to the hope he sparked within your being. If you weren't in your right state of mind you'd run up and hug him, thank him for his words, but you couldn't. You knew you couldn't, not yet. However it quickly dawned on you that you couldn't leave, as much as you wanted to. Not because of the brothers, as you were now certain Subaru would aid with your escape, no...it was a threat far more heinous, far more deceitful. Your memory is almost a blur as you recall the night you and Karl met, you were certain he preferred it that way. You recall your purpose and why you were asked to come here. Subaru was wrong to believe that no one would miss you, it was far from the actual truth. You knew this, but your memory didn't allow you to exactly grasp why. So many pieces of the puzzle yet to be discovered and if there was one thing you were certain about, it was that staying here would help you put everything together.
"No, I can't leave yet, but thank you. I appreciate that...a lot." You said as you finished up your work. Subaru couldn't believe his ears, why were all you women so stubborn?? Did all females suddenly have a death wish? It lit a rage indescribable to him, but before he could lash out and point out your idiocy, you were already heading inside. Even after you left, he could feel the gentle stinging of your kindness. Not just from your gratitude, but from earlier as well. He hid it well but to him, your actions lingered on in his mind, even his body. He gently brushed his lip in the spot you touched earlier, almost to recreate the experience, as he pictured your body suspended over him, gentle eyes watching, scanning his injuries as your previous words rung out in his ear like bells. He dragged himself out of his delusions, cursing for allowing a mortal such as yourself corrupt his mind. He needed to stay away from you, to isolate himself before he revealed the monster that he truly was.
It didn't take you long before you appeared at Reiji's office door. You knocked firmly, waiting a response. It took a while before he called you in, presumably busy. The moment you opened the door you smelt tea brewing, possibly green tea but you weren't quite sure. Reiji looked you up and down before speaking, "I can safely assume that you and Subaru are done with your work?" You answered him quickly as a means to get this interaction over with as soon as possible. "Yes and I've already made up my mind. I'll help you with your experiments." Your words caused Reiji's face to lighten up exponentially. "Good, I hope that you prove to be more useful than that other one." You had no idea who he was talking about but felt bad for them just from his tone of voice. "If you're not busy, I'd appreciate it if we could start now." You were a bit shocked that he'd start things this quickly but accepted nonetheless.
You followed behind him as he introduced you to his workshop. It reminded you of a museum and a chemistry lab at the same time. A large wooden desk that was attached to the wall displayed many jars of preserved life, little sticky notes attached to them with small pointers for their properties. They ranged from snakes to fish to turtles to taxidermized birds. Stationery placed neatly on the desk along with different manilla folders. Then, there were the shelves that contained various bottles of liquids, differing in shape, size and colour. There was a blackboard at the far end of the room, some scribbles already written on it. It stood next to a large cabinet of china with labels under them dating their years and the artists that made them. There were more tables with what seemed like medical items and other gadgets and knick-knacks, which quite frankly didn't even look of human making. Of course then there was the bookshelves, laden from head to toe with knowledge trapped between the realms of writing.
He presented you with a beaker containing a blue liquid and instructed you to gently swirl it around while he grabbed a book from the shelf. Eventually the liquid turned a deep purple. He inspected your work before humming in approval. He took the beaker from your hand and sprinkled some yellow powder into it and you both watched as the colour turned to that of a lighter purple. He looked to you and handed you the object once more. "Drink it all in one go so I can fully understand the effects of this." You stared at him dumbfounded. "I'm not drinking some random chemical." You stated firmly. At this, he slammed his book closed with a loud snap. "You agreed to this didn't you?" He said as he slowly made his way over. "Yeah but that doesn't mean that you can just make me drink random purple liquids.."
He stopped right in front of you, towering over your form before placing a hand on the desk behind you. "It's supposed to help reduce the chances of cardiac arrest when paired with medication that labels it as a side effect." His cold voice freezes over your blood as you look up at him. Eyes marking you like nothing more than prey as a smile presented itself on his plump lips. You shakily raised the beaker to your mouth and downed it in one go. Its taste was quite earthy, something you weren't expecting. The bitterness came immediately after as you clasped your palm around your lips to hold in a gag as you retched from the distasteful concoction. Reiji watches in curiosity at your turmoil, taking in your every movement. You handed him the beaker weakly as you struggled to stand up. Your vision felt hazy just as a piercing headache attacked your temples. Before you could even completely register the pain, you were out like a light.
You awoke to darkness all around you, your head still pounding. You stood up on wobbly legs as you tried to adjust your eyesight, however there was nothing to see. At this realization your panic settled in as your head swished and swerved every which way until you saw it. The tiniest of lights...a flame standing some distance in front of you. You ran towards it, the urgency for comfort powering your steps. As you got closer and closer, you realized it was a torch. You stuck your hand out to grab it and as soon as you did, the scenery changed to that of a stone hall. Torches lighting down a path, guiding you. You looked behind you and noticed there was still nothing but darkness, which only solidified your decision to move forward. You walked for no longer than 5 minutes as a wooden door came into view. It looked so intricately carved and designed, fit for someone of a high standing class. You pushed the door open to be met only with the one and only Karlheinz. He was sitting at a desk, presumably his office. He looked up from his paperwork and made eye contact with you, to which your headache returned. He smiled at you and gestured for you to come in and take a seat. You didn't want to, you absolutely refused to, but your body didn't heed your brain's warnings and made its way over to his desk.
"How has your stay been so far? I take it you were already introduced to the truth of the situation?" He said, his long luscious pale locks shifting on his shoulder as he poured you a glass of water from a water jug. "Why did you lie to me?? I want to go home." You said, tone reeking of desperation. "If I recall correctly, you were the one that agreed to this, no? I dislike persons that go back on their words just because they have to get out of their comfort zones." He says handing you the glass, which you took and gulped down. Since when were you so thirsty? "This has nothing to do with comfort zones- I might die for God's sake!" Karl listened to your complaints intently as he clasped his hands together and rested them on the desk. "Do you remember our agreement?" You stayed silent as you tried to recall the events of what happened the night you two met. "Let me help reminisce. You needed my help and I agreed to aid you under the circumstance that you help me as well. This isn't just about my sons, this is about my vision and you concurred to help achieve this, did you not?" As he spoke, you feel bits and pieces of your memory start to unfog. "Yes..." He smiled once again at your understanding. "If you die then that disrupts my plans. Trust that as long as you work under me and follow my orders, death herself couldn't rip you away from me." You felt your throat grow dry as his words made you realize a couple things. That one, that translated to, 'for as long as you live, you will be under my control' and two, you had no choice but to work for him because that was a clear and direct threat that if you disobeyed him, death would be the least of your worries. You felt as if you were watching a snake shed its skin as he revealed to you what he had in store for the both of you. "I know there are many questions you have that are unanswered, but they will remain that way as I piece together my plan. Don't worry as you will soon understand everything, just keep being a good pawn to me and you will be rewarded. I assume we have an understanding?" His words cut through your fears as you nodded in response. "Ah, I need verbal confirmation, otherwise we cannot proceed." You felt your lips grow dry as you spoke up. "Yes...I understand." He smiled once more before getting up from his seat and pulling out your chair to allow you to stand up and leave. "But I still don't understand how- or even why you're doing any of this, why me?" He gently took your hand into his gloved one and looked you in the eye. "I'd love to answer all your questions my dear but I do believe our time is up. Perhaps the next time we meet I'll have more of an opportunity to speak to you on a more personal level? As for now, it seems my sons require your presence." Was all he said before kissing the top of your hand and in an instant you were brought back to reality.
Hi everyone, I'm finally back and yes I've gone down the Karlheinz rabbit hole, we will be seeing more of him. But just to clear some things up, the reader's past will get revealed in future chapters as we learn more about her and Karl's 'agreement'. Anyways thank you all for your support ilyyyy <3
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bear-remn · 5 months
— ⋆✮ Deadly Eyes ✮⋆
n/t: finally!! i hae delivered this fic so much better and with a (what i think it is) good narrative, i hope you enjoy and support this fic, i appreciatte every interaction with my page. and btw, i'm chaging the tone of my fic to make it a little more serious and deep, but im keeping the storyline.
tw: this chapter is mention and use of drugs.
sinopsis: second day od school at the academy of kirari and mako, dealing with the sakamakis.
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⋆༺ chapter two ༻⋆
mako was taking notes in her room, from the past day when she skiped classes to discover that ayato was a vampire, she barely sleep since, too scared one of them came into her bedroom and suck her blood while she's asleep, thats why she locks every door she past, her bedroom and bathroom too. she´s lucky one of her classmates let her borrow their notes, she was´nt the best when it comes to grades and really wants to be a good student, kinda hard when you live with six vampires that can kill you anytime.
a knock on her door interrup her hand writing "yes? who is it?" mako ask, but panic invade her instantly, the idea of ayato coming again and suck her blood, play with her like she was nothing, it make's her sick "its me, reiji" mako get up and walked to the door, her hand doubt a little before open it, wondering why did reiji, a vampire, would come to her room at this hour, but she didnt wanted to belive they were all like ayato.
"hey, whats going on?" she ask when she opened the door, looking at the dark haired man, thinking of his elegant way of dressing is, so different from ayato´s, why did she even think of him? reiji looked her up and down and then give her a cold glanze "may i come in? i have an important item to give you" even if he asked for permission, it sounded like an order. mako didnt move but somehow, her body moved aside, but she didnt do it, it was like the air moved her. reiji come into her room and the door closed by itself, mako felt chills.
"i am well inform of the scene ayato made in school, and the reason why you skipped class so no need to treat me like an equal anymore, you should know your position by now" mako was silent for his words, there was something so inhuman about his way of speaking, the way he treated her... so cruel.
"a good master take care of his food, but you´re not just food, you´re a bride so your blood is whorty of keeping it" reiji leave on mako´s desk a juice box of berries "since we all will be drinking from you, i have to assure your blood does not lose its quality, and dont get sick, it´ll be a problem, do you undertand?".
mako was speechless by his words, a bittersweet moment.
"dont make that face, doesnt look good on you" mako wasnt sure what ace reiji was talking about, she was just standing in silence "do you understand? i ask".
"yes... i understand" mako said, remembering that they, as vampires, can kill her at any time.
"dont stay up so late, sleep well miss mako" on a blink, reiji dissapear from mako´s view.
she walked towards her desk and take the box juice, opening it and drinking it, the flavor was sweet and cold, refreshing, but the situation made her nauseous.
she just cotinued taking notes while drinking the box juice.
the next day mako show up at kirari´s room early, she was already dress with the school uniform, her backpack on one shoulder. she knock two times before but she didnt have any replies so she knock again but stronger while asking "kirari-chan? are you up?" no answer until she heard footsteps approaching the door, where finally kirari opens up still in pijamas.
"oh, hey..." kirari looked confused while she rub her eye, like if she just got up "sorry... what time is it?" mako thought kirari was cute, confused all the time "there's still an hour left before classes start so... just wanted to come and hang out a little" kirari smiled instantly and step a side to let mako come in "come here... you" the door close behind mako.
"why you're up so early? we still can nap you know.." kirari ask and sit on the edge of the bed "i dont like sleeping too much" mako responded as she sits on kirari´s desk chair.
"why not? its better sleeping than being with those weirdo´s is innit?" kirari put her hair on a bun and start making her bed and closing some drawers she left opend yesterday.
"you right on that" mako wasnt sure i kirari knew about the sakamaki's being vampires, but she did'nt wanted to tell her yet, at least, she wanted her to discover it by herself.
"anyway..." kirari trow herself on the bed and smiled at mako "you smoke?".
the question surprise mako.
"no..?" mako hesitated wrinkling her nose "i have never tried before, but im not interested".
"damn.. respect" kirari take out some cigarettes under her pillow and take one "do you mind if i smoke here?"
"no, its ok"
while kirari smoke, mako wonder i that was the thing that gave her that unusual smell that reiji always talk about.
"since when you smoke?"
"i dont really remember... probably at the beginning of my adolescence"
as kirari smoked, she was thinkign of some topic to talk about to not get mako bored, kirari is an akward person, she knew it but mako was her only option to have a friend in this house.
"in school, wanna hang out too? people there doesnt talk to me for some reason and... they like... avoid me for some reason?" kirari give mako a weird look, for her, mako looked like a little lamb, lost and cute, she didnt have a bitch resting face, instead she have a nice expression all the time, just as her personality.
"really? i think your company is very pleasant" mako smiled at her comment.
"yeah.. were you able to talk to someone tho?"
"i think so..?" she tried to remember someone, but she didnt talk to them, they talk to her but not on a way people wanted to be friends with her "actually, something really weird happend to me, some girl stop me in the hallway and said some things.."
"what kind of things..?"
"something about me and reiji being together, even when i said that we werent in a relationship she insisted"
"what?" mako was intriged.
"yeah... and some boy wanted to snitch on me for smoking in school"
"did you smoke in school? you could get in trouble"
"oh, dont worry, im very careful" kirari appreciate her concern "but the boy was pretty"
"the one who wanted to snitch on you?"
"if you saw him, you would get it" mako felt curious of kirari´s taste when it comes to a romance.
"what did he look like?".
kirari got up and walked towards the window, smoking there while trying to remember him, but her memory wasnt good when it comes to people.
"he was like... tall and with brown hair" mako make a face to kirari in sign for her to continue talking "i dont remember much, but his voice was good"
"your taste is awfully simple" kirari left out a little laugh.
"ouch, what about you? whats your taste?" mako think about it before answer that question.
"i´d say i like... pretty men"
"what ya mean pretty man? whats pretty for you?" kirari put out the cigarette and throw it out the window to walk towards her wardrobe.
"um.." she tried to find an example of her taste, but the only person that come to her mind was "kanato perhaps" kirari turns to her with the uniform in her hands.
"you know, kanato"
they both looked at each other in silence for a few seconds.
"again, who?"
"kanato sakamaki"
"what?! you like one of these weirdo's? even worst, one of the weirdo's we live with?" kirari mouth was wide open for the surprise.
"nononono i dont like him" she responded fast while turning around so kirari could get dress "i just think he is very pretty physically but i have never talked to him yet"
"damn girl, you like them femenine"
kirari dressed fully and put on a brown sweeter, the weather was geting a little too cold for her.
"im done" she announced to mako so she can turn around again and keep talking.
"dont you think one of these boys we live with are... idk.. cute or something?" kirari keep silent while she put some stuff in her bag.
kirari doesnt really have a type, she only liked one perosn before and it wasnt a boy... so she could'nt tell if the sakamkis were her taste or not, she just liked people for other reason more than just a physical appeal.
"idk, i mean-" a knock on the door interrumped her sentence and follow by it the door opened showing reiji, well dressed and impecable as always.
"good evening, we'll be waiting for you both in the entrance" reiji looked at them up and down, analizing every part of their uniforms, looking for something to fix "your hair looks better up, keep it like that" he said to kirari who just give him a thump up "we be leaving in five minutes, hurry" and with that said he dissapear from their sight.
they just looked at each other, shrugging their shoulders.
already on their way to school, kirari and mako sat together, chatting and making some jokes about a serie both liked.
"i hate ross, he is the actual villain if you pay close atention to it"
"i dont like him either, he is just... so egothistical, rachel deserved better"
"rachel deserved joey, no one can change my mind and its a universal feeling bc i say so" mako put her hand together in front of her, like if she was praying.
"amen" kirari laugh at this but she got shushed instantly.
"shup up, i can't sleep with this much noise" the girls looked at shu, who was with his earphones on and some music can be heard if your're silent for a moment, which made them confused, how can he hear them if he was listening to music?
"we all can hear your stupid conversation over here, talking as if you both were fucking alone" subaru's voice sounded angry, really pissed, his eyes were closed and his arms and legs crossed.
"ok...sorry we'll keep it down" mako apologized no wanting to make any kind of argument, after all, they were the ones in charge and could, literally, kill them out of anger o just because they wanted. kirari just rolled her eyes, she was so done with them.
they are brothers but they dont talk to each other like normal brothers do, they keep silent and just mind their bussiness ignoring the rest, it was so off putting for kirari and mako.
"before we arrive, drink these now" reiji give stawberry juice boxes to mako and kirari. they both took it, mako directly begin to drink it while kirari just put it on her pocket, reiji notice this and glare at her in disbelief "i asked you to drink it before we arrive the academy"
kirari glare back at him.
"why tho?" reiji's glare became dark and scary, he hated being challenged in any kind of way, and worst, if he was challenged by a human.
"everybody like that juice, even your kind" kirari wasnt sure what he meant by that but she didnt like his tone. so dismissive and unfriendly, she felt like a little girl being ordered around.
"what ya mean my kind?"
"just drink it like i said, it'll keep your mind focus on class" mako was quiet, she knew why he gave them the juices.
"its really good actually" she said to kirari, wanting to evade a posible argument between them. reiji appreciated the support.
"I'm not thirsty"
"i know you dont eat before coming to school and I haven't seen you eat at the academy, so I know you won't eat anything until you get home. drink the juice so you don't pass out in the middle of a class, that would be a problem for you and me, and even worst it may affect you academy record" kirari felt a little intimidated, not only because of his words, she felt a strange sensation because of the way he looked at her, his eyes were deep and a little hypnotizing, as if just with his look he convinced her to do what he asked.
"ok.. dont make a big deal about it" she start drinking her juice box in silence until they arrive school.
the classes were calm for both girls, they met each break and explored some areas of the academy they didn't know and studied together in the library to kill time during a long break. when they separated for their last class, kirari went to the bathroom to take opioids so she can relaz for the rest time in the academy.
but she freaked out a little to see nothing on her little silver box, she was pretty sure she left some for today but maybe she was wrong, or someone took it, it was probably the first explanation. quickly she take her phone of her bag and called her dear dealer so they can meet right after classes.
"hello? who is it?" her dealer anwser her call.
"hey, its me kirari" she could perfectly hear him get excited, she knew he had a crush on her for some reason.
"heeey watcha doing gorgeous?" kirari smiled for his change in his tone, even if she wasnt interested, it was nice to have someone that treat her like that in a respectfull way, he didnt crossed the line and make their relation unconfrotable, she appreciated that "just wanted to say hi" kirari heard a loud laugh, making her laugh as well "you are terrible at lying sweetheart, c'mon, tell papa what you need and i'll make it happen for you" kirari smile wide.
"i need some opioides, or something new it would really help me"
"everything for you, tell me when and i'll go" she tought for a moment, she didnt wanted the sakamaki's to see her buying drugs, so maybe the enter of the school or the mansion wasnt her best option.
"what about the south exit of the city? I leave school in two hours and I think I can get there in 30 minutes if I get a car"
"i can send you a car, you know i'll do anything to give you some good shit"
"thaks buddy, you are the best"
"i know baby, see ya later then"
"yeah, see ya"
kirari sigh and headed to her last class, anxious for the class to end.
and when it came the moment, kirari had many excuses to say if reiji asked why she wasnt going with them to the house, even if he didnt belive her, she didnt wanted him or them to know. and while all of the brothers including mako got into the car, she stayed out, waithin for them to go without noticing her. but no.
"c'mon, dont make us wait for you" reiji spoke, making her nervous.
"i'll stay, i have some stuff to do, im waiting for a classmate" reiji looked at her, as if he was reading her mind or her soul, either way she was creep out.
"i can tell when you're lying, why would you?" she tensed up for his comment, why he was so good making people nervous? or was he just hot?
"ok sorry... im waiting for an old friend, i'll go to the house later so dont wait for me" reiji remaind silent, thinking his next words, kirari hated this kind of silence, so tense and so weird.
"alright, go, but shu will acompany you, he is in the academy and didnt listen to me when i told him we were goin home, make him go with you, i'll expect you two at the manor" kirari was spechless, why that guy of all of them? she couldnt remember his face. "take care" she didnt have the opportunity of saying something and the car just go.
"fuck, which one is shu?"
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i-am-a-l0st-gh0st · 1 year
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- Albedo
Underneath the Stars- "I heard you talking in your sleep."-\
Brainrot- Fluff
im scum, im waste, im what you want- 'I thought I told you not to smile at other men.'
Part 2
Part 3
What am I gonna do- "Why are you asking me such stupid questions?"
Hold me closer and I'll hold back- "Same old heart with the same old tricks, hold me closer and I’ll hold back"
He says everything I need to hear- And its like i couldn't ask for anything better
If im dead to you why are at the wake?- Cursing my name, wishing I'd stayed
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater- and if may just take your breath away
A soulmate who wasn't meant to be- 'Was our relationship just a joke to you...?'
All the stars aligned- "And what name should I put?"
When I'm not with you think of me always- "Everything is alright just hold on tight, that's because I'm a god old fashioned lover boy"
In front of all your stupid friends- "If you kissed me would it be just like i dreamed?"
When I'd fight you used to tell me I was brave- “Cause I loved you, I swear I love you… Till my dying day…”
One last time- 'Can you just kiss me? One last time? That's all I ask...'
I'll do anything you ask of me- My fingers pressed until their sore
Wandering in the woods- "It's alright Collei, they should be okay. You did good."
Falling asleep on him- 'He was rarely shown affection and was very unsure what do to when he received it.'
Drunk under a street light- "But I knew you, dancing in your Levis drunk under a street light"-
You said you love me exactly the way I am- "Guess I must be satisfactory you said you love me exactly the way I am"
Show me how you care- Show me how you smile
Meet me at our spot- Baby, are you coming for the ride?
In your arms tonight-. 'You hadn't been hugged by anyone like this in years, so of course some tears were shed.'
Hey I miss your stupid face- Get back to my place, I need you. It hurts so much to wait
I never meant to hurt you though- I pushed a lot back but I can't forget it
But I didn't need to be stronger I needed to be saved- You wanted nothing more than to hold him
And that's why I love fall- I love you y/n don't you forget that
With eyes as dead as mine- "Oh, what a blessing to meet someone like you."
Could you ever imagine where our lives could be- Luckily you saw something in me, something I couldn’t see
But now he's playing with your head- "God will you stop being so clingy!"
They never know what you know- "It's not that simple but they won't seem to notice"
All the leaves are brown- And the sky is grey
All this over a kiss- "You're Y/N, my Fiance!"
Clung on tightly, like parentheses- "And every sentence that a spoke began and ended with ellipsis"
I wanna be your favourite boy- "I wanna be the one who makes your day, the one you think about as you lie awake"
Why don't you love me anymore?- But you say I don't know how to love
I don't know what to do without you- "Please, I'm still the same lyney you fell in love with"
Please hold me close to you- Baby flatline still time to do it too
And i thought you might be mine- In a small world, on an exceptionally rainy Tuesday night
Feeling sick of myself- Guess I'll try to be someone else (trans masc reader)
The breathing exercises hurt- They don't do fuck all
I'll Hide My Chest...- And i'll figure out a way to get us out of here
No alarms and no surprises-Such a pretty house And such a pretty garden
Wait by the door like I'm just a kid- And watch you tolerate it.
Boys don't cry- I would say i'm sorry, if thought that it would change your mind.
I should be over all the butterflies- Im still into you
Secrets i have held in my heart- are harder to hide than I thought
Part 1
Part 2
I'm cutting people out again- I hope to see their faces when I pursue. Haunting you…
I'll hide my chest- And I'll figure out a way to get us out of here.
Yeah, you made it all alright- Those words were for you and for you alone
Why do I myself dream like this?- "But perhaps its just my stupid hea in the end
We fell in love in October- That's why I love fall
They say it's such a shame, I turned out this way- "The red means I love you."
We listen to a lot of true crime- But it's alright, she'll be fine
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Breaking my back just know your name- Well, some body told me, that you have a boyfriend.
Make sure nobody sees you leave- Tell your friends you're out for a run
I can't stop you putting roots in my dream land- Despite being a detective many things about you were still a mystery that he could never figure out.
Sweet tea in the summer- "Sweet tea in the summer, cross my heart won't tell no other"
You know i wanna be your light- In darkness, How you find me just in time to tell me what I needed to hear.
I don't deserve you, you deserve the world- Every time that i miss you I feel the way you hurt
Oh what a blessing to meet someone like you- "With eyes as dead as mine"
Just know that if you hide, it doesn't go away- When you get out of bed don't end up stranded
It's always been just him and me together- So I'll bet all I have on
Just one more tear to cry- One tear drop from my eye
Coming out as Non-binary
You and me, always forever- Fremient, Lyney, Alhaitham
If you're lost you can look and find me- Time after Time
You're just another picture to burn- There's no time for tears
Date rambles-
My kinda girl- Im down on my hands and knees begging you please baby
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hanniejji · 2 years
Btw ik you said you will focus on writing other things but i need to write this BEFORE I FORGET THIS😓😒
It says that Kazuha's mother died, now i have 2 ideas. What if Kazuha's mother died while giving birth to Maple or what if their mother died of illness.
For now we will do the second one 🥳!
So yk when you did au where Kazuha left Maple with Kamisato siblings?
Let's say some months after Kazuha left, Maple started to feel weird. They would get more tired, even whitout doing physically hard job, they would get sick often,it's hard for them to fall asleep and they feel weak in general. Maple at first ignore it, thinking it was nothing, but after 4 weeks they told Kamisato siblings about how weird they feel lately. Ayato called a private doctor (i bet they have a private doctor) to check what is wrong with Maple.
Maple got the same illness that their mother had, doctor said that he will keep and eye on Maple and check them here and there to see if it is bad, and that Maple should rest for a while.
(ofc Ayato wrote a letter or smth for kazuha to inform him, but that everything seems fine for now and he shouldn't be too worried)
It was going well, everything seem normal, but one day....it just...went down, you know. Maple suddenly felt worse than before. Maple got a high fever, started to feel really weak and they barely got any sleep. Their condition got worse everyday.
At that time visions hunt decree ended and Kazuha was excited to see his beloved sibling after so long! After battle,first location he went was Kamisato estate. He was expecting to see Maple doing well and happy. But...he was wrong!😱 When he entered the estate he was meet with Ayaka's (we love her!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️) sad eyes and Ayato right beside her. He asked where is Maple.
"Kaedehara we- *sigh*about Maple, last 2 days they... their condition got worse and doctor said that,well..."
"They don't have much time left." Ayato finished Ayaka's sentence." Their room is at the end of hall on right."
(Let me tell you, kazuha was faster than Sonic at that moment)
When Kazuha opened the door he saw Maple laying on bed,sleeping. Their look so...weak. Kazuha kneeled beside them, holding their tiny hands in his. Their hands were so cold and their breathing was heavy, they were slightly shaking and they had sweat on their forehead.At that moment Kazuha literally felt like a damn sword went through his chest. He didn't know what to do, he just stared at them. He felt like his whole world was destroyed.He didn't want to believe it, Maple is so young and innocent, they didn't deserve that.
"Nii-san?" He was bring back when he heard his little sibling's voice. His little Maple, his everything. They sound so weak, he barely heard them.
"is this really you? Am I dreaming?"
He kissed their forehead and laid his bandaged hand on their warm cheek. "H-hey there...No, you're not dreaming, it's me...it's all alright now, its gonna be o-okay." He didn't notice tears running down his cheek, he was to focused on Maple.
"Rest for now,okay? I'll tell you everything about my travels once you get b-better, alright?"
"Okay... goodnight nii-san..."
"Goodnight little one, p-please get better soon."
My this is so long for what 😧 yeah there is probably so much grammar mistakes but eh. NO CUZ THIS IS LONG I DIDN'T MEAN IT TO BE THAT LONG. Have a good day/night!!! <3
fuck you
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Diabolik Lovers x Male reader
(I might do Obey me brothers x Male mc next, cause they're all hot af.)
You're 17, to 18, whichever you prefer in this story.
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Your parents were out of the country, but they didn't want to leave you alone at the house. So they sent you to this house, they claimed that they knew the people. You thought to yourself that it was very weird, because you were old enough, 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 than old enough to stay home alone, but you just brushed it off. They said before they left that a limo would come by to pick you up. Minutes later you heard a car pulling up in your driveway.
It was the limo, you grabbed your suitcase and rushed out the door. You saw a man dressed in a suit, he stepped out of the car and opened the door for you, you stepped into the limo, he closed the car door and entered back into the car. He drove out of the driveway and started driving away with you in the limo. He drove into the woods on this path which you thought was suspicious but you ignored it. As he drove further you spotted a huge house, it was as big as a mansion.
He then drove towards the mansion, as soon as he reached the mansion he drove into the driveway. You got out of the car and opened your car door. "I'll take that." he said sternly while grabbing your suitcase. He then led you up to the mansion. He stopped in front of the giant doubled door, he then opened the door and let you go in first.
As soon as you passed the door you were welcomed by a cold breeze. You saw a red haired boy laying down on the couch 'sleeping'. Your parents told you that there were other people living there, but he was the only one that you saw. You approached him slowly trying not to awaken him from his slumber. He could here you but he wanted you to come closer, as soon as you got in his reach he grabbed your wrist and pulled you on top of him.
He opened his eyes, which were green hues. "Why, hello pretty boy.~ What's your name?" He said in a seductive tone, while smirking mischievously. It seemed like he was expecting a guest. "C-could you please let go of him me..?" You stuttered slightly, "Fine." He said as he frowned in disappointment. "My name is Y/n, what's yours?" You said introducing yourself, "My name is Ayato, yours truly!" after Ayato suddenly said that a boy with orange, blondish hair walked into the room, as soon as he saw you, you felt his blue hues gaze upon your body.
"Oh, you must be the guest we were expecting." The boy said as he approached you, "You're quite a handsome boy.." he said sternly. "Back away from my prey.." Ayato said in an intimidating, and possessive tone, "Hmph, whatever, my name is Shu. And I'm guessing your name is Y/n?" You nod nervously. "I'll go warn Reiji that a human will be staying with us." Shu said before walking away, Ayato gave you a smirk. "Lets go somewhere more private so I can have a taste of you.." Ayato said seductively, he then grabbed your wrist pulling you into his room, as soon as he entered he slammed you against the wall.
He then tilts your head up exposing your neck, he chuckles lightly before piercing his fangs through your neck making you shudder slightly. He keeps sucking your blood for what feels like forever, almost making you faint. Right before you were close to fainting he stopped, "Your blood tastes better than that whore Yui..~" He said, you wondered who Yui was, the name sounded like a female's name. "Oh, and don't worry she's nothing but a hopeless blood bag.. Now that we have you we'll just throw her out and abandon her.~" He chuckled softly.
"Now, unless you want me to show your room, or you can sleep with me tonight. And I don't think you would want my brother's feeding off of you after you've already been fed off of, do you?" He said as you shook your head 'no'. "How about in the morning, I'll introduce you to my other brother's, okay?" You nod nervously, "Now come here." He pulled you on top of him letting you rest on top of him. You soon fall asleep feeling safe.
(Morning time~)
You woke up yawning, and stretching. You remembered that Ayato said he would introduce you to his brothers. You realized you didn't have your suitcase with you, so you couldn't change, You just continued wearing the clothes you had on. You walked out of the room trying to find the living room. You end up finally finding the living room, as you saw seven guys, and one girl. "Hm~? Is that the boy you were talking about, Ayato?" a man with ginger hair, with a fedora on said questioning Ayato.
"Yes, and yours truly, me, has already claimed him!" Ayato said, "Would you stop saying 'Yours truly'?? It's really pissing me off!" a man with pinkish white hair said in an angered tone. "No! I'll say whatever i'd like Subaru!" Ayato struck back at 'Subaru', while they were rambling about whatever you felt someones eyes glaring at you, you then noticed it was Yui's eyes, she looked jealous that you were stealing their attention. She got up and stopped right next to your ear whispering 'Gay whore..' she walked down the hallway to her room, you're stunned by her words but just brush it off.
"Fufu~, It's not fair how you claimed doll-kun~!" The man with a fedora said stomping his foot into the ground out of anger. "Why would he want to be claimed by a pervert?" Said Shu who was resting against the couch, it's like they didn't care about Yui because she just left and they didn't even bother asking why. "Tsk, yours truly bit him first, so he's mine!" Ayato said, Shu then adjusted him headphones down to his collarbone "Can you all shut up?! I'm trying to sleep!" He yelled echoing in the mansion.
You shudder as he adjusts his headphones back up to his ears. The others left the room soon after to go somewhere else to ramble about shit, or something. Now it was just you, and Shu. He opened one of his eyes and said "Come here." You walked over to him as he sat up adjusting his headphones back down his collarbone. As soon as you reached him he pulled you onto his lap. You jump slightly, "Now, since Ayato was rambling about that he bit you.. I want to try you out for myself.." He slithered his hands down to you behind,
he then pulled your pants down making you blush immensely in embarrassment, he looks down at your crotch to see that you were aroused by this. "Hah! You got hard just by me groping your ass?" He said making you more embarrassed. "No response..?" He said before forcefully thrusting his middle, and index finger inside your anus, you clung onto him tightly. He then continues to abuse your prostate, he then slid his other hand down to your behind and spanks your ass.
He then pierced his fangs through your neck while fingering you making you moan loudly. "Sh,~ they might hear you.." You then cover up your mouth. Suddenly he teleports into your room and pushes you onto your bed. "Now, I have you all to myself.." he said as he unbuttoned his pants and crawled on top of you. He then flipped you onto your stomach and grabbed a bottle of lube out of his pocket. He then pours some onto his hand and starts circling his finger around you hole.
After finishing he aggressively thrusted inside you making a colossal moan slip out of your mouth. "If you keep moaning loudly I'll thrust faster.." He said while thrusting inside of you hard he then smacks your ass. "If you keep tightening around my cock it'll break." He said making a huffed groan slip out of his throat. "Tsk.." He scoffed before thrusting inside you faster, and harder. You felt like his cock was growing inside you like he was getting aroused by your moaning.
Minutes later of thrusting he shoots his hot sticky cum down inside you making your insides tingle in pleasure. He then gets up leaving you laying in your bed exhausted with his load dripping out of your ass. You get up and walk towards the bathroom, it was hard to walk because of how hard he thrusted.
(I ain't continuing this shit. I started this at 4 pm, and it's 12. I kept running out of ideas.)
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sincerelyvinus · 2 years
NINE: Hiding away with you
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7 am, Thoma is still asleep beside you and you're looking through your phone. And as you guessed already it was a terrible idea.
Ynbedo literally solos Ynma.
No fucking way THE Yn would choose that lame cooking streamer.
Ynma is way to overrated to even be a good ship tbh.
Bad and good comments left and right, it was to early for this. You already knew that this was gonna happen one way or another but it's just happening all at once, your mind went into a dark spiral and your breath became short and heavy, in your head you wanted to be swallowed up whole by the earth and disappear from the world but then your thoughts went quiet when you heard his voice.
"Yn are you ok?"
You're breath slowly but surely went back to normal, he sat up and patted your back as you recollected yourself but while he was patting your back he saw a glimpse of your phone and quickly realized why you were feeling this way, he takes the opportunity to take your phone away from you. He swiftly grabs it from your lap, you tried to take it back from him but he rose his hand in the air preventing you from reaching it, you climbed onto him but you leaned forward caused him to lean back and fall down. Like that iconic stream you were on top of him but this time it wasn't awkward, you two were giggling but then-
"Good morning love birds"
You two turn your heads to see Ayato leaning on the wall with his arms cross and a smirk on his face, Thoma covers his face with his hands while you look away still on top of Thoma. "Now don't be shy you guys look great with each other" He chuckles as he walks to the kitchen, you were about to get up and go to the kitchen Thoma pulls you in for a quick peck on the lips, you blush as you playfully hit is shoulder, he giggles as you walk to the kitchen.
You were all now in the kitchen happily chatting with tea and coffee in your hands but you while you were talking to Ayaka you were interupted by a notification on your phone, it was from twitter, already a bad sign so you sip the last bits of your drink then put it down to focus on your phone, Thoma was too distracted not to see you leaving his side. You sit on the couch and open twitter, it was a mention then more and more notification flooded in, you went through a few of them.
Bad idea...
"please kys if you think yn would pick that lame ass streamer for a boyfriend and not a fucking rich violinist 💀"
"The amount of ynma shippers really says alot about low standards..."
"yn literally deserves so much better than th*m4"
"ynma this ynma that bro stfu that goofy ass cooking streamer is no where near yn's level."
You read word for word the hate tweets while feeling your heart shatter bit by bit, you quickly put your phone down after the 4th tweet, your breath was heavy, you started sweating then felt like vomitting, by now Thoma and the siblings were already done they notice you seem off on the couch so they all approuch you, you were shaking, they all ran quickly to your side "Oh my goodness yn!" Ayaka was holding your hand while Ayato was patting you from behind, Thoma was infront of your face caressing your cheeks attemtping to calm you down from your panic attack "Breathe with me yn, it's alright we're here" you manage to whisper to Thoma that you wanted to vomit, he quickly carries you to the bathroom, as you cough on the toilet bowl Thoma pats your back and gently pulls your hair back, While you were with Thoma, the siblings notice your phone was open and see the hate tweets, Ayato seemed to look furious while Ayaka looked quite sad, Ayato takes your phone and deletes twitter off it "Ayato what are you doing?! You can't just touch her phone like that!" "Ayaka for god sake look at your friend she is having a panic attack from those tweets alone and you expect me to do nothing?!" While the twins went back and forth at eachother Thoma carries you to his room upstairs for some quiet.
Your were on his lap hugging his torso as you cry your heart out while he plays with your hair, listening attentivly to you "Thoma." you go quiet "Yes yn?" he holds your hand "If there was a place we could go to far away from the world and it's just the two of us where would you go?" he hums then gently caresses your cheek "Well where all of-" he pauses to plant a light kiss on your forehead "-this started" you already knew the place he was talking about so you decided to hide away from the world today. With Thoma.
The abandoned flower shop, you and Thoma's hide out, the place where you two can hide from your problems, your thoughts everything. You lean against the counter listening to one of Thoma's cassettes, he was right beside you with his head on your shoulder, the silence between you wasn't awkward or forced it was a comfortable silence, after maybe 30 to 40 minutes you and Thoma realize you didn't eat anything for breakfast, you thought of going with him but he insisted that you should stay there.
You've been in the hide out for the entire day with Thoma, just how you wanted to spend the day but those messages were still in the back of your mind even if Thoma was with you, you and Thoma decided to sleep in the hide out.
You lay in bed beside the guy you love, but thoughts in your head made you spiral into a sleepless state.
"If I just didn't say anything and let him go to bed alone. Would I still try to be with him knowing what people would think of me?"
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well its angsty time ladies gentlemens and those inbetween, anyways so my deep apologies if you thought there wouldnt be angst sorry but we gotta make this realistic
( s.masterlist )
( taglist: @minyoungieee @artemfication @raely-study @mayasshitposts @melodyyamino @racoonlvr )
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kurosawa-family · 2 years
{ Can I get some Convoitise and Yui friendship headcanons? 😩🙏 }
The friendship between Yui Komori and Convoitise Kurosawa.
Their meeting was completely accidental. They met when Yui was just wondering around the city while on a "vacation" with the Sakamaki brothers and, of course, she thought it was a little weird seeing such a dark forest right next the lots of buildings and shops. It was even more weird when a young man got out of there.
It was already night, so Convoitise didn't need a disguise, but when they saw each others eyes, they just froze.
Of course it was Convoitise who started to approach her, but still silent, which caused Yui to panic internally.
And... Well, while Yui acted hostile towards him, because by this time she knew how to know who's a demon and who's human, ConCon just treated her in a friendly manner, and maybe it was too much, since it only gave the blonde woman the wrong impression of him, but again, who wouldn't after living with no less than thirteen (13) blood-sucking parasites?
But they end up running into each other more than they thought they would. Since Convoitise runs not only a good part of fashion shows and studios, but also his very own shop. And you bet Yui comes there the first chance she gets.
She ends up being Convoitise's muse, so in return and once Yui feels safe enough around him, he gains her trust.
By that time, he knows very well how to hide his smell on her so she doesn't get in any trouble, so Yui takes this opportunity to, you know... Follow Convoitise's lead—
For the first time in, what, ten years? Maybe more?, she feels like she truly has a friend. Even if that friend isn't a girl, she's still happy.
Convoitise drags her to the best convenience store and they get the chance to watch the sunset together. Which, somehow, it's a better view than a normal sunset on the beach... BUT ANYWAY. Yui and Convoitise eat as much as trash food as they'd like, since Convoitise brings enough cash for a whole week.
Yui asks him from time to time if he wants to come with her to a certain tourist destination, and he never says no. Although they ended up falling asleep once and Yui got in trouble for being super late at the Sakamaki's.
Oh, the dancing. THE SILLY DANCING. Every single time Convoitise plays literally any song inside his shop and Yui's there? Hohoh, she scoffs with a smile and Convoitise literally holds her with such a lovely smile. She stopped caring if there was people inside the store long ago, since she found out Convoitise's goal wasn't embarrassing her in front of all of them, but just to make her laugh.
Yui tries. She tries so hard to not grow so, so fond of him, but she fails, and it upsets her. Everything that makes her happy, they destroy, and she's terrified of whatever will happen if or when they ever find out where she goes.
Convoitise knows this. He knows of these risks, and he's aware of the danger she's in by just meeting eyes with him, but how could he be do cruel and just not give her a hand to survive and live freely, even for a little while?
One of the memorable moments was when Ayato and Subaru found out where she was going, and Ayato literally lost his shit. As soon as Ayato called her "Chichinashi" once more, Convoitise's hand met his cheek and left a red mark on it.
Subaru laughed, Yui was shocked and so was Ayato, and Convoitise never looked so pissed. And since he was considerably way, way stronger than Ayato, there was nothing he could do or say to him.
“If you even think of doing something to her because of your own idiotic behaviour, then I'll make sure you're not able to walk around the hospital nearby for three weeks, and I'm sure you know I'm serious.”
Yui never heard anything from Reiji, not even a scolding. It was weird, but she knew that he knew what happened. Ayato threw in her face that she had favourites and so on, making Kanato a bit mad... Just a bit.
Their best and yet saddest night together was the last night before Yui had to go home again. They were sitting on the edge of the highest apartment in the whole city, eating some take-out food. They didn't say anything the whole time, but even if words were needed, they couldn't say anything. Not only they knew, they just... Felt like those words would break them down.
Well... At least, until Yui spoke.
“Can you promise me something, ConCon?”
“But of course! Anything for you...”
“Can you remember me forever?”
He knew what she meant. After all, it was unlikely that she was going to come back here after all this adventure. And just like her, Convoitise felt the crushing urge to cry on her shoulder.
“... Only if you remember me too, my dearest friend.”
They crossed their pinkies as the softly sobbed, hugging each other tightly while the hours passed.
The last thing Convoitise gave her was a little swan made out of pink paper with flowers, along with a little note saying "Don't Forget Me".
Will they see each other? It is unlikely. Although, while in the plane back home, Shu sat next to her and just said to her a simple thing.
“You know... That place is great when it comes to art, I'll come here next year...”
Yui can't really tell if it was to torment her of not, but still, there a bit of hope both for her and Convoitise.
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