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seasononesam · 2 days ago
mishalecki tied the knot awww ❤️ congrats to the beautiful couple
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canisalbus · 1 day ago
You seem to have a favourite genre of dog (long nose) is this deduction accurate?
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Who am I to resist such compelling creatures.
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janusfranc15 · 3 days ago
John Boswell’s book is Excellent, and delves a little into WHY Homophobia became Normalized within the Church.
(With the answer being more complex than ‘The Old Testament’ as the verses used to support Homophobia were often interpreted differently early-on. (Sodom and Gomorrah was interpreted as more of a Why You Don’t Violate Guest Right than a specific condemnation of Gay Sex, with Jesus himself alluding to this interpretation. Paul’s letters condemning Gay Sex- if it was even written by him, and not a later writer doing so under his name- uses a word -Arsenokoitai- that does not correspond to the usual ones used to describe Homosexuality at the time.)
What article would you recommend to someone just getting into queer history?
It would really depend on the person and what they are looking for in terms of queer history, but how about we do a choose-your-own-adventure type answer!
Are you looking for a look at how we got to where we are today in terms of queer history?
Read: Magnus Hirschfeld or Maryam Khatoon Molkara
Are you looking to find comfort in the fact that queerness has existed throughout history?
Read: Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum or Sir Ewan Forbes 
Are you looking to have some of your preconceived notions about queer history to be challenged?
Read: The Golden Orchid Society or Rotimi Fani-Kayode
Does queer history intimidate you because you are afraid of it being a list of tragedies?
Read: The Ladies of Llangollen or Jackie Shane
Do you want to learn about the intersection of queer and disability history?
Read: Lou Sullivan or Victoria Arellano 
Do you want queerness that resonates with lesser-known/discussed identities?
Read: Kristina King of Sweden or Zinaida Gippius 
Are you looking for more information about names you already recognize?
Read: Sappho or Langston Hughes
Are you looking to be pulled into a rabbit hole of queer history?
Read: Edward Carpenter or Xulhaz Mannan 
Are you looking for someone within your region?
Read: Making Queer History by country
Just searching for an odd little slice of queer history to wet your appetite?
Read: Elmyr de Hory or Salim Halali 
Just want to know something new?
Read: Bajazid Doda or Geoffrey Bawa
Just looking for a story to grip you emotionally?
Read: Emmeline Freda Du Faur or Zdeněk Koubek 
I hope you find something in this list that helps!
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pseudophan · 2 days ago
sometimes I shock myself with how much affection I feel for dan. Like. That's my boy
i think dan was genetically engineered to evoke affection in people. he's kind of serving chronic kicked kitten energy
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licncourt · 2 days ago
Do you guys think that Louis and Lestat butted heads so much (especially in the first book) because Lestat Came Back Wrong as a vampire but Louis didn’t ? They are mutually unrelatable to one another in that sense and it really shows in how they both reacted to and continue to experience vampirism. Lestat is forced to realize he can never go back to who and what he was in another time and place and Louis is realizing there's no better version of himself on the other side and no freedom from his own faults.
So much of TVL is about Lestat’s light and radiance and the perseverance of spirit, and the thing that finally pushes him into the darkness is the knowledge that those things are, in his mind, unattainable to him now. His childhood had planted the seeds that would grow into his worst characteristics, but it wasn't the dominant force in his life until a while after he was turned. His horror is the corruption of goodness and the knowledge that you can never go back and never be the same person you were Before or would have been without What Happened.
That's really not the case for Louis. He had darkness in him already as a human, very close to the surface even. He was selfish and hypocritical and lacking empathy from the beginning, leeching off exploitation and always on a short leash with violence. Like I mentioned in my post about why I enjoy his character so much, he's interesting and unusual in the fact that he was kind of made for vampirism. He already was one in a lot of ways, being turned just caused it to truly erupt. There's no corruption of goodness aspect to the horror, the horror is mundane evil exaggerated to supernatural proportions.
Lestat was born a sheep and was forced into wolf's clothing long enough that it became a part of him and he embraced it. Louis was born a wolf and took up the mantle of the sheep to live with himself, but it didn't change his nature. The Marquis called Lestat "Joseph among his brothers", but Louis is Cain. What does it take for Joseph and Cain to understand each other? Time, trauma, and a lot of listening I suppose. I'm not sure Anne Rice knew for sure, maybe that's part of why she didn't write it down, but there is something life affirming in the fact that they managed in spite of everything. There's even love to be found between a man who chose evil to save himself pain and a man who never knew how to be anything but evil.
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beentobeetle · 1 day ago
I really love how you draw Oscar... In the least weird way I can put this, especially his lips? Really nice to see! That's all, have a nice day! :D
AURGGH NO I GET WHAT YOU MEAN HEEHEE hes so pretty to meeee …
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Like … ouhuhhh he’s so pretty im going to be sick (ALSO THANK YOU !!!!!)
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chris-prank · 1 day ago
In my mind there are two types of yanderes
1) "You belong to me"
2) "I belong to you"
So what do you think the lil silly guys are?
- Anon💤
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CW: Slightly suggestive in Esteban’s part
Here is more context for their placement!
Vincent thinks that you’re equally his just as he is equally yours, so he is the perfect middle. It comes from his submissive personality mixed with his identity as a mad scientist. Villains do have the reputation of obsessing over things they want for themselves.
Esteban does see himself as yours as well, but I think that his arrogant side, coming from the fact that he is a rich CEO, still makes him more the “you’re mine” type of yandere. It manifests in the sense that you’re the only one that can order him around, that can take care of him at his worst and the only one that can pin him down. So you’re his little boss.
Since Atlas still thinks of himself as nothing more than an android, he thinks he only deserves to be by your side if he can be useful to you. But being yours doesn’t mean he’s not ready to go to the extreme to keep it that way, you just need him to tend for you after all.
For Martin, you're his. His to protect, his to adore, his to love, etc. He is not to the extreme because he still sees his darling as an independent individual and not a thing to be possessed. It’s more a “If you’re by my side, you will be the happiest you can ever be” type of mindset.
It might surprise some that Jacce isn’t at the most extreme, but he is human, meaning he doesn’t think that he literally belongs to you like an unanimated object (he is at the very least your puppy, so still a living being). Plus, there’s a greedy part of him that wants you for himself, that’s one of the reason why he offered to be your pet, that way he can monopolize all of your attention.
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occasionalsnippets · 2 days ago
FD Mc: I don’t have a favorite, I love all Tim’s and Not-Tim’s equally
Also true the other way around
Tim: I don’t have a favourite, I love all (Y/n)s and not-(Y/n)s equally.
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kalevalaknights · 2 days ago
You know, your Dark drawings seem a bit lonely, I bet a pink madman could fix that :]
(AKA some darkstache pleaseeeeeeeeee, only if you want to tho)
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Neither of them will ever be the same, but at least they can enjoy this new company.
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harmonia-university · 2 days ago
Tempo seems so sad. Is there any way I can cheer him up?
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Ok maybe now im a little sad
[ anon ]
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anamericangirl · 1 day ago
hi! I'm conservative/right leaning and I was raised Catholic, but I do believe that same-sex marriages should be recognized in the sense of the legal half of marriage being a contract apart from any church. (I believe that churches should have the right to refuse to marry same-sex couples but that this is a separate issue from marriage contracts.)
I understand, however, that many people regard marriage as being something deeply religious and I understand that traditionally the purpose of marriage was for a man and woman to start a family together.
I was just wondering if you had any thoughts on my perspective, if you think that same-sex couples should have the legal rights that traditional couples do, or perhaps something slightly different but equivalent to marriage?
I think I pretty much agree with you. I don't think there's any reason to stop recognizing it from a legal standpoint and I don't really see anyone fighting for that to happen.
And, same as you, my problem is when the forced participation happens.
People should be free to do what they want to do and believe what they want to believe. One person is free to marry who they want and another person is free to believe whatever they want about same-sex marriage.
You can marry who want but you can't force others to approve of, accept or participate in your marriage or wedding.
Legally, I don't see a reason to stop it being recognized but churches should not be forced to recognize or perform same-sex marriages as it's a violation of religious freedom.
But for some reason they can't just stop at having the same legal rights and widespread acceptance. Everyone has to actively support and approve of same sex marriage (essentially meaning Christians have to actively promote and participate in same-sex marriages regardless of what our religion teaches) or it's not good enough.
But I'm with you on pretty much everything I think. Continue to have gay marriage legally recognized but don't force any person or institution to participate in it.
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canisalbus · 45 minutes ago
i am so sorry if this is weird to send but my dash had a moment:
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ask-jasmine · 3 days ago
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//Jasmine's Beginning
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pseudophan · 3 days ago
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the answer op is looking for is cat whiskers. and scene
truly a nonbinary fashion stable atp
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beentobeetle · 1 day ago
butcher/oscar/noel when /silly
Well. now, actually
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I promise I will be doing more heehee ,, oh wait do these three have a ship name uhhh … Dolscar? Dollins plus … Oscar … Dolscar … IDK
Or something not entirely name related, like Holy Ghosts … Tripwire … I have no explanation for that one it just Feels RightTM
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