#you’re telling me NONE of you have had someone pester you when you don’t want to be
paging-possum · 5 months
Craziest thing abt people hating on toshiro for not liking laios is like. You guys have NEVER had someone talk to you for an extended period of time when you just want to be left alone??? Like forget everything else that alone would make me ready to kill him idc
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suugarbabe · 1 year
Saving Grace
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[Chapter 1]
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: You're caught in a pinch and Mattheo is quick to lend a helping hand, but you might have bitten off more than you can chew
Warnings: none
You turned the corner quickly, pressing your back against the wall to catch your breath. You had been speed walking down the hall trying to get away from Adrian Pucey. You had let him down, at minimum, three times in the last two weeks. You felt like you had been pretty forward with your denials, but Merlin was that little weasel persistent. Maybe he just didn’t get denied that often, I mean, he wasn’t ugly by normal beauty standards. But his personality was that of dragon dung. He had stopped you after potions the first week of classes, telling you how “nice your uniform fit this year” and it took all the strength you had not to gag in his face. He asked if you wanted to sit with him at lunch; you politely declined and then spent your lunch hour in the library for safe measure. Later last week he caught you after dinner, asking if you wanted to go to Hogsmead with him. Again, you declined, telling him you had to catch up on reading that you put off during the summer and swiftly walked away from him before he could ask to keep you company. 
The worst was earlier this week. You had successfully avoided him all weekend, even managing to go to Hogsmead with your friends for a few things without running into him. You weren’t sure if maybe he had actually seen you out, or maybe someone else had mentioned seeing you, but after potions that morning you tried to leave and quickly head to your next class when you were suddenly pushed against the wall. Adrian had you trapped with his arms on either side of your head. He said it felt like you’d been avoiding him. You told him he was right and that he couldn’t take a hint. He laughed, like you were challenging him to get closer. As soon as you noticed him trying to lean in to you, you mumbled a quiet depulso, causing his body to leap several feet away from you before running off to charms.
That led you to your predicament today. Back pressed against the wall around the corner, waiting for the moment you needed to start running. You heard Adrian’s voice down the hall and quickly pushed off from where you were resting and headed down the corridor you had turned. You had made it almost down the end of the hall when you heard him call out your name. You didn’t turn around, scanning the faces passing through for anyone even semi-recognizable to help you, or hide you, anything at this point. Just then, you saw what could be your saving grace turn the corner: Mattheo Riddle. He was in your house, but you and he did not hang in the same circle. You knew if Adrian was going to be intimidated by anyone, it was Mattheo. The entire school knew of his reputation, how accurate it was you had deemed irrelevant as long as it got Pucey off your back. 
You walked up to him quickly, grabbing his sleeve and pulling him to the side speaking quickly, “I don’t know if you know my name, but it’s Y/n. I know this is weird and I don’t expect you to help me but Adrian Pucey has been pestering me for the last two weeks and the git cannot take a fucking hint and now he’s looking for me again and I know he’s just right behind me, I heard him, can you just please pretend like you’re talking to me or give him one of those glares you do that make people not talk to you or something?” Mattheo’s grin grew wider with each word that came out of your mouth. 
“I know who you are, Y/n,” He started, looking over your shoulder noticing Pucey scan the crowd again, “He’s getting closer. You want me to shout at him or just glare?” You took a step closer to Mattheo, trying to hide yourself, if possible, “Glare please.” At that moment Pucey clocked you, brows furrowed seeing who you were standing with. He walked quickly up to you, reaching out to grab your shoulder. Mattheo quickly slapped his hand away, glaring at the boy, “Fuck off, Pucey. She’s busy, clearly.” Adrian eyed you suspiciously, “Since when do you hang out with Riddle, Y/n?” You looked from Adrian’s face up to Mattheo’s, trying to find a convincing answer. Mattheo’s eyes never left Pucey, answering without missing a beat, “It’s none of your fucking business what she does, or who she talks to. What are you, her handler?” Adrian scoffed, opening his mouth to speak but Mattheo cut him off again, “Oh no, that’s right, you’re just the prick that’s been pestering her since the beginning of classes. How many times does a pretty girl have to let you down before you take a hint?” 
With that, Mattheo wrapped his arm around your shoulder, leading you down the hall and leaving Pucey staring, mouth agape and completely dumbfounded. Mattheo glanced over his shoulder, noticing Pucey still watching. He moved his arm from your shoulders down to wrap around your waist, pulling you a little closer to him as you walked. “Just for good measure,” he whispered, getting close to your ear. You’d be lying if you said your heart didn’t race slightly at his movement, but you kept your face stoic.
There was no denying that Matteo was a handsome man. He had chestnut curls that seemed to fall in just the right place each day, bouncing when he walked. His eyes were multiple different shades of brown in one, easily mesmerizing any girl that he looked at. You knew plenty of girls that have fallen into his trap. Well, maybe trap wasn’t the best word, he did just help you willingly despite barely knowing you. He really had no reason to do that, and given his reputation, you’re honestly surprised he helped so effortlessly, even doing his best to make your simple walk away a little more intimate than just two friends. 
You heard snapping in front of your face, making you blink a couple times before being able to refocus on Mattheo’s half turned smile in front of you, “You still with me, Y/n? You were in kind of a daze.” You nodded, “I’m fine, yeah, sorry. Just got lost in my thoughts a bit.” His smile turned into a smirk quickly, “Care to share?” You shook your head, “Not this time, Riddle. But thank you for earlier, and for walking me to class. I really do appreciate it. Who knew you had such a kind heart in here,” you patted his chest playfully, moving to walk past him and into your next class. 
He was quick to grab your wrist, turning you around to face him once more, “You know there’s uh, a Slytherin party this weekend.” You smirked at him, “You know, being a fellow Slytherin myself, I’m aware of the party.” Mattheo scratched the back of his neck, almost like a nervous tick, “Yeah, right, aha. Erm, are you gonna be there?” You tilted your head slightly, feeling a little confident, “Do you want me to be there?” Mattheos cheeks had the slightest tint of pink, making you smile, “I’m just messing with you, I’ll likely be there.” Mattheo let out a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding. “Good, that’s uh, good. I was just asking because you know, Pucey is likely gonna be there so if you, uh, needed my assistance or anything…” He trailed off. 
You gave this some thought, you mean, he wasn’t wrong. Adrian most definitely would be at the party as a Slytherin himself; he kind of got a guaranteed invite unfortunately. “You’re right, I probably will need you again,” Mattheo seemed a little surprised at your words, “maybe we should have a chat then, make some ground rules in case he does try to come up to me again, little bugger is fucking persistent.” You nodded, confirming your words to yourself, “Okay, want to meet in the library tomorrow before dinner? Come up with a plan or something?” He nodded, throwing a wink toward you as he walked away backwards, “Yeah, okay. Tomorrow, I’ll see you then, Princess.” You shook your head, turning back to class and finding your seat. You sat down, putting your head on your desk. Your thoughts were racing, what did you just get yourself into.
[chapter 2]
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scribblesofagoonerr · 2 months
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— whoa, we're going to ibiza! | buddy & monkey: double the trouble - pt. 1
a little something i've been working on the past couple of days
thanks to @alotofpockets and @lvnleah for helping me out along the way!
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“Whoa, isn’t this place fantastic?” Jordan broke the silence, turning to look at you from where you are reluctantly standing on a balcony looking out to the view of the pool, “What a view, ey, kid?” She asks.
It does look fantastic, but you’re not willing to admit that anytime soon.
You are in Ibiza on holiday with Jordan along with the rest of the girls, but it’s not like you had a choice in coming here.
Well, you’re excited to be here, however you’re not so thrilled about the company.
More so, Jordan. You don’t get along that well, it’s a given fact so the whole idea of Leah forcing you to come on holiday with her was your own version of hell currently.
“Yeah whatever,” You murmur, paying more attention to your phone that’s planted in your hand, “I don’t care.” With the usual attitude of a typical teenager, you shove your way past her to go back inside the villa that you’re currently staying at with everyone.
“So, I thought we could go for a walk in the nearby town later once we’ve settled in if you’re up for it?” Jordan still tries to continue to be positive about things.
“No thanks, I’m fine here,” You're reluctant to want to willingly spend any alone time with the woman, it’s something you want to try and avoid if you can help it.
Jordan frowns at you turning down her office, “Okay, alright… Well, how about we relax by the pool instead? You know, we can just spend time together like we used to do?” She suggests, trying to be hopeful.
“Yeah, like we used to do,” You can’t help but scoff in disagreement, “I don’t want to be here, Jordan. Don’t you get that? The only reason I’m here is because Leah all but forced me into it– I don’t care about wanting to spend time with you when you… When you abandoned me!” You spit out the words.
You can tell that Jordan feels hurt by that statement, “Kid, I… I know that I hurt you but I never meant to abandon you. I had to do what was right for my career,” She pauses to gather her thoughts, “I needed to move away from Arsenal, you can understand that, right?”
“Sure, yeah. Career first, family second, ain’t that right, Jord?” You remark, bitterly. “Whatever, I don’t see how this holiday is going to change things.” You want to make it clear that you don’t want to amend the relationship any time soon between you both.
“Monkey if you just give me a chance to show you–” Jordan’s words are cut short.
You shake your head, “Like I said before, I don��t want to be here!” With that, you start to head out of the room to get away from Jordan, who seems all but determined to make things right.
“Monkey, please…” The older woman's pleas are useless when she’s left in the empty room before she exhales a sigh, sitting down on a vacant chair and planting her head in her hands.
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“Oi, kid,” Katie approaches you as your now lounging by the pool later in the day, you have your headphones in to completely drown out any background noise and that is going so well until their yanked out of your ears by none other than the Irish left back, “Do you plan to ignore everyone with them headphones in?”
“It’s working so far,” You remark sarcastically, dropping your phone into your lap.
Katie rolls her eyes at the sarcasm she’s all too familiar with, “What was all that about with the argument between you and Jord?” She wonders.
“Jordan’s trying to act like my parent when I don’t need her to be, cos’ it’s too late for that,” You murmur, attempting to stick your headphones back in but Katies’ quick to reach for them and pull them out, again, “Katie, I just wanna listen to music. Can’t you pester someone else instead?”
The Irish woman chuckles and shakes her head, “You know the idea of this holiday is so that you can spend time with everyone, not keep yourself hidden away like you’re currently doing.”  She states.
“I don’t want to be here, I don’t even want to enjoy myself with everyone else,” You tell her honestly, showing very little interest in still wanting to be here, “So, I’m fine here as I am, thanks.” You add, irritated.
Katie exhales a sigh and takes a seat on the opposite lounger, “So, why did you come here then if you don’t want to be here then, kid?” She wonders.
“Well I didn’t really have much choice in the matter, Leah was the one who all but forced me into it!” You exclaim, letting out a huff to prove your clear disagreement about this still, “She thinks it will be a somewhat magical way for me and Jordan to fix things.”
“I get that you’re upset and you feel like Jord abandoned you, Monkey but that was over a year ago now,” The Irish woman reminds you gently, “You gotta let it go at some point, kid. You know she’s really trying here with you.” She adds.
Shaking your head in disagreement, you’re not so keen to agree with that, “She left us– She left me, when she promised she never would!” You end up raising your voice slightly.
“Alright, alright, calm down,” Katie lifts her hand up at that to gesture to try and calm down a bit and not get upset, “You’re upset, I get that but come on… Give Jord some credit, eh? She’s still there for you and Buddy, Jord’s a fantastic Mama, to you both despite what you may think!” The woman can’t help but feel bad for the way that her best friend is being treated like this.
You can’t help but scoff and shake your head in disagreement, “Yeah well it still doesn’t change the fact that she did leave, cos’ she said she wouldn’t and then oh look, she’s gone! Poof!” You gesture the hand action with your hand and glare at the brunette woman, “Why should I give her a chance?”
“Listen kid, I get it, I do. Things have been rough in the past but Jord’s still here,” Katie continues to stick up for her best friend, “Jord’s here, she’s trying to make things right. Yeah she might not be perfect, but she loves you. She’s just trying to be here for you and Buddy if you’ll just let her!” She exclaims.
“Yeah?” You scoff in response once again and lean forward to try and square up to the brunette with a bit of confidence that you have,  “If that’s the case then why did she just up and leave like that without a second thought.  If… If she really cared about me then, why would she do that?” You question.
You can feel the tears welling up in your eyes, but you refuse to show any sign of weakness at this moment.
Katie exhales a deep sigh, “Sometimes people have to make a choice in life, Jords’ move wasn’t about upping and leaving just to hurt you, Monkey. It was about getting a chance to be a part of a team where she would get regular minutes and she would get to the world cup– Monkey, she’s here now,” The women shouts abruptly when you go to stand up from the lounger, being down with this conversation as she takes a gentle hold of your wrist, “She wants to fix things, so just let her.”
“I… I can’t trust her so easily,” You admit, quietly to the older woman as you bite your bottom lip, “I’m scared to let her in again in case she just walks back out without a second thought.”
Katie smiles sympathetically and squeezes your knee, “I understand that and it’s okay to feel like that, but she’s genuinely trying here so at least give her a chance, for me?” She pauses, “I know it’s not going to be easy but I mean it when I say that she does love you, so much kid.”
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After the abrupt conversation with you, Jordan is left with her own feelings of despair as she takes the time to sit outside on the balcony of the villa, where she looks out to the sunset as her phone starts to ring in her pocket.
Sliding it out of her pocket, Jordan smiles faintly as Leah’s contact photo appears from the day that Buddy was born, it mirrored the makeshift family of 4 on such a happy day, which is such a stark situation right now.
“Hey,” Jordan presses the phone up to her ear and answers the blonde with a look of exhaustion on her face.
“Hey Jord,” Leah replies, taking a quiet moment aside from her own holiday to check in with her ex and see how things were going, “How’s it going with Monkey?” She wonders.
The older woman sighs in response to her ex’s question, “Well, it’s… it’s difficult to say the least.”
“Oh, really?” Leah questions, concerned.
“I… I don’t know how to fix things, Le,” Jordan admits, biting her bottom lip, “Where did it go so wrong?”
Jordan can’t see Leah’s facial reaction on the other side of the call but she does her a sigh, “Is she being really difficult? I thought this would be a good way for you to bond,” She pauses, “What’s happened?” Curious to know the events that led to this.
“Monkey doesn’t want to be here, she’s unhappy and I hate the idea of that,” Jordan tells her ex, fiddling with a loose thread of her shorts, “Especially if I’m the one who causes it.” She murmurs.
“It’ll get better, Jord,” Leah tries to promise the older woman.
Jordan can’t help but scoff in disagreement with the blonde's words, “Will it? I’m half tempted to put her in a cab and send her to you on the other side of the island,” She admits, “At least I know she will be happier then.”
There’s another sigh from Leah’s end of the phone, “Give it time, where’s the Menace now?” She asks.
“Le, I know you thought this might work out well, but she hates me Le, our daughter completely hates me,”  Jordan tells her, feeling like her heart is breaking at the words, “She’s inside the villa, I think she’s hanging out with Grace, Less, Ella and Anna. Do you want to speak to her?” She asks.
“She doesn’t… She looks up to you still. You know our girl is stubborn and finds it hard to deal with change all that well, but she’ll come around in time, you just have to keep on trying with her,” Leah tells her ex honestly, “No, no, leave her be with them. I’ll text her later before she goes to bed.”
Jordan forces a weak smile on her face, “I’m gonna try, but I don’t know how much more of this I can,” She murmurs, bowing her head, “Please tell me it won’t be this difficult when Buddy gets to this age?”
There’s a chuckle from Leah on the other side of the phone, “Oh no, with Buddy, things will be a walk in the park, well we can hope,” She states, feeling confident about her words, “If not then we at least have experience in what to do, eh?” She jokes with her ex, hoping to lighten the situation.
“That will be true,” Jordan lets out a laugh, mission accomplished.
“I know it’s tough to not seem hopeful, but she will come around soon enough,” Leah turns back to serious mode to reassure the older woman, “Just don’t let her get away with complete blue murder, okay? You need to remember to set boundaries, even if she tests them!” She states, firmly more than aware of the antics that you will no doubt get up to when she’s with her English accomplice, Grace, around her.
“I hear you, Le, but I don’t want to be too lenient but I find it hard to scold her about things when I just want this whole mess. I hate how distant she is,” Jordan tells the blonde, “I know Monkey is strong willed at the best of times, but does she really despise me for leaving that much still?”
“Listen, you know… When you left to go to Aston Villa, Monkey, well you know she found it tough and you know there’s been a lot of challenges. Our girl still has that childlike innocence that she doesn’t understand these things– You know with what happened with her biological parents, she’s afraid that people will leave her at the drop of a hat,” Leah explains to the older women, hoping it helps with things, “But I know that despite whatever she’s lashing out and saying to you, she really doesn’t mean it. Even if Monkey is reluctant to say it, she still does need you, Jord, so be patient with her and don’t give up yet, okay?”
“So, really think she doesn’t hate me?” Jordan feels like there’s a glimmer of hope reconnecting with you  after all, “I just want to make things right, but it feels like I’m not getting anywhere.” She murmurs.
“No Jord, I know that she doesn’t hate you. Monkey struggles with emotions, but her words are well, there just words and you know she doesn’t mean any of what she says,” Leah reassures her ex, “If Monkey is giving you this much of a hard time I can have a word with her, if you like?” She offers, not liking the  idea of you two getting on.
Jordan smiles hearing Leah say that, “Thanks, Le. I needed to hear that, I’m just going to keep trying to be patient and hopefully something good will come of it soon enough, hey?” She tells her ex before she shakes her head, quickly realising that Leah can’t see her do that, “No, that’s okay, there’s no need to do that. I’m going to make things right with her. I’m not giving up.”
“Of course, just remember to be patient, alright?” Leah pauses as she hears someone shout her name in the background, “Yeah, comin’ now– Jord, I’ve gotta go, but you’ve got this. I’ll see you next week when you drop her off.”
“Thanks. See you next week,” Jordan replies before she ends the call, having been left with a mixture of hope and determination to try and make things work with you.
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“You gonna eat that, kid?” Jordan gestures to the food on your plate that has so far barely been touched.
You weren’t all that keen to be where you are right now, sitting round a table with the rest of the girls as they all laugh and chat about things, catching up on life outside of football.
You wish to be anywhere but here, but Jordan was determined to get you out of the villa to come to the restaurant and join everyone here.
At least you are able to sit between Alessia and Grace, while Jordan is sitting directly opposite beside Katie with Beth on the other side of her, so there’s some distance at least between the two of you.
“No, I’m not hungry,” You make your point well known as you scrunch your face up and push the plate aside, “And I don’t like it!”
Jordan frowns but tries to remain positive with Leah’s in the back of her mind, “You’ve not even tried any of it. How do you know you don’t like it if you haven’t eaten any of it?” She questions, apprehensive of your potential backlash.
“I just don’t,” You continue to be downright horrible towards the older woman, “Don’t act like you know what I like and dislike, you don’t have a clue!”
“Oi, kid!” Katie’s glaring at you from across the table, “We talked about this before, quit being such a brat about things!” She states, not putting up with the fact that you were treating her best friend like complete shit.
It was valid for you to do this, Jordan left you. You have a lot of resentment towards the woman.
You smirk and shrug your shoulders, “Well maybe I’m not in the mood to pretend that things are fine, huh?”
Beth exhales a sigh and shakes her head, “Monkey, come on, that’s enough. We’re all just trying to have a good time here,” With being on same time as you, Beth is more than aware of your reluctance be around Jordan but being that Beth is also one of Jordan’s good friends, she isn’t just going to sit there and let you act the way you are, “If you don’t like your food, how about we find something else you’d like?” She offers.
“Nah, I’m good. It’ll probably all taste just as shit,” You murmur in disagreement.
“Hey, knock it off with the language,” Viv chips in, shaking her head, “Monkey, I get that you’re upset about things, but Beth is right. This holiday is for us to enjoy that and right now, it’s hard to do that when you’re upsetting Jordan like you are.” She tells you, giving you a pointed look.
“Well boo hoo, soz for hurting your feelings and all, but what about my own feelings?” You exclaim without so much as a care in the world, “She left me and now I’m here, stuck on holiday like this is going to fix things!” You don’t mean to be so abrupt with your words, but you feel hurt right now.
“Monkey!” Katie exclaims, clearly had enough of your attitude.
“What? It’s true!” You respond, smirking at the Irish woman, “I don’t want to be here. I’ve already said that. I wish I could be with Leah instead!” You shout in anger, you miss the stern blonde but at least you felt safe and happier around her, compared to being stuck here.
“As much as you want that kid, this is my time to spend with you,” Jordan insists, still trying to remain calm despite your words living in a stinging feeling.
“Yeah, well I don't want to be here with you, Jordan!” You sneer with venom in your voice.
“Monkey, that’s enough!” Katie shouts, standing up from her seat as she slams her hands on the table loudly making the whole table to go silent, “You’re being so rude to Jord right now and I’m not gonna let you continue speaking to my best friend like that! Jords’ is literally doing everything that she can to amend things and you’re still holding this grudge against her. Newsflash kid, she didn’t abandon you like your biological parents did, she’s still here! She loves and cares about you so much and here you are, spouting words and throwing it completely back in her face!”
“Katie,” Jordan whispers, shocked that her best friend would bring your parents into this.
Tears start to well up in your eyes as the words hit home, “I… I’m sorry,” Feeling a certain sense of overwhelm, you abruptly stand up from your chair as it topples over behind you, you don’t care much as you run out of the restaurant as quickly as you can.
“Well done, Katie,” Beth mutters, shaking her head in the direction of the Irish girl.
Jordan exhales a sigh and begins to stand up from her seat, “I’d better go after her so she doesn’t run off.”
“No, Jord, it’s fine, you stay here,” Alessia shakes her head and stands up from chair, “I’ll go and talk to her.  If she sees it's you coming outside then she might attempt to run.” She explains, carefully.
As much as the words hurt to hear, Jordan knows that Alessia is right about that so she nods in agreement, “Thanks, Alessia,” She thanks the blonde girl, who quickly leaves the restaurant in search for you as Jordan turns to look at Katie, “Did you really have to go and say those things to her?”
“What? Sometimes the truth hurts to hear,” Katie replies, looking defensive, “Jord, you’re trying so hard with her to build bridges and she’s just being rude!” She states.
“I know you’re trying to help but you know that her parents are a… sensitive topic to talk about,” Jordan murmurs, exhaling a deep sigh.
“Katie, you didn’t have to be so abrupt with her like that,” Viv tells her in disagreement as she shakes her head, “Monkey is upset and that is understandable, let me also remind you that she’s on holiday with people who she isn’t all that close to, is she?” She pauses to let the Irish girl think, “She’s going to be acting reserved like this.”
Katie frowns in confusion, “What’d you mean? Jord is here, I’m here, Beth’s here, Alessia’s here… You’re here,” She is left feeling dumbfounded.
The Dutch woman exhales a sigh, “Well yes, Jord is here, along with the rest of us. The whole purpose of Monkey coming along is to try and rehash things with her and we shouldn’t interfere with that,” She tells her friend, “But yes we’re here, but Monkey isn’t particularly close to any of us, is she?” She repeats her words, trying to get her point across.
“I… I don’t get it,” Katie continues to look confused.
“Who’re the top people that Monkey is closest to on the team?” Beth chimes in, trying to help the brunette understand things, “Go on and name them.” She prompts.
“Leah, Jord, Kim, er Lia,, Alessia and… uh Kyra,” Katie reels off the list.
Viv hums in agreement with her friend, “Yes, exactly, and out of them 5 people, who’s here, like right now?”
Katie furrows her eyebrow, “Jords’ here… And Less is as well.”
“Right, okay, but Monkey and Jordy aren’t really on the best of terms right now, are they?” Beth states, exhaling a sigh, “Okay, let’s look at it this way. Whos’ not here, that Monkey all but depends on?” She asks.
“Leah,” The realisation hits Katie and she smacks the palm of her hand against her forehead, “Oh, shit. I messed up.”
"Yep," Viv murmurs in agreement, "Can you really blame Monkey for acting out in the way she is when she's missing Leah so much?" She questions, knowing that despite the way you have been acting, there’s a reason behind it when you’re not with the blonde, who is all but home to you now.
"I... I didn't see it that way," Katie immediately starts to feel remorseful, "I was just upset with how she was treating you Jord, I'm sorry."
Jordan smiles in understanding and nods, "It's alright mate, I know you're only trying to help but I know that things with Monkey are going to take time, Vivs' right about her missing Leah, she's always attached to her so this is bound to be hard for her to come on holiday with me, you and everyone else." She explains.
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You had to wonder why Katie would stoop so low to mention your biological parents?
She really knew where to hit a nerve and her words completely caught you off guard.
You hadn’t really thought about either of them in a long while if you’re being honest, well, that’s a lie, you’d been having recurring nightmares more so about your dad recently but with the anniversary of his death soon approaching, it was bound to happen.
Of course, you have been good to hide any of this from people, even if you have some kind of inkling that people know you’re not sleeping well again.
However, your biological mother? You couldn’t help but resent that woman for leaving you so young with the cruelty of a man who hurt you and left you with a lifetime of scars.
“Monkey?” Alessia calls out to find you, pulling you from your thoughts that were swirling around in your head, “Monkey?” She repeats, unable to spot you from where you sit on a bench tucked away, your shoulders hunched over and the tears streaming down your face.
“I’m over here,” You speak up barely loud enough to be heard.
“There you are,” Alessia looks relieved before she makes her way over to where you are sitting.
Sniffling slightly, you try and harshly wipe the tears that flow away, “I… I didn’t mean to be so horrible, I didn’t mean to run off like that either,” You admit, looking up to the older girl, “I’m sorry.”
“Hey, it’s okay. You don’t need to apologise,” Alessia perches beside you and wraps her arm around your shoulder, “I know you’re having a tough time being here, everyone gets that and Katie didn’t mean to upset you in the way that she did.” She explains, trying to comfort you and be there for you.
“It… It just hurts to hear her say that, I know my real mum and dad are shitty people, but I hate the fact that Katie brought them up after all this time,”  You mumble, burning your face in the older girl's shoulder, “I miss Le.” You admit.
You can’t help but miss the blonde, she’s been a constant presence in your life for the better part of four years and with the anniversary coming up soon, it hurts that she’s not currently around.
Sure you’ve been away without her before, but this time is different when the events are looming and she’s the one person you trust the most.
That used to be Jordan, at least until she abandoned you… Now she felt like a complete stranger to you.
“I know you do,” Alessia sympathises with you, because despite you being 19, this is your first proper time really away from Leah for a whole week with people that you’re not all too familiar with in such an overwhelming place, “I know it’s a lot to deal with and handle, Jord understands that as well.”
“It’s hard right now,” You murmur quietly as you start to pick at the skin around your nails as a bad habit returns, “I… I really didn’t mean what I said back there, Lessi. I just… I’m scared to trust her again. Things are difficult right now, the… the anniversary of my dad’s death is coming up soon and it just… everything feels hard.” You admit the blonde, trying to stop any further tears from spilling again.
Alessia frowns in realisation, “That’s soon, huh? Does… Have you spoken to anybody about this?” She asks, concerned about your emotional wellbeing.
Shaking your head, you rest it on her shoulder, “No, I… I didn’t want to give Leah another reason to worry about me,” You tell her, knowing that the blonde would be beside herself with worry if you did tell her.
“I’m sure that she’d want to know if you’re upset, wouldn’t she?” The blonde questions, squeezing you gently, “Or Jord, I know things are tough but she’ll be there for you, you know she will.” She adds, hesitant for your reaction of pushing the woman away.
“Maybe, but she’s enjoying herself and I don’t want to ruin that because I can’t handle my emotions,” You state bitterly, shaking your head in disagreement, “I want to trust Jord, Lessi, but… but I’m afraid of getting hurt again.” You murmur the truth, allowing yourself to be vulnerable with the blonde.
“Oh Monkey, its’ okay,” Alessia continues to comfort you until your sobs subside, “It’s not my place to make you tell them, but I do think it might help a little bit, yeah?” She suggests, still trying to be supportive.
“No, I don’t… I’ll tell Le, but after Ibiza, I don’t want to ruin her time away,” You disregard the idea of telling the blonde about any of it right now.
“Okay,” Alessia replies, knowing your stubbornness will win and you will tell her when you are ready.
“Hey, girls,” Vic shouts aloud, slowly limping over to you both with the unfortunate luck of a recent ACL injury that will leave her on the sidelines for the months to come, “Not interrupting anything am I?” She asks.
“No, no, we’re just chatting, aren’t we, kid?” Alessia smiles at you in reassurement.
You nod in agreement, “Yeah… Yeah, I’m fine now,” You pause to look at the Dutch girl, “What’re you doin’ out here?” You ask.
“Just needed some fresh air,” Vic answers honestly, “The girls are talking about going to a club but I don’t think I could handle that with my knee, so I think going back to the villa would be better for me.” She states.
“Yeah, I’m not much in the mood for going out tonight,” Alessia admits as she turns her head to look at you, “How about you, kid? Want to come back to the villa with us?” She asks.
“M’ tired,” You tell them in agreement as the exhaustion catches up to you.
“Well in that case, I think we’d best head back there then before you fall asleep on the bench. I heard all about your sleeping shenanigans in Glastonbury,” Alessia jokes, finding amusement in the stuff that Leah had filled her in about, “Edible gummy bears, hm?”
“I thought they were sweets,” You pout as you begin to slowly walk back to the villa with the two of them, “They still tasted nice, anyways!”
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By the time that Jordan arrives back at the villa with the rest of the girls, it’s completely silent no doubt down to the fact that it was late and you, Alessia and Vic would be asleep.
“It’s quiet,” Ella’s somewhat loud voice is the first to break the silence as they enter the villa following their time at the club, “Are they still awake?” Flopping down onto the sofa in the living room area, she’s more than ready to tuck into the burger she brought on the journey back.
“The lights are still on,” Anna points out.
Beth looks around the villa, “I can’t see them anywhere.”
“Maybe they are asleep?” Jordan thinks aloud, knowing from the text she received that Alessia and Vic did bring you back to the villa so you had to be somewhere.
Grace starts to walk in the direction outside, “There not in the pool.”
“Why would they be in the pool? It’s pitch black dark out there, Grace!” Ella asks with a mouthful of burger.
Teyah snorts and settles down onto the sofa beside the Man U player, “Late night swim?” She jokes.
“Be quiet, if they’re asleep then you’re gonna wake them up,” Viv chimes in, walking into the kitchen area to grab a glass of water.
“I’m clueless,” Katie pipes in.
Vic, hearing at the commotion from outside the bedroom where she sleeps, hobbles out to see what all the commotion is about, “Hi, you’re back,” The tiredness in her voice is evident to the fact she’s not long woken up, “How was the club?”
“Good, a lot of fun. We wished you could have come!” Beth grins, throwing her arm around the girl but careful to not knock her knee.
“I wish I could but my knee needed rest,” Vic replies, honestly.
“Do you know where Monkey is?” Jordan wonders, anxiously.
“Or Less?” Maya chimes in.
“Oh, they’re both asleep in Monkey’s room,” Vic answers, trying to stifle her yawn but fails, “Monkey crashed and wouldn’t let go of Less.” She adds as Jordan walks down the hallway and peeks into the dark room to see where you are sprawled out on top of Alessia, the both of you are both completely out of it as the woman notes you’re wearing Leah’s Arsenal hoodie that she swore the blonde thought she had been missing this whole time.
“Aw,” Ella coos, poking her head round the door while still eating the remaining half of her burger.
“Keep your voice down, will you? I don’t want you to wake her up,” Jordan warns her, firmly as she sees how out of it you seem to be.
“Oh sorry Mama Bear,” Ella winks playfully at the older woman before she heads back in the direction of the living room, “Guys, don’t wake Monkey up or Jord might kill yer!” she jokes with the rest of the girls.
Jordan rolls her eyes hearing the brunette girls’ words as she softly steps into the dimly lit room to see a clearer view of you completely clutching on to Alessia while you sleep.
“I’m awake,” Alessia whispers, opening her eyes and adjusting to the natural light in the room, “I have been for a while. I just didn’t want to move and disturb her.” She explains, motioning to you sleeping directly on her.
“Yeah she can have a tight grip when she sleeps,” Jordan replies in a hushed whisper, “Has she been alright?”
Alessia stretches slightly to try to get you to loosen your grip on her, “Yeah, she’s been fine, she was upset about what Katie said and I think it brought up a few things but when she got back here, we talked a bit more and then well, she fell asleep.” She explains.
“Has she been asleep for long?” Jordan wonders, curiously as she looks at you and it makes her heart ache slightly that she can’t be the one you are asleep on.
“A few hours or so,” The blonde tells her as she lets out another yawn, “Is everyone back now?”
“Yeah, but heads up that most of the girls are drunk,” Jordan chuckles in amusement, “Thanks for bringing the kid back to the villa. I’ve been worried about her.” She admits.
“I know, Jordan. I know things are tough right now but Monkey will come around in time,” Alessia tells the older woman, “Right, I’ll go and join the rest of them and leave you to be with Monkey.” She adds.
"Thanks,” Jordan thanks the blonde again.
Alessia carefully gets up from the bed while trying to not wake you up in the process, giving the older woman a reassuring nod before she leaves the room.
“I’m trying here kid,” Jordan exhales a sigh and lowers herself down to sit on the edge of the bed beside you, before she kisses your forehead, “I know it’s hard to trust me but I still love you kid, that’s never changed. Regardless of flesh or blood, you’re my kid.” She tells you, quietly.
The woman watches you for a little while longer before standing up from the bed, she makes sure you are tucked in before she dips out of the room to join the rest of the girls out in the main area of the living room and leaves you to sleep.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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teacasket · 1 year
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genre: fluff au: gamer au, streamer au warnings: none word count: 0.6k   pairing: gn!reader x lee felix song: omg by new jeans
Chat won’t stop asking, despite how many times you try to steer the topic at hand to something else. Their opinions on your current Animal Crossing build? Ignored. If you should crochet a cardigan or bucket hat for your cat? Little to no responses. Lavender latte or milk tea for Drink of the Day? Lavender latte wins, but Chat immediately goes back to your hidden boyfriend.
This is what you get for forgetting to mute your mic. You had a whole phone call about dinner before realizing your mistake, and now everyone knows that wholesome, cozy Twitch streamer lightberry swears like a sailor when discussing pork katsu and calls a special someone “baby.” It’s been clipped already, you just know. At least you didn’t put him on speaker.
“‘100 subs if you tell us his name?’” you read. You'll indulge them because indulging Chat makes for good content. “I’ll tell you literally anything else.”
If you told them his name, you would end up trending on Twitter.
“‘Is he also a gamer?’ Yeah. Mostly League, Genshin, Apex. He’s been trying to get into Valorant. Now, 100 subs, please.”
Felix, otherwise known as LixInABox, is a gamer and streaming personality who has nearly a million subs on Twitch. He has a partner, an elusive figure exclusively referred to as “My Partner.” There are rumors that My Partner (MP) doesn’t actually exist and that they’re a cover for his singleness.
“‘20 subs if you tell us his rank?’ Sure. He's pretty high in everything. I can’t ever duo with him, except in Genshin.”
When he started streaming, he was primarily known for his League of Legends skills. Low Masters on a good day, Diamond 3 on the bad ones.
“‘Show us a picture.’ You know what, I’ll do that for free.”
Chat is not happy when you pull up a photo of Marshal from Animal Crossing. To be fair, he does resemble Felix a little.
While they continue to pester you about his identity, you continue terraforming your butterfly-shaped lake. When Marshal walks by with a sandwich, you make sure to point him out.
“There’s my boyfriend,” you say as you glance at the chat, which is scrolling by so quickly, your eyes can barely keep up.
You’ve got a ship name already? How did they figure it out? Did Felix reach a million subs? He joked that he would reveal who MP was once he hit a million, and you sort of gave him the green light, but surely he would tell you beforehand? You sit motionless at your chair and try to come up with a solution that doesn’t involve straight up lying.
It doesn’t matter what you do. By doing nothing, you’ve confirmed it, so you go back to how it all started—you call Felix, live on stream. You leave your mic unmuted intentionally this time.
“Hey, what did you do?” are your first words. You have his stream up as well, so you see the blush on his face. “You’re live on mine, by the way.”
“I didn’t do anything! They figured it out! I mentioned that I was gonna have pork katsu for dinner, and like five minutes later, they connected it back to you. What did you do?”
“I forgot to mute during our call,” you admit. “And I also gave them hints in exchange for subs, but I didn’t think they were anything obvious.”
He looks at his chat and laughs. “You basically told them what I’m famous for. And a picture of Marshal? No wonder.”
“My bad. See you at dinner?”
He smiles, and you can’t help but do the same. “Yeah. Love you.”
“Love you, too, baby.”
Chat explodes. You and Felix will never live this down, but it feels better than you thought. And you really don’t want to admit it, but lixberry is really, really cute.
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miguelhugger2099 · 6 months
Hiii, I’m in love with your writing it’s a comfort for me atp. Could you please do grumpy reader where she doesn’t talk to others a lot. That makes Miguel look like an extrovert (even though we both know that’s not true 😭). Happy Easter 🐣 and or any holiday you celebrate.
Two Peas in a Pod
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c.....comfort,,,,, sad hamster meme the highest honor i could ever get omg thank you i really liked this ask because its basically me haha my friend actually told me ive gotten better at being more welcoming and "nice" and another friend would tell me that i could never mask my uncomfortableness if someone was bothering me LMFAO but as alwayyssssss i can rewrite this request for u if ur not satisfied :) Art: nellwhre17 on instagram
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Spider-People were supposed to be funny and outgoing. It was in their canon to have some resemblance to the original quippy and humorous Spider-Man. If not outgoing then at least a little endearing and sweet.
So the Spider Society is a little thrown off when you’re introduced to the team by Miguel. Both of your arms are crossed, your face blank and looking over other Spiders with neutrality. 
“Here’s our new recruit. She’ll be working more with Margo and Lyla. Think of her as one of your superiors like myself or Jess or Peter B.” Miguel tilts his head at all the other Spiders. “That’s all. Dismissed.”
He turns to face back to his console, returning to work on new files Lyla had presented to him. Some Spiders stay to chat with you. They don’t notice the slight discomfort and annoyance in your face.
“Hey! My name is Peter M! I think we might be the same age!” One says, his mask squinting to look like he’s smiling.
“Have you gone on a mission yet? What Earth are you from?”
“Has Miguel explained The Canon to you yet? It’s a little overwhelming, I know.”
The commotion irks you a bit, the Spiders coming into your personal space so you shuffle away and your brows instinctively scrunch together. “No, I’m fine.” You mutter curtly. The others finally see the change in your demeanor and they awkwardly step back.
Miguel turns over to see the few Spiders around and barks at them to stop. “She’s still new to all this so don’t go around pestering her.” 
They smile wearily up at him then at you, whose face is still contorted a bit in a way that looks like you’re obviously still being bothered. 
They get the message and wave goodbye to you but not without feeling a chill down their spine at how cold you were. Maybe you were just shy. Everything is and always will be overwhelming around here with different variants of yourself. So, they believed in time you’d come around like the others.
You, in fact, did not come around. After weeks, months even, you still came in and left without a word. Get in and get out. You rarely engaged in conversation and if you were in a group, you’d keep to yourself. If someone tried to include you, you’d just say a few blunt words that didn’t move the conversation at all so there'd be an awkward standstill before moving on.
No matter what, no one knew anything else about you besides your name, you were a Spider-Woman and the name of your Earth.
Even the esteemed group of young SpiderLings couldn’t even get you to open up. Jess and Gwen had just come back from a mission, wanting to eat at the cafeteria before heading home. They had found seats beside Hobie and Pav who were just catching up together.
Pav had mentioned trying to talk to you once but his bright personality pushed you further and further away from him, your responses to his questions becoming more and more short and quick.
“I’ve never met such a complicated individual.” He pouts, crossing his arms on the table.
“Don’ bother me none. I don’ like someone tryin’ to bug me either.” Hobie scratches the back of his neck. 
“Would’ve thought they opened up by now.” Gwen brushed her hair out her face. “It’s like pulling teeth with her.”
“She just seems kinda grumpy sometimes…” Pav sighs resting his head in his arms. “Even more than Miguel which feels wrong.” 
“Yeah, at least Miguel snaps at you but she…kinda just sits there.” Gwen leans back with a weak smile. “Not really sure how to make conversation when she’s so quiet.”
“She just doesn’t feel like talking, guys. Go easy on her.” Jess rubs her temples. 
Their conversation is cut short when Miguel walks through the cafeteria, documents in hand and with you in tow. Speak of the Devil. 
“Jess, Gwen, I misremembered about giving you the reports of your last mission together. I also have the analysis for the next one on Earth—199B.” Miguel hands the reports to Jessica and she immediately skims through it. Gwen looks over her shoulder and gives you a smile.
“Hey, how’s it going?” She asks. 
You respond with a shrug and a nod. “Good.”
Gwen’s smile wavers, laughing nervously as the awkward silence. She expected some sort of greeting back. 
Miguel answers for you. “She’s been with me the whole day since Peter’s been busy at home.” Gwen looks to Miguel.
“And how about you, boss? Doin’—uh—doin’ good?”
Miguel sighs, crossing his arms. “Better now that Margo fixed what Hobie broke in the console room.”
Hobie tsks. “Did not. You’re jus’ blamin’ me ‘cause I’m the scapegoat around ‘ere. Tha’ it?” 
Miguel pulls up camera footage from his Gizmo, of Hobie pulling apart different motherboards and CPUs from the server and tucking them away in his pocket. “Is this not you?!”
Hobie squints at the footage and shrugs. “AI has truly come a long way, mate. Bettah check tha’ out.”
Gwen, Pav and Jessica laugh at the scene, giggling at the sheer anger on Miguel’s face and Hobies indifference. You watch with a soft smile up at Miguel but nothing else.
Miguel feels your hand on his forearm and he looks down at you. You nod your head to the side, signaling it’s time to go. He looks at the time on his watch and collects himself. 
“We’re gonna head out. Don’t bother us unless there’s an emergency and be alert for any sudden messages should I need to contact any of you for anomalies.” He turns and gives a small wave before leaving, you trailing behind him.
You don’t say much other than looking behind to give them a small nod and following beside Miguel.
The group watches as Miguel talks to you, relating information and talking your ear off about missions and the to-do for the day. You listen quietly, eyes held on his and nodding along.
They glance at each other and think they would’ve never seen a person more closed off than Miguel in their lifetime. Even less where it looks like he’s more talkative compared to you. What an odd pair. “I think she has opened up. Maybe just not with us.” Jess leans back with a smile.
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chelseachilly · 10 months
i watched it begin again
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pairing: reader x ben chilwell summary: ever since your last relationship ended badly, you've lost all hope in love. until your best friend convinces you to go on a date with her bf's friend ben warnings: none word count: 2.7k
author's note: this is just a short little something inspired by one of my favourite songs, begin again by taylor swift ❤️ and bc the thought of a first date with ben is just so perfect to me 😌
As you sit in an Uber on your way to Marylebone, fidgeting nervously with the hem of your dress, you can’t help but wonder how you got here.
It took a lot of convincing - to be precise, three glasses of white wine, some chocolates, and the agreement to watch your favourite movie on Netflix that night - for your best friend to convince you to go on this date last weekend.
Mia, one of your closest friends since you were kids, knows better than anyone how reluctant you’ve been to return to dating life ever since your last relationship ended catastrophically. Your last boyfriend, Jack, who had also been your first serious one, had completely broken your heart eight months ago. 
After two years together, just when you were beginning to think about taking the next step and move in with him, you caught him cheating on you with in his flat with a coworker he had sworn was just a friend. You were so completely devastated by this betrayal and the sudden end of your relationship that you haven’t so much as downloaded a dating app or talked to a guy at a bar since. 
Your friends have been loving and supportive of your decision to stay single for a while, but ever since Mia started seeing her boyfriend Harvey a couple months ago, she’s been pestering you to meet one of his friends. She’s told you several times that his mate Ben is perfect for you, but based on the little you know, you’re not sure you agree.
She showed you his Instagram a while back and, although there’s no questioning that he’s quite attractive, you don’t know if a fancy, famous footballer is the right choice to ease back into dating. You doubted that you would be his type, either, but when Mia insisted that Ben was interested and free this Thursday, you finally gave in. 
You figured the worst that could happen is you realize you’re not ready to date again or that there isn’t a connection between you and you wasted one evening having dinner with a stranger. 
But now that you’re sitting in this car, about to go on an actual date for the first time in forever, you feel like you might explode with nerves. You don’t remember how to flirt, how to tell someone about yourself, how to act cool and composed. You could be totally awkward and weird and he might never want to see you again. 
Or, even worse, you could fall madly in love, only for him to end up breaking your heart. That’s the far more terrifying possibility.
You have half a mind to ask the driver to turn around and take you back home, but you force yourself not to. Mia would be upset with you, and you figure you owe it to her not to stand up Harvey’s friend for no real reason.
Your hands are shaking slightly as you get out of the car and enter the restaurant. You consider waiting outside for him, as you’re a couple minutes early and he probably isn’t here yet, but it’s freezing out right now, so you decide to head in. 
“Hi, do you have a reservation?” the hostess asks you, and you nod a bit shyly. 
“Yes, it should be under Chilwell? But I’m early, so I can just wait-"
“Right this way,” she says with a smile, motioning for you to follow her. 
It’s a small restaurant, with no more than ten tables, most of them occupied. There are candles burning and soft music is playing, the atmosphere somehow romantic without being cheesy. 
You feel slightly more at ease knowing it’s not some insanely posh place like you were half-expecting it to be, and then you lock eyes with your date. 
Your stomach erupts with butterflies - something you also weren’t quite expecting - when you see him, immediately realizing that the photos Mia showed you did not do him justice. 
He’s gorgeous, with bright blue eyes that light up when he sees you and wavy dark hair that you could spend hours running your fingers through. He quickly stands up as you approach the table, smoothing out any wrinkles in the dark blue trousers he’s wearing, paired with a black knit jumper and Nikes.
You can hear Mia’s words echoing in your ears: “Harv swears he has a heart of gold. He had a bad breakup last year too, so you’re in the same boat. Just give him a chance and see how it goes!”
“Y/N!” Ben smiles, greeting you with a quick hug. “It’s good to finally meet you, Mia’s talked a lot about you.” 
Oh, god, you think to yourself, hoping your best friend hasn’t overhyped you too much. 
“Good to meet you too,” you say, returning his smile. “And that sounds like Mia, she talks a lot about everything.” 
“That’s probably why she and Harv work so well,” he quips.
Ben is still standing quite close to you, and it takes you a moment to realize he’s pulled out your chair for you to sit down. You’re not sure if a guy has ever done that for you before. 
You oblige, taking the seat and letting him push you in before sitting across from you. Something your mum told you when you were a kid about how a gentleman behaves comes to mind, but you try not to let your mind wander too much. It’s been about twenty seconds, there’s plenty of time for him to prove right your current theory that all men are trash. 
“Thanks for choosing the restaurant,” you say to fill the silence, glancing around you. “It’s really nice.”
“Yeah, I come here a lot,” Ben replies. “It’s low key, which I kinda like. Mostly old people and stuff. I was actually just starting to worry you’d think it was a bit lame for a first date.”
“I don’t,” you say quickly. “I’m good with low key.”
Ben smiles at you, and you’re not sure if it’s him or the candlelight making your face feel warmer all of a sudden. 
“You look gorgeous, by the way,” he says a bit shyly. “I should’ve said that sooner.”
“Oh, thanks.” You’re certain now that you’re blushing. “So do you. I mean, you look very - not that you’re not gorgeous, men can totally be-"
You meet Ben’s gaze, your cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but you find no judgement in his eyes - he’s smiling at you even more now, the kind of smile that makes you feel completely at ease.
You just met this man, and yet you feel completely safe with him. 
“Sorry, this is my first date in nearly three years, I’m a bit rusty,” you admit. 
“No, you’re good,” Ben says gently. “Mia mentioned you recently got out of a long-term relationship.”
“Not that recently anymore, but…yeah,” you say. “It was a bit of a shit show. We were together two years and then one day I walked in on him sleeping with another girl. Not exactly an amicable breakup.”
Ben’s face falls. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Y/N. What a piece of shit.”
“Yeah, he really was,” you say, nodding your head. “Obviously, it was for the best, though. Better I find out he’s a lying cheater now than ten years down the line, right?”
“Definitely,” Ben agrees, “you want something to drink?”
After a couple glasses of wine and the most amazing pasta dish you’ve ever had in your life, you feel like you’ve known the person sitting across from you for years, rather than hours. 
You talk about everything - your job, his football career, your families, your friends. You talk about your ex a bit more, and then he opens up about his. There’s a nagging feeling in the back of your mind that you’re sharing too much with him, but a far stronger one telling you that this is right. It’s a feeling you’ve never had before, not with your ex and not on any other first date you had before him.
You don’t even realize how much time has passed until you look around and realize you’re the only ones left in the restaurant.
“They’re probably closing soon,” you comment, though you don’t really want to leave. 
“Twenty minutes ago, actually,” Ben says. You raise an eyebrow, and he scratches the back of his head and smiles. “Uh, I may have offered the owner a hundred quid to stay open a bit longer while you were in the loo. I’ve been having a really nice time talking to you.”
Your heart thumps in your chest, your eyes nearly beginning to water at the gesture. 
“I’ve been having a really nice time with you, too.”
After you finish your drinks and Ben pays the cheque, not even hearing out your offer to split it, you head back out into the chilly London night together. 
“I’m just gonna call an Uber,” you say, pulling out your phone with one hand and rubbing your shoulders for warmth with the other. 
“I’m parked right around the corner, I’d be happy to drive you?” Ben offers. 
You remember that he declined a second glass of wine earlier, stating that he was driving - a stark contrast from your ex, who would frequently call you to pick him and his car up from the pub after he got too pissed to drive home. 
“You really don’t have to, it’s pretty late,” you protest.
“It’s no big deal,” Ben assures you. He then shrugs off his jacket and wraps it around your shoulders without hesitation, putting an end to your clearly obvious shivering. “So you don’t freeze on the way to the car.”
You smile gratefully, unable to articulate with words how much this simple gesture means to you. 
As you walk side by side, you can’t help but admire the Christmas lights already strung up on the shops and houses you pass. 
“I love this time of year,” you say. “It’s so magical.”
“Same here,” Ben smiles. “Christmas in London is the best. Do you have any plans for the holidays this year?” 
Your brain briefly flits back to the ski trip you and your ex went on the past two years right before Christmas. A week ago, you were dreading that time coming, knowing you would end up being nostalgic for those trips and start missing him again, but somehow, that feeling seems to have vanished. 
“Just going home to see my parents,” you say. “You?”
“Yeah, we always have games around Christmas, so my family usually comes to mine and we do a big dinner on Christmas Day, then they come see me play on Boxing Day,” Ben tells you. “After the game, we always go get hot chocolate and go ice skating. My little sister suggested it when she was a bit younger, and it sort of stuck.”
The combination of Ben’s coat over your shoulders and the way your heart is melting at his sweet words makes your entire body feel warmer. 
“That’s a great tradition,” you say, looking over at him with a smile and gently bumping your arm against his. 
You arrive at Ben’s car and he opens the door for you to get in, his hand brushing against yours as you do so, and the brief touch is enough to drive you crazy. 
The drive to your flat isn’t too long, and conversation continues to flow easily between the pair of you. You can’t help but steal a glance at Ben from time to time as he drives, admiring the way the streetlights reflect in his beautiful ocean blue eyes. 
There’s a bit of a pang in your chest when he pulls up in front of your building and you know this is the end of the most incredible night you’ve had in ages. 
“Walk you to your door?” Ben offers, and you nod without hesitation.
He once again comes around to open your door for you - you know you have a low bar right now, but you’re seriously in awe of what a gentleman he’s being. 
Once you’ve arrived at the door to your flat, you turn around to face Ben, and he has a bit of an inquisitive expression on his face.
“I had a really nice time tonight,” he says softly. 
“So did I,” you say sincerely. “Thanks for dinner, and the lift home, and…just, erm, for being so wonderful.”
His cheeks now flushed with red, Ben takes a small step closer to you, and your gaze automatically falls to his lips. You want him to kiss you, you’re sure of it, but some part of you is still completely terrified of where this might go if you do. 
“Can I…” Ben murmurs, tenderly reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, and once again, you don’t hesitate. 
He slowly leans in until his lips are pressed to yours, one hand gently cupping your face and the other resting on your waist. You hold his hand that rests on your cheek as you kiss him back, your lips slowly moving together in perfect harmony.
It’s fun and new and exciting to kiss him, but mostly, just like everything has this evening, it feels right.
When you pull away, it takes a moment for your eyes to remember how to open. When you do, you’re met with an awestruck grin on Ben’s face that you’re pretty sure you’re mirroring yourself. 
“Wow,” you breathe. “Been a long time since I’ve done that.”
You’re not sure if you mean kissing or falling for someone - perhaps both. 
“Me too,” Ben whispers, kissing you once more. “I think we’re pretty good at it.”
You nod, grasping at his shirt as you find yourself swaying slightly, intoxicated by his kisses and his gaze. 
“Maybe we should do it again to be sure,” you joke.
He wastes no time leaning down to kiss you again, and again, and again until you’ve lost all track of time. 
Eventually, he pulls away and takes a small step back, and you miss his lips already.
“I should probably get going,” he says, though you can tell he doesn’t really want to. You have half a mind to invite him inside, but you know it’s better to take things slow, especially when there’s a chance this could really be something. “Can I - erm, would you want to-“
“Yes, please,” you cut him off with a grin. “Text me when you get home?”
You’re already eagerly anticipating a second date - the sooner the better, honestly, despite your wishes to take it slow. 
“Definitely,” Ben says, nodding eagerly. “Have a good night, Y/N.”
He begins to turn to walk away, and you watch him get halfway to his car before fumbling for your keys and entering your flat with a giddy smile on your face. 
You realize you haven’t checked your messages all night, so you quickly return Mia’s texts. 
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You flip down on your couch, still smiling like a fool, and it’s only then that you realize you’re still wearing Ben’s jacket. After panicking for a second, you quickly reach for your phone again.
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You nearly throw your phone with excitement, counting down the seconds until you get to see him again and thanking your lucky stars that you agreed to go out tonight.
You thought that love died that terrible day eight months ago, that your chance at happiness was over, but now you can’t help but wonder if there’s a reason things ended the way they did. 
Maybe to make way for something better to begin. 
please let me know what you thought, i hope you liked this story! i have some more in the works, including a super fluffy christmas one-shot 💓
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svechnikovvv · 2 years
pairing: quinn hughes x fem!reader
warnings: profanity, mentions of alcohol, allusions to awful family, mentions of blood
summary: quinn hughes was a grade A asshole, but will that change?
a/n: no proofreading because we die like men
series masterlist: here
i’m hopeless, broken / i don’t want to be alone / lovin you’s the antidote
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quinn hughes could only be described with one word: moody. he had those sad eyes, and he rarely even smiled. that was, until he met you.
quinn can admit, when he first met you, he wasn’t fond of you whatsoever. you joined the canucks’ team as a medic physician around a year ago.
you walked down the hallway, locating the physician room with the instructions given to you. the blue walls around you felt like they were closing in due to your nerves. you had no idea where you were going, but surely if someone saw you lost and roaming the halls, they’d deem you unprofessional. it’s your first day on the job, surely they can cut you some slack.
you open the glass door and step into the room, the cool air hitting your bare arms. you find somewhere to set your bag down and take a seat at rolly-chair by a desk. score. your short celebration about the chair you found is cut short when you hear soft knocking on the door. you look up and see none other than quinn hughes standing there. you internally punch yourself and tell yourself to remain calm.
of course you knew who quinn was, you had social media.
“uh… who are you?” you know he didn’t mean it a rude way, because you’d react the same if you saw someone you didn’t know as your doctor.
“i’m one of the new medic physicians. y/n l/n” you give him a smile and he looks at you skeptically. he nods his head and makes his way to one of the examination tables, taking a seat. you weren’t expecting to start the job already, but duty calls. he has a hard look on his face as he stares at the floor.
“what brings you in here?” he briefly looks up, meeting your eyes and then he goes back to looking at the floor.
“coach thinks i have a concussion.” you nod and do the proper checks on him and he’s not showing any concussion symptoms.
“you don’t have any signs of a concussion, but if i were you-” he abruptly cuts you off.
“which you’re not. let me do me. you’re just here to play doctor.” he then walks back out the door and you’re taken back a bit by his little outburst. you tell yourself not to take it to heart since he may just be having a bad day. you knew all too well what it was like to have people constantly pestering you when you just wanted to be left alone. it was one of the many reasons you left your life behind and moved all the way to vancouver.
it was a big risk, but what’s life without taking a couple risky moves?
you take a deep breath in and count to seven, then exhaling. you were amazing at what you do and you wouldn’t let one foul interaction make you question that.
the rest of the day, you had players coming in and out of the room. some to introduce themselves and say hi, and others because they genuinely needed the help.
overall, you’d say you had a great first day. sure, quinn was a little snappy, but you’re sure he’s just having one of those days.
however, as the months went on, he showed no sign of easing up.
you’d been working with the canucks for about six months now and you are certain that quinn hughes is making it his job to make your life a personal hell.
he refuses to have you help him no matter the circumstances. claiming, “i’ll walk it off.” but he’ll let the other physician check on him. no matter what, you pushed through and always told him “good morning” or “good luck on your game tonight.”
you kept telling yourself that the best way to befriend someone is with kindness. one day he’ll come around. you don’t know when, but one day. so until that day comes around, you’ll suck in your pride and tolerate his bitchiness.
speak of the devil and he shall appear because here comes mr hughes strolling off the ice with a slight limp to his gait.
“hughes, what did you do?” when he hears your voice, he looks up and groans, turning around and walking the other way. however, when he goes to step back on the ice, the coach stops him.
“woah, quinn. you just told me your ankle hurt. y/n give you the all clear or does she want you to get hurt even more?” quinn sighed because he knew the inevitable was here. he turned back around and limped to your office and walked through the door with a glare on his face. you just watched as he stormed past you like an angry toddler sent to bed.
you walk in, giving him the option to have the door opened or closed. something you always did with the guys that they seemed to appreciate. you’d be surprised at how many players like the door open. claiming they “want to hear what’s going on outside.” he chose to close it and you nod.
“what did you do?” he didn’t answer you and you nodded your head. “alright, so i’m going to take a wild guess here and say that kuzy fell on your ankle during drills?” he looks up and meets your eyes and you almost forget about how much of an asshole he’s been to you because holy- his eyes were gorgeous.
they weren’t a hey-look-at-me-i-have-blue-eyes kind of blue. no, they were more of a subtle blue. the hue of blue you’d see as the sun is starting to rise in the sky. and the blue practice jersey he was wearing was accentuating that.
“i- yeah.” you snap out of your thoughts, squatting down. “so i need to take your skate off and get a better look at your ankle. is that okay? or do you want to do it yourself?” he shakes his head and you gingerly untie his skate, not knowing his pain level right now. once you get it off and all the other stuff with it, you see it’s slightly swollen.
“it’s not too bad. you’ll probably have to sit out for the rest of practice and ice it. because if you put pressure on it-”
“save me the explanation. i got it” okay what did you do to him? did you look at him the wrong way or breathe in the wrong direction? you stand up and place your hands on your hips.
“okay, i have done nothing but been nice to you, quinn. i always say good morning to you, always wish you good luck on every. single. game. i don’t understand what the hell your problem is with me and i’m tired of being walked over!” you huff out “y’know what, just- let me get you some ice and then you can leave. you can go back to sulking or whatever it is you do.” you grumble out and walk to the freezer and grab an ice pack. you grab a couple paper towels and wrap them around the ice pack.
you hand quinn the ice pack and he takes it, walking out the door without saying anything. when he’s gone, you take a seat and rest your head in your hands, letting a couple tears slip out. you felt so hopeless for trying to befriend someone as stubborn as quinn hughes. you kept telling yourself you wouldn’t let him affect you, but these were angry tears.
you didn’t even notice the person knocking at the door. so it surprised you when you felt a hand on your shoulder. you jumped back and looked up to see elias. he had a worried look on his face and you hastily wiped at the tears on your face.
“what’s up elias? your hamstring feeling better?” he nods and pulls up a stool, taking a seat on it.
“why’re you crying?” you wave him off
“it’s nothing, really.” you let out a humorless laugh
“it’s not nothing if you’re crying over it.” bless his heart. one thing you did gain from this job was picking up on the players’ personalities. elias was attentive and noticed even the smallest of changes.
“just frustrated tears.” he nods
“frustrated over what?” you could be honest, or you could be slightly honest.
“someone was giving me a difficult time & i didn’t understand why. i’d been trying my hardest to be nice to them and they kept being an ass.” he laughed at your use of profanity and it made you smile.
“well whoever it is, they’re a dick.” now it was your turn to laugh. if only he knew who he was calling a dick.
“yeah, but it’ll be fine.” his brows furrow again
“it’s not fine if they’re being a jerk.”
“i gave them a piece of my mind.” he nods
“good. hit them with your stethoscope if they try anything again.” you softly laugh and he stands up. he ruffles your hair and says goodbye before he leaves.
the day seemed to stretch on forever and you were itching to leave. when it finally hit 6, you couldn’t have been happier. instead of going to your apartment, you made your way to a pub you’ve been to numerous times since moving here. you’re honestly glad you ubered to work that day. that meant you could have your preferred five drinks with a bloody mary on the side and not worry about finding a way to get home.
you take a seat at a barstool at the counter and flag over a bartender.
“what will it be tonight, dear?” the slightly older woman asks and you shrug.
“something strong on the rocks.” she nods and goes to fixing you a drink as you sit there with your hands clasped in front of you, fidgeting with your class ring. a little token reminder that you’d proven your family wrong and you were nothing like them.
a glass of an amber-colored liquid is placed in front of you and you thank the woman, taking a sip. the burning sensation coats your throat and you slightly grimace.
three drinks later, you can feel the alcohol coursing through your veins. you’d started to chat up the bartender and she was wondering why you were “wasting your youth” in a bar on a wednesday night. all you said was, “men.” and she nodded knowingly and poured you another drink.
you then feel a presence near you and you downed the rest of your drink.
“how much have you had to drink?” you knew that voice. you look to the right of you and your suspicions are confirmed when you see those familiar blue eyes and mop of brown hair.
“none of your business.”
“come on y/n-” you point a finger at him.
“don’t ‘come on y/n’ me, hughes. you made it very clear that you want nothing to do with me.” you placed a fifty on the counter and got up, slipping on your jacket and heading out of the bar, the cold, vancouver air hitting you in the face. you order an uber and stand there, arms crossed across your chest for warmth as you wait.
“y/n, let me talk, please?”
“is that not what you’re doing right now?” he sighs
“i wasn’t nice to you because you’re just so… you.” you scoff
“wow, what a great explanation for the past six months of you being an asshole.” he chuckles
“let me finish. you’re this ball of sunshine. you always brighten up people’s days no matter what. you always put others needs before yourself. you’re just so selfless like that. you have the kindest soul out of anyone i’ve ever met. and god, y/n, you’re so damn pretty.” his last comment makes you blush slightly.
“quinn- i’m not following. why say all these nice things and act like a complete dick to me?”
“because you intimidate me. i’m so scared of saying something wrong and messing everything up. you deserve the best of the best. and i figured it would be best to just keep you at a distance than to do something wrong.” you step closer to him and you can practically feel his body heat radiating onto you.
“quinn, have you ever thought about how i felt?” he looks up from the ground at you and your eyes are slightly glassy.
“please don’t cry.” you shake your head and look up at the dark sky, trying to keep the tears at bay. were they tears of joy because he said all those mushy-gushy things about you, or were they tears of all the pent up emotions at how he’s treated you?
“you spent the last six months making me feel like i was a burden. like i had killed your brother or something. quinn, you made me feel like a nuisance.” he sucks in a breath and nods
“and i take full ownership of my actions. i should’ve talked to you. hell, i should’ve done more than that.” he takes a deep breath in. “can we start over?” you have a mental debate with yourself for a minute before nodding. quinn smiles and it knocks the breath out your lungs. holy shit his smile was beautiful. maybe evern more than his eyes.
quinn sticks out his hand in between the two of you.
“quinn hughes, canucks’ defenseman. nice to meet you” you take his hand in yours and shake his.
“y/n l/n, canucks’ medical physician. nice to meet you too.”
from that day forward, you and quinn started to bond more. you started to look forward to work more. life felt like it had a purpose if it meant quinn hughes was there.
quinn can say the same. you started to infect his life and his gloomy days started to brighten. it’s like he was driving in the rain and finally figured out how to turn in his windshield wipers.
it was months later after the two of you made up that he asked you out officially. nobody on the team had a clue that the two of you had been getting closer.
fast forward to bo getting traded to the islanders. you can tell the trade affected everyone on the team. they lost their captain, for crying out loud. you can tell it affected quinn, especially, since he’d be given that infamous ‘A’ on his jersey.
he opened up to you when he came over to your apartment one night.
it was pouring rain, so when you heard a knock on your door, you were a bit puzzled as to who it could be. you open the door and see your boyfriend standing there sipping wet and you usher him in.
“q, baby, you’re drenched. why didn’t you bring an umbrella?” he shrugged and you brought him to the bathroom.
“stay in here while i get you a change of clothes, okay?” he nodded and you tried your best to hurry because wet clothes are cold and you know how the feeling is. a minute later you’re stepping back into the bathroom with a pair of sweats and a canucks’ t-shirt in hand.
“i’ll be in the living room while you change. just set your wet clothes in the tub and i’ll make sure to wash them later.” he nods and his quiet state was worrying you a bit. as well as his unexpected visit during the storm.
quinn joins you on the couch a few minutes later and you turn down the volume of whatever was on the tv and face him.
“why’d you come all the way over here in the rain?” he’s silent again and you place a hand on his cheek, angling his face to look at you. you rub your thumb across his cheek soothingly and it’s like that’s what it takes for the dam to break. quinn pulls you into him and buried his head in your shoulder.
“i’m here. let it all out.” you rubbed his back soothingly as he cried. it absolutely broke your heart to hear his quiet sobs. sure, months ago you two were at each others throats, but now you know quinn. your quinn.
once he cried himself dry, he pulled apart and you took the sleeve of your shirt and wiped at his eyes. speaking of his eyes, they met yours and you pulled him closer to you, placing a kiss on his forehead.
“talk to me. what’s going on?” you softly asked him and he let out a shaky exhale.
“since bo’s trade, i feel like there’s just so much pressure on me. i have such big shoes to fill. and i get that elias also has an ‘A’ but i feel like there’s just so much more put onto me just because of my last name. jack is so successful and meanwhile my team can’t even make it to the playoffs. and now i’m given one of the most important jobs on the team? i’m scared, y/n. and i don’t want to be alone right now.”
you pull him back into you and card your fingers through his hair soothingly as you lie on your couch wrapped up with one another.
“quinn, you’re doing amazing. you go out there every game, and you play your best. that’s all everyone should ask of you. the ‘A’ is just a letter. sure, it comes with responsibilities, but you have your team to lean on, yeah? it takes more than one person to make a team, baby. you’ve done so much for them already and you’re fucking amazing at what you do. so what jack is successful? so. are. you. you’re a hughes. you have success running through your veins. like, your mom is ellen fucking hughes.” he laughs at your last statement and looks up at you.
“i’m so in love with you.”
you know that scene in inside out where they press the panic button and the red lights are flashing? that’s how you felt right now. the two of you haven’t said those three sacred words to one another. it takes you a minute before you realize yeah, you love quinn.
“and i’m in love with you.” he gives you a sweet kiss and then rests his head on your chest.
however, with the trade, the canucks received anthony beauvillier and quinn and him have bonded really well. you can still tell he’s saddened by bo’s absence, but quinn’s taken quite a liking to the former islander. or maybe the free french lessons he gets.
“babe! beau taught me another french word.” you laugh and cross your legs, turning on your couch to face quinn who just let himself in your apartment.
“let me hear it mr bilingual.”
“chérie” you can’t lie, the way it flowed off his tongue was hot.
“say it again.” quinn repeats it and you smile. “now what does it mean?” he stalks over to you and leans over the back of the couch.
“darling,” he says, bringing your lips to his into a kiss. he pulls back and smirks at you.
“trying to get beau to be your wingman.” he shrugs
“maybe.” you laugh and roll your eyes
you will say, a downside to being with quinn is when he gets injured and your anxiety sky-rockets. luckily, you’re a physician, so if he gets hurt during games, you get to be the one to fix him up.
like tonight for example. quinn received a puck to the face and he came to you with blood running down his face.
“quinn, oh my god, what happened?”
“puck to the face.” he sits down on the examination table and you start to clean his wound. you stand in between his legs as you clean all the blood off and his hands place themselves instinctively on your waist.
“you worry me so much.”
“i’m sorry pretty girl, it comes with the job.” you softly laugh and throw away the bloody tissues.
“you’re all fixed, romeo. just try to be more careful?” he nods and gives you a quick peck to the lips before leaving.
staying true to his word, he didn’t get injured anymore throughout the game. a con, though? he had team pictures the next day.
so here you stood, on the sidelines watching as all the guys lined up for their pictures.
“y/n? what’re you doing here?” one of the higher up people ask and you shrugged. you and quinn’s relationship was still a secret.
“the last picture day i was at was in elementary school. so i’m curious to see how hockey players do it.” the person laughs and nods.
quinn left the apartment this morning telling you he had team pictures and that he’d be home no later than 2. so you thought, why not surprise him with lunch. so that’s why you were here. and his tim horton’s order was in your car where it was warm.
when the pictures were over, quinn happened to spot you and he lit up, skating over to you. he gives you a kiss and you hear some hoots and hollers behind the two of you.
“huggy, how long have you two been together?” kuzy asks and you and quinn look at one another.
“3-4 months?” everyone gasps and your face heats up.
“so is that why he’s been asking me different french words?” beau asks and quinn nods
“anyways,” you loudly say at the team, then focusing your attention at quinn. “i have your lunch in the car so it doesn’t get cold.” he smiles and nods, heading off to get changed. the whole team is looking at you and you sigh.
“ask your questions.” they all then start shooting out different questions at you and while you’re answering them, quinn had finished changing and was watching you interact with his teammates. a soft smile was on his face and he realized how you were what he’s been searching for all these years.
loving you’s the antidote.
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tags: @goldenbrokenheart @woodruff-edwards @marsthehockeywhore @samosmackie @hughesx3 @jayda12 @theywantedplayer @austinbutlerscaresme @jackhues @jackhughesily @babydollmarauders @equallyshaw @astars-things @akengii @starsandhughes @nowandkei @liquidflyer @drei-mrssvechii @angzls @jhughesl0v3r
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Magic Induced Face Blindness
For Bio Dad! Bruce Wayne Month, Prompt: Take Your Kid To Work ao3 @maribat-bdbwm
The Justice League, simply put, was having a take your kid to work day. Less simply, they were holding an event for all the teenage superheroes. So not exactly a take your kid to work day but there weren’t exactly a large number who weren’t proteges of the Justice League.
Naturally, Ladybug had been invited.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng Wayne has not stopped freaking out about it since.
And not freaking out about it in the Chat Noir way, who’s been so excited that it’s all he talks about on patrol. Freaking out as in lying face down on her floor and cursing her family. Well, mostly her dad.
“Tikki, do you think if I fake cough in front of Chat Noir a few times and tell him I’m too sick to make it he’ll believe me.”
The kwami hums from where she’s settled in Marinette’s hair. “He’ll probably believe you if you’re convincing enough but is that really necessary? What’s the worst that could happen?”
Marinette scoffs. Really, Tikki should know better than to ask such a question. “I’ll walk into the watch tower and someone will immediately figure me out.”
In her one year of being Ladybug, Marinette has learnt that even her sweet kwami does not have infinite patience and Tikki’s exasperation is obvious in her tone when she says, “Marinette. Your identity is protected with magic.”
“The JL has magic users. And I’ve known most of these people most of my life. What if one of the idiots say something so dumb and I insult them and they figure it out and then Chat Noir knows my identity causing the end of the world.”
“Don’t insult them then.”
She scoffs again, “I can’t not insult them. When have you ever not insulted Plagg?”
The ensuing silence speaks for itself but Tikki doesn’t let it go. “You should go. It’ll be good to talk to heroes other than Chat Noir and temporary holders.”
She groans. Maybe if she lies here long enough the carpet will swallow her up and then Tikki can stop trying to convince her to go. “I have most of their numbers, I can talk to them whenever I want. I do talk to them whenever I want.”
The weight on her head vanishes and she feels a poke on her forehead. Lifting her head up, she glares at the tiny goddess of luck, who glares right back. “That’s not what I meant and you know it. None of them know you’re Ladybug.”
She drops her back down to the floor and sighs. “Fine. I’ll go.”
Wonder Woman waves them over when she sees them enter. As the two of them make their way through the crowd, Ladybug keeps her eyes on the floor while Chat Noir’s head swivels around trying to take it all in. What an odd pair they must make.
“Robin looks like an angry kitten,” her partner comments, breaking her out her reverie.
She coughs to hide her laughter. He’s right, of course. But regardless she turns to look at Damian, who’s sulking in the corner while Jon pesters him.
She grins, “I’d kill to watch you tell him that.”
He glances at her and snorts, “Not a chance. Not with that expression on your face.”
She blinks at him, “What expression?”
“The same one you had before you threw me off the Eiffel Tower for going on about the Justice League heroes.”
She smiles at the memory, “You totally deserved it.”
He holds a hand  up to his chest, as dramatic as always, “Meowch!”
She giggles. Diana is only few steps away from them now and is looking at them with an amused expression. Smiling comes slightly easier now, a chunk of her anxiety taken away by her partner’s antics. She whispers a thanks to him before greeting Wonder Woman.
If Diana suspects anything, she doesn’t mention it, nor do any of the others they talk to. But they haven’t had the chance to talk to any of the bats yet. At least Dick and Jay aren’t here, they’d be the most unbearable.
“We should talk to Batgirl,” Chat Noir suggests.
Marinette freezes, magic or not Cass would be the most likely to see through her but she can’t think of a valid excuse and he’d already picked up on her earlier nervousness. If she continues being paranoid, he might start to suspect something.
“Sure,” she mutters.
He waves enthusiastically to Batgirl who offers a small smile. Her gaze lingers on Ladybug and Marinette desperately hopes Cass brushes off anything odd as general nervousness. Thankfully, Chat Noir carries much of their interaction.
He’s gesturing wildly when he accidentally hits her sister’s arm. The arm that Marinette knows was in a cast until last week. Cass doesn’t wince, of course she doesn’t but the concern bursts out of Marinette anyway. “Is your arm ok??”
Chat Noir looks confused but Batgirl is assessing her. It’s a moment before she says, “I’m fine.”
Marinette nods, simultaneously relieved and panicked. She should’ve stayed home. It’s not too late to fake sickness, after all she has been acting particularly odd. When Spoiler calls Batgirl away, Ladybug visibly relaxes. Chat Noir gives her an odd look but he doesn’t say anything. Yet. She’s sure by the time they finish talking to her entire family, he’s going to think she’s lost her mind.
She’s mostly calmed down after her slip up with Cass when they somehow end up talking to Jon and Damian. Well, it’s not exactly talking as much as Robin and Chat Noir antagonising each other. Jon looks torn between interrupting and watching it play out. Marinette on the other hand wishes she had a bucket of popcorn and a valid reason to record their exchange.
When Damian calls the Parisian superhero, “a mangy alley cat,” Marinette snorts out loud and says, “I thought you liked cats?”
Damian stares at her, she can see his hand inching towards his katana as he asks, “How would you know that?”
Play it cool, Marinette.
She shrugs, “You just seem like a cat person. Also, I vaguely remember reading something of the kind on twitter once.”
Both of them know most things about the Bats on social media are deleted almost as soon as Oracle can get to it but people still do see them. He relaxes slightly but Marinette knows he’s wary of her.
Really, why did she let Tikki talk her into this?
Sometime later, Bart finds her in a corner. She’d left Chat Noir saying she needed a break and she could see him as he was talking excitedly with Steph.
“Heydoyoumindansweringaquestionforustosettleanargument?” he asks pointing at the rest of what was once Young Justice (or rather the still active members). Holding back a smile, she considers it for a moment. How wrong could it go? Actually, knowing them any thing and everything that could go wrong would go wrong but her curiosity takes over. Tim’s friends have the most amusing arguments after all.
Bart is bouncing back and forth, waiting for her answer. When, she agrees, he cheers and drags her over to their little group. He doesn’t question how she caught what he was saying instantly or how she’s totally fine even after being carted off with super speed regardless of the distance.
Thankfully, Tim is too busy arguing with Kon to notice.
“I have a solution,” Bart announces, “We ask Ladybug to be the tie breaker.”
And because when they’re together they tend to act on a single functioning braincell, all four of them turn to her at once and Cassie asks, “Do you think having several backup fake identities is necessary?”
Ah, not a new argument then. Honestly, she does. She’s suddenly even more grateful that Chat Noir isn’t with her. “I mean you do need something to fall back on if your go to identity is accused of art theft.”
Tim doesn’t have time to register the jab at him before Kon and Cassie start to rejoice loudly and Marinette slips away before they can drag her into their next argument.
Back in her room, after the event, Marinette sighs. “Well, that was interesting.” Her conversations with the others had gone perfectly well. It was extremely likely that Chat Noir wouldn’t dwell on her mistakes with Batgirl and Robin, and he hadn’t been there when she spoke to Tim. Regardless, she’s never doing that again. Chat Noir can go alone.
Her phone rings and she answers the video call to see a bunch of worried faces.
“Is something wrong?”
“You need to look into Ladybug,” her father states. 
She frowns, “Why?”
“It’s possible Ladybug knows our identities and is a threat.”
Her jaw drops, “What?” 
Marinette remains in semi shock throughout Tim’s explanation. He ends with, “If you need help any of us would be glad to come.”
“Dibs on helping Nettie!” Steph calls finally snapping Marinette out of her shock. Damn, Tikki had been right about the magic. World’s greatest detectives and this was the conclusion they came to?
She glances at Tikki once, making sure she has the kwami’s support in this decision. When Tikki nods Marinette let’s herself laugh at the absurdity of the situation.
It also ends the argument ongoing on the other end of the call. All of them stare at her in confusion until she finishes laughing. Once she’s finally calmed down she asks, “ A room full of detectives and that’s the best you come up with?”
Her father frowns, “Marinette, what-”
“Did it not occur to any of you that I’m Ladybug?”
She bursts into laughter at their startled expressions. Hurrying to take a screenshot and making sure to send it to Babs.
She is so going to lord this over them for at least the next few years.
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sky-drgn · 2 years
Heart Break Valentine's Day
Genre: Angst Pairing: Kunikida x reader Pronouns: None Warnings: None Word Count: 905
Reading Kunikida was as easy to read as reading a book, more specifically, his notebook. Not only is it the tool for his ability, but it also carries everything about him. His schedule, his beliefs, his ideals. If you want to know about Kunikida, get your hands on that notebook. 
Now, that is easier said than done if you are his enemy. He always has his guard up and his notebook tucked away safely. In the office around people he trusts - with his life, not his notebook - it's a little easier to get. Dazai gets his hands on it whenever he wants to. Trying to find some things new to pester the blond about. Like his love interest, for example.
Your name was written in the margins and on some of the corners of various pages in his notebook. All of those accidental of course. The action surprised the blond, when he realized he was doing it, he closed the notebook and denied the action and the heat on his cheeks. Dazai teased him about this constantly.
“Oh ho, what’s this?” Dazai teased, having swiped Kunikida’s notebook earlier that hour. It was just the two of them in the office, everyone else was on a job or at lunch. “Why is Y/N’s name written all over your notebook Kunikida?” 
“Hey! Give that back!” 
“Do you like them Kunikida? I thought you weren’t planning to meet someone for a few more years. Did they make an exception to your ideals?~”
“Of course, they didn’t! They’re-
-Special to you. You can’t just meet someone you’ll fall in love with at a specified time and place. Love doesn’t work that way.”
“And what would you know about love? You’re just a player looking for a double suicide with every woman you meet.” 
“I know more than you’d think actually. Things aren’t going to work out like you think they will.” 
Kunikida reread his notebook with Dazai’s words stuck in his head. Seeing your name in the margins and corners. He loathed admitting that Dazai was right. He does have feelings for you. The schedule he has planned out isn’t possible. When you meet someone, you meet someone. And you… you didn’t even meet half of his long list of character traits he wanted in a life partner. Yet here you are, making his heart beat faster and occupying his mind. There was no denying his feelings. 
Turning to a new page Kunidia wrote how he was going to ask you out and where he’d take you for your first date.
Dazai, of course, got his hands on Kunikida’s notebook the next day. 
“What’s this? You’re going to ask them out?” Dazai said with a singsong tone to annoy the blond. “They love this restaurant! They’ll definitely enjoy that.” 
Kunikida really should have questioned why Dazai knew you love that restaurant. 
A week later, Kunikida was finally able to meet with you. Since you don’t officially work for the agency, your schedule had been more hectic than his. But given that it was a calm day with no terrorist or mafia attacks that the agency needed to clean up, you invited the blond over — but only if he didn’t mind watching you do some baking. In the end, he agreed, and showed up exactly on time; just as you expected him to.
“You can take a seat at the island, I was able to get the baking done earlier than expected so I’m just cleaning up now. Sorry about the mess, I know you don’t like that.” 
“No, it’s alright. Would you mind if I helped?” 
“By all means, go ahead, I’ll ways take help when it comes to cleaning the kitchen.” The two went to work cleaning Kunikida starting with the washing while you dried and put things away. “So, what could I do for ya, Kunikida?” 
“Well, I was hoping you’d join me later for dinner. Apologies that it's such short notice, I wanted to ask in person.” Kunikida said as his cheeks painted red. 
“Today? I have plans for dinner already. Is this something work-related? You can always tell me now you know. With you helping me clean I’ll have some free time on my hands. If it’s something that has to wait, I can always meet you after dinner.” 
“Don’t tell me you already forgot what today is, Y/N?” Kunikida nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of that teasing voice. Why is he here? In your house. “Are the chocolates ready yet?” 
“Your crab-shaped chocolates are cooling in the fridge, so you can’t have any yet.” You said turning to face the source of the teasing voice. “And yeah, of course, I know what day it is, Osamu. What does that have to with- He doesn’t know.” 
“He doesn’t~” 
“What don’t I know?” Kunikida finally asked turning to face Dazai. The brunette was dressed down in house clothes, pajamas even, hair a mess like he just woke up. Kunikida could even see across the room that the door that most likely led to your bedroom was open ajar, where it was completely closed when he looked around when he first walked in.
“Y/N and I are each other’s permanent Valentine,” Dazai said with the softest smile Kunikida had ever seen on the man. He didn’t even know his work partner was capable of smiling in such a way. “We’re married.” 
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devastatedloyallute · 3 months
Chapter 3 of Bigger Than The Whole Sky -GuitarSpear Fic
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Chapter Summary: Adam and Lute spend the day with little Abel Read here on AO3 💕
“But yeah, that’s that story, ya happy now?” Adam asked as he scooted closer to Lute.
“That does clear that up,” she draped her arm over his shoulder, pulling him in. “You good? Something else on your mind, Sir?” 
“Ya know, this wasn’t it but it’s pretty fucking weird you keep calling me ‘Sir’ even when we aren’t on the job, Babe,” he muttered into her chest.
“And you calling me ‘Babe’ even though you tend to call nearly every woman babe, isn’t?” She smirked, curling a bit of his hair around her finger.
“...yeah okay, fair point. Anyway, I fuckin’ love you. I’m so fucking scared to lose you. I’ve somehow fucked up every legitimate relationship I’ve been in. I mean yeah, before you came along, I’d messed around with angels and stuff. There was that one and only time Sera let me down on Earth, and I fucked around with human ladies...yeah she wasn’t impressed with me on that one. But none of those were genuine feelings, you know?” Adam recounted his times as Lute petted his hair down, “I didn’t want to let myself get feelings for fucking anyone. Didn’t need to go through heartbreak in fucking Heaven, am I right?”
He looked up at her with soft eyes, “But when I met you, things felt different. I wanted to force those thoughts and feelings away. You climbed those ranks and soon you were appointed as lieutenant. I figured I could do one of two things: either give in and try to swoon you, or push you away. Can’t get rejected if I never try right? To be real, trying to push you away only backfired.”
Lute looked a little taken aback. “You were pushing me away? Couldn’t tell,” she shrugged.
“Me being an asshole seemed to only pull you in, you crazy bitch. You’re a masochist or somethin’, Babe,” he cupped her cheek and booped her nose with his thumb.
“What really makes you different is that you’re everything they were but better. I’m not afraid to pester you, and if I do go too far you put me in my fuckin’ place. You don’t take shit, and can dish it out. We have practically the same humor, we can bully each other but know it’s not serious. But we also have these soft and sensitive times. Not to mention our awesome as fuck sex life. You’re a kinky bitch,” he grins as he kisses her. Lute wraps her arms around his head as they kiss, breaking for air only to go in again. With smiles on both their faces, this truly was paradise.
“You know, I’ve got some insecurities too, now seems to be the time to voice them,” Lute brushed her now messy bangs out of her face.
“I just spilled my guts, so go for it, Babe,” he leaned back, ready to listen.
“It’s nothing spectacular, just that even though I’m well respected among the exorcists, I can’t shake the feeling of being outcasted. Not that I don’t get along with the others, but there’s this weighing feeling of judgment from them.”
“Eh, they’re just fuckin’ jealous of your position.”
“That’s just it, it’s not just that. I’ve heard them whisper about how I’m ‘the bosses’ favorite’.”
“Fucking true though-” He chirped, only to be met with a glare from Lute.
“You’re all I’ve got, Sir. Because of my position, and our status, the other exorcists are…intimated. So it’s been difficult to make…friends,” Lute appeared dejected. Adam sat up and scooped her into his lap. 
“Aw, don’t be down, Lute. You’ve got me and I’ve got you, who needs anyone else?” He squeezed her and nuzzled his forehead to hers. She nuzzled him back and kissed his cheek.
Someone had initiated a tickle war. There was a dramatic *THUD* as that said someone hit the floor.
Lute tried to catch her breath, recovering from the laughing fit brought on by Adam flinging himself off the bed. 
“You okay?” She managed to chuckle out, wiping the tears from her eyes.
“Hah, fuck, yeah, yeah I’m good,” he huffed out as he brought himself to the edge of the bed.
“Hey, did you ever get an answer to what happened to Abel? Is he in Heaven or not?”
“Yeah, he’s up here. Like how the fuck do you forget about the kid running around up here somewhere? How they managed to keep him a secret is beyond me.”
“So, where is he?” Lute questioned as Adam crawled up onto the bed rubbing the back of his head.
“He’s uh, now he’s in that district where the young kids go. Kids who died from neglect and shit. It’s basically a giant playground daycare sorta place. Emily decided she really didn’t want it looking like a school ‘cause it wouldn’t be the best memories for the ones who were killed in those shitty fucking school shootings. They still learn a few things but yeah it’s mainly a playplace,” Adam said as he awkwardly fixed his pajamas and straightened his feathers.
“...Have you ever gone to see him?”
“I did, once…It was a few years after I got here, I had just learned that he was up here. I hadn’t really thought he’d be up here since I was told I was the first human here, so when Sera told me, I went to go see him. When he saw me though he was terrified. I tried to be like ‘hey it’s me, your dad!’ only for him to make the saddest fucking face I’d ever seen and his little voice go ‘You let me die.’ It felt like being stabbed, set on fire, then thrown down an endless pit. It fucking sucked. I already had to bury this kid, just for him to also blame me for his death in the afterlife,” Adam faceplanted himself into his pillow with a groan. 
Lute pat his back in an attempt to comfort him, “It’s been a while, maybe you could try seeing him again? He’s eight, I don’t think he’ll have held a grudge this long.”
“Ughhh but what if he has? What if he doesn’t even want to see me? I have ultimately failed as a dad. You don’t know the pain of being rejected so coldly by your own kid. That shit stays with you,” Adam whined, turning his head to look at her. “You gonna come with me?”
“Of course, Sir. We don’t have any meetings tomorrow so we can go then,” she plants a small kiss on his temple. He groaned in response. Of course, he would want to see his son again, but doesn’t want to feel guilt tripped again. “Let’s get some rest.” 
Coming up to the entrance, the large sign read ‘Heaven’s Forever Daycare’. Adam shoved his hands into his pockets, still regretting letting Lute convince him to do this. Lute brushed her hand over his arm in reassurance.
“Don’t worry, Sir. The important thing is you’re here. I’ll do the talking. Come on,” Lute lead the way into the building, with Adam cautiously following her inside. At the desk stood an angel whose name tag read ‘Elle "L" - Nanny’, their clothes were covered in stickers, presumably from the children.
“Good morning, we are here to see Abel,” Lute said as she stepped up to the desk.
“Good morning, ma’am. Unfortunately, you will have to be a little more specific. We have about 30 ‘Abels’ here. Last name?” The nanny smiled politely at her.
Lute looked over to Adam who had his back turned to them, fiddling with the horns of his mask, and his feathers ruffled. She sighed and looked back at the worker, “There isn’t a last name. The first man, Adam’s son, that Abel.”
The angel looked past Lute at Adam, giving him a look of concern, “Ah, I see…one moment.”
Lute stepped back to console the anxious Adam, “You should probably remove your mask, Sir. He might not be able to recognize you with it.”
Adam removed his mask with a sigh, “Fuck…yeah, yeah you’re right. Fuck, I already hate this.”
A voice cried out “DAD!” followed by running footsteps. They turn to see a small boy with soft brown hair and golden eyes, running at them with arms held wide. Abel stops short of the pair, startled by Lute. 
“Wait, who are you?” He tilted his head at her in confusion.
Lute knelt down to his eye level, “I’m Lute, your, uh-” she glanced over at Adam, looking for an answer, only to be given a confused shrug. “Uh, I guess sort of like a stepmom? Sure, we’ll go with that.” She fumbled her way through that sentence.
 “Stepmom? That’s so cool!! I have a mom again! Wait, mom would be confusing ‘cause I used to have one of those…can I call you mama instead?” He asked as he hugged her enthusiastically.  
Lute fought back the tears that threaten to fall that sting at the corner of her eyes. ‘ This kid is adorable, ’ she thinks. “Uh, sure, buddy, Mama works,” she pat his head, looking over his features, “You look so much like your dad, it’s uncanny.”
Abel stepped toward Adam, looking up at him expectantly with his arms raised. Adam took a deep breath and picked his son up, “Hey kiddo, so…you still mad at me?” 
Abel shook his head, “No not anymore, Dad. I’ve learned a lot of things and one of those is forgiveness. People make mistakes, they’re just human after all. Sometimes all they need is a second chance, right?” 
Adam and Lute look at each other wide-eyed, sharing the same thought,  ‘ Oh shit, we are gonna be horrible parents to this kid. He’s too pure. ’ 
Abel wrapped his little arms around Adam’s neck and Adam put his hand on his kid’s back, “Thanks kiddo. Hey wanna go back with us? Or maybe just spend the day getting caught up and you can get to know your new mom?” 
Abel looked to the nanny as if asking if it were okay to go with them, to be given a nod in response. He spotted his friends in the distance, them watching him with his dad. “Yeah but…I want to come back here. I can’t leave my friends, dad. They don’t have their moms or dads here with them. But sometimes one of their parents will come to get them, and then they don’t come back. We all miss them when they leave. We know they are with family again but we never see them again. It’s really sad.” 
Lute comes to stand beside them, “Okay buddy we can do that, if you want to stay here we can always come and visit if you’d like.”  Abel nods in agreement and pulls out his fist, and Lute returns the fist bump. The kid’s eyes lit up and a smile grew on his face. 
“Here, take this for a sec,” Adam said as he handed Abel to Lute so he could put his mask back on. Abel giggled as he's passed to Lute. “So where ya wanna go, squirt?”
No response. 
“Hey? Hello?” Adam made confused faces, waving his hand over the kid’s face to get his attention.
Lute chuckled, “He’s watching how your mask changes”  
“Ooh yeah that tracks, it’s pretty fuckin cool, huh?” Abel nodded in amazement. “So now will ya tell me where you wanna go? The zoo? Ice cream shop? Anywhere, you name it.” 
“Oooh, ice cream! Ice cream!” He chanted.
Adam put Abel on his back, “Aight, hold on tight kid. You ever flown before?”
The kid shook his head. “Nuh-uh, my wings are too small,” he pouted.
“Well, you’re gonna now, at least as a passenger anyway. Get ready for the coolest time you’ve ever fuckin’ had!” With the flap of mighty wings, they were off. 
Heading to the ice cream shop, Adam made a loop in the air, only for Abel to have slipped off half way around. “OH SHIT” Adam mid-panic, managed to grab him quickly, “Whoops, you fucking good, kiddo?”
Abel stared up at his father with wide eyes, clearly shaken, “Y-yeah. That was scary. Fun, but scary. Please don’t do that again.”
“Holy fuck. Trust me little man, that was not planned. Fuckin’ gave me a heart attack.”
Lute hovered close by, disappointingly reminding herself, ‘ Boys will be boys. Boys will be boys .”
Back at home, they ordered pizza and wings for dinner. Sitting at the kitchen table, Adam asked, “So bud, did you have fun today? Anything we forgot?”
“Yeah I did have lots of fun. But I do have a question. The adults won’t tell me, but you’re my dad so you would know, right?” Abel questioned as he bit more of his pizza slice.
“Yeah! I know everything, hit me,” Adam boasted as he stuffed a wing in his mouth and pulled it back out clean.
“Where did mom and brother go? Why aren’t they here in Heaven with us?”
“Uh, well…Um…” Adam fumbled his hands around trying to form the way to word things. “Well, ya see…There are good people, and then there are not so good people. The not so good people go to a different place. So..” He shrugged, hoping to drop this topic.
Abel furrowed his brow and frowned. After a bit he asked, “Can we go visit them?” 
Lute put her hand on his shoulder, “Sorry buddy, we can’t do that.”
 “They’re probably not there anymore anyway,” Adam said under his breath not so quietly, which got met with a glare from Lute. 
“What does he mean, mama?” Abel looked at her with pleading eyes, hurt and confused.
Lute searched her mind for a way to answer without saying, ‘ We go down and purge the bad souls on a now bi annual schedule.'  That’s not a good idea.  “That place is full of violence, bad people killing just because they can. They could have fallen by any of those people. It’s not safe down there.” 
Adam realized her little lie and chimed in, “Yeah and there’s also this curse that clears out random souls who have been there for years and years. So that Hell doesn’t get too crowded. There’s a lot, and I mean a lot, of bad, horrible fuckin’ people who go to Hell every year.”
Lute shot him a look of disbelief as if to say, ‘ that was a little on the nose, don’t you think? ’ 
Abel remained quiet for a while. “I guess that does make sense. Not everyone comes to Heaven…So there has to be a place for the others to go. But what if there’s some people in Hell who only made small mistakes or just one big mistake? Can’t they eventually be forgiven for them?” 
The pair look at each other with unease. They need to find a way to get off of this topic and fast. It was very uncomfortable. Kid is spouting facts but they go against their entire job and everything they believe in. The silence was becoming deafening, what could they say that would be convincing enough to change the topic?
“How ‘bout we watch a movie?” Adam clapped his hands together, “When the movie’s done we can bring you back to the playcare.”
“Okay! Any movie? Even if I’ve watched it before?” Abel was practically bouncing in his seat. Adam and Lute shared a quick sigh of relief.
“‘Course! So whatcha wanna put on?” Adam, pleased with himself for changing the topic. 
“All Dogs Go To Heaven! I’ve only seen it once, the caretakers didn’t want to put it on again for some reason. I really liked it though! Charlie was a bad doggy, but he sacrificed himself for a little girl and got a second chance to get into Heaven!”
 Lute and Adam shared the same agonizing thought. ‘ It’s gonna be a long night. ’
“Oh you know, Hell is mentioned in the movie but I never thought it was real. Just a movie thing, but now I know that it's not. Maybe that’s why they wouldn’t play it again…But I really enjoyed it!” Abel realized.
As the movie ended, Adam got up to stretch. ‘ Yeah I can see why they didn’t wanna fucking play that movie again. Yeesh. Fuckin’ tear jerker ending though, damn. ’ Turning back to look at Lute who was picking up the leftovers from dinner, “What did you think, Babe?”
“It was…definitely something. That dog showed great loyalty, I respect it.” 
“Yeah! He became a better dog and got to go back to Heaven! Now do you think bad people can change?” Abel bounced with his little fists balled in excitement.
“Eh it’s just a movie, kiddo. It ain’t real. Anywho, you guys ready to go?”
“Mama, will you carry me this time? I don’t wanna fall again.”
“Come on, I said I was sorry!” 
“You actually didn’t, Sir,” Lute came over to join the two, turning the TV off. “We don’t have to fly there if you don’t want to, can always walk.”
“Oh okay! Let’s go! I can’t wait to see my friends and tell them what we did today!”
“Sheesh, kid, how do you still have so much fuckin’ energy?” Adam watched as Abel bounced on his toes, just raring to go.
Coming back to the daycare and checking in again with Elle at the desk, Abel gave the pair hugs before he ran off to greet his friends who were waiting for him.
“Bye Mama! Bye Dad! Come visit again!” Abel said as he waved them off. Lute and Adam wave back as they watch his friends look questionably at them. They wave goodbye to the nanny at the desk before heading home.
“Why did your parents bring you back? Did they not want to keep you?” One of the kids asked worriedly.
“No, no! I wanted to come back to be with you guys! I’m lucky to still have my dad but I’d feel bad ditching you guys. I don’t want to just leave and never come back,” Abel said as he waved his hands at his friends. “It’s okay! They’re gonna come visit when they can, they’re really busy with important angel stuff. He’s like a higher up, he’s so cool, my dad’s the best!”
Adam collapsed face first onto the couch, “That was fucking rough.”
“You’re telling me,” Lute said as she grabbed a drink for each of them from the fridge. She set his drink on the coffee table, and nudged him to move over so she could sit on the couch as she took a sip of her drink, “Being called ‘mama’ sure is a super weird feeling. You feel better now that you’ve reunited with Abel?”
Adam raised his head and pat the cushion, wanting to use her lap as a pillow, “You know, yeah. Today was mostly fun. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen any of my kids, but he hasn’t changed a bit. Well, other than the whole thinking sinners can be redeemed shit. He’s too smart for his own good. Gets it from me, ya know.” 
“Uh huh, of course he does, Sir,” Lute said as she ran her fingers through his hair.
“Are you for real sassing me right now, bitch?”
“Me? Whaat nooo, I would never,” she said with a mischievous grin.
“You are so lucking I’m so fucking tired.”
“Oh yeah? What would you do if you weren’t?” She cocked her eyebrow at him.
“Nothing? Giving me the silent treatment now?” 
Still no reaction. Was he really so tired he fell asleep already? 
“Hey, dick for brains. I’m gonna push you onto the floor if you don’t answer me.”
“Sir?” She leaned over him to check if his eyes are closed, “Adam?” 
He lunged at her, frivolously peppering her face with kisses.
“No! No more! Stop it!” Her retaliations fell on deaf ears. She laughed as she tried to push him off her but he held her down as he continued to bully her with his affections. 
“Nope, not gonna happen, Babe. You’re gonna get all these fucking kisses and you are gonna like ‘em,” he dove in to aggressively kiss her, but instead plants a soft kiss on her lips. “Betcha thought I was gonna do it again, huh?” He snuggled into her chest, making himself comfy. 
“We’re not sleeping out here on the couch. Come on, let's get ready for bed.”
“Mmh…no. Comfy here,” he mumbled against her. 
She rolled her eyes, and pat his shoulder, “The bed is much comfier, just have to get there first.”
Adam whined as he reluctantly rolled himself off the couch, “Alriiight…fine let’s go.”
The two once again head off down the hallway, going about their nightly routines, before laying down for the night.
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ya-jirushi · 1 year
Tsurune Audio Drama: A Shot of Color 8 Being Pestered by Mutou-sensei
Unstoppable force (me wanting to post stuff in order to be organised) vs immovable object (me procrastinating + my schoolwork) /hj well at least the audio dramas for these last until april 19 lol No special notes here just enjoy Mutou-sensei being uh, intense, to say the least. Hang in there, Masa-san. It's nice to see him act like a young adult sometimes though lmao
Tommy-sensei: Then… Cheers! Mutou-sensei & Masaki: Cheers! Mutou-sensei: I’d like to sincerely thank the both of you for accepting my invitation today. Tommy-sensei: Now, now, there’s no need to be so tense. We’re having a relaxed gathering today, Mutou-sensei. Mutou-sensei: Yes! Thank you very much! Masaki: Here, have a glass. Mutou-sensei: Much obliged, Takigawa-sensei, I’ll be sure to savor it. Masaki: I don’t mind being referred to casually. Mutou-sensei: Ah, but that’s rather… Tommy-sensei: I’d much prefer if you called me Tommy. Mutou-sensei: To-Tommy…? Tommy-sensei: My full name is Morioka Tomio, so you get “Tommy”. Mutou-sensei: I, I understand… Masaki: Is Kirisaki off from club today? Mutou-sensei: Yes, there’s no use to having daily practice when there’s nothing to work towards. Masaki: This might seem rude for me to say all of a sudden, so I apologize, but you always striked me as the type to approach kyudo competitively. Tommy-sensei: He was the one that trained Kirisaki to be such a powerhouse after all. Mutou-sensei: N-Not at all! For you to speak of me in such a way, Morioka-sensei– Tommy-sensei: It’s Tommy. Mutou-sensei: …It’s gracious of you to say that about me, Tommy-sensei, I can only humble myself. Tommy-sensei: Oh, none of that now. Here, have another drink. Mutou-sensei: Thank you! Mutou-sensei: Although the reason I started kyudo in the first place was because of Yasaka Akihiro 8-dan. Masaki: Grandpa? Mutou-sensei: To be more accurate, for someone like me who just did the sport but had no direction at the time, seeing Yasaka 8-dan’s shots made me realize that this was something you worked on throughout your whole life. Masaki: It affected you that much? Mutou-sensei: It did! His shots were that impressive. Rather than being full of spirit with the intent to purify whatever they were aimed at, it was more so you wouldn’t expect when it was shot and it would reach the target just as swiftly. And then, it would hit. Mutou-sensei: Even to untrained eyes like mine, I could tell that I was in the presence of an expert–no, a master of his craft. Tommy-sensei: Ah, Mutou-sensei what subject do you teach? Was it classical or chinese literature? Mutou-sensei: Huh? Oh, no, I teach math. Tommy-sensei: I-I see... Ah, well, don’t mind me, go ahead. Mutou-sensei: ...With all that being said, I wanted to ask you for stories of your grandfather, Takigawa-sensei. Masaki: Eh? Mutou-sensei: Like what kind of training did he do usually? Did he have any special practice routines or… Actually, even just stories from his day to day life would be much appreciated…! Masaki: Well… Even if you ask me those things… I’m sorry, Mutou-sensei, but I didn’t really talk with him much since starting university. Mutou-sensei: But why?! Masaki: Woah there… To put it simply, um… It’s a usual case of drifting apart, or something like that. The both of us didn’t really see eye to eye on most things so— Mutou-sensei: Just what are you saying, Takigawa-sensei?! Masaki: Woah! Mutou-sensei: I’ve seen the way you shoot, it’s precise, beautiful, and looks as if it’s effortless. I’d dare say it was a direct display of Yasaka-sensei’s skills..! Tommy-sensei: You really do admire him, don’t you? Masaki: Hearing someone call grandpa’s shots ‘beautiful’ is kind of– Mutou-sensei: It seems you can’t see it for yourself! Or are you being humble? You are, aren’t you? Masaki: Mutou-sensei, you’re getting a bit too close– your face, it’s too close. Mutou-sensei: I’m envious of you, being able to live with Yasaka-sensei and learn his secrets… While an inept outsider like myself could only improve by earnestly taking countless shots and re-examining myself. Masaki: But isn’t that the best way to improve? Mutou-sensei: Takigawa-sensei! You simply do not realize how blessed you are! Masaki: Even if you tell me that I– Mutou-sensei: Ah… If only I were able to, I would've wanted to become one of Yasaka-sensei’s students, I would’ve wanted to be the best one! No! I’d even become his grandson! I would’ve liked to call him, “Grandfather!”... Masaki: …Mutou-sensei, there are other diners here, so if you could keep it down please… Are you drunk, maybe? Mutou-sensei: I am not! I feel miserable!! Masaki: Tommy-sensei… Tommy-sensei: Fufu, what a passionate conversation this turned out to be. How nice! Masaki: What part of it is ‘nice’ exactly…!
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duck-in-a-spaceship · 2 years
say it back - Chapter 2
In which House humiliates Wilson. All in good fun, of course!
Summary: What if when House tells Wilson he loves him, Wilson says it back?
Well, naturally they turn to humor until “I love you”, “I love you too” becomes the most convoluted, gayest inside joke ever. And then of course they realize they mean it.
Word Count: 1408
Warnings: None
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Chapter 2: dat ass
Wilson is hiding from Cuddy.
Well, officially he’s hiding from Cuddy. That’s his grand cover story, at least, that Cuddy has been trying to hunt him down to talk about a patient that died, and he doesn’t want to talk about the patient that died and… honestly it didn’t matter too much. House heard that he was inconveniencing Cuddy, and that was about all that mattered.
What Wilson is actually doing is babysitting.
He’s claimed the tiny desk at the front of the room, tossing a handful of files on its top so he can at least look busy, in between stealing glances at House and getting lost in his own thoughts. The collection of the candidates in the room, a species growing increasingly endangered as House picks them off one-by-one, is occasionally stealing glances at him, as well, but Wilson pretends not to notice. It had been awkward enough when he decided to barge into the room unannounced and gave his half-assed excuse to House. All eyes had been on him, as he scraped one of the dingy, yellowed chairs (Wilson’s not entirely convinced they came in that color, that it’s not just evidence of too many years of too many med students) across the wooden floors to place it behind the desk.
Now, Wilson’s decided he’s content with ignoring them all, and hoping they’ll return the favor. Not a single one of them is, so he settles on ignoring them all and just pretending to do work.
There’s a file in Wilson’s lap that he’s somewhat examining, paperwork that he’s occasionally writing things down on, but really his attention is focused on House. His best friend. The one who recently tried to kill himself.
Sorry, tried to nearly kill himself, as House had so kindly pointed out. Wilson’s not sure he understands how that’s not much better. He certainly struggled to see how it made much of a difference when he got the call that his friend had stuck a knife in a socket. The distinction didn't make a dent in his worry as he interrogated Amber, panicky and frantic, desperate to understand what happened. Wilson could only take so many frustrated ‘I don’t know’s’ before he waved her away, resigning himself to watching, waiting, staring at the burn on House’s palm and the tubes trailing along his skin. Wondering if-
A cane thuds against the top of Wilson’s head. “Ow! What the hell-?”
“You were staring.” House has perched himself on the side of the desk Wilson has claimed, looking at Wilson over his shoulder.
“Well you’re giving a lesson, it would be rude of me not to pay attention.” The cane has been abandoned on the desk, its purpose fulfilled, so Wilson picks it up, using it to gesture to the ever-shrinking crowd. “Why don’t you accuse them of staring?”
“Because they’re supposed to be staring at me. I recruited them all here just so they could stare at me.”
Someone- Kutner, Wilson thinks- raises his hand. “I thought we were here to learn medicine.”
“Oh, no.” House briefly turns back to his students, grinning like a kid on Christmas. “That’s just a fun little lie I made up for Cuddy so she would stop pestering me about all the people I fired.”
That earns House a couple of eye rolls, and Wilson silently decides that those are the people he should hire, on the spot. Kutner slowly lowers his hand.
“Just like you-” House continues, turning back to Wilson. “-are lying to me about Cuddy.”
Goddamnit, he knew he should have come up with a better cover story. Not like it would have mattered, not to House, the man who sniffed out lies like a bloodhound. The man who could’ve made it rich if they just invented a Wilson-themed Jeopardy. “What? Why would I be lying to you? You- you hide from Cuddy all the time,” Wilson splutters out half the lie, but he still sits back with an air of self-satisfaction when he’s done, crossing his arms.
“Sure, I do. But for once, this isn’t about me.” House sticks out his arm, making a big show of shifting up his sleeve and checking his watch. “ You , on the other hand, have been in here for thirty whole minutes, which is more than enough time for Cuddy to think to check where I am to find you.” The cane, which Wilson still has loosely gripped in his hand, is suddenly snatched away. “Which means you’re a big, fat liar.” House swipes at Wilson again, and he has to throw up his hands in defense, swatting the assault away. It only half-works, which seems to be the theme for the day, doing everything in halves. They each end up with half the cane in hand, right before Wilson relents and lets go.
“You’re a child . Cuddy probably just… has better things to do than chase after me.” An outstretched file points towards the candidates, who are all in various stages of listening from secretly eavesdropping to gawking at Wilson and House like they’re an exhibit in the zoo. “Do your job, House.”
“Fine, fine.” House pushes away from the desk, taking a couple steps back towards the students and their slow differential. Wilson sighs, bracing his thumb against his temple while he rubs his fingers against his forehead.
He’s been sufficiently called out, which means House’s mind is surely running with possibilities, investigating every corner of the puzzle that is Wilson’s true purpose for hanging in on his differential. Later, Wilson imagines he’ll be cornered in his own office, confronted with whatever theory House has landed on.
It’ll probably be worryingly close to the truth, but just missing the mark. He’s not sure House will remember to factor in the idea that Wilson, as his friend, actually cares about him.
House turns around, not even two full steps away. Goddamnit. “Oh but first, admit that I was right about Cuddy.”
Wilson throws his hands into the air in defeat. “You’re ridiculous.” He shuffles his stack of half-finished work into a pile, collecting it in the center of the desk as he stands. “I’m leaving. Have fun with ghost girl or whatever your case is.” Wilson addresses the group of candidates more than House himself, waving to them all as he heads for the door.
He makes it three and a half steps. Hardly around the desk, in fact.
“I love you!”
That dick.
Steps, echoing throughout the suddenly dead silent room, come to an awkward stop, cut half a stride short. Wilson half turns to look at House, who has, to his credit, stopped him at the perfect time. Their shoes nearly touch, mere inches away. Just behind House’s head, he can see the faces of each member of his audience, ranging from amused to shocked to mildly horrified. It’s like they’re all watching the circus, and the performance has gone horribly wrong.
That fucking dick .
Wilson forces a smile, because what the hell else is he going to do? Let House win? Give him the satisfaction of surrender?
“I love you too.”
The stunned silence turns to the hiss of exchanged whispers. House narrows his eyes slightly, and Wilson can see it, can pinpoint the exact moment he’s walked into the ring and agreed to play the game. At the very least, he’s pretty sure he’s just won his first point.
One more step, before House smacks him on the ass.
His steps, echoing in the vacuum of silence left by the sudden loss of whispering gossip, falter. Shoes squeak against the dingy floors, pausing before Wilson can make himself start walking again. The doors are ten feet away, he just needs to make it that far, before anyone can notice the abhorrent shade of red infringing on his face. The urge to throw one of the files haphazardly stacked in his arms in front of his face is strong , but the stream of ‘Don’t back down, don’t back down’ churning through his head still manages to drown it out.
Wilson practically crashes into the metal bar to push the doors open, turning around to preserve the files in his arms.
It gives him a perfect view of the finger-heart being held into the air, pointed right towards him. Wilson sighs in time with the air whooshing out of the way as the door slams shut right in his face.
…point to House.
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sheyearns · 11 months
“Ah, Lacie, you’re here!” Ludger greeted the lady as he answered the door. “Please take a seat– the meat skewers are almost ready!” And with that, this chef was back in his native environment. The smell of Alice’s favorite dish freshened the room, rousing his rather fat cat to hover and buck his face into Ludger’s leg for a piece. Alas, Lulu was on a diet so he’d just have to keep whining in vain.
In just under a few minutes, Ludger returned to the table with good news and a warm plate, “Here we are, grilled skirt steak skewers just as Alice loved them! Please help yourself– there’s plenty left over if you want seconds, thirds, or more!” Alice’s stomach was a bottomless hole when it came to meat, so Ludger was used to cooking more than he’d thought necessary. Better be safe than sorry as they say!
With a warm meal in her stomach and a pleasant atmosphere, now should be a good time to let loose his cheese sentiment, “This might be weird coming from someone you only met twice, but I wanted to thank you for giving me the chance to meet someone like your daughter, Alice. Back when I met her, I… wasn’t exactly well-liked and gifted with friends. But Alice warmed up to me quickly and I always looked forward to her next visit. And without you, none of that would’ve happened.”
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Oops, he turned on the ramble switch; he’d had a point that wasn’t his life’s story. Ludger’d redirect his course, “M-My point is, I hope you and I can get along well in the future! And as my friend’s mother, you’re also free to drop by my place whenever you feel like it for a home-cooked meal!”
SITTING AT THE table, Lacie was being given a chance to look around her surroundings, and her senteces picked up several new things; the sounds of a busy kitchen, the smell of a delicious, warm meal - it reminded her of something but she couldn’t put a finger on it - it was a familiar feeling, like she was back in time, in her own place, with her two daughers laughing, pestering each other and waiting for their dinner. Ah yes, home. Washing a blanket of comfort, forgetting all the stress of the day, filtering negative thoughts with a smile and the love of family. 
Now Lacie understood why Alice spent so much time here, munching on their food. It activated Lacie’s curiosity and hunger for the same type of food. She didn’t have to wait long for Ludger to serve her the result of his cooking and her red eyes perked up, and from the first look, the scent wrapped her. In a single bite, her eyes sparkled and Lacie was at, she was thinking of the right word to say, oh at peace? Heaven? Was that how it felt like? It was a bit out of character for her maybe but when she was excited, she showed it like a small child, a mirror of Alice popped up in Lacie’s profile, blinking in and out and Lacie nodded with a satisfied smile. “This is amazing! I love this!” Lacie inhaled the rest of the meal in a few bites. She wanted more! She hadn’t have enough yet! She picked up her plate and presented it in front of Lodger. “Can I have more? Hehehe.” 
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“Ah--ah, I’m honored you’re telling me! I’m not, well, good at accepting kind words but I’ll return your kindness by coming here more often and you’re always welcome to stay at our place! I think Alice will like that too and you know, this is one of the best cooking I have ever eaten in my life! I’m a proud mother for Alice to have found a good friend like yourself. Alice is quite a handful and she doesn’t have a lot of friends - her feisty behavior pushes people away and I have mentioned that before to her, but children are stubborn and they don’t listen to their parents ahahahaha.”
Lacie and parenting were an interesting duo. Lacie tried to be the best mother for her children. She helped them when she could. But if there was one thing Lacie learnt was that parenting was a difficult skill and she learned new things every day. 
“Have you met her other twin before? Has Alice talked about her?”
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austinelvisimagines · 2 years
Don’t Ask Me Why
Austin Butler Elvis Imagine
Word Count:1.8k
Synopsis: Your boyfriend, Elvis has come home from recording his latest album and wants to take you out. You’re feeling very insecure and can’t find anything to wear. He has to boost your confidence a bit.
Warnings: There is some sexual content, but it’s not actual sex. Cussing, body insecurity. Reader calls themselves fat, etc.
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You were trying to get ready for your date tonight.
Your boyfriend, Elvis, had been out of town to record his newest album for the last three months. He had returned last night and called to tell you to be ready at 7 tonight. If you had known ahead of time you could’ve bought something new, but as it was you had worked all day; only getting off at 5.
You had immediately rushed home to shower and get ready. Your hair and makeup were already flawless, now all that was left was to get dressed.
You stood before a large, ornate oak armoire clad in your underwear and slip. You had plenty of clothes, that wasn’t the problem.
It was you.
Most days you could love yourself and your curves. Today though, when your boyfriend had undoubtedly spent the last few months surrounded by the airbrushed twigs that came with fame, it was hard.
What if he had met someone else? You hadn’t had as much contact as you would’ve liked. You knew he was busy though, so you never wanted to pester him. Maybe he was busy with someone rather than something. He was Elvis Presley; the man could have anyone he wanted. Why you?
You feathered your hands over countless dresses of countless colors. None of them seemed right. You didn’t like the way they formed to the rolls on your back or maybe the arms clung too tight and anything that hugged too close to your stomach was a definite no.
You threw your arms up and huffed before falling back to sit on the end of your plush bed. Head in hands you tried to regroup. There had to be something that looked good enough.
There was a knock at the door, and you panicked, checking the watch on your wrist. Shit. He was early. Damn his manners. You rushed to pull your silky robe over your form and ran out of the room to the front entrance.
You took a moment to compose yourself and look in the mirror you kept on the wall of the entrance hall for just this thing before unlocking the door.
He was turned away, peeking down the apartment corridor with one hand in the back pocket of his fitted slacks and the other resting face down on his thigh. You cleared your throat and he spun. His face melted into a grin, and you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“You sure are a sight for sore eyes, darlin’.”  He shifted his weight forward to lean towards you with one hand above him on the door frame. His long body looked angelic with the hall light behind him as a frame.
“Come in.” You stood aside, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I’m so sorry I’m not ready yet, I got distracted.” You stood aside to let him enter and he strode in, his long legs carried him into the room in a step and a half.
“No, I was early on purpose. Wanted to see ya like this.” He stepped into your space and wrapped his arms low around your hips. You crossed your arms over your chest and turned your gaze downwards, acutely aware of the way your stomach pressed into his torso. His hand rose and his fingers caressed your chin before gently tilting it upwards so he could see your face.
“What’s wrong, darlin’?” Eyebrows furrowed together; he searched your face for a hint to why you were acting so strange. He was used to your playful personality and carefree energy. You tried to school your face into a serene expression.
“Nothin’ hon,’ I just feel bad that I’m not ready and I still have no idea what I’m gonna wear.” You pulled your chin from his hand and looked down; unable to meet his gaze.
“Now don’t you start that now, satnin. I can tell when you’re lyin’ t’ me.” He flattened his palm against your cheek that was tucked towards your chest and turned your face back towards his.
“What’d I do, darlin’?” He was staring at you in earnest, clearly confused. You felt tears sting your eyes and let a ragged breath push past the knot in your throat.
“It’s nothin’ EP, I’m just bein’ stupid.” Back turned to him, you wrapped your arms around your center and began to walk back towards the bedroom, intent to pull yourself together and change. Behind you your boyfriend cocked and shook his head before sliding his pockets into his hands and slowly padding after you. He slid his foot into the door just before you closed it and nudged his way into the room before making his way to the edge of your bed and perching there. You began to walk past him towards your wardrobe; but just as you cleared his frame, he reached an arm out to hook around your waist and pulled you back to him. He guided you to stand between his legs and you stretched your head back, conscious of what your chin must look like from the angle.
“Now you’re just hurtin’ my feelin’s. Do I smell bad?” He pulled your robe from your shoulders and started tickling your sides before he brought his mouth to your stomach and blew a raspberry before nipping at the fat there. You jerked back in his hold and pushed his arms down.
“Quit it, Elvis!” You snapped harder than you meant to and winced when you saw the way his face fell. He folded his hands into his lap, and it was his turn to sulkily gaze down.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap.” You reached the hand that wasn’t pressed against your stomach to touch his face but stopped short before letting it fall to your side.
“If you don’t want me anymore you can just say it.” His voice was soft but held a twinge of bitterness.
“No, Elvis that’s not it. I just-” You broke off, unable to finish the thought.
“You just what? Cause from where I’m sittin’ it looks like you don’t even want to see me, and I’ve been gone for months. What’d I do?” You burst into tears. You’d never wanted to make him feel unwanted. It wasn’t his fault that you weren’t good enough.
“Let me fix it, baby, please.” He reached out to you again and you flinched.
“Why do you w-want me?” The question burst from your chest.
“What do you mean, baby?” Elvis’s mouth was opening and closing intermittently.
“I love you, Y/N. Why wouldn’t I want you?” You scoffed and squeezed your eyes shut against the tears that were rapidly falling.
“Why would you? You’re Elvis Presley, you could have anyone you wanted. Every girl wants you.” You choked on your last statement.
“I don’t want every girl. I want you, satnin. What’s gotten into you? Why’re you thinking like this, lil girl?” You groaned at the second term of endearment.
“I’m fat, Elvis!” You nearly shouted.
“I’m not a ‘lil girl,’ I’m fat.” You were sobbing again and this time when he reached for you, you let him. He pulled you to sit on his lap and you pushed against his chest, not wanting him to feel your weight.
He grabbed your wrists in his hands and pulled you forcefully to fully sit with your thighs on either side of his.
“You quit that!” He shook you by your arms.
“Let me hold my girl. You’re bein’ ridiculous.” You sniffled and he let your hands go before cradling your face in his.
“Now, I don’ know why you think I don’ have eyes. You ain’t never been little and I never wanted ya t’ be.” He gave your face a gentle tug.
“Look at me, Y/N.” You shook your head and his grip on your chin tightened a bit before you opened your eyes to look at him.
“I love you. I love your heart, and your personality, and your sense of humor. I love your body.” He leaned back to get a full look at you.
“I love your thighs.” His hands moved to grip both of your legs before they ran their way up to your arms.
“I love your arms and your hands.” He pulled one up and pressed a kiss to your palm and then gently dragged his nose up the length of your arm.
“I love your chest.” His voice was so soft now as he pressed kisses to the space above your breasts. He wrapped his arms around you to squeeze your ass before he lifted you up and turned to lay you on the bed. He moved his kisses down to your stomach.
“And I love your tummy. I just love you, mama. You’re my big girl. I don’t want no one else.” You were breathing heavily now, unable to ignore how good his lips made you feel.
“You’re so soft, mama, so perfect. Just let me love you. Can you do that?” He looked up at you from his resting place between your legs and you gently nodded.
“Good. Now that we got that outta the way knock me a kiss and finish getting ready. I been waitin’ months to take my girl out.” You blanched, realizing that he wasn’t going to carry this little lovefest any further.
“What? No! Elvis, you can’t get me all hot like that and not take it anywhere.”  You were leaning up on your arms now and he laughed before standing from the bed.
“Well, we had time for a lil lovin’ before dinner, but you didn’t wanna let me, now you’ll have to wait ‘til after.” He leaned down and grabbed your hands to help you to your feet.
“Quit your poutin’ and put on that red thing I like.” He winked before turning his head and tapping his cheek. You laid a kiss there and tried to turn to steal a real one from his lips, but he playfully dodged and smacked your ass before flopping back onto the bed.
“Don’ just stand there, I wanna watch my girl get dressed.” You rolled your eyes and turned to find the dress he had requested.
“You better be takin’ me for Italian, or Chinese.” You pulled the dress over your arms and head before walking to the side of the bed and turning your back towards him.
“And I want dessert.” He was sitting at your back now, zipping you up.
“Do you want cake or ice cream?” He ran his hands down your back and then kneaded his fingers into your ass and thighs.
“I don’t know. What do you want?” His smile turned devilish, and he used one hand to cup your pussy through your underwear.
“I want ice cream,” You were trembling and knew he could see it.
“-but I wanna eat it out of you.” You gasped and he stood, pushing you forward before coming around to your front and grabbing one of your hands in his.
“You’re a bully, Presley.” He smiled impishly and pulled the two of you out of the bedroom.
“I know, you like it though.” You shook your head and smiled. He did love to torture you, but he was right, you liked it.
Just a short and sweet one shot to get back into the swing of things.Let me know what you thought and feel free to send in requests!
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reverie-starlight · 2 years
Hi! I hope you’re doing great <3
Could u write smthn w Kuroo where his s/o does or says smthn to which he responds “you’re gonna get kissed for that.”
If u can’t or don’t want to, it’s perfectly ok. Have a great day/night! :D
this is so cute! kuroo literally used to be my favourite character and lately he’s been slowly making his way back up to top 5, so this ask is good for me. thank you for requesting, I hope you have a good day/night as well! <3
{you’re gonna get kissed for that - kuroo}
gender neutral reader!
warnings: none just fluff!! some swearing.
Note: I know his bday is in november, so for the sake of this fic, pretend it’s november.
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“Y/n! Where are you?”
You were currently hiding from your fiancé in the clothing section of the department store.
Attempting to find a gift for him for his upcoming birthday proved to be difficult when he insisted on going with you before you left the apartment.
You noticed him rounding a corner so you dove in between the racks of clothes, successfully startling a young girl and her mother. You begged them to not say anything until Kuroo left the area.
He passed by without a second glance in your direction, a confused frown on his face that almost made you feel guilty for ditching him in the shoe section.
Kuroo was not an easy person to evade. He was very observant and always seemed to know where you were even if you didn’t let him know beforehand.
He liked to joke that he had some sort of built in y/n-radar. It was cute, and you’ll admit- it saved you from getting lost too many times, but you really hated it around the holidays or special occasions and you had no choice but to bring him with you for shopping.
Times like now. You couldn’t just say no to him going with you, ‘cause then he’d know you were birthday shopping. He’d just end up snooping or pestering you until you slipped up until he either found it or got it out of you.
So far the only solution to this issue that you’d discovered was to get him distracted and then literally run from him and hide as you made your way around the store.
You sighed as you stepped out of the clothing rack, fixing your hair and not wasting any time before heading over to the game section to see if anything there would be good enough to gift him.
But, of course, the game could only go on for so long and you were running out of hiding places.
You shrieked as someone ran up behind you and latched onto your waist.
“Found you,” sang Kuroo as he buried his nose into your neck.
“Fuck, Tetsurou, you scared me!”
He spun you around to face him and raised an eyebrow. “I scared you? You literally ran from me and sent me on a wild y/n chase for the better part of an hour, but I scared you.”
You nodded. “Exactly!”
You were disappointed at having been found before you could find a gift for him but you still had some time. Maybe I can come back on my way home from work tomorrow? Or I can get Kenma to keep him busy on Saturday…
Grabbing his hand, you started to make your way to the snack aisle. You knew you had no chance of getting away from him again, but you weren’t leaving the store without at least buying something to snack on during movie night (read: on the car ride home).
After you paid and got settled in the car, Kuroo brought it up. “Hey, y/n…” he started.
“Mhmm?” You were focused on the gummy worm in front of you, trying to figure out where it’s head was.
“Why do you run from me in the store sometimes? Do you not want to hang out with me when we shop? Are you running because I did something wrong?”
You looked over at him, panicked. “No, baby, of course not! That’s not why I do that at all, I’m sorry that I made you feel like that.”
He frowned, making a right turn. “Then why?”
You sighed. You might as well tell him- you never wanted to make him feel bad. “Your y/n radar. You always seem to find me and the only way to dull it down is to run and hide.”
The car was silent for a minute as he pulled into the parking lot by your apartment building.
“But… why do you want to dull it?” He sounded confused as he parked the car and grabbed the bags.
“Because your birthday is coming up and the whole reason I was at that store was to try and find you a gift. You’re hard to shop for sometimes and you always get me the best gifts, but I didn’t want you to know that’s what I was shopping for ‘cause then you’d snoop.”
You guys walked into the building and got on the elevator. You waited for the doors to open on your floor.
“Also,” you added playfully, “the thrill of it is fun. Like an intense game of hide-and-seek.”
He snickered at that, getting off the elevator and walking to your door to unlock it.
“In all seriousness, though, Tetsu, I just wanted to make this birthday special for you, and that all starts with a super awesome gift for a super awesome fiancé. But I won’t run anymore. As long as you promise not to snoop or pester me about your gifts.”
He sat on one of the stools by the kitchen island and wrapped his arms around your waist. You ran a hand through his hair as he grinned up at you, clearly feeling better.
“Okay, that’s a deal.” His eyes filled with mischief.
“Uh oh, what’s up?”
“I’m gonna get my revenge on you for running, don’t think you’re totally off the hook, my love,” he rose from his seat. “And all that sweet stuff you said just now? Yeah, you’re gonna get kissed for all that.”
He started walking you backwards to the couch and you narrowed your eyes at him, grinning. “Kisses aren’t punishment, genius. You’d only be doing me a favour.”
He hummed as he tackled you to the couch, making you giggle as he settled on top of you and got close to your face. “Yeah, but they are when I don’t let up on them and you can’t escape.”
Light kisses were placed all over your face and neck and you laughed harder at the ticklish feeling. You tried to get away, but true to his word, you couldn’t escape.
You’d just have to go find a gift another day. For now you were enjoying the time spent with your fiancé, even if he was a menace sometimes.
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tarydarrington · 3 years
Veth doesn’t know who she’d expected to be waiting on the other side of the knock at the door, but if she’d had to guess, Essek Thelyss wringing his hands like a worried grandmother would have been near the bottom of her list.
“Oh,” she says. “Hi?”
He bobs his head, almost more a quick bow than a nod, tenting his fingers in front of his chest. “Good afternoon,” he says, with the distinct cadence of someone who has repeated the words to himself in the mirror all morning. “I hope you are well?”
“I’m all right,” Veth answers haltingly.
The two of them stand there for a moment, awkward silence hanging between them. Then, finally, Essek gives her a nervous smile.
“I do not wish to impose, but, ah…” He gestures past her. “May I enter?”
“Yeah. Sure.” She steps aside, and Essek gives her a grateful nod before walking - walking? - past her into the living room. “Take a seat, if you like.”
He takes the invitation, perching gingerly onto the very edge of the armchair they keep for their larger-sized guests. Veth follows him in, shutting the door behind her and wondering if this isn’t all a very strange dream. Essek barely meets her gaze as she circles around to stand before him. She leans forward, narrowing her eyes.
"What is this? Why are you being weird? Did something happen? Did Caleb die?"
"No!" Essek reins in his volume, pressing his palms together in apology. "No, certainly not. It is simply…"
Veth raises her eyebrows to prompt him.
"Well, I, ah…" His fingers draw little circles in the air, as though he can pull the words out like a spell. "I have read that it is custom in the Empire to request the blessing of a guardian if one wishes to…" The pained look on his face stretches even further. "Court."
Veth blinks at him. He’s serious. He has to be. That face, all pinched up towards the middle, reminds her of the way the neighbor boy looked when he admitted to breaking her dining room window. It looks absolutely absurd on the former Shadowhand.
"Well, I'm sure he would be flattered, but even with the slower aging, Luc's a little young for you."
She can practically see the joke fly over his head. "No," Essek blurts hurriedly, eyes blown wide with mortification. Veth might have laughed if she didn't feel a bit guilty. "No, I…" He brings one hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, eyes squeezing shut, and she suspects he's rooted out the sarcasm.
"If you're talking about Caleb," she says as a peace offering, "I'm certainly not his mother."
"No." Essek presses his palms together again, this time in his lap. "I have considered ways to make a meaningful gesture regarding his parents, but…"
He shakes his head. Veth can fill in the blanks. She wouldn't want the beginning of a new relationship to be tangled up in past trauma, either.
"So," he continues. "I had thought, perhaps, that as his closest friend, you might be a suitable alternative."
Well, that’s… She isn’t sure if it’s flattering, exactly, but she’ll accept the show of respect. She takes a moment to scrutinize him as he watches her apprehensively. Essek and Caleb. Caleb and Essek. It makes a certain kind of sense. Once, years ago, she might have railed against it; despite his growth, it’s still difficult sometimes to look at Essek and see anything other than her husband’s former jailer.
But lately, these last few years, Veth has been at home. She’s been with her family, the most important people in the world to her, and Caleb… well, he’s been off on his own adventures. And without Veth there to look after him, it’s been on Essek’s shoulders to make sure he comes back from said adventures alive and whole. Which he has, so far, without fail.
And that look Essek is giving her, as though if she says no, it might actually dissuade him?
"First of all," she begins with a sigh, "you’re not at court. You’re not courting. You're dating."
At the look of confusion on Essek's face, she takes a deep breath.
"You'll take him to have a meal together, or to see a play, or to watch a lecture. Don't do the lecture thing, that's a bad idea. That would be a terrible date." She pauses. "Although, with you two, maybe."
She can tell from the look on his face that she's losing him, so she waves her hands. "Nevermind that. Disregard all of that. The point is, you'll take him to nice places and do enjoyable things together."
Essek shifts uncomfortably. “I… don’t know if I can do that,” he admits. “I cannot be seen outside of the confines of his home or areas outside of the Empire.”
Veth frowns. “Well, you’re going to have to take him somewhere. You have disguises, right?”
Essek seems to consider it. “I do,” he says. “I suppose it would be worth a small risk, from time to time.”
“You’re darn right,” Veth agrees. “And don’t skimp, either. Caleb deserves the best.”
Essek nods entirely too seriously, as though he’s filing all this away in his mind. Veth makes a mental note to pester him with a progress report in about six months’ time.
Not one too rigorous, though. It’s hard to imagine prodding at him for entertainment’s sake when he looks so pathetic.
“Is there anything else?” he asks tentatively, when the silence persists.
“Well, let’s see.” She runs a finger over her chin, theatrically deep in thought. She already knows her answer. “Do you care for him?”
“Of course.” The sincerity on his face almost makes her feel bad about this. “More deeply than I have ever cared for anyone.”
She shouldn’t ask. It’s probably not something he’s discussed with Caleb himself, yet, if they’re only just now getting together. It would be prying, even for her. “Do you love him?” she asks, anyway.
A little, lost smile turns up one corner of Essek’s lips, and it’s almost a whisper when he replies, “How could I not?”
A pang of something that has never quite left Veth’s heart smarts for the first time in years, and she looks away with a matching smile.
When she and Caleb had been traveling with the others, people tended to hem and haw when she brought up how amazing Caleb was. They thought he was talented, sure, but it sometimes felt like none of the others could see the unquenchable light in him. But looking at Essek’s face, at the way his eyes are shining, Veth can’t help but think that maybe, finally, somebody gets it.
"Alright." She reaches out, and before he can flinch away, pats his hand. "You've convinced me. You have earned my permission to have regular sex with my adult, human son."
“I…” His brow furrows. “Truly?”
“Yeah, go nuts.” She waves a hand dismissively. “Caleb’s a grown adult. He can make his own choices, and if he’s choosing you, then good for both of you.”
Essek blinks at her like she’s just handed him a full pardon from the Bright Queen.
“I mean, obviously, if you hurt him, you will have all of us to answer to,” she says. “But you’re the guilt guy, so I think you’ll probably have yourself to answer to, first.”
"I…" He clasps his hands together. "I expected more… what is the word? Pushback.”
Veth braces her hands on her hips. “You know what? Fjord and Jester didn’t even tell me they were dating until I literally saw them kissing, and Beau and Yasha were barely better.” She jabs a finger towards Essek’s chest, ignoring the way he startles at the movement. “So you have just made it to the top of the Winter’s Crest card list.”
Essek presses his steepled fingers against his mouth, but not before Veth catches the bashful smile spreading there.
“Thank you,” he says. “Truly, I… This means a great deal.”
“Heck yeah, my blessing’s worth a lot,” she replies with a grin. “You know what? Tell Fjord that. He doesn’t have my blessing. I’m gonna make him work for it.”
This time the joke doesn’t pass him by, and she can read in his small smile that he’s grateful for the show of familiarity.
“I should hope he will rise to the occasion,” he says, and Veth gets the feeling he isn’t just talking about Fjord.
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