#you’re SO RIGHT
woundlingus · 1 year
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chelseeebe · 1 year
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better together
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alexs-asks · 5 months
[asks abt George remind me of this one video of some guy named Beomhan (who ive never heard of before this video) getting asked how old his father is and saying "stay away from my father guys he's married"]
(mod speaking)
i’ve edited this to really capture the energy
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hangingonyourwords · 4 months
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Mess being like Chris Kreider is a goddamn specimen, I’m dying (link)
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My aro and ace experience is having so much time to myself. I am so detached from the drama of romance, the vulnerability that comes with it, and the rather annoying obligation to keep checking in with your partner.
Because of that immense freedom, i could invest time on doing things that I actually value. I've aced the academic life, I'm doing well in my job, I have time to work on my side projects. I have time to learn a foreign language out of a whim. I have time for arts and literature. I can go on forever about the things that I love to do.
And so, I'm so done with allos who tell me that, "without love, you're living half your life". They meant romantic love, of course. I could tell with the way they sneered whenever they tell me that.
What they will never understand is that, I love not to love people. And all this time, I've been doing the things that I really love.
that’s the most beautiful thing I have ever read
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laknxghts · 6 months
he’s doing more to include sami in the story than wwe is
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
Drunk Eddie and Steve are the type to egg each other on to do stupid random things. Stealing road sings? They’d compete over who could get more and probably more then likely adopt a pet raccoon and fed it burgers
they would be such a fucking chaos duo when drunk oh my god. it would have gotten to the point where when the gang goes out, immediately they try to force one or the other to be DD because god forbid both of those heathens get to just get absolutely shit faced together.
steve let’s loose, giving up his need to always be caring for others and just fully leaning into his chaotic nature. which, on his own, is fine. but then you add eddie to the mix. and a drunk steve and sober eddie can be chaotic enough, really, because even eddie sober leads to him hyping the boy up beyond a threshold in which anyone else, even robin, can handle. but drunk eddie? oh. it is a recipe for disaster.
(apologies because i went so very steddie below the cut. not sure if that was your intention but… i’m thinking. so many. thoughts. either way, those two are chaos harbingers together when tequila is involved. or rum. or vodka. just… any alcohol they get their filthy grabby hands on.)
steve, a chaotic drunk who will run away at a moments notice and eddie, a clingy drunk who will succumb to his need to stick to steve’s side that lingers even when sober. if steve is going somewhere, eddie is following like a lost puppy. steve’s going for a cigarette? eddie’s providing the pack. steve wants to take another shot? eddie’s already pouring, anything for a chance to brush knuckles when they cheers. steve complains about the night ending? eddie’s silent, sitting in the car and mind racing a mile a minute before he starts blurting out possible ways to keep the fun going, even going as far as to just suggest steve comes over to his trailer and hangs out. an innocent invitation that the poor boy has been over analyzing and painstakingly trying to navigate while sober, just to slip out so effortlessly the moment he has a whiff of alcohol in him.
and then there was that new year’s eve party. no one really talks about it, and steve would never admit it, but he was far more sober than he’d ever care to admit when the clock struck midnight and eddie munson grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and planted one of the harshest and messiest kisses steve ‘the king’ harrington has ever had the pleasure of experiencing. sometimes he still thinks about it when he can’t sleep. sometimes, he misses the way eddie’s teeth clashed against his own and how jameson tasted on the boy’s breath against his own.
too bad eddie was too drunk to remember it and yearn about it the way steve did.
except he does. and steve will never know, because eddie regrets it everyday that he stained his first taste of steve’s lips on his with that goddamned alcohol. and when steve didn’t mention it that next morning, eddie swears a piece of him becomes frozen in time in that previous year.
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otrtbs · 6 months
idk if this has been said before i’ve legit just thought of this upon seeing ur post but james potter gives me frat boy harry styles energy (not looks!! but vibes)
also hello hi love u <33
hihihi ily ily <33
um absolutely he does. absolutely he does and you’re so right. i’m sorry but james gives the biggest frat boy energy ever. like he is doing the keg stands. he is going buck wild for a good darty. he would love being a pledge with sirius standing and the front door of the frat house asking people who they know in the frat before they can come into the party. (ladies get in free yeah)
he’s taking lily to the frat house with one-ply toilet paper and a broken sink and she’s like “damn you live like this???” And james does. and he loves it. doses and mimosas and jordan belfort are his songs ,,, he’s got the backwards baseball hat on and the sunglasses on inside. he’s asking other people how much they can lift ,,, he dry scoops his protein. mr. brightside is playing on a loop..,,
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Shoutout to the three (3) people who agreed with me today on Jons stream that Richie listens to Will Wood
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ttgrobincult · 17 days
I love teen titans go I love teen titans go I love teen titans go I love teen titans go I love teen titans go I love teen titans go I love teen titans go I love teen titans go I love teen titans go I love teen titans go I love teen titans go I love teen titans go I love teen titans go I love teen titans go
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pama-saga · 2 months
qait I need the world to know that I headcanon PAMA's metal parts to get REALLY hot when out in the sun (and it's summer)
This also implies that when theyre in the right lighting/angle the reflections could blind you
My light sensitive ass standing behind PAMA getting the full wrath of the sun:
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greatsnakestintin · 2 months
Haddock doesn't much like sitting on his phone to watch videos, but Nestor has convinced him to get a tablet, going so far as to teach Haddock how to use it. Nestor had a handful of videos on the tablet for Haddock's viewing pleasure, but Haddock waited until Nestor was on vacation to look them over.
They're a wide variety. He gets lost in the cat videos, chuckling at the antics of humans and cats trying to coexist. The dog videos are kind of funny too, occasionally. However, Nestor hadn't stopped there, oh no. Nestor had a whole playlist called "soothing, watch when trying to sleep".
Haddock, drunk, opens the first one.
If there are words, Haddock barely hears them, mesmerized as he is by the whirling motion of clay, and of slim fingers shaping it. The clay climbs into a tower, then collapses under skillful fingers. Wet palms caress the sides, bowing them outwards, then back inwards. He sees freckles, a light dusting of pale hair, and strong forearms. The video ends with a vase.
Haddock restarts it. He falls asleep watching the clay spin, the hands forming beauty.
When he awakens, Haddock decides he NEEDS to see more. A quick skim through the videos shows no other videos. Haddock refuses to call Nestor and ask for help. After all, how hard can it be to find a video like that?
Haddock has no idea where to even start looking. He opens Google (he's not a complete heathen after all!) and sits there, stymied. He tries "clay pot" and "making", but it brings up too many results, none of which look anything like the hands that had so lovingly crafted the vase.
Haddock tries again and again. He tries every combination he can think of, before giving up and calling Bianca for help.
Bianca, of course, says in distraction, "Well, do you know who made the video? Have you checked your Youtube history? Nestor may have pulled it from- NO DON'T TOUCH THAT!" Bianca hangs up in a hurry.
Youtube history? Laboriously, Haddock opens Youtube and does a scan of the front page. There, on the left hand side, is a menu, and the word 'history'. He scrolls down, past the videos he's rejected. He sees videos in his history not from today!
Haddock scrolls faster, nose practically pressed against the screen. Finally, he spots it, the video from last night. It was made by "Adventure Ceramics". Haddock clicks it and selects the first video he comes across.
Over the next week, Haddock consumes the videos, spanning back 8 years. Sometimes the man making the videos speak, but he never shows his face. Haddock often falls asleep listening to the sound of a pottery wheel turning. He hits 'subscribe' somewhere in the middle.
Nestor comes back right as Haddock finishes catching up with all the videos. "I see you have found something interesting," Nestor says with a smirk. Haddock waves him off absently. "This guy's got some great pottery," Haddock tell Nestor. "I'm thinking of buying one of them. That table in the Green Room is looking a little bare."
Nestor doesn't disagree, simply raises an eyebrow. "Do you need help with the purchase?" Haddock, relieved Nestor asked, thrusts the tablet at him. "Yes. This one!" Nestor scrolls through the details before nodding. It wouldn't look bad in the Green Room, actually, and the table was kind of bare. "Very well Sir," Nestor says, and goes to get the house credit card.
The vase, a beautifully painted item, sits in the Green Room, where Haddock can stare and admire it. It's joined by a second, then a third. His fourth purchase is a small, squat pot with a lid, which Nestor whisks into the kitchen and promptly lines and puts sugar in with a "Should you choose to buy more, I have more items to put into them."
Haddock things he might have an issue when he watches the latest video, where the man isn't playing with a pottery wheel, but is crafting clay into a ship. Haddock tears into the kitchen, waving it. "Nestor! Look!" Nestor gives it a cursory glance and smiles. "Did you wish to leave a comment," Nestor asks. Haddock nods enthusiastically.
And so the comments start. Haddock buys the boat. He tries to keep them coherent, but he's sure he doesn't manage. There is more than one "Blistering Barnacles!" and "Thundering Typhoons!" in his comments. He drinks himself maudlin more than once, wondering why he is like this, but Adventuring Ceramics has taken to giving him a thumbs up. It makes Haddock extremely happy.
Then the comments back start. Little things, like "How is the ship?" or more memorably on a not Haddock made about loving a specific color of blue, "Oh! Yes, I have been trying some mixed colors lately, to see if I can get the layering just right!" Like Haddock knows anything about painting. Their conversations become more in-depth over the next few months. Haddock tells Adventuring Ceramics the name of his ship. Adventuring Ceramics shows he can paint on canvas by painting a wooden ship sailing the seas called "The Last Unicorn". It goes up on Haddock's walls, with a personalized note. It makes Haddock blush as he tucks the note behind the painting.
Adventure Ceramics posts a ceramics video from a different angle for once. Instead of looking down or from the side, it's angled slightly up, revealing a slim frame, and the strong column of a throat framed by a button up with the top two buttons popped.
The youthful voice hums jauntily, another 'new' thing, singing to a radio playing in the background. It makes Haddock's heart beat a little faster, for reasons he doesn't know. "Good job lad," he writes anyways, and enthusiastically states what about the ceramic he likes best. It's a safe topic right? Right???
"Oh, is that all you liked," Adventure Ceramic asks. Haddock hastens to tell him "no no! Your singing is very good!" Haddock breaks out into a sweat as he reads the response. "Oh good! How was the view? Was the new camera angle any good? I wasn't too sure." Haddock hastens to tell the man what he liked best, only slapping his forehead when he admits his appreciation for the sweater under the apron. "Thank you" is the only response.
He drinks to forget.
Adventure Ceramics doesn't post for two weeks, not that Haddock is worried or anything. He has Nestor help him drop Adventure Ceramics a line. Just something he emails to the public email posted on the Youtube channel.
Haddock, with no videos to watch, flips through the news on the TV, feeling a little at a loss. He hopes his friend is okay. He settles on current news.
On the screen, a redhead, reporting live from China, talks animatedly about corruption and a human trafficking ring busted wide open on what appeared to be accident. The voice is soothing. The voice is familiar. The man raises his free hand, gesturing, sporting a horrible burn on the backside.
Haddock watches, trying to place why the voice would be familiar when nothing else about the man is. He wants to put it out of his mind, but it stays.
The next video for Adventure Ceramics goes up with a short apology. "Got caught up in something," says the writing at the start of the video. It's not from the new angle, and there is a tape around one hand, protecting plastic-wrapped gauze. "Got an small injury."
"Small injury my foot," Haddock writes furiously. "I don't know what carpet you're trying to sell, but I know where you got it from." Furious, he sets his tablet down and walks away. He refuses to pick it up for two days.
Nestor reminds him to check his email for an invitation from Bianca to some charity thing she blackmails him into. Something about journalism. Haddock really couldn't care less. He sees a reply email from Adventure Ceramics, but chooses to ignore it. He RSVPs with Bianca.
He goes to the stupid charity gala dressed in a tuxedo he didn't know he owned, that he thinks Nestor created from witchcraft and pain. It fits perfectly, if a little tight, and Nestor forced him to trim his beard. Bianca, naturally, abandons him at the door when she spots her friends. It's fine, he'll prop up a wall and drink.
Somewhere in the midst of the party, he's aware of someone sliding up next to him and handing him a drink. It's water. Spluttering, he looks into familiar blue eyes and a small smirk. "Hullo, Captain," the young man says. He waves with his burned hand. "Fancy seeing you here. My name is Tintin."
Haddock nearly chokes on air. In person, that voice is much, much different than on TV. Obviously he needs new speakers. "Hello Tintin," Haddock says cautiously, and reaches out to shake Tintin's hand. They stand there and talk.
It doesn't occur to Haddock until long after he's sober and the party's over and Tintin is curled up against him that Tintin knew exactly who he was, and what he looked like. "You're not subtle," Tintin says with a yawn. "I looked you up. Saw a picture." Haddock blushes crimson. "Habit of a journalist," Tintin says with a twinkle in his eyes. Haddock pulls a pillow over his head to muffle his groan.
I haven’t looked at my inbox in a very long time, but i saw this and I think it just became my new favourite thing EVER
Give! Me! Pottery Nerds! Tintin! and! Haddock!
this is fantastic, the two of them messaging back and forth and OF COURSE tintin knows who haddock is that kid could out smart Mi6 if he had to Haddock is SO GONE and UGH this is perfect thank you so much for making my day with this!!!!!
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maidstew · 19 days
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This feels like something mizzen would wear on Halloween
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scorchedmazes · 9 months
my favorite blurry picture of minho:
he’s just: 🤨
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doctorsiren · 8 months
is it just me or do garfield and beanix give off similar vibes. I thought about it today and I am incredibly tempted to draw just that, but I need a second opinion LMAO
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dindjarindiaries · 6 months
Honestly just read "everything I wanted" again for the 50th time and honestly now I'm imagining everything from Din's POV? He said there how it hurt to see her distancing herself away from him so now I want angst and pining but from him??
……… it’s time for Din’s POV. I’m committed to this now idc
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