#you x jongup
multifandomslxt · 1 year
Pairing: Mafia!Lee Jeno x Florist!Reader
Trope: Grumpy x sunshine
Genre: Dark Mafia Romance
Word count: 1.7k
Lee Jeno is a dangerous man. From going on k!lling sprees for fun to torturing and k!lling his own father. He does it all. In short Lee Jeno is the devil.
Y/N is a florist. She's as pure as they come. Nothing exciting ever happens in her life and she’s okay with that. In short Y/N is an angel.
He was bad and she was good. They were complete opposites.
…Or so they thought
Get your tissues for this one. It's gonna be one hell of a ride
Warnings for this chapter: mentions of blood, torture, bodily harm, scars etc. Jeno is obsessed.
*((((A/N: words in bold are her conscience and words spoken in Korean are in italics ))))*
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FLOWER OF THE DAY: The Tiger lily represents confidence and not arrogance or vanity, and this is why the flower was often associated with nobility in times past. In Buddhism, tiger lilies are symbolic of the virtues of mercy and compassion.
“Miss, it now time for dinner. Master Jeno will not be joining us again this evening” Jieun said as she peeked her head through my bedroom door.
I waved my hand at her in dismissal before looking over at the digital clock on the nightstand.
‘6:00 PM’ it said.
Of course. I had been eating dinner at 6pm for the past three weeks. Without Jeno.
This is his house, but he’s never here. The last time I saw him was when we had our argument in his office.
And he licked your tears.
Which led to me awkwardly running out the door with tears still streaming down my face.
I got lost not even five minutes after that and had to get another maid to help me back to my room.
Ever since then ‘Master Jeno’ was nowhere to be seen.
Sighing I got up off the bed, not bothering to change out of the oversized t-shirt I was given (with no shorts) and made my way downstairs for dinner.
The minute I stepped into the dining room, the smell of Beef practically assaulted my nose causing my mouth to salivate and my stomach rumble.
I made my way to the same chair I’ve been sitting on for these three weeks waiting on Jongup to bring the food.
Jeno not being here allowed me to get to know the staff a little better so we were on good terms. Ironically the only worker here who didn’t warm up to me was Jieun. Although, I kind of got the vibe that she didn’t like me from the get-go.
The dining room was probably the most beautiful place - next to the kitchen of course – in this hell hole.
With marble floors and an oval table surrounded by velvet chairs, I fell in love with it immediately.
The chandelier hanging directly over the table only added to the beauty of the room.
“Y/n, I made wagyu is that okay?” the sweet voice of Jongup spoke behind me.
Turning around, I smiled when I met his wide eyes. The poor guy was traumatized from Jeno’s temper. He was a few years younger than me and recently just graduated high school. He worked here because his family Has been working for Jeno’s for a while.
“That’s fine Jongup. Bring it here and come eat with me.” I spoke. Although it took some serious convincing, he had been eating with me for the past two weeks.
I watched as he walked to wards the table setting the platter of meet down before turning to me with apologetic eyes.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?” I asked concerned.
“I’m afraid I can’t eat with you tonight. Master Jeno will be coming soon, and it would get me in trouble.” He said solemnly.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion “I thought Jeno wasn’t joining us today”.
“I changed my mind.” An all too familiar voice spoke.
Judging from the way Jongup stiffed and practically ran away, I knew Jeno was back.
From God knows where.
The sound of his shoes meeting the tiles echoed throughout the room.
Great, now because of him my second favourite room in this house has now been placed on the bottom of the list.
He came to a halt directly behind my chair and leaned down inhaling my scent.
” It’s good manners to greet other when you see them Y/n”. His hot breath touched my ear.
He smelt like cigarettes and aftershave. Ew.
“You saw me in here first, so you are the one who should greet me” I spat out.
He stood up straight and chuckled.
It happened all too quickly.
 One second I was facing the able and the next, I was facing him.
He fucking spun the chair around.
This fucking bitch.
He used his hands to cage me. One arm on each side of the chair.
He peered down at me with a dark look in his eyes “I’ve missed you and your fucking mouth.”
His eyes started to tail down my body before stopping at my legs.
His body jolted as if something shocked him. “Flower, is this how you’ve been coming downstairs foe the past weeks?”
I stared at him in a daze. I finally got a good look at him after these three weeks and he looked the same. Except for the very obvious blood stains on his white button up and black slacks.
Suddenly he grabbed my arms and pulled me up and into him. “Answer the question baby I hate repeating myself I’m only doing this because it’s you. Is this how you’ve been dressing since I left?”
 “Yes” the only word I could get out before I was being dragged up the stairs.
I tried to pull my hands out of his grip but to no avail.
“Jeno let me go”.
“Shut up. How fucking dare, you let anybody else see what I’ve only dreamt about. You’re going to change into proper clothes. Now.” He grumbled out.
When we made it to the top of the stairs, he dropped my hands and continued walking.
Stupidly, I followed him.
Eventually he stopped at a door I didn’t recognize.
“This is my room. Until I have time to take you shopping you will wear my clothes. This is how I’ll mark you. With my clothes my scent and soon my very being.”  He said with his back turned to me.
Not long after he opened the door and we stepped into his room.
It was bare of any pictures and colour.
Just a King-sized bed in the middle. A dresser in the far left pf the room a tv on the wall and two doors one of which must be his bathroom and the other his closet.
“How fitting” I mumbled
He turned to me and raised his eyebrows as if to ask me what I mean.
“You’re a soulless prick. So, it makes sense your room looks like none lives here.” I explained.
He let out a breathy chuckle and then smirked “That mouth of yours is going to get you in serious trouble Flower. Be careful.”
Shaking his head, he walked over to one of the doors I had seen earlier.
He opened it to reveal his closet.
“Go ch-“ before he could finish his sentence his phone started ringing,
He clenched his jaw in annoyance and mumbled “I told these fuckers not to call me”.
Taking his phone out his pocket he accepted the call and brought it to his ear.
“Speak.” He said into the phone.
He pointed at me then the closet and stepped out leaving no room for argument.
Signing I stepped into the huge closet (that I’m pretty sure could be used as a bedroom) and started to strip. Not before looking to see if Jeno was watching.
You would want him to.
Shaking my head at my silly thoughts I picked out a random shirt and sweatpants.
All was well until I caught the sight of my bare back in the mirror.
The marks bringing back painful memories I prayed to forget.
I hated looking at them.
They made me feel weak.
Nonetheless, I couldn’t help but stare at them.
They were cigarette burns.
‘You can’t ever leave me Dove; I’ll always find you.’
I sucked in a sharp breath trying to pry my mind away from such memories. I turned away from the mirror trying  to finish the task at hand.
I was about to unclasp my bra when I heard his voice.
“What is that?” Jeno barked out.
My body jolted in shock as he spoke.
Nervously I looked around the room avoiding his eye contact “W-what?”
He grunted and quickly stalked towards me.
He gripped my waist and pulled me into him, he was searching my face for something
“Someone hurt you flower, tell me who.”
I felt his hands running down the middle of my back
I tensed in response to his touch.
Suddenly, he turned me around so I was now facing the mirror and my back was turned to him.
I feel exposed.
I hate it.
I feel vulnerable.
I really, really hate it.
"Who did this to you?" He asked quietly, his eyes scanning my back.
"None of your goddamn business" I fumed. I was embarrassed. He shouldn't have seen that.
"Flower, I'm sure you've gathered by now that I have very little patience." He said sharply.
"Who did this to you?" he continued. His eyes were still scanning my back, now with a dangerous glint.
I shut my eyes tightly contemplating whether or not I should tell him something so painful.
Tell him. He'll protect you...he has to.
I swallowed thickly, still unsure if I was going to do this or not.
"It was..."
I breathed out. I felt nauseous.
“It was my brother”.
Words I never thought would fall out of my mouth eventually did.
His hands had moved from my back and were now gripping my shoulders tightly.
Through the reflection I the mirror I could see that his jaw was clenched, and his eyes were dripping with murderous intent.
“Why?” he asked, with a a slight rasp to his voice.
“I’m not ready to share that” I said shakily.
I felt too open now. It was uncomfortable.
He inhaled deeply and started to caress my shoulder with his thumbs.
“I can kill him for you flower. I don’t know what he has done but he put you in danger and for that ill carve his skin off his body and watch his raw flesh rot. Anything you want I’ll do it for you”.
I sucked in a breath at how dark Jeno sounded. Something n me told me he wasn’t bluffing.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. That would make me just as bad as him”
Abruptly, he turned me around to face him “Nothing could taint you, baby. I would kill him myself and If I got caught I would take the fall a thousand times over and over. I would kill for you. You deserve that.”
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hoforwonho · 7 months
And this is besides Lovelyz & Wonho because you're getting those whether you like it or not & you should know that by now
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jongupfics · 1 year
Jongup x reader. Skydive AU
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daebakinc · 2 years
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Pairing: Zelo x Reader (G) Prompt: Cyborg/Android Word Count: 1.5K
~Admin V
             It had been over a week since you first woke up in the cyborg unit. Once you were stable, you learned that a truck ran a light while you were at the crosswalk. After running you over, your leg got stuck in an axel and you were dragged a bit before the truck stopped. The leg was obliterated. When they brought you to Dr. Choi, he was able to cleanly remove it and replace it with the robotic prosthetic.
             You sat in a wheelchair, looking out the window in the physical therapy room. Your therapist, Jongup, had moved two ballet bars for you to use as railings while you walked along them. You didn’t want to. You didn’t want to do it today, and you hadn’t wanted to do it the last three days. Despite Jongup’s encouragement and cheers, you ignored him and continued looking out the window.
             A sigh of relief escaped when he finally left you alone in the room. It was crazy to you that the doctors wouldn’t give you time to process and grieve your loss. They expected you to try and use your new “leg” right away.
             The reprieve was short lived as Dr. Choi came into the room. He walked toward your chair and knelt down in front of you. “Jongup tells me you won’t do the exercises again.”
             With a non-committal grunt, you continued to look out the window. He called your name but you refused to look at him. “You have to use your leg. You need to walk on it, and bend down with it. All the other things you would normally do before your accident.”
             “That’s just it, isn’t it?” Your glare was icy as you turned to him. “It’s not my leg. I could do all the things you want me to do before the accident. I don’t want to do them now. Why can’t you just leave me alone?”
             The fact that he smiled widely made you angrier. “I’m not gonna just let you wallow in self-pity. You’re absolutely right; what happened to you is unfair and you didn’t deserve to have it happen. But it did happen. I know that’s hard to accept, but it happened and you can’t change that.”
             Turning away from him, looking back out the window was easier than to admit he was right.
           “I know you want to be left alone in your pity party, but unfortunately, your new leg doesn’t have that kind of time.”
             “What makes you think I even want this stupid thing?”
             “So you would like to remain in a wheelchair the rest of your life instead of walking and being mobile on your own?”
             “I want to be fully human!” You gestured at your leg. “This makes me a freak! You don’t think people will just ignore a big robot leg, do you?”
             “It won’t always look like that. Once you complete therapy and it moves in sync with you, we’ll confirm there are no problems and cover it with a very realistic silicon. It will look just like your other leg. Soon you’ll forget it’s even metal.”
             “Like you’d know,” muttered from your lips.
             He stood up then and unbuttoned the collar of his shirt. Looking up at him, he revealed a scar on his neck. Then he removed his lab coat and lifted the back of his shirt. There was a long scar from what you could see going alongside his spinal column. Dr. Choi turned back to you. “You’re not the only one who’s not fully human.”
             Your mouth dropped. There were no words. All you could do was stare.
             His smile this time was sheepish. “Before my accident, I used to be a B-boy.”
             Still in shock, you spoke without thinking. “But you’re so tall.”
             That made him chuckle. “Yeah, it was part of the problem. I tried to do a backflip I wasn’t prepared for and landed wrong. Technically, my neck was broken and my spine was damaged. I would be paralyzed without the robotic parts that I have now.”
             You were still at a loss for words. He bent down to your level again. “You can do this. I know, because I did. Your new leg is attached to your nerve endings. When you move it, it’s going to move just like your other one did. It will build muscle memory and act just like a normal human leg. But right now, by not moving it, it’s building the memory of a statue, and that’s how it will act.”
             His words were understood. The stubborn part of you still didn’t want to give in, but it did seem like this was your shot at having your life as normal as it had always been.
             Seeing your deliberation, Dr. Choi beamed once more. “I’ll make you a deal; you try walking, and I will show you some of my B-boy moves.”
             Your mouth dropped. “You still do them?”
             He wiggled his eyebrows. “I rap, too.”
             “Is Dr. Choi your stage name?”
             Chuckling, he shook his head. “That would be Zelo.”
             “Zelo. Dr. Zelo. I think if I’m doing this, I should get the full show of rapping and B-boying.”
             He rubbed his chin, pretending to consider the bargain. “I don’t know. You haven’t been a very good patient so far. Jongup is the cheeriest person in this place, and you made him frown.”
             “How cheerful were you after your accident? Do you want me to use the leg or not?”
             His smile was back. “Okay then. You walk down the bars; I’ll rap and dance for you. Deal?” His hand stretched out to you.
             You accepted it and shook. “Deal.”
             He was ready to help you to stand, but you motioned for him to stop. “Will it hurt?”
             Zelo knelt down again. “It won’t hurt, but it won’t feel comfortable. The leg is trying to learn how it’s supposed to function, so it’s going to be a little stiff and hard to move at first. Once it receives signals from the nerve endings, and you move it, it will get easier and feel more comfortable.”
             You nodded and mumbled an “okay.”
             His hand rested on top of yours as he looked into your eyes. “You can do this. I’m gonna be here all the way.”
             Nodding again, you allowed Zelo to help you up from the wheelchair and hobble over to the ballet bars. Once you were situated, he moved to the opposite end. “Whenever you’re ready. Take your time.”
             He wasn’t joking when he said it would be uncomfortable. The leg wasn’t any heavier than your human leg was, but because it was new, it felt like dead weight. Your nerve endings tingled as you attempted to move it. You could only move it an inch, and you were sweating from just that much.
             “You’re doing good! Don’t worry about how far it moves. Take as small of a step as you need. You can build up to longer strides.”
             Squeezing the bars for support, you moved your good leg then tried your robotic leg again. A gasp sounded when the nerve endings tingled again. It felt like electricity. It continued like this until you were out of breath and at the end of the bars. Zelo had grabbed your wheel chair and had it ready for you. You were thankful as he helped you into it.
            “That was good! You did really well.”
            Still breathless, you lifted your shirt to wipe sweat of your forehead.
            “So which do you want first, rapping or dancing?”
            Your eyebrow lifted. “You can’t do both at once?”
            A smug smirk appeared. “Oh, I can. But you’re only getting one now. I’ll do the other when you make it back down the bars.”
            “What?” Your mouth dropped.
            “Like I said, time is of the essence, and you didn’t want to use it the first few days. We can’t stop now.” Zelo chuckled as you groaned. “It will be easier this time. Your leg has some input from the nerve endings sending messages to move. It has a better idea of how to function.”
            You did nothing but glare at him. It only made him beam brighter.
            “I’m still here to help you. Us cyborgs gotta stick together.”
            If looks could kill . . . “I’m gonna use my cyborg leg to kick your cyborg ass.”
            His smile never faltered. “That’s the spirit! Gotta walk the row again if that’s ever gonna happen.” When you ignored him, he started shaking his shoulders and shimmying. “What’s it gonna be?”
            It was hard not to smile at this ridiculously tall doctor dancing like a fool before you. Pride still in tow, you gave him a solemn look. “I will walk it again, but I want both the rapping and dancing together when I make it to the end.”
            “Alright!” He raised his hand for a high-five. When you refused to meet him, he lifted your hand and slapped it against his, making you grin again. “Let’s get this robo-show on the road!”
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nightworldkrp · 2 years
Are you looking for more master or mistress or slave characters? And who would you like to see?
Our current list is: 24 pets (avoiding triggering a shadowban) 16 Male 8 Female
21 Masters 14 Masters 7 Mistresses Wanted Males: 2PM Taecyeon Astro Cha Eun Woo BAP Jongup, Zelo, Youngjae, and Daehyun EXO D.O. Ikon Bobby KARD BM Monster X I.M, Shownu, Minhyuk, Jooheon NCT Doyoung, WinWin, Hendery, Jungwoo, Shotaro SF9 Chani TXT Soobin, Choi Soobin Soloist Kang Daniel Actor Seo Kang Joon, Lee Jong Suk, Lee Soo Hyuk Wanted Females: 9Muses Moon Hyuna, Hyemi AOA Seolhyun CLC Yeeun EXID Hani, L.E Izone Eunbi KARD Somin, Jiwoo Kep1er Yujin Mamamoo Hwasa Red Velvet Yeri Sistar Hyolyn, Bora SNSD Sunny, Yuri, Hyoyeon, Tiffany Twice Tzuyu, Chaeyoung, Momo, Nayeon, Mina, Jihyo, Jeongyeon, Dahyun Soloist IU, Boa, Sunmi, Jessi Actress Lee Sungkyung, Lee Dahee
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eximalz · 2 years
stole it from @instantnochu 🤍
The first song that got you into kpop?
- call me baby by EXO.
The first band you starting staning in kpop?
Your first bias?
- first Sehun, then I chanced to Chanyeol
Your first bias wrecker?
- Xiumin
Your favorite boy group?
- B.A.P, HOTSHOT, Omega X and TAN.
Your favorite girl group?
- Le Sserafim
Your ultimate bias?
- Moon Jongup 🖤
The main fandom your apart of?
- Babyz!!
Your ultimate band?
- N.flying
Your favorite era of your ultimate band?
- Hot Potato
Your opinion, black haired idols or dyed hair?
- Yes, both please
Aegyo master girls?
- Hyuna😍
Aegyo master boys?
- Jooheon
Your favorite maknae
- Zelo, Jiseong, Yechan and Hojung ofc ;;
Your ‘child’ group?
- I don’y think I have one
The group you could see yourself becoming best friends with?
Your favorite kpop song boys?
- I am mostly an upbeat-fan, but my faves are still the songs: don’t leave by Block B, Sick by A.C.E, Day6’s I need somebody
Your favorite kpop song girls?
- LUNA, with Madonna
Are you more into girl groups or boy groups?
- Boys, I’m afraid 😂
Favorite kpop girl dance?
- HYO- punk right now
Favorite kpop boy dance?
- Skydive by B.A.P
If you were stuck in a horror movie you’d want which group with you?
- Btob maybe, they would have maketh that movie more hillarious than scary
Favorite fandom glow stick?
- I need to stick with my babyz here, the green bunny is a HIT!!!
Favorite fandom name?
- the fandom of Pentagon have such a wonderful name: Universe
Visual king?
- My visual king is Leedo, god that man!!
Visual queen?
- it’s so many visuals queens, but the first thing that comes to mind is Yeji
Dance queen?
- Hwasa
Dance king?
- Jongup and Junghoon
Rap king?
- Zuho and Namjoon
Rap queen?
- Jessi and Youngji
A group you’d really like to get into?
- VAV maybe?
Your favorite ship?
- I am so bad at these, rooting for everyone that likes it
Your favorite intergroup friendship?
- when B.A.P still was a group, with Btob<3
Ballads or upbeat songs?
- upbeat!!!
Have you ever met any of your idols?
- Nope, only MONSTA X and Momoland
Do you prefer cute themes or sexy themes?
- Sexy themes for the win
How long have you been a kpop fan?
- Since october 2015
Your favorite comeback song?
- Btob with outsider
Do you have any kpop company you tend to prefer?
- the kind ones
Barefaced idols or make up?
- both is beautiful
Is you bias list as out of control as mine?
- YOU BET 😰😰😰😰😰😰
How many groups do you actually keep tabs on?
- 4 groups, but only one of them is still going…(rip me)
Your current favorite kpop song?
- The Wild Idol - Last Chance
First kpop dance you’ve attempted to learn?
- Call me baby by EXO (big mistanke to begin with, that was hard)
When I hear kpop songs in public I....?
- sing with it
If I knew someone irl who had the same bias as me I would...?
- try to vibe more with them through kpop, maybe new friends?
Kpop idol I would most like to meet?
- Yongguk
Kpop idol who is like a role model to me?
- I have four: Yongguk, RM, Ravn and Zuho
Favorite kpop lyrics?
- only kidding: (omega x - luv em)
If I had a whole day with my bias I would....”
- talking about music all day while doing fun stuff I know they like.
0 notes
junhong-ah · 6 years
Not alone [Jongup] // Halloween Mini-Series
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words: 900+  • characters: • reader x jongup  • genre: spooky fluff
Welcome to the first part of my little B.A.P. Halloween-themed-series. Over the next few days I will upload a chapter per member (so 6 overall) that is somehow related to Halloween. Happy reading Halloween! Inspired by @rosegukk and her Halloween Drabbles. (Be sure to check them out!)
Summary: Your first Halloween together should be memorable. And even if you haven't planned anything out of the ordinary, a romantic-creepy evening quickly turns into a real nightmare.
Turning from one side to the other, you looked critically at your reflection in the mirror, standing in your bedroom. You've never been really good at planning your own Halloween costume, but this time you were kind of happy with it. Maybe because you and your boyfriend decided to wear costumes with masks, so you wouldn't have to work hours and hours on a creepy make-up that would only end up being creepy because you failed miserably.
So Jongup came up with the idea of dressing up as a purge-couple and you simply loved that idea. You chose an sexy white dress-costume with lots of fake blood on it, some matching high heels and with that scary mask you really looked like you wanted to join purge night. It was simple, but perfect.
As the doorbell rang, you literally jumped downstairs to open the door. You simply loved Halloween as much as your boyfriend did, so you've been waiting all day for the first trick-or-treaters to appear at your door. Your Mask was in your hair because you didn't want to scare those poor children too much. But as you opened, there was somebody else. Jongup.
“Wow! That costume really is convincing. You might terrify a few too many children” you chuckled, while you sized him up. He was wearing a nice suit that perfectly matched his body shape and even with that much fake blood spread all over, he simply looked gorgeous. The fake weapon in his hand looked damn real, so did the blood. “What are you doing here so early?”
As he removed the mask he was giving you his unique smile, that melted your heart every single time. ”I wanted to see you, I couldn't wait any longer!” He looked directly into your eyes and you blushed a little. “Babe, you look stunning!” And with that he pulled you close to deep kiss you.
A soft breeze came up, tickling your neck while you were kissing, and caused you goose bumps. It was unusual warm for this time of the year all day long so you didn't really knew where that breeze was coming from. The next second it was gone and you didn't think about it anymore.
You decided to watch a movie as it was too early to go to the party. Besides, you liked the idea of being alone with Jongup for a longer time and watch some movies to get the real Halloween feeling.
At some point the doorbell rang again and Jongup jumped off of the couch and pulled down his mask with a mischievous grin on his face. As he grabbed his bloody weapon you just looked up at him, frowning. Poor children, you thought.
“Come on, just let me scare a few trick-or-treaters” he begged and you just laughed.
“You're going to horrify them!”
“It'll build character.” And with that, he left the living room to open the door. You heard the kids laugh and some amused cries and you just shook your head while you tried to picture Killer-Jongup in front of these poor kids. But it was Halloween after all, so the kids were probably prepared for something like that.
During the evening you took turns to open the door for the children and when the first movie was over, you went to the terrace. It was already dark and without the bright full moon in the sky you wouldn’t have seen your hand in front of your eyes. It was the perfect Halloween night.
“Wow, the moon looks beautiful tonight” you said deep in thoughts so you didn't see the smirk on your boyfriends face.
You looked at him wondering, since it took you a while to understand that joke. Then you laughed and slapped him playfully, because even if he really was beautiful, you didn't mean it that way. And of course he knew that.
Jongup wrapped his arms around you to pull you closer to him while he was looking deep into your eyes. “I really enjoy this evening.” You blushed a little and a big smile grew on your face. It was your first Halloween together and you were hoping it would be memorable.
“Me too” you said, leaning over to place a soft kiss on his lips. From the corner of your eye you saw a strange frame but as you looked at it, it was gone. Your eyes widened while you pulled away from Jongup.
“Something wrong?”
“I thought I saw… nevermind.” Maybe your imagination played tricks on you or something, but it looked like someone was watching you. Only for a second.
“Halloween's really getting to you, huh?” he said chuckling while his embrace tightened around you.
You just smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck to kiss him again and to forget about that strange feeling building up in your stomach. Something definitely was wrong, but you tried to ignore that bad feeling. And feeling Jongup's body so close helped you to calm down again very fast.
Your eyes were closed while you just enjoyed the moment being so close to him and so did he. His hand stroke your back and soon everything was okay again. That's when he whispered something in your ear, that you didn’t quite get.
“Mmm, I appreciated that little murmuring you did in my ear” you said, opening your eyes again just to freeze in your movement.
“That wasn't me.”
There was this frame again. And this time it stayed.
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bapdaydreams · 2 years
Can I ask for a B.A.P reaction when they see they s/o walking down the aisle on their wedding day?
Hi! I am so sorry, I never get notifications on the app on my phone and when I finally opened Tumblr on my laptop I saw your request. I am also not taking requests but I don't want to disappoint you after so long so I hope you enjoy this short scenario.
Bang Yongguk: This soft man would have his heart in his throat watching you walk down the aisle. He's teary-eyed but he has the biggest, gummiest smile on his face and nothing would ruin this day for him.
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Jung Daehyun: Oh this happy-go-lucky ball of energy would be so quiet and so emotional. He tries his best not to cry as he watches you walk down the aisle with a small smile on his face. He is so smitten and definitely the luckiest man in the world.
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Yoo Youngjae: He would be so happy and excited but all that stops when he sees you walk down the aisle. His heart is pounding against his chest and his jaw hangs open at how beautiful you look. The man is stunned!
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Moon Jongup: Send help. Jongup exe. has stopped working. He is stunned silent. He knew you were pretty but damn something about watching you walking down the aisle just made you 10 times prettier. He may or may not be crying silently.
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Zelo: He is just so happy to see you. He is practically vibrating with happiness and he can't wait to call you his. He thinks so are beautiful and every part of his just aches to hold you and kiss you. Just so much joy.
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iwritekpopthings · 5 years
Running (Part 3)
Characters: You, Moon Jongup Genres/ Warnings: supernatural, vampire!au, cute rivalry Word Count: 1221
Year: 1666 - London
Undetected, you slipped through the dark, dusty streets of London, wrinkling your nose slightly. The city was full of humans. And something else. You had heard rumors from your friends back home; feral vampires had been roaming northern Europe and no one had been able to stop them yet. You were sure that Jongup would be trying his hand at defeating something so dangerous. He was just adventurous like that. You knew you would be able to find him here.
Throughout the warm September night you went through the various districts, starting near the Tower and heading west. Sounds of drunken fights, talking, and laughter attempted to drown out the more sinister sounds of the city. A few blocks away, you heard the distinct sound of a vampire’s scream. You rushed to the scene, following the scent of blood and fear through the dark alleyways. The area you ended up in was definitely not the best neighborhood in the city. Run-down houses and buildings lined the streets; there was hardly a light on along the whole block. Along the sidewalk there was a few wooden stakes that you came upon suddenly. They were clean, but you knew that someone had intended to use them. At approximately thirteen inches long, they were the perfect length for stabbing a vampire through the heart. 
The scent you had followed quickly faded and you lost it before you found the dead body or the killer. That meant someone had to be covering their tracks. Scents don’t just disappear that quickly. You looked around, trying to decide what to do next. Suddenly you heard a familiar voice call out your name from behind you. “Nice to see you again. What brings you to London?”
“Jongup, hey…” You folded your arms across your chest while looking the man up and down. He smelled differently. “I’m here because I had heard of some feral vampires running about. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about them, would you?” You asked , eyeing him closely.
His hands were clasped behind his back as he stood there looking you up and down as well. Jongup smiled and shrugged a little. “Nope, no clue.” He nodded to the stake in your hand. “But if I were to guess, it seems like you already plan on killing someone.”
You dropped the stake and squinted at him. “Am not.”
“No? Oh, okay.” He just kept smiling and you could not feel any more suspicious of him than you already did. You opened your mouth to reply but he turned away. “Okay, well see you later then!”
“You’re lucky I’m more interested in catching this killer than I am in catching you right now.” You called after him, hearing only his laugh in reply.
A little bit later the city was starting to get quiet. You sat on top of an old building, trying to see and hear as much as you could. Suddenly you heard a human scream coming from a few blocks away. You got up and launched yourself across the rooftops, running at top speed. You stopped at a bakery at the same time as Jongup slid to a stop, coming from the opposite direction. 
“Hey,” He waved a little and you nodded in acknowledgement. “How about a truce until we catch this guy?” 
“Fine, I guess.” You grumbled, hopping down to the ground. He joined you and looked in the window. You tried the door and it swung open without much resistance. The two of you shared a glance of apprehension and entered cautiously. The bakery hearth was lit, making the room stiflingly hot. Suddenly the smell of blood alerted you to something going on upstairs. 
“Let’s go.” Jongup sprinted up the stairs with you close behind. Just as you burst through the door, a vampire dropped his second victim to the ground. Without wasting any time, Jongup leapt forward, grabbing the feral vampire by the throat. You watched closely as the two fell to the ground, rolling and wrestling aggressively. However, you knew that just fighting would not incapacitate the killer. 
You looked around and reached for the door frame, ripping a strip of wood away from the wall. A stake through the heart should be enough. As you tried to find an opening, the creature launched Jongup off of him, sending him flying through the wall. You rushed in but your aim was off as the vampire moved quickly to the left. You stabbed him clear through his chest, but missed the heart.
Suddenly a screech was heard from the window. You looked up to see a female jump into the room, her eyes glowing red as blood glistened around her mouth. Taking advantage of the distraction, the male beneath you pushed you off and through the same hole in the wall that Jongup was just climbing back through. He helped you up and the four of you eyed each other. The female suddenly screamed again and lunged at you, wrestling you down the stairs. 
She had you pinned to the ground. “Get the hell off me.” You demanded, tangling your legs with hers. You twisted around each other, rolling closer and closer to the hearth. Jongup suddenly threw the male vampire at the two of you, knocking your attacker into the fire along with her dead counterpart. She screamed as the flames consumed her and broke through the back wall of the hearth. She didn’t make it far, though. Jongup tossed a stake to you and you threw it, impaling the vampire where she stood. Her flaming body fell against the next building over.
“Um, we need to get out of here.” Jongup grabbed your hand and dragged you away from the bakery. Fire was spreading quickly between the old wooden buildings. You ran with him away from the flames while you could hear the villagers wake up to the screams of their neighbors.
Eventually you made it to the Tower of London. Jongup and you climbed the outside quickly in order to get a good look at the city. Fire was spreading west at an alarming rate. You watched in silence for a while before sighing. “Alright, truce is over, right?” You stood up and grabbed onto the jacket that the male was wearing.
He got up while he rolled his eyes and smiled. “I suppose. Don’t you want to know how they did it, though?”
“It’s not really something I’m concerned with anymore.” You replied, squinting at him. He knew curiosity would get the better of you though. “But fine, how did they get away with killing so many people without leaving a trace?”
Jongup nodded and shook you off, straightening out his jacket. “There’s a new chemical on the market. Made by some native shamans in the area. It makes smells and blood stains just disappear. These two vampires sucked their victims dry and then doused them in the liquid before dumping them into the river.”
You wrinkled your nose. “So that’s why the smells vanished so fast.”
“Yep.” Jongup casually began to walk away. “Anyway, nice seeing you again. I’m sure you’ll catch me next time.” Your eyes widened and you ran after him. You were too slow and watched him fall right off the edge of the tower, disappearing into thin air. 
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kersenvla · 6 years
B.A.P as Astronomical Objects
Because I like B.A.P and Astronomy. And Matoki. And pretty pictures of space.
And everyone knows B.A.P stands for Best Astro-Physics right?
Yongguk as a Red Dwarf
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Old and calm
Doesn’t stand out very much
Wise in way of living (uses helium wisely)
Does things their own pace
Doesn’t have a lot of mass
Himchan as a Nebula
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Mom of stars
Very pretty (in all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum)
Doesn’t care about personal space
Usually liked for prettiness but actually very useful
Daehyun as a Pulsar
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Very intense
If something in space could be loud, this would be it (or maybe the supernova)
Needs food to compensate for that much energy
Even more energetic with a companion
Youngjae as a Supernova
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Very bright
Pretty but aggressive
Lots of energy
Done with everything (especially hydrogen)
Jongup as a Black Hole
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Very mysterious
Also very attractive
Nobody knows whats going on inside
(Mostly) relatively small but buff
Zelo as a (Blue) Hypergiant
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Giant but young
Lives an active life and can not stay still
The most extra of the giant stars
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bapwoo · 6 years
Bias game
I was tagged by @himchanieisagod to do this little game. THANK YOU <3
1. Moon Jongup (B.A.P)
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2. Kim Hyunwoo (TRCNG)
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3. Im Changkyun/I.M (Monsta X)
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4. Kim Wonshik/Ravi (VIXX)
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5. Kim Jaeho (History - let me cry for a sec)
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6. Kim Kibum/Key (Shinee)
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7. Yuto Adachi (Pentagon)
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8. Kim Jaehyun (N.Flying)
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9. Park Chanyeol (EXO)
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10. Jung Hoseok/J-Hope (BTS)
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There is much more but I listed my top 10 because the list would be MUCH bigger lol. I will tag @be-the-piano @hak-minnight @honeyjooheon @cheongugiya @sierahrt @dimplesnj (I HAD NO IDEA YOU CHANGED URL DAMN IT) @intrinsic-v @kpopruinedmywholelifeu (ofc you don’t need to do it.... ILU)
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sujuwu · 7 years
If you post any:
-Monsta X
Like this so I can follow you!
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hoforwonho · 2 years
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Hi everyone😊 
Thanks for coming to my blog! My name is Addy, I’m 28, and I use they/them pronouns!
About Me     Ask     Girl Group Blog
I track #foraddy if you want to tag me in any of your creations, or even just posts you think I might like!
Some of my fave groups:
A.C.E ⋆ Aespa ⋆ Astro ⋆ ATEEZ ⋆ B.A.P ⋆ DKZ ⋆ Loona ⋆ Lovelyz ⋆ Lucy ⋆ Monsta X ⋆ Omega X ⋆ ONEUS ⋆ ONF ⋆ OnlyOneOf ⋆ TAN ⋆ Tempest ⋆ Trendz ⋆ WayV ⋆ WJSN ⋆ XEED
ult biases:
Jongup ⋆ Kei ⋆ Kun ⋆ Mijoo ⋆ Sujeong ⋆ Wonho
💖 My Gifs
If you ever notice I tag something wrong or if I didn't tag something appropriately (whether it be a trigger warning/content warning) please reach out!
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niteview · 3 years
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top ten fave kpop songs for the second half of 2021! (first half)
1. kiss or death by monsta x, 2. 24/7 by wonho, 3. bad love by key, 4. crush by seventeen, 5. goosebumps by onf, 6. us by jongup, 7. BEcause by dreamcatcher, 8. traveler by btob, 9. you can't sit with us by sunmi, & 10. ride with u by monsta x
ఇ tagged by @nervousnotion & @wongki  💛 tagging @kyunsies & @korimi4!! 💘
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junhong-ah · 6 years
[Jongup] - Hips don’t lie.
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word count: 700  • characters: you x jongup • genre: fluff with 10% smut
188. "Mine." | 193. "Good Girl." › You had a great day, were in the best mood and happy all the way. That’s where Jongup catches you and sees something, he probably won’t forget that fast. ‘Cause you've got his full attention...
It was one of these days where everything was perfectly fine. You were happy as hell and singing an dancing the whole time, whatever you did. First you started to do the laundry as you danced from the bedroom to the bathroom, singing to some Taylor Swift songs. While you cleaned the living room you danced with your broom to the beats of some songs from Nicki Minaj and now you where in the kitchen making dinner for you and your boyfriend while Beyoncé was making your hips shake.
The music was so loud, you didn't even hear Jongup coming home from the studio earlier. He already heard the loud music outside the apartment, so he was kind of prepared for some small party or something like that. But when he came across the kitchen he stopped and leaned against the door frame, looking at you with a smile.
Your hips were moving on their own, while you were cutting some vegetables and prepared some other things for the new recipe you wanted to try this evening. You knew how hungry Jongup was, when he came from work so you wanted to be prepared for this.
As you put the knife down you soon felt some arms wrapping around your waist which made you flinch for a moment. Your muscles relaxed after you realized that this could only be one person and you smile happily as you turned your head aside, to look over your left shoulder.
“What are you doing here so early? I was hoping I could finish this before you're here!”
“Shhh”, Jongup whispered in your ear with this special smile he was giving you. He gave you a sweet kiss on your neck and pressed his body softly against yours. “Don't get distracted by me and continue with what you did before.”
A shiver runs down your spine since you know what he meant right away. You smiled and closed your eyes, leaning against his body and moving your hips again slowly but steady.
“Mhhh. Good Girl.” Jongup moaned softly and just enjoyed the feeling of your butt rubbing against his lower body. He didn't even know you could move your hips that lasciviously, since you never really danced in front of him. Maybe because you were to afraid it would look ridiculously in his eyes. Seems as if these worries were for nothing.
You softly kissed him on the cheek and wanted to continue cooking, but he wouldn't let you go anywhere.
“Jongup, I need to cook now. Aren't you hungry?”, you ask giggling.
“I am. But... maybe we start with the dessert?”
You shook your head trying to free yourself off his arms as he just pulled you closer to him. Now it wasn't that bad that he came home earlier than usual. You just started cooking, which means that nothing could go wrong if you'd finish later on.
He brushed your hair to one side and kissed your neck once again, giving you goosebumps. You closed your eyes once again and threw your head back, humming quietly. Jongup treated your sensitive spot right behind your earlobe, leaving a purple mark and smiling against it. He was quite proud of this as he looked at it.
“Mine”, he whispers with his husky voice.
You turn around in his embrace and wrap your arms around his neck to pull him down to you for a kiss. Jongup moaned again, his hunger for you just got bigger and bigger. He grabbed you by your ass and lifted you up onto the kitchen counter. Your legs wrapped around him you felt his bulge right between your thighs and now it was you who moaned softly.
“I didn't knew you were a dancer”, he said with a smile. His hand moved to your neck and his fingertips wander down your neck, to your chest. “Your moves were so hot, baby.”
Jongup kissed your again, this time more passionate and wilder and you both moan against each others lips. You knew what would happen next: some furious, hot kitchen-sex.
Yes, it truly was one of these days where everything was perfectly fine.
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bapdaydreams · 6 years
Jongup: Dance
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Summary: You visit Jongup at the dance studio.
A/N: Hi! So this is really short and I hope you enjoy Anon.
You were getting ready to go visit Jongup at practice. You put up some comfy clothes before going to McDonalds to grab some drinks, burgers and fries for both you and Jongup. You knew he would be excited to see the food at least.
Before you know it you are at the dance studio. You slowly walk into the building and look through the glass door to find the one Jongup was in.
Just your luck, he was in the last practice room in the long corridor. You watch him through the glass door for a few minutes.
He was in a t-shirt and some comfortable pants, covered in a thin layer of sweat as he moved around the room in ease. He looked graceful as he danced without a care in the world.
He looked beautiful.
You snap out of your thoughts and then slowly enter the practice room, quietly so you don’t distract him. You then stand at the back of the room until he finishes the choreography he was doing and then he turns around to greet you with a bright smile.
“Hey!” he says happily and you smile back.
“Hey, yourself”, you say as you walk towards him.
The smile is still on his face as you walk towards him. His hands automatically wrap around your hips. He gives you a quick kiss and you cringe a little as he was still sweating.
He laughs as he sees you move away a little. Then he leans in and gives you more quick kisses on your cheek.
“Oh, stop it!” you say and wipe your face and Jongup continues to laugh at you.
You can’t help but laugh too.
“Stop now or no McDonalds”, you say and he stops.
You laugh again and push away from him and he lets you go. You then lift the bag of McDonalds bag and his smile gets wider.
“I knew that would get your attention”, you say and he just nods.
“I hope you are hungry”, you say.
“Always when it comes to McDonalds”, he says and you laugh.
The two of you walk towards the sofa at the back of the room and both of you get comfortable. He looks like an excited kid as you had him the food and you watch him eat just as excitedly.
“What?” he asks with a mouthful of food and you laugh again.
“Nothing, just eat”, you say and he just shrugs and continues to eat.
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