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everwalldigan · 4 months ago
You know what would be really funny. If Jason had the most normal/conventional food taste out of his siblings (still very far from regular people’s “normal”), he’s stuck in the manor because of an injury and therefore has to witness the culinary WAR CRIMES his siblings consume for sustenance. Since there’s no Alfred to stop them anymore, they have been running rampant.
Jason: What. The fuck. Is that.
Damian, pouring out a green sludge into two cups: father and I’s breakfast smoothie, or did you hit your head hard enough to forget the concept of a smoothie?
Jason, scooting his chair away clutching his water bottle to his chest: yeah I dont know what nuclear reactive, Gotham harbour concoction you so flagrantly bestow the title of “smoothie” on but keep that shit FAR away from me
Tim: *sits down next to Jason, cracks open a can of energy drink and pours it into a glass, pouring milk on top until it reaches the brim*
Jason, with tears in his eyes looking at Dick for help:
Dick: *shrugs, shoving a fistful of dry cheerios into his mouth*
Jason: *turns his horrified gaze to Cass*
Cass: *grins at him toothily with two heaping plates of a full English breakfast sitting in front of her. He has no idea where she got it from. She is using a set of utensils for each plate.*
Jason: *stands up calmly* maybe I should stop looking for the unstable bomb I lost in the manor the other week *walks out of the kitchen, a few moments later a shrill scream is heard*
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thegeminisage · 7 years ago
6 7 9 10 13 19 go absolutely wild
THANK YOU GIGI YOU’RE THE REAL MVP!! sorry this ask took so long to answer it LITERALLY fucking vanished for 12 hours when i saved it to my drafts
6. Who is your least favorite character? Why?
kamski. you could do a million and one interesting and cool things with that character, but instead david went with a very generic “smug and cryptic and super rapey creep” character type. i hate him, he’s boring, he could have been so interesting, every theory, backstory, and personality fandom invents for him is better than what’s in the game
7. Who do you think deserved better/more in the game?
kara got so fucking shafted by david cage, it’s unbelievbable. more on this later w/ the other question but im so mad 5ever
9. Favorite trope in the game?
plotwise: the slow build to connor absolutely SNAPPING in the last chapter. from picking up the fish three steps into the game to the final choice of whether or not to shoot or spare chloe, i will reluctantly admit that was (mostly!) incredibly well done.
playwise: rapid back and forth switches between player characters. that shit is SO exciting, i wanted so much more
10. Least favorite trope?
plotwise: it’s a 3-way tie. contender one is how markus “converts” other androids into being people. it should be a choice THEY make, not one he makes for them - that defeats the point. it’s an us vs them thing then, and it’s just stupid. number 2 is the public opinion. not only do we never actually get to talk to the public, but it only goes up when you’re peaceful and get shot at for your civil rights. most of the racism blunders in the game are like so stupid and over the top but that one actually is like. horribly shitty. contender three: david had absolutely no business doing those recycling centers like concentration camps. those sections are HORRIBLE and inexcusable. like: yikes, dude.
playwise: david LET ME MOVE MY DAMN CAMERA
13. Are there characters you felt were slept on or done dirty by the game/fandom?
KARA AGAIN!!! she has less chapters than the male protags AND some of hers she has to share with others/doesn[’t get to make choices. her storyline is poorly done and she is repeatedly victimized AND he takes her memories of the iconic 2013 short that started it all? rude, rude, RUDE.
second runner up: north. they wrote her to be violent (which directly goes against ur goals if ur playing for a good ending, making her unlikable to some people) AND even if you do go against her goals you must ALWAYS romance her (unless you went out of your way to be rude to her, then you wont get the prompt) or she’ll get really mad at you. like, nothing you can do will please her - but she’s still got a backstory that justifies this world view, an amazing onscreen presence, and i think she has the potential to be a great character if she was written w/ more subtlety, which david has none of. with all those factors though plus them cutting out the potential gay romance markus could have had, everyone H A T E S her and it is deeply uncool :/ like, he doesn’t make it easy to like her, so under one hand, you almost can’t blame people for not warming up to her, but under the other, you know they’re all misogynists
19. Favorite animal in the game?
i know sumo is pretty great and popular and all (DOG!!!) but im gonna have to go with the fish. there’s a fish u can pick up right at the start of the game that has a amssive impact later and i hate that i love it but i love it
(please god im begging you send me asks about the robot game)
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