#you will look at him his expressions are AMAZING in this deadass
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firaknight · 6 months ago
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 2 years ago
Also don't think anyone has said this (thats a joke) but like, art styles aside:
The animation, expressions, movement, everything of ATSV is IMPECCABLE.
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Like insanely, ridiculously, almost mind bogglingly good.
[This is a MEDIUM length post]
The main strength is the Emotion -
In terms of animation, the range of emotions Miguel is capable of expressing is like... crazy good. Gwen's emotions ARE UNSPEAKABLY IMPRESSIVE.
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And the movie hinges on this - almost every scene has an emotional cue that HAS to hit. Whether is Jess's looks of hesitation or Peter B.'s looks of horror.
And this may seem like the most ridiculous comparison ever made but like...
The Bee Movie and Across the Spider-Verse came out FIFTEEN YEARS APART.
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THE BEE MOVIE...THIS MONSTRASITY that has plagued humankind - was made less than two decades from THIS:
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The fact that we progressed that far as a society (pun intended) in that short of a time will never not baffle me.
I genuinely cannot name any other animated movie that:
Has multiple styles throughout the duration
Can seamlessly change styles without the viewer immediately noticing (like Gwen returning to her universe)
Show two or more animation styles on screen at the same time (and no, Roger Rabbit and Space Jam don't count - that's half live action lol)
Just off the top of my head - ATSV shows up to three styles in one scene: I'm mainly thinking of the scene that shows Hobie (customized - style 1), Peter B. (standard - style 2), and Miguel (a light stylized - style 3).
It can be brought to four if you want to count Miles/Gwen, though their style isn't visible.
I can think of a couple scenes that genuinely blew me away in terms of animation -
One being Rio's 'What-EVER?!' because of the little stance correction and head bob she does, because it's such a natural thing to do. And it adds so much to an already perfect line.
It's something someone would genuinely do IRL without even noticing.
Another I LOVE is Pavitr and Hobie roughhousing.
Like, I can't yell about these five seconds of animation more.
It's SO fluid it looks like Motion-Capture and I left the theatre googling is any Mo-Cap was used in the movie (and from what I can tell - no, it's all original animation).
The way Pavitr falls to the side and bumps them - This not only being a natural reaction to Hobie and his weight, but it also LOOKS natural. So much so you can see it affect Hobie's model too. The movement has kinetic energy on both models -
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In this shot alone, there's the guitar, vest, AND Hobie, all of which have their own animation rules. Plus the outline on his guitar AND him. And then there PAVI too, who's running at a higher frame rate, touching and interacting with Hobie.
So much so that Hobie's model nearly wraps himself around Pavi. Pavi's hair is moving, Hobie's guitar is moving, there's movement in the background - and it looks GREAT.
PLUS THE CAMERA IS MOVING AND GOSTLING. IT'S NOT A STATIC SHOT. The models and camera are moving AS IF THEY'RE REAL when they're not.
But by far, I think the range of expression used on Miguel is like... Chef's kiss.
(of course I was gonna trick you into reading another post about Miguel. Uh-huh that's what's about to happen)
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Like... are you kidding me?
The whole later half of the movie hinges on Miguel looking buckwild crazy insane and they NAIL that. And like-
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Oh my god what the actual fuck
?????????????????????????? I........ I have nothing to add. After that picture......Nah... LMAOOO
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(left: actual photo of Moche watching this happen)
But Anyway chile, This movie is like.. genuinely a modern marvel.
If Marvel gave Tim Gunn 4 billion dollars and five years, whatever live-action rendition he would have made would not even compare to ATSV on any conceivable level - that's how good it is so jot that down.
And like...don't even get me started on Hobie..his design..his representation...girl I will start crying in this Arby's do not play with me
I just felt that needed to be said.
you get what I'm saying yall know what I mean iight coo
Here's a picture of Hobie to cleanse your palette.
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smolwritingchick · 11 months ago
Be For Real
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This randomly popped into my head so I typed it. I guess jealous Jennie? I know people want to see jealous scenes between JenKook, so this became a brainstorm. I'll make another custom chapter of a party or something and this could happen. I'll add on and edit whenever I decide to put it in the story. 
"You alright, Jen?" Hayoon asked as they stood next to each other with drinks at the party. 
As they stood across the room, Jennie raised an eyebrow when watching a girl ogle over Jungkook. It was ridiculous. The chick knew good and well they were dating and yet was still trying any little trick to charm him which was not working. Jungkook may not have been able to see through the facade but Jennie saw it a mile away with the way the girl had been staring at him all night.
Miss Bangtan began to feel herself getting angry when the girl giggled and touched his muscled arm.
"Oh, so now the bitch wants to touch my man? Yoon, can you hold my drink? I'll be right back," she requested and gave Hayoon her cup.
"Oh dear," Hayoon watched with nervousness as Jennie strutted right over to them. 
"You go to the gym frequently?" the girl asked Jungkook with a big smile.
He nodded politely. "Jennie and I like to go together. It's been a routine for us,"
"Wow, that's amazing! And you look soooo strong! Your arms especially! I mean, I may have to get some personal training lessons from you, sometime,"
"I'm sure you can have someone else as your personal trainer instead of asking him for tips," Jennie cut into the conversation, standing next to him.
The girl glanced at her in annoyance. "I was speaking to Jun-"
"Yeah, well, I'm speaking to you. And I'd appreciate it if you stopped talking to my man as if I'm not here. He's not available to personally train you and never will be. So, if you're done trying to come up with some bullshit excuse to be alone with my man, I suggest you see your way out of our faces," she tilted her head and smiled.
The girl narrowed her eyes and turned around, storming off.
"Yeah, like the fuck I thought," Jennie said, watching her leave.
Jungkook watched Jennie, surprised. He didn't think it was that big of a deal but she completely told the girl off.
"Babe, you all right?" he asked.
She glared at him and rolled her eyes. Ignoring him, she began to walk away.
"H-hey! Jennie!" he called out and rushed after her. 
The two ended up outside the party, in the backyard, as they began walking through the gardens.
"Are you going to keep ignoring me? What's wrong? What was all that about?" he asked as he caught up with her.
"Oh, you're soooo strong, Jungkook. Oh, maybe you can teach me some time," she mocked and fake laughed.
"She was just being nice. I don't think she meant it like that," 
"Be fucking for real. She was deadass flirting with you," she exclaimed as she stopped walking and stood in front of him with a frown. 
"Yes! The way she grabbed your arm and giggled, smiling all in your damn face like some loony tune? Giving you the bold, flirty stare and everything. Like girl do you really wanna get slapped, right now?"
Jungkook began to chuckle softly as he watched her rant, understanding where this was headed. This was the last thing he was expecting tonight. Her being jealous. 
He watched as the warm wind blew her hair while she continued to express herself. He couldn't help but cross his arms, admiring her as she remained annoyed. She arrived at the party earlier than him and this was his first time seeing her as he got a good look at her short bodycon dress. His eyes began to wander down her body, smirking softly.
Meeting her eyes again, he thought about how lucky he was that she was his. She looked gorgeous under the moonlight as the stars appeared in the night sky. The urge to kiss her increased as he continued to listen to her rant. 
"These girls do not know how to act. What is it with these bitches trying to be all over you? Like I get it. You are fine as hell and a walking green flag but you're mine. My man. Bitches need to come correct. I'm deadass, Jungkook. I hate this. Like does she not understand you're with me? She lucky I acted the way I did-oh so you think this is funny?"
"No, no, not at all," he quickly answered with an amused smile as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Then why are you laughing?"
"I wasn't,"
"You know what? Forget it," she waved him away and walked past him, in the direction to the party.
"Wait, come here," he laughed softly and gently reached out to grab her, wrapping his arms around her waist for a back hug.
"No, get off. You're not even listening," she complained.
"I am listening. I hear you. I just never would have thought of you acting jealous, tonight," he kissed her cheek.
"I'm not jealous..." she grumbled while he released her.
"Yes, you are,"
"I'm not..."
"And what do you call this, babe?" he grinned.
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. She couldn't even think of an answer as he smiled triumphally. Jungkook uncrossed her arms and pulled her to him, placing his hands on her hips while she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Don't worry too much about her. She'll back off now after what you told her," he reassured.
"She better,"
He smirked and leaned down to kiss her deeply, putting all her frustrations and worries to rest.
"Wanna get out of here?" he whispered in her ear as his hands began to roam down her body.
She smiled and pulled away. "Yeah. 10 minutes. Let me say bye to Hayoon and the girls, first,"
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rialynne · 2 years ago
Spider Man: Across the SpiderVerse Review
I have not felt this compelled to put my thoughts about a movie out there into the world for a while. The last time I did so was before the pandemic and a lot in my life has happened since then but I love it when I finally decide to watch something from a never-ending backlog of movies, especially for animation which is probably one of my first loves. 
So I lied. It’s a review of 2 films; Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse and its recent sequel Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse. Both from Sony pictures Animation, a studio which prior to me watching these 2 films, only released disappointing to bad films in my opinion (looking at you emoji movie). I finally felt compelled to watch them recently mainly to watch Across the spiderverse in theaters. 
First, I’ll make my thoughts on Into the spiderverse relatively brief. It truly is a game changer of a film for the would of animated movies. Amazing that it won an Oscar.  The animation alone really pushed the boundaries of what the medium could do, and the story was well contextualized and wrapped up. I loved the nots and references to comics throughout the film. Miles’ growth throughout the first film is truly a masterclass of storytelling of a young teenager finding his place in the world and taking on new challenges in his life. In the meantime, working to develop better relations with his supportive parents and carve out his own version of Spiderman. This is probably the best use of the multiverse concept that I have seen so far in film. The animation styles between each spider hero is great at defining characteristics. I loved how they went in the direction of Spider-Gwen for this film, it makes her more bad ass for sure and more of a character than a tragic plot motive. Her scenes with Miles are also so cute (Put a pin in that we will get into that more later for the 2nd film). Mile’s relationships with the men in this film, his dad, Uncle Aaron (aka the Prowler), and Peter B Parker are great representations of mostly healthy male relationships that I feel like isn’t as well represented in media these days. Each one of them helps Miles evolve over the first film to come into his own with his powers and with his feelings and interpersonal relationships with people. Loved the involvement of Aunt May and Penni, Peter porker and Spider Noir. Wish we got to see more of them, which hopefully we will in Beyond the Spiderverse (Put a pin on that too). I also love the influence of hip hop and the urban influence of Brooklyn in this film, the sound track is fire. Honestly what are you waiting for please watch this film.
Ok time for the big kahuna; Across the Spiderverse. WOW. Just wow. Into the Spiderverse is amazing in its own right but wow was it kicked up a notch tenfold for Across the Spiderverse. Starting off easy, the animation in this film once again is PHENOMINAL. But one element that really stood out over the previous film, the use of Color Theory, especially with Gwen. Holy Cow they nailed it with expressing subtle emotions through out this film using color theory, every single frame in this film should be in the Louve, I’m deadass. I loved the introduction of Spider-India and Spider-Punk. Loved how Pavitr literally called out Miles and Gwen having a thing lol, also the use of his bracelets, similar to a type of toy, being used in his web slinging is such a fun touch. Hobie really be that surprise MVP, who was actually punk this whole time, probably is the only one Miles trusts at this point, who loves chaos and taking down the Miguel influenced spider verse society. Also, him calling Miles Peter Pan and GWENDY…fucking iconic lol. I wish we could have seen more of Peter B Parker but happy to see him embracing Dad life with his little anarchist baby Mayday, who also helps confirm that the spider powers can be genetically passed on.
Some other notes before I get to the gushing part of this whole ass review. I loved how Miles’ parents and Gwen’s Dad evolved over the course of this film. For Rio and Jeff, they had to learn not to be helicopter parents to Miles, while also coming to grips that he is becoming an adult and still worrying over their baby. The parallels between them and my parents are astounding and the conversations very similar to what I had with them growing up at that age. Also exhibited in Gwen’s Dad, him falling upon duty as a police officer when he discovers his own daughter is Spider woman, thinking she killed her buddy but then its actually his daughter, and he resorts to being an officer. She was wicked lucky Miguel and Jess were willing to allow her through the portal, which makes sense because she did not have a home to go back to.  Also I really enjoyed all the easter eggs and the meta commentary on what Cannon is and the idea that a spider person has to suffer in order to be a spider person; and Miles being like FUCK That I’m not an abnormality and imma save my Dad and do me. Which comes full circle with what Rio talked to him about the world being harsh against him and to know that family will always be there and to nurture that inner child. Miguel clearly is drinking his cool aid too much on maintaining cannon but will he remain the enemy until all the spider people turn against him? Spot turning out to be the guy Miles threw a bagel at from the lab escape in the first film is wild. Also Spot over the film slowly becoming more powerful and will probably do something really bad to mess up the multiverse. Hopefully Miles and family are safe from all this. Also the fact the spider that bit Miles came from Earth-42, and Miles G Morales is the Prowler in that dimension. There better be an epic fight sequence in the beginning of the film between those three. Curious to see if Miles G will be an antagonist or not along with Aaron.
However, what ultimately really made me fall for this film is the decision narratively to make Gwen a significant part of the story and the relationship between Gwen and Miles. I can’t help it in a sucker for teen angst and pining. But let’s start off about dear Gwen. Good lord I feel terrible for her. She was put through the ringer in this movie. She is brought up to almost/Basically co main lead in this movie. We really get a much more fleshed out backstory of hers, dealing with how her Blonde Peter Parker died and dealing with hiding her identity from her father while he is unknowingly hunting her down. She, along with Miles are both struggling with hiding their secret super hero identities to their parents, main difference being Miles told his alternate dimension Mother, while at the end of the film when Gwen gets banished by Miguel back to her universe, she is forced to confront her father. The Color theory used on Gwen to convey her true feelings that she doesn’t state in the film is such a genius decision and it creates some of the most visually striking images in the film. The colors blue used to express her sadness and loneliness and the color pink, to express her happiness in her surroundings was a brilliant idea. I also loved how her Earth was just filled with water colors it’s like a painting I love it. Throughout the film, we see her struggling with dealing with her shitty home life, dealing with the cannon knowledge about Miles, feeling the need to follow the cannon timelines, believing she will die if she deviates from the timeline and her father would die as well, while trying to protect Miles but also having the desire to see him. She’s dealing with so much and is really put in a rock and a hard place, that in the process of trying to protect Miles, she unintentionally betrays him (same can be said for the other spider people Miles made friends with besides Hobie). Could she have told him the truth sooner, probably, but I think the outcome would be similar. However, after finally communicating with her Dad, taking the leap of faith if you will, like Miles, she is able to get through to her Dad and he breaks the Cannon event of himself dying on duty by quitting being a cop. This gives her the resolve, along with Spider-Punk’s wicked helpful homemade dimension watch to start looking for Miles and go from leaving a band and distancing herself from everyone around her, to getting people together who know Miles to help find him, and of course take down Miguel and Spot. What a beautiful arc for her, which I believe is not over yet, she still has some work to do to make up with Miles in the next film. But she’ll do so, she down bad for him lol.
Speaking of which, what really gave me life in this movie was the relationship between Gwen and Miles. Lord it is oozing young puppy crush love and I’m so here for it. It was clear from the 1st film Miles was into Gwen, and its only solidified further a year and change out from then. I mean stating you want to go to Princeton for Quantum Physics and dimensional travel…like boy we know why because you want to see all the spider homies again, especially the girl 15 months older than you that you draw from memory filling up almost every page of her, and adding her to your graffiti mural where you got bit. Looking at better photos of the note book he even drew her dancing like a ballerina, he drew her fresh drip, including new sweaters and chain chokers, and he drew her eating ramen like MY BOY you’re in a crush deeper than the deepest cervices of the ocean, you have it down so bad for her. Meanwhile Gwen while being sad, managed to still keep the half-buzzed hair cut from the 1st movie because Miles liked it. She’s shown to be constantly thinking about him, including the beginning drum sequence which is “Trust by Megadeath” (Look at the lyrics also btw, they honestly do foreshadow Gwen and Miles relationship as it stands at the end of the film), and throughout her universe missing him the one person she considers a friend. Also, she printed out a selfie of the two of them and looks at it every time she goes out as spider woman. That photo might as well be her social security card she treasures it so much. The only reason she is interested in joining the spider society also is to literally see him, which she doesn’t get to do until she convinces Jess enough to do an assignment in his world. And after finding out about his cannon events and getting an important assignment to go after Spot and stop him from messing up the universes, one of the most important missions to save the whole universes, and being warned to stay away from him, what does she do???? Ports straight to his bedroom, peroidt. She basically said Imma risk the universe for Miles; like im sorry that love bitch. Anyways she finds grounded Miles and he shook clearly. Gwen immediately goes in for the hug, and Miles be short circuiting, and trying to hide everything in his room. Gwen looking at all his drawings of her and very sweetly being all like “I missed you too”, only to slyly get Miles out of the house. They are so carefree swinging through Brooklyn and finally feel like they are their true selves. The sky also has a pink hue. And then when they get to the bank tower, their upside down talk is just so precious and done beautifully. Everything from Gwen being like I miss talking to you and Miles being like we the same. Miles inching ever so close to her about to Touch her hand MY BOYYYYY. Gwen going into how the Gwens fall for spider man, sees his hand inch closer, and then gives a very pained look mentioning that it doesn’t end well. Miles being the emotionally intelligent guy he is, respectfully pulls back and is all like “there’s a first time for everything” she gives him that look, you know that look of like I’m falling for you look, and purposefully LEANS INTO HIM. GIRL. She soooo into him but holds herself back due to all the bs she dealing with behind the scenes. At the rooftop party for Jeff, these two talking on the water tower, Miles almost finds out about Gwen tracking Spot, she gets briefly mad but apologizes, and then these two are so awkward teens to the point of like confessing a crush for real, and im sorry Is he looking at her lips wow. But before anything happens the parents show up. Gwen fumbles the bag by going on first name basis, and Rio is like “found a sweater, dis you?”. The parents come on to hard so I just feel second hand embarrassment for the both of them. Gwen makes an excuse to leave due to her tracking Spot you know the guy trying to destroy everything. She wanna touch Miles so bad she goes for the awkward hand shake. Damn. And of course what does Miles do later, he follows her to Spots portal hopping location and sees the exchange of Jess and Gwen, but Gwen before she leaves, looks out to the water tower, all the while Miles is invisible Upside down a la the spiderman kiss position. I cant yall. Also Gwen freaking out over Miles in Mumbatthan, and being all like “your amazing” to him after he changes the cannon event. That was so sweet. Its so painful to see how the ending of this film plays out with the betrayal. And his final sad goodbye to Gwen. She decides to talk to his parents, while using his jacket to hide her gear a la girlfriend vibes, to tell them how much he loves them and that she gonna find him. She is so determined and falling in love with him its not even funny. What really sealed the deal that these two I think will be end game, The fact that she can spidey sense he’s in danger IN A DIFFERENT DIMENSION!!!!! Oh My god, this is also similar to the first film where she had that spidey sense to go to the visions academy. Like lord if that’s not love idk what is at this point. They will need to work out some feelings which I hope comes up earlier in Beyond the Spiderverse so we can get back to some wholesome moments before all chaos breaks loose and hopefully, they will be endgame, and still alive.
TLDR: I love both of these films, go watch them please and Sony pay your animators better
ITSV: 4/5
ATSV: 4.5/5
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godteri-takk · 1 year ago
Ok so i didn't expect it to be that scary and it wasn't, so thats good. Felt almost like s horror comedy at times x3 THE CUPCAKE WAS SO SILLY <<3 Vanessa was a weird fucking character but i liked her, the others awesome too. The animatronics were sooo cute and silly i love how expressive they were with how they narrowed their eyes x3 that was cute as hell.
Gotta say tho I'm dissapointed as hell they didn't use the CLASSIC music box music Freddy has, like thats his motherfucking theme music COME ON QwQ like they had Foxy singing but not Freddy??? Dude. But its fine cus MatPat was there AND HE SAID IT!!
Oh and Springtrap or whatever the hell was cool i gasped so loud when he showed up like jaw dropped, big eyed like :O and O_O combined. SO COOL! I deadass did not expect him to show up at ALL that was insane and the suit looked so cool. And the contrast between how robot-like the animatromics moved vs how fluidly and human-like he moved was JARRING like you knew there was a living guy in there. Scary!! And the robotic voice was amazing <<3 And so cool when he died like hell yeah brother get springlocked bitch ass.
Also the set was so pretty, looked just like the games fr <<3
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just-some-random-blogger · 2 months ago
You've done it again. She's done it again. ALLIE WHAT IF I
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What a way to end this. I cannot express how satisfying this was.
Ngl when say the angst tag I was like YUM I'm readdyyyyyy. I have to say though I might need to check my pulse cos I didn't flinch at the angst at all 😭😭😭 I was waiting to be kicked in the teeth but we got an anxious tick that resolved within 24 hours. Couldn't be me 😭😭😭 I'm insane I have a fic where I've been torturing YN for fucking 20+ years 😭😭😭😭😭😭 ALLIE IM NOT WELL HAHAHAHAHAHHAAH
anyway after all that mental unwellness. IMMA MAKE SURE I DONT LOSE THIS REBLOG FUCK YOU TUMBLR 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
It was strange sitting in Bill’s office without him, curled up in the armchair he devoured you in, book open in your lap.
*SLOWED SOUND OF A GUNSHOT* WTF YOU STARTING LIKE THIS IS INSANE WORK WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU (absolutely nothing you're a master mind incredible amazing mwah 😘)
[...] but your mind was too preoccupied with thoughts of its writer to absorb any of it.
She like me fr
Bill had been in Cairo for 12 days, six hours, and nine minutes, every tick of the clock like a barb in your skin, leeching black, poisonous doubt into your blood.
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Would he still want you when he returned? Will the time away give him clarity to how insane you both were acting? Would you be reduced to a fling? No longer desirable now that you've been flung?
🧍‍♀️ are you mentally enslaved (clearly) gago ka wala pa nga inunahan mo na [tr: (curse word) there's nothing yet and you're already ahead/getting ahead of yourself] miss ma'am shut the fuck up. Disrespectfully.
The time, the space, was making you second guess yourself, second guess him.
I understand you. But also shucho trap rat. WALA PAAAAAAAA (idk how to translate this NOTHING YET)
But fuck, you wanted him desperately, the ache for him like a hole in your lungs.
Rain was coming down in sheets, wind buffeting against your coat, but when you rounded the corner towards your flat, the bulk of a man standing in the rain in front of your door stopped you in your tracks.
“Bill?” You gasped, and he lifted his head, his eyes shadowed with exhaustion, copper hair pulled back in a messy bun.
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You launched yourself at him, completely overcome with relief, and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, burying your face into the crook of his neck.
The most normal response ever
You reluctantly pulled away and riffled through your bag for your keys. [...] Butterflies rioted in your stomach, [...]
“Missed you, little bird,” he mumbled, pressing a tender kiss to your pulse.
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“You really want to talk about work? That's where you just came from, isn't it?” He said while shirking his own coat.
No. I want to eat you. I fucking hate you stupid fucking idiot fuck you in trying to be a human and you're making me into a monster. Eat shit and die
You snorted. “Really? William ‘Never-Takes-A-Day-Off’ Weasley is going to lecture me on working too much?”
☝️That part. Clocked.
“Backtalk, too? Have you forgotten your manners while I was away?” He backed you against your kitchen island, lips a breath away from yours.
What are you gonna do about it 🙄🖕 btw
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“Haven't felt anything soft in days,” he mumbled, almost to himself.
Ho why is u lyin. You have a bed. They have beds in Cairo. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🤚 FUCK OUTTA HERE
“Don't make me break in!” Fred warned, knocking with a little more force. “I'd hate to do it again!”
“Just—fuck, get in the closet!” You tried to push Bill towards your bedroom, but only managed to move him a few steps.
🧍‍♀️ why. Why. WHY. The fuck are they being so stupid???? Hello????? MY EYE IS TWITCHING
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“Why did he break in before?” He asked, fighting a smile at your helpless attempt to move him.
Because we're fucking. Next weasley
Bill chuckled and walked the rest of the way into your bedroom at the same moment you heard George cast alohomora.
“Darling, is there a man in this flat?” George asked, lowering his voice conspiratorially.
Are you a chicken? 🙄🤚 Shut the fuck up george
“You sure you know this bloke well enough to be here alone with him?” Fred asked, moving closer to the closet, the humor having drained from his voice.
🫵you🫵 know him well enough. Also, he's had his fingers inside me 😋😋😋😋
“What's his name?” George asked. “Maybe Bill’s mentioned him?”
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You're not gonna believe this
“You don't even know his name?” Fred whisper-shouted, glaring at you with a strange mix of pride and concern.
“Did this prick scare you?” Fred asked, turning his attention back to the closet door.
“Hey, fuckface, what are you doing in her closet?” Fred banged on the door, and you died a little inside.
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“B-Bill?” Fred stammered, taking a step back.
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“You two have some fucking nerve,” Bill growled, and the twins scattered as he dashed out of the closet after them.
“We're sorry! We didn't know!” George called, vaulting over your couch.
“What the fuck, y/n?” Fred shouted, diving under your bed.
Bill turned on him, throwing one of your pillows at his head. “I'm not fucking her!”
🧍‍♀️ awie ngl I thought this was where the angst was gonna start. Though she was gonna pull a Jace Wayland:
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"how swiftly you dismiss our love" ughhhhhhhhhhhhh
**unrelated** I literally discovered I could insert gifs via links because of your last bill fic I was so desperate to add them cos of how good it was
“Your girl?” Bill challenged, and you groaned.
🗣️WHAT🗣️ABOUT🗣️IT🗣️ put a ring on it then if you're so mad 🙄🤚 bill Weasley marry me challenge
“Congratulations on your boning! Bye!” George chirped, apparating too.
“They won't say anything,” he said, smoothing back his hair.
Your honor i don't know how I feel
“Don’t say anything else. I want you to sleep on it,” he said, straightening. “Take the day off tomorrow, too. Then you can tell me what you want to do, and we'll do it.” His voice was firm, but not unkind, a tone of finality that had you nodding in acceptance. “Goodnight, love.” He pressed a kiss to your temple, then released you, apparating away before you could blink.
We love an emotionally available and level headed man. I would ruin his life
When you landed sprawled in his yard instead of standing on his front porch, it occurred to you that surprising the Curse-breaker in the middle of the night during a thunderstorm was a stupid idea, but it was too late now.
Bill bound down the steps, grabbing you by the throat and silencing you with a savage, bruising kiss.
HE WHAT❓❓❓❓❓❓
He hummed low in his chest, petting a hand over your damp hair. “Whatcha doin’, pretty girl?” he asked, his voice silken.
“You want my cock, darling?” He asked, gently sweeping your hair into a ponytail, the strands held together by his fist.
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He tsked, smirking. “I suppose I could indulge you for a bit.” With his free hand, he reached into the front his pants, freeing himself. He wrapped his hand around the base, a pearl of precum squeezing from the swollen tip.
I'm fine
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“Such a good fucking slut, gagging on my cock—this what you wanted? To be pushed to your limits?” Bill clutched your jaw with his other hand, feeling the strain in your muscles, the force of him stretching your mouth wider, and he groaned, head tipping back on his shoulders. “I'm gonna mold that pretty little throat in the shape of my cock, yeah? You're mine. This throat is mine.”
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Btw my sister was gagged by the way I laughed at this like the truly insane person I am
Again, you had the echo of the feeling that you were an artifact under his jurisdiction, being examined with the utmost attention, like the code to cracking you open was written on your skin.
When if finally spit you back out, gasping and overwrought on the shore of Bill's bed, he was still lapping at you, his face and shirt soaked with your release.
“Good fucking girl, well done,” he cooed, withdrawing his fingers to massage the ache from your trembling thighs, his tongue dipping down to drink at the pool of your pleasure. “Twice more, now. That's my girl.”
T-T-T-T-TWICE?????? TWICE MORE??? IS THREE YOUR LUCKY NUMBER BILL. Illuminati confirmed. Im going to go booster
When you came down from the third, twitching and raw, tears leaking from the corners of your eyes, he finally relented.
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“Insatiable,” he purred with approval, shifting to slide down his sweatpants fully and kicking them off.
“Being balls deep in this fucking pussy, feeling your wrapped around me, squeezing my cock the way you do my fingers.”
He shuddered, a breathy moan fanning against your neck, as his control severed. He slammed his cock into you, sheathing himself completely in your depths, and you both cried out, clinging to one another as he dragged his hips back, then slammed them forward again and again. Rutting into you like a feral beast. Brutalizing every inch of your overworked pussy, your overworked mind, until you were brainless, boneless, his to claim entirely.
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It's fine I'm fine totally not thinking about getting fucked silly by bill Weasley hahah you're so crazy
“Come for me, love. Give it to me,” he growled, his free hand dipping down to work your clit, his thrusts growing rougher by the second. Tearing you apart on his cock.
“Fuck yes,” he huffed, breath hot and heavy against your neck. “Gonna paint this cunt white. Make you mine.”
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Bill sank in his teeth into your neck, bottoming out while his cock kicked inside of you, fulfilling his promise and painting your insides with his release. You collapsed onto the bed, scattered pieces in the swallow of space, half-there with Bill as he fucked you both through it, kissing at your neck and muttering praise, and half-gone, a disembodied soul floating on a river of bliss.
Slowly, you returned piece by piece until air slammed back into your lungs and you were gasping, shivering, clinging desperately to him.
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“Sh, sh I’ve got you. You're alright,” he shushed, shifting on the bed to fold you into his chest, raining kisses over your forehead and temple. “You did so well, my love. I'm so proud of you.”
Allie.... Hand in marriage 💍💍💍 this was so good. I fear I've been too spoiled. The second one haunts me. I fear I will never experience a high like that ever again in my life. I'm not saying that because im shitting in this one ARE YOU KIDDING ME FRED AND GEORGE STOLE THIS FIC This is so sweet I FEAR IM SIMPLY SO SPOILED I JUSY I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT MY BRAIN IS LITTERALLY CHANGED I KEEP GOING BACK TO THAT SECOND ONE FUCKK SHIT FUCKKK
Anyway I'm going to manifest bill Weasley in my bedroom now
Love care
Magic Lessons p.3 | B.W.
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feat. Bill Weasley x intern!reader
SUMMARY: Bill returns from Cairo, but doubt began to creep into your mind during his absence, dredging up old wounds for the both of you.
CW: MDNI 18+, smut, mischievious twins, pleasuredom!Bill, angst angst angst angst, mentions of Fenrir’s attack and the war, mentions of divorce, some rough oral and piv, slight breeding kink, possessive!Bill, fluffy HEA
AN: this is now a completed series! yay!
part one | part two | masterlist
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It was strange sitting in Bill’s office without him, curled up in the armchair he devoured you in, book open in your lap. You'd been trying for an hour to decipher his notes on a particular curse, tracing the small, angular letters with tired eyes, but your mind was too preoccupied with thoughts of its writer to absorb any of it.
Bill had been in Cairo for 12 days, six hours, and nine minutes, every tick of the clock like a barb in your skin, leeching black, poisonous doubt into your blood.
Would he still want you when he returned? Will the time away give him clarity to how insane you both were acting? Would you be reduced to a fling? No longer desirable now that you've been flung?
The time, the space, was making you second guess yourself, second guess him. What you were doing was reckless. Stupid, even. Risking the future you'd imagined for yourself since you were a first year at Hogwarts. You’d be a stain on Bill’s impressive career, and the thought of him eventually coming to resent you, regret you, for possibly ruining a decade of hard work…it made you physically ill.
Could you do that to him? To yourself?
But fuck, you wanted him desperately, the ache for him like a hole in your lungs. You found yourself spending longer and longer hours in his office, craving his presence, his aura, and the sanctuary of his space was the closest you could come to replicating that.
You sighed and set the notes aside for the night, the sun having set some hours before. With unhurried movements, you packed up your belongings and tidied his office on the off chance he returned the following day. You wanted it to be presentable for him, leaving no evidence that you'd been holed up there for nearly two weeks, besides the stack of completed work.
You took the Floo Station to the nearest one by your flat like you always did, ready to wash off your makeup, get into your pajamas, and order some Chinese food. Rain was coming down in sheets, wind buffeting against your coat, but when you rounded the corner towards your flat, the bulk of a man standing in the rain in front of your door stopped you in your tracks.
It took less than a heartbeat for you to realize who it was.
“Bill?” You gasped, and he lifted his head, his eyes shadowed with exhaustion, copper hair pulled back in a messy bun.
He took a step towards you. “Sorry, I—”
You launched yourself at him, completely overcome with relief, and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, burying your face into the crook of his neck. “You're home,” you whispered, relaxing fully when his arm looped around your waist, holding you tightly against his chest under the safety of the umbrella.
“I'm home,” he sighed, nuzzling into the top of your head. He smelled of train cars and petrichor, with lingering traces of cologne applied hours earlier, and you wanted to breathe it like air. “Can we go inside?” He asked, settling his hand on your hip with a soft squeeze.
“Yes! Merlin, sorry,” you giggled, a twinge of nerves in your stomach at the thought of having Bill inside your little flat.
You reluctantly pulled away and riffled through your bag for your keys. Bill's arm slid around you from behind, pulling you back against his chest as he nosed into the curve of your shoulder. Butterflies rioted in your stomach, your hands growing so clumsy to nearly dropped your key while you inserted it into the lock.
“Missed you, little bird,” he mumbled, pressing a tender kiss to your pulse.
“I missed you too,” you said, leaning your head against his. You managed to get the door open and Bill released you so you could move inside, and he closed the door behind you both, collapsing the umbrella and setting it by the door. “So, how were things in Egypt?” You asked, hanging your bag on the hook.
Bill slid your rain-soaked jacket off your shoulders, down your arms, his touch feather light, and hung it up as well. “You really want to talk about work? That's where you just came from, isn't it?” He said while shirking his own coat.
You flushed, embarrassed that he saw through you so easily. “It is,” you admitted. “And as long as you're alright, I don't want to talk about work.”
He smirked, reaching out to cradle your face in his hand, the other settling on your hip. “I'm perfect now, love. Although, we’re going to have a discussion about your work-life balance.”
You snorted. “Really? William ‘Never-Takes-A-Day-Off’ Weasley is going to lecture me on working too much?”
“Backtalk, too? Have you forgotten your manners while I was away?” He backed you against your kitchen island, lips a breath away from yours.
“No, sir,” you hummed, barely suppressing a grin as days worth of pent up desire came surging forth, your pulse racing between your legs.
He sighed, breath fanning against your cheek. “Merlin, you sound so pretty.” His hand on your hip moved around your back, pressing your bodies together. “Haven't felt anything soft in days,” he mumbled, almost to himself.
“Take me to bed?” You asked, brushing an escaped strand of hair from his face and tucking it behind his ear.
“Thought you'd never ask,” he chuckled and scooped you up into his arms—
Knock knock!
“Open up! We brought pizza!” The twins serenaded through the door, and Bill swiveled his head to look at you.
“Oh fuck, I completely forgot.” You squirmed and Bill set you back on your feet, though he didn't relinquish his hold. “We planned a movie night.”
“Tell them to bugger off,” he huffed, bending down to kiss your neck.
“Bill, that's rude!”
“Don't care,” he muttered, lapping at your pulse, and your mind began to drift, lost in the feeling of him.
“We’re getting soaked out here!” George called.
“Don't make me break in!” Fred warned, knocking with a little more force. “I'd hate to do it again!”
“Again?” Bill's head snapped towards the door.
“Just—fuck, get in the closet!” You tried to push Bill towards your bedroom, but only managed to move him a few steps.
“Why did he break in before?” He asked, fighting a smile at your helpless attempt to move him.
“I locked myself out! I'll get rid of them, just, please get in there!” You pushed your shoulder into his sternum, peddling your legs like cartoon character.
He sighed, taking a step back and nearly sending your sprawling onto the floor. “Ten minutes.”
“Thank you!”
Bill chuckled and walked the rest of the way into your bedroom at the same moment you heard George cast alohomora.
The twins barged in, wands raised as if you were in peril.
“What took you so bloody long?”
“Why are you just standing there?”
“Whose coat is that?”
“I, actually, um—” you wracked your brain for an excuse.
“Darling, is there a man in this flat?” George asked, lowering his voice conspiratorially.
“Uh—yes!” you whispered back. “I met him at work and we hit it off. I'm sorry, I forgot about our plans.”
George scoffed, a teasing smirk on his face. “So you'd rather have a shag then hang out with us?”
“Y’know, if you needed to blow off a little steam—” Fred started when something crashed in your closet, making the three of you jump.
“Is he…in your closet?” George raised an eyebrow.
“No, no! That's, uh—”
Fred pushed past you, striding into your room.
“Fred!” You snapped, trying to grab him, but he batted your hand away. “Just please, go.”
“You sure you know this bloke well enough to be here alone with him?” Fred asked, moving closer to the closet, the humor having drained from his voice.
“What's his name?” George asked. “Maybe Bill’s mentioned him?”
“It’s, uh—”
“You don't even know his name?” Fred whisper-shouted, glaring at you with a strange mix of pride and concern.
“No, I do! He, uh—”
“Are you okay?” George asked, his brothers concern reflected in his face. He placed a steadying hand on your shoulder. “You're shaking, love.”
“Did this prick scare you?” Fred asked, turning his attention back to the closet door.
“No! Merlin’s sake, please just go! I'm fine!”
“Hey, fuckface, what are you doing in her closet?” Fred banged on the door, and you died a little inside.
Silence echoed around the flat.
“Open the door, mate,” Fred ordered, and George pulled you a little closer to his chest.
More silence. You had no doubt Bill had apparated, and the twins were about to think you were insane.
“Three, two—” Fred yanked open the door, revealing his older brother standing in the middle of your closet, his arms crossed over his chest. “B-Bill?” Fred stammered, taking a step back.
“You two have some fucking nerve,” Bill growled, and the twins scattered as he dashed out of the closet after them.
“We're sorry! We didn't know!” George called, vaulting over your couch.
“What the fuck, y/n?” Fred shouted, diving under your bed.
“Would it kill you two to mind your own fucking business?” Bill dragged Fred out by his ankles, his little brother desperately clawing at the ground.
You'd find it funny if it weren't for your secret being out, the very thing that kept you up every night for the last two weeks.
“You're the one fucking our friend!” George shouted, effectively diverting attention from his twin.
Bill turned on him, throwing one of your pillows at his head. “I'm not fucking her!”
Fred scurried behind your bedroom door. “Then why are you here so late!”
“And hiding in like a ghoul in the closet!”
“Can we just calm down—” You tried.
“I just got back from—come here, you little shit! I just got back from Cairo and needed to check in with her—George!”
“Bullshit!” Fred countered. “You're fucking our girl!”
Bill froze, turning his head to peer at Fred, pillow aloft.
“Your girl?” Bill challenged, and you groaned.
“See! I knew it! Oh fuck—” Bill chucked the pillow at Fred and he apparated at the same instant, the pillow flying right through where he was standing and landing on your bed.
“Fucker,” Bill bit.
“Congratulations on your boning! Bye!” George chirped, apparating too.
Bill sighed, turning to you.
“Couldn't keep your cool, huh?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
“They won't say anything,” he said, smoothing back his hair.
“I know, it's just—” Tendrils of anxiety wrapped around your throat, tightening until you were silenced.
“What, love?” He asked, taking a careful step towards you, sensing your mounting anxiety.
“What are we doing? This is—”
Bill was quiet for a moment. “You said you wanted this,” he murmured, a sharpness around the edges of his words.
“I do!” You cried, frustrated with yourself. “But that doesn't mean we should be doing it. Bill, if it got out that you were screwing your intern, your career would be over. And so would mine, before it even started. I mean, hiding from our coworkers, from your family, it’s just…”
His jaw flexed, shoulders squaring. “So you want to end things here? Go back to before we—” he scrubbed a hand over his face. “Is that what you really want?”
Tears burned your eyes, nausea churning in your stomach. “I don't know—”
“I don't believe you,” he growled. “The way you look at me, the way you were holding me not even ten minutes ago—” his voice cracked. “I don't believe that you want to end this.”
“Maybe it isn't what I want, but it's what we should do. You know that, Bill,” you said through the lump in your throat, voice pinched and small. “We need to stop before this goes too far.”
He looked like you'd slapped him. “What do you mean ‘too far’?”
You turned away from him, tears coming in earnest now. He stalked into your bedroom and caught your elbow, spinning you back around.
“Tell me what you meant,” he pleaded, pulling your hands away from you face, your eyes wet and puffy with tears.
“You know what I meant!” You shouted, yanking your hands out of his grip.
“So even with the potential for…that, you’re still going to end this?” He asked, his voice low. “That isn't worth it to you?”
You couldn't answer him, you arms wrapped around yourself as you trembled, biting back the sob on the tip of your tongue.
“Answer me,” he repeated, softening his voice.
“What if you resent me? What if you—” your voice fractured, brittle with shame and fear. “What if you regret me?”
He leaned down, forcing you to meet his eye. “There's a lot of things I regret on my life,” he said, barely above a whisper. “But I never thought I would get the chance to love someone again, not after Fenrir. Not after the war, not after the divorce—” he drew a shaky inhale.
Guilt dogged at you, and you opened your mouth to speak, but he pressed on.
“There's nothing I wouldn't risk to have that chance again. I would give up everything, my career, my house, all of it. And regardless of what happens between us, I'll never regret you.” He cupped your face again, and this time you allowed him, eyes swimming with unshed tears, your heart mending and breaking all at once.
“Bill, I—”
“Don’t say anything else. I want you to sleep on it,” he said, straightening. “Take the day off tomorrow, too. Then you can tell me what you want to do, and we'll do it.” His voice was firm, but not unkind, a tone of finality that had you nodding in acceptance. “Goodnight, love.” He pressed a kiss to your temple, then released you, apparating away before you could blink.
You were left stunned and alone in your torn apart bedroom, reeling from Bill’s words. Growing weak, your knees folded beneath you and you collapsed onto the floor, a sob bursting from your chest.
Such a coward, you scolded yourself. Of course he's worth the risk.
You wanted or rush over to Shell Cottage and tell him, beg him to forgive you for being so stupid, but he told you to sleep on it. To be sure of whatever answer you gave him. So you shirked your work wear and climbed into bed, squeezing your eyes shut, and prayed for sleep to take you swiftly.
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It didn't. You laid awake for hours, until finally, at two o’clock in the morning, you couldn't stand it any longer.
You pulled on your lucky pair of jeans and jumper, washed away your smudged makeup, and apparated to Shell Cottage.
When you landed sprawled in his yard instead of standing on his front porch, it occurred to you that surprising the Curse-breaker in the middle of the night during a thunderstorm was a stupid idea, but it was too late now.
Bill wrenched open the door, hair rumpled and dressed only in sweatpants, his wand aimed at you, green wisps of magic dancing at the end of it. Thunder rolled overhead, a crack of lightning making you jump.
“Bill,” you gasped, stepping into the light of his front porch, and he nearly dropped his wand.
“Y/n? What the fuck are you—”
“I'm sorry about what I said.” You jumped headfirst into your apology, needing to get it out before it drowned you. “I was scared and stupid and I didn't mean it. I want you, no matter the risks. I can't let you—I can't let this go by without trying.” Tears will spilling down your cheeks again, mixing with the rain, your words coming out in hiccuping gasps. “I'd never forgive myself for being too cowardly to try.”
Bill bound down the steps, grabbing you by the throat and silencing you with a savage, bruising kiss. He kissed you the way a drunkard takes to a keg, ravenous and greedy. You could taste whisky on his tongue, smoke on his breath, but it only made you kiss him harder, open yourself wider for him to devour.
“Inside,” he gruffed when you broke the kiss to breathe. “Now.”
You obliged, hurrying up the slick steps with him on your tail. The cottage was cozy and dimly lit, a fireplace roaring in the corner and the moon serving as the only illumination. There were books everywhere, piles of blankets and shelves lined with trinkets, art hung on every wall.
Taking advantage of your distraction, Bill scooped you up bridal-style, one arm notched under your knees, the other around your mid-back. You gasped in surprise, but quickly settled into the warmth of his chest, leaning your head against his bare shoulder to kiss along his rain-damp clavicle.
“I told you to sleep on it,” he murmured, carrying you across the living room and up a set of stairs.
“Couldn't,” you hummed, licking a jagged scar on his shoulder. “Not without fixing things.”
“Neither could I,” he said, nudging open a door with his foot and carrying you across the threshold. It was his bedroom, decorated with even more of his findings and a giant four-poster bed made of solid wood, the quilt a thick woven masterpiece that you only got to admire for a second before he was dropping you onto it and shirking your wet clothes.
He paused, muttering an incendio to light the fire place, and you sat up, head level with his sternum. Hesitantly, you kissed a long his abdomen, tracing the dips and swells of his muscles, his scars with your lips.
He hummed low in his chest, petting a hand over your damp hair. “Whatcha doin’, pretty girl?” he asked, his voice silken.
“Nothin’,” you mumbled, licking along one his scars, growing bolder as he placated you with scalp scratches. “Wanted to touch you.”
He chuckled. “Been wanting you to touch me—” he groaned when you shifted your body to lay down on the bed, kissing along the grooves of his hips, teasing the edge of his waistband with your fingers. “Baby, you don't have to—”
You cut him by licking a stripe over the hard bulge of his cock, feeling it twitch and swell through the fabric. You nearly moaned at the feel of him, thick and long and warm, and your pussy purred, fluttering around nothing.
“You want my cock, darling?” He asked, gently sweeping your hair into a ponytail, the strands held together by his fist.
You nodded, looking up at him through your lashes.
He tsked, smirking. “I suppose I could indulge you for a bit.” With his free hand, he reached into the front his pants, freeing himself. He wrapped his hand around the base, a pearl of precum squeezing from the swollen tip.
You caught the salty morsel with your tongue, kitten licking the underside of him. He tasted fucking divine, velvety smooth and masculine, and your jaw fell open on its own accord, eager to take more of him.
“Such a good girl,” he cooed, feeding the first few inches into your mouth before retreating, patting your tongue with his cockhead when it chased him past your lips. “Fuck, look at you. So eager to please.”
He eased himself back into your mouth, holding still so you could move at your own pace, bobbing your head in slow, sloppy movements, savoring the heavy feel of him on your tongue.
Soft, breathy moans spilled from his lips, his hand tugging a bit harder at your roots. He started moving you up and down his length, his hips rocking forward, thrusting gently into your mouth. You moaned around him, fisting the sheets below you as a flood of arousal made you pussy throb.
“Oh, darling. You want me to be rough, don't you?” He hummed, pulling his hips back until just the tip rested on your tongue.
Your eyes lifted to his and you nodded the best you could. Please, please use me.
“Your safe word is ‘hex’, okay?”
You nodded again, pleading with your eyes.
He thrust back into your mouth, his fist keeping your head in place as he forced his cock as deep as it could go. He set a punishing pace, fucking your face with every ounce of the brutality you knew he kept locked up right in his chest, hidden from the world.
Now, hidden from everyone but you.
You both needed to let go of control, to surrender to the truth in your heart, and with each other, it was starting to seem not only possible, but safe.
“Such a good fucking slut, gagging on my cock—this what you wanted? To be pushed to your limits?” Bill clutched your jaw with his other hand, feeling the strain in your muscles, the force of him stretching your mouth wider, and he groaned, head tipping back on his shoulders. “I'm gonna mold that pretty little throat in the shape of my cock, yeah? You're mine. This throat is mine.”
You could only whimper, taking every savage thrust like it was a gift from god. More than happy to worship at the altar of Bill Weasley.
He withdrew suddenly, leaving you gasping for air, a thread of drool on connecting you. He craned your head back, lifting you until your hands left the mattress, back bent like a doll.
“This is it now, you understand? I won't go back.” His voice was rough with intensity, eyes shining with sincerity, vulnerability despite his hold on you.
“This is it,” you repeated, shuffling your knees underneath you and reaching for him. He loosened his hold so you could wrap your arms around his neck, molding your tender mouth against his in an attempt to convey what your were feeling, how much you needed him.
He kissed you back harder as thunder boomed above you, tongue twining with yours, and low groan loosened from his chest. He released you fully, sliding his hands down your back and scooping you up by your thighs, guiding your legs around his waist.
He held you aloft for a few moments, basking in the heat of the kiss, but it wasn't long until you were squirming in his hold, trying to create more friction between your bodies as desire blazed under your skin, raging like the storm outside.
In a quick movement, he broke the kiss and dropped you back onto the bed, sprawled on your back. Before you had time to process what happened, his rough hands forced your thighs apart, revealing the puffy, drippy state of you. One of his hands slid up to part your folds, exposing your sensitive bundle of nerves to the cool air of the room.
Again, you had the echo of the feeling that you were an artifact under his jurisdiction, being examined with the utmost attention, like the code to cracking you open was written on your skin.
Bill saw you down to the soul, and it terrified and exhilarated you in equal measure.
“You're perfect,” he murmured, moving to ease his middle finger inside of you, curling his knuckle to prod that gooey spot inside you and draw a moan from your lips. “The most beautiful curse I've ever had to break.”
“Bill,” you whined, hands grabbing at the sheets, hips trying to rock against his hand, needing more.
He smirked. “Seems I've already broken you, needy little thing. Haven't even gotten started.” He leaned down, laving his tongue over your clit before sucking it between his teeth, and you keened, vision tunneling as bliss washed over you. The relief so palpable it brought tears to your eyes.
He added a second finger, setting a slow but intense pace, stretching and molding you with his fingers, his mouth messily slurping on your clit to keep you loose and moaning beneath him. Pleasure signed every nerve, burning through your muscles like lactic acid, eating into your bones until they were gelatinous, a puddle of simpering goo on Bill’s bed. He was doing just enough to elicit pleasure but not enough to make you cum, and it was starting to make you desperate again, bucking your hips against him in search of more.
“Hush,” he scolded, swatting at your inner thigh when you opened your mouth to beg. “You'll be begging me to stop coming soon enough.”
You couldn't tell if it was a promise or a threat, but either way, you snapped your mouth shut, a fresh wave of arousal making your pussy clench around his fingers.
He took some mercy on you though, and picked up the pace with his fingers fucking you with his hand while he kissed up your stomach, leaving a trail of slick from his chin over your stomach to your tits. He guided a pert nipple into his mouth, lashing it with his tongue before sucking hard, and your back bowed off the bed as you cried out for him.
You tangled your fingers into his hair, urging him closer, and he obliged, bathing your tits with his lips and tongue, using his teeth to elicit sharp gasps of pain before soothing the sting with pleasure. Your orgasm began to build, winding like a gear in your low belly until you were barely able to breathe, every scrap of energy drawn to the apex of your thighs.
“Merlin, your tight, love,” he murmured against the side of your tit, kissing his way back down between your legs. “Ready to come for me?”
“Please, Bill—fuck, please,” you mewled, dragging him by the hair to your needy clit.
“So pretty when you beg,” he purred, swirling his tongue just around your clit, careful to avoid direct contact. “Who does this pussy belong to?”
“You,” you immediately answered, trying to chase his tongue with your pelvis. “I'm yours, Bill.”
He grinned. “That's right. Mine.” With that, he fastened his lips around your clit and sucked hard, curling his fingers against your g-spot at the same moment, and something inside you gave way. You came with a scream, bliss bursting through like a tsunami and dragging you under.
It filled your mind and soul, an endless torrent of bliss drowning you in its bottomless depth. When if finally spit you back out, gasping and overwrought on the shore of Bill's bed, he was still lapping at you, his face and shirt soaked with your release.
“Good fucking girl, well done,” he cooed, withdrawing his fingers to massage the ache from your trembling thighs, his tongue dipping down to drink at the pool of your pleasure. “Twice more, now. That's my girl.”
You shook your head, feeling like a wrung out sponge, but sure enough, Bill has to ratcheted back up in no time, screaming his name, clenching around his fingers as you came a second and third time. It was like magic, the way he coaxed your body into doing what he wanted, even when you thought you couldn't. Playing you like an instrument, drawing whatever song he wanted from your body.
When you came down from the third, twitching and raw, tears leaking from the corners of your eyes, he finally relented.
“Did so well, darling,” he cooed, easing his fingers from you and licking them clean. “Are you alright?” He asked, resting his cheek on your thigh as you caught your breath.
You nodded, grasping at his hair again to pull him up your body. He obliged with a chuckle, letting you crash your mouth to his in a desperate, messy kiss, your essence on his tongue making your head spin even more.
“Fuck me, please,” you mumbled into his mouth, wrapping your legs around his waist and tugging him fully onto the bed.
“Insatiable,” he purred with approval, shifting to slide down his sweatpants fully and kicking them off. He grasped himself, sawing through your drenched slit with a groan. “This was all I could think about in Cairo,” he rasped. “Being balls deep in this fucking pussy, feeling your wrapped around me, squeezing my cock the way you do my fingers.”
“Please, baby. Need you so bad,” you whined, rocking your hips in time with his.
“Need doesn't begin to cover what I'm feeling.” His voice was a strained growl, a primal sort of plea, and it drew another whimper from your chest. “You remember your safe word?” He asked, nearly trembling with effort of not burying himself to the hilt.
You nodded. “Yes, sir.”
He shuddered, a breathy moan fanning against your neck, as his control severed. He slammed his cock into you, sheathing himself completely in your depths, and you both cried out, clinging to one another as he dragged his hips back, then slammed them forward again and again. Rutting into you like a feral beast. Brutalizing every inch of your overworked pussy, your overworked mind, until you were brainless, boneless, his to claim entirely.
“Feels even fucking better—shit, baby. So fucking tight and hot, so wet f’me. My perfect little cunt takin’ me so well.”
You could only moan and nod, eager as a bobblehead. “Yours,” you parroted, digging your nails into his shoulders.
“Mine,” he gruffed, yanking your head back by your hair so he could ravish your neck with his teeth and tongue.
You were so sensitive from before that you could already feel that knot tightening a fourth time, making you flutter and clench around him as he railed you.
“Come for me, love. Give it to me,” he growled, his free hand dipping down to work your clit, his thrusts growing rougher by the second. Tearing you apart on his cock.
Nothing else would ever satisfy you the way he was, he was molding you into the shape of him, ruining you for anyone else. No one could please you the way he did, understand your body so viscerally, so completely, that it bowed to him before it did you.
He owned you mind, body, and soul, and you wouldn't have it any other way, because you knew that you owned him too. Like a lion on a leash.
“Come with me, come with me,” you cried, your trembling body trying to meet him thrust for thrust.
“Fuck yes,” he huffed, breath hot and heavy against your neck. “Gonna paint this cunt white. Make you mine.”
“Yes, yes! Fuck, Bill, I’m—” You came so hard you couldn't even scream, your mouth falling open as pleasure exploded from your center, a bomb detonating in the depths of your soul.
Bill sank in his teeth into your neck, bottoming out while his cock kicked inside of you, fulfilling his promise and painting your insides with his release. You collapsed onto the bed, scattered pieces in the swallow of space, half-there with Bill as he fucked you both through it, kissing at your neck and muttering praise, and half-gone, a disembodied soul floating on a river of bliss.
Slowly, you returned piece by piece until air slammed back into your lungs and you were gasping, shivering, clinging desperately to him.
“Sh, sh I’ve got you. You're alright,” he shushed, shifting on the bed to fold you into his chest, raining kisses over your forehead and temple. “You did so well, my love. I'm so proud of you.”
“That was—” you panted, feeling the race of his heart under his skin, in perfect synchronicity with yours.
“I've never felt anything like that,” he murmured, nosing into your hair and taking a deep breath. “Like you.”
“Me neither.” You wrapped your arms around his middle snuggling closer. “You're a madman,” you chuckled, and you felt him smile.
“Only for you.”
You were quiet for awhile, the room filled with the sounds of your laborers breathing, the onslaught of rain on the roof, the pop and crackle of the fire.
“I'm sorry for leaving like that before,” Bill whispered, breaking the drowsy quiet. “I didn't trust myself to not lash out…” his voice trailed off, his hands tightening a bit around your body, like he was scared you'd pull away from him at the reminder of before.
“Thank you for trying to protect me,” you responded, lightly tracing the scars along his back, and tension in his body melted.
“Nothing’s going to hurt you, especially not me,” he said, lifting his head to look into your eyes, his dark irises so soft and sincere. “You really think you could fall for me?” He asked, bumping your nose with his.
“I think I've already started,” you whispered, bashful, and he beamed, catching your lips in a light, languid kiss.
“I know I was supposed to be the one teaching you…” he murmured against your mouth, kissing along your jaw, down your neck. “But you've opened my eyes so much, helped me learn the lessons I was avoiding—” his voice caught, and he buried his face in your neck, holding your naked body pressed against his, not even air separating you. “I feel like I can be the man I want to be with you,” he confessed, pressing a kiss to the bite mark he'd left along the curve of your throat. “Like I don't have to hide anymore.”
“You're mine too,” you whispered, and he loosed a breathy sound, almost like a whine, and held you even tighter. “And I want you exactly as wild and stubborn and clever and complex as you are.”
Bill shifted upwards, catching your final words with his mouth, moving purposefully, indulgently, against yours. Saying everything he couldn't express with words, and your heart was so full it started leaking from your eyes, tears snaking down your cheeks and getting caught in the kiss.
He moved his lips to catch your tears, shushing you softly. “I'm yours,” he said, pecking your lips again. “And I have those good-for-nothing jackasses to thank for it.”
You burst out laughing, flopping back onto his pillows. “They're going to be so damn smug.”
Bill groaned, burying his face in your tits. “Worth it when I get to show you off and crush their dreams.”
“They'll live,” you giggled, combing your fingers through his hair.
Bill's alarm suddenly blared from the side table. “Silencio,” he barked, and the clock fell silent once again. “We're calling out,” he mumbled.
You nodded, sleep already starting to tug at you, your limbs going heavy on the mattress. “As long as the boss says it's okay.”
He huffed a laugh. “Good thing he's a pretty laid back guy.”
You rolled your eyes behind closed lids, and hummed in agreement. That was a lesson for another day.
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Thank you so much for reading and supporting this series! This is the last part of the core series, but I'm considering doing a few extra drabbles that go along with it (let me know if there's anything in particular you want to see!)
taglist: @itisjustwhatitis, @carmenschemtrails, @karina-v20, @acourtofexiles, @meteora-fc, @l1nd3n, @just-some-random-blogger, @astralissas, @novausstuff, @babyearthquakementality, @slytherin-min99, @buendiabebeta, @littlemadamred, @nislame, @mother-homunculus, @dreamyassasin, @lottalove4evelyn, @mmmunson, @th0tformikasa, @katie-tibo, @comicalivy, @polireader
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cherrys-side-bitch · 3 years ago
ℍ𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒 ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕥 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤 ℙ𝕥.2
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Gn! reader, fluff
Includes: Muichirou, Gyomei, Giyu, Sanemi, Obanai
Part 1
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When he sees you cry for the first time he freezes for a moment, not knowing what to do.
Once he's had a moment he walks over and kneels down to your height, quietly asking what's wrong with a hand gently placed over yours.
If you don't want to talk about it Muichiro will respect your decision, simply rubbing your back in an attempt to comfort you.
If you want to talk about it he’ll silently listen as well as he can, sadly he’ll zone out on accident but he's trying his best.
Once he realizes that he zoned out he tries to piece together what you might've said and it only works sometimes...
He’ll usually ask if you'd like him to get you something, if you say yes he’ll go get it as quick as possible, not wanting to leave you for too long. If not he’ll stay with you to keep you company.
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
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He will legit start crying with you, I’m being deadass rn.
Gyomei probably thought he did something that scared or upset you.
When told that he isn't the issue he quicking changed to trying to comfort you, sinking to your height and enveloping you in a protective but fairly loose hug so as to not hurt you.
The 7’2 man gives amazing hugs, the comforting warmth from his body radiating onto your own would be such a pleasant experience.
If you decide to talk about it he’ll silently listen not daring to speak, once you're finished speaking he congratulates you on being able to share something so personal. Not every one has the guys to do that and wants you to know he's proud of you.
He doesn't like it when you cry but will always be there for you if needed.
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
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He's probably the least helpful in the sense that he doesn't know what to do. He just kind of sits there wondering what he should do to help.
After Giyu thinks for a bit he would likely rub your back and reassure you that you're allowed to cry.
Once you calm down a bit he asks if you want to talk about it or if you need something.
He’d gladly leave the room real quick to get you a cup of water, all you have to do is ask.
If you want to talk about it he’s all ears. Giyu sucks at comforting people but if you need someone to rant/vent to he's your man.
He’ll listen carefully to every word and try to offer any sort of advice you need based on his own experience. Although he’ll ask first, he's not some asshole who gives unsolicited advice.
If you don't want to talk about it he understands it can be hard to talk about your issues and he respects your privacy.
He’d simply ask if you'd like to go on a small way to get your mind off of things.
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
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As rude as it sounds, he probably believes that there's no use in crying, after all, nothing is going to change if you don't do anything about it.
So when he saw you crying to yourself he was a bit standoffish at first, almost making it sound as if expressing you emotions is bad.
When he notices how genuinely upset you are he calms down a bit.
He sits down beside you and asks what’s so important that you're crying over it.
If you start to open up about it he’ll stay quiet and listen to what you have to say.
Sanemi knows he sucks at comforting people so he tries to make up for that by being someone who actually listens to you.
If you decide to not talk about it he gets very annoyed but sort of understands why you wouldn't want to talk about it.
Acts fussy but offers to lend you an ear if you have problems in the future
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
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When he first saw you in such a state his first thought was that someone hurt you.
As he kneels to your height he grabs your face to look at him and asks who was dumb enough to mess with you. If nobody did he’ll apologize for his prior harshness, he just needed to make sure.
He quietly strokes your face where he suddenly grabbed apologizing if he accidentally hurt you.
After you've calmed down a bit he asks what's wrong and if you'd like to talk about it.
If you do wish to talk about it Obanai is quietly listening making sure you're aware that he's still paying attention.
He wouldn't even dream of interrupting you, especially since you've decided to entrust him with this information
If you decide to not tell him he's fine with that. Obanai respects your wishes and won't force you to talk about your issues, he knows from personal experience that it doesn't help at all.
Either way, if you decide to talk about it or not he and Kaburamaru will stay with you if you wish.
He will also be a bit less harsh with you for the next day or two, after all, he'd rather not be the cause of your distress.
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
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beeindaclouds · 3 years ago
What the DSMP gift you for Christmas ✩*⋆ ⍋* ❅
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Pairings: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, P!Skeppy, Wilbur Soot, C!Technoblade, P!Philza, Nihachu, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Foolish Gamers, Eret, Punz
Request are open
A.N: this is gonna be different from all my other scenarios, because I'm putting all of them in one scenario. Also, fun fact, I'm writing all of this while listening to "We don't talk about Bruno" on repeat :D
Dream's rich. Man's a bill- sorry, mUlTi MiLlIoNaIrE, so anything you want you get. Want some jewelry? There you go. A ticket to your favourite band? Vip and meet and greet if there is one. Binders? He bought 10 and bought the safest ones and made sure to regularly check that you have taken them off after a certain amount of time
This is George's field. He was never good with words or expressing himself, but when it came to gifts he always seemed to hit the target with you. You would mention something you like and, after months, he'll still remember and gift it to you, if you haven't bought it yet. It's amazing how he always seems to remember everything you like
For some reason I feel like he goes all out for you. Sapnap doesn't get you only one present, he gets multiple. One of the gifts it's most likely a matching outfit for the both of you. I can imagine him buying both of you deer onesies and both of you taking many pictures in them to post or send to Callahan later haha
Well, except the amazing Christmas breakfast Bad cooks for the both of you he does give you other gifts. For some reason I imagine him gifting you jewelry, any kind of jewelry that you like. It could be a ring, a necklace or a bracelet, just something that'll make you remember of him when you look at it. 100% has his, yours and lucy's name on it
I'm not even joking when I say that Skeppy [Platonic] will gift you his merch for Christmas. Like deadass just a box full of his hoodies and hats. Even gift cards to his own shop. Ok, he'll also gift you something you wanted, but mostly his merch. But hey, you'll be 100% warm for the entire winter
Is it too cliche if I say that he writes you a song? I mean, he has to. Oh and you know how in movies the couples go on Christmas shopping, and one of them sees something they like and the other quickly plans to go buy it and gift it to them? Yes, that's Wilbur Soot.
C!Technoblade probably doesn't celebrate Christmas much. He was always alone on those days so he treated them like any other, and then you came into his life and suddenly he had to gift you something. It's your first Christmas togheter and he had to make this gift meaningful. So, he did the most reasonable thing and poured his entire heart and soul into a letter. Was it much? No, but it didn't need to be. Just the fact that he had gotten the courage to write about his own feelings after being so secretive about them for so long was a new thing for you. You swore you'd keep that letter with you forever
C!Philza [Platonic] is definitely the one that gifts you clothes for Christmas. From sweaters to socks, he gifts you all kinds of clothes. He also brings you something from Mumza and you two stop to talk about how she's doing
I think Nihachu would gift you something she made herself. A sweater with your initials stitched on the front or a bath bomb with your favourite scent; I can see her putting her heart and soul into what she does for you and always being happy to see your happy face whenever you open the present
Quackity definitely tricks you with a gift just to have a kiss. I can imagine him giving you a present that only contains a mistletoe and, after getting his kiss, he gives you the actual present. And another small present is dancing with you under the Christmas lights; it has become a tradition for you two to have a slow dance after opening gifts, just a sweet and cute moment between you two. Oh, and he definitely sings in Spanish while dancing
Here's a other one that will absolutely spoils you, Karl Jacobs. I can see him buying you plushies every Christmas and naming them just to get more attached. He sometimes exaggerates and buys you giant plushies that will definitely not fit in your already plushie filled room. Calls all the plushies your children, congrats you're a parent now
Foolish and his sister always have a competition to see who can give you the best gift every Christmas. At the moment they're tied. Your boyfriend always kept track of the things you liked and you and Moo always talked so she basically knows everything about you. They're always neck to neck. Of course it's all fun and games, and you adore to see Foolish go all pounty when you prefer his sister's gift
I feel like Eret would buy you something useful. Like if you ever mentioned something that you needed she would quickly take a mental note and boy it later on. Also definitely gifts you a crown and cape so that you two match and will post many MANY pictures of you cause she loves to show you off
This man's a mess. He's scared to gift you the wrong thing so sometimes he just asks you what you want without realising. He gets so flustered and embarrassed you have to give him some time to recover. It's rare to see Punz like this but giving gifts it's not really his forte. He does try his best and always gives you the right thing anyway
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shiggyscumrag · 4 years ago
How the MHA boys react to their chubby s/o wearing their clothes<3
I also plan on making a demon slayer and haikyuu version so look out for that hoessss
Midoriya Izuku
Dude he would flip, but like in a positive way-
He would get so flustered and immediately start muttering on and on about how pretty you look and try to poorly hide his embarrassment
He would find it really cute, plus he wears slightly bigger sized shirts so it wouldnt fit to tight on you
And even if it did he would find it absolutely adorable
You wearing one of his shirts that literally say "shirt" and a pair of his sweats to go along with it and it would be one of his new favorite things
He would ask if he could take a picture to save as his new homescreen deadass
He just cant get over how adorbale you look so of course hes gonna get all flustered and lovey dovey
10/10 would cuddle you for the rest of the night and not let you leave. Sleepover timeeeee
"What are you wearing?" He said as he stumbled across you in one of his shirts and sweats. You were bored and uncomfy in your jeans and tshirt so you decided it was a good idea to steal some of your boyfriends clothes to get more comfortable. Of course he was a little smaller in size then you but it would still work.
"I got uncomfortable and I thought you wouldn't mind if I borrowed some clothes to change into. I can change if you want-"
"No no no, you're okay! I mean I like you in my clothes, and I'm glad they make you comfortable! I just didnt know what you were doing and I was a little confused at first but you look really cute so I really don't mind at all, I swear! I was just a little startled-" you were interrupted by Izuku's rambling. He always did this when he was nervous. All you could really do is chuckle, and have your cheeks blush slightly at the compliments while getting comfy on his bed.
Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou thought it was a dumb idea at first, like he just didnt get it
Though after your persistent meddling he gave in and gave you one of his shirts
After you put it on and showed him he got all flustered and very horny
He felt weirdly proud about it, it was like a way of marking you as his and he liked that
And omg when you stole and wore a pair of his boxers, he fucking malfunctioned. Heres how the scenario would go in my head-
"Welcome back Katsuki!" You said cheerfully from further inside his dorm.
"Ah, what are you doing here shitty woman! I'm tired and want to go to bed-" he stopped mid sentence when he saw you laying on his bed in his boxers and his classic skull tshirt. He didnt realize how horny he had been but now the bulge in his pants was very prominent and uncomfortably tight.
"See something you like katsu?" You teased. You knew he had been stressed from interning lately and I mean so have you, so why not kill two birds with one stone?
"Hell yeah I do." He said crossing the room fast and finding your lips. A heated makeout session started, you had sat up and placed your hands on his chest starting to undo his tie and unbutton his uniform shirt. He pulled away and smirked grabbing you by the chin making you look at him.
"You're such a naughty girl." He pulled his pants and boxers down in one swift motion, hissing when the cool air hit his cock. "Now get to sucking slut." You smirked and went down to lick his slit, some pre hitting your taste buds making you mewl. You began to bob your head at a steady pace. He groaned as his head fell back, a hand falling behind your head guiding your movements.
"Such a good little slut for me. Got any panties under here?" He said snapping the elastic of his boxers, leaving a delicious sting on your hip. You hummed causing another groan to rip through his throat. He pulled you off his cock with a pop.
"Is that a yes or a no sweet cheeks?" He said dragging his thumb against your drool soaked lips
"No sir, I dont have any panties on." You say, eyes half lidded and full of lust.
"Good answer-" He started as he pinned you down on the bed and left a chaste kiss on your lips. "Cause I was gonna take em' off anyways."
Kirishima Eijiro
When you first ask if you could borrow a shirt and pants to wear to sleep in his dorm he gladly excepted
He found it to be quote on quote "the manliest thing ever"
He would feel bad that his clothes are tight on you so he buys a couple over sized ones and wears them to get them to smell like him and next time you come to trade out hoodies he gives you those in hopes it'll make you feel more comfy
He would def also steal your clothes
He would love to wear your hoodies around the dorm and flex about having them
He loves that you feel comfortable enough to wear his clothes and to also let him wear yours
It's a trust and comfort thing that he finds the most adorbale
It makes him feel so happy, you make him so happy<3
You heard a knock on your door. You got up from your bed and made your way to the door as whoever it was continued to knock. You opened it up to see a red head with sharp teeth grinning widely at you.
"Hey kiri!" You said wrapping your arms around his neck as you leaned forward to place a kiss on his cheek. He wrapped one arm around your waist and chuckled at your kiss.
"I came by to swap hoodies again! Yours stopped smelling like you." He said with a pout on his lips.
"Ah its okay baby, I'll give you another one!" You said with a smile.
Todoroki Shouto
Shouto would be confused on why exactly you would want to wear his clothes when you have your own that are perfectly fine
But he would still find it oddly comforting and very cute
He didn't really know that was a thing that couples do, you know trading clothes
So you would steal his hoodies and you would give him yours to sleep in
Dude he would get so happy
He would put your hoodie on for the first time alone in his dorm after you dropped it off and gave him a kiss goodnight
So he puts it on and just feels so comfy and at home in a sense. He just feels so calm and at peace with the world
Plus when he realizes it smells like you he goes wild
Would sleep in it every night and every morning he would fold it neatly and place it on his pillow so that when he gets home after a long day of class and interning with his dad he can wear it straight out his shower and smell your scent and be able to go to sleep peacefully that night
He can only hope his hoodies make you feel the same way yours do to him
"I can have this?" He says holding out the hoodie of yours you just gave him to be able to wear, a stoic expression still painted on his face.
"Well yeah! I thought since you let me have yours that you could have mine!" You said with a smile. Shoto couldn't help the heat that started to flush his face. He never knew that this is what couples do. He just knew they cuddled, kissed, held hands, and went on dates. He didn't know you could exchange clothing as a form of affection, but when you asked to have one of his hoodies he did love the idea of you wearing them. Shoto liked it even more when he saw you around the dorm in them.
"Thank you y/n. I appreciate it greatly." He spoke.
"Of course roni!" You said leaning in and pecking his lips "Goodnight, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!" You said skipping towards the girls dorms.
"Goodnight. Sleep well." He said softly. You smiled and waved goodbye. Once you rounded the corner and he could no longer see you he entered his room now staring at the hoodie once again.
He pushed the hoodie over his head and put his arms through. He adjusted the material until he was comfortable. He looked in the mirror and stated to go red. He was wearing your hoodie. He started to get this euphoric feeling of relief. A sense of home is what he felt while wearing it. He tucked himself into bed and laid his head on his pillow when he got a sudden whiff of your scent. It smelled like you too. He felt even more comfy now. He went to sleep peacefully that night. It felt like he was going to sleep in your arms. It was amazing. He now wears it every night and when it doesnt smell like you anymore he asks for you to wear it to make it smell like you again. You have definitely created a monster-
Mezo Shoji
Shoji is a pretty big fella and because of his quirk his clothes are kinda unique
BUT his pants and boxers are normal and can fit you fairly well
I feel like he would also get over sized clothes to lounge in so he feels less restricted so that's a bonus for you
So now you steal his pants all the time when your too lazy to go to your dorm and change or if you haven't done laundry and your out of comfy clothes
Plus you steal his boxers to basically substitute them as spandex shorts
I feel like he wouldnt know that he would like seeing you in his clothes until he did and he would get really happy.
And he finds it incredibly sexy when you wear his boxers, like damn you finna get WRECK-
You have once again stolen one of Shojis pair of boxers to wear as spandex, cause their just so comfy! Your boyfriend was currently downstairs in the kitchen getting you guys snacks for your movie night in his dorm.
You had gotten one his boxers and hid your panties in your pants and folded them nicely over on the nightstand. He came in with his hands full of popcorn, candy, and drinks. Not the healthiest but for sure yummy!
"Here let me help bubs!" You say getting out from under the blanket and standing to help grab stuff from his hands. He stared down at your lower stomach, hips, and thighs seeing them covered in the print of one his boxers. He was used to you stealing his pants and boxers but their was something different this time. Something in him snapped. "You okay Shoji?" You asked placing your hands on his chest after already setting the drinks and candy down. Popcorn still in one hand he took the other and stroked your cheek.
"I'm okay love. I see you stole my boxers again." One of his arms finding its place to settle on your hip.
"Oh yeah I did. I didn't feel like running back all the way to my dorm just to change." You spoke "Is that okay?" You asked, a silent plead in your eyes for it to be okay with him.
"Yeah it's okay." He said bending down and nuzzling his cheek against yours. You hummed in contentment before speaking.
"I'll get the movie ready!" You said running over to his laptop on his desk across the room. Shoji saw your pants folded neatly on his night stand where he was gonna set the popcorn and drinks so they were easier to reach. He set down the popcorn on the bed and picked up your pants accidentally unfolding them and causing your panties to fall on the floor at his feet. A flush crossed Shojis face, a scorching heat firing through his body. This is the straw that broke the camel's back.
You couldn't figure out what movie you wanted to watch. You just scrolled and scrolled and scrolled through Netflix's recommended page finding absolutely nothing. Next thing you knew you felt Shojis hands wrap around you waist and his face right next to your ear.
"Shoji what are you-"
"No panties huh?" He interrupted.
That's all you needed to hear to know you were gonna have a long night filled with hours of unwatched watched movies and a bunch of screens saying "Are you still watching?"
Hanta Sero
He would praise the ever loving dog snot out of your bro
Dude he would praise you left and right, up and down, side to side which is basically the same thing as left to right but we wont talk about it
He absolutely loves it
He never knew he needed this until now and he is never going back
He loves how you look in his clothes so he would for sure start getting slightly oversized stuff so it will fit you more comfortably so you dont have an excuse not to wear his clothes
Even though he would be perfectly content if you only wore them in his dorm, he just wants you in his clothes now 24/7
He would also steal your clothes<3 and he would always say he likes how they smell like you AHHHHHHH
"Come on, do a little twirl for me!" Sero teased as he spun his finger around in a circle.
"Sero!" You said, you could feel your face growing hotter by the second. He loved when you got all hit and bothered by his praise so he always teases you.
"You just look so damn good~" he said as he snaked his arms around your waist. He leaned in making you eager and lean in as well. Just as your about to kiss he pulls away.
"Sero stop teasing!" You whisper shout, a bit of whine in your voice.
That's when he leaned down fully and gave you a kiss on your lips. You depended the kiss and started a full on make out session. His hands trailed down to your ass grabbing it firmly cause a gasp from you. He took that as a chance to slip his tongue in. After a couple minutes you both pulled away for air, slightly panting and a string of salvia connecting your lips.
"You look really cute in my clothes but I think they'd look cutest on the floor-"
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shegatsby · 3 years ago
Hi! I absolutely love your work and I was wondering if I could request a Hannibal x fem!reader?
Where the reader is innocent and sees the good in everyone, something that attracts Hannibal. But she surprises him when he’s under attack and she just deadass kills the guy hurting Hannibal and her only explanation is “I don’t like the people I love in danger” (bonus points if that’s the first time she tells him she loves him)
Again I love your work, you’re amazing! ♥️
A/N; Sorry for any tyops, enjoy. xx gif isn't mine.
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Hannibal Lecter was at his office, it was getting late, after he treated his last patient he wanted to organize his notes and office table. It was his custom, he loved organizing everything in his life, including the people he surround himself with. When he opened his secret drawer he found the notebook he used on you. You came to him a year ago, he smiled to himslef, he usually never dwelled on past experiences but he loved the memories he had with you. The firsy time you met was at his office, you had some mental problems and you couldn't cope with them anymore. You were so shy it made him smile, you couldn't even look at him in the eye for couple of sessions and he used a different approach to cure you, he became your friend.
He first invited you to a dinner at his house and soon you two became close friends, closer than Will and Hannibal because you caught Hannibal on a hunt. He explained what kind of a man he is and expected you to run away but you stood there and told him that you would never run away from a friend, you could see there was a shimmer of good in him and it was enough for you, that made your friendship closer.
However, you wanted more than a basic friendship, you wanted to be his and his only, and tonight was the night to express your true feelings for him. You got your bag and left your house quickly, your hands were shaking but you had to do it.
When you arrived to his office yu heard voice comig from inside, it sounded like two men were fighting, you barged in for the rescue, you saw Hannibal and Tobias Budge -you met him on an event- fighting fiercely, Hannibal had a bleeding lip and a bruised face.
''Y/N?'' Tobias couldn't suppress his shock, when you saw Hannibal, the man you love, being hurt a rush of adrenalin and primal fury came over you and shook your entire body, you could feel your blood rushing at the top of your head, you always carried a small gun with you. Without hesitation you shoot Tobias, he collapsed to the shiny ground of Hannibal's office.
Hannibal was out of breath, your eyes were fixed on now dead Tobias, Hannibal came to lower the gun you were holding tightly, ''Its okay. You can let it go now.'' he whispered to you, you did what he told you. He took the gun and put it away, he was surprised to see you like this because you always gave him the impression of a innocent, shy young woman. Today you showed him that you could be more, you had the potential.
''Why?'' he asked, breathing heavily, ''Why did you do that?''
“I don’t like the people I love in danger.” You simply said with a low voice, you looked up to meet his maroon gaze, noticed you just outed yourself, you told him that you love him.
He hugged you and planted a kiss to your forehead, ''I love you too.'' Hannibal Lecter was aware of his feelings but he kept pushing them because he knew you weren't ready.. until now.
Thank you for reading. .)
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cooliofango · 3 years ago
CEO x GN! Reader
Summary: He won’t tell you his name..
Alright-! Thanking @irummna-writes / @irummna for the inspiration to write this! Please go and check them out because they’re writing is AMAZING and I wouldn’t have this idea without them 💕!
Also- enjoy this you CEO lover~ @mangoeatsmangos
“Just a hint? Please~?” Your voice sung out its plea, leaning forward in your seat and across the desk. This wasn’t a new conversation between you and your lover. It only made sense for you to know since you’re his girlfriend, right? Maybe at some point, he had planned to tell you but decided against it to keep this game going. Known him, that is exactly what he’d do.
“No can do.” He chuckled at your persistence, letting his chin rest into the palm of his hand. His eyes never left your figure. Actually, he was admiring the slight pout on your face. It was an adorable sight to see. It was why he teased you often, as well.
“Please?” You whined, hands placed on top of the wooden surface as you leaned forward some more. You were pretty much half way over the desk at this point. His smirk only seemed to grow the more you begged. God, how you hated that. At the same time, you loved it, however. It was such a dashing look and it easily made your heart flutter.
The silence caused you to frown. “Oh come on!” You threw yourself back into the seat behind you, the chair lightly squeaking under the sudden weight. “Why won’t you tell me already?” Your voice softened as you spoke that question. Arms crossed across your chest and you turned your head turned away.
“Some things are better left unknown, wouldn’t you think so, sweetie?” The oh so charming CEO you loved spoke lovingly to you, his tone dropping an octave of two. It caused your heart to flutter every time he does such a thing. It wasn’t fair how he knew just hie to tug at your heart strings just the right way.
The silence lingered as you kept up your slight refusal to look at him. It was something he quickly noticed, of course. He had always been quick to catch the changes in your demeanor. It was simply due to his observant nature and his ability to selectively choose how he wishes to act upon coming across such observations.
“Come here.” The velvety voice spoke. And so you stood with only slight hesitation as your heart fluttered once more. Your feet only slightly drug on the carpeted ground as you went around the desk to be at his side. Arms were quick to wrap around your waist, tugging you onto his lap. This urged a noise of surprise to slip past your lips, looking to him with a flustered expression. ‘How cute’, He had thought.
“How about this”, The man held you closer, his chin resting on your shoulder. You could feel his breath against the side of your face, which caused goosebumps to arise along your limbs and shivers to shudder up your spine, “you can call me however you want.”
You looked back to him. Seeing your look of surprise and indecisiveness brought a smile to his face. It was always nice to see your smile. The silence lingered as your mind filtered through the many choices you could pick from. The moment you picked, however, your eyes lit up with a smile to tug to your lips.
“I’ll call you…”
AAAAND FINALLY DONE! Took me a minute to find the motivation to write this but what better to do this in the deadass night, right? Reminder that BlueyCapsules requests are still open so don’t be afraid to send in some!
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realcube · 4 years ago
msby boys finding out their s/o is pregnant
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navi | masterlist | taglist  
thank you to anon for this wholesome request 
content warning ♡ pregnant! reader, sexual references, swearing & fluff
characters ♡ sakusa, atsumu, bokuto & hinata
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kiyoomi sakusa 
♡ he faltered
♡ there was half a minute of silence between the two of you; him just staring at your stomach while you gazed into his eyes
♡ he was almost certain that he misheard you, so he felt inclined to inquire, ‘huh?’ as indifferently as he could, though he wasn’t doing a good job of concealing the shocked expression on his face 
♡ ‘i said i’m pregnant, sweetie.’ you giggled, admiring the emotions he displayed on his face as it wasn’t a sight you got to see often
♡ sakusa continued to stare at you, eyes wide 
♡ though he knew what you meant, apart of him insisted that he was mishearing you 
♡ his wide-eyes were fixated on you, his lips slightly agape as he tried to process what you just said and what this meant for the both of you 
♡ the only emotion you could read of his face was shock. at first, you were sure that he was happy but he was just taking a while to accept it, but now that a few minutes had passed and he was still yet to say anything or even smile, you were starting to second guess yourself
♡ despite the fact sakusa had already agreed that he was on board with the idea of having a child many times before - in fact, there were nights where he’d admit that he can’t wait to start a family with you - but you still worried that perhaps he has now that had a change of heart
♡ that was until you noticed his eyes become unusually glossy and red, along with his cheeks adapting a somewhat red tint, ‘if this is a joke, (y/n), it’s not funny.’ his ordinary, monotone voice was now slightly shaky and low 
♡ ‘it’s not a joke, ‘iyoomi.’ you laughed, feeling your own throat go dry and your cheek flare up upon seeing how emotional sakusa had become
♡ before the tears spilled from your eyes, you felt sakusa’s arms slowly snake around your waist, place an elongated kiss on your forehead then rest his chin on your shoulder 
♡ he held you close enough that you could feel his rapid heartbeat thud against your chest and his wobbly breath tickle the back of your neck
♡ he stayed like that, silent, for a good few minutes 
♡ when he finally pulled away to admire your stomach, you noticed how his damp cheeks glistened in the light and you couldn’t help but smile
♡ although he wasn’t very vocal about how happy he was, his actions spoke a thousand words
♡ he’d insist in home-cooking all your food now because he didn’t want to risk you getting food poisoning 
♡ when he’d come home from practise, absolutely exhausted, the first thing he’d do when he gets home is  wash his hands then cut you some fruit 
♡ when he has free-time, he used to just watch TV but now he’s picked up a few hobbies of reading childcare books, tending to your every need/want and researching good baby names
♡ also, he’s so gentle with you - like, he was gentle with you before but this is a new extreme
♡ excluding the time he almost tackled you to the ground when you suggested atsumu as a baby name
♡ like he baby-proofs the house like a month into your pregnancy lmao 
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kōtarō bokuto
♡ the corners of his lips slowly curl into a bright smile, ‘pregnant?’
♡ you cocked your head to the side slightly, then hummed, ‘yeah. pregnant.’
♡ ‘like..with a kid?’
♡ you snorted, playfully rolling your eyes, ‘i’d hope so.’
♡ ‘like..with my kid?’
♡ ‘our kid - but yes.’
♡ a while passed and he had yet to do anything besides stare at you in pure adoration so you prompted him by opening your arms 
♡ to which he immediately responded by throwing himself onto you, ‘I’m gonna be a dad?! like seriously?!’
♡ luckily you were sitting on your bed so you fell back onto that but you were still being smothered by his chest 
♡ ‘bo!’ you squealed and squirmed under his weight and tight grip, glad that he was as cheery as you had hoped but not appreciating being suffocated 
♡ he suddenly pulled away but kept his large hands glued to your shoulders, revealing the tears that were already streaming down his cheeks and dampened your shirt, ‘really?!’
♡ ‘yes, bokuto. i am 100% pregnant.’ you declared for the final time before bokuto cupped your face with his hands and pulled you in to a passionate kiss, not stopping until your lips were basically swollen
♡ he’s just so hyped during the first few days of your pregnancy and he’s just super duper ready to become a dad!
♡ like he’s already practising his dad jokes 
♡ but then you remind him that he’s gonna have to wait around 9 months before he can actually see his baby and his hair literally deflates 
♡ ugh how rude of you 
♡ can you not like...make it grow faster?? please??
♡ once you explain to him that’s not how babies work, he kinda accepts it and just focuses his attention on you
♡ he kinda does some research on babies/pregnancy but not prior, he just does a quick google search when he needs to 
♡ but the intention is definitely there bc he googles the most trivial of things like ‘what to make pregnegant ppl for breakfast?’
♡ ‘what do pragnant ppl need from the supermarket?’
♡ ‘can my pregenunt wife have peanut butter?’
♡ ‘how to spell preaignant’ 
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atsumu miya 
♡ DEEP denial
♡ he thinks you are playing a prank on him bc you don’t ‘look pregnant’
♡ even when you show him your positive pregnancy test he’s like ‘and how much did that cost?’
♡ he deadass acts as if he wasn’t the one who’s been trying to get you pregnant and raving on about how much he wants a family with you for the last few months 
♡ but he just doesn’t want to believe you bc he know he’ll get way too happy for his own good and he’s afraid to be let down
♡ plus, it was one of those ‘a blessing of this magnitude couldn’t have happened to me - of all people - so this is probably either a cruel joke or a hallucination.’ moments 
♡ he’s just so far gone that after your eleventh attempt at trying to convince him that you’re pregnant for real, you just give up
♡ so y’all just go around your business somewhat normally - except atsumu was more skittery - until your baby bump started to become more prominent
♡ one day, he came back from practise, noticed your bump and pulled you into the most passionate, heartfelt kiss before placing a gentle kiss upon your stomach, a buoyant grin gracing his features
♡ though he doesn’t say much since he is at a loss for words, he mutters a few sweet nothings into your ear as he carries you to the bedroom
♡ for a joke, he pretends to be gutted if you’re libido production decrease but really, he couldn’t care less
♡ but if it increases tho- 
♡ expect him to take full advantage of that 
♡ also, if he didn’t already treat you like his goddess, he does now 
♡ work has moved down his list of priorities and you + his baby are now at number one 
♡ usually he keeps his phone on silent/stuffs it into his bag while he is practising but now he insists on keeping it on full volume, out on the bench, just in case you call him for an emergency 
♡ same goes for texts; he will literally stop mid-set to rush over to his phone if he hears it vibrate 
♡ bokuto thinks it’s sweet but the rest of them get pretty annoyed of his antics quite quickly but whenever they try to call him out on it, he’s like ‘is your wife 6 months pregnant? no! i didn’t think so. i should be on paternity leave right now so be glad i’m blessing you with my presence.’
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shōyō hinata
♡ he cannot stop thanking you
♡ as if you’re doing him a favour, which - depending on how you view it - you are
♡ he’s literally on his knees with his hands clasped together, tears of joy streaming down his face as he looks up at you in pure adoration, ‘thank you, (y/n)!’
♡ you tilted your head to the side and stared at him with a perplexed expression, ‘you’re welcome?’
♡ it’s a while before he moves from that position but when he does, it’s only so he can press his ear against your stomach to see if he can hear the baby 
♡ ‘shō, i don’t think it’s body has even formed ye--’
♡ ‘shh! it’s speaking to me.’ he chuckled then proceeded to squeeze his eyes shut, intensely listening to whatever the baby had to say 
♡ you quirked a brow, waiting for him to finish and once he did, he sprung to his feet and threw his arms over your shoulders to pull you in for a hug - in which he had to stop himself from squeezing you too tightly in fear of hurting you, as if pregnancy meant that your bones were now made of glass
♡ he’s just so happy that you agreed to bear his children 🙏
♡ also, seeing how excited you were to tell him about your pregnancy really prompted him to step up his husband-game 
♡ from now on, he loads the dishwasher, does both of your laundry, cleans the house on his own and cooks most of the food 
♡ he acts as if being pregnant means you are no longer able to do basic tasks but his real motive behind doing these things was not only to take the pressure off of you but to also prepare himself for father life 👍
♡ also, to prepare him for shopping for his kids’ clothes, he goes out and buys you maternity wear 
♡ he does this like...3 weeks into your pregnancy though so the clothes just sit and catch dust until a few months later when you actually need them 
♡ and although he is a bit of a pain to go stroller/pram shopping with (he just says buy whichever one goes the fastest), you let him take the reins when it came to buying/preparing the baby’s room and it came out beautiful!
♡ like the cradle was good quality and firm, the rug wouldn’t irritate the baby’s skin, the walls were painted expertly and the plushies/toys he picked out - unbeknownst to you at the time - kept the baby entertained for ages
♡ oh and no matter what day/week/month you are in of pregnancy, he will always look at you and your bump with the same amazement and gratitude as he did the first time you told him
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beef-brisket · 4 months ago
Lucifer: Prepare your ass. The kings cuming over.
Adam: That was horrible. Even for you. The best I can do is tea.
Lucifer pouted. Guess that'll have to do.
Lucifer: Is it good tea?
Adam: I only have good tea. Who do you think I am? The Sin of Shit Tea? Don't make me fucking laugh.
He loved it when Adam was in this mood. He loved the back and forth. Would going over there ruin it? Surely not, Lucifer only makes things better with his presence.
Adam was mixing batter in a bowl while Sabbath poured flour one cup at a time.
Adam: Easy does it, Sab. I really don't want flour on my silk shirt.
Sabbath: Of course, sir!
Adam smiled.
Sabbath was onto the last cup when a sudden explosion of gold opened directly next to him, making him jump.
Lucifer: Hey, good lookin'- oh. What happened here?
Lucifer was trying not to laugh at the scene in front of him. Adam held a large bowl, covered in flour, and Sabbath looked to be going through multiple emotions at once.
Sabbath glared at Lucifer, but he also looked terrified.
Adam: Sabbath.
Sabbath: Y-Yes, sir?
Adam: There's flour on my silk shirt.
Sabbath looked down and gasped: And on your silk pants, your highness! I'm so sorry!
Adam: It's fine, Sabbath. It's not your fault.
Lucifer: Who wears double silk in Hell? Adam, the heat isn't good for sperm production.
Adam put the bowl down and snapped his fingers, cleaning up the mess.
Adam sighed: Hello, Lucifer. Making an entrance, as usual.
Lucifer: Obviously~. That's one of the perks of being a king.
Adam: Take the night off, Sabbath, I'll deal with the short terror.
Lucifer looked offended as Sabbath laughed.
Sabbath: Of course, Sir. Let me know if either of you need anything.
Adam smiled and fixed Sabbaths hair: Sure, go get some sleep. I'll wake you up with cake. How does that sound?
Sabbath: Uh- amazing! Thank you, sir!
Lucifer eyed the demon as it flew off.
Lucifer: ...Are you sure you guys aren't dating? Fucking at least?
Adam shrugged: Fucked a couple of times, but we're not together. We tried for a month or so, but we both agreed we prefer how things were before.
Lucifer: Oh... so, you like the short ones~?
Adam: Nope. They just don't leave me alone.
Adam eyed Lucifer as he went back to baking.
Adam: How have you been? You said you were busy?
Lucifer blushed: Uh- yeah! Busy! Extremely!
Adam: Hm. Are you too busy to come to the Sin meetings?
Lucifer: Uh- yeah! Yes, actually! My work is a secret, Adam. I can't go tell every soul about it.
Adam rolled his eyes: Oh, I'm sure.
Lucifer sat there for a moment, looking around.
Lucifer: ...How old are you?
Adam scoffed: Shouldn't you know? You were there for ny creation, dick nips.
Lucifer laughed: I-I was just curious if you know! You're dressed like a toddler, it's embarrassing.
Lucifer laughed harder at the pissed expression Adam had when he turned around. Adam was glaring daggers at Lucifer.
Adam: Listen here, asshole. This was gifted to me by Ozzie. He said I looked hot! So fuck you!
Lucifer: Please do~.
Adam stared: ...if I told you to leave, would you?
Lucifer: Probably not~.
Adam sighed and turned back to making his cake.
Adam: I swear... I deadass should go to Heaven just to deal with your weird bullshit.
Lucifer: Oh, don't be like that! We used to have something special!
Adam: Until you fucked both of my wives. Do I really have to bring that ip each time we meet?
Lucifer: You brought it up, not me.
The rest of the night was filled with bickering until Adam had a few shots of whiskey.
Lucifer smiled at Adam, who was lying on the counter laughing. He could barely get a breath in, Lucifer doesn't even remember what was so funny.
Adam: H-Holy shit, dude! You're INSANE!
Lucifer laughed with Adam. He won't disagree with that.
Lucifer: I'm a bit offended! It takes shots of whiskey to make you like my company?
Adam laughed some more: D-Dont get mad! It's a compliment!
Lucifer wasn't sure, but he was enjoying seeing Adam smile and laugh again. It's been too long.
I need an au where Adam is the sin of Wrath. And you know he's a fucking giant. But he has multiple forms, so it's manageable.
So, when he dies, wanted of going to Heaven, he falls to hell because of his anger, and becomes the Sin of Wrath.
He hates the meetings because he had to deal with Lucifer, every meeting. He was definitely the next bastard in charge once Lucifer went into his depression slump.
But unfortunately for him, Lucifer has his number and always calls him, crying.
Adam groaned when his phone rang.
Adam: What Lucifer? I'm busy.
Lucifer cries: I miss my wife!
Adam sighs, putting his hand on hip: I'm making cookies, Lucifer. Is that the only reason you called?
Adam was about to hang up when it was completely silent on the other end, but Lucifer spoke as he was pulling the phone away from his ear.
Lucifer: W-What kind of cookies?
Adam: ...Chai.
Lucifer cries again: Lilith loves Chai!
Adam: Fuck sakes...
Adam: So do I ..... She's not special...
Lucifer just cries and Adam sighs.
Adam: Would you like a cookie?
Because even though he's the Sin of Wrath he's also really nice. And Sabbath his anger management assistant is setting up crystals
Lucifer: Yeah.....
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uwuwriting · 4 years ago
Having a girl with an aesthetic w/ Shinsou, Aizawa and Bakugou
Request: Shinsou with an e-girl gf, Aizawa with a dark academia wife and Bakugou with an angelcore or cottagecore girl, please and thank you. - anonymous.
Yall, dark academia is my best friends’ and mine aesthetic and its so pleazing. Like god damn. Angelcore is amazing so soft and uwu. Do I even have to say anything fir e-girls? No, I would just do them an injustice. Love ya and sorry for the inactivity. 
warnings: none I think. 
Shinsou Hitoshi 
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-Yall match. 
-Like he wears dark brooding colors, mainly shades of purple to match his hair and maybe some greens while you on the other hand always have a black and red combo or some sort of stripped item of clothing. 
-You share beanies. 
-It has become an unspoken rule that you two will always go for beanie shopping every october. 
-Your style kinda changes according to the month. 
-Like during september you wearing mainly greys to match your sour mood bc school, during october since its spooky season you wear oranges and purples matching your boyfriend perfectly while January and December are red months. 
-Those are his favorite. 
-Red brings out the color of your lips making you look even more fearsome and badass, turning him on in the process. 
-Yes I said it, Shinsou will beg for red lipstick. 
-He’s semi worried for your hair. 
-You keep changing it and he doesn’t mind when you cut it, oh no he finds your bangs or pixie cut adorable. 
-He is worried when you change colors like you chnage clothes. 
-He liked all your phases. 
-The skank stripe and half-half ones  being his favorites but he will ask you to tone it down a bit give your hair some time to rest and regain their strength. 
-Yall paint your nails. 
-You will spend endless hours in his room just painting each others nails and doing face masks. 
-It brings out his edgy lord side, the nail polish. 
-As if the dark circles and that constant ominous look on his face doesn’t do it. 
-But you love it. 
-He looks so content when you two are just sitting there listening to trash rap songs and taking care of each other. 
-He loves it when you wear skirts with thigh highs. 
-Actually you can’t wear those anymore bc once he sees you you can’t really walk anywhere afterwards....
-He is all about your chains and chokers. 
-Like give him some he is jealous. 
-Baby really be thriving while dawning those fake silver chains. 
-If you are interested in more intracate make up he loves being your test subject and just lets you transform his face into whatever deity you want. 
-Tends to scroll through your tik tok because its full of witch toks and very very interesting cosplays and makeup stuff. 
-Somehow he found himself into anti trump tik tok and he cant get out..... then his fyp shifted to draco tok and he just gave up. 
- “Are you cheating on me with Draco Malfoy?”
- “Baby-”
- “Because I don’t blame you.” 
-Deadass has a whole folder on his laptop with couples outfits he wants to recreate at some point. 
-He’s just so wholesome. 
Aizawa Shouta 
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-He really can’t understand how he managed to get such a fashion icon of a wife. 
-I mean have you seen the way this man dresses? 
-Head empty just Aizawa with pink sweatpants.
-Yeah so he really doesn’t get it how he managed that but he isn’t complaining. 
-I mean have you seen the dark academia aesthitic. 
-It gives Maraurders vibes and we stan. 
-He loves it when you wear long coats and those scarfs.
-They make you look like such a lady and so sophisticated and he lives for it. 
-He really likes the plaid skirts and pants, makes him think that he is living with an English lady or maybe a philosophy teacher. 
-Have I mentioned how much he adores your vintage book obsession?
-Going to old bookstores together and just browsing through the poetry books or the fantsy novels has become one of his favorite past times. 
-He tries to somewhat keep up with you but he struggles. 
-He really has no fashion sense but he wants to try for you. 
- “Honey you don’t have to dress up for me! I love you just the way you are.” 
-He loves you so much like omggggg!!!!
-Rainy days have become book dates where you just snuggle up together on the couch in a large fluffy brown blanket and you both have a book in your hands reading away. 
-He loves the little expressions you make when you are reading something interesting or staright up crazy. 
-He bought you your very own round -Harry-Potter-style glasses for your birthday. 
-You had been going on and on for some months now about how you wanted to go and buy a pair but you never got around to it. 
-Being a teacher at UA and a hero is kinda hard and a busy job so we get you. 
-You were so excited when he gave them to you. 
-Um for Halloween you two went as James Potter and Sirius Black. 
-He has the hair, okay maybe he is lacking that care free and cocky attitude but visually he does a good job.
-Seeing him in that suit oh boy. 
-Really your realationship is just full of Harry Potter references since you are kinda obsessed with that Era, especially the Marauders. 
-Hizashi is lowkey jealous because he could never get AIzawa to dress nicely. 
-You are special though!!
-You are the wife
-He does what you tell him to in reality. 
-He’s kinda wrapped around your finger. 
Bakugou Katsuki
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-He gets flustered so easily.
-Like your aesthetic is so soft and angelic and compared to him people think you have a corruption kink. 
-He kinda feels bad bc when you dress like something god sent it because painfully clear how opposites you are. 
-He sees his rough edges and rude behavior more than usual and he may become self concious. 
-You will have to reassure him and remind him that this is a facade and that he knows your true evil nature. 
-You are a true menace.
-ANyone trying to fuck with your friends or your boyfriend? 
-They are getting round house kicked and yeeted out a window. 
-Back to your aesthetic. 
-Whenever he seas something pastel or colorful he wants to immediately buy it. 
-Especially pastel stuff.
-Pastel is your whole thing. 
-Pastel pinks, blues, purples, and greens. 
-He will buy anything, from a headband to a purse to a very very cute plaid skirt. 
-Kirishima and Denki are always so confused when he comes back to the common room with a few bags from womens’ clothing stores. 
-He never answers their questions of course. 
-He likes watching you make mood boards and create matching outfits. 
-Trying clothes in fornt of him is a must, a small fashion show taking place in your room every Friday night. 
-He likes to believe that you truly are an angel. 
-Your aesthetic is a combination of angelcore and cottage core so your room is split into two sides.
-One side full of plants while the other had pastel mood boards. 
-So pleasing. 
-You tried to shift him into your aesthetic once. 
-He looked so good in white and soft yellow but his mood was so so foul.
 -He had made you agree to never a) bring this up and b) try this again. 
-You have taken some photos though so not eveyrthing was lost. 
-You will never tell him that you have evidence of his cottage core moment. 
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez-mangetsu​ @bemorefiction​
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obeiii-mee · 4 years ago
Hey! I have a really loud and particular laugh that seems to carry quite literally throughout my house and there have been many times people have bought it up with me (I can’t help it my laugh is just loud & contagious!!). Could I request the bros reaction to MC who quite literally is unable to laugh quietly and ends up being heard through the whole of the house? Thank you!🥰
This is so sweet, geez imma get cavities. I also have a very loud laugh and I startle people a lot when I start laughing so I get what you mean!
These HCs are probably written a lot better because suddenly I’m full energy and motivation-
The Brothers with an MC who has a loud and particular laugh:
-He’ll never admit it but whenever you start laughing or even smiling, he can’t really stop himself from doing it too
-Like, he looks at you as you start cackling about a funny meme Levi just showed you and he’s holding back a smile-
-Because, even though you have such a loud and some would say ‘obnoxious’ laugh, he thinks you just sound so precious
-He really struggles to show that he’s not affected by you as much as he actually is
-Even if you start laughing at an inappropriate time, he’d likely not even tell you off properly
- Would never say anything of the sort to your face, but he low-key admires you
-He thinks it’s amazing that a simple human like you that has experienced so many horrible things every since they arrived in literal hell, can have the ability to laugh so heartily even now
-If you’re in public and start doing your boisterous laugh, he will keep a stoic expression on his face
-There’s a hint of a blush on his cheeks if you look close enough, though I doubt anyone is crazy enough to point it out
-In private though? Appreciate these moments y’all, because it’s one of the few rare times you’ll see him laugh freely
-Even when he’s around his brothers and trying to keep a straight face, you can see his lips threatening to curve upwards
-Basically, he thinks you’re baby and your laugh makes him feel at ease
-I head canon that he also has a very particular laugh because he gives off those kind of vibes
-He probably doesn’t even notice how loud you are when you start wheezing
-Normally, he’d join in and start laughing with you as the rest of the brothers take out their sound blocking ear muffs for the third time that day
-You two are loud ok?
-Poor Lucifer who not only has insomnia and is a workaholic, he also has two idiots giggling to themselves in the middle of the night
-When I said Mammon is trying to get a laugh out of you any hour of the day
-I mean any hour
-He will wake you up to just hear your voice and then proceed to run out as you start yelling at him
-Even if he were to notice it, the worst reaction you’re gonna get out of him is a bit of teasing
-“Ya sound like you’re dyin’ over there human. You alright?”
-When in reality, he’s even more smitten with you because your laugh is just another one of your amazing qualities
-Mammon does the stupidest shit in front of you to make you and hear you laugh because it warms his heart
-Even if he wouldn’t admit it, to you or to himself
-The only time he ‘doesn’t like’ it when you laugh is if you’re poking fun at him with his brothers
-That gets him all huffy puffy and sad
-For a minute, before he’s thrown himself onto you again
-Greedy for money and greedy for affection of course
-Catch him rambling about it for five minutes straight
-Before stopping abruptly, flushing from head to toe and starting to stutter like he forgot how to speak
-This usually has you laughing again, in a more sympathetic and encouraging way and he just...dies
-He doesn’t like his laugh, at all
-He thinks it sounds really awkward and tense
-So he’s low-key jealous about your rather impulsive laugh because it’s so sweet??? And amazing and cute??? Just like you???
-But at the same time, it’s hard for him to be jealous of it when he loves it so much
-Why do you think he keeps coming to you whenever he finds funny memes or compilations online???
-“I don’t expect a normie like you to understand but look at this.”
-He gets a stupidly cute kick out of knowing that he is the one making you laugh
-I suggest trying not to laugh too much while he’s playing video games because your laugh distracts him so much
-And he will throw his headset at you
-Affectionately of course
-He doesn’t give much of a reaction besides a quirked eyebrow and a quiet ‘Oh?’
-Sure, he doesn’t really like it when his brothers are being noisy either because they’re laughing too loudly or because they are fighting gladiator style outside his room
-But you’re the exception
-The only person in that household that could get away with interrupting his reading/work is you
-May come as a surprise to some, but sometimes Satan does get worried for you
-If he hasn’t seen you in a while he might start thinking that something is wrong
-But then he’d hear you laughing from downstairs and he’d smile and think “Eh they’re alright.”
-He thinks your laugh sounds so much more endearing than his own psychotic laugh 🥰🥰🥰
-Will throw one of his precious books at any of his brothers if they make fun of the way you laugh
-Basically, he has the biggest heart eyes for you but he’s too good at hiding it
-Laugh with him whenever something embarrassing happens to Lucifer and he will be so pleased and happy for the rest of the day
-“MC my dear, has anyone mentioned what a wonderfully charming laugh you have? And that says something coming from me.”
-Asmo also has a very noticeable laugh
-Not exactly loud but it could be considered obnoxious (to his brothers) and he giggles all the time when he’s very excited
-Having Asmodeous as your partner is basically the same thing as dating your best friend
-Despite being the Avatar of Lust, your relationship with him is super healthy and even he takes comfort in that
-You’d both be chuckling to yourselves in Majolish or something because this bïtch is hilarious if he wants to be
-“Oh my Lord Diavolo! MC, look! I found the perfect outfit for Mammon!!”
-And it’s a Disney princess dress the size of a fuckn toddler
-You guys laughed so hard you got kicked out >:(
-But you ended up buying that dress for Mammon anyway lmaoo
-Spending too much time with Asmo is similar to the whole “I’m trying to be quiet in class but me and my friend keep laughing every time we look at each other”
-The way both of you have to strain yourselves from full on cackling when Lucifer has a go at either of you 😌
-Except you seriously can’t laugh because you will be ✨murdered✨
-That’s the kind of hype he gives you all day every day
-The first time he properly heard you laugh was when you started making puns and you were laughing like crazy at your own jokes (samesies)
-And he just loves seeing you this happy because he gets happy and then he doesn’t even want to eat anymore, he just wants to hug you
-“I like your laugh. Do it again for me?”
-Your heart went doki doki
-It’s common for Beel to make you all flustered without meaning to and then you nervously start laughing again because you feel so awkward
-BUT your face brightens up so much when you start laughing or even smiling and he can’t help himself from complimenting you
-Your joyous and loud chuckles always cheer him up
-To the point where he completely forgets how hungry he is
-Took you a while to figure this one out but his mood sort of changes with yours??
-If you’re visibly sadder than usual, he his morale is also surprisingly low and he starts eating more than usual
-In comparison to when you’re all bubbly and doing that beautiful laugh of yours and he gets like these butterflies in his stomach instead of the usual pangs of pain and hunger
-So now he just wants to hear your voice in general on repeat for the rest of eternity
-Im not crying you are
-“You’re too loud dumbass, I’m tryin’ to nap here.”
-Will deadass throw a pillow at your face if you wake him up
-Like hes so rude and for what?
-He loves you and your annoying as fuck laugh, he really does I promise
-It’s a special, unique part of you and all that sappy crap
-But keep it up and you will have a very cranky boyfriend to deal with for the rest of the month
-He can be such an ass at times if he’s in a bad mood
-“I should tape your mouth shut.”
-“Shut up.”
-But as much as he hates being woken up by somebody else, he would much prefer waking up to your voice rather anyone else’s
-You usually wake him up in the mornings to get ready for RAD and you start giggling every time he pulls a face at you and complains that he doesn’t wanna
-“What are you? An alarm clock?”
-And then he just sort of pulls you to him and goes with a completely straight face:
-“You’re annoying but you can be my alarm clock if you want to.”
-He’s either flirting or is so sleepy he’s being unusually soft hELP
Thank you for reading! And for all the reblogs and follows. You guys don’t even know how much I appreciate your support. Especially at times when I’m not as motivated to write and now that the fandom has fizzled out a bit.
Also imma have to make a master list soon or something
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thefanficmonster · 4 years ago
Lucky Me (Sequel To Unlucky)
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Fluff
Summary: You aren’t always born with luck. Sometimes, you meet people who bring it to you. In short, they are your lucky charm.
Requested: Yes, but not in a typical way. A big thank you to all the wonderful people who read, liked, reblogged and commented on part one - Unlucky.  
@susceptible-but-siriusexual  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @itsminniekat  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  and many more ❤❤❤
They are the reason this story is being written. What was originally supposed to be an elaborate one-shot turned into the most liked piece I’ve ever written. I can’t thank you enough, guys. You are amazing and I hope you like this one just as much or even more than the previous. Love you ❤❤❤
I’m grinning at my reflection in the mirror as I put on a pair of earrings. My face is already touched-up with a little make-up and my hair is looking on point. I can almost see my own reflection in the shine of excitement in my eyes. I take in my upper body via a quick once-over in the full body mirror opposite me, and I finally relax my muscles that I didn’t ever realize I was tensing.
“OK, now I’m ready.“ I say as a form of encouragement as I reach behind me for my phone that’s sitting on my bed.
You might be wondering where I’m going? Who I’m going with? What’s the occasion behind this many preparations and pampering?
The answer: Nowhere. No one. Nothing. I’m literally not even going to leave my house.
It might seem ridiculous to someone else, but to me, to my hypnotized mind, it’s perfectly reasonable to be getting so amped up over a FaceTime call. Yeah, you heard me correctly - a FaceTime call. 
Well, you see, this isn’t the first time we FaceTime, but it will be the first time we’ll see each other’s faces. I wanted to level the field so I didn’t let him on to what I look like, where exactly I live, etc. Basically, he only knows my name, which I am still prepared to call unfair, considering I don’t know his real name. 
A brief backstory to my first ever real interaction with Corpse: I was introduced to him by my friends. They are the ones I always turned to with all the scary shit happening in my life. Often times they didn’t know weather to comfort me or laugh at my curse. My friends suggested I start sharing it to a youtuber named Corpse Husband. You see, I love YouTube narrators and I’ve always been a fan of Mr. Nightmare and I, to be perfectly honest, always kept the idea of sending him my stories in the back of my mind. Nevertheless, I bit the bullet and checked out on of this Corpse Husband guy’s videos. And then another. And another. And before I knew it I was having a marathon after which I was too paranoid to get online, walk home alone at night, leave my curtains open etc. It wasn’t all thanks to the stories themselves. A lot of the fear factor these stories strike with should be credited to the way they are read. Let me tell you, this guy had it all figured out with the reading. Not sending him my stories would just be wrong. So I did, I sent him my first ever creepy encounter which was with a stalker from my high school and it took me only two days to forget about it. It only crossed my mind when my friends blew my phone up, demanding I watched Corpse’s new video. I kid you not, I got more scared by the story when he read it than when I lived it. That’s what settled it for me - I decided to send him each and every story.
And then one day, out of the blue, my life changed for the better in more ways than one. It got turned completely upside down, like a rollercoaster, and I just had to hold on and enjoy the ride, embrace the adrenaline rush and excitement, knowing full well that I chose to get on and there’s no way I can get off halfway through. 
I’m being too metaphorical. He sent me an email. He freaking reached out to me. And I was posed with a rough choice. Took me a minute, but I chose to reply to him, I chose to trust him, and I couldn’t just leave him on read one day simply cause I chickened out. Yes, I’m unlucky and these things don’t happen to unlucky people. I mean, they do, but they are nightmares disguised as a dream come true. I’ve lived all my life cautiously: if something sounds too good to be true it’s either not as good as marketed or not true at all. If it’s dark and late and there are no people around, FaceTime someone. If your Uber driver’s sketchy, cancel the ride. I take all the precautions and I still find myself in the worst situations. Or at least...
My thoughts are interrupted by the ringing of my phone. A simple ringtone I hear every time he calls me. A simple sound that causes me butterflies when I hear it and ultimate devastation if the caller ID doesn’t read the name I want. It always gets me excited, probably more than it should. This time is different, however. It’s scary almost. I’m nervous, anxious, scared, hesitant - all things I never feel when I’m about to answer his call. 
With shaky hands I pick up the call and find myself looking at the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. Now I know why I would have never initiated this meeting, because I know what color my face is right now. I know my voice has let me down before I even attempt to speak. I know I look like a mess. I know my obvious crush is showing.
Corpse initiated this meeting. He said he was getting too curious and he wanted one of his best friends to see him and for him to finally see her. It’s been about seven months since we first started texting and I haven’t let out a single peep about it to a single soul. It’s just between him and I. We are each other’s safe space away from the rest of the world.
“Thought you weren’t gonna pick up for a second there.“ His voice is not as confident as other times when we’ve talked. His trying to hide his own nervousness and all I wanna do is hug him and tell him he doesn’t have to. I kept telling him over and over again that we don’t have to do this if he’s not sure that he actually wants it. I even offered to show him what I look like, not expecting to see him in return but he declined, saying it was now his turn to even the field.
“I was in another room.“ I manage to say, my voice only shaking a little.
We spend a few moments just looking at each other. Admiring one another. For someone who prefers digital interaction, I am surprised to realize I wish he was actually standing in front of. I wish I could hug him. A long hug of comfort, mutual understanding and hidden feelings.
He lets out a short laugh, shaking his head which causes a few strands of hair to fall over his eyepatch, “I’m sorry...It’s just-...Fuck I’m stumbling.” He chuckles nervously, “I just...can’t believe you are real. You are a real person. And the most beautiful person I’ve seen. That’s corny, isn’t it.” He looks away from the screen, his face now a shade of red. “But I mean it. I’m embracing my corniness. You are beautiful, Y/N. Not that I’m flexing or anything, but I’m lucky to have met you.”
I laugh, feeling my eyes stinging from the tears that have suddenly formed. I don’t want to let them fall, but I don’t have much say in that. “Well, mister Corpse, I can’t begin to compare. I mean...that hair! I still cannot believe it’s you. You are not just a deep voice in my mind. You are....you are...”
“Everything you imagined and more?“ he jokes, making my whole body heat up. “I told you you could trust. I mean, if the hair doesn’t confirm I’m who I say I am, I don’t know what will.”
“Actually, I never tried to imagine what you looked like. I knew those visions...I knew they didn’t matter. Faces don’t matter to us, Corpse. I think you realize that.“
And just like that, all I’ve been keeping hidden is pouring out. I don’t try to stop it - you can’t stop a hurricane with bare hands.
“I never needed a face to imagine us. I always saw as talking on the phone, playing Among Us. Reading scary stories to each other on Discord. I never needed a face to imagine your company. To imagine what we could be...“ I trail off, letting the first tear slip down my cheek.
The most sincere look appears in his eyes, “Fuck, I wish I could hold your hand right now. Never mind, I wish I could hug you, Y/N. Hug you and not let go for a long time.”
I laugh halfheartedly, my chest burning from the intensity of this moment’s intimacy, “I can always tell you where I live.” I’m only half-joking. I really want to see him in real life, not just through a screen, but even this call is out of his comfort zone, let alone a physical meet up.
He surprises me yet again, “Saturday. I’ll bring the take out, you pick the movie.” he says with a smile that is literally saying ‘you didn’t see that coming, did you?’
“How are you sure I don’t live in a different state, or a different continent all together?“ I tease, making an attempt to put my composure back together.
He smirks, “I pay way more attention to your stories than you’d think.” I laugh, shaking my head as a pointless method of fighting the pesky tears that he has 100% noticed by this point. “By the way, just because we’re....” he thinks for a second, “in a weird zone between friendship and...something more, doesn’t mean you have to stop sending me stories. I absolutely love reading them for my audience. They love em too.”
I just realized I am yet to tell him the crazy miracle that has happened. “Well, the thing is...I don’t have any.” His eyebrows shoot up in shock which makes me laugh, “Yeah, I know, it’s crazy. Since the day we started talking I have not experienced a single scary thing. Deadass. I swear on my life.”
If I wasn’t so head over heels for this man already, the baffled expression on his face would definitely send me falling for him. He’s just that adorable. “Wow.”
“I know right.“ I nod, “Seems to me you have enough luck to share with me.“
His eyes light up at that comment, showing just how meaning full it is to him.
“You’re my lucky charm, Corpse.“
“I will never be more proud of any other title, Y/N. That I can promise you with no hesitation.“
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