#you went to the dogs and i lived by my charms
virtuoshosh · 4 months
{ you went to the dogs & I lived by my charms }
Rosalind switched on the lights to the sound booth as she entered, then shucked off her sweater and rested it on the back of her chair. She pulled the top half of her hair out of her face, securing it with a claw clip, before she headed into the studio, and started to set up. Shosh needed so much, she was so particular. The bench set just this way, the keyboards and piano arranged like that. But she paid the most attention to the music she made, with nauseatingly meticulous detail, which Ros had to appreciate.
She was winding up an aux cord that was no longer needed, when she felt the wards to White Witch Studios be disturbed as someone entered—two someones, if the wards were to be believed. Assuming it to be Shoshana and Eric, Rosalind placed the cord in its compartment, then headed out of the booth, pulling out her phone to check an email as she walked down the hall towards the entry way.
“Set up is done,” Ros said, not bothering to look up from her phone, “Shosh, you can head straight to the booth. Eric, if you could—” 
She looked up in surprise, raising her brows when the person accompanying Shosh was definitely not Eric. 
“Ros, this is—”
“—Sascha.” Rosalind breathed, tears immediately filling her eyes.
Sascha froze at the studio door when they heard the voice, letting Shosh wander further in, oblivious and still chattering away with the same nervous energy that had kept her talking for the entirety of their walk through the winding labyrinth of the Den of Magic.
Vampires were creatures that were granted long memories—a gift or a curse, depending on the vampire you asked about it. And Sascha, who for decades had no weapon nor comfort to rely on but their memory, had labored to ensure that each and every memory they possessed, from their undead life and the one that had come before, was crystal clear—polished like precious gems in the depths of their mind.
And so time had not dulled the memory of this voice, a songbird’s refrain, as it stopped the vampire where they stood.
“Rosalind?” Sascha said, disbelieving even as they trusted in the inability of their senses to lie. Something stirred in Sascha’s chest, in the place where their heart used to beat, as they watched tears fill up familiar grey-blue eyes, set into an ethereally beautiful and equally familiar face, framed by that familiar cascade of golden blonde; the groaning of some ancient abandoned machinery that had long sat dormant and lifeless, a dull ache like pressing on a bruise—the whispering ghosts of feelings that could no longer be truly felt.
Shoshana, at last realizing something was amiss, furrowed her dark brows and looked warily between Ros and Sascha, still stood in the gaping doorway. “You…know each other already…?” she guessed.
Ignoring her, Ros strode towards Sascha, her arms outstretched to embrace the other.
“Das ist nicht möglich, you look—” Sascha muttered to themself as Rosalind approached. She’d hardly aged a day from the naive teenager Sascha had last seen in New York—almost half a century ago. As she moved toward them, a crisp breeze swept in from the open doorway, carrying her scent to Sascha’s nose. Immediate understanding deepened the crimson color of Sascha’s eyes as they gave a reserved, knowing smile. The gemstones that gilded Sascha’s memory shifted, glinting with new light, and it wasn’t a question when they stated, “—a Veela. But, of course…”
Rosalind pressed her cheek against her friend as she embraced them, the top of her head pushing against a cold, angular chin. She tried to ignore the creeping worry that settled in her stomach when she took note of Sascha's sudden lack of heartbeat; to focus on the now. Sascha was alive. Sascha was here. Alive. Someone made it.
The grief was unsurmountable, evident in the way Ros was, for the first time in years, crying.
Just like that, in an instant, it was 1965 and they were back in their favorite Greenwich Village haunt; Rosalind’s head pressing against Sascha’s chest, her tears wetting their shirt, was so viscerally familiar that Sascha felt the strangest urge to breathe—for no biological benefit beyond the ingrained urge to comfort her.
Shosh’s mouth had been hanging agape as she watched this baffling exchange unfold, and she promptly snapped it shut just as Sascha opened up their arms to embrace Ros (seriously—when had Shosh ever witnessed either of these intimidating and untouchable Beings hug anyone, before??). She gave a frustrated huff at both her lack of understanding of the situation and the fact that she was being so thoroughly ignored. She flailed her arms up in the air in a demanding gesture and said, “Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on right now?”
Shosh interrupted their embrace and Ros straightened, brushing her tears away with the back of a slender hand, then turned to the girl.
“You were asked to go straight to the booth, Shoshana. Don't make a habit of wasting my time,” she said, slinking back into her skin as a stern producer much easier than managing whatever this other thing was. When the girl didn't move, she raised her brows, “Or is there another studio you wanted to record in?”
“As you wish, Frau Albany…” Shoshana drawled sarcastically, spreading her arms and dipping low in a mocking curtsy before Sascha tsked at her sharply and scolded, “Sei nicht unhöflich, mausebär.”
Rosalind Albany had been mocked by artists of higher caliber than Shoshana Edelman, that was for sure. She was unlikely to be rattled by it, given artists natural propensity to be achingly dramatic. Still, Ros felt something purr in victory in her chest, when Sascha defended her.
Shosh glared at them, aghast at being ganged up on by Sascha of all people, the betrayal reading all over her face, but Sascha merely gestured at the booth and waited calmly for Shoshana to stomp her way in there, slam the door, and prep for her session.
Smiling lightly to themself as they watched Shosh take her leave, Sascha said wryly to Ros, “Would you be terribly offended if I said she reminds me of you?”
Ros raised her chin as the girl stomped away, then raised her brows at the other. She was offended at first, and then she sighed, watching in the girl’s direction. “She is… Frustratingly talented, that’s for sure. How did you two connect?”
Sascha glanced at the closed door behind which they could hear the faint, muffled sounds of a piano as Shoshana warmed up, her distinct, lovely scent wafting in her wake. Would you believe me if I said something ridiculous, like fate? they mused. But instead, enigmatically, the vampire replied, “A story for another time, I think. Right now…”
They shifted their gaze back to the blonde, and Rosalind turned to her old friend once more. Truly unable to help herself, Ros reached up to press a hand against Sascha's cheek, then one on the other as well. She framed it perfectly, staring, as if trying to capture every detail in her mind to hold onto—and trying to compare them to what she remembered. “You grew your hair out,” she commented.
Rosalind, it seemed, was still processing seeing Sascha again, alive and well (relatively, anyway, on both counts)—which Sascha couldn’t blame her for. Sascha had just assumed that everyone from their First Life had perished or forgotten them, when their short leash of freedom from their Sire had loosened after many years in seclusion, and Sascha had never bothered to look anyone up. The losses they’d suffered had already been so painful that Sascha had been too much of a coward to willingly seek out more.
Sascha smiled at Ros, taking her in; the same incandescent beauty, but hardened—refined like a diamond. “In imitation of you, freilich, darling…” Sascha replied, “…though I see you’ve outgrown those Shirley Temple curls, as well.”
She smirked, briefly running a hand through the strands of her blonde hair that she hadn’t clipped away. “It is definitely not the fifties anymore. I don’t think my fingers could make a pin curl work anymore even if I tried.”
As desperately as Rosalind tried to change the topic, to focus on her natural proclivity for work, she was so taken by Sascha’s appearance. Not only there, and alive, but grown, changed. Sascha stood with the same certainty that she’d always admired of him. But as she brushed her thumb over his cheek, she noted deep bags under his eyes, like he was in desperate need of a long sleep. And while Rosalind hadn’t connected with another in decades, she noted the distinct lack of energy under her fingertips. A lifeforce, a pulse.
Her face softened. “... When did it happen?”
The unspoken, harsh question lingered between them: What killed you? Was it.. what she thought?
There was a distinct sadness between them, pulled tight like a violin string, despite the joy of such a miraculous reunion. Sascha tensed at the question; it was far more tactfully phrased than the Rosalind Curiosity that Sascha had once known, but even so—it was painful, remembering the grief-filled haze of those last days. It still wrung Sascha inside out like it was yesterday. And for some reason, looking into Ros’ bright eyes and recounting how they’d gone from the sardonic young gay man in New York City to—this, made Sascha feel unexpectedly…shameful. 
But Ros was owed the truth, if Sascha could give her nothing else. So they took another unnecessary breath, and admitted, “It was in 1979. In West Berlin.”
Ros's hands dropped before she pressed forward to hug her friend again, heart sinking.
Sascha watched Ros’ face crumple with emotion, and they didn’t know why they felt the need to add, “There wasn’t anything you could have done. It…it was my own fault.”
The sad sigh that she released when Sascha explained his own passing escaped before she could prevent it. She shook her head insistently, “We didn’t know, then, what we know now. Political mess aside, there was nothing any of us could have done. Please don’t blame yourself, Sascha.”
And that was all Rosalind could manage of it. Which was just as well, because Sascha couldn’t bring themself to meet those piercing eyes any longer. Seeing Rosalind again was like seeing a ghost, an apparition from a life Sascha had long since buried. There was still so much they wanted to say, to ask—things Sascha hadn’t dared to even think nor feel, let alone actually confide in another in many lonely decades of solitude. 
But the guilt was drowning out everything else. Sascha’s death hadn’t been a tragedy—it’d been a weakness, a disgrace. They didn’t want Ros to discover the truth—that there was no one else to blame, and that Sascha lived with the shame of it every day.
Ros put her hands on her hips, then inclined her head to the recording space, “Are you staying for Shosh’s session? There’s plenty of space.” Sascha hesitated, but she managed to coax her friend through to the sound booth, then headed for her chair before the mixing board. Removing her sweater from the back of her chair, Ros placed it over her lap and tucked herself under the table. 
Behind the glass screen of the booth, Shoshana was banging away at some scales. As Shosh hadn’t put on her headphones yet, Ros tapped politely on the window, gesturing to the set. The girl looked annoyed when she was interrupted, putting on her headphones then turning her whole body to face them with a squint, “Are you two going to explain yourselves now?” she asked, her voice audible through speakers in the booth.
Ros turned to eye Sascha with a ‘Can you believe the shit I have to put up with’ expression, to which they smirked, easing the heaviness that weighed upon them somewhat. Ros looked back to the girl. “Not at all,” she said with a near-patronizing calm, and then added, “But Sascha has agreed to stay to observe your session, so maybe he’ll motivate you–”
The decision to reach out and place a hand on Ros’ shoulder was an instinctual impulse. And though they fully did not expect Rosalind to understand, remembering the naive young woman who’d needed constant and gentle explanations of just about everything, Sascha corrected, “It’s–it’s ‘they,’ now…”
She turned her head, studying them for a moment. But that telltale dimple in the center of her forehead was surprisingly absent, and after just a beat of consideration, Ros nodded once, then turned back to the musician on the other side of the window, pressed the button to send her voice into Shosh’s headphones and said expectantly, “What do you have for me today?”
These years had seen changes to them both, it would seem.
Sascha watched Shosh’s body tighten, her eyes narrowing into a glare that she held through the window as she launched into a series of staccato chords that she hammered ferociously against the keys, no sheet music to speak of, before the song’s introduction melted into something fluid and beautiful, but no less fierce. Sascha chuckled to themself; Ros may have believed Shoshana’s attitude to be that of a spoiled, petulant child, but Sascha saw defiance—a stubbornness in the face of adversity that had inspired them about the human girl since they’d met. 
She stretched her pale throat toward the dangling microphone and sang:
“If I’m a bad person, you don’t like me Well, I guess I’ll make my own way…”
She closed her eyes, her brow furrowing as she lost herself in the emotions of what she was singing and playing. Sascha gripped the back of Rosalind’s chair with long, ringed fingers, leaning in to remark, “That—right there. This is what I was referring to, when I said she reminded me of you. Not her temperament—though, truth be told, you could be something of a brat, too, back in the day, liebling…” They gave Ros a teasing look before adding, “…but the way she pours everything into the music, into her art…that is classic you.”
The rich sound of Shoshana’s voice echoed through their speakers as she continued to sing:
“Don’t wanna hear your sad songs, I don’t wanna feel your pain When you swear it’s all my fault ‘cause you know we’re not the same We’re not the same, oh we’re not the same Yeah, the friends who stuck together, we wrote our names in blood But I guess you can’t accept that the change is good, it’s good Well, you treat me just like another stranger…”
Here, at the look Ros shot them, Sascha shrugged a bit sheepishly and explained, “We, ah…may have run into the boy—Cassius. At Plasma…”
She paused her rapid-fire texting and cracked a sassy grin that was new–but also fitting, somehow–on her face. “And she sees this as a classical arrangement…?" She scoffed, and resumed her texting. "I’m no sound engineer, but it would sound much better with a band…”
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wandasslut3000 · 2 months
Welcome to the neighborhood
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Pairing: MILF!Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, unspecified age gap, mentions of death and cheating, mutual pining, alcohol consumption, switch!reader, powerbottom!wanda, fingering, scissoring, marking, praise, fluff and aftercare.
WC: 3.2k
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The house next door was just sold, a moving truck and furniture adorning the once peaceful lawn. Wanda was observing you through her window, a light flush on her cheeks as she noticed the tight grip your shirt had on your body. Your muscles slightly flexing as you carry one box after another into your new home.
Some movers were also there to help, but Wanda paid them no mind, she just couldn't pull her eyes away from you. She didn't know what it was but something about you made her heart beat faster, she hadn't even met you yet, let alone know your name and you already had such an alluring grip on the older woman.
Suddenly, as though you felt her gaze on you, your head turned and you made eye contact with her. Wanda's breath hitching as she meets your burning stare. You wink in her direction, a small smirk on your lips as you watch her cheeks darken through the window, a tight grip on the curtain slightly tugging the fabric.
Quickly regaining herself, Wanda sends a short smile back, before an idea pops into her mind. Hesitantly, leaving the window's view, she goes over to the base of the stairs.
"Boys!" She calls for her twins, a small patter of steps followed by "Yes Mom?" as they made their way down the stairs to her. "Did you know we have a new neighbor?" she smiles at them and their eyes widen in excitement.
"Really? Who?" Billy asks before Tommy interrupts. "Can we go say hi to him? Does he have a dog? I bet he has a dog!"
Wanda giggles at her boys before she corrects the latter. "She is in the house next door, and I'm not really sure who she is yet, but what do you boys think about making a new friend?"
Both nod in agreement, "We should make her cookies!" Billy suggests and Wanda beams at her son.
"That's a great idea honey."
The next day the boys grab their plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies and rush up to your door, their mother right behind them. Wanda couldn't lie that she did in fact get herself ready for you, wanting to make a good appearance in your presence.
"Welcome to the neighborhood!" Both twins greet you as you open the door, a confused smile on your face, but still you accept it, bending down to their height and thanking them. "We made you cookies." Tommy smiles, "They were Billy's idea though."
You practically melt at their sweet gesture. "Thank you so much, you guys are so sweet!" You then look up to be met with the same green irises that were watching you the previous day.
Standing back up, you reach out for her hand.
"Hi, you must be their mother, I'm Y/n, nice to meet you." You send her a charming smile and Wanda can practically feel her knees buckle.
"Yes, hello dear, I'm Wanda, and these are my boys, Billy and Tommy." She gestures to the eight year olds, both of them beaming at you in curiosity.
"Well it's nice to meet all of you, would you like to come inside? There's not really much because y'know, I'm still getting settled, but you can still look around if you'd like." You softly ramble, your hands moving to play with the rings on your fingers.
Wanda loves how you got all flustered around her, she nods and the twins squeal in joy as they rush inside the house.
"Oh lord.. boys! Get back here, you don't just run into other people's homes!" But it was already too late, both of them had gone inside to explore, not hearing their mother as they went to the opposite ends of the house.
Leaving both of you alone at the threshold.
You shake your head. "No no, it's fine really, it's cute if anything." Wanda smiles at you again, something she notices is starting to come up a lot more in your presence. You gesture her inside and bring her into the living room, a few boxes in the corners while the couch and coffee table were already in place.
You sit down on the couch and pat down for her to sit next to you. Placing the cookies on the table in front of you both.
"Thank you so much for these by the way, did you make them?" The older woman finds herself in a struggle to speak at the closeness between you two. "I- um I helped them a little."
"So.. how's your husband?" This made Wanda halt, her breath hitching and eyebrows furrowing at the random question. "What?"
You chuckle at her sudden confusion.
"Well you're wearing a wedding band, and your children are running around somewhere in my house, so I can only assume a gorgeous woman like yourself is married."
She rolls her eyes before shaking her head in a rush of sadness.
"Actually he um.. He passed away around this time a few years ago, I- I guess I just wear it because I'm so used to it." Wanda sighs, twisting the ring on her finger, and you instantly regret asking the question.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know." You whisper and she just smiles dismissively.
"No sweetheart, it's alright.. I'm over it, I found out he was cheating on me awhile back so, I guess he got what he deserved." You both fall into a fit of laughter, her humor being unexpected in such a dark topic.
"Oh my god! Sorry! I'm so sorry- I know that's not funny..." You wheeze out, and she just giggles along with you.
"It's okay." She nods at you, taking your hand in hers and stroking it with her thumb. "I like your laugh, it's adorable." Wanda flutters her eyelashes towards you and your cheeks redden at the complement.
"T-Thank you."
Weeks went by and Wanda and the twins kept coming over, becoming regular houseguests. Some days it would be the opposite, where you were the one accompanying them for dinner or lunch.
Saturday night was officially 'movie night' where the twins would drag you over and you would all watch a movie of their choosing. Usually something from Disney or Pixar.
Today was Saturday which meant that tonight you would be over at the Maximoff's. Having promised Tommy that you would let them watch a scary movie. You didn't really see the need to dress up so you decided on an oversized shirt and some sleeping shorts.
When you knocked on the door, you were greeted by Wanda herself, her body covered in a pink satin robe that hugged her figure perfectly, her breasts pushed up slightly as you noticed the soft mounds cupped by black lace.
"Hi honey, sorry I forgot to tell you, the boys are at a sleepover tonight." You're brought back into reality at the sound of her voice, and you blink rapidly.
“Oh, that's alright, I'll go then, have a good night." You smile and turn away ready to leave when she calls back to you.
"Y/n wait, come inside, I could use a bit of company anyway." She smiles, and you just can't bring yourself to say no to that face. You slowly approach her, walking past her and suddenly you had never felt smaller.
Mindlessly you make your way into the living room, just as you've done dozens of times before. Sitting down on her couch while she goes off into the kitchen. Coming back with some wine and two glasses.
You smile at her for her kindness, which she returns. Placing the bottle down on the table, and passing you a glass, she moves to sit next to you, opening and pouring the wine into each glass. Turning to face you she holds her face with her palm, eyeing you with an expectant look as you both take a sip.
"How've you been malyash?" A slight accent in her words.
"I- um, I've been alright, how about you?" You could barely find yourself to speak as you felt some sort of tension in the air. So you quickly took a larger sip of wine, grimacing at the taste of the alcohol.
"I'm better now that you're here." She winks and you miserably try to hide your flustered expression.
A few hours go by with you both talking and getting to know each other better. The wine slightly getting to both of your heads as you both enjoy the time to yourselves.
Soon, you're both sitting in her bed, watching a movie together side by side under the covers. A steamier scene pops up on screen and your breath hitches slightly when you feel a cold hand start to rub circles on your thigh.
You turn to Wanda and she doesn't pull her attention away from the movie, her hand moving higher up your thigh and closer to your core, your breathing getting heavier.
Finally she turns to you, and you feel yourself get lost in her beauty for a moment, right before she speaks. "Y/n can I ask you something?"
"Of course." A little silence followed and she slowly debates if she should even tell you "What is it Wanda?
"Kiss me?"
"What?" You ask, shocked at her boldness, yet your whole body encased itself in a layer of heat, blood rising to your cheeks. She smirks at your reaction, biting her lip softly as she straddles your lap, taking your face into her hands.
Almost closing the distance between the two of you.
Just before she makes contact, her lustful eyes drop down to your parted lip. "I said.. kiss me." She whispers teasingly, and you shiver. Your lips then pressed against hers, her hands moving to grip into your hair.
Yours travel to her waist before sliding down to her ass, gripping at her through her robe. Bringing your dominant hand underneath, you discover that the older woman wasn't wearing any panties, your fingers instantly meeting her wetness.
Finding her clit, you slowly circle the little bundle of nerves. "O-Oh!" Wanda breaks the kiss in an affected gasp, her mouth falling open as her eyebrows furrow in pleasure.
Yet it's still not enough for her. Slowly she starts to grind down on your fingers and thigh, grabbing onto your shoulders for support as she tries to use the friction to get herself off.
“Fuck, you feel so good-" She squeals, your free hand moving to the tie of her robe, but she slaps it away.
Still humping your leg, the woman moves to untie the knot, the satin falling open and leaving her in her lace bra, reaching behind her and unclipping it with ease.
"You're so beautiful" You gasp as she throws the robe and her bra onto the floor.
"Thank you detka, you’re doing such a good job for me."
She practically screams as she cums. Her wetness smearing against your skin.
You trail kisses from her sternum to her neck and then finally to her lips when she comes back down from her climax. A small smile coming from her, breaking the kiss as she pushes you down onto the bed.
"You made me feel so good baby, you're just my perfect girl aren't you?" You whimper and nod rapidly, wanting nothing more than for Wanda to have her way with you. To absolutely ruin you.
"All yours."
Her hands move to strip you of your clothes, leaving you bare in front of her. You whine as she straddles her pussy on yours, your wetness rubbing against hers, earning groans from the both of you at the contact.
You throw your head back as she starts to grind against you, your wet clits brushing against each other repeatedly.
Wanda goes to suck harshly at the sensitive skin at your neck, your mouth dropping in pleasure.
"Uh- uh huh, oh-h fuck please!" You moan as she gains speed, your hands moving to Wanda's back and your nails digging into her skin. A sharp hiss comes from her before she pins your wrists above your head.
Your eyes roll back into your skull as she practically slams her pussy on yours, her entrance and outer lips rubbing perfectly against your puffy bundle of nerves. "I'm gonna cum- god, ah! Please, I wanna cum!" You mindlessly babble as your hips start thrashing against hers.
"Go on sweet girl, cum with me, show m-me how good I make you f-feel." Wanda's words come out slightly broken and breathless, her accent running through her voice as it rang in your ears. Her permission is the last thing you need to get to your release.
Both of you gasp as you reach your peaks, Wanda bending down to connect your lips in a messy and desperate kiss. Her hands moving from your wrists, and finding their way back onto your face as she holds you close. Soon her lips move to press little kisses all over your face making you smile.
"You're so perfect." She says in a teasing baby voice. "So so pretty." Her finger goes to slide down the bridge of your nose as she adjusts herself so she's no longer on top of you but next to you.
Your face turns red at the attention. "Stoppp." You groan, turning away to avert your eyes from her burning gaze. "Never." She whispers in your ear, a shiver falling over you at the huskiness in her voice. You turn to face her with a wide smile.
“Good, I don’t really want you to”
You both fall into a fit of giggles at your cheesy actions before you fall into eachothers gazes, getting lost in eachothers eyes in a small pocket of silence. Wanda moves to cup your cheek and starts to stroke her thumb on it, your gaze falling to her lips for a moment before looking back into her forest eyes.
"Can I kiss you again?" She smiles at the question but nods, your lips now on hers in a more sensual and passionate way. In between kisses she says, "You don’t have to ask." You giggle, kissing her a few more times before pulling the covers over your naked bodies and holding each other close.
"Thank you Wanda." You mumble in your sleepy state and she can't the little grin that goes onto her face once more. "For what malaysia?"
“For knocking on my door.” She smiles at that and goes to say something, however she cuts herself off when she hears a soft snore come from you. She adjusts herself to nuzzle your head into her neck as you hold her tight.
The next morning Wanda wakes up to an empty bed. The spot you once resided in now empty and cold. At first a large frown appeared on her face, the first thought in her mind was that it might have all been a dream.
But the smell of cinnamon filled her nostrils making her second guess her theory.
The scent was soon followed by your thumping footsteps up the stairs. You walk into her bedroom with a tray in your hands.
You'd made her breakfast. Wanda soon feels her cheeks burn and her smile widening at the sight of you in her clothes and taking time out of your day to make her food.
"What's all this?" She asks, sitting up slightly as she inspects the tray before her. "I made you breakfast." You smile before moving to explain.
"I made you some french toast and scrambled eggs with sausage." She didn't say anything as she let you ramble on. "Uh- and here's some strawberries, also I didn't know if you wanted it or not but I got you water with ice. Obviously if you don't want the ice then-."
Wanda cuts you off by placing her thumb against your lips. "Breathe baby." Your eyes fall onto her still naked body and instantly do as she says, a small smirk forming on her lips as her finger brushes against your bottom lip:
"Thank you so much love bug, you're so thoughtful for making me all this, but I don't think I can finish it all by myself."
"Let's eat it together, yeah?" She suggests and you smile and nod before grabbing and handing her a shirt when you notice her shiver at the coldness of the room.
You move to sit next to her, moving the food over to make room for the both of you. Wanda goes to grab a fork and take a bite of the eggs and she lets out a surprised expression.
"Y/n, this is actually really good." You let out a gasp of fake offense.
"Why are you acting so surprised?"
"I- Not that it's a bad thing, but I just didn't expect you to be a good cook." You burst into laughter.
"That's what you were thinking about when you first met me? If I was a good cook or not?" You tease and she rolls her eyes.
"Shut up and eat your food." You push her arm playfully but go back to eating. Once you both finished the plate and water, you reached for the strawberries and moved the tray to the floor. You then lay on your back with the bowl of strawberries on top of your abdomen.
Wanda reaches for one and pops it into her mouth, munching on it happily as she leans on her hand, her right hand holding her head up while her left one brushes up and down your arm.
You smile as this is the type of morning you've dreamed of spending with someone, most especially her.
"I wanna stay like this forever." You sigh out as you look at her, Wanda places a quick kiss on your shoulder as she moves to wrap her arms around you. "We can, I mean, nothing's stopping us from being with each other."
"You're right."
The doorbell soon rings followed by the sounds of the twins muffed shouts of "Mom! We're home!"
Your eyes widen as you both scramble to get cleaned up, Wanda goes to put a new set of clothes on and you take a quick peek through the window of her bedroom, looking out to see the boys talking to each other behind the locked door.
Somehow, they feel your gaze on them and look up, making eye contact with you and they gasp in surprise. "Y/n!" "Y/n's here!" They cheer and your face burns. You take a deep breath and slowly walk downstairs and open the door for the boys.
When they see you behind the door they start to bombard you with questions. "When'd you get here?" "Why didn't you tell us you were coming?" "Are we gonna watch movies tonight? Are we..."
He pauses, "Wait, what's that on your neck?" Your heart drops to your stomach, and you look at Tommy confused.
"What was that hun?"
"What's that purple mark on your neck?"
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dumbseee · 1 year
f1 au: in which, y/n is a huge fan of formula one and wish she could attend a race to support her favorite driver which happen to be lando norris.
lando norris x reader.
fc: bruna marquezine.
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liked by y/n, carlossainz55, maxfewtrell and 1 007 788 others.
landonorris: P3 BABY!
maxfewtrell: let’s go!
y/n: my prayers worked omg
fan1: @.y/n girl i follow you on twitter you’re so funny
fan2: @.y/n you’re his lucky charm actually
fan3: @.y/n petition for lando to notice you and invite you to barcelona
y/n: omg am i famous?
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you threw your phone and let out a scream, which woke up your dog, norris. yes you named your dog after lando, they looked alike so it fitted. you slapped your hand on your mouth, completely in shock.
"shut the fuck up!" you yelled while jumping on your bed and screaming. reality finally hit you, lando fucking norris noticed you and wanted to send you tickets to go to the spain gp. you plopped back onto your bed and grabbed your phone. you immediately went to twitter and saw that lando had dmed you. you felt shivers all over your body.
landonorris: hi y/n! i saw your tweet and wanted to thank you first for the support, i really want to send you tickets to come see the gp in barcelona so please send me your infos asap :) take care! your husband ;)
your eyes widened while another scream left your mouth. at this rate your neighbours will call the police on you but you didn’t care at all. lando norris just dmed you AND called himself your husband.
imnotyn: hi!! omg this feels like a fever dream, i hope you didn’t dig too deep into my account or else i’ll kms rn BUT thank you for the invite this means the world to me xx
landonorris: no problem! oh and i saw all your tweets.
you dropped your phone once again. no way you were going to this gp and meet lando after he told you that he, in fact, read all your tweets which meant that he read the ones where you were being a disappointment for your parents.
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liked by landonorris, lilymhe, francisca.cgomes and 2 867 others.
y/n: my dream came true and i still can’t believe it. it was such an honour to come and see a formula one race with my own eyes and not behind a screen. thank you so much @.landonorris for this incredible opportunity and congrats on p3 again!
lilymhe: you were such a sweetheart! we should definitely hang out soon!
y/n: @.lilymhe OMG YES
maxfewtrell: gossiping with you was fun, hope to see you soon!
y/n: @.maxfewtrell you made the whole experience better, thank you max!
landonorris: my lucky charm right?
liked by y/n.
fan1: girlie went from being a fangirl to getting noticed by lando, getting invited to the gp AND befriended the wags + max
fan2: she’s living my dream rn
fan3: not lando flirting with her??
fan5: don’t forget us once you marry him
liked by y/n.
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liked by y/n, maxfewtrell, danielricciardo and 2 689 008 others.
landonorris: my lucky charm indeed.
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romanreignseater · 3 months
A Phone Call Away.
Roman Reigns x Black Female Reader
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; oral (female receiving)
“Now that Roman is on a hiatus from the ring, you would think that would stop the busy nature of this man… but boy were you wrong.”
A/N: Is your girl back or WHATTTT?!??! Heyyyy y’all, I missed you guys so much and I missed writing for you guys. Thanks to all of those who checked up on me (I promise those messages didn’t go unseen). I truly appreciate all the love still shown on my stories but I am back and better than ever. School has been really tough for me and I nearly dropped out, but BITCH I pulled through. I’m moving onto my junior year this fall and I couldn’t be happier. To express my happiness, I wrote this about the ONLY Tribal Chief. Mr. Roman Reigns. Hope you enjoy 😘😘😘!!
GIF: @rashyford
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Roman Reigns… or as you like to call him Joe. You’re doting husband and father to your three kids. A man with a multitude of talents, charms, and good looks. You won the lottery with this man and he feels the same about you. Joe has never had a problem making anything happen for you or your kids. Yet, he can seem oblivious to all of you.. and you know why?! It’s because of that damn phone.
Yeah, Joe’s an amazing and caring man. But that phone stays strapped to his ear while attending to you or the kids.
The kids want him to open a Caprisun, he’s on that phone. You want him to take out the trash, he’s on that phone. You want him to change the baby’s diaper, you guessed it… he’s on that phone.
Although these tasks do get done, he never makes eye contact with any of you and seemingly gets annoyed anytime one of you walk up to him. So you weren’t surprised seeing your 5 year old daughter come up to you with an attitude as you were breast feeding.
“Baby girl what happened?!” You questioned as she crossed her little arms and huffed out a deep breath making the strands of her hair on her forehead rise into the air fall back down.
“Papa’s till on the phone.” My god did that little girl look like a spitting image of Joe whenever he caught an attitude. Your baby is one hundred and ten percent a daddy’s girl so to see him not give her the attention she wants made you upset.
“Listen baby okay, mommy’s gonna put your baby brother to sleep and I’ll deal with papa for you. Go upstairs and play with your big sister.” She gave you a sweet little smile and nodded her head in agreement. You watched as she ran up the stairs eager to play dolls with her big sister.
Once your baby boy wasn’t latched on anymore, you went upstairs to place him on the bed you shared with Joe. You placed a pillow fort around him to keep him safe and turned on the baby monitor. You checked on the girls quickly and made your way back downstairs.
You find Joe in the living room with the dogs surrounding him as he watched the NBA Draft. You could overhear him talking about WWE can further the Bloodline story even more before his return. Now assuming he’s talking to Hunter, you placed your hands on his shoulders and began slowing massaging before he turned around to face you as he gave a small smile.
You make your way around the couch and sat next to him. His eyes still glued to the TV as he placed one of his hands on your thigh, caressing it ever so gently. “Joe… you think you c—.”
Joe lifts up the hand that was on your thigh and placed in on your mouth in order to motion him telling you to be quiet. Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head as you couldn’t believe he just shushed you.
After you could his meals, massage his back after a match, wash his laundry, and pushed out his big headed kids.. he had the audacity to shush you.
Two can play at that game.
Knowing how much Joe can’t resist you, you can’t believe you didn’t think of this earlier to get this man off the phone. As Joe moves his finger away from your lips and places it on his own thigh now, you lean back into the headrest of the couch and spread open your legs.
Joe doesn’t take much notice until he hears you fumbling with your pants. He turns his head slightly as witnesses you bare from the waist down and your perfect pink magic spread before his eyes.
You giggled as Joe completely disregarded the draft completely and stared in awe. You lifted up slightly to take the hand that was once on your thigh and placed his hand near your dripping cunt.
On command, Joe automatically makes his thumb prominent and places it on your beating clit, rubbing in a circular motion. You drop your head back and moan as he continues to play with your pussy with his thumb. Dragging your essence up and down your slit. He soon seems to be losing memory of his call and he begins spitting out “yeah’s” and “mhmmm’s” to Hunter giving the most vague answers to his suggestions and questions.
Joe bites his lip as he looks you in your eyes, giving him the cheesiest grin knowing you’ve basically won the battle. “Yeah, I totally understand.” He says into his phone once more before he puts it on speaker and then mute and places his phone on your stomach.
The heat of his phone makes you hiss slightly and then you begin to hiss more as his tongue comes into contact with your drooling heat. He begins eating you out like a true champ. He nuzzled his face deep into your wet heat and flicked your clit with his thumb. Your back began arching off the sofa as you were beginning to reach your climax.
But a loud voice parades inside your mind as you try to enjoy yourself. “Roman, Joe. You there?!” Joe looked up at you and it was almost like his eyes were telling you something. You watched as his hand that was holding your thigh open, comes near his phone as he presses the mute button once more.
You quickly shut your mouth as Joe removes his mouth from you but keeps the assault on your little clit going. “Yeah I’m here. Umm… what’s gonna happen with my wiseman??!” You watched intently as he pressed the mute button again and goes back to town. He takes his tongue deep into you as Hunter is on the phone blabbing about what’s gonna happen with Paul.
Just as he was wrapping his summary of the wiseman’s future, your legs began to shake and sputter as you finally reached your climax. Your legs clamp around his head and breathing heavy. You let out one deep breath as Joe removes your thighs from around his head and looks as you with a devilish smile as you essence coated his entire beard.
He picks his phone up again and removes it from mute. “Yeah, that was a great convo. We got a lot done, but listen boss man duty calls I gotta get into daddy mode. Mama’s had enough for today.”
You shook her head in agreement as Hunter expressed his understanding. They bid each other farewell and Joe threw his phone behind him. You laid with her legs still spread open, pussy on display for his viewing pleasure staring a hole into his eyes. He lifted his brow at you as if to question what the next move was.
“Ummm if you want more of this sir, you’re gonna have to get myself off your face and go play with your baby girl cause you really upset her today baby.” He hung his head low as he understood the damage he’s caused by focusing on his phone too much.
“Alright I will baby.” He playfully closed your legs for you and you giggled as he placed a blanket over you. He stood up and as he went to walk away, he bent down to whisper in your ear.
“Just know when you want that part two, I’m a phone call away.” He reached for his phone and waved in your face as he chuckled on his way up the stairs.
That man crazy as hell..
Not gonna yieeee… I’m happy to be writing again 😂. Shout out to @thesamoanqueen @mzv11 & @msbigredmachine your stories really motivated me to get back into writing and it helped me realize writing isn’t dead 🫶🏾🫶🏾!! (Jey fic next, cause that’s my baby, YEETTTT!!!)
Hope you all enjoyed 💕💕💕!!
MY TAG SQUAD: @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @nayys-world @mzv11 @babybatlover @vogueyonce @harlem11680 @seeingstarks @thewarlordsworld @alyyaanna @southerngirl41 @christinabae @pitlissa22 @thealliasylum @fame-ass-ers @iluvthebloodline @jeyusos-girl @ah-fin3sse @solosikoasgf @msbigredmachine @rollinsland @angelicflower2020 @theogsamoanqueen @saintsvenust
*If you want to be added to my tag list, don’t be afraid to let me know!!
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azure-cherie · 10 months
☀︎︎𝑃𝐴𝐶 : 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 ☀︎︎
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Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
Hey there guys , I hope y'all are having a lovely time so for this PAC
THE CONCEPT is in this pile i call upon one of your ancestors to narrate a story from their life so that you can learn something from it or just get the Ancestral tea ☕ .
Reblogs and feedback are highly appreciated !!!!
Want a personal reading: Paid readings , Paid readings 2
Choose using your intuition, you can choose multiple and take what resonates and leave the rest . Since this is a general reading take what resonates and leave the rest .
Pile 1 :
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My dear pile 1 , i hope you're doing well
Some charms for confirmations and messages: Maple leaf , moon , bicycle , trumpet , tortoise, panther , yantra symbol , peacock , camel , flower wings , infinity symbol, clown , lantern. Some numbers : might be age , year or era ; 5,1,6,5,7 ; some initials : K , L , I , Q .
Who will I be channeling : The Empress card they could be a very nourishing female who was well regarded in their family , they were a queen , princess , authority , they married rich . They were really a successful and kind women
They want to tell you a story about : Strength , how they were courageous
Once upon a time in your ancestry , born in either Mongolian , Chinese , French or Italian roots , your ancestors were regarded as inventors of something creative , they liked romance a lot , they wanted to keep the fire in themselves alive , they could be cavemen and drew various types of architectural plans , for some buildings , could be of Moroccan descent , you had a very big family , the head of the family was a very nice man , your ancestor was the head of the family as well , as the wife of your male ancestor , she also was a very creative person , made antiques and stored them , was regarded as one of the bad bitches of that era, and everyone wanted to marry her , though she broke many hearts she married your male ancestor , they lived really happily until there was some , war in your place and some things were burned down in your place or in your home , the fire could be symbolic as well , they were left with no choice then to sacrifice themselves . Either they sacrificed themselves or something that belongs to them . I think some of your family history also burned along with the fire , could be representative of also fury of old powerful people lurking into your family wellbeing .
Through the course of wheel of fortune ,there was a change because of a smart person in your bloodline who really finally crafted a way to rise again , this could be your ancestor herself or some other person from your family I get the vibe of the sister in law , or an aunt . Because of that you were capable , your ancestors could be into herbal medicine or Ayurveda . Your ancestors helped the poor a lot and conducted lots of charity . They either had a rabbit or a furry animal by their side , the pet was one of the legacies and the pet really protected , could be a dog as well , if cat they protected from spiritual attacks .
Your ancestors later became the leader of some organization , and they were some sort of vigilante and served everyone with justice , were one of the most powerful . One of the next generation male member sore really high and was regarded , they gave everyone a head start at creative potential , they rose again from what hurt them , they later settled in some colder place probably .
There could be some curse due to which your family went into hiding , because the son of the empress was a vigilante they rose again and built up after moving places , they brought lands and could be the family was travelling , that could mean some hippie ancestors for some of you , and it could also be someone wanted to move places , lastly your ancestor went on a spiritual journey , the empress went on a quest to find herself and was looking into a peaceful life
She wanted to tell you about this lesson of strength , that no matter what happens you should go on , also they wanted to tell you that if you want something good in life you must also leave something , to understand the value of sacrifice , despite the hardships she went on a quest , her main aim to wait was to see her family well and after she was done she was ready to leave , this story might also be about detachment .she wants to tell you that though everything is nice , if you feel you're missing something , you must go after it , and that’s how your soul will feel happy
Pile 2 :
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My dear pile 2 , hope you're doing well
Some charms for confirmations and messages: Fox , mermaid tail , shell, angel, coconut tree , crescent moon , sun , kangaroo, wine bottle . Some numbers : might be age , year or era ; 7,2,9,2 ; some initials : R,U,O.
Who will I be channeling : Ace of swords ,could be a warrior , they were really courageous , free thinker .
They want to tell you a story about : Page of coins , of abundance of a bright future
Once upon a time there was a break in your family because of lot of disagreements , everyone fought each other or just left their own ways , this could be about middle eastern , desert areas , ancient India , Mediterranean , there was lot of conquest , here comes about your grandmother or just a women in your family who was a psychic , she wanted everyone to be together , that lead to the family coming back together because she made everyone thinking she was sick , they later came to know she wasn’t ,
She realized there was someone was casting a spell for your family to break apart , your ancestor already had the vibe , and they worked hard to let it into their heads , might have conducted an uncrossing spell to get rid of the damage , the spell came from a family member who was obsessed with money and wanted to keep everything to themselves , your ancestor wanted to keep everyone safe and happy , and because of their good deeds things were right , there were minor issues but because your grandmother was so observant and a psychic , the family didn’t break and was happy . They kept lot of optimism.
They wanted to tell you this because you are having self-doubts about your abilities or judging people without knowing the whole story , listen more to your intuition , you're reaching conclusions without thinking and analyzing things properly and they wanted to let you know that . I picked another card , so they tell you to take rest and not think too much .
This is actually really cool because I was about to start pile 3 but I couldn't remember the image , haha they want to tell you one more story woah , this could either be for the same group or this story might not be for you , use your intuition
This is about a situation where they had both of their hands tied , they were people putting allegations onto them and they wanted to about sometimes to get forward you'll have to lose something , you have to work hard and put all in , you shouldn’t run , things may become severe but know that youre stronger , don’t run away , you must hope for the best because only then it comes to you , being emotionally connected is a blessing , never take your own emotions for granted
They served a king or a higher authority could've worked as warriors or oracles of their place , they were considered very courageous , this could also be someone from Salem witch trials , there's lot of fire as well as witch symbolism , so I feel this could be it , they revolted a lot against the men who were capturing them . There was someone who was so in love with your ancestors and tried to save her , she tried and got away though it was painful , they came together and lived happily ever after , this story could also go about some Brazilian , Hawaiian , ancestry .
They wanted to tell you this as a sign that hope can be found even after most gut wrenching times .
Pile 3 :
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My dear pile 3 hope you're doing well
Some charms for confirmations and messages: fish , elephant, gun , cap , shell , infinity symbol, witch , cat . Some numbers : might be age , year or era ; 9,8,2 ; some initials : M, A . Please check pile 2 if you were drawn
Who will I be channeling: Knight of wands adventurous, enigmatic person
They want to tell you a story about : The Sun , of fame and dignity
Once upon a time there was someone who was a miser and wanted your ancestor to be wed off , just so they could get rid of your ancestor , they thought your ancestor was a crooked person , who wanted to be reckless all the time , they didn’t appreciate your ancestors free spirit at all , the guardian showed they were happy but they wanted to destroy the life of your ancestor , your ancestors might have been kept hostage or had an evil step parent for some of you .
Someone could have died or poisoned , the husband of your ancestor was very supportive , the guardian didn’t like it , someone might have told that to your guardian , or higher authority , only to cut the wings of your ancestor , she yet lived with happiness because she was actively practicing freedom and was loved and supported by her husband , I think she wanted to be in a higher position , in education or in the swordsmanship sector , this could go back to Europe , in the renaissance period , haha your reading is reminding me of the anime called " Arte " .
She was shown love because fate turned her life around This reminds me of " My happy marriage " (anime).
There could be a lot of jealousy shown to her by the men around, the neighbor's , but your ancestor was always rising higher , there could be someone who sabotaged her telling her that she's a bad person , she payed no mind to them , she became one of the greatest of her times , swordsman , merchant . This could also be in the education sector , they became highly educated , just saw 333 might be significant to you .
They were abundant and happy , they later became a teacher in their sector , kids loved them a lot , probably rose to nobility , were honored as a survivor and a riser .
They want to tell you this story to make you believe in the power of love , though its mostly about bravery her husband helped her get through a lot of it , she wants to show how if you take a chance in love , love can be good for you . Though her arranged marriage was scary things turned out for the better so will it turn out for you , keep the belief , I got one more card , they also wanted you to let go of your mentality that everything will go bad trust that good things will happen to you , if you hit the rock bottom you can only go higher do what you need to do
The back of the deck is Empress , how sweet is it that the pile 1 started with empress and you're finishing at it , you come from line of very powerful women who worked so much for their dreams they're always here for you just call upon them . I see 555 as I conclude can be significant for you.
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Thank you so much for reading have a great day/night 🧡
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Calling them "Daddy"
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairing: Dazai, Chuuya, Nikolai, Akutagawa, Atsushi, Fyodor X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Format: Drabble
Warnings: Suggestive content, Pet names (Baby girl, Dove, etc)
Word Count: 1.1K
A/n: Some of these are based on some TikTok vids I've seen before, so credit to them lol
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↳Chuuya Nakahara
"Can you help me with the zipper, daddy?"
Chuuya choked on his wine as he started coughing rapidly, with you watching him having a big smile on your face.
"What did you say to me?"
"I said can you help me with the zipper?"
"No no after that" He shook his head and came closer to you, looking at you eagerly "What did you say after that?"
"Oh you mean daddy?" you rolled your eyes playfully, hands reaching for his bowtie to fix it. "What? Aren't you my daddy?"
"I'm your daddy" He grinned and pulled you closer to himself just to lift you up, which you collaborated by wrapping your arms around his neck. "I like that, keep calling me that"
"Ok daddy"
Chuuya was losing it when you planted a kiss on his cheek, as if your coquetry wasn't enough already.
"Yeah keep calling me that and we'll never leave the bedroom again, baby girl"
↳Osamu Dazai
"Welcome back, daddy" You walked toward your boyfriend and his colleague who were sitting on the couch in the living room. He raised his head with a smirk and stared at you smugly.
"Thanks, Bella. Daddy has had a very long day"
"Oi! Are you two for real" Kunikida protested with a sharp tune, only for Dazai to ignore him while stretching his arms out.
"Ugh I'm exhausted! C'mon baby girl, come give daddy a massage"
"I can't believe you guys. So shameless" Kunikida got up and walked away, with your eyes following him until he exited the room.
"Let's go to the bedroom now, shall we Bella?" The brunette beamed as he placed a hand behind your back, guiding you to your shared bedroom.
"Didn't you want a massage, Osamu?"
"You can do better than a massage, baby girl" His hand squeezed your ass from behind. "Also, call me by my name one more time and you'll get a hard punishment. You don't want daddy to be disappointed, do you?"
↳Nikolai Gogol
"This meal is so sour! Don't you think so, daddy?"
Nikolai raised his head from the plate, smirking at how lewd you were to call him that in a public place. He was also turned on of course, so he put his hand under his chin while staring at your face which had a hidden smile on it.
"You think so, Dove?" "Yeah! I can't believe how expensive it is when it tastes so awful! Seriously daddy, these people are trying to scam us. You should teach them a lesson"
"Oh I will do anything for you Dove" He got up from his seat, placing his head next to your ear, sending shivers down your spine every time his lips made contact with your ear. "I will kill them all. No one has the right to upset my Sugar cube"
"Oh daddy~" Placing a kiss on his cheek, you smiled innocently at the tall man beside you. "You would do that for me?" "I would" "Then, I'll have to show my appreciation to you somehow, right?"
"Don't you worry your little head about that" Nikolai caressed your hair while imagining all the things he was about to do to you in the restaurant's bathroom. "I've already figure out the perfect way for you to repay me, baby girl"
↳Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
Akutagawa had literally zero experience when it came to dating before meeting you, so when he heard the word "Daddy" slip from your mouth, he only got confused.
"I said what do you want for dinner, daddy?"
His eyebrows twitched and he looked at you with perplexity in his eyes. "Why... Why would you call me that?"
"Well... What do you think?" You winked at him playfully, finding his reaction cute.
"Is it because I remind you of your dad?" "What? No! Ewe!" "Then why else would you call someone daddy other than your biological father?!"
"You know what just forget it" You shook your head with a soft smile and went back on cutting the onions again, thinking you had a lot of things to teach this charming inexperienced adorable man.
↳Atsushi Nakajima
Drops of blood shot out of his mouth the second he heard you calling him "Daddy". His face turned as red as a tomato, blood rushing to his veins from embarrassment.
"Wha- Why- I- stop messing with me y/n!"
"What?" You giggled as you wrapped your arms around his neck, smiling playfully while giving his neck a small lick. "You don't like it when I call you daddy?" "It's not that I don't like it, it's just that..."
"Awww! Is my daddy being shy?" Shortening the gap between the two of you, you got closer to him until there were only a few inches between your lips. He was still embarrassed, but there was a new feeling growing inside him. A new one that made him impatient when you took your time to tease him.
"Don't be like this, daddy. You like it when I call you that, don't you?"
Yeah, as inappropriate as it was, he would be lying if he said he didn't like it.
"C'mon daddy, show me how much you like it when I call you that"
"You're going to be the death of me y/n" is what he says before slamming his lips on yours.
↳Fyodor Dostoevsky
"I'm sorry that I spilled water on you, Fedya" You said with fake embarrassment, standing in front of your husband who was sitting on the couch. He was a tiny bit irritated, but he didn't want to make a fuss about it.
"It's ok. Be careful next time"
"That's it?" You reply curiously "Aren't you gonna punish me for being distracted, daddy?"
Fyodor's eyebrows rose with surprise, but soon a small smirk found his way to his lips. "Oh? So you did that on purpose, didn't you?"
"I don't know what you're talking abou- Woah!"
He suddenly pulled you on his lap, starring into your eyes as his thumb caressed your bottom lip gently. "You're being naughtier than usual, Myshka. Is that how desperate you are for my attention? To the point that you're willing to ruin my clothes? Maybe you do need to be punished"
Well, that night you definitely did got the attention you were yearning for.
Reblogs are appreciated!
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etfrin · 9 months
❝ꜱᴏᴜʟꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴄʀᴜꜱʜ❞ — chapter eight | coriolanus snow
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「ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ:」 SFW | Coriolanus Snow
「ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ:」 young! Coriolanus Snow x fem! Reader
「ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ:」 Coryo wakes up in the hospital and finds you... oh! you guys share a bed btw <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
「ᴀ/ɴ:」 hope y'all like this!!
beta read by the amazing spectacular @nowitsmissing
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Coriolanus Snow could hear a certain buzz as he regained consciousness. He soon realized it was the noise of the machine attached to him. The groan he lets out is louder than he thought as he opens his eyes and begins to sit up.
He blinks, the dim light of the hospital filling his eyes up and it hurts. He looked to his left and saw the empty beds beside him, a few nurses fluttering around, not paying any attention to anything except their remaining work.
He looks to his right, and he won't ever admit the fact that his eyes watered. A few teardrops even rolled down on his cheeks without his consent. You were there, safe and present. Curled up in a chair, sleeping. He hissed softly as he wiped the moisture away from his face. He ignored the sting he felt whenever he moved. The wound in his back would surely scar.
At least it wasn't his face.
He stands up on his feet, his arm holding the IV pole for support. He wondered briefly if he should wake you up but decided against it. It certainly wasn't because you looked so pretty right now, he just wanted you well rested. That's it (not).
But his attention is stolen by his tribute on the TV. Lucy Gray Baird live on the screens of every TV in Panem. Even the nurses had stopped working to look at her. She held a guitar. Coriolanus was glad that Sejanus Plinth did one thing right in his life.
“Good evening. Capitol. Districts,” she said. Her fingertips were on the strings of the lovely guitar. “I wrote this song for a boy back in twelve. I hope he hears it.”
Then she begins to strum out a tune and a sweet melody begins to play with heartbreaking lyrics.
“When I was a babe, I fell in the holler
When I was a girl, I fell into your arms
We fell on hard times, and we lost our bright Colors
You went zu the dogs, and I lived by my charms
I danced for my dinner, spread kisses like honey
You stole and you gambled, and I said you should
We sang for our soppers, we drunk up our money
And one day you left, saying I was no good…"
He grinned, Lucy Gray certainly painted a picture of a heartbroken girl nicely. It would certainly win the hearts of the Capitol if the sobbing of the nurses he could hear was any sign. Plus, he was sure Sejanus Plinth would be blinded by jealousy. The thought made Coriolanus feel so much better.
Then his attention turns to you, your voice much sweeter despite being raspy, “It was a rebel bombing they said.” You continue, “They wanted to destroy the symbols of the Games. Marcus, Sejanus Plinths’ tribute ran away. And several died. We were lucky.”
You stand up and stretch your arms. And he hates himself for his eyes lowered to see the flash of skin you showed when your shirt rose. He swallowed and pretended that his increased heartbeat wasn't because of you.
You walk up to him.
“You were lucky,” you said, your hand caging his with a hold he cherished. You rest your head on his shoulder and both of you watch the song end together, and Lucy walks off stage.
You begin to explain again, “Tigris had to leave for work. Sejanus left to give Lucy Gray the guitar. They both were present and worried.”
Your head turns to his side, and you whisper, “You're not allowed to get hurt again.”
“I don't think I have that in control-” Coriolanus begins to say, his voice defensive. He could see the tiredness in your eyes. He could see you overwhelmed by what happened. He didn't need to ask ‘Real or not?’. He knew.
You squeezed his hand so hard that he saw white in his vision, a surprised groan leaving his lips. “You're not allowed to get hurt,” you emphasized. Your eyes narrowed in a glare, you looked a bit adorable with how worn out you were and Coriolanus wanted to smile at you. He decided against it when the hold got tighter and he was pretty sure his hand wasn't getting any blood flow.
“Fine,” he agreed, “I won't get hurt again.”
He knew it wasn't in his control. But for you, he would try. There was no way to rationalize why so he put the promise he just made to you to the back of his mind.
Your hand loses the death grip and you gently make him sit down on the bed again. “Ma I mean Sejanus’ mom sent some food for us. She's sad that she couldn't visit,” you said.
“Ma?” He questioned.
“She told me to call her that. I had plenty of dinners at Sejanus place.” You answered.
“Plenty, huh?” He muttered it was so obviously jealous that you raised an eyebrow at him. You dig out a container from a bag and place it on your lap. In your hand, you had utensils for one person.
“Feel free to invite me to yours, Snow.”
But he couldn't, and that increased his jealousy even more. Sejanus could feed you steaks, and sweets and what could Coriolanus feed you? Expired milk and cabbage soup. He didn't say anything further, letting the hurt fester in his heart.
He decided to give you something else instead.
“Coryo…” he whispered, his eyes vulnerable, “Call me Coryo from now on.” Coryo was a nickname for his friends and family. Something intimate to him, something he owns to himself. And he was giving it to you and hoped that you accepted it.
“Coryo,” you tried out, and it sounded perfect from your lips. It sounded so much like the fate he avoids, that he looks away. He blames his blurry eyes on tiredness.
“Now eat,” you said, taking his attention with the spoonful of rice you held in front of him.
“I can feed myself,” he said. He wasn't that hurt. He could move his limbs fine. He can feed himself. He is not a child. You don't have to treat him as one.
“Don't care, Coryo. It's for me rather than for you,” you stated, “Please, Coryo.”
He doesn't argue. He doesn't know what to refute when your eyes turn pleading. And he knew that you were making the impression so he would give in. And so he did. Who was he to reject you after all?
He lets you feed him the rice and chicken gravy Sejanus's mom cooked deliciously. It was hundredfolds better than anything Coriolanus could compare to. He will remember to pass his thanks to Sejanus.
After the box is devoid of any food, it's returned to its place in the bag. And you curled up in the uncomfortable seat again. Coriolanus didn't like it very much, it was obvious it wasn't the most luxurious place to sleep in. Surely, your back and neck will hurt when you wake up tomorrow.
He moves himself until there's space in his small, hospital bed. He pats the space. “Come here,” he said. Before you could protest, he adds, “It's for me rather than for you.”
You don't argue with him, instead you slip him beside him. Your body against his in the small bed. He lets out a shuddering breath that you don't notice. His arm is under your head, being used as a pillow. In a sense, you were cuddling with how quickly your legs had tangled with his and your arm was over his torso. He felt caged, and he never knew being caged could feel good not suffocating. It could feel safe.
You made him feel safe.
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qwimblenorrisstan · 2 months
A New Dawn | Eris x Reader
Summary: Feyre grows closer to you, a close friend of Lucien’s, as you visit him while she’s in Spring Court. During that time, she learns of you being given to Eris as a servant by Amarantha, but no one could’ve suspected how deep the relationship between you and the Autumn Court heir went.
Word Count: ~ 1.1k
Warnings: Mentions of slavery, tyranny, pregnancy, also this entire fic is mainly in Feyre’s perspective btw
A/N: This is actually my first attempt at writing for Eris (all bc of a cute request), but if you like it then lmk and I might try more, hope you enjoy <3
Requests are open!
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Feyre Archeron first met you at Tamlin’s manor, when she was still stuck as a human in a land of immortals that were trapped and bound by Amarantha. She’d been taking a walk through the house with Lucien, him explaining all the paintings in the gallery’s old, dusty collection that he knew of, and her eagerly listening, wanting to scrape up any lick of knowledge she could get.
That was when she’d seen you, coming from Tamlin’s office, him grave-faced and you just looking sad. You saw Lucien and perked up a bit, and he eagerly pulled you into his arms and held you.
“Who is..?”
Feyre spoke, trailing off at the silent tears you shed while Lucien held you close, his face buried in your shoulder. When you finally pulled away, the fiery male wiped your tears away with his thumb and glanced towards Feyre, you also looked at her.
“Y/N, this is Feyre, Feyre, this is Y/N.”
He said simply, a bit of his usual charm lacking because of the raw emotion in his tone. Feyre hadn’t known then why you’d been wide-eyed looking at her, turning to Tamlin and whispering some questions her human hearing couldn’t pick up, but she now knew exactly why you’d been shocked to find a human there during that time.
She was the cursebreaker, and you’d suspected that she would be the one from the moment you saw her.
You eventually had to leave, with whispered words to Lucien and more silent tears, before you had mounted a horse, even though running would be faster, and ventured back off to Under the Mountain.
“Where is she going?”
Feyre had asked Lucien. The male had only shook his head.
“Under the Mountain. She was..gifted to my brother as his servant, and she’s stuck there.”
He said, sentences carefully worded in the true manner of the fox-like male. Feyre found that horrifying, the thought of being gifted to a male, forced to serve him and do gods know what for him, being stuck there and only able to leave by delivering messages to other Courts. If only she knew the truth.
However, you sometimes got excuses or reasons to leave and stay at Spring longer than necessary, and you became a sort of salvation for Feyre. You would take her out into Spring Court to your favorite bakery, or the shops that were open at the time. Even when she asked, you never had a good reason for why some were closed, nor did Tamlin.
You slowly spent more time together, and she told you of her sisters, of Nesta’s hostility, Elain’s love for gardening and the flowers she’d grow with the spare change they had after selling skins, or how she grew up hunting. In exchange, you would tell Feyre all about your life growing up, how you and Lucien had been in the same age group and because of your High Fae status, you’d been friends for centuries.
“I’ll see you next visit,”
You would tell her every time, but this time seemed different. It seemed more like a final farewell. She gave a concerned look.
“When will you be back?”
“I don’t know, but I hope I see you again.”
It turned out that the next time you saw her was when you had a leash around your neck like a dog, Eris holding the chain to the collar as you both watched Feyre fight for her life in the challenges Amarantha proposed to her.
“Do you think she’ll live?”
You’d asked him quietly, and Eris had responded point-blank.
But the glimmer of hope in his eyes as he glanced at you, a silent apology promising a future together if this human did manage to free you, a future where you weren’t chained and he wasn’t trapped.
Well, you’d almost gotten that when Feyre had given her life to free Prythian’s people, and come back as High Fae. Almost, but not quite.
“Just a little longer, darling, I promise.”
He would murmur to you every night as you had to act as his servant, attend to his every need, and act like the two of you weren’t painfully in love every day and night. That was, until, the night Beron was assassinated, shot dead with an ash arrow right through his black, soulless heart during a private conference between him and some higher-up you hadn’t bothered to learn the name of.
The next time Feyre had seen you, she’d been accompanied by Nyx and Rhys, Nyx on her hip as the other High Lords idly chattered, most of which were interested in how Eris would handle being High Lord of Autumn. Even more surprising, you’d been labeled High Lady of Autumn not shortly after.
They were still in for plenty of shock when you and Eris walked in, and the scent of budding, growing life spread through the room. Rhysand recognized it instantly, and the tiny bump on your stomach told everyone else what it was as well, not to mention the smug, satisfied face of Eris, clearly filled with pure male pride at his mate being pregnant.
“Oh wow, so you two were..?”
Feyre asked you while you chatted with her.
“We’ve been mates since before Amarantha, but we didn’t want to say because of Beron, then everything happened…it was a whole mess, but we worked it out.”
You replied with a warm smile on your face, one hand on your stomach. Rhys still seemed wary of Eris, rightfully so, but after seeing how the fiery male didn’t seem as conniving or rude, or even like the Eris he’d known for centuries at the meeting all because of his pregnant wife, or maybe because he didn’t have to play the role as the unassuming heir anymore, his mindset was slowly starting to change.
Rhys had said to you and Eris, a slight genuine smile tugging at his lips as he’d patted Eris on the back, at which the other male stiffened slightly, but didn’t seem overly hostile.
Back at the townhouse, both having glasses of wine and idly sipping on them, Nyx already asleep, Feyre and Rhys chatted.
“I think they’re cute together,”
She said with a smile. Rhys chuckled lightly, shaking his head in amusement.
“She mellowed him out, for sure. I’m glad, I don’t think they could deal with another sassy High Lord out there other than me.”
She rolled her eyes.
“Really, though. They’re cute.”
Rhys let out a little hum of thought, before nodding.
“They are.”
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lilsocksiswriting · 9 months
Teacher's Pets
Fandom: JJK
Paring: Professor!Geto X Reader X Incubus!Gojo
Summary: The classic spell gone wrong that ends the reader being Professor Getot's pet Incubus' next meal.
Warming: NSFW, Darker Content, dub-con, no beta, minors DNI
Tags: College AU, student-teacher relations, fingering, praise, dirty talk, cum play, thigh riding, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, oral, size kink, double penetration, anal, squirting
Word Count: 7.5K
You only performed the silly ritual with your friends so that they would let you go home. You were all from pregaming at their house, laughing as they got ready for a night out, but you had no intention of being out on such a chilly and dreary night after a long day of classes. 
You have every intention of spending the evening at home under your heated blanket with Animal Crossing and a big mug of hot chocolate. Your English Lit professor was not a part of these plans, but here he is sitting in the middle of your living room sofa with his legs so invitingly spread. 
“P-Professor Geto…h-how did you get into my apartment?” you demand. The shake in your voice gives away how unnerved you are to find your professor has broken in.
Professor Geto lays his head against a closed fist and gives you that smile that makes him known as one of the more easygoing professors on campus. He is one of your favorites who had made reading those long classics printed on Bible-thin paper enjoyable. So enjoyable that you are currently taking him for the fourth year in a row.
He was also young, the youngest in the English department to be precise. The proximity age,  good looks, and charm made a lot of the freshmen develop some sort of crush. You were not an exception to this. However, this infatuation with Professor Geto never went away after freshman year. You are ashamed to admit that scene you have walked in on is the beginning of a fantasy or two that keeps you up at night trying so hard to bring yourself to an orgasm.
But it was never enough. Your fingers could never quite reach that spot, you could never rub your clit in just the right way. It was so embarrassing and strange to be thinking that you can’t make yourself cum while a professor has broken into your apartment. 
“I had a friend's help, one that has been just dying to meet you.” 
Snapping his fingers, a sudden presence looms over you. A tall white-haired man stands just behind you in nothing but a black blindfold and matching collar around his neck, just below his Adam’s apple.
“Isn’t she just a cutie drenched in that sweet smell of need?”
Need? Need what? You gasp when the man pulls you back into his chest. You can feel his hardened cock sandwiched between him and your back.
“Is that so Satoru? That does make sense. Desire will make us do just about anything after all.”
Satoru nods eagerly, “Out of those mortals she was the one that was marked. So needy and desperate to cum because she can’t do it herself.”
“Oh, “ Suguru coos and his voice is dripping with a faux pity, “you poor thing.”
“H-how,”  you bite your tongue so as to not reveal such embarrassing information about your….troubles.
“You look a little confused Y/N, allow me to explain what’s going on and what’s going to happen. It may be hard to believe but this is  Satoru, “ He pauses and pats his thigh, which looks so sung in those dark slacks. 
 Your foot moves to step forward, but the professor isn’t calling to you.
A black wisp of smoke passes you, the weight of Gojo’s body against your back disappears and he reappears at Professor Geto’s feet. He sits there on his knees, hard, dripping cock on full display, like a loyal dog with a black leash now attached to his collar. You feel a tinge of jealousy somewhere deep in your chest at how happy and content Satoru looks.
“And he’s, my incubus. Now at the time, I’m sure you and your friends were completely unaware that the little ‘get lucky’ ritual you all performed was actually a marking ritual and it looks like it marked you to be my succubus’s next meal. So, you’re going to let Satoru here fuck until his full and satisfied.”
Satoru for his part looks so docile smiling at you, but there’s just something about him, an air he has that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. Like at any moment the demon is going lounge at you.
You swallow and look between your professor and his ‘pet’ babbling, “But…I- I didn’t know. How could- when? I-I mean we did that like what? An hour ago?”
“No excuses. This is your doing and you’ll be fixing it whether you like it or not,” The sternness in his voice leaves little room for argument.
“Why me though?” your voice is getting higher as the panic rises.” We all did the same ritual together. We all wanted to ‘get lucky’. So why was I marked”
“Oh, that’s because Suguru’s got a big fat-hng!” Suguru shuts the demon up by pulling his leash taught.
“Because Gojo desires what I desire,” He supplies little of an actual explanation.
Suguru then lets the back leash be turned into smoke, thin whisps falling between his fingers before dissipating into nothing. The demon’s blindfold follows suit revealing a predatory pair of shining blue eyes.
 You have no time to dwell on the warmth that Suguru’s words leave in your stomach. Their meaning is just on the tip of your tongue but is forgotten under Satoru’s gaze.
“She looks so cute blushing Suguru,“ the demon wines,” Please I'm dying over here!”
“Well Y/N? Are you going to let Satoru sit here and suffer?”You swallow thickly. Satoru did look pitiful down there. His cock flushed red and drooling. Aching for soem of relief. He’s so desperate that he jerks his hips into the air as if that would help. It was arousing. And your professor sitting on your living room sofa, legs spread wide and welcoming with that lazy smirk was even more arousing.
The sick thing is that the thought of laying down and letting this stranger rut his hips into you like a dog in heat while your favorite professor leisurely watches does cross your mind and does make you feel hot. But, there’s a single thread of logic that pulls you back to reality.
 Your professor broke into your apartment with some…some demon who he wanted you to fuck in front of him. Ok, that still sounds a little hot- no! This was all wrong. This was a crime. This was….This was…
You take a step back and Suguru’s face falls. He warms you, “Now, now Y/N you wouldn't want me to sick him on you, would you? I can’t be held responsible for anything he does if I have to.”
“Bu-but I don’t mean…I didn’t think that it was real. I-I just wanted to go home.”
“Excuses, excuses,” he tsks.
You take another step back. Suguru nudges his sleek dress boot against Satoru’s naked thigh and the demon attacks.
In the blur, you are on your hands and knees, a firm hand pressing down on the back of your neck keeping your face smooshed into the carpet.
“Aww listen to her wine~ ain’t she such a cutie?”
With his free hand, Gojo pulls down the cotton shorts and panties down to your knees.
“Suguru! Suguru! look! She’s got a little wet patch on her patients already,” your face burns as the demon excitedly points out the dark patch on your underwear.
“Looks like she’s been hiding some things from us. You should  know now Y/N that you can't hide anything for Satoru.”
You feel a hand creep further and further up your thigh. No, not there, don't touch there-
“Fuck you sound so good whining,” Gojo comments as his fingers slip between your slick folds, “And you’re wet already. Bet it was all those dirty fantasies about your English professor running through your pretty head when you came back to see him here.”
How did he know that? You can’t dwell on the question too long because Satoru is pushing two slender fingers into you.
“And what are these dirty fantasies of Y/N’s about?”
You do your best to shake your head and plead to the demon, “P-please don’t-oh god!” your own moan cuts You off. Gojo's fingers are slipping in and out of you. Going deeper than your fingers could ever reach.  They Curl into spots that make you tremble and forget how to string words together into coherent sentences. 
“She’s got such a filthy mind,” He begins revealing all your dirty secrets while fucking a third finger into you. ”Wants you to fuck her pretty much everywhere on campus. Over the desk in your office, down on her knees letting you fuck her throat in the most secluded parts of the library's old wing, letting you fuck this soaking cunt  in front of the whole class to show them who she belongs to. Fuuuuck, what a lewd girl you are.”
In the position the demon has you in you can’t see Professor Geto squeezing the outline of his hardened cock through his slacks.
“Go on,” Geto demands.  
“And you like it messy don’t you cutie,” Gojo laughs spreading his fingers apart making your toes curl at the feeling of being stretched open even more, “You can drop the sweet and scared virgin act. I know you want to be drooling all over Suguru’s cock, want your spit and his cum to be dribbling down your chin. You want Suguru to use that heavy, beautiful  cock of his to paint your face and tits. Y/N here thinks about getting to go to your office first thing in the morning just so you can fuck this sloppy cunt full of cum and walk around with a cute little jeweled plug keeping it all in for the whole day. Doesn't that sound so nice Suguru?”
“We’ll see how things play out Satoru. Now come on, don't play with your food.”
You are flipped over onto your back. Gojo makes quick work of throwing your shorts and panties to the side. You are left in nothing but the cropped hoodie you wore to your friend's place. Since the pre-game took place at her apartment just a few floors below, you had not bothered with a bra.
From this new position, Satoru looks down at you with the hungriest look in his eyes and a big smile plastered across his face. Craning your neck to escape his hungry gaze you see an upside-down view of your professor working on unbuckling his pants.
Gojo, wanting all your attention, gets it by slapping the head of his cock against your slick clit. 
“You hear that cutie?” and yes you do hear the wet slapping noise you two make. Each time the tip slaps against your clit it sends a pleasurable little shock through your body. 
Then he starts rubbing his erection between your folds, using your wetness to coat it.  His hands yank your hoodies up over your plump breasts. You whimper as his hands run back down your sides and grip your hips. 
“W-wait- don’t!” but you plead goes ignore as Gojo pushes himself inside you. 
Your back arches and your eyes roll back. Gojo feels so good, he’s going so deep, hitting all the right spots that are making your jaw tremble, it was like his dick was made for you. 
“S-see? Doesn't that feel good? You feel so good squeezing around my cock. You want me to fuck you, don’t you? You can try and d-deny that all you like,” he begins slowing rolling his hips into yours, “But the way you’re suckin’ me in right now. Your body can't lie to me Y/N. I know how much you crave to be fucked until you can’t think. You want to be nothing but a  fuck toy for your favorite professor.”
You whimper and turn your head away from him.  The demon was right about everything. You love this. Your body is thrumming with lust and pleasure that you have been craving for weeks. But you never wanted it like this!
“B-but this is so wrong~,” you say as tears well up in your eyes, and his pace picks up.
“Shhh, shhh, there's no need to cry like that baby. Just listen to yourself,” Gojo soothes cupping your cheek so that your eyes stay on him. 
With a little hiccup and a sniffle, you obey. You don’t have to strain your ears much to hear the lewd noises you and Gojo’s bodies make. You moan,you sound so wet, and it feels so good.
You can tell yourself that this is wrong, but you can’t deny how the incubus’s cock is making you feel.
Suguru has fished his hard-on out of his pants and is now slowly stroking himself to the view before him. His incubus rocking his hips into your squelching cunt.  Each time Gojo thrusts into you your tits give a little bounce. It's quite a sight to see his favorite student getting fucked by his favorite pet. 
‘Mabey Satoru is on to something. We both have become lonely.’
“S-satoru! s-slow down, s’too much” Your senses become muddles with ecstasy and pleasure.  Your morals are slipping away from you too fast.
The demon laughs at your pathic pleas, “Slow down? But your body is loving this cutie. Fuck, fuck fuck, that’s it.  Feels so good squeezing around my cock. Gunna milk me dry if you keep this up.”
Your back arches to the carpet again and your eyes widen. No way that you were about to cum on a stranger's cock while your English professor watched stroking his own! And so quickly! Holy fuck, the upside-down views of Professor Geto jerking off his thick cock is mouth-watering.
Your orgasm crashes over you. Your skin becomes flushed with a delightful tingle and that knot that kept tightening in your tummy just snaps. You can’t think about anything else but the way that your wall is molding perfectly to his cock.  A thick viscous warmth floods your cunt as Satoru’s hips press against yours.
“That’s that’s it cutie. yesyeysyes,” Satoru chants in a tight voice.
He doesn't pull out until your body feels like putty in his hands.  Thighs twitching from the aftershock is the first of many mind-blowing orgasms to come. In your post-orgasmic state, it is easy for the demon to pick you up off the ground and set you between his legs. Your back sags against his bare chest.
As you come back down to your senses the incubus pulls both your legs over his thighs. Your face becomes flushed red all over again as the demon spreads you out in front of your professor.
Said the man stopping stroking himself, settling his hand around the base of his cock. He doesn’t want to cum yet. You’ll be taking his cum tonight, all of it. 
You try to look away from Professor Geto’s intense stare but  Satoru grips on your chin between his fingers, keeping your head forward. You wine in protest and squeeze your eyes shut as the demon begins to play with his own cum seeping out of your hole.
“St-stop-ah! Please th-that’s”
“It’s what cutie?” Gojo teases smearing his cum between your fold,” it feels good?” he gathers some of the milky white substance between his fingers and pushes it back into you,” It must feel good within how you’re clenching around my fingers.  Feel like the horny thing wants to be filled with a cock again.”
“Is that so Satoru?”
“I'm sure of it. She’s still drenched in that smell. I think she just needs some reassurance. You just need to relax Y/N we know exactly what you need and what you want,” Satoru curls his fingers inside you right over that spot that has you throwing your head back with a gasp. “But you are fighting it with those pesky morals. Come on now, just let’em go Y/N.”
The incubus words are doing something to you. Suguru knows what the succubus is doing, he can sense the magic coming off his breath causing you to grow unfocused again. Not enough to make you lose track of where you are or what’s going on, but enough to make you crave another orgasm.
The demon nuzzles into your neck and continues to enchant you with his words and slender fingers,” Don’t deny yourself this Y/N I know how much you need to feel good, and Suguru and I are here to help. You just got to relax, that’s it, relax those muscles for us. Let yourself feel good yea?”
Watching you relax against Satoru as he lazy pumps his fingers inside was a scene that Suguru could watch for hours, but some other parts of him can’t wait. 
“Y/N, come here,” he patted his thigh just as he had done with Satoru. 
The succubus lets go of you so you can crawl on your hands and knees to your professor. His incubus takes a moment to enjoy the view before crawling after you. You sit on your knees between the professor’s spread legs, still with that red blush across your cheeks. By the end of the night, they’ll fuck that shyness right out of you. He is sure of it. For now, he wants to see how obedient you can be. 
“Suck it,” he demands softly, angling the head of his dick towards your mouth. 
Suguru lets off a shaky breath as you take him into your mouth. From behind you Satoru’s darkened eyes watch you slowly slip more of Sugur's thick shaft into your mouth.
You've never had anyone as big as  Suguru so of course you struggle.  A firm hand running its fingers through your hair and another pair massaging your ass keeps encouraging you to keep going. 
His praise is just a bonus,”That’s it, shit look that Satoru. She's so determined.”
“Turns you on, doesn't it?”, the demon asks knowing the answer but wanting to see your reaction to your dear professor confirming it.
“Yes.” With your nose finally nuzzled snuggly against the thick patch of hair between his legs you moan. Finally, finally, you're seeing Satoru’s and Suguru's side of things. Realizing that they are here to make you feel good so the demon can have his fill of your sweet energy.
You pull back quickly and cough, gasping for breath. But you are so determined to please the English professor that you take  His cock back into your mouth pressing your tongue into the underside of his shaft this time. 
“Look like Satoru was spot on about you, “ Suguru groans. “Acting like this is all sorts of wrong, but when it comes down to it you are such an obedient little slut for us.”
He watches you experimentally bob your head, catching on quickly. Who knows that timid, studious girl who sits in front of all his lectures but barely says a word could suck dick so good?
His eyes flutter close enjoying your mouth bobbing and slobbering all over him. You get into a steady rhythm, drooling all over his cock making the process of slipping him down the back of your throat easier. 
His eyes snap open when you begin to gag. Your throat constricts around him and thank God you pull off of him or else you’d be gagging for different reasons.
You scramble to brace your hands against Suguru’s big thighs and whip your head to look over your shoulder. Satoru smiles innocently at you as he rolls his hips into you again.
“S-Satoru! I-I can’t suck him off with you d-doing that ~”, your head collapses against Suguru’s leg as the demon fucks into your messy cunt making your legs feel like jello. 
Suguru’s hand slips from the top of your head  to cup your cheek to have you look up at him. You look beautiful with your ruddy cheeks, short breaths, and blow pupils. 
“You can too baby,  you're such a fast learner after all and so eager to please.” that seemed to be all the encouragement you needed because you took him back into your mouth. Suguru lets out a long breath, “Atta girl.”
Your rhythm becomes unsteady, and you are still gagging every now and then, but it is just as good if not better. Suguru’s combs back your hair to keep it out of the way of your pretty lips warped around his cock.
As Satoru takes you from behind, he leans over to talk into your ear, “Now try hollowing your cheeks, yea just like that. fuck, you’re a natural at this” he cuts his eye to Suguru, “ We have to keep her. She’s barley done this before you know. She’s read some dirty fanfictions, watches porn, had a few akwrad times, but has barey evrer tasted dick like this  until now. “
No, not this again. You didn't quite like how the demon could work his way into your head and find out all your secrets. You can't object this time with your mouth already occupied, but you can groan around Suguru’s cock and wiggle your hips. Satoru laughs, griping you tighter so you can’t wither around much as he sinks his cock  back into you.
“She's so embarrassed Suguru~” he teases, “She doesn’t want you to know sad her sex life has been until now. Just some flings here and there, awkward grouping, and pathetic dry humping in a Honda Accord. She's the only person who ever made herself cum before me, well before she hit this dry spell that’s made her so desperate for pleasure. Oh fuckfuckfuck.  Y/N  we’re going to ruin this pussy. Shit, she's so excited for that Suguru.”
 You pull back to catch your breath, burring your face in Suguru’s clothed thigh as Satoru pounds into your tight cunt. The words were spot on but still embarrassing to hear out loud. Suguru for his part thinks your reaction is cute and funny. 
“Now now, “ he turns her head up to look at him “No need to be embarrassed.  You want to feel good right?”
“Y-yes, but-”
“No buts then. Just be a good girl, do what I say, let Satoru feed on you, and you’ll feel so good you’ll lose your God damn mind OK.”
Oh, did sound good. Too good to be true  And it was still wrong. But you couldn't say no to the idea of being used by the two men. Let them fill just about every hole you have with their cum. Getting to cum so many times that you might lose count.
“Ok.”, you answer them opening your mouth wide for Suguru to slip his fat cock back onto into. 
“yesssss,“ Satoru hisses, “she’s thinking about letting us use her like our cute personal sex toy.  Wants us to  cum inside her, doesn't want to waste a single drop.”
You moan around Suguru’s cock confirming that yes, you want both their cum, you need it. You need to feel your English professor fill your mouth and his demon fiils your cunt again. 
“That’s such a good girl,” Suguru groans, hands coming to comb back your hair so he can get a good look at you, “Gonna be a good girl and take everything we give you?”
 You do your best to nod. 
“She does sound like a keeper Satoru .”
“I-I told you.”
You continue to bob your head. The repeated assault on the back of your throat causes tears to collect at the corner of your eye. Even though it’s uncomfortable and going to cause your throat to be sore tomorrow you keep going. You want to feel your  English Professor’s cum shooting down the back of your throat. 
“Shit, that’s it, baby, that ittttt,” with his other hands Suguru  reached out for the demon, “Satoru come’er,”
Looking up Suguru grips the back of his head and pulls Satoru into a hungry kiss. He pushes you down on his cock making you gag more. You don’t mind it though, the sight above and the grunts from Professor Geto as his cum spurts down your throat is more than worth it.
Suguru pulls away and looks down at you. He feels you swallow around him trying your hardest to swallow every single drop of his cum, but some still manages to slip out of the corner of your mouth. Luckily the incubus is still there behind you, steadily thrusting his cock into you. He dips down to lick the cum dribbling out of your mouth.
“Poot thing, you cummed too much Suguru”
The Professor was quiet for a moment, thinking over what the Incubus had been hinting at tonight, “She’ll learn to take it all like a good girl in time. “
Satoru moans giddy, “She will, and I’ll teach her all there is to know!”
Satoru was still hunched over you as you pull off  Suguru's cock gasping for breath. You don’t get a chance to catch it Satoru pulls you into the same kind of messy open-mouth kiss you were seeing above. He can taste Suguru on your tongue.
When he breaks away you still gasp for breath and it’s such a sight. A  shiny string of spit connecting your swollen lips, your eyes too big and dazed, your face full of want, fuck,  you’re perfect
“You ready to cum again cutie?”
You nod eagerly, pussy clenching around his dick.  Satoru let's go of your chin and snake hands down between your legs. His finger home in you your clit and starts to rub vigorously back and forth over it.
Your eyes go wide and it's like something suddenly snaps. If not for Suguru’s leg you probably would be face down on the floor right now. You collapse against your professor who’s already caught on to what his incubus wants from you. He’s pretty sure this will be the first time that you’ve ever squirted.  
Sugar is no help to you. He lays his arms across the back of your couch and enjoys the look of panic that crosses your face. 
“W-wiat !” You get a little bit of strength back and use it to try and escape Gojo, but it's useless. Feeling the pressure continue to build in your stomach only makes you more frantic, ”I need a time-out! Hnnn~p-lease, i-i need a bathroom break or i-i’m gonna”
The demon doesn't stop his assault. Big fat tears of embarrassment well up in those pretty eyes of yours as you feel the release coming and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
You cry as Satoru's cock counties to drill into your gushing pussy. He fucks you through the blinding, mind-numbing orgasm while chasing his own.  Slurred cruces mix with your name bubble from his mouth, and he empties himself inside your cunt again. 
“Shit,“ Satoru breathes. He pulls his hand to his mouth and licks your wetness from his fingers, ”She so good. I am so glad you marked yourself for me cutie. Couldn't think of any other mortal I'd want to fucking ruin.”
Your mushy brain barely registers anything the incubus is saying. It’s still clouded by feeling dam good and just having cummed so damn hard. You can feel how the demons are still plugged inside you and hard. Eventually, you begin to feel other things, like the button of Suguru’s slacks digging into your cheek and the wetness coating your thighs.
“D-di I just squirt?”
You can't believe it.  You’ve ever seen people squirt in porn and you thought it took some sort of special skill set to do so. 
“Mhmm, “ Satoru  hums,  “And I bet it felt as good as it looked.”
You bashfully nod, “it did.” 
You shift your knees, the carpet beginning to leave a scratchy red imprint on your skin. Doing so reminds you of the pulsing  cock still inside you. “H-how are you still hard? We’ve done it twice already.”
Satoru laughs, oh he has so much to teach you, “Because I’m still hungry for you.” 
“Y/N,  baby, come up here to get off your knees. You look like you are getting uncomfortable in this position.”
You nod and though Satoru’s pouty about it he pulls out and helps you crawl onto the other’s lap.
With Satoru’s help, you pull your last article of clothing off. In front of you Suguru’s eye level with your titis and can’t keep his eye off them. You shiver as his fingers glide over the soft flesh then flick one of your nipples making it pebble from the harsh treatment. He hums approvingly.
Ok, that was pretty hot. Even hotter is the dark and hungry way that he stares at you. Behind you, Satoru's hands guide you down starting from your shoulders then past your elbows, and stopping at your wrists. You squeak when he wraps one hand around your writs and pulls them towards his cock still hard and slick from your pussy.
 With your breast now pressed even further in his face Segura cups one of your supple breasts in the palm of his hand. He runs a thumb over your pebbled nipple. Your breath catches in the back of your throat. 
You straddle the professor’s leg. His hard-on presses into your tummy making you moan wantingly.  Suguru smiles softly. All it took was a good fucking and your putty in their hands. 
“Oh, not expecting them to be so sensitive?” Suguru teases with that easy smile of his.
You nod your head. Since when was your home this cold? Or was it the man- the demon behind you? The one who is occupying himself by leaving sloppy wet kisses along your neck.
Another mouth, Suguru’s,  is suddenly on you as well. He takes a nipple into your mouth and sucks, hard, causing a moan to be ripped from you. Suguru doesn't leave out your other tit from his attention either, squeezing and pawing at the fat. 
You find yourself rocking your hips back and forth, the rough material of his slacks providing only some relief to the aching between your leg that has flared up again. 
“Feels good, doesn't it?” Satoru whispers against your ear.
His hands move to your hips now,  holding them and guiding them in a steadier rhythm. It wasn't as hard or fast as you had in mind, but you can feel so much more. The incubus knew exactly what your body needed, more so than you apparently. 
“It’s s’good S-Satoru, but…I want more,” there is still a hint of that downright adorable bashfulness, but the two can tell you lust is overcoming you and you become their shameless little whore. 
Suguru pulls away from the boob with a wet pop, “Insatiable, she’ll fit right in.” Then begins giving the other the same treatment.
You whine, leaning back more, and shove your chest further into the professor's face. The demon’s voice behind you only drives you closer to cummign again, all over your English professor's nice dress pants. 
“Look at him Y/N, his cock’s already hard for us again.  So flushed and drooling just for us, for you. You know how long he’s wanted to bury it in this sweet cunt of yours?” to be the malevolent demon he is  Satoru slips hands hand down the pinch of your clit as you roll it against Suguru’s thigh.
“Satoru, “  he warns the demon. 
“What?” Satoru begins to lightly rub the sensitive nub as if to say he is sorry. “If you get to know all  of Y/N’s dirty thoughts about her favorite English professor she should get to know what you think of your favorite student.” 
When Suguru doesn't have a reply to the demon he continues, “He loses it when you wear those cute skirts and baggy cardigans. Loves thinking of how your titis fit so snugly in those tank tops.  He Imagines just yanking them down and getting these perfect tits to flop out. And you’re not the only one who fantasizes about fucking in a lecture hall. He wants to watch you go down on your knees in an empty classroom. Take these tits and squish them around his cock. You stay down there like a good girl while you let him cum all over your face.”
Your moan is high-pitched, and another orgasm is building up in your groin. How many would this make now? You‘ve already lost count.
“You like that?” Satoru asks you and you nod. 
“M’gonna cum again.”
Suguru Chuckles, ”We can tell. Look at  the mess you’re making baby.”
When you look down sure enough there was a  dark patch where your pussy is grinding back and forth. Normally you would have hid your face in embarrassment, but if you can't keep track of how many times you’ve cummed how could you find the will to be embarrassed?
“Why don’t you go ahead and cum for us again baby, go on. Let us see that pretty face again, ” Suguru commands.
 You don't have to be told twice. On his word, you feel your body tense. You have to grab onto the professor’s shoulders just to hold yourself steady as an orgasm shudders through you. You look absolutely amazing cumming. Suguru leans back just enough to really get a good look at you. Your chest rises and falls with one big breath after the other. Your nipples are perked. Your body is obviously overstimulated at this point.  Your drolling, eyes glossy with unshed tears, and pupils blown wide.
“That’s it, atta girl,” Suguru praises you.
You fall against Suguru’s chest feeling spent from benign brought to one orgasm after the other. Satoru’s hand groups at the supple flesh of your thighs meaning that it isn’t over yet A small sound akin to a whimper comes from you. It wasn’t that you were opposed to more, but you’re not sure that your body can handle it. 
“Tapping out already?” Satoru asks and you  nod, “Well that's too damn bad, there is no tapping out in this situation, did I fuck  you so good that you forgot?”
Oh, oh no. “I-I don't think I can go one though.”
“Aww, I don't care,” his voice is lowered to some darker and greedier, ”You're the one that performed that ritual, and you know you have to face the consequences of those actions.”
You whimper again because he was absolutely right, and your body was too tired to fight him on it. You have been marked, the incubus was going to feed on you until he was full, and by the looks of things Satoru had a big appetite. 
There was also your English professor and his hungry eyes and those fantasies that his pet shared. Said man lets you lean against him and catch your breath. He almost feels bad, almost. The way your body looks with you overstimulated and so fucked out that you have a hard time catching your breath was just so addictive. He could look at you all day on this. 
“Oh, you wanna know  what just popped in his head?” He doesn’t wait for a response,  “He wants to tie you up in some pretty ropes and put a wand to your clit and just sit back with a nice drink and watch you squirt and cum for hours.  How does it sound cutie?”
You moan. You’re not sure what a wand is,  but you can tell from context it's some kind of sex toy. A sex toy that the professor you’ve been crushing on wanted to use on you for hours on end? Along with arousal, you feel a warm feeling flutter in your chest and smile goofily. Your professor likes you. 
“Aww look at that, “ Suguru cups your cheek as a signal that he wants you to look at him.  You push on his chest and sit up on his lap.”Whatcha smiling for a baby?”
“You like me,” you answer. 
He chuckles combing your hair back to get a look at your love-drunk face. Maybe they should stop soon. You look so far gone already,” Yea baby  I do like you, and Satoru likes you too. Was that not clear before?”
“Mmm, maybe?” you giggle. 
“You look so beautiful drunk off our cocks  cutie. You want more of them?” Satoru asks kneading your ass cheeks. 
“Oh god,” you huff.  You feel so good but it’s too much, you don't know if your body can handle all this attention at once.
The demon behind you giggles, ”Aww, cutie, there isn't a god here tonight. Just a sorcerer and his demons.
There was something off about that sentence, but your fuzzy head can’t connect the dots. 
“Would you like that cutie? You wanna work with me to make Suguru feel good?”
Now that you understand and nod eagerly looking down at the inky hair your fingers are interned with, “Wanna make you feel good.”
“Then why  don't you ride that thick cock of his?”
At the suggestion, you're already pawing at  the professor’s hard cock. When did he get so hard again? Or was he still hard from the last time? You couldn't tell what time was anymore.
Somehow you managed to line himself up with your messy entrance then slowly start to sit down. Fuck, he was big.  The fat head of his cock already felt like too much. Your little whines from the painful could make Suguru cum  on the spot right then and there if he wasn’t putting so much effort into not cumming. He can't look away from your contorted face as you continue to take more of him.
Then finally, you let out a heavy breath fully seated on Suguru’s lap. You feel so dazed. He’s all the way in and you can feel every inch of the man in every spot inside you. Just having him inside you feels like you’re going to cum. 
“Good girl,”  he purrs rubbing his palm over your abdomen. Pressing down and groans because he can feel his aching cock under his hand. “Took me so well all by herself, fuck you’re so beautiful like this baby. Gonna stuff you full of my cum sooner than I thought. “
“We,” Satoru corrects from behind  spreading your cheeks apart,” because while you get to fuck that perfect cunt, I get this cute little ass all to myself.”
You yelp feeling something cool slip between your ass cheeks. It's a struggle but when you get a glance over your shoulder you see a long string of his saliva dripping down from Satoru’s mouth. Your eyes widen in what might be the horror or a residual wave of embarrassment. 
“S-Satoru i-i’ve never done it this way  before.”
Suguru’s fingers under your chin draw your attention back to him.  His smooth smile is intoxicating just like the incubus’ words. 
“Now come on baby, yes you can. “
“But all at once?”
“We know you can. And you wanna feel good right?” Satoru asks right by the shell of your ears. 
While you shiver under him Satoru strokes his dick, spreading his precum down the shaft.
“I do.”
You can't see him, but Suguru can see the excited, borderline feral look in his eyes. He licks his fangs, long ones that you might be too far gone to feel pierce your skin, and continues his magic onto you, he places his hands back on your ass, “And you want you to make us feel good?”
“I do.”
“And I can taste that want rolling off you in waves cutie.”
With just the slightest roll of his hips, Suguru has you moaning his name and collapsing back into his chest. Suguru himself moans feeling you clench around him even tighter. 
Satoru crowds further over you like he’s closing in on his prey.
“You wanna taste it Y/N? Do you wanna be like me and be able to taste the feelings you feel right now and see all the naughty things going through our professor’s head?”
You’re not thinking straight You’re so cock drunk  that you don’t see the glaring red flags of what his words imply. You just know that yes,  you do want to know what  Professor Geto t really thinks of you. 
“I do.”
With a  thrift thrust, you feel another cock enter you. Both you and Satoru moan. You felt full before but now you felt absolutely stuffed with one cock stretching your pussy and the other stretching your ass. How did he slip so easily inside you? How could you still think at this point?
“S’much,” your words feel heavy on your tongue. 
“And it's not even all of it,” Satoru says putting your body at ease, “We haven't even started to fuck you yet cutie.”
A guttural moan is ripped from you as both men began fuck your holes. The world fully falls away at this point. Suguru’s grip your hips moving them how he wants to. His feet are planted firmly on the ground so he can fuck up into you. Behind you and in the same tandem that Satoru fucks your ass as his own hands grope your breasts.
“Oh fuck…c-can feel. Ahh~” Your hand's fists Suguru’s nice dress shirt. It wasn't fair that he was the only one that got to be dressed. Your struggle to breathe each time you feel, yes feel,  the heads of their dicks connecting inside of you your breath hitches in a little hiccup. It's adorable. Satoru looks forward to experiencing more of these cute reactions.
Suguru swallows and looks down at you in awe at how you can take them both. He can feel your drool seeping into his  dress shirt and the way you clench around him. You won't last long like this. 
“Satoru if you’re going to do it, do it now.“
“Fuck fuck, fuckI I know.  Fuck she feels so good Suguru,” the demon moans and whines.  Suguru is the only one not drooling now. 
Your professor’s pace becomes more brutal making your moans higher and louder. His demon follows suit. His hips loudly smack against your ass with enough force to make your cheeks jiggle. Below you, there is the lewd squelching of Suguru driving into you. 
Satoru pushed up on your tits so that your back is flushed against his. Now you can't hide your face anymore. And what a face it is. 
Your jaw snaps shut when Satoru brings his fangs to your neck. Your teeth clack together, and a hiss of air is pushed through them. It hurts a lot more than you think it should.  The pain spreads from your neck to the center of your chest. 
“S-S’toru,” you weakly protest.
The demon unlatches his mouth from your neck. He looks ethereal to Suguru. At the call of his demon's name, his gaze shifts to Suguru just as the man pulls him into another sloppy kiss.  When the two pull apart both of their mouths are now smeared with your blood.
Satoru smiles and then turns his attention back to you. Your next to get a sloppy open-mouth kiss that you greedily accept.
You're about to cum again, you can feel that familiar pressure building. Satoru can taste it in the air. He savors inklings of another orgasm from you. They can feel the way you pathetically roll your hips trying to meet the brutal pace he’s set that’s become more erratic. 
Satoru pulls away and you stare into the wild eyes of the demon  “You about cum pretty girl?”
 You weakly nod watching as he bites his lips hard enough to draw a fat drop of blood, he picks it up.
“Then cum with us, join us, yea?”
“Yes, yes, yes~” you catch as the pressure bursts, and you see nothing but darkness and stars. 
“Shit, Atta girl, fuck goanna milk me dry,” Suguru’s hold on you becomes bruising as he thrusts up once more and buries himself into your tight heat, and empties himself inside you.
Satoru crashes his lips against you once again, slick tongue slipping into your mouth that fills with a copper taste. The demon’s hips staling flush against your ass. 
Your eyes roll back, and you let this new darkness consume you. The world is still for a moment. The pleasure courses through you. God, it feels like it’s never going to stop. Your mind starts to fade. You try to cling to these new sensations that are barely there but eventually, you get pulled away in unconsciousness. 
The two men lose their breath as they fill you with their cum and your body greedily squeezes every last drop. Once they grow soft they gingery pulling out of your limp body. 
Satoru is hesitant to break the scene,” Is she?”
Sugar nods looking at your unconscious body in his arms,” Yea.”
The demon laughs, Oppsie~”
“How long until the transformation comes to fruition?”
“A while, a few weeks Mabey, “he soothes your hair,” But she’ll feel her first hunger for sure.”
“Hmm,  you know  your venom.”
“Oh, I know, poor thing, but when her first hunger hits  she’ll instinctually seek you out, master.”
The Sorcerer hums, “Won’t that be interesting?”
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i-care-4u · 2 months
A/N: it’s my 2nd anniversary of writing here on tumblr and i didn’t realize! anyway, i want to continue by saying thank you for all the support so far, and thank you for 1.5k angels! more kisses 💋
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you and charles first met at a street
you were like the girl next door, quite mysterious, yet you look like the sweetest person ever
charles found you attractive since the start, although he didn’t know how to introduce himself to you
since you both lived in monaco, it was quite common to continuously bump into each other
charles finally shoots his shot and interacts with you while you were walking to a jewelry store
charles makes this event special by giving you jewelry every anniversary of you two dating
that man is going to give you a dog, of course
“charles you didn’t have to,” you told him while you were holding your new dog
“i had to, plus it’s your favorite breed.”
piano with charles
“i love this song,” you said to charles while he was driving
charles took that to memory and decided he will learn how to play your favorite song on the piano
“sound familiar?” charles asked you as he stopped playing the piano for a second, and you got all excited for the rest of the song
you make cameos in his vlogs
charles loves to show off how beautiful and lovely you are to everyone
charles always goes back to his vlogs and repeat the clips with you in it just to hear your laugh
you believe that you’ve improved his style since dating
at this point, you are his stylist and you didn’t mind at all
this leads to…shopping sprees!!!
you were scared the first time you went to a formula one event as charles’s partner
you thought fans were going to give you a dirty look or send hate comments because you are dating THE internet’s boyfriend
however, the reception was quite the opposite
if anything, the fans loved you more than him
when he won the monaco grand prix, you remembered crying while jumping of excitement, and afterward, crying along with him because he won in his home country
you are his good luck charm
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delicatebarness · 3 months
The Barnes-Rogers Family Adventures | Welcome to the family, Alpine! #004
Summary: Peter asked for a puppy, Bucky and Tiny came back with a kitten...
Warnings: This post and series are safe for work (SFW) regressions. Nothing explicit. However, please be aware that the rest of my blog is NOT. NSFW accounts are welcome to read and reblog, but please keep all comments SFW out of consideration for other littles.
Word Count: 583
Series Masterlist
A/N: Oh, he'll get that dog. - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as it is mine. - B
Tags: @sapphirebarnes | Let me know if you want to be tagged specifically for this series.
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick | @sapphirebarnes | @rach2602
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For weeks Peter had been talking about puppies. He was reading books about them, drawing pictures of them, and he even had dreams about them. Each day, he brought it up to Steve and Bucky, hoping they’d agree. 
One afternoon, Peter rushed into the living room to find Steve, a hopeful expression spread across his face. “Papa, can we get a puppy? Please?”
Sighing, Steve looked up from his book. “You know it’s a big responsibility, Buddy. We have to make sure we’re ready.” 
Peter’s face fell, but he was not standing down. “I promise I’ll take care of him! I’ll feed him and walk him, and everything!” 
Just then, you and Bucky came home, stepping into the house with your arms full of shopping bags. Your eyes twinkled with excitement as you beamed. 
“Hey, what’s going on?” Steve asked, raising an eyebrow as he stood, taking the bags from you. 
A secretive smile tugged at both your and Bucky’s lips. “We’ve got a surprise,” Bucky said, glancing down at you. “Why don’t we show them?” 
You nodded eagerly, running to the little box Bucky had placed by the door. Carefully pulling out a small, fluffy, white kitten. Its tiny meows filled the room as you held her to show everyone. 
“Look, Papa! She’s a kitten!” you exclaimed, face glowing with joy.
“A kitten?” Peter’s eyes widened in surprise before his face fell once more. “But I wanted a puppy…” 
Steve had been skeptical about a pet, however he was now struggling to keep a straight face. The kitten was adorable, and it was undeniable that his resolve weakened. “Well, I suppose a kitten is nice too,” he said, trying to keep his voice steady and nonchalant. 
Bucky brushed his hand through Peter’s hair. “We thought a kitten might be a bit easier to manage, at least for now, Buddy.” 
Peter’s initial disappointment faded as he watched the kitten playfully bat your fingers, causing you to giggle. “Can I have a hold?” he asked, cautiously stepping closer.
You nodded, carefully handing the kitten to Peter. “Daddy said we gotta be gentle,” your voice full of all the seriousness that you could muster.
Holding the kitten close, a smile spread across Peter’s face. “So soft,” he said, looking up at Bucky. “What’s her name?” 
Steve was now fully charmed by the tiny creature, he crouched down beside Peter. “How about Whiskers?” he suggested as he reached out to pet the kitten’s head.
Bucky shook his head with a laugh. “That’s a bit cliche, don’t you think, Steve?” 
You had been quietly watching until you suddenly piped up. “Daddy likes Alpine!” you said, clapping your hands together. 
Peter looked down at the kitten, debating each name. “Alpine?” he mumbled before looking at you, he grinned when he saw the light in your eyes. “Welcome to the family, Alpine!”
As the evening went on, Alpine quickly made herself at home. She explored every nook and cranny of the house. You and Peter took turns playing with, laughter filling the house. 
Steve and Bucky watched you all from the count, contentment settling over them. “You know, a kitten was a great idea,” Steve admitted, leaning into Bucky’s side.
Smiling, Bucky wrapped an arm around Steve, pulling him closer. “I thought so, but, you know he’s not going to give up on the puppy.” Peter overheard their conversation causing his eyes to flash with a spark of mischief. He most definitely was not giving up on a puppy.
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yuheartss · 10 months
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IN WHICH — light finally makes a move on the girl he’s been stalking since high school
ʚɞ WC? 949 wordss
ʚɞ warnings! - stalking, hint of kidnapping, fem!reader, fluff-ish, unedited, lowercase intended!
ʚɞ a/n: I feel like I made him a little ooc but I hope not.. if I did please tell me! constructive criticism is welcome js don't b mean ⟢
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In collage you were a bubbly person you had all the best fashions, best friends everything you could’ve ever wanted except one thing, a boyfriend, you told yourself that you didn’t need one you had to work on your fashion design major
You went to a small cafe to work on a dress sketch with your earbuds on you don’t notice a man coming up to you, he taps your shoulder and you look up at him “yes?” You ask “um can I sit here? All of the other tables are full” you look around and he was right it was full
“Yea sure” you said welcomingly the man smiles and sits with a cup of tea in hand “so what’s your name?” He says, hoping to start a conversation you look up from your sketchbook you give him another smile “y/n what about you?”
“Light” he says leaning back against his chair he looks at your sketch “are you in a fashion major or something? I can tell because of your unique style and your sketches” light finished, like he didn’t already know, you stare at him for a minute and laugh softly “your very observant Light,yea I’m in that major what about you?”
“I’m in criminal justice my father was a cop so I’m just following his footsteps” he said casually, looking into your eyes for any suspicions you might have “interesting…you don’t look like you’d be a cop more like a…scientist or something” you tilt you head as he chuckles
Your phone buzzed causing the both of you to look at the phone “hello?” You answered the keychain on your flip phone dangled as you leaned over to talk to your friend as you were doing this light took notice of your slicked back bun your curls covered in glitter hairspray, charms and hair clips near your ears
He knows you’ve been like this since high school you’ve Always been friendly you were popular and all but you never had any classes with light so of course you weren’t gonna remember him
Ryuk hoveres over Light his smile never falters what are you gonna do Light? Your not gonna stalk her are you? Ryuk teases looking over to you, still on call with who ever
“Very funny” Light says softly “i already know where she lives” Ryuk laughs as you turn back to Light “sorry about that something came up I gotta go it was nice meeting you Light” you say as you start to pack your things up
“Wait! Can- can I see you again?” He asks a little too desperately but that’s what girls like right? You blush a little and flip a page of your sketchbook and write your number down you rip the paper out and give it to him before speed walking out
He watches you go and looks at the note :
xxx-xxx-xxxx call me! ♡
He smiled at this and left the cafe as light walked out the street he couldn’t help but start thinking about if you r always like that or do you fake a face or the public he just couldn’t help but think about you about what makes you tic your fears everything
So two months later you guys have been hanging out and then light calls you, he asks if you want to take a walk in a park and of course you agree, you put on your best outfit ever cheetah print leg warmers here bows with similar patters over there
And of course you being the only person of color with bright colors on, it made you stand out quite a lot you got stares from girls and boys, men and women, dogs even! it made you slightly uncomfortable as you noticed this one man who kept following you ever since you got off the bus
You brushed that aside once you saw Light in the distance you called his name and he looked over to you with a smile you caught up to him and held his arm “sorry about this” you muttered as you leaned you head on his arm
Thinking that this’ll throw the man off and he’ll leave to which he did leave after a while of walking and that’s when you let go of Light “sorry some guy was following me and I wanted to shake him off” you explained as he nodded “yea I kinda figured that’s what you were doing it’s no problem” he replied deciding to be bold and take your hand
You bit your lip softly to stop the expression that your blushing to appear “soo where are we going?” You ask as you both go deeper into the park “you’ll see..” was all he said when you both got onto the center of the park he had shown you a lit up little area fairy lights, the water fountain reflecting those light’s making the water light up, flower bushes all around
“Oh wow..” you said softly placing your well-manicured hand over you mouth “like it?” He asked with a smirk watching your every move “yeah.. are you finna propose or something?” You questioned him eyeing him suspiciously
He chuckles “no no nothing like that, I was gonna ask if you wanted to be my girlfriend” you pause for a moment he was so casual about it you almost missed the question, you practically jumped on him screaming a yes he returned your hug smiling but what you couldn’t see was the dark look in his eyes
Next thing you know, your on tv you watch as the reporter says that you’ve been missing for three months she finally asks? who’s that girl?
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foulphantomllama · 4 months
My Secret Desire | AESPA Winter x Male Reader
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3. Eat My Heart
After that day, everytime I got alone with Minjeong, she jerked me off while insulting me. And I started insulting her. She seemed to liked it as much as i do. We were at the point that we could not quite sure if we are madly in love or hate each others guts. But nonetheless, it was one of the greatest periods of my life.
We also start spending time together. She told me about her dreams and I told her about mine. We were gettin along perfectly. In our own way of course. As we got more familiar with each other, I couln’t help but think about her body. Although she has been jerking me ever since that day, I never saw her naked. When I ask her about it, she always said soon. And I was waiting.
The day she came to my room she said to me that she wants to eat my heart. I guess now i know what she really meant. I was hers and she was mine. We were encouraging each other by literally bullying each other. We were kind of dating for a month now. But we never had sex. She jerks me off, when i try to touch her she gets mad and don’t let me touch her body.
She was a good dancer and her dream was to be a stage peformer. And she had everything to be one. Looks, charm and talent. But one day she came to me after her dance practice. She was crying. When I asked about what happened, she only said four words. “Fuck my brains out” It was so unexpected so I carried her to my bed and start to take off her clothes. Every peace of fabric I remove was exposing her skin. Her skin was pale white. I started kissing her little tits. With every kiss, she was moaning a little. I was kissing and squeezing her tits. Then I started to kiss my way down to her pussy. It was so wet. I started to lick my way around her pussy lips, guiding myself to her clit. She hold my head and pushed me deep into her pussy. I was tongue fucking her. After a moment she stopped pushing me and screamed at me “please just fuck me damn it you dog” “I am going to fuck you like a dog” I answered to her as I turn her face down and bend her over. I put on my condom. And i put one of my fingers into her little asshole. As I push my cock into her pussy, I also started fingering her ass.
She was moaning and screaming with pleasure. I took my finger off from her asshole. I grabbed her hips and started pounding her like our lives depended on it. Then I grabbed her hair and started pulling a little harder everytime. I pulled my cock off from her pussy and changed my condom. She got advantage of the situation and get on top of me. She sit on my cock and started jumping. As she jumps, her tits was rubbing my face. Then she started kissing me. “Took the condom off.” She whispered to my ear. “You do that.” I said. She got up and took of the condom and started to suck my cock. I was still trying to process the last twenty or so minutes. A month of no intimacy besides jerking me off, and then there we were having sex with each other in such passionate way. As I was drowning in such thoughts, she bite the top of my cock a little. It was painfull. So i slapped her cheek. “Oww” she said with a muffled voice. My cock was still in her mouth. I liked the idea of bullying her in bed. So i pushed her head deep that her chin was touching my balls. I was choking her with my cock. Noises of her gagging was making me even harder. So I cum in her throat. My cum was spilling from her mouth. She swallowed it. And I cleaned the rest off from her chin. But my cock was still hard. “You want more” she asked. I nodded as a yes. “That’s a shame. I need to go. Thank you for the moral boost, love.” She got up, got dressed and went out from my apartment. In the end, I was the one got slightly bullied. Again. She gave me another taste of her. But did not let me make her cum. That was enough to keep me awake at night.
A moment later a got a text from her. It was hee photo with a context saying “Why don’t you jerk yourself off today? But you have to look at me. xoxo” Shit. Then another one. “I want proof.” I did exactly what she said. But then I asked why she was crying today. She answered. “I needed some emotional support and get a princess treatment.”  “Did I treated you like a princess.” I asked. “Even better, she said.” It was getting annoying by the minute. But I asked after I sent her the proof. “Why were you crying?” She wasn’t answering to that question. Something has happened surely. Why else would she cry? But for the moment, i decided to leave it at that.
A day later she was not present at the campus. And she wasn’t responding to my messages either. It was completely normal the other night. She said good night and went to sleep. It was like she was disappeared from the face of the earth. I didn’t even knew where she lives at that time.  After a few hours, my classes ended. I went straight home. Still, there were no signs of her. I prepeared something to eat. Then I got a notification. She liked one of my older posts in Instagram. What the fuck?  “Where were you?” I texted her. She replied. “Open your door dumbass.” I opened the door. There was no one there but a little package. Another text “Did you get it? Don’t open it until I say so.” I said ok. And put the package somewhere safe. What was she planning? She was playing with me like I was her toy. I mean, of course my grades dropped significantly since I started to play this little game with her. But I can always make them better again so I just waited for her next move.
“When do I open it?” I texted her. No response again. She was fucking with me. I was getting more angry every minute she ignores me. I went to bed and tried to sleep but it was no good. I feel asleep after a while surprizingly. A notification wake me up. “Open it!” it was saying. From Minjeong. I opened it. And let me tell you, this girl is driving me crazy for her.
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radioisntdead · 5 months
Good evening my dear! Indeed I can!
I'm on a songfic fix at the moment so hopefully you don't mind me turning this into one, if you do just let me know and I can write a proper oneshot, drabble or headcanons
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Murder, Alastor being weird, mild angst, OOC, the ending is a bit muddled because lack of motivation hit me like a TRUCK.
The song I chose for obvious reasons
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You seem to replace your brain with your heart, You take things so hard and then you fall apart
You always had what one would call a bleeding heart, tears would overflow at the slightest instance, you fell onto the ground? Tears, you saw a rabbit munching on a carrot? Tears fell because it was just SO cute, you sobbed as you stabbed a guy to death, blubbering out apologies saying you wouldn't have to do it if he had JUST kept his mouth shut and didn't say those awful, awful things.
You try to explain, but before you can start
You met Alastor when the two of you were alive, he was an aspiring radio host at the time and well, your father ran a rather popular radio station.
Those "Cry baby" tears come out of the dark
You were considered the favorite child, (or the only child depending on the route you go) and Alastor knew that, he wasn't above using people to climb up the social ladder.
Someone's turning the handle to that faucet in your eyes
Everything was planned out, like how the two of you met, he found out what places you frequented, choosing a cafe to be the place to run into you.
You had accidentally poured warm coffee on his clothes, you cried out apologies as you patted him dry with napkins, offering to pay for drycleaning.
You pour it out where everyone can see
And that was it, it started with him charming you, asking you out for coffee, lunch, dinners and eventually he had you hooked.
Your heart's too big for your body, it's why it won't fit inside
Him eventually catching feelings for you was just the icing on the cake, a bonus, you and him felt similarly to certain affections.
His mother quite liked you as well asking him to bring you by again when you met her the first time.
You pour it out where everyone can see
As the relationship grew, he became a prominent radio personality, eventually proposing to you leading to marriage.
They call you cry baby, cry baby
Alastor was supposed to be working late that night, you weren't expecting him to come home as you washed the blood off of your hands, blood stained the bathroom sink, dried tears leaving faint streaks on your face.
But you don't fucking care
"Mon étoile?"
You slowly turned around as if you were in a horror movie, the one person you didn't want to see you like this.
Cry baby, cry baby
You burst into tears falling onto the ground, not even trying to explain yourself, Alastor grinned and moved next to you, gently wiping away your tears taking silent joy from them.
So you laugh through your tears
You laughed as Alastor gave a light smooch onto your face.
Cry baby, cry baby
And that begun a new era of your relationship,
You'd act as bait luring in the folks you and Alastor felt like taking away their living privileges.
'Cause you don't fucking care
You lived like that for years, taking many lives, shedding many tears, a killer couple.
Tears fall to the ground
Unfortunately all good things come to an end.
You'll just let them drown
Alastor went to dispose of a body while you cleaned up the aftermath.
You'll just let them drown
The police showing up and breaking the news to you that your dearest Alastor was shot in the head and attacked by dogs shattered you.
Cry baby, cry baby
You spent your days crying, barely being able to organize a funeral that no one other then you attended, after all who would attend the funeral of a murderer.
You're all on your own and you lost all your friends
You were alone now, sure your family urged you to move back home, you were still a sweetheart with a bleeding heart to them, you just fell for Alastor's schemes, that no one saw coming.
You spent your days crying, clinging on to any remnants of Alastor, your social life took a huge hit.
You told yourself that it's not you, it's them
They whispered behind your back, theorizing if you were apart of the murders or not, if you knew, if you were truly innocent.
You're one of a kind and no one understands
You were found dead in your home, alone.
But those "Cry baby" tears keep coming back again
You woke up in hell, you knew you probably weren't going to heaven but still!
Someone's turning the handle to that faucet in your eyes
Tears swelled up in your eyes but you wiped them away before they could fall deciding to look around and assess your situation.
You pour it out where everyone can see
Wandering around you passed by a shop with a radio present in it, reminding you of your dear Alastor.
Your heart's too big for your body, it's why it won't fit inside
The tears started pouring, and before you could do anything else, someone touches your shoulder.
You pour it out where everyone can see
You've been down below for who knew how long now, bring found by Mimzy of all people, a good friend of yours, and Alastor's.
They call you cry baby, cry baby
Mimzy showed up at Alastor's home banging on the front door, you stood a few feet away from her, He opened it displeased at the sudden visit but he smiled wide nonetheless.
"Mimzy dear, pray tell why you are banging on my door at this unholy hour?" He asked, simply hearing his voice the waterworks began as Mimzy pulled you out from where you stood.
But you don't fucking care
Alastor's eyes ever so slightly widened, it hadn't been that long since he died, he suspected you would follow suit eventually but not this quickly.
Cry baby, cry baby
"I believe this one is yours, they've been crying on and off, it's driving me crazy" Mimzy said shoving you into Alastor as you grinned up at him through blurry eyes
So you laugh through your tears
"I missed you." You said as Alastor touched your face, brushing a claw over it, you, much like him and every other sinner looked different from when you were alive, you had permanent gold tear streaks stitched into your face, how ironic.
Cry baby, cry baby
Alastor simply grinned, wiping away a tear.
"You haven't changed a bit, Mon étoile."
'Cause you don't fucking care
"You can pay me back for reunitin' ya lovebirds later!"
Mimzy laughed before running off to do who knows what, making a swift exit for plot convenience.
Tears fall to the ground
And that was that, you were finally reunited.
You'll just let them drown
While Alastor was given the name of The Radio demon you were referred to as the Crying demon,
How original.
Cry baby, cry baby
While Alastor stuck fear with a smile, hearing you wail in the distance stuck fear into others, you'd apologize as you ripped sinners apart just like you did in life.
You'll just let them drown
You watched as Alastor developed a cannibalistic taste for sinners, he opted to bring you sinner hearts as a token of affection,
You teared up from how sweet the extremely messed up act was.
Cry baby, cry baby
You also watched as Alastor's personal hygiene got worse, to the point where you'd chase him down with a sponge and a bucket of water, or before bed with a toothbrush and some toothpaste.
Much to his chagrin he was never able to escape you chasing him.
You'll just let them drown
Alastor's more sadistic tendencies were revealed in full force, with him biting and pinching your cheeks just hard enough to make you cry.
It wasn't a deal breaker but it did weird you out at first.
I look at you and I see myself
Alastor brought you to the Hazbin hotel after Husk and Niffty were pulled from wherever,
You quickly gained an affection for the hotel and it's residents, Alastor may have been using the hotel for his own entertainment but you genuinely believed in Charlie's dream of redeeming sinners.
And I know you better than anyone else
Becoming another parental figure for the princess you showered her with advice and familial affection, saying if you had a child you'd want them to be just like her.
And I have the same faucet in my eyes
Vaggie wasn't spared from the parental affection either, Alastor might not have been fond of her but you were.
So your tears are mine
You eventually became like the hotels therapist, a very prone to crying therapist but a therapist none the less.
You and Charlie tended to cry together especially if the two of you decided to put a emotionally charged movie on for movie nights
They call me cry baby, cry baby
You cried when extermination day happened, taking out exorcists left and right, your tears were filled with anger as you witnessed what happened to Sir Pentious.
But I don't fucking care
You cried tears of joy when the hotel was rebuilt and when Alastor came back from wherever he was.
Cry baby, cry baby
"You are an complete and utter MORON,"
"Mon étoile, W̴̝̖͙̩̹̓͆̏͌̒̔̑͐̕h̶͔̲̄ă̵̟̥͙̥͖͚̋̍̓̓̇̕ţ̶̧͇̞̟͈͔͉̦͋̄͂̌́̉͗ ̸̛̟̖̰͛͐̂̌̃d̷͎͍̦̩̯̂̐̈́̒̇͜ͅï̷̙͎͙̱̲̾̓̓̂d̵̛̛̲̤̺̟͒̈́̽́̑̈́̈͜͠ ̴̬̥̱͓̊̒͛ȳ̶̢̢̛̛̘͓̱̱̭̩̣͈̈́̀͋͘͝ő̴͓̜̥̪͇͙͉̞̜ủ̴̢̖͙̞͈̳̈́̑̋̂̉̈ ̵̩̈́̋̂̾̓̎̌̕̚j̶̛̗̲͚͖̼̻̥͕̚ù̸̫̯̎s̷̛̹̠̠̰͇̬̟̤͖̃̋͋ť̵͇̹͕̞͌ ̵̢̹͖̯͆̀̽́̎̐̐̽̆̃c̴͍̼̤̓̉̃̒̕͠a̶͖̙̭͂͋̓l̸̢̧̨͙̯̹̯̱̳̏̈́̀l̷̡͖͉̟̼̳̹͙̏́̄̃͋ͅ ̶̧͓͍͑m̶̨̡̠̖͇̫͓̅̈́-̷̞̱̪͓̞̅̈́͊̇̎̐͝"
"Don't pull that radio demon bullshit with me right now Alastor! How hard was it to arm yourself? You aren't invincible to ANGELIC WEAPONS!"
You shouted at Alastor as you paced around your newly restored shared room, first aid kit open, bandages wrapped around, angry tears in your eyes.
If you were anyone else, you would be dead for rubbing salt into the still aching wound.
Alastor sighed and swung one leg over the other, crossing his arms intending to wait until your 'temper tantrum' was over.
I laugh through my tears
Normally he rather liked your tears, in a Alastor way, but they were annoying to him in this instance.
Cry baby, cry baby
You grabbed his face, locking your eyes with his,
"You could've died, You would've left me again."
"I won't leave you again."
You asked dropping your hands from his face only for him to hold them in his hands.
'Cause I don't fucking care, Tears fall to the ground
With the hotel rebuilt, bigger, more grand then before, sinners began to trickle in.
Wanting to give redemption a shot,
Some wanted to see someone they knew that more then likely ended up going above, some had nothing left to lose, some just wanted to change, hating what they've become since they fell below.
I just let them drown, Cry baby, cry baby
You quite liked how things were developing, seeing Charlie's face light up when hotel residents improved, getting clean from addiction, proving to be better.
I just let them drown, Cry baby, cry baby
Alastor originally got involved in this place for his own entertainment or otherwise, bringing you with him, he didn't think that his darling crybaby of a wife would get attached.
But maybe he was getting attached too, not that he would ever admit it even to you.
You'll just let them drown, They call you cry baby, cry baby
You and Alastor sat comfortably on the couch in his radio tower, with you laying on his shoulder, his arm gingerly wrapped around you.
I just let them drown
"Al, look how cute they are!"
You said as you held your phone to Alastor, you had to remove a few qualities in order to keep the phone, you didn't mind since you mostly used it to communicate with the hotel residents or look at animal videos on the Internet anyways.
He simply hummed as he grimaced at the phone, you were trying to show him a group of hellborn kittens,
"We should get a cat,"
"We already have a cat."
"Husk doesn't count."
You said frowning as Alastor moved his hand to your cheek, pinching it until tears swelled up in your eyes.
Cry baby, cry baby
You were sobbing at the red creature you held in your arms,
"It's adorable!" You sobbed out holding the catlike creature that you found on the side of the road much to Alastor's displeasure you wanted a cat, and you got a cat thingy
"It looks like Alastor."
Alastor squinted at the cat thing you were crying with pride over, he would throw the damned thing out the window but unfortunately you were already attached, and he preferred you to cry over literally anything else other then the failed clone of his.
You'll just let them drown
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Good evening folks! Thanks for tuning in! I scheduled this for Saturday so that should mean this is the last of the songfics! [For now anyways] [post-post edit, I LIED THERE WILL BE MORE SONG FICS THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING]
I wanted to go more into how Alastor would probably enjoy the readers crying but it got a little too weird.
Have a wonderful weekend folks!
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txjis · 3 months
no thoughts just choso being a lap dog :333
yummy yummy….
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cw: Choso x Fem!Reader , pretty much fluff, sum suggestiveness towards the end. i love my bby.
wc: 588
no smut but minors still need to leave teehee
ty 2 my perfect beta reader @cyphercheol & the loml @loverboyko for convincing me to actually post it
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you tried your best to focus on the paperwork that was assigned to you to work at once you got home, some kind of destruction of a building during a curse attack. but it was nearly impossible with choso draped over you.
"baby i need to get this done." you grumbled, attempting to shrug him off again. "it’s important, nanami will kill me if it’s late."
choso whined petulantly and tightened his grip around your shoulders. his breath tickled the back of your neck as he nuzzled his face deeper into the crook of your neck.
"angel, i haven't seen you all day," he protested in a whiny tone he knew you had a weakness for. "i’ve missed you so much."
with a roll of your eyes and an exasperated huff, you finally abandoned the paperwork and turned to face your brooding boyfriend. choso's eyes were wide and imploring, his lips stuck out in an exaggerated pout. like this, he looked more fragile than the strong-willed ‘family man’ he usually put off.
"we live in the same house and wake up to each other every day, big baby." you chided, pressing your finger to the tip of his nose. he scrunched it, and shook his head. "you went off on some mission, and left me here. you ran away from me." you pointed out with a small giggle, watching your boyfriends face contort while trying to think of a reply.
"does it really matter who had to leave?!" choso lamented, moving to fully place his whole body on your lap now. you huffed at the new weight as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you against his frame.
you tried (failed) to suppress a small smile as choso placed sloppy kisses along your jawline. while his clinginess could be a bit overwhelming at times, you had to admit there was something charming about the way he seemed so whipped for any attention from you.
"you’re ridiculous, y’know that?" you huffed, combing your fingers through his black hair that was still damp from a previous shower. he hummed, nuzzling into your touch.
"sorry, just missed you." he murmured against your neck. his breath fanned against your skin as he spoke. "always thinkin’ about you, stuck in my head no matter what."
his words were punctuated by a light graze of teeth. despite his stand-offish demeanor, choso occasionally would switch on that intense clingy personality.
"i will never be able to get enough of you," he growled, shifting so he was straddling your hips effectively pinning you against the couch. His deft fingers moved along the edge of your shirt while he leaned in to steal a searing kiss. "i crave you, like a dying man craves water when lost in the desert. you’re my oasis, angel. one of my few reasons for living."
"well aren’t you a sweet-talker," you managed to breathe out. as he broke away, you attempted to chase his mouth for another heated kiss.
choso huffed out a soft chuckle, eyes sparkling mischievously. "let me show you just how deliriously devoted i am to you."
the time that the paperwork was meant to be turned had passed. a few missed calls and texts from nanami chimed into an empty livingroom. papers had been scattered across the floor where choso has wrestled you out of the livingroom and into the shared bedroom. yeah, his needy infatuation could be a bit much, and even exhausting at times.
but you wouldn’t have your boyfriend any other way.
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ask/requests: OPEN
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laurasimonsdaughter · 6 months
I'd like to give props to this prince from the Sicilian fairy tale "Beautiful Angiola" for being in it for the long haul:
"Furious, [the witch] cast a curse on beautiful Angiola: "May your beautiful face be turned into the face of a dog!" she yelled. Within seconds Angiola's beautiful face was transformed into the face of a dog. The prince became very distressed and said, "How can I present you to my parents now? They'll never allow me to marry a maiden with a dog's face." He took her to a small cottage in which she was to live until the evil curse could be ispelled, and afterwards he returned to his parents and lived with them. However, whenever he went hunting, he visited poor Angiola." (Gonzenbach, trans. Zipes, 2006, p. 51)
I absolutely adore the implication that it's genuinely only his parents' probable refusal that prevents him from marrying her anyway. Finally a proper Prince Charming. (He's proven right too, because when he presents her to his parents after the curse is broken, it's stated that they are immediately won over specifically by her beauty. Probably because she's a peasant girl without a dowry.)
Other fantastic details in this Rapunzel-like folktale:
The witch has a guard donkey for her garden
The witch's tower is furnished with living furniture and household objects that can speak and eat
The witch's own pet dog persuades her to break the curse on Angiola, arguing that she has been punished enough
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