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Okay I need more friends. I have oranges, peaches and coconuts if anyone needs them!
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As a store clerk, I’ve had, I suppose you could call it a revelation. People either look at me like I’m not worth the time of day or just ignore me completely. But boy, when there’s a natural disaster, I’m like f**king Jesus when I come out holding some bread and hand sanitizer.
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I’ve hit that point in my job life where I just want to give all the customers salmonella or something just as bad. And make the company I work for have the absolutely worst reputation possible. I'll get fired, but to watch them burn, even if it's only a little bit, would give me such pleasure.
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On one hand, hell yes platonic male/female friendships!
…But on the other, I am such a SUCKER for the Friends to Lovers trope
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you can tell a lot about someone based on their phone background. it shows what’s most important to them
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Can people stop hating on the actors for having a different opinion on the petition calling Sophie a stupid c*nt Isaac talentless, Jacob irrelevant and other stuff it’s unnecessary and twisting what the petition is supposed to be about
I haven’t heard much about this honestly, but people seriously do need to stop this. They’re allowed their opinion as much as we’re allowed one. They’re human beings guys and calling them a ‘stupid c*nt’ ‘talentless’ and ‘irrelevant’ is actually bullying and really fucking nasty so stop. The petition isn’t about the actors at all, it’s about D&D. No one else. So please, be nice to the people who have played our favourite characters flawlessly. Kindness goes a long way.
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I couldn’t. I just went to the end. Said my goodbyes to the characters and left it at that. Not much else to do.
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God I really just don’t want to. But here’s to honoring the actors andcharacters. Cheers.
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1 grateful post with extra cheese
Dear Jaime Lannister is Alive Clown Club, our week of fun is coming to an end! First of all I’d like to say I’m extremely proud of us. I’ve had a LOT of fandom experiences, some awful, some great, but this one was truly one of a kind. This last week of GoT has probably been the most surreal and weird of my life, but I’ve never had this much fun. 
I’d love to thank everyone of you but it would take too long, so I’ll stick to a few names: @jaimeelanister (our president, our champion… we are no clown club without you ❤️) @jaimelannistecr @oxthkeepxr @king-slxyer @tarthserjaime @lannisters-of-tarth @costerwldau @walking-on-the-dead-mans-land @brigwife @elizabthturner @frucienforever @theknightfamily @art-by-khuggs @sassbewitchedmyass @lizilibavtani @misterdoctors @valarmorghulisyall @keiraloxley @rapunzhel …. I’m probably forgetting a lot of people (we really blew up you guys omg) –> Huge thank you for making memes, funny posts, edits, thank you for liking, reblogging, basically thank you for keeping the spirit alive this week! Thanks for those who totally believed, those who didn’t, those who just wanted to have fun, and even those who jumped on the bandwagon through these cursed articles. I’m very glad I got to share this with you!
No matter what other fandom(s) you find yourself in after GoT, I hope you keep this lesson with you always: it’s not that serious. It’s never that serious. You get to make your own fandom experience. It’s always about having fun!
Leaving you with these good words that are true, have always been true and will always be true: Jaime Lannister is alive
- 🤡💕
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old enough to remember when smut was called ‘lemons’ but young enough that i had absolutely no business knowing that smut was called ‘lemons’ at the time 
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To be honest and completely fair, I made it about twenty-five minutes into tonight's episode before I said: ”This is shit.” Turned off the tv and went to read a book.
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Ok fellow Braime shippers, episode 5 is upon us. How are we feeling? Did you guys get a good night sleep? Are you keeping yourself hydrated? Have you eaten anything yet? Please, take care of yourselves today. Take a deep calming breath, watch as many smiling Braime gifs as you can and let’s see how this goes. ❤
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Screw the Throne.
I wanna see Brienne and Jaime be happy together.
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Why Jaime Lannister is Living
Right so I don’t usually do long posts but since there is so much negativity I thought I’d go through all the reasons why Jaime (and Brienne) will survive Game of Thrones.
Jaime and Cersei won’t die together
For starters this is the most predictable ending for both characters and d&d literally said the only reason they had Arya kill the Night King was because it was unpredictable. This doesn’t rule out Jaime killing Cersei but I had a thought before that Brienne will be the one to kill Cersei. I’m pretty sure she’s the Younger More Beautiful Queen and if she kills Cersei to save Jaime then it will be as a direct result of the Valonqar. Also since Jaime is heading to KL now, he will most likely reach there at some point in episode five. We know that Lena only filmed in Spain while Nikolaj filmed in Ireland so its looking really unlikely that his last scene was filmed with Cersei. And there’s an interview that’s been making the rounds today where Nikolaj says ‘We [Lena Headey and I] always thought that, well, if she [Cersei] goes, I’ll [Jaime] go, or vice versa’. Now I don’t know about you but the use of ‘thought’ really suggests that it the show isn’t going down that route at all. Another thing to consider is their appearances this season. Jaime couldn’t look less Lannister if he tried, he’s got dark hair, a beard and even said ‘my golden lion days are done’. Jaime and Cersei’s identities have always been that they are twins, they look basically identical yet in season 8 they really don’t even look related. The whole ‘we were born together we will die together’ is based on the fact that they are twins so if they die together literally looking like they aren’t even related then where’s the poetry? 
Jaime’s redemption arc
There are two main redemption arcs in the show: Jaime and Theon. Theon is dead. George had said that the endings for the main characters will be the same in both the show and the books with the secondary characters having different endings. Jaime is a main character. George is not the type of author that believes the only way to redeem someone is death, otherwise what is the point of the redemption if they die? It is incredibly unlikely that the two main redemption arcs of the show will end in death. It fits (kind of) that Theon died protecting Bran, since taking WF from Bran was his biggest crime. But that doesn’t work with Jaime. It’s also worth remembering that Jaime left Cersei a lot earlier in the books, he burned her letter asking him for help. Since we established Jaime and Cersei won’t die together I think its unlikely George would have Jaime go back to Cersei out of love, unless to kill her. 
Each House has to survive
There have been four main houses since they very first episode: Lannister, Stark, Baratheon and Targaryen. The show has made a point repeatedly about characters being the ‘last of their house’ so I firmly believe that each of these houses has to continue (maybe not Targaryen but I can’t see Jon dying). For the Starks, Sansa is definitely surviving and I’m pretty sure Arya and Bran will live too. There was obviously a reason Gendry was brought back to the show and legitimised, to continue the Baratheon name. I’m pretty sure Dany is dead but Jon will be the last Targaryen. Then we get to Lannister. There are three Lannisters left. (I’m not counting Cersei’s baby because I don’t even know if she’s pregnant at this point because it must be at least six months since 7x03 and she’s not showing at all). I think everyone can agree that there is absolutely no chance Cersei is surviving, at this point her only motivation is the throne so when she doesn’t have that her character will have no purpose. So that leaves Jaime and Tyrion. Tyrion is an absolute fan favourite and has been since the very first episode so what would be more heartbreaking and shocking than him dying, especially if he is killed by Daenerys, another fan favourite. Also I think its very unlikely that book!tyrion will survive and since the endings for the mains will be the same, you can expect the same fate for show!tyrion. That leaves Jaime to carry on the Lannister line, and we’ll get onto that now. 
Jaime deserves to live and be loved
Jaime has had a pretty bad life and done some really bad stuff like attempting to kill a child and strangling(s8)/beating to death(s2) his cousin but he’s never been a bad man. He tried to kill Bran to save his own children, something Bran even acknowledges in 8x02 and he killed his cousin in order to get back to Cersei (questionable motives but he was desperate). Im not saying this behaviour is excusable, its not, but it is understandable. Jaime has been hated his entire lie because he broke an oath in order to save half a million people. The only person who has ever loved Jaime was his sister in even then she loved him because he was everything she wanted to be. Cersei manipulated and abused him (yes, it was mutually abusive but Cersei was definitely more at fault).  Literally every thing he has ever done was for Cersei or because she told him to. He deserved to be loved for him, and who loves Jaime for Jaime? Brienne of Tarth. 8x04 proved that they are both so in love, Brienne begging him not to leave because he is a good man and Jaime trying to convince her he isn’t because he needs to break her heart to protect her from Cersei. If Cersei ever found out about Brienne and Jaime she would kill Brienne in a heartbeat. She killed her FRIEND because she fancied Jaime when they were children. Brienne knows this, she knows that he’s going on a suicide mission, that’s why she doesn’t want him to go. Brienne and Cersei are both mirror images of Jaime, Brienne is all the good in him and Cersei is all the bad in him. He’s done bad things for Cersei but he’s done amazing things for Brienne, he lost his hand for her, he jumped into a literal bear pit, unarmed with one hand, to save her, he killed no one at Riverrun because of her, he went north and fought the dead for her. Jaime has had three children that he could never be a father to, he got to be a father to Myrcella for a minute before she died in his arms. He deserves to be a father, to raise his children, to teach them how to fight and to be good people and he deserves to be loved for him. Love is so centric to his arc, he said it himself ‘the things we do for love’. Everything he has ever done was for love so he deserves to get some love back. 
Hints from interviews etc
Okay so I’m just going to go over some of the things that have been said in interviews by Nikolaj and Gwen that point to a Jaime x Brienne ending. I guess the most obvious one is that both Nikolaj and Gwen filmed at Ballycastle around the same time. I found out more about that today that they both filmed around the 5-8th June which resulted in the both getting knee injuries which is a bit weird, this definitely indicates another Jaime x Brienne scene. Nikolaj also talks about how happy he is with the ending (he’s always been really against Jaime going back to Cersei) he was so happy he even wrote a letter to say thank you to d&d and there would be no reason for him to lie about that. Nikolaj has always been very pro-braime, so much so said his ideal ending for jaime is to die of old age surrounded by his and Brienne’s children. When asked to describe the season in one word Nikolaj said ‘blue’. Thats really bloody cryptic, everyone else was going with ‘mind blowing’, ‘epic’, ‘devastating’ etc but blue? There is only one blue thing I can think of that has been a point of reference on the show: the Sapphire Isles. Also when he said this Gwen laughed like it was an in joke and she knew exactly what he was talking about. Nikolaj also reference the ‘isles’ in another interview. Now finally and maybe the biggest hint, the ‘thats a spoiler’ interview. I think about a week before s8 started a really random YouTube channel uploaded an interview (and it was getting barely any views which again is odd), with just Nikolaj and Gwen, asking really hard questions that they were both struggling to answer. They were asked what prequel they would like and Gwen says ‘one set in 20 years so we would both still have jobs’ they both laugh, then Nikolaj’s face drops and he whispers ‘thats a spoiler’ for the rest of the interview they are different and I think Gwen speaks like one more word. Usually if its a ‘fake spoiler’ they would both laugh and be ‘ahhhh thats a spoiler you just spoiled it!!!’ but the whole interview was off. Also she says ‘we’ not ‘I’ suggesting neither off them die. 
So in all this negativity I really hope this brings you some hope because it took me a bloody age lol and if either or both die you have permission to call me a fool 
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