#you think they should have offered a discount cause adoption is expensive
investoptionwin · 1 year
Authoritative Inside Information To Reckon When Choosing A Auto To Finance… Advice Num 49 From 641
In the auto insurance market, consider these three factors, they will have the most to do with the rate you get. You, your vehicle insurance, and your garage location are the main considerations in where your car insurance rate is set. Though some of the factors are static, most are dynamic, and can improve with time. A great way to get an affordable price on auto third party insurance is to seek quotes on different models prior to shopping for a new car. By doing so, you will be able to factor the cost of insurance into your vehicle insurance selection, and be certain that you will be able to afford the entire cost of owning whichever car you decide to take home. Better your eye focus while you are driving. Let your vision focus on something far away, such as an oncoming car, and then quickly look at your speedometer. Continue doing this as the car approaches, and every time you drive. You will eventually find that your eyes are focusing much faster than before! If you want to save money on car insurance, you may want to consider selecting from the higher deductibles that are offered by your agency. This means you will have more out of pocket expenses should you be involved in an automobile accident, but it will lower your premium substantially. Add your spouse to your insurance policy. third party insurance companies are notorious for wanting stable and responsible customers. Adding your spouse to your policy signifies that you have become more stable and reliable, and many companies will lower your rates just for that reason. If your spouse has a clean driving record, that can help lower your rates as well. Lots of people think that looking for a good auto insurance policy is a hassle. However, if you are savvy about how to get third party insurance deals and savings, it's no big deal at all. This article will teach you how to get the most out of your third party insurance-shopping experience and end up with the right insurance for you. If you are a senior citizen and you own your car but don't drive very much anymore, then you may be able to save on automobile insurance. Consider insuring only the main driver of your vehicle insurance. If this person has a good driving record then you can get a much lower rate. One, less well-known way to get further discounts on auto insurance, especially if you have a teen driver around who is only going back and forth to school, is to request whether your insurance offers a discount for low mileage. If you can accurately estimate the actual mileage your teen drives and report it accurately, you will pay less. Be a good and defensive driver. Avoid text messaging or any other distractions that may cause you to have an accident. If you have an accident that is your fault, it will cause your car insurance rates to go up and you will pay more for your car insurance indefinitely. Look for state health insurance policies. While federal health programs exist for low-income families, some states are working towards adopting low-cost health insurance plans for middle-class families. Check with your state department of health, to find out if these low cost plans are offered in your area, as they can provide great comprehensive coverage for a minimal cost. If your car is a significant asset, (i.e. expensive and having high resale value) make sure you purchase additional liability coverage for it when you insure it. The legal minimum liability coverage which is your cheapest option will not provide enough compensation if your valuable car gets damaged. The additional cost of additional coverage is worth paying to protect a car with real value. If your child receives their driver's license and you need to get insurance, make sure to ask if your insurer offers a good student discount. Your child will be motivated to keep his grades up in order to keep driving, and you will save money on your monthly premium fee. If you are a newlywed, have your automobile insurance policies combined. Companies offer something called a "multi-car discount"�, which means that you will save money just by putting your cars on the same plan. If the two of you don't have the same insurance company, consider changing one of your policies. Never inflate your vehicle's value when you sign up for insurance. Doing this only costs you more money, in the form of higher premiums. In the case that you would need a replacement vehicle, the insurance company would only use their value for your original car, not what you initially quoted them. Although it may seem strange, try to purchase an older vehicle when looking for a new car. This is because the insurance rates on older vehicles are not nearly as high as on newer ones. If you already have insurance and you switch to an older vehicle, make sure to let the insurance company know. Whether you are new to the insurance world, wanting to combine your policies or shopping for better rates or coverage, you probably have some questions. Here you will find lots of helpful information that will make it fast and easy to learn more about the often, confusing world of auto insurance.
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leaderintitleonly · 2 years
Immediately after I posted that message, I fell asleep at my keyboard for an hour. So I guess the migraine won. I guess my body-aches won. And it’s still raining. My lil cousin gets head pain during rain and stuff too. Irony, I am adopted... So uh I guess my family picked the right baby. :| “Yeah let’s pick this one!” You picked the slightly broken baby, congrats. But she’s gonna fit in just fiiiiine.
Baby Slightly Broken But Still Good
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lord-jack-slick · 3 years
1 options trading course Ohio the forex options course a self study guide to trading currency options pdf Ohio
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1 options trading course Ohio If you don't think a trade has a high chance of turning out successfully, don't make it. 9. Use put options to hedge your stock holdingsPerhaps the best use of put options of all time is to buy them as a hedge against your stocks. If you have stocks which you are holding for long term investment purpose, consider buying LEAPS put options expiring six months to a year out as protection against catastrophic drops. 10. Avoid Out Of The Money Options if you intend to trade with all your moneyThe reasons why most beginners lose all their money in options trading in one go is because they buy out of the money options with all their money. This means that they will lose all their money even if the stock moved in their favor but not enough to bring the options in the money! Now, bearing in mind that you should only be using money you can afford to lose, buying only in the money options with those money give you even higher protection and lesser chance of losing everything. 6 Common Options Trading Newbie MistakesAre you about to put one toe into the world of options trading? Have you started on options trading and made some initial losses? This article is written just for you. After 6 years of professionally mentoring beginners in options trading, I noticed that there are a few mistakes that keep showing up, causing initial losses. Good thing is that I always make sure my students start out options trading using virtual trading or paper trading in order to harmlessly get through these initial mistakes and to learn from them. These mistakes have been responsible for most of the initial losses that I see options trading newbies make and having an understanding of them would certainly help you avoid these mistakes and avoid the initial frustration of losing money.
After 6 years of professionally mentoring beginners in options trading, I noticed that there are a few mistakes that keep showing up, causing initial losses. Good thing is that I always make sure my students start out options trading using virtual trading or paper trading in order to harmlessly get through these initial mistakes and to learn from them. These mistakes have been responsible for most of the initial losses that I see options trading newbies make and having an understanding of them would certainly help you avoid these mistakes and avoid the initial frustration of losing money. Mistake 1: Choosing the wrong (usually out of the money) optionsMany options trading newbies prefer to buy "cheap" out of the money options the reason being why buy expensive when cheaper options would also profit if the stock moved up (for call options). Well, that one decision alone has resulted in much of the initial losses when a stock moved up insignificantly and the position remains in a loss. Out of the money options are only good if you expect the stock to move strongly in that direction. 1 options trading course Ohio As long as you have a means of consistently making more wins than losses, you can make a million in anything as long as you have the patience to stick to the game. Yes, this is the same logic in any form of trading. If it is the same in any form of trading, why then options trading?The beauty of options trading is that it actually helps you achieve more wins than losses through 2 unique means; Convexity and Versatility. Convexity means being able to potentially make more money than you can potentially lose. In futures trading or stock trading, you can potentially lose as much money as you can win. When the stock goes up by $10, you make $10 worth of profit and if the stock goes down by $10, you sustain $10 worth of loss. There is no convexity. When you buy options, they will go up in value as long as the stock keep going in the correct direction (up for call options and down for put options) but if the stock goes the other direction, you will only lose as much as you used in buying the options, nothing more! For instance, if you bought one contract of call options for a stock for $150 and the stock went up by $10, you call options would be worth $1000 but if the stock went down by $10, you would only lose that $150 that you used. That's convexity. As long as you use only money you can afford to lose or the maximum amount you are willing to lose on any single trade towards buying options, you will always have the advantage of convexity on your side. Versatility is found in the vast array of options strategies that can be put together. Many options strategies allow you to profit not only when the underlying stock moves in one direction but in multiple directions! Yes, in futures or stock trading, you only profit when the stock goes up or down (when you are short the stock or futures). However, in options trading, there are options strategies that allow you to profit when the stock goes up OR down in both directions and options strategies that even allow you to profit from all 3 directions! Yes, being able to profit in more than one direction greatly increases your possibility of winning and greatly enhances the possibility of consistently making more wins than losses!So, can you become a millionaire trading options? Yes you can. In fact, from the properties of convexity and versatility mentioned above, options trading could actually make it easier for you to become a millionaire versus stock or futures trading. As such, the possibility is there and the odds are in your favor. The final question to answer is, do YOU have what it takes to become a millionaire through options trading?10 Options Trading Tips For Conservative TradersThere are many ways to trade options. In fact, there are unlimited ways to trade options due to the unlimited number of options strategies and approaches that can be adopted. This article outlines 10 options trading tips that conservative traders can follow for maximum safety in options trading. 1. Use only money you can afford to loseThis is the most common advise given in options trading and one which most people choose to ignore to their own detriment. Using only money you can afford to lose means that if you hope to lose no more than $200 in a single trade, then you should use no more than $200 in buying options at any one time. The good thing about options is that the leverage it offers allows you to make a significant profit even with very small capital outlays and even if you get it wrong, all you can lose is $200, nothing more. if you follow the next tip. 2. Use only debit strategiesA lot of options beginners start out options trading using complex credit strategies. There are 2 drawbacks to this approach. Firstly, the complexity of some credit spreads caused beginners who are not used to placing options orders in the first place to enter the wrong orders or leg in the wrong way, resulting in instant losses. Secondly, credit spreads require significant margin which may not allow beginners practicing with a small account to use them in the first place. Using debit strategies allow you to control your losses as well.
the options course high profit and low stress trading methods george fontanills Ohio
Many options strategies allow you to profit not only when the underlying stock moves in one direction but in multiple directions! Yes, in futures or stock trading, you only profit when the stock goes up or down (when you are short the stock or futures). However, in options trading, there are options strategies that allow you to profit when the stock goes up OR down in both directions and options strategies that even allow you to profit from all 3 directions! Yes, being able to profit in more than one direction greatly increases your possibility of winning and greatly enhances the possibility of consistently making more wins than losses!So, can you become a millionaire trading options? Yes you can. In fact, from the properties of convexity and versatility mentioned above, options trading could actually make it easier for you to become a millionaire versus stock or futures trading. As such, the possibility is there and the odds are in your favor. The final question to answer is, do YOU have what it takes to become a millionaire through options trading?10 Options Trading Tips For Conservative TradersThere are many ways to trade options. In fact, there are unlimited ways to trade options due to the unlimited number of options strategies and approaches that can be adopted. This article outlines 10 options trading tips that conservative traders can follow for maximum safety in options trading. 1. Use only money you can afford to loseThis is the most common advise given in options trading and one which most people choose to ignore to their own detriment. Using only money you can afford to lose means that if you hope to lose no more than $200 in a single trade, then you should use no more than $200 in buying options at any one time. The good thing about options is that the leverage it offers allows you to make a significant profit even with very small capital outlays and even if you get it wrong, all you can lose is $200, nothing more.
trading options explained Ohio If it is the same in any form of trading, why then options trading?The beauty of options trading is that it actually helps you achieve more wins than losses through 2 unique means; Convexity and Versatility.
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income options trading service Ohio Newbies trading without guidance typically repeat mistakes over and over again, and if you have traded options before, you know it don't take many of those mistakes to wipe your account out.
learning options trading Ohio Well, that one decision alone has resulted in much of the initial losses when a stock moved up insignificantly and the position remains in a loss.
Take advantage of this deep discount to close out positions that are at the money or very near the money instead of risking an accidental automatic exercise. 7. Use advanced orders to enforce your stop lossMost people give in to their emotions when it's time to take a loss thinking that the position might come back the next day. We all know what usually happens after that, yes, the position gets held all the way to expiration and then it expires worthless, losing 100% of its value. Yes, nothing is more difficult than trusting your human emotions to enforce stop loss points. That is why you must always make use of advanced orders such as conditional / contingent orders or trailing stop loss to automate your stop loss policy. 8. Trade for profit, not for funMost beginners trade options for fun more than profits. Their main aim is merely to use these overly hyped options strategies and see how they work with the aim of making money being secondary. Yes, treating options trading like a hobby and options trading will behave just like a hobby and hobbies cost money. If you don't think a trade has a high chance of turning out successfully, don't make it.
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Yes, in my 15 years of options trading, I must say that I have never seen anyone make a string of 14 wins within one year or two without losing no matter what options strategy they use. The good news is, you don't need to make 50% on every win nor do you need a string of 14 wins to make a million in options trading as long as you follow a sensible trading methodology and have lots of patience. Making a million in options trading isn't about not losing. It's really about making more wins than losses. As long as you have a means of consistently making more wins than losses, you can make a million in anything as long as you have the patience to stick to the game. Yes, this is the same logic in any form of trading.
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phroyd · 5 years
So how can California put an end to PG&E’s reign of error?
The answer: Make this so-called “public utility” into a true public system—a customer-owned power cooperative, a plan proposed by the city of San Jose. Currently, the only things “public” about PG&E are the bills the public pays and the charred homes and bodies this bankrupt beast leaves behind.
But how can the public take ownership without busting government coffers?
The way Gordon Gekko did it in “Wall Street”: through a hostile takeover bid for PG&E’s stock—now bouncing on the floor at about $4 per share.
It’s been done before, in New York.
For decades, Long Island Lighting Co., LILCO, like PG&E, left millions of its customers in the dark, endangered their safety and emptied their pockets with monstrously high electric bills. Then, in 1998, the customers seized ownership of the renegade utility—at low cost, below its book value.
In 1981, as executive director of the state legislature’s Science and Technology Commission, I was tasked with drafting a law that would allow customers to buy out this dangerous power company cheaply.
Our solution was inventive. LILCO’s stock, like PG&E’s, was in the toilet, trading at a fraction of its book value—that is, way less than the cost of its lines and equipment. If corporate raiders can take over companies cheap to reap giant profits, why couldn’t the state do a hostile takeover to keep the public safe and reduce electric bills?
My agency drafted, and the legislature passed, a law permitting the state to make a hostile tender offer for LILCO’s stock.
To keep the utility’s stock from soaring on the takeover offer, I also drafted civil racketeering (RICO) charges that were filed by the state and local government. The complaint cited years of the company extracting billions from its captive customers on false claims.
A jury awarded Long Island’s beleaguered customers $4 billion in damages. The company, now effectively bankrupted like PG&E, ultimately sold to the state’s newly created Long Island Power Authority at a cost low enough to cut power rates and rebuild the system.
The result: The new publicly owned system rapidly improved reliability and safety, boosted green energy programs, reduced electric bills and even shut down and dismantled a dangerous nuclear plant.
Likewise, California has a good cause to take legal action against PG&E on behalf of its customers. The still-blazing Kincade fire was, the company all but admits, caused by failure on a transmission line the company had promised for two years to fix by this April. It didn’t.
When California Got Ken Lay’d
In olden days, before “deregulation,” your local gas and electric company was not allowed to burn down your house, blow it up, cut off your oxygen tank and then bill you for it.
So what happened?
PG&E’s transformation from a public utility into an Academy for Accidental Arsonists began 30 years ago with Ken Lay, chief executive of Enron. Enron, a criminal enterprise parading as a power company, convinced California to lead the nation in “deregulating” its power markets.
Until then, utilities were dull things, controlled like government agencies with highly detailed budgets for operation and maintenance that, when approved by regulators, had to be spent on … maintenance and operations. If they failed to use the money as promised, regulators punished the company with a severe hit to profits already tightly capped by law.
Then, deregulation allowed utilities to pocket unspent money as an efficiency incentive. In practice, deregulation became decriminalization of skimming on safety and reliability.
I can only imagine what Robert “Bat” Batinovich would have done to the company for the deadly delay which likely resulted in the Kincade fire. Batinovich, appointed chairman of the California Public Utilities Commission by Young Governor Jerry Brown, was known as the toughest regulator in America.
Decades later, the Elderly Governor Brown filled the PUC with louche industry buddies dedicated to defending the company except when the TV cameras are on.
What did PG&E do with the maintenance fund embedded in the bills of its captive customers?  While those with lives and homes burnt are obvious victims of PG&E’s cost-shaving devil-may-care operations, all of those who pay the monthly bill deserve their day in court.
As we did in New York, the state and local governments should file legal action on behalf of every customer. And that will, justly, cut the price of a takeover.
The Vulture Swoops In
The only thing more dangerous than leaving PG&E in the hands of its current mis-managers is the proposal to give control of PG&E to the financier known as “The Vulture,” Paul Elliott Singer of Elliott Management.
Singer has bought up a hunk of PG&E‘s debt cheaply, and he’s looking to the bankruptcy court to adopt a re-organization plan that would give him a giant payday at ratepayers’ expense.
I’ve been tracking Singer for BBC Television for 12 years.
Here’s how Singer operates. In 2009, Singer and his vulture colleagues bought control of Delphi Corp., which was once General Motors’ auto parts division. Singer’s team threatened to cut off delivery of parts to GM unless the U.S. Treasury paid him billions of dollars. President Barack Obama’s auto bailout chief, Steve Rattner, called it “extortion.”
Obama had no choice but to give in because the parts cut-off would have forced GM’s liquidation, costing half a million jobs. Singer got his billion-dollar payoff, then Delphi shifted almost every union job overseas.
If Singer does a “Delphi“ on PG&E, investment will be cut to the bone to hike profits.
Of special concern to Californians is whether PG&E under Singer’s management would continue to fund its program to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Singer is the chairman of the Manhattan Institute, the far-right, climate-change-denying think tank behind the fake trope that the Green New Deal would cost $1 trillion and destroy the economy.
Democracy Is the Solution
There is an alternative for managing PG&E other than the current busload of befuddled bozos or financial vultures.
San Jose has the right idea: consumer cooperative ownership.
Electricity socialism is not so radical: There are 900 power co-ops in the U.S. serving 47 million Americans. And here in Los Angeles, my computer is powered by the city-owned Department of Water and Power, which, while not a stellar enterprise, limits blackouts and tends not to kill its customers—because the mayor must personally answer for the DWP’s failings.
Simply put: Democracy keeps the lights on.
But to keep the cost low and move quickly, local and state governments should take advantage of PG&E’s bargain-basement stock price and the discount on the trading price of its bonds. That, combined with legal action to seek compensation for financially abused ratepayers, should force this un-public utility into the public’s hands at a fair, low price.
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nylaaaaa · 4 years
Little Secret
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Chapter 1. Your Secret Is Safe With Me
Name and Surname: Natalie Fleur Estelle
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 19th August 1692
Place ( Registration 
of      < District                     Cynthell
Birth  ( Sub-District
"Here's the birth certificate. It has nothing about her parents on it as you suggested." I gave the man standing beside me, who had grown to be a brother to me, a quick, but satisfied, grunt of approval. 
"Thank you. Keep this between us and I'll keep up my end of the deal." Quintin gave me a questioning side glance. I knew he didn't appreciate me bringing up the past but I needed him to keep this between us.
"I don't see why you won't be honest to her. For all we know she might be like you..." I knew what he was suggesting, but I refused to listen. She won't be like me. She can't be like me. I waved him away, annoyance clear as day across my face. He will be annoyed too. We both have secrets. I just don't know whose is worth more.
Today is possibly the worst day I'll have in my life. I'm honestly not sure. 
Today I officially turn 18 which, unluckily for me, means I have to add another thing to my job description.
Isaieth adopted me when I was born because my father died and it caused my mum to become a drunk. I don't exactly blame her for leaving and forgetting her troubles with a drink. But I also can't say I'm fond of it. I love Isaieth with all my heart, he feels like an actual father to me. But I sometimes wish I had an actual mother to help me grow as well.
When I was born my father died. No one told me how, I just know it was traumatic enough to make my mother a drunk. Isaieth adopted me when I was 2 after he had an accident that caused him to be deaf and partially blind. He wasn't fit for work anymore so the second I turned an age where I can go to the toilet by myself he taught me how to tend his farm. He makes a business by selling wheat that he grows and whatever we can get from the few animals we own. When I was 16 I found an abandoned lamb who we later discovered was a merino sheep. Merino sheep are, in my opinion, the best sheep you can get. Their carcasses are smaller than the average sheep so they aren't used for meat but rather for the wool that they grow. The average amount of wool the sheep grows is 11kg which is enough for about 11 sweaters. Aswell as the sheep we have 2 chickens, both of which are female. They were actually, in some ways, a gift from the king. The king and Isaieth are best friends almost from birth. They both grew up in royalty but only the king kept it that way. Isaieth was the son of a knight, and so in turn, Isaieth was also a knight. The king was born a prince and then was assigned a knight who happened to be Isaieth. One of the times when Isaieth was protecting the king he ended up getting seriously injured and the king fired him for his own safety. The king doesn't exactly care for the knight's wellbeing but because they were friends he decided a knight was too dangerous for Isaieth. After the event the king offered him a plot of land on the outskirts of the city that was run down and abandoned but had potential for a farm. Isaieth's dream as a boy was to grow old and have his own farm, so like any friend the king got him his own farm. Because of the friendship and countless times Isaieth saved his life our rent was greatly reduced and we were offered a permanent job to make sure we always had the money to pay rent. The job included selling off our produce from the animals. The eggs given to Isaieth was originally just starter food but Isaieth decided to keep them and let them hatch instead. When they grew to be quite old he kept a few of the last eggs they would hatch and did the same thing. The hens we have now are 1 years old, or will be in a few days. We don't get much from our farm but because of the discount on rent sometimes we have enough money to spare to get nice things. The average price of rent can go up to 100 gold.
(100 gold is like 1k, the money in this story is, bronze= pence or cents or whatever is the lowest in your country, silver= pounds or dollars etc and gold= the hundreds +. In simpler terms, but in GBP ((Great British Pounds)) terms, 1 bronze= 1 pence, 1 silver= 1 pound and 1 gold= 100 pound.)
Ours however got put down to 45 gold. It's still a lot that we just about make each month but we're still thankful that he even gave us this place to begin with. He didn't actually have to.
It's also lucky that our farm works well with rent times. Each month you have to go to the castle and pay your rent. If you dont have enough or you skip it they go to your house and either take a child, that becomes their servent who has to work for the money you didn't pay, or they take some belongings that you don't get back unless you pay extra. Luckily we've never seen it first hand but one of my childhood friends ended up becoming a servent from it. I haven't seen her since. Our wheat takes a month to grow so we've always got that to keep our money up. Unfortunately wheat sells cheap, one wheat grain sells for 30 bronze. Every month we grow, on average, 700 wheat grains but have to keep back 350 to replant so we can get 350 the next month too. So on average every month with wheat alone we make 10 gold and 5 silver. Which by itself is almost a quarter of our rent. Replanting and harvesting wheat is one of the most tedious jobs of farming, but maintaining is by far the easiest. You only have to water the plant at most once in summer but otherwise never. All you really have to do is make sure the plant isn't dying and be on your way. The worst job I have is turning the sheeps pelt into wool. She doesn't like to be milked so doing that is an annoyance but I dread making wool the most out of all the farm jobs I have. Next to maintaining the crop the hens are the easiest too. They lay at least one egg everyday, the only thing I have to do is collect the eggs without breaking them and make sure the hens are well fed and have fresh air. With making wool you have to flatten the pelt completely and then tie the strands together to make a really long piece of wool that I have to cut and ball up. It's the worst job on the entire farm but I can't say I hate doing it. My favourite thing is balling it all up after dying it. I'm just thankful all these things take a month to do or we'd be screwed on rent every month.
(Realistically these don't actually take a month, I researched so much to make the story as legit as possible but for story sake I tweaked the timing. Hens do lay one egg a day at least, if properly cared for and also depending on breed. But wheat takes a LOT longer to grow and you can only shave a sheep once a year. I changed the timing of it all tho or I'd have to be even more creative with money and stuff and tbh I'd rather not. Coming up with these ideas for the farm was hard enough.)
On average you get 2 balls of yarn out of 1kg of wool. Luckily for us our merino sheep produces 11kg of wool giving us 22 balls of yarn. 1 ball of yarn sells for 1 gold, so for 22 balls of yarn we make 22 gold. Personally I think it's extremely expensive but it does make sense considering there aren't many sheep around, which also means clothes, blankets and shoes are harder to get. On average with the hens we get 2 eggs a day. 1 egg sells for 25 silver, meaning the 2 we make in a day gives us 50 silver. There's 28 days in a month meaning with eggs alone we make 14 gold. Altogether in one month we usually make roughly 46 gold. As good of an amount as that is, 45 of it has to go to the king, leaving us with roughly 1 gold left. Because we're human and need to eat, bathe and clothe ourselves just like everyone else, whatever's left gets spent on stuff like that. On average every month we spend about 50 silver on food. I have my own plant pots in my room that we use for our own food. There's only 2 of them but in one plant pot I grow strawberries and in the other I grow raspberries. Truth be told if I sold the strawberries and raspberries we'd probably be richer but honestly, we're both kinda used to this life and although we don't have everything we want, we have everything we need. Besides the fruits take 2 months to grow and because of my reputation people would refuse to buy them for their actual price. They just about accept the other things, if fruits were in the mix I'd probably get death glares and 1 bronze for a batch. It doesn't bother me too much though because with whatever odd bit of wheat we had spare from the 700 odd we plant and sell we use that to make bread or pastry, so every 2 months we make the fruits into a jam or crush them and make a pie. My all time favourite activity is making them into pies or bread and jam with Isaieth. It's the only thing we can properly do together. He helps me replant and harvest the wheat sometimes because there's so much of it but usually he just watches from afar. His eye sight is getting worse the older he gets so he helps less and less. It saddens me because I know he doesn't want to go fully blind, we wouldn't be able to communicate at all and what kind of life are you living if you can't see or hear anything. You might as well be dead at that point or you'd be so throughly confused. 
Getting back on track. Today is a bad day because it's the first day where I have to pay for the rent. I've been a few times with Isaieth as a child but I've never gone alone. It's an adults job and should only be done by an adult. But today, aswell as being my birthday, it's also rent day. Isaieth didn't actually want me to do it but I insisted knowing that he would have severe trouble doing it himself. And what's more is that I have to go alone to sell our produce now aswell. I don't put any blame on him and I especially will never complain. But in my head I can feel bitter about the situation. 
I look forward to the day.....
No I don't. 
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texanredrose · 6 years
Kindred Ch 2
This chapter brought to you by Moonwatcher13! Thanks buddy!
Winter cursed under her breath as she got out of her car, reaching down to pull on the hood tab to pop it open. By the smell of it, she could tell she’d gone far too long without an oil change, but it wasn’t until she yanked- using all her body weight and strength- her dipstick out to find it bone dry that she realized her understatement. That didn’t bode well at all; at least she’d made it back home before anything too detrimental happened.
Getting it started that evening, however…
Dragging a hand down her face, she sighed heavily, the weight of everything sitting on her shoulders almost crushing and exhausting her purely through the circumstances alone. She didn’t have the luxury of wallowing in the frustration of too many bills and not enough money, though; her daughter was waiting. Summoning her focus, she marched up to her apartment, closing the door behind her softly. Her sister had some sort of early meeting today, meaning her girlfriend would be looking after Penny until she arrived and the slam of a door could be painful to her sensitive hearing.
Of course, she could never be silent enough to escape the notice of her daughter, though.
“There’s my angel,” she said, a smile on her lips as she knelt down and gathered up her daughter in her arms, pressing a kiss to the top of Penny’s head. “Were you good for Aunt Blake?”
“Uh huh!” Little arms wrapped around her neck, giving her a fierce hug before Penny began to squirm, apparently ready to return to the ground. “Right, Aunt Blake? I was real good!”
“You absolutely were,” she said, coming out of the kitchen as the smell of freshly brewed coffee began to waft through the apartment. The Faunus had already changed into her work uniform, a simple black coverall with a white overall for her name on the right side of her chest. While she didn’t do any actual automotive work, the uniform seemed mandatory even for one who worked the counter. “Now go finish your breakfast.”
Scampering back to the dining room, they both kept pleasant expressions on their faces until she’d disappeared. However, once she’d gone, Winter leaned back against the door and stared down at her feet. “Thank you, Blake. I appreciate your help.”
“It’s no trouble, really.” Even though the words remained unsaid, she could hear the breath the Faunus took in preparation before letting it go. 
When she’d moved to Vale, Winter made it expressly clear that she didn’t want her decisions to impact Weiss in any way, despite her sister’s insistence that they could move in together. Weiss had her own life and while her help was invaluable, she’d imposed enough and would never be able to repay it; she’d given up and forsaken plenty in her life, but she still had her pride. Raising Penny herself was her decision and she wouldn’t put her sister in a position where she didn’t have a choice whether or not to help.
“You should probably get to work.” Winter winced, not wanting to ask but also highly aware of her reality. “Also, would it be possible for you to give me a ride to work tonight? I’m… not sure if my car will start.”
“What’s wrong with it?” Blake tilted her head, feline ears canted forward a moment before her expression sharpened. “I understand you prefer handling problems yourself but I literally work for an auto shop. If there’s something wrong with your car, I’m sure my bosses will let you use my employee discount.”
Pushing off the door, she moved towards the dining room- really, just a nook that fed into both the kitchen and living room, hardly big enough for the four person table that she owned, with its scratched table top and wobbly legs- and checked on Penny, who was doing very well in finishing off her cereal. She’d even drank all of her milk. That brought a small smile to her lips before she returned her attention to Blake and lowered her voice.
“There’s no oil left in the line; it’s all burned up. I’ll need at least five quarts and a new filter. But it’s not that expensive and I’ll go to the store while we’re out for our walk.”
“When are you going to give your car an oil change yourself, Winter?” Blake set her hands on her hips, a stance she’d adopted from Weiss for exactly this circumstance, it seemed. “I know you won’t accept money from us, we’ve both fought that battle with you already, but this is about your time. You hardly get four hours of sleep; are you going to sacrifice even more when there’s a perfectly logical solution staring you in the face?”
“And what is that?” Frustration colored her tone, conscious effort necessary to keep from raising her voice and alerting Penny to the argument. “I’ll not have you deceive your employers by saying it’s your car needing the oil change.”
“Fine, then let me go into work and tell them the situation. If they agree, you can meet me at the shop.” Crossing her arms over her chest, the Faunus’ ears twitched, a clear sign she was doing her best to hold in her frustration as well. “They’ll probably knock it out before we close up or first thing in the morning; either way, I’ll be your ride to and from work today and tomorrow. Weiss was going to watch Penny tonight anyway, so there’s nothing to worry about there.”
Part of her wanted to object on principle. So much of Weiss’ and Blake’s lives were dictated by her current financial position; it wasn’t fair to either of them but they refused to simply let her struggle in silence. “Ask. If your boss says no-”
“I’ll still give you a ride and we can pick up the oil on the way back in the morning,” the Faunus said, raising her hands in a placating gesture. “I’m not trying to force your hand, Winter, but you have to be reasonable. There’s no reason to force yourself into a bad position- or an even worse one.”
With a sigh, she nodded, heading into the kitchen by way of the dining room so she could press a kiss to Penny’s head in passing, smiling at her daughter while making herself a cup of coffee. Hopefully, they wouldn’t spend too much time expending a lot of energy today. “Say bye to Aunt Blake.”
“Bye bye Aunt Blake!” She jumped down from her chair, quickly running over for a goodbye hug which Blake returned.
“I’ll see you later, Penny.” Then, the Faunus collected up her bag and left, closing the door behind her for Winter to lock.
“Can we draw today?”
Winter chuckled. “Of course we can, Sweetheart.” 
She took a sip of her coffee, silently sighing in relief. In the back of her mind, she noted that all the drawing and coloring they’d been doing would mean she’d need to stop by the store and get Penny more crayons. 
Ultimately, she just needed to sit down and reexamine her budget. Living paycheck to paycheck frustrated her greatly, of course, but that provided no excuse for failing to provide for her daughter.
Yang hit the buttons to open the garage doors while finishing off the last of her morning protein shake. They still had about an hour before the front office opened but she’d woken up a bit earlier than normal and opted to head into work so she could finish up that engine rebuild from the night before. Aside from the alternator they were waiting on, that meant they had a pretty clear schedule for the day, a string of simple fixes over the past few days giving them a bit of breathing room. On the one hand, a lot of small problems were quick to fix and quick to get paid for, but on the other, the bigger projects consumed more time but usually came with a higher price tag.
Tilting her head to either side to stretch out the muscles, she ducked into the garage office, setting down her protein shaker on her desk. Ruby would probably remind her to clean it up at some point, invoices littered across the top of it just below the picture frames she kept. A few fast food bags lay crumpled and shoved onto one corner because they’d forgotten to take out the trash two weeks in a row. She’d make sure to get it tonight.
By the time she made it back out to the garage, pulling her gloves on and setting her safety glasses in place across the bridge of her nose, Yang found she wasn’t the only one in the shop, and she had to raise a brow. “Blake?  You’re in early; I thought you were helping your sister-in-law.”
The Faunus offered a small smile and a shrug, ignoring the slight misnomer. “Well, I’d planned on having breakfast with my girlfriend before coming into work but… I kinda have a favor to ask and didn’t think it would be a good idea to be late.”
“What kinda favor?” Heading over to her workbench, she pulled out her tools from the nearby box and got to work on the engine rebuild.
“My girlfriend’s sister, she needs an oil change, bad.”
“How bad?”
“Bone dry.”
Immediately she winced, not looking forward to what sort of damage might’ve been done to the engine. “Yeesh. Yeah, tell her to bring it by, we’ll knock it out today. Not much of a favor.”
“Well, it might have to be tomorrow morning; she works the night shift and I’m going to be her ride to and from work.” Although she had her work to focus on, Yang could hear Blake moving around and preparing the auto shop to open for the day. “That is where the favor part comes in.”
“Helping a friend isn’t a favor; it’s being a friend.” Chuckling, she paused and made a motion with her hand. “Look, do what you need to do and the oil change is on the house, no worries.”
“That’s another thing; I can almost promise she’ll insist she pays something.”
“Well, it’s my shop, my rules, so she ain’t paying a dime.” Yang paused. “Or she’ll pay one dime, if she insists.”
“Can you fight that fight without getting me in trouble? It’s still my girlfriend’s sister we’re talking about.”
“Leave it to me, Blakey.” Doing the math in her head, she figured even a bone dry engine wouldn’t cause too much trouble. “Hell, if you wanna bring her in earlier, we don’t have that much going on. Probably have it done before she has to leave for work.”
“I’ll offer but that depends on whether or not Weiss is out of her meeting. She’s… got a busy day today.”
“That’s fine, just let me know; I’ll take care of it myself, okay?”
“You got it.”
Shaking her head, Yang got back to work, absently greeting her sister when Ruby came in a bit later. She got completely lost in the project as time passed and hardly registered Zwei coming to lay at her feet, having spent the night with her sister. Although she took the brunt of his care, they agreed to share him between their respective apartments, both wanting their independence after working side-by-side all day but also not willing to give up their dog.
Unsurprisingly, he never complained.
“Hey, Rubes?” She called out when she reached a stopping point.
Looking over her shoulder, she flashed a smile. “Remind me to give Blake hell later. It’s been two years; she needs to marry that girlfriend of hers.”
Her sister laughed. “Will do!”
Penny bent over the little desk Mom got her, working to furiously finish the drawing she’d started before Mom put them both down for a nap. Even though she should’ve probably slept, she didn’t feel tired, so she snuck out of bed earlier to work on her drawing a little more. Mom probably wouldn’t like that if she knew; naps were so Mom could sleep without worrying about what she was doing, but Penny always got back into bed before Mom woke up or one of her Aunts arrived. Then, she’d pretend to wake up while Mom got ready for work. One day, Mom would let her stay awake while she slept, but until then, Mom needed to sleep as much as she could, regardless if she felt tired. As long as Mom didn’t wake up to find her out of bed, she wouldn’t get in trouble.
The doorbell rang and Mom went to answer it, meaning she probably didn’t have much time left. She really wanted to finish this one before Mom went to work.
She could hear Aunt Weiss’ voice, which was weird because usually she wouldn’t be here this early, unless they were having dinner together. Oh, maybe this was one of those special occasions where Aunt Blake’s work let her go home early and she was on her way!
“Sweetheart?” Mom came back into the room, wearing her work clothes and kneeling down. “Mom has to go to work early today.”
That was exactly the opposite of what she’d hoped, turning to look up with pleading eyes. “But Mom!”
She felt bad immediately, seeing the way Mom’s expression saddened as she coaxed Penny into a tight hug.
“I’m sorry, Sweetheart, but I have to drop my car off so it can get fixed. That means I have to leave early and I’ll be home late, but Aunt Weiss will watch over you, okay?” A kiss pressed against the side of her head and she tried not to cry. She didn’t like when Mom had to work more; she worked so much already. “Be good for Aunt Weiss.”
“I will.” Mom started to stand up but paused, obviously looking at the drawing. “It’s not done yet.”
“Can you tell me what is it?” Mom had that look in her eyes, the one that said she was a little bit worried but not in a way she’d be willing to talk about- at least not to her. Aunt Weiss would probably ask about it, though.
“It’s the house we’re going to get,” she said, pointing out the features proudly. “Here’s your room, and here’s my room, and Aunt Weiss and Aunt Blake have their own house over here, and we’re happy.”
Mom pointed to one of the other features. “What about here?”
“That’s the doghouse, ‘cause we’re going to have a dog one day, right Mom?” She’d seen a lot of dogs- people would walk them outside all the time- but she wasn’t allowed to get close. The only one she’d ever gotten to play with was Zwei, Yang’s nice dog, so she colored the dog house like that, black and white.
“One day. A big yard and a dog to play with, I promise.” Mom smiled and pressed another kiss to her forehead. “It’s a beautiful drawing; make sure you put it up on the fridge when it’s finished, okay?” 
“Okay. I love you, Mom.”
“I love you too, Sweetheart. Now, be good tonight and I’ll see you in the morning.” Standing up and wincing slightly, Mom left the room.
“Yes, Mom,” she replied, trying not to sound as sad as she felt. As much as she hoped they could have a house of their own one day, what she really wanted was her and Mom being able to stay home for a day. No work, no meetings, no waiting for someone to show up and ask her questions, just her and Mom.
And maybe a dog.
“Penny?” She looked up, trying to hide her frown away as her Aunt came into the room. However, Aunt Weiss always seemed to know when she was sad. “Come here. It’s okay.” Getting up from her desk, she went over and gave her Aunt a hug, feeling her fingers card through her hair soothingly. “You know Mom wishes she could be home more, right? She doesn’t want to leave you.”
“I know.” Penny hugged her Aunt even tighter.
Then, Aunt Weiss picked her up, rocking her gently while leaving the bedroom. “You know, when I was small, your Mom used to do this for me. We’ll curl up on the couch, watch cartoons, and in the morning, we’ll see about going for ice cream, the three of us.”
“Mom’s going to be tired, though.”
“Not if we meet her at the ice cream shop. Maybe Aunt Blake can join us, too.”
That brightened her mood slightly- at least enough that Aunt Weiss thought she was in favor of the plan. She still hoped one day Mom wouldn’t have to work but expected it to be a while yet before that dream could come true.
Yang cursed under her breath, leaning back from the engine and stretching her back. She’d just spent the better part of the past hour getting the rebuilt engine set back in place and hooking everything up properly and figured it’d be a good time for a break. Not only would her back thank her but she’d heard the jingle on the front door a few times, which meant they probably had a car or two waiting for something simple; with Blake handling the front office, Ruby had to do most of the parts running, which meant no one else was working on cars. Usually, they weren’t busy enough for it to be a problem, but business had picked up recently and she’d considered hiring a dedicated parts runner to keep up.
Grabbing the rag sticking out of her pocket, she started wiping her hands while striding towards the front office, whistling along to some pop song on the radio. All in all, a pretty good day; she’d knocked out a few inspections, oil changes, a tire rotation, installed a new muffler for a long time customer- while biting back the comment about how mufflers are supposed to make less noise, not that he intended for it of course- and almost had the engine rebuild done. In between running around, Ruby knocked out a few simple maintenance tickets, too. 
All in all, they were looking pretty good.
“Oh, hey, Rubes,” she said, pushing into the front office and casting a glance around. “Didn’t know you were- shit!”
Immediately, she dove behind the counter, flat on the ground, and crawled into the corner like she had barbed wire above her, drawing more than a curious glance from her sister.
“Yang, what are you doing?”
“Winter’s out there!”
“You remember, that lady with the kid I met in the park a few weeks ago? Her name was Winter- didn’t I tell you that?”
“No, actually, you didn’t, and you didn’t describe her beyond ‘really pretty and kinda terrifying when pissed’ which was all that seemed important at the time.” Ruby looked through the glass windows at the front of their shop. “And all I see are Blake and her girlfriend’s sister. At least, that’s who I assume is with her; Blake asked to go out to talk to her when she pulled up.”
“She hasn’t come in yet?”
“I don’t thinks so? I just got back from picking up that spoiler we ordered.” Silver eyes flicked up. “They’re both coming inside.”
“I’m not here!” Yang immediately tried to push herself up under the counter as best she could. She was going to chew Blake’s ears off after this; there’s no way the Faunus didn’t know who Yang was talking about, and suddenly that look she received afterwards made so much more sense, but no, of course she couldn’t give Yang a heads up, damnit.
Of course, there existed the possibility that, maybe, Winter wanted their paths to cross again, but she’d come to know her mischievous friend rather well by now and firmly believed Blake was up to no good.
“Hi, Blake!” Ruby waved, smiling bright as ever. “Is this the friend who needed the oil change?”
“Yeah, this is Weiss’ sister, Winter. Winter, this is Ruby, one of my bosses.” Oh, yeah, there was definitely a thread of ‘I know exactly what I’m doing’ in her voice.
“Nice to meet you,” the woman said, her voice sounding tight. “Thank you for giving Blake the time off to help me with this.”
“Oh, it’s no trouble at all!” Her sister leaned, not doing a good job of hiding her wince. “Is, uh, is that your car?”
“Yes. I’m aware it’s in need of maintenance but all I can afford right now is an oil change. Speaking of, what’s the projected cost for the oil and filter replacement?”
“Well, we do it at cost for employees, but Ya-”
“Would twenty suffice?” Before either employee could interject, she continued. “I’m not an employee; while I can accept a discount, I’ll not abuse your generosity.”
Yang cringed, already able to picture just how livid the woman must’ve been when the waitress brought her the bags of to-go food and told her the bill was already paid. This did not bode well.
“Uh, alright, we’ll, uh, settle you up tomorrow. We’ve got a spot, so it should be ready for pick up first thing.” Ruby accepted the keys and filled out a work order, asking a few more questions just for clarification purposes. “Hey, by the way, do you remember-” Alarm bells went off in her head as her hand shot out, lightly knocking against her sister’s ankle- enough to get her attention but not to leave a bruise, at least. “Ah! Uh, sorry, knee’s been bothering me recently. Do you remember what kind of oil you use? Synthetic or no?”
“Whichever’s cheapest.”
“Uh, right. Okay! And Blake’s taking you to work now, right?”
“Yeah, should be thirty minutes, depending on traffic,” Blake said. “Ready to go?”
“Of course.” Winter seemed to turn away from the counter. “Thank you again for this.”
“Oh, it’s no problem! And, Blake, mind looking over this order real quick? You might be able to grab the part on the way back.”
“Sure. I’ll meet you at the car.” The moment the door jingled, Yang started crawling her way out from under the counter but found herself looking up at one very smugly curious Faunus, who herself was leaning over to look down at her. “Really? You hid down there the whole time?”
“If someone had given a little warning, I would’ve hid in the back office!” Grumbling, she knelt behind the counter, not wanting to risk standing up quite yet. “What’s the idea, Blake? You knowshe said she didn’t want to see me again.”
“From her version of the story, she definitely didn’t say that; you offered it.” One brow rose before she leaned back, no longer laying across the countertop. “Anyway, I would’ve told you but you made it seem like you were going to forget the whole thing happened, so who am I to change your mind?”
“Bringing her here without any warning kinda says you’ve got an answer to that.” Yang scowled, crossing her arms over her chest. “Seriously, what gives?”
“Aside from the fact you two would actually make pretty good friends if you allowed it? Simple: my girlfriend’s sister needed an oil change and I work at an auto shop.” She shrugged. “How you two decide to handle the ‘it’s a small world’ thing is not my prerogative.” Her lips curled into a small smile. “Speaking of which, I have to get her to work now. Whether or not you ever talk to her, that’s on you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind!”
Although she'd remained silent on the whole situation thus far, something obviously bothered Ruby, something she wouldn't let go without remarking upon. “Uh, just… real quick, she doesn’t… let her daughter ride-”
“Oh, no, no one but Winter gets in that thing. It’s purely to get her to work and back; everywhere else, she walks.”
Yang raised a brow at her sister’s obvious relief, the door’s chime signalling Blake’s departure. “Let me know when they pull away.”
“Three, two, one- and you’re clear.”
Getting to her feet, she looked towards the parking lot prepared to ask which one belonged to Winter. However, given the options, she really didn’t have to ask. “What the fuck.”
“I’ve… seen worse.”
“Yeah, in a junkyard about to be scrapped.” She shook her head. “And even then, I’ve seen better.”
The body had large spots absolutely eaten away by rust. The doors and quarter panels were dented all to hell and the windshield had a crack all the way across it. Even at a distance, she could tell the rims were damaged and probably rusted as well, not to mention the absent grill. 
“Maybe it doesn’t look so bad under the hood?”
“I doubt that.” Snatching the keys, she went outside with her sister trailing a step or two behind. Popping the hood, both of them groaned. The timing belt looked like it was seconds away from snapping, what looked to be some manner of corrosion leaked from the battery, the whole thing smelled like burnt oil and probably coolant, and she could see where an improper attachment on the belt was rubbing what looked to be the radiator hose raw. “Holy shit.”
“She drives this?” Her sister ran a hand through her hair, the other perching on her shoulder. “This is- this is a rolling death trap.”
“Wait, you smell that?” Inhaling deeply, she got down on her knees and looked beneath the vehicle, cringing immediately. “Damnit, there’s a gas leak. It’s small, but it’s there, probably a hole in the line.” Sitting back on her heels, she drug a hand down her face. “Ruby, we can’t let her drive this thing away with only an oil change.”
“Yang, think about this; we could lose our license doing work that wasn’t approved.” Her sister furrowed her brows, lips pressing into a thin line. “I mean, I’m all for it, absolutely, but we gotta be smart about this.”
“Right, you’re right. Lightly used parts, give ‘em a grunge look so they won’t look too out of place.” She leaned towards the side, looking at the tires. Absolutely no treads. “Think we could sneak on some new tires?”
“Part of me says ‘not any I’d feel comfortable with’ and the other part says ‘anything’s better than those’.” Looking back at their shop, she sister started running everything through. “I might have an idea… but all this work-”
“Take my share to cover it; I’ve got a cushion,” she said, immediately banishing any considerations for the amount of lien they’d need to pull this off. “Whatever thought you’re having, run with it.”
“Let’s start copying down sizes; as soon as Blake gets back, I’m making a run, but I can make a few calls first.” A growl. “By the time I get back, though...”
“I’ll handle it.” She looked up at Ruby. “I promised Blake I’d do the work myself. We’ll be ready to rock by sunup.” Then, a laugh. “Would be great if we had a parts runner though, huh?”
“We’ve got someone coming in tomorrow morning for interview,” her sister replied, silently acknowledging that didn’t help them in the slightest at present.
“Well, let’s start moving; I’ll get this pulled into the second bay.” She got to her feet, dusting off her hands. “I think I see something on the front axle I want to take a better look at.”
“Don’t go overboard, remember-”
“Hey, remember who you’re talking to here!”
“The lady our customer met in a park, who kinda sorta bullied her into taking a bunch of food home for free?” Ruby raised a brow. “This is the same woman you hid under the counter from, remember?”
Ah, that was a point. “... right. Sneaky and subtle.”
“Who knows.” A grin. “Maybe we can turn her into a repeat customer, do a little bit at a time.”
Yang wasn’t so sure about that- mainly because she didn’t want to spend random days hiding under the counter of her own shop. Plus, they might be able to buy some time and maybe avoid a catastrophic failure, but they weren’t miracle workers.
Winter winced, leaning down to rub at her knee briefly. During that last move, something knocked against it- either a cart or a furniture box she hadn’t seen- and would leave a sizable bruise come tomorrow, but she couldn’t concern herself with that at present. She still had another two hours before quitting time and several more large furniture boxes to move. They had about ten more on the truck they were busy unloading and hopes to get the next one started before the following shift came to relieve them.
Straightening, she plastered on an indifferent expression before turning to face the team’s supervisor. “Yes, Sir?”
“For the last time, this isn’t the damn military,” he said, sighing while looking over his clipboard. “And, I’m afraid I have some bad news. They’re coming down pretty hard on us about the overtime, so we’re going to have to put you on a full forty, but nothing over that.”
For a moment, her heart skipped a beat in her chest. “Sir, with respect-”
“Listen, I know, this isn’t ideal for anybody.” To his credit, he looked genuinely upset having to inform her, rubbing at the back of his neck subconsciously. “You’re one of the hardest workers we’ve got on payroll, and I know you’ve got your little girl to think about, but it is what it is.”
“I understand,” she replied, nodding stiffly before moving to rejoin her team, their short break already over. Without the overtime, she’d be even more hard pressed to find ways to make ends meet. Although she’d have more time, her only option seemed to be finding a secondary source of income, and hope it fell into a similar time slot. That, and she’d likely have to dip into what little she’d managed to save up over the past five years.
Briefly, Penny’s drawing from earlier flashed in her mind, and the weight of the world bearing down on her seemed even heavier than before.
Yet, she couldn’t allow it to own her. No matter the trials ahead, she’d chosen her path and refused to back down. After she finished her shift, she’d ask Blake to help her look around for some work, perhaps pick up a few applications on the way to get her car.
Yang downed her upteenth cup of coffee, starting to feel a strange buzzing sensation in her fingertips as the overindulgence in caffeine promised one hell of a crash in a few hours. She could worry about that later; right now, she had the last touches to put on Winter’s car.
After pulling it into the garage and giving it a thorough inspection, she’d nearly lost her mind. The fact the whole thing hadn’t fallen apart or suffered a severe mechanical failure defied her knowledge, seemingly held together by bubblegum and hopes. Compiling the parts list alone took the better part of an hour, during which she’d knocked out the other customers they’d gotten- nothing major, good busy work for her hands- and put everything else off to the following morning. Then, she took what parts they had and got to work, replacing what she could and pulling out everything that they needed to find, allowing Ruby to put together a list.
Replacing the engine- with a more functional one, even if it looked about as old- took the better part of the night and replacing the gas line gave her a headache but she’d gotten most of the work done. Looking under the hood, it looked almost as bad as when they first popped it, but a trained eye could see the obvious improvements. Add to that a new oil filter and all she really had left was replacing all the fluids and trying to crank it. She had one shot to make this work; with sunrise on the horizon, she didn’t have an abundance of time for trouble shooting.
“Come on, baby,” she said, setting aside the coffee cup and wiping at the sweat on her face. “Let’s hear you roar.”
Grabbing the oil and a jug of coolant, she went about the final step with the constant thought that, as long as they didn’t get caught, they’d done some great work.
If they got caught, though, it might be her license on the line- she’d been sure to usher Blake and Ruby out of the garage without explaining further, just for plausible deniability purposes. As much as she hated playing the legal game, she wasn’t a fool.
Well, at least, not by her estimations.
On the way to the auto shop, Winter tried to focus on the positive side of things. Soon, she’d be back home, and Penny would greet her like she was the most important person in the world, and all the bad things would just… slide away.
“I’m sure I can ask for a day off soon, if you need some time-”
“Thank you, Blake, but this is already an imposition,” she said, biting back the anger her wounded pride sparked. “I’ll fill out the applications today and drop them tonight on my way into work. I’ll… find something.”
“Have you considered trying for something at the bank or-”
“I’m afraid I don’t have the luxury of looking for a job I want. Right now, I need a job as desperately as someone needs an employee.” Two fingers rubbed at her temple. “I just need to find that connection.”
“If you say so,” Blake replied, ceding the argument quickly. 
She felt a touch of remorse- the Faunus only ever tried to help, much like her sister- but neither could fix her many problems. While she took their suggestions to heart, the years spent in Vale looking for any manner of job that could pay her bills and provide her more time with Penny taught her that it was an endeavor that required more energy and time than she typically possessed. However, she would try again, on the off chance something had opened up.
Pulling up to the auto shop, she spotted her car sitting in the lot, in a different space than she’d parked it. Hopefully, that meant the work was completed and a quick payment meant she’d be well on her way home. If she had just a bit more luck, she might even get to spend another day drawing or watching cartoons.
Rubbing at her eyes, she entered the shop after Blake, once again finding the young woman she’d dealt with the day before. Idly, she wondered how many red undershirts a person could own, seeing as she definitely had on a slightly different shade than the day before; while the coveralls might be part of the shop’s uniform, the undershirt didn’t seem to be.
“Oh, hey Blake! And Winter!” Something about the woman’s smile seemed nervous as she retrieved a folder with the paperwork from the day before. “Long night?”
“You could say that.” Pulling out her wallet, she grabbed the twenty lien card she handed it over while accepting her keys back. “That’s what we agreed upon, correct?”
“Uh, well, I’d really rather charge you fifteen, if that’s okay.”
Summoning her willpower, she let out a short sigh. “Fine. Fifteen lien.”
“With a five lien tip.” She raised a brow. “That won’t be a problem, will it?”
“Uh, heh, no, I- I guess not.” Silver eyes looked away as she frowned- Ruby, that was her name. 
“Understand, I appreciate your… generosity.” Again, her pride tickled; a stubborn thing that refused to let her accept the help she obviously needed. At the same time, one could hardly blame her. “But I know this was a favor and I’ll not take advantage of that.”
“I get it.” Ruby smiled and shrugged. “Points for trying though, right?”
She gave a small smile in response. “Thank you again, both of you. I’ll see you later, Blake. I’ll be sure to give Weiss your love.”
Exiting the shop, Winter did her best to keep her mind engaged, not wanting exhaustion to make her careless on the drive home. The moment she turned over her car, however, she noticed something.
The air conditioner kicked on. She had to double check to be sure, blinking a few times and putting her hands over the vents. Neither the AC nor heat had worked since she’d gotten the damn thing. Why would it work now?
Getting out, she popped the hood and lifted it up, narrowing her eyes as she studied the components. She couldn’t be sure, but it all looked… different. A bit shinier, as if some parts were cleaned up, which made enough sense if someone spent a suitable time elbow deep in it… but it looked like more than that. She felt certain it didn’t look like this the morning before.
And then the obvious answer smacked her in the face.
Letting the hood fall shut, she turned around and marched back inside the auto shop, two sides warring within her mind. On the one hand, she’d been keenly aware her vehicle needed a fair amount of work and she was grateful the mechanic saw fit to do it. However, she couldn’t possiblyafford it, and if Blake had tried slipping one past her, she wouldn’t be accused to taking advantage of someone’s kindness. They’d already done enough to help her.
The moment she pulled the door open- sharply, causing the chime to sound out- she noticed the Faunus’ earnest confusion with her return. “Winter? Something wrong?”
“Bring Ruby back here, now,” she said, setting her hands on the counter and curling them into fists. 
She wasn’t angry, per se- it wasn’t that she valued her pride above her sense. Winter simply understood that those who helped her put themselves at a disadvantage and had neither the strength nor the patience to deal with a stranger potentially setting up a debt without her knowing. She’d spent far too much of her life being put in that position, being tricked into feeling like she owed something to someone other than herself- her loyalty, her time, her energy, her very life. Reclaiming it was the first step to finding freedom and she’d not make those mistakes again lightly.
Without Blake having to do much of anything, she could see Ruby take note of her return and hurry across the garage, plastering on a smile that seemed a touch too wide to be sincere as she opened the door. “Oh, uh, something wrong?”
“How much work did you do on my car?”
“Well, we did the oil change and replaced the filter.”
“And what else?” Her gaze flicked over to Blake, who suddenly stiffened and moved a bit away, as if absolving herself from whatever decisions her boss made. “I can tell a lot more work’s been done than I asked and I-”
Suddenly, she felt a small bit of pressure against her leg and looked down to find a dog swatting at her pants.
A very… familiar dog.
And suddenly, it all made sense.
“Hello, Zwei,” she said, reaching down to pet the dog’s head. Then, she rounded on Ruby. “Where is she?”
The woman looked like she might try to make an excuse for all of two seconds before sighing and hanging her head in defeat. “She’s in the garage office- but it wasn’t-”
Winter held up a finger, stopping all manner of excuses while stepping around the counter and heading into the garage. Finding the office didn’t pose too much of a problem, seeing as only one door seemed to lead to an area, and she opened it with every intention of getting to the bottom of the whole issue.
The words caught in her throat, however, when she found Yang- the same woman she’d met in the park a few weeks ago- slumped over the cluttered desk, soundly asleep and snoring softly. She had all manner of grease and oil on her face and arms, even some in her hair, and her coveralls were pulled down and tied off at her waist. The yellow tank top she wore clearly was clearly stained with drying sweat and dirty from work but it looked like Yang hardly had the energy to sit in the chair much less change, considering the cot a few feet away.
Then, blue eyes fell on the few photographs in frames. One was of a family, she assumed: mother with a soft, round face like Ruby’s and father with the same wild hair and wide grin as Yang, plus a little blonde girl and a baby swaddled in blankets, standing in front of a house out in the woods. Another of the same man but with younger versions of Yang and Ruby, their manner of dress clearly indicating the former had just graduated- either from high school or trade school, it was difficult to say. A third, the two sisters standing in front of the auto shop, their father nowhere to be seen.
“Because I was your kid!”
Silently, Winter stepped closer and, with all the care she could muster, picked Yang up from the chair. The woman hardly moved, obviously exhausted from her night of unexpected work, and that made it all the easier to lay her down on the cot and draw the thin, well worn blanket over her without rousing her from slumber.
They’d talked about it, briefly, during that morning, how Yang had grown up in a single parent household. She’d neglected to mention her father beyond that and never in the present tense. Winter hadn’t thought much of it until now.
Going over to the desk, she found a scrap of paper that seemed more or less unused and disposable and penned out a quick message, taking it with her as she returned to the front office, where both Ruby and Blake seemed nervous.
“She’s asleep,” Winter said as means of explanation, handing over the paper. “Give this to her when she awakens. And Blake?” Breathing in deeply, she let it out slowly. “Did you know?”
“I had a hunch,” the Faunus replied, crossing her arms over her chest. “Neither of you mentioned names and I didn’t clarify, but aside from the previous meeting, I didn't know anything.”
“Did she know?”
“She, uh, hid under the counter when you walked in.” Ruby offered with a weak smile. “She… reallythought you didn’t want to see her again.”
Reaching up, she rubbed at her temple. “Be sure you give her that. And thank you, for all the work done on my car. I know it needed some… serious repairs.” Her gaze snapped over to Blake. “Weisswill deal with you tonight.”
Winter turned, ready to head out of the shop without waiting for another word from either of them, but found herself nearly bumping into a redhead just an inch or two shorter than her. 
“Sorry!” Sparkling emerald eyes shone with sincerity as she stepped back. “I’m here for the interview.”
For a moment, her tired brain didn’t connect the dots, until she remembered her work uniform- a similar set of coveralls- closely mimicked that of the two employees and moved aside. “I believe she’s the one you want to talk to and… good luck.” She glanced back at the other two. “They take care of people here.”
Then, she left, intent only on getting home, seeing her daughter, and talking to her sister.
She didn’t plan on the Faunus getting in trouble, of course- obviously she’d kept the details vague for plausible deniability purposes- but she fully intended on having a serious conversation with Weiss about this. Penny would be willing to give them a bit of space to have that talk, hopefully, and they could discuss the whole situation. 
Because what bothered her the most about the whole ordeal was just… the warring sensations of constantly being in debt to Yang- this stranger she didn’t know beyond a few details- and the acknowledgement that the woman probably didn’t see it as such. A proper discussion to work out some manner of compensation would’ve been vastly preferable to driving away with so much unsaid but she wouldn’t interrupt much needed sleep for the purpose of mollifying her own pride.
Plus… she needed to see if her sister happened to have any sort of tips for making a home cooked meal.
Yang stretched her arms over her head, yawning while slipping out of the garage office. She’d need to thank Blake and Ruby; it must’ve been a chore moving her from the chair to the cot they kept for emergencies but her back appreciated it. Absently, she reached down to pat Zwei’s head while walking over to where her sister stood in front of a minivan, elbow deep in changing the timing belt.
“Hey, Rubes,” she said, chuckling slightly as her sister jumped. “Easy, killer. Just wanted to say thanks for moving me; that chair is not comfortable for sleeping.”
“Oh! Uh. So. I have some news. About that, specifically.” She raised a brow, confused by Ruby’s sudden nervousness. “I didn’t move you.”
“Then, who-”
“Winter did.” Fishing into one of her pockets, she pulled out a piece of paper even as the bottom dropped out of Yang’s stomach. “She noticed we did a bit more work on her car, came inside to interrogate me about it, recognized Zwei, and… went into the garage office. When she came back, she told me to give you this when you woke up.”
Hesitantly, she took the paper in her hands and read the tiny, neat cursive.
I owe you dinner. This is not optional. Call me.
And then a number.
“Oh, shit.” She ran a hand through her hair and winced. “Was she, uh… you know. Mad?”
“I… you know, it’s really hard to tell with her, but I don’t think so? She told Pyrrha we take care of people, so I’m pretty sure there’s no hard feelings.”
“Yeah, our, uh, new parts runner. Her interview was this morning, remember?”
“Oh, right. Sorry, brain’s a little scrambled.” Dragging a hand down her face, she let out a deep sigh. “Guess I have to call her… is Blake in trouble?”
Ruby winced. “Jury’s still out on that.”
“Great.” Shrugging, she looked at the piece of paper again. “Think I should call now or wait?”
“Blake said she usually wakes up in about an hour.”
“Wait it is.” Tucking it into her pocket, she looked around the garage. “Got something small I can do in the meantime?” 
“There’s an inspection waiting outside. Think you can grab it?”
“Done.” Anxiety lurked in the back of her mind but she realized there was nothing to do but wait.
Wait and hope.
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Mandy Living Life - Tips For Traveling In Europe
<p> Medication is {usually|normally|often} screened by X-ray; {however|nevertheless|nonetheless}, if a passenger <A href="https://www.safetravel.govt.nz/quick-checklist-and-tips">{does not|doesn't}</A> {want a|desire a|need a} {medication|medicine|remedy|treatment} X-rayed, {he or she|she or he} {may|could|might} ask for an inspection {instead|as a substitute|as an alternative}. However, in {the best|one of the best|the most effective|the perfect|the very best} {interests|pursuits} of securing low {cheap|low cost|low-cost} airfare {don't|do not} even {think|assume|suppose} about travelling on a Monday, or a Friday . Never, ever, {book|e book|e-book|ebook|guide} your flight over the weekend , neither {book|e book|e-book|ebook|guide} on a Monday or a Friday as these are {the most|essentially the most|probably the most} {expensive|costly} days to {book|e book|e-book|ebook|guide}. Lowering them {further|additional} on Wednesday {evening|night} {until|till} Thursday afternoon when {they will|they are going to|they may|they'll} {start|begin} {to raise|to boost|to lift} them {once|as soon as} {again|once more}, peaking on Friday {through|by|by means of|by way of|via} Monday. {The best|One of the best|The most effective|The perfect|The very best} day and time to {book|e book|e-book|ebook|guide} is on a Wednesday after 10.00pm {but|however} {before|earlier than} 10.00am on Thursday ({preferably|ideally} {before|earlier than} 8.00am if {you can|you may|you possibly can|you'll be able to} {make the effort|make an effort|take some time|take the time} to get out of your {bed|mattress} - {it's|it is} {sure|certain|positive} {worth|price|value} your time). One {final|closing|last|remaining|ultimate} {point|level}: {If you are|If you're|In case you are} {considering|contemplating} flying {during|throughout} {the next|the following|the subsequent} month, {make sure you|be sure to|be sure you|ensure you} {book|e book|e-book|ebook|guide} {just|simply} after the {7th|seventh} of the month as {airlines|airways} readjust their {inventory|stock} {around|round} this time. {I am|I'm} a frequent traveler and {always|all the time|at all times} {tell|inform} {people|folks|individuals} to {almost|nearly|virtually} {exclusively|completely|solely} use {budget|finances|funds|price range} {airlines|airways}. Travel alarm/wristwatch. {Most people|Most individuals} will use their {phone|cellphone|telephone} {but|however} {I recommend|I like to recommend} {buying|shopping for} {an inexpensive|a cheap|a reasonable|an affordable} watch {that can|that may} set an alarm and {shows|exhibits|reveals} {multiple|a number of} {times|instances|occasions} as a backup.</p> <p> If {you are a|you're a} frequent {business|enterprise} or leisure traveller, {you can|you may|you possibly can|you'll be able to} {efficiently|effectively} handle such unnerving {situations|conditions} with an {adequate|ample|enough|satisfactory|sufficient} annual {travel|journey} {cover|cowl}. {You can|You may|You possibly can|You'll be able to} {travel|journey} {with your|along with your|together with your} {medication|medicine|remedy|treatment} in {both|each} carry-on and checked baggage. This {should be|must be|needs to be|ought to be} {the most|essentially the most|probably the most} {seriously|critically|severely|significantly} {followed|adopted} Czech Republic {travel|journey} tip. The aforementioned tip {is due to|is because of} {the way|the best way|the way in which} {airlines|airways} {adjust|alter|modify|regulate} their flight {prices|costs}. Also, {sign up for|join} the rewards and frequent flyer {programs|applications|packages} on {all of the|all the|the entire} {airlines|airways}. Visit airline {websites|web sites} (not {agents|brokers}) and {sign up|enroll|join} {for their|for his or her} {newsletter|e-newsletter|publication} or frequent flyer {programs|applications|packages}. Beaches: People {visit|go to} beaches {year|12 months|yr}-{round|spherical}, {but|however} search demand is highest {during the|in the course of the|through the|throughout the} winter months {through|by|by means of|by way of|via} spring. Sit and eat {at the|on the} bar to strike up conversations with {other|different} {people|folks|individuals} {traveling|touring} or {eating|consuming} solo. Both {provide|present} {education|schooling|training} and {resources|assets|sources} for {people|folks|individuals} {at all|in any respect} {levels|ranges} of {experience|expertise} and conduct annual and regional {events|occasions}. Weather in Scotland can change {very quickly|in a short time}, {and there is a|and there's a} saying that in Scotland {you can|you may|you possibly can|you'll be able to} {experience|expertise} all {four|4} seasons in {one day|at some point|in the future|someday|sooner or later}. Avoid {allowing|permitting} {anyone|anybody} in your {party|celebration|get together|occasion|social gathering} {to show|to indicate|to point out} up for the flight {still|nonetheless} inebriated; there are few {easier|simpler} {ways|methods} to get booted off a {plane|aircraft|airplane}. Gone are {the days|the times} when flirting with the desk agent or {causing|inflicting} a scene {would be|can be|could be} {enough|sufficient} to get you upgraded.</p> <p> A hangover is unpleasant {enough|sufficient} {on its own|by itself}; suffering {through|by|by means of|by way of|via} it {while|whereas} crammed into an {economy|economic system|financial system}-class seat on a bumpy flight surrounded by strangers is misery. Call the airport {ahead|forward} of time to {receive|obtain} your seat {assignment|project|task}. This {may be|could also be} billed as “the most {wonderful|fantastic|great} time of the {year|12 months|yr},” {but the|however the} stress of {traveling|touring} over {the holidays|the vacations} can {turn|flip} {anyone|anybody} {into a|right into a} Grinch. But taking the bus can {turn out to be|become|change into|develop into|grow to be|transform|turn into} {quite|fairly} an {experience|expertise}, {don't be|do not be} afraid and {make sure you|be sure to|be sure you|ensure you} {budget|finances|funds|price range} the time for the {trip|journey} as {it can|it could|it could actually|it could possibly|it may|it may possibly|it may well|it might|it might probably|it will possibly|it will probably} take {3|three} {times|instances|occasions} {the amount|the quantity} to get there over taking a taxi. But {a lot|loads|lots|quite a bit|rather a lot|so much|too much} has {changed|modified}, even in {a short time|a short while}. Long {lines|strains|traces}. Short tempers. {I will|I'll} delete the {name|identify|title} of this {company|firm} as my {source|supply} {of information|of data|of knowledge} {in this|on this} hub. Great Hub. {I did not|I didn't} know {you could|you can|you could possibly|you may|you might|you possibly can|you would} see the Northern lights from Scotland. See {point|level} 6. of {this article|this text} for {more|extra} {information|data|info}. See you {next|subsequent} Tuesday with {more|extra} {travel|journey} {tips|ideas|suggestions}!</p> <p> Whether {this means|this implies} {keeping|conserving|holding|maintaining|preserving|protecting|retaining} your {travel|journey} plans {private|non-public|personal} from the taxi driver or not letting {other|different} {hotel|lodge|resort} {guests|company|friends|visitors} overhear your room {number|quantity}, it’s {important|essential|necessary|vital} {to make sure|to ensure|to verify} {you are|you might be|you're} {conscious|acutely aware|aware} of your surroundings. An {important|essential|necessary|vital} {point|level} {here|right here} is to state your parameters and preferences as {you don't|you do not} {want to|need to|wish to} be getting alerts {which are not|which aren't} {relevant|related} to your flying plans. We've {got|acquired|bought|obtained|received} you. {Want to|Need to|Wish to} {know how|know the way|understand how} {to score|to attain} free booze {on your|in your} flight? {If you want to|If you wish to} {avoid|keep away from} any {chance|likelihood|probability} {that you|that you just|that you simply} aren’t doing it {right|proper}, {you can get|you may get|you will get} {professional|skilled} passport {photos|images|photographs|pictures} taken at Wal-Mart or Costco for {a reasonable|an affordable|an inexpensive} {price|value|worth}. Once on the {list|checklist|listing|record} {you will|you'll} {occasionally|often|sometimes} get {offers|affords|gives|presents|provides} and {discounts|reductions} emailed to you. Don't underestimate {the power|the ability|the facility} of this {strategy|technique} as like {everyone|everybody} else, airline {marketing|advertising|advertising and marketing} departments have {sales|gross sales} targets {to meet|to fulfill|to satisfy} {and will|and can} {often|typically|usually} keep {red|crimson|pink|purple} {hot|scorching|sizzling} promotion codes to themselves to mail to their {list|checklist|listing|record}.</p> <div style="clear:both; text-align:center">{<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/eNdzudrce24?rel=0&playsinline=1&showinfo=0&modestbranding=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="Trave"></iframe>|<iframe width='640' height='360' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/LyeF7xn-6MY?showinfo=0&rel=0' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen title='Cheap'></iframe>|<iframe width='640' height='360' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/8MbmsN5mANk?rel=0&showinfo=0&modestbranding=1' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen title='Backpacking'></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/g_A4jBo2I3Y?showinfo=0&rel=0&modestbranding=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="travel tip tuesday"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8Lyy__NdSjg?playsinline=1&rel=0&modestbranding=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="How To Pack Smart - Traveling Advice!"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Rf2MuKd3tNA?rel=0&modestbranding=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="10 travel tips"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/NaLPhS0O3yM?rel=0&showinfo=0&modestbranding=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="How to pack a hand bag for"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/vCQE-D6AqNY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="10 Essential"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/731AIw7Cm8U?showinfo=0&modestbranding=1&iv_load_policy=3" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="10 Travel Tips: Packing for Jamaica - Annesha Adams"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JzQDQ4F3_Cs?showinfo=0&modestbranding=1&fs=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="Russia: Tips, Tricks and Travel Learning Russian"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/1E4WgGkWmbc?modestbranding=1&showinfo=0&rel=0&cc_load_policy=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="33"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZsmninUZqro?cc_load_policy=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="How to Use"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/YRC_I-h4a2k?rel=0&showinfo=0&disablekb=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="10 travel tips"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ewyOSFoJBVU?showinfo=0&modestbranding=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="11 HOURS ON A PLANE! (long haul flight"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/-IIxGPb0WYE?disablekb=1&modestbranding=1&color=white" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="26"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Y7lkJzV7Oy4?modestbranding=1&iv_load_policy=3" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="Russia: Tips, Tricks and Travel: Down time at the ‘dacha’"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/aq43IpPMW10?rel=0&fs=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="5 travel tips"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/jH7mMjcnNOw?showinfo=0&rel=0&color=white" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="Top"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/qopk6vnXSDc?rel=0&modestbranding=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="How To Get From The Airport To The City of Santiago:"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JdzXiw1Xyy4?showinfo=0&playsinline=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="5 travel tips"></iframe>}</div><p> Resist the temptation {to keep|to maintain} them {going on|happening|occurring} {a long|a protracted|an extended} journey by feeding them sweets. With {high|excessive} {speed|pace|velocity} trains and slick operators the journey {is possible|is feasible} in {one day|at some point|in the future|someday|sooner or later} - {if you|for those who|if you happen to|in case you|in the event you|should you|when you} set off early {enough|sufficient}. Purchase your ticket as {soon|quickly} as {possible|attainable|doable|potential} - Fares {often|typically|usually} {start|begin} {increasing|growing|rising} 21 days {before|earlier than} the flight. Finding cheaper air fares is a bit like {looking for|in search of|on the lookout for|searching for} the Holy Grail - {pretty much|just about} {impossible|inconceivable|not possible|unattainable|unimaginable}, {because|as a result of} {the reality|the fact|the truth} is that {the cheapest|the most affordable|the most cost effective} air fare ticket {doesn't|does not|would not} {actually|really|truly} exist, per se. Okay, so there are some {things|issues} about retirement that {can be a|could be a|generally is a|is usually a} {bit of|little bit of} a grind. Fortunately, there are {a few|a couple of|a number of|just a few} {ways|methods} {to prevent|to forestall|to stop} this {problem|downside|drawback}. Generally {speaking|talking} {they will|they are going to|they may|they'll} {raise|elevate|increase} them on a Friday, {leave|depart|go away} them riding {high|excessive} all weekend and if {sales|gross sales} are {slow|gradual|sluggish} {they will|they are going to|they may|they'll} {lower|decrease} them on Monday morning. Your {ultra|extremely}-organized plan to wrap {all your|all of your} presents {before|earlier than} you {leave|depart|go away} {could|may|might} backfire if airport {security|safety} sees {something|one thing} suspicious on the X-ray and rips into your pristine wrapping job to take {a closer|a better|a more in-depth} look. Is there a {way|approach|manner|means|method} for airport parking in Chicago to be stress free?</p>
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About SEO Tools
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Beyond the basics, there are methods that can lend a major assist to your SEO game. SEO professionals have many ways of doing this. Within the SEO industry, methods tend to fall under “Black-Hat”, “Gray-Hat” or “White-Hat” practices.
SEO Methods:
You don’t want to talk to the man in the black, or gray hat. Black-hat SEO is all about tricking Google’s algorithm by attempting to improve your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION performance without actually adding real value to your site. In other words, it’s the shortcut attempt. As Ali Husayni, CEO of Millionairium puts it, “Black-hat SEO is like robbing the bank. It’s exciting. It’s fast. You get results quickly. But the risk is that your site will get killed in the process – sooner or later. So would your content and domain. Then you have to start over again. ” Don’t try to outsmart Google’s algorithm. Work with it. Applying best practices like those found in this article is known as “White-Hat”. By making your site more useful and usable, you achieve honest, long-term gains. Content Clustering:
Content Clustering is a way to optimize SEO within your own site by leveraging Google’s rewarding of niche content. You choose a content piece to be the pillar, the piece from which others will be developed. Once you have your pillar piece, you create cluster content that is spun off from the pillar piece’s content, much like subtopics. The pillar piece links to the cluster pieces and the cluster content links back to the pillar piece. As one or more of the articles performs well, so do the others thanks to the link within the pieces. This causes a larger boost than just one high performing, unlinked article. Preemptive SEO Did the title of this article have you double-checking your calendar? If so, you unconsciously noted an example of Preemptive SEO. What is Preemptive SEO and why should you do it? This is akin to the “big fish, small pond” and it’s counter-reality. A lot of articles and blogs are written with trends in mind. However , there are a whole lot of marketers out there who jump on the same trends at the same time. This creates a lot of competition around content geared toward the same trends. Preemptive SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION calls for you to think ahead. While trying to predict the next big trend is great if you are able, something as simple as including an advanced year in the title can make a big difference.
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Google Plus and Google SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING Tools Long seen as the forgettable social media platform, Google Plus is a great way to see major gains in your SEO performance. Google rewards your site when you use Google Plus. The best way to do this is to paste all the social media content you post elsewhere for your business into Google Plus along with a link to your site. The reason you do not need to be overly concerned about using unique content material here is that it’s not a popular platform. In other words, this is almost purely targeted to Google and not to your audience. Although, you never know, you may gain some new exposure here, too. Google rewards your site for using Google tools. Lucky for you, many of the Google tools are not only free, they are extremely useful in helping you manage your site and SEO performance. Checkout Google Search Console and Google Business for a start. Hire the Pros Running a business is time-consuming and challenging. Therefore is SEO. Not only is SEO an incredibly complex, layered topic, it is also constantly evolving and changing. Many business owners find that hiring a team of WEB OPTIMIZATION experts saves them time and gets them far superior results. If you feel this may be the best option for you and your business, go with a pay-per-lead company. This way, you are only paying for results, not promises. I hope you found these tips useful. Implementing these will help boost your SEO performance now and into next year. If you would like to read more about SEO best practices and the changes it has undergone, please check out this excellent piece from August. SEO PowerSuite is a package which can help you with each factor of SEO to enable you to improve the search results overall performance of one's web site. This particular SEO PowerSuite review provides you with an in depth information with the benefits and features provided by SEO PowerSuite. Link Assistant will be building particular marketing take care of extraordinary financial savings in SEO PowerSuite. Obtain the expert model for less than $249 as well as the business version pertaining to $599. That is $150 over specialized along with $400 over the venture. Employ this specific link with regard to exclusive access to these kinds of small amount of time discounts... SEO PowerSuite Discount Code About SEO Search engine optimization is the scientific disciplines and art a part of ensuring that your site charges highly inside search engine results pages (Search engines) for that given question. It is absolutely vital, which is a brand new well-known fact that your clientele who transform greatest are the ones which come across your site on a normal internet search engine issue. This can be called "organic visitors. Inch In spite of your purpose inside wanting a lot of website visitors for your site and even blog, you need to you should remember the best viewers tend to be organic search motor website visitors. The beauty of SEO is the fact once your site and even blog benefit ground, the benefit the idea purchased from the search engine optimization surgery is pretty much long term. Employing advertising, you need to preserve paying for your website visitors; with search engine marketing, you get more and more targeted traffic plus it gets increasingly less expensive because website's standing increases. This is where SEO PowerSuite also comes in: SEO PowerSuite will offer a huge improve to get a search engine optimization functions. SEO PowerSuite Features SEO PowerSuite adopts any four-pronged technique of SEO and consequently consists of four unique programs: Rank Tracker, Website Auditor, SEO Spyglass and Link Assistant. They have got chose to make this bundle to pay almost all expert SEO requirements however they furthermore market the particular every software application independently. Website Auditor Website Auditor will be the 2nd system involving SEO PowerSuite. That works a detailed study of your respective website's information to find out how search-engine-friendly it can be. Amongst other things, Website Auditor will explain regarding key phrase occurrence as well as other SEO-related info that will assist you along with on-page optimisation. In addition , Website Auditor will certainly conduct exactly the same evaluation to your top ten rivals, to enable you to deliver your current site's content material up to date together with your rivals regarding SEO. One of many strategies of WEBSITE POSITIONING is to assess precisely why and how your rivals are performing properly after which accomplish exactly the same issue however better. SEO PowerSuite is an very helpful tool through this kind of SEO strategy. If you would like to understand more about this effective auditing request, you can visit this specific Website Auditor Review while keeping focused an in depth dysfunction. SEO Spyglass The 3rd Factor towards the SEO PowerSuite Another portion of SEO PowerSuite is actually SEO Spyglass. This particular computer software may perform potent evaluation associated with just how the competition are executing so effectively inside search engines. WEBSITE SEO Spyglass will quickly realize out how many back-links every single competitor gives, that websites web address to the present competitor in addition to, most importantly, exactly what anchor-text these back links employ. The actual anchor-text from the hyperlink is only the words and phrases that make up the link. Anchortext is vital exploring serp optimization, because Google and other search engines use anchor text to decide precisely what the target page is just about. This is why links her or his anchor text is "click here" won't be as helpful due to the fact those that have directly suitable anchor text. SEO Spyglass will give you all of this information about your competitors and more. In this way you'll comprehend specifically what to do to connect and also outrank your current web opponents. Find out about the competition and focus this specific SEO Spyglass Evaluation, ideally you're able to that very first. Rank System Performance involving Rank Tracker... Rank Tracker features a detailed investigation related to how your site is executing in the search engines much like yahoo. It works a totally automated evaluation that can save you a whole lot regarding moment. If you have ever accomplished your own personal search engine optimization, you should understand that the essential job should be to perform worries looking engines on the key phrases and see exactly how nicely your posts, as well as other web pages, do. When your website is just not undertaking too within the engines like google, this exercises are shateringly tedious, once you should find your site listed far from best, and manually researching all those position seeking results pages is to be sincere a waste of time when you're able to avoid it. SEARCH ENGINE RANKING OPTIMIZATION PowerSuite's Rank Tracker might all of this for you. In this way you know how you are doing and likewise, more importantly, once SEO PowerSuite really starts to produce that it is SEO most recent results for your web site, Rank Tracker will reveal precisely how your search serp standing is actually bettering. The opposite valuable function involving Rank Tracker is always that it is going to warn anyone associated with any worthwhile keyword phrases that you may have have missed. In this way you can develop search-engine-optimized info specifically for these key terms and then employ SEO PowerSuite's functions to ensure that those same pages achieve the search engines.
To learn more, pay a visit to this Rank Tracker Review as well as find out more about what exactly it is offering.
Link Assistant The past Element in the actual SEO Pack The fourth application inside of SEO PowerSuite is Link Assistant. Link Assistant will assist one to along with your link-building campaign. SEO Spyglass will certainly advise you what you should do regarding link-building; Link Assistant help you-you to carry out that will tactic. A major portion of making reciprocal back links has a stylish website link service on your own site. That's where you can place backlinks that you should websites which will web address back to you. Certainly this kind of pages ought to appear popular with the possible spouse, or else they shall be not wanting to trade back-links with you. Link Assistant may wonderfully integrate the appearance and also feel of their back-links page with your web site so that it looks custom-made. Far more generally, Link Assistant will help you as well as keeping track of all the internet owners you e-mailed, and in addition will keep close a record of your hyperlink pets to make sure that they're not playing unethical conduct as an illustration sneaking the "rel=nofollow" draw on their own backlinks internet, which usually in essence explains to find applications not to help make backlinks seriously. Venture effectively in the search engines like yahoo will take many back links, along with Link Assistant will help you Initial acquire and then keep close track of individuals back links. Get yourself a building links campaigns in focus on and check out this specific Link Associate Review for more information. SEO PowerSuite Review: Conclusion SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION PowerSuite has a variety of programs that may drastically boost your SEO attempts: Rank Tracker, Website Auditor, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION Spyglass along with Link Assistant. These a number of purposes form a very total and incredibly effective combination that can help you want, create and apply a whole new devastatingly efficient SEO strategy to enable you to compensate for and hereafter outshine the competitors inside the engines like Google. The manufacturers involving SEO PowerSuite are usually totally self-assured of their item: in just 30 days of getting SEO PowerSuite, if you're dissatisfied using its potential to improve your current SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING method, you will be granted the full repayment without any hassle. Ideally, a person found this unique SEO PowerSuite review beneficial. If you are an SEO PowerSuite customer, make sure you consider submitting your individual review in the Guestbook down the page. Many thanks so much, and have fun with your on the web undertakings! bring you the best Premium wp discount code & SEO software discount code, such as the Gorilla Themes Coupon Code & Seo Powersuite Discount
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dropintomanga · 7 years
The Manga Price Is Right, But For How Long?
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Once again, the piracy debate rears its head. Physical sales of manga volumes in Japan have fallen in 2017. For the past 2 decades, manga magazine sales have fallen. Japanese manga publishers are trying to figure out what’s the cause of all the lost sales. And of course, one of the main culprits is always pirates who scan all the manga for internet users to see for free. One manga creator says the pirates aren’t to blame, while a prominent manga creator suggests that piracy will destroy the Japanese manga industry.
For once, maybe I’ll take the side of finding that one sweet price point for manga fans to enjoy whatever they can because everyone’s perception of what’s worth their time and money is so different for everyone. 
While this current piracy discussion is going on in Japan, I want to discuss the Western side of things because what’s happening in Japan can trickle overseas.
Manga outside of Japan is generally considered to be somewhat of a collector’s product, which means it will likely cost as much as a take-out lunch in a mid-tier restaurant. For most fans (usually teens and young adults), this is a turn-off. Hence the eternal war between piracy and manga publishers. 
To be fair, I think the pricing of manga is fine. The manga published outside of Japan is made with high-quality stock paper and binding to make it worth something to collect. In Japan, manga is made with cheap paper. It’s supposed to be disposable anyway. The fact that unsold manga in Japanese bookstores can be used as toilet paper shows how “valuable” the medium is in its home country. I sure as hell don’t want an inferior-looking book in my hands when I buy it. 
But there comes the question of what happens when the price hits that point where supply is decent, but demand is low? Would anyone buy a print volume copy of the hottest shonen manga with an hotter anime adaptation, but at $15 (not $10-$11) per volume? This is a tough question to answer. However, I can say that digital manga volumes aren’t an easy sell because of their prices sometimes.
When you go to a publisher’s hub, like Kodansha Comics’ for example, they charge their normal pricing for digital prices on titles that may not be as well-known to the public. A $10.99 manga volume in print, which is the lowest price for a Kodansha Comics volume, will cost the same in digital format. I’m not sure how this is going to attract new manga fans. I would love to support everything I like in a way that helps the creators, but this isn’t reasonable as I only have so much disposable money to spend. Other legal manga sites, like Viz and Bookwalker, have reasonable prices for their digital manga offerings.
I know manga fans talk about accessibility and pricing is a big part of that. However, what is a good pricing point for manga right now? We may have to think about our anchoring points when it comes to manga. Now you might ask what do I mean by anchoring. The anchoring effect is a cognitive bias where the person being affected by it is heavily influenced by the first piece of information they receive about something. 
I’ll use manga as an example. Let’s say that a manga fan finds out a print volume of a manga costs around $9.99-$12.99 at their bookstore and considers that price to be expensive. However, let’s say a sales person at the bookstore says “Oh hey, it’s on sale right now. 20% off.” That fan would purchase it because the idea of saving money is a sign of relief, even though that 20% off discount may not mean it’s still worth buying. That is anchoring in a nutshell. That $9.99-$12.99 price range point makes them anxious and they base further decisions off of that anxiety.
For most manga fans, that anchor point is arguably “free.” When you have Hollywood celebrities not knowing the difference between legal and pirate manga sites, then you have a situation where it doesn’t seem to matter what the price is. All of this “do we blame the pirates once more?” situation reminds me of multiple conversations I had with my dad over the cost of certain things. I tell him about nice (and sometimes useful) items that are worth purchasing and the one question he asks me in broken English, “How much? $1?” He uses that as his excuse to not buy things that aren’t deemed that important to him. That $1 was jokingly his anchoring point.
What’s a good price that manages to convince fans to go “Okay, I’ll support this.” is hard to define. I mean, back then, I used to pay $14.95 to buy Dragon Ball Z from VIZ Media when it was in a huge graphic novel format in 2001 before they adopted the Japanese book format we know today. How many fans would purchase a manga volume that’s priced that much nowadays? It seems the best way to do this is to appeal to their emotional desires and connections with series they love.
To be honest, I do think there are fans who do care about manga creators. However, they may not necessarily care about publishers. I do care about both, but it doesn’t mean that I worship everything they say or do. Regarding that manga creator who thinks publishers shouldn’t be attacking pirates, they make a fair point about publishers ostracizing fans who read manga online for free because I see this quite a bunch online. The creator argues that those kinds of fans are more likely to be manga fans than those who are in the mainstream audience. 
I don’t think manga fans who read a LOT online without buying make great customers, but their potential to be a paying customer is really high. Plus their word-of-mouth potential can be amazing, since you need new comic/manga-loving customers to survive. I know people who both pirate and buy manga. This is actually somewhat common.
I’m just tired of hearing things like “Oh, you’re killing the industry!,” “You should be ashamed of yourselves for pirating!,” etc. Look, I love and buy manga as much as anyone, but in the grand scheme of things, do the majority of fans give a shit about what goes on in the manga industry? Negativity only breeds more negativity. Fans mostly care about themselves and those close to them. 
I know manga and also anime have been associated with piracy more than any other entertainment product out there, but most fans seeing data about sales lost due to scanlations (which I think is very important) will just go “Well, what does it have to do with me?” 
I’m going to quote a marketing blog post about how consumers really think compared to marketers (which is probably going to piss some people off):
“How marketers think:
How can I engage consumers with my brands? How do I connect the personality of my brand with my target audience? How can I co-create with my target and develop a conversation?
How consumers think:
Is there parking? Will this fucking thing work? How badly are they going to screw me on the price? Will there be anyone who knows what the fuck he’s talking about?”
Notice the typical consumer question about the price because some manga fans do feel screwed. And people are just basic at heart despite what complexities they may have.
Make those fans feel good about buying manga. I just wish a manga publisher would say something like this as a selling point, “If you buy this volume of Attack on Titan, Hajime Isayama will have motivation to come up with some ridiculous plot twist that you will enjoy and tease about to your friends who only watch the anime.” 
I really do think there are young fans who don’t mind paying for manga. I see so many kids go after print volumes in droves at my local bookstores, but it may take a well-versed knowledge of psychological pricing to convince those who are skeptical. People default to their cognitive bias most of the time. Right now, there’s just this wacky disconnect between fans and publishers due to how manga production works in Japan. Both sides have to own up in a way that works for everyone. 
Otherwise, the price we’ll pay is the loss of creativity that’s truly starting to get the respect it deserves outside of Asia.
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lord-jack-slick · 3 years
weekly options trading advisory Ohio interactive brokers options trading tutorial Ohio
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weekly options trading advisory Ohio After 6 years of professionally mentoring beginners in options trading, I noticed that there are a few mistakes that keep showing up, causing initial losses. Good thing is that I always make sure my students start out options trading using virtual trading or paper trading in order to harmlessly get through these initial mistakes and to learn from them. These mistakes have been responsible for most of the initial losses that I see options trading newbies make and having an understanding of them would certainly help you avoid these mistakes and avoid the initial frustration of losing money. Mistake 1: Choosing the wrong (usually out of the money) optionsMany options trading newbies prefer to buy "cheap" out of the money options the reason being why buy expensive when cheaper options would also profit if the stock moved up (for call options). Well, that one decision alone has resulted in much of the initial losses when a stock moved up insignificantly and the position remains in a loss. Out of the money options are only good if you expect the stock to move strongly in that direction. If you expect to profit from relatively small movements, at the money or in the money options should be what you should buy. Buying out of the money options is also the reason why many options trading beginners lose all their money in one go. This happens when the options they bought never got in the money all the way up to expiration. Mistake 2: Making complex positions as your first few tries at options tradingMany options trading newbies start out making complex positioning strategies such as iron condor spread or butterfly spreads as their first few options trades and then totally screw up as they did not know how to maintain the position and some don't even know how to set up the positions properly. If you are new to options trading, stick to making a few simple call or put options trades using a small amount of money (or money you can afford to lose) in order to have a feel of how it works first before moving on to more complex strategies.
6. Mistake 2: Making complex positions as your first few tries at options tradingMany options trading newbies start out making complex positioning strategies such as iron condor spread or butterfly spreads as their first few options trades and then totally screw up as they did not know how to maintain the position and some don't even know how to set up the positions properly. If you are new to options trading, stick to making a few simple call or put options trades using a small amount of money (or money you can afford to lose) in order to have a feel of how it works first before moving on to more complex strategies. Complex strategies are only good when your trading experience is as comprehensive as they are. Mistake 3: Buying options that do not conform to your expected trading horizonMost options trading beginners have no idea what an expected trading horizon is in the first place and commonly find the options they buy expiring before the underlying stock made the move they expected it to. If you expect a stock to be a mid to long term performer, make sure you buy options that are half a year to a year out. weekly options trading advisory Ohio There are 2 drawbacks to this approach. Firstly, the complexity of some credit spreads caused beginners who are not used to placing options orders in the first place to enter the wrong orders or leg in the wrong way, resulting in instant losses. Secondly, credit spreads require significant margin which may not allow beginners practicing with a small account to use them in the first place. Using debit strategies allow you to control your losses as well. What you invest is all you can lose, period. You won't lose more than you expect unlike some unlimited loss credit strategies. 3. Always virtual trade new options strategiesThis tip translates to never using real money for options strategies which you have never used before. Always practice new options strategies on the virtual trading platform offered by your broker. If your broker does not even have features like this, its time to consider changing brokers, which brings us to the next tip. 4. Choose the right brokerI would say the right broker should fulfill all of the following criteria; 1, discount commission. 2, offers free real time quotes. 3, offers virtual trading practice platform. 4, offer advanced orders such as contingent orders and trailing stop loss. 5, offers both stock and options trading. Definitely no call in brokers! In options trading, you want to be in control of your own trade and be able to execute them at the click of a mouse without the frustration and delay of calling a broker who may not even understand what you want executed in the first place. 5. Always buy options or positions with at least 3 months to expirationUnless you are a sniper sharp stock picker or using credit strategies which you want expire quickly, always buy options or position with at least 3 months to expiration. There is nothing more frustrating to see your positions expire before the stock starts to move. 6. Take advantage of low commissions to close out on expiration dayMost options brokers offer an exceptionally deep discount for closing out options positions on the expiration day of those options. Take advantage of this deep discount to close out positions that are at the money or very near the money instead of risking an accidental automatic exercise. 7. Use advanced orders to enforce your stop lossMost people give in to their emotions when it's time to take a loss thinking that the position might come back the next day. We all know what usually happens after that, yes, the position gets held all the way to expiration and then it expires worthless, losing 100% of its value.
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When the stock goes up by $10, you make $10 worth of profit and if the stock goes down by $10, you sustain $10 worth of loss.
options trading video Ohio In futures trading or stock trading, you can potentially lose as much money as you can win. When the stock goes up by $10, you make $10 worth of profit and if the stock goes down by $10, you sustain $10 worth of loss. There is no convexity. When you buy options, they will go up in value as long as the stock keep going in the correct direction (up for call options and down for put options) but if the stock goes the other direction, you will only lose as much as you used in buying the options, nothing more! For instance, if you bought one contract of call options for a stock for $150 and the stock went up by $10, you call options would be worth $1000 but if the stock went down by $10, you would only lose that $150 that you used. That's convexity. As long as you use only money you can afford to lose or the maximum amount you are willing to lose on any single trade towards buying options, you will always have the advantage of convexity on your side. Versatility is found in the vast array of options strategies that can be put together. Many options strategies allow you to profit not only when the underlying stock moves in one direction but in multiple directions! Yes, in futures or stock trading, you only profit when the stock goes up or down (when you are short the stock or futures). However, in options trading, there are options strategies that allow you to profit when the stock goes up OR down in both directions and options strategies that even allow you to profit from all 3 directions! Yes, being able to profit in more than one direction greatly increases your possibility of winning and greatly enhances the possibility of consistently making more wins than losses!So, can you become a millionaire trading options? Yes you can. In fact, from the properties of convexity and versatility mentioned above, options trading could actually make it easier for you to become a millionaire versus stock or futures trading. As such, the possibility is there and the odds are in your favor. The final question to answer is, do YOU have what it takes to become a millionaire through options trading?10 Options Trading Tips For Conservative TradersThere are many ways to trade options. In fact, there are unlimited ways to trade options due to the unlimited number of options strategies and approaches that can be adopted. This article outlines 10 options trading tips that conservative traders can follow for maximum safety in options trading. 1. Use only money you can afford to loseThis is the most common advise given in options trading and one which most people choose to ignore to their own detriment. Using only money you can afford to lose means that if you hope to lose no more than $200 in a single trade, then you should use no more than $200 in buying options at any one time. The good thing about options is that the leverage it offers allows you to make a significant profit even with very small capital outlays and even if you get it wrong, all you can lose is $200, nothing more. if you follow the next tip. 2. Use only debit strategiesA lot of options beginners start out options trading using complex credit strategies. There are 2 drawbacks to this approach. Firstly, the complexity of some credit spreads caused beginners who are not used to placing options orders in the first place to enter the wrong orders or leg in the wrong way, resulting in instant losses. Secondly, credit spreads require significant margin which may not allow beginners practicing with a small account to use them in the first place. Using debit strategies allow you to control your losses as well. What you invest is all you can lose, period. You won't lose more than you expect unlike some unlimited loss credit strategies. 3. Always virtual trade new options strategiesThis tip translates to never using real money for options strategies which you have never used before. Always practice new options strategies on the virtual trading platform offered by your broker. If your broker does not even have features like this, its time to consider changing brokers, which brings us to the next tip. 4. Choose the right brokerI would say the right broker should fulfill all of the following criteria; 1, discount commission. 2, offers free real time quotes.
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trading options for a living Ohio 2.
options trading alert service Ohio If you don't know how a stock is going to behave, make sure you give yourself plenty of time by buying options with no lesser than 3 months to expiration. Mistake 4: Placing the wrong ordersYes, when under pressure, especially when real money is involved, beginners tend to make silly human errors such as clicking a wrong button, buying a wrong option, buying a wrong expiration month or placing a wrong stop loss order that got the position sold off immediately. Such newbie human errors can only be reduced through an extended period of virtual trading practice on your chosen options platform and then progressively practice using only very little money in order to get used to the feeling of trading real money. Sadly, we are all human, while experienced options traders tend to make lesser of such mistakes, they still do sometimes. However, it is more prevalent in newbie trades and certainly hurts trading confidence. Always give yourself a few months of virtual trading practice on your chosen platform before going on real money. Mistake 5: Trading with borrowed money (or money you cannot afford to lose)There is a saying "you can't afford to win if you can't afford to lose". This is exceptionally true in trading, not only options trading, but any kind of trading. If you trade using money that you cannot afford to lose, the mental pressure will reduce your odds of winning when your odds of winning are already very low as a beginner. This is why we always advise people to trade only with money they can afford to lose. Mistake 6: Trading without guidanceWould you learn to drive a car without anyone guiding you? Why then would you learn to trade without anyone guiding you? Yes, a mentor or a teacher is extremely important to beginners in options trading not because they can give you "tips" but because they can shed light on your situation and reveal weaknesses that you may not have noticed.
As such, becoming a millionaire from options trading is clearly not outside the realm of possibility and clearly very fast if you do it right. That leads us to the next question, are you able to produce a string of 14 straight wins at 50% per win? There is clearly no easy answer to this as well. I have heard of extremely lucky people who has done that before but that clearly isn't something that applies to everyone. Yes, in my 15 years of options trading, I must say that I have never seen anyone make a string of 14 wins within one year or two without losing no matter what options strategy they use. The good news is, you don't need to make 50% on every win nor do you need a string of 14 wins to make a million in options trading as long as you follow a sensible trading methodology and have lots of patience. Making a million in options trading isn't about not losing. It's really about making more wins than losses. As long as you have a means of consistently making more wins than losses, you can make a million in anything as long as you have the patience to stick to the game. Yes, this is the same logic in any form of trading. If it is the same in any form of trading, why then options trading?The beauty of options trading is that it actually helps you achieve more wins than losses through 2 unique means; Convexity and Versatility. Convexity means being able to potentially make more money than you can potentially lose.
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Secondly, credit spreads require significant margin which may not allow beginners practicing with a small account to use them in the first place. Using debit strategies allow you to control your losses as well. What you invest is all you can lose, period. You won't lose more than you expect unlike some unlimited loss credit strategies. 3. Always virtual trade new options strategiesThis tip translates to never using real money for options strategies which you have never used before. Always practice new options strategies on the virtual trading platform offered by your broker. If your broker does not even have features like this, its time to consider changing brokers, which brings us to the next tip. 4. Choose the right brokerI would say the right broker should fulfill all of the following criteria; 1, discount commission. 2, offers free real time quotes.
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leyahroehl · 4 years
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Insurance Policies to Consider
Insurance Policies to Consider for Students Although having a student in a state, a college or university, as long as the vehicle is in the car, insurance is there for you. Your policy must be written with an insurance company that provides at least the minimum amount of coverage: $25,000/$50,000 per accident for Fault $30,000/$50,000 per accident for Bodily Injury (BI ) $25,000/$50,000 per accident for Property Damage (PD) $25,000/$50,000/20,000 per incident Not all colleges and universities require all their students to purchase insurance, or there can be some confusion if you use your education within your school. If you are a student out-of-state, you should make sure they have to obtain a vehicle insurance policy. You want to insure your child for a while before you move or you want them to keep it for a while.
Mercury Car Insurance in Atlanta
Mercury Car Insurance in Atlanta and Georgia Car Insurance in Fulton, Car insurance in Georgia and Georgia Health Insurance in Fulton, Car insurance in Georgia Insurers in Fulton, Insurance companies cancel coverage on Georgia drivers if they canair, car insurance in Georgia Insurers cancel coverage on Georgia drivers when cannotair, car insurance in Georgia Insurers cancel coverage on Georgia drivers who don’t buy, car insurance in Georgia Insurers cancel coverage on drivers with a  is often the easiest way to lower a Car insurance premium is a critical part of getting the right driver insurance policy. You want an insurance agency that cares about everyone, but you can choose from the lowest price and coverage policy for better value. Insurance is important, even if you can’t afford it (unless you have a lot), but it pays off if you take your.
Shopping for Insurance
Shopping for Insurance is a good time to take a break, because it could shave a few more minutes. You should consider both the cost of the insurance and how much the car you have is worth. Some may say that, in the unlikely event, you will have to pay for your car insurance coverage. Just for example, some drivers may think that, having a car that s worth less, it s better to have a higher standard of insurance. However, if you plan on using your car for a short time, this might be a long term decision. If you need help, an experienced car insurance agent will do their best to help you. At least you should know the insurance company you re dealing with to decide if to put you in a high-risk class. You should always be able to find a company that understands your situation and can work with a company with more experience. If you have been in an accident, be prepared to do your research to assess the.
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sujayath-blog · 4 years
Strategic Snippets for founders / PMs
A mega-thread on strategic concepts that every founder / PM should know.
1. Kernel of a Strategy: A process to create a strategy. It contains three elements: diagnosis, tenets (guiding principles), and action items. You spend half of the time on diagnosis, another 40 percent on the tenets, and 10 percent on coherent actions.
2. BHAG: It is a big, daring, ambitious goal that pushes the company beyond its boundaries defined clearly with no ambiguity. People get it right away. It has a sense of urgency. It has a purpose. When you first hear it, you will feel it's a joke and that you’d never achieve it.
3. Objectives and key results (OKR): A goal-setting framework that helps companies set an objective, which is “what I want to have accomplished,” and the key results, which are “how I’m going to get it done.” OKRs must be specific and include a way to measure achievement.
4. Operating Plan (OP1) is an annual planning document that covers the strategy for the next 12 months, ways of executing the strategy, and the budget required. BHAG answers WHAT, OKR answers HOW, OP1 answers WHY.5. Flywheel: There is no single action, no grand program, no killer innovation, no lucky break, no miracle moment that creates momentum. Rather, the process resembles relentlessly pushing a giant, heavy flywheel, turn upon turn, building momentum until a point of breakthrough.
6. SMaC (Specific, Methodical, and Consistent) Tenets: A set of operating principles that is the first step in turning strategic concepts into an execution plan. SMaC guides you on what not to do in addition to what to do. SMaC tenets don't change more than 20 percent per year.
7. Blitzscaling: An execution framework that prioritizes speed over efficiency and allows a company to go from "Startup" to "Scaleup" at a furious pace that captures the market. For a startup to move very fast, it must take on far more risk than a company going through the normal.
8. FIRE BULLETS, THEN CANNONBALLS: When you see the enemy ship, you take a little bit of gunpowder and keep firing bullets until one bullet hits the ship. Now, you take all the gunpowder and fire a big cannonball along the same line of sight, which sinks the enemy ship.
9. Play-to-win canvas: Use this to explain your strategy to people who don't have time to read our entire OP1. It contains 1. What is your winning aspiration? 2. Where will you play? 3. How will you win? 4. What capabilities must be in place? 5. What systems are required?
10. Aggregator vs Platform: Aggregators such as Google and Facebook help you get things done. Think of them like Cars. While Platforms are Bicycles. Platforms such as Microsoft and Apple are an aid to humans, not their replacement.
11. Growth Loops: User acquisition funnels are now being replaced with a system of loops. Loops are closed systems where the inputs generate output that can be reinvested in the input. Similar to flywheel but for acquisition/growth.
12. Viral Coefficient (K Factor): The number of new customers the average customer generates. The virality should cover the churn of users. In other words, if k-factor > churn, more users come than users leave, and our product is going to have exponential growth.
13. It's AND. Not OR. The ability to embrace both extremes at the same time. Instead of choosing between X OR Y, they figure out a way to have both X AND Y.Profit AND Growth. Great Customer Exp AND Great Margins. Great Control AND Lean Operations. It's possible to do both.
14. Product-Market Fit: PMF is achieved when your users love your product so much they spontaneously tell other people to use it. It's a binary test. You can always feel product-market fit when it is happening. The customers are buying the product just as fast as you can make it
15. Network Effect: The idea of a network effect is that every additional user increases the value of a good or service. The Internet is an example of the network effect. There could be “internalized” versus “externalized” network effects.
16. Moat: Like the moat that surrounds a castle to provide it with a preliminary line of defense, companies need to have moats or the ability to maintain competitive advantages over their competitors in order to protect their long-term profits market share.
17. High-expectation customer (HXC): is the most discerning person within your target demographic. It’s one who will acknowledge and enjoy your product for its greatest benefit. She is also someone who can help spread the word. Your early adopters are not always your HXCs
18. Bullseye framework: To systematically find the most promising channel. The first step is brainstorming every single traction channel. The second step is running cheap traction tests. The third step is to focus solely on the channel that will move the needle for your product.
19. Level 5 Leaders: Display a powerful mixture of personal humility and stubborn will. They're incredibly ambitious, but their ambition is first and foremost for the cause, for the organization and its purpose, not themselves. They are often quiet, reserved, and even shy.
20. Did he say No?: Usually we pitch what we want, follow up 3-4  times more and then move on if we don’t hear anything positive. Don't move on until we hear the affirmative "NO". Lack of "Yes" is not good enough. We should keep knocking until we hear a strong and clear "NO".
21. Burn Multiple: Calculated as Net Burn / Net New Revenue. How much is the startup burning in order to generate each incremental dollar of revenue? The higher the Burn Multiple, the more the startup is burning to achieve each unit of growth. Burn multiple under 1X is good.
22. Efficiency Score: This is nothing but reverse of burn multiple. It’s a catch-all metric. Any serious problem will eventually impact the Burn Multiple / Efficiency Score by either increasing burn, decreasing net new revenue, or increasing both but at disproportionate rates.
23. Contribution margin (CM): is a product's net sales minus all associated variable costs. The total contribution margin represents the total amount available to pay for fixed expenses and to generate a profit. It can be further divided into CM1, CM2, and CM3.
24. CM1 is sales minus the basic cost of goods sold, discounts and coupons. This is the same as Gross margin.CM2 is CM1 minus logistics, warehouse, CS, payment gateway fees and any other operational variable costs.CM3 is CM2 minus Marketing. EBITDA is CM3 minus indirect costs.
25. Managerial Leverage (aka High Output Management): A manager’s output is the output of all of the people and the teams that report to her. A manager's activity with high leverage will generate a high level of output; an activity with low leverage, a low level of output.
26. Cohort Analysis: Track specific groups of users, known as cohorts, to understand how users engage with your product in the days, weeks and months after you acquire them and, in turn, understand how resilient your growth is.
27. Simon Sinek Circle (aka Golden Circle): There are three parts of the Circle: Why, How, and What.The WHAT represents the products or services a company sells. The HOW is an explanation of why their products/ services are better. The WHY is about what a company believes in.
28. First Who, Then What: Make sure you have the right people on the bus and the right people in the key seats before you figure out where to drive the bus. Always think first about who and then about what. Great vision without great people is irrelevant.
29. Prospecting Pyramid: Arrange your list of leads with high-yield prospects on top and low-yield prospects on the bottom. Start by prospecting from the top of the pyramid.
30. Minimum Viable Product (MVP): Is a proof of concept product that validates your idea before you build a full, mature, stable product. MVP is not just a product with half of the features chopped out but a process that you repeat over and over again till you get it correct.
31. Free cash flow (FCF): measures how much cash is generated after capital expenses such as buildings and equipment have been paid. Operating cash flow is your cash flow from operating revenue minus operating expenses. If you subtract capital spending from this, you get FCF.
32. Cash conversion cycle (CCC): How long it takes your customers to pay you minus how many days it takes you to pay your suppliers. Super-efficient companies have their CCC down to the single digits. At Amazon last year, the CCC was negative 30.6 days.
33. Working Backward: A practice where you start by writing the documents you will need at launch (a Press Release and an FAQ) first and then work backward from there to the product requirements.
34. Free Parking' Business Model: To bootstrap of the “chicken and egg problem”, give away one side of the market for free. Typically it is best to offer the free side to consumers since no one loves “free” more than a consumer. Or offer the service that has lowest marginal cost.
35. Freemium: A variant of the “free parking” model where the company transforms code into the equivalent of marketing spending and “gives away for free” service X to generate qualified leads for interlinked service Y.  Freemium works best if service X has network effects.
36. Cash multiplier (CMX): Revenue generated from customer segments over limited time frames or payback window.CMX = Total Rev / Total Customers.Ex: Your total rev for 60 days is $140. If new customers were 1000, your CMX ( 60-day LTV) would be $1,400 in total.
37. Customer lifetime value (LTV, CLTV, or CLV): The revenue generated from the average customer over the course of an average customer lifespan. LTV is the future cash flows over her entire relationship with the company.
38. High Output Meetings: Is a medium through which managerial work is performed. It is a way to supply information and know-how, to explain the way of doing things, and to help make decisions. We need to make meetings as efficient as possible. Not fight the need for the meetings.
39. Task relevant maturity (TRM): for a team member is a combination of the degree of their achievement orientation and readiness to take responsibility as well as education, training, and experience. All of this for a particular task.
40. UI Complexity Score: UI needs to be as simple and functional as possible. To calculate the complexity score, you add up a point every time you used a new font, font size or colour in the UI. The total score is the complexity score. A single page needs to stay below five point.
41. Conversion rate optimization (CRO): Science behind understanding why your visitors are not ‘converting’ into customers, and then improving your messaging or value proposition to increase this rate of conversions.
42. Blue ocean strategy: Red oceans are all the industries in existence today – the known market space. Cut-throat competition in existing industries turns the ocean bloody red. Blue oceans are all the industries not in existence today – the unknown market space.
43. Productive Paranoia: You assume that conditions can unexpectedly change, violently, and fast. You obsessively ask, What if? By preparing ahead of time, building reserves, preserving a margin of safety, you handle disruptions from a position of strength and flexibility.
44. Inbound marketing: A marketing strategy that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them. While outbound marketing interrupts your audience, inbound marketing forms connections they are looking for and solves problems they already have.
45. Ramen profitable: A startup makes just enough to pay the teams' expenses. Traditional profitability means a big bet is finally paying off, whereas the main importance of ramen profitability is that it buys you time.
46. Category Management: The process of managing categories as independent business units, in a way that enables maximum consumer appeal while maximizing profits. Category Management aims to provide customers with what they want, where they want it, and when they want it.
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lord-jack-slick · 3 years
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trading spx options Ohio Can options trading turn you into a millionaire?This is one of those questions I hear from people new to options trading all the time and not an easy question to answer in my opinion. Sure, options trading can create millionaires and many, including myself, have made more an a million trading options. However, can options trading turn YOU into a millionaire?In a way, asking this question is as good as asking questions like:Can trading stocks turn you into a millionaire?Can trading futures turn you into a millionaire?Can trading Forex turn you into a millionaire?Can selling burgers turn you into a millionaire?Can collecting coins turn you into a millionaire?The answer to all of these questions is a resounding, YES. The problem is, can YOU become a millionaire doing these things that have made OTHER people millionaires?First of all, let's ascertain the theoretical possibility of making a million through options trading. Let's assume you have $5000 to start trading options with and you make an average of 50% per trade and compound your earnings. Here's your account status after a number of trades:After first trade - $7500Second - $11,250Third - $16,875Forth - $25,312. 5Fifth - $37,968. 75Eighth - $128,144. 5Fourteenth - $1,459,646As you can see, it takes only 14 trades at 50% profit per trade, which is not a lot in options trading, to grow $5000 into a million. If you do only one of those trades per month, it takes you only slightly more than a year to become a millionaire. As such, becoming a millionaire from options trading is clearly not outside the realm of possibility and clearly very fast if you do it right.
That leads us to the next question, are you able to produce a string of 14 straight wins at 50% per win? There is clearly no easy answer to this as well. I have heard of extremely lucky people who has done that before but that clearly isn't something that applies to everyone. Yes, in my 15 years of options trading, I must say that I have never seen anyone make a string of 14 wins within one year or two without losing no matter what options strategy they use. The good news is, you don't need to make 50% on every win nor do you need a string of 14 wins to make a million in options trading as long as you follow a sensible trading methodology and have lots of patience. Making a million in options trading isn't about not losing. It's really about making more wins than losses. trading spx options Ohio That leads us to the next question, are you able to produce a string of 14 straight wins at 50% per win? There is clearly no easy answer to this as well. I have heard of extremely lucky people who has done that before but that clearly isn't something that applies to everyone. Yes, in my 15 years of options trading, I must say that I have never seen anyone make a string of 14 wins within one year or two without losing no matter what options strategy they use. The good news is, you don't need to make 50% on every win nor do you need a string of 14 wins to make a million in options trading as long as you follow a sensible trading methodology and have lots of patience. Making a million in options trading isn't about not losing. It's really about making more wins than losses.
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In fact, from the properties of convexity and versatility mentioned above, options trading could actually make it easier for you to become a millionaire versus stock or futures trading. As such, the possibility is there and the odds are in your favor. The final question to answer is, do YOU have what it takes to become a millionaire through options trading?10 Options Trading Tips For Conservative TradersThere are many ways to trade options. In fact, there are unlimited ways to trade options due to the unlimited number of options strategies and approaches that can be adopted. This article outlines 10 options trading tips that conservative traders can follow for maximum safety in options trading. 1. Use only money you can afford to loseThis is the most common advise given in options trading and one which most people choose to ignore to their own detriment. Using only money you can afford to lose means that if you hope to lose no more than $200 in a single trade, then you should use no more than $200 in buying options at any one time. The good thing about options is that the leverage it offers allows you to make a significant profit even with very small capital outlays and even if you get it wrong, all you can lose is $200, nothing more.
make a living trading options Ohio As such, the possibility is there and the odds are in your favor. The final question to answer is, do YOU have what it takes to become a millionaire through options trading?10 Options Trading Tips For Conservative TradersThere are many ways to trade options. In fact, there are unlimited ways to trade options due to the unlimited number of options strategies and approaches that can be adopted. This article outlines 10 options trading tips that conservative traders can follow for maximum safety in options trading. 1. Use only money you can afford to loseThis is the most common advise given in options trading and one which most people choose to ignore to their own detriment. Using only money you can afford to lose means that if you hope to lose no more than $200 in a single trade, then you should use no more than $200 in buying options at any one time. The good thing about options is that the leverage it offers allows you to make a significant profit even with very small capital outlays and even if you get it wrong, all you can lose is $200, nothing more. if you follow the next tip. 2. Use only debit strategiesA lot of options beginners start out options trading using complex credit strategies. There are 2 drawbacks to this approach. Firstly, the complexity of some credit spreads caused beginners who are not used to placing options orders in the first place to enter the wrong orders or leg in the wrong way, resulting in instant losses. Secondly, credit spreads require significant margin which may not allow beginners practicing with a small account to use them in the first place.
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the best swing trading advisory services foe options Ohio Using only money you can afford to lose means that if you hope to lose no more than $200 in a single trade, then you should use no more than $200 in buying options at any one time.
stock options trading trainer program Ohio Always give yourself a few months of virtual trading practice on your chosen platform before going on real money.
Use put options to hedge your stock holdingsPerhaps the best use of put options of all time is to buy them as a hedge against your stocks. If you have stocks which you are holding for long term investment purpose, consider buying LEAPS put options expiring six months to a year out as protection against catastrophic drops. 10. Avoid Out Of The Money Options if you intend to trade with all your moneyThe reasons why most beginners lose all their money in options trading in one go is because they buy out of the money options with all their money. This means that they will lose all their money even if the stock moved in their favor but not enough to bring the options in the money! Now, bearing in mind that you should only be using money you can afford to lose, buying only in the money options with those money give you even higher protection and lesser chance of losing everything. 6 Common Options Trading Newbie MistakesAre you about to put one toe into the world of options trading? Have you started on options trading and made some initial losses? This article is written just for you. After 6 years of professionally mentoring beginners in options trading, I noticed that there are a few mistakes that keep showing up, causing initial losses. Good thing is that I always make sure my students start out options trading using virtual trading or paper trading in order to harmlessly get through these initial mistakes and to learn from them. These mistakes have been responsible for most of the initial losses that I see options trading newbies make and having an understanding of them would certainly help you avoid these mistakes and avoid the initial frustration of losing money. Mistake 1: Choosing the wrong (usually out of the money) optionsMany options trading newbies prefer to buy "cheap" out of the money options the reason being why buy expensive when cheaper options would also profit if the stock moved up (for call options). Well, that one decision alone has resulted in much of the initial losses when a stock moved up insignificantly and the position remains in a loss.
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Always buy options or positions with at least 3 months to expirationUnless you are a sniper sharp stock picker or using credit strategies which you want expire quickly, always buy options or position with at least 3 months to expiration. There is nothing more frustrating to see your positions expire before the stock starts to move. 6. Take advantage of low commissions to close out on expiration dayMost options brokers offer an exceptionally deep discount for closing out options positions on the expiration day of those options. Take advantage of this deep discount to close out positions that are at the money or very near the money instead of risking an accidental automatic exercise. 7. Use advanced orders to enforce your stop lossMost people give in to their emotions when it's time to take a loss thinking that the position might come back the next day. We all know what usually happens after that, yes, the position gets held all the way to expiration and then it expires worthless, losing 100% of its value. Yes, nothing is more difficult than trusting your human emotions to enforce stop loss points. That is why you must always make use of advanced orders such as conditional / contingent orders or trailing stop loss to automate your stop loss policy. 8.
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lawyer036 · 4 years
11 "Faux Pas" That Are Actually Okay to Make With Your attorneys
With time, Every single of us whether we like it or not really need to get older, as that's the purchase of mother nature. Coupled with previous age are many issues connected to overall health, family, care and many others. When old age problems stand up, treatment takers or specialised nurses are sometimes necessary to cater on the desires with the elderly. If the problem demands, they may even ought to be looked after in nursing households. Having said that, the problems from the elderly will not conclude there, In case the environment is devoid of heat, appreciate and assist. From the recent several years, there are various conditions documented on elder abuse. Nursing homes or maybe the position of caretakers is to offer care to aged ones. Several of such properties fail to maintain up the specifications of service they should give. To manage these situations, you'll find elder legislation attorneys with expertise, seeking their most effective litigate these instances.
Character of Abuse Abuse on aged or on dependable Older people normally happens, because they are vulnerable and also have no toughness to complain about neglect or any form of abusive motion. They're deprived of assets and these might be classified beneath types like neglect, abandonment, physical harm, isolation or fiscal deprivation. These could take place underneath spouse and children instances, in care properties, hospitals or day care centers. Should you be witness or suspect a liked just one to these severe treatment plans, hiring an elder abuse lawyer will be proposed for the security and protection with the concerned personal.
Avail their Solutions The Lawyers tackling elder abuse circumstances work to litigate the case. As soon as you suspect or have proof to your situation of elder abuse, choosing an elder regulation legal professional would be integral to stop negligence and abuse. You can take the assistance of a lot of the very best legislation firms performing in America that are real and competent. Their services would aid the victim to receive justice and make sure the functions won't be recurring yet again. All you might want to do is Call them and they will choose rightful motion versus the organizations and those included. Their decades of experience in the sphere, and consciousness from the regulation can bring you favorable effects.
It is mostly recognized that the authorized sector has existed in its present-day point out for many years with handful of notable adjustments. Right up until not surprisingly the advent of the present pandemic. This yr, We've observed rapid transform as regulation companies alter to new working versions largely dependent about Operating remotely. Although this might have induced some inconvenience to Brisbane payment law firms it's probably produced an opportunity, particularly for younger legal professionals who're coming into the lawful field now and from the in close proximity to potential.
A Compensation lawyer aquiring a Digital meeting that has a new client
What developments have we noticed during the pandemic and what possibilities are predicted for law companies in the future?
Legal professionals which have graduated this calendar year is likely to be taking into consideration the future of their career with some trepidation, significantly when thinking about their likelihood of securing a authorized function. It will be good to presume that modern graduates can be nervous with regards to their job prospective customers provided the uncertainty established by a global pandemic. Nonetheless, as in most disruptions, Additionally, there are opportunities for individuals who are all set to embrace improve and adapt when demanded.
The prerequisite for compensation solicitors to respond immediately has long been the driver for sector transformation. It really is honest to state that improvements in technological innovation were being previously causing some legislation firms to undertake additional flexible Doing work versions, even so the necessity for social distancing (significantly at get the job done) brought on rapid implementation of recent procedures for distant working. In some cases, these adjustments illustrated the prospective for reducing working expenses coupled with Improved client expertise. The pandemic accelerated digital transformation.
Historically there were two distinctive profession options for freshly graduated payment legal professionals. One staying the main route of coming into personal apply and going up the ranks from junior lawyer to senior associate. The other option is to operate while in the function of the inhouse attorney like a defendant solicitor in an insurance organization.
Frequently when learners examined law they were being directed to launching their career by using short term/section-time roles, graduate chances and summer time clerkships. There's been some disruption to this process by the adoption of online Discovering. It is actually honest to say there is a craze for graduates to investigate other indicates of creating their Occupations. New regulation suppliers who utilise technology to supply innovative methods have entered the industry.
Regulation graduates now have the chance to progress their legal vocation in a a lot quicker price by utilizing new technologies, utilising a broader selection of capabilities and different versions for a way authorized matters might be progressed.
household office Operating for compensation lawyera compensation lawyer at their property Business office
a payment law firm at their residence Office environment
Because of COVID challenges, customer dealing with staff members (like legal professionals) could not have nose to nose meetings with their shoppers. Despite the fact that some solicitors struggled While using the technological innovation, the transition was swift (for some regulation companies). In general, attorneys and their shoppers preferred the ease and time discounts of Digital conferences. Client pleasure grew as did the efficiency of compensation lawyers.
On the list of results of the transformation was the realisation that the significance of a Bodily Business was diminished. Possibly the chance to exit a lease or At least to minimise the space want to function a regulation organization. If applied efficiently, this modification could offer major financial savings in running charges.
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Within the mists of your time when laws had been initially developed, the legal marketplace was born. Considering the fact that then, There have been a prolonged heritage of tradition with a healthy regard for preserving lawful approach. As a result, it might be argued there exists a culture in legislation companies Which may be negative or optimistic. A unfavorable for a few classic legal professionals might be the perception of their personnel for a labour resource.
Legal staff transitioning to some distant Performing model has to some extent triggered a improve in culture. General, it could be argued that this modification has induced an encouraging cultural change. Digital employees conferences have exposed lawyers on the realisation that their personnel are human beings that has a life beyond function.
All round, some law corporations who embraced engineering witnessed productivity will increase, and heightened worker and customer satisfaction. New graduates getting into a payment law business are more likely to have the opportunity to come to a decision how they would want to operate. Technological know-how has made available adaptability in do the job arrangements.
Because of the expansion from the gig economic system, youthful legal professionals can find non-conventional styles for practising regulation. This may incorporate alternate operate arrangements for instance freelance or contract work.
It is likely the legal business is going to be pressured to adapt to adjustments in customer conduct. Consumers are now utilized to digital shopper activities for example Uber and Deliveroo. Online platforms with have an easy interface that sends somebody for you inside a specified time period. What will be the equivalent consumer experience for payment legislation firms?
payment attorneys located near the Brisbane riverBrisbane CBD compensation regulation agency is near to the river
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Brisbane CBD payment law organization is close to the river
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maritzaerwin · 4 years
10 Key Benefits of Online Courses
“Should I opt for an online course or attend regular face-to-face classes?” I am sure most of you might have come across this confusion at least once before joining any course. Didn’t you? If yes, don’t worry, we are here to clear all your doubts and help you choose the best way out! 
Gone are the days when people used to lounge in huge classrooms and learn various courses. The internet era has brought a drastic change in the way people shop, work, connect, and study. Students started feeling more comfortable to take up online courses rather than choosing face-to-face classes. And, with amazing Udemy discounts and coupons, online learning has become extremely affordable. So, why not?
What Is Meant by Online Courses?
An online course is the delivery of a course lesson using a virtual channel as the source of communication. Unlike traditional courses, online learning is way more flexible and comfortable. All you need is a strong internet connection and there you go! However, it has a few similarities with non-virtual classes such as assignments, tests, and projects. Now, let us dive deep into this and know how online learning can be helpful to you in different ways. 
Top 10 Advantages of Online Courses 
Are you still not convinced with the perks online education provides? The below points will surely help you understand the need and benefits of online courses. 
1. Learn From Anywhere
The most exciting thing about online courses is that you can learn from anywhere. Just relax on your bean bag or lay back on your couch, the choice is yours! Online course helps you to choose your own comfort zone and study from any corner of the house. Isn’t it the best part of online learning? Hell yes!! Also, don’t forget to buy a cute pair of pajamas and say goodbye to your jeans. 
2. Flexible Learning 
There are a few online courses that allow you to register and learn any time you want. You can pause the lessons anywhere and continue it anytime you want. Not only this, the due dates of exams and assignment submission are also according to your schedule. With the help of online courses, you can easily manage your time for other things and learn whenever you are in the right mood to study.
3. More Choices 
The primary advantage of deciding to study online is you will have a plethora of options to choose from. Right from top international universities to the best of Indian colleges, you can select any course of your choice and avail world-class education right on your screen. It helps you not to compromise on your education and fulfill your dreams. Plus, if you want to explore more online learning & education options, you can always check out informative websites such as CareerMetis.
4. Review Classes 
It is no secret that you might lose focus during a long lecture. In such a scenario, online classes give you the opportunity to rewind the video and listen to the lecture again. You can also watch the entire class again in case you want to have a revision. The same is not possible in the case of traditional learning. To review lessons in traditional education, you need to approach the teachers personally. 
5. Ample Time to Think and Generate Ideas 
Attending classes in a classroom will require an instant generation of ideas and quick answers. On the other hand, learning online will give you enough time to think about an issue or formulate a thought by pausing the video. This will also help you to build confidence and understand the concept better. It will eventually increase your thinking capacities. 
6. Flexibility 
One of the benefits of online courses is its flexibility.. They will never make you compromise on your favorite pastimes and hobbies. By adopting online education, you can save a lot of time and work on improving other skills. If you are looking to learn more creative skills, you can make use of some fabulous skill learning courses. You can also use the time saved to play sports, spend time with your family, and hang out with your friends. Also, if you are a working individual, online learning is the best option wherein you can learn while you earn. 
7. Learn from the Best
Online learning helps you to learn the desired subject from the best teacher. For example, if you want to learn Spanish from a teacher in Spain, you can easily make use of online classes. If you want to learn a course from Harvard but cannot afford the time and money, you can make your dream come true by enrolling in an online course offered by Harvard. Perhaps, online education brings the best courses by the most experienced teachers from across the world. 
8. Less Cost 
Although a few cases available online may be very expensive, choosing online courses will also save you a lot of money. You can save a huge sum of money on travel, parking, lab fee, hostel feel, etc. The cost that you save by taking up an online course can be utilized somewhere else. 
9. Enhanced Virtual Communication 
The future is all about a virtual work environment. Online learning will ultimately improve your virtual communication skills, making you a better leader. You will know how to develop an effective bond by communicating virtually. You can also improve your texting and writing skills by communicating with fellow students and professors via texts and emails. 
10. Upgrade Your Technical Skills
Online learning will help you boost your technical skills which are a plus point for your professional career. You need to go through various course works, notes, and learning material online. These can be accessed using different apps, tools, and software. Getting to use various tools and apps will refine your technical skills and knowledge, thus offering you better job opportunities. 
Top Online Learning Platforms 
Now that you are convinced why online learning is a boon to society, let us discuss the top online learning platforms. With the help of the below online learning platforms, you can choose any course you like and enjoy a unique learning experience. 
1. Udemy 
Launched in 2010, Udemy is an American learning platform aimed to provide quality education to students and working professionals. The company has more than 50 million students and 57,000 teachers taking classes in nearly 65 languages. The platform has more than 1,50,000 courses to choose from.
2. Coursera
Another top online learning platform is Coursera. It has a library of massive courses and provides various certificates and degrees to its users. Founded in the year 2012, it has 47 million users and around 4300 courses to choose from. The key advantage of this platform is that the courses are taught by experienced professors from prestigious universities like Yale, Stanford and Princeton. You can also enjoy a bunch of free courses on Coursera and upgrade your knowledge. 
3. Udacity 
Udacity reflects the true meaning of online learning. It is known for its nano degree programs which are based on skill and project-based learnings. The assignments and projects you submit as a part of your course at Udacity are assessed by top industry-level experts and leaders. Once you complete the courses available at Udacity, your career is sure to touch skies.
4. LinkedIn Learning 
This list would be incomplete without LinkedIn Learning. If you are a working professional looking to boost your skills, this platform is all you need! It has more than 1000 courses on topics like business management, digital marketing, and web development, etc. After the completion of the course, the platform provides a certificate that can be added to your LinkedIn profile. 
5. Skillshare
Skillshare is yet another huge online learning marketplace. With more than 4 million users and 24,000 courses, the platform is one of the leading online learning options available today. You can find lessons on any topic ranging from graphic design, art, music to courses on technical and high-end topics. 
Top Free Online Courses 2020
If you are wondering which course to take up to improve your skillset without spending much, we have got your sorted. The below-listed courses will benefit most professionals and elevate their knowledge. Also, these courses will not cost you a single penny! 
Udemy’s Marketing and Design courses.
Oxford Home Study’s Management course.
Facebook Blueprint’s Digital Marketing course.
Khan Academy’s courses for primary and high school students.
Shaw Academy’s online diploma courses.
Udacity’s tech skill courses.
Tips to Keep in Mind While Studying Online 
Photo Credit – Pexels.com
Online courses are still a brand new concept for most of people. It might get a little difficult to cope up with the new trend and make full use of it. Online courses will take a little more effort to study religiously and maintain consistency. Are you planning to take up an online course for the first time? If yes, these points will help you to make your online learning experience an effective one.
Schedule a fixed time — Studying online can be very distracting. In order to get rid of the distractions, you need to set up an everyday fixed time on your calendar. This will help you be a regular learner and achieve great goals. 
Have a strong internet connection — Not having a strong internet connection can cause a lot of buffering during online classes. This will gradually lead to losing interest in the subject. Having a strong internet or WiFi connection is a mandatory prerequisite if you are planning to adopt online learning. 
Set everyday goals —To finish the online course on time, you need to be consistent enough. In order to complete all your assignments and projects, you need to set up everyday targets and strive to accomplish them. 
Note-taking —The most significant part to keep in mind while studying online is note-taking. Taking down the important points will increase your interest in the subject and also help you to go through the key points whenever required. It will also strengthen your base of the subject. 
Maintain a dedicated space to study — Believe it or not, the place where you sit and study plays a vital role. There is always a particular location or place that makes you more focused and active. Hence, studying in a dedicated and isolated space will benefit you in many ways. 
Indulge in group discussions — If your online course has group discussions and live sessions, then don’t miss them at any cost. Indulging in group discussions and talking to several people will improve your communication skills and elevate your confidence. 
Clear doubts — Do not hesitate to ask doubts. Asking doubts about your instructors will solve all your problems and help you understand the subject better. You can take down all the questions you have and ask them in the special doubt sessions held after the completion of the course.  
Create a study plan — The most crucial thing to do before starting an online course is to create a study plan. This can be done by making to-do lists and setting time limits. Learning according to the study plan will help you achieve all your targets and make online learning a fun concept.
Take short breaks — Learning without a break can be monotonous and boring. This can have an adverse impact on your learning. Giving some rest to the brain is as important as giving some rest to the body. Taking short breaks will keep your mind fresh and help you to study with full interest. 
Hope these tips are helpful to complete your online course in time. And, in case you are looking for some more motivation and hacks, you can go through these cool tips for a successful online course. 
Are you all set to sprawl over the sofa with your laptop on and eyes wide open to watch the online classes with utmost dedication? Didn’t you already start imagining this? If yes, don’t wait anymore and quickly choose the online course you want to enroll in. Learning new courses will uplift your skills and make you stand above your peers. It will give you sufficient time to document the classes, establish a vast global network, and prepare you for a globalized workforce. 
Hope the above-mentioned benefits of online courses helped you to take the right step by clearing all your doubts. Also, do let us know if you have any other queries revolving around online courses in the comments below. Happy learning!
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The post 10 Key Benefits of Online Courses appeared first on CareerMetis.com.
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allyklapak · 5 years
For what it’s worth.
There exists a detrimental divide between the environment and the corporate driven society we live in today. Environmental Law is the all-encompassing umbrella term for the legislature and policy that is intertwined with varying environmental problems and resolutions. The values communicated through these laws span from ill intended and profit driven to conservatory and earth centered. The importance of parsing through the varying policies around the world and within the US rests within noting how society has either help or hindered the progression of positive change for our environment. Understanding how the earth’s natural resources are translated into product value in the grand world economy shed light on how the environment as been distorted to adhere to the capitalist driven modern value systems. Only after considering the overarching mindset of the world populations in power, may we reopen the persisting question of how we can change. The initial crossover between our physical surroundings and the social science of the Economy is bridged by the valuation of natural resources for implementation into world market systems. Natural Capita quantifies the natural resources of earth and their value in the economy and to life.1 When governments mishandle or wrongly value these publicly accessible goods, they must work to correct their market failures in hope of transitioning to periods of economic growth. The goal of environmentalists is to press for more environmentally sustainable economic development through underscoring the inherent value of irreplaceable natural resources.[^1] The ideal socioeconomic model to treat this crisis of natural capita depletion is the steady-state economy which prioritized ending superfluous waste and optimizing the limited capita we have by way of recycling and reuse.[^2] It is crucial to propagate the view that natural resources have a value that transcends a merely aesthetic price but rather find value within human dependency. Companies harm the environment by buying into current economic ideas that encourage them to capitalize on nature while the discount rates are low or by assessing how to proceed with a strict cost-benefit analysis. I find fault with both principles as they are detached from the morality of protecting our resources and eliminate the value of human dependency for turning a profit. Although economic principles ae what motivate companies to forgo concern for our environment in favor of self-economic interest, economic strategies that alternatively favor the environment may be the only way to turn around the abhorrent treatment of out resources. For example, full cost pricing and pollution taxes force companies to pay for their damage.[^3] I believe that only when their wallets feel the damage will large corporations be convinced to weigh their options and hopefully diminish reckless behavior and adopt more sustainable practices to offset the government issued repercussions. I believe the issue is rooted in companies attempting or failing to assign tangible values to the invaluable resources around us. One study synthesized a tremendous amount of data on natural capita and concluded, “We estimated that at the current margin, ecosystems provide at least US $33 trillion dollars’ worth of services annually.”[^4] In an appeal to the capitalist mindsets that prevail in society, there is money to be made in prioritizing the preservation and care of natural resources. However, the necessity to transition to a more sustainable economy is a daunting task that dissuades prominent businesses. A complete overhaul of our traditional economic systems would require some antiquated industries and companies to fail so that new innovative and sustainable infrastructure can rise.[^5] To achieve a more sustainable business, companies must adopt the principles of sustainability in their decision processes and dedicate themselves to incorporating more sustainable practices in production and other business conduction.6 Committing to decreasing their carbon footprint evokes practices that could qualify a company for incentivizing certifications such as an EED certification.[^6] These certifications are sought after because they can increase a company’s favorability and reputation. Some companies get in trouble for greenwashing their businesses in an attempt to manipulate the public into believing they are ethically sound. I bitterly understand why the rich executives in the coal industry would not want to sacrifice their incomes, but I cannot wrap my head around why they would jump at the chance to pursue a more sustainable venture before they get left behind. The progression of our environment necessitates a drastic change. Their stubborn adherence to careless environmental practices only warrants a bad reputation among the increasingly aware public and forces corporations to put money and time into defense mechanisms rather than monopolizing on the opportunity to create different jobs and explore clean innovation. I see that it is difficult to quantify an evaluation for certain natural resources, but I also feel that entertaining this habit of exact valuation should be futile because there exists a more pressing moral expense. The toll of natural resource depletion on the ecosystem and humanity is indisputable, so it is frustrating to see so many powerful individuals blatantly ignore these repercussions in favor of self interest and financial gain. In additional to encouraging green business practices, government involvement is another way to address the threat posed by the disparities between the economy and the environment. Government issues subsidiaries have the power to promote or deter environmentalism, but there are various other ways in which government policy and legislation can sway the sustainability of industries and entire nations. Environmental policy is the encompassing term for the various laws and policy procedures devised by the government.[^7] in a democratic nation such as the united states the process of creating environmental policy takes place in the three branches of government and is carried out by officials elected by the people to serve in the public’s best interest. When creating regulations and rules there is a considerable amount of moving parts to consider such as the interconnected nature between the environment and humanity in a holistic fashion, the different precautionary and preventative measures that are warranted by the weakened environmental state, and the various economic components that may be used for incentivization of repercussions.[^8] Legislation is often derived from solving issues that the public face. Environmental law has similarly caught on as the effects of pollution began to afflict the public. Historically, issues of air, water, and land pollution have had adverse influence on populations whose outcries sparked government issued regulations.[^9] Throughout the world, nation shave organized distinguished groups to handle environmental issues and policy, such as the United State’s EPA.[^9] While some adamantly support a more secluded role for the government, I believe that the urgency of the environmental crisis warrants this close engagement with world power. While I continue to view the entire crisis as a humanitarian and moral issue, the involvement of the government forces the hands of many toxic companies that would otherwise obliterate any oppositional movements by the public. Policy is an important incentive strategy. You may not be able to make a rich corporation owner see the moral issues with their works, but policy can pose environmentalism as a pragmatic option once it forces open a wallet. In the spirit of the greater good, the government has to manipulate corporate America of abide by sustainable guidelines because doing it autonomously offers no economic perks. Environmental law is built on the individual. Change begins when the people lobby for their elected officials to make a change. Once their voices are heard, the legislative and executive branch work out solution that may yield new policy or law.[^8] Oftentimes, large environmental policy is provoked by individuals using their inherent rights to health and happiness to sue corporates’ encroaching on those rights with unsustainable practices. While these processes yield a lot of good, they are limited by corporate monetary advantage and long frames of time.[^8] The individual influence on law inspires me. The people are the only ones that can hold their elected officials accountable because they do not have to consider public image. Grassroots organization are the catalysts of change. They start with one then multiply to fight for individual causes, made successful by allocation energy and time to specific changes.[^8] Students are the pioneers in this field as they work to uncover the objective truths and use those truths to fight for justice. Environmental justice remembers those hurt most by climate change, the impoverished. On the human level it is crucial to consider the implications environmental disaster has on the impoverished.[^3] Climate change connects individuals in their sufferings and in their efforts to fight back. Environmental law is just one way that the public can fight back. I think this is the responsibility of every world citizen because we have a moral accountability to help ourselves and help other who cannot help themselves. Individuals are at the center of environmental change. As Ernest Partridge points out, “Sadly, it appears that the American public is behaving ever more as a marketplace of consumers, and ever less as a polity – a community of citizens.” We must be citizens and we must break away from the consumer mindset.[^10] The modern practice of politics works to sell individuals on certain ideas posed through a lens of profit. A true citizen must be aware of these traps and reassess politicians in a way that considers morality and social responsibility. Changing the narrative from I to we may be the key to successfully changing the world through fostering a global community.
Word Count: 1553
Discussion Question: Microlending is proposed to be a helpful approach to poverty in the world, but how can this method be sustained to help the entire impoverished population of the world? Is this method too small scale?
Miller Jr, G. Tyler. Living in the Environment: an Introduction to Environmental Science. No. Ed. 19. Cengage Learning, 2017. Ch. 23.
Miller, 634.
Miller, 642.
Costanza, Robert, Ralph d'Arge, Rudolf De Groot, Stephen Farber, Monica Grasso, Bruce Hannon, Karin Limburg et al. "The value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital." nature 387, no. 6630 (1997): 253-260.
Miller, 649.
“Sustainable Business.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, January 10, 2020. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_business.
Miller, 657.
Miller, 659-667
“Environmental Law.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, February 19, 2020. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_law.
Partridge , Ernest. “Consumer or Citizen?” Template with sidebar, April 2002. http://gadfly.igc.org/politics/left/consumer.htm.
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