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bitchbur · 6 months ago
the absolute funniest plot of nbc hannibal is the fact that the fbi is looking for a serial killer that is highly skilled in evading the police and has been killing for decades in multiple countries, and then they hired a guy who showed up to work like this every day to catch him.
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bitchbur · 6 months ago
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bitchbur · 9 months ago
You guys know about, right?
It's an extensive gallery of high-res images that includes such rare, behind-the-scenes treasures as:
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Hugh Dancy and Laurence Fishburne hugging it out in front of a corpse
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Mads Mikkelsen coyly showing off these guys
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Hettienne Park posing with her own corpse
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Dog eating hand
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Hugh looking absolutely delighted to see Mads
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Mads eating pencil
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Hugh posing happily among array of near-naked actors
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and last but not least, Mads smiling next to Sutcliffe's disfigured head, which was so extremely graphic I had to censor it to post here
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bitchbur · 10 months ago
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Chelsea Hodson, "Tonight I'm Someone Else" // l.a.m, "The Rising of the Phoenix" // @astrono77153462 // author unknown, "Fallen Angel in Church" // Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov // Franz Kafka and @wingful // @conturnacious // Ted Chiang, Hell is the Absent of God // Google search results // David Bowie
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bitchbur · 10 months ago
Look I had what may be the dumbest of thoughts when the first JWST pictures came out, and there's still part of me that's like "but what if it's not dumb though?”
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If angels were originally described as amalgamations of wings, eyes, and wheels of fire...
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What if they were based on nebula and galaxies that could be seen from earth?
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And I know like, not much of this IS visible at this level from earth, but our understanding is that the universe is currently expanding, and skies being darker before light pollution was a thing... What if?
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bitchbur · 10 months ago
Freak nasty angel sex reblog if u agree
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bitchbur · 11 months ago
i found the club she’s heard great things about, i left all i knew, you left me at the house by the heath (so long, london) // and your location, you forgot to turn it off, and so i watch as you walk into some bar called the black dog (the black dog)
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bitchbur · 11 months ago
"we learned the right steps to different dances" is such a beautiful way to explain that nobody did anything wrong but it does not work out if you have different goals or different ideals of life, maybe sometimes things don't work out and it is nobodys fault
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bitchbur · 11 months ago
Opinions from people who’ve listened to the leak don’t really tell me anything about how I’ll feel bc I’m an unironic false god, glitch, karma, and INTHAF enjoyer
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bitchbur · 11 months ago
Will here absolutely kills me cos he got thrown off a train, walked to Florence, got his head cut open, got kidnapped, hung upside down in a truck and now has to listen to Mason spout shit while Hannibal’s in his own trolley with that shit-eating grin.
but like, his face is like, “it’s one inconvenience after another.” he’d defo be rolling his eyes here if he had the energy
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bitchbur · 11 months ago
I'm reading back through my first ever thoughts watching Hannibal:
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bitchbur · 11 months ago
“Love at first sight” what about the sickest, deepest, most cannibalistic obsession at first sight?
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bitchbur · 11 months ago
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bitchbur · 1 year ago
today was single handedly the best day of my life. i caught a cop stealing from the store i work at
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bitchbur · 1 year ago
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cfundy & cwilbur; burning.
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bitchbur · 1 year ago
thinking about the events of the dsmp hundreds of years later being just a bunch of stories.
In a village nestled between tall pines children play Manberg Vs Pogtopia, the names of nations and reasons for war long forgotten as they hit each other with sticks and tackle their friends to warm summer grass.
When their mothers tuck them in that night they tell them stories of a snowy wasteland, so ancient it still holds the scars of long wars forgotten. They tell them of the wasteland’s inhabitant, the greatest warrior this world has ever seen. His name is lost to history but warriors still pray to him on the eve of battle and tie ravens feathers in their hair in his honor.
If the children misbehaved that day their mothers tell them a different story, one of a masked man who steals bad children and drowns them in the sea.
There’s a crater a few miles east of the village in the middle of the marshlands up by a glittering ocean. The crater is so deep that you can throw rocks off the edge and never hear them hit the bottom. Legend says that once upon a time the goddess of death had a son who walked this earth and when he died in her rage and grief she tore into the city that once stood there with her bare hands and ripped it from the earth leaving nothing but a crater behind.
On long sunny evenings in the inns that dot the coastline bards tell stories of a cursed city of gold and glass buried in the heart of a desert where it snows. They whisper the city is full of riches but nobody who looks for it ever comes back.
On stormy nights the Bards tell a different story, a story of a town that sits over a slumbering god. Strange things happen there. Red vines sport up over night. If you listen closely, the people say you can hear them talk. Everyone there has red eyes and cold cold hands.
If you start at dawn and ride in the opposite direction of the carter you can reach the vault before nightfall. The locals claim it used to hold a faceless god guarded by a king but time has weathered the vault’s defenses and the towns children dare each other inside its walls, running though the tight passages.
An old fairytale says if you follow a small barely visible path from the doors of a vault beyond you’ll reach a forest full of trees so overgrown they block the sun. The fairytale says if you walk to the heart of the forrest there’s a prince sleeping there, nestled in the flowers and weeds. The fairytale says his true love and his knights are long dead. The fairytale says he dreams the whole world in existence. The fairytale says a lot of things but nobody really believes it.
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bitchbur · 1 year ago
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