#you see the things they never see ... forrest greene.
downspirals · 4 months
waterfalls tearing you apart ... nadine hunt.
you see the things they never see ... forrest greene.
were you just like me once upon a time ... bear jones.
i'm not here to hold your hand ... rain mars.
just one more tear to cry ... carmy berzatto.
we can wander through the forest ... finn mertens.
i'm in the trees i'm in the breeze ... lucy gray baird.
love me anyway ... evan buckley.
i stay silly ... out.
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urmomisunderme2 · 1 month
False god
Warnings: manipulation, implied stalking, mama/mommy wanda, tiny bit smut, mean wanda, dyslexic😭😭 bad writing and it’s short
Wanda saves you one day in the forest and stuff happens ig
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You had meet your mommy…you don’t even know how long ago but you remember you where wondering through the woods upset and ready to end it all, tears streaming down your pink cheeks, you couldn’t keep going anymore, you couldn’t even walk around any more. You dropped down to the ground closing your eyes hoping you would never open them again.
“Oh my sweetie are you okay?” You hear this voice over you and a warm hand rubbing your arm “oh honey your so so cold” you squeeze your eyes open to see who this mystery person is but it’s far to bright for your little eyes. You feel the woman lifting you up into her arms holding you close “can you open your eyes for me baby girl” she doesn’t really ask she’s more telling you but you still shake your head to tell her no “yes you will, you can do it” you squeeze them open seeing a beautiful middle aged woman with auburn hair in front of you and you can’t help the whisper of a woah escape your lips “someone’s feeling a little better I see” the beautiful woman chuckles and you nod your head yes.
“Maybe you need a warm drink to heat you up…would you like to come and get one at mine?” You can’t help but get excited by the idea of getting to spend more time with her “YES PLEASEEE!!!” She smiles and gives you a kiss on the cheek. The mystery woman carries you for a while until you arrive at a cozy well built cabin, the woman opens the door and brings you to the sofa before a fire place and putting you under what seems a home knitted pink blanket “mmm so cozyyyy”
“I’m glad, here’s some green tea detka it should make you feel all better” the woman kisses your head and sits down next to you, you take a sip of the hot tea forgetting all the things that happened before she found you, they where crap memories anyway. Once you swallow your sip of tea you realise you don’t know her name “oh I forgot to tell you my name…I’m Wanda” she smiles like she could read your mind “I’m y/n” for a while you both sit in a comfortable silence while you finish your tea. Later that night Wanda puts on a movie, you end up cuddling into her and by the time the movie ends it’s dark outside and you never want to leave.
“Can I stay please?” You ask praying that she will say yes “of course pretty girl” Wanda smiles, you had never left since except for the walks you and Wanda sometimes go though the woods.
Over time you had gradually started calling her by mommy/mama, you couldn’t really help it, your brain had become all fuzzy and it was all to hard but mama was always there to take care of you. Forever.
“Mommy- I please” you moan was wanda’s fingers rut into you “so tight sweet girl, so good for mommy” it was all so much, no one had ever touched so nicely before mommy.
“God you look so cute when mommy plays with you baby” wanda moaned, she had a vibrater against her clit “mommy mommy please” wanda went faster as you begged making you cum, her cumming only a few seconds later. That was the first time she touched you like that and definitely not the last. It was one of your favourite things to do with your mama and luckily your other favourite things always lead it to sex, movie nights, bath time, colouring.
Today you woke up before her, that had never happened before mama was always up first and every so often she would wake you up with breakfast in bed.
You decided you where going to do the same for her, you sneak out of bed and out the front door to the outside, you hadn’t been outside by yourself since before you came here, you didn’t remember it at all but mommy told you she found you sad in the Forrest.
You walk around a bit looking for raspberries and blueberries that mommy always comes home with when suddenly someone pushes you against a near by tree wrapping their hands around your throat, you look up to see your mama but she looked different, not as happy as normal, you try to speak but you can’t when she’s holding your throat the way she is.
“You little brat, running away from me” she spat as you look at her confused “oh don’t look at me like an innocent little baby, I know your not, I watched you for months before you came here and you want to go back to THAT?!” Wanda’s hands get tighter around your throat “I can’t believe it after all I have done for you, the life I have given you out here as my baby free from stress and worry and now you do this to me?” You’d never seen her so mad before. You where starting to struggle to breathe trying to take in breath’s but none of them giving you enough air “mama- can’t breathe” you manage to choke out but she doesn’t listen as a sinister smile creeps up her face “good” Wanda whispers in your ear.
You start to kick her trying to get away, you weren’t running away from mommy but she wouldn’t listen and now you had too. You keep kicking but you can’t get out of her grasp only frustrating her more and more “you little bitch” she tightens her hands and everything goes black. Wanda carries you home changing your clothes and tucking you into bed “your mine baby girl, you can’t go anywhere” she whispers giving your head a little kiss.
You wake up a few hours later, hearing Wanda humming in the kitchen, you carefully get up and slowly walk through to the kitchen, Wanda turns around to greet you “oh look who’s finally, you where having nightmares my pretty baby” she holds you close, “but they where real” you mumble and wanda stiffens “tell mama and mama will tell you if it happened or not” she tells you hoping to find the reason why you’d run away without you having to know what she did to you “went to get berries to make mommy breakfast in bed and and… mommy was so mean to me… it hurt” Wanda’s fake smile flatters before going back into place, you had went to get berries for her and she had physical assaulted you.
“That never happened baby girl” she shush you, she could never let you know what had happened.
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soapsilly · 10 months
Redemption - Roronoa Zoro Imagine
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Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Spoilers for One Piece (?)
A/N: This is Part 2 for Betrayal, another Zoro imagine I wrote, so if you haven't read that I'd recommend you do that first.
Summary: After (Y/N) confessed to the Straw Hat Pirates that during their two year separation, she betrayed her boyfriend Zoro and had a child back on the island she was stranded on, she had to leave the group. But once her new home was under attack she had no other choice but to once again hope for the crew's help. Will they forgive her?
Part 3
Requests are closed
Fire... smoke... screams...
She could see the clouds of smoke from miles away. Once she set foot on the island the first things that greeted her weren't the familiar smell of the autumn leaves or the sound of the market place but rather the smell of the burnt down huts and the pleas of the townspeople. Ever since Whitebeard's death two years ago pirates from all over the world set sail in search of the One Piece. It was exactly like after Gol D. Roger's execution all over again. But her little island? This wasn't where the One Piece was hidden. What these pirates wanted was merely to destroy, to pillage and to artificially drive up their bounty...
"We would never do that", the young woman thought to herself, "all our bounties were racked up for far better reasons. Luffy would never allow this" (Y/N) was well aware, that she herself was part of a notorious pirate crew - or rather she had been part of one until recently...
The realization hurt but she didn't have time to keep thinking about her misery. All that mattered right now was the little boy for whom she had given up everything. As fast as her feet would carry her she ran towards the edge of the forrest where the little cabin that she called her home stood.
She breathed a sigh of relief once she arrived and saw that the destruction of the village had not yet reached that part of the island. But she didn't plan to just sit by and wait for that to happen. The people on the island she called her home weren't fighters. If they were lucky there were a few handymen that knew how to handle tools and heavy machinery but that was about it. She knew that she could never take on those pirates on her own - even if she improved her strenght greatly in the span of those last two years. But she knew who could...
"Are you sure you're okay?", she whispered, not wanting to get caught by the other Straw Hats.
"Pffft.. Never felt better", the swordsman dismissed her worries with a movement of his hand and continued undressing the woman that was lying underneath him. Calloused hands roaming her body, trying to take in as much of her as he could.
"But - But you should rest...", it became increasingly harder to string together coherrent sentences with the way Zoro was kissing down her chest.
"If you insist", with a swift movement he flipped them around and in an instant the witch was now on top her green-haired boyfriend, straddling him firmly.
She started laughing, "You know, that's not what I meant"
Not many people knew Zoro the way (Y/N) knew him. The other Straw Hats would probably describe him as a 'matter of fact' - guy. His playful side wasn't something he kept hidden - not at all. It's just that the stupid jokes were only funny when they left her lips.
"Hey, Zoro. Dinner's ready", Sanji's words pulled the swordsman out of his thoughts. Every since (Y/N)'s confession nobody on the ship acted normal around him anymore - well nobody except Luffy and Robin. Luffy was never the most delicate, which Zoro was grateful for and Robin probably knew that he just wanted to move on. Nami however didn't leave him alone, offered to speak, to be a shoulder to cry on. He appreciated her good intentions but he just wanted to repress the feelings, exercise and drink his pain away. But the thing that annoyed him the most was that shitty cook being so nauseatingly nice to him. Nami told Sanji that she would raise him hell if he even dared to think to start a fight with Zoro. But what she had achieved, was that the only little thing that the swordsman had left of his (Y/N) was now gone too. He remembered how amusing she found the fights he and curly-brows had - so much so that Zoro tried to initiate fights with the cook. But Sanji never took the bait no matter how hard he had to pull himself together. If Nami-swan wanted something from him, he would not disappoint.
There she was, it was barely a week and a half since (Y/N) left the Thousand Sunny back on Sabaody but yet it felt like a lifetime. The witch took a few deep breaths before slowly making her way over to the ship. She was grateful that Robin told her that the crew would have to make a stop for supplies an island over before heading to Fish-Man Island. On her way over there, she had hoped that she didn't miss them, that they'd still be there and all the hoping seemed to have payed off. But the hardest challenge - convincing her former friends to help her after everything she put them trough - still lay ahead of her.
Much to her dismay the whole group was not only on the ship when she arrived, they were also in the middle of dinner.
"(Y/N), you came back!", Luffy's voice broke the silence. The girl realized that he genuinely sounded happy to see her. She wasn't quite sure if she felt happy that there was at least one person left on this ship that didn't hate her or sad because she had to tell him yet again, that she still wasn't coming back.
But before she (Y/N) could even attempt to say anything, Nami spoke up, "No, Luffy. She's not. What are you doing here?"
Her voice was cold - so much in fact, that (Y/N) needed two attempts to explain the reason for why she was there. Once she finally ended her plea for help there were a solid few seconds where nobody said a word. (Y/N) had mostly spoken to Luffy as the captain of the ship but she knew that it was really the navigator that she would have to convince to help her. She kept her eyes firmly trained on the Straw Hat anticipating his decision. She, of course, noticed Zoro's presence in the room - how could she not? - but right now all that mattered was that the crew agreed to help.
"Please, I wouldn't ask if I had any other choice...", (Y/N) added quietly after a few more seconds of silence.
"Of course, I'm coming to save you, (Y/N)-chan~", Sanji was the first one to speak up in his sing song voice with hearts in his eyes. For him it wasn't even a question at all. All he saw was a damsel in distress and he'd be the knight in shining armour to come and save the day. He could already picture himself as the hero of the battle and all the ladies clinging on to him to show their gratitude. It was Usopp that had to break the flirtatious cook out of his ramble with a slap on the back of his head.
"What are we even debating about? Of course, we're helping, guys! She's one of us", Chopper agreed. The ship's doctor was always a loyal soul. Chopper and (Y/N) both were outsiders before they met the Straw Hats so she knew how important his nakama were to him.
"No, Chopper. That's exactly the case! She's not. Not anymore", Nami objected, "she should've thought about that before betraying the whole crew. We can't always drop everything just because a former acquaintance happens to have a problem"
Nami liked to say that she was only upset for Zoro - and she really was. She knew that the mosshead was utterly in love with the other woman. She could tell from the way he would loosen up around her, she could tell by the way he would look after her to make sure nothing and nobody would ever upset or hurt her, she could tell by the way he was slightly - only slightly - less annoying when he was around her but the truth was also that Nami was hurt for herself too. (Y/N) was her friend, the first girl that joined the group before Robin finally made them a trio. They had talked about their plans and then (Y/N) just chose the domestic life over everything they had dreamed of?
"And what will you do the next time you'll be in trouble? We won't always be around to save the day", the red-head now spoke directly to (Y/N).
"I promise, I won't ever bother you again, but you haven't seen what I've seen. I'm not asking for myself..."
Of course, she wasn't asking for selfish reasons. Zoro knew that. (Y/N) always chastised him for being so stubborn. But the swordsman knew that she was honestly none the better. If he ever told her that, she'd never admit it but it was the truth. And so he also knew that (Y/N) was far to proud to come and ask them for help so soon after leaving the crew - well, except if she had no other choice. But it didn't really matter anyways, if she was in danger or even just in any type of discomfort, he'd always come and save her.
Zoro had heard enough, "We're helping"
It was the first time that (Y/N) looked at him since she entered the ship. She looked like a scared deer with how wide her eyes were. It was clear to him that she didn't expect him to stand up for her at all. Did she really think that lowly of him? Why did that thought sting? If Nami was anything to go by, he should hate her and helping her should be the last thing on his mind but he just couldn't help his feelings. This time it was Zoro that couldn't stand the tension, so he tore his eyes away from his ex-lover.
"Zoro, are you-", Nami seemed unsure.
"Either we all go or I'll go alone, I'm done talking about this", and with those words the swordsman stood up from the table and left the room. When he passed (Y/N) on the way out, he had to side-step as to not bump into her but just that act alone was the closest he's been to her in a long time.
"Guess, it's settled then", Luffy laughed, "(Y/N) lead the way!"
Zoro and (Y/N) were lying on the deck of the Sunny at the moment talking about anything and eveything. Usually the mosshead would have a afternoon nap but instead (Y/N) and him decided spend some time together soaking up the last sunrays of the day.
"Is there anything else you want out of life?", (Y/N) asked her boyfriend, who had his head comfortable rested on her lap.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean... other than becoming the world's greatest swordsman?"
"No, why would I?"
"Well, you made that promise to a friend when you were a child. You're a man now. Isn't there anyhting else that you could wish for? In addition to being the best? I mean what happens once you reach your goal?"
Zoro was quiet for a moment, it was clear to (Y/N) that her lover had truly never ever considered there possibly being more.
"Well, what about you then?", he positioned himself so that he was now looking up at her.
"I guess, I'd like to be married someday", she answered nonchalantly.
"Why?", Zoro's voice dripped with confusion but there was also somehting else... judgement maybe?
"I don't know, I think I just like the thought of having that special bond with a person, you know? Belonging together, having each other's back...", she trailed off towards the end. She could feel her cheeks heat up. Talking about feelings was so much easier when drunk...
"Oi! Everything okay with you?", Zoro sounded amused, "you sound exactly like curly-brows"
"Why? Because I want to belong somewhere?", she was irritated by his reaction.
"Don't be so dramatic", the swordsman rolled his eyes, "you belong to the crew like all of us"
She wiggled her way out from underneath him not wanting him on her anymore.
"Do you really not understand how that's different? I just don't want to be just someone's girlfriend for the rest of my life", she was starting to get frustrated now.
"Just someone's girlfriend? And being someone's wife is better? What kind of goal is that?", (Y/N) could sense that Zoro was not taking her seriously at the moment, which made her even more furious. Unfortunately the witch was an angry-crier, so wasn't long before the tears started to fill her eyes. When he saw her reaction, he added, "Damn, you are so sensitive"
"And you are always so goddamn insensitive! Talking to you is like talking to a brick wall!", (Y/N) knew she shouldn't yell but the way he was talking down to her made her feel so helpless.
"I don´t want to talk to you anyways when you're being so difficult. I should've just taken a nap", he was annoyed by her behavior.
"Fine!", with that she stood up and walked away from her boyfriend but as she was walking inside the Sunny she turned around telling him, "and for your information, the are some things that Sanji actually gets very right, you know..."
She knew that indirectly comparing him to the cook would rub him the wrong way but she really couldn't resist.
"Oi, are you actually trying to start a fight or what?!", Zoro yelled after her, raising his voice for the first time the entire conversation.
Zoro mindlessly sat by the railing sharpening his katanas. Would things be different today had he acted a little more sensitive during their fight? Back then he didn't pay it anymore mind. In fact, he didn't think (Y/N) would've either. They had had far bigger fights - or so he thought - but guess it was more important to her than he anticipated. Maybe he wasn't enough for her... Was she really that unhappy?
"Hey...", Zoro was pulled from his thoughts by (Y/N) herself. It was the first time that she directly spoke to him since her confession on Sabaody, "I just wanted to thank you for speaking up back then. You really saved us"
Us... Zoro felt a sting in his chest. Of course, her new man and their son. Helping her wasn't even a question for him but the thought that she was in that situation to begin with made him angry. What kind of man doesn't protect his family?
"Don't mention it", he grunted, still not looking up from his blades.
"No, I mean it. If it wasn't for you I don't know what I'd do", Zoro couldn't help but notice that the way she was talking to him wasn't as familiar anymore almost like they were strangers. First the crew and now (Y/N) too. All this tiptoeing around made him sick - he wasn't used to being pitied and he didn't like it. One bit. He would almost have preferred it if she had just sad down with him and talked... normally?
As if she had read his mind, she asked him if she could sit with him for a moment. She took the shrug she got in returned as a 'yes' and sat down opposite from him.
"Zoro... I - I really never meant to hurt you", she continued. He wasn't sure if he wanted to have this conversation now but the alternative was her leaving again, so...
"It's my own fault. I should've known better", he answered.
"What? Why would you say that?", the woman opposite of him truly sounded upset with his statement. She was trying to catch his eye but he adjusted himself so that he was now facing the water.
"I wouldn't give you what you wanted. I was too occupied with my goal of becoming the strongest. All the training, the exercising...", he trailed off towards the end. "Logical consequences", he tried to sound unbothered.
The witch furrowed her brows, "No... No, no. Where is that coming from?"
"You told me you wanted to get married someday and I didn't take you seriously"
She remembered the fight but hadn't thought about for ages - especially because - in her mind - it wasn't so big of a deal. But then again, the swordsman also never heard what happened after the fight.
When Sanji entered the dining area the first thing he noticed was a sniffling (Y/N). With the speed of lightning he was kneeling in front of her, tracing soothing cirlces on one of her hands.
"(Y/N)-chan! What happened? Who hurt you?", the cook jumped up from his position on the floor.
"It's nothing, Sanji. Just a little fight", she wiped her tears away and tried to smile up at him.
"Was it that stupid Marimo? I'm going to break his face for making you cry", he was already halfway out of the room before the witch could even react.
"Sanji, no, please don't", she pleaded. Usually she'd be the last person to stop either one of them from starting a fight with the other but this time was different.
When the blond heard how desperate she sounded he stopped in his tracks, instead he turned around and started to prepare some tea for himself and the girl.
Once the tea was served, he sat down with her, so they could talk.
"It's silly...", she tried to dismiss the problem but Sanji wouldn't have it.
"How silly can it be if it makes you cry?", at the mention of her tears she swore there were distinct flames in his irises.
"It's just... Zoro and I were talking about our goals in life and when I told him I'd like to get married someday, he didn't seem to like the idea"
"How could anybody say 'no' to a proposal from you? I would marry you in an instant ~", where the witch had seen flames a moment ago, there were now hearts in his irises.
"Oh yeah? Sanji, no offense but you'd marry any woman that's not on the tree by three", she couldn't help but laugh, "But in fact, I wasn't proposing to him. We were fighting because he's just so... insensitive? You know, sometimes it's like only his thoughts and feelings are what make sense to him and so other thoughts and feelings are irrational and therefore not valid..."
"Stupid.. selfish.. douchebag.. mosshead..", Sanji was talking more to himself than to the girl sitting opposite of him, "why are you even putting up with him? You could easily find a better man that would cherish you and worship the ground you walk on"
The witch was sure the cook was talking about himself but let it slide for the moment.
"I love him", she shrugged, "what you don't understand is, that I'd rather have a thousand fights and never ever get married than to marry somebody else"
In that moment, the cook genuinely could feel how serious the girl was.
" - but don't tell him that. Otherwise, I'll never get him to tie the knot", she quickly added.
"I wouldn't dream of it", the blond confirmed.
"So, and now let's make dinner, yes? I'm starting to get hungry", (Y/N) was nudged Sanji in the side, a bright smile lighting up her face.
To further cheer her up, the cook promised to prepare the witch's favourite meal for dinner and (Y/N) was happy to help and spend some more time with her friend.
(Y/N) was in the midst of stirring one of the many pots, that were cooking on the stove - with Luffy as their captain a single dish would never be enough - when she heard Zoro's voice from outside the kitchen.
"Oi! (Y/N) come quick! There's something I want to show you"
The girl turned to the cook, who by the look of it was busy with adjusting the taste with seasoning so every dish was nothing short of perfect.
"Is it okay if I leave you to it now?", she smiled.
"Are you sure? The stupid marimo didn't even apologize"
"Positive", she shrugged, "I'm not angy anymore and I'm sure he isn't either. Why waste time being pissed at each other when you could also just spend the time that you have together being happy?"
And with that she skipped towards the door leading to the deck where her stubborn, stupid marimo headed boyfriend was already waiting for her. But just before she could leave the kitchen she made an abrupt stop, returned to where she left the cook standing and gave him a kiss on the cheek, which almost made the receiver levitate.
"Thank you, Sanji"
"Zoro, no... There's nothing you could've said or done differently that would've changed anything. I'm... so sorry", she hoped that this would convince him that it really wasn't a 'him-issue' and that he shouldn't give up on love all together, but he remained silence. When she realized that he wouldn't answer her she made a move to get up but just before she could leave Zoro spoke up.
"I don't hate you, you know?", it was the first time during their conversation that he had looked at her - really looked her in the face. She could see that he still loved her. He has always been bad at articulating his emotions but that was okay for her because she could always tell how he felt about her. He showed her. Two years of seperations didn't change that.
She didn't expect him to say anything now - least off all that. Of course, she felt glad to hear it but still she couldn't help but to feel guilty... like she didn't deserve forgiveness for all the pain she caused.
"I wouldn't blame you", she sat back down.
"I could never. Three days are one thing. Two years a whole nother", he shrugged, "Besides, Nami hates you enough for the both of us"
The witch sat there shocked but once she saw Zoro's smirk, she let out a relieved laugh.
"I think Nami hates me enough for the whole crew", she giggled.
The two of them started teasing each ofther and for a moment it felt like before. Before Sabaody, before (Y/N)'s confession, before their separation.
"By the way, I like your dress", the woman told Zoro with a deadpan look. It took a few moments for her words to register in his mind before he started yelling.
"Dress?! Are you blind, woman??"
When she saw how frustrated he was with her she couldn't hold back her giggles.
Their laughs could be heard all over the Sunny, much to the bewilderment of a certain navigator.
"Look at that! How could he be laughing with her like that after everything she put him through?", she turned to Robin.
"They love each other. Feelings don't change from one day to another"
"Well, for her they apparently did...", Nami retorted.
The older woman sent the red-head a knowing smile but chose to stay silent.
The battle was in full effect and (Y/N) was in awe of how strong everybody has become over these last two years. Even the self-proclaimed coward trio of Usopp, Nami and Chopper did a lot of damage to the enemy crew. A lot of parts of town have been destroyed during the fight but the witch knew that this was the lesser of two evils and the townspeople would work together once everything was over to build it up again.
"They're like vermin!", Nami shouted. She was right. The pirates weren't strong - at least not compared to the Straw Hats - but they were many and they were everywhere.
"Doesn't matter. We're stronger", Ruffy laughed.
During the fight (Y/N) felt like she never left the crew, working together like a well maintained machine. For a moment she forgot about the struggles and that all of this would be only temporary - that they would leave once the threat was over - but then a loud explosion pulled her back to reality. A cloud of black and grey smoke rose up from just outside of town where the forrest began.
"My house!", the young witch shouted, "I need to go- I need- I-"
The others could see the genuine fear in her eyes as she was running towards where the flames were blazing up from afar.
"I'm coming with you", Zoro started to follow her.
The girl stopped in her tracks, "Wait, no you can't come"
"Why? Don't be ridiculous. You'll need help"
"Yes, but not from you", she her voice sounded urgent, "Sanji? Can't you come? Or Robin?"
"What the hell is wrong with you? You're wasting time!", the swordsman was getting angry. Why would she rather want the waiter's help before his? He could keep her safer that any body else on the crew but of course she had to be stubborn again.
"Both of you are wasting time. I'm coming", Robin interjected. Zoro tried to object but before he could both of the women already took off.
"What are you hiding, (Y/N)?", the older of the two asked.
"You'll see soon enough"
Once the fight was over the forrest floor around the hut was littered with pirates. Neither (Y/N) nor Robin believed in taking prisoners. Fortunately, (Y/N)'s little house and garden were unscathed.
"How?", Robin was puzzled.
The younger woman sent her a bright smile, "That's Mim's doing"
And so (Y/N) told her about her mentor. Mim was an older woman - an old hag to be specific - that took care of (Y/N) when she landed on her island two years ago. She was strict and a little grim but also extremely warm-hearted and as chance would have it, she was known as the island's sorceress. At first (Y/N) believed that it was only hearsay, like it had been in her home village, but she quickly realized that the old lady was an actual witch and better yet - she would teach her.
"I see. So, your mentor protected your home with a spell", Robin concluded as the both of them walked over to the little hut.
As they walked up to the door, an old woman and a little child came up to them. When Robin saw the little boy with the green hair and the outstreched arms, she quickly realized why (Y/N) was so against Zoro accompanying her.
"You need to tell him, (Y/N)"
"I can't, Robin. It wouldn't change a thing"
"You don't know that", she insisted.
But before (Y/N) could give an answer, they heard the voice a certain green-haired swordsman.
"What wouldn't change a thing?"
(Y/N) stiffened up. When Zoro saw the little boy in her arms his eyes immediately grew wide. The whole crew waited in anticipation.
It was the toddler that broke the silence with his babbling, signaling for his mother to be wanting to be let down. Once she set him down the little boy immediately started to wobble his way over to Chooper, where he promptly fell on his behind and happily started to wildy gesture around.
"Is that - ? Why did- ? When-?", Zoro was lost for words and so were the others. It was Nami that spoke up first.
"(Y/N)...", she walked over to the other girl and hugged her tight, "I'm so sorry"
"You didn't know", she assured the navigator, "to be honest? I probably would have reacted the same way". She sent her friend a half-smile.
"Ma-ma?", the toddler demanded his mother's attention, two fists full of Chopper's fur in both of his chubby hands.
"Ah. No, no. Leave the nice Tanuki alone, honey", she walked over to the little boy scooping him up in her arms again, ignoring the ship doctor's protests over the misidentification.
Zoro cleared his throat to get her attention back to him. As much as he enjoyed the moment of reconciliation, he still thought there was some things the two of them had to talk about.
Within seconds the mood switched yet again and all of a sudden everybody was reminded of the reality of the situation they were in.
"Maybe we should give those two a minute or two...", Robin suggested.
"Yeah", (Y/N) answered but didn't take her eyes off of Zoro, "Sanji, why don't you cook something nice for us? The fridge should be stocked...". Her suggestion was met with instant approval from their ever hungry captain.
Sanji just nodded, still not having processed the newly gained information. How could the marimo be a father??
Nami made grabby hands towards the Mini-Zoro in (Y/N)'s arms. Usually she was rather unimpressed with babies. But this was different. This baby belonged to her best friend and... Zoro.
"Come to aunty Nami", (Y/N) didn't hesitate for a moment to hand him over to the red-head. Had it been Luffy or Usopp she'd think twice but she trusted Nami to take care of her baby.
"I'll leave you two to it, so you can talk", the navigator continued, "What's the little man's name by the way?"
"Oh, I decided to name him Sanji", (Y/N) answered seriously.
"Excuse me?!", Zoro was shocked.
"Just joking! I'm sorry", she tried to calm the mosshead down. From behind her, she could see Usopp and Nami snickering behind their hands and Sanji nearly dying of heart palpitations. "It's Sora", she added quietly as the others left her and the swordsman alone.
"Is (Y/N) coming back now?", the witch heard Chopper ask somewhere in the background but she didn't have the mental capacity to think about anything but Zoro at the moment.
"Sora...", he repeated thoughtfully once they were alone, "Does he- does he have my name?"
(Y/N) felt anxious. Would he like that?
"Well...", she started but had to stop because she didn't know what to say, "I mean... yeah?"
"Roronoa Sora...", Zoro didn't know how to properly express his feelings in the moment. Hell - he didn't even know himself. But he knew that he liked the sound of that.
"Why didn't you say anything?", he asked her. It was almost like a plea.
"Would it have changed anything? I didn't want to burden you"
"Burden me?", he was in disbelief, "How could you ever burden me?"
"Don't you understand? I was alone on this island. All alone and I had to make a decision" she was getting emotional - for the first time since her confession. There were no more jokes and funny digs to mask how she really felt.
Zoro felt terrible, he knew how hard it was for her to feel isolated and then to go through something like this without any help? When they first got together he would've never thought that he'd ever grow so attached to the girl but it didn't take long for him to really fall madly and deeply in love with her. Sometimes he'd feel bad that couldn't really express how he truly felt for her but he promised himself he would do anything in his power to protect her. But he couldn't even do that.
"You had your goal... and... and... I never wanted to hold you back", (Y/N) couldn't stop the tears from falling anymore. Being separated from him was the worst feeling in the world but she would give up everything and more for him.
Zoro pulled her into his chest, holding her close and tucking her head underneath his chin. From the way hear hands would immediately grab at his robe, it was noticeable how much she missed his touch.
"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I'm sorry I wasn't there. I'm sorry you felt like you had to lie", he hated that she felt like she had to protect him. The crew - especially Nami - had been so terrible to her, "I love you more than anything..."
She pulled back and looked up at him. Tears still streaming down her face. Even now, he couldn't help but to think how beautiful she was. And for the first time in over two years his lips met hers.
The kiss wasn't hungry or sensual. Zoro could taste the salt from her tears on her lips but it didn't bother him at all.
Once they broke apart she smiled up at him, "I've missed you"
"Are you sure?", Nami shouted down from the Sunny.
"A pirate ship is no place for a child", (Y/N) answered back.
It's been a week since the fight. The townspeople were already in the process of building up what's been broken and it was time for the Straw Hats to move on. Of course, the offered the witch to join them again but nothing changed for her. She had to think about her son first and foremost - as much as she would miss life on the sea. Most of the crew already boarded the ship. It was only Zoro left on the beach with (Y/N) and their son.
"I guess it's goodbye then, huh?", the witch had a sad smile on her face.
"I promise it's not forever. As soon as Luffy is pirate king I'll come back for you... both of you", the mosshead still wasn't the most secure in his new role as a father but as long as he had (Y/N) he knew that it'd be alright.
(Y/N) went in for what would be the last hug for a long, long time, "Promise me you'll be safe. Who's gonna make you take care of yourself when I'm not there?", she smiled.
The two of them exchanged a few more kisses and 'I love you's before the crew told them it was time to depart. During the last hug, Sora, who was seated in his mothers arm reached, out and grabbed his father's cheek with a happy laugh. Zoro furrowed his brows for a moment but then quickly started grinning.
"And you keep an eye out for your mother, yes?"
The toddler babbled as if to confirm that he understood his father's order.
A loud sob disrupted the family moment. When they turned to the Sunny they saw the whole crew smiling down at them - much to the discomfort of Zoro, who was still not entirely at ease with PDA. It was Franky that the initial sob came from. The cyborg has always been prone to tears but on closer examination it was almost the whole crew that was at least a little teary-eyed. Everyone except Luffy, who had a puzzled look on his face.
"Oi, that baby looks like Zoro..."
That sentenced earned him a hefty slap at the back of the head from nami and a hearty laugh from (Y/N).
"I'm gonna miss you guys so much", she smiled through tears.
"We'll be back before you know it, (Y/N)-chan~", Sanji shouted down to her.
"Oi! Let my girlfriend alone! Nobody's gonna miss you", the swordsman, who had joined the others on the ship by now, yelled at the cook.
(Y/N) stayed on the beach listening to the two of them fight until they were too far away to make out the words anymore. Then she turned to the little mosshead in her arms.
"Guess, it's just us now huh? Roronoa Sora..."
Tag List: @ikissnishiki, @multi-writer-personal-blog
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dontfearrr · 8 months
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for my good friend ! this isn’t silly at all i think it’s so endearing :) @legolas-fan-blog
short and sweet as some would say
Lion and the lamb…or fawn?
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gif not mine:)
summary: Reader comes across an injured fawn, Legolas is quick to assist his lady.
Pairing: Legolas x f!elf!reader
Warnings: none
Category: fluff
Word count: still working on this💀
The crisp air of the morning kisses your pale cheeks, blowing back your long white locks as your eyes fell shut at the content feeling. Though elves weren’t prone to the cold or anything of that matter, it still was nice to experience every now and then. Your bow was in your right grasp while your head was pointed upward to the sky.
That was until you got a feeling that ran through your abdomen all the way up to the tips of your pointed ears. It took you no more than a blink of an eye to nock an arrow. Pointing in the direction of where your nose told you to. You saw nothing, even your elvish eyes couldn’t see anything near or around you.
Your eyes widened at the fallen object in between your feet, it was a bright red apple, pierced by an arrow. Your eyebrow lifted in curiosity seeming as it didn’t look like a threat.
“it would seem as if you’ve let your guard down little one!” a familiar and eye rolling voice shouted as his figure hopped branch to branch until he landed in front of you on two feet as if he was a swift cat. You drew your bow back, placing the arrow back into its holster that was latched to your back along with your bow as you crossed your arms.
“Legolas, you should know it is rude to sneak up on a lady.” you spoke to the white haired ellon with amusement laced in your words. He flashed you a playful smile and reached for the arrow that pierced the apple and pulled it free, taking a large bite of the juicy fruit before stretching his arm toward you, offering it.
You took the apple, copying his actions then handed it back, more like pushing it into his chest with fake arrogance. You heard him chuckle behind you, followed by light, nearly silent footsteps of the princling while you continued your walk through the green forrest. You were there out of boredom, wanting to wonder around and find things you could take back home to add to your collection. So far you’ve found a rock in the shape of a star and a perfectly shaped acorn.
“what brings you out here, my lady?” Legolas spoke as he caught up to your side, beaming down at you like a sweet child with his bow in hand still, a habit the young prince has picked up over the many years he’s been alive. “simply boredom. Elrond has been quiet these days so i’ve had much free time on my hands. i come here to collect meaningless trinkets.” you said, glancing up at his smiling figure, returning a smile.
“care for some company? i’ll be as least annoying as i possibly can, my lady” he teased, knowing he knew how to strike a few nerves in you, never upsetting you but as if he was a lost puppy perhaps. He was a good friend of yours, though you cannot deny the small feelings your heart bared for him.
“i’d love some company, however i better not see anymore rogue apples flying my way.” You giggled a little half way through your sentence at his childish manners but it never failed to entertain you, and he knew that. “deal” he never dropped his proud smile as the two of them walked through the soft evergreen.
You two made conversation until your ears perked up at a sound of displease. You laid your arm across Legolas’ chest to halt his movements and he raised an eyebrow in confusion until he too heard what you had. You jogged toward the sound, hopping and swinging on branches to fasten your movements, Legolas followed suit. To your surprise you spotted an injured fawn laid across the forrest floor, blood pouring out of its leg as it cried in agony. Your heart poured into the scene as you carefully approached the gentle creature. You examined the fawn, making sure it had no other injuries.
There was an arrow pierced through its small thigh, it quivered and jerked at the pain. “god damned hunters” you grimaced at the thought of those wretched beings, cursing your beloved woodland.
“Legolas do you still carry those healing herbs on you?” He nodded and swiftly unbuckled his belt that held his leather pouch and handed it to you. He crouched on the other side of the fawn and looked up at you in worry, he knew how much the forrest meant to you, along with everything in it. He would be damned if he were to stop you from doing such. “i’ll break the arrow and carefully remove it, you’ll need to hold the creature down.” Legolas said in a hushed tone, rubbing your arm gently to comfort you, noticing your obvious sadness, your lip beginning to quiver.
You simply nodded and searched through the princes pouch, finding the herb you were needing and laid it out. You bit the bottom of your dark green undershirt, ripping a long piece of it and laying that out as well.
You took a deep breath and ran your hands down the poor creatures torso, putting enough weight to hold it down but not enough to hurt it. Legolas gripped the arrow and snapped it as if it was merely a twig. He slid the arrow out of the wound of the leg and tossed it elsewhere and your eyes squeezed shut, wishing to block out the sounds of the suffering fawn. You then opened your eyes and looked up at Legolas before taking the piece of cloth you ripped from yourself and cleaning up the blood that spilled then taking the healing herbs and took Legolas’ bow from the ground since it was the closest thing and used the end to crush the bright green herb. Once it was a paste you spread it across the wound of the fawn and Legolas held the leg for you so you can tend to the other side as well.
The wound visibly already began healing and you used the same cloth to wrap around the wound to keep it from getting infected. Legolas gave you a smile and helped you clean up the supplies. You stood and whispered a few words in elvish and watched the fawn stand up on its own and run off into the greenery.
Legolas stood next to you and placed a hand on your waist, you jumped in surprise, not ever having been touched in a way by Legolas. “i admire you, little one. you have a good heart.” he looked down at you with his sweet smile. Your eyes lit up in appreciation and it was almost as if you felt yourself blush. Legolas’ eyes visibly widened and his teeth appeared in his smile.
“i may be a fool but i know when someone is flustered.” his thumb ran across your reddened cheek and you huffed. “you’re a good friend Legolas, i don’t think there’s anyone else that would’ve helped me do such a thing. you, my prince, are the one with a good heart.” you said to him and took the hand that occupied your cheek and held it to your mouth, kissing his porcelain fingers.
“well…i smell quite the grapefruit tree near by, shall we?” the tips of his ears heated and he held out his arm for you and you latched onto him, continuing your walk through the forrest with no other than the prince of Mirkwood.
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mikareo · 10 months
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“ ࣭⸰ ★ WHEN SPRING COMES . . . ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀呪術廻戦 ; megumi fushiguro x fem reader
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⊹ ⠀⠀ your love for megumi can be compared to a snowflake; delicate and beautiful, stunning and unique. however, spring is coming— and eventually, all snowflakes have to melt. (1.2k)
contains; hanahaki au, rejection, angst, implied death author's note; this is 2 years old pls forgive me,, n hanahaki used to be my favorite trope IM SORRY I POST IT SM ajskl
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it’s been over a decade, fifteen years really, of the never-ending winter that you’ve grown so accustomed to. the settled snow has been your comfort zone, a weighted blanket tying you down to his presence since primary school, freezing the ribbon that tied your heart to his for eternity— though only now, you realize that ribbon is a chain, shackling you to a hopeless series of unrequited feelings that could never be returned. you’ve imprisoned yourself to an idea of love that never was. love that you viewed as your personal one-of-a kind snowflake between the two of you; something special and passionate with no barriers or boundaries, which softly flurried around you for your entire lives...
...but snowflakes melt when they touch the ground.
the soft powder is nothing but water now; dirtied water on the blood-ridden pavement, speckled with pink petals of a flower that you used to love. the snowflake is dying. it’s dead. and spring has come.
“tilt your head up,” megumi murmurs with the softest, most lovely voice you’ve ever heard. “you’ve still got some on your chin.”
he’s being generous with his words. you know your skin is stained red, dripping with blood and broken leaves that refuse to be wiped away. luckily for you, he tells you that red is his favorite color— that the scarlet shade compliments your complexion and makes you look beautiful— but you know he’s lying.
the deep clots and black chunks would send anyone into a nauseous fit, he’s too kind to you.
you wish he would be horrible. that he’d hurdle insulting comments, awful remarks, and unforgivable curses— but he’d never.
— and you love him for that.
it’s too bad that he doesn’t feel the same.
he never has. 
he never will.
“does that feel alright?” his washcloth is cold and damp. it’s a muddied mahogany after previously being a gorgeous forrest green. “it’s still warm, right?”
you nod, believing that one more lie won’t hurt your already dreadful situation. “i think you’ve got it all,” the reflection before you is one you recognize, a person of the past that you can’t seem to let go of no matter how many hours you spend wishing them away. “thank you, really.”
despite the normal appearance you now display, with rose-tinted cheeks and swollen eyes, there’s a garden growing in the sink. vines slithering their way down the drain as the water stream attempts to rid them from view. torn tulip petals are strewn across the bathroom floor, and in another life perhaps it would have been romantic to see a flower petal pathway leading towards the bedroom— that’s not your life though. you’ve been left with emptiness and a void of feelings with no return. 
“i’m always here to hold your hair back, i hope you know that.” he smiles with kindness, a genuine goodness that can only be portrayed by him. he’s the best person you know. there’s no mystery as to why you fell for him all those years ago, and why that love has followed you through adulthood. “it’s almost pretty…y’know, in a morbid way.”
hm, funny. morbidly beautiful.
“yeah,” you reply in a snap. “maybe they can be my funeral flowers.”
you've made him angry.
“don’t even joke about that, what the hell?” megumi always gets upset when you say those type of things. his vision turns red and he’s blinded by his own sadness that he forgets that he’s the cause— he’s the calamity that uprooted your formally blissful life. he’s the one who fell in love with someone new. 
winter could’ve lasted forever had he not gone to class that day.
it could raged onwards had he not met her.
you could’ve been hand-in-hand dancing beneath the moonlight on a snowy eve if she hadn’t asked for directions to the library. his kisses could’ve been peppering your face rather than hers if only you’d been more fun, more outgoing, more persuasive, more everything, then maybe he would’ve stayed. 
but megumi didn’t stay...
...he left.
he left as the leaves grew on the barren trees and pollen drifted through the breeze. he said his brief goodbyes to your heart while his chased her’s in yearning. he didn’t so much as glance your way as the hanahaki roots planted themselves in your heart— only choosing to show concern after they’d already grown terminal. he disappeared from your point of view before you could even acknowledge his absence— which was and continues to be unfair.
megumi was yours and now he isn’t. it’s as simple as that. as awful and simple as that. 
“we both know i’m dying.” you murmur, hands folded together as if they're the only things you have left to hang onto. you wish one of those hands could find their place in his warm palm, but the black marker ink etched onto his skin in the shapes of mini hearts and smiley faces are more than enough to drive you away. “there’s no point in denying it anymore. i can barely breathe.”
he shakes his head, backing away from you despite your obvious need for physical comfort.
you thought he knew you better than that. you thought he’d know exactly how to ease your pain, but he doesn’t. he’s very clearly not your soulmate, but for some reason your heart tells you otherwise.
“you’d be able to if you’d just get the surgery,” he says. “please.”
he's begging for something he could solve.
megumi's eyes look dark under the overhead light. “please don’t make me have to see you in a casket.”
the surgery in which the roots are removed from your heart is a tricky one. a procedure that many endure and survive, where they get to continue living their lives healthy and happy— though, are they truly living if they’re void of the love that once consumed them?
“i wouldn’t be able to live with myself, you know that.” your voice is firm, after having had this conversation many times before, “i’d know a part of me was missing. you’re too important for me to just…erase.”
if you’re being completely honest with yourself, you’d rather remain in your eternal winter for the rest of your soul’s existence. yes, it’s cold and dreary, with little to no sunlight and hope of a new love or progression in your relationship with him— but it’s familiar. you find it comfortable and there’s no fear in the feelings that you’re already so accustomed to living with everyday. the thought of spring is terrifying. the season following your beloved winter that represents rebirth and new blossoming love is one that you’ll never come to know— which is completely by choice. there’s no point in limping yourself towards spring when there’s no one you’d rather love than megumi. 
these hanahaki tulips won’t see the sunshine they yearn for when the grass regains its color. they’ll simply wither away with you and the lock that refuses to fall, holding your feelings for him in an eternal slumber that will never be woken. 
“i love you.” you say, whilst knowing that that’s the last thing he wants to hear. “i love you so much.”
your confessions of love are a reminder of your little time left, and he hates it.
he wishes it would all stop; but it can’t and it won’t.
perhaps he should’ve given you a chance when the opportunity arose. then you may have been happy. however, he knows that there’s no forcing love.
you’ve been doomed since the moment you’d laid eyes on him. 
love isn't your happiness.
“i’ve only ever loved you.”
it's your demise.
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⊹₊。 reblogs are greatly appreciated! ˚₊⊹
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brittle-doughie · 8 months
Birth of a miracle
(no one's pov)
Eons ago their lays and oven filled with the freshest of dough, ingredients made from earth and crafted with skill
hands of old and wise mixed together the ingredients to create magic never seen before,cookies made from jam blessed with magic,bodies cut and baked to perfection
And what lays in the oven you may ask?
Oh well its a really really special cookie
And that cookie? Who shall it be?
Well it's y/n cookie ofcourse
Now let's get to the story shall we?
The sound of nothing rang in my head,my body burning and yet I felt cold,the sensation of a touch was sensed by me as I felt myself float,but to where?
Before I can question I heard a voice,the voice was....soft,it was tender like a mother comforting it's child but.....what is a mother?...I...I don't have a mother....what...what am I?
Wake up
The feeling of fear crept up to me as the voices get louder,no longer calm and soft but urgent and panic
Wake up
Then I felt rumbling,as if my entire being was beginning to shatter,but I don't want that...i-i....I don't want to crumble
Wake up
A gasp left me as I sat up, panting heavily as I looked around trying to make sense of everything
Soon by vision steadies itself,the first things I saw was blue,looking up I can see a whole lot of blue,next was green,the vibrant color all around me as I scan the area
The sensation of stiffness makes me irate,I looked down to shock and horror seeing my hands a bread like texture
As panic seeps in I touched my entire being,the panic rising as I realized my entire form is made of some type of hard bread
Soon panic breath escaped me as I realized my body was made of dough,the crispy texture fresh as the bread scent
Looking at my body my thoughts echo in my head
Where am I? Why am I here? Who brought me here?
Who am I?
All these questions yet no answers,all I can do was try to calm myself,atleast to a degree where I can plan
Few minutes passed by and yet no progress,the panic seeping into my doughy and bread like being
As the day passes I finally had progress,my mind no longer hazy unlike before,I can see clearly
The location I sat was deep into a Forrest of some kind,the sky barely visible due to the leaves but I can hear chirps and squeaking coming from some animals near by
Pretty interesting so far!
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
can you do another male reader X hikaru Hitachiin? maybe like the reader is an artist and Hikaru finds him doing graffiti in a hidden spot in Ouran? idk where it would go from there but i think itd be neat if he joined in or smth :) (take it however you want im sure whatever you write will be super cool!)
Thank you for the compliment! This was fun to write. You know I tried doing graffiti. It's a lot harder then others make it out to be. Enjoy!
Hikaru Hitachiin x Male Reader
Graffiti Artist
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When Hikaru heard about someone graffiting the school he wasn't surprised. He knew people get bored. When they get bored they do something to get unbored. So he wasn't surprised. No what surprised him was how much detail was in it. It was of a forrest. Trees, bushes, and a trail. He had seen some of the graffiti on his way to the club.
He could tell the person who made this was really into art. This type of detail took time and skill. Such skill that he knows took years to have. He remembers asking his mom how she got so good at designing and drawing the clothing she makes. "Time and effort. I've been drawing for as long as I can remember." Drawing never caught either twins attention.
But Hikaru always had an eye for detail. At least that's what his mother always told him. When he heard the graffiti artist hit again he brushed it off again. He had more important things to do. At least that's what he thought until he actually saw it. The graffiti art this time was Koi fish. The way the artist had made them looked like actual koi fish.
When the artist sticked a 3rd time Hikaru was excited to see what was drawing this time. This time the artist had graffitied the wall outside the club room. This time it was a beach with a beautiful sunset. Hikaru could stare at the artwork for hours. He took out his phone and snapped a photo. He should've tooken pictures of the other two.
A week later Hikaru was taking a walk out in the rose garden behind the school. It was peaceful. The only thing you could hear was the sounds of birds chirping and spray paint-wait. Hikaru froze. Spray painting? The graffiti artist! Hikaru hurred towards the noise. He had to know who was the artist. When he arrived he saw what was the most amazing artwork he'd seen yet.
It was of a single rose. The rose was covered in thorns. Ivy surrounded it. It wasn't finished yet but it was already breath taking. He heard a can shaking. When he turned he saw a (height) tall male. With (color) hair and eyes. He was (short/tall) for someone Hikaru's age but....he was breath taking too. He could see how bright the males eyes are.
How happy he looks spray painting. Hikaru released a breath he didn't know he was holding. The males head snapped in Hikaru's direction and he froze. Eyes wide with fear. He'd been caught. The male grabbed the bag that was by the wall and took off. Leaving a can of red spray paint. Hikaru tried calling out to him but the male already disappeared.
Hikaru picked up the can and on the side written in black fancy letters was (N. Last Name). Hikaru nodded his head. He now had a mission but first. Hikaru looked up at the wall. He had a piece to finish. Hikaru shook the can and got to work. Finishing the rose. Looking around once in a while to see if anyone had came out.
Half an hour later Hikaru heard foot steps and froze. He whipped his head around only to see the guy from earlier with a blush on his face as he stared at the wall. "Y-You finished it?" Hikaru nodded with a smile. "Yeah. I'm a pretty big fan of your work. I thought such art didn't deserve to go unfinished. I'm not as good as you, but my mom always told me I had an eye for details."
The guys nodded and looked away and took a deep breath. "Thank you. I'm (Name). (Last Name) (Name.)" He stuck out his hand. Which was covered in green spray paint. Hikaru smiled brightly and grabbed his hand. "Hitachiin Hikaru. Nice to meet you (Last Name)." Hikaru looked at their joined hands and laughed. They were both covered in spray paint. (Name) looked down and join in the laughing.
"We might wanna go and clean ourselves before we're caught." Hikaru nodded. "Yeah. Although I'm kinda screwed. I have club in about an hour and I don't have an extra uniform on me." (Name) looked shyly to the side. "You can have my extra uniform. It's in my locker. It's by the host club room." Hikaru's face lit up. "That's my club!"
(Name) looked surprised before smiling brightly. "I have a close friend in th club! Kyoya!" Hikaru froze. Perfect student Kyoya was friends with the graffiti artist? (Name) knew the look Hikaru was giving him causing him to laugh again. "We're neighbors. He knows about the whole graffiti thing. He's the one who gave me permission to graffiti the wall outside the club room!" Hikaru was even more shocked. Kyoya gave him permission?
"It gave him more customers." Hikaru nodded. That sounds like Kyoya. "Hey you did a good job finishing my piece. We should graffiti together again sometime." Hikaru smiled and nodded. "I'd love to make more art with you." (Name)'s face exploded with heat. Hikaru looked confused before he remembered what he said. "W-Wait! Not like that!" (Name) shook his head and laughed harder and Hikaru joined in.
Maybe in the future (Name) could help Hikaru with the family business. If they're still close by then at least. Hikaru blushed at his thought. Yeah...maybe one day.
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walkawaytall · 10 months
bring back the turkey, you cowards
Weird thing none of you know about me: from about 2015(?) until about 2019 or so, I had a very specific and weird obsession: Lisa Frank's social media presence (and, to a lesser degree, Lisa Frank's collaboration deals clearly made in an attempt at making a comeback).
Now, I will go ahead and correct a commonly held misconception amongst the people who followed me on Facebook at the time: I was not obsessed with Lisa Frank the person (as mysterious as she attempts to be, I think I have her mostly figured out), Lisa Frank the manufacturer of my favorite childhood school supplies, or even Lisa Frank the company as it stands today (though this Jezebel article, Inside the Rainbow Gulag: The Technicolor Rise and Fall of Lisa Frank, is wild and I think everyone should read it; it may not hold true today since they've had so much change and turnover, but it's still fascinating). My obsession was primarily focused on Lisa Frank's social media presence. And that's because Lisa Frank's social media presence was batshit insane.
Keep in mind, when I first started following them on social media, they were not banking on Millennial nostalgia. They were still primarily selling school supplies. The adult coloring book (not adult like smutty; adult like...those therapy coloring books that were so popular ten years ago?) sold by way of an exclusivity agreement with Dollar General hadn't been announced yet, nor had workout gear or the SpongeBob collab (sold only at HotTopic). As far as anyone knew, Lisa Frank was still that rainbow school supply company whose target audience is nine-year-old girls.
Which is why all of the housemade "memes" were absolutely bonkers.
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This is peak Middle-Aged Mom Humor, so why is it being presented to me by the company making pencils and folders for elementary schoolers?
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Glad to know we are encouraging fourth graders to day drink.
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This one isn't actually aimed at any particular age group; I just find it funny that captains of pirate ships are inherently pirates, so I don't know what this is supposed to mean.
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He won't. He will not fly. He is a flightless bird. This is a terrible lesson and you are a homicidal mother penguin. (Also using slightly altered lines from poems without attribution is theft, but whatever.)
And the image that started my obsession:
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This...isn't a joke??? What is this???
I don't know who was behind these posts, but considering how small the company was at that point, I always suspected that Lisa herself was recycling old artwork with the help of an intern or something and creating the social media posts...because it just sort of seemed like that's what was happening? I have no proof of this; it was just a vibe I got.
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But, during that period of time, even though the posts were inscrutable and sometime just straight-up Minion Humor, they were at least interesting.
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Well, I mean, sometimes they were interesting because they were like acid to the eyes.
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Okay, and sometimes they were interesting but also sported questionable messaging about one's relationship with food and exercise.
Anyway, I digress. In 2019, Lisa's son Forrest Green (yes, her sons are named Hunter and Forrest Green) took over the social media presence and it became...very palatable for the masses, I suppose. It was a lot of photo edits of old boy band pictures with Lisa Frank designs superimposed on tshirts -- it was very nostalgia-driven and very much directed at Millennials and thus I lost interest, because if there's anything I hate, it's being the target demographic for a sales pitch.
Anyway, my point is that for several years in a row, Lisa Frank would post the same holiday-themed images, so I got used to seeing a certain Thanksgiving design that is, and I cannot prepare you enough, one of the most chaotic and hideous things you'll ever lay your eyes on. But it was tradition. They posted it like three years in a row, and then as soon as Forrest took over, this design was never posted again. And all I have to say on this Thanksgiving week of 2023 is: bring back the turkey, you cowards.
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torchickentacos · 6 months
This April 1st, I'm going to be normal about pokeani <3
Can we talk about the characters of the day from AG014. What the fuck. Why are they so weird. They're twins. Forrest and Forrester, surname Franklin. They both go by Franklin for some ungodly reason. They look identical with only a minor difference in their outfits. Forrest is a ranger. Of the park variety and not a pokemon ranger. Forrester, his twin, is not a ranger afaik, I think he's just kind of there???? They were both born right outside of Rustboro, but both brothers only have Johto bug type pokemon, and we know that Forrest has never been to Johto because his whole episode arc is May inspiring him to travel on his own, because he's too scared to. He admires her strength and independence or whatever, but we're on AG014, May's only been doing this traveling gig for like a week and she is comically terrible at it for the entire first season and a half. She’s incompetent, said with utmost love and respect. She's only got a torchic and a wurmple right now. Forrest admiring her traveling abilities is like admiring a microwave's ability to be an industrial kitchen. They also give him some pseudo-romance plot with her, because pokeani May was out here captivating multiple people with her dumbass swag. Drew, Forrest, and Sid being the canon ones I remember off the top of my head, but also probably Dawn tbh, and I’m like 85 percent sure she accidentally homewrecked Pacifidlog Joshua even if he didn’t actually like her but I last saw that episode when I was maybe eight years old, so grain of salt. What the fuck. Anyways, Forrest’s all "Oh, seeing you all independent makes me want to travel with you guys! :)" and between that and the weird crush subplot, you'd think they were setting him up to be this important next traveling companion. He's set up as this important guy who's going to stick around. Nope. We never see this guy or his brother ever again. Never again. He shows up in one episode, doesn't elaborate on literally anything, and then leaves. Let's go back to the fact that he has an identical twin, their names are Forrest Franklin and Forrester Franklin, AND THEY BOTH INTRODUCE THEMSELVES AS FRANKLIN? YOUR FIRST NAMES ARE ALREADY BASICALLY THE SAME THING ANYWAYS. WHAT FRESH HELL. 
More random facts. He looks vaguely like Kenny to me. He made his way into one of those pinterest edits. He shares a name with one of Brock's little brothers. His ship name with May is Bugshipping. You know. Because of the bugs. He's voiced by ANDREW RANNELLS. READ THAT AGAIN. He shares a VA with Harley. I’m just at a loss. Pokeani voice acting is its own rabbithole that leads you places like knowing that the following characters share a voice actor: Drew, Brock, Scott, that Magnemite from Journeys, Ghetsis, and King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule. Also the red and yellow M&M in the 2008 M&M wii game. There were four voice acting credits for that game. He was three of them. The only character he didn’t voice seems to be the green M&M, which is actually hilarious given the whole Drew and Ghetsis thing. Anyways.
I'm sure I could go on. Pokeani has so many COTDs that are like this (weird). I could talk about the watermelon farmer. I could talk about Samurai. There's Max (no, not that one). I could talk about fucking. sigh. TOMMY/TOMO/WHATEVER HIS NAME IS. WHATEVER THAT EPISODE WAS. Lord knows I could talk about Brianna (girl... /judgmental). There's essays to be written about Mikey and his weird brothers. I could talk about the dead guy that May and Meowth saved and created a new timeline for, because this dude knocked up his wife and then died in a snow-induced train crash before his wife could tell him about their child, and their grandchild looks weirdly like Brianna. But the dead guy is fine. Don’t worry. May and Meowth saved him with the help of a magical locket. Unclear how or why or literally anything. Just not worrying about it. And there’s the whole split timeline thing. Thanks pokeani. Back to other characters. I need to study Roderick and his little bellsprout and wynaut army and the fact that Paul’s his grandson (allegedly) under a microscope. Solidad might as well be a COTD, but lord knows now isn’t the time for The Solidad Rant. Then there's this next guy with a fucked up family situation. Timmy Grimm. He sounds like a Wizard 101 necromancer. Nobody in pokeani gets a last name but for some reason TIMMY GRIMM did. There's Damian and Seymour and Bill and honestly every single person who showed up in OS tbh. Then there's like. Marble. Old Man Swamp. STEVELAND AND HALVERSON. WHAT KIND OF NAMES EVEN ARE THOSE. S T E V E L A N D  AND  H A L V E R S O N . Steveland……………
You guys wanna know the worst part. Not a single damn thing I said here was an April Fool’s joke. None of it. Everything here is true. I have the world’s most fucked up citations list to prove it. Here. Have it. I don’t even care. It’s in MLA 8 format, but probably wrong because I always lose points for messing up on citations on every paper I write. I’m posting this post and then calling it a day. I’m going to go make some coffee. No in text citations because I can't actually be bothered to put that much effort into this tbh, so. Here. World's worst citations list. I don't even care.
Works Cited
Behindthevoiceactors.com. “Bill Rogers (visual voices guide).” Behind The Voice Actors, https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Bill-Rogers/. Accessed 1 April 2024.
Behindthevoiceactors.com. “M&M's Adventure (2008 Video Game).” Behind The Voice Actors, https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/video-games/MMs-Adventure/. Accessed 1 April 2024.
Bulbapedia. “Forrest Franklin - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.” Bulbapedia, https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Forrest_Franklin. Accessed 1 April 2024.
Bulbapedia. “Joshua (Coordinator) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.” Bulbapedia, https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Joshua_(Coordinator). Accessed 1 April 2024.
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louisupdates · 10 months
26 May - Mohegan Sun Arena, UNCASVILLE CT: The Best, by Tina Turner
27 May - Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion, GUILFORD NH: This Charming Man, by The Smiths
29 May - Place Bell, LAVAL QC: Downtown, by Petula Clark
30 May - Budweiser Stage, TORONTO ON: Summer of 69, by Bryan Adams
1 Jun - Blossom Music Center, CUYAHOGA FALLS, OH: Bittersweet Symphony, by Verve
2 Jun - Michigan Lottery Amphitheater, STERLING HEIGHTS, MI: Chasing Rainbows, by Shed Seven
3 Jun - The Icon Festival Stage, CINCINNATI: All These Things That I’ve Done, by The Killers
6 Jun - Kemba Live! Outdoor, COLUMBUS OH: The One I Love, by REM
7 Jun - TCU Amphitheater at White River State Park, INDIANAPOLIS: Love Will Tear Us Apart, by Joy Division
9 Jun - Saint Louis Music Park, SAINT LOUIS: Johnny B. Goode, by Chuck Berry
10 Jun - Starlight Theatre, KANSAS CITY MO: Moondance, by Van Morrison
13 Jun - BMO Pavilion, MILWAUKEE: I Can See Clearly Now, by Johnny Nash
15 Jun - Huntington Bank Pavilion, CHICAGO: September, by Earth, Wind, and Fire
16 Jun - The Armory, MINNEAPOLIS: Nothing Compares 2 U, by Sinéad O’Connor
17 Jun - Harrah’s Stir Cove, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA: Ever Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've?) by Buzzcocks
19 Jun - Denny Sanford Premiere Center, SIOUX FALLS, SD: American Pie, by Don McLean
21 Jun - Red Rocks Amphitheatre, MORRISON, CO 😪
24 Jun - Wamu Theater, SEATTLE: There Is A Light That Never Goes Out, by The Smiths
26 Jun - Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Center, VANCOUVER BC: King Of Pain, by The Police
27 Jun - Mcmenamins Edgefield Concerts, TROUTDALE OR: Always On My Mind, by Elvis Presley
29 Jun - The Greek Theatre, BERKELEY CA: Never Tear Us Apart, by INXS
30 Jun - The Hollywood Bowl, LOS ANGELES: California Love by 2Pac ft Dr. Dre & Roger Troutman
1 Jul - The Chelsea at the Cosmopolitan, LAS VEGAS: Human, by The Killers
3 Jul - Arizona Financial Theatre, PHOENIX: Liberator, by Spear of Destiny
6 Jul - The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory, IRVING TX: Hello, I Love You, by The Doors
7 Jul - Moody Amphitheater at Waterloo Park, AUSTIN TX: Teenage Dirtbag, by Wheatus
8 Jul - The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, THE WOODLANDS TX: Walking On The Moon, by The Police
11 Jul - St. Augustine Amphitheatre, ST. AUGUSTINE FL: Every Breath You Take, by The Police
13 Jul - Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood, HOLLYWOOD FL: Your Song, by Elton John
14 Jul - Yuengling Center, TAMPA FL: Hit Me With Your Best Shot, by Pat Benatar
15 Jul - Cadence Bank Amphitheatre at Chastain Park, ATLANTA: You Can’t Always Get What You Want, by The Rolling Stones
18 Jul - Ascend Amphitheater, NASHVILLE: Hold Back The Rain, by Duran Duran
19 Jul - Charlotte Metro Credit Union Amphitheatre, CHARLOTTE NC: Perfect Day, by Lou Reed
21 Jul - Red Hat Amphitheater, RALEIGH NC: Moondance, by Van Morrison
22 Jul - Merriweather Post Pavilion, Columbia MD: Easy, by The Commodores
24 Jul - MGM Music Hall at Fenway, BOSTON: More Than A Feeling, by Boston
25 Jul - MGM Music Hall at Fenway, BOSTON: Here Comes Your Man, by The Pixies
27 Jul - TD Pavilion at the Mann, PHILADELPHIA: Nothing Compares 2 U, by Sinead O’Connor
28 Jul - Stone Pony Summer Stage, ASBURY PARK NJ: Dancing In The Dark, by Bruce Springsteen
29 Jul - Forrest Hills Stadium, NEW YORK: We Are The Champions, by Queen
Away From Home Festival 2023
19 Aug - Parco BussolaDomani, Lido di Camaiore: We Are The Champions, by Queen
29 Aug - Barclays Arena, HAMBURG: Love Will Tear Us Apart, by Joy Division
31 Aug - Royal Arena, COPENHAGEN: Under Pressure, by Queen and David Bowie
1 Sep - Spektrum, OSLO: Wake Me Up When September Ends, by Green Day
2 Sep - Hovet, STOCKHOLM: Seven Nation Army, by White Stripes
4 Sep - Ice Hall, HELSINKI: Always On My Mind, by Elvis
5 Sep - Saku Arena, TAILLINN: All Star, by Smash Mouth
7 Sep - Arena Riga, RIGA: Thuderstruck, by AC/DC
8 Sep - Zalgiris Arena, KAUNAS: Can’t Help Falling In Love, by Elvis [Zouis this day]
10 Sep - Tauron Arena, KRAKOW: Lust For Life, by Iggy Pop
11 Sep - Atlas Arena, ŁÓDŹ: Blitzkreig Bop, by the Ramones
13 Sep - Wiener Stadhalle D, VIENNA: Supersonic, by Oasis
14 Sep - Stozice Arena, LJUBLJANA: Smile Like You Meant It, by The Killers
15 Sep - Budapest Arena, BUDAPEST: Helicopter, by Bloc Party
17 Sep - Arenele Romane, BUCHAREST: My Hero, by Foo Fighters
18 Sep - Arena Armeets, SOFIA: Bombtrack, by Rage Against The Machine
20 Sep - Petras Theater, ATHENS: Go With The Flow, by Queens of the Stone Age
1 Oct - Bilbao Arena Miribilla, BILBAO (VIZCAYA): Where Is My Mind, by The Pixies
3 Oct - Altice Arena, LISBON: Farewell To The Fairground, by White Lies
5 Oct - Wizink Center, MADRID: Munich, by Editors
6 Oct - Palau Sant Jordi, BARCELONA: One Armed Scissor, by At the Drive-In
8 Oct - Pala Alpitur, TURIN: Are You Gonna Go My Way, by Lenny Kravitz
9 Oct - Unipol Arena, BOLOGNA: Helicopter, by Bloc Party
11 Oct - Rockhal, ESCH-SUR-ALZETTE: Where Is My Mind, by The Pixies
12 Oct - Sportspaleis, ANTWERP: My God Is The Sun, by Queens Of The Stone Age [very self-aware choice]
14 Oct - Accor Arena, PARIS : Bubbles, by Biffy Clyro
15 Oct - Ziggo Dome, AMSTERDAM: Song 2, by Blur
17 Oct - Lanxess Arena, COLOGNE: Can't Stand Me Now, by The Libertines
19 Oct - O2 Arena, PRAGUE: Are You Gonna Be My Girl, by Jet
20 Oct - Mercedes Benz Arena, BERLIN: Friday I’m In Love, by The Cure
22 Oct - Olympiahalle, MUNICH: Praise You, by Fatboy Slim
23 Oct - Hallenstadion, ZURICH: Last Nite, by The Strokes
8 Nov - 3Arena, DUBLIN: These Are The Days, by Inhaler
10 Nov - Utilita Arena, SHEFFIELD: Mr. Brightside, by The Killers
11 Nov - AO Arena, MANCHESTER: This Charming Man, by The Smiths
12 Nov - Ovo Hydro, GLASGOW: Gloria, by The Snuts
14 Nov - Brighton Center, BRIGHTON: I Wanna Be Sedated, by Ramones
15 Nov - International Arena, CARDIFF: 20th Century Boy, by T-Rex
17 Nov - The O2, LONDON: Can’t Stand Me Now, by The Libertines
18 Nov - Resorts World Arena, BIRMINGHAM: Till The End Of The Road, by Boyz II Men
You can also find the list at this Twitter account: ltwtoutros.
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mouseratz · 5 months
tagging game! tagged by @yarboyandy
-three ships
uhhhh. Off the top of my head. 1.lisacreature duh. the whole movie. they're not a healthy relationship but like they're fine they just destroy everything around them. i lurv it . also of fucking course I wanted a zombie boyfriend as a teenager. I won't lie to any of you
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2. danbert bc gay people in my phone. classic case of toxic yaoi. so toxic I've been thinking about them for years. if only reanimator had like been gay on purpose we could've had it all
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3. also based off of "what's in my camera roll". the evil scientists from mst3k are gay also. Dr Forrester and tvs frank.... is this even disputed. I don't care. I've known this since I was a child. "they're gay married and kill each other in looney tunes esque situations daily" feels like part of the character concepts.
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-first ship
Inuyasha x Kagome, most likely. it's like one of the first obsessions I can remember where a show had like, a romantic throughline I cared about at all. although, to be fair, I was still mostly into the comedy and supernatural stuff, and this was Very Young.
-last song I listened to
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I stumbled upon the tiny desk concert performance and well. I am not immune to popular things. chappell roan is pretty awesome. I love the videos and performances, but the pop music is also really solid, and I find myself enjoying it way more than expected. this songs good but I haven't listened to it a lot yet....my first time actually
-currently reading
Perry Mason and the Glamorous Ghost. I'm only like a chapter in. idk it was an impulse buy on my birthday because the cover was awesome. also pictured: my copy of Frankenstein. I read that in October. loved it
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-currently watching
uhmmmm. still rewatching always sunny in Philadelphia. forever. watched a couple episodes of space ghost coast to coast earlier. I still want to keep watching twin peaks the return but I haven't because. idk. its hard to be me....
-relationship status
very incredibly single. it is very hard to date when u can't drive where I live. I mean it's hard in any circumstance but whatever shots I had are dust. would love to date sometime in my life possibly. I have been feeling that way for um. like four years now. so. we will see how that goes.
-current obsessions
Lisa Frankenstein, obvs.....my hobbies and such though? kind of in a slump. I've been like.....learning how to apply makeup for once for fun. I'm still very bad at it but idgaf it is what it is what's always made me uncomfortable about it was that it never "looked right" and I didn't want to be judged. instead of just treating it like a for fun thing. ie I want Colors On My Face I don't even cover up my acne atp. oh and the gender thing. like if I didn't do the makeup right I was being bad at being a girl. and now I do not have to worry about that at all.
-currently craving
like, food? um. I hope the brownies I made tonight taste good in the morning. I let them cool overnight so idk how they taste yet.
-favorite color
green, but I'm a big fan of what pink and black (I KNOW it's not a 'real color' IDC) and some shades of blue and yellow and orange have going on. I just like colors lmao
hiiii I won't mind if you don't do it this is just a little shout-out okay :) @mahkari @jokeryuri @homokommari @mushroom-in-space
also anypony else who wants to do it can.....I won't be mad
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shadyruinskryptonite · 7 months
Titan Bending Chapter 18
Warning: Violence consistent with cannon, NSFW so MDNI, language, major character death (both consistent with canon of both AOT and ATLA as well as diverging from canon), so much trauma literally everyone is so traumatized, very much slow burn, a little enemies to lovers, SO MUCH ANGST, hurt/comfort, hurt and delayed comfort, AFAB reader
Chapter Warnings: Talks of killing and almost being killed, killing titans, drugs mentioned as a joke
WC: 4405
Previous Chapter, Next Chapter
Tags: @mochminnie @sseleniaa @naruwitch
Without thinking, I run towards Aang, arms flailing wildly, yelling his name over and over.
“Aang! Aang!”
As he sets foot on land, I nearly tackle him to the ground in a hug. Luckily, he returns it in kind.
Still holding onto me, he leans back and says, “I was so confused when Momo took off, he must have smelled you. Let me head back up real quick and tell the others to land.”
My eyes fill with wonder, “The others? Everyone is here?”
Unfurling his glider again, he merely smiles and nods before taking off to return to Appa. I watch him fly off as I shift back and forth on my feet, doing a little happy dance to myself because the excitement is nearly unbearable.
This is better than I could’ve ever dreamed.
In less than a minute, Appa was touching down just a few feet in front of me and I could see everyone on his back. Suki is the first to climb down and, like you read about in an old romance novel, we ran to each other. If it’s possible, I hugged her even more tightly than I had Aang.
She had grown a bit and, upon breaking away from her hug, I realized everyone had. Moving from her to Katara, from Katara to Sokka, and from Sokka to Toph, I stop in front of Zuko. There’s only a moment’s hesitation before we hug each other just like everyone else. He lingers for an extra moment, but I pay it no mind as I turn back to everyone.
With the stupidest smile still plastered on my face, the only thing I can think to say is, “Are all of you taller than me now?” Everyone laughs and it feels like my heart is almost going to explode out of my chest.
As if remembering I wasn’t alone on the beach, I suddenly exclaim “Oh, there are some people I’d like you all to meet!” 
Holding Suki and Katara’s hands, I pull everyone over to where the rest of my new friends were sitting, food having been long forgotten.
“Guys, these are all of the friends I’ve told you so much about. Um,” I turn to look at everyone before I start going down the list. “Okay so Sokka is the one with the stupid pony tail-”
“It’s a warrior’s wolf tail!” Sokka interrupts. 
I quickly jump back in, “Whatever. The tall angsty one is Zuko. The bald one with tattoos is Aang. The one with the hair in her face is Toph. Miss hair loopies here is Katara and, well she’s not in her warrior makeup right now but the last one here is Suki.”
Everyone nods with wide eyes, clearly trying to take it all in.
Turning to face the Gaang, I say, “Okay, so now let me introduce you to my new friends. Okay so our bald one is Connie. The one with the long face like an ostrich horse is Jean-”
I’m interrupted by Jean mumbling, “I don’t think I like this game.”
I merely roll my eyes before continuing, “The blond one with big blue eyes is Armin. Big green eyes is Eren. The girl that’s fiercely protective of them both is Mikasa. The…” I pause, noticing Sasha munching on what looks like a potato. “The one that is literally always eating something is Sasha. Then the grumpy one is Levi and the one that looks like she has maybe never showered in her entire life but also just railed some cocaine is Hange.”
Under his breath, Zuko makes a snide comment. “I thought you came out here to be away from people.”
Getting mildly annoyed with his already present attitude, I say somewhat forcefully, “For your information, I didn’t see a single other person for the better part of two years. I only met them a few months ago because they did a mission in the forrest I was living in.”
To this, I’m met with some rather confused faces. Sokka finally speaks up and asks, “Mission?”
My face lights up with realization and before trying to explain where we are, I take this moment as an opportunity. “Ya know, just to prove a point, where is it that you think we are right now?”
This further confuses them, but ultimately they humor me and say the Eastern shore of the Earth Kingdom.
Feeling vindicated, I look to my squad and say, “See! Told ya so!”
Sokka presses further, “What do you mean ‘mission?’ And what, are we not on the shore of the Earth Kingdom.”
“No, we aren’t. Why don’t you guys sit down, I have a lot to talk about to get you up to speed.”
I spend the next 30 minutes or so explaining where we are. I explain what titans are, the walls, and how they didn’t think there was any humanity alive outside of the walls until recently. As I finish my explanation with Hange jumping in every so often to cover something I might have missed, I end by saying, “And because of all of this, I genuinely thought I’d never see any of you again.”
They all look at me with some variation of sadness, surprise, or confusion on their faces. I continue, “Well, I only got out here via Appa and when I was dropped off we thought I was between the Outter and Inner walls of Ba Sing Se. The four nations don’t know about this place and, until recently, they didn’t know there was more life outside of their island, let alone our entire corner of the world existing so it’s not like they have readily available transportation. Even if I wanted to go back, there was no way for me to get there. It’s really lucky that you guys came by today honestly because this is the first time any of them have ever even seen the ocean.”
Now everyone is overcome with downright bewilderment. Naturally, it’s Katara that says, “You’ve never seen the ocean?!” 
Hange responds with a shrug. “It’s illegal for normal civilians to go outside of the walls and we’ve never done a Scouting mission out this far before.”
Silence falls over everyone as they try to process everything. I break the quiet. “Lot to take in, huh?”
Everyone just nods.
We sit for another moment before I ask, “So, what brings you guys out here?”
Sokka responds as if I’m the dumbest person he’s ever met. “You, obviously.”
Rolling my eyes I say, “Well, ya, I got that much. But, like, why?”
Suki chimes in and says, “We just really missed you, y/n.”
I smile and hug her, waiting a beat before I ask again. “I missed you guys too. But…why are you actually here?”
Everyone, both old friends and new look at me as I sit with a knowing smile. Suki responds again and says, “Like I said, we missed you.”
I sigh before stating the obvious. “And I believe that, but let’s all be honest with ourselves here. All of the four nations most important and powerful people didn’t just all decide after two years to take a fun little vacation to see an old friend. You can’t all just abandon ship together that easily. Unless there’s a good reason. So, spit it out. Why are you actually here?”
I can tell by the discomfort in the air that I was onto something. After a long beat, Aang quietly says, “We want you to come home, y/n.”
I raise an eyebrow and lean forward. “You really want me to believe all six of you came together to convince me to come back? I’m sorry, but I don’t buy that. And after over two years, why now? Y’all could’ve just sent one or two people out to find me. So come on, spill.”
In typical Toph fashion, she’s the one to deliver the news bluntly. “Azula escaped.”
Now it’s my turn to be confused. “What?!”
Sokka quickly starts, “We can explain how it happened! We-”
I hold up my hand to stop him. Shaking my head, I say, “What do you mean escaped? Escaped a casket? Last I checked she was dead because I killed her.”
Everyone’s faces go blank. The longer we sit there looking at each other, the more upset I get. Finally, Sokka punches Zuko in the arm which seems to kick start him. “So um, yeah. About that…” He rubs his neck as awkward as ever.
“I’m waiting.” Now I’m getting aggravated.
“So, yeah. She, uh, didn’t…she didn’t exactly die during the comet.”
I heave a large sigh. “And is there a reason why no one thought to tell me this?”
Another long pause. It’s Aang that speaks this time. “I guess none of us really realized that you didn’t know.” 
I sigh again and pinch the bridge of my nose. Without looking up, I say, “Alright, so when and how did she break out of prison?”
Katara looks at Zuko and says, “Yeah, Zuko. Why don’t you tell her how Azula broke out of prison.”
Her emphasis and venom make me look back up and at Zuko again. He put his head in his hands for a moment before taking a deep breath and looking me in the eye again. “So, she actually wasn’t in prison. She was in an assylum and was confined to a straight jacket and under constant supervision.”
I scoff. “Clearly not constant enough if she could get out.”
Sarcasm dripping from her voice, Katara says, “Oh, the assylum wasn’t the problem. The problem is that Zuko needed her to go find his mother and so she came with us. And that is when she escaped.”
I’m absolutely flabbergasted. I just stare at him slackjawed and wait for an explanation. Seemingly feeling my expectancy, he throws his hands up in defense and says, “She had information on my mom’s location and wouldn’t give it to me if I didn’t bring her along!”
“So you thought it was a good idea to take the strongest firebender in the world who just so happens to also be absolutely psychotic on a fun little adventure?!”
“What was I supposed to do?!” Zuko yells back, his temper flaring up. 
Not wanting to deal with it, I run my hands through my hair. Calming down, I say, “So what? You need my help tracking her down? I don’t really understand what I’d be able to provide you that you can’t already access on your own.”
Aang responds before Zuko can. “Well, we’ve tried to find her to varying degrees of success. Finding her wasn’t necessarily the problem for the first little while. She was inserting herself anywhere and everywhere she could to try to influence Zuko. But recently it’s like she’s completely vanished.”
Resignation in his voice, Zuko adds, “The last time I saw her.she told me something along the lines of knowing that her destiny wasn’t to take the throne herself but to make me into the kind of Fire Lord she would have been. That was a couple of months ago and she’s just been gone. There have been one or two sightings of her in the Earth Kingdom, but nothing concrete.”
That’s when realization dawns on me and the weight of it forces me to sit back.
Observant as always, it’s Levi that asks, “What is it y/n?”
Sighing again and looking towards the sky, I say, “The reason she’s gone quiet isn’t because the bloodlust is gone, it’s that she’s shifted targets. You want me to come back because I’m her target.”
With noticeable fear in his voice, Connie asks, “What? Why you?”
Looking at him, I say, “Just like I thought I had killed her, I’m guessing she thought she had killed me. She must’ve figured out that I’m still alive somehow. I’m sort of the one that got away.”
Turning back to the Gaang, I say, “But what would bringing me back help? Since I’m not actually in the Earth Kingdom, isn’t it safer for me to be out here? As long as she doesn’t know where I am it’ll keep her quiet. Seems like the best case scenario, no?”
Sokka shakes his head. “If you found this place, it’s only a matter of time until she checks this direction. And if she does-”
“I’d be on my own against her.” Defeat fills my voice as I finish his thought and bite my lip.
Eren pipes up next. “You wouldn’t be on your own, you have all of us.” 
Everyone nods enthusiastically in agreement with Eren, and I smile sadly but shake my head. “You guys are very talented and well equipped against titans, but that’s really close-up combat. You have to make contact to fight a titan. Bending is an entirely different style of fighting. It’s long range. Firearms would be functional, but they don’t provide any kind of defense against a bender, especially someone like Azula. Unless you’re trained against benders, you’d be sitting ducks.”
When Hange speaks up, there’s a clear sadness in her voice that she’s trying to hide. “So does that mean you’re going to go back then?”
Without even having to think about it, I shake my head. Addressing the Gaang but still answering Hange, I say, “No, I’m not going to leave. I can’t. I’m the first bender they’ve ever seen, and chances are it’s the same for their enemies. I can really help here. Plus,” I glance at the kids, Levi, and Hange to give them a quick smile before returning my gaze to the Gaang. “I really like it here. You said that you want me to come “home” but this is the closest I’ve felt to having a home since I was a kid. Especially now that you know exactly where I am so I know I’ll be able to see you again in the future. I want to stay here.”
They’re clearly disappointed, but I can tell almost all of them seem to understand. Zuko is the only one to counter. “Well, there’s a few events happening soon to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the end of the war. You could come to one being held in Ba Sing Se where we make it clear that you’re ‘back’ so that we can sort of draw her out for the event being held at the palace in the Fire Nation. Then we can bring you back here.”
Thinking about it for a moment, I eventually shrug and nod, saying, “Yeah, I don’t see a problem with that plan.”
Someone else did see a problem with it, though.
“Are you suggesting to use y/n as bait?” Levi says angrily.
I answer for everyone. “More or less, yeah. But we’ll be prepared so it’ll be a lot less dangerous than it sounds.”
We all sit with this idea for a moment when I come up with an idea of my own. Completely lighting up, I say, “I’ll agree to this under one condition.”
They all nod and Zuko even adds, “Anything.”
I grin at my Scout friends before looking at the Gaang and saying, “I want them to be able to come.”
I can feel the shock radiating off of the people to my right and the confusion rolling off of the people to my left, so I further explain, “Today is the first time they’ve ever even seen the ocean. I think it would be a really great experience for them to see more of the world, especially since I’ve talked so much about our world.”
Despite having just said they’d do “anything” I asked, Zuko sounds angry at my proposal. “Didn’t you just finish saying how useless they are?”
I huff a little and lean forward with my elbows on my knees. “Did you listen to anything I said? No, I didn’t say they are ‘useless.’ I also didn’t just ask to bring them for fighting reasons. Like I said, they didn’t even know the world existed so I want to be able to give them a chance to see and experience new things.”
This shuts Zuko up for the time being and there’s an extended silence as I can tell the Gaang is mulling it over. As we wait for someone to say something, I can feel the kids almost vibrating with anticipation.
Wanting to give them a moment, I squeeze Katara’s hand and announce, “While y’all think it over, Katara and I are going to go bend a little.” Turning to Hange, I add, “And you’re welcome to come observe the both of us together if you’d like.”
Hange’s squeal practically breaks my eardrums, but I can’t resent her happiness.
So Katara and I walk hand-in-hand into the water with Suki joining us for conversation and all of the Scouts not far behind. 
I pick up a ball of water and begin passing it back and forth absentmindedly with Katara.
Finally an opportunity to really catch up!
Looking at both she and Suki, I say, “Soooooooo, how are both of your relationships?” 
They giggle and start telling me how Suki and Sokka are mostly long-distance because of their respective responsibilities to the Kyoshi warriors and the Southern Watertribe. Katara is able to travel almost everywhere with Aang and most recently they had been to the Southern Watertribe together.
On that topic, Katara starts explaining, “You’ve gotta see it y/n! I know you never saw it before, but it’s being built up a lot and honestly has a strong resemblance to the Northern Watertribe. It’s not my favorite thing, but I think you might like it.”
I switch up the move and splash her to which she throws a water whip at me and I have to dive out of the way. We playfully go back and forth for a moment before going back to our original game.
Now, it’s Suki’s turn to ask for an update. “And what about you? Anyone here suit your fancy?”
I actually laugh hard enough that I drop the water. Picking it up again, I say, “Not hardly! Did you see them? They’re all children!”
Katara scoffs and says, “What are you talking about, they’re roughly our age!”
Without hesitation I say, “Exactly!”
She splashes me again so I continue. “They’re 15 like Aang and Toph, and that’s fine for you because you’re 16. I’m 20 years old, that would make me a downright predator if I was even interested in those literal children.”
Both girls laugh and Katara says, “Alright, alright. Point taken. That grumpy one seems older though. What did you say his name was, Levi?”
Before I can answer Suki chimes in with an eyebrow wiggle and says, “And grumpy is your type.”
Katara laughs and I smack Suki with a wave, unamused by her little joke. “I just barely got to a point where I don’t think Levi hates me, let alone dating.”
Both of them get excited and Suki says, “So you’ve thought about it! You’ve got a cruuuuussshhhh!”
This time I freeze her legs and knock her over. Seeing as we’re not even in to our knees, I knew she’d be just fine. I retort, “I did not say that. He’s fuckin insufferable! Like I said, we’re just barely to the point of being friends.”
Wisely, they both drop the subject although I can tell that’s not the end of the harassment.
As if he knew he were being talked about, Levi calls out to us. “Oi! Y/n! We need to start heading back to the walls soon!”
I nod and the three of us wade back in. Approaching our little forgotten picnic, I put my hands on Sokka’s shoulders and say, “Well kids, whatcha think?”
Sokka cranes his neck back to look at me upside down and from this angle his goofy smile looks even funnier. “We think that yes, it would be nice to show them our section of the world.”
The kids’ cheers are enough to make me grin from ear to ear and I have to stop myself from laughing when they quickly try to hide their excitement.
Zuko’s addition is much less animated. “But we keep them a secret. No one will know they’re from some strange new world, especially since you’ll be coming back to this world.”
Aang speaks next. “And it can’t be immediately because Appa can’t carry that many people. So, what we’re going to do is we’re all going to follow you back to your base on Appa so that we know where to come back to. Tomorrow morning we’ll all head back to the Fire Nation and then Sokka can take an airship back here to pick you all up while the rest of us go to the Earth Kingdom a little early. Deal?”
I’m practically bouncing at this point and without even looking at the kids I can tell they are too. 
“Deal!” I say as I throw my arms around Aang and Sokka. The kids stop holding back and they all break out into unrestrained screams of joy and cheers. I swear I can see the faintest hint of a smile on Levi’s face and Hange is grinning like I haven’t seen her do since we took back Wall Maria.
“While you guys fly back, I want to stay here with y/n!” Suki states.
“Me too!” Katara says.
“Me three!” Toph adds.
With that, I look to Hange for approval. Some of the joy leaves her face as she says, “Sure. I mean, we have plenty of beds…”
Melancholy sweeps through us and even though they don’t know what happened, the Gaang notice as well and go quiet in observance of the moment.
Levi breaks the tension with one of his crude jokes, saying “No one will be sleeping in a bed tonight if we don’t move our asses.”
This elicits a few chuckles and we jump into collecting our things.
Climbing the dune to head to the horses I hear a bit of a screech from Sokka and gasps from the others.
Sokka yelps, “What the fuck is that?!”
When I follow his gaze, I laugh when I realize he’s looking at the horses.
“So those are horses. They have different animals than we do even though they all have very similar names. They make fun of me anytime I say something like ‘monkey feathers’ or ‘flying hog monkies.’”
Not caring about my description at all, Sokka says, “well do they eat people?! Because they look like they eat people.”
Now everyone is laughing and Jean makes the comment, “Wow, he makes you look brave y/n!”
This garners further laughter as I glare at him. Turning back to Sokka, I firmly state, “No, they do not eat people. They’re very nice creatures, actually.”
As we all mount our horses and the Gaang climbs onto Appa, I turn to say one more thing before we take off. “We didn’t see any titans on the way here but there’s always a chance we will. If I yell for you to go up, do it. And don’t come back down until I wave for you to do so, understood?”
At this, they’re clearly all concerned but reluctantly agree.
With that, we take off towards home with the Gaang flying low and trailing behind us.
It was such an easy ride out here, hopefully it will be just as easy going back.
We ride for a long time with no hiccups before we come upon the first gate. Looking back at the Gaang, I motion for them to fly up and over and they do so. We meet them on the other side and continue on.
However, the grounds of Wall Maria hadn’t been swept yet and it was possible there could still be titans so we couldn’t let our guard down.
We can’t quite see Wall Rose in the distance yet, but it’s coming up soon and we should be able to any minute. Not a single titan!
No sooner had I thought optimistically than Sasha was calling from the left flank that there are titans coming straight for us.
Fuck, I jinxed it.
As Hange starts giving orders, I fall back a little to talk to the Gaang. “Go up, now! No matter what happens, do not come back down until I wave at you. Go!” 
I don’t wait for a response as I take off in the direction of the titans. As I ride I start gathering as much water as I can from the grass and the dirt. Passing everyone, I slice clean through one titan’s ankles before making a sheet of ice to knock another one off of its feet. Jean finishes the first one and Sasha and Connie tag team the second. As Levi and Mikasa take down a couple more, we’re only left with a few on their feet. I swing from one to the next, completely decapitating each titan as I use its neck as an anchor.
We don’t see any more approaching, so just as quickly as we had seen them approach they were taken care of. I look to the sky and wave both of my arms at the Gaang signaling to them that it’s safe for them to come back down.
As we ride for a moment, they hover next to us and Sokka yells, “Were those the titans you were telling us about?”
Calling back to him, I say, “Yeah, and unlike the horses they do eat people.”
As we finish our conversation, Wall Rose comes into view. As we went through the gate, we told the Garrison not to worry about Appa, and the Gaang flew up high enough as to be mostly undetected by the people on the ground. The ride back to the base wasn’t direct because we wanted to go however we needed to alert the fewest people to our guests. Even with our roundabout path, it didn’t take long to make it back to the stables. As we put our horses back in their stalls, I heard Appa landing outside. 
As everyone gets off, it’s actually Hange that says, “So, how about a tour since this is your only night in town?”
I grin as she starts showing my friends around. My two worlds were colliding and I couldn’t be happier.
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Know Me
I think you can get to know a person pretty well when you know what their preferred media to consume is. And I guess in an effort to let a couple people here know me better, I have made an unordered, inexhaustive list of movies, TV shows, and books that I really liked. I know I've left some off, especially the books list. There are a lot of books and movies I've enjoyed but these are ones I'd repeat, some over and over and over without ever getting tired of them. I didn't include any music or visual art here, because that's too hard to list and it's too mood dependent. Maybe I'll make a musical artist list some other time. Anyway here you go.
Ghostbusters; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Return To Me; Field of Dreams; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; The Crow; The Breakfast Club; Coco; Twister; About Time; Everything Everywhere All At Once; The Shape of Water; Coming To America; Casablanca; Forrest Gump; Young Frankenstein; Stand By Me; Up!; Dogma; Jaws; The Goonies; Groundhog Day; The Royal Tenenbaums; Moana; O Brother Where Art Thou; Inglorious Basterds; When Harry Met Sally; Bull Durham; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Moonrise Kingdom; Almost Famous; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon; Clueless; Encanto; Remember the Titans; Splash; Spotlight; Blazing Saddles; Knives Out; Glass Onion; Soul; Sixteen Candles; Unbreakable; Slingblade; The Blues Brothers; The Great Outdoors; Ghostbusters Afterlife; It's a Wonderful Life; Juno; Mr. Holland's Opus; Fargo; Fried Green Tomatoes; The Burbs; Booksmart; Scott Pilgrim vs the World; Lady and the Tramp; Yesterday; Wristcutters a love story; Timer; A Few Good Men; Rain Man; Good Will Hunting; Hoosiers; Moonstruck; Dazed and Confused; Amelie; West Side Story; Hairspray;
TV Shows
Scrubs; Sesame Street; Derry Girls; Psych; The Bear; Crazy Ex Girlfriend; Letterkenny; Jane the Virgin; Schitt's Creek; King of the Hill; Barney Miller; Phineas and Ferb; A Different World; Northern Exposure; The Great British Bake Off; What We Do in the Shadows; Bob's Burgers; Only Murders in the Building; That 70s Show; Scooby Doo (the original TV series and star movies from the 70s); All in the Family; MASH; The Muppet Show; Seinfeld; Ted Lasso; Never Have I Ever; Brooklyn 99; The Get Down; Daria; ghosts; Columbo; normal people; Alice and Jack; Hilda; Southside
A.A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh series; Charlotte's Web; Ferris; To Kill a Mockingbird; Horton Hears a Who; Horton Hatches the Egg; Little Tree; Prickly Jenny; A Friend For Henry; Sing Unburied Sing; Knuffle Bunny series by Mo Willems; The Boy the Horse the Fox and the Mole; Counting By 7s; Turtles All the Way Down; The Lightness of Hands; Everything Everything; The Things They Carried; Hocus Pocus; The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store; Just Kids; A Long Way Down; Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine; Let the Great World Spin; The Poisonwood Bible; Little Altars Everywhere; The Double Bind; When Breath Becomes air; Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow; You Don't Have to Say You Love Me; The Bean Trees; Imagine Wanting Only This; The Joy Luck Club; The Martian; The Art of Racing in the Rain; East of Eden; Song of Solomon; The Color Purple; The House on Mango Street; The Wind Knows My Name; In Five Years; Tuesdays with morrie; Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close; And Then There Were None; Sharp Objects; Homegoing; The Perks of Being a Wallflower; Under the Whispering Door; Maybe Next Time; Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing; How To Be Good; The Friend; Heaven: Dinosaurs; Redhead by the Side of the Road; Julie and Julia; Attachments; My Grandmother Said to Tell You She's Sorry; I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings; Lily and the Octopus; The History of Love; Take Me With You When You Go; Big Trouble; The Alchemist; Dear Fahrenheit 451; I'm Not a Mourning Person; The Outsiders; All About Love; Georgie All Along; Postcards From the Edge; Breakfast at Tiffany's; The Secret Life of Bees; Nothing to See Here; The Book of Two Ways; Cat's Cradle; Wonder; The Giver series; The Squish;
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echantedtoon · 11 months
Demom Bride Ch19 More Curiouser Still
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The sun outside was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen.
Or it would be if you could see it. 
The forest was still dense with the tallest trees with the thickest trunks you'd ever seen. There was so many of them, and so close together that their branches and leaves wove together to shade most of the brush underneath as you both passed by. It made for a good place to hide during summer days when the heat became too bearable. At night however it was a scary place as you've experienced first hand.  Many hiding places especially amongst the nightfall where not even the moonlight can reach them. It made a scowl be grimaced at the thought of the memories.
"Rotten pig arses."
"Stop moving about. It'll make it harder to carry you."
Your weight was shifted under two of her arms as she walked briskly I'm great strides,  in a way that told anyone she was eager to get to where she was going. On her back she carried you, your arms switching between wrapped around her neck and gripping the fabric of her kimono from her back as she held you there with one pair of arms tightly gripping around your legs so you rode piggy back. You found the ride annoying as at any moment you could lose your grip and fall off from all the jostling and fast pace Eri had been making for the last hour.  It had been exactly an hour since you asked Kyogai to let the both of you go and the both of you snuck away from the front entrance where you first entered in, and Eri had grabbed you and insisted on leaving right then and there. In fact it her her who insisted and was her idea to carry you on her back to get there faster...No. You weren't given a chance to say no-
"We'll be in trouble if we don't be back soon, and it'll be faster if I just carried you. And you're forgetting something. You're still recovering. The journey is too far for you to physically walk yourself without risk of injury again. I'll carry you to be safer and we may return at an earlier time."
And so you were hoisted onto her back before she began run-walking off in a direction that she seemed to have taken hundreds of times before by how precise she was navigating. Taking some Sharp turns around trees, and jumping over giant roots, and pushing through brush and bushes. It was surprisingly beautiful for a Forrest full of hidden demons. Blossoms were starting to bud and more green coming to be seen. It was almost sad you weren't out to experience this. You missed this. You missed going outside . Feeling the sun and wind softly touch your skin. Letting your eyes see the wonders of the world. Feeling the freedom running through your veins when your feet would walk around farther and farther away from the life you once had. Not that you complained too much about your old life. After all you were extremely lucky compared to other people. 
You had a grandmother who was hard on you...a LOT, and who you were forced to care for...A LOT. But you did have at least some semblance of a family when others didn't. You had a house. A very old and damaged house that wouldn't last you for another year as the ceiling was falling in. But at least you had a place to call home. You had a bed. Granted it was so worn that there was literal holes to the floor and it didn't even keep you warm. But at least you could say you at least had a bed when others were forced to sleep on the bare ground. You even had some land. Granted you couldn't ever properly tend to it all with how busy you were but at least you could say you got to own your own land. You even had lots of money from all your hard work to show for it, even if you had to give it all away in the end for freedom. And then leave everything else behind in order to flee for your freedom. 
You never regretted that decision to leave. It still felt like a heavy burden was lifted off your shoulders after a long trudge. There were some things you regretted. You regretted tricking Mitsuri. You regretted forcing Kanae into a marriage perhaps she wasn't ready for. You regretted possibly getting Genya into trouble. You regretted not listening to the old man's words to wait until morning before climbing the mountain further. You regretted running away from Kaigaku the first time. If you'd listen or just waited for Kaigaku to throw you out in the beginning then you probably wouldn't be here waiting so long to recover and continue on with life...If you ever had a chance in the future, you'd make it a trip to go back to your village and apologize for that. But not now. Not when you could be forced back into a unwanted marriage as revenge or something. You briefly wondered who might've been your newly arranged husband if you stayed.  It wouldn't have been Sanemis or Genya since you did manage to pay back a debt and strunk that deal with your Elder. But you were still picked and would've been married to someone else if not the brothers. If could've been anyone from that young Rengoku warrior to just another young farmer in the village. Maybe it could've worked out? Maybe whoever you would've married if you stayed would've been in fact your soulmate and you would've fallen in love. Or maybe it would've been the worse man ever who would've demanded everything of you and be very violent. Or it could've been the most boring, annoying, spoiled man ever. Or a person who'd always love another and not even look your way for the rest of your lives. All of those were bad possibilities that you couldn't risk. Too risky. At least if you were free you'd be free to find someone in your own time.
If you even wanted to settle down that is.
You couldn't imagine yourself being forced to give up any and all freedom and decision making to  someone you're supposed to love. Being forced to just stay home all day cleaning the house constantly and being forced to raise a whole bunch of children by yourself 95% of the time and being at his beck and call on top. Not to mention of he had terrible in-laws. 
You weren't even sure you wanted to be a mother. There was already so many children who were orphaned or came from bad homes who needed more help. Perhaps when you decided not to travel anymore, you'd open a children's home.  That would be a good thing to do with your life. Taking in a child who might need help- You nearly fell over with a yelp as Eri took a sharp turn around a giant tree. 
"Hey. T-Take it easy!," You yelped between sharp sways, your grip on her kimono becoming tighter.  This was worse than riding a wild mule!
"We're almost there!," Eri exclaimed excitedly followed by a giddy smile. "I can feel my heart pounding in my chest and the universe blessing me!! I'm coming my love!!"
And there was Eri's usual self excitedly bouncing back to happiness. If you weren't holding on for dear life, you would've laughed happily at her reaction. Reminded you of Mitsuri in some ways only Eri wasn't as naive as Mitsuri had been and she listened to you. Most of the time. If you had to chose, you would've gladly called her your very first friend. Her happiness made her give off larger bounds before she was forcing herself past a series of bushes. Branch after branch, leaves after leaves smacked your face causing your eyes to close and  you to yell out to Eri. To slow down. To take it easy. Of course she didn't and kept going on for another minute solid before you suddenly stopped. The suddenlness of it sent you smacking into Eri's back. Your head spun and you groaned out-
"We're here!!"
Purple eyes blinked and slowly things came back into focus, and you gaped at what you saw. It was a series of ponds alright. Three decently sized ponds in the middle of a small clearing in the vast forest. The one you stood in front of was around fourteen feet wide and so murky you couldn't tell how deep it was. Surrounding the edges of the ponds were many lilypads, and cattails, and many frogs croaked their greetings if they hadn't already jumped into the water frightened by Eri's sudden arrival. Rare sunlight gleamed through the small open space above them warming the water from the usual shade. It was kinda pretty you had to admit. But where was Eri's fiance-
"KOMOKI!!"  You winced. A loud shrill yell piercing the air (and your eardrums) as Eri cupped her free hands cupped around her mouth as she happily yelled out. "KOMOKI MY DARLING!! MY LIVE!! MY BELOVED GROOM TO BE!! I'M HERE FOR YOU!!" Her loud voice echoed through the trees scaring frogs into the water and birds into the sky as it slowly faded away leaving you both standing there for a long moment before she hummed. "...I guess he didn't hear me."
''Oh I doubt that. I bet everyone in the world heard you." You winced a hand rubbing your poor ear. "I know I did."
"Oh.. Oops. Sorry. I guess my excitement got the better of me." With careful hands she slowly lowered your form until you both stood and you could finally have a rest from being carried. "I'm just overwhelmed by happiness to see him once again."
"Noted. So where is he?" Your eyes scanned over all the ponds. Not even a ripple was to be seen for Eri's efforts. Wasn't he supposed to be here,?
"Komoki sometimes can't hear me underwater. I'm sure he surface eventually like he always does however. " She giggled and clasp her hands to her cheeks love struck. "I can't wait for you to meet him. He's just the sweetest, most shy man I've ever met."
"He sounds terrific." You smiled. "How did you two meet?"
More giddy giggling making you chuckle yourself. ...not that either of you noticed the small bubbles from the other side of the big pond. "It was an accident really. You see there's some plants growing at the bottom of the pond that helps bring down fevers greatly. So one day I came here to try and get some myself instead of buying it all the time. But there was a problem." She sighed arms flopping to her sides. "I can't swim. So when I fell in I would've died by drowning."
"You obviously didn't."
"Exactly. Because Komoki pulled me out." She sighed dreamily. "He was so flustered when he saw I was a girl. Y'know he thought I was actually trying to take over his territory at first? He's not very strong so he's very shy, but he makes up for it by being there for me when my family wasn't and he proposed to me so they couldn't try to marry me off to someone else. *Sigh* He's so polite and handsome and so, so, SO CUTE." 
The bubble trailing up from the water slowly got closer and closer.
"He sounds wonderful. I'd like to meet himself and see the man you talk about so much."You smiled. "So when's the wedding?"
"It's planned for next year after I finish my work contract for Lord Kyogai. I stop working next March and the wedding will be in April." 
"That soon?"
The bubbles stopped a little aways from the  two talking and a hand webbed crawled out from the depths to grab at the grassy ground. 
"We're planning to elope to avoid my family's drama. Lord Kyogai knows this and as he's a Lord, has agreed to marry us.~ We even have this nice lake area we plan on moving too. It's got a great view, plenty of places to work, and far away from my horrid family."
"Not to mention that it'll be a great place to raise our children."
You squealed, bristling at the sudden deep man's voice that oozed from behind you. It made you jump and snap your head around, almost yelling at what you saw. IT WAS A MERMAN!! Or...what looked like a merman at first. He had the palest yellow skin you'd ever seen, with orange wet hair clinging to his face, his shoulders,  his neck, his back, and everywhere else it reached. Frog like all black eyes stared at you from the edge of the water where webbed clawed hands gripped the grassy earth propping himself up halfway up the bank of the murky pond. The torso led down to what you could only say was a koi fish's body as colorful as the actual animal itself. The man continued to stare at you curiously tilting his head. The feeling didn't come off as dangerous but it was enough to put you on edge.
"A human? In these woods?," He asked confused. "Never thought I'd see one of you around here."
You didn't even get a chance to reply before a high pitch squeal made you both look over. "KOMOKI MY HEART STEALER!!"
The man instantly lit up in a surprised but equally bright smile. "M-My ..MY DARLING BRIDE TO BE!! MY ERI!"
You took a leap back as Eri became a blur to your eyes. One moment she was standing a few yards from you, the next she was on her knees with the man pulled up onto her lap. One pair of hands dipping the merman demon and the other pair grabbing his face as Eri's lips assaulted the love struck looking man with kiss after kiss after kiss until with a final long kiss to his lips she finally pulled away leaving him with a dopey grin.
"...N-Now..."He slowly reached his hands up to Eri's own cheeks. "T-Thats quite a welcome.~"
Eri giggled and hugged him closer not caring of she got wet. "Oooh!! I missed you so, so, so much!!"
"Not as much as I missed you. Everyday I wait to see if you we could come to visit me. I was starting to think maybe something bad had happened to my beloved."
Eri shook her head. "No. Not at all. I've just been distracted lately." She blinked.."Oh yes. That reminds me." She turned back to you and Komoki looked up from where she still held him within her lap. "Komoki, this is Madam Y/n. I've been assigned to care for her a few weeks. Y/n, this is my fiance. He's a demon of the waters."
Komoki smiled politely if a bit shyly at you. "Oh. Hello Miss. I apologize if I might've frightened you earlier but it's the only way I mange to scare off most others from my home. I'm not as physically strong as others are."
...You finally blinked before shaking your head and awkwardly smiling. "It's alright. I've gotten my fair share of surprises by now so it doesn't affect me much at all. But...I wasn't expecting someone as colorful as you to be living here."
"Well I was not certainly expecting a human at my door either. So that makes us even." He then looked back up to Eri with dopey loving eyes. "But back on topic. My Eri. I wasn't expecting to see you today. What has your life been since our last visit?"
"No. You tell me first?~" 
"No you.~ I insist, my perfect lilypads of happiness.~" 
She giggled happily. "Oh stoooop. If you're going to twist my arms about it...It all started after I saw you last May."
And then the two of them continued on to talk. Without you. Completely forgetting you were even there at all. Sigh. It didn't bother you and you chose not to let it bother you. After all the two hadn't seen each other in about a year so it was understandable that they had a lot to catch up on. So there you stood smiling to the side as Eri continued to talk. And talk...And talk. Literally about every tiny significant thing about what happened to her in great detail since they last saw one another with Komoki listening intently smiling like a love struck fool. ..Sigh. this would take a while. You proceeded to lean against a nearby tree listening to Eri ramble on about everything from how much she missed him to how wonderful of a boss Kyogai was to how much she missed him to what she ate- Did she mention she missed him? With a sigh you rolled your eyes and continued to watch  them. And watch them. For what felt like half an hour now. This wasn't what you were expecting when you agreed to help Eri meet her fiance again. The more she jabbered the more you slowly began to space out looking over the waves on the water and nature around you. It really was calm, and beautiful. The perfect place to do some Fishing. It reminded you of that secret pond just outside your village. Being poor with a sick grandmother to care for and a debt to constantly work hard to pay back, made it quite hard to even buy a single chicken, so you ended up just fishing a lot in a small pond you kept to yourself and harvesting lots of the wild fruits and vegetables. Maybe it was a dull meal to eat over and over but at least it was a source of food you could rely on. .. Speaking of food. Loud rumbles from your body made your spaced out brain blink back to reality. What the- Another louder rumble came from your body. Oh right. You hadn't eaten anything yet since the both of you left in such a hurry neither of you had time to eat anything. Perhaps however fate decided to finally be kind to you because just as that moment crossed over your mind a giant splash sound made your head snap just, and purple eyes just caught the tail end of a fish tail slapping the surface of the water before disappearing leaving ripples in its wake. A fish. This pond was full of fish! It was perfect! But you wondered if Komoki would mind if you fished in one of his ponds.
Your head turned to them. "Hey, guys." You hand pointed at the second small pond to the left where you saw the fish. "I'm going to catch some breakfast for us! It's still early I'm the morning."
Eri didn't say a word but Komoki briefly glanced at you, nodded, and then went back to fawning over everything Eri had said. You took that as a yes! So with a smile on your face, you pushed back up from against the tree you were  currently sitting on and walked on over slowly towards the pond that you previously pointed out to them. Of course Eri and Komoki didn't give you a second glance but maybe that was for the better. You didn't want to disturb their moment and it'd give you some time to have to yourself without having someone looking over your shoulder or following behind you. You'd enjoy the peace and quiet for once without hearing Kaigaku's voice  or Kyogai's worries or the servants ' doing their jobs. Just you, nature, and Eri jabbering on in the background. The grass made soft noises under your boots as you walked over to the second of the three ponds and glanced down to the water. It was too murky to see your reflection but it wasn't as murky as the first pond, enough to reveal the many delicious shadows of wild fish swimming underneath the surface. Perfect. Now you just had a different problem. What were you going to fish with?  You had no fishing pole, no rope, and no string either. No hooks and no bait. 
... Perhaps you could find a sharp stick to stab them with like a spear?
That was an idea. And a stick would be near the trees. A quick scan over the few trees near the edge of the small clearing revealed nothing you could use. There was a few sticks that looked sturdy enough but they weren't long enough for your purpose. Perhaps there was some just a little away from the tree line? You boldly took a few steps near the tree line to peek around at the ground around the farther roots. Perhaps a bigger stick would be hidden amongst the bushes hidden under all those leaves. Your hand gently grabbed a fistful of branches and leaves, the soft greens brushing against your skin as it just moved an inch-
A gasp escaped your throat. Your body receiving a shock of electricity from the vibrations of a sound so high pitched one would blame it on the wind. It was so fast and short as well. Sounding like it both stopped and started all in one second, not even loud enough to get any real attention. So there you stood, blinking a moment holding the bushes branches, before you shook your head.
"Did you hear that?!," You called with a quick glance over your shoulder. Eri seemed to be describing that annoyed her as Komoki nodded in understanding, both ignoring you or didn't notice you had said anything at all. "..I guess it was just my imagination then." You just shrugged it off and went back to pulling the shrub back. ...which lead to another bush in the way. Sigh
Your eyes and head snapped up. There it was again! That high pitched, small voice. You could barely hear it above a whisper and if you hadn't been paying attention it would've just passed over you. It's sounded not close but not far away as well. Made you wonder. Was it really someone or your imagination?
"ERI! SOMEONE'S IN TROUBLE!" They didn't hear you. "ERI?!" Still nothing. 
It made you give off a growl of frustration and half a mind to just throw a bucket of water at the two demons. How love struck could someone be to ignore everything around them?! Another scream sounded out and you turned your head. Now anyone else could've seen this as a trap but there was something...off about this situation to you. And you were about to find  out what it was. What if it was someone in trouble? What if someone was hurt or lost? They could need help badly. Eri and Komoki didn't even notice that your body disappeared through the bushes with a rustle of leaves being your only good bye to them. The bushes were bigger than you, being nearly as Tall as Kyogai was and very wide with branches sprouting everywhere. For every branch your arm moved over, two would smack some part of your body as you made your way through them all following the small screams and shouts.
They wee starting to get louder now, and you thought you heard what sounded like tiny footsteps thudding around from somewhere in front of you before they suddenly stopped and you heard a...giggle? 
FINALLY you managed to forcibly  push the bush out of the way to reveal a less cluttered version of the forest and paused at what you saw. A small pale figure was standing there in the middle of a small cluster of flowers with a strange red dot pattern on his face with a weak smile. The small screaming continued from the figures small hands which held another man the size of a doll who sobbed and sobbed.
....It was a child.  A spider child?! Holding a smaller... screaming demon the size of a doll?? You blinked. And blinked again. Before shaking you head and blinking again at the sight.
What the what?!
"NO! DOWN! DOWN!! PUT ME  DDDDOOOOWWNN!!!," the smaller demon wailed still followed by a sob. 
The small boy, who couldn't have been older than eleven, just giggled more before curiously turning the smaller man this way and that to examine him more...before turning him upside down with a squeal from the man.
"Hey! Don't do that!" The little boy jumped with a yelp and spun wide eyed to you, and froze. Oh boy. Guess there wasn't any going back now. With a frown you stepped out from the bush and in front of him. "Don't do that. You'll hurt him!!"
By now the small demon was covering his face and sobbing almost uncontrollably as still held upside down by the child who blinked surprised at you. ...Come to think of it, what WAS a child doing out here all by themselves? Your purple eyes scanned around but saw no other adult here besides the sobbing tiny man. Where was this boys parents?...Unless..You looked back to him. Was the woman you saw with all those children his mother? They were definitely related from how similar they looked. Pale white, red dot patterns- The only difference was that his eyes were a red and green in color instead of the light grey eyes you've seen all the other spider demons have. Did he get left behind?
With a concerned look, you furrowed your brow looking back to the poor boy standing there, before you knelt down to be eye level with the young boy. "Hey there. Sorry for scaring you. But I was right when I said it's not very nice to hold someone like that." You held out your hand to him. "Can I have him?"
...The boy pouted and held the poor man away from you. Ah shoot. This wasn't going to be easy was it? Sigh. Taking a closer look at them however you noticed some things. The tiny man was actually old. If you had to guess, he looked at least to be in his seventies or early eighties which concerned you more with how much jostling the little boy was doing to him. He could hurt him. And the poor didn't look too good himself. He looked dirty, like he hadn't been taking care of himself too well, and the clothes he was wearing was worn, stained, and torn in quite a few places. Was he in a fight? Either way he didn't look good. Reminded of you when you were a kid and came home from working hard and being very hungry...Hmm. Hungry. That gave you an idea.
"Are you hungry?" He immediately perked up. So that was in fact a yes, you were surprised he could understand you considering his family couldn't. "How about we make a trade? You give me that-" You gestured to the still sobbing tiny man. "-and I'll make you something to eat. There's a pond full of fish just through those bushes and it wouldn't be too hard to make you a fire and cook you some. How about it? It certainly would be better than holding someone screaming to high heavens. He certainly won't be able to give you anything." 
The boy continued to stare at you, then to the tiny man in thought....before just holding him out to you. "I'm hungry."
You were taken aback from the two words he spoke perfectly in your language before holding out your hands and just having the tinier old man dropped into your palms. You'd worry about the language barrier later, right now you were a little more concerned about the sobbing old man cowering against your palms. In a minute you stood back up, just in case the kid changed his mind about giving up his new toy, you wanted to keep him out of his reach. Then you finally looked at him. He was indeed old, with greyish brown skin, reddish eyes, two horns jutting out of his forehead, straggly black hair, and a giant goose egg on his forehead right behind his horns. Did the child cause this bump? You hoped not. The frail looking man curled into himself sobbing into his hand. On his body was a reddish grey robe that covered most of his body.
You felt instantly sorry for this poor man. It must've been terrifying being manhandled by someone bigger than you especially with how old and frail his tinier body must've been. Which was why you tried not to jostle him too much and held him out a bit to make him feel  less crowded. Poor man.
"Um...Are you alright, Sir?"
"Not my f-f-fauuuuuullllttt. *SOB* It wasn't my fault. He made me go around and around," he sniffled between sobs. Poor man. He must've been terrified.
"Of course it wasn't your fault. Please don't blame yourself," you spoke calmly to him which made him instantly stop with a sniffle. "I'm sure it was all just a misunderstanding. Don't feel bad."
...You watched as he slowly lowered his hands just enough to peek his eyes. "Y-You...*sniff* ..You believe me?"
"Of course I do. It wasn't your fault, Sir. It could've happened to anyone."
"Y-You think I'm i-i-inoccent?" He slowly turned his body to you now in question, and you could barely make out tiny tears running down his face. 
"I do. But it's over now so don't be alarmed." You smiled. "I'm not going to hurt you. Everything will be just fine." 
He stared at you in disbelief for a long moment before sniffing again. "M-Monster child. Monster CHILD! His fault for this!"
"I'm sure he didn't mean to. He's just a young boy." You turned to the boy who tilted his head and blinked. "Aren't you going to apologize to this poor man?"
The boy shrugged. "Sorry."
Didn't sound like he meant it but it was better than nothing you supposed. "See? Everything's alright now. You shouldn't worry yourself anymore about him."
"Monster child! He is nothing like my sons!"
Oh. So he was a father as well? You didn't see any children around here who looked like this tiny monster so these two demons you found couldn't have been related. "Well don't concern yourself about him anymore. I'll be taking him from here. Would you like me to put you down?"
You immediately complied. Carefully kneeling down and touching your heads to the ground, watching as the tiny demon scrambled off your palm and stood in the grass below. Why he couldn't have been much bigger than a mouse. "There you go. Are you alright? You're not hurt are you?"
He choked on a sob. "Understanding. Kind girl. No one h-has ever believed me before. *Sniff* You're the first one to believe me."
You only smiled. Well he really wasn't wrong was he? It wasn't his fault the little boy decided to throw him around like a toy, so why wouldn't you believe him? "Well it's simply because it's not your fault. That's the simple truth. But are you alright? I wouldn't want you hurt."
"For now, for now. Such a kind girl, concerned for me when no one else has." He mumbled more to himself than actually talk to you. "I feel compelled to thank you."
"Oh no. You don't have to really. I'm just glad you're not hurt any."
"Kind girl. Humble girl. I have five sons. My four eldest are just your age." He half hummed in thought half whimpered. "Only they have ever believed me. So kind to me my sons."
"They sound like Wonderful men to care so much for their father."
He looked to you. "You like them? My four oldest are your age." 
"Oh...I wouldn't know. I've never met them before but I'm sure they're very nice."
"Kind girl. One such as you should live a good life."
You nodded in agreement. "Yes. Everyone should live a good life, so should you." 
"Such a wonderful girl. So kind." He rubbed his chin. "....You, Kind Girl. Has anyone placed a claim on you?"
That question made you confused. Has anyone ever claimed you? What did he mean by that? You weren't anyone's servant. "No. I'm afraid not."
He hummed again. "...A kind girl shouldn't ever worry about anything and I am quite taken by your kindness towards me."
"Oh. I'm sorry. I'm not planning on becoming someone's servant. I'm already dealing with a lot of things, I wouldn't be a good worker."
He hummed again. "No one's claimed her..." He then nodded. "Then I would like to offer you a proposal. Many l-like to try and stake claims but my sons hate all who are violent towards me. You are different. They would gladly agree if it meant to repay kindness."
"Oh. That sounds very nice-"
Before you could say 'but I don't need any money or gifts' you all were interrupted by a very loud yell. 
"Y/N!?" The tiny man squealed in fright as your head snapped up-
"Oof!" You nearly fell over from the sudden tackle to your side as the young boy leaped behind you. The sound of crunching branches and rustling leaves were quickly making their way to towards you all.
"Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?!" Not a second later the bush moved violently and none other than Eri came tripping out of it looking furious. "There you are?!" She scowled at you . "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?! What were you thinking running off like that?! Don't you know someone might've snatched you up?!" She froze as you stood up and all four eyes went to the little boy hiding behind you, all four eyes widened,  before pointing. "And who is that?!"
"He's lost. And hungry. I found him wondering around with-" You looked down  and paused. The tiny man was gone. "... Where'd he go?"
"Where'd who go?" Eri crossed her arms as you looked around the grass but there wasn't any sign of the small elderly man. 
"A man the size of my hand. He was just here...He must've ran off when he heard you coming."
"Uh.. Aren't you forgetting something? What do you have to say for yourself?"
"Oh yes. The fish."
Eri's jaw dropped dumbfounded as you ignored her, reached around to grab the little boy's hand, and lead him past her back towards the ponds. "Wha-... No! Get back here and apologize to me! Y/n!"
Komoki was swimming bobbing in the waters surface, but he seemed very surprised when you walked back through the bushes holding hands with s skittish little boy and an angry Eri right you. You didn't pay her any mind, just asking Komoki to give you some fish to cook for the little boy. The merman demon seemed confused about what to do... but eventually disappeared under the surface while you got to work gathering the many small sticks and pulling off branches from nearby bushes before putting them all together and rubbing two firm  sticks together, blowing on them every so while before a small enough fire was made. Not enough to keep anyone warm but it was big enough to cook some food. Which happened to be five fish given to you by Komoki later. Both Eri and the young boy looked on in envy as the fish was stabbed into sticks and placed over the fire to cook.
"I'm hungry." A small tug was given to your kimono and in return you patted his head making his eyes go wide. 
"I know but you have to be patient. It takes a bit for them to cook fully." 
"Can't I just eat it now. I feel very weak."
"It'll taste better once it's fully cooked, and eating raw fish isn't very good for your stomach."
He pouted but didn't argue further. You let the fish cook for a good few minutes until you flipped them over to cook the other side until the fish was a brown on all sides and safe to be taken off the sticks. The small boy immediately grabbed two and started to gobble them down like he hadn't eaten in weeks (guess he was hungry), Eri took one, and you tried to give one to Komoki but he declined so that one was also taken by the small boy who are it pretty fast. His hunger was something that you and Eri exchanged looks over.
"Is it normal for a demon child to eat this much?"
" None of the other children we had ate this much. He must've been half starved for a long time."
Another tug on your kimono caught your attention as the little boy looked at you. "I'm still hungry."....You handed over your uneaten fish and he immediately grabbed it.
"I don't think I asked before. What's your name?"
"Rui," he answered before just biting into his fourth fish.
"My name is Y/n and this is Eri and her fiance Komoki." He still didn't look when you gestured to the other demons. "May I ask what you were doing all alone?"
"I fled from my home all alone after my family left me behind." Everyone paused. "I tracked their scents somewhere in this forest but I got lost. Everyone here likes to push me around except for that tiny man. He didn't want to help me or give me food."
You both looked at each other . This was...a surprise. You weren't entirely sure about this situation but you couldn't just leave a little boy out here all alone. And you told Eri there was a tiny man!! 
"Well.. They're not here in the Forrest anymore but I know someone who could probably help you. He doesn't live too far from here and there's lots of food and shelter. Come with us and I'm sure he can help you." 
"I would like more food." 
That was a yes then. Eri however gained a horrified look. "Oh my gods!" She yelled before turning up to the sky. "It's already almost noon! We've been here all morning! What if Lord Kyogai knows we're here? We have to head back right away!" 
"Now?" Come to think of it you all had been out here for a while and it would be best to get Rui to shelter as soon as possible. On top of getting back before Kyogai noticed. You nodded. "Yes. We should head back now before Kyogai notices or worse Kaigaku." You'd never hear the end of it from that loudmouth.
"Good bye my lovely lotus flower.~" 
"Fair well my beloved bride.~" 
You groaned. This would be a while.
Exactly two hours later, you all arrived back at the Tsuzumi Mansion with Eri carrying you on her back again and carrying Rui under another one of her arms. The extra weight had slowed the trip back quite a bit as she couldn't go very fast with both you and a child being carried by her. You both must've been heavy to her but she insisted on carrying you back to avoid anymore injuries. You not wanting to argue and head back just went with it.  There wasn't anyone outside the mansion when you both arrived which made you both give off some relief the closer you all got. You were sure that Kyogai was still in his study writing away, and you'd be able to slip in no problem. How you were going to explain Rui was gonna be tricky though.
"Do you think anyone's noticed we were gone?"
You waved Eri off. "No. They probably just believe we're in the garden again. We're fine." 
In an instant the sliding door leading into the mansion SLAMMED opened and standing in the doorway was a lumbering figure.
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The towers for a dragon
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Forrest Frey x princess!reader
warning : fluff, kiss, little angst, Aemma's death, hug
Summary : Another princess a baby soaked in the blood of her dead brother who seemed to have given his life for her, a benefit, a benefit that would turn out to be an engagement nearly two decades later. But lost hope leads the maiden to flee anywhere but away from a cold home after her sister's dragon fire, a quest fueled by fear finds a princess on two towers.
info : this time it will be a Frey i never thought to write for them but what the heck Forrest seems to be quite good already have fun reading and see you next week :)
One hundred and five years after the erobeurng the house of Targayren was at a problem of a direct heir. The king had his wife her blood-soaked womb from which sprang more death than life, the princess Rhaenyra of the realm rejoiced in all this and together with her friend Alicent and her dragon Syrax she had everything she needed.
But apart from Visery's cousin and his own brother, there was hardly anyone else who could be an heir…until his wife's pregnancy, the king knew it would be a boy his dreams told him it would be.
It was only different when the blood sifted through the mattress and the screams of a young boy could be heard and one wanted to give up hope with his twin sister, but in the hour of the wolf the son of Baelon fell silent and his sister began to scream.
The king got his son for a day, the gods angry at the disappointment gave him the daughter and so Rhaenyra not only had a younger image of herself but also a connection to her young, beloved brother.
So it was and life would go on like this in Westeros, the princesses would be celebrated as Sunfyre the beautiful golden dragon emerged from her egg in the year of her life and Rhaenyra tried to teach her little sister Valyrian, laughing and lifting the toddler.
It was a time when love only seemed to grow, Rhaenyra and Alicent both enjoying the princess….until the shadow threatened to settle over House Targayren.
Daughters no matter how pretty they wanted to be, no matter what eachen they had and no matter how many lords and knights wanted their hand, they would never be an heir.
That was a problem, and not only Westeros knew it, but Viserys himself. ,,I have decided to marry…the Lady Alicent Hightower,” the king had announced, not only taking the smile off his daughter's face, but also his second daughter betraying her memory of her real mother, ,,The noble falcon outlasts the cold lonely stone tower," was the only thing Rhaenyra had said as she took Flame and hurried out of the room with the toddler.
Flame a nickname because of the little red birthmark on her hand in the shape of a flame, a flame as if from the mouth of a dragon as it diminished with the wedding as time marched on and time changed, her uncle Daemon left her, she lost her friend and mother and the only thing the dragon princess seemed to have left was Syrax in the skies…while her little sister who needed a guide was left just too helpless in black and green.
So it remained for almost two decades in which Rhaenyra surrounded herself with her uncle, her husband Laenor and her beloved but deceased sister-in-law Laena while in King's Landing Alicent surrounded herself more and more with the green of House Hightower, ,,Princess my child please get ready for the incoming lords from the Riverlands” the brown-haired one demanded of her stepdaughter for years trying almost in vain to get to her.
All the green and gold clothing, fabric and yarn she was given was returned or never used, she rarely wore black on the day of her mother's death, mostly it was blue and white that the princess seemed to wrap herself in, ,,Princess…please my queen if you please just princess I will be there” she replied not lifting her gaze from the embroidery on her lap and waited for the door to close.
Before a sigh escaped her lips as Alicent withdrew it was always the same she was not her daughter nor vice versa the mother, her father seemed even more withdrawn and the joy with her half siblings had not blossomed for years as it had in childhood.
She was a falcon locked alone in a stone tower pretending to be a dragon, ,,Still no answer” she mumbled to herself as she took the bell and went to fetch the servants while looking out the window the letters to her sister for help got no answer Aemma the white falcon in the golden cage screamed at her as the door opened and she saw the blue dress.
Dressed in blue, white and the silver brooch she stood alone on her side of the throne, on the other side stood her half-siblings no affection or a smile met her only a brief glance from her sister but it seemed to pass through her on the throne her father looked sicker and sicker.
It could have been letters or not? she asked herself not knowing what the plan was not knowing when the large doors opened she saw the house of Humfrey smybol she saw the older man she saw that it was the Westermen and not the Riverlanders.
It was on this day that her father barely said a word, that the Queen proposed a betrothal that would secure power in the Westerlands and she nearly fainted when she felt the wrinkled almost ancient kiss on her hand, the tower she was in seemed to lose all warmth.
So it should have been, the young falcon seemed to lose one feather after another, all hope and will…until she felt the claws of Aemma on her hand, claws that caressed her, threatening to tear her awake from the tears she was shedding Rhaenyra… I'll come back to you no matter what she gathered her thoughts poacking what she needed to know knew about the secret passage shown by her sister.
Knew about the secrets of her uncle and knew about the streets of her brother-in-law Laenor, her family was with her as Aemma flew above her as the cool night enveloped her as she left this castle for the first time properly as she left her father…but her mother would always be with her as she ran to the dragon pit for her life.
Any moment the bells could go off that the princess was gone then the betrothal or even the wedding would take place before the next moon she would become something for the queen but she didn't want to become a piece for the green ones a group that took advantage of her mother's death.
But her sister the family that was there for her in the beginning needed to see her again knowing she was doing the right thing at a moment when she was in danger of being forgotten.
Getting past the guards in the shadows was only possible but the noises and dragon sounds made her heart pound with fear, her blood rushing in her ears as she rushed towards Sunfyre, almost screaming at him to fly off and the nervous creature rose into the air with two beats of his wing and his rider seemed to feel something like freedom for the first time.
Sunfyre felt her nagts for the common life flying but in all this time neither Sunfyre nor how had ever flown on Dragonstone, without a map with a destination the princess had no choice but to fly on through the clouds hoping that Vhagar's shadow would not lie on her to burn her.
But with each passing moment of dwindling strength, fear and exhaustion between cold clouds, she clung to Sunyfre, hearing the call of her falcon from somewhere and a memory began to wander through her mind, whether it was out of hope or a last moment of desire, she did not know.
But the story of the towers of House Frey two towers and the bridge the lord a nice man dark hair but most of all the one who had given her the first kiss on the cheek at her sister's wedding ,,Such a beautiful falcon should be admired by all, the only joy of the realm since you my princess" he had flattered her had protected her with a dance from the gaze of Alicent.
It was the only time she truly wished to spend a future with him, to marry…and perhaps it was this last wish that closed the princess's eyes as Sunfyre cried out, trying to escape the cold of the sky as quickly as possible to save his rider, sensing that there was only one direction he could fly.
As time passed with fainting, the screeching of dragons could be heard, the fire of warmth enveloped her body and a hand stroked her feverish head again and again with a cool cloth as the princess's violet eyes opened several times but could barely make out, ,,I…am…with you…princess” she heard the distant voice of a man but her eyelids seemed too heavy but each time the voice seemed to disappear completely someone gently reached for her hand and told her of a dance, a distant memory.
It took two moons for the fever to lift and the princess slowly regained consciousness the room she was in was more wood and stone than dragonstone, no dragons but tower decorations and rivers a brief moment of fear passed through her but when she heard that voice again and saw him she showed pure relief on her face.
,,Forrest? Oh Forrest, it's you,” she said, relief in her voice as she simply fell into his arms, barely noticing that she was only wearing a light nightgown, she took him in her arms and saw the at first slightly puzzled but then warm smile as his hands came around her back and held her, supporting her trembling body.
,,I'm relieved to see you so well,” he murmured, holding her for a moment as she gathered herself a little, her hands rough yet warm as he held her,,How-How did I get here?" she asked herself, still vaguely remembering her curse, fearing that Vhagar would come for her but Forrest squeezed her hand reassuringly.
He seemed to have an idea of what his princess was afraid of, ,,Sunfyre had landed on the tower spitting fire and screeching and hadn't let anyone but me get close to you. I told your sister about you a moon cycle ago, she was due to arrive in the dawn...you can't always trust the queen,” he admitted the last words and again she couldn't help but place her hand gently on his chest.
This wish between them, the glances and the enigmatic letters now found so much stronger meaning, ,,A good lord you are Forrest thank you for everything…for the dance…for the salvation for everything” she whispered lowering her head out of shame feeling the heat on her cheeks and ears as the brown haired one smirked slightly.
His fingers brushed one last tear from her cheek and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek as he slowly rose and held out his hand to help her, ,,And you are a brave princess my handsome falcon it is my duty to help you and I do so with all my heart” he said a smile also playing around her lips as she took his hand immediately feeling his cloak around her body as he protected her and warmed her.
She leaned lightly on him as soft words of hope and comfort reached her as he offered her a warm meal and comfort until the hours she saw the dragons of her family as Rhaenyra cried with joy and embraced her little sister again and as love and hope seemed to exist again whenever she seemed to look at Forrest Frey.
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downspirals · 4 months
how would they interact with my ocs? part 1: carmen berzatto:
nadine hunt: haters to lovers. genuinely think that nadine would unintentionally piss carmy off so much because they do not take a single thing seriously, leading to a few screaming matches. this leads to them sleeping together. which then leads to them being super awkward. and then it's love
rain mars: i think carmy would be afraid of her ngl like. shes the kind of person that makes him flinch because she stomps too loud when she walks into the room.
forrest greene: they are the bestiest besties to ever bestie. like the two of them never make any noise when they hang out because they are sitting in the same space doing their own projects, but it is the best part of their day. drawing buddies!! kinda gay lbr
bear jones: i just think they are the kind of bros where you only ever see them nod their head at each other in passing but somehow would die for each other. u know?
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