#you see i didnt even want cats in the first place
yumeyleo · 1 year
why did my mother think having more than one cat was a good idea oh my FUCKING god
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francisforever2014 · 6 months
i hate christmas so much i’m sorry idccccc it’s boring overdone and annoying if i was walter white i would steal that shit too
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loafgeto · 8 months
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toji fushiguro x fem!reader
synopsis: you’re getting your first apartment with your own money, but there has been a complication with the housing and you were accidentally roomed with a stranger.
cw: fem!reader, 18+ mdni, explicit language, age gap (reader is 22, while toji is 30), she/her pronouns, big dick toji, masturbation, teasing, dirty talk, size kink, fingering, squirting, orgasming, unprotected sex, oral sex (m. receiving), slight breast play, pet names (pretty/good girl, sweetheart, princess). if i miss anything lmk. NOT proofread, ignore typos
a/n: uh if you guys see me use “princess” so much then like don’t mind me cuz i love the pet name and toji seems to suit saying it too. anyways, contemplating on what to write next 😟
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After graduating university and acquiring your dream job, you were finally able to buy your own apartment with your savings from countless overworking shifts and paychecks. To say the least, all of the exhaustion and frustration was definitely worth it.
Today was the day you’d get your keys, and officially move in your things. The apartment consisted of a single bedroom, one bathroom, a kitchen and a personal laundry area— all suitable for one person. When you first toured the building, you instantly fell in love and knew it was going to be your place of living for a while. So, you signed the paperwork and officially got the place.
You arrived at your apartment that afternoon, the feeling of excitement flowing through your veins. The neighborhood was relatively welcoming and safe, and there were many amenities surrounding the area, making it easily accessible.
As you were walking to the main office to retrieve your keys, your attention was primarily directed to the nature around you, along with the lively kids running around at the playground and other residents walking by, greeting you with smiles and quick hellos.
After settling in, you planned to get yourself a pet— whether it be a dog or cat, or both. You wanted some company at least.
When you arrived at the main office, you were greeted by a timid young man. “Hello there! Good afternoon. How may I help you today?” he questions when you approach the desk.
“Hello! I’m here to pick up my keys to my apartment. I just moved into the neighborhood,” you reply with a smile.
“Of course, may I have your name?” the male continues to inquire and you give him your information before he goes into the back. He returns shortly afterwards with a key and a piece of paper. “Here are your keys! If you have any concerns or questions please come back here.”
“Thank you so much,” you give the young man a final smile before you took the keys into your own hands. You were way beyond excited now and quickly left the main office to return to your car which was parked right by your apartment.
The movers would arrive that evening, so you were able to use some hours to adjust to the new place— or even buy some groceries since you already had a fridge installed— or figure out how to decorate the entire apartment. There were many options for you to choose, but you decided to pick whenever you got there.
At the same time, you couldn’t help but wonder who your neighbors would be. Would they be welcoming and respectful? Or rude and impolite? Even if they weren’t the best people, you’d hope to at least get on their good side so there’d be no issues.
You arrived at your apartment’s door minutes later, thrilled to unlock it and step inside, getting a whiff of the new life ahead of you. APARTMENT D, 404. Inserting the keys into the key hole, you twist and unlock the door before pushing the door open.
Of course, this apartment was only suitable for at least one person and if a couple were to move in together, they’d have to work together on the space. So, is someone going to tell you why a man is standing right ahead of you— drenched in shower water and only in a towel that’s wrapped around his hips?
Your mouth dropped, eyes observing how defined and muscular his entire body was, but that wasn’t the point. Clearly, you stepped into the wrong apartment. Right?
“O-Oh- I’m so sorry! I think I accidentally went into the wrong apartment!” you could feel blood rush to your cheeks due to embarrassment and you quickly avoid gazes with him. You were confused, you knew this was your apartment— your keys, the slip and signed papers could prove it all.
So why—
“You’re Y/n?” the male questions, clearly unaffected by the situation.
“Huh? Oh- yeah! Yes, I’m Y/n!” you reply, giving him a nod as you finally turn to him. Gosh, what is happening? “I-I’m so sorry once again, I probably got my keys mixed up or something—“
“You didn’t,” the male intervenes, now approaching closer to you.
“Excuse me?”
“We’re goin’ to be roommates for a while, until they get the housing shit sorted out. You heard, didn’t you?” he questions, tilting his head, as if you were already aware of this situation.
“Huh? Roommates?” your eyes widen, mouth dropping once again. From what you can recall, no one and nothing has mentioned about you getting a roommate— let alone it being a guy!
“Oh, guess not then,” the male awkwardly rubs the back of his neck with his hand, finally understanding that you had no knowledge about this whatsoever. “Let’s introduce each other first then. Toji Fushiguro, nice to meet you, sweetheart. We’ll be roommates for a week or so.”
“Wh-What? Okay, I did not pay and sign the papers for this!” you raise your voice and Toji only shrugs.
“Complain to them. Not me.”
And you did. After Toji dressed himself in proper clothes, you dragged him with you back to the main office. It was natural for someone to be infuriated and confused with this matter, but you couldn’t believe it was happening to you.
You always check your messages and emails, even from accounts you barely ever use, and you swore you never detected anything that would relate to having a complete stranger living with you in your new apartment. There were no letters or calls from the management of the apartment complex either, so you were still confused on why this was happening.
“We’re very sorry for the inconvenience, miss Y/n and mister Toji,” the manager who you called just moments ago bows his head down, apologizing to you. “There was several problems with the housing situation and we are trying to sort it out. There are several movers who have this problem so please don’t worry about being the only ones!”
“That’s not that I’m concerned about here,” you reply, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Y-Yes, of course. Please, we are still situating the problem and are doing the best we can. Please allow us a week and a half or so to solve the issue. We will report back to you both by then. We hope you understand,” the manager continues, keeping his head lowered.
You were about to reply when Toji presses a hand on your shoulder, intervening the conversation. “She understands. Thank you for your time,” he says, beginning to dismiss the two of you out before you could even utter anything.
“Hey! Don’t you think you’re being too calm with the situation?!” you stop and turn to him as he removes his hand away from your shoulder when you both step outside.
Toji shrugs, not returning a glance as he kept walking forward. “Don’t you think you’re being too dramatic over this? You heard them, they’re sorting it out. It’s just gonna be a week, sweetheart. If you got a problem, stay somewhere else until then.”
“What?!” your eyes follow him before your legs moved to catch up to his side. “First of all— don’t call me sweetheart. Second, of course I’m going to be pissed about this because I did not pay for this! Third, I have no where else to go and I can’t just crash at a friend’s with all of my things?!”
“Mistakes happen,” Toji says, now looking at you. “And well, if you have no where else to go— then deal with it, for a week. Sweetheart.”
Toji smiles before heading back to the apartment, leaving you even more infuriated. No matter what, you’re going to avoid this man until he finally gets moved somewhere else.
Or so you thought.
After your movers brought in your things, Toji made you pile your boxes into a corner for the time being— since there was no need to decorate the place at the moment. You figured and complied, not wanting to argue with this man.
For some reason, your mattress didn’t end up arriving with the rest of your belongings, so you had to sleep on your futon— beside of Toji’s. Of course, you wanted to sleep in the farthest corner away from him, but he insisted he wasn’t going to do anything.
Toji kept to himself, rarely trying to make some sort of conversation with you, but it wasn’t like you were complaining. He normally spent his attention on his phone, as if he was messaging someone or whatever. He’d randomly laugh or say something when it’d be quiet, catching you off guard.
You never said anything and plugged your earbuds into your ear, trying to avoid him at all cost. Closing your eyes, you just told yourself over and over again that this was only for a week or so. And then soon, you’ll never have to encounter him as much anymore.
As night fell, you suddenly felt the urge to eat. You had completely forgotten about grocery shopping and there wasn’t any open stores you could go to. You figured a quick stop at the convenience store would help, and decided to go there instead for something to eat.
You slip on your jacket and grab your wallet and phone. You hadn’t realize Toji was in the kitchen, doing something until you stepped in, watching as he was waiting for the pot of water to boil.
Toji noticed you from the corner of his eyes, and he turns, giving you a placid expression. “What?”
“Oh.. nothing. I’m just going to the convenience store since there’s no food for me here,” you reply to him before walking past him to the front door.
“Want me to come with?” Toji’s offer slightly appalls you and you turn back around to face him as you slip on your shoes. You’re uncertain, and Toji could notice that. “It’s late, wouldn’t want a young woman like you to get hurt, y’know.”
“It’s.. fine,” you say, with a little grin before turning back around, fondling with your keys. “Besides, you already seen occupied yourself.”
Toji didn’t respond for a moment, and when you were about to turn around again, he was suddenly behind you. Surprised, you nearly had a heart attack because how swift he was getting ready to accompany you out.
“Let’s go,” Toji says, already dressed in a jacket with shoes on. You give him a blank stare, but you didn’t say anything as you both exit the apartment.
Toji stood behind of you as you both walked to the nearest convenience store down the street. It was silent between the two of you— the only noise being distant cars, crickets chirping, and the soft sounds of your footsteps. Not only that, it was quite cooler in the night, which made you cuddle yourself beneath your jacket.
You didn’t once turn around to look at Toji, and even if you wanted to, you didn’t want to seem weird for just looking at him and not saying anything. He’d probably expected you to start a conversation or even inquire why you were randomly looking at him. You were overthinking at that moment, but for a fact, you were sort of glad Toji accompanied you.
The two of you arrived at the convenience store shortly enough and you went to grab a basket for your items. You figured Toji would do the same and go separate directions, but you quickly noticed that he was following you around instead.
You figured this could be a time to start a conversation. “Well. Is there anything you want? You can just put it in the basket and I can buy it for you,” you say, offering as a reward of gratitude since he had accompanied you.
“Nah. I’m fine,” Toji declines.
“Are you sure?” you repeat, and he nods his head, assuring you that he didn’t necessarily need anything to eat.
But even if Toji said he didn’t want anything, you decided to get him something. You found yourself getting a lot of food due to that and you felt slightly embarrassed, thinking that Toji probably thought you were odd for getting that much food for a night.
After paying the items and walking back to the apartment, you just couldn’t help but begin to feel curious about Toji— even after planning to deliberately avoid him the entire week or so. He was just an individual that you’ve never necessarily encountered before.
You didn’t know what made him stand out from other people, but there was definitely something about him. And so, you decide to start a conversation again.
“So. Toji,” you say, turning your head around since he was walking behind you again. His eyes raise to meet yours and he tilts his head. “Since we are going to be living with each other for a week.. shouldn’t we get to know each other.”
“Thought you hated me,” Toji smiles.
“What? No! I never said that! Yes, I was rude to you earlier but I was just upset at the housing situation since I didn’t expect it.. or even heard about it until today,” you sigh, feeling blood rush to your cheeks. “Well. Anyways. Let’s start with the basics— how old are you or whatever.”
“Hm,” Toji hums, eyes observing your face. “I’m 30”
“Oh, wow. You’re 8 years older than me,” you reply, nodding your head. Well, you honestly thought he was younger, but the age made sense due to his appearance. His built was great too. “I’m 22.”
“Fresh out of college, huh?”
“Yes.. technically. Almost been half a year since I graduated,” you nod your head. Okay, this conversation was going better than expected. “Did you go to university, Toji?”
“Nah. Waste of time and money. I left from home when I was 18,” Toji answers and your eyes slightly widen from the unexpected response. Well, you definitely didn’t think of that possibility at all.
“Oh..” you nod, wondering what to inquire next before it became silently awkward again.
“What did you study in college?” Toji then asked.
“I studied in business! It’s a common major but it’ll get me around. I found a good job during my third year of college and took an internship. And after graduating, they officially hired me,” you reply to his question, giving him a smile. Toji didn’t seem like a bad person at all.
“Young ones like you make me regret not going to college,” Toji chuckles softly as he was now walking next to you.
“Well, you can still go to college. There’s no age limit at all. You’re still young too, you know. I met some people in their late 40’s who are attending university,” you comment, hoping that would give him some consideration if he actually still wanted to attend.
Toji only gives you a glance before turning his head to look ahead. “I’ll think about it.”
The two of you finally arrived back at the apartment. You felt extremely relieved about the conversation you just had with Toji and figured you could actually end up being friends with him.
From that moment, the two of you detected another couple as you both approached the door leading to the apartment. They lived next door, the woman was patiently waiting for her partner to open the door as they spoke.
“Oh! This couple must be our new neighbors, dear!” the woman says and gently taps her husband’s shoulder, causing him to look in the direction of you and Toji.
“Hello, it’s nice to meet you both,” you and Toji bow your heads. “And we’re not—“
“It’s a pleasure to meet you both! We heard we were getting new neighbors but I wasn’t sure when we would be able to properly meet,” the man quickly spoke before you could add that you and Toji weren’t a couple.
“Yes, yes. It’s nice to know that we aren’t the only couples living here— since this apartment complex is a single room and the rest are two person or above friendly,” the woman giggles. “Oh! How about we have a dinner tonight?!”
“Thank you but we—“ you start again, but Toji interrupts.
“I apologize, not tonight. We still have a lot of things to unpack. Maybe another night,” Toji says, placing a hand on your shoulder before pulling you close. “Plus, she’s very tired and we wouldn’t want to bother the two of you.”
“Oh dear, no, it’s fine! Another time then,” the woman nods with a reassuring smile.
“Well then, we can talk about dinner plans whenever,” her husband says before opening the door to their home.
After chatting a few more times and introducing each other with names, the woman gives you and Toji one last smile. “By the way, the walls here are very thin. Try not to get a noise complaint from the single person’s living around here!”
And then, she gives you two a wave before following her husband inside. You and Toji remain silent, processing what she meant, until it hit you.
You quickly went into the apartment without saying anything to Toji and he follows behind, closing the door as you placed the bag of food on the kitchen counter.
“Anyways. Let’s eat!” you say, turning to Toji who appears absolutely unaffected by what just happened. He gives you a look before you add on. “Oh, I bought enough food for the two of us, so you might as well eat some with me.”
There was a table in the small room you and Toji shared, so the two of you gathered there. You begin assembling the food across the table as Toji sat across from you.
“Oh, so that’s why you bought a lot,” Toji comments.
“Of course. I wouldn’t want you to just watch me eat everything if you’re hungry. That’d be rude,” you reply, placing a set of chopsticks ahead of him. “And besides, take it as a thank you for accompanying me to the convenience store.”
“If you insist,” Toji says with a smile as he lifts the chopsticks in his hands.
The two of you began eating, in silence once again. There really wasn’t much to inquire about, and even if there was, you don’t want to pry into Toji’s personal space too much.
And eventually, the quick dinner ended and the two of you cleaned up the table and threw any trash and store leftovers. You figured it was a good start to living with Toji for a week, and maybe there would be better options tomorrow.
While Toji was in the bathroom, you were sitting on your futon in the corner and had your back against the wall. You were scrolling through your phone, whether it be from messages to posts on social media, you were just bored and wasn’t feeling tired at all.
You changed into a shirt and sleeping shorts before wrapping a warm blanket around your body. You remained on your phone for a while, until you began hearing noises from the other side of the wall your back was against.
From what you could gather, it was the couple you and Toji met earlier. They seemed to be talking and moving around, muffled noises would follow after. You figured they must be rearranging something, since you recalled to the woman saying how thin the wall was.
You began hearing shuffling noises right by you, as if their bed was directly next to the wall on the other side. You blink several times, beginning to avoid what they were doing.
After several moments, you began hearing soft moans of the woman, which caught you off guard and flustered. The lewd noises were consistent, and she kept saying her husband’s name with such affection. They were fucking, literally, right by the other side of the wall.
You remain flustered, as you continued listening to them. You could’ve honestly just put in your earbuds and blast loud music to avoid listening further, but you couldn’t stop yourself. It was slowly turning you on.
The imagination of having your neighbors being able to hear you and someone fucking turned you on. You were completely lost in your thoughts as your breathing became heavier and you slipped one hand down between your thighs.
You pressed your ear against the wall, hearing the moans and grunts become louder by the minute. You bite your lower up, refraining from making any noise as you push your hands beneath your short and under your panties.
Your middle finger began rubbing circles against your clit, before gliding down your folds that were beginning to become soaked with your arousal. Fuck. This was a very risky situation, given the fact that Toji was still around and could leave the bathroom any moment.
But by then, you didn’t even think about him. You kept your attention on pleasuring yourself and the sex on the other side of the wall. Honestly, you wanted nothing more but to be fucked just like that. After you previous relationship, you hadn’t gotten with anyone and it’s been at least over a year.
You push two of your fingers into your dripping cunt, curling them up and moving them in and out. You started to let out low moans while biting down your lip, refraining them to be louder. Shit.. you’d never thought you could be turned on like this.
Pushing your thighs further apart, you sink your fingers deeper into your pussy, your arousal beginning to stick on your knuckles as you thrust them in and out. You take them out, rubbing your clit once again with your wet fingers before pushing them back in your hole.
Your neighbors continued to fuck, the woman’s moans bouncing off the walls and resonating your quiet room. But it all came to a stop when you heard the bathroom door opening, causing you to panic and quickly pull your hands away.
You were so close to being caught.
Toji walks into the room, towel over his shoulder as his eyes directed to you. He was slightly confused, noticing how flustered you were. “You okay there?” he questions.
“I-I’m fine,” you stutter, realizing that the neighbor’s noises were still very much detectable.
Toji definitely heard them already, but he hadn’t address it yet. The room fell silent as the neighbors moans begin to become heard once again, and the awkwardness between you and Toji arose.
“They’re not too loud,” Toji finally comments with a sly grin.
“You think?” you raise a brow, keeping your eyes away from his. Your body was beginning to become hotter, mostly due to the embarrassment of almost being caught.
“Why are you so flustered?” Toji inquired as he starts walking closer to you.
“I’m not! I’m just— surprised!” you try to make some sort of excuse as you kept avoiding his gaze. Toji stood ahead of you before kneeling down to your level. You clear your throat, turning your head slightly and locking eyes with him.
Toji’s grin becomes wider. “You turned on or something?”
“Excuse me? I’m-“ you start but Toji was quick to hush you by leaning closer to your face, one of his hands pressing against the wall beside of your face.
“Come on. Listen to them. Aren’t you imagining and wishing it was happening to you instead?” Toji starts to tease you, his smile becoming more mischievous as your face grows even more timid.
“Please.. stop..” you turn your head away from him. It didn’t help that Toji was so close to you. It was true, you were still turned on, but you definitely didn’t want to admit it.
“Well, we’re going to be listening to them all night then,” Toji says, about to turn away when you grab his hand. He looks at you, quite surprised with your actions but he didn’t stop you. He only chuckles before leaning closer to your face again. “What’s wrong, sweetheart? Can’t use words to admit that you’re turned on?”
You only shake your head, glancing at him several times and then at another direction. It was embarrassing, but Toji found it amusing.
“No need to be embarrassed,” Toji says, grasping his hand around your wrist and pulls you towards him. You were surprised but didn’t restrain as Toji presses you down on your futon. “Normally I’d get paid to do this. But you’ll be an exception.”
“People pay you to fuck them?”
“Some of the time. I follow the request of anyone in order to get money. It’s how I was able to get one of these apartments in the first place,” Toji snickers, laying beside of you and removing the blanket from your body. “So, you wanna do this, pretty girl?”
“Y-Yes..” you nod, looking up at him.
Cute, Toji smiles before hovering his body over you. From the very moment you two met, he noticed how small you were compared to him. He’d imagine you being so afraid of him putting his cock in you, but he’d assure you that it would fit. Seeing how you were when it came to sex caused Toji to be slightly amused— since he never expected to get to this point with you.
“Ever slept with a man 5 plus years older than you before?” Toji inquires, slipping his hand between your thigh. He starts rubbing your inner thigh, close to your pelvic area, which makes you tremble.
“N-No.. not at all. My first time,” you reply, nearly squirming at Toji’s cold hands against your skin.
“Yeah?” Toji smiles, using his hands to slide off your shorts, and eventually your soaked panties. You felt embarrassed, trying to cover yourself up once Toji tosses the materials away. But he push your legs apart with his strength and aligns his body between them. “God, you’re so wet. Gonna fuck this pussy and make you scream even louder.”
“T-Toji..” you whine, covering your face with your hands.
“Yeah, yeah, I hear you sweetheart,” Toji chuckles, noting how impatient you are.
Toji glides the tip of his middle finger against your wet entrance, making you squirm. He pushes two fingers into your pussy and presses his thumb against your clit. The feeling of his long and thick fingers thrust inside you made you reach an instant ecstasy you’ve never felt before.
Your moans started to drop from your mouth even more as Toji drives his finger deeper into your pussy, creating squelching noises. He smirks, rubbing circles against your clit with his thumb before he secretly inserts another finger.
“F-Fuck, Toji!” you gasp, feeling the third finger slip in. His fingers were so long and big. Comparing to yours, he’d be able to wrap your hands in his.
“I like how you say my name, princess,” Toji whispers, leaning in close to press a kiss on your forehead. “Come on, keep saying it.”
“Toji.. Toji..” you slowly chant through your moans as he starts pumping his fingers in and out of you faster.
You’ve never had three fingers in you before, it was very much a new and different experience, but you fucking loved it. Toji curls his fingers, rubbing against your g-spot and making you reach closer to your orgasm.
His fingers kept pleasuring you in ways you’ve never thought you’d experience again, yet even better. Toji uses his other hand to hold your face, making you look at him as he fucks you with his fingers and making you moan his name out.
“Toji—“ you moan out, using one hand to grip his hand on your face. “Gonna c-cum..”
“Already?” Toji hums, maintaining the pace of his fingers pumping into your pussy. He slips one out, being able to thrust the two in and out faster. Your lewd noises start permeating the room, along with the wet noises of your pussy.
“Fuck, yes, Toji! I’m cu—“ you holler out, throwing your head back as you squirted immediately after. Your body trembles as you came all over your futon and fall back down against the ground.
“Not bad, sweetheart,” Toji comments as he slips his fingers out and into his mouth, getting the taste of you.
You don’t say anything besides watch him. You’re catching your breath, hands still slightly covering your flustered expression, until Toji reaches for his sweatpants. He was definitely hard now, from his way his cock was poking out.
“Damn. Never been this hard before,” Toji grunts as he pushes his pants down, his cock leaping up instantly. Your eyes observe in awe, and you give him a slight concerning expression.
“T-Toji.. it’s not gonna fit..” you say as Toji starts pumping his hard cock that was already leaking with pre-cum.
“I’ll make it fit.”
Toji gives you a smile before pressing the tip of his cock at your entrance. He moves his cock up and down against your folds, soaking the tip with your arousal and teasing your clit. Not only was he a bigger man, but his dick was too. You’ve only ever seen something like that in pornography, but being able to see it in person was appalling.
“Ready, princess?” Toji asks as he lifts his gaze to you.
You give him a nod and Toji instantly pushes his cock into you, making you squirm as you felt his dick stretch you out. “S-shit. So big, Toji..” you comment, both hands grabbing his biceps.
“Fuck- see that? Your pussy is already taking me so good,” Toji grunts before thrusting his entire length into you, earning more moans from your mouth. He starts moving his hips, using both hands to guide your legs further apart and starts thrusting faster.
The feeling of his big cock rubbing against the walls of your pussy was already driving you insane. Toji felt you clench him tightly as he thrusted, which makes him smirk, seeing how addicted you were already becoming to him.
Toji then pulls away and lifts one of your legs over his shoulder, before pounding his cock right back into your dripping cunt. Your moans were escalating at that point, his name falling out of your mouth like a music note, and you both knew anyone around could hear how good he was fucking you.
“Toji- fuck yes, just like that!” you cry out, feeling the tip of his cock kiss your womb.
“Shit, princess. Everyone in this neighborhood is gonna know my name now,” Toji grunts again, thrusting his cock deeper into you before using a finger to rub your clit.
Your fingers curve against the skin of his biceps and your nails dig into his flesh, creating your nail marks on his skin as he pounded you. The sound of your moans and his grunts along with the wet slapping sounds began resonating the room, and your mind started becoming foggy.
Toji removes one of your hands from his biceps and presses it down on your lower stomach. “You feel that? You feel how deep I am inside of you?” Toji inquires, placing his hand over yours and you give him a nod.
“Yes- Toji. So fucking deep, keep going,” you beg, seeing water in your eyes due to the amount of pleasure this man was giving to you. “Want you to kiss me, Toji.”
Toji doesn’t hesitate and leans down, pressing his lips against yours while guiding both of your legs to wrap around his waist as he continues thrusting into you. One of your hands reach up to grasp his hair and tug him closer to you while your tongues start pressing against each others and your moans were falling into his mouth.
The welled tears finally began streaming down the sides of your face and Toji wipes them away while still kissing you. He pulls away, lifting you up with him. “Face the wall,” he commands and you listen, getting on your knees and pressing your hands against the wall when facing it.
Toji aligns himself behind of you, completely towering over you. He loved how small you were compared to him. He grabs the side of your hips, pushing them back against his before slamming his cock right back into you.
“O-Oh, fuckk,” you moan, feeling his dick penetrate you so deep and rubbing against your g-spot perfectly.
You clench around his cock again, making him groan as he starts thrusting. Your forehead presses against the cold sensation of the wall and you’re moaning even louder than before. Toji slides one hand beneath the shirt you’re still wearing and pushes your bra to the side to grope your breast.
“Such nice tits you have princess,” Toji mumbles in your ear before kissing your neck several times.
You’re crying again while uncontrollably moaning and screaming his name, begging for him to fuck you faster, rougher, and touch you more. His thick cock gliding against the walls of your pussy was making you reach your next orgasm and Toji could tell that you were close.
Toji’s hips slams against your ass to the point that you believed it would leave a mark later. He leans forward, using one hand to grab your neck and pull your head back. Your eyes meet his and you both share a quick kiss.
“‘m gonna cum again!” you cry out, eyes shutting as you were finally close to cumming.
“Yeah? You gonna cum on my cock like a good girl?” Toji murmurs, kissing the side of your face before returning his hand to the side of your hips. He rocks his hips faster, pounding so fucking deep into you that your body is railing against the wall.
“Toji—“ you moan out his name as you came all over him and your body nearly drops to the ground as you heavily breathe for air.
Toji grunts, feeling your cum all over him as he slips his cock out. He was still quite hard, due to not cumming and he too finds himself catching for air. You turn around, giving him a look to indicate that you weren’t done and it caught Toji by surprise.
Your mouth ended up finding its way to Toji’s cock and you began pumping him with your two hands. Toji groans, looking down at you as your tongue began swirling around the swollen tip of this throbbing dick. Imagining how your small mouth was going to take his cock was appealing to him, and he desperately wanted to shove himself down your throat.
Your mouth latches on the tip of his cock as you’re uncertain whether or not to take his entire length into your mouth, but you wanted to try. You start sucking and licking your tongue all around the tip, while pumping the rest of his length with your hand.
“F-Fuck,” Toji stammers as you look up into his eyes. “Gotta feel your entire mouth around me, princess.”
You begin pushing your face forward, making his cock sink deeper into your mouth until his tip smacked your throat. He was nearly halfway in your mouth, but you swore you couldn’t take him any further.
Toji groans as you start bobbing your head slowly, feeling his hand grasp your hair. His dick twitches inside your mouth, causing you to moan. You return one hand to pump his cock as your mouth moved up and down, your saliva covering his entire length.
“Your mouth’s so fucking good,” Toji compliments, watching your every movement. He’d never thought someone could take his cock so sensually. “Such a pretty girl.”
You squirm as you return your mouth around his tip, sucking and licking it before pushing your head back down. Toji grits his teeth, admiring how good you’re taking his cock and making him reach close to his orgasm.
“You’re gonna make me cum, princess,” Toji whines, the hand grasping your hair tightening as he gently rocks his hips.
Hearing that, you start moving and bobbing your head faster, sucking and licking his entire cock as wet and your lewd noises spilled from your mouth. You pump his cock several times again, enjoying the moans he was making.
Toji groans, pushing your head slightly for his cock to enter deeper into your mouth. You wince, surprised by this and shut your eyes as he initially begins guiding your head on his cock.
“Shit. I’m cumming now,” Toji says, throwing his head back slightly as he shoots his cum deep into your mouth and you moan, feeling the warm liquid hit your throat.
Toji could feel and watches as you swallow his cum, making a slight face afterwards to which he chuckles. You pull your head away from his cock, a small string of saliva connected from your tongue to the tip of his dick being seen before disconnecting. You were exhausted and nearly slumped over, but Toji caught you by placing his hands on your shoulders.
“You did good,” Toji says, lifting your face up with his hand before kissing you, to which you returned. The kiss was more passionate and gentle, and you couldn’t believe you were craving more from him.
But because of this, you both knew that there was no need for the other to move out.
The next morning, you woke up feeling numb and immediately recalled to the events of that night as your eyes opened to see that Toji was no longer beside of you. After cleaning up, you and Toji ended up sleeping on his futon, since yours was drenched in cum.
You sense blood rushing to your cheeks as the events start replaying in your head and your heart couldn’t stop racing. You were in Toji’s clothes instead of yours and you could whiff the distinct smell of his scent.
Pushing yourself up from the futon, you remove the covers from your body and walked towards the kitchen. When arriving by the entrance to the kitchen, you notice Toji standing by the door, his back facing you.
He was talking to someone, but the conversation was muffled, so you couldn’t detect anything they were saying. After a moment, Toji closes the door and turns around, eyes meeting yours instantly.
“Oh, you’re awake,” Toji says, holding a small piece of paper and appearing unaffected by whatever was written on it.
“What’s that? And who was that at the door?” you inquire, raising a brow as Toji approaches you.
“Seems like we got a noise complaint,” Toji snickers, showing you the paper he was given and allowed you to briefly glance over it before crumpling it up and tossing it to the side.
Toji snakes an arm around you, his hand cupping your ass and pulling you close. Your lips immediately crashed against his and you both share a sloppy kiss before pulling away.
“Guess we should be louder tonight then.”
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LOAF4U. thank you for reading! please do not copy my work or publish in another media without my permission.
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thyln4gf · 1 month
Cheri cheri lady
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✞ Watching you on the top step of the podium for the first time, while still in your rookie year... It all tasted a little bitter for Lando, but he wasnt complaining too much... he did get the best view out of them all - right from p2.
✞ Word count - 808
✞ I have synesthesia! Heres 5 songs that I associate with this fic - "american jesus" - Nessa Barrett, "heavy metal lover" - Lady Gaga, "flawless" - The Neighbourhood, "take me back to eden" - Sleep Token, "hall of fame" - The Script. Note - i do have a whole playlist. Ask if you want it.
✞ Warnings - none, I guess. A lot of fluffy shite. Slightly suggestive. A short little blurb inspired by Landos first win<3 Gg, my boy.
✞ Lando Norris x Mercedes!Reader
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The sound of a crowd yelling someone elses name annoyed him till no end - it reminded him of the fact that he hasnt won yet, and that hes currently holding a pretty sad record - the highest number of podiums without a win. That, until it came to you - it immediately became something that he wanted to hear over and over. It was almost as sweet as the champagne swirling down his body, the sun kissing his face, or the sweet, sweet sound of an anthem that wasnt the dutch one.
It all started at the beginning of the season, really. He was intimidated by you at first, just a little - for the first quali of the season, your rookie season, you had already grabbed the pole. But, quickly enough, he found himself getting more and more curious about you. He would ask you about the weather, or about the ridiculous activities the media admins made you do - to "see if it matched his". It was far from enough for him though - he wanted to know everything about you. How do you like your waffles? He wanted to ask you about that. He wanted to ask you about breakfast and honey. Sunlight. Do you like strawberry smoothies? What was the name of your childhood cat? Do you have any scars?
There were so many things he wanted to say, but didnt know how to. Thats why he spent quite a bit of his time quietly observing you. He felt as if you were just a mere result of his imagination - one touch, just one taste - and youd disappear.
His newly found obsession, however, was watching the wide grin fighting for its place on your face. You were stood on that step, taking up the space that you deserved oh so much. He was a little jealous of the success that you found yourself in so soon, but he couldnt peel his eyes away from you - the way you were stood there, proud. The golden hour danced on your face, making the sweat drenched features pop out. Just like him, the sun seemed to enjoy your eyes - they looked like the shiniest gems you could find.
The champagne celebration rolled around. He was already giggling, looking forward to absolutely drowning you in the sticky, sweet, liquid luck. He looked at Daniel on the other side, the English anthem for Mercedes coming to an end. They both wiggled their eyebrows at each other, seemingly getting the exact same idea, and locking it in.
They could have planned all they wanted, honestly - but you were just quicker. You jumped off the step quickly, it almost looked like you were flying. To Landos surprise, you didnt go for your usual move. Instead, you seemed to use his - the famous champagne floor smash. He was so pleasantly surprised that he didnt even register a stream of the beverage aimed right into the centre of his face. Wiping the champagne from his eyes, he saw your wide grin - and Daniel getting the back of your head. You shrieked - and it wasnt from the surprise, he knew. You washed your hair just this morning.
As much as he would have wanted that scene to last forever... Like all good things, it quickly came to an end. But that meant that he got to stand by your side for the photo - and it made him nervous, almost like a young, teenage boy, whos crush went to the same school.
He was nervous. Oh, so nervous. He was a little scared of messing something up, taking great measures to avoid exactly that. He did end up on the wrong side of the step, somehow. He didnt even notice, but thats until he felt your hands on his waist, gently gripping onto the material of his suit.
"Youre in the wrong spot, darling." You had murmured into his ear, gently guiding him to where you wanted him. A smirk was so evident in your tone, even if he wasnt looking at your face.
The hands.
The. Gentle. Fucking. Hands.
His stomach quickly got filled with a ton of butterflies, his brain shortcircuiting. He would have frozen in the spot, if the circumstances had allowed him. And he did, at first - was given a slap to the back of his head by Daniel quickly enough to not be noticed, though. Or, thats what he thought - people were talking about it already, and it would continue for days. If not weeks. And not even the fact that you just casually moved him, just like that. Not the placement of your hands - but the fact that he could be seen blushing, all shy, like a little girl.
Despite it not being his victory, it was his favourite podium of all time already. But, who knew. Maybe the next one was gonna be his?
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mysicklove · 5 months
No more toga smut ? :(
cw: aged up! himiko toga, dom! gn! reader, fingering, heavy praise, biting and small amounts of blood, possesiveness, cum eating
p.s. this is a rewrite (sorta) of my first ever toga smut when i sucked hardcore at writing. but she is so cute i want to consume her.
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Himiko Toga just needs a little guidance - a little bit of extra care to work on her behavior. A good girl at heart that needs someone to monitor her.
But you didn’t mind it, finding that watching her behavior shift over time was endearing. She was almost like a cat in the way you have to put so much time and effort for a reward.
And your hard work pays off, considering she is sitting pliant in your lap with one of your hands trailing up her skirt. The other is placed in her mouth, where it drags over her fangs, tempting her to bite.
But she wouldn’t, or else she would get in trouble. And so her eyes grow hazy at the idea of tasting your blood, as she has a multitude of times and has found that you have the sweetest taste, sort of like candy.
She whines out, small and in complaint as your thumb rubs at her chapped lips. “A bite?”
“No Himiko, you know better.” She does know better, but it didn’t help the urges, especially since she was possessive with you. The idea of you covered in her bite marks sends her head spinning, and she has to physically shake her head with shut eyes to clear the thought.
A small laugh slips past you lips at the cute display and you cock your head to the side, leaning back on the couch. “Aren’t you doing so good for me?”
“I really want to bite. Please? Just one on your neck and then I’ll really be good!” She complains, her usual smile not on her face as she collapses forward and rubs her face against yours to hopefully convince you.
The hand that was originally in her mouth finds her hair, and you pet it while she continues to nuzzle you. “You smell so good - my favorite! I love you, I love you, I love you. Please!”
“What did I say the first time?”
The blonde goes limp in your hold, while your fingers rub at her panties. A shaky sigh leaves her lips and she lets out a small whimper. “No…but I am being good!”
"Good girls dont bargain. You are supposed to take whatever I give you, yknow that." Her eyes are squeezed shut when you hands run under the pink lacy panties, and begin to circle her clit. "But here I am giving you a reward. Strange isnt it?"
Her nose buries into your neck, inhaling your scent. She begins to kiss at the skin, shaking gently when the sensitivity gets too much. "'s because you love me," she giggles, but then looks away, thinking for a moment, "Love me so much, right? Please say it."
You grab at her chin, forcing her to look up at you. Yellow eyes peer into yours, and as much as she tries not to, you can see them begin to roll back. You coo at her, pressing a kiss to her lips and slipping your finger inside her. "I love you so much, even with your biting habits."
She nearly lounges at you, buring her hands into your hair, and hiccuping when you begin to pump your finger in and out of her. Her tongue drags over your mouth, and she presses as close to you as possible. Ocassionaly she pulls away, mumbling out how you were hers, and only hers, which you found sort of cute, so you simply agreed.
But then she nips at your lip, and blood begins to leak out of the flesh. You pull away instantly at the strike of pain and she grabs onto your shirt, wide eyed. "Sorry! Sorry! Didnt mean to bite - please dont be mad!"
You dont have time to respond before she is licking at your lips, drinking down the small bits of blood. You nearly roll your eyes, but let her do what she wants, but you press your thumb against her clit, pulling a squeak from her lips.
Then you force her legs farther apart, and place a hand on the small of her back before setting a rutheless pace of dragging your fingers in and out of her. She keens in return, wrapping her arms around your neck and whimpering into your mouth. "A-Are you mad?"
"No, i'm not, relax, its okay," you coo when she finally pulls away. She blinks up at you and a smile creeps up her face, glad that you arent mad, before a high pitched moan is let out. The sounds coming from her cunt were lewd, and you found great delight in the squelching noises. "You're so wet. It's all for me, hm?"
She frantically nods, kissing at your chin and trying her best to not let her urges to pull blood from you resurface. "Mhmm! Only you, because you are mine. All mine. Minemineminemine."
You, being completely used to her slightly abnormal, possesive behavior just nod, knowing that she would only get more vocal if you didnt agree. You thumb continues its motions and by now she was trembling, trying to keep her eyes open so that she could look at you, but failing miserably.
"You are so cute, you know that?" you murmur into her ear, and she turns red, shaking her head. "So. So. So cute. The cutest girl in the world."
The praise was driving the poor girls head dizzy and she doesn't know what to do other that hiccup a thanks and cling harder onto you. Tears begin to prick at her eyes, but she quickly shakes her head, trying to get them to leave her alone.
The action pulls a laugh from your mouth, and you kiss her cheek. "So cute and all for me. My good girl - i'm so lucky."
She mewls at this, nodding her head frantically. By this point you have added another finger, and she in return trembles in your hold, pawing at you. The pace was incredibly fast, and she felt as though she didnt have time to breathe. Gurgled moans are the only sounds she makes, and her eyes have rollen back. "Um-uh-Can I cum? P-Pretty please?"
"Are you going to make a mess on my fingers, Himiko?"
A broken whine falls from her lips and she nods. "I need to. Please!"
"Go ahead, pretty girl. I'm here," you encourage, and moments later she hiccups, before her body erupts in shivers. Her mouth latches on to your neck, and you can feel her canines drag over the skin, but she holds back obediently. Tears spill from her eyes and the fall down her cheeks as she squeezes her eyes shut.
You feel her tighten up on your fingers, and you hum, mumbling praises through her orgasm. When you pull out, your fingers are coated with her cum, clear and liquidy. You blink at the girl and she finally pulls away from your chest, staring at you with hazy eyes.
Then you place your fingers in her mouth, and she obediently lets you, wrapping her pink lips around the digits. You nod at her, before saying, "Bite."
Her canines immediately dig into your two fingers and you hide a wince, but she moans at the taste of your blood. You smile at her, feeling the way her tongue now laps at her own cum and your blood. Then, you use your other hand to pet her face and say, "Thats my girl."
She practically wags her tail.
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hanniluvi · 4 months
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— you still exist in jay’s world. you’re still here, he believes, yet he doesn’t want to face the real truth. you’ll still stick with him, right?
pairing ⋆ 𖦹 ‧ best friend!jay x best friend!fem reader
(_ _ ) . . z Z % genre : angst, best friends to ???
warnings : mentions of diagnosis of disorder
feat. ᥫ᭡ : jake (enhypen) | word count : 1.4K (1408 words)
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 — no way, soph is going on a posting streak??? only the proofreaders remember this fic 🙏 LMAO idk why i didnt post this sooner — i kinda forgot about it and would always scroll right past it in my drafts (or i never see it cause i dont scroll that far down) this has been stuck in drafts since may 25 2023 😊 BUT this is finally released !
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"Whoever loses has to buy lunch for the other person!" Your words echoed as you sprinted along the sidewalk. Glancing behind, you noticed Jay's bewildered expression while you dashed ahead. The black cat keychain swung side to side with each stride you took.
"That's not fair! You started running first!" Jay remarked, observing your increasing distance with a smirk. As usual, he swiftly caught up, transitioning from being far behind to directly trailing you. His sudden voice surprised you, causing a gasp to escape your lips.
"How did you—?" Before you could finish, Jay leaped onto you, causing both of you to tumble onto the ground. Instead of getting upset, laughter erupted from both of you. Clutching your sides and still pinned beneath Jay, you playfully nudged him aside.
Feigning offense, Jay's expression elicited more laughter from you. He smiled, captivated by your radiant smile and how you wiped away tears of joy. He wished he could witness this pretty sight every day.
"Shall we start over?" you proposed, smirking once more.
Beep Beep.
Jay's eyes shot open, startled by the sudden sight. He gasped for air, his heart racing. Anxiously, he fumbled for the towel placed beside his bed, using it to dab away the sweat clinging to his forehead. Tossing it back in place, he sat on the edge of the bed, feeling a sense of emptiness wash over him.
Oh how he could wish he could start over with you.
With groggy eyes, he tries to make out the numbers on his digital clock.
9:15 AM.
He sighed, rubbing his eyes. He had another dream about you, a bittersweet one. Or, should he call it a nightmare? Every time he dreams about you, a wave of guilt crushes over him, even if it’s not his fault. Staring at the blank expanse of his white wall, he reluctantly rose to begin his day.
Jay made his way to the bathroom, methodically rolling up his sleeves. As he turned on the tap, he cupped his hands to splash water on his face, revitalizing his senses. Wiping the water off his face, he noticed a new notification on his phone. Curiosity piqued, he glanced at the screen to find a text from Jake, compelling him to click and read the message.
“You wanna meet up?”
Grasping his phone, Jay contemplated his response. After thoughtful consideration, he finally typed out his reply, observing the words before hitting send: "Sure, where?" Suddenly, with a plan to hang out and no longer a day filled with nothing, a sigh of relief escaped his lips. Placing his phone on the counter, he resumed his morning routine, knowing that today held a purpose.
Running a comb through his hair, he meticulously arranged each strand, allowing them to gracefully cascade across his face.
It's a hairstyle you adored on him, often playfully brushing the strands away and commenting on how handsome he looked.
As he selects his attire, he opts for a simple combination of beige pants and a brown cardigan, a wistful sigh escaping his lips.
The colors hold a special significance, reminiscent of the times you praised how well they suited him. In an attempt to hold onto a piece of your presence, he chooses to wear lighter shades day after day.
Preparing to leave the house, he reaches for his cologne, spritzing a few times with a bittersweet smile.
Jay recalls how you held strong opinions about his fragrance choices, finding some too subtle and others too overpowering. However, this particular scent held a special place in your heart, and he remembers the joy it brought you. Since you mentioned it, he always made sure to keep that bottle in his possession, a subtle gesture made solely for you.
Exhaustion engulfed him, as the burden of the world settled upon his shoulders, relentlessly crushing his spirit. The weight of it all became insurmountable, rendering him a prisoner within the confines of his own room.
Every breath felt like a futile struggle, an agonizing reminder of the impossibility of escape from the torment inflicted by your absence.
Ignoring his thoughts, Jay steps outside his house, a rush of nostalgia flooding his senses as he inserts earbuds into his ears. The gentle caress of a fresh breeze momentarily grants him a fleeting sensation of freedom, but it quickly gives way to a surge of overwhelming emotions.
Each stride feels burdened, as if his body rebels against venturing into a world that still echoes with your memory, causing a subtle frown to etch upon his face. It serves as a constant reminder of the connection he once shared, amplifying the weight of your disappearance.
Despite knowing deep down that you wanted something better for him, Jay finds himself trapped in the inability to move on. He's trying with all his might, and today is no exception.
As he crosses the bustling streets, a soft, melancholic melody seeps through his earbuds, the gentle beats mirroring the fragments of you slipping away, gradually causing him to lose himself in the process. The sidewalks grow increasingly crowded, forcing Jay to navigate through the swarm of people, squeezing his way past them in a bid to move forward.
Placing his earbuds back into their case, he retrieves his phone and scrolls through his contacts until he finds Jake's name. With a mix of anticipation, he dials the number and brings the phone to his ear, the ringing echoing on the other end. His gaze scans the surroundings, desperately searching for any sign of his best friend's familiar presence.
Amidst the sea of faces, Jay's eyes lock onto a figure in the distance, stirring a glimmer of hope within him. Squinting, he desperately tries to discern the features, momentarily believing it to be Jake. But as he looks again, his heart sinks. It's not Jake; it's someone else entirely. Yet, their back, the way they stand, the clothes they wear—everything resembles you, frozen in time since the day you vanished. His eyes widened in disbelief, momentarily forgetting the call with Jake.
It was you.
There was no denying that that black keychain was yours, you guys had matching ones.
He could spot it anywhere, he knows.
Igniting an urgent determination, Jay pushes through the crowd, disregarding the pleas of his best friend on the other end of the line. He runs closer, his voice cracking as he calls out, desperately pleading for people to clear a path, oblivious to their bewildered gazes and startled reactions.
All that matters in that moment is the possibility of finding you, of reuniting, even if just for a fleeting second.
No response.
No response still. Just you moving farther and farther from him.
and Farther.
He's on the verge of reaching you, his heart pounding in his chest, but among the overwhelming crowds flooding the streets, he loses sight of you. A rasping cough escapes his throat, his vision blurred by tears, and the last glimpse he ever catches is of your retreating back.
All he could see was your keychain, swinging from side to side. But this time, he couldn’t chase after you.
He can’t see your face again, can’t hear your laugh again, and can’t hear you request for another race.
You had won.
You had finally won the race.
So, why do you keep leaving him?
Why can't you simply return and reassure him that everything will be alright?
“Jay? Jay, listen to me.” a voice pierces through the haze, calling him back to reality.
He lifts his gaze from the black cat keychain in his hand, finding his psychologist looking at him with a gentle smile.
Confusion mingles with emptiness as he sits in the suffocating confines of a small room, engaging in a conversation he has no desire to partake in.
"Where's Y/N?" he finally manages to utter, his voice tinged with desperation, causing a slight frown to crease the psychologist's brow.
"She's not here anymore, Jay," the psychologist responds, and an irritated expression flickers across Jay's face, disbelief etched in his features.
"No, she is. She's still here!" he insists, his voice growing louder, his anxiety showing up with his bitten, peeled lips. "You just don't understand!" He confronts his helper with a mix of aggression and frustration, seeking validation.
“She’s going to come back. I just saw her earlier—even though she disappeared before I could talk to her, I know she’ll come back to see me.”
His psychologist sighs, holding onto their clipboard. Clicking onto their pen, they swiftly scribbled the words:
Delusional Disorder.
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ENHA PERM TAGLIST (1) — @flwoie @ixomiyu @haruavrse @shinsou-rii @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @ml8dy @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @hyeosi @ja4hyvn @judeduartewannabe @j-wyoung @thia-aep @vampcharxter @softpia @officiallyjaehyuns @itsactuallylina @hsheart @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @hanienie @jwnghyuns @kpoplover718 @jiawji @rikizm @haknom @yeokii @wvnkoi @whoschr @teddywonss @shinunoga-iie-wa @isoobie @skzenhalove @misokei @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @miercerise @litttlestars @enhapocketz
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signed-loni · 1 year
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Makeout session with sally face after he found out he liked you
Cussing ofc
slight angst?
fem reader
make out sesh
ever so slight nsfw
You, sal, and larry were all just hanging out and about in nockfell trying to figure out what to do since there was jack shit to do there.
You all decided that ding dong ditch was the best way to go
First house, a man in his mid 40s, a very very mean man.
You decided you would go first to ring the doorbell
Ding dong
“Who is it!? What do ya want!?!?” You heard a man yell from inside. You ran away behind a nearby bush along with Sal and Larry. The man swung the door open and cursed under his breath when he realized what happened.
Seven doors later
You all decided it got boring and you all basically got the same reactions so you stopped.
You three went back to the apartments and you wanted to go to sals place since your mom wasnt back yet. You greeted sals dad and alerted him tha you were there, which he didnt mind, you were basically family
You and sal headed towards his room and you grabbed gizmo
“Sally, i can never get over how cute your fucking cat is” you said “thats what you say, u til you realize all he does is sit around and watch T.V.” You heard sal respond and a hiss from gizmo.
You jumped onto sals bed and adjusted yourself. You flipped on your back and put gizmo on your stomach. Soon enough, you were alseep
Sal barely noticed how much he was staring at you. He thought for a moment. He knew he liked you as a friend, maybe a bit to much. He liked whej you came over, even more so when you fell asleep like this, and he liked how you complemented his posters and art he made, it made his heart flutter when you complemented him in general. Then it hit him.
Sal fisher, was in love with you
he thought again
maybe he just really, really, really liked you as a friend
But nope, he liked you
His gaze fell back on you, lying there with gizmo cuddled up on your stomach.
God you had no idea how you made this boy feel
He sat next to you, and reached his hand to your cheek, feeling how warm it was
What he didnt know, was that you were awake, and you knew how he felt.
You opened your eyes and locked eyes with sal
a slight blush crept on his face
“I- i- uh- its not- i didnt- im sorry” he finally uttered
you moved closer to him and his blush grew brighter
you reached your hands behind his head to take off his mask and before you did, you gave him a look that said “is this okay?” Sal nodded and you proceeded
his mask fell and you admired his scars. The cartilage on sals nose was wiped clean off, and part of his mouth was torn up so that you could see his teeth. His jaw was an uneven shape, but you really didn’t mind. All you wanted to do was kiss the boy
Your faces grew close and you could feel his breath. You pressed your foreheads together and finally kissed. It didn’t take long for the kiss to escalate into a make-out session. Sloppy kisses covered you and sals face. You grabbed onto his hair and he moved his hands down your hips and got on top of you.
The kiss was cut short due to sals dad calling you both for dinner. “Shit” sal said panting. “So does this mean were… a thing then?” He asked. You chuckled softly and said “only if you want to be sally”. “I do, I really ,really do” he responded “ok lover boy , you dont need to ask twice” you chuckled out.
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therealdogsinmymind · 1 month
Okii, I saw you had some open slots so I thought Id give it a shot!!
Jinwoo with Male!childhood friend!reader who remembers everything post-regression. Reader had pretended to be oblivious ever since and planned to take his secret (feelings) to the GRAVE.
BUT eventually it slips when reader refers to their crush as "SM" when talking on a panel at an anime convention (Reader wrote a series based on the last timeline but changed things around so it would be hard to recognise) they were invited to.
The pannel is talking about childhood crushes and reader literally describes jinwoo pre-regression powers and all then saying "oh they're just a character from an old show I watched about growing up (LIE) avsndnjdn 😅😅" (reasoning was "ahahaha its not like he'll see this right? ... right??)
The issue is that jinwoo sees a recording of the panel and realizes that reader remembers EVERYTHING and needs to confront them NOW.
Here are the issues:
Jin Woo didnt even know that Reader was an Author in the first place
Reader is in ANOTHER COUNTRY and is going to stay there for a few weeks after said convention
Reader confessed their feelings assuming the other didn't feel the same before the last battle, DIED, and then had been pretending to not remember anything for years after time reset.
Reader's cosplaying (as a cute anime girl /maid with the fluffy short skirts) at the convention and having fans SIMPING for them.
All I know that Jinwoo will not be waiting for reader to come back to Korea
This is mostly Brainrot, but I hope you like it skdnkdnd!
have a good one :)
Hello There! Thank you for your request and for the wait!! I hope you like what I've cooked up!! A standard drabble for me is 300-600 words but this ended up being a little over 1,100 lmao ^^' It's only loosely edited so I hope there's nothing tooooo terribly wrong with it!
Anyway! Without further ado!
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
Be an author they said, it’ll be great, they said. 
Nobody actually said this, especially since you’ve largely kept your writing a secret from your friends and family. However your whole life you’ve been determined, and consequently you were thrilled when you were invited to America to speak at a panel about your works, who wouldn’t be? You never got to do anything like this in your last life, it was absolutely mind-blowing to even consider. However you’re not sure if this is what you wanted seeing as your fans have started to ask some invasive ass questions. 
“My childhood crush?” you repeat with a dry mouth, you really don’t want to talk about Jinwoo in front of a room full of people. Surely you can spin this, make up a story; you’re good at that. Hesitation fills you, you don’t want to admit that you’re gay to a room full of strangers but you can’t spin this tale that hard. “The only childhood crush I had is this character from a really obscure comic,” you say with a weak laugh, unfortunately they all prompt you to say more.
“Well.. He was actually a huge inspiration for my series,” you offer, cringing internally. Jinwoo will never see this, never ever, it’s fine. “This character, we’ll call him SM,” the audience groans at the hidden identity, “I can’t reveal all my secrets to you guys! I gotta have some mystery y’know? Anyway- he was this really weak guy, super cute right? Then he ends up getting like crazy strong. Not that he wasn’t hot when he looked like a wet cat, I have taste.” The audience chuckles knowingly, they get you, you have a similar character in your current series, he’s quite beloved. You clear your throat and continue, getting bolder despite the way your hands are sweating. “I’ve always been in love with him, that's why I wrote my story, I couldn’t get that, um, series… out of my head and I needed to create something of my own. It altered me in a way that I’ll never forget, and I’ll love SM until the day that I die.” The room goes quiet for a moment and you have to wipe your palms on the fluff of your stupid maid skirt. Why did you want to cosplay at this convention again? You look ridiculous up here, cat ears atop your head as you talk about some “fictional” boy like you’re deeply in love with him. You could’ve at least worn not a frilly skirt?
Suddenly the crowd goes wild clapping. “You’re so real!” Someone yells and everyone else cheers in agreement. Is that something the kids say? You’ll take it. 
The rest of the panel is much less harrowing, lots of goofing off and then the next day you have autographs and photos right after, who knew you were so popular in America? It’s quite exciting, but you’re exhausted every night when you get back to your hotel room. 
The last day at the convention you trudge back to your room, slipping your heels off and flopping face down onto your bed. Your skirt flips up and you don’t even bother to fix it, what’s the point? You’re just going to sleep like this, let the exhaustion take you. You have another two weeks of sight-seeing in America before you head home. You’re excited for it but a part of you just really misses Jinwoo, you want to call him but then he’d know you’re not in Korea.
“SM, huh?” The bed dips and a familiar voice sounds from behind you, just before hand settles on the back of your thigh. The touch barely high enough that a gloved portion of it brushes your skin above your thigh high stockings. You startle so badly you roll off the bed in the other direction. 
You hit the floor hard enough that it knocks the air out of you and you have to take a second to reorient yourself before you spring up, pointing at the intruder, “Y-you! What are you doing here!?” 
“I could ask you the same question. You up and vanished, I had to find out from a video posted of some panel that you’re not dead.”
“I’m fine, you could’ve texted! Besides! How they hell did you get here so fast!” Your voice is shrill as you round the bed, crossing your arms over your chest as you stand in front of him. 
He doesn’t reply right away, just raising his eyebrow, unimpressed. “Avoiding the question?”
“Your childhood crush-” he starts, not needing to finish. You start stuttering out excuses, it’s not what he thinks, it came to you in a dream, you were just making stuff up, the more you talk the more you dig yourself into a hole.
Jinwoo sighs and grabs your wrist, pulling you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you and sticking his face in the crook of your neck. “Why didn’t you tell me you remember everything?” His words are quiet and pained, full of mourning. Your heart throbs suddenly aware of how painful it must’ve been for him to have to start over all by himself.
“I’m sorry.” You don’t know what else to say. You don’t know how to tell him you’ve loved him for as long as you’ve known him, in both timelines that is. Or how to tell him you were also suffering alone. Or even how to say you think you’d die without him by your side. You shakily reach up and card your fingers through his hair, exhaling a breath you’ve been holding for a little too long. 
Jinwoo makes a noise of discontent, “I don’t want an apology.” You stiffen, unsure what to do before he continues, “I want to know why you thought it was okay to let other men see you like this…” He runs a hand up your thigh, it’s a whisper of a touch. Eventually his gloved fingers sneak onto your bare skin then under a too-frilly skirt. You suck in a sharp breath. Does this mean he feels the same? When you confessed so very long ago in the other world you never got to hear an answer so suffice to say your brain is spinning as he presses a soft his to your shoulder. 
“Jinwoo-” you start. 
“Be it America, or anywhere else in the world… Any timeline… I will find you and I won’t let you slip through my fingers- never again.” He makes his intentions clear with a scrape of his uncannily sharp teeth across your skin. “And trust me, I still have some… frustrations- about you hiding your feelings from me for all these years.” He says, snapping your garter, making you yelp.Ah, the consequences of your actions, so you see. Well, perhaps you don’t mind too much if this is the outcome.
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chiiyuuvv · 8 months
Hiya, can I request Riize and how they act when they like y/n? Ty 🩶
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• PAIRING — student!riize x gn reader
• GENRE — crushes, shyness, fluff, and more fluff ♡
• WORD COUNT — 634
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — the way i giggled when i read this. I was already planning a sohee and anton fic where they like the reader (anton inspired by my hc i wrote for xikers, hunters part (when xikers like you)) but after writing this hc, i could literally write any one of the members.. so please request if you want to see a fic based off of this!!
• TAGLIST — @moonlightdarlings
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If shotaro wasnt smiley then, he sure is now
Love at first sight, his heart beating a million beats per hour, this stupid grin on his face
And since hes extroverted, his is sure to let you know that hes here, wanting to gain your attention
Secretly loves it when someone mistakes you two as a couple because how flirty and touchy he is, but denies it in case it makes you uncomfortable
Hes just so smiley and giggly at whatever you say or do, he tried to hide it at first but theres really no use; hes sure that his like for you is obvious ♡
Hes so gentlemen
Opening doors for you, giving you a new pen when you run out of ink, helping you with your homework
And has this cheeky smile whenever you thank or compliment him
Would shoo away the members when hes around you, because he knows they will start teasing him
Tucks some hair behind your ear subconsciously, his breath hitching when he realizes how close you are to him, his eyes going down to your lips ♡
Honestly think hes into the quiet type. Reserved and out of the way, he would find it so intriguing and cute
Wants to get your attention so back, literally changing himself so he could match your interest
And just feels so insecure because what if you think hes doing too much? What if hes too loud?
But all of his thoughts were shut down when he catches you stare at him
"Meet me at the rooftop." You would place the note on his desk as you walk by, your ears red ♡
Despite his cool and handsome persona, he is such a scaredy cat
Has the hugest crush on you but hes too scared to say anything so his members had to push him to you
"G-go get icecream with m-me?" "GREAT, BYE!!" he didnt even give you the chance to speak as he runs away, his members having to fill in for him. Giving you the time, place.. etc.
Arrives 30 minutes early because hes so nervous and fidgety so he tries to calm himself down and practices what he would say to you
But the preparation were pointless when you walk in the little shop, his face getting so red as he thinks you look so pretty. Even if what you're wearing isnt much ♡
Feel like hes not one to hide his feelings
Just "oh, shes pretty cute. I'll ask her on a date."
And he does that with so much confidence, not an ounce of fear in any of his words
And everything was going to according to plan, he'd arrive a few minutes early to make sure everythings okay
But as soon as you sit down, hes a blushing, stuttering mess. His face completely red as he avoids your eye contact. Damn it. - seunghan ♡
The type to daydream about your future together with this goofy smile on his face
Purposely sitting a seat or two behind you, just so he could stare at you
But quickly bats an eye when you make eye contact with him, as hes suddenly invested in his work (he hasnt even written his name yet)
Always holds his breath whenever your near, his palm sweaty
And stutters like crazy when your assigned to work on a project together ♡
Shy, shy, shy, shy, shy
Barely says a word whenever your near, also the type to stare at you during class and daydream about each others future
You were a friend of one of his friends, so he was kinda forced to talk to you
And cringes at himself when he says something stupid, but you always find it so cute
Randomly blurts out how pretty you are ♡
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dunmeshi-darlings · 2 months
this might be a really like niche thing if you are doing requests of course but what about a tiger beastman reader with marcille it can be sfw or nsfw either or its all good!
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Nobody knew you were a beastkin at first, it was something you held in secret. After all, Beastmen are viewed in not the most pleasant of lights. When the party had seen your tiger tail they had assumed you were a beastkin like izutsumi, which you quickly said was the case. You weren't ready to tell them the truth yet, yes they treated izutsumi perfectly fine it was just...you were scared, beast man are viewed as either criminals that were punished or dangerous people that did this to themselves. you were planning on telling them just...just when you thought the time was right.
However that decision was made for you one day, The group had been travelling and had been ambushed by a particularly fierce monster. You all were fighting it as best you could but you watched it knock laios aside and charge Marcille. You knew you had to do something, you couldnt let her die...you couldnt let her get hurt. she had been so kind to you since you joined, always willing to help when you needed it. Talking to you about magic and how she could tell you had potential with magic she could feel it (she could sense the beastman magic but didnt realize it). You couldnt let anything happen to her.
You sprinted at the charging monster as you began to take your form, Bones shifting and popping into place, skin stretching and pulsing as it shifted, Your jaw extending as your teeth grew and pushed forward into fangs, nails extending into long sharp claws. Everyone's eyes were on the monster so nobody saw you at first, too focused on the monster that was about to attack marcille. However their attention was immediately drawn when a deep guttural roar rang out through the dungeon as a large figure slammed into the side of the monster which was only a mere few feet from marcille. The monster and this new being thrown to the other side of the dungeons room from the sheer force of this mystery attackers launch.
The fight may have only lasted a short moment, but that moment was a bloody and visceral one. Swinging claws and gnashing teeth, Blood, fur, scales, and viscera splattered in every direction around this violent brawl. Eventually the mysterious figure flipped the monster onto its back and sank its massive fangs into the monsters throat, it let out gurgling hisses as it tried to fight back, but the figure bit down harder and a muffled cracking was heard. The monster continued to fight even though the party could see it was slowing down its movements, however the figure gave on hard yank of its head and a loud snapping was heard and the monster fell limp in this beings jaws. It shook its head a few more times, smaller cracking noises resounded as it made sure its target was killed before it slowly let go of its throat and stood up, staring at the party who looked on in shock.
Standing before the rest of Laios party, Its muzzle dripping blood and scraps of flesh stood a massive humanoid tiger. Its Muscles rippling under its dense orange fur, twitching every few seconds, Like springs ready to launch this behemoth of claws and fur at its next target. But the being simply wiped the blood off its mouth as it began to speak. "i....im sorry...i wanted to tell you all...i promise i did..i just...i didnt know when it would be right." You spoke, slowly shifting back into your normal form as you prepared yourself for the worst. you expected them to berate you and be upset that you hid this from them and say they dont want you around. But it was izutsumi who spoke up first. "i knew you smelled like a cat." Catching you and everyone off guard as they couldnt help but chuckled.
Laios was perhaps the most excited of them all, He had stars in his eyes as he asked you question after question about your tiger form, asking how you got it and what its like. Chilchuck simply shrugged and said he didnt blame you for not talking about it, that it was a private matter and how he isnt the most forthcoming person either. Senshi scratched his chin, making comments about needing to adjust your portions of food since you have a much bulkier frame you need to keep fed hidden away. However it was marcilles reaction that had you the most curious, she had a blush on her face as she thanked you for saving her and she looked almost...nervous?
You tell her that its ok, that you couldnt just sit by and let her get hurt or worse. And that even if you got kicked out of the party, you had to make sure she was ok. This caused the elf to blush more, the tips of her pointy ears a crimson hue as they wiggled, her awkwardly giggling and saying thanks again. Of course she quickly shouted about your injuries, Sure your thick fur protected from alot of the attacks but some of them definitely got through and it was only now you were starting to feel the stings of various gouges and bite marks.
Marcille began tending to your wounds, using her magic to heal your wounds and make sure you were ok. Normally her healing magic, while fast, hurts almost as much as the wounds. But she was being particularly gentle this time, using the magic slowly and it felt almost like healing magic from the gnome school of magic. You asked her why she was doing it this way and another blush crossed her face, she smiled softly "well...i dont want to see you hurt either..so im taking my time with this and making sure it doesnt hurt to much...i just....ive been thinking about you lately, and especially after what you did earlier...risking yourself and exposing your identity like that to protect me...you mean alot to me." She says taking one of her hands and placing it softly onto your cheek, using her magic to heal a cut that had crossed your cheek all the way back to your ear. You felt the wound heal quickly as it was a shallow cut...but she didnt move her hand, it sat there for awhile. It felt like she didnt want to move her hand away, like she was treasuring this moment. And so you took a breath and put your hand over hers, tilting your head into her hand. Commenting how she means alot to you as well. The two of you staring lovingly into each others eyes for a moment before chilchucks voice quickly makes you two separate.
As night fell you began to settle in, making your cot as you got ready for sleep. However you stopped when marcille walked up with her pillow. "hey, do you mind if i sleep with you tonight?" she asked softly, a grin across her face as you grinned back and motioned for her to nestle in as she did so. You wrapped your arms around the elf woman and pulled her into a soft hug, she hummed softly and happily in your arms as you two lay together. "you know how chilchuck feels about in party relationships." you say jokingly causing the elf woman to roll her eyes. "oh that grump can deal with it, besides. Ill just say im sleeping here to make sure your wounds have healed properly thats all." She says with a wink, the two of you smiling as you nestled in for the night. Perhaps you could get used to this whole, being open and honest thing.
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cupiohearts · 4 months
I WISH YOU LOVE ! - reminiscing with gun.
(cant catch me now series). GUN VER. dg ver. goo ver
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they see you everywhere. james, jonggun, joongoo. they find bits and pieces of you lying around in their pockets, their houses and memories. it depends on which one it is which scene they see you in.
for GUN, he cant figure out for the life of anyone why they would wish someone that moved on in life the best of luck. he was a selfish man. when you disappeared from him, he mutters bitterly to himself wishing curses upon your name. the tear drops on the letter you wrote to him being the symbolism behind it all.
why would he want you to do well without him? why did you have to leave him?
did you not care as much as you said you did? he furrows his eyebrow. taking another drag out of his cigarette while he watches the stupid couple on the street pick out matching items for each other.
"jonggun! jonggun! look come here! hurry up!" you hiss at him as you press your face against the glass of a window. it was the pet adoption center. a calico cat taking a nap in the window as you cood at it.
that was the ugliest cat hes ever seen. it's eyes looked a bit too similar to the one you always give him when you want him to do something ridiculous for you.
"its cute" he gruffly says. you raise an eyebrow at him and made a face "youre a big fat liar. when we grow old with joongoo and james! we should all get a cat together!"
you giggle as you wiggled your finger at the cat. your breath fogging up the glass and when you pulled away he could see a slight bit of lipgloss- or lip tint- or whatever you were wearing on your lips that left it all glossy and shimmery left on the window.
he didnt say anything about it. he probably shouldve. you left the window dirty with your makeup. the same lips he imagined himself kissing from to time.
he thinks again. gun is a selfish man. when he read the letter you gave him, he thinks to himself for a far longer period of time than what he would appreciate.
he picks up the small camera you left behind in your apartment. he kept it with him for some reason. it was to keep videos and photos of yourself so he wont forget all of the times hes had with you.
"gun stop! stop! stop- what in the world happened here?!" your voice can be heard from behind the camera. the camera work a bit shaky as you walk closer to the restaurant.
there were a lot of bodies on the floor. a lot. "did you take them all down by yourself?" you ask him. you already knew the answer. he didnt need to respond but he did "yes"
you let out a deep sigh "this was supposed to be a cute video! you just ruined it. i wanted to send my mom and dad videos of me while im still here!"
you never sent it. he almost wished you did. so your parents knew what your friends were in korea. gangsters hanging out with the most.. sane one. sane is a strong word. hed think more like you were the glue.
you held everyone together, but at the same time. you were the one keeping them in the past.
that wasnt what he thought as he read your note though.
while he reading the shaky lines with splotchy text. the tears you left on the paper made it all crumbly and the words were hard to read.
he could only wish you the worst time without him. you better not be happier than you were with him. thats how you made him feel. he felt like the vines growing around the fence around you. his growth was hindered by the boundaries you had. if you werent there, he wouldve probably never grown in the first place, but you were also the reason he couldnt get better.
even as he read the lines 'jongun, you are the one who destroyed me the most.' he felt a small smile come to his face. he really is the most selfish person he knew.
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sooooo... im here. I DID THE SECONDPARTY YIPPEE 😋😋 is it messy idk
i havent proof read so im assuming its ok. if its ooc mb brother.
their personalities are hard to capture anyways live laufh love the lookism blondes <3 the hottest in the game frl
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queerponcho · 5 months
Transfixed | part 2
previous part | part 3
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collage made by me with pictures from pinterest
moonknight!system x female!reader
a/n: Thank you, for all the lovely interactions I got with my first chapter! I'm glad you like it as much as I do and I hope this 2nd chapter meets your expectations&lt;;33
Warnings: no use of Y/N, fluff, NOT beta read, gushing about the moonboys, flustered awkward dorks, plot-twists, Jake being a menace, (eventual smut, the chapters will be marked individually), inaccurate depictions of DID, egyptian mythology and religion (although I did extensive research I took liberty in changing some things to adhere to my plot...), if I missed anything or made any spelling mistakes pls don't hesitate to tell me!
Summary: You haven't seen Jake for a while and are sure you won't ever meet him again. In fact you've convinced yourself to be unbothered by that theory and are planning to live with it. In typical Jake fashion, those plans are to be disrupted with a surprise visit to his new, favourite part of town...
2,700 words
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Two weeks later
You continue working on your latest hyperfixated studies in the library and try your best to forget about him. You knew it was probable that you weren't going to see him again. So you quickly went back to drawing the library kitten, when you weren't working at the shelter or studying. You tried your best to stick to the cat and really focus on her cute paws and the green spots in her honey coloured eyes…but even those somehow remind you of him. This of course brings back the feeling of you pressed between the bookshelf and his front. His thumb on your chin and his crooked nose so close to brushing yours…how in the hell were you supposed to forget? Him and his advances rivalled many good romances you had read about. The library was starting to feel stuffy so you decided to take a break from sketching and to go get a coffee in the cute place next door. 
Giving the kitty one last treat before stepping out the door, you turn around to wave the cat goodbye ‘byeee barry! See you again soo-’ you stumble backwards over the sidewalk landing on someone. You’re about to apologise when-
‘we really gotta stop meetin’ like this, nena’ Like in any bad romance you meet him again by literally falling into Jake's lap. You look over your shoulder and see him smirking while resting his chin on your shoulder, making his face be much closer than you had expected. You scramble to your feet and dust off your sweater. Leaving him sitting on the floor. ‘Not even gonna help me up?? ay…que mala’ he tutted. He stands up swiftly, looking very pleased with himself. 
‘Hello to you too Jake, i-if you could excuse me I really need to go get my coffee’ you say while you push past him, walking two steps but stopping when he stands in your way looking almost panicked.
‘W-wait wait darling, let me buy you a coffee…please?’ 
You almost make a comment about the very british nickname but are taken aback by his uncharacteristic pleading eyes. It seemed very unlike him but you weren't about to refuse the pretty man you’ve been pining over. ‘Alright- Sure Jake, let's get coffee’ you say smiling but feeling like something's off. You walk slightly ahead, leading him to the nearby cafe. You can see Jake in your peripheral vision, he looked really nervous, seemed to be twitching weirdly and muttering some intelligible things. Maybe he was just in his head about something...you didnt wanna pay it any mind. You entered the „Moonbean “ café. It was this cute and cosy place with lots of natural light and many plants. After you get your ice coffee and Jake (to your surprise) buys himself a black tea with oat milk and honey, you sit down at a corner booth.
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‘Ssso, ahem Jake. Is there anything you wanted to tell me or..?’ you ask, trying to make this situation seem like a normal sircumstance. ‘um yes! Or well no…it's kinda hard to explain but I need to know how you know…well- me..?’ he says while glancing into your eyes intently. ‘...okay, Jake I don't follow..’ you laugh awkwardly. ‘Okay so here's the deal' he rubs his hand over his face distressedly, 'I have DID, also known as dissociative identity disorder a-and we are two people in this system. Marc and Steven- well me! Steven' he takes a deep breath and keeps going. 'So, I wanted to have a coffee with you because we have been feeling like there might be a third consciousness, sharing our body that we don't know about...’ Steven says just a smidge too fast ‘...okay…Steven…what makes you think I have got any information on this third consciousness?’ you ask genuinely curious. You have read about DID but you have never actually talked to anybody that lived with it. 
‘Well…you did call me Jake about five times which leads me to think that erm- you might know a thing or two about him.’ just now you noticed how his entire presence was completely different from Jakes. Jake led with his chest and had a confident smirk practically glued on his face. Steven on the other hand looked tired and like he wanted to hide from any discomfort around him. His shoulders were rounded and his eyes looked like those of a lost puppy in need of a hug, which you were very inclined to give him. Unfortunately for you, his lack of confidence did not make him any less attractive. Which meant you still couldn't tear your eyes away from his features and had to work hard on not embarrassing yourself like last time. Remembering you had to answer him you perked up ‘right, well- I only know him in passing. How come you knew he was at the library?’ you say trying to redirect his attention away from your potentially…strange connection to Jake, don’t really wanna out yourself as a stalker…‘Funny story actually- erm I found this wood-panel in my floor that had a burner phone, gloves, a flat-cap and a small notebook with a folded piece of paper hidden inside. These items confirmed mine and Marc's belief that there might be a third. What surprised us more tho, is what we saw when we unfolded the paper…let me..’ he clears his throat and reaches into his satchel, he hands you the paper but looks to the side, avoiding eye-contact. You unfold it…and immediately want to die. ’oh fuck me- so um- w-what made you think it had anything todo with the- um, library?’ You try to keep your composure but it's very hard when the drawing was of course the sketch he’d taken from your collection two weeks ago. Naturally, he’d gotten his hands on one of the more "racey" drawings you’d drawn of him, you weren't entirely surprised that stalking a handsome stranger could ever come back to haunt you. 
‘So the paper has a footnote printed on it with an address…see? Right here a-above my- well Jakes bound wrists- ahem well yes so then w-we came here and bumped into you…’ his sentence died out and he shyly looked away while blushing. Steven was an adorable man, you were finding it hard to really focus on this serious conversation when all you could think about was how his hair was so unruly this time and his curls were bouncing above his eyebrows, making him look even prettier. How he wears his clothes two sizes too big, hiding his broad shoulders beneath 4 different layers of fabric. You snap out of it ‘so um- any idea who drew it?’ you ask while feeling a warm sensation crawl up your back and your heart-beat increasing ever so slightly. ‘Well- since it’s more…intimate in nature we assume he is perhaps seeing someone..?’ Inhaling sharply you try to stay calm. You really didn't want to tell them that you, a stranger, drew this but seeing Steven so exhausted and distressed convinced you to do the right thing. ‘ um- so..ahhh well…I drew that…’ You closed your eyes and squinted, opening one eye to see Stevens reaction. He was frozen, you swallow strenuously ‘um- Steven..? Everything okay…?’ you ask reluctantly.
 He stares into your eyes and is blushing intensely, looking like a red traffic-light. He's so cute. ‘Yes! I am fine- sorry love, I-I just did not exp-’
 ‘not expect that a total stranger would draw a lewd picture of you? Well, yes I definitely understand that notion’ you laugh. Funnily enough, Steven's nervousness was helping you calm down a bit and not feel as awkward. But something tells you that having this conversation with Jake would've absolutely killed you. ‘Yeah, I also did not expect to immediately run into the artist behind our one and only clue about…Jake, is his name?’
 ‘Y-yes his name is Jake..’ even just saying his name made you feel flustered. Steven noticed your change of demeanour and found it pretty interesting, choosing to interrogate a bit further. ‘Darling- you were saying you know Jake in passing. Would you mind telling us more about the times you saw him? ’
 Were all of this man's personalities into giving you heart-melting nicknames? Maybe someday you’d get to meet Marc well enough to find out… you can’t stop your mind from conjuring up a rom-com-like sequence with them…baking together and going grocery shopping, getting caught making out in your paradise library and going home to keep climbing him like- a hand waving in front of your face interrupts your intriguing daydream. 'Are you okay, love? I know this is a lot to process- if you need a break just tell me, yeah?’
 ‘oh! Yes! I mean no- I am fine. Sure Steven, I'll tell you about Jake.’ You sit up in your chair and begin to tell him about seeing Jake for the first time. He puts his elbows on the table leaning in, not wanting to miss a single detail of your story. 
‘-so yeah then he walked out with this thick leather bound book. It had some Moons carved onto it's cover, that's all I can remember. Then I didn't see him for about a month, until he came back last week to return the book.’ You notice Steven's eyes light up at your mention of the moon-details.
‘he didn't buy the book?’ 
‘he couldn't, the book is a unique scripture and can only be loaned for a maximum of 30 days.’  
‘okay…but something still confuses me. When did you meet him, if he only came back to return the book- and how did he even get the drawing you made of him?’  God, you really didnt wanna talk about this. Maybe you could find a way around actually telling him about what happened, to avoid the embarrassment. ‘Well- he came in and gave back the book. Then he went to look around …and we accidentally bumped into each other. I dropped all my things and he picked up the drawing and kept it without me knowing. We introduced ourselves to each other aand…that's it! Then he left!’ 
‘huh…are you sure that's all that happened?’ He says, his eyes turning darker. you were starting to sweat. You never were a very good liar, especially if attractive people were the ones asking the questions. ‘Mhm! Yeah. That's all’ you haven’t been looking him in the eyes. Jake might have intense and hooded eyes but Steven had impossibly earnest and rounded eyes. You could never lie while looking into such an adorable face. only you hadn’t noticed that the man before you wasn't Steven anymore- ‘hola hermosa. You miss me?’ your head whips back towards him at the familiar nickname. In the short amount of time he had somehow, slid over to your side of the booth. ‘Chiquita…why don't you wanna tell him the truth, ah? You scared he might leave when you tell him about your...stalkerish tendencies? Steven is a smart man, he won't leave such a gorgeous woman behind...’ he winks at you moving closer so your thighs touch.
‘Jake- what is going on. Why aren't you talking to Steven? He’s saying he doesn't know anything about you- fuck me this is all too much’ You say exasperated. You jolt up feeling his breath on your neck. ‘mmh querida i’d love too but I think this cafe might not be the best place for such…improper activities…’ by now he's long moved into your personal space and started caressing you right above your knee, still breathig over your neck. ‘Jake- i-i am being serious I-’ His hand moves up your thigh gingerly and he starts grazing his nose over the spot under your ear. You’ve already forgotten what you were even talking about and why you were even in this coffee-shop to begin with. Your eyes were fluttering and you were breathing deeply trying to stay calm, feeling his hot breath fan over your neck. Once again, trapped between his chest and wooden furniture. He smelled so good, like dark coffee and vanilla, mirroring the bitter sweet smell of Stevens black tea perfectly. If you could buy his smell as a laundry detergent you would douse your linens in it. He circles his arm around your back and waist and lets it rest on your hip. You expose your neck further to him, inviting him in to keep going. You hear him chuckle and wait for him to start kissing your neck. Just as his lips are about to touch you, you feel his hand twitch on your hip, causing your eyes to snap open. You were surprised to see a pair of round and frantic eyes staring right back at yours. 
‘Oh Jesus christ! I am SO sorry, love. I don't know what came over me! P-please I promise. I really can’t contro-’ you cut in before he could continue his panicked rambling. 
‘Steven, it's okay! Don't worry, I-I understand this isn't really something you can control. No need to panic.’ you give him a warm smile which he returns with a blush. Putting your hand on his shoulder trying to reassure him with your gentle touch. His rather dreamy expression gets interrupted by a tense and pensive one. He shakes his head, seemingly shaking off his serious expression. You let go of his shoulder, placing your hand back in your lap.
‘so- just- just based on observations I-I just feel like you might be closer to Jake than you first led us to believe…?’ It wasn't as much a question as it was a statement. You really needed to come clean, even though this would most probably leave you a blubbering, flustered mess.
‘Alright, yes. But it’s not what you think- we never actually did anything intimate…we-we just came a bit close to it like twice or something…’
‘close to what exactly? Darling, i-i don't mean to be rude but we are still talking about things that happened with my body here, so I’d really like to know what happened...?’ You understand why he is getting frustrated but this was really hard to tell someone. Especially because this someone looked exactly like the person who you were just pressed against mere moments ago-
he interrupted your train of thought by calling out your name ‘sweetheart- please. I'm begging you to just tell me what happened’ he takes your hands in his making your arms tingle ‘yes! sorry Steven- this is just a lot to process. Okay i’ll tell you…’ You finally told him about the second “meet-cute”, when you dropped your things because you bumped into Jake after being too focused on his features and had lost sight of him. How he got closer and closer to you and you were trapped between him and the bookshelf. How you, just as before, brushed noses and almost kissed before being forced out of your bubble. After relaying the past events between you and Jake, you looked up from your twiddling fingers and were greeted by a glowing red Steven. He was tugging on the loose skin around his fingernails and had his hands barely peeking out of his too-long sweater, looking right past you. He had a sheen covering his face and couldn’t stop fidgeting. 
‘Steven i am really sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable, if I’d known…I just- I- I don’t think you understand-’ 
Now he refocused his gaze on your eyes and looked even more stunned than before. ‘Sorry to be so forward but- ugh just look at you! How the hell was I not supposed to study you?! You are every artist's dream, with those angular facial features and the inky black curls adorning your head I just can't believe you are this unaware of the effect you have on a room. I know I sound like an absolute cree-’ before you can keep going he cuts you off ‘Would you like to go on a date with me?’
You stopped talking, mouth open without a sound coming out of it. Did he just ask you out?
‘I- if you don’t want too I unde-‘
‘NOno! I mean YES- yes I’d love to go on a date with you, Steven…’ you bit your lip, trying to contain your grin and saw that Steven was doing the same.
You gave him your number and left him alone in the coffee shop. After turning around to wave goodbye one last time you cross the street and walk home. ‘Oh my god’ you giggle to yourself and make your way home.
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a/n: I am so happy you guys liked the first chapter of this fic and hope you like this one aswell!! more chapters are comin' with more tension and plot-twists aaand maybe even a certain marc...
The lovely people in my taglist: @lilladyblink14 @lemongirl5910
please notify me if you want to be added/ removed from the Taglist<3
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yonaioana · 1 year
Can You do A Seth x Husband reader Smut
Where the reader Makes sure he's comfortable and He feels safe...and makes sure his trauma isn't triggered and is always gentle and soft whenever they have sex bcs the reader knows about what he experienced
I wanna know How Seth would react.
Thank you!
FINALLY DONE!! This took way longer than i wanted, i am so sorry, i am not good at writing smut so it takes way longer to write it compared to fluff. So the timeline is after everything that happened with Osiris, the start of the fanfic is plot because I dont write porn without plot.
WARNING: smut, oral,
You were like a god on the other side of ennead and seth kinda just ran away to escape Osiris and the others and basically ended up in your temple. You left ennead a long time ago due to some issues with the others and some of them belived you died or something but you just built yourself a temple like fortress far far away so none of the other gods had the power to hurt you.
So when Seth stumbled inside in his attempt to escape and you told him that no other god had power in that temple other than you he imedately asked if he could stay. Seeing the fearfull look in his eyes at the thought of going back you accepted immediately, you grew closer as time passed by, even asked him out on a date, wich scared him at first thinking you will start behaving like all the other bastards chasing him. To his surprise after asking you leave to give him space and time to think. He came to you a week later with a hesitant yes. You were overjoyed but didnt show it much, not to scare him away, you were a little more affectionate but still kept a safe distance. A little over a year pased since you started dating, you were going to propose and you were very confident he would say yes, a few months after you got toghether he started seeking out your love more and more. He was like a cat tho, sometimes he would look for you lay around you and wait for you to take the hint, a hug, a kiss or simple pats but hold him a little too long and he's pushing you off with all his strenght.
Meanwhile Seth was getting more relaxed day by day, he hasn't seen anyone else from ennead in so long they either gave up on looking for him, couldn't find him or you just didnt allow them to enter your temple. Whatever it was he loved spending time with you, tho he found it weird that you didnt make any sexual advances on him, only letting him do what he wanted or if you initiated anything it would be almost always you sucking him off while he was fingering himself. The moment he came you would get up and leave to take care of the problem on your own, you belived that if you ever lose control and go rough on him you will lose him, he would hate you, look at you with fear or discust, you just couldnt. Seth understood what you were doing, trying to protect him, but he wanted you buried deep inside of him but also didn't want to ask. He hoped you would understand what he wanted when he whiggled his hips in the air while you were cleaning him or how he would sit on your lap grinding on your thigh.
He found out about the proposal you were planing when he came looking for you only to see you surounded by servants that were preparing to go out for materials. You wanted to make the proposal special and you asked your servants to decorate the temple with flowers and pretty fabrics. Seth liked that you were making an effort for him but he also wanted to actually get to have sex with you before marrying you. So with his mind set on the ideea he snuck away from the preparations. That night while you were half asleep, reading some scrools he came in the room, a small bottle of oil behind his back. You looked up at him and put your scrolls away but when you tried to get up to make space for him he placed his hand on your shoulder, stoping you, and just sat in your lap. You hugged his waist like you always do. He started kissing you simultaneously moving his hips, soon you got hard, while you were kissing down his neck while he reached down for your cock, he lowered himself as your penis springed up. You could see his eyes, hungry and a little dazed, as he tried to take you in his mouth you held his face, silently asking if he was sure, he softly pushed your hands away and wrapped his mouth around it. You had to grip the sheets tight in order to hold yourself back from bucking your hips. You wanted to hold back, to let him have control while he was teasing your tip in hopes you lose it. After a few minutes of sucking he got a little frustrated and justas you were going to cum he got up. You wached as he lined himself over your dick, pulling out the oil bottle and stickin a finger in his ass. As he was preparing himself you grabed both your dicks rubbing them toghether. He gaspped, his legs giving out causing him to fall in your lap. His arms legs started shaking so you laid him down on the bed, now sitting right above him. He removed his hand spreading himself open for you. Pushing your tip slowly inside him he raised his arms to hold onto your shoulders. You kissed him softly while waiting for him to adjust, one of his hands travelled up to your scalp, giving you permission to start you pulled out a little before thrusting back, your eyes trained on his expresion. His precum dribling down on his stomach, after one particular thrust he pushed his hips into you until he bottomed out, his dick twiched violently. He begged you to go faster, and faster, he could feel you rubbing against his gspot but not quite hitting it, he needed more, more of you, he needed you to go harder. He suddenly pushed you down on your back and bottoming out again, le leaned down smashing his lips against yours as he continued a more brutal pace. He held your hands on either side of your head as you were hopelessly gazing into his eyes while he was bouncing on your cock. You were getting close and judging by the twiching of his dick you could tell he was right on the edge, his eyes rolling back, his mouth wide open trying to catch his breath, his nails slightly cutting into your shoulders. You reached up cupping his face in your hands and asked in a hushed voice " do you want me to pull out or can I cum inside???". Coming back from his daze, and furrowing his brows a little he said " don't you dare pull out". While yes it did remind him of the other times where he didn't really get a choice he knew you would stop the moment he said anything or even winced in pain no matter how close you are, and thats what he loved so much about you, he wanted you to replace those bad memories and realize that he wants you to be the only one for him. With a few more thrusts he came all over your and his chest, wrapping his trembling legs around your waist as you sat up to hold him better. You came soon after, letting Seth rest on your shoulder as you were coming back from you high. He was half asleep hugging your neck, you tried to pull out and he whined tightening his hold. Realizing he doesnt want you to pull out yet you opted for slowly laying down allowing him to fall asleep on your chest.
He woke up clean in his sleeping robes the room full of colourfull flowers and you on one knee at the head of the bed ( I dont know what the place where the nightstand stands is called) " Will you marry me?". He rolled to the edge of the bed closer to you extending his hand towards you allowing you to place the ring on his finger. Pulling you closer by your clothes into a kiss and dragging you down in bed with him" Don't you want to eat? The servants made some of our favourite" Seth laid his head on your chest and wrapped an arm around your waist wit a simple "later". You kissed his forehead while rubbing the back of his head, he looked up giving you a kiss.
" My beautiful husband"
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creaturecomfxrts · 4 months
wip huskerdust fic ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
let me know what you think! i want to finish it but…. whos to say….
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Angel Dust shifted in the satin bar stool he was currently perched upon. In one of his many hands he swirled an obnoxiously fruity cocktail. In another, he propped his head up, slender fingers curled as his knuckles rested against his cheek, ever conscious of how he looked. If the spider didnt look like a slutty pin up doll from every angle, it wasnt enough. At least its not a floozy nightclub, he thought , sipping the drink as he surveyed the room. The pink liquid burned delightfully on the way down. It wasn’t as good as the custom drinks Husk made him. He missed the little umbrellas.
The place was huge and packed with people, gold studded walls, crystal glasses teeming with whiskey on the rocks and overblown confidence. Poker tables were spread out among the floor and sinners in gaudy outfits cashing in their life savings as the cards, chips, and booze flowed. Casinos weren’t his outing of choice, but he’d decided to join a mission that the radio demon had sent Husk on, if only because he was bored out of his fucking MIND in the hotel. It had nothing to do with the genuine companionship he had begun to feel toward the grumpy old man. Absolutely fucking nothing. Their present goal was to topple a rising new overlord’s empire, or at least begin the process of doing so. The two were here strictly to collect as much information as possible, get as little dirt on their hands as they could. Alastor had said the overlord was “unchivalrously inching closer to his territory”, whatever the hell that meant, and he simply would not allow his power to be contested. Husk, being a former overlord of gambling himself, was perfect for the job, much to his chagrin. Alastor had recruited him for task earlier that day, slinking over to the bar with his signature grin stretching at the edges of his face. Husk grumbled about it as much as one would expect, but largely held his tongue, accepting the assignment. Angel empathized, knowing the cold and sickly pull of the leash just as well as his friend. Alastor kept his cards closely tucked to his chest, no doubt the trait that scored him husks soul, so very few knew the cat’s affiliations with him. They both preferred it that way. now, hours later, they had arrived at the casino, and angel found himself with nothing important to do. Husk had told him as soon as they walked in to simply just “sit and look pretty” over by the bar while he worked the room. With no shortage of innuendos on his end, Angel and Husk parted ways to opposite ends of the joint. It had barely been an hour and the spider already had to fend off multiple overly handsy patrons with gold toothed smiles and flashing eyes, promising to win big just for him, or more likely, for whatever they hoped to get from him in the cheap hotels lining the streets outside the joint. None of them offered good information, not yet, anyway.
With nothing better to do in the moment, he found his gaze utterly drawn to Husk. There was nothing particularly eye catching about the man, at least at first glance. He was short, often rude, and had a prickly personality to match his rough appearance. Angel had originally not given him a second thought, just being glad that the cat kept the booze coming cheap and convenient, but the more time they spent tossing lighthearted animosity over the counter of the dingy bar, the more he found himself genuinely appreciating the bond they’d tediously settled into. He, only in the privacy of his own thoughts, tentatively called the man his friend.
Said man, in the present, was leaning back in a mahogany booth, cigar (where the fuck did he get that? Angel wanted one. The fuck?) lit, the smoke lazily propped between two wickedly sharp claws. Husk’s expression, though not close enough to read poperly, was completely relaxed. His poker face was immaculate. Even from here, he could see the other players tensed shoulders and baited breath, no doubt unnerved. Husk had piles of chips on his side of the table, and it would take a blind and deaf motherfucker to not predict the outcome of this round. Girls in seqiun miniskirts and too tight dresses leaned as close as Husk would allow, enamoured by his expertise. Angel bristled a little, then remembered himself. What the fuck was he jealous of? He could pull anyone in this place. He pushed the feeling down as quickly as it arose, refocusing on the center of his attention. They had barely been an there an hour, and Husk already had half the room wrapped around his finger. He was magnetic. Angel turned, only for a moment, to guesture for a refill when an enraged wail came from the far table of the casino. He whipped around, comically, alongside the bartender, who was just as engrossed in the match as he was. Husk must be somethin’ special if he could get the staff’s attention, Angel mused. The wail had come from a particularly sore loser, an imp in a finely pressed suit with his tail lashing as he forked over his previous winnings. Husk, fittingly, was grinning like a cat who just got the cream. Angel snickered at his own stupid joke. He felt something flutter in his chest at the confident expression gracing the cat’s face. It was so different from his usual tightly wound, brow-perpetually-furrowed, glowering kind of look he seemed to always have. Angel decided pontedly to not dwell on the fact that he paid close attention to the bartenders expressions to be able to even notice that in the first place. He took a rather large sip from his drink.
Snuffing out the cigar on the provided ashtray, Husk rose frim his seat, brushing past his new admirers with a flick of his feathered tail, heqding in Angel’s direction. The smug look had settled into a satisfied grin as he thumbed through the fat stack of cash between his paws. He slid onto the barstool next to Angel, placing his earnings between them with a happy sigh.
“This place is a shithole compared to the casinos I used to run, but by God, its good to be back.” He nearly purred, finishing up his tally of the money.
“You really know ya’ stuff, dontcha kitten?” Angel hummed, beginning to like this new side of Husk. The cat stretched, bones popping, no doubt from staying still so damn long.
“What the hell do you think?” His retort held no bite to it. “I didn’t become an overlord by fucking around, thats how I lost it.” He Paused, lost in thought for a moment. “Anyway, any luck, Legs? I aint got much information on my end, but another few rounds should get them talkin’, I’d say.”
“Nope. Justa bunch of horny freaks. nothin’ useful.”
“Keep workin it baby, your next drinks on me. Holler if you need anything.” He slid a hefty sum of cash to Angel, turning away as the spider retorted that he could buy his own drinks thank you very much.
“Think of it as a thank you for luggin’ your ass out here with me” The cat said over his shoulder, before slinking back into the fray to look for a new game to decimate. Angel watched him leave, the fluttering feeling back with a vengeance in his chest, somewhere underneath all the fluff and heartache.
After that brief yet confusing interaction, Angel drowned himself in cocktail after cocktail, getting comfortably wasted. He flirted with everyone, played his best “you can look but you cant touch” game he could. It was hard. Husk was far too distracting. The cat was drifting from slot machine to roulette table to poker game, round and round, only stopping to drop off his earnings with Angel. With each jackpot his eyes grew brighter. His posture straightened. His honeyed drawl grew smoother. His tail curved at the tip and twitched ever so slightly, a sign of happiness, and perhaps the only emotion he couldn’t mask from his adversaries across the table. Angel would never admit that he’d looked it up (He’d been curious. Could you blame him? The man never talked feelings. Angel had to learn to read body language, that was it.), and worse, found it ridiculously endearing. After not so subtly letting down yet another drunken suitor with no valuable information, he felt a brush of feathers against his back. Husk joined him at the bar, yet again with more winnings. “Making good use of that cash, huh, spider?” He quipped before flagging the bertender for a shot of whiskey.
“You know it Daddy” he cooed with a drunken grin, leaning in to the other demons personal space.
“Shaddup with that shit.” Husk grumbled, pushing Angel back, soft paw shoved into his face. “I aint your client.” Perhaps Angel was too drunk, but he swore he saw a hint of color tinge the other man’s furry cheeks. Husks brow furrowed, and the moment passed. “Wait… Ive got an idea.”
Angel cocked his head, curious.
“Theres a lot of pompous freaks in this casino. More so than many i’ve been to. Its clearly the atmosphere the overlord of this area wants to cultivate.” He continued. “You fit right in—
“Hey! I-“
“Let me finish. You fit right in to these motherfucker’s wettest dreams. You’ve had no shortage of suitors tonight, yeah?”
“Yeah. Unfortunately.”
Wanna be my arm candy?”
Angel felt his face explode with heat.
“I- ahm- ‘scuse me. That came out wrong, sorry doll.” Husk coughed. “I mean, will you act as my arm candy for the evening? with your pretty little face on my arm, ive got a feelin’ people are gonna be a lot more loose lipped.”
Angel blinked. He blinked again. “You think thatll work, Husky? really? I mean i know im hot but i dunno…. you seem to be workin the crowd pretty damn well, kitty cat. Wouldnt wanna break yer stride.” He fidgeted with his many hands, not sure what to do with such a polite yet bold proposition. Normally, people dont ask, they just take. If Val wanted arm candy, he grabbed whoever he wanted whenever he wanted, including Angel. Especially Angel. This was different. He was snapped out of his head when Husk replied, kind as ever.
“Trust me, kid. It’ll work wonders. Whaddya say?” He slid off the stool, downing his shot before holding out a hand to Angel.
Angel nearly tripped over himself taking it. They walked shoulder to shoulder like a proper couple, elbows linked. Husk leaned closer, “New place, same job. Sit and look pretty. Do whatever you like. Flirt all ya want. But, if ya dont mind, just let me do the talkin, okay?”
Angel could only nod, butterflies swarming in his stomach so ferociously he felt nauseous for a moment.
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thyln4gf · 1 month
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✞ Once again, Im back with the short little blurbs! This time, theyre rather cute and adorable, and are about some of my favourite drivers, a song assigned for each. (I have synesthesia).
✞ Word count - 2,8k
✞ Drivers included - Lando Norris, Oscar Piastri, Max Verstappen, Daniel Ricciardo, Logan Sargeant, Charles Leclerc, Carlos Sainz, Lewis Hamilton, Sebastian Vettel, Jenson Button.
✞ (P.S. - lemme know if you dont see any of your favs. Im more than happy to write something <3)
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Lando Yeswins - 505, arctic monkeys
"No!" Your shriek rings out through the air of the somewhat empty room, quickly followed by both of your giggles, as Lando has launched himself into you, picking you up. The man has missed you so, so much. He didnt even think it was possible. Hed spend his free time with looking at pictures of you, wishing that he could feel that skin against his, and... smell it, really. Now, that he has finally gotten the chance...
Your back makes contact with the couch, Lando still clinging to you tightly, and just plopping on top of you. He buries his face into your chest, drawing a deep breath to take in your scent... But you smelled like... him??
"Baby... have you been living in my clothes?" He asks, amusement laced into his tone. His face was still buried right where his favourite place was, though.
Silence from your end. One awkward chuckle later, you burst into another fit of giggles, followed by the heat that rose to your cheeks. You werent so sure if it was the man making you blush, or him being a damn human radiator doing the trick. Either way, you didnt mind - the golden retriever goofball of a man was excited to close the distance between you two again. A little too excited, even.
Oscar Leclerc Piastri - teenage dream, katy perry
Him. You. Both of you. A lot of people have called you the dream team, and you have seen a lot of jealous tweets. Posts about your relationship in general - people seemed to be suckers for the childhood friends to lovers trope. So much that you could barely keep track of them anymore.
You have incorporated scrolling through the socials, and hunting for cute memes to annoy him, straight into your routine. His dms from you were filled with various kinds of those, mostly a spectrum of cat memes. Yes, a spectrum. You seemed to be unhinged enough to even ask for fun time alone through those. And, to be honest? They always worked on him. Always.
This time, it was no different - you were curled up on the couch, Oscar laying his head on your stomach, trying to nap. You could be seen scrolling, and... yep. Looking for some memes.
You find something else, though, your heart melting at the sight. You cant even hold the 'awwww' in, as much as you wanted to...
"Huh?" Oscar croaks out, rising from his slumber. All he heard was you making some sort of noise, and he instantly realized that he was about to get a phone right up his face. However... he slowly looks up and sees you... crying?
He doesnt say anything, but scoots up slightly instead, his face landing right by your neck. He looks at the little screen... Only to see a picture of two small children, both in race suits, both giggling on a makeshift podium. He quickly comes to the realisation that hes looking at both of you, at one of your first karting competitions together. And its all it takes to make a tear roll down his cheek as well. A happy tear. Hes quick to start kissing yours away, not even hesitating. Your skin tingled at the gentle contact, and you softly chuckle. Thats exactly what he wanted to achieve. A laugh out of those pretty lips of yours.
Max Verstappen - im yours sped up, isabel larosa
As tough as this man looked out there, in the face of the cameras... he turned into a whiny puddle whenever he was wrapped in your arms. Something about you made him melt each and every time, making him feel safer than ever. Is that because you usually used rather masculine fragrances and smelled like a dad that he never really had? Maybe, maybe...
He was getting his daily dose of cuddles in. This time it was more of a comfort than it has ever been - he didnt do good, and didnt even finish the race. He felt awful.
"Are you going to leave me now?" You suddenly hear a muffled voice, coming from a certain mans face, currently getting buried into your chest.
"Pardon?" You respond, a confused chuckle following the single-word sentence. He wasnt insecure... as far as you knew.
"I said what i said, Liefje... now answer." the man groans, almost making you chuckle again - he was awfully adorable at the moment.
"No, baby, im yours. For life. Have you forgotten?" your voice reminds him, as you slip one of your hands away from his waist, wiggling the fingers not too far from his eyes. He feels you pulling your hand away, the action making him look up slightly, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. That quickly melts away as he sees the engagement ring on your finger, one that he proposed to you with a few days ago.
"Right... i still havent gotten used to that. Sorry, mijn mooie vrouw." He responds, a small, tired smile slipping onto his lips, and you cant help but give him a small peck. You might be a master at making this man blush, but he had the exact same effect on you as well.
Daniel Ricciardo - Iris, the goo goo dolls
Evenings spent with him on the porch were your all time favourite, easily - especially if it included watching the sunset. In that case, you had two incredibly gorgeous views to rest your eyes upon. And he definitely knew you were staring at him, instead of the pretty orange colours dancing across the sky - he just pretended not to see.
You two were cuddling on the beach chair - your body in his lap, your back to his chest. Hes currently zoned out just a little, honestly. He has adopted the habit of adoring the pretty clouds from you, and pointing out all the interesting shapes. This time, though, you were quicker than him, and an excited 'ooohhh!' coming from your mouth lets him know exactly that.
"Look! That one looks like a honey badger!" you excitedly blurt out, trying to point at the shape with your finger. He follows, and quickly sees what you wanted to show him. The cloud, indeed, is honey badger shaped. You earn a hearty chuckle and one of his grins that you loved oh so much. Yes, those grins.
His arms tighten around your waist, his lips not being able to resist from leaving a trail of kisses on the back of your neck, eventually landing on the back of your head. And you didnt need much more from him - you knew that it was his way of thanking you. By making you feel all warm and giddy inside.
Logan Sargeant - american teenager, ethel cain
Spring has just started rolling around, leaving you to deal with your allergies. Its not like it was something new, or something serious, but it annoyed you nonetheless.
You two had a date that you were looking forward to all week, but suddenly, you felt like you couldnt live two minutes without having to blow your nose. Great. Logan noticed your mood immediately, so he had offered to watch a movie at home instead. You didnt resist much - you wanted to spend some time with your man, after all.
After cuddling up to him on the couch... You silently thanked for the ridiculous misery of your fate - feeling his body right by yours felt way better than spending time outside. Hearing him quietly breathe by you left you almost ecstatic, the warm air brushing by somewhere on your body, and as of the current case, your hair. Speaking of hair - he liked planting those little kisses to the crown of your head whenever you had your back to him. Almost just as much as looking at your backside.
These little moments reminded you just how far you two have come - it sometimes still felt like you were a pair of awkward teenagers, trying desperately to get over yourself to talk to each other. You still tease him about it, honestly - watching the popular guy at the school blush and giggle was the favourite sight of many.
Charles Leclerc - k., cigarettes after sex
"Chéri, look! Thats cute, no?" You heard Charles come into the kitchen, cooing at something on his phone. You didnt have the time to turn around and look at him, honestly. So he was forced to come up right behind you to wrap his arms around your waist, his palm softly brushing by your stomach while in the process. You couldnt help but wonder...
Yep, here it is. A gentle kiss to the corner of your jaw. You cant help but chuckle as his lips make contact with your skin, pleasure shooting down your spine almost immediately. He usually stops at one, but he seems to be in a playful mood today - because he doesnt, and continues to trace a line, almost connecting the dots on all your little moles and freckles.
"What is it?" You ask him with a chuckle, trying to distract him. However, you just dont get an answer. Just a phone getting shoved almost right into your face. The video that he wanted to show unpauses, and a scene of a cute puppy running around could be seen. Your heart instantly melts.
Charles seems to notice, because he already looks like a kid on christmas morning.
"Can we... adopt him? I even have a name!" He blurts out excitedly, making you chuckle again. You knew of his passion for dogs... so one wouldnt hurt, right?
You didnt even get to reply before he launched himself into a rant about why getting a dog right now would be a great idea. You just knew that you were going to spend like an hour, just listening to him talk. But you didnt mind - you enjoyed the sound of his voice, and watching the way he speaks with his hands whenever hes excited. It was truly an awfully adorable sight to witness every time.
Carlos Sainz - good luck, babe!, chappell roan
He had a small ritual of hugging you before his races - he fully, firmly, and truly believed that hes not going to achieve any good results if he doesnt. And, look - it was true, so far. The win in Singapore? In his head, it was all because you initiated a hug that day. His arms had lingered on you for a little longer than they should have been for you two being just friends, but its not like you two minded, at all. You actually craved him and his touch. You craved to feel those hands around you, and to hear his voice murmuring something into your ear. You wanted, no, needed to feel the scent and the warmth of him being so close.
So you never really protested against his idea. In all honesty, it was the most desperate move that someone has ever tried to hit on you with. The most adorable one as well.
If you thought that you were going crazy from him invading every single nook and cranny of your mind... You should have taken a look into his. You and him both knew of the rumours floating around the internet, and all the fans almost straight up telling you two to just make out already. And that has almost happened, and multiple times - one of you always ended up awkwardly pulling away, though. Having him as a friend felt good, but you were sure that having him as a lover would feel like heaven.
Lewis Hamilton - older, isabel larosa
"Thank you, love." His voice floats through the air of his drivers room, effortlessly reaching your ears, making you blush. Just a little. You had passed him his water bottle - his hands were far too busy with your hips, caressing and squeezing them with great care. His legs were spread a little, you positioned in between them. Yet, it still didnt seem like it was close enough for him - he kept trying to pull you closer, almost desperately tugging on the material of your jeans. A hand of his was now occupied with the water bottle, so he finds that as an opportunity to wrap the other around you fully, bringing you closer, once again. You almost fall over, but you catch yourself with a hand on the wall right besides his head. Helping Lewis train sometimes did help, huh?
"Hey there, easy! I couldve fallen right on top of you!" You had mentioned out loud in mock annoyance, trying hard to keep a chuckle at bay. It was hard to do so, though, because you could see a grin appearing on his lips. No, onto his whole face - the entirety of it would light up whenever he smiled or laughed, melting your heart each and every time.
"Do you prefer to be under me then?" He murmurs as a tease, leaning in to give you a chaste kiss on your neck. He knew that it was one of your ticklish spots - so he had adopted the habit of placing the gentlest kisses of them all right there. They never failed to make you feel flustered and giggly, making sure to spread a blush all over your face. Lewis was just secretly happy that you never seemed to notice his own blush, just like right now.
Sebastian Vettel - too sweet, hozier
You were sat at your desk in your home office, working late. Again. All sorts of papers were scattered all around you, a pretty decent amount crumpled up and thrown aside as well. At first, youd aim for the trashcan, getting all giddy whenever youd make a shot. But the more time passed, the more you didnt care. You found yourself thinking of the fact that your husband wouldnt be really pleased at your current decision, and you being grateful that hes currently away for a few days. And you just happily continue focusing on your work.
You had focused a little too much, perhaps. Because you didnt hear Sebastian returning home, didnt notice him opening your office door either. You only did that when he spoke up, startling you a decent amount.
"Brought you coffee, schatz." He said, quietly walking to appear by your side, placing the mug down. You smiled at him in appreciation, tilting your head up to look at him. Right as you do so, you get surprised with a forehead kiss. You cant fight the smile that wanted to appear onto your lips, going back to your work. You fully expect Sebastian to protest, to go ahead and try to pull you away from the work. But what does he do instead? He lets his hands meet with your tense shoulders, and gets to gently massaging them, slowly kneading out the knots. No words said. A quiet hum escapes your throat. You two didnt need any words to communicate, really. He understood you on a deeper level, just like you understood him. Isnt it sweet?
Jenson Button - one of the girls, the weeknd
"Twirl around again?" Jenson requests, making a spinning motion in the air with two of his fingers. You had decided to make him watch your fashion show after the shopping spree of today, just like you usually did. Every time. You thought hed be a little annoyed at you for forcing him to sit down on the couch, basically pushing him backwards right onto it. It was far, far from it - hed even encourage you to go shopping sometimes. 'Honey, its our anniversary next Saturday. Dont you want a new dress?', 'Go get something new, we're going out tomorrow', and 'i think you need to refresh your wardrobe' were phrases that you heard pretty often. And not for the reasons youd think - this man just truly and genuinely enjoyed seeing you smile, and the enthusiasm that would possess your whole being when it came to showing him. You liked to call him a simp, but in his books, that was just being reasonable.
You gladly fulfill his request with a giggle, spinning around to let the skirt of the dress flow around. This one had a great score on both of the 'spinny' and 'shiny' scales, which he learned from you pretty fast. However, he sees you suddenly stop. The surprise on his face is almost as big as yours. However, you quickly gasp and start giggling again, shoving your hands into... some pockets?
"It has pockets!" You excitedly blurt out, turning both of the pockets inside out to show him. That earns a chuckle out of him. You play around with the pockets some more, and start spinning again. As much as Jenson adored your silliness, sometimes. Hed worry about you bumping into things... and it would happen pretty often. But he was always there to baby you, placing gentle kisses around the spot you had just hurt yourself.
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cumulo-stratus · 9 months
Rain Soaked Sleep
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Spencer reid x Male! reader
Description: Y/n and Spencer get home after a long week at the BAU and a rainy drive home, ready to fall asleep to the sound of rain.
Warnings: possible swearing, lemme know if theres anything else!
flufftober day 4: Rainy day
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The door to spencers apartment clicked closed quietly and the loss of light from the hallway shrouded the couple in darkness. In his typical fashion, Y/n turned on the light switch next the door and slumped his matching leather messenger bag onto the floor next where spencers bag had already been dumped, along with both of their soaking wet rain jackets, forgotten for the enticing idea of a hot shower and a comfortable bed. Y/n trailed behind spencer in their well rehearsed routine of getting home late after a case while chatted quietly. And while spencer split off down the hall to the shower, Y/n continued to their shared bedroom and began opening the windows, the sound of hard rain pelting against the road outside. Little drops of water splashed against the windowsill inside, as raindrops from outside hit the edge of the planter box on their window and splattered inside. Y/n couldnt help but stand at the window for a moment, breathing in the smell of rain and the city after sitting in a jet for 3 1/2 hours.
spencer emerged from the bathroom, drying off his wet curls with a towel, to find PJ’s (aka beat up pj pants and an old college t-shirt for spencer, and boxers and one of spencers FBI t-shirts for Y/n) layer out on the bed. Y/ns back was turned him as he stood in front of the closet, unpacking both of their go bags. Spencer took this opportunity to slip his arms around y/ns waist and breath in the tropical scent of y/ns curls (sry if you dont have curly hair 😭). Y/n chuckled at spencers clingy-ness and turns around in his arms to reach up and kiss his boyfriend.
“thank you for unpacking my bag love, you didnt have to” spencer spoke gently, only loud enough to be heard above the rain. “i wanted to- and if i dont do something i was going to fall asleep standing here” spencer chuckled lightly at Y/ns words. “well the bathroom is free for a shower if you’d like- i made sure the window is open so you’ll still hear the rain.” Y/n smiled at spencer words, appreciating his boyfriends habit of remembering his likes and dislikes, rain being of his favorites. “Thank you..” Y/n trailed off as he kissed spencers hand and made his way to the still steamy bathroom.
Y/n stepped out of the claw foot tub around 5 minutes later, onto the fluffy bath mat shaped like a cat (a birthday gift for y/n from spencer last year). He wrapped a towel around his waist and rubs the steam off the mirror. Y/ns face is blocked by the open mirror cabinet when his boyfriend walked in. Y/n was still aware of spencer though, despite not being able to see him. When y/ns head peeked out from behind the cabinet, he asked “have you taken your allergy meds yet?” spencer shakes his head no and holds out his hand for the pils. Y/n pours out pills for both spencer and himself into his hand, and places spencers dose into his palm. They both take turns drinking from the sink before taking each others hands and walking back into their shared bedroom. y/n walks to his side of the bed, and flops down face first with a groan. spencers chuckles before walking around to his own side of the bed and climbing under the covers- urging y/n to do the same. “Y/n, come on- you cant to bed like that, and you wanna cuddle with me right?” Y/n perks up when spencer mentions cuddles, dragging his face from the mattress and looking up at spencer excitedly. Y/n shuffled comfortably into spencer arms. he fit perfectly, spencers arms wrapped around y/n’s torso, his head tucked into Y/n’s shoulder and kissed the crook of his neck. “you did really well on the case this week” Y/n said with a proud smile on his face even though spencer couldn’t see it. Spencer only hummed into y/n’s neck, alreayd half asleep. But his boyfriend wasnt far behind either. And within minutes both men had drifted off to sleep in each others arm to the sound of rain drifting through the open windows into the small bedroom
The End
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