#you may have noticed that this blog runs on a queue now and that's because i got very excited about the manga and read it all in like 2 day
kerubimcrepin · 3 months
After tomorrow I'm leaving the country for a little bit and I'm so happy that I binged the manga and the ovas. Together with some concept art posts, i was able to schedule posts for pretty much every single day of the next two weeks, hehe
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front-facing-pokemon · 2 months
greetings, everygamer! it’s not often you see a text post from me with no asks attached to it, so what gives?
@front-facing-pokemon (this blog) is rapidly approaching its end! you may have noticed if you’re paying attention to the remaining pokémon in the pokédex, but we’ve only got like TEN DAYS before we reach the END of the pokédex and i have nothing left to post on this blog. yesterday, i queued up the FINAL pokémon in the national pokédex, and have thus RUN OUT of pokémon to queue up!
so what happens now? well, that’s up for you to decide! this is That One Post where you can drop all your suggestions as to what should happen to this blog once we reach the end of the national pokédex! i’ve already heard things such as redoing the whole pokédex but this time it’s shiny (top contender right now!), back-facing pokémon, and turning this into a poll blog, so those are already in the running! if you have any other ideas (that are pokémon-related, please—and if they stick to the theme of the blog [like shinydex], that’s even better)
once i get enough suggestions and filter through for the ones that i like or that are viable, i’ll make one final poll that will decide the fate of this blog. (personally, i think the shinydex is in the lead for me) until then, enjoy the remaining posts, and thanks for stickin' around for this bumpy ride!
and finally, because plenty of folks have asked, and i’ve kept it a secret for this long, i feel you all deserve to know!:
my main blog is @kinogassa. that’s breloom’s japanese name! subject to change, and i rarely use that blog to be QUITE honest with you. buuut, if enough of you still care, then maybe i will!
a lot of you who cared already managed to sniff it out back before i could comment on posts from sideblogs, so shoutouts to you guys! for everyone else, i hope it was worth the wait(?)
i think i’ve also gotten a few other suggestions like taking requests on specific angles or whatever but that changes the flow of the blog to being request-based as opposed to queue-based ’n i dunno how i feel about that
by the way, massive shoutouts to the pokémon models ripping project, without which this entire blog would not have been possible!
i can't think of anything else to say (for now), but i'll be more active and responsive in the coming days as we try to figure out where all of this is going. see you tomorrow for whatever comes next!
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elephantaday · 7 months
You need to credit your photos better. "National Geographic" didn't take the photo, a person with a camera did. You should at least link to the original source, and stop being lazy and disrespectful.
Elephants would be disappointed in you for not giving proper credit to their photographers, and basically stealing their work.
I have been attempting to go back to the sources and see if they list a specific photographer (for example, you may have noticed that I list Janna Federer-Demski now for ones Global Sanctuary for Elephants where they credit her). A lot of the time they don't, so I can't, and the name of the organization is the best I can do. Also, I think I failed the last time I loaded up my queue because I work full-time and am working on a master's degree, and sometimes I'm doing this in my free 10 minutes between something or another or using up my lunch break. There was a final project in a class I was stressing about, and I have been very tired lately. So once I get through my current draft stash, it'll be better.
Before you call someone lazy and disrespectful, please consider that there is a person behind this and while I have not been perfect in running this blog, I am trying.
I earn no money from doing this.
I just love elephants and like sharing them with other people.
If I were trying to steal work, I wouldn't be attempting to list anyone as a source.
Day 732.
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corruptionasart · 4 months
I followed for video game corruptions. Don't think I've seen much of those of late.
damn sorry i'll make sure you get a refund
Anyway i'm also gonna go ahead and lump this in here since it's related:
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So I'll forgive people for either coming in late to the party or just not paying attention to how this blog has changed over the years but I've spoken several times in the past about how rom corruption over time has become really boring to me. That's why over the past few years I've posted less and less of it.
Back when I started doing this stuff and really committed to it back in like 2016-2018 it was great, I started this blog as an excuse to do more of it, playing retro games and breaking them was, and honestly still is a lot of fun. Unfortunately I made the mistake of running a queue which meant I needed things to fill that queue which meant I was essentially turning art into content, and over time that took its toll and I burnt out hard on it. There was a point where basically all my free time was spent on some aspect of running this blog, whether it was playing the games or going through recordings to make gifs or tagging posts etc.
Over the past couple weeks actually I've been going through all my old ShareX screenshot folders (btw i wholeheartedly endorse sharex it rules and i donate to its patreon) I've been collecting all the screenshots I've made of rom corruptions (somehow I hadn't done this before) and what I've noticed is exactly what I noticed all those years ago, it's kinda all the same.
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You might disagree with that but again I've been seeing this stuff for like 8 years now and there's only so many times I feel like I could post something like that before it gets stale, the same goes with the gifs and videos. Again, I do enjoy making that stuff but I just feel like I personally feel like I need to make a change.
I'll get into the AI part of what I said this morning in a following post but I should be a bit more clear that the collage stuff I've been doing and anything else that I plan to do in the future isn't meant to be entirely about showcasing ai art or glorifying it, it's just another piece of the puzzle. I mostly made the post about ai stuff mostly because I wanted to see what the reaction would be in this community to that specifically. I wasn't expecting the "anything that isn't rom corruption is off-topic and shouldn't be posted on this blog" contingent. I may very well make another blog just about the ai stuff because I think there are things I could talk about with it with regard to pushing against the tide of garbage and making something new with it, idk yet.
THe last thing I want to say regarding rom corruptions specifically, though, is that it's interesting to me that despite the fact that I've posted the link to the corruption wiki multiple times now and people clearly do have an interest in this stuff that hardly anybody is out there posting this stuff either here or anywhere else online (at least outside of the Vinesauce community, which I feel goes for a very different vibe in what they do.)
The tools are out there, they haven't really changed all that much for years apart from being supported for more modern systems, and yet nobody's posting anything.
Maybe I should make another proper tutorial on my whole process, try to push harder to get people to make stuff.
Sorry if this response is kind of incoherent, I've been called away a lot in making this, I'll try to make the next few posts shorter
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Hello, hello, helloooo!! Your mod is here to say that this blog has hit 100 followers! Thank you so much for supporting and appreciating the lovely artists of the Tumblr TTRPG community ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
I've been planning some kind of celebration for a while so Starting now I'm opening submissions for the entire month of July! Send links to your friends' art blog, an artist you think is underappreciated, a favorite piece of your own creation! There is no limit to how many posts and blogs you can send,. Please show your love for the community!!
Under the cut are some guidelines to help make the submission process as smooth as possible. Reblogs are highly appreciated. Thank you again ❤🎲
1: Make sure to read the About. Posts that break these general guidelines will be ignore.
2: Please only submit links to specific posts, dedicated art blogs, or blogs with easily accessible art tags. I don't have the time to dig through someone's general purpose blog or an art tag that's mostly fanart with the occasional OC.
3: This blog runs on a queue that is occasionally shuffled so it may take some time for your submission to show up. Thank you for your patience ❤
4: I try to avoid reblogging posts more than once. If I notice a submitted post has already been reblogged or is in the queue it will be ignored.
5: If you want to submit something via ask DO NOT SEND A LINK. tumblr asks eat links. So for example don't send "https://character-sheet-folder.tumblr.com", instead send something like "user name is character-sheet-folder". For art tags do not send "https://character-sheet-folder.tumblr.com/tagged/Setting%3A%20Fantasy", instead send something like "character-sheet-folder. they have an art/OC tag in bio". You will not be able to send links to individual posts via asks.
6: Quick link to the blog submission page here.
Finally a note on a bit of blog housekeeping: because of it's popularity on Tumblr I'm in the process of removing Lancer from the Miscellaneous System tag. This will take a while so please bare with me for the time being 🙇‍♀️
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zhangzhehanoclock · 11 months
Slowing the queue down to two a day right now as I've been having trouble keeping it up lately and I don't want it to run out again.
While I'm here, I want to point out something I've actually never mentioned before. You may have noticed I keep the tags minimal, that's because I want to keep this blog fairly easy to keep up with. So it's usually just his name, maybe the year of the picture if I happen to remember to do that and am fairly confident of it. And then the tag #smile I don't put every single smile in there, usually just the most genuine and bright ones. But it's there for anyone who needs a little cheer up, because he has the most infectious smile in the world ☺ Please look through it if you ever need a smile 💙
Thank you for loving him 🙏
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A Welcome
This summer many new followers have joined us in the camp community. Now that summer is at an end, I thought I'd do another welcome. I can do an AMA another weekend, but here's a little bit more about me and the blog:
I am in my late twenties and live in the mountain west. My pronouns are she/they and I identify as queer. I am autistic, so keep that in mind about some of the phrasing or stories. I work for a Girl Scout council doing a lot of things, and I consider myself a professional chaos manager above all else.
I worked at Girl Scout camps for 6 summers, two of day camp in the midwest and four at overnight camp in the mountain west, in addition to several years of weekend/school year camps. I've been a participant at YMCA, medical, and religious camps as a kid.
You may notice that most camp posts, even if they are about Girl Scout camp, are only tagged with "camp counselor" or other generic tags. This is because I want my stories and thoughts to be for everyone who has worked at camp.
Other fun facts about me: I have an orange cat, I love being outside and moving, and I love to cook.
This blog runs on a queue, so if I reblogged your post days, weeks, or even years later, might have just gotten buried. For more, I recommend checking out the browser version of the blog, such as the FAQ page and this page about my tagging system.
Happy tumblr-ing!
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Tumblr decided to completely shit on people not using their app/staying logged off on the website and now with their new url formatting, you can’t see notes, you can’t copy a link, you can’t even send anons or click on a tag! And when you tried to manually type in the old format, they just redirect you to their bullshit broken new format! I figured out how to send this anon by typing out the old url and adding /ask, but tumblr is actually becoming a broken website, and not in a good way.
ya I was noticing the redirect when someone asked if I'd been shadow banned.
Rough because empty blogs get blocked on sight by some people so even just making an account so you can look around may not fly in some cases.
Way around that is make a dummy account, change the default icon and then over the next few days fill your queue up to the 1000 post max and set it to run a couple posts a day.
Don't have to follow anyone on here, can be totally independent that way. My other blog I don't follow anyone on and it runs on a queue 95% of the time.
made sure to leave the likes and who it follows visible so nobody gets fussy about following 'problematic' blogs.
Hopefully it doesn't come to all that for all y'all and they get it back functioning the way it should, the external visitors bit has always been a nice thing about this place so I hope they restore full functionality to it
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astrarchee · 2 years
updates [03/13/2023];
hello everyone!
apologies from the get go, for my silence. i know that this blog is pretty much run on a queue of various quotes / prompts / writing things / etc., and not even many people following... but to those that are here, following because you enjoy my work, i wanted to provide an update on what's going on with everything:
[to save on space, everything is below the cut. TL;DR also below the cut.]
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chasing down the gods ⇨
the update is much, much later than i had previously promised. this is due to some things that happened offline, and threw my mind [and - generally - everything] into a bit of chaos. it's been hard to find inspiration, so i was giving myself some breathing space. my hope and goal is to get the chapter done this week, since the following one is already completed. i had considered posting that, but i don't want to time-skip quite yet. i don't think it's fair to all of you who have stuck with me for... 8 years, if my math is semi correct. in the interim, i actually made this fun page for it [link also in the sidebar/drop down titled "check the page"]! my hope is to make one for every work i've posted / am working on [aka, WIPs and completed]. feel free to check it out! i hope you all like it [it's dark mode, and should be mobile friendly-ish].
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now, speaking of WIPs...
untitled gd fic ⇨
if you check this blog's homepage much [i will not blame you if you don't], you will have noticed a new work was put under the right sidebar [dropdown menu on mobile]. this was titled "untitled gd fic," and i am happy to announce that i am ready to reveal some first insights! as with cdtg, a WIP page has been made. as much as I would love to share it, due to a title being... not there, the url is a bit choppy. so, to make it up a bit, here's a photo so you all can have a sneak preview:
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a couple notes:
this will be multichapter
this will be close to complete / mostly completed prior to uploading beginning
current ETA for uploads starting is may 2023 [forgoing more unforeseen life issues]
none of the bigger "archive warnings" for AO3 will apply [i.e. no non-con / major character death / etc.]* * only exception might be gore, but the plan is to not have extreme graphic details. think more criminal minds prior to it going to paramount+ and thus being able to show more.
when we are in april, my hope is to have the page itself available for everyone to check out. i am hoping to use these across the board
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anything else ⇨
as said, these pages will be made for every fic. so, that includes mending bones and packed lunches and misplaced mistletoes. i will be putting links to these... somewhere. i have not gotten that far in my thought process. but, this allots a bit of time to actually work on things for this blog / towards my muse and writing inspiration, rather than just sitting and waiting.
one more thing [almost posted without mentioning this]: i will be linking to my main blog for a fic rec list. there, you'll find fics i've read and recommend for various fandoms. they were basically all wlw, but i don't know what else anyone would expect from me here. i will link both the mobile friendly edition, and the desktop version. i tend to prefer the desktop, but i know that tumblr mobile has become a lot more popular than when i first started here. i will note: i need to update it [has not been updated since... early february, i believe], but if you want something to read, check it out! my blog will also have a book rec page up eventually. that one takes a lot longer since that library is also expansive. if you want to go ahead and see recs now in the interim, here's the link to my blog's page with the direct links to said pages.
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that's it though! i know i wrote a lot here, so:
cdtg update will come as soon as life stops being messy + a fun WIP page
a new fic for a new fandom coming soon to a theater near you
pages for all previously completed works [aka all two of them] will be added to the blog very soon.
feel free to reach out, if you want to chat or anything. tumblr notifications are wonky as heck - but i will reply as swiftly as i can. hopefully i can do these kinds of updates biweekly / monthly. those of you here for the fic and the quotes, let me know if that sounds good to you.
much love - C
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colorfulpride · 23 days
hi hello welcome to colorfulpride
we have no dni, but we may block if we feel the need to. please also note that, since this is a blog essentially dedicated to archiving flags, we may reblog from all sorts of folks with all sorts of different stances on discourse and such (probably a better way to phrase that, but you get what we mean). we will *never* reblog radqueer and/or transid flags, unless reclaimed
we find flags, we reblog them (add an id if needed), and then organize them via color
we also tag what the flag is for, so you can search directly for any given label ^^
all our featured tags are for colors! they’re listed at the very bottom of this post, along with clarifications for some
queue posts 25 times a day, though we’ll also just reblog flags whenever we feel sometimes
you can call us ford, stan, mabel, nsh, pebbles, suns, petrichor, aym, baal, author, or the author. we use it/its third-person pronouns, we/ae/voi/it/thing first-person pronouns, and you/neopronoun second-person pronouns. please feel free to get creative with the neos :]
now a little fun fact about the author…it. is bad at colors. which is really just the best choice for a being to run this blog, right (sarcasm). anyway, because of this we might get things wrong sometimes (a lot of times)! please feel free to (politely) correct us if you notice we got a color wrong
our issues stem mostly from difficulty telling the difference between shades of red, pink, magenta, and warm purple and shades of blue, bluish green, green, indigo, and cool purple
featured tags below the cut! otherwise, that's all. feel free to tag us in stuff!
featured tags:
colors: brown (includes shades like beige, tan, khaki, etc.)
colors: red
colors: orange
colors: yellow (includes golds)
colors: green
colors: bluish green (includes any and all shades in between green and blue)
colors: blue
colors: purple (includes violet, indigo may be tagged under blue or purple or both depending)
colors: magenta
colors: pink
colors: greyscale (includes black, grey, and white, as well as shades that are very desaturated)
colors: doctor roy g. biv (our resident rainbow tag. depends on the flag, but includes anything that could constitute for a full rainbow of colors)
colors: author indecipherable (for any flags we’re unsure the colors of. other colors will still be tagged)
portal malfunction: saving author // portal malfunction: mabel makeover // portal malfunction: stanbucks sale // portal malfunction: aym and baal // portal malfunction: scug iteration (our own personal tags we use to keep track of certain reblogs. the only thing we'll say about these is that portal malfunction: scug iteration is a general tag that all the others fit into)
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Pride Month Weekly Update!
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(Icon is from art I commissioned of one of my persona OCs awhile ago. I'll put some notes on my persona OCs if anyone is curious under the read more on this post. KCPawz is the artist.)
Queue! As you may have noticed, I've been lagging a bit. But because things have panned out a bit better for my financial situation, I should have the mental bandwidth to get my queue properly filled over the next few days. The Patreon has less missing days, simply because I had more stuff in my document to keep consistent there.
Personal Life! Got a full ride to the college I'm transferring too! This is really exciting because it means I have slightly less financial burdens to stress about. I also managed to get my HRT covered! So two financial stressors off my plate! I am very relieved and proud of myself for all the work that went into getting both of those wins. And it means more mental bandwidth to put towards writing and hobbies, which I desperately needed.
And if anyone is curious about the Persona/OC pictured:
His name is Yenezgelle, or Yene. He is among a collection of OCs that are the closest I will ever get to a persona/self-insert-ish character.
Yene is an "immortaling" (a hybrid between the immortal elf-like species, called elphish, and the mortal human-like species of their world, called mortalings - someday I will do a worldbuilding dump either here or on a dedicated personal writing blog) and runs a circus but hates being around people. This is because of a genetic magic illness that is kinda like leprosy of the soul and that when untreated leads to zombie-like violent behavior. Unfortunately the treatment is eating spirits or other people's souls. Because of this illness, whenever he's in crowds, he feels weak and nauseous and during performances hides in his tent. His only skill is reading tarot and he is affectionately dubbed 'The Most Useless Man'. He makes his own tarot cards and is very good at mimicking art styles but has no definitive style of his own.
(There are more OCs from the same collection, two are also persona/self-insert-ish OCs, but that's all I have the energy to write up right now.)
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front-facing-pokemon · 5 months
sandaconda SNIFFFF
this is true
sorry about the radio silence apart from the queued posts for the past few days, folks. i'm gonna drop all these asks and then give you a bit of an explanation, as well as a possible read on the future of the blog, down at the bottom of this post, if you care to read it
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everyone loves appletun..! i used one to beat the champion in my first ever run of swsh because i thought it was so cute. and grass/dragon is a fun typing..! just one more way to be 4x weak to ice my belovèd
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i don't even remember what this is in reference to unfortunately. this is the way to get to the grass gym from motostoke, i think..! though you have to go through a route to get to the mines
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y'know, i'm not sure! perhaps if i knew what it was based on, i could tell you better
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let them have it :/ they deserve it
okay. hi. you've reached the bottom. i have a confession! i have not been able to update the queue in like. a week
my commitment to uploading every pokémon in natdex order already fell off a little bit when the galar pokédex was out of order compared to the national pokédex and i was choosing to include regional forms in "natdex order" by using their placement in regional dexes. now that i've reached all the regional evolutions in the natdex, i've found that my previous methods for getting models and getting them to work are not necessarily panning out. this is, of course, for one specific pokémon: galarian farfetch'd. i believe this applies to the rest of the galarian forms that i have yet to upload, as well, as i can't seem to find models (that i know how to work with) anywhere on the internet. if you want to see the most recent state i was able to get galarian farfetch'd into, then here:
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it's fucked up. you may have noticed that i also didn't post galarian corsola before cursola. that's partially because i forgot it existed, and partially because i didn't have its model so i didn't know it existed because of that
i don't really know what to do here. i haven't queued up a single pokémon in about a week, and even then, the pokémon at the end of the queue you'll notice are getting progressively more and more fucked up textures-wise just because of how difficult they're getting when i can't find the proper models and i have to throw something toegether in like an hour. which! this blog never used to take me an hour! it used to be a few minutes out of my morning, at most. now mornings are taking me upwards of two hours just to get these motherfuckers working—and now i've reached a point where i can't get them working at all
from my perspective, i have two options, neither of which i want to do. option one is to just post the pokémon that i have and can get working, skipping ones that i don't have or can't get working. option two is to just go on indefinite hiatus until i can get a hold of the models and get them working. i like neither of these options!
i suppose there's a secret third option, which is that i start using in-game screenshots like i almost did for phantump that one time, but those aren't the easiest to procure when i can't perfectly manipulate the model and the camera to get the angles that have become the style of this blog
i don't want to quit when i'm this close to the end (and especially when there's so many of you waiting for your favorite pokémon), but taking two hours out of my morning to get one pokémon working is becoming a chore i relent doing, and i've become unable to do it at all now that i can't get the models to render correctly
i don't have a solution to put at the bottom of the post here! i don't have a way to say "so because of this, i'll now be doing blahblahblah" because i don't have a blahblahblah that i can do. i don't know what the best course of action is, because i have never really encountered this kind of problem on the blog before. the hiatus i took back in 2020 was for completely unrelated reasons, and like 99.9% of you weren't even here for that. and sure, only like 20 folks read these asks, let alone down this far into them, but for those of you that don't, you'll just be missing out and confused. for those of you that do, i thank you for sticking around this long. this is not goodbye, and i don't even want it to be a temporary goodbye—but it is me saying that there are 18 pokémon left in the queue and i don't know how to add any more
the best solution is probably just to post the pokémon that i can and hope the models i can't get aren't anyone's favorites. how do we all feel about that? i could always try in-game screenshots, but that'd be such a big change in styling and visuals that i dunno if i wanna go through with it. i'm at an impasse here, and i've been avoiding even talking about it because technically most of the followers of this blog couldn't care less if there was a real individual behind it—they're just here for the silly pokémon images. but, y'know, hi! here i am, i'm a real individual running this blog, and it's not that easy anymore!
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undertheflagrp · 10 months
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hi everyone! if you've been keeping an eye on us you may have noticed we didn't have a queue on monday at all. this was actually totally an accident and just a case of me (admin eirika) being so busy that i simply forgot, but it served as a bit of a "sign" of a sort for me. i started a new full time job in november, and am taking a class that is a lot of work, on top of other responsibilities. it's left me with very little free time, so i have to choose what i spend that free time on wisely. i always said i would keep running under the flag as long as i was enjoying it and someone else was too. recently, though, doing the queue and daily updates has felt like more of a chore to me than anything else. it makes me incredibly sad because i love this universe and the memories i've made here. mod mercedes offered to take over doing the queue for me, but i don't think that would relieve the stress of me feeling responsible for a roleplay when i don't have the time or motivation for it anymore. so, with that, under the flag will be closing to the public, at least for now. the roleplay has mostly just been made up of a core group of friends for several months now anyway, so i'm making a compromise, and instead of just abandoning the under the flag universe altogether, i'll leave it as a private group. that means under the flag members can continue roleplaying here, as can anyone else that has my personal contact information <3 when i have time, i may still update the event and enemies blogs to advance the story for the few of us that remain, but otherwise, there will no longer be any public activity from the main starting now. i'm going to officially free myself of regular admin duties and let this entirely be a hobby, and i think it will be refreshing. if anyone was interested in joining us and feels disappointed seeing this, i'm sorry! thank you for your interest in under the flag, and thank you to everyone that has been a part of this roleplay's journey at any point since it began last summer. seeing people enjoy this place that i put so much work into has really made me so happy, and i loved being your admin eirika. maybe one day i will be again, but it's a title i'll retire for now and look upon fondly. thank you again for everything 💓
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enhypenet · 11 months
Why does it take so long for posts to be reblogged? Sometimes even longer than a week
Hello there, anon!
We know posts being (re)processed through the network can be a little bit frustrating, especially as it can seem that they are being ignored on purpose — but you can rest assured that they aren't, unless they don't abide by our guidelines! We will be explaining how our queue works below, and we hope this clears up your question.
The network tag, as well as the ENGENEblr community itself, is always something I am observing ; the days where it is most active, at what time users start interacting (liking, reblogging) with posts, the frequency in which creations are posted, etc. This is something I, the sole admin, have always done (even when I still had my own personal blog as a creator) so as to ensure this network actually serves its purpose — which is to spread creations to a (somewhat) wider audience and keep them circulating through the community for longer so they get attention.
With all the observations I have made taken into account, the network's queue started operating like this, way back in July: every Thursday / Friday / Weekends (the days where the community seems to slow down), around 12 posts (halfway through / near the end of Dark Blood era, our network tag saw more or less than this amount of posts daily) are queued through 11AM EST to 11pm EST (the timezone was chosen randomly). Again, this queue "plan" started taking effect halfway through the month of July, with a notice about it being fixed on our blog's desktop theme, though not on our pinned post on mobile — something I apologize for. Our pinned will be re-done soon.
From when the network started up until this July, our queue would run 24/7 — something I have come to notice, as the years went by and engagement on visual content started becoming worser, was not beneficial for the creators in the end. Reblogging creations a few hours after they had been made didn't allow for them to circulate properly, which is why I started spacing out the queueing days gradually until finally updates were only made on Thursdays or Fridays. As of now, however, the queue reflects the bigger amount of posts the network tag is seeing as we approach comeback season and there is much more influx — so posts are (re)processed starting on Thursdays, and ending on Sundays.
And, regarding the final concern in your ask — there is not really a settled, final explanation to that. Sometimes the unusual silence in terms of updating the network may be because there is not enough posts to be queued, or because the admin didn't have time to queue anything, and so on. Whatever it may be, you name it, and it can be a reason why.
At the end of the day, I ask for our followers and the creators who have chosen to use our tag to please be kind and, above all, patient. Our inbox sees several passive-aggressive "questions" that do not get posted almost weekly, and I firmly believe there is no reason why. This network was started almost 3 years ago and I have been operating it on my own for a good chunk of that time — one would argue that it's a silly thing to do seeing as this is "just a network" and not an update / general fanbase blog, but I am always putting a lot of thought, care and love into it. I am always working so this network can, as I mentioned above, serve its purpose as we seem to be the only network dedicated to ENHYPEN operating at the moment — thus meaning the community largely trusts it to do its thing (and I am thankful!).
This response wasn't supposed to be this lengthy, but I hope it answers your question, as well as give our followers a better insight into how the network operates! We are always open for feedback, so long as it is brought up to us kindly and not demeaningly.
Thank you, and we hope you all enjoy Orange Blood era with us!
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redsonoftheday · 1 year
🔥Welcome to Red Son of the Day🔥
This account is a bot that posts a random screenshot of Monkie Kid's Red son every day.
Bot Info:
Bot posts once a day at 4am PST
The bot originally started on twitter and has recently moved to tumblr as an alternative account. Currently the bot is run manually via scheduling posts, but a bot is being made from scratch by the mod. please be patient as the images get added manually into a queue, which may cause some days to show up late or be missed.
A google document with the bot images can be found HERE.
For more info and links relating to the bot check out the Bots Carrd HERE.
The bot does not respond to posts or reblog posts. all of that is done manually by the Mod.
The current seasons in the bot right now are: Season 1 + Special and the season 2 Special. Season 3 is currently getting collected and will be added to the bot as I collect them. all seasons will be properly tagged.
To learn the rules for submitting and interacting with the bot check HERE.
The MOD:
Mod: Dare 🙊
Hello, I'm the sole moderator of this bot! You can call me Dare. My pronouns are He/him. I don't plan to be too chatty as the whole point is the daily images but I plan to reblog any art featuring Red son onto the blog as well as answer any questions and post any submissions sent in!
Any post unrelated to the bot will be tagged with my name and the monkey emoji as listed above.
If you have any questions about the bot, feel free to send an ask. if you would like to submit art, writing, crafts, etc. to be shared on the blog then please use the submit feature. Links can only be sent through DMs and please make sure the link is not shortened or embedded.
The blog will sometimes have ship art reblogged onto it and I want to make it very clear that I am very neutral on the shipping scene in fandoms in general. Any ship art reblogged to the account is not meant to be me saying I ship said pairing or anything of that sort. I will reblog canon x canon, Oc x canon, and self-insert ships as long as the art is SFW, has no - for lack of a better word - problematic elements in it, and has Red son in it. I do not play favorites, any ship you see getting reblogged more is only because i search through the monkie kid tag and that is the ship that mostly shows up due to the amount of popularity it has as a ship. DO NOT START SHIP WARS ON MY POSTS OR IN MY ASKS/SUBMISSIONS.
If you notice me reblogging art from an artist who may have controversy surrounding them, please let me know (preferably privately along with evidence. DO NOT SEND VIA AN ASK. IT WILL NOT BE ANSWERED OR POSTED TO THE ACCOUNT). I do not wish to support bad people but I cannot check every account all the time to see if they may be questionable as a person. Overall just assume that i do not know and that my sharing of art =/= me supporting the creator in any way.
To make myself very clear. This account does NOT support or condone Proship content. If you are a Proshipper, this account is NOT for you. You are not welcome on this account and any proshippers found to be following will be blocked. if I am found interacting with a proshipper in any capacity, it is likely I am unaware and I would appreciate you letting me know.
Tag - Tag meaning/explaination
Update - general tag used for updates to the account
bot update 🔧 - a tag used to mark a post specifically posting an update about the bot
Dare 🙊 - Tagged on posts relating to the mod or unrelated to the bot
Fire Fanart 🔥 - Fanart from the Monkie Kid tag!
Speak Peasant - An ask that was sent to the account
Such Power! - a submission sent to the account
🔥 Pinned Post 🔥 - Special tag for pinned posts!
About the bot 🤖💬 - Information about the bot
Important info ⚠ - A post that is talking about something important.
RSOTD - A screenshot of red son.
LMK S1 - a screenshot/art from Monkie kid season 1 and it's special.
LMK S2 - a screenshot/art from Monkie kid season 2 and it's special.
LMK S3 - a screenshot/art from Monkie kid season 3 and it's special.
LMK S4 - A screenshot/art from Monkie Kid season 4 and it's special
-- more to be added --
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turianoftheday · 2 years
Just wanted to send a quick note to anybody who may have noticed that the Daily Turian has become... less than daily. That's because we have officially featured virtually every turian in the Mass Effect trilogy! It's exciting but it also means we are starved for good turian content.
Right now @bonksoundeffect and I are working our way through Andromeda and will be featuring Andromeda turians on the Turian of the Day blog soon!
After that our plan (when I can get a PC up and running again) is to replay the original trilogy with the Project Variety mod installed to keep even more turian content coming.
In the meantime, I am still accepting your submissions!
Side note that if you have submitted a photo and have not seen it appear on the blog yet, it's not that I haven't seen it -- tumblr has been selective with what it's actually allowed me to add to the queue. I'm continuing to try.
This has been a PSA.
- mod Khel
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