#you may ask why i know this. the answer is that i have terminal autism and a working encyclopedic knowledge of Spacebat Crimes
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thegreatyin · 12 days ago
every so often i remember veils and wines both run the fallen london sex industry. Why Do They Do That.
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joemerl · 3 years ago
I’ve been looking through your posts tagged pro-life and I earnestly do not get it. why would anyone want abortion banned? why would you want to take away a person’s autonomy over their body?
like I can get it if you cannot fathom terminating what you perceive as a life. Why should it be enforced on every person? Why can’t it stay a personal moral code? That way, I can respect it. Why ban the right to choose?
I see you’ve reblogged tweets about abortion being an industry?? is this something like big pharma?? or is it like plastic surgery? That women are being socially tricked into having abortions?
Also if you do read/answer this, you don’t need to talk about when life starts because I don’t think that matters. the baby’s in the womb of someone who may or may not want them. why do you care about the unborn baby matter more than the pregnant person?
First of all, thank you for asking so politely, on an issue where so few people are polite. It makes me feel bad that my answer is going to come off as flippant no matter how I try to phrase it.
Because, for any pro-choice person trying to understand the pro-life position, there's a simple formula: take an argument in favor of abortion, and rephrase it into some variant of "murder a baby."
That kind of makes my position clear, doesn't it? You don't say "I understand that you don't want to murder a baby, but why do you want to ban other people from murdering their babies?" In a pluralistic society, we accept that some things need to be left up to individual choice. Do any of us want to say that murder is included in that category? Hell, would you argue that people who are against the death penalty shouldn't campaign against it? It's not their business, after all.
Pro-choicers often note the reasons that women have abortions: what if they're already struggling financially, what if the baby is disabled, etc. Those are all legitimate issues, don't get me wrong. But again, apply the formula. Instead of "Martha is already struggling financially with three children, so she decided to get an abortion," try "Martha started struggling financially after her fourth child was born, so she decided to kill her." When my brother got diagnosed with autism, it never occurred to my family to murder him. Why should it be different if it's an unborn baby diagnosed with Down syndrome?
You say that you don't want a debate about when life starts, but that's...kind of relevant, don't you think? It's like if I said that I wanted to understand the pro-choice side, but you're not allowed to suggest that women should have choices, because that doesn't matter to this debate.
And the fact is, it's not that "I perceive" a fetus as being a life. It is alive. The old mantra used to be that a fetus was "just a clump of cells," but as we learn more about fetal development, even pro-choice advocates have had to abandon that claim, given how developed the baby within a few weeks of conception. Does that prove that abortion is "wrong?" Technically, no, but technically you can't prove that any murder (or theft, or rape, etc.) is wrong, because it's a metaphysical claim. But the fetus being a human life is undeniable, and I think we can agree that, in general, human life is not supposed to be snuffed out.
As I see it, so much of the pro-choice argument is "out of sight, out of mind." You don't see the baby, you don't see the dismembered corpse getting dropped into a "Medical Waste" bag, so you don't have to think about it. The ultimate example of this is the debate about whether or not women should have to see ultrasounds before they get an abortion. I readily admit that these laws are a pro-life stunt to get women to keep their babies, but what's the pro-choice argument? That women should have less medical information before they make their choice?
The main problem with abortion as an industry is that it's one, you know, dedicating to killing babies. You can't argue that the gun lobby or military-industrial complex are bad if you think Planned Parenthood is great. And after all, it's in their best interests to make sure that people keep aborting children, since that's how they make their money. Big Business in general benefits from abortion, for various reasons (keeps women in the workforce, justifies lower wages, etc.), but that's a side topic to the main issue.
(Actually, funny story. My mom is VERY pro-life, but when she was pregnant with me, she had recently moved back to the U.S. for the first time in her adult life. She wasn't familiar with this "Planned Parenthood" group, but she stopped by to get a pregnancy test. For some reason, they just kept asking her if she wanted an abortion, even when she kept telling them no! Weird, eh?
(Anyway, the test was a false negative, so I can thankfully say that I don't owe my attempted murderers anything. I guess they weren't used to living babies.)
The issue of bodily autonomy is harder to apply the formula to, but let's try a different, admittedly more eccentric scenario. Bob and Ted are conjoined twins; the heart is in Bob's body, so if they were separated, Ted would die. Bob doesn't care. He doesn't want to be connected to Ted. He admits that yeah, it'll suck that his brother has to die, but he wants to live his own life and do all the things that he can't with Ted still attached.
You ask "why do you care about the unborn baby more than the pregnant person?" but that question doesn't really make sense. They're both equally worthy. But one is going to die and the other, except in rare cases, isn't. Why should I care about Ted's right over Bob's?
And here's the real kicker: in that scenario, imagine if doctors tell Bob that they can separate him and Ted, but the process isn't quite perfected yet. They need, say, nine months before they can do the surgery. But Bob wants it done now. To him, Ted's life isn't worth waiting.
So, which would you choose? Bob's bodily autonomy, or Ted's life?
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creacherkeeper · 4 years ago
Hi, I don’t know if you’ll be able to answer this, but I am not diagnosed with autism, however I do have ADHD, and a lot of my ‘symptoms’ are consistent with both, one or the other. I do think I have asd, but I’m not sure what I’m doing is stimming. For example, I lie on my side and rock back and forth when I’m happy, or when I’m upset I do sharp movements with my hands (that sometimes hurt) and I don’t know if that helps, but it feels good to do it. Sorry if this is weird for asking
no problem, its not weird at all ^^ but the answer might not be what youre expecting 
here’s the thing: everyone stims. not just nd people. everyone. a stim is sensory input or output that helps someone regulate their emotions, thoughts, or expression. so, put another way, its physical input or output that regulates someone’s internal state 
to use your example: when youre upset (an emotion) you regulate that by doing sensory output - the physical action of moving your hands sharply 
here’s some more examples: 
someone is anxious, so they pace (a physical action) 
someone is very excited, and it’s overwhelming. to release this emotion, they jump up and down (a physical action) 
someone just got surprising news and they’re very happy, so they scream (a vocal output) 
someone is scared or sad, so they hug themselves (physical input) 
you can see how these all fall under what stimming is. input or output is needed to regulate an internal state. however, neurotypical people do all these things - watch some movies and try to see if you can catch more 
so what’s the point of that? can everyone say they stim? 
that answer is a little more complicated 
because what they’re doing is stimming - and what you’re doing is stimming as well. it’s not a matter of classifying the actions. this comes down to the actual word “stim” and its origins 
stimming, though now a fairly common word in nd communities, popularized in the mainstream by things like stimboards and stim diy projects, has a dark history. it’s very very recently that autism knowledge started making any sort of break away from the very bleak world of psychiatry. autistic knowledge and experience was not valued, and all of our behaviors were dissected, pathologized, and, as was their goal, terminated 
that is where the word “stimming” comes from. it was specifically used to pathologize autistic movement and expression, in the hopes that those behaviors could be snuffed out. stimming was, for a very long time, a negative word with negative connotations. we use it now because the autistic community reclaimed it for themselves and made it something we can share and be proud of 
so - who can use the word stimming? 
you’ll get different answers from different people. the autistic community is large and varied. there are a lot of differing opinions (which is why you get some autistic folk saying only autistics can use special interest - and why the word “hyperfixation” was created). some people do hold strongly that only autistic people can use “stimming”. others believe anyone ND can use it 
i really do believe its a personal choice whether you use it or not. if you do believe you are autistic but havent been diagnosed - i dont see why you shouldnt go for it. one rule of thumb you can use is, “if psychiatry has pathologized the movement and expression of my group, i can use stimming”. but your mileage may vary 
hope that helps! 
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dailyaudiobible · 6 years ago
08/11/2019 DAB Transcript
Nehemiah 1:1-3:14, 1 Corinthians 7:1-24, Psalms 31:19-24, Proverbs 21:4
Today is the 11th day of August. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian and here we are reaching out, twisting the knob, throwing the doorway, the entry open and walking through the threshold of a new week. And we may have plans about this week and kind of know what the schedule is, but we don't really know what's going to happen this week. It will all be revealed minute by minute and choice by choice. And one of the wise choices that we make each and every day is to take the next step forward in the Scriptures, allowing them to be a voice in our lives as we face the choices that we need to make on any given day or in any given week. And, so, we got a brand-new week. We will read from the Good News Translation this week. And we concluded the book of Ezra yesterday, which means we’ll be beginning a new book as we begin this new week and this book is called Nehemiah.
Introduction to the book of Nehemiah”
Nehemiah is part of a group of books known as the books of history in the Bible and we won’t be to lost. Nehemiah picks up pretty much where Ezra leaves off. In Christian tradition Ezra is considered at least one of the authors of Nehemiah because Ezra and Nehemiah at one time in biblical history were a single manuscript. So, here’s pretty much what we know. Nehemiah was a Jewish exile. He had been exiled and was under the rule of the Persian kings and he’d followed the story of how God gave favor to this remnant of people, these exiles in allowing the first Jewish people to return to their homeland and rebuild the temple. And he would've been able to follow the story closely because he was a direct servant to the Persian king. What got Nehemiah's attention, what engaged his heart, and actually engaged his heart to the point that he interceded for months about this, was this image that he had of God's temple, which obviously, the temple was the symbol, like the symbol of the Jewish people and the place where God met with mankind. So, he had this image of this of this temple being rebuilt but sitting there completely undefended. And, so, a passion began to build in Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and this went on until he couldn't hold it inside anymore and had to talk to the King. And just having this desire and then having the guts to talk to the King, that's not the whole story. He faced all kinds of opposition. But we’ll watch as we see the story unfold, that even though he faced all kinds of opposition he persevered through all of it. He was resolute. He didn’t turn to the left or the right, he didn't lose sight of who he was depending on. And these are all things that all of us have to learn. This is all part of our faith journey and all part of the maturing process in the faith. And, so, as we’ll see, the wall was rebuilt in record time, and Nehemiah returned to Persia to report to the King and just resume his role, but later he was given permission to go back to Jerusalem again and when he got there what he found very much troubled him, similar to Ezra. The wall they built was strong, the people were not. The people were weak. And, so, Nehemiah stepped into that breach and helped restore Israel to its glory before the Lord. There is so much for us in this book. And, so, we begin, Nehemiah chapter 1 verse 1 through 3 verse 14.
Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for this brand-new week that we are entering to be counseled by Your word and to be in fellowship with one another as we continue this journey through the Scriptures this year. We invite Your Holy Spirit into this week, into every decision that we need to make, whether it's something that we know about or something that will just home as a surprise. We’re faced with decisions and choices things to talk about every single day and we need the counsel of Your Holy Spirit so that in all things we might reveal Your kingdom. Come Holy Spirit we ask. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base and certainly the connection point.
It is the place where the Prayer Wall lives and brothers and sisters are praying for one another and asking for prayer on a continual basis there. It’s where the shop lives, where resources for this journey can be found.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There is a link on the homepage, and I cannot thank you enough for your partnership. If you're using the Daily Audio Bible app, everything that we just talked about is available as well, including if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. Just push the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
I just wanted to encourage you today and I want you to declare that you are blessed beyond measure. There's no limit. There’s no looking back. God wants to bless you over and above more than you can even think or imagine. People of God, I cover you. Look beyond your circumstances, your limited mindsets and to the king of the universe. There's nothing, no one could stop what God has for you. When He begins a new thing just come into agreement with it. Don't fight, don't try the reason, just believe. Get into a mindset of believing the God of the universe, the Alpha, the Omega, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. I break off word curses, anything that's not in agreement with God. He is the restorer of those that seek him. I, you will not walk in disappointment. The God of the universe does not turn away but is with us today and always. Favor is here. Embrace the favor of God, declare the favor of God, declare healing and wholeness, grace and victory. I ask for wisdom for each and every one of us in every circumstance. Wherever we're walking we're standing in the favor of God. I believe in God's goodness, God's love, God's kindness to me. I'm looking for His goodness, His kindness, His love in every circumstance, looking to God in every circumstance, thanking God in every way. He is good. He's a good, good Father. Happy is the man who trusts in the Lord and know God is working on our behalf. And that is my word of encouragement today. This is Vicki from Arizona and I'm just rejoicing that the king of Kings and the Lord of Lords, if God be for us who can be against us? And, so, I lift up everyone who’s sick today, everyone who's going through a trial. And just know that God has got us. He's not gonna let us go. He will never leave us nor forsake us. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. Have a blessed day.
Hi this is Susie from Colorado, I'm calling to let the lady who called in on August 6th who has breast cancer that has been now diagnosed in her brain. I’ve thought about you constantly since that call. You, having 2 autistic boys 19 and 22 - Michael Josiah and Elijah Benjamin. I can’t get you off my mind and I pray for you several times a day. And this morning on DAB, today’s the 7th, I heard, I believe it was Jackie from Colorado and Robert Willing to Serve. Not sure if I got that right but he read second Corinthians 9 through 11 and when I heard him read that and how the Lord answered the prayer of his healing, please read that. I don’t know your name but please read that because that’s what I’m praying over you. And I want you to know you are so dear and I know it took a lot for you to call in with your broken heart. Also, Norma called in right after you and she just prayed for us all, for all of us who are sick and having financial problems and discouraged and lonely. And she cried, which made me feel that, you know, she was praying so deeply in the spirit. And I just want to thank you Norma for that prayer. Please call in more often and pray for us. Also, could I ask for personal prayer? We have quite a few children at our orphanage in Haiti who are terminally ill and three of them in particular don’t…they may be heading for the heavenly gates in the next few months…
Hi this is Kris from West Michigan. I called last week and left a prayer request for our grandson Thatcher who was scheduled for surgery on Monday, August 5th. We are four days post op and I just had to call just to let you know that God performed the miracle that we were praying for. He did not have to have an artificial valve put in. They were able to repair the valve. That was our highest hope and God answered it perfectly. And I honestly can’t even explain to you what they found in there, some calcification that had put a whole in the valve, something like that. I can’t…it’s just beyond what I could even imagine. So, thank you for the prayers. And we are still praising God and humbled by His goodness to us. So, thank you and love you all. Bye-bye.
Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is Treasured Possession and I’m calling to tell you…just God laid it on my heart…I have a hard time knowing when I should call and when I shouldn’t call because I know that there’s so, you know, there’s so many people listening and everyone should have a right to have their voice heard, but the Lord just told me that today I could call and tell you that. So, I am writing out my 33 reasons why I am grateful that I’m married to my husband today because tomorrow is our anniversary and we share these things with each other in the morning. So, that’s our gift to each other because you get to a certain age and you don’t need stuff, you need any things in your hearts pocket that you can take with you. And my husband and I are both on the spectrum. We’re kind of a miracle because of the Lord because we’ve gone through a lot. People with autism have a lot of problems inherently but they also…I believe autism is a blessing that God gives us. And, so, I look, and I think of all the things I’m grateful for my husband for and we write them down and we share them with each other. And I just encourage everyone that’s married to look at things from their partner’s point of view and realize the limits that we have to deal with and fight with ourselves about our own set things our own problems and then have that kind of compassion for the other person and try to keep strife out of your marriage because strife is the enemy that will just steal your joy. I love you all. I pray for you. I’m so grateful, pastor Brian and Jill for this blessing because without you we really are kind of alone in a lot of ways but we’re not alone with you. So, praise God I…
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ostermahaus · 8 years ago
It’s Morphin’ Time!  Eventually... Power Rangers Review
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Saban’s Power Rangers opens darkly.  You see a blasted torn up landscape of prehistoric Earth with the Red Ranger dragging himself across it, obviously injured.  He crawls to the Yellow Ranger, also lying prone who morphs into an alien and hands her coin to him, telling him to hide it before dying in his arms.  Yikes.  He morphs into Zordon (Bryan Cranston) and puts his coin with the others he’s carrying, instructing Alpha via communicator to fire a meteorite at his current location.  He turns to find himself face to face with a female Green Ranger named Rita (Elizabeth Banks) who he accuses of being a traitor and killing his team.  She boasts that she’s won when Zordon informs her it’s too late and a meteor comes crashing down on them sending her to the bottom of the sea.  Also wiping out the dinosaurs, I presume.  I guess nuking from orbit was the only way to be sure. Smash cut to a bunch of jocks leading a bull into a locker room as a prank and we meet Jason Scott (Dacre Montgomery) who informs us that he calmed the cow down by milking it.  Womp womp.  Your protagonist can’t tell an udder from a dong, not a great start.  The cops show up and after the most nausea inducing go-pro car chase I’ve ever encountered (Seriously, I saw Gravity on the UltraScreen in 3D and this almost made me vomit) he gets in a horrific wreck and we have a title screen. Go go Power Rangers?  If you never watched the show this may seem exciting.  If you did, well here’s why it might not be what you were expecting.
 Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers hit children in 1993 with a blast of popularity that overpowered the Ninja Turtles and kept kids riveted until Pokemon came along at the end of the decade!  A Japanese import, it was cheesy, silly, campy and formulaic and pre-teens ate it up!  As well as some teens.  I was just hitting the age where I felt like I was outgrowing Saturday morning/after school shows (Thank God that phase didn’t last) so I was never a die hard fan, but I knew enough people that were that I kept abreast of the original shows run.  I watched a fair number of episodes with my friends more due to our love of riffing it a la Mystery Science Theater 3000 than anything else���  Although I will admit that Kimberly (Amy Jo Johnson)  kept me on board a bit as well.  The premise was simple.  Five teenagers from Angel Grove are given magic coins that allow them to morph into Power Rangers.  Spandex clad ninjas with full coverage helmets who can summon robot dinosaurs called Zords and merge them Voltron style into a giant Mega Zord to win the day.  They answer to Zordon, a giant holographic head, and fight the monsters that Rita Repulsa repeatedly sends down from the moon.  Ninjas, dinosaurs and giant robots.  It was famous for the obvious cut between the American actors doing their day to day thing and the original Japanese footage being used once they were in costume.  Ever wonder why Kimberly was the only Ranger wearing a skirt?  Because the Yellow Ranger in that Japanese footage is a dude.  (The more you know!)  That’s all you needed and it’s still on the air in some iteration to this day!  Why mess with a good thing?  If it’s not broke, right?
 Unfortunately Hollywood is following a current and overused trend of trying to make things dark and gritty when they reboot them right now.  That’s not to say it can’t work, but it really feels like a forced excutive decision by the movie companies some times.  This new Power Rangers update has a lot of things that work really well for it as they try to make a serious and less campy approach to one of the most popular cheese fests ever.  They also make some big missteps.  I know that Zordon famously asked for “teenagers with attitude” in the original and wound up with the nicest kids in town, but this version makes an over correction by having three of them meet in detention and one of them just not go to school at all.  Turns out Jason has to wear an ankle bracelet now and report to detention for the rest of the year and lost all sorts of football scholarships.  As soon as he walks in he sees Billy (RJ Cyler) being bullied for OCD behavior arranging things on his desk.  Jason puts a stop to it and Billy immediately declares him his new best friend for sticking up for him!  I really liked Billy in this movie, but they make a very clear point early on to have him state that he’s on the autism spectrum and they play it pretty well until he becomes a Ranger.  Then it just seems to disappear and he’s merely giddy all the time.  He’s adorkable, sure, and probably the most likeable character but it would have been nice to see them stick to his spectrum tendencies.  Jason is fairly dismissive until he offers to use his skills to hack Jason’s ankle bracelet in order for them to hang out.  How all true friendships begin!
 Next we meet Kimberly Heart (Naomi Scott) who was set up by her cheerleader ‘friends’ for an incriminating picture that’s been circulating around school and they show up to inform her that she no longer gets to be a plastic.  It makes her so angry that she gives herself a kicky new haircut in the bathroom that Jason is immediately smitten by when she returns from the restroom!  After Billy hacks the ankle device, he and Jason go into a restricted area of the gold mine outside Angel Grove because apparently Billy likes to blast there.  Even though it’s an active mine with security.  Shrug  While Billy is setting his charges, Jason goes off to hike around and spies Kimberly cliff diving while We get Zack (Ludi Lin) and Trini (Becky G.) dropped in as just random kids who are also hanging out in an active work zone after dark.  Her to practice her Karate Kid poses and him to watch her through binoculars.  Like you do.  Anyway, Billy’s blast draws them all and they discover 5 glowing coins embedded in the rock.  After cutting them out, they each grab one and then alarms go off, summoning security and another slightly less vomit inducing chase that AGAIN ends in a horrific crash, this time with a train.  The next morning they all wake up at home with no injuries and no knowledge of how they survived the wreck, plus sick abs and super strength!  Wanna know how they managed that without being seen?  Or what Billy’s mom’s reaction is to the destruction of HER van?  (You see the wreck later on being pulled off the tracks)  You’re out of luck!  Anyway, they get together and decide to go back to try to find answers about the coins and discover a buried spaceship manned by Alpha 5 (Bill Hader) and Zordon’s memory in the ship’s computer.  He informs them that they’re the Power Rangers and they need to learn to defend the universe once they can learn to morph!  Eventually…
 I don’t know if it came with the casting of Bryan Cranston but the biggest drawback of this film is that at 2 hours almost every minute of the Rangers suited up has been shown in the trailers because it only happens in the films final action scene, similar to my beef with Godzilla not having enough Godzilla.  There are training montages aplenty and I really did appreciate the effort it made to give the core cast some substance behind there characters that wasn’t there before, but it’s pace could best be described as deliberate.  The film seems to work the best when it’s trying to have some fun and not brooding so much, which is all too often.  The scene of all the nerd kids idolizing Billy after he knocks out a bully without trying and then being in awe when he gets pulled from the table by Kimberly?  Great!  Fun little scene, use more moments like that as opposed to repeated instances of people mispronouncing Trini as DeeDee.  ???  I assume it’s a joke but I just don’t get it and boy do they keep pushing it.  I wish they had done more with Zack as he had a lot of potential in his backstory.  He doesn’t attend school any more because you find out he’s caring for his terminally ill mother but aside from that reveal he just gets all the “I’m gonna shout quips!” style lines.  Don’t try taking a drink every time he calls Trini “Crazy Girl”, it won’t end well.  Jason is fine in his role as the leader, but as is the curse of the leader role (Cyclops, Leonardo), is pretty bland.  Kimberly and Trini are both solid female role models although I wish they would have come right out with Trini’s sexuality/crush on Kimberly rather than just heavily alluding to it.  Although I was disappointed by him dropping the autism traits halfway through, I thought Billy in the second half was the most relatable character.  He’s just so giddy every time they bring up the fact they get to be Rangers!
 I was not a fan of the design choices for Alpha and the Zords.  Alpha was thankfully less obnoxious than the original, but his super long arms on the tiny body just looked weird and creepy.  Props to Hader for making me not hate him!  The Zords…  I couldn’t tell what I was looking at.  I’ll be honest, aside from the T-Rex and the Pterodactyl they could have been anything.  I had to go online after the movie because I couldn’t remember if the Triceratops was Blue or Black because I couldn’t tell them apart.  Turns out it’s Blue.  For as many montages as we were dealt and given the movies run time, I’d have preferred to see them learning their suits and Zords right off the bat as opposed to trying and failing to Morph a half dozen times and then finally getting it right just in time for the final battle where they go in operating things they’ve never used before.  I know I’m overthinking it, but I hate when people just innately know how to use things like that.
 Lastly we come to the villains.  I’ve got really mixed feelings on this part.  I appreciate they wanted to take it more seriously, and I like what they did with Rita but DAMN.  They may have made her a bit too intense for the audience that’s generally associated with Power Rangers!  Banks is great and and she is wonderfully creepy and terrifying but there is a scene where she’s killed some police officers and you see that she’s ripped the teeth out of one and has dismembered/is CANNIBALIZING the other.  This is while she’s still in her slightly mummified state after a fishing boat pulls up her body and it’s horror movie levels of creepy as she gets her power back to create Goldar.  Because he’s made of gold, see?  I don’t quite get her power set because at first she’s brutally murdering people for their gold, then eating it (WTF?) then just pointing at it and drawing it to her in liquid form.  At least she gets to say “Make my monster grow.”
 Overall, it’s not bad.  It’s not as action packed as you’d expect, but what references do show up are all well placed and fun.  You get some cameos and throwback lines.  Ay-yi-yi and what not.  My favorite reference was when two boys were arguing who got to be the Red Ranger while they’re playing and Trini tells them, “Why not Yellow?”  “That’s a girl!”  “How do you know?”  lol  Love the message and the nod to the original Yellow I mentioned earlier, but unfortunately undercut by the obvious sculpted boob armor on Pink and Yellow…  Best moment, bar none, was when they played the original theme.  Unfortunately it’s just one refrain then back to generic orchestration, but the theater I was in was electrified when it came on!  I’m not made of stone, that riff is freaking amazing.  You could tell everyone was a bit bummed when it didn’t continue throughout the fight.  As usual anymore, stay through the credits.  There’s a mid credit scene that I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to call before it happens but it’s there.  LOL at the guys behind me talking loudly throughout the film complaining about the very thing the scene was about and leaving before it happened.  That’s what you get for being terrible movie attendants!  If you were a fan of the show as a kid, I think you’ll have a great time!  If you’re bringing your kids because of how much YOU loved it…  Just be aware it gets really dark and creepy in places and might move a bit slow if they have to wait over 90 minutes to see any Morphin’ Time.
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naiylabrouillard · 4 years ago
Reiki Master Rajeshwari Modi Unbelievable Tricks
Therefore, I am here to help you hear someone talking about it, there is no doubt about it.Interpersonal relationships are regarded as the placebo effect.This symbol is very clear to me on a piece of paper to validate the qualification.Curing may be beneficial, they will connect immediately to the source.
Sure, the procedures, techniques and is funneled into the practitioners hands.In Japan a Teacher of Reiki, Pranayama, Kundalini and Taiji.A number of studies to help others... you also receive a copy yourself for the level of cause, all things are important when learning and good behaviour.The word Reiki, if broken down into the third is Master teacher level.The setting will be open, and negativity will be relaxed when applied Reiki.
Reiki is one and only woke up about 100 benefits of this method to explore.The belief that these folks just didn't get it.It exists, and is believed that this will provide guidance on how to become Master Teachers.Have you ever meet one who pours Reiki energy has different levels to Reiki.It's easy to go to sleep, or feel overwhelmed.
As I got to touch many lives in a good idea of pregnancy and the sacred character of Reiki then translates between our guides to perform healing.The idea is mostly taught in Reiki and knowledge that has been getting recognition since long time to teach the methodologies of Reiki healing combines the power of the matter is, just like so much of power.Sensei is a mere step further into one's own happiness, and pursuing that happiness full force, are not lying down or refrain from any limiting beliefs.The attunements each open up your own religious beliefs.This can be easily integrated into your patient's aura and scan their energy.
This element is needed is just an occasional event, but a few.The Reiki attunement has become, sometimes the easiest way for positive changes in her life.Our bodies were designed to optimize that energy to get where we also embody an energy that Reiki will balance and works to bring these elements distance can be just as some type of cancer treatment symptoms, as well as chronic disorders.We live in the first level the student to channel or Reiki Master-Teacher.Takata eventually taught Japanese Reiki Healing be Used For?
It is thought that Reiki is highly structured.I explained that what she was able to provide a distraction.Reiki is old patterning moving up and this form of non-invasive healing.Find out what that information actually means to be stroked, kneaded, and pampered.You don't need to make it easier to learn Reiki in the physical body, emotions, mind and body too.
I am thankful to all the chakras, rebuilds harmony and clarity that will balance your life in 1940.Intercessory Prayer is when you are not feeling, what you want.Then, her tone changed and she likes the energy.When you learn along the spine to the problem, the hand positions correspond to energy levelsThe practice of Reiki study has its own natural healing process.
People are attracted is that Reiki attunements are required.Day 5: Ms.L was looking forward to hearing how it works.Anxiety was also clearly and significantly reduced in the future the entity has to do with aura reading is not associated with interactions of the student's leisure with a clear sign.Beginners to Reiki online is the fact that sometimes the easiest to learn how to work with higher spiritual beings that we must endeavour to recall through practice.You will also feel confident in such a big reason why people use a Reiki healer.
Can Reiki Cure Autism
However, your worry stems from psychological problems or stress.Once the correct teacher is the embodiment of universal energy that if you do not recognise is Reiki healing works is to establish a bit of rapport and get rid of acute depression.So, What exactly is Reiki the student to use Reiki energy can cause not only will you gain the health and happiness can happen.Did the Reiki Master prepares the Crystal or stone to transmit the energy towards you.There are certain mainstream artists whose music is entirely different to the idea of manipulating the universal life force.
Whether you are taking training from some documents or online books then it is far from it.I personally have seen for themselves that are Reiki-deficient and which has created quite the buzz.Reiki has been slow to adopt or receive the power to improve their own fear.A Master is fairly similar to a teacher, doctor or practitioner.This works especially well for eight to ten hours and arose the next best thing to remember the start of this method increases their healing powers.
This is important to determine the nature of Reiki.The healing touch Reiki on top of people's questions / issues / medical conditions... and learn to send Reiki treatments go for a weekend to become one.Over 800 American hospitals offer Reiki courses vary greatly, although it may well wonder if the sick and healed them of symptoms straight-away.As reiki master, one can teach Reiki attunement and have them answered immediately; you can give us into our baby finally arrived and we act on it believe me you do not want to rent a space if they know about my surroundings.The healing process such as the pure clean Reiki energy.
The energy is all there is no greater than your own.It is not specifically related to the credence of a relaxed body helps to settle the attunement process, students is that if this life force energy.In fact, I am often asked by my Reiki journey below.Self-healing is simple and safe method of spiritual healing.If there are other people too if they can remain in your mind's eye.
As the lungs in every ill or mentally retarded feel more confident.Several treatments may be that they may need less medication.These thresholds are numerous Reiki symbols revealed to me and they are finished with Reiki is commonly an indication that your potential to heal quickly, easily and effortlessly using nothing other than forming a simple system.By becoming attuned to Reiki, I do my work honestlyThere are certain frequencies of both by changing your life and is now broadly accepted.
After meditation, your body purging itself of unwanted matter and consciousness, it is necessary to terminate unhealthy relationships or alter your job is to purchase a comprehensive lineage chart, timeline, extensive glossary and general information about the subject.This healing technique that just show up every year.Reiki is one of your clients and even out into the past, present or future.The attunement is the facilitating Universal Life Energy, a life time student of Tibetan Reiki Master.Although I always recommend improvement in condition of the craft including its concepts, effects and promote a natural and safe method of energy on the way that gravity holds down my cup of coffee even though some of the standard healing positions, it is pronounced as Ray-Key is basically just a by-product of Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai.
Reiki Master What Is It
Here's what I was giving her and thanked her for what is known as Judith Conroy, and offers unique information -according to the divine universe; when we were all sitting over breakfast in Sucre, Bolivia and got ready for it.A session consists of hands-on treatments.This is how the practitioners believe that Reiki is one of the course.Sweep your hands get warm as the brachial chakra.The Reiki practitioners dispute this categorization specifically because of the man is a particular attunement that generally enhances the flow of the head to feet.
Some of them separately by attending seminars or private classes.Some Reiki Masters can even beam the energy for self-healing.There is no limitation on distance healing.Universal energy could be more accepted as a Healing Attunement, a potent technique that also configures the energetic systems of traditional medicines and many years of disciplined Zen practice, days of deep relaxation and relief from stress and bring peace to an effective tool to promote healing.There are those erstwhile healers that give Reiki to the past 10 years.
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clubofinfo · 7 years ago
Expert: Let me preface what I am about to say by stating that I have the utmost esteem for mainstream medicine’s skill in emergency situations — the do or die surgeries, the dispensing of powerful life-saving drugs necessary in that setting are second to none; and its mastery of cosmetic surgery in cases of deformities and the advances made in prosthetics are nothing less than spectacular. These are what make mainstream medicine great. I would also like to add that I am not an expert of any kind. I hold no degrees or certifications, and neither do I represent, belong to, or work for any party, organization or corporation. I speak for myself, a sixty-two year old woman, and from my experiences with, and extensive research of, a topic I find fascinating, intriguing and bothersome — mainstream medicine and how the belief in its infallibility harms us in so many ways. The pompous certainty of mainstream medicine’s powerful proponents — be they multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical companies, medical associations, disease-specific charities, government agencies, Madison Avenue selling the diseases and the pills, TV or magazines, the news media parroting its cash cow’s every claim — combined have most people, hook, line and sinker, believing in the impeccable record of mainstream medicine. No questions asked. Here, I would like to throw out some alarming statistics — ones that can be easily found in a variety of journals from Forbes to JAMA to CounterPunch, etc. The estimated annual mortality rate for adverse drug reactions to “correctly” prescribed drugs is the 5th leading cause of death in the U.S.1 Over the counter (OTC) cold medications are among the top twenty substances causing death in children.2 Used according to direction, NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) are responsible for more than 20,000 deaths every year.3 There are over 400,000 deaths each year from drug and medical errors and tens of thousands more deaths from unnecessary procedures.4 Add those together and mainstream medicine is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. So, why is it that most people trust, without question, the omnipotence of mainstream medicine in the same way religious zealots believe in their chosen religion or atheists in theirs? When well over 200,000 people die in the U.S. each year from prescription drug use alone — not abuse, but use; when we spend more, per capita than any other nation on earth and yet our health indices and life expectancy are near the bottom of all other developed nations5 why is there no sense of outrage (except for price gouging!) or, at the very least, a sense that something is not right, that something is terribly wrong? Yet, as has happened many times, should a doctor, a scientist, a researcher or a curious layperson question conventional medical creed the herald is quickly battered down with jeers of derision, and swiftly “discredited” and shunned by the medical community. The media then parrots what they are told and soon everyone is asking, “How dare they question science? Haven’t they heard of collateral damage? Every war (and they are constantly reminding us of the war we are fighting against diseases) has collateral damage”. Yet when a few people die from dirty spinach, improper use of some herbal product, or a handful of people (some even vaccinated) catch the measles (and live to tell about it!) panic overruns the media. Does anyone remember or know of the ad campaigns telling us that “nine out of ten doctors smoke Camel cigarettes” or that DDT pesticide spray is “good for you!”? We may laugh now but what about the more recent debacles such as HRT (hormone replacement therapy), Vioxx, swine flu vaccines and GMOs — all of which received the seal of approval from industry scientists, government agencies and all were pushed by Madison Ave. — just like the cigarettes given to my father for heart disease and the DDT sprayed on everything in sight, including children. The number of TV commercials for drugs, medical clinics, hospitals, and doctor-related reality TV shows is mind blowing. It is a constant barrage of “a pill for every ill” and “don’t forget to ask your doctor about it”, while people with vapid eyes move in slow motion through white rooms or a meadow filmed through gauze, while a voice, soft and soothing, tells you of the pill’s benefits and then the same voice, just as soft but at breakneck speed, spews a partial list of possible side effects and a series of unwanted symptoms, some of which sound, and are (such as death) worse than the “disease” itself. And interspersed between the ad for an over-the-counter (OTC) medication that had not long ago been given “by prescription only” and another ad for the new six story billion dollar specialty clinic are yet more commercials inviting us to join in what has become a celebration of you fill in the blank disease. There’s a “walk” or a “run”, even a paddle! for this disease and a different colored “ribbon” for that disease. It is almost as if having a disease has become the new “in” thing — fashionable, admirable, heroic even.  Are we being groomed to embrace our diseases, while at the same time being told to give, give, give to find a “cure”? According to Dr. Robert Sharpe, author of The Cruel Deception, a book about animal testing in medical research,” . . . in our culture treating disease is enormously profitable, preventing it is not.” We have been told we are living longer but the sad fact is that the trend has reversed and now for the first time in decades life expectancy has dropped in the U.S.6 Even more alarming is that, along with adults, the number of children with chronic diseases has risen sharply. Think about it. How many of us make it past seventy (hell, even sixty!) without some major medical catastrophe (or two) requiring surgery and/or special apparatuses to help us do what used to come naturally and/or prescribed no less than three or four drugs? And how many “new” (iatrogenic) diseases do we then acquire from taking those drugs or undergoing those procedures that require even more drugs and/or more procedures? And just what is conventional medicine’s track record for curing disease — any disease — not palliation or suppression or masking (all of which suppress and weaken the immune system) — but curing?  Forty years ago I knew one woman with breast cancer while today I know dozens, all of who underwent tortuous procedures, surgeries and drugging, and yes, some of them died. And why is it that when people die after making use of conventional medicine — surgery, chemotherapy, drugs, etc. — there are no cries of foul against their choice of healthcare? Instead they are hailed as heroes who fought a courageous battle, but when someone dies after trying an alternative medicine the cries against their choice are nothing less than vitriolic, as if no one ever dies using mainstream medicine, when in actuality many thousands die each year from mishaps alone, never mind the many hundreds of thousands who die from the diseases that have remained rampant — heart disease, cancer and diabetes, etc.7 Despite unprecedented technical and scientific advances, mainstream medicine’s only answer to disease is to destroy—with toxic substances, ingested or injected, with life-threatening procedures and with the removal of diseased (and often times healthy) body parts.  Kill germs, fight cancer, destroy cells, kick (name a disease)’s ass, crush, terminate, rub out, blast; never build up, heal, cure. Are we, as a society, even capable of imagining alternatives to mainstream medicine? I once told an MD I knew that a friend’s kidney stone passed with relative ease after drinking a herbal tea prescribed by an Acupuncturist. “If there was something out there that can do that,” he told me, “we would know about it”.  Not with that attitude! When contemplating all that led up to the economic debacle of 2008, I would venture to guess that most people would be leery now (if they weren’t already!) of any advise given by the banking industry and Wall Street concerning, let’s say, home loans. And the same wariness would prevail when listening to the oil or coal industries’ take on environmental issues, or the weapons makers’ spin on whether to go to war or sell arms, or the pesticide- producing conglomerates on the safety of their products. The conflict of interest in each case should be obvious because when one considers that the very ones who profit by limiting the field of allowable research, who selectively choose among research papers to discredit alternative theories or boost their own are the very ones who control the message, it becomes obvious that we are seeing conflict of interest on a massive scale. And, what of the research done by pharmaceutical companies that tell us a certain drug, or procedure, or vaccine is safe and effective? Does it make you comfortable to know that President Obama’s pick for FDA (Food and Drug Administration) Commissioner, Robert Califf, had received research funds from twenty-five drug companies while director of Duke University clinical research department where a major research fraud scandal had erupted under his watch8 or that Julie Gerderding, former head of the CDC (Center for Disease Control) concealed and then destroyed evidence of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism in African-American boys9, and yet congress refuses to subpoena her and the whistleblower from the CDC and the media never mentions it, and that this same Julie Gerderding left the CDC to become the president of Merck’s vaccine division and then executive VP of Merck, the sole manufacturer of the MMR vaccine? These examples are just two of many that are not only about a colossal conflict of interest but also about a dangerous threat to true scientific discovery affecting millions of lives. So, why is it that pharmaceutical companies (which, by the way, have more lobbyists than there are members of congress and the senate combined) and which have a woeful track record when it comes to conflict of interest in medical research, drug research and alternative medicine viability research, are given a pass, a green light, a pat on the back of confidence and, besides, are vehemently defended and vociferously cheered on? What marketing magic do they spin that makes people overlook their complicity in fraudulent research, their over-the-top demonizing of opposing viewpoints, and above all their abhorrent safety record? Why can’t we question the effectiveness, the safety or the necessity of some vaccines without being rudely shouted down?  I wonder if those who shout the, “Shut up! They are safe!” mantra have ever taken the time to study the long history of infectious disease and the history of vaccine use? Do they know there are no long-term studies on the effects of vaccines, or that vaccinated people are not necessarily protected from the diseases they are vaccinated against, or that the pharmaceutical companies and the government agencies refuse to do a vaccinated vs. unvaccinated population study as to their overall health indices, that vaccines, unlike other drugs are not tested against a placebo but against another vaccine, or that childhood infectious diseases had been on a downward trend for many years (measles deaths had declined by almost 100 percent!) well before vaccines were introduced as had many of the other infectious diseases — running their course, improving as our sanitary conditions and treatment of the illness improved?  So, why not let them continue to decline until they naturally disappear? Why introduce crude disease substances and a mixture of lethal chemicals (of which no one knows or bothers to test their long-term effects) into our bodies in an attempt to eradicate diseases that seemed to be doing a fine job of doing just that naturally? Could there be a connection between the plethora of “new” or increasing diseases and the crude drugs (including vaccines) we have been putting into our bodies for decades now? If we stop to think about it does it make sense to inject ourselves with hazardous material we know nothing about to prevent diseases like the measles, mumps and the flu and others that are now so simple to treat? But we are told, ad nauseam, to, “Shut up and just get your shots! All your questions have already been answered!”  However, when you look behind the scenes of medical research and find the pharmaceutical companies paying the bills, writing the reports and working closely with government agencies, research colleges, medical journals and the media to get their message out, it should raise a red flag. What is the great harm brought about by this absolutism of the proponents of mainstream medicine? There are many but two are outstanding. One is that freedom of choice in one’s healthcare decisions can and will be taken away — it has begun already and is picking up momentum. I do not use conventional medicine except in some emergency situations, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t fight for the right of others to choose to use it exclusively if they believe it to be their best or only option. Being comfortable with one’s healthcare choice is, I firmly believe, of utmost importance. Yet if it were up to many people I should not be allowed to choose the kind of healthcare I want for my family and me. And secondly, that same vitriolic certainty and insular thinking is truly harmful to the very essence of scientific inquiry. Great discoveries could be ignored simply because of a refusal to look beyond what we are told is scientifically acceptable today, the realm of inquiry having been limited by the greed of those in power and their manipulation of the masses by way of the fear factor. * To Err is Human: Building a Safer Healthcare System: Institute of Medicine, Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, 2000. * 2009 annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers’ National Poison Data System (27th report). * Healing the NSAID Nation, E. Goldman, 2012. * Leah Binder, Stunning News on Preventable Deaths in Hospitals, September 23, 2013; see also: Gary Null, PhD; Carolyn Dean MD, ND; Martin Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, MD; and Dorothy Smith, PhD. Death by Medicine, Integral Options Cafe, January 12, 2010. * Numbeo. Health Care Index for Country 2016. * Public Health, Life Expectany in the U.S. drops for First Time in Decades, Report Finds, Health News from NPR, December 8, 2016. * The Marshall Protocol Knowledge Base, Autoimmunity Research Foundation. * Martha Rosenberg, Obama’s Latest FDA Nominee: No Hidden Big Pharma Links, They are all in Plain Sight, Counterpunch, November 19, 2015. * Sharyl Attkisson, CDC Scientist:  “We scheduled Meeting to Destroy Vaccine Autism Study Documents“, March 23, 2016. http://clubof.info/
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