#you know it's getting bad when Hank has to be the smart one
kamryn1963 · 2 months
So Long, London- Chapter 11
Things did start looking up. Al decided to turn back to journaling, something a therapist he used to go to years ago, suggested. It had been a long time since Al did it but he forgot how much it helped. After writing down everything he remembered and felt about the Dennis Lee case and the blame he thought he held, Al began forgiving himself. 
It was a slow process but writing everything out helped and he was starting to feel better. He even started leaving the pocket knife at home and not bringing it with him to work everyday. 
Trudy was also doing better. She had ended up taking a week off and after that and after Nadia’s funeral, Al saw her start to heal and give herself time to grief before coming back to work.
Erin still wasn’t doing well and not back to work. He knew she handed Hank her badge and “quit” but Al also knew that she’d be back eventually. It would just take some time for her. They had talked a couple days ago on the phone, Al just wanting her to know he was there when she was ready. He was surprised but glad that Erin didn’t hang up on him right away and let him speak. 
Now he was on his way to meet Linda Sovana. Alvin had gotten that phone call the day before. That had been a surprise if he ever had one. He didn’t even know that Linda knew Al had been an undercover cop when they met, let alone his name and number. 
After the meeting he was left with more questions than answers. The meeting had lasted a whole ten minutes where Linda had been incredibly vague before leaving. Al stood there longer. He had taken the morning off work so he had three hours of time and a whole ton of questions. 
Al sighed and climbed back in his car. He could go into work now anyway, but Al had somewhere else he was going to try to go first to get his mind off this meeting with Linda and check in on his neice. It was about a twenty minute drive from where he was. 
When Al pulled up, he was glad to see Erin’s car was the only one in the driveway and he didn’t have to deal with Bunny today. 
Al was also glad to find the front door was unlocked. It was good for him but why did no one care about safety? 
Al let himself in finding Erin on the couch looking like she was nursing a pretty bad hangover as she looked up and met his eyes. 
“That’s called breaking and entering”. Erin said her words slightly slurred as Al perched on the edge of the armchair. 
“Don’t leave the front door unlocked than”. Al retorted as he looked her over. She looked as bad as she had sounded on the phone. 
“What are you doing here? Hank send you?” Erin asked once she realized Al wasn’t about to leave anytime soon. 
“I was in the area. I wanted to check on you, entirely on my own free will”. Al replied. 
“Well I don’t need checking on ''. Erin responded defensively as she stood up and stumbled to the kitchen. 
“Clearly”. Al scoffed. 
Erin didn’t reply, just rolled her eyes as she grabbed two mugs and started making a pot of coffee. 
“What were you doing in the area?” Erin asked after a couple minutes of silence. Al wasn’t just going to leave and at least this way he wouldn’t be questioning her. 
“Meeting somebody. A woman I met on an undercover assignment I was on, oh, fifteen years ago now”. Al replied as Erin came back in the room and handed him one of the mugs which he accepted with a nod of thanks. 
“She just randomly called you?” Erin questioned and Al understood why it sounded weird. It was weird to him. 
“Yeah. Didn’t tell me why either, was really vague”. 
“Do you think it’s anything bad?” Erin asked. Despite quitting her job, Erin had missed this. She just wasn’t ready to go back and see Nadia’s empty desk everyday. 
“I’m not sure, honestly. Probably, but if that was the case, wouldn’t she tell me instead of meeting up with me and not saying anything. All she really said was reminding me that she saved my ass, when I was undercover and told me to remember that”. Al said as he thought about the interaction. That part stuck out to him the most. 
“That’s not creepy at all”. Erin replied as she rolled her eyes and sipped her coffee. 
Al chuckled as he nodded and drank his own coffee. 
“Keep me updated?” Erin asked and Al could see the concern in his eyes. 
“Of course, kid”. 
Al ended up staying another hour until Erin said she was going to try to sleep for a bit, and Al decided to just head into work. Al hugged her before he left, making sure to tell Erin again that he was always there to talk. 
Work was fine, a regular case which was good because Al’s mind was occupied with his meeting with Linda. 
Four days later he had his answer. 
A week later he was driving to a cafe to meet with Michelle Sovana. The fifteen year old tennager that was apparently his daughter. 
Al understood what Linda meant when she said not to forget that she saved his cover all those years ago, Linda was going away so what better time than to spring the fact he has another daughter on him. 
Al tried not to think about that night. The night he slept with Linda. That supposed to be a few weeks undercover assignment, had turned into a year. This had happened near the end. Linda hadn’t lived in the same city as her cousin who Al was trying to take down for years, but moved back there in the eighth month of his assignment. 
Al’s Sergeant wanted him out as much as Al himself wanted out and told Al the best way to end this was for him to use Linda to get information. 
Al never wanted to do that, didn’t want to cheat on Meredith and ruin his marriage but he knew he didn’t have much of a choice. He either slept with Linda for the information, or his Sergeant made it pretty clear he wouldn’t have a job anymore. 
Al made a choice but he hated himself for it everyday. 
When he met Michelle, Al decided he might hate himself a little less now. 
Michelle was already there, huddled in a booth with a backpack. Al took a minute to just look her over. 
Trudy had joked before that his genes were strong when Lexi came out looking so much like him and little like Meredith, but he really saw it right now n Michelle who looked like a female version of him. . 
Al would probably do a paternity test later, he was almost positive he wasn’t the only man Linda was sleeping with back then, and he didn’t want to get anyones hopes up, but Al would be surprised if Michelle wasn’t his with how alike him she looked. 
Eventually Michelle seemed to spot him and Al took a deep breath before coming over and sitting across from her. Neither of them said anything until Michelle finally broke the silence looking at him. 
“You're Alvin right? My dad apparently”. Michelle asked and Al could see the various emotions in her eyes. 
“I am. And your Michelle”. Al replied as he started tapping his fingers on the table unsure what to say or do. 
“Look I just need some money and I won’t bother you again”. Michelle said after a few minutes of awkward silence. 
Al instantly shook his head but still reached for his wallet. “You're not bothering me, Michelle. Not at all”. Al responded as he grabbed out all the cash he had. Fifty dollars, and handed it to her. 
“Thanks”. Michelle responded as she solved it into her backpack and went to stand up. 
“Do you need a ride? I’m more than happy to take you somewhere”. Al offered. He wasn’t going to force Michelle to talk more but he wanted to know she was somewhere safe. Even if Michelle wasn’t his daughter, she was still a teenage girl with little family probably living on the streets. 
Michelle seemed to hesitate and was about to turn his offer down, but she nodded and Al was relieved as he smiled and gently led her to his car. 
“So you're a cop?” Michelle asked. They’d been driving for about ten minutes at this point. Al was focused on the address Michelle had given him of her cousin's house the place she had apparently been staying since getting out of juvie. It took a minute for Al to realize she was talking to him and when he did he looked over at her and his badge that was in the cup holder she had obviously noticed. 
“Yeah, twenty five years now”. Al replied. 
“How did you and my mom meet?” Michelle asked next and Al felt like he was being interrogated. Or like Hank and Trudy were talking to him. 
“I was undercover”. Al answered honestly as he pulled up at the house. He didn’t know how much details to give Michelle right now. How much did he tell a fifteen year old girl he just met. 
“Do you have other kids?” Michelle said next, not looking that bothered that they were at the house. 
“I do, Lexi, she’s eighteen”. Lexi had just turned eighteen a few weeks ago and graduated highschool in only three months. It was insane to Al and made him feel old. 
Michelle nodded digesting the information and went to ask another question when the front door of the house opened and a man probably in his early twenties, opened the door and looked at his car seemingly spotting Michelle and looked to be waiting for her. Al assumed this was her cousin and judging by the gang tattoos he was covered in, Al assumed he wasn’t the nicest guy around. 
“I should go”. Michelle said as she grabbed her bag and looked at Al. 
“Are you sure? I have an extra room in my apartment”. Al offered but Michelle just shook her head as she opened the car door. 
“I’ll be fine”. Michelle replied and Al nodded as he grabbed the pad of paper and pen he always had with him, and quickly wrote his number and address down. Al handed it to Michelle who stuffed it into his pocket with a grateful look. 
Michelle quickly got out and after she was inside, Al started the drive back home. He was ready to collapse in bed and try to figure out what to do. 
Al wondered what Erin would say about this. 
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short-honey-badger · 8 months
Peppermint Tea 26 - Lavender 7
Okay. Another update! This chapter has been in the works for a bit. Working on it on and off when I can between other parts.
Shanks gets his turn with our lovely devil fruit user. This is filthy, and I introduce some kinks I've never written for.
Warnings! SMUT! SMUT! Shanks is kinda rough. A little mean? Spit kink. Face fucking. Alcohol. Cum eating
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Two days after he calls the cottage, Shanks arrives at your island. He relaxes the moment his chocolate eyes land on the white beaches and the familiar mountains to the west. Benn rolls his eyes at his Captain but can't find it in himself to be too upset with the other man. The first mate enjoyed your island, too. Its peacefulness was unparalleled.
A smile curls his lips when Shanks spots a ship in the shape of a coffin moored at the end of the white sands. He knew that Mihawk would be here. The other man had been the one to answer his call the other day, after all. It wasn’t often that the three of them had the chance to spend time together. Mihawk, while aloof and sarcastic about it all, still had his duties as a warlord.
He had explained to Shanks that the position kept him in the know-how but still allowed him the freedom he desired. The redhead had shrugged and nodded, assuring Mihawk that it was a smart choice, but he wasn’t about to let something like the World Government get in his way if it became a problem. Dracule had blushed and spluttered that He did what he wanted, regardless of what those pigs said, and then stormed off to find you and soothe his irritation with the Emperor.
Shanks smirks at the memory, coming back to himself in time to help his crew unload before Benn waves him off, a fond look on the older man’s face. The redhead doesn’t need to be told twice and quickly disappears up the well-worn footpath, shoulders slumping, and an invisible weight lifting when your cottage comes into sight. A delighted laugh breaks from him when he catches sight of what greets him.
You and Mihawk are elbow-deep in the front garden, dirt staining both of their hands. Hank jumps up the moment he spots the redhead, running over to greet his second favorite human with a happy woof. Shanks pets the shaggy dog, greeting him with a little bit of baby talk and telling Hank how good of a boy he is. When Hank is happy, he flops back to the ground with a long sigh, and the Emperor continues to the garden.
Shanks is careful where he steps, not wanting to have both of his treasures on his ass if he were to trample the garden. You stand and greet him, smile wide and radiant, and Shanks doesn't waste any time in pulling you in for a kiss. Your lips welcome him, and the Emperor sags, invisible weight leaving his shoulders as you kiss him back.
Mihawk is next, facial hair scratching against the other man's for but a second before the bird pulls away far too soon. Shanks pouts a bit and gets flicked in the forehead for his troubles.
“Welcome home, trouble,” Mihawk murmurs, and despite his uninterested tone, Shanks can see the pleased look in the hawk’s golden eyes.
“How was your trip?” You chime in and press yourself into his side, and Shanks’ heart could explode from how adorable you look.
“Not bad. Good weather, and the sea must be in a pleasant mood,” He comments and looks down at you. He takes in your appearance, brows notching up when he realizes that you aren't as cold, and you have less on than usual. Actually, “Is that my shirt?”
“Yup. It's very breathable,” you pop the p, but your admission just makes him grin, greed shining in his eyes as he gently tugs you away to get a better look. His shirt swallows you, the front dripping low and giving Shanks an excellent view of your perky tits. You look different, but in a good way as if a light was shining from within. He glances at Mihawk, curious if the other man had noticed the change, and relaxes when the warlord comes to his side, reaching out to tuck a lock of hair behind your ear.
“She's been practicing like we said to. How did you explain it to me, Angel?” Mihawk says, and you blush at having both of their attention on you.
You tell Shanks about practicing your devil fruit and how you began to feel better once you started to use it more often. You explain how your body evened out, as you liked to put it, and Shanks could hear the excitement lining your voice. It makes him happy to know that you had practiced your powers and seemed to be better than ever.
“That’s great, sweetheart,” Shanks grins down at you, reaching out to slide his hand along your neck, gently cradling your jaw. His grin grows when you nuzzle into him, and he strokes his thumb over the line of your jaw, “How about you finish up here, and then you can show me what you can do?”
You nod, joy erupting inside of you at the suggestion, “It won’t take too long, we are almost done,” you assure him, and Shanks nods then carefully steps out of the garden to mosey inside the cottage.
It doesn't take long for Mihawk to join him in the house. He goes straight to the kitchen, washing his hands of any dirt before he puts the kettle on. Shanks steps into the kitchen, coming up behind the older man, reaching out to curl his hand around Dracule's hip. He molds himself along the warlord’s back, tucking his face in the crook of his neck.
“She really okay?” Shanks murmurs, and busies himself with pressing kisses to the back of Mihawk's neck while he waits.
Mihawk slowly relaxes against the other man, still getting used to being able to do this with the other man after so many years apart. His hand finds the one his hip, and he gently squeezes his wrist in reassurance, “She is. She's gotten stronger and would be formidable with real training.”
Shanks hums, disliking the thought of you having to fight. Dracule tightens his grip around his wrist, and Shanks knows that the warlord agrees with him. Mihawk sighs softly, head tilting back to rest against Shanks as he continues, “Mhm. I'd rather not, but if she wants to learn, then I won't hinder her progress.”
“You? A teacher?” Shanks teases gently and pinches his waist with a smirk, “Couldn't imagine it.”
Mihawk scoffs at the redhead, eyes rolling skyward, “Considering Roronoa is well on his way to being second to only, Me. I think that already proves that I can be one.”
Shanks snickers at the miffed pride that laces his treasures’ voice. Mihawk was always so fun to rile up. He gently turns the other man, he reaches up, tucking his knuckle under that perfect beard, and kisses the other man, a gentle push and pull that had Mihawk sighing and sliding one hand into Shanks’ hair.
He has missed the warlord. How had he allowed so much time to pass without finding the other man, Shanks didn't know, but now that he had him? Shanks would never let him go again.
Dracule rests his brow against the Emperor’s, breath mingling with the other man's. He licks his lips and catches the taste of sweet sake. He searches the other's dark eyes, and Shanks catches sight of the devious, smug look that swims in Mihawk's own.
“What's that look for, Baby?” Shanks murmurs curiously, brow ticking up at the other man.
Mihawk leans in, kissing the redhead again, and Shanks can feel the smirk that lingers on his lips. The redhead feels like he is missing something here, especially when you appear in the kitchen, a mischievous grin playing on your face. He watches you wash your hands and then takes the kettle from the stove when it begins to whistle, eyes following you even as he continues the kiss with his warlord.
And then Dracule is pulling away, and leaving Shanks standing there like a knot on a log as his treasures dither about, moving past one another with a close familiarity that the redhead silently envies. He does get the chance to pout about it, not when you step in front of him and grab his lonely hand, “Come sit, Shanks. Mihawk brought your favorite while he was out.”
Shanks allows himself to be pulled to the table, and he sits, eyebrows shooting up when you follow him, sitting on his lap and leaning into his chest. Mihawk comes around and places a steaming cup of sweet chamomile beside the shallow bowl full of sake. You help yourself to your tea and then sit back again, head pillowed against The redhead’s pecs.
“Alright you two. What is this about?” Shanks rumbles, and he reaches for his sake, sipping most of it down in one go, “I'm being left out here.”
Dracule shares a look with his angel, and you look so excited that he dips his head, and you say, softer with a voice so full of affection that it makes Mihawk blush.
“Mihawk and I had sex.”
Shanks looks at Dracule and now realizes why the man had looked so smug earlier. In fact. He looked even more so now, those beautiful ringed eyes glowing with it. A slow smile begins to form, sharp white teeth gleaming in the light of your kitchen. His sake dish is sat down with a click that seems to echo in the room, and Shanks curls his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to grind his already hardening dick into the soft cheeks of your ass.
He presses his face against yours, lips finding your cheek, and Mihawk speaks up, making the grin on the Emperor’s lips grow, “It's only fair you have your turn, Red.”
“Suck my cock, treasure, and I'll give you exactly what you want,” Shanks orders, voice rough and dangerous. He grabs your chin with two fingers, pulling your mouth open, “I'll even help you out, Sweetheart. Stick out your tongue for me.”
Mihawk watches from where he sits in his armchair in the corner of the room. He sips his red wine, the alcohol staining his lips. His golden gaze never once leaves his two angels, and despite his cock hard and aching in his pants, he does not touch it.
You are hesitant to do as ordered, cheeks darkening, but you see the expectation lingering in his dark gaze. You do as ordered, jaw clicking as you stick your tongue out for him. You blush furiously when Shanks leans closer and opens his mouth, pink muscle lolling out and dribbling an obscene amount of saliva onto your tongue, “Don't swallow that.”
You breathe heavily through your nose, tears gathering at the corners of your eyes, and focus on not gagging.
“Take my dick outta my pants, Baby,” Shanks instructs quietly and licks his lips, enjoying the way that you are struggling with his orders. Your hands are shaking when they land on his pants, you feel your way up to the elastic and then pull them down, whining when his cock slips out and smacks you in the cheek.
“Shanks,” Mihawk warns quietly from his corner. He had given his word that he wouldn't step in, but that wouldn't stop him from speaking up if he deemed the redhead being too rough.
“She's fine, Hawkeye. She can do it,” Shanks dismisses easily when he glances down to see a new light of determination in your eyes, “Right, sweetheart?”
Shanks moves your head down in a nod before tipping your face towards his length. He groans when you grab the base, and then you are leading his cock past your lips, tongue sliding wonderfully alongside the bottom of his shaft. You take him down to about halfway before you start to choke. Shanks is thicker than Mihawk, making your jaw ache already.
“Relax your throat, Angel,” Mihawk speaks up from his spot and you flick your eyes over to see him uncrossing his legs, and it gives you a good view of the tent in the seat of his pants.
You work to do as he says, glassy eyes closing as you concentrate on your task. Shanks slips another inch down, and then another until the tip of his cock slips past the muscles at the back of your mouth and into your throat. A muffled whine leaves you at the painful stretch and the ache in your jaw gets worse, but your free hand grabs the fabric of his pants to keep him from pulling away.
“Fuck, Treasure,” Shanks snarls lowly, and his hand find the back of your head, And he tangles his long fingers in your hair, “Doing so good for us, listening to Mihawk so well.”
The praise feels good, and you feel yourself growing wet, slick clinging to your exposed folds. You swallow around Shanks, sucking in a sharp break when he humps forward, pressing your face to his pelvis. You work your tongue along the bottom, and Shanks pulses in your mouth when you hollow your cheeks and suck as best you can being so stuffed full.
Spit and precum leak and bubble past your lips, and soon your tears mingle with the mess when the Emperor grows impatient with your slow pace. You can do nothing but relax your jaw and breathe through your nose as Shanks fucks your face. He moans and groans above you, the sounds that leave him are lewd, and listening to him has your cunt clenching longingly around nothing.
Dracule watches, golden eyes heavy lidded, and swirling with lust and want. He wants to step in. Wants to stand behind Shanks and wrap his hand around the base of his cock, and help the redhead paint you with his seed. His hands ache, and he occupies himself by playing with the stem of his wine glass.
Your eyes flutter, jaw on fire, and time seems lost to you. Shanks uses you for his own gain, seeking his pleasure until that coil snaps low in his stomach. The sound he makes is more animalistic than human, and you aren't expecting him to pull out so suddenly and angle your face up. You gasp when you feel the first splash of hot cum on your cheek, and quickly close your eyes when more rushes toward you.
Shanks never looks away, dark eyes full of adoration for you. You look beautiful like this, all painted up and dripping with his cum. He milks himself, not wanting any of it to go to waste. He presses the head of his cock to your lips, and you automatically open your mouth for him, “Clean me up, Sweetheart.”
You flush as you do as ordered, cleaning his softening member until nothing but your spit remains. Shanks watches with a smirk, and then glances over at Mihawk, expression turning greedy once more, and he crooks a finger at the other man, “Come clean her up, Baby I know you want to.”
Dracule licks his lips, tempted by the offer. He sets his glass aside and then stands to lope closer, taking in the delightful sight of you covered in the other man's semen. Mihawk leans down to help you stand, and then he takes your face in both hands, holding you still.
“Keep your eyes closed, Angel,” Mihawk murmurs, and then he is leaning in. The wet drag of his tongue makes you jump, and you hear the warlord hum at the taste of cooling cum. Dracule takes his time, hot tongue lapping at the cloudy fluid, until nothing remains. The act is lewd and intimate, and it's enough to have you whining and clutching at Dracule's loose shirt. When he is finished, Mihawk seals his lips to yours, and you moan at the taste of the wine and Shanks that still clings to his tongue.
Shanks moves behind you, hand sliding between your legs and fingertips finding your clit. He massages the sensitive nub, smirking when he hears a muffled moan leave you. He slides past your clit, calloused digits gliding through your folds and slicking them with your juices. He finds your entrance, and slides in one soaked finger to the knuckle.
“Can't believe that you let Mihawk fuck you without me here, Snowflake,” Shanks croons, tone full of disappointment, “Couldn't let me be here to watch him take you for the first time.
He slips another finger in beside the first, stroking and rubbing your velvety walls. Your hands tighten, nails digging into the thick muscles of Dracule's abdomen. Those skilled, sinful digits find your sweet spot, and Shanks proceeds to bully that spot, making you cry out and bow forward. The pleasure is immense, almost too much. His thumb catches your clit, and that heat winds and winds until it breaks and you gush all over his hand.
It's an embarrassing amount, but this isn't the first time that Shanks had shoved his fingers inside you this evening and ripped an orgasam from your body. Your body is overworked, cunt sore, and you are so glad that Mihawk is there to hold you up. His hands support you, and he pets your hair as he leans in to kiss the top of your head.
“Look at that. At least your body knows how to tell me how sorry it is for not letting me watch,” Shanks croons, tone still cruel, but the way he removes his fingers is nothing but gentle.
The Emperor gathers you close, and Mihawk steps away when he is sure that you are able to stand without help. Your legs still shake, tremors make your thighs gently jiggle, and it only gets worse when Shanks carefully leads you over to the bed and then bends you over the side of it. He shucks his pants off and kicks them to the side before draping himself over your sweat slick body.
“I'm going to fuck you now, okay, Sweetheart,” Shanks coos in your ear and nudges your legs apart, spreading you nicely for him. He takes his cock in hand, rubbing it though your puffy folds before he begins to push forward. You whine at the intrusion, walls stretching more than they are used to as Shanks presses in.
“Slower, Shanks,” Mihawk rumbles from his seat. His eyes track the way the other man's cock slips inside your heat.
For once, the redhead listens to the other man and slows to a crawl, Shanks doesn't want to hurt you, and he is thicker than the average man.
“She's like a vice, Mihawk,” Shanks grunts above you and sinks another two inches, and you feel like you're being split open for half a second before the pain bleeds into pleasure. The Emperor groans when he bottoms out, brow pressed to the middle of your back as he rocks back and forth. He is already so fucking close, having edged himself twice when you'd been on your knees, so Shanks knows that he isn't going to last long, but he will feel you come on his cock.
A shout tears out of your throat when your Emperor suddenly ruts forward, and pleasure zings up your spine at his brutal pace. His hand finds your hair, tangling in the stands and forcing your face down into the mattress.
“Gonna fill you up, baby,” Shanks snarls against your back, and his pace falters, going erratic. The tip of his cock drags against your sweet spot, and it sends you over once again, dragging Shanks with you.
Shanks swears as he comes, sinking his teeth into the meat of your shoulder blade, hips stuttering as he empties his load. He stays there for a long time, breathing in the scent of sweat and sex before he rises and carefully pulls out. You hiss at the feeling, feeling sticky and fucked out. You don't have the energy to say much of anything as Shanks lifts you the rest of the way onto the bed.
“You okay, baby?” Shanks murmurs, and you muster up enough willpower to nod before your turn to snuggle into the closest pillow. He smiles and gently strokes your hair, pushing it away from your face and admiring your tired beauty.
Mihawk stands, stepping behind Shanks and grabbing the edge of his loose gray shirt and pulling it up and off the other man. He pushes his redhead to the bed and then swiftly undresses himself. Now that Shanks had gotten his fill, Dracule was feeling just a little left out, and he intended to rectify that right now.
You open your eyes enough to see Mihawk pressing Shanks down, long fingers wrapped around the other man's tan throat. Interested, you roll to your side, grabbing the sheets and pulling them around you, a soft smile playing on your lips as you enjoy the show that your boys put on for you. You are noticed eventually and are dragged between them, but no one would ever find you complaining.
@writingmysanity @djbumblebee @goth-mami-writer @myradiaz @fluffybunnyu @bookandstar @foggyturtleknightangel @browneyedhufflepuff @anastasiyax @jaguarthecat
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I’ve Never Watched Breaking Bad Before, Here Are My Thoughts (2x01-2x04)
I know that this fandom is split into team “Walt was always like that” and team “the circumstances of the show made Walt like that” and I’m not even halfway through Season 2 yet but I fall firmly into the former category. There’s just something about the way he interacts with the main cast now that tells you he’s been itching to act like this for years, and being Heisenberg has finally given him the excuse to drop the pathetic act
That scene in 2x01 between Skyler and Walt was very difficult to watch, I knew it wasn’t going to get worse thanks to spoilers but I was tense all the same. And yeah, he’s a great character, but that turned me against Walt as a person for what I’m led to believe will be the rest of the show.
I’m still going back and forth on how I feel about Hank
Flynn is very quickly rising in the list of my favorites. He’s a smart, sweet kid who deserved a lot better than what he’s got so far.
Is Skyler just going to be pregnant like…the whole show or something
Also I feel worse and worse for Jesse every time he pops up on screen. I was rooting for him to hit Walt when he finally did.
Hector Salamanca is a supportive uncle who won’t tell on Jesse? I have no choice but to stan
I honestly thought Tuco was going to last a lot longer than he did. But if he was what TV Tropes would call the “Disc-One Final Boss” then I’m a little scared to see what’s in store for Walt and Jesse…
Again, Skyler can do practically no wrong
This show just keeps getting better and better and more addictive. I can’t wait to see more!
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abbythewritor · 1 year
"Specimen" Connor x Venom reader. *4.*
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Description: Y/n, a girl who's been alone her whole life, decides to change when an alien from the sky corrupts her body. Learning to cope with the symbiote named Venom, the two figure out a way to help put an end to disgusting humans who pick on the weak. But what happens when a certain Android detective is on her tail as if he was attracted to her all this time?
Warnings: Drama, blood, violence, stuff from the game, you know, the usual from Detroit become human.
Other things:
-I do not own Detroit Become Human; they belong to the owners and creators of the game.
-We will be following both Markus and Connors's story, maybe a little bit of Karas, because the reader is with the deviants, while Connor, you know, does his cop duties, lol.
-Y/n is a human girl who is then corrupted by Venom; if you don't know who Venom is, then I recommend watching the movie about him, then that will sum it up for you
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank God you had Venom.
Or right now, you would be too tired to even walk.
You made it to the crime scene, Venom not putting your uniform on, but instead put you in a button-up shirt, tucked into some skinny jeans. Not that Jeans were bad, but if there was a chase happening, these would not be good to run in at all.
Letting out a Yawn, you saw Hank and Connor in the Distance as the perfect cup of coffee for the Luitenant was grasped in your right hand.
He saw you first, excusing the Officer before walking toward you. "Ah, thank you." Nodding while handing him the Coffee, your arms crossed. "What do you get?" "The Cashier said. An android with a little girl came here last night begging for money for a motel; when he said no, they probably waited until he wasn't looking and stole the Money. The problem is, when we asked officers to search the motel across the street, the rooms were all Android-free." "Hmm." Looking that way, Venom scanned the hotel, and the surrounding area, quickly Finding the Deviant in an abandoned car just beside it.
Smirking slightly, you looked back at Hank. "Well, if they were looking for a place to rest, they couldn't have gone far. Has Connor picked up anything?" Both of you looked at him, who was just standing there. Grumbling, Hank sipped his coffee. "He's been like that for fucking 20 Minutes, only Said one sentence, and it was about the robbery." Nodding, you knew he was analyzing the area, as it took a while, smart move to do in case something was missing. Sighing, you began to walk. "I'll just go talk to him." approaching Connor, he sensed your movements as he looked in your Direction; eyes slightly widened when he saw you, but in different clothing. "Detective! I wasn't expecting you here." Smiling, you nodded. "Hi Connor, I have to be here; I'm working the case with you, remember?" He nodded. "Yes, I remember, but this might just be a simple robbery." Snorting, you nodded."Yeah, that's true, but if there was an Android involved, it has to be connected. Have you gathered anything else?" He nodded, looking to the street across. "Footprints are everywhere, to the house, to the car, even the Motel, but I don't know which is the proper path. If the android was looking for a place to spend the night, and had an Emotion like that, protecting a Human little girl, then it has to be a Deviant." "Yes, because Deviants show true emotion, they can even feel what humans feel with pain, sickness, even the four senses, but I wouldn't count Hearing because Androids can already hear." He looked back at you. "How do you know so much about Deviants when this is your first time working on a deviant case?" One of your eyebrows rose. "How do you know that? Did you do a scan on me, Connor?" He nodded. "I did; I'm sorry; I should have asked." "No, it's ok, your forgiven, but you aren't wrong either; this is my first case, but that's a story for another time. Next time you want to scan me for information, just ask; it might not be what you're looking for, but invading a person's privacy is a crime, okay? I'll head over to the locations to see if I can find them, continue to search here." Following your Gaze, Connor couldn't take his eyes off you as your clothes were so intriguing. He had never seen anyone outside the police station besides Hank and Gavin wear regular clothes.
Yes, he only met you Yesterday, but somehow, he liked your clothes and thought you looked good in them too.
^^^Status: Co-Workers.
"Store clerk says that the two were rushing like they were running from something." Hank interrupted, bringing Connor back to the world as he looked at the lieutenant. "Could it be possible there was an attacker they were running from? The Last Victim was abused by its owner; could it be the same for the Deviant we are looking at now?" Hank shrugged, sipping more of his coffee. "Could be, but we won't know more until we find them, damn this is good coffee, stupid FBI chick, always stepping up her game..."
Connors's head tilted. "She made that?" Hank grumbled. "Who knows, she's the one who brought it, but if she's trying to get us on her Good side, she knows damn well what she's doing. Come on, let's keep searching." Connor nodded sternly. "If we manage to find the deviant and the Child, there might be a possibility the Deviant Savior is here as well; we need to keep our guard up," Hank sighed, taking his coffee cup from his lips. "Agreed, we don't want the deviant escaping like the last one did. let me know if anything else pops up." Connor smiled "Will do."
A couple of Minutes passed, and you made it into an alleyway, ensuring no one was watching; Venom popped out of you, scattering across your body to transform you into your suit, the hood gently going over your head.
'You have about 15 minutes to head in there, explain yourself, and get them to safety before I turn you back; in that amount of time, you will Yell for Connor and Hank for backup, and I will detach myself from you and still keep your form, got it?" Nodding, you sighed. "Sounds simple enough; just make sure to leave some of your power in me, so I won't die in the future, alright? Get these two to Jericoh, then return to me, got it?" "Got it; good luck." Smiling, you readied yourself. "Same to you." Sucking back into you, you climbed over the Gate, hopping quickly onto the ground as a Female android, and the little girl was right in front of you.
The little girl hid behind the android, who suddenly pointed the gun toward you. "Who are you?! Stay back, and I'll shoot!" Putting your hands up instantly, your eyes glared at her. "Do not worry, Kara, there's no need to shoot." "What reason do I have to not?! Are you with them?! The humans?! Are you going to arrest me? Take Alice away from me?" Chuckling, your head shook. "The opposite; I despise the cops, and you two have been through a lot. I've been watching everything; you both were abused; his name was Todd, correct?" Kara's eyes soon lined with disbelief. "Y-Yes, how did you-" 'Like I said, I've been watching you; I am no harm to you or the child; I'm here to help. But, for me to do that, I need you to trust me."
"And why should I?! You say you despise them, but what if you want to kill us instead? We don't even know you; you could be a Human!" "I am, a Human, but, I'm not like them...I've been rescuing Androids for a long time, all with the same thoughts, and curiosity as you, but I promise you Kara, the place I will take you will not be dangerous, but a safe place, a heaven free from Danger. If it helps, let me take this off..." Slowly, but surely, you took of your Mask and hood, her eyes scanning you and finally seeing your true face.
She was surprised to see that you weren't lying, you truly are a human, as no sign of LED or robotic parts were attached to you.
"My name is Y/n, L'n's, Kara, and you can call me the Deviant Savior." Her eyes widened. "D-Deviant Savior? You were the girl Android was talking about, the human girl that Saves people like us...I didn't believe it at first, but now that I see you in person, I-I get a weird sensation; I guess I'm glad?" Smiling, your arms crossed. "That is an emotion Deviants first discover; you will be confused with yourself for the first couple of days, but once that pass, you will know who you really are. Now, we have about 7 Minutes before the RK800 comes here and looks for you; I need you to listen carefully, ok? Please put the gun down." Nodding slightly, she lowered the weapon as you turned. "I am also undercover, working with them to hunt others like you, but don't worry, I’ll take you to Jericho as I make a copy of myself; I will help you flee the area. But once you both are safe, I will return to them, saying I lost both of you and fight my copy, understand?" Kara seemed to get it right away, as she wanted to ask another question. "Is this Jerhico..going to help us go to Canada?" I nod, gently smiling at them. "Of course, now..." I put my hood back up, Venom adjusting my voice a little deeper again as I looked out from the metal gates, the three of us soon climbing over as it was clear.
Carefully and cautiously, we saw Hank and the fat man talk in the distance as I motioned them to follow me and keep their heads down.
Officers were everywhere, one about to approach us as I saw a sign, stopping as all three of us hid behind it. As the footsteps got louder, Kara covered Alice's mouth, my eyes glancing as the officer got farther away. Sighing with relief, it was time to move as we continued forwards, keeping another eye out.
Crossing the street with a bunch of people, another officer approached, as we bent down to blend in with the crowd, the officer stupidly oblivious.
Leading them out of the crowd, I grabbed a near bye umbrella, opening it so another female officer wouldn't spot us, as Venom blended us in so another officer approaching from the other side wouldn't see us as well.
With patience and calmness, both Officers left as we continued, running a little as a near bye officer grew suspicious,
His eyes widened when my eyes locked with his, seeing the deviants instantly. "THE DEVIANTS THEIR HERE!" 'Shit, I'll make a copy.' Venom made a copy, as I told them to run, as myself sunk into the ground, my copy running with the Deviants.
Hank heard him yell through the Walkie Talkie, as he let out a slight curse, my authentic self appearing beside him suddenly as I was back in jeans and my button-up shirt.
"Y/N! Go after them!" I nodded, soon bolting as Connor was about to follow, heading to Kara, Alice, and my copy.
Venom protected Alice and Kara from the bullets, a sword forming onto my Copies right hand as it cut through a bullet about to graze Alice's cheek, her screaming with fright as they continued to run, its eyes looking to me, soon running after.
As the copy ran, I ran faster. "STOP POLICE!" I yelled, pointing my gun at it as my deep, covered voice chuckled; I turned menacingly to myself.
'Y/n L/n's, detective of the FBI, I heard so much about you." I growled, not hesitating. "Shut up and hand over the deviants!! Or I won't shoot!" My copy chuckled. "And what makes you think your Bullets will affect me, detective? Your humans are too cute with your accusations," I snarled with the reply, getting into character. "Why are you doing this?! They're just machines!! They aren't real!" "Freedom is what makes justice...you humans treat even man-made things like crap; all of you deserve to be punished because these Androids aren't just alive...they breath for freedom.." I still had the gun pointed at her, and we stared into each other's eyes as I heard my copy chuckle again. "Kara, Alice, go. I'll deal with this human.." Both of them nodded and soon started running, fleeing safely. Hank growled with anger, as he sent Connor after them, who started to chase.
I growled with annoyance, my copy soon bolting to me as I blocked the sword with my gun, my feet sliding slightly.
"Your quick, human, but not quick enough!" She kicked my stomach, me tumbling back suddenly as Hanks's eyes widened. "Detective!" I slid back on my feet, blood dripping from my mouth as I wiped it, soon taking a random metal pipe in my hands. My eyes glared at her as she walked closer, her soon bolting, teleporting suddenly closer, as my line and her swords clashed, wind spreading throughout.
Hanks's eyes widened. "Holy shit!"
I attacked, her blocking as we were going so fast, as if it were from an anime show, her hand soon grabbing my throat, throwing me into the nearest building.
"ACK!" I cringed with the sudden pain, moving slightly to the left as her punch missed me, hitting the wall, which cracked as I grabbed her hair, throwing the copy off me as Venom allowed me to dash to her, as I was going to hit her head with the pipe.
But the copy grabbed my wrist, punching my stomach as I doubled over, ducking from getting kicked.
We all threw kicks and punches, pulling off insane speed and combos, as the officers and people around us were amazed. We were going extremely fast, as it looked like we were teleporting and not fighting.
She was able to kick my face as I flew back, her catching my face and slamming me into the ground. Hank and others covered their eyes form the dust, as I easily got up, charging to her with blood dripping down my head as we threw attack at each other, dodging and blocking.
Soon enough, after what seemed like both of us not getting any hits, I kicked off the nearest wall, both of our arms slamming onto each other as we glared into the eyes of each other, a smirk forming my copy. "You lasted, but you won't last much longer." I smirked. “I can do this all day!” Creating a sword with her left hand, she sliced up, causing me to back away as she barely missed me; Venom secretly gave me a sword to fight back as I slid on my feet again, my head whipping up to her. My breaths became heavier as I heard Hank, but I wasn't focused on him as my eyes watched the copy walking closer, forming two swords with her hands again. The people were running and screaming, as Hank gritted his teeth before turning to officers “GET PEOPLE TO SAFETY, JUST DON’T STAND THEIR DAMNIT!!” They nodded, running off as Hank looked worryingly back at me.
I looked at the sword Venom gave me, and I smirked, soon getting up from my spot, as I bolted to her again, dodging some smile from the copy.
Slicing some slime coming out of her, I flipped over another stream of slime, my sword cutting it in half as my hair blew in the wind, my body twisting as I focused.
Connor coudln't catch Kara and Alice, as he came back to help me. Still, his eyes soon widened when I got close enough to my copy, watching my body move in certain ways. Energy soon came out the both of us as we clashed swords again, a powerful arora and wind coming out of both of us, destroying some buildings while part of the ground exploded, causing the people, Hank, and officers to take cover.
My copy smirked; Connors's eyes widened as I got the upper hand, getting closer and closer as the ground continued to break. ‘I’ve never seen a human..’ Time stoped as Connor watched me getting closer, as this was so much power for humans to have. My hair was blowing wildly, my face was blank and focused, as the perfect clothes, now damaged and ruined, hugged my curves and shown my injured skin. ‘Have this much..power!’ His core component was going crazy, as Without hesitation, my sword pushed her back, my copy launching pretty far, slamming into several buildings.
I ran after her, passing Connor as she hopped out, teleporting behind me as her sword was about to pierce my neck, but I blocked, my eyes looking blankly up at her.
“My my..your a fighter aren’t you?”
I smirked to her. “you under estimated me, Deviant savior.”
Soon enough, we began to fight again, swords clashing and our bodies moving at a face pace, as Connor himself couldn't keep up with just watching as he ran to Hank, helping him to his feet. "Lieutenant!" He yelled as Hank coughed., trying not to inhale so much dust. "I'm fine...those two will destroy the City if this keeps up..." Connor glanced up as we continued to fight, breaking more buildings and property as we continued to clash, metal sounding throughout the area. “There’s nothing we can do! It’s all about who wins now! Let’s hope it’s the detective!“
The news was all over this, as it was broadcast all over the world, North and the others were watching, concerned about what I was doing as the officers at the station, including Fowler and Gavin watched in utter shock. “Holy shit..” Gavin mumbled, not believing what he’s seeing as of the others, who watched with fear.
After a couple minutes of clashing, my copy grabbed my throat, throwing me to the ground, which exploded as Connors's eyes widened. "DETECTIVE!" I heard his concerned yell, as smoke arose in the area, and the copy and I could only see each other, no one else. I saw my copy land, as a chuckle escaped her mouth, her feet soon slowly approaching me while she blended down to my eye sight. “You are strong, human..you have potential. Join me; we can help these androids..and claim the freedom to make the world a better place.." My teeth gritted with pain, me trying to get up, but venom seemed to have gotten my stomach as I held it with my arm. "Like h-hell, I would...you androids are just machines; why would I think to Join a psychopath who wants to kill humans?" I asked my copy, still in character as it chuckled. "You have a strong heart, speaking the truth instantly...I like that about you..I will not kill you, because I have many important matters to attend to...but this fight will not be forgotten. I give you my respect...Detective." With all that, my Copy disappeared, as Venom went inside of me, the smoke clearing as my body felt tired, me wanting to collapse then and there, not wanting to move anymore. I was coughing profusely, my body bending over as I held my stomach, my copy not anywhere in sight. I was irritated that Venom didn’t make it fair, as I was about to look for them, but I was already beginning to collapse to the ground.
Connor ran from Hank, who followed as he knelt to me, his arms catching my back as his knees hit the floor. he began to scan me instantly, growing slightly concerned for my wounds, his eyes looking to the people. "I NEED A MEDIC!" He yelled, one of the citizens calling for help as I felt exhausted, my eyes tiringly looking up at him. "Did they get away..?" Hank kneeled also, His brows furrowing as he nodded. "Yeah...they escaped..." Playing my character, I sighed annoyingly, but then coughed, my going to my stomach. Hank preventing me from moving anymore, as Connor holds onto me more tightly, but gentle. "Hey, Kid, take it easy; you just got your ass kicked; we'll discuss this more when you get help.” All I could do was nod, as Venom was already working on my wounds, the people were running, getting to safety from all the rubble still falling as I didn’t know who’s arms I was in, all I wanted was to sleep. But, My body then felt being lifted up from the ground, as Connor looked at me concerned as I was getting sleepier. His hand moved some hair out of my face gently, as Hank went to help people get to safety. “Don’t worry detective…” he hugged me closer, making sure not to drop me as comfort surrounded me instantly.
“Your safe now.”
Author: sorry if the fight scene sucks ass, their just so hard to write, hope you enjoyed and sorry if it’s short today. Have a good day!
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positivelybeastly · 8 months
Sometimes I feel like beast gets treated more harshly for some things than other characters are for almost identical actions. The time travel stuff especially, but the collective actions of the Illuminati as well
Heh. You know, it's funny, I was literally just grabbing a cap of some Stuart Immonen art from All-New X-Men #2, of a really pretty X-Jet, and, because I'm a glutton for punishment, I clicked the comments. Do you wanna read them? No? Too bad, I had to read them, so now, so do you.
"Hank is so self-absorbed it's incredible. No wonder the Watcher thinks he's garbage."
"Also, i think Beast should be lobotomized for his crimes against children and the space/time continuum."
"That said: f**k you, Hank. You are so weak and arrogant that you would risk destroying your oldest and dearest friends because you can't handle Scott helping mutants? You risk destroying the timeline and destroying your friends' relationships and their very minds and spirits."
Like . . . fuck, man.
It really is all just Bendis' fault. He made Hank do something so mind-numbingly stupid, and it was presented slap bang in people's faces, and LITERALLY NO-ONE stopped to question if it was even in-character for him to do this.
It wasn't, by the way.
Be warned, disturbingly hot, smart, and urbane Hank McCoy incoming.
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THE MAN IS FUCKING SMART. And then Bendis just has him do something so mind-numbingly stupid, and no-one even blinks an eye at whether or not it even made sense for him to do it.
And do you know what makes me fucking laugh? Is that other writers were actively mocking the plotlines as they were going on, but because so many comics readers are as dumb as fucking rocks, they didn't even realise.
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Oh yeah, it IS almost as if people in the Marvel Universe regularly fuck the timestream without taking it for dinner or applying lube, I almost fucking forgot! But because Bendis decides that there are ramifications this time, suddenly Hank is the destroyer of all of space time.
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Which of the three is it? Was this something that was always meant to happen, or not? If this is something that can happen when you meddle with space-time, why did Hank do it? Why? Is? Bendis-Hank? So? Fucking? DUMB???
And you know what, I need to bring this up, because LITERALLY FUCKING NO-ONE ELSE IN THE FANDOM EVER WILL
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This was not a decision he made in his right mind? He was dying? His brain is seizing? He's having heart palpitations, in agonising pain, his mentor is dead and one of his oldest friends was the one who killed him, and he's in such a depressive spiral that he doesn't even want to tell the people around him that he's dying because he doesn't want to worry them.
But no, this is a decision that we're never, ever, ever going to let Hank live down. In fact, this decision is SO AWFUL THAT
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Fucking blow me.
I know that I'm, like, seemingly the one X-Men fan that actually reads fucking comic books rather than going off panels I see posted on Twitter (this slight is aimed mostly at Reddit, not here, don't worry), but, like . . . god, I'm just so fucking furious that I had to sit, and watch a targeted character assassination, in real time, of my favourite character, and the fandom just fucking lapped it up.
Even now, the era from the end of Avengers vs. X-Men to Krakoa is called the Lost Era in mutant history. There are SO MANY THINGS that have been completely forgotten.
Hey, remember when Emma Frost did this?
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Oh yeah, what consequences did she face for this?
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The amount of shit that sticks to Hank makes me fucking sick. Everyone gets a pass for what they did, except for Hank.
The New Avengers/Illuminati stuff is the one that gets my goat, because do you know how Hank spent that time?
Buckle the fuck in.
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Hank lacks the constitution for hard decisions.
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Hank believes in the power of good men to change the world with ideals.
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Hank will take the coward's way out, every time. The way that saves lives.
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Hank will spend the time to talk, every time.
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"We should help if we can. How could we not?"
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Oh hey, Bruce Banner, I think everyone kinda forgot you were in this Illuminati too and you get a free pass!
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That last one REALLY makes me laugh because it really does just kinda read to me as Hickman pointing out that Hank's actions in All-New X-Men make no fucking sense.
And Hank has to just.
Sit there.
And take it.
And every.
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Someone tries to put him back on the path to being who he is meant to be, some.
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Ruins it again.
Shit sticks to Hank like it doesn't stick to anyone else.
I'm fucking sick of it.
I ain't even touching the Percy stuff. That's just - phwaoooooah. Not to mention, I'm out of images.
Just sucks, man.
Just sucks.
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Let's Talk About: Mentopolis and The Big Guy
Gonna be honest: while I loved the trailer of Mentopolis and have seen it more times that I can count with both hands and feet, the premiere of the latest Dimension 20 season wasn't as attention-grabbing as I was expecting it to be. Which is probably because this is the first time I'm seeing Brennan Lee Mulligan be a game-master for a non-D&D actual play and I'm just not used to it.
It does pick up as the episode rolls along though, and by mid-way I was in for the ride. It just… It took a while to get there.
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But I'm not here to gripe about the show. I don't actually have anything to gripe about. Because although Brennan didn't have a hundred percent of my attention, he still had around ninety-five percent. (Which is still a lot considering I'm not great at focusing these days.) I do, however, want to talk about all the things I loved--
The puns! I was like Mike Trapp with every new name Brennan uttered, trying to figure out what the wordplay is. And we really have to talk about how Brennan is so great at capturing a personality with just a name.
The mystery and the noir of it all! We start the episode with a murder, and before we're done with the introduction of the characters, we already get the table-setting of the mystery. The projections and the lighting are really doing some heavy lifting this episode, creating such an amazing atmosphere that transports you faster into the goings on of the city. But it's also a testament to Brennan's brilliant brain that there's no question which genre we're playing in: with his movement, the character voices he employed, and the way he unfolded the story and the relationships of the characters.
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And finally: the players! I already knew Siobhan Thompson was gonna deliver the goods, and Mike Trapp is established to be just as smart and funny as Brennan--but this is my first time to watch the other players in a role-playing game and they are all amazing. Danielle Radford swings strongly with her (trailer-used) "a body! a body?" delivery and then goes all-out when she starts lobbing with Trapp.
Freddie Wong and Hank Green are fun, fantastic, and fearsome. Hank delivers one of the most solid intimidation scenes in all of the Dimension 20 content I've consumed so far--and he does it with a factoid concerning snakes and their dicks. It is exhilerating. But the episode's mvp for me has to be Alex Song-Xia. I'm not familiar with their body of work, but the way they played their character was just top-notch. You just want to hold them and hug them and tell them that everything's gonna be all right--even though you know things are about to get bad.
I'm already looking forward to next week's episode. Hopefully, whatever jitters Brennan had felt at the beginning of this episode won't be there--'cause he has nothing to worry about. He is good at this. I have no background with the system they're using this season and I didn't have a problem quickly grasping the concept of slick, sturdy, savvy, etc. And, after this season ends, I might actually start watching the non-D&D seasons on Dimension 20.
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mariatesstruther · 11 months
So if Kevin hadn't died, when Ellie meets him he'd be 23. Now I'm not saying that's a bad thing but I am saying that Ellie going from losing Henry and Sam horrifically to staring down a 23 year old man with a dark complexion and his mother's smile might make her think uncontrollably of Henry and cause her to be uncomfortable in a way they'd absolutely have to talk about later because he wouldn't let his baby cousin be tearful around him, he'd have to fix it.
He'd be his mother's child after all.
@clickergossip has got me thinking about henry and kevin today! so here this is from my askbox anon sorry this took so long
okay i love this anon and i love the angst. i do hope at some point in s2 ellie actually gets to Talk about henry because seeing someone do what he did right in front of her has ti impact ellie so much, but we barely get her talking about it from what i recollect
i personally that aside from the slight resembling features, kevin and henry would be very very different characters. henry was essential thrust into the parent role for his little brother and, although definitely friendly and upbeat compared to joel, internally very serious because he’s constantly thinking about the next move he had to make to keep sam alive. he’s also not violent and incredibly careful—he has to be, as he’s essentially a dad and has to be as responsible as one
i imagine kevin as wayyyyy different. tbh, i kind love the idea that he’s a little bit of a rascal and troublemaker whilst also being a complete mama’s boy???? like how funny would it be for MARIA’s child to be an anti-establishment agent of chaos. think like young tommy miller meets hobie brown—that’s how i imagine kevin. he’s a sweet boy in that he’s genuinely kind and good to his mother and tries his best to do what’s right; he is also someone raised by a black queer chronically ill single mother and black panther granpappy hank (once again thanking @steeb-stn for hank. we love hank). kevin would STAY MF READY. and maria and hank likely needed protecting in a world as cruel as tlou’s, so i imagine once kevin is old enough (or at least what he considers old enough, because he knows his mother would disagree) he becomes somewhat of a savage in terms of combat/weaponry
toughguy kevin sizing up tommy when he realizes whats going on between this rando new guy and his mom 🤨🤨🤨 kevin lowkey approving of tommy but still jokingly acting all “you better be treating my mommy RIGHT fuckface” tough because it makes maria laugh and keeps tommy on his toes
kevin teaching ellie all the tricks of the trade of being a smart and safe troublemaker. joel and maria rarely hear complaints about them or catch them doing something bad, but it’s because kevin has got Stealth Mode down pat and ellie is a fast fucking learner
also lets think about badboy kevin meeting and falling in love with henry though 😭😭😭 them finding peace and love and building a life for sam in jackson 🥰🥰🥰 kevin basically doing what tommy did with him and maria, dedicating his once tumultuous life to becoming part of a family and protecting his peace 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
In my super sour skittles induced pain I am once again having small brain thoughts about unhinged men
i was feeding my little silly obsession of the moment and I have notice something
I see so many writing Elijah as a creep or some sort of unhinged manipulator who gives zero fucks about anyone
I hate the headcanon of him not caring about androids or being like some sort of perv towards anyone. While I do think he has a god complex I don't think he's that narcissistic and mean as everyone makes him out to be
I know, I just know he tries to overcompensate how insecure he is by putting on this more cold and calculate persona. I feel like he's the type of person who struggles to find a something to fit in, he fears people and is scared of the idea they might get of him so he just distance himself before anyone can get close enough.
Like I can totally see him doing the most to create a specific idea of himself to others so they don't have the chance to hate on his real self. He prefers to be criticise for what he has choose to be seen as rather for who he really is
I was ready a character study a couple of days ago about him being bullied a lot growing up and it totally makes sense with how he is. Like this man put himself into creating basically a replica of human life perfect and you mean to tell me that the only reason behind it it's because he wanted to be seen as some sort of god? NO, THIS MOTHERFUCKER WANTED A FRIEND AND HE ALWAYS FELT LIKE NO HUMAN PERSON WOULD EVER WANT HIM.
Like no FR imagine being 16 and being the weird super smart kid in a college full of older fuckers who are always treating you either as if you were just a stupid kid or as the bottom of the joke because of the things you like or BC of the way you are. IMAGINE HOW LONELY HE MUST HAVE FELT
You can't fucking tell me that man didn't almost had s fucking heart attack as soon as Connor and Hank left
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im gonna combUst aaaa i have so many wuestions abt dtar wars so ill send them in 1 ask
what's carls role?
What's Markus's role? Norths? Simons? Joshs? (i personally think itd be badass if north was an assassain turned rebel or something similar to Ventress clone wars, or the Jericrew is like the Bad Batch)
does todd play a part in the AU with karas story?
do connor and markus meet?
i think it'd be a cool plot twist if amanda waz like Admiral Thrawn, only force-sensitive and fully capable of weilding the Dark Saber, and she has to fight Nines and Connor, easily overpowering them until DUN DUN DUN.... queue Hank with Elijah, Amanda's former Padawan and essentially Walmart Anakin but actually smart and able to handle his emotions. And together, the four overpower Amanda and defeat her. They don't kill her, instead she kills herself by stabbing herself in the gut with her own saber, as she'd rather die than betray the Empire.
ohhhh yess you let's go!!
Carl is a Senator in the senate or works as a diplomat for one of the Inner Rim planets. He does what he can to make sure the Empire doesn't have complete rule over the galaxy's citizens but he recognizes that there's only so much an old man can do for an abandoned democracy. His role becomes like that of Mon Mothma's in Andor. Keeping up a facade of an old and naive man who's actions don't gain much traction in the Senate but is actually supporting the Rebellion and is trying to do his part in reclaiming a free galaxy once again. Once his he hears that his old aide has been spotted working for the Rebellion, his efforts double and he takes a 'personal leave' some time before the completion of the first Death Star and then drops off the grid. Markus worries as he has not heard news of Senator Manfred for some time but his worries are laid to rest when he walks into the hangar one day to find Carl already waiting for him there.
I LOVE the idea of the Jericrew being like the Bad Batch!! That'd be AWESOME!! I picture Markus starting off as a Rebel cell leader and then the bigger and more dangerous their missions become he gains more trust and traction in the Rebellion. Soon enough he becomes one of it's Captains and he has a whole battalion assigned to him. He is Jericho Four - North is the kick-ass muscle of the group. Grew up on the streets and won't hesitate to cut a bitch. North having a story similar to Ventress is super fucking cool and i love that. Don't have much story in mind for her right now, it's still up in the air but im open to suggestions! At one point tho she and Chloe get together. Not sure how. She is Jericho Two -Josh is the tech support. For the most part, grew up in a normal family but experienced the War just like everyone else. Times were hard and he believed that he just had to wait it out and then everything would be better. If only he could hold on a little longer in peace and silent resolute strength, then it would be alright. But he learned the hard way that standing by and doing nothing wasn't going to achieve the changes he wanted to see. He still refuses to pick up a blaster or any weapon really, but is not against self defense. He prefers to offer support and stay out of the line of fire. He is Jericho Three -And Simon is the Jack of All Trades. He has little information here and there about the most random of topics and it's not until later that Markus finds out that he used to be a tutor/study aide for a high class family on Mandalore. Which is how he knows so much stuff. It makes Markus fall in love a little bit more. He is Jericho One
I have no big plans for Todd in this au. At most he'd probably be a side character who pushes the plot forward, somewhere in Kara's story and will probably pop up at one point in Connor's. But again for plot reasons.
Do Connor and Markus meet???.............. .......possibly who's to say??
AND DAAAaaaaammmnnn that'd be one hell of a story! I'd certainly read that!! And my dude, if you got any ideas for a Star Wars au as well i would LOVE to hear it!! And Amanda would fall on her own saber. She would do it to also be petty and try to give one last traumatic memory to Nines and Connor before going out. It's what she'd want. (bitch)
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fouralignments · 1 year
So I'm at a basketball game right. And they're selling these booze in test tube things. And I don't know why but it doesn't appeal to me. Maybe it's because my parents are both doctors
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Plus...when has drinking from a test tube lead to anything GOOD?
Anyway I want to know YOUR opinion on this. You know because you also got some smart bitches in your family as well
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I'm a person who doesn't drink alcohol like teetotal, except in the flavoring of food where all the alcohol, because it messy with me sensory wise. But I do enjoy me some virgin Piña colada.
My parents are also in the medical field; but I also majored in chemistry so my first thought: One does drink lab chemicals! Agreed, specially in pop culture when has it EVER led to something good?
Hollow man (2000 movies with Kevin Bacon as dr. Sebastian Caine basically the Invisible man remake), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dr. Connors/ Lizard from Amazing spiderman also Peter Parker from Gwen Stacy from Earth-65B in Across the Spiderverse, Norman Osborn from Spiderman with the Goblin Super serum in Spiderman (2002), you also have Harry Osborn from The Spectacular Spiderman. Dr. Anton Mercer from Power Ranger: Dino Thunder, which turns him into Mesogog. Paul Stamets from Star Trek: Discovery. Professor Souichi Tomoe/Germatoid from the Death Buster Arc from Sailor Moon. Hank McCoy from First Class, he gets what he deserve in his karmic transformation into a blue furball
I'm also counting like jabbing yourself, aerosol, swallowing it, transfusing it with untested science/medicine or otherwise same trope, just different method of delivery.
the only case that I know of where this leads to a good outcome is when its the curing of the plague or illness like in the case of the Star Trek episode Miri, where Dr. McCoy doesn't know which test is the antidote so Spock tests it out on himself; but this more of a case not being able to communicate with the ship's computer that could tell with a time clock running out.
Perhaps we can also count Static and Virgil from Static Shock in the event of The Big Bang; but for nearly the rest its um not so much; Miguel O'Hara with his backstory of bad corporate mad science and exploitation (which totally fits with what the fuck Elon Musk is doing with neuralink).
But other than that your in for a fucking world of PAIN. It just shows why we need high ethical standards in medicine and even a higher threshold for human testing; informing those who participate full information about the risks before they consent, what researchers hope to achieve etc.
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motownfiction · 10 months
uncle roy comes to visit
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The Doyle kids almost never get to see their Uncle Roy.
He’s a pretty cool guy. Uncle Roy is about two years younger than his sister, Maggie, and he’s a creative writing professor in Massachusetts. He even got an Em-Eff-Ayyyy from I-Oh-Wahhh, which is how Mom says it every time she talks about him. Years ago, when the twins were still in junior high, he still lived in Detroit. The kids saw him more often then, but it was always thick with something Sadie and Charlie didn’t completely understand.
Sam got it, though.
Uncle Roy has never been married, doesn’t have kids (that he knows of, he jokes – Roy’s had more casual girlfriends than even Daniel could have dreamt of, before Sadie), and gives the best presents. Sam never would have gotten into Bo Diddley as a kid without him.
Sam wouldn’t have a lot of his favorite things without Roy.
He’s in town for the twins’ graduation tomorrow. It’s been about two years since he’s been back home. Everybody’s pretty excited. Charlie wants to show him the piano, Sadie wants to talk to him about everything she’s read this year, and Sam just wants to see him.
Dad picks Roy up from the airport. Mom wouldn’t go. She told the kids she wanted to spend that time getting the house ready, but Sam thought that sounded like bullshit. Before any visit from Roy, Mom has to hide in her room, stare straight ahead at a wall, and do nothing.
Roy walks through the door in the middle of the afternoon. Sam turns back into an eight-year-old boy and runs to the living room to meet him there. Forget Sadie and Charlie. They don’t understand the same way Sam does. They never have. Maybe they’re trailing behind him, but for once – for now – it doesn’t matter.
“Why, if it isn’t Sam Spade,” Roy says, wrapping Sam up in the hug that most men would have exchanged for a cold handshake by now. But Roy’s different. He gets it. He gets that you don’t stop hugging just because you turn eighteen.
“Hey, Roy,” Sam says, hugging him tighter, feeling like it’s been much longer than two years since they last saw each other. “Glad you could make it.”
“Ah, come on, don’t act so surprised. I wasn’t gonna miss your graduation. I’ve only got one sister. Gotta make all the milestones count. You know what I mean?”
Sam grins. He doesn’t know what to do, so he just hugs Roy again. When Roy relaxes into it, Sam knows. He knows just how much he gets it.
“So, what’s it gonna be?” Roy asks. “You gonna go to college, or are you gonna backpack around Europe for a year like I would have if I’d been rich, had the guts, or either?”
“Kind of a compromise,” Sam says. “You’re lookin’ at a future student of Hank High.”
Roy smiles and shakes his head – the kind of look most adults give to Sam when they find someone as smart and as full of potential as he is will spend two years in community college, not caring. Sam takes a breath.
“I mean, if I’m not sure if college is right for me, why should I go just because I know I’m smart?” Sam says. “It could be a huge waste of money … and, and time … and I just don’t know if it would be fair to anyone if I went. Least of all myself.”
Why is he panicking so much? And why is he trying to justify himself? Whenever anyone else asks him about school next year, he sweeps it under the rug, cool as ever. Sam Doyle doesn’t have anything to prove to anyone else. He’s Sam Doyle. He’s beyond.
Roy smiles like he knows too much. He always knows too much.
“I didn’t say anything,” he says.
“Yeah, but your aura did,” Sam says. “Look at yourself.”
Roy sticks his hands out and examines them closely.
“This is the best I can do,” he says. “What am I supposed to see?”
Sam rolls his eyes.
“Please,” he says. “I love a good literalization for laughs, but I just … man, I don’t know what I need.”
He sighs and plops down on the couch like a bad child actor. He can feel Roy laughing a little – not laughing at him, per se, but at the rest of the world. Roy gets it. He’s beyond, too.
“I didn’t think this conversation was gonna turn sad,” Sam says. “I was so happy when you called and said you’d be here … I didn’t want it to be this.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Roy says. “Nothing’s happening. I’m just sitting here with my nephew.”
“You’re standing.”
Roy smiles and sits down on the couch – right next to Sam.
“Thanks,” Sam says.
“Now, we don’t have to talk about any of this,” Roy says – always getting straight to the heart of everything, always understanding everybody. “We can talk about anything you want, like whether or not that Breakfast Club was a good movie, or if John Hughes ripped off my book from last year that nobody read.”
“He totally did.”
“Totally. But I ripped off Kasdan, who ripped off Renoir, who ripped off Laclos and Les Liaisons dangereuses, so I think we all lose.”
Sam laughs a little.
“You’re gonna make me talk about college, aren’t you?” he asks.
“No. I just think you’ll feel better if you do. Nobody’s judging you, Sam. Not here. Not me. I promise.”
Sam nods. If anyone’s telling the truth about that, it’s Roy. According to Grandpa, when Roy first announced he wanted to be a writer instead of anything else, with all his brains and talent, he yelled at him for three days straight. Roy gets it. He’s been there.
It’s just that he has the degrees to prove he’s worth it.
Sam isn’t sure what to do with the fact that he just thought that sentence, all without stopping himself.
“How did you know college was right for you?” he asks.
Roy shrugs.
“I guess it’s just what I was expected to do,” he says. “It was a year before you and Sadie were born. Your mom had done the college and marriage thing, and if I hadn’t … would have looked even worse to my dad, believe me.”
Sam nods.
“But did you think you’d like it?” he asks. “Or did you think it would hold you back? I think about the syllabus papers that Lucy’s parents draw up … I don’t know, they just look like prison to me.”
“I worried about that,” Roy says. “Turns out you’re only as held back as you let yourself be. When you come up with your own ideas … professors kind of like that. It’s not like high school. High school is designed just to crush your spirit and make you hate yourself, whichever comes first. College isn’t like that if you know what to do with it.”
“Everyone keeps telling me that. I don’t know whether I should believe it.”
“I can’t tell you that. If I tried to tell you what to believe …”
“It’d be the anti-Roy. I know.”
Roy laughs a little.
“The anti-Roy,” he says. “I kind of like that. He’s probably a Wall Street douche.”
Roy turns his head and looks around the house, probably for signs of intelligent life elsewhere. Sam looks at him and wonders why it doesn’t feel like two years since he was last home. He looks the same. Thick dark hair. Brown eyes. Taller than hell. People always said Sam looked more like his mother’s side of the family – even more than Sadie, who got Dad’s reddish hair. But Sam looks more like a Brady than a Doyle. Ever since he was born.
Eventually, Roy turns his head back around to look at Sam. They look each other in the eye, which is briefly very strange – almost like looking at Sadie. Roy exhales.
“You know, I almost forgot,” he says. “You’ve got brown eyes, too.”
Sam smiles.
“Yeah,” he says. “Like your dad.”
“Heh. Don’t remind me.”
There’s some commotion from the back of the house. Sam’s whole body tightens up, even though he knows what’s happening. They come from every corner, just like a sitcom. Dad from the garage, Sadie from her bedroom, Charlie from the basement. And Mom … just Mom.
Roy spots Mom first.
Sam sighs into the noise.
Brace yourself.
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kamryn1963 · 2 months
So Long, London- Chapter 13\30
Like planned, Lexi came back home to Al’s apartment three days later planning to spend the next week there. They decided to go to a nearby Italian restaurant for dinner and at around six, Al and Lexi drove there. 
After placing their orders, Lexi started to fill Al in on her life and everything that had happened since she had last seen him. Al just listened, happy to be with his daughter again. He had missed her. 
“I’m still figuring out what I want to study. I decided I want to go to college and I have a couple ideas I’m just not certain about any of them yet”. Lexi sighed as she took a sip of her drink. 
“You’ll figure it out, baby. I know you will”. Al replied with a small smile. He hoped she would. That Lexi would find something that made her happy and that she was truly passionate about. 
“I know that, it’s just hard. I don’t want to waste time and money on something I don’t love”. Lexi responded just as the waiter came back over with their food. Both of them had ordered the lasagna. 
“Thank you”. Al said and soon it was the two of them again. They both ate their food in silence Lexi occasionally saying whatever came to her mind but mostly they ate in a comfortable silence. Until Al’s phone rang that is. 
Al froze when he recognized Michelle’s number and answered without hesitation. She hadn’t called him yet and while she had let him know she was okay the day before, Al had a feeling this wasn’t just to check in. 
“Michelle? Are you alright? " Al asked as he stood up quickly telling Lexi he’d be back in a minute, before stepping outside. 
“Al? I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be bothering you. This is so stupid”. Michelle said her voice was quiet and Al knew instantly she wasn’t okay. 
“Hey, hey kiddo it’s not stupid and you're not bothering me. What’s wrong?” Al was getting really worried now and ready to drive to her cousin’s house. 
“My cousin, Bryan, he- he kicked me out a few days ago and I was doing okay I really was. I found a spot in the park but I was robbed yesterday and I have no money or food and the guys that robbed me told me they'd be back”. Michelle’s voice came out rushed and Al could barely understand her but he had heard enough. 
“Okay, okay can you tell me where you are? I’ll come pick you up”. Al responded without hesitation. 
“Are you sure? I don’t want to be a burden?” Michelle was crying now, her voice full of emotion that made his heart ache. God, she was only fifteen. 
“Yeah I’m sure”. Al hoped his voice was reassuring enough. It seemed it was as she gave the address a minute later. 
“My phone is about to die. I’m by the playground though”. Michelle added and Al was glad to hear she’d stopped crying. 
“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. Just stay where you are”. Al ordered and after a couple more minutes, she hung up. 
Al just stood there for a minute trying to figure out what the hell he was going to say to Lexi. 
Soon Al headed back into the restaurant knowing that it was possible those men would come back at any time and he wanted Michelle safe. 
“Lex, we need to go. I’ll explain in the car”. Al stated as he spotted their waiter and asked for the check. 
“What? Dad, what's happening?” Lexi asked as the waiter handed them the check and Al quickly grabbed his card. 
Al didn’t respond and just focused on paying before they headed out to the car. A couple minutes into the drive, Al finally explained knowing he had to be honest. 
“You probably don’t remember, you were only three but about fifteen years ago I went undercover. It was supposed to only last a few weeks and ended up lasting a year. About eight months into the assignment, one of the men I was investigating, his cousin, Linda Sovana, moved back to the town and it was clear she was close to her cousin and knew more than she was letting on. And I wasn’t getting enough information, I wasn't moving fast enough for my Sergeant so he gave me an ultimatum and told me to use Linda to get to her cousin”. Al paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. 
“So I did. I got drunk and I slept with her. I found out that the result of that night was a fifteen year old teenage girl, Michelle. She’s who called me. I met her recently and she had been staying with her cousin but he kicked her out and Michelle was living at the park but was robbed and threatened and asked me to pick her up. That’s where we're going right now”. 
The car was dead silent. Al kept his eyes on the road not turning, not looking at Lexi and the betrayal and anger he knew he’d see in her eyes. 
“Let me out here dad”. Lexi replied finally and Al could hear from her voice that she was crying. 
“I’m not going to drop you off in the middle of nowhere at night”. Al said sternly as he kept driving. 
Lexi scoffed but didn’t ask again or try to open the doors. “So you what cheated on mom? For a stupid undercover assignment”. 
Al felt his own emotions rise inside. He knew Lexi had every right to be angry with him but Al was exhausted of acting like he was the only one that fucked up the marriage just because he ended up with a child. 
“At least I had a reason, Lexi. Your mother cheated on me for years with a friend because she was bored”. Al said back bitterly and the car went silent again. 
When Al looked back at Lexi she was looking out the mirror silently crying. They drove the rest of the way in silence. 
Eventually he pulled up outside the park quickly spotting Michelle waiting on a bench. He got out, Lexi following him, as they headed closer to her. 
“Al?” Michelle asked as she spotted them looking visibly relieved as she headed over to them with her backpack on her back though Al could tell it was mostly empty. 
“Hey, Michelle. This is Lexi”. Al introduced as he pointed to his daughter who gave a small smile to Michelle. 
Al was grateful that as angry as Lexi was at him, rightfully so but he was glad she didn’t seem to be taking that out on Michelle. Al hoped that if nothing else they would be able to get along. 
“Hi Michelle”. Lexi said softly. Al noticed her freeze and looked back at Michelle seeing what Lexi was looking at and felt his blood boil. 
Michelle had a black eye. 
“You didn’t tell me they had hurt you”. Al said as he stepped closer to check Michelle over. 
“I’ve had worse”. Michelle joked and Al thought he was looking at a younger version of himself. Trudy had smacked him a few times for saying that. 
“I don’t care if you’ve had it worse. That’s assault Michelle. Do you know what these guys look like? Or their names?” Al asked as the cop side of him came out before he could stop it. 
“Dad”. Lexi warned and Al realized Michelle had tensed up and he sighed. 
“I’m sorry. We figure that out later. Let’s get you out of the cold. I have a room you can use and I’m sure Lexi has some clothes you can wear”. Al offered and Michelle nodded. 
The three of them headed back to Al’s car, Lexi and Michelle getting in the backseat while Al got in the driver's seat. 
Al knew he had a long night ahead of him but he was prepared to make everything right. To do what he could for both Lexi and Michelle. 
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road2nf · 1 year
All nerds need a community of other nerds. Otherwise we tend to allow the rest of society to convince us that there’s something wrong with who and what we are. We start to forget that we are awesome, which easily leads us to forget to be awesome.
I haven’t been a Nerdfighter for very long. It was probably about a year ago that a friend showed me Mental Floss, which I enjoyed and watched sporadically, clueless that John did anything else and that Hank even existed.
It was only late December 2013 that I discovered SciShow and thereby came to know and love Hank. I wouldn’t say I was a Nerdfighter though until February of this year, when I found the Vlogbrothers channel.
Prior to that, I thought John and Hank were cool dudes, but now I am addicted to Vlogbrothers videos, I own a copy of TFiOS that has collected my tears and been passed on to my sisters, I have pictures on facebook of me doing the Nerdfighter gang sign thing, etc.
So yeah, I’m kinda new here, but in my few months so far as a Nerdfighter, I feel like the world sucks a bit less just knowing that there is a community of people who proudly call themselves nerds, are committed to viewing the world and the people in it complexly, and work together to try and make the world suck less.
All nerds need a community of other nerds. Otherwise we tend to allow the rest of society to convince us that there’s something wrong with who and what we are.
We start to believe that we shouldn’t let our intelligence show and that we shouldn’t like things enthusiastically and that being weird is bad.
We start to forget that we are awesome, which easily leads us to forget to be awesome.
In high school, I didn’t know anything of Nerdfighteria, but I had an entirely insane best friend, who helped me to worry less about what people thought about me, and I had Dustin, who did the morning announcements on Fridays and always signed off by saying “Don’t Forget To Be Awesome.” and that is how I made it through.
Humans are extremely complex, but humans are extremely predisposed to ignore the complexity of other humans and of the things other humans do.
All this does is screw humanity over.
At the core of most of the world’s problems are people not actually understanding the problem and people not understanding each other.
Even though their videos are short, John and Hank never just hand us basic summaries and generalizations of things. Instead, they always give us something to think about and invite us to discuss it further and share our questions and insights.
They help us remember that the truth resists simplicity, and they have created places on the internet where intelligent discussions of complex issues can be had without all intelligence being lost and buried at the bottom of an ocean of hater comments and trolling.
Kids and young adults are used to being talked down to by less young adults. but even though John and Hank are about twice the age of most of their audience, the way in which they address their viewers makes them feel less like teachers (in the way one generally thinks of teachers) or any other sort of authority figures and more like really cool, really smart, older brothers.
They don’t belittle your intelligence.
They don’t make you feel stupid for asking a question.
They don’t make you feel foolish or weak for asking for advice.
They’re people to whom young adults can look up but not feel inferior.
I get very anxious in real-life social situations, but if I ever get the opportunity to meet John and Hank, I don’t think I’d be all that scared to approach them.
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socalwriterbee · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Happy Wednesday!
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At the moment I don't have anything ready to go but I am more than happy to share something that has been on my mind since I received an ask.
It's still in the early stages... hope you enjoy!!
Untitled (Open Heart AU) Tessa Martinez x Ethan Ramsey
“Tess, do you think you’re having bad experiences because you can’t seem to get over a certain blue eyed doctor and the fact that no one lives up to him.”
“You are still on that? It was a crush I had when I first started and that was it. He’s a mentor and a colleague now, nothing more.”  
It had been just a crush, I had been one of many here at Edenbrook who did. You know the crushes where you’re attracted to the hottest guy, in my case smart and sexy, and you secretly think they feel the same way and then one day they confess their love for you and the two of you spend the rest of your lives together blissfully happy. 
Yeah, that didn’t happen.
“Whatever you say. I gotta go, talk to you later.”
Watching my friend leave, I shake the thoughts that begin to creep in. For the past few years Ethan has been exactly what I told Jackie, anything romantically I had imagined would happen didn’t and I swallowed my pride like a big girl and squashed that notion after my first year of residency.
It was just a silly crush.
hanks for the tag @txemrn
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 2 years
Grimm 1x01
*Hank is a confirmed Shutterbug.
*Hank has been married 4 times. I always forget.
*Nick seeing his first woge in the first minute of the episode is a Good Call. Also, my heart at him buying that ring for Juliette. The ring Juliette will never wear.
*Also Nick the profiler. AU where Nick, Audrey, and Will are just cops together and Lucy is the local history professor who gets caught up in their cases.
*"I didn't know you couldn't sing." Their friendship my HEART.
*The Time Wars crossovers are turning into the Big Four of Back in the Day.
*Oooooo the aunt Marie introduction! Played like a villain! Like Ashley! Saving the reveal for later on!
*"Do you have a photo of her?" "Uh, yeah, on my iPhone." Literally Nobody would say it like that.
*.... Nick and Lucy could have met taking Carol and Marie to treatments. .... Except for the whole "different states" thing.
*Marie couldn't move for a week when she saw her first Wesen. We know from later on that she was 11. My HEART.
*Nick killing his first Wesen with the power of "shooting him a whole bunch of times"
*THE KEY. Ohhhh the keys my beloved storyline.
*AU where Meg transfers out of Old City to get a from the Weirdness and ends up working in a Portland hospital. And then her first patient is Aunt Marie.
*Might just let four narratives entwine irrevocably and change each other forever. Idk.
*Renard looking out for Nick... I know he has Ulterior Motives and everything, but to a point, he really does treat his men as his People, under his protection. I think there's some sincerity in that.
*Cannot get over the fact that one of the biggest images from the ads for this-Juliette running through the woods in a red dress-is from a three second dream that has no bearing on the show ever.
*"I think it was just a cat." Juliette, having no idea that a cat will change the course of her life forever.
*Oh, right, Marie was a librarian at one point.
*Hank being the one to figure out that the girl went through the park.... Is very important to me. Nick knows people. But Hank's not just someone who tags along. He's a really good cop.
*R.H. Robin Howell. Red (riding) Hood. I'd forgotten how Specific this show gets sometimes.
*Monroe and Nick's first meeting was so bad, guys. So, so bad. I always forget how truly bad it was. I remember the tackle through the window, but that was the second meeting. The first... Oof.
*"And by the way, you're paying for that window."
*"You people started profiling us over 200 years ago." Given how the show progresses, this has the same mood as that post about Julius Ceasar dying well over 70 years ago. Or was that Abraham Lincoln? Anyway, that.
*"No, I'm here because of the little girl." And "We're not things." . Very similar to Will's "You said you were tracking the boy," and later, Magnus' "I'm not sure how he'd feel about you calling him a thing." Just. Similar.
*Okay but Monroe and Nick's dynamic is made 10x funnier by the fact that Monroe is 10 years older than Nick. Just. Very Tired Guy Does Not Get Paid Enough For This Nonsense. (But yes, obviously he's going to help. Just, for goodness' sake, could you please learn to go to bed at a reasonable time?)
*See, Hank and Joe have very similar roles: The grounded partner to contrast the one who sees the Impossible. The voice of reason to keep the out there one grounded. But whereas Joe is basically a paper cutout designed to look ridiculous while Will looks smart, Hank is a really intelligent man and an excellent cop.
*Wait Adalind really just straight-up tried to kill Marie right in front of Nick? Like, you couldn't have waited until visiting hours were over? You were disguised as a nurse, so it wouldn't have caused you problems.
*"Let's hope she doesn't wake up first." * Immediate cut to Marie opening her eyes* Brilliant episode ending tbh.
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positivelybeastly · 9 months
Ready for a small novella?
Omnidisciplinary Scientist:
"He had his brains undergo an inflation similar to Superman's powers going from Flying Brick in the Golden Age to almighty in the Silver Age. In the early days, he was just the best and most studious of the school's students. By now he's a world-renowned expert in every science there is, and when it comes to solving the science-based problem of the week, be it a virus, a killer robot that doesn't respond to Eye Beams, etc. he'll be the one to do it. Officially Reed Richards is the smartest human in the Marvel Universe, but Beast really can stand up to him in the actual count of scientific day-saving moments. Need a device to make the godlike Dark Phoenix's butt temporarily kickable? He'll whip it up in an hour. The Big Bad is using an alien spaceship left behind by the Precursors? He'll pull up a chair and make it work for him in under an hour! Legacy Virus? Get on it, Hank. And somehow, even with the superhero-ing and research work in all fields of science, Hank also finds time to be a regular on the talk show circuit. Interestingly, he's less like this in his Avengers appearances: when you've got a team with Pym, Stark, and Banner you don't need another genius, so he's more of a Boisterous Bruiser with his (considerable) physical powers emphasized (which have also greatly increased since his days as one of the original X-Men; he once casually boasted about being able to bench press 70 tons and his agility has always been on par with Spider-Man). However, that was when he was first with the Avengers, during the interregnum between the original X-Men series and the "all new, all different" one that introduced Storm, Wolverine, etc. This many decades of being the X-Men's resident genius later, it's no longer possible to ignore the brains angle. He keeps his X-Men characterization during Secret Avengers, and in that series, he's clearly on par with Pym. The in-universe explanation (although never stated outright) was that this was the time when he started experimenting with pot.
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Dark Beast, the evil alternate Hank who arrived here from the Age of Apocalypse universe, once posed as "our" Hank and ended up complaining about all the things he was expected to know. Dark Beast is an expert on genetics, making him seriously bad news to have on the wrong side in this universe. However, genetics is his specialty while prime Hank's specialty is "everything ever." At one point, that was prime Hank's specialty too, but he's branched out a lot since then, being a medical doctor in addition to having Ph.Ds in genetics and biochemistry and being a self-trained expert in everything else."
Hank is fucking busted crazy smart. Like, it's one thing to be a genius in biochemistry, biophysics and genetics, a field in which Hank is basically meant to be the foremost expert in the entire world, but he's also a genius in basically any and every field. He just spontaneously develops an M.D. and starts doing brain surgery because it's what the X-Men need him to do!
I really don't think the writers ever quite considered what they were doing when they had every technological, scientific, or medical problem the X-Men ever faced be solved by one person.
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