#you guys are the sweetest people ever WAY NICER TO ME THAN YOU SHOULD BE and it won’t happen again SORRY AGAIN
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vaaaaaiolet · 2 months ago
hello so i am actually the rudest bitch alive and everyone i haven’t responded to while i was busy roleplaying deadbeat dad deserves front row seats to my beheading thank you so very much
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realcube · 4 years ago
trying to be nice to their crush hcs
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thank you to 🍦anon for this cute request!
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characters: tsukishima, kyōtani, sakusa & suna
content warning: swearing & sexual references 
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kei tsukishima 
♡ this is all yamaguchi’s fault (︶^︶)
♡ he found out tsukki had a crush on you bc he mentioned you a lot in conversation so yamaguchi interrogated him for answers then lo and behold, the beanpole had a lil thing for you 
♡ you sit in front of tsukishima in homeroom while yamaguchi sits beside him so when you leaned back and asked him if you could borrow a pencil and he spat back a snarky remark about you being too irresponsible to care for your own pencils, yamaguchi hastily offered you one of his own before scolding tsukishima 
♡ he explained to his clueless friend that being nasty to people isn’t a good way to get them to like you 
♡ so perhaps he should be nicer :)
♡ honestly, tsukishima would’ve just looked yamaguchi straight in the eyes and went ‘no’, if it wasn’t for the fact you shot tadashi the sweetest smile anD PLAYFULLY BLEW HIM A KISS AFTER HE JUST GAVE YOU A DAMN PENCIL LIKE WTF 
♡ after that, he decided to give up his current personality and pick up a new one 
♡ jk jk 
♡ but he had to binge a whole bunch of those youtube psychology videos that are like ‘psychological tricks to make people like you’ and ‘THESE 5 MIND TRICKS WILL MAKE YOU THE MOST POPULAR PERSON *EVER*’!!
♡ spoiler alert: he wasn’t the most popular person but perhaps that was bc he only went to the effort of using those tricks on you 
♡ god bless him; he tries hard, he really does. (not his best, just hard)
♡ but you don’t have to be extremely observant to realise that he’s began acting different around you and of course, it confused you seeing tsukishima being nice
♡ what irritated you was how dismissive he was being of your questions though, as he was clearly trying to lead you to believe that you were crazy and he’s just always been a nice guy 
♡ but as soon as he figures out that he angered you, he’ll instantly switch back to him normal self - draining his mind of the hours of phycology studying he did last night to just pretend like it never happened 
♡ and if he’s feeling flirty, he might be extra mean to you ( ̄︶ ̄)
♡ also he makes a mental note to never take yamaguchi’s romance advice ever again 🙄
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you sighed, removing your hand from your bag after desperately rummaging through it in search of a pencil once again - deja vu. once you accepted that a pencil wasn’t going to materialise out of thin air, you peered over your shoulder and tapped the corner of yamaguchi’s desk, who wore a suspicious grin which you decided against questioning. 
“yamaguchi, do you think i could borrow a pencil again? sorry, this is the last time, i swear. i’ll be sure to get some on my way home after school tod--” 
yamaguchi dropped the line him and tsukishima had rehearsed many times beforehand, while clutching his pencilcase dear to his chest, “woah, (y/n). you’re so irresponsible. sorry, i can’t lend one of my pristine pencils to someone who is too forgetful to remember to buy some; what if you forget to return it to me?” 
tsukishima cringed at how forced it sounded but he couldn’t help but admire yamaguchi's dedication to his role. this allowed tsukishima to swoop in, pencil in hand, “here.” that wasn’t in the script but he panicked! okay, now, eye contact. 
you just sat there and stared at both of them with the most dumbfounded look plastered on your face. what just happened?  why were they both acting like they were in drama class?  and why are they both so bad at acting? they’re both passing performing arts for fucks’ sake!
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kentarō kyōtani 
♡ sorry but i firmly believe kyōtani is the sorta guy to be extra mean to ppl he fancies smh
♡ the rest of them just act (somewhat) like themselves around their crush but kyōtani is himself2 (himself^2)
♡ like one time yahaba found you trembling in your locker bc you had gotten mud on mad dog’s white shoes so he chased you through the hallways of the school, threatening to trek mud on your forehead 
♡ yahaba took it upon himself to investigate as to why kyōtani was so rude to you and he got his answer as soon as he mentioned your name to mad dog and the boy’s face immediately flushed red 
♡ so after practise, yahaba schools mad dog on how to get chicks (⌐■_■)
♡ in short, his advice was ‘good guys get laid’ and for kyōtani’s understanding, ‘good’ and ‘kind’ were interchangeable 
♡ mad dog wasn’t completely oblivious to how he treated you and he was aware that he was far from ‘kind’
♡ although he usually doesn’t listen to people in general, yahaba seemed to know what he was talking about so he figured there was no harm in trying to be nice 
♡ but ngl, he just spent the rest of the day wondering...what is kind?
♡ after a few messages back and forth with yahaba, he figured that the best place to start was by apologising for - y’know - chasing you around the whole school 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“oi!” kyōtani bellowed through hallway, paying no mind to the students that cast him dirty looks as his sights were locked on you. standing unsuspecting by your locker, stuffing your textbooks into your bag until you heard his deep voice echo through the hall, to which you visibly perked up and began frantically looking around.
he marched towards you, hands in pockets and when you noticed him out of the corner of your eye, you were more than ready to drop all your shit and bolt away. but he didn’t let you as before you were able to take off on your heels, he grabbed your shoulder and spun you around to face him - then he noticed your hands raised in defence by your face and your head hung low.
his heart sank and his grip on your shoulder immediately softened, “i’m not gonna punch you, idiot.” he spat, rolling his eyes and gritting his teeth, trying to appear angry in hopes you’d mistake his light blush for pure rage. 
“i just wanted to say that i felt bad for chasing you through the halls yesterday - you didn’t stand a chance so i guess it was a bit unfair.” he said, frowning as you replied with silence so the duty fell on him to fill it, “and i got the stain out, anyway so.” 
more silence. lovely.
suddenly, he puffed his cheeks out as his eyes snapped to meet yours and he roared, “ARE YOU GONNA FUCKING SAY SOMETHING OR ARE YOU TOO BRAINDE-”
“are you wearing eyeliner?” 
and that was the true story behind why you missed last period, because you and kyōtani had a 30 minute conversation about eyeliner and make-up, then he convinced you to skip the rest of class with him so he could buy you ramen as an apology gift.
so yeah, he figured that perhaps he should try being nice more often.
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kiyoomi sakusa
♡ he didn’t need someone to tell him to be nicer, he’s just predisposed to attempt to show kindness to someone he is fond of
♡ in his mind, showing kindness, respect and stripping himself of all his personality = the only way to be desirable 
♡ (ofc this takes place before he meets atsumu tho lol)
♡ so it’s not the realisation that’s the problem for him, it’s the execution 
♡ like how is he supposed to be nice without either sounding creepy or condescending? 
♡ *cut to sakusa practising in the bathroom mirror* ‘your hand looks- no-’ he scoffs, flicking cold water onto his face, ‘your hair looks cool- pretty- nice?’
♡ *camera pans to sakusa laying in bed, staring intently at the ceiling while imagining vivid and scarily detailed scenarios about ways he could mess up while talking to you* 
♡ *camera zooms in on sakusa’s face as he manifests a nicer version of himself*
♡ he might - depending on how insecure he is - watch one of those psychology videos or read a wikihow for help
♡ but other than that, he independently tries to alter his personality in order to gain your favour bc..true love ?
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you smiled as a basketball rolled up to your feet during gym class, followed by the sound of someone approaching you and upon raising your gaze, your eyes met sakusa’s unmistakable black ones. his face hovered only a few inches away from yours due to the fact you had both reached down to pick up the ball at the same time.
he quickly pulled himself away, tucking the basketball under his elbow as he adjusted his mask so it properly covered his face to ensure that you didn’t see the light blush slowly spreading across his cheeks. he then proceeded to blurt out what he had been rehearsing for the past few nights, “oh, thank you, (y/n). your hair looks lovely today, by the way.”
you giggled, holding your hands firmly by your side to avoid fidgeting and making it obvious that his sudden comment flustered you, “thanks, sakusa. and, if we’re handing out compliments today, i didn’t know you were good at any sport other than volleyball but you’re doing surprisingly well at basketball.” you joked, your lips slowly curling into a cocky smirk, “though, i don’t think you’d stand a chance against my team.” 
god, you’re such a tease. you make it so hard for him to be nice to you. so, of course, your comment returned his ability to utter almost every sarcastic comment that comes to mind - screw being likeable. “you think so?” he quirked a brow, tossing the ball onto your lap then pacing backwards, “go on, then.”
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rintarō suna
♡ it was probably those tips on social media that told him he has to be nicer 
♡ and plus he saw terushima get all the chicks and he was just sitting there like ‘where are my bitches at? 🥺’
♡ anyway, all the guys on social media that had girls lining up outside their door always had one thing in common: misogyny  obnoxious personalities !!
♡ and his whole personality was a sacrifice suna was willing and ready to make for just a crumb of cooch  🤲
♡ though you weren’t exactly his crush yet, suna thought you were the best person to carry out this experiment with bc he heard through the grapevine that you had a crush on him so perhaps this would make you happy
♡ he didn’t prepare much beforehand though which he immediately regretted as soon as he approached you bc admittedly, his game plan of ‘be self-assured but friendly’ was a bit vague 
♡ so he basically just had to bullshit through a whole, awkward conversation with you while wearing a forced ‘bold’ smirk which, in reality, looked as though he had just seen tiddies for the first time 
♡ hardly self-assured or friendly 
♡ also, the fact you thought he was playing a prank on you must’ve drastically altered the results of his experiment 
♡ at one point he says something extremely stupid you’d just quit playing along and just blurt out ‘wtf is wrong with you today’
♡ to which he’d be like ‘ahaha, nuthin much bbg, how bout you?’
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you rubbed your temples in order to soothe the throbbing headache suna gave you simply by existing. like yes, you had a crush on him 10 minutes ago - but that was before he came up to you and started acting like terushima on dodgy medication. “oh and your skin is glowing bab--”
“jesus christ, rintarō, shut up!” you cried, gripping the edge of your skirt to prevent your self from delivering a swift punch right to his stupid face. he’s seriously gotten on all your nerves at this point; firstly, by spamming your phone in the middle of the night asking for homework answers (accompanied by cursed memes) as he actually managed to wake you up. secondly, by acting so oblivious to the fact you clearly had a crush on him and now, this!
heat rose to his cheeks in embarrassment as his creepy smile instantly fell right back into his resting bitch face, “this isn’t working, is it?” 
“what’s not working?”
suna scoffed, rolling his eyes - his façade having evidently disappeared. “this.” he sighed, looking around as if someone was going to save him before his eyes finally settled on you and he was reminded of what he wanted in the first place, his sparkle was rekindled for just a moment which caused him to blurt out, “just fuck me already, i’m not asking for much.”
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hot-wiings · 4 years ago
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The One Where [Y/N] [L/N] Can't Show Up To Her Toxic Family Dinner Alone, So She Turns To Her College Peer For Help.
Edited: 12-4-2020
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Once your college professor dismissed the class as over you were quick to open your phone and check your messages. Once unmuted, it vibrated and chimed a dozen times bombarding you. Messages from your mother overflowed your notification bar. You just didn't have the energy to deal with it right now. With a scowl, you set your phone back to mute mode and harshly shoved it into your backpack.
"Everything all right?"
Your chemistry partner was pilling books back into his backpack when he asked you the imposing question. He zipped the bag close, stood up, and turned to you, giving you a concerned look as he slung his backpack on his shoulder.
"I'm fine."
"We've been partners for nearly a year, I think I know you enough to know when you're not fine."
Your eyes glanced up at the white-haired man before glancing back at your lap. Your chemistry partner, Natsuo Todoroki, was a nice young man. Natsuo was funny and kind, he noticed when you were having a bad day, and he'd try to ease your troubles. Maybe that was why you often found yourself studying your partner more than your notes. Normally you'd relish under the gaze and attention of your charming, pretty partner, but today wasn't just one of those days.
"It's stupid. Like, really stupid, and unimportant."
"If it's bothering you then it's not stupid. C'mon, I'll buy you lunch and you can tell me all about your problem."
You huffed as you stood up and pulled your bag over your shoulder. You followed Natsuo to the cafeteria, while he walked off to get and pay for your lunches, you found some empty seats. Your leg bounced as you waited for him to come back. The idea of opening up about something so personal made you anxious.
"It's Soba Saturday."
Natsuo took a seat across from you and smiled as you took a bite out of the food. Happy that you were happy with your food, Natsou digs into his own.
"So partner' what's up?"
"As I said, it's really, really, stupid."
"You're obviously worked up over it, it can't be that stupid."
You let out a ragged sigh as you took a delicate bite out of your food. Embarrassed, your eyes avoided him once you swallowed and set the fork down. Natsuo had shared so much with you as a friend and confidant, you knew about his family, every nitty-gritty detail, but you opened so little in return.
"My mom texted me asking if I was bringing a date home for Christmas. My parents... They're pretentious and rich, you know? Marrying, and settling down, becoming a house mouse while my husband takes over the family business. That's the future they want for me."
You clenched your fists just getting aggravated thinking about it. The toxicity was hard and you were trying your best to escape it, but you could only flee so much when you were poor without your parents. Natsuo reached across the table and grabbed your hands, pulling them into his cold ones.
"I know if I show up alone my mom's gonna get in my business, then she'll try setting me up with rich men she thinks are suitable. I just- I can't do another family Christmas alone."
"I understand what you mean. I told you how my dad's a bastard, he's tried setting me and my sister up with suitable people before, never works out, just makes us hate him. I don't even wanna go home for Christmas this year, so... I have a proposition."
"I'd love to hear it."
"I'll go with you."
His voice came out quick and fast, almost making him sound nervous, but Natsuo didn't get nervous, it wasn't a Todoroki trait. You look up from your lap to his eyes. A small smile formed on your face as he proposed the statement. You let out a chuckle as a light blush brushed your face.
"You wanna be my date?"
"We don't have to go like that, we can fake date. Think about it, you need a rich, suitable guy to show up with you. You need me. Someone to convince your pretentious parents you're ready to settle down, and, I, can get out of my own family Christmas and obligations to see the bastard man."
"Fake dating... Fake dating and convincing my parents that we're in love. That's a lot to deal with, you're sure your up for it?"
"Yeah, you might say... We already have some chemistry together."
You laughed as that feeling bubbled up in your chest. That feeling you got whenever you were around your partner, your lab partner. It was stupid, so stupid. The idea of fake dating him bubbled you, even if it was fake, the idea that he got to be your boyfriend for an evening or two excited you.
"Okay, you dork, it's settled. You're my fake boyfriend."
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Your leg bounced rigorously as the car drove on the road. You watched the road signs, anxiously noting how far away from your home you were each time a new one appeared. You lived a couple of hours out from the city you and Natsuo attended college in. Coming from a rich family, you and Natsuo probably would've attended the same social circles and school had you not grew up so far away.
Your thumb tapped away at your leg as Christmas music blared through the radio. Your whole body screamed anxious and distressed. Now that you've had time to brew and process the deal you and Natsuo made you regretted it. What were you thinking, taking your lab partner, who was also your crush, on an overnight trip as your fake boyfriend? It was just going to cause you trouble.
You had feelings for him and your family was toxic. The idea of letting him in was disturbing. It was your home where you grew up, the place you learned to hate yourself, the place that taught you to be closed off, and mean. He'll meet your mom, your dad, and your godawful siblings. He'll see how horrible your family is, and the idea of letting him see the environment you grew up in was so daunting.
What if he decided you were awful too? What if he changes lab partners?
"We're here."
Your voice came out placid and tight. Your nervousness and exhaustion could be heard in your voice. Emotions brought out every time you saw your family, he mistook it as nerves brought on by the fear of fake dating.
"We should probably lie down some rules."
"Yeah, I've never fake dated before. I don’t know what you're uncomfortable with, but no kissing on the lips."
Natsuo pulled his keys out of the engine ignition and pocketed them while he lightly laughed at your proposed rule. Heat rose to your cheeks as his voice met your ears.  
"We're supposed to convince them we're in love, but I can't kiss your lips?"
"I know it's silly, but to me it's romantic and I’d like to keep this professional. Besides, you still have my cheek, hand, nose, and forehead."
“I see your points, if it makes you feel more comfortable then lips are off-limits.”
You let out a relieved sigh. You weren't sure you'd handle kissing Natsuo. It was too personal, too romantic. The more you progressed on this endeavor the more you worried. Your parents were gonna know, they were gonna know. 
"No kissing your lips, what about hand-holding?"
"We can hold hands, hug, anything a couple would do, just no sex or kissing."
"Two days, as a handholding loving boyfriend. Let's do this."
Natsuo got out of the car and while you zipped up your coat and fixed your scarf he rushed to the other side of the car and opened your door before you got the chance. His cold hand was on your hand pulling you out of the car, he smiled softly at you as he helped you out.
“Thanks, you didn't have to do that.”
“I wanted to, I'm your boyfriend after all.”
You pushed a piece of hair behind your ear as a light blush spread across your skin. Never had you been more thankful for the cold air for you had been able to play your pink cheeks off as an effect of the cold weather and not his words. 
“You go in, I’ll get our bag.”
“You sure?”
You nibbled on your lip as Natsuo walked away from you. He turned to you with an ever-growing smile present as he winked. 
“Yeah, I'm a good boyfriend aren't I?”
“The sweetest ever. See you inside.”
You made your way to the door and gave the heavy wooden door a hard knock. It wasn't long until one of the servants opened the door. The head butler, Godwin, opened the door and threw you a gracious smile before pulling you into a hug. 
“Welcome back, [Y/N].”
In your time living here as a child, Godwin spent a lot of time with you. It was his job to watch over you and your siblings along with the other staff members when your parents were gone, which was often. He was the one who taught you to be kinder and nicer, more humble than your other siblings. He was the one who encouraged you to go to college despite your parents raising you to live in a world with their racist, sexist ideals. 
“It’s good to see you, Godwin.” 
Your mother came down the stairs with her overly expensive Christmas dress flowing with her. She looked like the average rich person trying to show off her money. Pearls, diamonds, and obvious plastic surgery. Your father followed behind her, adorning an expensive tailored suit and a matching tie, no doubt your mother's idea to make it seem like they had a perfect marriage to their guests when it, in fact, was not. 
“Oh, [F/N], you're here!”
She walked up to you and awkwardly wrapped her arms around your body. It was weird and awkward. Your mother didn't like giving affection out to her children, or really anyone. Now that you were older, you didn't crave the attention from her. Your father didn't even attempt to greet you. 
“I thought you said you were bringing a guest, Oh I knew you were lying. Lucky for you I thought ahead and arranged for one of your father's friends to come over as your date for the evening.”
“Mother, anyone friends with father is going to be way too old to be a date for me, besides that fact, I did bring a date.” 
“Oh, don’t be embarrassed to ask your mother for help, I did give birth to you after all.”
She sneered her words at you. This was a classical move of your mothers because she gave birth to you then that must mean she knows you better than anyone else, she also used it in the stance that you owed it to her to do what she wanted.
“You’ll love him. He's the owner of a multimillion-dollar company, he's rich, and his wife just died! You’ve been single for so long, you need a man to take care of you”-
Your mother is cut off by the sound of Natsuo walking in with your bag and slamming the door shut, trying to keep the cold out. Considering it was an overnight trip, you thought sharing a bag might make you look more intimate and close. 
“Sorry I took so long babe, I didn't zip the bag all the way closed and it opened on the ride here, I had to put everything back in it.”
“Mother, father, this is my boyfriend.” 
Natsuo dropped your bag on the floor and shook your parent's hands starting with your father, and then your mother next, respectfully the way you shook hands with the rich. You supposed growing up as a Todoroki he had to learn these tricks and rules the same way you did. 
“Natsuo Todoroki, nice to meet you, sir, ma’am.”
“Oh wow, Todoroki? Like the hero family Todoroki?”
“Yes, ma’am... Endeavor is my father.”
You could tell by Natsuo's stance that he was uncomfortable with the way your mother was asking about his social status and checking him out with a tight fake smile on her face.
“Yes, I remember now, I saw your family on the news. How did you snag this one [Y/N]? A Todoroki, I'm impressed, then again... He is the brother who chose not to follow the life of a hero.”
You both ignored your mother's catty comment as Natsuo grabbed your hand and pulled you against his side. He kissed your cheek, eliciting a light blush for the second time that day, however, your mother's focus was on your 'boyfriend', and his focus was on your mother. 
“Feels more like I'm the one who snagged her.”
“Well, you must tell us how you met. Goodwin! Take their bag up to [Y/N]'s room!” 
You rolled your eyes as she yells at the butler. You'd think after years of working for her she would've remembered his name, but she didn't.
“Godwin, we can take our bag up, we need to change into our dress clothes anyway. Mother, you really should remember the names of your staff.”
“They're just the help, details like their names don't matter. Ever since you went off to that school it's put silly ideas in your head. Natsuo don't be afraid to remind her who's boss, she might try to force those ridiculous relationship norms on you.”
The comment comes from your father who had been mostly silent throughout the whole conversation. The comment comes from your father and it didn't sit well with Natsuo. As your father laughs at what he said, Natsuo picks your bag up and chuckles at him. 
“Oh, [Y/N] and I both know who the boss of this relationship is. [Y/N] attends more classes than me, so I always make sure the apartment is clean, and food is ready on the table for her. It's only fair, I wouldn't want her to think these ridiculous relationship norms where the woman cooks and cleans and the man provides is right.”
Before your father gets another word in edgewise, Natsuo pulls you along with him to the staircase, letting you guide him to your bedroom with appeased smiles on your faces. You pushed the door open and let Natsuo in before closing it and locking it. You flopped over on the bed, and he followed suit before taking a look at your room. It was the same as always, the way you left it after high school, never changing except for when little things got moved around for dusting and vacuuming by Godwin. 
“So... What'd you think of my parents?”
“They’re... interesting?”
There were a wide variety of choice words Natsuo wanted to use. He did not like your parents, and it bothered him knowing that you grew up being raised with such ideals. Natsuo might have had a bastard for a father, his father might have hurt his mom, and his family in more ways than one, but his father never once told Fuyumi that she couldn't pursue her dreams. He never once told Fuyumi that she had to follow old gender norms, never once was Fuyumi taught to layover for a man.
"It's okay, you can say it. They're good awful."
"I didn't want to upset you or offend, but my father literally drove my mom insane, he gave her a mental illness and he's nice compared to them."
"Just wait until you meet my siblings."
You let out a laugh as your fingers played with the blanket on the bed. Your hands were so close. It was sweet to him, the sound of your voice. He'd never admit out loud, but he was so in love with you. Ever since he first laid eyes on you in chemistry class. Ever since you sat down next to him and introduced yourself, ever since you accidentally blew up your first experiment. Ever since you kept apologising for catching him on fire, you hadn't a clue who he was, or who his father was. You were normal with him. Every little thing you did lead up to his feelings for you. Every little thing you did added to the strong feelings had had, like a brick house.
To the naked eye, Natsuo was a desirable man. He was rich, filthy rich, and he had that Todoroki charm. Everyone wanted him for his status or his looks. They didn't know him, the real him, him with an abusive father and fucked up family. For all those reasons, Natsuo always thought that you wouldn't want to be with a boy like him. Someone who came from such a broken background, someone so weak, unable to stand up to his father. Guys like him never got the girl, at least not the girl that he wanted but Natsuo also never imagined that you came from a background similar to his. It was so ethereal and special to be here with you, to be the one you were opening up to, even if it was a fake relationship, Natsuo was trying desperately to shoot his shot.
"You're so strong, you know that? Your parents raised you with these unrealistic standards on how you should act, but you're in college, you're pursuing your dreams. You're amazing."
Natsuo's hand reached out and grabbed yours, his cold one in yours soliciting goosebumps and a little shiver. You quickly tried to pull your and out of his and stood up to make it look like you weren't trying to avoid skin contact with him.
"Thanks, Natsuo... You're amazing too, I mean hello, they way you subtly told my father to shove his marriage ideals? It was hilarious, he was not expecting that."
You looked away from Natsou to hide the blush in your cheeks, you were thankful for the way he stood up to your father for you. You could never have done that in a million years.
"Anyway, we should probably get dressed, and go down before my mother thinks we've started having sex. You can get dressed in here and I'll go to the bathroom, just knock when it's safe for me to come out."
You grabbed your dress out of the bag and scurried into the bathroom. You started with makeup, then you reapplied your deodorant. You were so nervous that your family would see right through your lie. After taking a few deep breaths you heard Natsuo's knock so you quickly unzipped your silk, baby blue dress and pulled it up to your body. Nervously, you popped your head out the door and bit your lip.
"Can you... Can you zip me up?"
You let the door open more and pulled the front of your dress tight against your body, worried and nervous to be partially naked in front of him. Natsuo sauntered into the bathroom and zipped the back of your dress up. His cold hands glide up your back and then fell down on your hips. It made you shiver again before throwing him a grateful smile.
"No problem, you look beautiful."
You looked in the mirror at the two of you together. This time as the blush rose to your cheeks you didn't have the cold to blame or the ability to turn around and hide your face.
"Ready to meet the rest of the snake nest?"
"I survived your parents, I think I can handle your siblings."
Arm in arm looped together you made your way downstairs and into the entertainment room with Natsuo. Your siblings were sitting on the couch, but once you walked in their eyes struck you. They heard you brought a date and they wanted to check him out. Their eyes glazed over him some of them in interest, some in disinterest. All judging.
"I heard you brought a boy, didn't believe it."
The comment comes from your older sister. Her voice was full of disdain and disinterest, undoubtedly ready to leave.
"Yeah, mother said you brought a boy, didn't think he'd be so hot."
Natsou coughs uncomfortably as you showed a tight, fake smile to your sister. You couldn't lie, it hurt that your younger sister would so blatantly flirt with your boyfriend upon meeting him, whether he be fake or not.
"Don't be such a slut, [Sisters Name]. That's your sister's boyfriend."
Your older brother scolded his youngest sister for her lustful behavior and she rolls her eyes before she crosses her arms in a pout. Your brother was the nicest out of all your siblings. He was nice to you and your siblings in his own way, protective of his younger siblings, constantly scolding and trying to keep you all in place. That didn't mean he couldn't be a snake, he could just tolerate you and your siblings more.
"Besides, he's not all that hot."
"Oh he totally is, it's seriously a wonder how [Y/N] got him."
You brought Natsuo over to the couch and sat down next to him. You even made sure to sit close to him, close enough so you could lean into each other like a cute couple.
"I think I prefer your parents."
His words whispered in your ear earning a light chuckle from you. Your sister, the younger one, evidently didn't like how close you both were. With a harsh glare, she rolled her eyes again.
"How did you even meet? Seriously, I wanna know why he would downgrade to someone like you."
Natsuo scratched the back of his head awkwardly and nervously He didn't understand why your siblings were so mean to you. His father was a bastard, that closed you off, that he could get. Despite that, he and his siblings never put each other down like they were doing.
"More like she downgraded to me. We met in school, lab partners. She had all the boys chasing for her in school, but somehow she chose me."
Your sister scoffed and this time you rolled your eyes. She always gave you such shit over the littlest things. You didn't have the energy for this, at least not sober. You whispered into Natsuo's ear softly.
"I need a drink, you want one? We'll need it to get through the evening."
"If your alcohol mixing skills are anything like your chemistry mixing skills, then no."
"Meanie, I'm a great chemist, I practically carry our grade."
Natsuo chuckled against your cheek, before pulling back and kissing it. Again, a blush adorned your cheek with no way to hide it. It was brief and quick, but his cold lips ghosted against your cheek. All you could do was abruptly stand up with a smile on your face.
"I'm gonna go find an alcoholic beverage. I'll be right back, play nice with him."
Natsuo watched helplessly as you walked off into the distance. He sat there quietly, patiently waiting for you to come back. Natsuo was such a cool, calm collected guy, but alone with your siblings, he felt nervous. Seeing the way they acted with you gave him a bad impression of them, but he has to play nice because he was your boyfriend.
"You know, an alcoholic drink does sound great."
Your older sister stood up from the couch and walked off in the same direction as you did, the kitchen presumably, to make herself a drink as well. Soon, your brother left the room as well, your little sister bit her lip as she watched your brother walk off in the direction of the bathroom. She was quick to stand and in the place you once held occupied.
"My sister said play nice, but I'd rather play rough."
She slid her hand over his thigh and inched it closer to his crotch while she smiled up at him, nibbling on her lip.
"What are you doing? I'm here with your sister, I'm her boyfriend."
"Ugh, what do you even see in her? She's not even pretty."
Before Natsou could reply, before he could defend you, your sister climbed across his lip and planted her lips against his. He wasn't kissing her back, but with her on top of him, her pressing her face against his, and her fingers deeply gripping his clothes it was difficult to get her off of him. He wasn't kissing back, he was trying to push her off but as you walked up with two margaritas in hand all you saw was your fake boyfriend kissing your sister.
It hurt. It shouldn't have, but it hurt. He wasn't yours, not really. He was just your lap partner, your friend. He wasn't your boyfriend, you were just fake dating. He wasn't yours. He wasn't yours, but it hurt to see your sister all over him. He wasn't yours, but for the night he was supposed to be. He wasn't yours but for the sake of your lie you did what any girl would do after finding her boyfriend cheating on her: You dumped your margarita down the skank.
"[Brothers Name] is right, you are a slut! And you- you-"
As your sister pulled herself off of Natsuo she looked up at you shocked with alcohol dripping down her body, you ignored her and turned your attention to Natsou. Your eyes were blurry but you had to will yourself not to cry.
"I don't need you here. You can just leave."
You didn't wait for Natsou to get up and leaves nor did you want for him to talk and explain anything to you. You simply took off in the direction of your bedroom, slamming the door behind you. Natsuo quickly jumped up on his feet and took off in the direction of your bedroom. He didn't knock, he didn't wait for permission, he just busted in and ran over to you.
"If you want to make out with my sister, that's fine. I get it, she's pretty, she's hot, she's better than me. She's everything you'd want, but you were supposed to be here with me! You were supposed to be here as my boyfriend! My parents were supposed to think we're in love. You were supposed to be mine, I don't care if it's fake, you cheated with my sister!"
The tears were leaking down your cheeks as you yelled at him. No words could pass Natsuo's lips, no matter how hard he tried. They couldn't. Seeing your tears, a product of him hurt. It hurt. He hurt you. He was trying his best to shoot his shot, he was trying to subtly woo you.
"Your sister came on to me, I tried pushing her away. She's really is a snake, you said it yourself!"
You still sniffled as you nodded at him. He was right, you had said that. He was right, she is a snake and this is exactly what she would do just to screw with your life.
"I'm sorry, your right. I shouldn't have acted like that, you're not actually mine. Natsuo, I do need you, I need you here."
"What if I wanted you to really be mine?"
You sniffling stopped as Natsuo took closer steps to you. He placed his hands on your cheeks and pulled your lips against his. This was different from earlier. The kiss wasn't quick, it was long. It was long and passionate, yet cold. Despite your shivers, you found yourself leaning into him, into the kiss.
"You- You can't do that, it's against the rules."
"Screw the rules. I just- I wish you needed me every night of the year, not just Christmas."
Natsuo ran his hands through his hair nervously. He thought speaking against your father and defending you against your sister was enough to get his point across. This idea of verbally speaking it, it scared him. This was uncharted territory for him.
"I want you [Y/N]. I want you every day of the year. I want to kiss you on the lips, I want to hold hands, I want dates and hugs. I want more than chemistry class and Christmas gatherings."
"Then you can have me! Have me every day of the year. Be mine, every day of the year. Take me on a date, hold my hand, kiss my lips!"
Natsuo pulled you against him and your face collided with his chest. You buried your face in his chest as your arms wrapped around his body and a smile formed.
"Let's not fake date, be my actual girlfriend."
You leaned up and left a quick chaste kiss on Natsuo's lips with a smile.
"I don't want anyone else to be my actual boyfriend, I suppose you might say we chemistry."
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tickly-trashcan · 4 years ago
Phantom Thieves Headcanons
oughh this started as brainworms over Yusuke and Makoto while I was playing earlier but i decided to just do the whole group because the brainrot is stronggg. I hope everyone enjoyssss
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Akira Kurusu/Joker
okay first off idk what to call him for his real name LMAO so we’re going with Akira
He’s not crazy ticklish, but he can definitely get laughing pretty hard
His tickle spots are probably his sides, ribs, and underarms
He has a really cute laugh, it’s a bit higher than his regular voice but not by much
He wasn’t tickled much before transferring to Shujin, but after making friends with Ryuji he was often met with random tazes or tickles
Ryuji is his primary ler because Akira doesn’t really mind because they’re friends, even getting him back sometimes
Akira is a pretty good ler himself, though he doesn’t tickle people very often unless they intiate it
He had Ryuji nearly in tears one time after a prank though, and Ryuji has (sort of) learned his lesson
He’s also tickled Yusuke a couple of times, though he’s gotten him back plenty
I feel like after a little bit he and Akechi would also get into some tickle fights, Akira probably winning most of them
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it feels so odd adding Morgana to this but i figured i might as well just since he’s part of the group lmao
I feel like he’s not really that ticklish? but he does enjoy it
He loves like tummy tickles or tickles behind his ear, and even though he barely even chuckles (it’s more like purring) he really likes it
He only lets Ann do it though, anyone else is a no-go
Futaba tries constantly because she sees Ann doing it all the time but Morgana always hisses at her
She does get him every now and then, but Morgana isn’t a huge fan because Futaba can be a bit rough
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Ryuji Sakamoto/Skull
Ryuji my baby *sobs*
He’s really ticklish because I said so and he has a really cute laugh because I said so
His laugh is really loud and frantic when he’s being tickled, and he giggles if you wiggle your fingers at him to threaten to tickle him
some of his tickle spots are his hips, knees, and tummy
Akira and Yusuke tickle him a lot, either because he’s being a dork or they just feel like it
When he was still on the sports team he got tickled by his teammates every now and then to help him destress but not anymore
Now if Ryuji’s feeling a bit antsy before a mission, all he needs is a few tickles to ease his nerves and he’s good to go
He loves to tickle Akira and Yusuke omg they probably get into tickle fights every now and then aaa
Ryuji loses ofc because he’s too ticklish for his own good and Yusuke and Akira can easily gang up on him
He tickled Ann once and got punched, so he doesn’t anymore lmao
so basically what I’m saying is he deserves a few tickles hehe
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Ann Takamaki/Panther
okay kinda like Akira she’s not super ticklish but she has a few spots that have her laughing
She has literally such a pretty laugh omggg its like an angels laugh yaaas
she’s ticklish on her hips and under her arms
everywhere else she might giggle, but those spots she’ll definitely laugh, especially if you catch her by surprise
Ryuji’s tried to tickle her before, and that was just an epic fail so the only people that really tickle her now are Makoto and Futaba
Makoto doesn’t tickle her very often just because she’s very shy, but when Futaba comes out of her shell she’s definitely a huge tickle monster with Ann
Ann gets them back too! She’s more of a ler than anything so she’s good at tickling people
She can have Makoto and Futaba wheezing but she never really tickles any of the guys
She does occassionally poke Yusuke or Akira, but after Ryuji snuck up on her it’s a no go with tickles for Ryuji
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Yusuke Kitagawa/Fox
okay so since he’s one of my favorites he’s naturally really ticklish and that’s just how it works
His tickle spots are his ribs, tummy, and under his arms!
He doesn’t really like being tickled by people, but he doesn’t complain if it’s his friends
he has a pretty loud laugh, and it can be a bit squeaky if you get him in a bad spot
After he’s been tickled to bits the first thing he says is something like “That was embarrassing” because he just knows that he looks like a dork when he’s tickled lol
I meant that in a loving way, he’s a cute dork
Ryuji and Akira tickle him the most, and sometimes they even gang up on him which just has this poor boy absolutely reeling
Ann and Futaba also occasionally tickle him, and he can get a bit flustered when they tickle him
He doesn’t tickle others very much, buuut he does tickle Akira and Ryuji and occassionally gets into tickle fights with them!
He also might poke Ann or Futaba back a little if they poke him, but sometimes they full on tickle him if he does that and so he refrains most of the time
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Makoto Niijima/Queen
Makoto my beloved
I feel like Makoto would actually really like being tickled! With both her parents being gone and her sister being busy most of the time she’s a little touch starved like me lol so when met with tickles she doesn’t mind at all
Her tickle spots are her tummy, ribs, and hips! But her neck and shoulders are also ticklish~
She’s never fully admitted to enjoying tickles, but it’s kind of obvious because of how she keeps her squirming to a minimum and only asks to stop when she really needs it
Ann and Futaba tease her about it sometimes and she gets really flustered and denies it, but they know
Haru is a bit nicer and gentle with her tickles, and Makoto is thankful for that but it’s still a bit embarrassing hehe
Haru was one of the people who very bluntly asked if she liked it, and Makoto did eventually admit to it but only to Haru
She’s also really flustered tickling others aaa she only ever pokes or very quickly scribbles up someones side, and even then, it’s only with the girls, Yusuke, and Akira
TLDR; absolute lee and absolutely deserves the tickles she wants
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Futaba Sakura/Oracle
AN ABSOLUTE BABY she’s so sweet i cry
She’s veeery ticklish, but she’s not really used to being tickled
She can get overwhelmed easily with tickling, but the group knows when to stop with her when they tickle her
Akira, Haru, Ann and Yusuke are the ones who tickle her most often, though they do it in small intervals to make sure she’s completely comfortable
Her tickle spots are her tummy, hips, and knees
meanwhile, she’s a totally ruthless ler who loves to “torment” (her own words) her friends
They were hanging out in the cafe one time and Futaba just dug her hands under Ryuji’s arms (a constant victim of tickles from everyone it seems) and he just screeched
And he got yelled at by Sojiro which was probably Futaba’s plan in the first place
Futaba finds tickling as a way of pranking people, and she’s a huge prankster so she just loves to mess with her friends using tickles
so all in all, she’s the phantom thief to avoid when it comes to being tickled, she’ll wreck anyone that comes into her range
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Haru Okumura/Noir
ahhh Haru she’s so cuteeee
I feel like she’s one of the wild cards, where she seems really sweet (and is!) but can be a pretty big ler when she wants
She’s ticklish, but mostly on her tummy, sides and waist
She has the SWEETEST giggles they’re super bubbly and a bit squeaky but so so cute
She loves to tickle the other Phantom Thieves too, especially Makoto!
She’s gentle with Makoto because she knows she likes it (sometimes she uses her nails which makes Makoto squeal) but with everyone else...
She just needs to wiggle her fingers at the other group members and they’re already giggling
She’s like infamous for her tickles, and after she got Ryuji that one time in front of everyone it was like,, they were fearful of her lol
Like not actually scared because they know she would never tickle them beyond their boundaries, she’s just so good that she can get all of them laughing really easily
She doesn’t really tickle anyone without a reason though, she’s nice about that
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Goro Akechi/Crow
ahh i don’t know too much about him yet since I just got to the Palace where he becomes a Phantom Thief but I’ll do my best!
I feel like since he’s new to the group he’s not tickled as often, and because of his previous remarks to the Phantom Thieves there’s a bit of distrust
That said, when the group starts to trust him more he quickly becomes one of the tickle targets
I feel like he’s most ticklish on his ribs, sides, and hips!
Akira was probably the first person to tickle him, claiming it was “initiation”
After that Ryuji, Yusuke and Futaba poked him every now and then
Futaba and Akira ganged up on him once and the poor boy was a flustered, giggling mess by the time they were done with him
Yusuke and Ryuji mostly stick to poking him, but Ryuji’s gotten him pretty good a couple times
Akechi doesn’t really want to tickle the others because he doesn’t want them to be upset with him, but he does tickle Akira every now and then
They have yet to get into a serious tickle fight, but Akira would probably win anyway
Ahhh that’s all I have for right now! But prompts should be opening soon~ (probably after I get back from my trip hehe) so if anyone wants to send in any Persona related thing feel free! :D
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sunqyu · 4 years ago
~ First kiss with Treasure pt. 2  (Asahi, Yedam, Doyoung, Haruto, Jeongwoo and Junghwan)
Request: “ First kiss with treasure? (reaction something like that) love your blog, you ARE the cutie 💞💞 “ - Anon
Click heeere for pt 1 with the other members. Hope you like it! :D (also someone stop me, they’re getting longer each time) (also someone stop me from calling them beans) (just stop me in general, I guess hehehh) - Nova
so many moments where he wanted to do it
but couldn’t get himself to
the moment you left after another great date that should’ve ended with a kiss he’d sigh
‘next time... yes, next time.’
you two were sitting on a parkbench, taking a break from walking home
by now you were giving pretty clear hints that it was okay for him to kiss you
making prolonged eyecontact and looking at his lips
it started to become quite obvious
and he could definitely tell that there was some type of tension in the air
but who knows maybe he just had something on his face y’know? he could never be 100% sure
he kept thinking about it without taking action
looking back at you with his heart racing
which was a completely new feeling to him
silently hyping himself up he’d scoot closer to you, not breaking eyecontact
is this it? is he going for it?
then you hear people walking towards you and he quickly looks forward again
damn it
however he couldn’t ignore your audible sigh
later on you’d be walking again, strolling through some grass since you thought it would be fun to go off path
you were quickly surrounded by tall trees, lifting your feet up high with every step so you wouldn’t stumble over fallen branches
holding onto each others arms, soft laughs as you made your way through the forest
he felt a lot more at ease now that you two were away from the more crowded places
as you stopped for a moment, looking up and around you at the autumn colors, he’d speak up
‘this seems like a nicer place anyway- doesn’t it?’
you looked at him confused, already forgotten about the earlier moment
even though he was sure he was gonna go for it now, he’d still hesitate
but only for a second before leaning forward
the kiss was quick, simple but heartwarming
it made him think, why was this so scary to him before?
however the next time he’d want to kiss you the butterflies would be right back
only after a few kisses would it feel more natural
but he’s very willing to get used to it, especially after seeing you smile each time
romantic bean
he’s just the sweetest so every moment with him feels so special and surreal
even something as simple as having a quick lunch together or studying in the same room
you both went to different schools but since he wanted to spend more time with you he suggested studying in a bookstore that doubled as a café
it was quiet that day since the exams weren’t really near yet
you both sat at the corner of an old table, you writing out math equations while he was working on an essay on his laptop
the soft ticking on his keyboard and your scribbling were the only things heard in the calm corner of the bookstore
the ticking stopped
you kept writing
it wasn’t until a few seconds later when you noticed he still hadn’t continued typing
looking up, wondering if he was stuck, you were greeted by his warm gaze
what you hadn’t noticed was that he had been looking at you ever since he lost focus
paying attention to how your nose scrunched up when you reached a difficult question
or how you were so delicate when you typed something into your calculator, as if you didn’t want to ruin the calm silence
he never planned on falling in love with his best friend
but here you were, looking almost ethereal in your comfy study-outfit
he smiled when you finally looked up
‘How are the math questions going?’ he muttered in a whisper
‘Pretty good- how’s your essay?’ you whispered back
you weren’t sure why you were whispering
being the only two there except for the barista who was somewhere at front
‘Not great- I’m trying to find a nice way to go from one subject to the next but it’s not flowing well.’
you chuckled, knowing fully well the essay was bomb and Yedam’s inner perfectionist was the only one not satisfied
‘I bet it’s great.’ you muttered, whispering even more quietly than before as if you were sharing a secret
‘You think so?’ he chuckled back, which had been the loudest sound so far but still only audible to you
he watched you nod before looking at your notebook again
a sparkle of confidence lit up his mind as he leaned towards you
lifting your chin back up again with the side of is index-finger
before you knew it you felt his lips against yours
a new but for some reason still familiar sensation
you melted against him, staying there a little longer to remember the feeling
‘Thank you-’ he breathed against your lips with a slight smile
before pulling back and looking at his laptop again
his ears bright red as his eyes went up to you one more time
smiling brightly when he saw you do the same
there have actually already been many attempts
some of which you’re aware of
like the time he was leaning in when you were watching Toy Story in his room but then Jihoon walked in to tell you two about something Junkyu just did
and some of which you’re not aware of
like the time he was hyping himself up to just go for it but when he made eyecontact you said he had disco-sprinkles on his nose from the ice cream he was eating
it has been a struggle
but nonetheless he still enjoys every minute with you and doesn’t feel very pressured
it’ll happen when the time is right
one night you were hanging out in the practice room
the other boys had left already but Doyoung was practicing a solo choreo he had been working on
he loved when you kept him company
the ‘late night crazies’, as you two called it, set in quite quickly though
giggles all over the place as you danced and screamed along to all kinds of songs
he’d teach you choreos of which he tried to convince you they were legit
when really he just made the both of you look silly on purpose
the night was filled with laughter and neither of you realized how late it actually was
you’d go from popping to cha-cha-cha to a dance Doyoung swore was called ‘the transformer’ where you had your backs together with your arms intertwined
your legs all of a sudden in the air as he bent over, holding you on his back
you were crying from laughing so hard as he twirled you around the practice room like that 
while loudly adding his own improvised sound effects to the Skrillex-song that was playing
when he put you down all you could do was roll on the floor grabbing your stomach from laughing so hard
he’d lay down on the floor next to you, staring at the ceiling together as you’d catch your breath
his hand reached for yours, intertwining your fingers and giving a gentle squeeze which made you turn your head to look at him
he continued looking up, visible trying not to smile, corners of his mouth curling up and down quickly
‘If you continue staring at me like that I may actually have to kiss you this time.’
you rolled on your side and inched closer, widening your eyes to exaggerate your staring
he chuckled ‘Alright then-’ and quickly turned to face you
grabbing your cheek with his free hand
firmly pressing his lips against yours
the kiss softened as it went on
both of your relaxing even though you were on the hard floor
‘Freaking finally-’ he muttered before kissing you once more
might need a liiittle encouragement
or just something that clearly lets him know you wouldn’t mind
or better yet, that you can’t wait
something along the lines of a joke or a bet
it builds up over a few dates as your hints become more obvious
but every time you’re blunt about it he would block up completely and get shy
this one time you were playing mario kart and he joked about how he’s the best mario kart player in the world and you’ll never beat him
you ask him what his prize should be if he wins
he asks for something silly like you having to dance the choreo of I Love You in the middle of a busy street before asking you the same
he definitely did not expect you to ask for a kiss
his ears stay bright red through the entire race, barely focusing with his heart racing more than his character as he’s clearly trying to lose
you decide not to tease him about it this time, knowing very well that it would work against you
oh, look at that. he lost. wow.
‘Hehe- whoops.’
audible gulp
without even saying anything you turn to him, trying not to grin too brightly
his heart still skips a beat and in panic he leans in aaaand-
kisses you on the cheek
and regrets it right away
damn it
you’d still smile because even though you really wanted a kiss, you also don’t want to rush him
a couple of games later you get hungry and order food
still thinking about earlier and how he should’ve just went for it, he gets an idea
crumbling up a piecer of paper the boxes with food were wrapped in
‘Bet I can throw this in the trashcan from here?’
‘Alright, what are we betting on?’ you hum in an amused tone
‘If I make it, you have to kiss me. If I don’t, I have to kiss you.’
did he really just say that out loud so confidently
proud of himself already
but it quickly fades away as he realizes what this means
you beam and nod at him
he flicks the ball of paper at the trashcan across the room
it bounces on the edge
both of you inhale sharply
before it lands next to the trashcan
he can feel the blood rushing to his face once again and before you can boast about winning the bet
his hands have already grabbed your face, moving quickly so he doesn’t have time to get shy again
a little clumsily he kisses you
his confidence sets back in through his pride
‘I guess we both won this one.’
has it all planned out
you better be ready
he’s gonna rock your world
at least, that’s what he thinks
asked the olders guys for advice
but also replied ‘Ohh- ofcourse, yea I know that.’ to everything they say
still mentally taking notes
and actually written notes later on so he doesn’t forget
he had this really nice place in mind where there’s a graffiti wall but also loads of flowers
it’s the back wall of an old museum next to a park 
on the wall there’s a graffiti-piece that celebrates love where couples write their names with permanent marker
he’s so hyped
the date starts of in the actual museum
his plan was to make you see his artistic side by explaining paintings
eventually you just have a blast together, making pictures where you reenact all the paintings and sculptures
all the research he did beforehand to impress you was never really brought up
he might get in a quick ‘so this was by a woman who used colored flowers to make her own paint’
turns out that’s actually the painting next to it but you’re still amazed
the next part of mission ‘give her the best date ever’ was getting churros at a stand outside and walking through the park while eating them
he’d hold your hand and try his best to be a good conversational partner while also munching on his churro
‘Are you having a good time?’ just to check.
you were getting closer to his big finale
‘I have something to show you. A few years ago I was here too and promised myself to come back here with someone special.’
he guids you to the back of the building you had visited earlier
‘It’s really cool, you’re gonna love it.’
tension rising
turning a corner
‘Wait- what?’
you were greeted by a completely white wall
aside from a few dirt patches at the bottom it was impeccably white
his heart sank
a soft whine escaping
it left you quite confused because he raised the expectations earlier
‘This moment was meant to be perfect.’ he huffed
after you asked him what’s wrong he would explain everything
from the day he first saw the graffiti wall to how he planned this entire date in detail
‘It was such a great idea too- and- and- you really would’ve loved it.’
he was rambling at this point
the standard he put up for himself was quite high and he didn’t realize how much he had been stressing about it until now so it all came out at once
‘you deserve the best and I prepared the best but the universe just goes nahh-.’
you’d giggle
‘what’s so funny?’ he’d chuckle slightly at your response
after hearing you talk about how much you loved the date and how much you appreciated him for all the effort he put into it
mostly about how it didn’t matter that the wall wasn’t there anymore and that it was the idea that counts
the date was still perfect to you
hearing you say those last view words made him realizee he still did it
you still thought it was perfect
he actually did it
without a second thought he interrupted your next sentence
kissing you deeply as all the built up stress fell from his shoulders
‘I’m a pretty great boyfriend, aren’t I?’
it was rethorical question but his heart still leaped when you nodded happily at him
good lord
will he manage?
still proud for just being able to talk to you
choked on air when you first held his hand
still stutters when you give him a compliment
damn, I’m actually not entirely sure how he would first kiss you
after Jeongwoo wouldn’t stop asking him if he had kissed you yet he would really start thinking
he was gonna have to kiss you eventually
still secretly hoping you would kiss him sometime but also wants to be confident and take initiative
one day you’re watching a show at your place and the two main characters kiss on screen
in the corner of your eye you can see his ears getting red, trying to look natural and clearing his throat
without looking at you he’d mumble under his breath
‘Hey- uh.. weird question but-’
you asked him to repeat himself since you couldn’t hear properly
‘Oh- nothing, no, never mind.’ shakes his head rapidly
his gaze never leaving the tv
a few seconds pass by and you could tell how hard he was thinking still
‘but like- not that I uh- care or anything. But- haveyoueverkissedanyonebefore?’ 
damn, this boy should try rapping more
luckily you did make out his words
this time it was your turn to blush
‘no- have you?’
shakes his head rapidly again
awkward silence, both still staring at the tv
‘would you-...’ a little more silence ‘...- want to?’
you turned to look at him, not really answering his question
it felt like you could hear his heartbeat from where you were sitting, or was it yours?
his head turned slowly, eyes darting over your face a few times before he finally made eyecontact
he could tell from the way you looked back that this was it, now was the time
in a swift motion he leaned forward and kisses you on the lips
a quick peck which made you realize that it was your own heartbeat you were hearing because it was through the roof now
‘Heh wow- your lips are really soft.’
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dreams-got-dimmer · 5 years ago
New Girl Pt. 2 (Bolin x reader)
Okay here’s the thing I haven’t seen enough steamy Bolin fanfics yet and while I would rather be reading them, I thought maybe I’ll just write one and help out the others who desperately want to read about their fav thicc earth bender.
Summary: multiple part fic?? + AU kind of
(The reader is 18, Bolin is 18 and mako is 20)
Reader desperately needs a place to live and finds an advertisement for two brothers who need a roommate. Maybe more than just living arrangements may come out of this deal... (reader x Bolin) (slow burn)
Disclaimer: I’m changing the story from first person to second as it would make more sense to the reader. If I ever plan on doing POV for Bolin, which I want to it will be in third person. I know it’s a switch up, but I think the story will flow nicer using second and third opposed to using first
Word count: 2399
Warnings: slight angst?
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“so uh, yeah, this is your room,” Bolin rubbed the back of his neck, “I know it’s not much, but hey it’s something right?” he started to fidget on the balls of his feet.
“So bashful, now are we?” you couldn’t help but notice Bolin’s nervousness now that you two were alone. Mako was only on his break when you had arrived and had to get back to work so he left Bolin to show you where everything was in the loft, especially your room. Red heat started to seep into Bolin’s cheeks at your words. As much as you wouldn’t have minded teasing him more you decided to save him the embarrassment.
“I’m just joking,” a small laugh escaped your lips, “I know how hard it can be to meet someone new, especially when you end up alone together,” started to walk around your new room taking in everything it had to offer, which wasn’t much. But that was the best part about it. It was simple and you could make it your own in no time. The poster wasn’t lying when it said the loft had a view of Air Temple Island. Even being a fire bender, watching the wave push and pull was always calming to you. You could see yourself spending hours just drinking in the sounds of the ocean. You turned back to Bolin and smiled, “You seem pretty outgoing, but I can understand how it can be easier to meet new people when your brother is around,” saying that reminded you of all the times you’ve been on your own meeting new people. Sure, it was going just fine now, but it hasn’t always been this way.
“Y-yeah of course, definitely because my brothers not around, heh,” Bolin went back to rubbing his neck. He didn’t do a great job at assuring you that his brothers’ absence was why he was nervous, but you weren’t going to pry. “Anyway, how do you like the loft. I hope it becomes your home as much as it became mine and Mako’s,” The warmth in Bolin’s cheeks finally started to fade as he smiled at you, “It’s better that I could have ever dreamed of,” you admitted. Your parents house was nothing too extravagant, but it was able to hold you and your family somewhat comfortably. The shelter did it’s best to be welcoming and you couldn’t be more grateful to have a warm place to stay, but it couldn’t beat what you were looking at now. Thinking of the shelter reminded you that there were still items of yours at the shelter. It wasn’t much, but you still didn’t want to leave them behind.
“Do you want to come with me to the shelter so I can pick up the rest of my things?” you changed the subject. Bolin seemed nice, but you weren’t too sure how willing he would be to help you with your things, “I would love to go!” he nearly shouted it, “Then you can tell me more about yourself and I can show you my favorite restaurant,” He broke out into the same smile you saw earlier when Mako agreed that you could move in. It was genuine and precious, and it made your stomach tie in a knot.
Bolin might singlehandedly be the sweetest and goofiest person you had ever met. He insisted on going out to eat first and as you both walked and made it his mission to keep you laughing. The nerves he had before were practically non-existent now. He told you all about pro-bending and even though you’ve been to matches and knew the rules you couldn’t bring yourself to say anything because of how enthused he was to talk to you about it. He even promised to bring you to practice and matches. And even though he was an earth bender he wanted to show you moves you could use in a match and maybe he could even get Mako to show you something too. You happily agreed to everything Bolin offered because 1. It did seem really fun and 2. You couldn’t wait to show Bolin what you were actually capable of with your bending. It’s not like he was trying to be rude, but maybe Bolin assumed you didn’t know how to do much since your parents restricted it. The thing is strict parents cause sneaky kids and you were the sneakiest of them all. You had been sneaking out since the young age of eight and you had learned a lot more than anybody even knew. So, maybe it was a good thing that your parents were that way. If they weren’t you may have never had the knowledge of bending that you have now.
Even though you were going to pick up your things the day was starting to feel like a date. Bolin had brought you to Narook’s, which he happily told you had the best noodles in all of Republic City then proceeded to eat three bowls to himself. You were beside yourself that you had never gone here before. Bolin wasn’t joking that these were the best noodles in all of Republic City and you almost wanted to get mad at him because he just introduced you to your newest money pit. It would be so worth it, though. Especially if you got to have days like this with Bolin. He even refused to let you pay no matter how hard you tried to get the waiter to take your money. If it was a date, you wouldn’t have been angry in the slightest. He was charming you by the second and the way his eyes would shift from jade to emerald within seconds did nothing to stop you from being lost in everything that Bolin was.
The sugary sweet feeling you had in your chest soon turned sour. The feeling wasn’t even caused by the two of you facing the shelter it was what Bolin said that made your insides curdle and all the happiness of the day went numb.
“I can’t wait to introduce you to Korra! She’s the avatar and everything about her is amazing,” he looked at you with lovesick eyes and it made you wish that you were Korra, “She’s beautiful and talented and she’s even on the Fire Ferrets with me and Mako,” a blush crept back onto Bolin’s face and you wanted more than anything that it was you who was making him blush. You wanted to slap yourself in the face for thinking this way. You just met him. He wasn’t anything to you. You tried not to think about how he himself helped you have the best day you’ve had in years, maybe in your life. You’ve been with guys, but none of them have ever made you feel this happy, especially within the first hours of meeting and you and Bolin hadn’t even kissed. You weren’t about to let some boy you just met control your emotions like this, even if he was impossibly adorable.
“I’m thinking of asking her out. I’m just so nervous,” Bolin confessed as he began rubbing the back of his neck, which was oddly attractive by the way. No, stop you can’t keep thinking like that. You tried your best to shake away any thoughts of jealously and the minute attraction you had for the earth bender, “you’re a girl, what would be the ideal date for you?” He pleaded as his lip jutted out into a pout. You gulped. If it wasn’t bad enough that you misread this day so far, this day was the best answer you could give him. Scraping together every ounce of courage you had, you decided to be honest, “My ideal date,” you pretended to muse even though you didn’t even have to utter a single thought to know what it would be, “Honestly just do what you did today and I’m positive she’ll love it,” you breathed out as Bolin’s eyes widen. That was enough honesty for the day. You looked away from him quickly trying to ignore his lips parting.
“We should go get my stuff now,” you shrugged, “There’s not much anyway, so it should be easy,” you didn’t wait for his answer as you rushed into the shelter. Bolin trailed in moments after you and you kept your head down not wanting to talk to him yet. Maybe you just ruined whatever friendship you had with Bolin by telling him the truth. Your thoughts came to a halt as you crashed into something, actually someone.
“Spirits I’m sorry,” you sputtered looking up. You eased when you saw it was just Anzu one of the volunteers at the shelter. Not only that, she also had become one of your close friends during this month stay. The two of you were complete opposites and it was hard to understand how the two of you clicked so well. She was everything you weren’t.  She was perfection and grace. Anzu embodied everything that was ethereal. She was golden and her strawberry blonde hair flowed in a way that made it seem like she was underwater. Anzu grabbed your arms to steady the two of you and began to smile.
“Always so clumsy,” Her laugh tinkled in your ears, “and who is this?” curiosity lined her voice as her eyes shifted to look at Bolin.
“shut it Anzu I am not,” you grumbled crossing your arms, “And this is Bolin he’s my new roommate along with his brother Mako,” happiness spread through you again, “Bolin this is Anzu she’s my best friend, but she also volunteers here,” You motioned between the two and Bolin waved enthusiastically. “No way!” Anzu exclaimed, “You found a place to stay?!” She grabbed a hold of you nearly shaking you, “I’m so so so happy for you. I’m going to miss you, though,” She frowned a bit pulling me into a hug, “Please visit all the time, how am I going to stay sane without you?” you pulled away from each other.
It was a bittersweet feeling because Anzu was right. She had made staying at the shelter bearable and not only that, she had gotten you out trouble too many times to count. She’s even responsible for you being able to stay at the shelter even though you burnt part of the living quarters down out of anger and frustration when you first showed up.
“I’m sure we’ll be able to survive, but I’ll make sure to visit as often as I can,” you assured her.
You both hugged again not really wanting the moment to end, “I’ll let you two get your things, It was nice meeting you Bolin, I hope to see more of you soon,” Anzu breathed out as she glided away down the hall.
You started down the hall thinking about how much you were actually going to miss not seeing Anzu every day. “what happened here?” Bolin stood wide eyed as you approached your room and you didn’t even have to look at what it was, “I did that,” you muttered, glancing at the burnt hallway. Your parents had the audacity to show up at the shelter after a week of staying there. They had more to say about what a horrible monster you were. How they wished you were never born. It was a disgrace to them that a bender was born into their family. The staff was kind enough to force them out of the building, but it only did so much to aid your already broken heart. That interaction was the last straw for you and it precedented the substantial breakdown that caused the burning of half of the bedrooms. No would could get close to you no even Anzu. You had no idea what to feel. It was too much the hate, frustration, and brokenness of it all. It caught up to you and the only outlet you could use was destruction. The next day you apologized profusely to everyone at the shelter and promised that once you started making steady money you would help pay to rebuild that section of the quarters.
“You,” he paused, “Did that?” Bolin was in utter disbelief. You were desensitized to the area having to look at it for the past weeks, his words made you look at it with fresh eyes. There was no denying that it was a gruesome sight. Most of the walls were charred through and there were tarps to keep the outside elements from getting in. All the furniture was pretty much disintegrated and looking at it too long just made your stomach sick, “can we just get my things?” you pleaded feeling small, “I don’t really want to talk about it,”.  You pushed your door open and before you could take a look for the last time at the place you had been staying, Bolin pulled you into a hug. He bowed his head into the crook of your neck and let out a sigh.
“I’m sorry for whatever happened,” He drew back and looked at you earnestly, “Me too,” his hug felt like warmth and hot tea on a bad day. He was surprisingly gentle for how muscled he was and even if you didn’t want it to end you plastered a smile on your face, “Let’s get my things so we can get the hell out of here,” You motioned towards you room. It didn’t take long to gather your extra clothes and odds and ends and before you knew it you were spending your first night in the loft. You looked out at the ocean and let the sounds of the tide help you mull over what happened during the day. You were able to close a chapter in your life that you didn’t think was going to end and as for Bolin he was your roommate and hopefully friend and you weren’t going to jeopardize that just because there was some semblance of attraction for him. Besides, he seemed to really like Korra and that’s what mattered, not the inconsequential feelings you might have for Bolin. You were sure you’d wake up in the morning and the tiny crush would dissipate, for you had bigger things to worry about, like finding a job and actually making friends with Bolin and Mako instead of pining over them.
a/n: wow guys I'm amazed at myself that I have written this much. But if you have made it this far thank you! I wanted to do a slow burn for this fic and it’s actually a lot harder than I thought, but I am trying my best. I’ve never really wrote fiction before so if you guys have any advice on how to improve my writing, please let me know! again thank you so much for reading this far (: I hope to see you again soon 
​ @yellowoctvber @doubtedbus409
138 notes · View notes
mikauzoran · 4 years ago
Lukadrien: Among the Wild Things: Chapter Eight
Read it on AO3: Among the Wild Things: Chapter Eight: Friends
“Nino! Marinette!” Adrien shouted, grinning like a madman as he darted across the study and threw his arms around his two closest friends.
“Adrien!” they chorused, wrapping him in bear hugs of their own.
“I can’t tell you how much I missed you guys,” Adrien whispered into Nino’s neck, squeezing them both tighter as he remembered how he had longed for his friends while he’d been away.
“Not as much as we missed you,” Nino assured.
Marinette gave a snort. “Speak for yourself. You just had to guard him. I had to dress him. Do you know how hard it is to keep this boy looking presentable?” she laughed. “He either rips or stains everything within a week of owning it. He’s impossible.”
Nino clicked his tongue. “You think dressing him is hard? You should try keeping him from getting himself killed. How do you think his clothes get ruined so regularly?”
“…Point,” Marinette conceded.
Adrien pulled back to pout at his friends. “Complain all you want, but I bet you’ve both been bored with me gone.”
Marinette and Nino shared a conspiring glance and burst out laughing.
“Guilty,” Marinette admitted. “The break was nice, but I’m ecstatic to be back in work…starting with your wedding-slash-coronation outfit!” she squealed in delight, colours and fabrics and patterns beginning to flow through her head.
“Speaking of which…” Nino tipped his head in order to look past Adrien at Luka. “I’m guessing this is your kelpie heartthrob ‘Orpheus’?”
Marinette smirked, breaking away from the boys to slowly approach Luka. “Hi. I’m Marinette. I’m sure he’s mentioned me.”
“He has,” Luka chuckled, standing and going to meet the enchanting seamstress. “It sounds like he mentioned me too.”
Marinette rolled her eyes. “Please. I only had to listen to him whine and mope about his supposedly ‘unrequited’ love for you for two months.”
“Marinette,” Adrien groaned, releasing his hold on Nino to go stop Marinette from further embarrassing him.
Luka quirked an eyebrow at his husband. “Two months, My Love? You sure fell for me quickly.”
“Like, the second he saw you,” Nino snickered, coming over to join the others.
“Et tu, Nino?” Adrien hissed accusatorily.
Nino shrugged.
Adrien turned his pout on Luka. “I was a mess.”
“You’re still a mess,” Luka chuckled, leaning in to give Adrien’s cheek an affectionate lick. “And I love you.”
“Aww,” Marinette cooed. “See, Adrien? I told you he was into you.”
“I told him that first,” Nino grumbled. “I’m the one who told him to go for it.”
Marinette waved Nino’s protests away. “I’m the one who helped him practice confessing because it made you too flustered when he practiced confessing to you.”
“Nette,” Nino hissed. “Stop. You’re going to give the guy’s husband the wrong idea.”
Luka snickered. “I actually came to the wrong conclusion all on my own when he told me he was in love with someone. I thought he was talking about you.” He tipped his head to indicate Nino.
Nino turned to glare blandly at Adrien. “Dude. How did you screw up the confession that badly that he didn’t even know who you were talking about?”
“We spent hours practicing, Adrien,” Marinette added, putting on a miffed, disappointed expression.
“In my defence, I was kind of distraught because my father had just told me I had to marry a woman I didn’t love,” Adrien whined as his friends ganged up on him.
Nino and Marinette both shook their heads unsympathetically, not letting up.
“That’s no excuse,” Nino sighed, hands going to his hips as he clicked his tongue in feigned disapproval.
Adrien crossed his arms over his chest, turning up his nose and looking away. “I don’t know why I missed you two so much. You’re both mean. My new fae friends are a lot nicer.”
“No, they’re not,” Luka snickered. “Kim and Alix regularly bully you. That’s why they’re your favourites.”
“Rose is my favourite,” Adrien corrected with a fond smile. “But, yeah. Giving each other trouble is how Nino, Marinette, and I show that we love one another, so Alix and Kim reminded me a lot of the things I missed from my old life.”
“Well, we’re glad that we count among the good things,” Nino replied, giving Adrien’s arm a pat.
“And we’re glad things have been going well for you since you left too,” Marinette added. “We kept hoping that you were happy wherever you were.”
Adrien’s face fell as a realization struck him square in the stomach. “…I didn’t say goodbye. …I didn’t tell you where I was going. Guys, I’m so sorry. I didn’t think…” He looked away. “Well, I mean, I did think about it after the fact when I’d been gone a few weeks, but…I didn’t dare come back. I—”
“—Adrien,” Nino cut him off gently. “It’s fine. We kind of figured where you’d gone.”
Adrien looked back and forth between his two friends. “You didn’t worry?”
“We did,” Marinette confessed. “A little bit, but not much. Like Nino said, we guessed that you’d run off with your Orpheus, and, wherever you were, we knew you’d probably be happier than you were here.”
Adrien blushed, looking down at his feet in a mix of guilt and shame. “I was. I’m really, really happy with Luc and his family. I feel like I’ve finally found the place I’m meant to be…the person I want to work towards becoming. I’m really happy in the enchanted forest.”
“Good,” Nino responded warmly, giving Adrien’s arm a supportive squeeze. “Maybe send us an ‘I’m not dead’ message next time…but good. I’m really glad that you found your place, Man.”
“Me too,” Marinette seconded.
“I’d love to show you my home.” Adrien perked up. “And introduce you to my new friends.”
He turned to Marinette. “You’ll love my sister-in-law Rose. She’s the sweetest, funniest person. And Mylène and Max and Ondine. And Alya.”
He looked to Nino. “I have got to introduce you to Alya. She’s a fox spirit who’s really fascinated with human affairs. She comes into the city a lot to people watch. I bet she would love some humans to talk to and ask questions.”
Adrien stopped abruptly, turning to his husband. “Orpheus, would it be okay for Marinette and Nino to visit me, or would they just wind up getting killed? Everyone back in the woods is perfectly civil with me, but…”
Luka pursed his lips as he considered the scenario. “I’d have to consult with Maman, but I think it might be okay if it’s just a short visit. Maybe a few hours tops. And they’d have to be chaperoned at all times.”
“Is it really so dangerous?” Nino inquired, quirking an eyebrow dubiously. “Adrien’s not in danger, is he?”
“No,” Luka quickly assured. “Adrien is fine. He’s protected, and the people mostly adore him. He’s a member of our community now. The forest is deadly to outsiders, though, so it would be unwise for either of you to waltz in unaccompanied. My people can be cruel and senselessly violent.”
Nino hummed curiously. “…Sorry if this is rude, but you don’t really look…threatening.”
“I was actually thinking the same thing,” Marinette sheepishly admitted. “You just look like a regular person.”
Luka snorted in laughter. “That would be the glamour you’re seeing. …Shall I drop it?”
Nino looked to Adrien. “Is he scary or something? I thought you told me he was the most beautiful man you’d ever seen.”
Adrien shook his head. “Beautiful doesn’t even begin to cover it. He’s ethereal.”
Marinette addressed Luka tentatively. “Do you mind, Luc? Sorry. We don’t mean to treat you like a curiosity. We—”
In the blink of an eye, Luka’s black hair was replaced by pale blue, and his eyes seemed to give off a Caribbean teal glow. The entirety of his being seemed to shimmer a bit, like sunlight reflecting off of a lake.
“Oh, wow,” Marinette gasped. “You…wow.”
“Yeah,” Nino gulped. “Wow is…” He turned to Adrien, whispering sotto voce, “Do all fae look that pretty?”
“Not all of them,” Adrien chuckled, amused by his friends’ reactions. “I’ve met a lot of attractive people in the forest, though.”
Luka’s eyes narrowed in displeasure and suspicion. “Like who? Kim?”
“Easy,” Adrien snickered, turning to face Luka and looping his arms around Luka’s waist. “No one is even half as attractive as you.”
Luka smiled into the kiss as Adrien pressed his lips to Luka’s in a vow of fidelity.
“Yeah, it’s highly unlikely Adrien will stray,” Nino testified. “He’s very loyal and takes matters of the heart incredibly seriously.”
“And he doesn’t fall in love easily,” Marinette agreed, nodding along to Nino’s points.
Luka arched an eyebrow at a blushing Adrien. “He doesn’t? I thought you two said he fell for me on sight.”
“Yeah, but that was the first and only time in nineteen years,” Marinette explained, waving away any concerns Luka might have. “And it’s not like it was for want of suitors. He grew up around plenty of pretty young nobles.”
Adrien’s face burned redder as Luka looked at him in astonishment, whispering, “I’m your first love?”
“First, last, and only,” Adrien mumbled, averting his gaze to help himself feel less transparent.
Luka wrapped his arms around Adrien as he gave him an affectionate squeeze. “I may have had other loves, but you’re the first person to turn my world upside down and wreck me. I had to update my definition of the word love when I met you.”
“I accept your attempts to butter me up,” Adrien chuckled, turning his head to press a kiss to Luka’s cheek.
“Aww,” Nino cooed. “Why can’t I meet someone who says sweet crap like that to me?”
“Maybe things will take a romantic turn between you and Adrien’s fox friend,” Marinette snickered.
Nino hummed thoughtfully. “Maybe. All I know is that I need to find someone to be that disgustingly cute with as soon as possible.”
“You two are adorable,” Marinette confirmed. “I can tell you’ve been really good for him,” she informed Luka with a tone of gratitude. “Just seeing him talking in that meeting earlier was a positive change.”
Luka arched an eyebrow, looking back and forth between Adrien and Marinette. “Really? He didn’t seem any different than usual to me.”
“Mec, the way he shut Viscount Raincomprix down when he was disrespecting you?” Nino had to try hard to contain another giggle fit as he called up the memory. “Nice spine, Your Majesty,” Nino chuckled, giving Adrien’s arm an appreciative punch. “It suits you.”
Adrien rubbed at the back of his neck. “As much as I’ve wanted to put those three blowhards in their place my entire life, I think I may have gone a bit too far. Viscount Raincomprix has been kind to me in the past, and I think I owe him an apology. He really looked shaken when I told him off.”
“I think that was mostly due to your eyes glowing like that,” Marinette weighed in.
“Yeah,” Nino agreed. “That was, perhaps, a bit much. It was super cool, though.”
Adrien blinked at his friends dumbly. “What are you guys talking about?”
Nino and Marinette shared a look.
“When your eyes were all molten and glow-y,” Nino clarified slowly, looking at Adrien expectantly.
Adrien turned to Luka. “Do you know what they’re talking about?”
Luka bit the inside of his cheek, avoiding his mate’s gaze. “…Your eyes may have started to glow whenever you’re experiencing intense emotions,” he reluctantly admitted.
“What?!” Adrien demanded, gaping at his husband incredulously. “Since when?! Why didn’t you say anything?!”
Luka winced, shoulders rising up to meet his ears as he shamefacedly confessed, “It started a couple months ago. I asked Maman, and it’s completely benign, and I thought it would only upset you, so I didn’t say anything.”
“I feel like…this is the kind of thing you mention?” Adrien choked, voice high and tight as he collapsed back down onto the couch.
“Dri, I’m sorry,” Luka cooed, sitting next to Adrien and tentatively cupping his cheek. “I should have said something, but I didn’t want to upset you when there was nothing we could do about it and it wasn’t hurting anything.”
“Well,” Adrien responded quietly, “I’m upset now…sort of.”
He took a deep breath and turned his gaze on his husband. “I’m more upset that you didn’t tell me than anything. Since when do we keep secrets from one another?”
Luka looked away, cowed. “We don’t,” he whispered penitently. “I’m so sorry, My Little Prince.”
Adrien leaned in to give Luka’s cheek a lick of forgiveness. “Don’t do it again.”
“I won’t. I promise,” Luka swore.
Satisfied, Adrien nodded, looking to Nino. “Does it at least look cool, or am I just terrifying?”
“I thought it was cool,” Marinette volunteered, going to sit in the armchair that Nathalie had recently vacated.
“Totally cool,” Nino affirmed, taking the other chair. He looked at Luka. “Can he do anything else?”
Adrien’s eyes narrowed at his mate.
Luka laughed, shaking his head. “Not at this point. Just the glowing eyes. Maybe in a few years new powers will manifest. I don’t personally know any other humans who have lived long-term among the fair folk, so I’m not quite sure what to expect, but this is hardly a unique situation. My people have been adopting mortals for centuries, so Adrien is hardly the first.”
“Something to look forward to, I suppose? Random new features,” Adrien sighed. “I mean, if these changes aren’t going to hurt anything, that’s fine, but…” He shifted uncomfortably.
“You’re upset,” Luka surmised, his mood plummeting.
Adrien shook his head, trying to reassure his mate. “No. Not really. Just…I felt like I had finally found my place, like I was getting my feet underneath me. …But since learning of my father’s death, it’s like I’ve been on shifting ground, and this is just one more thing to get used to. I’ll manage, but…I’m feeling a little overwhelmed today.”
“Understandably so,” Luka replied, slipping his arm around Adrien and resting his head against his mate’s. “Just tell me what you need, and I’ll move heaven and earth to make it happen.”
“Maybe just a break. A little joviality?” Adrien suggested, looking around at his spouse and his friends. “Nino. Say something funny.”
Nino balked. “What? On command? Adrien, I’m not the court jester. I can’t just say witty things at the drop of a hat.”
“I don’t know,” Marinette snickered. “You do a pretty good job of playing the fool any other time.”
Nino gasped, feigning indignation. “Adrien, do you hear what this mean, spiteful woman is saying about me? Defend my honor or something already.”
“Marinette, it is rather mean to say that to his face,” Adrien attempted to admonish with a straight face but ended up chuckling, ruining the effect.
“What can I say?” She grinned. “Real friends stab you in the front.”
“Thanks,” Nino replied dryly. “I really appreciate that….” He perked up after a beat. “…Say, why don’t we talk about Adrien’s adventures in fairy land? That should be fun, right? Tell us about all the weird stuff,” Nino urged, turning to Adrien with wide, hopeful eyes.
Marinette started to bounce in her seat in excitement. “What are the clothes like? Tell me all about fae fashion.”
Adrien acquiesced, sharing his impressions of his experiences as Marinette and Nino asked probing questions for nearly half an hour.
Luka mostly just listening, fascinated by Adrien’s perspective on things. He did, occasionally, field a few questions himself or add some clarification on things that Adrien was unsure about.
They eventually came to discuss Luka and Adrien’s fae wedding ceremony, and that led Marinette (after she had pumped them both dry of information) to remark, “You know, I should really get to work on the outfits for tomorrow’s wedding-slash-coronation. I have less than twenty-four hours, and, even if I pull an all-nighter, it’s going to be intense.”
She pursed her lips and studied Adrien. “Your father had actually instructed me to begin preparations of your wedding clothes before you left, and he had me continue work in the hopes that you would be found in time to marry on schedule, so I already have an outfit prepared for you. I just need to make alterations…unless you want a new outfit specifically for your marriage to Luc? Either way is fine.”
She tipped her head to the side and awaited his response.
He waved the idea away. “I’m sure that whatever you already have made is perfect, Marinette. We’ll just need something for Luc.”
Marinette hesitated before inquiring, “Would it be okay if I took your measurements, Luc? It’ll be real quick.”
Luka shrugged nonchalantly. “Whatever’s necessary. Did you mean now, or…?”
“I actually have my tape measure with me, so…” she informed, smiling sheepishly as she pulled it out of her belt.
Luka shrugged again, untangling himself from Adrien and standing up. “Let’s do it, then. How do you want me?”
Nino snorted, muttering, “That’s what he said.”
Adrien rolled his eyes at his best friend. “Stop thinking indecent thoughts about my husband.”
Nino put his hands up in a placating gesture. “Hey, Man. It’s not my fault that your husband is hot.”
“He is, isn’t he?” Adrien purred, admiring the view as Luka walked past.
Marinette motioned for Luka to come over closer to the fireplace where the light was better. “…Nino’s thinking it, so I’m just going to ask: Who tops?”
Nino clapped a hand over his mouth to keep from bursting out in astounded giggles.
“Marinette,” Adrien whined, face going phoenix red.
Luka smirked puckishly. “Mostly him, but we experiment according to whatever feels right in the moment.”
“Orpheuuuuus,” Adrien hissed in mortification.
Luka clicked his tongue even as he held still so that Marinette could take her measurements. “No need to be embarrassed, My Love. Is it not acceptable in your culture to talk about one’s love life?”
“Adrien is just sheltered,” Nino assured. “Please go on.”
“Is he a good lover?” Marinette inquired, sticking her tongue out at Adrien who let out a horrified squeal.
“Very,” Luka snickered. “In all the ways that really matter. He’s enthusiastic but attentive, adventurous but—”
“—Luuuc,” Adrien wailed. “Please stop. This really isn’t funny.”
“Speak for yourself,” Nino cackled. “I’m having a great time.”
“I hate you,” Adrien informed sulkily.
“Hey, Marinette’s the one over there pretty much begging for a demonstration,” Nino kindly threw his friend under the bus.
Luka choked on a laugh, the convulsion interrupting Marinette in the middle of her measurement so that she had to restart that portion.
“Be nice, Nino,” Marinette grumbled, suddenly losing her good humor.
Nino immediately sobered, backing off with a muttered, “Sorry, Nette.”
Marinette nodded mutely, pointedly focusing on the work at hand.
There was a tense silence hovering in the air until Nino got up and went over to sit on the sofa next to Adrien. The two cuddled up like puppies, and Nino recommenced catching up with his friend, sharing details from his own life that Adrien had missed in his absence.
Luka was content to listen as he watched Marinette at her work. He caught her looking over to the couch several times, a warm, affectionate, and yet melancholy quality to her gaze.
Luka’s eyes narrowed as he determined that she was sneaking looks at Adrien, and a cold realization turned Luka’s blood to cement.
“Forgive me for asking,” he whispered so softly that Nino and Adrien couldn’t hear over their own conversation. “but there wouldn’t happen to be something between you and Adrien, would there?”
Marinette gave a start, her fingers slipping, losing their place on the measuring tape.
“Sorry,” Luka quickly backpedaled. “It’s none of my business. It’s just the way you were looking at him, I…”
“O-Oh.” She nervously cleared her throat, trying to regain her composure. “No. No, it’s fine. I…It’s nothing, honestly. Nothing you need to be concerned about, anyway. It’s all in the past,” she confessed in a whisper. “You’d be hard pressed to find someone who hasn’t been in love with Adrien at some point or another. I fell for him when I was thirteen, but…”
She paused, shaking her head and remeasuring from Luka’s hip to his shoulder. “I long ago came to terms with the fact that even if I had been born of his social station and become his wife, he would never feel for me the way that I used to feel for him. I was the first person he told about his attraction to men, and, after that, I promised myself that I wouldn’t allow myself to be miserable because of him. I also promised to do everything in my power to help him find happiness, so…”
She looked up at him, meeting Luka’s heavenly blue eyes with her marine ones, a fierce determination glowing from within. “I have never seen him as happy as he’s been since falling in love with you. Looking at him now, it makes my heart almost want to burst. I’m feeling a little nostalgic,” she admitted with a soft smile as she went back to taking measurements, “but I’ve moved on. I have someone wonderful in my life, so I have my own happiness. I don’t begrudge you yours, even though you have something I once wanted.”
“Good.” Luka breathed out his nerves. “You’re a very important friend to Adrien, and I wouldn’t want to be a cause of tension between you. You and Nino are extremely precious to him, and I don’t want to cause problems.”
Marinette shook her head, assuring, “You have nothing to worry about on my account.”
She raised her voice and added, “Nino is the one still hopelessly in love with Adrien. He’s the one you should worry about.”
Nino’s head snapped up, and he glared at his friend. “Nette, are you trying to make the king’s kelpie husband jealous so that he kills me or something? I am not in love with Adrien. Things are strictly platonic between us.”
Luka couldn’t help a stifled snicker. “Says the guy with my mate half in his lap.”
Adrien pressed the heel of his hand to his lips to keep in his own giggles at Nino’s expense.
“This is platonic snuggling,” Nino insisted, affronted by the accusation. “Do the fae not snuggle with friends?”
“Yes,” Luka conceded, “but are you trying to tell me that there’s nothing sexual about two guys on a couch with their limbs all entwined like that? This feels suspect to me.”
“Completely platonic,” Nino reasserted.
“Come on, Nino,” Marinette teased. “You know you would die for him.”
“Platonically!” Nino denied. “I’m his guard. It’s what guards do.”
Marinette turned to Luka with a cat-like smirk. “Nino was Adrien’s first kiss.”
“False!” Nino exclaimed, tan complexion going latte light as the blood drained from his face.
“Actually, Marinette was my first kiss,” Adrien finally spoke up in Nino’s defence.
Luka cocked an accusatory eyebrow at Marinette who grinned nervously.
“I told her about my suspicions that I was gay and asked if I could run an experiment to see if I felt anything when I kissed her,” Adrien explained, his cheeks colouring in shame.
“He told me that if there were any girl he could come to have feelings for, it would be me,” Marinette snickered, shaking her head. “The silver-tongued snake.”
Luka whistled, shooting Adrien an incredulous expression. “It sounds like my little prince was quite the cad as a youth.”
“Guilty,” Adrien groaned, covering his face with his hands. “I was confused, and I didn’t know who else to turn to. And I wholeheartedly believed what I said. I just didn’t realize yet that being gay wasn’t something you could ‘fix’ like my parents insisted, so… I’m sorry. I didn’t—”
“—Shh,” Nino interrupted, gently prying Adrien’s hands away from his face. “No one’s mad at you. Nette and I both enjoyed helping you out with your experiments. No harm done. We’re all just joking. Okay?”
Adrien looked from Marinette to Nino to Luka, and they each nodded.
Adrien blew out a slow breath, beginning to nod as well. “…Okay. Good. I just…still feel bad about that period when I was trying to figure myself out. I did some things I’m not proud of.”
“Shhh.” Nino pulled Adrien in closer for a hug as he called to the others, “You two get over here and snuggle too.”
Marinette tucked away her measuring tape and went at once to squeeze in on the sofa on Adrien’s opposite side, wrapping her arms around Adrien and Nino, assuring, “There’s nothing to feel bad about. No one’s hurt. Nothing’s broken.”
Luka came up along the back side of the couch and leaned over to nuzzle Adrien’s hair. “Listen to your friends, My Love. They’ve already forgiven whatever needed to be forgiven.”
“Thanks, guys,” Adrien whispered, letting go of his worries.
They remained in their cuddle pile in comfortable, warm silence for nearly a full minute before Marinette spoke.
“Wanna hear a secret?”
“What secret?” Adrien responded curiously.
“I’m seeing someone,” Marinette confessed tentatively, a giddy excitement bubbling just under the surface.
“Ah. Her imaginary boyfriend,” Nino snickered. “You’ve been on about him for years, Nette. Does mystery boy finally have a name or something?”
“Be nice,” Adrien chastened, giving Nino a light smack on the arm before turning his attention back to Marinette. “Is this the same guy you’ve mentioned before? Your mysterious nobleman?”
Marinette nodded shyly, taking a breath before announcing, “Her name is Kagami.”
Nino and Adrien’s jaws dropped.
Luka arched an eyebrow. “Is this the same Kagami that Adrien fences with?”
Marinette smiled nervously and nodded. “Yep. We’ve been together officially for three years now.”
“Holy crap,” Nino finally got out. “Nette, how the hell did you keep this a secret this long?”
Marinette shrugged. “People really aren’t as suspicious of two women spending a lot of time alone together as they would be a man and a woman. We used the pretext of me making clothes for her a lot in order to meet.”
Adrien blinked, still stunned at this revelation. “Wow…that’s…I’m really happy that you’ve found someone. That both you and Kagami are happy. I mean, besides my mothers, there’re no women I esteem higher than you two.”
“Thank you,” Marinette breathed in relief, feeling lighter now that she had the secret off of her chest.
Adrien bit his lip. “I just wish you had mentioned… I never suspected that you… Why did you never say anything? When I was busy lamenting my cursed fate to be alone and not know love my entire life, you could have said something,” he pressed, unable to hide the twinge of hurt in his voice.
Marinette shook her head. “I’m like Nino. I can be happy with a man or a woman, so no one ever had to know I wasn’t quote-unquote ‘normal’. My situation wasn’t like yours, so I didn’t feel I had any business making things about me when you were hurting so deeply.”
Adrien studied his friend intently for a long moment before sighing and resting his head on her shoulder. “…You still should have said something.”
She looked back and forth between Nino and Adrien before bowing her head, suitably chastened. “You’re right. I should have said something. There was never a good time, though, and then it felt like I couldn’t say anything because I’d waited too long.”
“Well, at least you’re telling us now,” Nino reasoned, giving Marinette’s arm a supportive pat. “Congrats. We’re happy for you.”
“I’m going to have to get to know Kagami better now,” Adrien hummed thoughtfully. “I thought I knew her, but I was obviously wrong.”
“She definitely has layers,” Marinette giggled.
Adrien tipped his head back and looked at Luka, still standing behind the sofa. “You’re not feeling left out, are you? I feel like we’re being exclusive.”
“You’re fine, My Love,” Luka chuckled, giving Adrien’s hair a loving pet. “I’m enjoying getting to see you with your friends. You know I’m an introvert and don’t necessarily need to be the center of the conversation.”
“Just let us know if we’re being too in-group-y,” Nino urged, giving Luka an amicable grin. “You’re family now, and we want you to feel welcome and comfortable with us.”
“What he said,” Marinette seconded.
“Thank you,” Luka replied earnestly, making his way over to the armchair closest to the fireplace. “But I promise you that I’m very low maintenance. Please continue your conversation. I don’t need to be included in everything so long as I eventually get my husband back from you to cuddle with him myself.”
“Cool,” Nino chuckled. “We can definitely agree to those terms.”
Silent snuggling continued for a few minutes until Marinette spoke up once more.
“Adrien, did I hear right? Did you make a royal decree legalizing same-sex marriage?” she inquired, holding her breath in anticipation.
“Uh…yeah. Yeah, Nathalie took care of that earlier. She said that people would start announcing it right away, so the news should be getting out by now,” he confirmed.
Marinette gave a trill of joy. “I’m going to ask Kagami to marry me.”
“Dude, wait,” Nino insisted. “We haven’t even vetted her yet.”
Adrien elbowed Nino in the stomach. “That’s awesome, Marinette. You’ll have to let me know when the wedding will be so I can come back for the ceremony.”
Nino and Marinette blinked in tandem and then shared a look.
“Wait. What do you mean ‘come back’?” Nino asked slowly, a feeling of dread knotting the pit of his stomach. “Aren’t you…like…already back?”
Adrien winced.
Marinette’s joyful expression abruptly diminished as her forehead furrowed. “You’re not staying here, are you?”
Adrien shook his head.
“You’re going back to the forest,” Nino whispered as understanding dawned upon him.
Adrien nodded.
There was a heavy moment of silence.
“…How long do we have?” Marinette inquired, voice sounding brittle as she tried to mask her sadness and pain at the thought of losing her closest friend all over again. “How long before you go back?”
“I don’t know,” Adrien confessed. “Not long. I only returned because I feared that the kingdom would descend into chaos and dictatorship in my absence after my father’s sudden passing. I’ll stay until I see a peaceful transfer of power and feel confident that my people will be okay without me.”
“It sounds like we’ve still got some time, then,” Nino remarked, trying to be optimistic. “We should…We should make the most of it, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Marinette whispered, snuggling in closer to Adrien.
“Yeah,” Adrien agreed, squeezing his friends tighter.
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chubbyreaderwriter · 5 years ago
She’s Mine
Peter Parker x Plus Size/Chubby Reader
Imagine: Reader seems to be getting a lot of attention because of her curvy figure and Peter gets jealous, to say the least.
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex (use protection!)
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You had always been the curvy girl at school and for years, it was the worst thing ever. It had brought you constant bullying and teasing and it almost ruined your self confidence. People had always told you that you weren't going to get a boyfriend unless you lost weight and that you were never going to be considered beautiful because of your size. You proved them all wrong when you got together with your loving boyfriend, Peter Parker. He was the sweetest boy you've ever met and just from the first time he asked you out, you were pretty sure you were in love. You had been wary at first, believing that he was trying to play a joke on you or he asked you out on a dare but slowly, you tore down your walls and you've never been happier. If possible, you were teased more because you had a boyfriend, people telling you that you were too big for him or that he didn't deserve you but you didn't care. You knew Peter loved you and that was good enough for you. 
it was nerve-wracking to come back to school after summer break and you were worried that the bullying was going to start again, but nothing prepared you for what actually happened. You'd gained some more confidence and a new wardrobe courtesy of your parents, with more revealing and form-fitting clothes. You were walking to your locker and you swore you could feel people’s eyes on you as you took out some of your books, but whenever you turned around there was nobody looking in your direction. But that was only the beginning of it all. 
Nobody said anything about your weight and some of the more popular boys were being nicer to you. Nicer than they've ever been before. They would hold the door open for you, ask if you needed any help in class and you also noticed that there weren't any empty seats around you like before when no one wanted to sit next to the fat girl. It was almost flattering, but the suddenness of it all made it too strange to appreciate the attention. When you told Peter that you thought people where acting differently, he said that you were just imagining things, that maybe your recently improved self esteem made you see things in a more positive way. 
You had hesitantly agreed and tried to not take any notice but Peter was only just starting to see what you meant. He saw the looks all of the other guys were giving you when your weren't looking. He noticed the way that all stood behind you in gym class when everybody was stretching. He could see how all of them were quick to steal all the seats next to you so Peter had to sit practically on the other side of the room by himself. To say he was annoyed was an understatement but he just thought it was him being insecure so he didn't want to say anything to you. 
Right now, you were in gym class with Peter, Ned, Michelle and a few others. You were stretching next to Michelle, using her as a leaning post before stretching forward to reach your toes. It was then that you felt a harsh smack to your ass and you jerked forward, spinning around to see Flash stood behind you with a huge gin on his face and a few of his friends behind him. Too shocked to do anything, you stood frozen while Michelle didn't hesitate to push Flash away from the two of you and your gym class teacher, who had seen everything, sent Flash to the principal’ s office. 
You looked over at Peter, who was glaring at Flash as he left, jaw clenched and fists shaking. When you asked him if he was okay, he said he was fine but you knew it was a lie. He seemed to perk up a little bit when you said that you were going to stay over his place tonight though. The rest of the day seemed to go past quite quickly and you were thankful that you didn't run into Flash again, you didn't know if you had the patience for it. 
It was finally the end of the day and you were practically skipping your way home to pack your stuff for Peter’s. Within an hour, you were headed to his apartment and knocking on the door. You had been expecting his Aunt May to open the door, so you were a little surprised to see Peter in the doorway. He was shirtless and panting a little, making you struggle to keep your eyes on his face. He stepped to the side to let you in, “Sorry, I was cleaning up for you, Aunt May is out for the night and she left me a bunch of chores to do.” 
You smiled, “You didn't have to do that Peter, but that's really sweet.” You put your bag on the floor next to the couch and flopped down onto it, taking up most of the space and hanging your arm over your eyes, “Ugh, today has been a long day, I think I should get cuddles.” Peter smiled and grabbed your arm gently, “C’mon, we can go to my room, it’s comfier there.” You laughed, “Yeah right Peter, you just want to get me in your bed.” He blushed and you couldn't help but laugh a little more as he pulled you down onto his bed, having you against the wall and him lying next to you, the two of you facing each other. 
You felt Peter’s arms go around you and you smiled, closing your eyes and moving your leg over his to keep him close. It had only been a few moments after when Peter moved his hands further down to grab your ass. You stayed still, “What are you doing?” He frowned, “What? I can’t touch what’s mine?” You furrowed your brows and opened your eyes to look at Peter, “You've never been like this before...OMG, you’re jealous aren't you?” Peter scoffed but his blushing cheeks gave him away. 
You shifted closer to him and pressed your lips against his in a soft kiss, “Well, you don't ever have to be jealous, I’m all yours, Parker.” He smiled but you were feeling a little turned on knowing that he was jealous of those other guys. You moved your hand to his bare chest and bit your lower lip, “But maybe you need to show me that I belong to you?” Peter’s eyes widened as he realised what you meant before eagerly rolling the two of you so that you were lying on your back and Peter was above you. 
He kissed you again, more passionately this time, his hands grabbing the bottom of your shirt and lifting it up to your chest. He pulled away from you just long enough to take your shirt off before he kissed you again. Your hands went to the waistband of his grey sweatpants and slowly pushed them down over his hips and he kicked them off onto the floor, leaving him in just his boxers. Peter pulled away for air and you were both left panting for breath but Peter didn't stop. He moved his head to your neck where he placed small kisses along your skin, trailing them further down to you collarbone. 
He reached your bra and his hands came round to unclasp it and slowly pull it off your body. It wasn't he first time that the two of you had been intimate with each other but it always felt like the first time for Peter, being able to look at your body that was only for him. His hands held your soft waist as he leaned down to flick his tongue over your nipple, listening to your soft moans. Your fingers ran through Peter’s hair, messing it up. Your back arched to press your chest into Peter’s face, leaning your head back onto the pillow. 
His kisses trailed down to your stomach and while before, you may have tensed up or softly pushed him away, you loved feeling his gentle touches on your soft tummy. His fingers hooked under your pants and panties and pulled them both down your legs together, kissing your thighs and legs as he did so. You pouted as you were the only one naked and couldn't help but lick your lips when Peter took the hint and took off his boxers. Already, he was hard and you couldn't help but moan at the sight of his hard cock, spreading your legs to let him get between them. His hands slowly brushed over your thighs, hips, stomach and sides before he leaned down to rest on his elbows. 
He locked eyes with you, “Are you ready, baby?” You nodded and bit your lip as he shifted his weight onto one arm to use his hand to line himself up, rubbing the head of his cock along your slit, feeling how wet you were already. You cupped his face with both hands to pull him down for a kiss when he thrust into you. Moaning into the kiss, you wrapped your legs around Peter, gripping him close. 
Peter groaned and pulled away from the kiss to press his forehead against yours, looking down at you, “You’re all mine.” You nodded, “Yes Peter, all yours.” He leaned back tp grip your thighs around his waist and sped up his thrusts, his eyes focused on the hypnotic way your breasts bounced in time with him. You closed your eyes from the pleasure and your hands cupped your breasts, playing with your nipples to add to the feeling of Peter’s cock deep inside you. You moaned his name out loud and gasped when he started fucking you harder and faster, “That’s right, say my name, only I can make you feel like way.” 
You could feel yourself getting close to your climax and told Peter, who only sped up his thrusts and moved his hand to rub his thumb over your clit, adding to the already pleasurable sensation. Whining and squirming on the bed, you bit your bottom lip hard to not make too much noise as you came, clenching around Peter’s cock. He groaned from the feeling, knowing he was also close to cumming. Not wanting to risk it, he pulled out of you and stroked his cock until he came, his cum landing on your stomach and breasts. Peter sat back and panted while you giggled a little at seeing yourself covered in Peter’s cum, “I think I can consider myself officially marked as yours.” 
Peter blushed, his confidence fading a little now that the moment was over, “W-well I can’t do this in public so I have to remind you somehow.” You smiled, “You don't have to remind me of anything, I’m yours and you’re mine and that's how I always want it to be.” Peter smiled and held his hand out for you to take, “Lets go shower and then we can cuddle properly.” You grinned and hopped off the bed, taking his hand, “Sounds like a deal to me.”
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mummybear · 5 years ago
What Are You Doing Here?
This Is Day 13 Of Roleplay May
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Words: 3666
Warnings: Smut, Hurt/Comfort, Wall Sex, Fingering, Counter Top Sex, Swearing, Dirty Talk, Hair Pulling, Back Scratching. Think That’s It.
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Reader, Allison Argent, Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, Malia Tate/Hale, Unnamed Douche Guy
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Summary: You’re staying at your aunts place in Beacon Hills, after finishing your training program where you’d met the best guy ever. So when your best friend Allison turns up at your aunts house and invites you to a party you reluctantly agree to go. Only to find out that there was more waiting at that party than you first realised.
A/N: Sorry guys there was a screw up and this one is a little late but enjoy! ;)
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Staying at your aunts again after all this time was really strange, but she was awesome and always made you feel so comfortable. Working down at the local hospital had kept her extremely busy, so you had offered to come and look after her new puppy until things calmed down a little at the hospital. She had even managed to get this weekend off. 
It was great timing considering you’d only just got back from a training course for your ideal job. You’d met some really amazing people there, one in particular who had been much harder to forget than the others. He was the sweetest guy you’d ever met, helping you while others in the program had merely laughed at your failings. The two of you had grown close over that month, and you deeply regretted never taking it further, but most of all you couldn’t believe you’d forgotten to get his number. 
There’s a knock at the door, pulling you from your thoughts. Checking the time you realise it’s much later than you first thought. “I’ve got it!” you call into the kitchen, running to the front door, the surprise hits you like the best smack in the face ever. “Alli!” you practically squeal, pulling her into a massive hug which she quickly returns.
“I missed you so much! When Kay said you were back I had to come get you! There’s this party tonight, I thought I'd see if you wanna come with me?” Allison exclaims excitedly, pulling back to look at your face.
“I’d love to, I really would. But I promised Kay that I’d look after the puppy while i’m staying.” You explain, just as the little puppy in question comes and jumps up your legs.
Before Allison can answer however you can hear your aunt clearing her throat behind you.
“Hey. You go sweetheart, don’t you worry about it! I’ve got the little one tonight.” She smiles kindly, gathering up the dog from the floor and stroking the bouncing puppy. “I promise we’ll be fine and we can do our movie marathon tomorrow.” She insists, laughing when Allison pulls her into a big hug, which you quickly get pulled into.
Four hours later
Allison is with you in your temporary room, watching you check over your outfit in your mirror. “Alli, I dunno about this are you sure it’s not too much? I don’t even know these people.” you sigh turning in the mirror again, you love the outfit but you just don’t want to feel like you’ve overdone it. 
She comes to stand beside you and smiles, “look just trust me okay, you’re gonna knock them dead. There’s actually someone in particular who I want to introduce you to.” 
“Oh, I see. so that’s what this is all in aid of,” you state knowingly, gesturing to your outfit as you turn to face her, she quickly hands you a shot with a sly smile on her lips. 
“Hush you, he’s awesome. And you’re both two of my best friends and I thought it was about time the two of you met that’s all” she laughs when your judgemental look locks back onto her.
“Okay, fine. Because I love you, I’ll do it.” you agree as she clinks her shot glass against yours and throws you a wink.
It doesn’t take the two of you very long to have a steady buzz going, your confidence a little better than the start of the evening as your aunt waves you off on the driveway.
Arriving at the party doesn’t take long, before you know it you’re pulling up to one of the biggest houses that you’ve ever seen. Allison leads you around the back, the massive columns are all covered in fairy lights, it’s completely stunning and there are a lot of people here. Leading the way Allison clearly knows where she’s going, her hand tight on yours as she weaves easily through the big clusters of people. Your friend clearly spots who she’s looking for since she’s waving and you can hear several people calling her name even over the music, which appears to be quieter over here. 
You can come to stand beside Allison when she finally comes to a stop and your heart starts beating faster as your nerves begin to get the best of you. A nervous smile pulls at your lips.
“ So Y/N, these are the people I was telling you about.” Allison tells you, leading you over to a group of people at the back of the garden. She starts introducing everyone, but you don’t hear her, because as soon as the tallest guy steps out of the way you spot him. Sitting beside a redhead, staring at you with his mouth wide open.
“Y/N?” Stiles questions suddenly, ignoring the way that his friends were looking at him.
Stepping away from Allison your cheeks already hurt from smiling as you meet those gorgeous brown eyes. He’s on you before you can speak, wrapping his long arms around your waist in that familiar way he had just a few weeks ago, smiling into your neck when your arms wrap around his shoulders.
“So, I guess I don’t need to introduce my really great friend then, huh?” Allison questions with a big grin crossing her lips.
You and Stiles are both blushing hard when you finally pull away from one another and look back at the group of confused faces. 
“Y/N is the girl I told you about, from the FBI training course,” Stiles reveals blushing even harder, when you have to bite back a smile realising he’s been telling his friends about you.
“Nothing bad I hope?”
“Oh no, nothing bad at all. He was very complimentary,” the tanned guy beside Stiles chuckles when Allison smacks his shoulder, with a fond smile.
“Well, I kinda wish I would’ve worked out the two of you had been talking about each other,” Allison says to nobody in particular, “Anyway….” 
The conversation moves on quickly, with you and Stiles telling the others how you'd been in one of the classes and the two of you had ended up being partners, you were pretty much inseparable after that, until the day you’d had to go home. 
The others are really nice as well, Lydia was the host of the party, she was seriously smart that much had been obvious as soon as she had started talking, not to mention that she was completely gorgeous. Scott was really sweet, much nicer than you had expected and as it turns out he was Allison’s boyfriend and Stiles’ best friend. Malia was straight talking and very blunt but honestly, she seemed like the kind of girl you would get on with. As long as you didn’t get on her bad side of course.
At some point the others had left to get a drink, but you and Stiles had been too distracted to notice. You’re both walking around a quiet part of the garden, ignoring the few kissing drunk people as Stiles tells you about his family. You’re so distracted that you don’t see the massive guy running towards you until it’s too late and you’re being knocked down. 
“Shit, Y/N! You okay?” Stiles asks worriedly, helping you to your feet. You wince putting pressure on your foot, he notices immediately and pulls your arm around his shoulders. “What a dick. We should get you inside, I can take a look at it?” he offers kindly, slowly walking you towards the door with the least people.
“You don’t have to do that Stiles, I’ll be okay.” you reply quickly, not missing the way he glances at you unconvinced.
“Well, tough. I insist.” 
“Okay, Mr Bossy.” you giggle seeing the smile pulling at his pink lips. God why couldn’t you stop staring at them. “Thank you though, that’s really sweet of you,” 
“It’s nothing. It’s really the least I can do.” he assures you blushing slightly. “Might have to carry you up here though,” he muses, before you can argue his arm reaches behind you and tucks behind your knees. 
You squeal in surprise as he picks you up effortlessly, careful not to lift your skirt as he does and holds you close to his body. Your arms wrap around his neck and you know you’re holding on tighter than necessary, it’s not that you don’t trust him it’s just instinct. 
His eyes are on yours as he walks carefully, but you can’t help flicking your eyes down to look at his lips. You know that he’s noticed when you finally look back into his eyes. 
“Could you get the door for me?” he asks, voice a little deeper than before, nodding his head towards the door in front of them. 
Reaching forward and you push the handle down for the bathroom door, feeling his long fingers tighten where he’s holding onto you. Stiles walks inside and gently sits you on the counter top beside the sink, quickly turning so that he can close and lock the door behind you both.
You watch him as he moves around you carefully and pulls out the first aid kit. 
“This might sting a little,” he tells you quietly, grabbing one of the anti bacterial wipes and gently dabbing at the cut still bleeding on your knee. “Sorry,” he apologises when you wince, his free hand gripping your thigh to stop you from moving.
Biting your lip at the feeling of his fingers on your skin again, you look up at him, realising he’s much closer than you’d first realised.
“I still regret not getting you number,”
Chucking the wipe in the bin Stiles smiles, “Yeah, me too. Keep wishing I would've had the balls to ask for yours.” he reveals, stepping between your legs and he gently puts on the large plaster. His hands move from your legs and he places them on the counter, either side of your legs, “There, all better.”
Leaning forward you press your lips to his cheek, resting your hands on his shoulders.
“Thank you,” you breathe out quietly, pulling away slowly, just enough that his nose bumps against yours. 
Stiles swallows hard just barely nodding and neither of you want to move any further away. 
“How’s your ankle?” Stiles rasps, his voice shaking slightly when your hand gently lays over the top of his.
“Yeah, feels better. Thanks to you,” you reply just above a whisper feeling his lips brush yours.
“Y/N! Stiles! Is everything okay, I just heard what happened.” Allison calls through the door, when he moves back to unlock the door you let out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding.
“Hey Ali, she’s fine.” Stiles assures her, opening the door for her to step inside.
The young woman pauses and looks at your flushed face, smirking when she sees the way your skirts pushed up. “You know what, she’s in good hands, just look after her,” Allison smiles, throwing you a wink before leaving without another word.
Stiles closes the door, frowning as he looks back at you. “You sure you’re okay?” Stiles checks.
“Can you just lock the door again for a second?” you ask nervously, watching him lick his lips as he does as you ask without question.
“What is it?” he rasps, his voice scratchy and rough.
“You remember the first night you stayed in my room after we drank too much?”
“Y-Yeah. I remember,” Stiles answers quietly, watching your shoes drop from your feet before you hop down from the counter and let your jacket fall to the floor. Stiles watches you as you pull your t-shirt over your head and let it join your jacket. “You really don’t have to,” he breathes out nervously, taking a step closer to you. 
“A promise is a promise Stiles. I saw you naked and I said I was sorry. You remember what else I said?” you ask barely above a whisper as your skirt hits the floor and you take another step towards him. 
“Fuck,” Stiles groans.
“Yeah, I definitely said that,” you giggle slightly, “You remember what else?”
“You said that you owed me. You’d seen mine, so next time you’d show me yours.” he answers, running his hand through his hair, a nervous habit of his you’d noticed on the first day meeting him.
You bite back your smile as you nod, unhooking your bra and letting it fall at your feet. “Exactly, so this is me keeping my promise.” 
“I haven’t stopped thinking about that day, wishing that I hadn’t let you walk out of that door.“
“What did you wanna do?” you ask as you push your panties down slowly, watching the way he bites into his bottom lip. Catching you when you stumble on your ankle, his hands grip your waist tightly, but his hands don’t wander. “You can look you know,” you whisper.
“You’re so soft. God I wanted to kiss you so bad the whole time we were together,” he reveals quickly, fingers tightening on your waist when you press yourself closer.
You gently take hold of his hands and push them down until he’s cupping your ass, “Then do it, unless you’ve changed y-” he cuts you off, fingers squeezing your ass tightly when he presses his lips to yours. They feel even better than you always thought they would. Firm but soft and you can’t help but moan into his mouth when his tongue brushes against yours. You push his jacket from his shoulders and it falls to the floor, joining the rest of your clothes. Pulling away from his lips he laughs as you roughly tug at his t-shirt, dragging it up his toned body until he helps you pull it over his head. “What? I didn’t get a very good look last time. I was trying to be polite.” 
Stiles laughs pulling you into another kiss, until he feels you wince and pulls back to look at you as you cling to his shoulders. You gasp when he picks you up, your legs automatically wrap around his waist. Whimpering when his rough jeans rub just right between your legs.
“You need to rest, are you sure you don’t want me to take you home?” Stiles asks sweetly, brushing the hair back from your face. Smiling, you shake your head, keeping your eyes locked on him as you pull him closer by his belt and slowly unbuckle it, hearing the metal clang as it falls open. 
“I’m okay, I’m actually enjoying myself,” you reply cheekily, popping the button of his jeans and slowly pulling down the zipper. 
“Fuck baby,” Stiles groans when your hand slips inside his boxers and wraps around his thick hard length. He pulls your close so that your ass is sitting right on the edge of the counter and his hands slide up your legs slowly.
“I can stop if you want,” you say quietly, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth as you meet his eyes, your hand starts slowly moving over his cock. 
“No, no. It's fine, more than fine. I just-” he stutters through heavy breath and all you want to do is kiss him again, so that’s what you do. Stiles moans into your mouth, feeling you arch your hips, those long fingers of his move between your legs. 
Stiles pulls his lips away from yours all too soon, his forehead resting against yours as he looks down at your hand wrapped around his length and slowly slips a finger inside your wet welcoming heat. 
“S-Shit, Stiles please. More,” you needy whimper, speeding up your movements over his rock hard length when he pushes a second long finger inside you and curls them both just right. “Oh god, feels so good,” you whimper when his free hand moves to the back of your head and he grips your hair tightly, his teeth drag over your neck when you gasp and hook your leg over his hip, trying to get yourself closer to him. “Talk to me,” you whimper, rocking your hips into his hand and your grip loosens around his cock as your head becomes foggy. 
Sucking a mark into your neck Stiles finally pulls back, his eyes almost black when he looks at you. “You’re so fucking sexy, can’t believe you’re here.” Stiles groans as your pussy clamps down around his fingers. Your hand falls away from his cock and you cling to his shoulders tightly, nails digging harshly into his skin. “Lay back,” Stiles encourages you, biting into his smile and releasing your hair.
Luckily the counter behind you is massive, the perks of being rich. You lay back the best you can, your knees pressing tightly into his thighs to keep your legs open, the top of your head almost touching the wall. You let out a breathy moan feeling his fingers speed up inside you.
When his other hand moves to your clit you cry out, slapping your hand over your mouth. The wet sounds of his fingers thrusting in and out at a quick pace echo around the room. His fingers move just as rapidly over your throbbing clit, your entire body arching, skin tingling and you squeeze your eyes shut feeling your orgasm hit you, your mouth drops open behind your hand, but no noise comes from your mouth. It’s a slow aching bliss that sparks every nerve under your skin and causes your eyes to roll.
Sitting up on your shaking elbows you look down at him, chest heaving as you watch his long fingers wrap around his cock, his eyes locked on yours. “Please Stiles, need you.” 
“Fuck Y/N, are you sure?” he groans letting his cock slip between your folds, nudging your sensitive clit with every slow rock of his hips. 
“Please, I want your big cock inside me,” you whine desperately, feeling the head of his cock nudge at your soaked entrance.
“Mmmm,” Stiles hums under his breath as the head of his cock slips inside you, “So tight baby, shit. So perfect.” he grunts loudly, feeling your pussy fluttering around his as your slick rolls down his cock.
Your stomach clenches and you let out a loud moan when Stiles thrusts his hips forward harshly, quickly filling you up in one “So deep,” you whimper as he pulls you up and your arms wrap around his neck, one of your hands pushes into the back of his hair. “Oh god! Yes!” You gasp as he picks you up, your legs clamping down around his waist and his hands fall to your ass. 
He stumbles a little with his jeans still around his ankles, a huff of air leaves your lungs as your back roughly hits the wall behind you. “Sorry, shit.” Stiles growls feeling your nails scratch down his back. You try and kiss him when he starts thrusting, but he’s in the perfect position and all you can do is cling to him, enjoying the perfect drag of his cock against your tightening walls. 
“You feel too good baby, not gonna last,” 
“Harder please, don’t care Stiles. Come inside me, wanna feel it.” 
Stiles growls as he picks up his pace, slamming into you at a pace you wouldn’t have thought possible in this position. “Yes! Just like that!” you cry out, no longer caring who hears the two of you. 
His mouth moves to your neck as his blunt nails dig into your ass cheeks, “You’re so close baby come on, wanna feel you come all over my cock” 
He’s right you can feel your stomach clenching again already, his words only spur you on, that band inside you is ready to snap, your clit is rubbing perfectly against every snap of his hips in this position. “I’m gonna - Oh god, please” 
Your desperate cries only spur him on, “Come on baby, let go.” he pants harshly against your neck, with a final thrust of his hips you’re falling over the edge and an intense orgasm is rocketing through you, way more powerful than the one before. “Fuck! Yes, gonna come baby!”
You’re shaking when Stiles finally lets go himself and falls over the edge, his fingers tightening and his hips stuttering.
You pick your head up off his shoulder and meet his lidded eyes, “hi,” he smiles sweetly, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips that causes you to sigh against them. His thumb brushes gently over your lips as he looks into your eyes, “how’s your ankle?” 
“S’Okay, you did take such good care of me.” you smirk gently moving your hands across his chest when your ass touches the cold counter top again. He gently pulls his softening cock from inside you and pulls up his boxers and jeans. 
He turns back to you after gathering your clothes, both of you ignoring the pounding on the door as he helps you balance while you pull your clothes on. “I got you good huh?” he chuckles pressing his lips to the purple bruise on your neck. 
“God don’t start again, feels too good” you shiver as the feeling shoots straight to your core. 
“Good to know,” he grins, handing you his phone.
“Now, you better give me that number this time. There’s no way i’m walking away after that,”
You can’t help but giggle at that, quickly typing in your name and number and handing it back. Doing the same with your own phone, watching those long fingers move over your screen with way too much interest. 
“Good to know, wasn’t planning on leaving you alone just yet,” you smile, biting your lip when his fingers link with yours.
“You wanna come back to mine? Since our catch up was kinda interrupted.” 
“I would love that Stiles,” you grin despite yourself.
This hadn’t exactly been your plan at the start of the night, but you definitely owed that douche who’d knocked you over a beer.
Tags: @chewie-redbird​ @julzdec​ @lettersofwrittencollective​ @stiles-o-dylan24​ @mogaruke​ @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone​ @dylanholyhellobrien​ @desireepow-1986​ @emichelle​ @lilulo-12​ @22sarah08​ @deanwanddamons​ @simsadventures​  @charmed-asylum​ @nicole-lynne​ @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog​ @defenderrosetyler​ @emilyshurley​ @emilyshurley​ @foxyjwls007​ @mylovelydame21​ @sunshineandwings86 @akshi8278​ @peaches009​ @captain-shannon-becker​ @heimdoodle​ @plushpyrate​ @winchester-wifey​ @screamxqueenx94​ @brien-odylan​ @fox-in-a-mousetrap-8 @riseandshinelittleblossom​ @ceceliaking-18​ @mrs-mitch-rapp93​ 
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spaceskam · 5 years ago
devil, won’t you bargain with me?
for day 4 of @alexmanesappreciation : behind enemy lines (again, taking a lot of liberties)
warning: sexual content, this is literally about assassins so all the fun stuff that goes with that
Alex Manes learned at a depressingly young age how to use this good looks as a weapon.
He had 10 years of his life that were relatively normal before he was sent to a boarding school. Only, it wasn’t your average boarding school. It was where children of people who knew things were sent so they could grow up to know things. It was where he was taught to spot an alien from simply the look of their eyes or the way to air moved wrong around them. It was where he was learned how to kill in effective ways. It was where he learned to gain the aliens trust so he could kill them and call a clean up crew to obtain anything extraterrestrial before the small town police got there. It was where he learned that seduction was his most successful tactic.
His father didn’t exactly approve of the fact that that was how Alex got around, but even he couldn’t deny how easily Alex climbed the ranks. He was well known for how good he was at not only charming aliens, but killing them. The killing had nothing to do with seduction. He was a skilled fighter and that was undeniable as well. Hell, even at just 23, he was teaching a class on combat.
Most aliens were the same, truthfully. There were a handful of different species, all wearing skin suits and dangerous. They preyed on humans and infiltrated on their space and lives. Alex was just one of the hundreds of people who were trained to fix that.
On this particular night, however, Alex hadn’t intended to be the alien assassin hunting the enemy. Instead, he was looking for a little bit of casual human interaction and heavy petting before he had to go back to his job. But he had been trained and no matter how much he wanted to relax at the bar with free drinks from strangers who wanted to take him home, he couldn’t unsee the way the air around a man who made his way to the bar moved. 
He seemed to be going in slow motion and the air around him made way for his body. The alien had probably one of the most gorgeous skin-suits Alex had ever seen with horrifically attractive features and gorgeous hair and kind eyes and tanned skin. Alex almost regretted the fact that he’d seen the way the way the air around him rejected him. He would’ve been a nice face to look at for the nice.
But then Alex realized nothing was actually stopping him from doing both.
Alex turned to the man as he stepped up to the bar, giving him the most seductive look he could manage and asked his name. The guy seemed to almost instantly get a little flustered from the attention and Alex was more than a little thankful that this would be easy. He hated having to try when he wasn’t technically on the job.
The alien said his name was Michael and he let Alex buy him a drink under the condition that he could buy Alex a drink. It seemed like a fair trade.
They sat close on the bar and Alex slowly started touching him on his hands and his hair. When he was sure he was comfortable with that, he moved his hands to other places. His back, his thigh, his neck. He seemed to fold into each touch and he stared at Alex like he was mesmerized by his existence.
One of the things Alex was taught was that some species have a very particular draw. It works on some, doesn’t work on others. Alex had never experienced it before, but he knew himself well enough to spot it when he felt it. Staring at this alien felt... It felt like he was meant to be there, like the stars aligned for them.
All the books and all his superiors said that, in cases like that, the human should exit the situation and call a different assassin to take care of it. That was the best way to go about it for everyone’s safety. But Alex wasn’t stupid. His mind wasn’t clouded by this little fact, it just meant the sex would be a lot more interesting before the kill.
“How do you feel about taking me home?” Alex asked, tilting his head just a little as he dragged his fingertips down the side of his neck and over his collarbone. Michael gulped.
“Like it would be a fucking sin to say no.”
Alex smiled and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss just to make sure he’d actually be getting something out of it. It was soft and slow and breathtaking and for the first time in his entire life, Alex felt his guard slipping. That was a red flag and he should’ve stopped, he should’ve called someone else to take care of this, he should’ve politely stepped away to collect himself.
But he didn’t want to collect himself and he didn’t want someone else to take his place.
He pulled away and looked at this alien who he would have to kill before sunrise and almost felt sad. The alien, Michael, looked a little dazed and blissfully ignorant as he smiled at him. He had a pretty smile. His eyes were half-lidded and his cheeks were red and he was so cute. It almost didn’t even look like a human suit. It looked so real, like it was his own face. Were their aliens who looked human naturally? Was he even an alien at all? 
Alex slid his fingers into his hair and pulled him in for another kiss just to make sure the first one wasn’t a fluke. It wasn’t. His heart felt like it was going to slam out of his chest. Kissing him, this alien, after only knowing him for less than an hour somehow felt like coming home. He was comfortable against his lips and welcome in his hands.
That was not mentioned in any of his textbooks.
“C’mon,” Michael said, grabbing his hand and tugging him off the bar stool. Alex found himself smiling as he was tugged outside and to a motorcycle that was parked in a line of motorcycles. Michael gave him a sweet little smile as he put the extra helmet on his head carefully, his hands sliding over Alex’s biceps once it was on securely. Then he put on his own.
Alex climbed on the back of his bike, wrapping his arms around his body. Logically, he shouldn’t trust some strange alien on a motorcycle just so he could get laid, but something about him made him feel particularly reckless. He kept forgetting what he was meant to be doing; he enjoyed his presence so much.
And it only got better.
They got to an apartment complex and Alex was nearly overwhelmed with happiness as they both pulled off their helmets. He couldn’t stop smiling and it was hurting his cheeks. He wasn’t used to smiling this much. Or at all.
Michael quickly pocketed his key and grabbed Alex’s hand, leading him up the set of stairs of one of the buildings. Alex had already made so many mistakes. He didn’t know the address, he didn’t know the last name the alien lived under, he didn’t even pay attention to which apartment he lived in. He was so stupid and reckless and would get in so much trouble when he called the clean up crew, but it was all worth it when Michael tossed both the helmets onto the couch of the small little studio and pulled him by the hand for a kiss.
It was just as nice as it was in the bar, maybe even nicer. There were no extra eyes. Michael held his hands for a moment before letting them go to hold onto his waist, smiling through each and every kiss even as he deepened it. The whole thing felt like Alex was a teenager and this was his first time with a boy he really, really liked. Which obviously wasn’t true.
But the more he thought about it, he couldn’t remember his actual first time. He’d started using it all as a kill tactic when he was so young and first learning about his sexuality that it all seemed to blur. His one night stands with men in the back of a club were just as meaningless as the aliens he let take him home before he killed them with their own possessions. Hell, he was sure he’d kissed more aliens than humans at this point. It was all nothing; he was just going through the motions.
Except for right now.
“Take this off,” Michael whispered, grinning wildly as he broke the kiss just to help Alex take his shirt off. Michael’s had already been discarded and he looked more real than Alex knew what to do with. He was all chest hair and soft skin and toned muscles. 
Michael came back in for another kiss after the barrier of shirts were out of the way, pressing their chests together. He held Alex’s face in his hands and breathed him in as he kissed him. Alex felt precious and fragile for the first time all at once. All because of the way this man decided to hold him. Did he hold everyone like that? Was Alex special?
God, he wanted to be special.
Michael gently backed him against the wall for leverage more than anything. He pulled away and flashed the sweetest smile that had ever existed and then pressed a kiss to his shoulder. He slowly started kissing down his chest, crouching in the most awkward way to do so. Alex laughed when he almost fell just so he could try to get a good angle to kiss over his nipple. He just smiled all wide and charming as he settled on his knees.
Alex couldn’t help but stare at down him while his hands roamed over his chest and his back. It was all slow and methodical. Michael’s eyes fell closed as he kissed beneath his belly button and his eyelashes tickles Alex’s stomach, his hands sliding from his back over his hips and down to unbutton his jeans. Alex was being worshiped. He couldn’t laugh anymore. In fact, part of him wanted to cry.
Was that how this was supposed to feel? Was he supposed to feel so connected and so important to the person he was with? Was this just an alien thing? And, if it was an alien thing, why was it bad? What was so wrong about feeling so right?
Alex tilted his head against the wall, letting himself get lost in the feeling as Michael went down on him. He was really good at it. That being said, Alex rarely let himself ever enjoy things so maybe he was average. It didn’t matter. For once, Alex wasn’t taking in his surroundings to find what would be the most efficient murder weapon. He was just having fucking fun.
Michael pulled away from him before he could finish and kissed the side of his thigh. He looked up at Alex, waiting for directions on what he wanted next. Alex didn’t have to even think, surging down to kiss him again. Michael smiled against his lips and wrapped his arms around him to guide him onto the floor without hurting either of them. 
“We could go to my bed?” Michael suggested in the midst of Alex shoving his hand down his jeans. 
“We could,” Alex said, leaning for a kiss, “Or you could let me touch you here and I’ll fuck you there.”
Michael didn’t need much time to agree.
Alex let himself get lost in this man. No matter how much touching and kissing and fucking they did, Michael felt human. Typically, most species of aliens that wore human suits had something about them that was obviously not human. Not this one. He was all man. Alex didn’t know how to handle himself.
They got each other off with nothing but their hands and mouths on the floor and laid there for awhile before going to the bed. Typically, Alex would want to clean off afterwards because he always felt a bit gross. Not tonight. Tonight, they kissed lazily in bed for awhile until they felt back to normal and things heated up again. Michael only seemed to smile wide when Alex’s hands went to his ass and he quickly reached for a condom and lube.
The night seemed endless in the best way. This was the first night in Alex’s life that he’d felt so eager for it to last forever. Michael had blackout curtains and it protected him from seeing the state of the sun. He was thankful. He was pretty convinced that, if he saw his time dwindling, he would’ve gotten more upset than made rational sense.
After they finished for a second time that night and cleaned themselves off haphazardly, Michael pulled him into his arms and just... held him. Again, all new. Alex didn’t get held. Even as a child, he was raised to be a soldier who doubled as a cold-blooded assassin. He went to school to master that. He never let any regular fuck be in a place where cuddling was possible and he never went far enough with any other alien to make that an option before he killed them. And then this pretty alien decided to just hold him.
And it was awkward at first. He wasn’t quite sure what to do with his body. Michael didn’t say anything or even laugh, he just helped maneuver him in a way that made sense. Alex’s head on his chest, Michael’s hand resting on his side, Alex’s leg draped over his hips, Michael’s head leaning against his. Yeah, it was a little awkward. But then it wasn’t awkward. Then it just became impossible to think of moving.
So he didn’t.
“Is it weird if I say I feel like I know you?” Michael asked, his fingertips drawing circles on his hip, “Like... I know I don’t. I barely know anything about you. But...”
“I know what you mean,” Alex said and he meant it. He hated that he meant it, but he did. Soon, though, his blissed out mind would have to take a backseat to the part of him that knew Michael couldn’t leave this room alive. He was dangerous. Even if he felt like the safest place Alex had ever been, he was dangerous. So Alex just had to soak up this feeling like while could.
Michael relaxed at the confirmation that he wasn’t alone in feeling this weird connection. It didn’t make sense how two strangers from two planets just... fit. But they did.
“What’s your favorite color?” Michael asked. A smile slowly spread on Alex’s face.
“What’s your favorite color?” Michael repeated, “C’mon, I wanna know the guy who I feel like I already know.”
Alex’s heart felt full and he turned his head a little to press a kiss to his chest. His skin was warm, much warmer than any other skin suit he’d touched. Maybe that’s why he felt so comforting. If Alex hadn’t been painfully aware of how wrong the air around him acted all night, he would’ve thought maybe he’d gotten it wrong and this was just a guy. But it wasn’t. He was an alien.
“I don’t have a favorite color,” Alex admitted.
“What do you mean?” Michael asked, voice light and playful as he gave Alex a little squeeze, “Everyone has a favorite color.”
“Not me,” Alex said, tilting his head up to look at him. Still gorgeous. “I went to a really strict military boarding school my whole life. I wasn’t really allowed to have favorite colors.”
Michael took a deep breath and looked at him, pressing the softest kiss to Alex’s nose. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say he had butterflies in his stomach.
“I think you would look really good in blue,” Michael said, “Or, like, black and white. Basic colors so nothing’s taking away from how beautiful you are, just complimenting it.”
“You think I’m beautiful?”
“Oh, God, yeah, have you looked in a mirror? I could fill a whole gallery of pictures of you,” Michael told him, his hand reaching up to glide over Alex’s nose and his cheekbone. Alex couldn’t stop staring at him. “Stick around and maybe I could?”
“What, are you an amateur photographer?” Alex joked, hoping to make it feel less like a weight was crushing his chest.
“Wouldn’t say amateur,” Michael said, “Been published a few times, run a pretty successful blog, teach a class on it at the community center.”
Alex was now staring at him for a whole new reason.
This man was definitely an alien, he knew it. But most aliens flew under the radar. They worked seedy jobs and only associated with people who would keep quiet when they went missing or were killed unexpectedly. Never had he encountered one who was not only trying to make a name for himself, but had. When he killed him, people might ask questions. People might ask him questions.
Alex was trained and skilled at combat and lying and seduction. He’d been interrogated and tortured and he never broke. He could out-lie a polygraph and he was make anyone believe whatever he wanted. But could he keep up the facade when it was a guy he liked so much?
Alex couldn’t take it anymore. He needed to get it over with. He moved up to kiss him again, moving them until Michael was on his back and Alex was sitting on his stomach. He was holding himself up to keep from putting too much weight, to keep up his unassuming act.
He broke the kiss and started touching him everywhere. Through his hair, behind his ears, under his chin, his armpits. Michael squirmed, giggling softly. Why was he so cute? Why did he have to make this so hard?
"What are you doing?"
"Looking for the human suit zipper."
Michael froze, his laughter ceasing and his eyes going a little wide. He quickly tried to cover it up by forcing himself to relax, but he was clearly still on edge and Alex held eye contact.
“What are you talking about?” Michael asked, trying to keep his voice light. But it made it impossibly easy for Alex to grab his hands and pin them down with force.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. What species are you? Where do you come from?” Alex asked, putting his full weight on him. Fear slowly bled into Michael’s eyes and he hated it. “I mean, it’s fine if you don’t tell me, but it makes my paperwork a lot harder.”
“Paperwork?” Michael asked, voice squeaking. He was utterly helpless, Alex noticed, he didn’t even try to fight against him or look for something to use as a weapon to protect himself.
“You still didn’t tell me where the zipper was.”
“There’s no zipper, Alex,” he said, quickly following it up with the world’s softest, “Hey.” He chased Alex’s line of sight, giving him that sweet smile despite the complete and utter terror in his eyes. “What happened? We were good, right? We were having fun.”
His voice was so kind, but it barely even sounded like manipulation. Despite the fact that he was trying to keep himself safe by saying it, he wasn’t lying. They were good. They’d been so good. Too good.
“You’re an alien,” Alex said blatantly, ignoring him, “So tell me where the zipper is.” They were harder to kill when they were in the suit and the bodies were much harder to replace with dummies when they refused to leave.
“Okay, I’m an alien, you’re not wrong,” Michael agreed, nodding softly. He gently tried to push against Alex’s hold on him, but Alex didn’t budge and he didn’t fight it. “But I’m not wearing a suit. This is my body, I promise. You literally just spent the last three hours touching me everywhere, you know that this is my body.”
“What?” Alex asked, raising an eyebrow, “I don’t believe that. I’ve never seen an alien that looks like us.”
“Well just ‘cause you’ve never seen it doesn’t mean it’s not real,” Michael explained, again forcing that sweet smile, “My mother sent me here because she thought it was safe because we look like you. I promise. The reason you’ve probably never seen it is because there’s less than five of my people still alive in the entire galaxy. A-and two of them are half-human.”
Alex’s grip let up. “Less than five?”
“My planet got destroyed due to a civil war and I was sent here for safety with my siblings when we were babies. I was raised by humans, I only know humans. I swear to you, I’m not a threat. So, please. Please, Alex,” Michael said, “I’m not a threat.”
“I’m supposed to kill you,” Alex said, “I was trained to kill you.” So why didn’t he want to?
“I know,” Michael said, nodding, “But I swear I’m not a threat.”
Against his better judgment, Alex released his hands, but he stayed sitting on him just in case. Michael rubbed his wrists and gave him a smile.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me, I’m still not sure I believe you,” he said, “I was taught you were all bad.”
“Well, let me prove to you that we’re not,” Michael suggested. Alex eyed him suspiciously. 
“I just tried to kill you and you want to prove to me that you’re good?” Alex clarified. It sounded like a trap. Michael shrugged slightly.
“You didn’t try to kill me yet, you just got a little rough,” he said. Alex shook his head. Then he felt some outside force on him, gently making him get off Michael. Alex stared at him with wild eyes. “I know you’re all big and scary, but I think you can be cuddly too.”
“What the fuck,” Alex breathed, still mesmerized by the force that still seemed to be around him. It was like it was caressing him, holding him, keeping swaddled like a child. It was confusing. It had Alex questioning everything he knew about aliens. Did the air around them move like that because they wanted it to?
“Alex,” Michael said, giving him a smile as the force slowly faded and left Alex wanting something to replace the warmth around him, “I could teach you so much. You don’t have to be all closed off and angry and, like, murder-y. I promise.”
“Why the hell would I listen to you over my entire school and everyone I’ve ever known?” Alex asked. But he was already listening.
Michael flashed a big, warm smile and carefully reached out to place his hand on his jaw. Alex’s instinct was to move away from the touch, but he couldn’t help but fight against it and stay put. He didn’t want to move away. He wanted more.
“‘Cause the way I feel about you is once in a lifetime,” Michael said softly, “And you can’t scare me away that easily.”
And suddenly Alex was very glad he hadn’t warned his superior about planning a kill tonight.
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onthepyre · 5 years ago
rest your bones next to me (part 2)
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1.9k, swearing, prinxiety and background moceit
With Roman and Remus at his sides, Virgil found navigating the desolate streets at night to be far less nerve-wracking.  Roman took to rambling about the people they were headed to meet as Virgil and Remus sipped their drinks.
“Okay, so there’s Patton and Janus — they’re married.  I probably ought to warn you, Janus has this big scar on his face from something that happened when he was a kid.  He won’t tell us what exactly it’s from, but we think it’s a burn.  Mostly just don’t make a big deal out of it, ‘cause he’ll kill you.”
“Learned that the hard way,” Remus mumbled.  “He seems tough, but he’ll grow on you.”
“And then Patton is the sweetest guy you’ll ever meet.  If he had the money he’d take in every kid he meets.  Their apartment doesn’t have heat, and there’s only one bedroom, and the stove is pretty shitty.  It’s a roof over our heads, though, gives us somewhere to stay.  They just ask that you contribute something at least once a week.”
“So like, bring home dinner?”  Virgil paused his slurping to glance up at Roman as they walked.
“Yeah!  Or give ‘em some money to go towards rent, or buy some toilet paper.  Just basic shit.  Remus and I usually get some of the groceries.  We work part-time at the theatre.  Pay isn’t great, but it’s enough to stay with Patton and Janus and save for… whenever.”
“Tell him about Logan.”
“Oh!  Logan’s seventeen, he’s lived with Pat and Jan for about two years now, his cousin is a friend of theirs.  He was with them for their wedding, actually.  He’s hoping to get into college on academic scholarships — he’s managed to stay in school this whole time.  Remus and I dropped out when we started living on the streets.  School just complicates things.”
“Wait, you guys don’t go to school?  What about your parents?”  Virgil paused to think, realizing he wouldn’t be able to attend classes without money for public transport — money he didn’t have.
“I think they told the school we moved or something.  Or maybe that we got accepted into some private school.”
Remus shrugged.  “I think they said we died, but Roman doesn’t believe me.”
“Oh my god.  In what scenario would we both die, but not them?  Murder-suicide?”
Virgil smiled.  “It’s plausible.  Which one of you killed the other?”
“Oh my god.”
Remus stopped walking so he could cackle properly, with Virgil just behind him.  Roman stood, hands on hips, staring at them.
“That’s not even funny.”
“It’s funny because you think it isn’t,” Virgil said.  He had stopped laughing, but Remus was bent nearly in half on the sidewalk.  Virgil had to admit, it really wasn’t that funny, but something about upsetting his brother had absolutely killed Remus.  He wobbled, catching Virgil’s arm for balance.
“If you don’t hurry the fuck up, there is going to be a murder.”
This only prompted more howling.  Roman covered his face with his hands as Virgil stared.  He assumed it must have been a strange scene to the people in the car that drove by — half-illuminated by streetlights, they were a strange trio to spot in the early hours of the morning.  At last, Roman reached down and pulled Remus up, then began walking.  Virgil followed at their heels.
“So, how old are you guys?”
“Sixteen.  We both got outed by some shithead on student council back in May.  Needless to say, our parents weren’t too happy about it.  What about you?”
“I’m sixteen too.”  Virgil took a long swallow of his slurpee.  “I’d rather not talk about it.”
“Hey, that’s okay,” Remus said.  “Shit’s rough.  Let us know if you do.”
“I will.”
As they lapsed into silence, Virgil noticed for the first time since he left his house how cold it really was.  A gentle breeze nipped through the holes in his ratty jacket, and he realized he could feel his nose going numb.  His fingers were already tinted a bright shade of pink, but he chalked that up to the ice in the slurpee.  He wondered, if it was chilly enough to bother him in early October, how he was possibly going to survive winter.
Apparently sensing that he was starting to worry, Roman started talking again.  “Okay, the apartment is right up here.  It… does look kind of sketchy from the outside, but I promise it’s nicer inside.”  Remus dug a keyring containing at least twenty keys from his pocket.  He handed it to Roman, who found what was apparently the apartment key.  Roman, with a smile on his face, handed it to Virgil.  It was small, silver, and entirely nondescript, except for the letter “R” carved into the top.  The engraving was messy, seemingly done out of boredom — Virgil assumed with a pocket knife.
“Pat let me unlock the door the first day we stayed here.  He said it makes it feel more like normal, like you’re coming home after a long day.  I figured I should pass it on.  We’ll get you your own key sometime soon.”
Virgil tried to hide how strangely soft he suddenly felt, but it was apparent he failed when Roman slung an arm around his shoulders.
“I know it’s kind of a lot.  I’m sorry.  Really.  It’s right up here, we can talk to Pat and Jan and then go to bed, okay?  Some sleep’ll do you good.”
Overwhelmed, Virgil nodded.  He had little time to process Roman’s words, as Remus skipped ahead with a smile on his face.
“We’re here!”  He stopped in front of a large brick building, its white paint flaking off.  A set of rusty metal stairs led to an off-white door on the second story, but Remus led them through the gate to the first floor entrance.
“I’m not sure how many people live above us, but they’ve gotta have at least three kids,” Roman whispered.  “There’s no other explanation for how much fucking noise they make.”  Virgil grinned.  Hands shaking, he jammed the key in the lock and turned it.  He opened the door gently, in case someone was asleep, though based on Roman’s words he assumed nobody was.
Virgil’s assumptions proved to be at least partially correct when a voice from the kitchen exclaimed, “Boys!  You’re finally home!”  Remus bounded inside, leaving Virgil and Roman standing in the doorway.  Roman’s arm fell from Virgil’s shoulders and gave as he gave an awkward half-wave.
“This is Virgil.  He got kicked out.  Would it be okay if he stayed with us?”
The man, who Virgil assumed was Patton, melted by about a million degrees.  “Oh, honey, of course.  Stay as long as you need.  Come on in, I’ll make you some hot chocolate.”
Hesitantly, Virgil stepped into the apartment.  Roman entered just after him, kicking off his shoes onto the tile floor of the kitchen.  Virgil followed suit, then handed the ring of keys back to Remus, who had sat down on one of the mismatched chairs at the table.  
“Does anybody know if Logan is still awake?  He was studying last time I saw him.”
“He went to bed about an hour ago,” said a new voice.  Virgil spotted him suddenly, sitting in the corner of the room, a copy of some obscure book in his hands.  Based on the large scar on his face, Virgil assumed him to be Janus.  He nodded at Virgil, then resumed his reading.
“Roman, Remus, do you want some hot chocolate?”  Both nodded, and Patton pulled another two mugs from the cabinet, making five total.
“I assume they told you the conditions?” asked Janus without looking up.
“Contribute something once a week?”
“You’ve got it!”  
Virgil sunk his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels.  He had little to distract him without Roman at his side, leaving him to fall back into every nervous habit he had.
“Come sit,” said Remus, patting the chair next to him.  Virgil spent the next ten minutes fielding questions from Patton and Janus — what’s your last name, are you planning on going to school, do you have a job, how much stuff do you have with you, are you able to go home to get more.  Jones, no, no, nothing, no.  The mug of hot chocolate set in front of him came as a relief, as it gave him an excuse to stop talking.
“I’ll have Roman take you down to the Goodwill tomorrow,” Patton said, sitting down across from him.  He glanced at Roman, who nodded, smiling.  “That jacket of yours isn’t going to do much when winter comes.  If you’d prefer it instead of a new one, though, pick up something to use as scrap fabric and we can mend it.”
Suddenly unwilling to even remove his hoodie, Virgil nodded.  “Yeah,” He said softly, picking at a hole in the sleeve.  “That sounds good.”
“I’m exhausted,” Roman announced.  “Are you tired, Virgil?”  His voice was just a bit too loud, and Virgil caught onto what he was doing — looking for a way to get him out of the room.  He appreciated the effort.
“Dead on my feet,” he said as he stood.  “Where am I sleeping?”
“The couch, if you want, but it’s got a bunch of springs poking through, the floor, or you can join the pile.”  Roman gave a wicked grin.
“What’s the pile?”  
“There’s only room for one bed.  You can figure it out.”
With only seconds of consideration, Virgil chose the floor.  With a small nod, Roman led him into the next room.  His voice was hushed when he spoke again.
“I know the bed situation is kind of weird.  We’ve got an extra blanket, but it can get kind of cold on the floor, so I can, uh, sleep with you.  If you want.”  He scratched at the back of his neck, then turned to the closet in the corner.  “It would be at least a little less weird than cuddling with a bunch of guys you met five minutes ago.”
Virgil smiled at his back as he dug through the piles of clothes.  “Roman, I met you like, an hour ago.”  The boy in question sputtered indignantly.  “But yeah.  It is pretty chilly, so if you don’t mind the back pain tomorrow, that would be… fine.”
Roman nodded, almost enthusiastically, as he turned with a blanket in his arms.  “Okay.  I know there isn’t much room on the floor, but wherever you want.”
Virgil collapsed onto the beaten-down shag carpet, Roman close behind him.  He spread the blanket over them then laid down, letting the exhaustion show through his bright facade for the first time.
“Do you just want me next to you for body heat or is it okay if I…?”  Roman’s voice, barely a broken whisper, didn’t make it through the end of the question, but Virgil caught the idea anyway.
“It’s fine.  I can pretend we’re star-crossed lovers or something instead of dealing with… this.  And I trust you.  Somehow.”  He hoped Roman heard the joking tone in his voice, because his words, though true, felt far too vulnerable to share.  Roman took them as an invitation and turned to pull Virgil to his chest.
It felt strange at first, but they quickly settled into an embrace.  It kept the cold at bay, after all, so it was better than being alone.  Virgil buried his face in the folds of Roman’s shirt, and Roman pressed his nose against Virgil’s hair.  It carried the distinct overtones of romance, but it wasn’t something Virgil was eager to fight against.  Despite the odds, he slept like the dead.
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omoi-no-hoka · 6 years ago
ah, I'mtrans (he/him pronouns), and was wondering which words I should use for stuff like "I, me, my"? like, boku is my right? I don't know any ohers though.
Hi! Thank you for your ask. First person pronouns (I, me, mine) can get pretty complex in Japanese, but that gives you much more freedom of expression than English. Let me give you a thorough description of each so you can make an informed decision on which one is right for you. :)
First Person Pronouns in Japanese
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Who do you want to be?
In English, we only have one pronoun to express ourselves. “I.” It really doesn’t get any more boring than that. 
Maybe that’s why personal pronouns are one of the most interesting aspects of Japanese in my opinion. I actually did a research paper on the history of second-person pronouns (you) in Japanese back in uni. 
Why does Japanese have so many ways to say “I?” As I’m sure most of you know, social class and politeness is a fundamental aspect of Japanese culture and language. Different personal pronouns for oneself and others clarify the social standing of each person in the conversation. 
I’ll introduce the commonly used ones in order of politeness (most polite to least polite), and then cover the rare ones.
私 Watakushi
Gender: neutral
Plural Form: Watakushi-tachi
This is the most formal personal pronoun, and is used in very formal situations, like when you’re speaking to the president of a company or someone very important. In writing, because it has the same kanji as “watashi,” it is commonly written in hiragana.
私 Watashi
Gender: neutral (kind of)
Plural Form: Watashi-tachi, watashira
This is the most common personal pronoun.
Like the above watakushi, it conveys a sense of politeness. When used by men, it carries a note of humility and politeness.
However, it is the standard pronoun for women. Because we’re all supposed to be humble at all times? haha
So this is gender neutral and you can use it when you want to be polite.
あたし Atashi
Gender: Female
Plural form: Atashi-tachi, atashira
This is a bastardization of watashi.
It is casual and used exclusively by women. It sounds very feminine. In Japanese tv shows and anime, most male characters cross-dressing as women use “atashi” and it sounds very hyper-feminine. Like, if drag is hyper-feminine dress, “atashi” is the hyper-feminine way of speaking that would go with it. 
うち Uchi
Gender: Female
Plural: Uchira
This comes from the word 家 uchi. The kanji literally means “house,” but it can be used to mean “my family” or “us” in certain contexts. For example:
Japanese: 田中さんは自宅でどんな醤油を使っていますか?うちはやっぱりキッコーマンです。
Romaji: Tanaka-san ha jitaku de donna shouyu wo tsukatte imasu ka? Uchi ha yappari Kikkoman desu.
English: Tanaka-san, what kind of soy sauce do you use at home? We use Kikkoman.
From that use of uchi we get the personal pronoun uchi. This is generally used by young girls, college age and younger. It definitely has a very Valley Girl feel to it and isn’t professional.
僕 Boku
Gender: Mostly male, but female in certain contexts
Plural: Boku-tachi, bokura
If you want to rely on tropes to understand what sort of person would use “boku,” think of those harem anime. The nicest, sweetest guy almost always uses “boku” for himself. Contrasted with “ore,” it sounds softer, humbler, and kinder. 
It can also sound very slightly childish. Well, not childish. It sounds young. My boss’s boss, who is in his 60′s, uses boku instead of ore and it always strikes me as peculiar because he’s kinda too old to use boku. It makes him sound very humble and kind and the most approachable person ever. 
Boku is a good pronoun to use if you want to give off a soft, friendly, safe aura. While it isn’t as polite as watashi, you can still use it in formal settings. 
Occasionally, this pronoun is used by women. Specifically, it is used by female singers. It doesn’t matter the band, it doesn’t matter the song–every single female singer uses “boku” in their songs to refer to themselves. 
“Why?” you may ask. This is because singers want to connect to their listeners, and “watashi” is too formal and creates a bit of a barrier. “Atashi” and “uchi” are too feminine/childish, and “ore” is way too harsh. So “boku” became the choice for female singers. 
俺 Ore
Gender: Male
Plural: Orera, ore-tachi
Going back to anime tropes, “ore” is used by the “bad boy” or the “I don’t give a shit what you think” boy. Inuyasha, Kurosaki Ichigo (Bleach), and Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan) all use “ore.” This is in contrast to “nicer” characters in the shows that use “boku,” like Miroku (Inuyasha), Ishida Uryuu (Bleach), and Armin Arlert (Attack on Titan). 
Ore is considered “rough and tough” because it is very informal. It is used when the people you are talking to are within your inner circle or are beneath you. So you would never use it when talking to, say, your boss’s boss. (You might be able to use it with your boss if you are close with him and you have a friendship though.) 
That said, the vast majority of Japanese men I know use ore more than boku. So it wouldn’t be strange if you used ore. Just be aware that it isn’t as polite as you may want to be. 
And now for the rare pronouns…
Disclaimer: DON’T USE THESE. Japanese people will think you’re super weird and not in a good way. But you are likely to hear them in anime, dramas, or conversations.
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👆 Me outside your door if you use “sessha” to refer to yourself unironically
拙者 Sessha
Literally “Unskilled one,” this is a very humble way to refer to yourself. It was commonly used by samurai, and probably the most famous anime character that uses it is Kenshin from Ruroni Kenshin. DO. NOT. USE. IT. unless you are jokingly pretending to be a samurai for like one sentence. 
吾輩 Wagahai
Though no longer in common usage, there isn’t a Japanese person that isn’t aware of this pronoun because of Natsume Soseki’s famous book Wagahai ha Neko de Aru (I Am a Cat). Written in 1905, it’s about a cat who observes its owners and the uneasy mix of Western culture and Japanese traditions and the aping of Western customs.
“Wagahai” is the pronoun a nobleman or someone of very high rank would use to refer to himself, so the fact that a common house cat is using it to refer it self shows that, even a hundred years ago, everyone thought that cats were self-important. 
我 Ware
Plural: 我々 Wareware, 我ら Warera
To be honest, I don’t know a lot about this one. You hear it quite a bit in anime, and it’s always said by some stuffy important old guy. So…it’s probably for stuffy, old, important men to use? Just don’t use it. 
己 Ora
Used exclusively by men, the only somewhat main character I’ve seen use this pronoun is King from Seven Deadly Sins. In manga, it is usually written in hiragana or katakana. It has a very “country bumpkin” feel to it. A simple country person who doesn’t know the ways of the world (but not in a bad way). 
俺様 Oresama
DO NOT USE THIS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. It is the rudest personal pronoun “ore” with the honorific “sama” attached to it.There is nothing ruder, nothing more “you are the dirt I walk upon” than this. If you use this and you’re not joking, the Japanese people around you will instantly dislike you. 
儂 Washi
Usually written in hiragana or katakana, “washi” is the way that old people refer to themselves. It’s gender-neutral. Like…idk, 60 and upwards? So don’t use this unless you fall into that age range. 
某 Soregashi
I think I’ve only seen this once, used by a character in Rurouni Kenshin who was quickly killed. It was used by samurai. So unless YOU are a samurai from 150 years ago, don’t use it. It’s so low frequency that if you used it as a joke I doubt Japanese people would understand. But hey. You learned a cool new word. 
The End!
I hope that this post helps you choose the pronoun that fits you best. ♡
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queenofgoats · 4 years ago
Thank You For Being A Friend | Imagine a night out with Dean
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Summary: On her first hunt, OC fails all along the line and falls into an emotional down. Now Dean tries to cheer her up and takes her out.
Characters: POV fem!OC x Dean
Word Count: 2.746
Warning: insecurities, alcohol, flirtations and words = just spn
A/N: Hello dears!
I wrote this little FF for the challenge from supernatural-love14. My prompt was: "we probably shouldn't be doing this"
The hardest part was definitely the bar. I miss the old social life so, so much! 
Still, I hope you have as much fun reading here as I do writing.
Have fun! :)
"We probably shouldn't be doing this..." I said slowly. Emphasizing each word.
My eyes rested on the two brothers in front of me.
“That's exactly what I told you. I mean, I'm terribly sorry for what happened, but you know...”
Actually, I wanted to apologize last night, but it turned a bit differently somehow.
None of this would have happened if the Winchesters had listened to me. And if I wouldn't have let them convince me.
“I know.” Sam sighed into his coffee.
His brother, on the other hand, didn't seem quite as guilty: “But it wasn't our idea that you would get drunk this hard and jump right at the next dude’s lips.”
Dean had a point.
It should only be a small drink. After months of isolation in the bunker, I was allowed to join a case for the first time. Do some research in the library, get a taste of civilisation and just come out again in general. Easy thing.
Because back in the bunker I had created a whole new definition of cabin fever. Not something to be proud of to be honest.
The case itself seemed pretty clear and totally easy at first.
Nobody would have expected that the wraith with a faible for “Schoolgirl Report” would work with an incubus. Nobody!
The last-named picked me up later in the bar, where we three had toasted, to get revenge on his dead friend.
It was horribly. Bloody. And I had a new topic for my future therapist.
“I’m really sorry.” I finally mumbled.
I felt terrible. Just because of me, Sam was forced to wear a cast on his arm again.
Now it was me who buried her eyes in the coffee.
"I should have known. That will never happen again. Promise!"
Dean looked up: "How would you have known?"
I winced, caught and hesitantly tried to explain myself.
“Well. Actually it was obvious that I normally wouldn't have a chance with a guy like him...
“Oh come on!” Dean interrupted me despising “Don’t do this the girly way.”
“...but it’s true! Please look at you and then at me. I…”
First I started to give more examples of my low self-confidence, but decided against it.
Nothing honest ever comes around in these talks. You're just trying to make the other feel better.
“Okay, wait. Just forget it. I don’t wanna talk about it anymore. Let’s say it was my fault and won’t happen again. Ever!”
I stopped the subject and did not tolerate any contradictions.
Sam seemed to want to say something, but luckily I put him off with my eyes.
Our breakfast ended in awkward silence.
Less than an hour later, I found myself in my motel room packing up my things. Even if unconsciously, I gave myself more time here than necessary.
The mood between us was strange. Of course, once in a while in the bunker we were bitching at each other, but this situation will set the course for possible further cases. Or living together in general.
Exhausted, I sat down on the edge of the bed and fell back with my arms outstretched.
Thoughtfully, I pale my cheeks and let the air slowly escape.
I sure didn't have too much pride to apologize. Mostly too often rather than too little.
But this was different.
The Winchesters had seen a side of me, that no one else had seen before. The little, vulnerable girl who just wants to be good enough. I hated her.
Not even I confronted her myself. I knew from experience that other people got ther completely wrong. Attention whore and fishing for compliments were nicer reactions.
Oh dear Chuck, I prayed that Sam and Dean would just forget about this and never bring it up again.
At this moment I heard car doors slamming shut outside in the parking lot. That gave me a little nudge and I finally got up.
I put my travel bag under my arm. On the heel I turned around again briefly to make sure that I had really not forgotten anything and finally closed the door.
Sam and Dean stood at the Impala and seemed to be talking about something quite emotional.
They even played Rock-Paper-Scissors.
“Hey boys, are we ready?” I interrupted them from afar. Not that I got anything in my ears that wasn't meant for me. They startled and turned to me.
I almost felt a little transported back to school. Despite the queasy feeling in my stomach, I just ignored it. Stowed my things in the trunk and went to my place in the back seat.
Unfortunately the ride didn't get any better. It wasn't that anyone was mad, but there was definitely something between us. How am I supposed to fix it?
A few hours later we arrived at the bunker late at night.
I literally jumped out of the car and ran down to my room. Did I ever feel so out of place?
Probably not. I couldn’t stand them at the moment and needed to be alone for a few minutes.
Just as I threw my jacket on the bed, there was a knock on the door.
“Yes please?” I sounded more annoyed than actually wanted.
Unusually careful, Dean entered the room and looked at me quite defensive.
“I overreacted, sorry for this.” I sighed. “This was not necessary.”
“Yeah, normally you’re not a drama queen. So it’s okay.”
Dean stepped across the room and sat on the edge of my bed: “That’s why I… or we think you didn’t exaggerate this morning. You really meant it ”
We?! Did they talk about me?
I cleared my throat.
“Oh boy... Embarrassing.” It rang out of me.
Dean continued: “Uhm, I’m sorry too! I really am! That didn’t go well for all of us.”
He stopped and fixed indefinite points in the room. Apparently he was looking for the right words.
“You know. You are here… with us all along. And hey, you are a girl and have needs...”
I didn't know where this was going, but I did not like it.
“Dean. No. Seriously. We won’t have The Talk. I told you, something like this will never happen again and it’s fine. Can we leave it at that, please?”
We couldn’t. He raised his finger and looked deep into my eyes: “No.”
I huffed.
“You deserve to have fun and go out from time to time.”
“Yeah and you remember how it ended?”
“That’s why you are going out with me. I’m not a monster and in case of emergency I’ll protect you.”
I looked at Dean Winchester for quite a while.
In the middle of the room I stood there, arms crossed. Trying to hold back my anger.
“Wow. Really. How heroic.”
He hadn't expected this reaction: “What?”
“First: You do this out of pity. Second: Your pity is not big enough. So you and your brother fought to see who had to take me out.”
“Why would you think that?” He asked, playing outraged.
“You can’t fool me, Dean. And I saw you at the parking spot back at the motel. You and Sam played about it. Since you always lose and are here now...”
There was silence.
“Wow.” Dean huffed. “You must think I'm quite a dick now.”
“Not only quite.” I said and immediately smirked slightly. Of course I can’t stay mad.
Slowly I walked to the bed and sat next to him.
“I mean… I know you had the best intentions, but... It’s just… Can you imagine how I feel? Going out, just because someone feels sorry?”
In fact, it made me feel worse than before.
“I didn’t mean to.” Dean apologized. “But I want you to feel better. Nevertheless.”
Right the next evening I stood in front of my mirror and applied some eyeliner. Or rather corrected it.
I haven’t opened my makeup bag in ages. Let alone putting on a simple cover stick.
Jepp, I was quite nervous. Even if Dean and I agreed to go out, but as friends, it scared me a bit.
Just couldn’t tell why.
I was so insecure! Every view of myself made it worse. Was the lipstick too much? Maybe I should change the dress. It was way too short! Phew, and my thighs have seen better days.
These months in the bunker didn't exactly flatter my figure.
Maybe I should cancel this evening.
“Hey, swing down sweet Chariot!” Dean poked his head through the door and tapped his watch. “Hurry up!”
Oh dear Chuck, what have I done? It’s not that I think anything would change in the relationship between Dean and me, but still...
“One minute!” I replied and walked quickly to the door.
His eyes went wide and he formed his lips for a whistle.
“Don’t do it!” I interrupted him. “Let’s go. I need a drink. Urgent.”
Dean just laughed and followed me to the Impala. Noticing he also dressed up.
Not a flannel shirt in sight, just a simple but fine black one.
Apparently Dean tried to take my nervousness away and covered everything with slightly gentleman behavior. First held the car door open for me and then, while I reached for the not existing seatbelt,
he held a small bottle of sparkling wine under my nose.
“It’s going to be a four hour drive. Save it.”
Now he had me. I laughed: “Thank you. You’re the sweetest.”
After we left the streets of Lebanon and I took a few relieving sipps, I asked him where we were actually going.
“Vegas, Baby!” was the answer.
I raised an eyebrow: “Okay I’m in, but Elvis takes me to the altar.”
Dean chuckles. “Alrighty then.”
Of course it was not Vegas, but we ended up in Kansas City. And that meant big city. Like really big. Skyscraper. Waste Gas. Too many people. I missed it so much! All of it.
“Oh Dean, you're making me the happiest girl in the world.”
He laughed: “Oh dear, I hear this pretty often.”
What was the last time I saw a billboard with LED lights?
It took us a while to find a parking space and finally to stand in front of a bar. At first it didn't look like anything. I even tried to remember when I had my last tetanus vaccination.
But when we got inside we stood in a very cozy place. Dark red curtains hung on the walls, while the light provided a pleasant atmosphere.
Dean and I chose one of the dark leather sofas that I'm sure has seen quite a few butts in it’s life.
It was so soft!
Excited, I grabbed the drinks menu from the small table in front of us. I spent so many weeks in the bunker, this trip was just liberating.
“Dean, this is so awesome!” I thanked him again. “Do you already know, what do you want to drink?”
He laughed quietly. “Dunno. Couldn’t look in the menu yet.”
It didn't take long for the two of us to place our orders. Just as the waitress left, I turned to Dean.
“Hey erm…” I cleared my throat. “I know, I've been saying it the whole time, but now again, calmly and seriously: Thank you very much Dean.”
I let my gaze wander around the bar and put the next words in my head. A mildly sigh escaped my lips.
“And I know you are doing this, just because you feel sorry for me.”
I paused and raised my hands defensively: “Which is fine! Really! Oh dear... What I actually want to say is… You are a good friend, Dean.”
Something in Deans face changed and he began to look at me like only his brother normally does.
“Do you really think so? For the last time: I’m here with you, because I want to. No lost bet or anything else.”
He rubbed his face, puffing.
“You just think too much.” He stopped while the waitress brought us our drinks.
He grabbed his glas and raised it: “Promise me one thing. Don’t worry about anything tonight and just… have fun.”
A warm smile laid on his lips.
“Promise.” I agreed and toasted my glass.
Some drinks later I was much more relaxed. I completely forgot that I could laugh heartily.
Not a thought has been wasted on the end of the world. There was only this moment. Like a little safespace.
In front of me was no longer Dean Winchester the hunter, but a good friend.
Someone you like to be around. I felt good.
“Hey you two, can I do something good for you?” The waitress asked very friendly.
Dean waved with his empty glass and ordered another round for us.
Toughfully I looked at him: “We already had a lot of drinks. Don’t you have to drive? Cause I can’t anymore.”  
He looked at me thoughtfully.
“Yeah… you’re right. But I don’t want to go yet.”
Dean paused.
“I like it here.” He said with a smirking face.
I leaned back quite drunk: “However, a normal cola couldn't hurt. Otherwise you have to hold my hair later.”
We decided to take a motel afterwards near the bar.
“...you had to see Sammy's face! He was so pissed!”
Dean told about his poor brother. Siblings were the best and the worst at the same time.
“That’s mean.” I commented. “Hilarious, but mean.”
A lot more drinks later we just fooled around. At first I didn't notice that we were sitting very close together, only when Dean put his hand on my knee.
I looked down confused, but let him do it.
When was the last time something like this happened to me? Way too long! Then I thought about WHO was actually sitting next to me. And winced.
“Are you okay?” Dean asked unexpectedly softly while not moving his hand.
I huffed. Not that I was uncomfortable, it was just... new.
My cheeks literally glowed. Slightly nervous I smiled at him.
“No. Erm wait. Yes. I’m okay. Yeah.”
Accidentally my eyes stuck on his lips. His so perfectly formed lips.
Have they always looked so soft?
I forced myself off Dean's forbidden beautiful lips, only to sink into his eyes.
Now I knew how a moth felt in the face of the moon.
“I am really glad that you are here with me.” His voice was more like a breath.
We both leaned forward a little at the same time. Barely noticeable.
My heart jumps right into my throat. I knew what was about to happen, but my insecurity cut it off.
Why did I fool myself into this situation? Dean Winchester would never. Especially not with me. That’s ridiculous. I’m ridiculous!
Suddenly Dean brushed a lost strand of hair from my face and gently ran his finger down behind the ear until it reached the chin. There he paused.
The skin he touched felt electrified. My goosebumps had goosebumps!
“Don’t think too much. Remember?”, he taught me.
His voice forced me out of my head and back into the bar. Back to his eyes.
I wasn’t able to say anything. So I just nodded.
The hand went back up from the chin. Very slowly. Stroking my cheek and sliding in my hair.
His touches calmed me.
He got to the back of my head, slowly pulled me towards him.
When our lips touched a switch inside me flipped. I was no longer able to think anything up, just let myself go. While his scent settled in my nose and seemed to rise into my head.
The lips were much softer than I could have dreamed of. They tasted a little like whiskey.
My eyes closed all by themselves and my body leaned itself towards. Even my tongue had developed a life of its own and began to ask for entrance very carefully. Just to be met by Deans.
I put my hand on the back of his neck and moved down. Resting at his chest.
All of a sudden I became aware of what I was doing. And with whom.
Against my own will, I broke the kiss and only brought as much distance as necessary between us.
“We probably shouldn't be doing this.” I lied to myself, but not moving my hand from his chest.
Dean sighed heavy: “Would you just stop saying this?”
Barely pronounced the last words, he pulled me into an intense kiss again.
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innittowinit · 4 years ago
Let's just make some hot chocolate
Fic summary:
Niki finally gets a day off work at the Toy store and decides to spend it with her favourite boys!
You'll probably need some understanding of the au to get this fic tbh, it's mainly just an add on to 'abandoned amusement parks...' since it doesn't really affect the story much and i wanting to write it
aka soft drabble in the same world as the main fic
Word count: 2150
One under, one over, one under one over
Niki had finally been given time off work from the toy store and, much to the twins delight, she had decided to spend it with Wilbur and Techno. It had always been obvious that she felt more comfortable talking to Wilbur, he was a social butterfly, an absolute extrovert, and easily bounced off other people in conversations, Techno was very much the opposite. He was mostly silent, awkward and if he was being honest most days he’d prefer to just spend the day with his brothers than going to hang out with their friends, still though he understood his brother needed his social time and, as they came in a pair, Techno was always sure to tag along.
Sometimes Wil had days where he was exceedingly confident, where he had absolutely no problem going off on his own, while Techno seemed to be more consistent with who and where he would talk, Wilbur's levels of separation Anxiety tended more to fluctuate depending on how well he was doing mentally. Since the days where Wil was brave enough to do these things were so rare, every time they came up Techno would insist that he takes the time to hang out with his friends, even though it usually made him calm up and spend the day watching movies and answering questions with shrugs or nods.
That being said, days like that were good, it meant Wilbur was feeling good and Techno always knew he’d be up for spending time together when he got home, plus even though they were together so much of the time, Wil and Techno both had friends who weren’t so warm to the other, of course nobody hated anyone, Techno would never be friends with someone if they hated one of his brothers, but sometimes there just wasn’t any bond there and it was just awkward to have your brother tagging along. Wil had his bandmates, Techno had his hypixel group.
It had been on one of these days that Wilbur had met Niki, as Techno had been told, he had been going into the toyshop on his way home from band practice. Apparently this had been one of the weeks that Tommy had actually done his chores so he was picking up a disc for his music box, they were a niche little toy, and quite pricey considering how they were collectables. Nobody really minded getting them for him as a treat though, he always took such good care of them, Techno was willing to bet he’d lose his mind if he ever lost one of them. So, again, according to what Wilbur had told him, he had scanned all over the shelves for the disc Tommy wanted, Stal, but couldn’t find it, eventually giving in and asking the girl who was running the counter. Apparently she had made some small talk with him as she helped him out, and by some miracle they had arranged to play some farming game together that neither of them knew that well.
To Techno, who was unsociable at the best of times, this sounded flat out crazy, the fact that you could just arrange to spend time with someone you just met was a bit mind-boggling. Still though, he was glad it happened since had it not, he wouldn’t have Niki behind him right now, carefully braiding his hair.
Honestly, Niki was the sweetest person he’d ever met, Phil still being the leader of being the kindest as they were two very different categories, She’d met Wilbur when he was having a good day but not once had she tried to pry him away from Techno or convince them that it was just ‘all in their heads’ as they’d been told by countless other people (Techno always said that was a stupid thing to say because obviously anxiety was in their heads, that’s what a mental illness was.) Of course, she had been curious, asking a few questions about what it was like living like that but she was always respectful, backing off and changing the subject quickly if either of them showed any kind of discomfort.
She was sweet. She was sweet and nobody else braided his hair as well as she did.
Techno leant his head back into her hands a bit, very relaxed under the feeling of having his hair played with, and tried to zone back into the conversation a bit. He hadn’t even realised he was in his own head, just moments ago he’d been actively participating in the conversation.
“I get that it’s winter but Schlatt is insane! I have Christmas presents to save up for too! I can’t keep working overtime if he isn’t going to pay me for it” Sighing, Niki pulled a little ribbon out of her pocket, holding it ready since she was almost at the end of Techno’s long braid.
“Schlatt is….he’s a good guy deep down, we used to be friends, he can definitely be greedy though. Niki, you need to stand up to him or he’ll just carry on using you like this.” Wilbur hummed, placing a hand on her shoulder.
A grim smile passed over Niki’s face as she nodded, knowing that Wilbur would most likely continue to try to see the best in him until he saw for himself just how cruel he could be, nobody could blame him for that though, trying to see the best in people was a good attribute but even so, it was clear his opinion of the older boy was a little skewed due to their fond memories.
“You wanna get your mind off it? I doubt you want to spend your day off thinking about work” Techno glanced behind him, trying to direct his voice without seeming rude, giving a little smile and ‘thank you’ when he realised she had finished tying his hair, a pink ribbon and a pig themed hair tie closing it off at the end. “It’s so pretty”
“Your hair is really nice Techno!” A wide grin spread on her face as she crawled around to sit in front of him and pulled a few strands out around his face to frame it better “Once you learn how to do it, it’s over for everyone! Oh- Yeah! Taking my mind off of work would be nice”
Seemingly feeling a little excluded from this interaction, Wilbur scooted a little closer to Techno and rested his head on his brother’s shoulder, a small smile growing on his face when said brother pat his head a couple times to acknowledge his presence.
“It’s cold, if you guys don't mind going out to get some stuff, I’m really good at making hot chocolate” Sitting back up, Wilbur flashed a grin to them both, worming his way into a position where he could face them both.
“Yeah Wil’s Hot chocolate is elite”
Niki was left with a few seconds to make the decision before she jokingly rolled her eyes and hopped up, gesturing for them to do the same. Pulling on her boots and coat, she got ready to head out into the chilly weather.
Being the start of December, the coldness was really starting to etch away at the teens as they walked, none of them really bundled up well enough to be out right now, still though this was all for the goal of Wilbur making hot chocolate so it was definitely worth it.
Almost in unison, a sigh of relief waved over the friends when they finally made it to the small corner store, the artificial heating warming them up sufficiently.
“What’s on the list then Wil?” Niki smiled as she picked up a basket and started to lead them down the few grocery isles. A proud smile seemed to stretch on his face, absolutely ready to flex his superior hot chocolate making skills.
“We have some milk at home so I think we just need Chocolate, the Cadbury one it’s nicer, Cream and cinnamon”
“Cinnamon?” She had raised an eyebrow as she dropped the items into the basket, counting them out with her index finger
“It’s good! Especially with chocolate, and very christmassy” The brunette laughed as they strolled down to the snack section, dropping some of the crisps Techno liked into the basket since they had ran out as well as some marshmallows to put on top of the drinks “Don’t be so judgy Niki! I expected better from you, what snacks do you want?”
“Grab some blue m&m’s” She smiled, watching Wilbur chuck them into the basket along with some fizzy cherry sweets that he liked.
“I’ll pay if you want, Since you guys let me stay with you today!” Smile wide and kind, she placed the basket on the counter, ignoring Wilbur trying to insist they pay, it wasn’t uncommon that she made up something she needed to ‘repay’ them for to use as an excuse to pay for their things. Aside from the fact that they were her friends and she’d happily do it anyway, she was also very aware of the situation with their parents and, as the only one aside from Phil old enough to work, liked to help out where she could. At times it felt embarrassing to have your friend looking after you but Wil and Techno both knew she’d never judge them and this really was just her trying to make life easier for them.
Thanking both the cashier and Niki, Wilbur took the bags, wanting to help at least a little, before they started to trudge back through the bitter winter.
“Tommy and Phil should be home by now” Wilbur commented as they walked, Techno giving a little nod, Phil having taken Tommy to go play at Tubbo’s house.
“I bet they’ll be happy to hear you’re making drinks then, Tommy’ll probably be moody about not being with Tubbo anymore right”
Wilbur nodded along to what she said, smiling to himself as he realised just how well she knew them, she really had picked up on all their little habits hadn’t she?
Techno had been the one to open the door, fumbling with his key a little before sliding it in and twisting it open, the trio immediately getting crushed by a hug from Tommy.
“Missed you!” He laughed, sticking out his tongue before letting go so they could get inside properly “Where’d you go? What’s in the bag?”
Wilbur just shrugged, laughing when Tommy groaned and slouched off to the living room. This would definitely be better if it was a surprise.
With the coats and boots all discarded by the door, the three of them seemed to scamper to the kitchen. As expected, Wilbur took the lead, grabbing a pot and measuring out some milk, leading it to boil on the stove while he instructed Techno to chop up the chocolate and Niki to chop up the cinnamon. Once the milk had been boiled, the chopped up chocolate was added, until it was melted together with the milk. Next came the cream, Wilbur gently stirred it in, making sure everything was incorporated well before he took it off the heat and stirred in the cinnamon.
The pot was divided among five cups, each topped with a generous amount of whipped cream and marshmallows, Tommy also getting a strawberry on his since he liked to dip them in the cream, and Niki was sent to grab the two brothers in the living room.
The table had already been made, a cup at every seat, giving it a fancier feeling than necessary.
“It’s really good!” Tommy chirped up as he raised the cup to his mouth, fanning it afterwards since it was too hot.
“It’s hot but it’ll also burn you, careful” Phil chuckled as he passed Tommy a tissue.
Everything was still and everything was comfortable, Techno’s hair was out of his face and they all had nice hot drinks. It was nice
“Oh I almost forgot!” Niki got up and ran upstairs, rushing back down with the backpack she had arrived with “I brought presents! They aren’t wrapped but I hope you still like them”
First was Tommy, Niki handing him a red stuffed cow with little mushrooms on it’s back, who he immediately named Henry, Then was Phil, a striped green and white hat since the one he had was getting a little old Then Wilbur, a small but beautiful notebook, pages lined one way with staves and the other with lined paper, made especially for writing songs. Wilbur grinned and thanked her. Finally Techno, She handed him a crown, it was more of an inside joke about his ego but he loved it, putting it on straight away with a big grin.
Everyone was happy and warm, plus there was still some of Wilbur’s great hot chocolate to be drank!
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years ago
Descent into Love (Kirishima Eijirou x Reader)
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I thought I posted this a long time ago but... apparently not? Weird but... i’m gonna post this again!! Hehe... it’s perfect cuz it’s April Fools day.
And... consider THIS like a sequel to the original fic~: https://ice-cream-kitsunegirl.tumblr.com/post/183939426324/april-fools-and-a-red-jockstrap-kirishima-eijirou#notes
You’re a tsundere in this one again~ And... a bit of a meanie... it’s OKAY to have the reader be a meanie btw, we don’t always have to be nice XD I know I’m not that nice... I mean I’m pretty nice but I like to tease every now and then too haha...
Yes I referenced one of my favorite horror movies of all time but it’s a REALLY good movie! Genuinely scary lolol and yes the title is partially from the actual movie ‘The Descent’
Featuring: Best Boy Kirishima!
As you sat on the couch in the common room you rested your chin on your palm, sighing for the 10th time this afternoon. You were beyond bored. It was one of the few break-days and yet nothing interesting was happening, you stared at your classmates, some of them were just chatting, conversations about training, the cooler heroes or about how much stronger they had gotten. Although you only heard ‘blah blah blah’ every time one of them opened their mouths.
“Hey (Y/N)!” However, you heard one person, and just hearing his voice made you smile as you perked up from your palm with a rosey red blush blossoming on your face.
“Hee… oh Kirishima, hey there dude.” You greeted him, adoring the way he grinned at you with those shark-like teeth of his. Which you actually found really endearing, and when he began talking to you, you felt yourself getting lost in his eyes as his words trailed off as you got distracted by his cherry red orbs. They might have been red, but they were some of the prettiest, sweetest pairs of eyes you had ever seen. Kirishima was an enthusiastic and energetic guy, and yet he was so gentle too, each trait was only some of the million reasons why you loved him.
“You know Kirishima… now that I get a good look at you… I rather like your pointy teeth. I always have in fact…” You suddenly said, pointing right at his mouth as he blinked a bit and nervously grinned, feeling oddly flattered as a smidge of pink tinted his cheeks.
“Oh ya do huh? Thanks! I’ve always been a little unsure about em ya know? Not everyone finds sharp teeth very approachable.” He admitted, since despite his personality, some people have found him a little intimidating once they got a look at his teeth. However, you weren’t put off by his teeth at all. If anything, you found them cool.
“Yeah… I wish I had your teeth.” He started to blush at how much you were complimenting him, he’d never really heard this much positivity about his teeth before. “I mean, if a villain were to show up, I’d just bare those pointy things and growl at them. And when I REALLY have to play dirty, I’ll sink em into their jugulars and tear a piece of their flesh off!” You suddenly exclaimed with a slightly crazed look in your eye that made Kirishima perk up and flinch a bit, now feeling slightly dejected since you wanted teeth like his for such brutal reasons.
“Ha… you know I never even considered using my teeth as a weapon before.” He pondered, even though he wasn’t the type to play dirty at all. It wasn’t really something he considered ‘manly’, although he wouldn’t judge you for that, and in a strange way, he considered you fairly manly in your own way and he respected the hell out of you for that. Even if you kinda scared him sometimes.
“You should. If it were me, I’d go ‘Brienne of Tarth’ on a villains’ ass and tear their fucking ear off!” You added, giving Kirishima a very vivid idea of what you meant as he nervously smiled. You reminded him of Bakugou in many ways, except you were a little bit nicer and not so angry like he was.
“Wow (Y/N) I definitely never want to get on your bad side.” He said nicely, and that’s what you loved about Kirishima. He never judged you, always said something nice about you even though you were weird and just a little bit of a trouble-maker most of the time. And he never avoided your or pushed you away no matter how many times you would tease him.
“You could never get on my bad side Kiri…” You said in a softer tone, contrasting with your energetic one you used seconds ago as you blushed upon admitting that and when you saw Kirishima’s contagious smile as his blush deepened. “Awww…”
Why couldn’t this boy see that you absolutely adored him? You wondered. You were sure that the teasing and the jockstrap you gave him should have made him wonder or think that maybe you had a thing for him despite the way you played around with him. It made you pout a little bit because you really wanted to get closer to Kirishima, hug him, kiss him and hug him again til he couldn’t breathe. And maybe slap him a little bit after because he made you feel this way and it was eating you up like some sort of disgusting lovey-dovey parasite. Every time he smiled at you; you would melt a little bit every single time.
You were a human infected with this parasite people call ‘love’, it felt so gross yet so wonderful, he was so wonderful…
It was driving you mad!
But you were so mad for him…
How you hated it!
And how you loved him…
A part of you wished that this could all just be some movie, where Kirishima would be the right guy for you, and you would be the best friend and then he would fall in love with you in the end. The two of you be happily ever after or however those crappy rom-coms ended, but if it meant finally being with Kirishima you would gladly let that all happen and just be with him for the rest of your life with that lovey-dovey song playing at the end credits.
Damn you had it bad…
But at that moment it hit you. All this talk about pointy teeth combined with your raging flurry of feelings for Kirishima and thinking about movies gave you a brilliant and somewhat evil idea just to get your beloved redhead closer to you and to get back at him too for giving you this crush. A devious smile spreading across your lips that Kirishima didn’t seem to think much of. Poor sweet boy, you thought.
“Hey you know what we should do? We should watch a movie together. All together as a class.” You suddenly proposed, which kind of surprised him but just the thought of spending time with the whole class made him grin wide.
“All together? That actually WOULD be a great idea! Yeah… it’s been so busy lately, I think we could use the break. I’m up for it (Y/N)!” He gave you an energetic thumbs-up, looking like he was pretty amped for the idea. Kirishima was always one for palling around with his classmates.
“Great! Cuz I had a GREAT idea for a movie…” You smiled happily when he agreed to the idea, clapping your hands excitedly, but then you made your claps nice and loud to catch everyone’s attention.
“Everyone~! Everyone! I have an announcement and a proposal!”
“(L/N)! As the class rep making announcements is my job.” Iida reminded you, but you paid him no mind.
“Shut up Iida!” You suddenly screeched at him, ignoring the shocked, indignant look on his face as well as some of the other shocked looks from your other classmates because of how loud you could be. Iida attempted to scold you, but you didn’t let him get a word in. “We’re too busy! I say we all take a break since we got the day off, and instead of training, let’s all watch a movie together!” You quickly took on a cheerful tone, which made only the smarter ones a little wary.
“And NO! You can’t back away from this, spend some time with us! Cuz if you don’t I’m gonna kick your butt!” You then declared somewhat angrily, and of course, only Bakugou challenged you.
“Tch, forget it you pathetic excuse for a glowstick!”
“You’re just jealous cuz my light shines brighter than yo’ weak-ass explosions.” You brushed that off, and you laughed and pointed when Kirishima and Kaminari held him back from trying to attack you for the 4th time today.
“Anyhoo… I’d better see you at movie night biatch~.” You smiled smugly at the growling teen, who WANTED to just blow you up but he knew Kirishima had a thing for you. This would be the only nice thing he’d do for him for a while…
Speaking of which, Kirishima looked pretty damn happy about the idea of a movie night with the class, “So (Y/N)… what kinda movie did ya have in plan?” He asked politely, the same question everyone else had been wondering since it was your idea.
However, the others noticed your smile quickly turning into a smirk. “Let’s watch a good old-fashioned horror flick tonight… I have this one REALLY good one that I’ve been meaning to bust out to show my best friends so… yeah…” That little suggestion made a few heads turn, and a few eyes widened which made your smirk widen, especially when you saw Kirishima’s nervous look.
“A horror movie…?”
“Yeah! Nothing says togetherness like watching a movie so scary you might piss yourself and cry your fucking eyes out…” You clasped your hands together, your smirk turning darker as most of your other classmates looked hesitant, save a few who looked interested.
“That could be fun! I love scary movies! They’re so exciting don’t you guys think?!” Hagakure, your partner-in-crime had excitedly agreed with you and backed up your decision. And if she was being honest, these movies were fun for her because her invisibility allowed her to indulge in a little fun when she would prank some people when they were scared out of their wits.
“I enjoy those kind of movies. They tend to have some interesting story-lines, so I’m okay with watching a horror movie.” Tsuyu said, despite her blank expression she was up for it.
“I agree. I would watch one of those.” Tokoyami was quick to agree with her since he was very much an avid horror movie fan, befitting how much of a goth he was. “You may or may not have seen the movie I have in mind before.” You pointed out, since if there’s one thing you and Tokoyami got along with it was your fondness for horror movies.
“Surprise me.” He almost challenged you, which just made your grin grow, especially when you saw the other looks on your classmates’ faces, especially poor sweet Izuku and your dear Kirishima…
“I’m in! I ain’t afraid of no scary movie!” Kaminari claimed, since scary movies didn’t exactly bother him as much as it did for others, but not many of his classmates looked like they believed him. “Me neither!” However, he started a bit of a trend when Mina shared his sentiments, and now many of them started to feel the need to prove their bravery, and to just see how ‘scary’ this movie was…
“H-Hey now! Look if anyone’s not a fan of scary movies then maybe… you guys don’t have to watch it.” Kirishima wanted to be nice though, and make sure no one felt pressured to watch the movie, even though you could just tell what his ulterior motive was: He didn’t like scary movies.
“Heh… let em watch it Kirishima, it’ll give them a lesson in bravery… I mean… what are you really playing at bro? Are you chicken?” You smirked and crossed your arms, satisfied when Kirishima flinched at such a very ‘unmanly’ accusation.
“No! I’m no chicken! I’m just giving them a choice that’s all!”
“It’s okay if you’re chicken, I mean Tokoyami’s the bird here but I guess we just didn’t notice you wearing your chicken hat until now. Though I guess your hair looks chicken-esque enough.” You said, sadistically smirking at the poor guy, whose face was turning as red as his hair.
“H-Hey! Don’t call my hair chicken! This is peer pressure! Come on that’s such an unmanly thing to do!”
“You’re just saying that cuz you’re a big, FAT, chicken!”
“(Y/N)! This is so not cool! Stop saying that!” Kirishima’s blush darkened as you didn’t stop your taunting.
“Chicken~.” You sang-songed, poking him on the forehead to add to your teasing, even when he backed away, “Stop it!”
“Chicken!” You didn’t stop, you were loving how embarrassed he was getting when you started to poke at his hair and even pull a strand out purely for the hell of it.
“OW! I’m NOT a chicken!!” He cringed as soon as he felt that little strand plucked out as he gave you a rare look of mild annoyance which looked beautiful with his flushed cheeks. You almost felt guilty for being so mean to him, but the tsundere in you was telling you that he deserved it for making you love him so much.
But the guilt was winning as you took it down a notch, “Okay Kiri… I believe you…” Your voice softened a bit, and Kirishima wasn’t sure whether to feel comfortable or nervous since he’s learned to predict how unpredictable you could be. It didn’t help when you put your hand on his shoulder, “I suppose you’re only a chicken if you can’t fight against villains like you have… so… okay… you’re not a chicken… and you don’t HAVE to watch the movie if you don’t want to… and I’ll just make fun of you in private to the girls in the locker room.” You sounded a little bit gentle, and you smiled when you saw Kirishima perk up a bit when you took back the ‘chicken’ insult, but instantly he pouted at the last thing you said.
You always did this. But it’s not like he hated it, he actually liked the attention you gave him and you were nice to him at times, which he really liked because it proved what he thought about you. That you were actually pretty cool and that you had a heart underneath all the jokes. But, he couldn’t quite let you win, or get away with calling him chicken.
“Heh. There won’t be any need for that, I’ll prove that I’m no chicken! Scary movies are nothing! I mean… a real man isn’t afraid of a little movie… I’m man enough to watch this!” He was up for this challenge, well… not really, but he’d prove that he could be manly and take a scary movie! It was just a movie! Nothing in them were real… and he knew it!
But you couldn’t help but smirk when he was finally on board, and disregarded the fact that a few of your other classmates… particularly Izuku, Uraraka, Kouda, Jirou and Mineta weren’t really on board. And Sero and Kaminari finally succeeded in getting Bakugou to very reluctantly agree just so they would stop bugging him.
“Perfection…” You resisted the urge to do a ‘villain laugh’ as soon as it was all set in stone for tonight…
4 HOURS LATER at 7 pm…
“Okay…” You were getting the movie ready as you clicked on the remote, “I’m telling you guys right now. That this movie inspired me to pretty much NEVER go anywhere where there’s mountains in my life… after this, you’ll understand why I’m never going anywhere that’s too dark again.” You were kind of exaggerating, but at the same time you kind of meant what you were saying since… the movie kinda traumatized you when you were younger.
Only a few of your classmates took your warning seriously, but Bakugou thought you were being stupid as he scoffed. However, Kirishima sat beside him and he was already looking very nervous and appeared to believe every word you were saying…
What in the world was in this movie to make you stay away from dark places and mountains…?
“There can be revelry in the dark you know?” Tokoyami asked you, but you just chuckled a little bit, “Maybe for you… because the dark is your advantage but… I ain’t never stepping foot into a pitch black place again… not after this movie…” You gave your cryptic explanation, which did nothing to ease your more nervous friends.
“I-It’s that bad…?” Uraraka sounded concerned, and she was just as scared as Izuku and Kirishima was. While horror movies didn’t freak her out that bad, some of them still scared her. And you nodded as you turned the lights off, “Oh… it’s bad…”
Kirishima put his brave face on, even though everything you said wasn’t making him feel any less nervous, “I’m sure it’s not that bad… we can handle anything! Nothing’s too scary for heroes!” He declared optimistically, and you couldn’t help but smile, he was so sweet it was perfect that you chose this movie to scare the Mr. Bojangles out of him…
“Yeah, yeah just start the fucking thing already!” Bakugou was getting impatient though, and demanded that you start the damn thing as you scoffed and just started the movie, “All right already! Keep your panties on…” You muttered under your breath, but that didn’t escape Bakugou’s surprisingly sharp hearing.
You had to cover your mouth to quell your snickers as Kirishima managed to calm down the blonde to get him to shut up when the movie started…
The claustrophobic setting was enough to unnerve your classmates as they watched rather intently and felt nervous for the women in the film.
Mineta at first was excited because there was mostly women in the movie, but as soon as thing were getting intense he was shaking like a leaf, and he practically fainted as soon as Holly broke her leg in a rather graphic manner.
But Aoyama actually fainted as soon as he saw Holly’s leg bone sticking out after falling and breaking it, which urged a rather frantic Iida to quickly to lie the boy down with his head on a pillow until he woke up. Similarly, Jirou had to look away as the graphic sight alone made her feel nauseous, and neither Sero or Ojiro fared much better as Sero covered his mouth and averted his gaze from the scene, and Ojiro nearly gagged the more he focused on the bone and blood…
Much to your immense amusement, even if you did feel bad for Aoyama. You certainly didn’t expect anyone to faint. Sick at best, but not enough to faint…
“Oh that’s nasty…” Kaminari didn’t feel as sick as Jirou or Ojiro did but it was clear he couldn’t look at it either, “Eek!” Mina had squealed and closed her eyes once that part came on and practically held a disgusted and mildly frightened Yaoyorozu, “I-It’s okay Ashido… it’s not real…” She tried to comfort the girl, and kind of felt really horrible for Holly even if she was just a fictional character. The injury looked horrible…
Izuku, shockingly wasn’t the most horrified since he’s suffered injuries not unlike that before, but seeing it on someone else was still alarming and frightening to look at. And Uraraka gasped and involuntarily hid her face in Izuku’s shoulder. But then they both gasped heavily at the sudden close contact and pulled away, averting each other’s gazes and blushing darkly. Beside them Todoroki didn’t seem disinterested, if anything he seemed pretty focused on the movie even if that injury was a little bit hard to look at.
“That’s inaccurate. You’re supposed to set the bone once before you splint it in place.” He stated what he knew about injuries based on his own training and what his shitty old man had taught him. “You’re never ever try to reinsert a protruding bone from an open fracture like that.” Yaoyorozu backed up his claim, which made you kinda giggle at how much these two knew.
“Heh… the least movies can do is use correct medical knowledge eh?” You wondered after listening to them, but you were distracted when you saw Kirishima shivering as he tried to not focus so much on how graphic that injury as he gulped hard and resisted any part of him that felt nauseous or sick after seeing… bone… blood… and Holly screaming when they tried to reset the bone…
He swallowed whatever was in his throat and tried rising back up, gagging quietly as you tried your hardest not to snicker at the poor thing. He was so freaked out…
And this wasn’t even the best part.
You heard a sharp gasp though from Kirishima as soon as Sarah saw some kind of creature in the cave, and he was trembling all over again. He knew what that meant, and he wasn’t looking forward to what was happening next, he knew a jump scare was coming soon.
“Y-You all saw that right…?” He asked nervously as many of his classmates made little mumbles of acknowledgement, “Who couldn’t have seen that idiot?” Bakugou rolled his eyes at how clearly scared his friend was, even if he wouldn’t admit that this movie was… surprisingly hardcore, the injury looked pretty real, so real it actually made him cringe the first time he saw it…
“Hehe… don’t worry Kirishima…” You smiled and placed your hand on the redhead’s shoulder, scooting closer to him even when he tried to stop shaking so badly and gulped hard. Was this your plan? To scare him? He was starting to wonder. He wanted to avoid watching any of the more unnerving parts, but he couldn’t since you were right next to him, and making sure he WAS watching it…
And you resisted the urge to snicker like a maniac when you saw that Kirishima wasn’t the only one trying to not watch the movie. Shoji averted his eyes every now and then whenever something disturbing showed up, he didn’t dare look at Holly’s broken leg and Satou was too frightened to eat the sweets he had in preparation for this movie. While Kouda was covering his ears and had his eyes closed as he trembled where he sat next to a rather calm, collected Tokoyami, who was clearly enthralled by the movie.
“How have I never seen this movie? The dark, suffocating atmosphere is frighteningly realistic in that setting…” He thought outloud, obviously approving of your movie choice as you giggled a little bit, “It’s different from other horror movies I’ve seen, but in a good way. It’s not cliché at all.” Tsuyu agreed with Tokoyami and looked just as interested as she did, and you couldn’t help but smile proudly. “Told ya it was good. And this ain’t even the best part.” That piqued some of your classmates interest and dread.
“W-What’s the best part…?” Kirishima asked you nervously, his form quivering as you gave him that insidious grin you were infamous for. “If I told you it’d take away from it Kiri…” You used a cutesy voice even though Kirishima knew better, especially at this moment where he figured out your evil plan…
He shouldn’t have been watching, he should have actually just said ‘no’ to this movie instead of pretending to not be scared. Even though he thought ‘what kind of man is too scared to watch a movie?’. It was conflicting and embarrassing, especially now that you were seeing him all freaked out over a little movie…
You almost felt bad when you saw how scared he was getting, but after 5 more minutes in you noticed just how dark the room was, thanks to the sun setting and making the room nearly black and only the light on the TV allowed you to see most of your classmates getting nervous as they focused on the scene involving the dead animal bones…
A wide grin found its way on your lips as the ‘best part’ came up…
At least 10 of your classmates let out shrieks of terror as soon as the ugly cave monster showed up, and a few had jumped out of their seats from fear.
You laughed outloud as your classmates all shouted almost as if they were in the movie and as if the women could actually hear them, and identified Mina and Kirishima as the loudest screamers when you saw Mina practically hiding behind the couch and Kirishima was shaking in his seat and you swore you saw tears in his eyes. The poor thing did not exactly have what you would call a manly scream and you were loving it. Sadistic as it was, you felt successful in ‘getting back at him’ for making you love him, and at the same time you felt kind of horrible…
“Are you okay…?” This time, you didn’t sound like you were teasing him, you were concerned since he looked pretty scared.
“I-I… I think I peed a little bit…” He said in a somewhat shaky voice, and you tried your hardest to not snicker in amusement as you tried to soothe his nerves and rub his back gently, “Don’t worry buddy it’s all a movie…” As much as you loved how this turned out, you were starting to feel a little worse by the moment.
“I nearly wet my pants…” Sero then spoke up as he trembled where he sat, and Kaminari promptly scooted away from him. “I guess… I wouldn’t blame you…” However, he was just as terrified as his friend was. If he were in that situation, he would have freaked out just like the women did.
But before anyone could relax, the creature showed up yet again and everyone was on edge yet again now that the monsters were there to make the movie all the more horrifying.
Aoyama finally came to from where he lied, sitting up and rubbing his head with a low groan, “W-What did I miss…?” He asked, and as soon as he saw the screen featuring Holly getting her throat torn and ripped apart, he fainted yet again much to Iida’s distress as he jumped a little bit at the scene himself.
Wow, it was that scary to everyone?
Well, Tsuyu, Tokoyami and Bakugou still looked pretty entertained. In fact, the latter was smirking and legitimately entertained as soon as Juno began fighting that ugly fucker.
Of course you expected those three to be comfortable watching a horror movie, but everyone else, especially Izuku, Uraraka and Kirishima looked like they weren’t going to get any sleep tonight. And it got worse as soon as Sarah was forced to watch the monsters eat Holly’s corpse in all it’s gory glory complete with the sickening sounds of flesh being torn and stripped by the creature’s sharp teeth.
Uraraka and Izuku practically squealed in unison as they trembled and turned away with their eyes shut, wondering why did they actually stay and watch this with everyone. Kirishima held back the scream creeping in his throat, at least until he thought bile was rising up and he gagged a little bit. You should have been amused but you weren’t…
‘Aww man… I can’t be happy when he’s like this…’
You thought guiltily as you sighed and put your hand on the redhead’s shoulder, which made him gasp sharply due to that sudden touch startling him, “(Y-Y/N…?”
“Dude… if it’s too much you don’t have to watch… I promise not to mock you behind your back if you do…” You weren’t playing or anything, and Kirishima could tell, “What…? Hehe… I-I’m all right really… it’s like you said it’s just a movie…” He nervously forced a small laugh and crooked grin, “I’m not a chicken after all…”
Kirishima claimed and tried to look brave… for about 5 seconds until he saw Sam and Rebecca get ambushed by one of the monsters in a jump scare that made him jump in his seat and let out a scream, “O-Okay fine I’m a chicken!” This time, he did turn away with his eyes downcast and looking miserable as he started mentally beating himself up and calling himself a coward for letting a little movie scare him. Part of him wanted to cry, but he refused, no way he’d look even more like a wuss in front of you. 
He was such a loser. This was so unmanly in every way possible, and on top of that you were there to see him act like such a wuss. Kirishima always knew he was a bit of a wuss when it came to these kind of things, but he thought he could brave it, he really did…
‘What have I done?! Oh Kirishima… no matter what I do I can’t shake these feelings off, and now I feel horrible!’
Kirishima perked up as soon as he heard you say his name, and your heart was beating at what you were about to do next, but you couldn’t stand to see him like this. “C’mere you doofus…” Quietly and discreetly you placed your lips on his forehead which made him perk up and freeze, his cheeks turning as red as his hair as he stared at you wide-eyed in extreme surprise.
“W-Wha… w-wha-what… w-was…?” He didn’t mean to stutter, but he definitely did not expect you to do that as you pouted and blushed heavily. “I’m sorry okay? I didn’t think this movie would freak you out that much…” You muttered and he blushed even more, looking away in shame as you put your hand on his face to make him look at you.
“Admitting you’re chicken is manly though… don’t feel so bad just because you find it scary. I’m still afraid of the freaking dark because of this movie… the only reason I’m not scared is because I’m so close to you…” That sounded kinda sappy, but you meant what you said as you tried not to smile when you saw Kirishima’s look of surprise.
He was touched though, and felt a beam of happiness beginning to blossom in his heart as he smiled wide, “You… you mean that?” He asked somewhat bashfully, and you rolled your eyes a little bit.
“Yes you mook… I really do. And the truth is… argh… dammit… I like you stupid…!” You whispered to him as your whole face burned, and your heart beating out of your chest now that you finally admitted it. Kirishima somehow looked even more surprised, part of him always thought that maybe you had a thing for him, but now this was confirmation that you definitely did…
And he couldn’t help the grin rising on his lips as he pulled you in for a hug, smiling that smile that you fell in love with, “Hahaha! W-Wow um... I... you know I have to be honest I... I like you too (Y/N)! I think you’re pretty awesome…. And seriously manly… to be able to watch a movie like this… and for other reasons too but… yeah I… I like you too…” He blushed and sounded a little shyer when he said the ‘L’ word to you, as he truly did return your feelings and you were just… so happy…
You almost completely forgot about the movie as you smiled warmly and hugged him back. “Good… that is exactly how I feel about you too… you’re the manliest guy I’ve ever met you know that?” Deciding to go soft, you smiled when you saw his smile brightening, but before he could squeeze you affectionately, he made the mistake of looking at the movie when a loud monster screech startled him and made him and his classmates nearly all scream and he did squeeze you… out of terror and he practically clung to you like a sloth to a tree.
At first you were shocked, but then you quickly snickered at his reaction and loved how his arms felt around you as you patted him on the head, kinda stroking the spikes a little bit. “(Y/N)’s got you…” A little condescendingly you spoke to him a soft tone, which made him kinda pout as he made sure to avoid watching the scarier parts while everyone was trembling in terror.
“A-Are you okay Ashido…?” Yaoyorozu asked Mina, who nodded despite her fear, “Y-Yeah… why…?”
“W-We heard you scream just now…” Jirou replied shortly afterwards, but was surprised at Mina’s confused look, “That wasn’t me…” Mina, for once didn’t scream at that last part since she had gotten used to the atmosphere. But everyone knew what Jirou was saying, because after seeing the jump scare featuring Rebecca getting her stomach torn and eaten alive by the monsters they heard someone shriek…
Very femininely and high-pitched…
“Huh? Then who screamed? Uraraka?” Kaminari looked to see the girls, but all of them were shaking their heads because they had held their tongues to avoid embarrassing themselves. “It was very girly sounding…” Despite not getting an answer, Kaminari just snickered a bit and everyone didn’t see Todoroki staring down at his lap and silently blushing as he made sure to avoid seeing anymore of the movie.
You saw. Because it was your job to make sure everyone was watching the movie, and you didn’t expect Todoroki Shouto to scream like a little girl, or Kirishima, the love of your life to hold you so tightly as his grip on you didn’t loosen in the slightest as you held him close and practically cuddled him. 
Boy this night was turning out better than you thought…
The ending credits came on and you were a mix of amused, ecstatic and enamored as you didn’t let go of Kirishima, just in love with how soft yet firm he felt thanks to all those muscles on him that you found ridiculously attractive and tempting to just touch, and now you were feeling them up so close. It was like a muscular teddy bear you just wanted to sleep with in bed and never let go. And you had seen what he looked like under the clothes
However, his grip on you slowly loosened now that the movie was over but he still looked a little unnerved after everything he had to see.
“Soooooo… what did you guys think?!” You excitedly asked your friends and classmates, but many of them were rather… shell-shocked, with only Tokoyami, Tsuyu and Bakugou appearing the most entertained.
“That actually wasn’t a shitty movie after all.” Bakugou looked surprisingly calm as he approved of your movie choice, and you actually smiled. “Yeah I liked it a lot. It was one of the better horror movies I’ve seen in a while.” Tsuyu was next to say how much she enjoyed the movie and Tokoyami nodded besides her. “That was brilliant. I enjoyed every moment of it. I agree with Asui, it’s a lot better compared to the more modern horror movies.”
Their approval made you start to smile a little more smugly than you wanted to, “Hehe… why thanks~.” You giggled a little bit, but everyone else…
“T-That… t-hat… w-w-a-was… horrifying…” Izuku barely managed to get his words out as he and Uraraka were still trembling on the couch they were on. “I don’t want to go visit the mountains anymore…”
“I-It’s only a movie! It’s fictitious and there is no such thing as cave monsters!” Iida tried to make his friends feel better, but you just smiled at him.
“You don’t know that Iida… I mean not all caves are explored… who knows what’s in there? There just might be a cave monster somewhere around the world.” You didn’t help at all and added to the fear as many of the others started to tremble.
“She has a point…” Todoroki didn’t want to believe it, but this movie was… surprisingly and legitimately frightening. He didn’t want to imagine getting stuck in a mountain and suffocating from the lack of oxygen while something is potentially lurking in the dark.
“I-I’m sleeping with my lights on tonight…” Aoyama said what the rest of the Dekusquad was thinking, now that they had the wits scared out of them.
“Momo… can you please make me a night light…?” Mina asked Yaoyorozu because that movie seriously freaked her out, “M-Me too…?” Kaminari quickly asked right after Mina did, but the sweet Yaoyorozu did agree to make them some lights for tonight…
You didn’t know whether to be amused or kinda guilty. “Um… you don’t think this movie’s gonna scar anyone for life do you…?” You asked a shaky Kirishima, “I… I don’t think so…” He didn’t sound confident at all as you nervously smiled…
Kirishima suddenly screamed and many of his classmates followed short when they heard him, and he jumped fearfully. But you had no idea who did that… at least until you heard your friend laughing.
“Hee-hee-hee! Sorry! I couldn’t really resist…” Hagakure was giggling, but nobody could see her so that definitely means she had stripped to be completely invisible. “Ahahaha! Nice one…” You approved of her little joke even when a few of your classmates were shouting at you for starting them, and Kirishima was trembling where he stood.
Smiling, you went over to him and held his hand to take him to his dorm-room, “C’mon…”
Kirishima let you lead him because he was honestly really scared now that he saw everything from that movie and some of the images and scenes weren’t going to leave his head for a while. He couldn’t stop thinking about it now… the blood, the cave-in, the monsters, the women screaming…
Even when it was time for him to go to bed he couldn’t really get them out of his head, and you knew this. So that’s why you were staying with him even when he got in his pajamas and lied in his bed, unwilling to turn the lights off and he almost freaked out when you were about to.
“Don’t!�� He suddenly yelled, and you were honestly surprised…
Was he that scared?
Now you really felt bad. “Oh Kiri… I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…” You smiled a little sadly, turning off the light as he gasped and tried his hardest not to look so alarmed as you made your way over to him on his bed. “I’m sorry for calling you chicken…” You patted him gently on the back, and he blushed a little bit at how close you were but your comfort was making him feel a little bit better.
“Nah… it’s okay… you weren’t wrong, I should have just owned up to being a chicken…” Kirishima admitted to that, and felt bad for lying about since lying was not a manly thing to do at all. “You’re the cutest chicken ever. And besides… you’re not chicken at all where it counts.” You kissed him on the cheek, reminding him of the villains he’s fought against, and his bravery when he and Izuku went to go rescue Bakugou.
And Kirishima couldn’t help but grin shyly with a pink blush on his cheeks, “Awww… thanks!” He beamed as he actually kissed you on the forehead in return, which made you freeze and blush heavily as you let out a rather dorky, giddy little giggle…
“Uh… this might sound kinda lame but… do you mind… staying the night?” Kirishima then sounded shy upon asking you that, and you were still in a bit of shock from the kiss, but you nonetheless grinned and happily nodded. “I don’t mind at all~!” You said happily as the two of you exchanged big smiles and an equally big hug.
It took a while for him to actually go to sleep, but you were next to him in bed and the dark felt a little less scary.
You on the other hand, weren’t scared at all. You succeeded in getting the boy you loved close to you. Sure, you might have had to scare the pants off of him, but he was all yours now.
“Good morning cla-…”
Aizawa didn’t expect to walk into his classroom to see almost all of his students asleep on their desks. The ones who were awake looked a mix of exhausted and terrified with their eyes wide, droopy and bloodshot. And the only ones who were awake at all were you, Kirishima, Tokoyami, Tsuyu and Bakugou.
His eyebrow twitched ever so slightly in irritation when he picked up on what could have happened, “That’s it… no more horror movies on a school night…”
Little did you know, Aizawa planned on finding that movie of yours and confiscating it, as to spare his students from being traumatized any further…
You wouldn’t mind. You were finally with the boy you loved.
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cals-sunflower · 5 years ago
Deserves better (Z.k)
It has been about three weeks since you and Zion broke up. The reason being is that you felt he wasn’t in the relationship fully like he was when you guys first got together. There were arguments that you felt weren’t unnecessary. You’d argued in front of your friends and you didn’t like that which just lead to more arguing. You felt drained from him constantly getting mad when you’d ask him if he was okay. You didn’t understand what was wrong with him. He said many things that hurt your feelings and you were just trying to help him.
Zion just got home and slammed the door upon walking in. You were concerned for him being that you’re his girlfriend because he’s never really acted like that before. Even when he was tired from rehearsal or being in the studio. You walked over to the living room where he currently was. He was frustratingly pulling off his shoes and jacket. “Hey babe, are you okay? I can make some tea or something,” you bit your lip hopeful that the question didn’t add fuel the fire. Well you were definitely wrong. “Do I look like I’m okay? Honestly just stay outta my fucking way. Can you do that?” He quickly moves to the bed room and slams that door too. Being as you were sensitive and didn’t like it when people yell at you, you put on your sneakers and left the house to go anywhere you knew you’d feel better.
You wanted to be the best support system to Zion. To make him feel safe enough to talk to you and open up. To let him know he’s not alone in anything that comes his way. But after a while he became this monster that you feared. When attempting to help, you’d get an attitude or anything that was negative.
You finally finished setting up the living room with blankets, snacks and pillows. Zion had been a little nicer lately and you wanted to have movie night. Who doesn’t like cuddles with your significant other and your dog? Zion walks to the living room fully dressed. “I’m heading out with the boys. Don’t wait up for me,” you bit your lip again because it became a nervous habit for you. “Umm I was hoping you’d like a movie night with me and Simba. It’s just cause-,” you suddenly were cut off by his scoff. “Ugh you are so clingy, you know that? Was this another pathetic way of keeping me home?” You felt your eyes watering, so you looked down at your feet which was graced with fuzzy socks that Zion brought for you months ago. “No, I just wanted to-,” the door slammed closed and with that he was gone. “I just wanted to spend time with you,” you whispered to yourself as the first tear dropped.
You like to look back on how happy you guys used to be. Him wanting to be wrapped into your arms and kissing your face as many times as he liked to. Your favorite memory has to be when you guys were shopping with the guys at Walmart to get a few things for the party that was being thrown. It was the first time you’ve ever said “I love you” to each other.
“Yo can you guys go get the food? Find something that is actually gonna be easy to make because you know bad timing,” Zion nods his head taking one the carts away from Nick. He grabs your hand and heading to the food section. “Hey mamas, hop into the cart I wanna do something,” you give him a weird look but got in the cart anyways. He began pushing the cart really fast then hopped on it his self making you laugh at his silliness. The cart slowly stops and he hops down with a laugh. “Caleb you are so weird but I really love you and your weird ass,” you giggles comes to an end after you realized what you said. “Say it again,” Zion says with a smile. You were confused on what you were supposed to say. “Come on mamas, stop playing and say it again I wanna hear it,” he chuckles at how nervous and shy you’re getting. “I love you Zion,” you chuckled too. “I love you more baby,” he leans to place a kiss on your lips.
The other boys not including Zion were coming over to see how you were. It didn’t take them no time to come and once they were at your moms house you felt better. “Hey buba, how are you feeling?” Edwin wraps you into a hug as they all sit on the couch around you. “I’m doing alright. Still sad that I can’t get him out of my head or heart,” you looked at the guys with a small smile. But it didn’t feel like a smile because you weren’t happy.
“You should talk to him because he looks the same as you,” Nick leaned his head on your shoulder. “How can I talk to him? I’m scared to even look at him or be in the same room as him,” you muttered quietly. Austin’s eyes teared up a bit after finding out that his best friend is scared of her ex boyfriend.
They stayed until it was dark outside with you. They made laugh a little and be able to take your mind off of Zion which felt better because you felt like a mess. “Okay we’ll be back tomorrow after the studio love and if we can’t make it I know Maggie is coming,” Brandon kissed the side of your head. You nodded your head with a small smile and hugged all the boys.
“Please take care of yourself. Make sure you eat and are able to do the things you love. We love you and don’t wanna lose you,” Austin kissed your cheek and gave a tight lipped smile. Once they left, you got in your bed and turned the tv on to help you fall asleep.
Austin was quick on his feet up to Zion’s room and there was nothing anybody could do to stop him. “Caleb Zion Kuwonu! What the fuck is wrong with you?” Austin yelled at the boy who was sleeping. “What Austin? Fuck leave me in my misery,” Zion groaned.
“You wouldn’t be in this if you didn’t push her away. Did you know she’s scared of you because of how mad you got if no reason?” Zion sat up and his face dropped. He didn’t know that you felt to scared to even come near him but he now knows and feels like a horrible person. You are the love of his life and he fucked up when he pushed you away and let his anger at the world fall on you.
“She deserves better than me anyways. I put her through so much these last few months. I messed up the best relationship ever because I couldn’t just open up to the sweetest person,” Zion placed his face into his hands.
“Please fix this. I hate seeing her cry,” Austin then said. He’s been a brother figure to you since you guys met. Of course, all of the boys were a brother figure but more so Austin because he didn’t skip a beat to greet you in such a big brother way. He walked out of the room leaving Zion alone. Zion wanted to text you one last time before letting you go because he doesn’t want to bother you if you can’t even face him.
Zion: I’m sorry for making you scared of me. I’m sorry for not being the best version of myself. I’m sorry for not being the person I was once was when we got together. I’m sorry that I was a terrible boyfriend. I love you a lot and I’m so sorry for being a fuck up. I wish you the best in life.
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