#you gotta be like yeah i said what i said and am i wrong? otherwise you just continue to enable the behavior
iguessitsjustme · 15 days
I love Monster Next Door but they are not going to make me feel sorry for Jane. I mean it's obvious that those girls aren't actually her friends but they also aren't wrong. But she hasn't done any self reflection and she has been nothing but cruel to Diew. I'm glad he stood up for himself and he unintentionally really hit her where it hurt.
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bookshelf-dust · 1 year
when it's rainin'
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billy hargrove x gn!reader
word count: 2,666 ;)
warnings: swearing, reader has a fear of thunderstorms, kinda newly established relationship, a few sexual innuendos, fluff
a/n: hi! this was very self-indulgent for me and i am decidedly dedicating this fic to all of my fellow thunderstorm fearers. i see you. i am you. i hope this isn't too bad. i revised it too many times and i'm still feeling a little fretful over it. also, the title is a fleetwood mac lyric. bite me. anyways, please let me know what you think! mwah mwah i love you <333
“Billy, I gotta get going.”
You squeeze the fat of his thigh where it’s draped over both of your legs. He takes hold of your wrist; his grip gentle, if not a little teasing. 
He turns to look at you, head lolling against the back of the couch. His hair is pushed up messily behind him on the cushion. You know that if he were to sit up, it’d be matted in the way that it gets when he lays on it for too long. 
Billy knows the cogs in your brain are at work. The beginnings of a cocky smirk play at the corners of his mouth. He furrows his brow, faux concern written all across his face, as if something’s wrong. 
“But it’s rainin’, baby.” He gives his head a little shake, like he can’t believe you’d leave in weather like this.
His smirk is in full bloom when he laces his fingers with yours and lifts your hand up to his mouth. You turn to look out the window and feel him press a kiss to your knuckles. 
He’s buttering you up and you know it. 
“It’s just rain, Hargrove. And I do know how to drive.”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, the rain picks up, enough so that you can hear it pounding against the roof. 
Billy laughs, low and sweet. You glare at him.
“Fine. I’ll wait it out.”
“Mhm,” he grunts, peeling his leg off of yours and repositioning himself on the couch. He leans up against the arm, and holds his own out to you. You know what he’s doing, so you oblige. 
Billy loves to watch storms, and holding you this way makes for a better view out the window. You lean into him, back pressed to his chest. He wraps his arms around your shoulders and buries his face in your neck. 
There’s a crack of lightning and the rumble of thunder that follows seems to shake the earth itself. Your stomach drops. This is exactly what you hadn’t wanted to happen, and now you’re stuck here, with Billy, internally panicking over a thunderstorm. Admittedly, you do feel a bit safer than you would alone in your bedroom, but this fear isn’t exactly something you share with others. 
“You can’t drive home in that,” he argues. 
You grab hold of Billy’s forearms, his skin warm under your palms. “I said I’d wait it out,” you mumble. 
He kisses the side of your throat, and it’s the kind of kiss you might feel lingering there for the rest of the day. Like his lips have left a searing brand against your skin. 
“You could just stay,” he drawls. 
He lets out a breath of a laugh and moves his face back from you. “Yeah, I know. You don’t love me.”
You let yourself slide further down the couch until your head rests on Billy’s tummy. He doesn’t let go of you though, hands rubbing over your collarbones. “That’s not fair.”
It thunders then, at a volume you couldn’t have expected. It rattles both you and the windows, making you jump. 
“You okay?” Billy’s tone is sincere. 
You sit back up a little bit, and he uses the leverage to pull you into him. He wraps his arms around you completely, enveloping you in warmth and the scent of his body wash. The gesture is protective. He can see the way you glance out the window, and he thinks you might be looking for that flash, that queue for another rumble. 
“‘M fine. Scared me is all.”
Your grip on Billy’s knee says otherwise. He thinks he understands.
“I’ve never been with you during a storm before. You don’t like ‘em?”
You glance back at him. The concern on his face is genuine this time, but you can still see that underlying tendency to tease, like he’s ready to use it when he feels necessary. 
“Rain is fine,” you start. “I love it, actually. It’s just when it gets like this, when you can’t see down the driveway anymore and it’s windy. I really don’t like the wind.”
It is pretty damn windy. Billy hadn’t noticed it until you pointed it out. It makes him glad he parked under the carport today, knowing this is the kind of storm that leaves a mess behind. 
You’re starting to panic, not only because you’ve just told Billy about your childish fear, but also because you don’t know what kind of weather they’re calling for. You live in Indiana, for fucks sake. You don’t like that all of this is out of your control, that there’s nothing you can do but wait it out. 
“Hey, look at me.” Billy says, voice low and enticing. It pulls you from your spiraling thoughts. Your fingers are cold where they press into his legs. You twist around to face him and his hands meet your cheeks. His eyes are boring into yours. 
He kisses you. It’s slow, measured. The kind of kiss that steals your breath and demands your full attention. 
You realize too late that it’s a distraction. You don’t jump when it thunders this time. 
Billy pulls away, pleased with the blissed out look on your face. With the fact that he’s seemingly calmed you down for the moment. 
“That sweatshirt you like is on my bed. Why don’t you go get it, huh?”
You nod and he steadies you when you climb off of him and the couch. Billy wants to look at the weather, but he also wants to take care of you. He’s not letting you drive home tonight. 
You slip down the hall and Billy uses the time to flip the channel, assuming the weather will be on. 
You find his sweatshirt where he told you it’d be and stop at the foot of his bed, pulling it on over your head. It smells like him. Not like his cologne or cigarettes, but like the Billy who took a shower and got cold, who fell asleep earlier than usual and slept in more clothes than he ever has—this sweatshirt included. 
You see the lightning this time and are able to brace yourself for the thunderclap that follows. You still scramble back to the living room, seeking refuge in Billy. 
Your footsteps are quiet despite your panic, and Billy only notices you’ve entered the room because he’d sat up firmly against the back of the couch. You’re chewing on your lip, staring at the warnings flying across the screen. “What’d it say?” 
Billy turns the tv off. “Nothing bad baby, promise.” He holds out his hands and scoots to the edge of his seat, pulling you to stand in between his legs. He closes them against your own, gently trapping you there. “Just that it was gonna be stormy the rest of the night.”
Your brow furrows. “It’s not gonna let up?”
“Doesn’t look like it.” This time you catch the way the corner of his mouth quirks up. Clearly he’s happy with himself and the weather. 
Billy’s always loved these kinds of storms, and he hates that you don’t, but if he can get rain and his baby to spend the night all in one go? He’ll be pretty damn content. 
You realize that you should’ve watched the weather report this morning, but it seems that when you know you’ll be spending time with Billy, he’s the only thing that occupies your brain. 
“Dammit,” you say. 
Billy squeezes at your hips, and it makes you look down at him. There’s a pout on his face: the crease between his brows deepening, his bottom lip jutting out just that little bit. He squeezes harder now that he’s got your attention. 
“Something wrong with staying here? You really wanna go home that bad?” 
Billy’s teasing and you know it. You know that he’d let you go if you actually wanted to, that he’d worry until you got home and called him to say you were okay. You also know that he wants you to stay, and you’ve known that since you got to his place and saw the relief on his face. Hell, he hasn’t stopped touching you since then either. He’s plenty needy today. 
You cup his face with your hands, swipe your thumb over the smattering of freckles under his eye. His fingers have made their way under the hem of your (his) shirt and are pressing into your skin. 
“I didn’t say that. I just told my parents that I wouldn’t be home too late.”
“So call and say you’re staying the night, that you don’t want to drive home in this weather.”
You decide then that maybe you don’t need to overthink this so much. That maybe you shouldn’t let your brain ruin what could be a nice night. 
Billy blinks up at you.
You move away from him and then you’re picking up the phone from its place on the wall, punching in your home number. 
Billy can’t believe that worked. You never listen to him. And clearly you recognize this given that you’re hiding a grin with the back of your hand as you talk. The phone call is over quickly, and when you walk back over to him, Billy pulls you down into his lap. Your fingers find their way into his hair before you can even think about it. 
“Have I behaved better than I thought?” Billy asks, tentatively rubbing up and down your thighs. 
You grin at him and place a kiss on his cheek. It’s warmer than it should be, because somehow you’ve managed to fluster him. 
“You keep giving me your pitiful little looks, Billy.”
He scoffs. “No, I don’t.”
“Don’t lie to me, pretty boy.”
He blushes. Goddamnit, Billy thinks. You can read him much too easily now. He’s really fucked. 
Billy exhales. “I’ve wanted you to stay the night for weeks. But you always had to be home or somethin’. And the storm seems to be working in my favor tonight, y’know?” He gives you this look then, his eyes traveling across your face, down your neck and back up. He bats his lashes at you and you slap him on the shoulder. 
He acts as though he’s appalled, grabbing you by the waist and maneuvering you off of him and onto the couch. Billy braces himself against the cushions and hovers over top of you. “Now that was just rude.”
“You deserved it,” you bite back, leaning up to swipe the tip of your tongue across the end of his nose. “Hate it when you flirt with me.”
Billy rolls his eyes and lets his weight drop down on top of you, causing you to voice an audible oof. 
He props himself up on his elbows, face inches from yours. “Mhm. Hate it when your boyfriend flirts with you. I believe it.”
You start to say something, something he knows will be a smartass remark, so Billy presses his lips to yours, stealing the breath from your lungs. You make a noise of surprise and Billy starts to laugh against your mouth, a low chuckle that makes you want to both keep kissing him and shove him on the floor. 
Billy pulls away to press kisses to both of your cheeks and the center of your throat. You’re lost in his affection when it thunders again, making you jolt underneath him. He brings a hand up to cradle your cheek. “Hey. S’okay.”
You start to nod when the lights flicker, and you swear your heart falls out of your ass. Please don’t let the power go out, you think. He can read the panic on your face. 
“Okay,” Billy grunts, pushing himself to stand. “New plan.”
You sit up, and Billy quickly hooks one arm around your back, the other under your thighs. He hoists you up and over his shoulder, making you squeal with how swift the action is. But you don’t protest, and only hope that he won’t drop you on the way to his next destination.
Billy sets you down on his bed.
“Thanks for the ride,” you say, running your hands down your face. You realize too quickly the opening you’ve given him.
He leans in to kiss your forehead, though he pulls away and lets his mouth linger over the shell of your ear. 
“You can ride anytime you want, baby.”
You fall back onto his mattress. “Billy, please.”
“Don’t gotta beg, honey. Whatever it is, I’ll give it to you.”
You hold back a groan at his antics. “I really should’ve gone home.” 
Billy laughs and lands a playful smack to the side of your thigh before moving towards his dresser. 
You push up on your elbows to watch him sort through his clothes. He grabs a couple things and brings them to you before pulling his own shirt off over his head. 
“Why are you stripping?” You question, looking over the shirt and shorts he’d handed you. 
“If you think that’s stripping, clearly I haven’t been good enough to you,” Billy snorts.
You grin up at him. “Are these for me?” you ask, holding onto the bundle of fabric in your hands. 
“Mhm. For you to sleep in.”
You nod hesitantly, having just seen a flash outside of Billy’s window. This time the rumble is just that, not a clap, not enough to rattle the windows in their frames. 
Billy moves towards his door, with the promise of getting more blankets, allowing you a moment to change. He comes back with water for you, too.
He kicks the door closed behind him, internally melting at the sight of you in his clothes. You’re so pretty, it physically hurts him. He’s never felt that way in his life. 
Billy gets you to drink some for him before you’re scooting further into his bed and he’s kicking off his sweats. 
You watch him move around the room, the way the muscles of his back move as he’s shutting blinds and pulling makeshift curtains closed. He turns off the overhead light, leaving only that coming from the lamps he has. 
You’re in awe of how easy it is for him to take care of you. How he didn’t pester you for being afraid of the storm but instead has comforted you and seems dedicated to keeping you safe. 
Billy finally slips into bed beside you. “What are we doing?” you ask, eyeing his torso while he settles in. He pretends not to notice. 
“I’m protecting you from the big bad storm, baby.” He kisses your hairline. 
You smile at him, one of pure joy that starts slow and grows brilliantly. The both of you are bundled up like it’s some big sleepover, or like you’ve stayed up hiding a book beneath the sheets. 
“Well, I’m not sleepy. So what’d you wanna do? Tell secrets?” 
Billy props his head up, palm cradling the base of his skull, elbow squishing his pillow. He laughs and squeezes at your hip. 
“Trivia? Talk about boys?” you continue. 
He shakes his head, his smile matching yours and making his eyes crinkle at the corners. Sometimes he can’t believe he landed you. “You got a boy you wanna talk about?”
You snort. “Mhm. There’s one I like. He’s pretty but super grumpy.”
“Oh yeah?”
“I think trivia might be better since you’re just going to bully me.” 
Billy flops down on his back. You push up so you can hover over him. 
“Whatever you want, baby.” 
Billy rolls his eyes but kisses you again, pulling your face down to meet his, mouth warm against yours. The next round of thunder is louder than the last and your heart rate picks up, but with him here it feels okay.
It’s hard not to feel safe when he takes such good care of you, when he’s warm enough that everything feels protected, like you could weather any storm with him and his smart ass mouth.
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
tagging: @clovermunson (for being such a gem and helping me)
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im-sleepdeprived · 5 months
Crazier • Pt. 1
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pairing: mcu!peter parker x reader
a/n: this is a series ! prob 3 parts im thinking (i think im back AH), editing took me 10000 years actually so if there's something wrong PLEASE don't tell me !!! :D
warnings: umm just me not knowing anything about star wars, girls support girls<3, mentions of breakup, honestly theres nothing wrong but i think i said 'shit' like twice if you give a shit lmfao
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"There's no way you actually think 'Return Of The Jedi' is better than 'The Empire Strikes Back'. Like, come on dude, it's so obvious which is better," Ned exclaimed, obviously feeling very strongly about the little debate he had currently going on with Peter. 
However, Peter couldn't have been more nonchalant. "Listen, man, I love debating with you but I know where I stand and this is where I draw the line," he shrugged.
Ned opened his mouth, no doubt to argue some more with his best friend, when his gaze shifted to you, "Hey man, maybe we should talk about something Y/N can enjoy too."
That made your head snap up from where you were just toying with the food on your tray. "Don't worry about me guys," you forced a smile, "Honestly, I love watching Ned beat you into a pulp about movies," you looked at Peter. 
Peter put on his 'sad-puppy-dog-face', "Ouch babe. You're supposed to side with me here, I'm your boyfriend after all." 
"Well, I would've sided with you if you hadn't bailed on me when we were supposed to watch the movies together the other night. If you'd been there then I would've been able to contribute to this conversation and agree with who I genuinely thought was right, which at this moment, I believe, is Ned." 
Ned grinned at you from across the table and you two high-fived while Peter just pouted some more, "I'm sorry sweetheart, I really am but y'know I had the internship."
You rolled your eyes, "Of course, I know that. At this point the surprising thing is whenever you don't have that internship," you looked at Ned, "Dude, do you know how many dates and hangouts he's canceled on me? I feel like I should be able to sue at this point. Can you sue someone for wasting your time?"
Ned winced, "Pete, I love you man, but you need to start actually acting like her boyfriend otherwise you won't be her boyfriend for much longer."
Peter's eyes widened a bit but then his face quickly turned nonchalant, "It was just a few slip-ups, don't worry about it," he threw an arm around you and pulled you in, kissing the top of your head, "but you're right, we should talk about something we'd all enjoy."
Laughing, you said, "I told you guys, I enjoy hearing you debate because Ned is always-"
Peter threw a hand up, "Don't finish that sentence. I've had enough of you two fraternizing against me for the day."
You and Ned laughed some more, "Well honestly, you two can continue your...," you waved your hands, " 'old-couple-bickering' and I can scooch down a little and go hang out with M.J.."
Peter pulled you in closer at that, "No don't leave," he muttered in your hair. 
"Yeah," Ned started, "let's talk about something else like," he trailed off, "OH, you're managing the school play next week, right? That's gotta be interesting, tell us about that."
"It's really nothing 'Manager' is really just a fun name they stuck on me. Mrs. Lightbody does most of the work."
"Oh come on," Peter said, "when you first got the part, it was all you wanted to talk about. What happened?"
you happened, you thought. It's true, you had been too excited that you'd been chosen to be in charge of everything and you couldn't wait to rant to your boyfriend about just that. That was until he basically ignored you and shook it off as nothing, running away for the stark internship. You hadn't really wanted to talk about it with anybody after that. Maybe it wasn't as cool as you'd thought it was. 
You looked down and just shrugged, "Dunno, guess I just didn't think you guys would be interested in it. You've never really shown interest in theater before."
"Well, that was before my gorgeous girlfriend was in charge. Now, go on, tell us what it's like to get a bunch of theater kids on track."
You laughed, "God it's torture. I'm convinced it's some personalized hell made for someone's eternal punishment and I do not envy them."
Peter and Ned laughed along with you, Peter saying, "Yeah I bet. We all know how much you love your control."
You gasped, eyebrows furrowing, "Peter Parker are you saying I'm a control freak?"
He held up both of his hands in surrender, "No of course not babe," he traded a glance with Ned when you weren't looking. 
"Anyway," he propped an elbow on the table, rested his head on his palm, and made a motion with his other hand, "continue."
You looked at Ned, "Are you sure I'm not boring you," you asked, shoving your hand in Peter's face when he went to argue.
"Of course not Y/N! Wild, out-of-control theater kids is a favorite subject of mine," he grinned and you huffed a laugh. 
"Fine, it's not as easy as I thought'd it be I'll say that. There's always someone way out of line, either singing songs from musicals at the top of their lungs or fighting someone else with the props. One time a kid started climbing the curtain bags and it was disastrous."
You told them all the funny stories you had from the past rehearsals and how you couldn't wait for the upcoming ones. 
"Hey these sound fun how come I haven't been to one yet," Peter asked, referring to the rehearsals. 
You scoffed, "Please Parker, you can barely make it to a date. There's no way you're gonna make it to one of these."
Peter felt a wave of guilt rush over him. He'd been leaving you hanging a lot lately. 
"I'm sorry Y/N/N, really I am. But I want to come to one of these. I want to see you doing your thing. In fact, when's the next one I'll be there," he sounded so sure of himself but you weren't. 
"Um," you hesitated, not really sure if you should answer him, "They're every other day after school until opening night. But Peter, honestly, you don't have to come I know how busy your schedule is and you barely fit in things that you need to do, I seriously doubt you have the time to voluntarily do this," you told him, refusing to get your hopes up. 
"Hey," he leaned closer to you, "I know I haven't been the best boyfriend lately but I promise I'm going to be there for you today."
"Peter," you said quietly not being able to meet his eyes and that alone made his heartbreak, "Don't make promises you can't keep. That never ends well."
"Hey if I said I'll be there, then I'll be there. come on, gotta have a little more faith in me than that sweetheart," he smiled a little, letting it grow into a grin when he saw your lips tugging up at the corners of your mouth. 
"Promise," you asked. 
"Promise," he confirmed, leaning in for a sweet kiss. Maybe he could really be there for you this time instead of-
Something hit the side of your face making you both turn your heads towards your other friend. You looked down to find a bunch of rolled-up napkins lying on the floor. 
"Well as glad as I am that y'all got that settled, let us remember that this is a public space," Ned said making you both laugh. 
"So it's settled, meet you in the auditorium after last period right," Peter asked you, trying to make sure he had the times correct. 
"Oh," you replied, a little shocked that he was actually doing this, "Yeah, if you're showing up then I guess so."
peter laughed, "Y/N come on, what did we just have an entire conversation about? Of course, I'm showing up."
You nodded slowly then looked towards Ned, "I didn't hit my head anywhere just a minute ago, did I?" 
Ned just shrugged, "I'm just as surprised as you are Y/N. Peter needs to step up his game and I'm sure the internship can wait an evening. After all," he gave Peter a hard look before an amused expression took over his face, "After all, what is an internship if not just running around making copies of random things and memorizing dozens of different coffee orders."
"Hey man come on, we've been over this." he nodded his head towards you and widened his eyes slightly, but you didn't notice, too busy taking a sip from your chocolate milk, "This isn't just any internship. I have to be available at every moment in case Mr. Stark decides he needs me on something."
"Mhm, whatever," Ned took a bite of his sandwich, "All I'm saying is that no matter how important it is, you need to learn to divide up your time evenly."
"Don't worry Ned, I'll be sure to sign him up for some time management classes," you said seriously, making Ned choke on his food from laughter. 
Peter sighed, one arm still resting on the table, the palm of it holding his head. his other arm tucked away under the table, hand holding yours. 
you were feeling amazing, your mood completely lifted now. Peter was finally making the first step to fix things after your many failed attempts. Things could start going back to how they were at the beginning of your relationship. sweet, caring, and mutual. 
You were so sick of feeling like this whole thing was one-sided but now things finally looked like they were turning up. 
Little did you know. 
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When the day finally ended you couldn't wait. Spending time with Peter while hanging out with your new friends (somewhat, you weren't really sure but you were optimistic) seemed like it be such a good time. Almost too good to be true. 
You rushed towards your locker and gathered your stuff before shooting Peter a text that you'll just meet him in the auditorium. 
You arrived there before anyone else, which was typical, everyone would be wandering the halls with their friends for a while before making their way here. The cast and crew might mess around a bit but in the end, they were extremely passionate about what they did and you knew that in the end, the show would be amazing. They were all incredibly talented. 
little by little everyone started filing in in little groups. You searched them all for Peter but he was never a part of them. Oh well, he was probably caught up with Ned and MJ at the moment. He'll be here in a bit. 
When the majority of people were present you, reluctantly, decided you had to get things started whether Peter was here yet or not. Everyone had to start getting to work and he should be here any minute now. 
"Ok everyone, you've been wandering around long enough. Time to get started," you clapped your hands together, a clipboard held under your arm, "Noah, Jack, and Lacy we've got to start making progress on the set and I don't want paint everywhere we've had one paint fight too many," you narrowed your eyes at Noah and Jack who looked down sheepishly. It had been a mess. It'd looked as if a pride parade had thrown up all over the stage. 
"This background is our last chance and if you mess it up again we'll probably have to cancel and if that happens, I will not hesitate to unleash Lexi on you," you gestured towards the girl who glared at them and you could've sworn you saw them pale which made smile a small smile. 
You pulled out your clipboard to skim through and see what was on the agenda. "Where's our light-man," you asked and looked up. Everyone shrugged looking around until a girl, Martha, spoke, "Lenny had a teacher meeting, he's running a bit late but he'll be here."
You nodded, "Martha that reminds me, how's your mom doing with the costumes? does she have everything she needs?" 
Martha nodded quickly, "Measurements and everything. All of them should be ready a few days before the big day and she'll be here that night for any mending that might be needed." She shot you two big thumbs up. 
"Good, good, good," you muttered under your breath. You looked around at everyone and shrugged lightly, "OK so I guess everyone just rehearse your lines, get to work and we should be good for the next couple of hours."
Chatter quickly spread across the large room as everyone got together working and talking. You sat down on a seat and let out a long sigh. You tugged your phone out of your pocket and looked for a new message from Peter. There was nothing. You sent two more and added a call for good measure. He didn't pick up, it just rang all the way through. Maybe he got caught up with a teacher. Or maybe he got detention and didn't get a chance to tell you. 
You had more important things to get to and Peter would get here whenever he got the chance. He'd promised after all. So you shouldn't worry about it too much. 
You started making rounds around all the groups of working teenagers, stopping when you saw Lexi waving you over to her little group which mostly consisted of the main cast. 
You walked over to them, "And how's everything going over here? Any trouble?" They all shook their heads. 
"Actually, I think we're getting along rather well, it's a great cast you've rounded up here miss Y/L/N," Mrs. Lightbody said, making you feel extremely proud. 
"I actually wanted to talk to you," Lexi said kindly. 
"Oh? What's up, Lex." She grabbed your hand and led you a little farther away from the group, turning and shooting them a quick reassuring smile. 
Lexi was the star of the whole play, playing the main character, so you'd worked with her closely these past few weeks. She helped you with even the slightest things so you wouldn't get too stressed or anxious (she claimed you were the only sane person in the whole group and it needed to stay that way). She was undoubtedly the most excited person about the whole play and you couldn't blame her, you could already tell from just practice that she was going to do amazing. She was on the popular side where school cliques were involved, but she was always such a sweetheart. She quickly became a great friend of yours and you hoped it stayed that way even after the play and all these fun little get-togethers were over. 
"Hey, Y/N I noticed you seemed a little off before. I'm sorry if I'm out of line saying this but I just wanted to check in on you and make sure everything was okay. Anything going on? I'm always here to listen if you need to talk," she smiled one of her heartwarming smiles. 
You were a little shocked that she'd noticed, "Thanks Lex, really, but I'm fine I promise. but thank you so much for looking out for me."
she had a look on her face like she didn't believe you but she didn't push it, which you appreciated, "ok well if you decide you want to talk about I'm always around I promise," she grabbed you into a hug which you gladly accepted. she pulled away and squeezed your shoulder before heading back to the group. 
You loved her but really there was nothing wrong. Because Peter was gonna show up. Even if he hadn't answered you yet. He's gonna show up, follow you like a lost puppy, and marvel at your every move in that way of his to the point where it got annoying, and you were gonna make him swear to never come to one of these again. To which he would pout and give you puppy-dog eyes and you'd both forget whatever it was you'd said. 
He had to come. otherwise, you might seriously start considering Ned's words from earlier. or you won't be her boyfriend for much longer. 
Peter had to show up because maybe your whole relationship was on the line. 
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An hour of a bunch of nonsense arguing passed until you finally heard the press of the large auditorium doors opening up. 
Your heart flew when you saw the large mess of brunette curls turned to close the doors. however, your hope quickly deflated as soon as the figure turned around. it was just Lenny the light-man. 
"Lenny, great. I need you to start working on the lights and getting them ready," you told him. He nodded and quickly made his way backstage. 
You were totally bummed. peter hadn't even replied to you so you had no clue what was going on. you'd even gone so far as to text Ned who'd just sent you a shrugging emoji and an apology for not knowing where he was. 
You felt a little broken, with each passing minute, your hope that your boyfriend might still show up dying down. 
You were desperate so you walked down to the side of the stage where Lexi was chatting with her 'co-star' Brad Davis, who played her love interest. 
You walked up to them, your hand lightly grabbing Lexi's shoulder which brought her attention to you, "Can I talk to you," you whispered. She nodded quickly. You looked towards Brad whose attention was already on you, "Is it alright if I just steal her for a moment," you sent him a fake smile. He smiled back, "No don't worry about it, she's all yours."
He looked like he was might say something else but you didn't give him the chance to before dragging your friend away from all the commotion, "I'm ready to talk now."
She looked at you knowingly before sitting down and patting the spot next to her. So you sat and you told her everything. You told her about all the missed dates, how sometimes he'd just ignore you completely making it impossible to reach him and come back and act like nothing happened, how it always seemed like he was hiding something, and how you were so tired. 
And she listened, of course, never making you feel like you were being overdramatic, and making you feel something that Peter always failed to. Seen. 
When you finally finished Lexi looked at you with total sympathy-eyes, you hated it but you sucked it up because you had chosen to talk to her. 
"Permission to speak freely?" she asked hesitantly. You nodded quickly, "Yes of course, please do that's why I came to you in the first place." 
"Dump his ass," she deadpanned. Your eyes widened in shock as you looked at her. "Really?" you asked. She nodded, "Y/N, I love you but it's obvious that this boy doesn't. Because if he did there's no way he'd test you like that, I mean, he's standing you up right now when he promised he'd be here. I say end it before it gets worse. But hey," she held up both hands, "If you think I'm out of line saying that I totally understand but I'm just telling you what I'd do if I was in your shoes."
"You think I should dump him," you mumbled looking down, not really believing it. You'd thought about it sure, what would happen if you two weren't together anymore but you'd never considered it an option, let alone a solution. 
"Thanks, Lex, I'll think about it," you gave her a tight smile and she smiled back. "I just hope you do whatever feels best for you Y/N, you've been looking down lately and you don't deserve that." She gave your hand a squeeze and one last smile before she went back to practice. 
You weren't seriously thinking about ending things with Peter, you were too scared to lose him. Your friendship was more important than any relationship ever could be. But the longer he went as a no-show the more it ran through your brain for the rest of rehearsal. Peter never texted or called. You were desperate for a simple "sorry" at this point, not wanting to have to settle for the worst option. But as time went on, the less it seemed like an option and more like a task. Something you had to do, that had to be done—something new to check off your clipboard. 
Rehearsal ended and people left in groups as they had come. You lingered, smiling and saying you had just a few things to check up on before you left whenever someone took regard for your incessant hovering. Soon enough you were the only person in the big empty room. 
You sat at the edge of the stage, legs dangling, and pulled out your phone from your pocket. You sent one last text, we need to talk. 
After about ten minutes of waiting there, you decided it was getting late and you had to get home before it was too dark. maybe you could convince your parents to let you head over to Peter's after dinner and you could get over with it then. your mind was made up. you were gonna break up with him. 
You gathered your things and made your way up to the big double doors. The hallways were quiet and you were hyperaware of every step of yours. It was weird to see the school so dead, a big contrast to the usual packed hallways. The more you thought about it the more it was like you could almost hear the running footsteps of students. No scratch that, student. Okay at this point it started sounding too real.
You turned around to catch your boyfriend speeding down the hallway, skidding to a stop when you saw you. 
"Oh my god Y/N, I'm so sorry I totally lost track of time. I was just helping May out with a few things and next thing I know-" 
You held up a hand to stop him, "Save it Peter I really don't care." 
His face fell, "But, hey, let me make it up to you! Let's go get some ice cream or something. You can tell me what rehearsal was like today and I'll walk you home after. It's getting dark."
You crossed your arms. you almost wanted to agree but you knew better than that, this whole thing was getting way too much for you to handle. 
"Peter I'm done," you told him simply. he looked at you a little confused, "done...done with what?"
"This," you almost screamed as you pointed at the two of you, "I'm done with this, this whole act because, let's face it, we both know you weren't helping May with shit." you were surprised you had gotten this far without crying and you wanted to keep it that way so you sucked in a breath and tried to steady your heartbeat. 
The guilty look in his eyes told you enough. you were right. he moved the slightest step closer but you moved back, you really didn't feel like touching him at the moment. "come on sweetheart," he said weakly, "there's gotta be something I can do. I promise I'll show up on time more, you'll never have to wait for me again. I'll be around you so much you'll get sick of me. just please don't do this."
"That's the thing, Peter," you groaned, "I don't want to be sick of you but I'm sick of the way you keep treating me. you make me feel like shit Peter. you're my boyfriend and you make me feel terrible. and I keep trying to help you out, coming up with different excuses each time but I've finally run out. I want a stable relationship and you can't give me that so I'm done." 
His eyes were red now and you had to push back the guilt you were feeling, he brought this upon himself. it's true, you wouldn't have done this unless it was absolutely necessary. you loved him but you just couldn't handle it anymore. 
"I can," his voice broke slightly on that last word, "I can give you that y/n just give me another chance to show you." 
You huffed, "Well Peter, part of a stable relationship is honesty. can you be honest and tell me where you were today? 'Cause it's been established that you weren't with May."
He froze a little and you continued, "In fact, why don't you tell me where you were when you missed all those dates, all those couple hangouts, and all those group hangouts? When you missed my parents' anniversary dinner that they invited you to, or my little brother's birthday party that he was really excited you'd be there for. Go ahead Pete," you flung out your arms, "tell me where you were and I'll believe you can give me a stable relationship."
He looked physically conflicted, as if he was genuinely having an inner battle with himself, "I- I can't y/n/n, but you have to believe me when I say it's for the best."
"And I can't Peter. I can't so just forget this," you cleared your throat, "Come back when you can actually handle a relationship Parker, or you know what, don't because either way, I'm through with this."
You turned to walk away. his hand reached out to grab your wrist but you dodged it and held your hand up, "I don't think we should talk anymore," you kept walking and he didn't follow. You didn't want him to. But in all honesty, it was hard to turn your back when the person you were leaving was always the one you ran to when your heart shattered as it did right then. 
the cold air hit you hard and the tears finally came, slightly smudging the concealer under your eyes but you couldn't care less at the moment. 
It was true what he'd said, it was dark already and windy so you tried to be alert on your way home, deciding you could process all your emotions when you're home safe. 
You were walking for a bit, wiping your tears and trying to keep your vision clear when you heard a slight thud next to you and footsteps matching up to catch yours. "Hello Miss, it's pretty dark, can I walk you home?"
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part 2 is here !!
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goldenchunkycat · 2 years
Dirty things Neteyam does that you like
[He do or he does ? Hm, nevermind...
Neteyam is aged-up unless stated otherwise]
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Being kind. Like I'm sorry but it's a big turn on. He smiles to everyone, helps everyone, he is honest, fair, brave; he always listen carefully to everyone requests and do his best to fulfill them. He's a sweetheart and he has a pretty smile. So why are you aroused every time you see him help an old Na'vi ? Why are you horny everytime you see him help his mother cook ? Because you knoooow. You know that the boy isn't like this when it's just the two of you. Don't get me wrong he's a darling with you, always helping you around, carrying you on his back and making you laugh. But when it comes to more...suggestive things, he's MEAN. I just know that he is a mean dom. The kind of guy who will make you cry after teasing you endlessly without giving you his dick and then fake sympathy. So when you see him being nice to everyone you just remember how mean he can be when he is fucking you.
"Oh, my love, crying over my dick. You poor baby."
"My sweet girl, do you want it ? I'm gonna give it to you. Or not..?"
That boy love to pull something while fucking you. He ALWAYS have something in his hand. Like that one time where he was pulling your tail while fingering you, or when he was pulling your hair while you two were making out. Oh ! And when he was pulling your arms while fucking you from behind - this one isn't your favorite but he really likes it. He needs to pull on something because your reactions are so cute ♡ You whimper, pant, moan, and sometimes, when it's too much, you cry. He loves those sounds and he loves the fact that it brings him a feeling of power (?) ♡
"What ? Am I pulling it too hard ? But your tail was practically begging to be held, it was wagging so frantically."
"Love it when you're so malleable."
PRAISES. You should love praises. I just KNOW that Neteyam is the kind of boyfriend who will tease you as if he was degrading you but yet still praises you to no end. Sweet nicknames between two laughs, comforting touch between two rough fuck. The man would LIVE to let you know how pretty you are and how good you are to him, letting him fuck you anywhere and everywhere. You would definitely love hearing him telling you how good you are sucking him or how well you take his dick. It helped with your self consciousness and he knows it. You just love being called a good girl ♡
"Ah, you're doing so good, my perfect and pretty little mate..."
"You love being praised, don't you ? I can feel the way you're clenching around me whenever I call you my good girl."
Last but not least, Neteyam fucks you everywhere. Like, at this point it's concerning. It's been a recurrent topic in my Neteyam pics but yeah, daddy's son can fuck you everywhere. There's two reason; First, he's horny and you are pretty, can you blame him ? I said it before, pussy drunk Neteyam is a must. Like just imagine that you are in the middle of a feast and suddenly he's all about 'nice to see y’all but we gotta go for a bit, we'll be back'. You follow him because he asked you to, but turns out he just wanted to fuck you behind some rock or tree. Or you would be training with the Tsahik when he would come, all smiles, and gently ask if he can take you because 'you need to eat something and rest a bit'. Rest what ? He just wanted to suck on your breast with his fingers deep inside of your cunt. The second reason is because he wants to know how long his 'nice' act would last. He would love acting all innocent in front of his people when he knows that he's just going to fuck you somewhere not so private. How long until someone notice what's behind his smile ? You two bet on it.
"Can I borrow her ? We have some unfinished business..."
"I love seeing their face when they think that we are going to do some leader things when in fact you're just going to open those pretty legs of yours to let me do my things."
"What about the place that we saw last week ? We can leave during tonight's feast to visit it." "..." "You know me so well my love. Yes, I just want to see you on your knees in the middle of the beautiful flowers."
"I think that Dad is suspicious. He will be the first to figure it out." "..." "No way, my mom don't know, wanna bet on that ? If you're wrong you will not cum for a whole week."
"Qu-Quiet love or else they will know that I'm ravaging you. They are barely a few feet away you know ? You know what- Ah- Keep moaning, I want them to ear."
[Next will be about dislikes !
The other way around —> Dirty things you do that Neteyam likes
Feedback is appreciated ♡]
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matan4il · 4 months
911 ep 709 first watch reactions
The way this ep starts with giving us a clear shot focused on the front, solely on Buck sitting between the man he's dating and the man he's been married to for the past six years, and only on them. XD I'm here for it.
Oh, Bobby. :( Feeling unworthy of his medal, and remembering his dad, and how everything went wrong after he got it. </3
Aaaah. Man, IDK. The openly and explicitly homophobic and racist captain cartoon just feels like an easy target now. Prejudice doesn't seem like it mostly gets expressed that way anymore, and when we only teach people to reject that kind, we not only fail to teach them to recognize subtler forms, we may be misleading them to think those more nuanced ones don't count.
Love Athena trying to "save" Bobby by contacting Amir. I'm always a sucker for a couple where they both save each other.
I enjoyed the little play with "Mother Hen," and I know it's not specifically about Buddie, but it is damn funny that when she's told she's raising more kids, they're the ones the camera focuses on. lol Raising a kid together for 6 years, still a couple of morons in desperate need of parenting from their colleagues. Even when Bobby's "wordless goodbye" moment with Buck is letting him cook for the 118, Eddie's by his side and they're doing it together. I swear, 911 said, "Take note, this is what a marriage looks like" and then just kept hammering the point for 6 seasons now.
Okay, I am pretty sure that, while Bobby's acceptance of Buck's first relationship with a guy, is really lovely, "Because we haven't had to talk about it" is not an actual good criterion for discerning whether someone is good for their partner or not. People whose spouses are abusive don't talk about it, either. :/ I am NOT saying that's Buck and Tommy, because it obviously isn't, it just feels like a line thrown in there to be cutesy, but which isn't actually helpful to people, who might take it too seriously.
I AM GONNA LOL FOREVER. So, just like Buck's bi awakening was all about Eddie, now Eddie's messed up whatever he has with Kim is gonna involve Buck, too? Gotcha. Battlefield boyfriends being off-battlefield boyfriends once more.
So... Buck was going to see Tommy, in an ep where TPTB have already paid for Lou in the role, so might as well use him as much as possible, but instead a non-emergency run in with Eddie's current whatever-Kim-is makes Buck ditch Tommy, and run straight over to Eddie's to help him? Look, I'm obviously a One True Pairing kind of shipper, so Buddie are it for me, as much as I can enjoy and see the value of Buck and Tommy as a stepping stone, and nothing will make me stop shipping Buddie (especially not after the tsunami eps), but 911 is feeding me way too well with how it frames these scenes and stories, I don't think the show's trying to get me to stop.
Man, if anyone's ever had a doubt that Eddie is the world champion at denial, this kitchen scene will def cure that.
"I'm worried about you." "Yeah, I'm worried about me, too." And then Buck, the one person who can ALWAYS penetrate through Eddie's denial wall, no matter how thick it is.
Eh, IDK how much the part where they try to re-define Shannon as the love of Eddie's life works, or how much it just serves to show he's still in denial, just a different kind than before, when Buck got through to him that he can't go on like this with Kim. For one thing, in his little retelling of their dysfunctional r/s, Eddie doesn't mention that Shannon was leaving him a second time, even before she died. Literal denial and repression.
So I'm gonna choose to believe Hen and Karen will get Mara back, because I can't deal with that particular storyline otherwise.
Kim's reaction is too deranged for me. Who does something like that, even if we assume the kindest of intentions? And then Marisol and Christopher's timing... I didn't sign on to watch a soap opera, but I guess I'm getting one free of charge?
"Now you gotta save yourself." If that ain't a painful summary of what growing up means, IDK what is. the conversation with Bobby's dad in his sleep was a good, painful scene, built right, leading to him hopefully getting his closure through saving his wife from a fire, and leaving us with just the right amount of suspension for next week and the season finale, where we'll see if he can let go of his past mistakes without a doppelganger dressing up like his dead wife...
Thank you for reading! If you’re looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
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babiebom · 1 year
Would I give them head?
A/N: I am so sorry for this I'm writing it at 3 am and I couldn't get it out of my head. I've been giggling for the past 10 minutes like a 7th grader. Also if you are reading this let me know if I should do something special for 50 followers. I know it's not a lot but I am so grateful! If yes let me know what I should do!
Tw: sexual content. Not explicit but it like look at the title. Cursing.
Genre: headcanons nsfw
Wc: idk it depends on which person. Probably 2+ for each.
This is including almost every male stardew character(obviously no kids) plus ridgeside plus expanded but not all because I cannot remember every single character and I don't wanna research rn.
Duh no doubt about it
He is the love of my life (well one of them)
I would give him the best head wymmmmm
Yes boy deserves it
Golden retriever coded guys deserve good head idc
Love sad men it's a yes
Kinda wanna make him cry because it's so good.
Maybe I can cure him
Sorry it's not that I dislike him he's just not my favorite?
Maybe once as a treat but no other time than that
Yeah he's the doctor for a small town
I gotta
Maybe he will stop billing me everytime I die
I am not attracted to this man he is more bestie coded to me
If he asked i would allow him a handjob I guess
Maybe he gets a Lil handjob as a treat because his food is good
He kinda-
But not enough idk....
The reason I am writing this r n
The answer is no but the thought of doing it made me cackle
Absolutely not
Fuck you old man
I hate this lying ass bitch I give you a kick
No sorry
He prolly smells like fish and salt and I am not fond
Love him tho stinky man
would give him the sloppiest toppy known to man
He deserves it he needs it i want it pls bless me
I could beat Jodi's ass if it comes to it idc
I find him quite cute overlooking his slight classism.
Also for standing up to his mom for himself love that him
I'd rather give Robin head
He deserves no head for being crappy stepdad
As much as I like him he probably does not shower
Also he is for the marnie's only
I wanna punch him so bad
Mr Qi
I don't find him attractive
But at the same time I find him mysterious and the might just be enough to convince me
no what is wrong with you
Prolly tastes like battery acid
He also gives off racist vibes
He's chill he can get some head
Maybe for a discount
Im equating Joja to Coke and I like coke
So only if he promises to give me a discount on stuff I want
Another love of my life
It was unexpected for me to love him but he is so cute to me
Yuperoni pepperoni
We love a man who is talented
Could easily convince me to give him head if he plays the piano for me ngl
I love but also hate him
He also gives off bestie vibes
I feel like he needs it:(
I do however wanna smack his bald head
Not in a mean hateful kid of way I just wanna smack it
Dilf Ngl
Maybe its because of his name idk
Answer is yes
It was here where I started looking up characters bc i felt bad for leaving them out
No thank you I will not
Don't know much about him but I think hes cute so yes
His hair is cool
Again don't know much about him hopefully he is not a child
But yeah he's cute so he gets a Lil head from me
If he takes a shower yes
Otherwise no
I like his hair and I think he's cool for being an electrician
I know nothing else about him
Yeah he's cute so he can have some head
Im so sorry for not knowing im too busy simping over Seb and Phillip ngl
Im not attracted but unattracted to him so sure
He reminds me of family
Like his face
As I have said before I love a mysterious man
Love a man with a sword
I have no idea what this is
But I guess??
Have no reason to hate him so sure
He looks stinky :((
I also feel like his wife would beat my ass
He is for the Lola's only
I also feel like he wouldn't be able to feel it
Mr Aguar
I do not enjoy his face
Simply because im assuming his food is good
I'll say sure simply for free food
So sorry
But no
I will give him a platonic handjob
He deserves it bc he's a butler and probably does not get a day off with this family
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andromedastarrs · 4 months
Miguel O'Hara - Random Headcanons, All SFW! :)
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Y'all enjoyed the other post a lot so here-- have some more of my brain rot! All of these are just fun things lol, interactions and quirks!
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If he spots you and notices that you have bad posture, he'll point it out and tell you to straighten up. Even if others are around. "Unless you wanna live with back pain till the rest of your life..."
Clean cursive would probably be his preferred font to write in. When he prints his letters it's a total mess.
Definitely does not tolerate people who chew with their mouth open. He will glare at you, grab his plate, and move away.
Takes freezing cold showers. Headcanon because every health nut/gym person that I've met says it's the best for muscle recovery.
Doesn't like to watch TV in his free time, he's in front of screens all day. He spends it instead reading books, cleaning up his living area, putting on music and resting on his couch to let his mind relax.
Loud dad sneezes. Doesn't apologize for it.
Likes his coffee black. On his rest days though, he will add a little milk in there to treat himself.
Will order the biggest burger off the menu and successfully chomp at it with no issue. A part of me also thinks it would be in character for him to order a small meal and eat very... Well, he'd eat like a princess. LMFAO.
Is not religious but very respectful of every religion. I think if he were to have a spiritual S/O and they practiced a religion he didn't know much about he'd wanna learn about it by asking them questions.
I am TIRED of the racist Miguel allegations. I am a firm believer that because he is half Irish and half Mexican, if he were to be present in front of a racist, he wouldn't tolerate it. Also headcanon that he's not the arguing type. He'll just throw them out a window (exaggerating).
He loves cats and dogs, very gentle with both. Knows how to treat both correctly too. Doesn't own any pets though, he's scared of losing it one day.
Silently cries. Even when alone he's very quiet. His eyes get very red and so does his face, very quickly. No puffy eyes tho!
No time for skincare, but he's into biotech... Probably assuming too much, but if he could then why wouldn't he; he probably concocted some sort of "one in all" skin product.
On that note his hygiene is on point! He'd probably be so upset if he ever stunk.
Definitely dyes his hair. I do not believe that he doesn't have a single grey strand up there. If his S/O once said they liked the grey hairs, he'd probably chuckle... And then keep dying it anyways.
I think he'd choose to wear shorts over pants when given the chance to... Even jorts. It's ok, he looks good wearing them!
I think he'd like silver jewelry even though gold looks better on him. (He can pull off both *lip bite*.)
Doesn't like designer logos printed everywhere over his accessories/clothing.
Am i the only one that thinks he works out via Pilates AND weight training? Gotta stay flexible and stretched!
Likes to meditate, almost never has time to do so.
Sleep talker!
Very self aware of his size; hates accidentally coming into contact with other people.
Caught up with modern lingo in most places, doesn't participate in conversations surrounding it. "Have you heard what lingo the kids are using? It's absolutely bonkers--" "Yeah."
Try to talk to him in a silly language (think of that skibidi toilet shit), he'll respond instantly. Don't get the wrong idea, he won't be amused by your antics.
If he doesn't show interest in you then he's not interested in you. I'm a big believer that if you were crushing on him, you'd have to wait for HIM to show interest. Otherwise all your flirting will be rendered useless.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
after i saw that dave lee post last month, i got really invested...... any headcanons about dave lee being bffs with alternate y/n??
Oh I'm glad you're invested!!! This is more of how they meet and stuff but yeee
You first met Dave by masquerading as a random person under the pretense of looking for "work".
In reality, you learned MandelaTECH has been holding recovered footage/tapes from incidents related to Alternates and you just wanted to check them out.
But when you arrive (after hiding many of your flawed characteristics the best you could), Dave nearly kicks you out before you could even say a word to him.
"No. Get out. You are banned from here."
"That's right. Banned with a capital "B"."
"...why, may I ask?" You were convinced he somehow saw through your disguise so quickly, but what he said next reveals otherwise.
The complete opposite, in fact.
"You know what you did, [random name]. You can't just show up here as if nothing ever happened." He talks you down like a stern dad, eyebrows furrowed with disappointment.
You're incredibly lost. "Remind me again what I did wrong?"
"You seriously forgot that you were snooping backstage? Looking through the tapes that were specifically labeled for my eyes only? I called you and you wouldn't tell me if you watched any of them. You just...didn't seem to care."
At this point, you realized that you've accidentally disguised as one of his ex-employees--one who had a really bad falling-out with him.
"I tried to be a cool manager, but...I trusted you not to go back there. And yet you did anyways and told me I was "the worst" when I had to let you go. I was kinda hurt." He sounded quite sad and betrayed, and it made you feel bad.
"...I'm..sorry D--Mr. Lee. But I really need a job and..I couldn't find anything else in town that was hiring." You feigned guilt. "I'll make it up to you. I won't speak of anything I might've seen in that box. From now on my eyes will be...up front."
"...and?" He raises an eyebrow.
"And....I...think you're actually really cool. Whatever I said that day was out of frustration. It...wasn't how I truly felt."
"........alright. You get one more chance."
Thus Dave "rehires" you on the spot, although he did take notice of your flawed features throughout the week--with you labelling them as things from "accidents".
Besides that, it's not a bad job. Although out of respect, you abstained from peeking into that box of tapes he mentioned.
There comes a point where you have to reveal yourself as an Alternate--and it's when your disguise was literally falling apart at the seams and not even your MandelaTECH hoodie could hide them.
So you morphed into your basic form after the store closes for the night, speaking to Dave in your actual voice.
"Forgive me for deceiving you, David...but I, [y/n], am-"
"Oh I knew for a while. But you had me fooled the first few days."
"...and yet you didn't panic?" You blink. "If you knew all along, why didn't you-?"
"I mean, you took the blame for my ex-employee and...I gotta thank you for that. I don't think they would've genuinely showed up from the way they spoke to me. You apologized on their behalf, and...that's not what I'd expect from an Alternate. So maybe you guys aren't all that bad...maybe."
"I confess my disguise was random. I did not think they were a former employee of yours. But....does this mean I can still work here?"
"Yeah. You're good. I only ask that you uh....don't tamper with that box I mentioned. It's all highly confidential stuff that the lieutenant trusts me with. I-I mean...I know I can't actually stop you but-"
"No, no. You have my word, David." You smile.
It's not long after that when he befriends you, rather than act as your employer.
If he's working alone in the shop, you'd keep watch over him from the shadows, making sure nothing harmed him (be it the rare rude customer or other Alternates).
You do learn he's been restoring the lost tapes, holding files of Murray's TA report, and keeping some outlawed TVs backstage, but you ensured no Alternate can interfere with any signals on them.
And Dave's just 100% chill about it.
Though when he hires Evelin he just tells her not to worry about the weird shadow in the corner.
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asordinaryppl · 28 days
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 15: PAINFUL RE:BAKE - Episode 7: The Things At Your Disposal
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Kumon: Now you just gotta type up your profile here–
Taichi: What’re you gonna do about the name?
Kumon: How’s “Guardian of Darkness AZ”?
Azami: Absolutely not. … There we go.
Kumon: … “ZAMI”?
Taichi: Not your real name?
Azami: I’m thinking of keeping my work at the troupe and my outside work separate.
Azami: Otherwise, stuff other than the company will show up when people look up “Azami Izumida”.
Taichi: So you wanna challenge yourself with a clean slate.
Kumon: Here, you can post that you’re looking for a job! And here’s where you put your logo icon–
Azami: I’m using this, then.
Taichi: Ohhh, this is real cool!
Azami: I had a short chat with Kazunari-san, and he whipped this up in record time.
Azami: I offered to commission him for it, but he said it’d be like a celebration for my new life, and only let me pay for boba.
Kumon: That’s Kazu-san for ya!
Taichi: Since this is Inste, you’ll be uploading pics of your makeup, right?
Azami: Yeah. I asked everyone if I could upload pics of the makeup I’d done on them, and they all said they’re okay with it.
Taichi: Everyone’s supportin’ you!
Azami: And that’s why I have to make sure this works out.
Kumon: Do your bestest, Azami~!
Azami: (... But man, I’m not gaining any followers.)
Azami: (I didn’t want to rely on the company’s main account, or everyone’s personal accounts, so I just tagged the work I do, but still…)
Azami: (I’m not receiving any job offers at all… Why am I havin’ problems before I even start the challenge?) 
Azami: …
Classmate A: Morning, Ibukichi!
Classmate B: Your lipstick today is so cute!
Classmate A: Your nails are new too, right? I saw the vid!
Ibuki: Yup yup. I highly rec this.
Ibuki: Oh, there you are.
Azami: ?
Ibuki: C’mon, Izumida. The icon’s nice, but the bio is a total flop. And all those tags are useless.
Ibuki: First and foremost, you must make sure your bio properly expresses at a glance just what kind of person you are and what you do, blah blah blah…
Azami: (... They yap just like a certain someone does.)
Ibuki: You listening? If you are, fix all this immediately.
Azami: …
Azami: (The way they speak is annoying, but what they say isn’t wrong… probably.)
Azami: This is good, isn’t it?
Ibuki: ‘Kay, I’m sharing it.
Ibuki: “My classmate made an account. Said he’s looking for a job.”
Azami: Hey, what are you–
[Many notification blips]
Azami: Are you serious…?
Azami: (My follower count is on the rise…)
Ibuki: Anddd if you do makeup vid collabs, you’ll get even more followers.
Azami: … Spare me.
Ibuki: Huuuh? … Wait, Izumida, why don’t you show your face? All these pics are of other people wearing your makeup.
Ibuki: Not using everything you’ve got at your disposal is such a waste.
Azami: … I’ll be applying makeup on others, so it should be fine as long as they can see what my work’s like.
Ibuki: Seeing the person behind an account leaves a big impact on people. You don't have the luxury of picking your methods if you wanna gain followers, y'know?
Ibuki: Social media is an unpredictable place, it’s not so simple that you’ll be discovered just because your makeup skills are good.
Azami: ——
Ibuki: If you sit there twiddling your thumbs, even our lil troupe will go viral before you do.
[Notification blip]
Ibuki: Ahh… Today’s meeting place. “let’s meet at this shop after school”... Aaand send.
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watchoutforthefanfics · 4 months
achievement unlocked 🔓 (part five) || Streamer AU! Reddie (IT)
Part 1, 2, 3, 4
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Inspiration: this prompt
Summary: Richie liked to play video games, and by some stroke of luck, it became his job. Being primarily known as Trashmouth on stream, he found his own little group of streamer friends and they became intertwined: The Losers Club. It never did feel quite complete, though. Well, until, he got his very own backseat gamer in chat.
TWs: innuendos, lots of talk of sex (it's Richie), vague mention of toxic relationships, low self-worth, a little angst, loneliness, imposter syndrome, cursing, and shameless flirting.
[[A/N: We got friends in on this one, babes. The Eddie train expands !!! And Richie continues playing some of my favorite games. I'm Southern so the accent joke can fly. Enjoy :))]]
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It was stream day.
Richie was skimming through some of the submitted games. He had a form where people could submit games they wanted him to play: it ranged from dating sims to horror games to Mario. He'd found one he liked early last week, but he knew it'd be long-term so he waited on it.
That being said, he'd already downloaded and was currently checking that it ran properly. He still had a few hours until the stream started up.
You're streaming today, right?
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
yeah new game why
What time?
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
wow eds u call yourself a fan ?
Your schedule is shit, you know that.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
it's at like 12
gonna be chowing down on stream
I'll be off of work by then.
What game?
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
that's for me to know and you find out spaghetti 😉
guess you'll just have to watch my stream :)
I already am going to dipshit.
Richie laughed, he felt like he always was with Eddie. So fucking cheesy.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
no playing favorites here eds
Whatever dickhead, I gotta get back to work. See ya then.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
see u spagheds :))
I'm just going to ignore that fucking horrible nickname. Bye, Rich.
He smiled again, something about only his closest friends calling him Rich. It made him feel a little warm, and made him want to maybe run up and down the street -screaming about Eddie.
Luckily, he didn't.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
Richie huffed a breath out and kept working on his computer. It all seemed to work well, luckily. There was no troubleshooting that he had to run through for hours-
And then he got a text.
Staniel 🐦😤😠
Call me.
Shit. He'd forgotten to tell him like anything. Shit, had he figured it out? God, he was going to hear it. Like really hear it.
Or maybe something was wrong. Wrong enough to constitute a call. Fuck.
Richie didn't hesitate another second.
"Richie?" His voice crackled over the line (sometimes the distance really messed with their calls), "-Can you hear me?"
"Yeah, hey," Richie started quickly, "-Is everything okay?"
"Of course," Stanley reassured instinctively, before continuing, "-I just talked to Bev."
"I was going to tell you about Eds, I swear-"
"Eds?" He questioned, seemingly genuinely, "-That's the person in your chat, right? Bev just told me that you were talking to someone. Are you... Wait."
Richie spoke, a little nervously, "I might have found him on Instagram."
"The person you're talking to is... Eddie?"
"Yeah," he fidgetted with his fingers, "-the guy who cusses me out in chat."
"You're so fucked in the head," Stanley commented, flatly, "-How are you into that?"
"I don't know," he mindlessly added, "-but somehow he makes it cute, so that's where I'm at."
"Is he gay?"
They had like zero faith in him. Damn. Was he that much of a lost cause?
"Yeah, he is," Richie sighed out, "-I know I've had a shitty dating history, but fuck, man. Have some faith."
"I would," he replied, flatly, "-if you didn't have a terrible record otherwise."
"Oh, c'mon, Staniel," Richie offered, "-It's not that bad-"
"You haven't had a boyfriend since you became an official Twitch streamer, Rich," Stanley pointed out, "-and even then, that guy wasn't even out. He couldn't even take you on dates."
"And I was okay with that," Richie clarified, "-Not everyone feels comfortable with being out-"
"Richie," Stanley interrupted, sternly, "-it wasn't about personal preference, the guy was shitty."
Thinking back on it, he can kind of remember some shitty things the guy did. Like bash his love for comic books, tell him to shut up (not in the cute way), physically hide him from his friends and family-
"You deserve someone proud to be with you," he continued, interjecting into Richie's thought process, "-And I don't... I don't understand why you don't seem to know that."
"You're not the only one, Stanthony," he pursed his lips, somewhat deflecting (Richie was never really good at peeling back layers of himself), "-Steve tells me shit about it all the time, 'You seek validation in other people'. Blah, blah, blah."
"You know you pay a therapist to listen to them, right?"
"Obviously," he chimed in response, tapping his fingers along the desk -mindlessly eying the clock, "-I am. It's just... Your brain is wired a certain way, and sometimes it's hard to rewire it. If that makes any fucking sense."
"It strangely does," Stan commented, thoughtfully.
There was silence for a second, and it felt a little heavy on his shoulders. His love life really was in fucking shambles, huh. Richie wasn't sure anyone had actually loved him. Sure he'd heard the words, but it was never genuine. Always had... an agenda. Manipulation, or love-bombing (as Steve would say). Or at least he thought it was.
It kind of fucking sucked that he might be susceptible to that again, that he might have put himself right where he'd started. That Eddie held a lot in his hands because Richie had willingly put it there, that he could just do something-
"What about Eddie?"
Richie blinked, clearing his throat, "What about him?"
"Is he-" Stanley started before pausing, seemingly trying to figure out his words, "-Is he a good guy? Do you think he's actually... invested?"
"Well," he laughed a little nervously, "-there's fucking nothing to be invested in right now, Stanley."
"This wouldn't be as big as it is if that was true, Rich," he replied, swiftly, "-I know that."
Richie took a deep breath in, "Okay, yeah, I do. Mike... Alright, so apparently he lived where Mike and Ben did when they were younger?"
"The town in Maine?"
"Yeah," Richie quickly confirmed, "-Anyway, Mike sees Eds as an old friend, so he called me to make sure I was being... genuine-"
"Let me guess," Stan hummed, "-he called Eddie too? Asked him the same thing?"
"It's scary when you do that, Staniel," Richie responded, playfully, "-You're like some fucking prophet or something sometimes, it's scary as fuck-"
"Did Eddie tell you himself?" He continued, unwavering, "-That he was genuine?"
"Yeah," Richie swallowed, something in him deeply uncomfortable, "-yeah. Said that he likes when I talk and that sometimes he's a dick to people he cares about-"
"He likes when you talk?" Stan interjected, near immediately.
"I fucking know, right?" Richie replied laughing, the idea had been bouncing around in his head for a while, "-Isn't that batshit crazy?"
"Not entirely," Stanley replied, still ever-so-calm, and just seeming to process it. He always thought about what he was going to say before he said it, the exact opposite of Richie (most of the time anyway). He thinks it kind of why the two of them work so well together.
"It's just good," he continued after a moment, "-when has a guy you're with ever said they like that? That they like to listen to you?"
"First off, I'm not with Eddie," Richie corrected, mind humming with a hopeful 'not yet', "-Secondly... never. They always used to tell me to shut up, mostly. And not in the cute way that Spaghetti does."
He could nearly hear Stan's frown, "You know if we were friends back then, I would've kicked their asses and then yours for doing that to yourself, right?"
"'At's what happens when ya live in a town stuck in the eighties, pal," Richie chimed back in a strange southern accent (more hillbilly than beauty pageant), "-the internalized homophobia grabs ya by the ankles and drags ya-"
"I get it," Stanley interrupted, flatly.
He stopped the impression and then started up a little quietly, more genuine. He could tell when Stan meant no bullshit.
"I like him," Richie spoke, maybe a little louder and squeakier than expected but he'd never admit it, "-I really fucking like him."
Stan didn't say anything for a second, wordless. Once again probably debating what wise words he was going to graciously depart onto him-
"I'm glad," he said, "-I'm really glad, Richie."
And that was that.
It was about an hour before stream now, and his phone dinged.
It was embarrassing how much he hoped it was Eddie, and how much he deflated when it wasn't. He didn't deflated completely though, because it was Bev.
reddy.bevvy ✔️
give me Eddie's insta
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
what why
reddy.bevvy ✔️
I wanna get to know him
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
u tryna steal my mans marsh?
reddy.bevvy ✔️
he's gay
and if he's your friend rich he's gonna be mine too
so suck it up and give me his insta
God, he loved his friends. Especially his dear Bevvy, that one was something special.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
He waited a moment, not sure if he should expect a reply. Beverly was a wildcard sometimes-
reddy.bevvy ✔️
see u at the stream 😘😘😘
Richie let out a breath, something clawing up his stomach. His friends weren't going to harass him, were they? God, he'd worked so hard to not scare him away, it would be so fucked if they did. He might never forgive them, ever actually. And that was saying something because he fucking loved his friends.
After an hour of going between worrying and checking his equipment, the stream started.
Richie had actually prepped himself a bowl of Ramen that he currently was eating -waiting for his chat to flow in. He knew some people got off on the eating thing, and others found it gross, but that was in the character of his channel and himself so... he didn't really fucking care.
This time the game was in the title of the stream. One called The Quarry, some sort of choice-based game, people most certainly were going to die at his hands. Either for being stupid and getting them killed, or doing it purposefully. Richie didn't know which one would win this time.
"As long as I got my suit and tie, Imma give it up on the floor tonight," he murmured to himself, checking his audio.
Honk, honk.
eddie.kaspbrak donated $5: what the fuck are you eating
"Eds!" He chimed happily, maybe a little too happily in retrospect, "-Ramen, it's lunch time, everyone should be chowing down."
trashy.tozier: 🍝🍝🍝
dizknees: eddie has arrived guys stream is legit now
elite._.gamer: just here for the game but hi eddie
trashmouth-for-me: 🍝🍝🍝
girlie-pops: 🍝🍝🍝
trashy.tozier: I'm eating chicken fried rice
trashmouth-for-me: @/trashy.tozier food check !!!
hello>_<89: 🍝🍝🍝
girlie-pops: I'm eating toast w jelly
smell.ya.later: 🍝🍝🍝
dizknees: I'm eating leftover spaghetti ironically
trashmouth-for-me: @/eddie.kaspbrak watch out @/dizknees has a taste for your blood
hunny_bunny75: I'm new here but this is my favorite game ever
smell.ya.later: I'm eating ramen too !!! we are kindred spirits 🧘‍♀️
trashy.tozier: @/hunny_bunny75 welcome ur in for a bumpy ride
bridger_my_ton: I'm eating a turkey sandwich
toziers-trash: 🍝🍝🍝 EDDIE
too.tough.to.cry: ice cream w chocolate sprinkles
"Hey motherfuckers," Richie started on instinct, "-I don't know shit about this game, other than it's one where people can die based on my choices-"
eddie.kaspbrak donated $5: do you know how much sodium is in that shit
"Enough to matter," he laughed, "-apparently. Guys, do we feel li-"
eddie.kaspbrak donated $5: do you even own any vegetables ???
"Spaghetti," he dramatically held a hand over his heart, feigning heartbreak, "-do you have no faith in me? Of course, I do. I've got baby carrots right in the fridge."
eddie.kaspbrak donated $5: you should eat that instead dickweed
Richie fell into a little bit of an incredulous laugh, something swirling in his chest (he has odd ways of showing he cares but Richie was definitely into it). He pushed his lips together into a thin line, everything itching in him to listen. God, he was so gay-
"Well, guys," he laughed again, "-I don't think Eds here is gonna stop until I switch out my meal. So, I will be right back, do not blow yourselves up while I'm gone."
trashy.tozier: wait did that just happen
brilliant_minds: is that his bf or something
trashmouth-for-me: say that 🍝🍝🍝
benny.boy: where's richie?
trashy.tozier: @/brilliant_minds 👀👀👀
reddy.bevvy: @/benny.boy went to get some different food
all_i_say_is_beet: beet
toziers-trash: @/trashy.tozier no this is starting to make sense
stan.the.man: I've been trying to do that for years @/eddie.kaspbrak
smell.ya.later: @/trashy.tozier how the turntables are turning
barbie._.gurl34: has the stream started ?
In the silence of Richie's room, the alarm went off.
eddie.kaspbrak donated $5: I am not his boyfriend
trashy.tozier: that's suspicious that's weird
gay.shit.guy: 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 GAY SHIT MENTIONED 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
only-here-for-trashmouth: you could be though
ghoulie-boogie: when is he starting the game
dizknees: I smell a ship coming on
your._.mom: the question is do you want to be 🍝
girlie-pops: @/dizknees reddie ?
trashy.tozier: @/girlie-pops no wait THATS SO GOOD
should-i-stay69: is this the gay game ? About werewolves ?
elite._.gamer: @/should-i-stay69 there is a gay couple and it is about werewolves
baby_gurl456: just got here but I'm kinda invested in the 🍝🗑 drama
trashmouth-for-me: @/baby_girl456 NOT THE EMOJISSSS
trashy.tozier: guys he's coming back !!! spam the chat he can't know of our secrets !!!
Richie came back to a slew of chats, including letters and random emojis. He was only a little surprised his mods didn't do anything about it. It was Trashmouth Tozier, they did questionable shit. And he didn't disapprove of some spamming, not always.
"Jesus, guys," he laughed again, "-What the fuck did you do?"
They did not answer him for the rest of the stream. Initially, he just wanted to do a villain run but then he found out about the gays ("Wait guys, there's gay potential in this?! We have to save them, fuck-").
And Eddie didn't message again, surprisingly. Richie wasn't 100% sure why he took it so hard, but at the same time, he knew exactly why. It worried him a little bit, then, and then it worried him a lot when he got off stream to no messages.
He stared at his phone for the remainder of his day, just watching and waiting.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
He was probably just overthinking it. Like he always did. He might just need a day, they didn't have to message every minute of every day. They had actually already messaged that morning, so that was normal, so normal-
At least, that's what he'd tell himself when he went to sleep that night.
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hairstevington · 1 year
Stranger Therapy - part 4!
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
Summary: Steve and Eddie have an awkward encounter and end up telling Robin what's been going on. Their third session with Murray does not go as planned. Link to Ao3
Word Count: 3K, follow-up to part 1 part 2 and part 3!
Warnings: Smooooches, idiot gays being awkward, GAY PANIC AS ALWAYS, what even is the fake dating vs real dating line anymore, Murray is kind of an ass, but also he's right, cameo from loml Robin Buckley, sexual tension and release baybeeee
A/N: Here you have it folks - the much awaited part 4! I never expected this to blow up, and while I have a few scattered ideas of where I could take the story, I think I will leave it at these four parts. A few readers suggested an epilogue so I’ll probably do that, otherwise thank you for following along! xx
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Steve’s apartment was somehow both neat and incredibly cluttered. It was like one of those images where the longer you stare at it, the more weird shit you see. 
“That’s a really big poster of a can of soup you got there,” Eddie said. 
“Yeah,” Steve chuckled. “Robin has a, uh - a unique taste in decor.” Eddie smiled.
“Explains the random bowling pin as a centerpiece, too.”
“Actually, that one is mine,” Steve admitted. “Stole it from a bowling alley when I was sixteen and now it just kind of follows me everywhere.”
“Wow,” Eddie laughed. “So your life of crime literally haunts you.”
“More like,” Steve countered, “I dunno what else I’m gonna do with it at this point. How am I supposed to throw out a bowling pin?”
“I meannnn.” Eddie mimed shooting a basketball. “Straight to a dumpster, I’d think.” 
It wasn't an unpleasant conversation, by any means. It was like their usual banter, except one thing was different - now, they were in Steve’s apartment, and they’d just told each other they wanted to date in a non-fake way, but they may have already been doing that, and Jesus Christ we’re a mess.
“Can I get you anything?” Steve asked. Eddie followed Steve to the kitchen and heard Steve go over an assortment of beverage options, but Eddie was too distracted to really listen. He quickly realized if he didn’t pick something, Steve would just keep naming things, so he just blurted out -
“Uh - I’m good, actually.” Steve closed the fridge and leaned against it, as if he was waiting for further instruction. “So, what now?”
“I have no idea,” Steve answered. “I wasn’t expecting this.” 
“Me neither,” Eddie agreed. “Although I do have one idea.”
Eddie took a step closer to Steve and put one arm on either side of him, caging him against the fridge door. 
“Oh,” Steve muttered quietly.
“This is okay, right?” Eddie asked. Steve nodded. 
And it all would have been fine, in any other situation. Eddie had kissed many people before, and it hardly ever gave him pause. But there was something about kissing Steve, the vulnerability of it all, and the way they were crossing a physical boundary after blowing past so many emotional ones already, that made this feel different. 
“What’s taking so long?” Steve teased with a smirk. 
“I, uh -” Jesus Christ, just kiss the guy. What the hell is wrong with me? “Oh, fuck. I’m, like, nervous?” Eddie released Steve from the fridge and took a few steps away. 
“You’re getting all in your head about it, right?” Steve asked. “Uh, okay. So, does it help if I say I really want to kiss you?” Eddie pivoted on his heels to face Steve again. 
“Yeah, that helps,” he said. “Okay, I think we gotta just, like, do it.” Steve chuckled. 
This time, Eddie moved quickly and with more enthusiasm - so much so in fact that their foreheads clashed together.
“Oh, shit!” Steve exclaimed. “You trying to kiss me or concuss me?”
“Oh my god,” Eddie said, mortified. “Okay, well this has been fun. We’ve had a great run. I obviously have to disappear forever now.” 
Eddie really would have left and never looked back, except Steve didn’t look embarrassed or offended or even disappointed in any way. Instead, he was smiling. 
“Dude, you are thinking way too hard about this,” he noted. “Come here.” Steve pulled Eddie back to him by the arm and swiftly kissed him on the lips. It was just a peck - just enough to make contact and break the initial barrier. “See? Easy.” 
Yeah, it was easy. Very, very easy. So easy in fact that Eddie found himself immediately chasing Steve’s lips and kissing him again. 
He was just about to melt into it when the door burst open, sending the boys flying apart like shrapnel. 
“Steve!” Robin greeted. Her gaze drifted to a blushing Eddie. “And guest,” she smirked. “It’s about time you came over. It’s been what - three weeks? Most gay people elope by this point.”
She was obviously joking, entirely unfazed by the whole situation. She walked in and set her stuff down as if nothing was different than usual, then grabbed a poptart from the kitchen cabinet - completely ignoring the tension in the room. 
“Nice to, um -” Eddie began. “Finally meet you. Or, meet you again, I guess.” 
“Likewise,” Robin said, her mouth full. She plopped herself down on the couch and turned the TV on. 
“I wanna tell her,” Steve whispered. 
“Tell her what? That I just gave you head trauma?”
“No!” he said. “About, like, all of it.”
“Because I tell her everything and now it’s weird.”
“You guys do realize I have ears, right?” Robin said from the couch. Eddie sighed. 
“Fine, tell her.”
“Tell me what?” she asked. Steve and Eddie shared one last panicked glance before Steve took a deep breath to share the secret he’d been keeping for way too long. 
“So, you know how Eddie and I went to couples counseling as a joke for the first date?” Robin nodded. “We, uh - we’ve still been going every week.” 
“What?” Robin asked, her brow furrowed in confusion. “You’re that committed to the bit? Hasn’t it gotten old yet?”
“That’s the thing,” Eddie interjected. “We’re not going as a joke anymore.”
There was a thick silence in the room. 
“So you - wait.” Robin stood up as if pacing would help her understand the messed up situation they’d gotten into. “So you’re - okay but you - what?”
“We’ve been going to therapy and working on our own shit,” Steve clarified. 
“Yeah, but like - together,” Eddie added. 
“That’s a thing?” she asked. 
“It is 100% not a thing,” Eddie replied. “But Dr. Bauman is a fucking genius.” 
“He still thinks we’ve been dating for years,” Steve said. 
“But we haven’t really gone out much outside of sessions,” Eddie noted. 
“Until today,” Steve continued. 
“Right,” Eddie nodded. “Today.” 
Robin stared at them both for a few moments, contemplating what she’d just learned. Eddie couldn’t believe this was how he was being introduced to Steve’s best friend, but ah well. She’d figure out he was a little unhinged eventually anyway. 
Suddenly, she was laughing. It was more of a cackle, really. She bent over and clutched her stomach, she was laughing so hard. 
“What?” Steve asked, thoroughly confused. 
“You both are such dinguses,” she said in between fits of giggling. “The therapist totally knows.” 
“What? No he doesn’t,” Steve denied. 
“He’d stop seeing us if he did, right?” Eddie wondered. 
“Not if you’re paying him, oh my god.” Robin chuckled again, her laughter dying down. She wiped a tear from her eye. “So, you two aren’t even actually dating?” 
“Uhhhh -”
“Not…yet?” Steve answered. “We were about to, um -”
Robin cut them off with another burst of laughter. 
“This is the stupidest and best thing you’ve ever done, Harrington,” Robin sighed. “And you’ve done a lot of stupid things.” 
“Yeah, I believe that,” Eddie agreed. 
The mood was kind of over after that, so Eddie promised Steve he’d text him and then bolted out the door. 
All of that - every single part of it - went the exact opposite of how it was supposed to go. 
Steve: I thought I saw Dr. Bauman at the grocery store, panicked, and hid behind the cantaloupes. 
Steve: (It wasn’t him)
Eddie: hahahahhahahahaha
Eddie: did the imposter see you?
Steve: Only a little bit
Eddie: Hmm. Maybe you’d have better luck behind the bananas
Steve: Regular or organic?
Eddie: i set you up for a really good dick joke there and THATS what you came up with??
Steve: Come on, your joke was low-hanging fruit.
Steve: You’re gonna make a balls joke now aren’t you
Eddie: You’re learning!! 
Eddie: I mean pshhh no i wasn’t
Steve: ;) 
Steve: Sorry about earlier. We still ok?
Eddie: Yeah
Eddie: I’m actually really busy this week and probably can’t see you until our next appt
Eddie: That’s not a line I promise, I actually really fucking like you and want to see you again 
Steve: hiiii this is robin, the man is currently too stunned to speak but you guys are cute albeit very dumb
Steve: ff okjasd poik
Steve: SHIT sorry I told her not to send anything
Eddie: so she reads all our texts too?
Steve: Only the ones that make me blush
Steve: …so, most of them yeah
Steve: See you in therapy 😘
As promised, Steve picked Eddie up this time for their meeting with Dr. Bauman. He was a little antsy, just knowing how they’d left things the last time. Like - they’d kissed, but only for a second. It hardly counted, honestly. It’s not like they were officially together now. Steve couldn’t kiss Eddie as he sat down in the passenger seat, even though he wanted to. He couldn’t hold his hand as they drove to the office, but knew Eddie’s innermost thoughts and feelings about his dad going to prison. None of it made sense. They’d created something brand new. 
“Now look who’s thinking too hard,” Eddie said with a smirk. Steve realized how focused he must have looked and relaxed the muscles in his face. 
“Yeah, whoops,” he replied. 
“Relax,” Eddie responded. “This is the part we’ve done a few times before already.”
“Yeah,” Steve repeated. “Do you think Robin was right? Do you think he’d still work with us even if he knew we lied to him?”
“I mean, probably. Wanna find out?” 
“No!” Steve answered. “I mean, well what if Robin’s wrong and he drops us?”
“Hmm,” Eddie said, stroking the stubble on his chin - which, by the way, was something Steve thought people only did as a joke. Somehow, Eddie made the cartoonish, exaggerated, theatrical behaviors seem charming and normal. “We could ask him about it hypothetically.” 
“Eddie,” Steve muttered. “That’s a dead giveaway.” 
“Yeah, but if we never admit to it, he has no proof,” Eddie countered. 
“Except he could prove we haven’t been dating in like a hundred different ways,” Steve argued. 
“Ah, shit. You’re right,” Eddie agreed. “I’d say we could try to be subtle about it, but that’s not really my specialty.”
“You? Not subtle?” Steve teased. 
“You’re one to talk,” Eddie responded. 
“No arguments there,” Steve said. Without thinking about it, he grabbed Eddie’s hand and held it, and it didn’t feel like a big deal in the slightest. 
“Something is different.”
It took Murray all of two seconds to read the change in energy between them. He’d figured it would be a week until they figured out they had it bad for each other, and he suspected he’d been correct. He usually was, but then again - there was nothing usual about this. 
“What are you talking about?” Steve asked. Murray clocked the way the question made the boys squirm. 
“I have something I want to discuss today!” Eddie loudly announced, putting all attention on himself. 
“Alright,” Murray said, urging him to proceed. Now Eddie seemed to be the more anxious of the two.
“It’s about the intimacy thing,” he began. “Like, why am I more nervous to do physical stuff now? I mean - why would I be awkward about it now when in the past I’ve never - I mean, we’ve never had an issue with that?” Steve looked completely shocked by the question - not because he was offended by it, just surprised that Eddie was asking. 
Murray had to keep himself from grinning at the confirmation that yes, he was in fact always right. 
“Well,” Murray answered, “your relationship is going through a transitional period as you’re learning more about each other in a non-sexual way. So, physical intimacy might feel different than it used to.”
“How do I make it not feel different?” Eddie asked. 
“The real question is, what feels different about it?” Murray countered. 
“Uhhh well, I’m definitely attracted to him. I just wanna like,” Eddie did some vague hand gestures that Murray assumed were supposed to mean sex. “You know? Like, all the time. But then I actually try to do it and I freeze up.” 
“Steve, what are your thoughts on this?” 
“I guess I don’t really have that problem,” Steve replied, running his hands through his hair. “I’m like, good to go.” Eddie’s face went pale except for the blush of his cheeks. 
“Interesting,” Murray noted. “And when you both were sneaking around at the beginning of your relationship, how did the intimacy make you feel?”
Eddie thought about how he’d gotten no action in high school, but he certainly would have loved to run away with Steve at the time, given the chance. Although, his virgin ass would never have had the guts to do anything. Meanwhile, Steve thought about how he had just started to come to terms with his attraction to men his senior year. Neither of them so much as kissed a guy until well after graduation. 
Clearly, there was no way for them to answer Murray’s question and solve their real life predicament.
“Fine,” Eddie replied. 
“Mhm. Normal,” Steve added. 
The issues that these boys were facing, the real ones anyway, they were all deeply important to dig into and process. But Murray couldn’t really do that when half of the time, they were trying to cover their own asses. 
“Okay,” Murray sighed. “We’ve known each other about a month now, so I think it’s time we cut the crap.”
“About what?”
“Spare me the denial, boys, I’ve seen right through you since you stepped into my office.” Murray watched as Eddie and Steve processed what was being implied. When they remained quiet, he continued. “Come on! I know you guys have been lying to me this whole time about your relationship. Tell me - are you doing some sort of weird role play? Are you long-time friends pulling an elaborate and extremely expensive prank? Or does one of you not have health insurance, so you’re sharing the love? Spill it.” 
“Damn. Robin was right.” 
“We can never tell her.”
“Should we make a run for it?”
“I have no idea.”
“Dumbasses!” Murray exclaimed. “I can hear you! Come on, the jig is up. Am I wrong?” Eddie and Steve looked at each other, then shrugged.
“You’re not not wrong,” Eddie replied.
“We’re not going to get arrested for, like, fraud or anything, right?” Steve asked.
“No,” Murray answered. “It’s your money, and I think we’ve done good work here. We still have some time if you want my actual professional advice on anything, by the way.”
“And after that?” Eddie wondered. “Like, is this our last session with you?”
“Why don’t you just tell me the truth from the beginning and we’ll go from there?” he replied.
So, they did. They explained how they met, how they decided to continue seeing Dr. Murray, how they paused their real-life dating, and how they shared a brief, awkward kiss. 
“But the thing is, Doc,” Eddie finished. “We actually feel like it’s going well. So, if we promise to just be ourselves, can we keep doing this?”
“This is fascinating,” Murray muttered. “I didn’t realize you two didn’t know each other at all prior to this. Hmm.” He looked through his notes and thumbed through a few books on his shelf, pondering how to move forward. “What we’ve been doing is most like group therapy, I’d say, since you two haven’t seen each other much outside of our sessions. Most of the time, group therapists advise members not to meet up or form relationships outside of the group meetings, so they can focus on themselves in session. It sounds like you do both want to work on your own personal issues, outside of your budding relationship with each other.” Murray continued to consider the ethics of the situation, what he knew so far about the boys, and what he knew about the usual protocol regarding termination of clients. Since this was new territory, Murray could basically do what he thought was best, given the circumstances. “If you want to keep working together, I am willing to do so. But I recommend not seeing each other outside of this, to prevent conflict of interest.”
“Oh,” Steve said. “So, no dating.”
“That would fall under the category of ‘seeing each other outside of this,’ so yes Steve, that’s correct.” 
“So, Dr. Bauman was kind of a dick today,” Eddie stated as they walked to Steve’s car. 
“Yeah, he kind of was,” Steve agreed. “I mean, he’s good at what he does, so maybe we should listen to him.” 
They made it to the car and paused, enjoying the warm weather against their skin. Steve leaned against the driver’s side door, and Eddie joined beside him. 
“Yeah, I guess,” Eddie sighed. “Because we want to keep seeing him.”
“Right,” Steve responded. Eddie turned his head to face Steve - Big mistake. Steve looked fucking amazing in the sunlight. “So, if he says we should stay apart, then -”
Eddie closed the gap between them and kissed Steve the way he’d been wanting to since they started this whole goddamn thing. He breathed in the scent of Steve’s cologne that had been teasing him and driving him mad. He gripped the bicep that commanded his attention any time it was in view. He ran his hands through the hair that felt just as soft as it looked. 
“Bad idea?” Eddie mumbled into Steve’s lips. 
“Don’t care,” Steve replied, returning the kiss with fervor. 
Murray collected his notes from the day and stacked them neatly before filing them, as he always did before lunch. He glanced out the window to check that the weather was still nice, then sighed as he caught a glimpse of something else.
Do these idiots seriously not remember that my office faces the parking lot?
(epilogue found here)
@escapingthereality @imfinereallyy @raisedbylibrarians @samthemissfit @chaoticvictorianspirit @elizbaehth @despoenaandpyromania @cr0w-culture @bagofgreentea @f1ct1onwh0re @novelnovella @thing-a-ling @bisexualdisastersworld @practicallybegging @soldiers00 @beckkthewreck @fandomz-brainrot @shrimply-a-menace @justanothergirlwithobsessions @freshflowers-and-dryingherbs @satan-is-obsessed @best-selling-show @micheledawn1975 @smolalien13 @sundead @rosered93 @nikboi @thehunterofsleep @havlindzk
@paintballkid711 @abraca-fxckyou @allbimyself26 @jellybabiesforall @allbymyselfexceptformycactus @justaloadofgarbage-blog @alliemunsonsstuff @undreamingscatworld @thefruityfours @hobbitnarwhal @calivanus @wreckmyplans-thatsmyman @antheia @goodolefashionedloverboi @lillemilly @missmagillicuddy @steviesbicrisis @gamerdano @menamesniall @eyeslikewildflowers111 @callmesirkay @stringischeese @eds-trashmouth
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sugolara · 2 years
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feat. denki kaminari x fem! reader
cw: crack? idk
˗ˏˋ+ ´ˎ˗ where denki and y/n come across each other on omegle and decide to never speak about the situation.
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it was late at night, 2:50 am, when y/n decided to get on omegle. omegle! an app where you can chat with anybody worldwide. just be careful though, as there are some pretty weird people out there.
before she logged on her laptop and opened the website, she had pulled her hair into a somewhat man bun and had borrowed makeup from momo. with the makeup she borrowed, she applied black mascara on her chin, jawline, and underneath her noes.
she had applied a diy beard.
yes, it was true. y/n was broke, and because she was broke she needed money to buy school books. so she thought that finding a sugar mommy on omegle would be the best place.
boy was she wrong.
her poor innocent eyes that were no longer innocent had seen so many dicks. she didn't think it'd be possibly to see twenty-four dicks in one hour.
after countless of searching for a sugar mommy, her page had buffered. she sat back in her chair as she waited for the screen to display someone new.
she leaned in when she was met with a short blonde pixie cut woman. or so she thought she was a woman. she seemed rather buff. and dressed in one of the most ugliest outfits. her makeup was also... terrible.
it was odd, it was even odder when she heard the woman speak in a high pitch voice, almost sounding like they were faking it, "hey there sexy! want to have some fun?"
then it came to her as she squinted at her screen. why did the background looks so familiar? she then gasp, "denki?!"
the woman—man—voice had faltered into it's original voice, "y/n?!"
"the fuck are you doing?" she disbelievingly said.
"what am i doing? i'm looking for a sugar daddy." denki pointed at himself, "what are you doing?"
y/n laughed as she grabbed her phone, "oh my god! i gotta take a picture! everyone's gonna love this!"
denki rapidly rushed away from his desk, tripping in the process, "don't!"
he then grabbed his phone, "otherwise, i'll show everyone how ugly you look as a man.''
"you wouldn't." y/n said as she glared at him. denki grinned, "oh, yeah."
they both stared at each other, thinking of how to get away from this sticky situation. they both awkwardly looked away. "let's make a deal."
denki nodded, "okay?"
"we erase any evidence about this situation and never speak of this moment, got it?" y/n said.
the both had agreed to never speak about this situation. often glancing at each other and laughing. this'll be their own little secret where they take it to the grave.
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marvelmyriad · 1 year
markiplier Resident Evil: Village quotes as ask memes - PART 2:
well that was a wasted bullet, sorry
that was probably a mistake, i don't care though, whatever
this is where my adhd is really going to come in handy
all right come here you bastards, i know how to block now
oh, get stabbed
you're gonna get a face full of stab if you keep that up
i'm gonna use that the shotgun
you think i can't kill you with a knife, i can.  i'm probably going to have to
good thing he doesn't pull out his machete that would really be an advantage for him
unfortunately for him my arms are super sturdy
can i block with a gun? i can, okay. hey bud!
that's dope as hell, is there vodka in it?
i was in stealth mode, how dare you?
i want to save my gunpowder because i'm insane
maybe you should have locked it
you all right?  you need a knife to plug up that wound?
if it's just the one of you i shall stab thee, if it's two i am going to run away
oh i didn't think there were so many of you
okay watch this, you want to see something sick?  watch this watch this, watch this sickness
am i supposed to be able to shoot all these guys?  because i'm about to run out of bullets
you're gonna pay for that one in dividends
well money has value depending on who you ask otherwise it might just be rocks
okay so i something tells me i'm probably not supposed to try to kill all these dudes
hold on i gotta get more bullets
well that's good for me and bad for you
oh well good thing i killed all those dudes because otherwise they would have absolutely murdered you both, but i'm a hero
why is there chem fluid in the bathroom?
seems like you actually know how to lock things
yeah, you get far in life like that
look, i'm doing all the work here, if you want to sit in the house
there's so much blood, oh god
oh, maybe step out of the way of the gun
okay cool, just wanted to type out my life story real quick
don't mind if i look at all your things do you?  all right here i go, um ah, very interesting…
i wonder if this is all the places where there's like, secret stuff
who's talking to me?
you should put your faith in someone taller someone more uh, robust, powerful-powerful is really the word that we're all thinking of
whatever dude, you want to go outside?
uh okay sounds really convincing
that was a spell just to get the tea going
I have a gun, i ha- i have a gun, i have a gun, i got a gun
that voice sounded familiar
well uh you didn't do enough of the right thing
okay well that's fine this entire place is collapsing yeah, well, we'll be safe in here
no we're getting out of here together you and me, bestie, we're besties now, come on
yeah you know i gotta go, everything's on fire
but how about that cup of tea?
all right well i'm leaving and you can stay if you want i guess
what the hell do i do? am i stupid?
the answer is no, but also you guys probably got a wrong answer because you're stupid and said yes, so really who's this stupid one?  might be you
let's move, come on bestie, we got this.
let's go and try not to breathe in the smoke
uh oh i shouldn't have said something like that because that guarantees death
yep here's the guaranteed death
well that seemed unnecessarily dramatic.  if only you were nine feet tall, you could have reached me
i get that that one was very tragic but there was everything she could have done to prevent her doom
i feel like she would be screaming in agony from the fire burning
if only she knew about what a window was
good god i smacked my wound hand
i know i should feel like more remorseful but to be perfectly honest, that was a bit ridiculous
it's my fault for saying the magic words that gets people killed
oh hey, old bag of rats
all right man that was a toughie
nothing but blood and death
apparently i'm just i'm a badass
that wasn't cold at all, i'm fine
just taking a little soak, cleaning myself off, i want to be respectable and presentable
hey what's up? oh didn't think anyone was left, you must be pretty tough, huh?
you're not local, even better
oh i'm sorry, the metal spike in my chest is a little whine-inducing
i'm used to this, i run for my life like, a lot
oh wow this is just cruel
hey thanks for the money and the ammo
you didn't even take my gun, you amateur
do they not have cameras here? probably not, they only got an extremely intricate system of spinning blades why would they have cameras anyway?
extra baggage, okay, emotional or otherwise
shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up
all right, i got a dope ass gun
yeah, i'm sure that was nothing
oh, i'm just gonna let you do that apparently
how many horrific stab wounds have i sustained?
ow, that's my wound hand
this is not a sexual thing, it's about power right?
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goingtochurch · 2 years
First and foremost
alt mode time
i know the leaks came out a while ago bUT I AM STILL SO HYPE FOR THEM
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him in all of his glory
the best boi
THE best
Hashtag is a cocomelon child you cant tell me otherwise
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twitch is also adorable
i would kill for her in a moments notice i gotta be honest
thrash is also trying his hardest though
"yeah you scanned yours on accident- MINE has meaning c:"
true siblings
jawbreakers lITTLE HYPE TOO
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i smell the tism and i love you
oH WOW who could have ever known that things were gonna go wrong immediately after they said "itll be fun!" or something like that
i love twitch but twitch can be smol brained
bumblebee comin in clutch though
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hacker voice "im in"
this looks exactly like what i thought the internet would physically look like as a kid
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schloder stans where u at come get ur mans
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I would
let him do anything
i do not care
this is a really nice angle
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stealth 1000
"nothing happened!" im pretty sure it did hashtag
i am
very certain everything happened
also how did they not hear bumblebees loud af footsteps
"loud af grippers" - my watching buddy
kudos to him for the screenshots
life saver
and the king who got the singular best derp in the west
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nightshade u good
also i am pretty sure those two agent are dead
"idk about u but skullcruncher sounds like a lovely gentleman" - my watching buddy
get bodies u two pricks u deserve it
also hubby may have died
i need
to know if hes okay
i dont think he did qwq
nightshade definitely has the tism
that whole five month hiatus was them building the base and tbh go u (insert gender nuetral term for royalty
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that electricity bill about to be eXPENSIVE
dot should be very mad
what do park rangers even get paid
not enough for this shit thats for sure
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awww wholesome end moment
there was no good way to segway to this but
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hold gentle like hamborger
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deadprompts · 11 months
content warning applies. change any pronouns / wording if necessary.
they want to destroy us!
i like my pharmaceuticals, but i'm no killer.
why would you kill somebody else for him?
you want to talk?
they were scared, man.
what happened tonight is horrible.
i told you to kill her but you didn't.
we need you know more than ever.
that'd be the son of a bitch you'd really want to be scared of.
you had a gun on us.
i can't go with you.
your buddy's turning you over 'cause he's trying to save his own ass.
who ain't had a gun on 'em in the past year, huh?
they weren't human to begin with.
i shot my mom.
i failed in my duty.
the shit you doing, pointing that thing at me?
you know what's funny to me?
how's about a big hug for your old pal?
you talk about the weight of what you have to do, how you can handle it; a bad man, someone truly evil? they're light as a feather.
when i asked you where your loyalty was you said it was here, prove it.
ain't happening.
don't let this world spoil you.
i don't pretend to be a governor.
hell i think i'd piss my pants if some stranger come walking up with his mitts in his pockets.
i'm doing stuff. things.
i ran after them, but i couldn't keep up.
you're the black sheep.
no one's gonna mourn you.
don't you understand that? i can't.
prove it to us all.
we haven't have a day like that since the wall was built.
it was coming at me, bro.
you know, my mom, she liked her wine.
at least i won't have to live with myself.
you are going to beat this world, i know you will.
where you going?
there was a baby!
the truth is this could have been your shot.
so what's your real name? if it's not asking too much.
this rage is gonna get you killed.
you said you killed 16 men since this thing started?
you helping people out of the goodness of your heart? even though you might die doing it?
maybe these people need somebody like me around, huh? do their dirty work.
i'm sorry about your mom.
you're right.
so he saves your life, cleans you up, fed you a line of bullshit...
yeah, yeah, i get it. i get it. "shit happens."
he brought them here! he let them in.
he did the same to you.
i'm afraid that the terrorists want what we have!
i would have killed him otherwise.
you wanted your brother. now you got him.
i was playing out with the kids in the neighborhood.
he's got a new family.
it didn't happen.
i'm a damn mystery to me.
you're as much on the outside as i am.
i don't know why i do the things i do. never did.
you weren't there.
man, i went back for you.
you know something?
a fight, to the death!
you know, she was just gone. erased. nothing left of her.
i bet you a penny and a fiddle of gold that you never told him that we were planning on robbing that camp blind.
if it feels wrong don't do it, alright?
i ain't gonna beg.
i thought you were a cop, not a lawyer.
you're so good.
how could you!
you asked for it.
she liked to smoke in bed.
that's why you left first.
i'm sorry about yours.
i ended it.
who left who then?
they were rude is what they were. rude and they owed us a token of gratitude.
i should say that we're going be ok.
with your skills, a whole new beginning.
running is not an option.
you lost your hand because you're a simple minded piece of shit.
you know, we can go back.
you gotta do what's right.
i had to, man.
the winner goes free.
they don't feel a thing.
in this life now you kill or you die, or you die and you kill.
people said it was better that way. i don't know. just made it seem like it wasn't real, you know?
what, like when we were kids, huh?
what? what do you want?
you are smart, and you are strong, and you are so brave, and i love you.
you got to play the hand you're dealt.
now you're gonna turn and you're gonna tear away the flesh from her bones.
the baby is about to be here and we need to talk.
oh, otherwise you would have just left them to the biters, then?
if it feels easy don't do it.
yeah, it didn't, 'cause i wasn't there to help you.
they deserve what they got.
they didn't owe us nothing.
i... i didn't know he was...
i never tell.
how about a thank you?
it's so easy to do the wrong thing in this world.
but you choose to stay on the outside.
i may be the one walking away, but you're the one that's leaving.
so what should we do with them, huh?
that was the hard part.
you keep trying to get under my skin, i'm gonna cut that tongue out.
i ain't never pleaded for my life, and i ain't about to start now.
you ever kill anyone before?
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Cold Hands (Ben Mears x Reader)
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Summary: There’s something about a man’s cold hands that does weird things to the human body
Notes: This is what happens when the breeding kink comes knocking (lol). 
Tagging: @nobody7102​ Bella my bestie, it’s here!!! lol. 
You carefully tucked the pillow between your legs, trying your best to catch a nap but the baby in your belly told you otherwise. 
“Oh you’ve gotta be kidding little guy,” you groaned.
You loved feeling the little kicks from the get go and so didn’t your handsome author of a husband, but now that there was hardly any room in there, you were really praying for early labor or a way to give the baby his eviction notice. 
You heard Ben coming through the front door downstairs and the sound of little feet stamping on the floor behind him. When you looked at the clock wall, you groaned again. It was only three and Mark wouldn’t be due to get off the bus from school until three-fifteen. The rest of the coven?? Everyone was either out of the house or off on a daylight hunt. 
“(Y/n)? Honey? You up here?” 
“Yeah!” you hollered back. 
You heard Randy running off to his room to go play and saw Ben poking his head in a second later. 
“Baby c’mere,” you said to him as you stretched out your arms. 
Ben tossed his coat onto the desk chair and stuck his bag on the desk before making his way over to the bed. He drew up the Patriots blanket over the two of you, letting it warm you both up. You felt his hands running along your thigh and under your shirt and hoodie but when his hand made contact with the bare skin beneath, you yelped. 
“BENJAMIN MEARS!!” you practically screamed. 
“What?” he chuckled. “What’d I do?” 
“Your hands are fucking freezing......ow, ow!” 
You grimaced as the baby started kicking again, this time more furiously than ever. “Baby what’s wrong?” he asked, seeing the pained and pinched look on your face. 
“Your spawn is using my intestines as a punching bag,” you half chuckled. 
“You gonna be ok?”
“I’m gonna kick your ass is what I’m gonna do,” you laughed. 
Ben kissed your cheek before his hand once again met your bump, rubbing soft circles where he felt the baby’s tiny little feet. “Still having trouble?” he asked you. 
“You remember what Jimmy said,” you reminded him. “The only time I can get up is to go pee which is a little more often than I’d like at this point.” 
Ben rested his head in the curve of your neck but the naughty little grin on his face soon had his hands roaming to any exposed skin on your belly. “STOP IT!” you laughed, playfully slapping his hand. 
“Oh c’mon (y/n), you’re close to being overdue,” he chuckled. “You can’t get up except to pee and Randy’s driving everybody crazy.” 
“That’s your own doing,” you joked. 
Ben rolled his eyes. “C’mon (y/n), think about it,” he told you. “Am I wrong?” 
You gave it some thought, but he had a valid point. Two more days and you’d be way past your due date. The last thing you wanted was to be induced and on top of that, you were a little tired of the baby constantly jumping on your bladder at weird hours of the night and during the day. 
“Ok, ok, you win,” you laughed. 
You yelped a little again when you felt Ben’s hands sliding across your belly and up to the lower curves of your breasts, his fingers gently drawing little swirls and circles as the goosebumps rose on your skin. 
You still couldn’t get over the look of pure love on Ben’s face as he gently brushed his fingertip over your new son’s soft little cheek. Everything about it just radiated pure love as Ben gazed at the tiny little form laying in the hospital bassinette next to your bed. 
“I still can’t believe we made him,” Ben whispered. 
You hummed as you took in the sight before you. Sean Matthew Mears had only been in this world an hour and already he was the star of the whole coven. Ben carefully picked Sean up and rested him in the curve of his elbows, the baby’s tiny little form resting perfectly, save for a few little coos and whimpers. 
“You believe he’s this tiny (y/n)?” Ben asked you. 
“Well,” you began. “You wouldn’t think it by how big my belly got and the fact that he felt like a nine-hundred pound cinderblock ramming my bladder.” 
Ben laughed as Sean opened his little mouth and yawned. “I still can’t believe he’s here,” he murmured. 
“Hey those cold hands of yours really did the trick,” you chuckled. “Although that last one almost had me bolting up through the roof.” 
Ben laughed again as he scooted next to you in your bed, one arm around your shoulder and the other protectively holding Sean. For the first time in a long time, you had felt completely and totally at peace. 
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