#you don’t understand how much I love Ven
whosthere54 · 1 month
Song stream notes time
Aesthetic of C!sherb is up until 2 birds
Just kind of vibes for C!sherb (up until maybe brass goggles)
Songs with themes of loneliness potions bleeding - almost magic but more interdimensional stuffs (the beloved)
Brothers starts at 2 birds :)
(family jewels isla coded wait hold on just a minute there)
(When the day met the night Rae and Caspian as well as the fable isla marriage to —> Isla/Enderian to —> alone.)
S1 starts at Fine
Corruption I think starts mainly at Laplace’s Angel
WhisperDuo is secret and Hawk in the night
When the world caves in as the finale
Start of s2 as new life
Next section starts at Brutus and it’s the prison
Ends prison arc in Rock in gods shoe
S2 —>3 break starts as is there anybody here (Icarus in the worldport)
S3 starts with Maybe man
Chasing you - The emptiness of not knowing what to do after Haley’s been brought back, it having been their main goal before (very Ic + Haley coded song)
The garden - getting sick of quixis changes. I cannot get the changes to stop, I don’t know what to do, nothing is helping. (whenever talking about crows is talking about chat)
New eyes - Stream where sherb goes to Ulysses and finding out there eyes not their own and then the raft :)
(Two samples I think it’s called?)
Birds - “I just want to sit here and feed my birds” energy
Look who’s inside again - father isolation
Let me make you proud - self explanatory Icarus wanting to make him proud and earn their fathers love
The fruits - Part of them isn’t them so they can’t be what their father wants them to be
Down the river - Athena and Icarus making potions and they argue about corruption a lil but I care “the dust never settles when you’re around” WHACK
Hero - them spiraling about Centross’s death before fable starts talking I’ll sob
When Centross saves them. Me when. I’ll cry about it.
Can’t catch me now - oh it’s me hallucinating wait he’s actually there rarararara they aren’t coping well but violets watching them
Paid in exposure - Coworkers
Natural - also coworkers
Burning pile - CMV
Try to change - Icarus spiraling by themself - I can only do what I’m told I can only repeat history
Lima bean man - killing momboo :d
Shots - why do I kill everything I love?
Prodigal ^^ spiraling and I’m really his son
Solitary confinement - I LOVE THIS SONG FIRST OF ALL
No longer you - (EPIC THE BELOVED) Up to interpretation????
Monster - Penelope Centross - Telemachus (idk spelling) momboo
No children - singing about fable - Rae coming with Vanda
Mr author - Icarus to quixis other half Sherbert to rina
The bad guy + in my blood - OH MY GOD I WAS SO WRONG (the lyrics in in my blood I yell I rarara)
Daniel in the den - Fable is dead we did it we can move on!
Ruin - female voice is Icarus male voice is Midas (ME WHEN THIS SONG AND THE AMAZING DEVIL) getting ready to jump and die (mainly talking to quixis or the things)
“Nothing quite prepares you for when they don’t come back-“ AGH I LOVE THAT SONG ITS SO THEM AND I CARE SO MUCH ABOUT ICARUS AND MIDAS
Icarus and Apollo - ME WHEN ICARUS AND MIDAS
Show yourself - ASCENTION and Midas welcoming them
Who you are - Midas welcoming Icarus
Still feel - If fable had a bow this is the song when bowing I love it
epilogue things then Icarus
Then the next section is specifically Icarixus times
Today today being years of time passing in the worldport I yell
Last section (after today today) is group songs :)
The cave below hero
Ahhhh I love that playlist sm I had THOGUGHTS I was yelling in chat
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simplydannie · 3 months
I know I've already brought something similar up, but I can just imagine a beaten and bruised Troll!Veneer (who's vulnerable from Floyd abandoning him, getting beaten within an inch of his life, and being separated from Velvet, and emotionally overwhelmed from seeing Floyd again) calling Floyd "dad". And to top it all off, I imagine Troll!Veneer would still be wearing the bracelet Floyd made for him.
After all is said and done and Troll!Velvet is rescued, I'm imagining the group in Rhonda on the way back to Pop Village at night, Troll!Veneer lying on the couch patched up and covered with a blanket, Floyd in the kitchen with Bruce making soup for dinner while talking about himself and the twins, and Floyd standing up for the twins and having a spat with JD about them.
Happy ending! That would be entire separate story in itself of Veneer calling Floyd dad, I can try doing the last bit lol
Velvet took her place by her brother’s side as he lay down. She secured the blankets around him as if still trying to shield him. Looking at him and his wounds, she couldn’t help be feel a sense of guilt… this was her doing. Veneer had tried stopping her, but she was persistent and too darn stubborn. Instead of having her go alone, he did everything by her side.
“I don’t get it.” JD broke the silence between him and Floyd as he made something to eat for the twins.
“What?” Floyd asked with a concussion on his face.
“They betrayed you. Why do you still care? We should turn them in. The other Trolls will take care of them for you.”
“John, I’m not doing that.” Floyd responded.
“What do you owe them Floyd? We came out here to save you because of them.”
Floyd pursed his lips. How could he make his brother understand what those kids meant to him.
“… Parenting is hard. You think you know everything a kid is going through, but you have no idea. I wasn’t careful, I wasn’t paying attention to how Velvet was really feeling…I pushed both of them away…” Floyd stated.
Parenting? So Floyd really did see these two brats as his own kids.
“Where are there parents?” John asked.
“There was an accident….Really great couple….They loved their kids very much. It really change the twins when they died… I tried my best, but I don’t think I tried hard enough.”
John Dory stole another glance toward the twins direction. He noticed their wrists.
“Are those…. The bracelets?” He asked. Floyd was confused. He turned to look at the small piece of jewelry they each wore… he never noticed… all this time, they kept the bracelets he made for them. His heart melted as he smiled to the twins. John Dory sighed as he looked between Floyd and the twins.
“…. I think I get it now.” He admitted. Floyd looked to him curiously. “Hey, we’re not so perfect a family either.” He shrugged.
“Thanks John.” Floyd grabbed soup bowels of soup and made his way towards the twin trolls. He offered a bowel to Velvet. She shook her head.
“You have to eat.”
“Ven, isn’t eating.”
“He’s resting. Which he needs a lot of. There will be some ready when he wakes up.”
Hesitantly, but surely, Velvet took the bowel from his hands and began eating. Floyd sat next to her… they were safe, they were ALL safe. They could finally try to be a family again.
“Where are we going…” she asked softly.
“Pop Troll village…. your new home.”
A quiver came to Velvets lips….home. Something they hadn’t had in a while. She set the bowel down and hugged Floyd tightly, still having one hand over her brother.
“….thanks dad.” She murmured.
Floyd smile…. No one would hurt them ever again.
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rosewritesfanfics · 2 years
I don’t know if your still accepting requests, feel free to ignore this if you aren’t, but can I ask for Riku, Terra, and Aqua with a reader who’s a talented mage?
Sure thing! And this is actually the first request I've gotten haha. Thank you for sending it in!
He's not only impressed by your ability with magic, but incredibly thankful for it. You're more talented at healing spells than he'll ever be, so your constantly having to patch him up after a fight.
He's definitely gonna want some tips, so magic lessons can be a fun bonding activity for you both! Just be ready with a water spell for when something inevitably catches fire.
If you've been wrapped up in research for a while or trying to innovate new ways to use magic, he's gonna make you take care of yourself. Riku will make you take breaks, eat, drink, and sleep. He's impressed with your capabilities, but that's no excuse not to take care of yourself!
Riku is a bit of a hypocrite however, and you've caught him practicing his own magic late at night instead of sleeping. In his defense, he really wants to impress you! Please make sure he goes to bed though.
Surprisingly he's the most chill about you experimenting with darkness. He's definitely anxious don't get me wrong, but his journey taught him not to cower because darkness. He's kind of glad your taking it head on instead of waiting for it to consume you. Just be careful, ok?
You two are quite the power couple, as Aqua is very talented with magic herself. Heartless stand no chance against you, so you often finish missions early if you're paired together.
She will definitely ask for tips when it comes to fire magic, though she is a little bit embarrassed. Despite being the "easiest spell" she could never get the hang of it. Reassuring her that she's doing great is a wonderful confidence boost.
She will be so excited if you have a move that's flashy like spell weaver. You two can combine attacks and be super op lol
Aqua also loves if you can make intricate patterns with your magic. Sometimes at night you'll both shoot designs into the sky, it's like your own mini firework show!
Loves to spar with you too, and constantly tells you that she's proud of each new achievement. She's impressed you can keep up with her so easily!
She is extremely wary of you doing anything with the darkness. You might give the poor girl a heart attack. Aqua trusts you though, she might just ask to be present incase something goes wrong.
Terra's fighting style relies more on brute strength, so in a way you help to complete him. Expect to patch him up after fights much like with Riku.
He's so impressed with you and is not shy about it. Like if he could announce how cool he thinks you are to the entire universe he would.
Ven joins in on your training sessions together sometimes, and Terra would love it if you'd help teach him magic. Terra is very protective of Ven, so he's glad to see the two of you getting along. The way to Terra's heart is through being good with his little brother.
He actually tried to help with your research! He'll run field tests, help you organize your spell books, anything you want him to help with! He may not understand it all but he wants to support you in anyway he can.
Please do not try anything involving darkness around him, although I think that goes without saying. If he ever finds out you're experimenting with it he'd be terrafied. (Sorry)
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chiquititaosita · 2 years
Hi there I loved your headcanons for Sanji with a Latina s/o, and was wondering if you could possibly do some headcanons of Zoro with a Latina brujita s/o, please? Thank you for your time! As a fellow latino, seeing your writing makes me so happy we have wonderful representation from creators like you.
OMG OMFG OMFG YESS I LOVE THESEEEE!! THIS IS WHAT IM HERE FOR! you don’t understand how much this made my night! I got you! :)
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I might make this a series though since I’m a bruja y curandera myself :) when I make a link I’ll make more for the rest of the trio :>
Zoro with a Bruja for an s/o
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• Let’s be honest zoro does not even believe in brujería 💀
• Well not at first
• “PFTAHAJHAAJA! Let me guess you’re gonna do hocus pocus type shit!? KYAHAHAHA!!”
•. Yes he can be superstitious no joke but he’s more of a see it to believe it kinda guy.
• You help with chopper and sanji for natural remedies if they can’t seem to put things together.
• Like one time nami was angry because she couldn’t even get to seduce a guy for money get that bag sis 💸
• you did a ven a mi dinero trabajo (trabajo another word for spell or working) let’s just say. She got that bag within 15-20 minutes :>
• but there was this one time he pissed you off and you were done. Literally he made fun of one your ancestors ofrendas. (Trust me id be pissed too, especially if they’re sensitive) I mean SO DONE! you had to ask chopper to get some of zoros hair.
• “What are they gonna do?! If you’re real spirit! Show me a sign!” he said jokingly as he was drinkng your ancestors alcohol..
• he literally saw a book yEET across the room.
• than he saw a shadow figure walk close to him. Lights flickered, and then sanji started screaming “MY BISCUITS!!”
• “okay okay!! I’m sorry.” he mumbled.
• when you gave him a tarot reading that’s how you knew he had feelings for you.
• he didn’t even know until sanji, nami and robin had to explain it to him
• “oh… is there something you’ve been wanting to tell me…??”
• “yeah this.” he just straight up kissed you
• since than he always went to you for your advice. Since you give him readings all the time
•one time Zoro accidentally drank Florida water (it’s a cologne thats very powerful in brujería)
• if you’re a Santa Muerte Devotee now he’ll give her a glass of alcohol just for you to be safe.
• he always watches you from behind when you do a cleanse or a ritual for the crew. You’re just his sweet wittle bwuja 🥹💗
•he does buy you a pendant of your santo and takes it to the medicine man to get it blessed personally. because he knows you’d appreciate it if he took the time to do something for you
•as you do so much for him.
• “I found you a rock I thought you could use it.”
•” oi, gremlin. can you do that thingy with the smoke and that plant? I hate to say this but my vibes are off.”
• “can you ask your cards if im gonna beat that curlys ass soon?!”
•”what does my dream mean of seeing you naked?”
• “I keep seeing numbers like 111 or 222, and repeating numbers WHAT?! DO THEY MEAN!”
• “I can take the jar back.”
•” NO… I like it…”
•San judas takes his onigiri because you pray for him a lot to be safe AND TO NOT GET LOST 😭
• when you visit every medicine man in every island you go to. He goes with you and you always ask them to check if everyone will be safe. You’re making sure everyone’s safe that’s adorable :)
• yes he’ll do spicy magic with you
• overall he finds you to be very powerful, and hot at the same time. His love for you will only grow stronger
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starlightwayfinder · 4 months
29, 49, and 50 for the Aro-spec Ask Game
Were you ever confused about “love” or romance as a kid? Are you still confused about it?
I didn’t question it too much as a kid—I just assumed I’d have a boyfriend/get married eventually. When I never got any crushes I started to wonder about things more. 
As far as attraction goes, I understand aesthetic and platonic attraction. But romantic and sexual attraction are a little more confusing? I do tend to think my asexuality sparked my aromanticism, so for me those go hand in hand. 
How do you feel about romantic subplots in movies?
For subplots and main plots: 
I usually don’t like them, but in kids’ movies it can be better(?) Just depends on the type of romance. One time someone asked me who my favorite movie couple was, and I honestly couldn’t think of any I liked. A lot of my favorite movies are fairytales with romance, but that doesn’t bother me because I feel like it’s more symbolic anyway. (More about the “happily ever after” than portraying an actual romantic relationship.—Think Cinderella.) 
Any arospec headcanons? 
Any character I can get my hands on 😆. Okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration… Ven’s a great one since (knock on wood) he doesn’t have any apparent romantic interests in canon. He seems pretty chill with living with his best friends and Chirithy instead. If they use him to “pair the spares” (Strelitzia, Naminé, Xion, whoever…) I’ll actually cry.  Also if they elevate Terra and Aqua’s relationship but make him a third wheel I’ll actually cry. 
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eirinstiva · 2 months
“Death, where is thy jolly old sting?”
My dear friend Bertie Wooster in engaged to Honoria Glossop! Congrats? Well, poor Bertie is not so happy with this arrangement. Honoria is dedicated to mould him but Bertie doesn't enjoy culture in the same way. Probably he feels like he's at school again.
“Bertie,” she said, suddenly, as if she had just remembered it, “what is the name of that man of yours⁠—your valet?” “Eh? Oh, Jeeves.” “I think he’s a bad influence for you,” said Honoria. “When we are married, you must get rid of Jeeves.”
Jeeves is essential in Bertie's life! How dare she to separate them? ¡Ven pa' acá, Honoria! [swears in Chilean]
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“Bertie,” she said, “dear Honoria does not know it, but a little difficulty has arisen about your marriage.” “By Jove! not really?” I said, hope starting to dawn. “Oh, it’s nothing at all, of course. It is only a little exasperating. The fact is, Sir Roderick is being rather troublesome.”
There's a light in Wooster future, I guess. If Sir Roderick doesn't like him there's a chance to break the engagement, but there will be new problems with Aunt Agatha. Hard choice, dear Bertie. It's a good idea to see what Sir Robert dislikes:
Don’t giggle nervously: try to keep that horrible glassy expression out of your eyes: don’t yawn or fidget; and remember that Sir Roderick is the president of the West London branch of the anti-gambling league, so please do not talk about horse-racing. He will lunch with you at your flat tomorrow at one-thirty. Please remember that he drinks no wine, strongly disapproves of smoking, and can only eat the simplest food, owing to an impaired digestion. Do not offer him coffee, for he considers it the root of half the nerve-trouble in the world.”
Basically, he dislikes Bertie's life style
“I should think a dog biscuit and a glass of water would about meet the case, what?” “Bertie!” “Oh, all right. Merely persiflage.”
Just as in the Holmes family, "art is in the blood" (neurodivergency, I guess) and in Wooster familty, Uncle Henry’s eccentricity is the trait that Aunt Agatha fears a lot, but I don't understand why is she so afraid of Henry's love for rabbits... unless he liked another type of bunnies...
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Sir Roderick is very smart, but his vibes doesn't match Bertie and my old chap is masking a much as he can. The fact that he doesn't like cats and apparently there's a cat hidden in Wooster apartament makes this harder.
Will Jeeves and Wooster be separated? Honoria has Aunt Agatha on her side, Jeeves has the power of friendship and luck on his side. Good luck, Bertie!
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SHARE HOUSE LIFE - Translation
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You might want to check out first ⇒ INVITATION TO "HE★VENS LOVE AFFAIR"
Translator's notes can be found at the end and are marked with an asterisk.
Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
Nagi: Isn’t it a nice living room? It’ll be perfect for our sweet day to day life here!
Van: Indeed, it’s the kind of place where you can relax and have a good conversation.
Van: Hey, Angel, I want to have a quick chat with you so I can learn all about your preferences.
Kira: I want to hear about that too. I also want to know about the things you’re not good at. That way, we can deal with it honestly. 
Eiji: The thing I want to learn about you is your favorite flower. If the living room is decorated with the flowers you like, it’ll surely make you feel at home!
Eiichi: Then, why don’t we talk about our future together after this? Alone, of course.
Eiji: Er… I should probably try my hardest too.
Eiji: Well then, Angel, why don’t we continue our conversation in the garden? It’s incredibly beautiful and there are lots of flowers at their best time to see, you could go there many times and not get tired of it. Let’s go there together!
Nagi: If it’s to be alone together, the obvious place is the rooftop, isn’t it? It’s got a great view and you can even see a nearby lake! Nagi will show you all kinds of places. Let’s look for many date spots!
Kira: What about a break first? I’d like to offer you a moment to relax.
Kira: I’ve prepared some sweets. Everything was made by me, from the tea set and the dessert plates to the spoons and forks.
Yamato: Since you have brought up so much stuff related to pottery, I’ll do the same.
Yamato: I told you I’m a martial artist. The point is, I make a living through my strength. If you’re going to rest, isn’t it better to relax in your room? I’ll carry you there in my arms.
Yamato: Why are you so surprised? Even going up the stairs is a breeze for me.
Van: That’s not the point, they’re probably surprised and embarrassed by how forceful you were.
Van: We’re not all like that, Angel. I’ll match your pace perfectly, so don’t worry. You can say whatever comes to mind.
Shion: I am not as eloquent as the others. Rather than pronouncing myself, I am making an effort. However, our destination is an unknown place.
Shion: The reality is that I don’t have the slightest idea about what process I should follow.
Shion: Hence why I think it’s best you spend your time however you see fit. Amakusa also has decided to follow his own heart, and if we head to the same place as a result, then that is fate.
Eiichi: I see. Instead of thinking of an excuse to meet, you prefer to do nothing. That is another way of thinking about it. But don’t forget, Angel came here searching for true love.
Shion: Meaning…?
Yamato: The truth is, it would benefit us if Shion remained weak-willed like that. Because that would mean one less rival for us.
Yamato: But that wouldn’t be a real competition. That’s what Eiichi is trying to say.
Eiichi: Yes. It’s all for Angel’s sake, they need to have enough information to make their choice.
Eiichi: That is to say, each of us needs to do their best and clearly show our feelings for Angel through our words and actions.
Shion: Amakusa understands your point, but the way to show one's feelings would not be to just loudly proclaim one's love. Right now, to me, the best way is to quietly wait for our fates to intersect.
Eiji: But are you sure that Angel is okay with that? If it were me, I don’t think I’d be able to choose properly.
Kira: Shion’s policy is to not take the initiative, isn’t it?
Kira: Each of us has a different charm. I think it’s a good thing that we all have different personalities.
Kira: Do you share that opinion, Angel?
Kira: I’m glad to hear that.
Yamato: I guess the meeting’s over. Hey, Angel, let’s ditch these guys and go to your room together.
Nagi: No! Come with Nagi to the rooftop!
Eiji: Won’t you come with me to the garden?
Kira: It’s best to take a break here.
Shion: Do whatever you feel like doing.
Van: I'd like you to tell me your true feelings in secret, just the two of us.
Eiichi: I’ll escort you anywhere perfectly, if you entrust yourself to me.
(the listener mentions they feel lost)
Eiji: If you’re lost, it means there isn’t one definite candidate in your mind. It seems I'm not lagging behind everyone, I feel a little relieved.
Van: By the way, I’m the oldest here. How about going by seniority order starting with me?
Nagi: What?! We should do the opposite! Let’s start with Nagi!
Shion: The optimal way to do a comparative examination of each possibility…
Shion: Is to create, arrange, and compare materials that briefly describe the benefits of each proposal. This is the only thing that comes to mind.
Yamato: Yeah, no. I can’t do that. Let’s go with a different way of deciding.
Kira: How about a game of rock, paper, scissors?
Kira: When push comes to shove, I’ve never lost.
Eiichi: So we’re taking luck into consideration. Very well, I accept.
Van: Wait a second. It's not easy to decide by rock-paper-scissors either when there are seven of us.
Kira: Then let’s go with a game of Ghost Leg*, it’s also straightforward.
Translator's notes: Known in Japan as 'Amidakuji', in a ghost leg lottery, one of several vertical lines is assigned to each participant, and horizontal lines, the "legs", are randomly connected between each vertical line. Everyone traces the path until the bottom. In this case, it would decide the order of who gets to be alone with Angel first.
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sxugaryx · 8 months
Genius Eccentric (Fanfic)
A new chapter of my Lies of p Fanfic series (´ ω `♡)
Pinocchio found himself at Venigni’s mansion, from time to time, he would visit him, even if Pinocchio didn’t understand his eccentricities, it made him happy to be with Venigni, and it made Venigni very happy that Pinocchio would choose to spend time with him. Currently, he was talking about improvements in the modes of transportation around Krat.
“When you awoke, you found yourself in a train, right? Oh, how lovely it would be for you to see an actual train ride, don’t worry, your uncle Venigni can make that possible, I just need to make proper arrangements with Geppetto, see what we can do about that”
Venigni had started calling himself his uncle, with no deep private conversations to be had, one day, he just called himself Pinocchio’s uncle, and that’s that. Pinocchio was happy when it first happened of course, he still is, but the situation still felt a bit weird, he remembers when he first rescued Venigni from the factory, he was so confused about the things he talked about that weren’t related to aid Pinocchio on his quest. He remembers last year at the hotel, after another strange conversation with him, he worried he was just bad at talking with others, so he decided to ask his father for advice.
“Son Venigni is… weird, he is my friend, and I’ve known him for a long time, but he is strange, and that’s not a bad thing mind you, however sometimes he starts talking about his inventions or his interests and it’s hard to keep up with what he is saying, so I suggest you nod along to what he says when you don’t understand”
That wasn’t enough for him at the time, so he decided to ask Sophia about it as well.
“Mmm Venigni is a very… dedicated man, sometimes he might forget others aren’t that dedicated to the things he talks about, I suggest you just let him talk and for you to just listen”
That was the thing that convinced him that it was best to let Venigni say his peace and not fry his brain trying to keep up with everything he said. Pinocchio’s thoughts were interrupted when he heard Pulcinella’s voice.
“Excuse me, but, I believe the meeting with the hospital directors is about to start”
Looks like as time passed, Venigni had completely forgotten about it, but he never missed a meeting or an event, and he was never late either even if he had forgotten about it, Pulcinella was always there to make sure he got things done in time.
“Oh dear, how careless of me to forget, I’m so sorry Pinocchio our conversation is going to have to be cut short”
“It’s okay, I’ll leave and-“ but Pinocchio couldn’t finish that sentence.
“No no no friend, you cannot leave now, the day just started, you just got here! This meeting won’t take long” Venigni paused, he had an idea, “How about you come to the meeting? Wonderful, excellent, you’ll come to the meeting with me”
“Huh?” Pinocchio was confused, was he allowed to be there?
“It’s gonna be held right here, on the second floor, and you should see it! You could learn so much from it, why maybe you can learn a thing or two on how businesses work in action”
“Can I really be there? I mean, I don’t want to be a bother…” Pinocchio said, he still wasn’t fully sure it was a good idea.
“Nonsense! You won’t bother anyone at all, besides, if I say you are allowed to be there, then you are” Venigni kept insisting, so Pinocchio relented.
“Wonderful! Pulcinella my dear, my friend, my greatest buddy, please, should something come up, make sure to notify me”
Pulcinella nodded, in a way, their friendship was like the one Pinocchio had with Gemini, others wouldn’t understand that kind of bond.
“Now, you remember that hospital I built? This meeting is just about simple logistics, nothing serious, we will be done in no time”
Venigni had led Pinocchio to a room on the second floor, a large round table was in the center, with many chairs surrounding it, Venigni’s position at the end of it all, his chair wasn’t like the others, it was custom made, it looked like one of the fancy chairs you would find at one of the floors on Hotel Krat.
As the hospital representatives arrived, Venigni greeted them one by one, with a firm handshake and simple pleasantries, the board consisted of the hospital chief, the head doctors, and the lead nurse, in total, twelve of them.
They all took their respective places, there were still chairs to spare, after all the room had held bigger meetings, Pinocchio was standing next to Venigni, he signaled at him to sit down, Pinocchio grabbed the chair closest to him, he pulled it even closer to Venigni side, he was nervous and it was obvious.
“And who is this young man?” The chief director asked. His voice was slow and a bit raspy, he was in his 80s after all, yet despite his age, he managed to capably hold his position at the hospital.
“This is Geppetto’s son, he is accompanying me for the day, do not worry, he is just here to observe” Venigni had confidence in his words, he didn’t think twice about what he would say, the words would come out on their own, yet the never sounded mean or out of place, Venigni certainly had a way with words no one else could match.
“I thought Geppetto’s son had passed away” The tone of the director was confused, one of the doctors was the one who decided to intervene.
“That’s his other son, it’s a pleasure, I’ve never met you before” The people of Krat might have known about Pinocchio’s existence, but no one really recognized him when he was outside, first, because Krat is a big place, second, the public had never even seen a picture of him, he was only, unfortunately known as “Geppetto’s puppet son that looks like Carlo and helped with the frenzy”
“Oh right the puppet one,” the director said under his breath.
“I’m more than just a puppet you know!” That’s what Pinocchio wanted to say, but he didn’t want to interrupt the meeting and be rude. “It’s, nice to meet you too” is what he said instead.
“Great! Now let’s move on from the pleasantries and move on to the discussion” Venigni was excited to finally begin.
Pinocchio sat down and listened, and he was actually very intrigued, he thought that a meeting like that would just be extremely boring, and perhaps in most circumstances, it would be, but Venigni always made everything he talked about so interesting.
They switched around from topic to topic, nothing escaping the mind of Venigni.
“Do we have enough beds?”
“How is the pediatric ward doing?”
“What is our situation regarding the syringes? What of our sterilization equipment?”
Venigni even knew the influx number of patients that had come in and out of the hospital that month. It was fascinating hearing him speak, and for the first time, when he talked so passionately about something, Pinocchio fully understood what he was meant to say, maybe it was because he had to be more simple with his words, this was business after all, but Pinocchio was having a good time, hearing him talk about all that.
Besides, he didn’t know anything about how hospitals worked, only that they helped sick people, it was exciting to hear the ins and outs of the process of running one, Pinocchio had even started to quick his legs a bit in his chair, he couldn’t hide his excitement.
Once the meeting was over, the hospital staff left one by one, until Pinocchio and Venigni were now alone in the room.
“What do you think my friend? I could tell you loved hearing me speak today”
Pinocchio nodded, “It was so fun to hear you talk like that!”
“Then you should join me in more meetings like this! You always have a place in here, and it is always good for you to learn some business sense, I guarantee that what you will see, is something no textbook could ever properly explain”
Pinocchio liked that idea, he had really enjoyed the talk, and he learned so much, not just about hospitals but about, what did he call it again?, right logistics, and Venigni was the head of so many businesses, there was so much he could learn from attending his meeting, “If it’s not too much to ask, then, I’d love too”.
“It’s settled then, from time to time, you’ll attend some of my meetings, I’ll arrange it with Pulcinella,” Venigni said in his usual enthusiastic tone.
“Uncle Venigni, how do you do it? How can you know so much stuff like that?”
Venigni opened his mouth, but he was interrupted by the opening of the door. It was the doctor who had spoken up before, “I’m sorry to interrupt, I left my notebook on the desk, I’ll be out soon” The doctor got close to the table and picked up what was left behind. Before they could leave, Venigni signaled them to come, if just to say hi.
“Pinocchio this is Doctor Lily, head of the psychiatric unit at the hospital, the two of you already said hi, but I believe it best for you to properly introduce each other”
Doctor Lily shakes Pinocchio’s hand, “Once more, it’s a pleasure, and please, don’t take what the chief director said too personally, he is old and can get forgetful”
Venigni turned around to face Pinnochio again.
“Pinocchio dear, to be truthful I don’t know, but it’s a feeling you know? When I learn about something, I can’t just leave it there, I have to memorize it, and I have to find what I can of it, it’s thrilling, to know about so much, to be passionate about my interests, you share my passion for learning as well right?” Venigni now was holding Pinocchio’s shoulders, “Why sometimes, when I find something new, I can’t stop thinking about it, it becomes my life! I think of it twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, it’s so intense, yet so unbearable at times! To have nothing but that topic in your mind like that, can even make me unfocused on my daily tasks, but eventually, it’s no bother, it suddenly fades away, and I can properly go back to do what I do best”
Venigni was now almost shaking Pinocchio with enthusiasm, Pinocchio pulled him in for a brief hug, oh how that boy loved to hug others. After their quick embrace, Venigni turned to look at Doctor Lily.
“Well, doctor what do you think? You certainly know about the mind more than me, what would you say about the deep passionate knowledge my mind holds?”
“Mmm” Doctor Lily thought out loud, pulling one of her hands to her chin, “That’s very interesting Mr. Venigni, have you ever been evaluated for autism?”
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winter-spark · 9 months
CitoIta and Kingdom Hearts Headcanons
Because I like Kingdom Hearts and I like them and they are gamers
(I say CitoIta but honestly, it’s just because it’s about Citron & Itaru, the ship is kinda vague here lol. Like it’s probably optional to read it that way at this point)
(There’s an attempted bonus section about Banri at the end, that’s why I tagged him.)
{Opening in new tab is strongly advised. I used bullet points with sub bullet points. UPDATE: I personally struggled with opening this in a new tab on the blog where all the subpoints are properly formatted, so I pinned it so you can go right to my blog and find it easily if you want. Also I moved the Intro below the Keep Reading link for space.}
Keep Reading (I manually put this one so it would hopefully always open in a new properly formatted tab)
In this post, scientifically backed by my memory, understanding of the characters and other things (eg: feelings, unlisted headcanons, & my understanding of types of people in fanbases/the kh fandom, minus shippers, I’m not touching that... here, I might consider it in the future, probably not but maybe), I will go over basics like how many games they’ve played and their fave games, trios, characters by groups, and moments. Also, there are conversations and little tidbits about how it fits into their world. I tried to pick a favorite battle but note that they probably have more than one those are just notable ones that I thought were worth mentioning. There will be KH spoilers if you’re someone unfamiliar/not caught up with it. 
Has not played every game but has looked into the story and watched playthroughs of some of the other games.
Hasn’t played the games he has played in order, 
Might not have caught up on the story in order but if so that’d be more because he was looking for specific characters and info
Has definitely played BBS, Days, CoM, UX, & Dark Road. 
Might’ve played (one, two or all three of the following, idk) DDD, Re:Coded, KH
Has definitely not played KH2,
Likes to find/delve into theories
Read the Sleeping Realm Theory 
to Itaru, because he thought it sorta sounded interesting but told Citron he wasn’t reading all that.
I don’t know any other names of long theories besides SRT but you can bet your bottom dollar that Citron has read(or listened to) them for sure
Wants very much to try Sea Salt ice cream
Considering figuring out how to make Wayfinders
UX Union:
and has never switched unions
Game: Birth By Sleep
Trio: Keyblade Knights
Lost Trio is a close second
Character from each group:
Destiny: Sora
Sea Salt: Axel
Keyblade Knights: Aqua
Twilight Town: Hayner
Lost Trio: Namine
but Vanitas is a close second
Organization 13(minus Sea Salt): Xemnas, Zexion/Ienzo or Demyx(probably depends on the day)
Foretellers: Luxu
Xkids: Brain
& He gets bonus points for dressing up his Chirithy
DR Underclassmen: Vor
DR Upperclassmen: Vidar
Xehanort: Xemnas (?)
I know I listed Xemnas as one of his faves in Organization 13 but genuinely I feel it’s a v love hate relationship, where the love is that he can and definitely would(is like two seconds away from it) do an analysis on Xemnas’s actions/behaviors/character
Boss Battle(that he definitely 100% played): 
BBS Aqua ft. Terra vs Terranort
Birth by Sleep 0.2 A Fragmentary Passage
Involving Fave Trio:
All three:
Terra gaining control and saving Aqua and Ven
Doing her job but still standing up for Stitch
Giving up everything to try and save Terra
BBS 0.2
Knowingly chasing after illusions of her friends because she misses them so much.
Gaining hope from meeting Cinderella
Standing against Eraqus to protect Ven
Running away with Stitch, lowkey being a space criminal
Putting his armor on Sora to protect him from the darkness 
Involving someone other than Fave Trio:
Kairi protecting Sora/saving him from being a Heartless
that Sora just subconsciously gave some of his memories to Xion because she didn’t have any
Neku telling Joshua Shibuya is his home too
Sora going off to thank the Dreameaters
Commonly Quoted(? idk what else to call these, i specifically mean the ones you find in compilations and stuff) Lines from the English Translation: “[’Me? I’m already half Xehanort'] ‘That’s nuts...’”
Bracketed the first part bcuz I think he uses the second part as a reaction sometimes, same infliction and everything
It’s at the point that Tsuzuru’s familiar with it, against his wishes(If Citron says the first part Tsuzuru might accidentally properly respond, that’s how deep in he is, he’s not even sure who Xehanort is(but he does think that’s nuts))
Final things of note: 
Is excited for Atlantis in KH2
Enjoys the attractions in KH3:
Loves that Dark Aqua could be beat w/ a pirate ship 
Loves that there was a roller coaster in the Keyblade Graveyard
Favorite Summons:
KH: Tinkerbell & Bambi
KH2: Stitch
KH3: Ariel & Meowwow
Often forgets he has items but has gotten really good at blocking and healing because of it
Very good with magic
Has played just about every game in release date order, 
with just about 100% completion on all of them
Is (lowkey, but acts highkey) appalled Citron hasn’t played the games in order, currently planning time for them to play through all the games together
Has read the manga and maybe some of the light novels
Does look at theories sometimes, might even have a few of his own, definitely has his own headcanons
Secretly wishes he could share a Paopu Fruit w/ someone
UX Union:
There’s a possibility he might’ve tried the other unions at some point but Vulpeus is his main and current union
Game: KH2
Trio: Sea Salt
Character from each group:
Destiny: Currently Riku, 
Wants it to be Kairi, but it’s just not, is always excited and ready for Kairi news tho
Was Sora for awhile
Sea Salt: Roxas, 
It really is, but he would absolutely main Xion if given the chance
Keyblade Knights: Aqua
Twilight Town: Roxas  Olette 
though he somewhat feels guilty to Pence as feels like he spent more time with Pence but that Olette is just a tad bit cooler
Lost Trio: Rep,
but Namine’s a close second 
Organization 13(minus Sea Salt): Currently Saïx/Isa, but it’s kind of a love hate relationship
There’s also a lean towards Larxene
Foretellers: Ava
Xkids: Skuld
DR underclassmen: Baldr
DR Upperclassmen: Hoder
Yes he cried over their story, no he won’t openly admit it
Chikage did witness it tho
Xehanort: Ansem SoD
Boss Battle (that he definitely 100% played): 
Days Roxas v Xion
not because KH2 is his favorite game but rather it adds to why KH2 is his favorite game
Involving Fave Trio:
All Three:
Their whole battle/reunion
to clarify the Lea Isa scene is a part of that
The scene around the Riku vs Roxas battle
Roxas v Sora scene
(I debated between this and the DDD scene. Also I feel like his list of favorite Roxas moment is longer than this but)
The seashell in the opening... for Xion
Xion getting her own answers and spending time with Namine and Riku
Xion leaving all those seashells for Roxas
Letting Namine go
Sacrificing himself to save Sora
Involving someone other than Fave Trio: 
Sora and Riku in RoD
(Data-)Riku reaching for the moon
Ephemer and Skuld saving Player|Star(light)/bringing them to the new version of the world
KH3 Re: Mind
Playing as Kairi in that boss battle
The fact that Kairi throws her keyblade because she trained with Axel
Commonly Quoted(?) Lines from the English Translation: “Roxas, that’s a stick.”
Final things of note:
Has found all 101 Dalmatians
Has read fanfiction longer than the Sleeping Realm Theory
(which is actually really easy to do, I looked it up and the docs word count is 31,265)
Has his Data-bosses battles on his channel
Proud it only took a couple of tries to beat Yozora (he recorded each try to put his win on his channel)
Uses items all the time, knows when the best time to effectively use items for maximum item usage
“Actual" conversations:
Fave Games:
Itaru: *rambling about some KH2-related topic &/or how he can’t believe Citron hasn’t played 2*
Citron: ooo! Itaru, are you one of those guys who feels Kingdom Hearts peaked at 2?
Itaru: Kingdom Hearts 2 is just an objectively good game, the other games are good too though. KH2 is just, objectively speaking, great. Is it my favorite? Yes, but it’s completely warranted as...
Citron: *smiling as Itaru starts rambling knowing that he’s point two seconds away from going into a 2hr spiel about how KH2 is great*
Itaru: *clears throat catching himself early* A-Anyway, which one’s your favorite?
Citron: Birth by Sleep! I love the ice cream rhythm game :3
Itaru: *understanding that there’s definitely a lot deeper of a reason to that being Citron’s fave* Oh, that’s a good pick. Actually sorta seems on brand for you. Ice Cream Beat is pretty fun.
[Then they boot up Itaru’s copy of BBS and play Ice Cream Beat]
Play Order:
Itaru: So it’s a little late for you to get the full proper experience but we’re gonna play the games in order because it’s really the best way to experience the games.
Citron: Ok, speaking of order and since we’ll get to Birth By Sleep eventually, we both agree that the best way to play the first time is Aqua Terra Ven, yes?
Itaru [has played each route and in varying order, does not quite remember which order he played the game in the first time but is pretty sure it was Terra Ven Aqua]: ...Ven makes a lot of sense to play last...
Citron: Then I am glad we are in agreement. ^^
Itaru: Most people play Aqua last tho--
Citron: Sure chronologically she left Land of Departure last, but story telling-wise *starts talking about why Aqua, Terra, Ven is the best order*
Twewy: (I could do a whole other post on headcanons regarding them playing twewy, it’d maybe be shorter, tho maybe I won’t bcuz I feel like they know more than me lol(I say like Itaru doesn’t know more about KH than me *cries*). If I refer to twewy’s og name wrong here I’m sorry)
Citron: It’s cool that the twewy characters were in DDD. :)
Itaru: Yea. Oh you played subaseka before you met the cast in 3D right?
Citron: :)
Itaru: Right?
[Citron refuses to answer because he thinks leaving Itaru hanging is funnier than a yes or no ever could be]
Ansem SoD as Itaru’s Fave Xehanort:
Citron *three seconds after finding out*: So, is he your favorite because nostalgia as he was the first one you battled or because you think he’s hot?
Itaru: *chokes on being immediately found out because it’s both*
Bonus: Banri & KH Headcanons for no reason other than he also plays games
(With some obligatory Citron and Itaru mentions below because this is their post lol Banri’s not a part of CitoIta. Just to clarify)
Probably has not played all the games
Stares at Itaru whenever he starts talking about secret bosses or hard-to-find treasure chests/secret reports typically until he stops, lists a specific Banri is familiar with or Banri finds a way to shift the conversation. It’s not that he hasn’t come across them he just
doesn’t know which bosses are secret and which aren’t
doesn’t go out of his way to look for treasure chests
Partakes in the memes
Can quote more games than he played honestly, loves those “out of context”/”lines I quote” videos
Has memes saved to his phone
Azami and Taichi borrowed his phone once for picture reasons and Azami was appalled by the Aqua Cinderella meme & the Terra memes (ifykyk)
Probably had Xion’s scream from Days as Sakyo’s someone’s ringtone as a joke (can people set ringtones and ringback tones anymore?) but then he recieved a call from that person in public and was lowkey highkey embarassed so he unset it
He and Citron:
have done a Goofy rendition of Bring Me to Life one time
though Banri sorta begrudgingly participated
At least one Mankai member who was there said he’s not going Karaoke w/ them anymore
are quick to point out or send pictures of “Lucky Emblems” when they see them, it’s almost a contest at this point
Sakyo has asked them to stop sending “lOOk!! a LuCKy emBlem!” in the main chat with a picture of three connected circles, Itaru eggs them on tho
Itaru participates too but he doesn’t have the same luck in seeing them, he is the reason they started tho as in person he pointed one out so later Citron sent a picture of one to show him, so Banri just had to too but he sent two as he already had the pictures and was gonna show them later, so Citron had to find two more to be in the lead and after he found just one more, Banri caught on that they were competing and they spiraled from there
I know logically they don’t appear that often irl but I also know in my heart that it’s happened enough that Taichi, then Kazu and Kumon participated. Now,  the rest of Mankai keeps an eye out for them
Between Tsumugi’s picture of flower bulbs leaning together captioned “Does this count as a lucky emblem?” Izumi asking how many points she gets for a random spot on the ground that sorta looks like a lucky emblem & Omi sending a picture of at lighting set up from work saying “ at this angle this sorta looks like a lucky emblem right?” Sakyo’s feeling a little betrayed because each of those were during times when people weren’t actively mentioning them in the chat.
Winter Troupe is the first troupe to all find at least one “Lucky Emblem”
Autumn troupe (jokingly) blame Sakyo for them not being first
UX Union:
Has probably been in a couple, Ursus or Vulpeus most recently
Game: Dream Drop Distance
but would rather tell you he “hasn’t thought about it, maybe 2″
Trio: Destiny, 
but might not correct you if you guessed Sea Salt,
Character from each group:
Destiny: Riku
He honestly sorta relates in ways. I’m not gonna get too into it but like yea he feels.
Sea Salt: Roxas
Keyblade Knights: Terra, 
but he makes jokes that rag on him a lot so unless you know Banri you would probably think he hates him or just likes to make fun of him. He really does like Terra as a character tho. Feels for him too. But as we know bullying is his love language
Twilight Town: Seifer Pence
Seifer’s a joke fave because of the undeniable proof [they] totally owned [those] lamers (if ykyk)
Lost Trio: Vanitas, 
but Rep’s a close second
Organization 13(minus Sea Salt): Larxene & Xigbar
Foretellers: Luxu (?)
Xkids: Player|Star(light)
DR Underclassmen: Xehanort, “but Bragi’s kinda cool, I guess.”
DR Upperclassmen: *hasn’t actually caught up yet, but he likes Helgi’s design*
Xehanort: Young Master Xehanort(YMX)
Itaru says it’s because they’re both brats
Boss Battle (that he definitely 100% played): 
KH2 Sora v Sephiroth or DDD Riku v YMX [I couldn’t decide which one to list]
Involving Fave Trio:
All Three:
Kairi “calling Riku tf out” ultimately leading to the reunion
Riku talking with Rep on the beach, Kairi and Sora sees him sitting there by himself
Sora giving his goofy smile before plunging a keyblade into his chest
Sora dropping down to protect Riku from Dark Aqua in the nick of time
That Riku just subconsciously became a dream eater
Riku taking a stand against the heartless despite just about all hope being lost
Kairi(and Namine) preparing to fight Saix and the berserker nobodies with their bare hands
KH3 Re:Mind
Kairi getting a surprise attack in on Xemnas
Involving someone other than Fave Trio: 
Yeetus Vanitas
Woody roasting YMX
YMX & Vanitas spouting “nonsense” at Sora
Lea showing up and Donald & Goofy dropping from the sky, ultimately coming to the rescue
Star ready to square up with the Foretellers
mainly in reference to the Star v Ira speech/scene/fight but the Aced one too
Commonly Quoted(?) Lines from the English Translation: “Mickey it’s Riku, they put bugs in him!” & “Thank you Sora’s heart”
Final things of note:
Always plays on proud mode from the get-go
Not really a completion-ist but does have just about every trophy earned on DDD
Didn’t know you could lose to Yozora in the battle against him
Probably actually more of a Final Fantasy fan than KH, or at least got into KH because the Final Fantasy appearances
Bonus Convos:
Itaru: Yea, I can’t figure out Luxord, for Demyx I’ve seen people guess his name as Myde.
Banri: lol I like the theory that his name is Demyx and he just wandered into the Organization 
Citron: That one is funny, but as far as likelyness goes I like to think his name is Demy and they just slapped an x at the end.
Banri: The laziest naming.
Citron: Exactly!
[and then Banri and Citron start talking about Demyx and it somehow leads them to talking about Goofy’s “death” in KH2 and now they’re talking about KH memes and jokes and Itaru just wanted to know if they had any thoughts on Luxord’s name.]
Vanitas vs Aqua:
Banri: *(possibly somewhat jokingly) insinuates Vanitas is as strong but probably stronger than Aqua*
Citron: *gasp* No!! He is not.
Banri: Really? Then how come he almost took Aqua out?
Citron[genuinely loves Vanitas]: He is a rat! He cannot beat Aqua in a fair fight!
Itaru: I believe he means brat.
Citron: No!! I mean rat, feral ferret child! Can only beat Aqua after biting her and giving her rabies! And even then, she still has at least a week to destroy him.
Itaru: lol that’s quite the metaphor.
Banri: I... *got lost* ???
Itaru: He’s saying Vanitas can only use dirty tricks to even get close to beating Aqua.
Banri: ???
Citron: If Vanitas could beat her he wouldn’t have to result to tricks like firing at Ven, which she was already off her A-game then mind you. But honestly, if Vanitas can’t even get close to beating Terra what hope does he have to actually beat Aqua. I can vouch that he can’t beat Terra. I beat the Terra v Xehanort and Vanitas battle by whacking Vanitas around. It was really easy. Vanitas has only beaten Ven in a fair fight. He’s not nearly as strong as Terra and Aqua. It’s demonstrated through their elements, really. Vanitas is fire...
Banri: *stressed, wasn’t expecting a whole lecture, looks to Itaru for help*
Itaru: *nodding along listening to what Citron has to say*
So yeah those are some of my headcanons involving KH and CitoIta (and Banri with minor Mankai mentions.) If anyone wants to do Taichi(who idk could play already, while I haven’t picked any out I know what type of moments would be his faves, I just can’t figure out yet if he prefers characters he relates to or characters he thinks are cool/want to be like) or Kumon (who I’d feel would want to start after seeing them enjoy it, bet Banri and Citron would have him play chronologically by timeline rather than release order “for science”) or any other characters, really, I’d gladly read it. I can see Taichi & Kumon playing KH but I don’t feel like I know them well enough to do this with them lol. I’m not even sure I know Banri well even to this with him but I attempted it lol. If there’s any questions about my decisions I might answer them, some are easier to put into words than others though. 
Anywho, I dunno how to end this post tbh. Ship CitoIta, Play Kingdom Hearts. idk. 
Thanks for reading all of my nonsense lol.
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mifhortunach · 1 year
wrt last post (aftersun) reviews collected
“Memory is a slippery thing; details are hazy, fickle. The more you strain, the less you see. A memory of a memory endlessly corrupting itself. I’ve caught myself recently claiming that feeling is more robust, but it’s tricky. Because in recalling a point in time and how that moment made you feel, it is framed by a new feeling—the feeling of what that moment means to you now. In Turkish, a language rich in vocabulary not easily rendered into English, ‘hasret’ means some combination of longing, love, and loss. It seems particularly appropriate in this context and to this film.”
“The first time I saw Aftersun, I was struck by how upset it made me, but not entirely in the way I’d been prepared for. [...] Wells’ film is so adept at portraying how childhood memories work, plucking out incidents that feel minor, or snatched bits of dialogue that are little more than offhand remarks, and letting them linger in the mind; I can’t count how many of the sharpest memories of my past are of seemingly minor incidents that lodged in my gray matter, for whatever reason.”
We tend to think of memories as crystallized moments of time, loosely strung together along the trellises of a drooping chandelier somewhere deep within our mind. And yet, personal experience tells us that our pasts are composed from an infinite swirl of different sources — real and invented — each of them crudely sewn together with the same desperation that our sleeping brains might arrange a billion random neurons into a semi-coherent dream.
Some of those sources are soft as ghosts, and likewise change shape in the shadows. Others are much harder, as still and tactile as a rug on the floor. Both can be evocative, but neither are enough to connect all the dots; not when you’re trying to re-trace someone you loved from the vague silhouette they left behind.
Wells’ ingenious construction allows “Aftersun” to unfold from a dual perspective that seems to filter it through the eyes of an adult and a child at the same time. We look for discrepancies, scanning the screen for answers to questions that we don’t even know to ask yet until even the film’s most banal images seem rife with secrets.
[E]ven after watching “Aftersun” four times, I’m still not sure if time will help Sophie come to a better understanding of who her dad was, or if their holiday was the last age when they could possibly have been as honest with each other as they were.
Wells’ film is able to follow its characters through the strobe light of lost time because Mescal and Corio make it so tempting for us to complete their performances for them — to fill in the gaps with the same urgency that we might want to close our own. Few movies have ever ended with a more tempting invitation to do something impossible, but “Aftersun” is so unforgettable because of the agonizing beauty it finds in the futile act of trying.
I often think of the wonderful scene in which Sophie tries to interview Calum on camera, only for her dad to clam up and make her shut it off. “Fine,” she says, “I’ll just record it in my little mind camera.” She doesn’t know it at the time, but it’s a lens she’ll be looking through for the rest of her life; it’s where we look for the people we love when there’s nowhere else to find them.
https://www.indiewire.com/2022/09/aftersun-review-1234758492/ ( :( )
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1., 41. for Regven? :D
1. What were their first impressions of one another?
ven thought he would be a really good source of entertainment. that’s it. like, reg is a fucking mess lol. he’s funny, handsome, loud, aggressive, mentally unstable—just. never boring. she literally never expected to like him, fall for him and open herself up to him like she never has with anyone else. (like. not even ursula knows about what happened between ven and erphee. ursula fucking hates reg and always will, but when she realizes that he seems to know about her past, she’s like “oh god she really does love him”)
i think reg is someone that falls in love at first sight, EXTREMELY rarely, like only octavia and ven in his entire life rarely, but idk. he just strikes me as that kinda guy. obviously he was over the moon when she freed him, but it was just more than that. “oh thank you calistria, i HAVE to make her mine.”
41. What green flags do they have for one another?
uhm honestly i don’t understand this question. like does it mean “what do they like about each other?” or “what does make them feel safe around each other?” i’m just going with the second one, less open.
regs overprotective ass is just good in general at making her feel safe. he is ready to take on anything and anyone who he views as a danger to her and/or their relationship. (he goes overboard a lot. but it’s fine, ven doesn’t mind the occasional murder and torture <3)
ven in comparison is honestly pretty shit lol. when reg has one of his many breakdowns about feeling like she doesn’t need/love him anymore and wanting to leave him, she often doesn’t really know what to do in the beginning. she’s not equipped to handle her own emotions most times, how is she supposed to handle his? i think she just lets him hold her as tight as he can and doesn’t even think about running away, which means a lot coming from her. later on, while it’s still extremely difficult for her, she reassures him that she doesn’t need him/keep him around because he’s good at fighting or something like that, she only needs him because he makes her life so much better, finally helped her accept that she’s an actual person, finally is able to see something else than a blurry puppet in the mirror staring back at her. she’s so glad to be his. his heart.
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remmammie · 2 years
Heyo~ Can I request a fic where Ventus has a girlfriend whose just as selfless and caring as he is that just sees he's been pushing himself lately and makes him take a self care day or spoils him by taking to him to all his favorite places?
Such a sweet request! I think we can all agree that Ventus (as well as a lot of other characters) deserve to relax and be looked after for a day. I had a sudden spike of inspiration to write this so here it is! I hope you enjoy!
Butterfly Kiss - Ventus x Fem!Reader Reverse Comfort
Tumblr media
“You’re…heading into the Realm of Darkness soon? To look for signs of Sora?” Your question lingered in the air for a moment before Ventus hesitantly nodded.
“Yeah. Me, Terra, and Aqua are all going together. I’m sorry for leaving you again so quickly, but-”
“Don’t worry about it.” You interrupted Ven’s apology with a saddened smile, watching as the blond’s eyes widened at the interjection. Laughing a little under your breath, you stepped forward towards the fretting boy, placed a delicate hand to his cheek, and let him melt into the warm, comforting feeling. 
It was impossible for you to understand just how much time you and Ventus had spent apart, what with the seemingly everlasting clash between light and darkness. It wasn’t a war you fully understood, and yet you had been by Ventus’ side throughout it all…except when you couldn’t have been. Even on the day you got him back, Ventus spoke of his and his friends’ plans to disappear once again to try and track down the trail of a dear friend who had become lost to darkness. But, being the ever-loving and patient person you were, you decided you could wait just a little bit longer. 
Of course, being away from the wars themselves on a secure world on which no darkness could reside, you had plenty of time to yourself for the more pleasurable things in life: a home-cooked meal; a relaxing bath; losing oneself in their favourite hobby; watching the sun rise and set with the knowledge that it won’t be your last…You were sure many of Ventus’ friends envied the way you had been living, though in no toxic manner - you knew fully well that Ventus’ friends were just as selfless and caring as you or the boy himself. So, all it left was a void of guilt in your heart that these people had never gotten to experience a day of relaxation, a day without wondering what danger lies ahead tomorrow.
Gazing upon Ventus’ face now, you could tell he was so very tired of it all. You recalled the day you met him and the day you both reunited; Ventus’ blue eyes had the same glow as a clear sky overhead, full of possibilities and wonder. Now, despite the innocent and energetic front he put up in front of his friends to appear mature, confident, and strong, those same eyes had lost their shimmer. As his girlfriend, you felt a sense of urgency implant itself into your heart, squeezing it tight with the same guilt as before.
“We still have some time before you leave, though, right?” you spoke softly, brandishing your happiest smile. Ven lifted his head from out of your hand. Curiosity swam through those downtrodden eyes.
“Y-yeah, we decided to take a few days to prepare potions and train our minds and stuff. I’m actually supposed to meet with Aqua to…” the blond trailed off. With the grace of an angel, you pressed one of your pointer fingers to his mouth, effectively shutting him up while you smirked.
“I’m sure Master Aqua will understand that training your mind includes rest and relaxation, Ven. Why don’t we take a day off to go visit some worlds, maybe grab something special to eat…my treat?” Visibly, Ventus perked up. A light, excited gasp escaped him and he clenched both hands invigoratingly at his chest.
“You mean it?!”
“Of course I do, Ven, you deserve it.”
It hadn’t taken very long for Ventus to snatch your hand into his, dashing off and dragging you along behind. He rambled incessantly between locations about what he wanted to do next with his “time-off.” First it was a colourful place called Disney Town to expel any pent up energy Ventus had. It was truly a magical place, always dressed for a festival with rainbow buntins lining the sky and energetic music dancing throughout the entire world. Ventus had stopped off to talk to triplet ducks about ice cream, then a large arena to play a strange game of volleyball involving gigantic fruits. Reluctantly, you had played along, laughing on the other side of the net. After seeing Ven laughing along with you, however, you were sure getting covered in fruit juice was worth it.
Another world Ventus had taken you to was the extraordinary Castle of Dreams. While Ventus had made some bizarre off-hand comment about “not being a rat this time,” you had both enjoyed a slow dance together despite the amount of stepping on each others’ feet that had happened.
And, of course, the night of Ventus’ appointed self-care day was set in his homeworld: The Land of Departure. Side by side, you laid on the grass together, huddled in a blanket with Ventus pointing out stars that glittered and shimmered like the newborn gleam in his eyes - the gleam you had missed so dearly.
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strikerwott12 · 1 year
aqua or terra for the ask thingy :]
I shall do both because of course!!!!
First, Aqua:
Favorite thing about them:
I really love and appreciate how much she cares for her friends!!! All the things she's done for them and all the sacrifices she's made for them I JUST AAAAAAAAAA. I also really appreciate the fact that despite all the hardships and trauma she's faced, she keeps on going despite the roadblocks in her path, and I'm really rooting for her!
Least favorite thing about them:
Oh oof this is gonna be hard. I can't really think of anything other than I guess being a bit too overprotective????? Although at the same time, I can understand why she was like that since like I said, she cares a lot about her friends!
Three things i have in common with them:
Deeply cares for our friends and will do anything for them
We both love making gifts for others whenever possible
Super passionate for what we each love!
Three things i don’t have in common with them:
I cannot do magic like her lol (I wish though, that would be absolutely amazing and fire to do magic)
I wouldn't really be fit for a leader/master role like her
I'm not exactly a calm type of person, I'm too anxious to be calm and collected :')
Favorite line:
"Good morning, Ven."
I also love several of her battle quotes, such as "That's the way!", "That settles that!", "Here goes!"
I really love her dynamic with Ven! It's so sweet and I love how much they care for one another! Even if she can be overprotective at times, I can understand that, because like I mentioned, she really cares about him and cherishes their friendship!
Terraqua :]
Ve/n/qu/a. I know the age gap is around two years apart, but with how their interactions are in the game, it just honestly feels real weird to me to ship them..
Random Headcanon:
She really enjoys reading! I imagine her having quite a library of books in her room (I'm thinking she'd have a bigger amount of books than Ven does in his room)
Unpopular Opinion:
Hmmmm I don't think I have an unpopular opinion for her. Other than I personally don't really mind how the Anti-Aqua plot ended up going in KH3!
Song i associate with them:
All I Know So Far by P!nk! That song honestly really reminds me of her dynamic with Kairi and how I feel their future interactions could possibly play out!
Favorite picture of them:
I can't choose between these two, so :]
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Now Terra:
Favorite thing about them:
Like Aqua, I love how caring he is for his friends!!! I also love how passionate he is for what he wants to do in his life!! I'm really hoping he becomes a Keyblade Master in the future, along with Ven as well!!!
Least favorite thing about them:
This is moreso gameplay-wise, but I really don't like how he doesn't have any i-frames on his dodge. Makes his BBS route more of a challenge at least though, BUT LEMME JUST SAY THIS, THE TERRA-XEHANORT FINAL BOSS FIGHT IS JUST HHHHHHHHHHH
Three things i have in common with them:
As someone who's extremely gullible and has been taken advantage of before as well, I really relate to Terra's story
Dedicated to the things we're each passionate about
Like Aqua, deeply caring for our friends
Three things i don’t have in common with them:
I'm not really the type of person who works out regularly, sooo :')
I'm not real physically strong rip
I can't really think of anything else whoopsies
Favorite line:
"You never stopped lighting my way back" and "You found me, just like you promised", I JUST AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I really love his interactions with Ven!!! They're so sweet and I love how he cares for Ven and goes all papa bear mode and it's super sweet how Ven really looks up to him too!
Terraqua :]
T/e/r/Ve/n. Anyone who ships this or any other pedophilic ships will be blocked on sight.
Random Headcanon:
He loves cute things, like soft little plushies and stuff like that! He's nervous to admit it at first, but once Ven and Aqua find out, they're fully supportive of him and the things that make him happy!!!
Unpopular Opinion:
He's not "Riku done wrong" and his BBS route is super fun, fight me
Song i associate with them:
Favorite picture of them:
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miss-tc-nova · 2 years
S/O Making Mistakes - Aqua
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I feel this is super relatable and I needed something a bit softer. I think a short headcanon was a good distraction. So thank you!
With a S/O Who Made Mistakes
Well, it’s not exactly how Aqua wanted to spend her afternoon.
Cleaning up after your mess.
Correction: messes.
You were certainly having a day. One minor mistake created a chain reaction of terrible results that seemed to just blow up right in your face.
Very quickly, it became an enormous problem you were incapable of handling on your own.
Of course, Eraqus scolds you.
He’s stern and makes certain you understand where your mistakes came from.
But even though he isn’t harsh, being scolded by an authority figure like Eraqus is never pleasant.
It gets even worse when your teammates are dragged into it, awkwardly forced to watch said scolding and then told to assist you in cleaning said mess.
Now the quartet of you are in the process of cleaning up the physical side of the disaster.
To hear Terra and Ventus gripe about it, doesn’t make it any easier. They don’t outright blame you for the current predicament, but their complaints make their mark nonetheless.
Though she’s also miffed at having extra work, Aqua watched your face while you were facing Eraqus’s stern talking to—like a kicked puppy.
So she refuses to add to your misery and keeps to her work (which may not add to your crestfallen mood).
Once the work’s done, she shoos the boys away, ignoring their grumbles.
Then, by the hand, she leads you to her room, still yet to really say anything about the situation you put her through.
But once you’re in the privacy of her room, she wraps you up in her arms with a heavy sigh.
She asks you a few probing questions about what happened, but doesn’t poke at open wounds too much.
Whether you’re frustrated or in tears, she holds you, both of you decompressing together—the rhythm of your breath slowly falling in sync.
Gentle fingers ghost across your skin, drawing aimless designs while a soft voice hums in your ear.
If you ask her if she’s mad, she’ll be honest: she didn’t love the extra work but everyone has off days.
Then she reminds you of the time she blew up a pot in the kitchen using fire magic, spraying soup everywhere.
Or the time Ven fell off a playground slide and got a concussion, so he had to be rushed to Master Eraqus.
And that Ven fell off the slide because he was trying to free Terra who got stuck in said slide, who then had to wait over an hour while the Master tended to Ven first.
There’s really no end to the shameful stories in this hodgepodge family, you included.
So she assures you that today will pass and there will be happier days ahead.
Kisses press against your face, instigating a laugh from you.
She would never ask you to, but if you feel like making it up to her, she won’t say no to a massage (girl has some tense shoulders).
Or she’s a real sucker for little gestures, like making her favorite food or helping her out with chores/missions without being asked.
“Oh my little troublemaker. I’m only kidding; you know I love you. Don’t worry too much about it. Today is done and tomorrow will be better as long as you learned your lesson. You learned your lesson, right? Haha, I’m just making sure.”
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irish-urn · 2 years
LWD: The Fall
Casey begins by complaining about Derek, and all I can think of is, Don’t worry, honey, he feels the exact same way about you. 
ALSO: “She’s cute.” // “You’re blind.”
DEREK’S FACE WHEN SAM NOTICES HER IS LIKE, “Oh shit, he’s gonna comment, he’s gonna make a comment, prepare yourself because he’s— yup, he’s commenting.”
Also, also: it took Sam two weeks to notice Casey??? Sheesh. You are, 1) not observant; and 2) not very up on Derek’s life.
I genuinely don’t know who’s more dramatic: Casey or Derek. They’re both ridiculous. 
In fairness: Derek doesn’t actually seem to think he did anything wrong about the Klutzilla-thing, and like... I can kinda see his point? He didn’t say anything that insane — it wasn’t that mean of an insult, (it was kinda lame, actually (even if he denies it later)) — and he had no way of knowing that Casey was going to fall like that. And although it’s not very nice for him to call Casey emotional... Considering what George says about teenage girls, considering what Derek’s been living with... I’m not at all surprised. He’s not understanding or compassionate, but he’s very understandably teenage boy.
Casey is a quintessential teenage girl here, crying over everyone laughing at her, because she’s fifteen and the world is ending, and although I’m like, Please calm down, it’s also incredibly true to teenage drama form. They are so very much 15 year olds, and although that’s annoying, it’s good writing/acting.
(I’m not even 5 minutes in, oh my gosh.)
Nora is giving solid mom effort in talking to Casey; I don’t know how much comfort she actually gave her daughter, but I appreciate her effort.
(Oh my gosh, their high school looks like my old high school. 0_o)
Paul thinks Klutzilla is clever, and he’s not wrong. Derek may be a jerk, but he’s very witty.
Ooooooh. Oh. “I don’t handle teasing very well. And I’m getting teased a lot—”
OH. Oh, and Derek lives to tease. He teases everyone. It’s not even malicious a good portion of the time, he’s just having fun—
And Casey doesn’t like being teased. Ohhhh, I understand so much more now. No wonder she’s so prickly and defensive around him. Ohhh, she grows up so, so much; gosh I’m so proud of her.
“She’s brave, I gotta give her that.” — You’re not wrong, Edwin. She’s definitely a worthy challenge for Derek. And him teasing her with the camera and everything — ugh. They’re such teenagers.
“A recent accident by marriage” is so clever. I die.
George’s plan for Casey to not react to Derek is pretty good. Derek loves reactions.
ALSO: the most awkward hug between George and Casey IS GOLD. THE ACCURACY OF HUGGING YOUR NEW STEPFATHER.
Okay, okay: George “handling” Derek explains so much about why/how he gets away with so much.
Derek barging into Casey’s room and sitting on her bed. Amazing. And then she pushes him back down onto it. Also amazing.
Derek trying to deflect blame by asking if Casey has a thing for Sam. He is obviously just trying to get out of trouble... and then immediately starts to wonder what he’s done. Maybe he’s right. Maybe he wrote his own funeral.
Emily. Emily, Emily, Emily. (Derek convinces Emily to befriend Casey again??? They both work together to save Casey from social suicide??? Emily is practically giving Derek heart-eyes (sighs))
Derek’s nickname is “Ven”???? *makes mental note*
That way Derek shakes his head at Casey at the end there is just... So resigned. He’s got his work cut out for him keeping her out of high school trouble.
And, again, once Casey wins, “Derek-a”, he doesn’t fight back. He accepts her victory. It’s like... He pushes and pushes and pushes until someone (this time Lizzie) points out that it’s too far, and he just... very quietly pulls back and fixes things. Gosh, what an interesting boy. You got some serious growing up to do, but I love it.
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corishadowfang · 2 years
Dark Road spoilers below the cut!  (Mostly I’m just like...rambling about my thoughts and stuff, haha.)
I was surprised by how much I ended up really liking the main DR kids and their interactions?  They had a lot of really nice moments--especially in the Disney worlds.  (The scene with the magic carpet in Agrabah made me laugh, it was so silly, haha.)  And like--I really liked how they handled the Disney worlds in general!  They were really well integrated; I’d absolutely love to play through all of them in a console game.  (Or at least, with updated graphics.)
Also congrats to Hades for being one of the few characters in the series to actually acknowledge that these characters died.  Like, when everyone was saying the upperclassmen ‘disappeared,’ I figured they were just going to use euphemisms the whole time, but NOPE.  It stands out a lot in a series that’s normally pretty shy about actually using the term.
ALSO.  LORE.  Xehanort being able to feel other people’s emotions and take people’s hearts in and stuff was just--!!  It’s cool!!  It’s cool that it makes him even more of a foil to Sora!  And it’s neat that it’s implied there are others out there like that!  And then VEN, who was implied that Xehanort thought he was like...the ACTUAL chosen one.  (Please, Nomura...please can we have a Ven focused game...there is so much lore surrounding him, PLEASE.)  The stuff with Vanitas was also really interesting and actually somewhat encouraging?  Because the way he was written made him seem like he was...questioning things.  Like maybe Xehanort wasn’t entirely correct about him not being Ven’s darkness--either that, or that Vanitas was changing in some way.  It actually makes me somewhat hopeful we’ll get a Vanitas redemption!  (Though...I’m going to be careful about getting my hopes up too high, just in case.)
I said this already, but the after credits scene made me cry.  I am sad that Playernort is no longer a thing, because there were so many cool things that could’ve been done with that, but that absolutely didn’t stop me from getting emotional over the Player and the Union Leaders at the end.  (”They all seemed like they liked each other a lot”--YEAH.  YEAH, THEY DID, XEHANORT.)  Actually pretty happy we DID at least get confirmation that Xehanort and Ephemer are related, though.  What I’m worried about is what Xehanort said about Skuld reminding him of his mom.  Which, you know, could be a red herring, like Brain’s virus speech in UX, but STILL.  Narratively speaking, there’s nothing technically wrong with the choice to have Skuld stay behind and make, say, Ava Subject X, but from a personal standpoint...I’d be very sad.  I want Skuld to still be alive, please.  ...That said, I’ve also learned not to trust Nomura as far as I can throw him, so until we officially see Skuld again, I will be clinging to the ‘Skuld is Subject X’ theory for dear life.
Interesting that we didn’t officially see what happened to Scala, though the implications seem to be that it really was just...there weren’t enough Keyblade wielders left, and so they just...moved to a different world.  That was honestly not something I expected to be a correct prediction; I really thought we were going to watch Scala get destroyed.
BUT SPEAKING OF PREDICATIONS--I CALLED BRAGI BEING LUXU THE MOMENT WE GOT HIS NAME.  Luxu, we need to talk about why all of the people you’ve possess have VERY SIMILAR names.  Like...are you going for a theme?  Are you renaming your vessels and just don’t feel very creative so you’ve been making up things that are similar to ‘Brain’?  This doesn’t seem like it would work very well if you wanted to stay hidden.
The actual ending parts did end up feeling kind of rushed, though.  Which is fair, considering writing this stuff takes a lot of time, and then you also have to animate everything and--yeah.  I wish a lot of stuff around the ending could’ve been built up more, but I understand why it probably ended up the way it did.  On that note--it also feels like it didn’t entirely tie everything off...?  Maybe that’s just me, but while the middle section felt pretty tight, the ending was definitely a bit...looser.  But, ah, again--probably a lot of that was the time constraints.  It probably would’ve helped to have a couple of more passes to focus around tightening up the ending stuff, but they probably just didn’t have the time for it.
Still largely a nice update!  There was some good stuff, and it was nice to get some more KH content...even if I feel like Nomura’s going to kill me with the lack of knowledge of what happened to Skuld.
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