#you don’t know that im watching voltron
jonathanstims · 8 months
the funny thing is that I keep in touch with my parents so little that sometimes I wonder how they think they know me at all, much more how they think they know me better than myself
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localfanbaselurker · 2 months
Watching Voltron: Legendary Defender for the first time and recording my thoughts
S1-2 | S3 | S4 | you are here! | S6 | S7 | S8 |
This one is not as long because I literally finished it like two days ago as I write this so the thoughts are still simmering down but I need to remember them before I watch s6
Pre-S5 thoughts
-> I hope we get Keith back, his near sacrifice really scared me at the end of S4. I want my son back.
-> pLEASE let that poor girl get her father back. Oh my lord. Give him back. Pls. I can’t wait anymore. Will the real Sam Holt please stand up? Please stand up?
-> FRICK Lotor I know they’re probably gonna give him some backstory or whatever on him being a good guy but I DOOOOONNNNNNT CAAAAARRRREEEEEEEEE. I do NOT like him and they can never make me. he is EVIL and you cannot tell me otherwise.
->^“but laura-” idc. I don’t trust him. His voice is too American-Psyco-y. He is a little scheming cunty little elf. He’s onto something. He wants something out of this.
->^I will miss his team of lesbians tho. They ate.
->There seems to be a lot of hints towards allurance! I hope they get a good arc. They are very sweet!
-> I hope we see more of Matt! It’s like that one quote from Brooklyn 99. “I’ve only had [Matt] for [an episode and a half] but if anything were to happen to him, I’d kill everyone in this room, and then myself”
Post-S5 Thoughts
-> my suspicions of Shiro grew bigger and bigger as this season progressed. I think I have it figured out by now. 🔍🧐☕️
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->^Lotor low key ate her up with this
->^i think that’s her main arc: she needs to let go of the thought that all galra are evil (which she has fair reason to do so), as it is a war, and things aren’t all black and white. As much as I hate to admit it, I feel like having Lotor around this season will help her character development.
->^I wrote that at the beginning of s5, I was right, it did help a little (though then they brought up the fact that Lotor was half altean so maybe she just thinks he’s good because of that—let’s hope not)
->They did not, in fact, bring Keith back. Very upsetting.
->^That was an emotional episode for me. I cried when they didn’t find him in the “prison” thing and I cried again when Pidge ran into the hologram thing. They make me feel so weak. I was so happy when they got him back fr.
-> And then I cried again at the end of episode 3 cus he was like “I decided im leaving, good luck out there, kids”. Bawling.
->Speaking of episode 3… 🔍🧐
->^and episode 4…and episode 6… 🧐🧐🧐🧐
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->^me rn vs. you guys probably.
->^He’s 1) been listening to everything Lotor says, ignoring the team and going behind their back/without consulting them. And 2) Being uncharacteristically hostile to everyone. I swear I felt like I was reading a really OOC fanfic nearly the whole season.
->^Yes, Shiro is leader-y, but he also (s1-2) tended to listen to his team and have unserious moments. I feel like he’s lost all of that. And I think that last picture is all I need to know.
->(moving on)There seems to be a big focus on Lance this season (yay!) I really hope it’s not for the usual reasons characters get extra screen time (because I would die). I feel like they have been leading him to be the black paladin with how leader-y he has been this season but even if that’s not the case I do still feel they are going to do something really important with him for the next season and I am so excited to see what they are going to do with him! 😊
-> if Keith doesn’t leave the Backyard of Malnutrition next season im going to make myself go inside the show and personally take him out
->/j/j/j…or is it? ☕️🧐 (someone needs to take this emoji away from me it’s made me too powerful)
->^I was so shocked I literally slammed my computer shut (not that hard, im not a psycho dw)
->^HE GOT HIS MOM BACK!!! I cried after that episode because can you imagine? He just got her back and he thought she was dead/abandoned him for like his entire life. And now he has her back and oh my god I need to open ao3 where are those “first time calling <someone> mom/dad” one shots.
->^AND KROLIA. SHE JUST GOT HER BABY BACK!! Stop im fr crying as i type this. guys. Fuck. I genuinely can’t handle family-related stuff in shows like I will cry so hard. It doesn’t even have to happen on screen my brain just makes the scenarios for me and I obey and bawl my eyes out.
->They are trying to make me like Lotor and Allura together…it is almost working. Almost. I still don’t trust him. And I like allurance better.
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->^i just KNOW she was internally kicking her feet and giggling at this. “Then you’re…🤔😯 Half altean 🤭🤭😍😍😍”
->^speaking of that ep, I was sooooo happy for Allura because she finally found a way to still be connected with her dad/culture after having to lose him in s1 and not being able to pilot red in s3, absolutely overjoyed for my best girl!! 🤍🩷🤍
->I absolutely LOVED episode five’s subplots. We have: A-plot) Keith+ his mom going on a mission together, B) Lotor +Allura finding altean stuff in Haggar’s lair, and C) my personal favorite, The garrison trio getting up to shenanigans with a galra robot thing.
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->^Later Pala-dudes is my hero, too, lance
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->^^Look at those dorks. I love them so much.
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->^See this is proof that Lotor is actually Evil™️ and Not Good™️ because he immediately went to violence and trying to fight to greedily get what he wanted while Allura saw the right path and allowed the secrets to be shared with her willingly in this essay I will-
->When is Lotor gonna find out his mom is haggar?? Hopefully s6 cus I can’t take this anymore. the evidence is RIGHT THERE, bucko. Figure it out already.
->If they want me to like Lotor they better work extra hard next season. I’m beginning, BEGINNING, to actually, kinda-sorta-maybe actually like him. BEGINNING! And it is a rough start at that. But im defrosting my built-up dislike for him. It’s a burn slower than 300k words but it’s getting there. They’re gonna hold hands any chapter now.
These are thoughts I’ve been compiling for a while. I will continue to post my thoughts on the tag “laura’s first vld”
I finished Season 5 on 07/13/24. I have not yet started season 6. Stay tuned!
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fic rec friday 29
welcome to the twenty-ninth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.  
1. don’t know what i did to earn a love like this (but baby i must be doin’ something right) by littleghost
“I went to the desert to listen to country music.” It falls out of him, and he keeps going, voice hushed like there’s more than just him and Lance in this room. “It always reminded me of you and I would go stare at the stars, think of you, and listen to country.”
i know littleghost has been inactive in the voltron fandom since literally 2017 but i am so obsessed with their fic. im not huge on high school aus usually but this fic in particular had so many of my favourite niche headcanons that ive read this fic like twelve times. yall know how i feel about quiet devotion and its everywhere in this fic.
2. every day i wonder by kirargent
Lance has a stuffed-full backpack, a beanie pulled down over the tips of his ears, a blanket draped around his neck like a thick scarf, and his cell phone pressed to one ear. He looks like an idiot, and he’s being entirely too loud for a good cryptid hunt.
this shit made me fucking LAUGH. keith is such an ornery bitch i literally love him so much. this fic bodies the ‘fuck am i in love with HIM?? why??? why am i so HAPPY ABOUT IT???’ so well i love it
3. mortal bodies, timeless souls by @littendeservesbetter
“Wait!” Coran lets out a triumphant noise. “I got it! If my calculations stand corrected, then our visitors will be people we actually know! Keith, Lance, you two will be meeting your alternate selves today!”
Coran says it like the idea is so mundane that it takes Keith a while to process. The moment he does, however, he feels his heart drop to his stomach.
“We’re going to what?!” Lance yelps, effectively voicing out Keith’s thoughts.
Or, the castle's teludav malfunctions, alternate realities are mixed, and Keith finds out that he and Lance are a lot more... close in other realities.
they are fucking in love in every single reality in every single universe always and endlessly. they are Soulmates. i know its cheesy but im obsessed with them literally. also extra incentive this fic has pike/thunderstorm darkness
4. here comes the violence by stardon 
“Fancy seeing you here, Whiskers.”
Keith feels his tail wag in annoyance, which is almost as horrifying as his current situation. “No. Absolutely fucking not.” He looks at his bare wrist, pretending he has a watch. “How about we postpone this? My calendar says I’m free from the seventh of never through to the fifteenth of ain’t-gonna-happen, how does that work for you guys?”
Pidge looks up, quirking a brow. “Lance has an amazing influence on your humour, you know that?”
In which sometimes Keith is a bit Galra, sometimes not.
this fic is excellent because their both so obviously in love and down bad for each other but theyre both also stupid. borderline already dating but also not and driving each other insane is peak peak trope
5. Beast of Burden by melancholymango [EXPLICIT]
“Keith, no, we can’t go again.” Lance pleads fall on deaf ears. Keith is honed in on him now like predator to prey. He’s fighting a losing battle and they both know it. He sees it in the way Keith is raking his eyes over him, sizing him up. “We’ll be so late getting to the bar.”“Just one more.” Keith insists, herding Lance toward the counter with a stubbornness that is innately wolf. Lance pouts, but he doesn't have anywhere else to go but backward.“That’s what you said last time! And the time before that!”--The week leading up to a supermoon, as told by the world's best werewolf boyfriend, Lance McClain. The good, the bad, and the horny.
this is just monsterfucking but its also like soft in there. but mostly its monsterfucking
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!    
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bluemantics · 2 months
Y’all is it just me or does Keith look just like his mother when he was younger and just like his dad after the time skip in S8. Am I the only one who thinks that’s like bittersweet?? Bc his dad saw the women he loved in his son. The love of his life who left for the greater good. Then his mom saw her son, who didn’t even know he was her son for a bit, and he looked just like her husband who, I think she didn’t know, was dead. So every time she looks at Keith she is reminded of the man she loved the most, who is dead and who she (maybe, idk how the afterlife works in voltron) won’t ever see again. AND Keith probably heard both of his parents say “you look just like your mother/father.”
Idk I like rambling sorry 😔🎀
this is a sweet idea anon!! tbh i never noticed him resembling his father when i watched the first time, but im sure both of his parents see their partner in their son now that u mention it. i will def pay attention to look for this next time i watch <3
i honestly don’t think krolia is emotionally coherent/stable enough to get very vulnerable with keith, esp when it comes to his father— tho i like to think when a couple years have passed she eventually tries to share more sweet stories in order to connect with him before he has kids of his own. so this could be very interesting in relation to ur concept
i will say i am very against the trope of parents seeing their partners in their kids and it dramatically impacting interactions. absolutely NO hate to anon, it just always felt like a lazy bit of writing to me bc most parents look similar to their kids 💔 so like the shock factor doesn’t make sense to me and neither does an overt reaction.
thanks for the ask, anon!!
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yorshie · 2 months
This isn’t really a request and sorry you can ignore me if you don’t really do this but I was wondering what turtle (2014 movie) you think I’d get along with best. Cause I honestly don’t know which one I’d date or would want to date me😂
Because I’m introverted (I like my me time but act like an extrovert if I’m around a small group of people I trust I still get tired from socializing though), shy at first until I’m comfortable then you’d wish I’d shut up, and on the biology science side im a nerd but I can be fiery especially if I feel attacked or like an injustice to me or someone else, I’m protective of my friends if someone tries to pick on them.
I’m artistic, I am constantly jumping from one art project to the next, and have to force myself to finish them because adhd attention span but I am constantly trying to and having to learn new skills because of that. (Art example I’m making a waterfall for my guppy/platy tank and had to use a drill and hand held sander to run the tubing through the aquarium waterfall decor I decided to turn into a waterfall piece) and am more on the dad joke or sarcastic side of humor. I love animals and have a tendency to befriend any I can, I have been majoring in animal sciences with the goal of applying for a zookeeper job. I have a lot of extroverted friends because I open up to them faster because they are so open with me. I like Httyd, golden girls, Star Wars, Star Trek, last man standing, Tolkien (Lotr, hobbit, Silmarillion), A-team, watching animal planet and nat geo wild, voltron, transformers, I’m a nerd that also likes most music if it catches my attention just not vulgar stuff so the rap I like is minimal but country music is one of my favs being a southern bell. Being from the south I’m outdoorsy and stubborn but do my best to be respectful and polite. Southern horse girl energy and I will pick up snakes that are non-venomous. Due to me being outdoorsy and in a subtropical zone bugs get big so I had to get over my fear of spiders since we have giant golden orb-weavers and a bunch of jumping spiders that live here plus I love nature photography and was tried of being scared so I worked up from holding harvestmen arachnids (not true spiders they have a fused head and body like a potato with 8 legs) and went to my local zoo and volunteered to try to hold a tarantula. Kinda anxious because I’ve been picked on before at school when I was younger I was that book worm nerd that would info dump stuff I was learning about and had friends I grew up with ghost me after high school graduation that said they’d keep in touch. If it helps infp 2w3 and my fav color is blue, my style is comfort (yoga/sweat/jean pants and a graphic tee-shirt) unless it’s a special occasion. One of my fav outfits is galaxy print pants, a nasa space t-shirt, with a solar system bracelet, and a space shuttle necklace. I have sandy brown-dirty blonde hair but I love to dye my hair a natural red copper with platinum blonde money pieces framing my face.
I needed some help with this one nonnie, so I’m handing the ask off to my dear friend @luckycharms1701 . Neither of us are match up blogs though so it might not be what you expected, but I hope you have a wonderful day and best of luck when classes start back up in the fall! :
hehe yorshie is entirely too trusting and is letting ME answer this!! muahaha!
anyway, if you search ‘tmnt matchmaker’ on tumblr you can find people who will match you to one of the turtles! yorkshire does not do that, but i’ve heard that there are lots of others who will!
let me take a crack at it though! there are arguments for all of them, but it sounds to me like donnie would be a good match for you! he appreciates someone who likes to learn as much as he does, and would be excited to learn new things from you! he would also love that you want to grow by facing your fears, that will earn a lot of respect from him. He is polite and gentlemanly without being overbearing.
damn. this shit is hard. mad respect to the people who do this stuff on the regular
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feyejax · 2 years
hello 🫡 i rlly dunno how this works on here but i’m looking for some rp partners!!
a few things first …
be 16+. im 20 and would rather not rp with people too much younger than me
literate — advanced literate preferably, though i am willing to do semi-literate :)
i am to either canon character or original character roleplays, but i won’t do ccxoc. fandom settings are welcome!
i only rp on discord sooo if you’re interested, interact and i’ll shoot you a dm (or just message me first idm!)
now for what i’m looking for is preferably smth enstars related! i don’t do ocs for this fandom tho, just a heads up. i have a number of ships i can give you! (i dont do incest, pedophilia, etc obvi. also i don’t consider a 2 year age gap to be proship, for example a 17 and 19 y/o.)
other fandoms i can do are bsd (ocs okay), voltron (no ocs), and supernatural (prefer ocs bc i’m fairly new to watching it)
if you’re interested just lemme know!! <3
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hearteyesmcgarrett · 1 year
is it weird to just answer the ask meme questions without actual asks? probably, but i want to yell about fandom shit rn so you can't stop me
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. its obvious that im in a grimm fixation rn, so i have to say nick/monroe as a romantic ship (or nick/monroe/rosalee), and the whole gang as a platonic relationship. For SGA, i'm always a mcshep fan but i honestly enjoy any pairing of AR1. Anyone that has followed me for an extended period of time knows that im a mcdanno (H50) and leverage ot3 truther as well.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind. hmm, not sure? OH some folks doing the sga kinkmeme have mentioned john/cam and im very intrigued
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will. Rodney/Jennifer :( I love Jennifer, but the writers consistently changed her characterization and that relationship felt forced and weird (SGA)
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t. John/Elizabeth. I'm sorry! maybe its just because im gay af but to me their relationship felt like bffs, not romantic (SGA)
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what? I made that stargate cinnamon roll meme, if that counts
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? ~10 years
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it? i'm a multishipper for sure, but one of the first ships i remember really clearly was eric/ryan from csi miami (circa age like 12)
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)? TV!
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? I dont know that it was entirely tumblr, but yeah, Voltron. The fandom was truly fucking awful
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.) uhhhh, like every show tbh. 99% of the shows i watch came from tumblr or online friends
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc? Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. hmm, I guess Adalind counts as a character who isnt one of my faves. She's a complex and interesting character, and its clear that a lot of her decisions come from a place of trauma. After having Diana it really shows that she does want to protect her and keep her safe (grimm)
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend. Ronon (SGA), Hardison (Leverage), Teal'c (SG1), etc
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom 1. men showing emotions!!! (grimm does this well, thankfully) 2. on a similar note: depicting how the shit these characters get up to is traumatizing and how that impacts them long term 3. literally any canon queer rep. can we PLEASE have a show like stargate or grimm where one of the characters (especially a man) is canonically queer? is that so hard???
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of? Forfeit by Rise Against always makes me think of ascended Daniel/Jack (SG1). Oh and ever since i saw a gifset with lyrics from it, Timberwolves at New Jersey by Taking Back Sunday makes me think of John (SGA)
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas). one of these fuckin days i am going to write a baseball SGA AU
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why. As previously mentioned: Voltron because the fan base was toxic and awful
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom? all my favorite fandoms are themed around found family so this is so hard lmao. Nick & Hank (Grimm), Eliot & Harry (Leverage Redemption), Harry & Breanna (LR), Don & Charlie if brothers count (Numb3rs), etc
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon anyone who reads my H50 fics knows that i will fuckin die on the hill that Danny has an anxiety disorder
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?  besides anxious danny, I'd say John having ADHD (SGA), and Monroe being bi (Grimm) are two right off the top of my head
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites 1. Steve McGarrett (H50) - he's been through so much shit, but he's still so damn loyal and protective and kind. He's such a good dude who is just traumatized beyond belief. 2. Charlie Eppes (Numb3rs) - besides the fact that i am CONVINCED he has ADHD, he's just so fucking loving and passionate about his work and the people he loves. he balances out the hardness of Don and the gang with the sheer size of his heart 3. Eliot Spencer (Leverage) - basically the same reason as steve. I have a type.
V - Which character do you relate to most? this is tough. probably Daniel (SG1) - esp early seasons - because of similar worldviews and interests and personalities, and Danny (H50) because of similar personalities
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom. MISCOMMUNICATION!! its so frustrating.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom. im a big ol softie so i love stuff like mutual pining, hurt/comfort, etc.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms Good Omens is a big one rn lmao. I've read the book but haven't watched the show. Also, Daredevil probably. I watched at least the first season years ago, but haven't seen anything beyond that. I still enjoy seeing people's posts about it and i read fic sometimes
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! im so cranky rn about the lack of depiction of trauma/mental illness/neurodivergence/etc in fandoms where its to be expected. like with Grimm rn, you give Nick PTSD and sensory enhancements but then suddenly forget about them?? that's not how that works! Or why is it always just hinted at that characters are ND? why is it so hard to just be like 'yeah no x has ADHD (or whatever)'? i want to be able to actually have complex/tough/interesting/etc protags that are ALSO neurodiverse. if we're all reading John as having ADHD (SGA) or Parker being autistic (leverage) anyways, why can't these things just be intentionally part of the character
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euphoricvampirism · 6 months
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hi! i’m jay, and i’ve never used tumblr before so bare with me as i know the formatting of this will probably be very bad!
[basic info] > anyway, hello! i’m jay. i’m an artist, a writer, a reader, and a connoisseur of dead fandoms. i’m neurodivergent and have anxiety, so please be kind and patient when interacting with me. i am genderfluid and i do not care for pronouns, please call me whatever, i do not mind. i am biracial, black and white, and am very proud of who i am and i am comfortable in my identity :). i am also in a happy relationship of a little more than a year with my beautiful, sweet girlfriend.
[interests] > i am interested in a shit ton of things, and i probably won’t remember all of them, but im going to damn well try!
my interest include:
✰media: voltron legendary defender, minecraft, stardew valley, spiderverse, minecraft diaries, genshin impact, the last of us, hazbin hotel, helluva boss, the owl house, lego monkie kid, sally face, the folk of the air series, and the hunger games
✰activties: drawing, writing, reading, playing video games, hanging with my girlfriend, sleeping, oc creation, watching my silly little shows
✰music: taylor swift, panic at the disco (do not support urie...), arctic monkies, nirvana, chase atlantic, hoizer, rihanna, beyoncé, melanie martinez, the neighborhood, hamilton, heathers, epic: the musical, ride the cyclone, and many more my taste is all over the place
[dni and boundaries ]
[list] > basic dni (racist, anti-lgbtq+, terfs, pedophiles, etc.), proshippers, anti palestine/pro israel, any extreme gore/horror, people who hate on ships for no reason, people who hardcore believe in “cringe culture”, rude people
[boundaries] > absolutely under no circumstances should anyone flirt or make any sexual/romantic advances towards me; it makes me very uncomfortable, messages are okay just don’t be rude, use tone tags if able to (especially when it comes to sarcasm), do not ask for personal information, do not trauma dump unless i say it’s okay, but still don’t go too deep into it, and simply stop if you’re doing something that makes me uncomfortable and i tell you that
anyway, that’s it for my intro post! i don’t know how often i’ll be using this app but i might share my writing/drabbles, or whatever shit come to mind.
✰thank you for reading✰
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scattered-winter · 7 months
(may I request quintenary stars/eclipse 👀👀👀)
blood, stars, eyes!
“But I don’t even know how Galra I am,” Keith said with a frown. “Just that I—” “You awoke the blade,” Kolivan interrupted him, not unkindly. “You are Galra enough by blood. The rest is up to you.”
His sword slashed through the side of the Empire soldier’s neck. Blood splattered Keith’s mask, and the Galra’s eyes bulged. He made a horrible choked wheezing sound, even as his finger tightened over the trigger. The recoil sent both Keith and the Galra sprawling, and he heard a cry from one of his teammates behind them as the bolt struck true. Fire flared in Keith’s stomach, and he wrenched his blade to the side and pulled it out. More blood poured from the wound, and the Galra tried to raise his hands to staunch the flow. He was dead before they even reached his neck. Keith stared at the Galra’s body for a moment that seemed to stretch on forever. Blood dripped from the blade of his sword.
Shay stepped onto the platform, looking around at the gathered Balmerans. She looked proud and strong as a queen, and Hunk felt his heart speed up at the sight. “May the stars and sun watch over us,” she declared softly, and the gathered Balmerans murmured in agreement.
The Altean princess shook herself. “I am…unhappy that he hid something so important from us,” she said carefully. Hunk frowned. “I…don’t think he was hiding anything,” he said quietly. “I don’t think he knew.” He thought about the look on Keith’s face as he’d descended Red’s ramp that day. Like his whole world had gone through a spin cycle in a washing machine, and he had no idea which way was up. Allura’s frown deepened. “Surely he must have known? He had a Galra parent, did he not?” Hunk glanced toward the Blue Lion like he could meet Lance’s eyes. He was certain Lance was doing the same. “I don’t know much about Keith,” Lance admitted quietly. “Just glimpses I’ve gotten from Voltron. But…he was alone for a long time. I don’t think he had any idea where he came from, because he had nobody to tell him.” “It must have been really scary,” Hunk murmured. “Suddenly finding out something like that, and having absolutely no time to process it before everyone else found out, too.” Allura’s frown turned thoughtful, though there was still a troubled furrow between her brows. “I…suppose it must have been.”
send me a word in my WIP document !!
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chibi-pix · 11 months
Chibi watches V3D 13
Ah, lucky thirteen. Time for the next episode of Voltron: The Third Dimension!
“The Big Lie.” Hmm. Does this mean that Zarkon is finally gonna be caught in his lies? One can only hope.
Okay, at first I thought there were more like that one pirate. But it turned out that it was just Lance and Keith in disguise. Didn’t see that coming. Lance and Keith both prepared with didji cameras. Nothing says 90s/early 2000s like a slightly bulky digital camera.
“Sorry, pal, mother told us to never go with strangers.” Look, as dorky as this show is, I love Lance’s comments. His witty remarks are hilarious.
“How do I look?” “Pretty, but your didgi-cam is a dead giveaway.” Uh… I think the red of his armour is also a dead giveaway.
And Haggar saw right through them. And destroyed their cameras. Well then. There goes their evidence.
Okay, it was amusing seeing Lance and Keith fly back to their lions. They looked like awkward action figures being held by strings and moved across a screen. I mean, animation ain’t perfect, but at least it’s hilarious.
Hah! You tell ‘im, princess! Refuse to help Zarkon ‘cause y’all know what’s up!
“Energy web. Mustn’t let it paralyze us.” Y’all looked pretty damn paralyzed in that moment if you ask me. And Allura’s comment of “Keith, you have to do something.” Princess? You’re in the same giant mech! Maybe help out more? Don’t be a helpless damsel in distress, lady!
Oooh ho! I love the Voltron Force going at that calculator, wanting him submitted for evaluation. Nice. Though dismissing them. Well. Hopefully our team continues to be defiant and do their own stuff for the good of the universe.
Anyway! That's it for the night. Until next time!
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roszabell · 1 year
i, absolutely adore bsd i cannot even tell you how much. i don’t have a fandom brain mode for it but ITS SO DEAR TO ME,,, i saw chuuya on the dash as well and it felt like a gutpunch familiarity. i haven’t kept up with it in a long while unfortunately (along with many. many other fandoms i love….i haven’t had much energy for like consuming media in a few years but hetalia just happens to be my longtime hyperfixation lmfao)
because this made me laugh particularly, and i wanna talk about it anyway, as for being a pretty monosubject blog i have posted fanarts of my other beloveds before (voltron, jujutsu kaisen for ex) annnnnd they p much flop 😂 it doesn’t matter to me i’ll create and post that shit anyway but i’m not rly engaged w the communities that much anymore so i don’t feel the same excitement to share? hopefully once it’s summer i can be more normal and get back into these things again but for now i’m a fan in the shadows
AAAAAAA I hope you enjoy the rest of the show so far!!!!!!!! you are not going to be disappointed. (also like…..feel free to dm me likekeeeeeee 👀👀)
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localfanbaselurker · 3 months
I’m watching “Voltron: Legendary Defender” for the first time and these are my compiled thoughts.
This is Season 3
(S 1-2) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
<this one will be a little longer because I took more pictures when I watched these two seasons, as I got a little more invested in the show>
(Edit: apparently I can only put 10 pictures per post, so while I planned for this to be season 3 and 4, this has to be a solo season post because I have wayyyy too many thoughts and a lot of them need accompanying pictures)
Pre-Season 3
-> I wonder who is gonna be the new black paladin, I hope it’s Allura. Or Keith I guess, but his ass is NOT ready for leadership
-> I need to know where Shiro is. Bring back my Cruella Deville!
-> the witch is altean! This is gonna be sooo important I just know it
-> I wonder how Allura and Keith will interact now that she sorta accepted him being part galra. that’s actually a really interesting topic.
->Keith being galra is gonna be something very important as well I think.
-> Pidge BETTER find her brother and father this season or I swear Dreamworks is gonna catch these hands
Post-Season 3
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-> ^if villain why hot?
->his ideals are giving Roman Empire. (I guess that makes sense considering he’s the prince of the Galra Empire)
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->^hmmm.🤨🤔 (I know what you are)
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->^Space TyLee! And Space Asami, too!
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->^oh so Keith gets to be insecure now, I guess everyone gets their own “angst” episode
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->^hes the first to comfort him! is this a “klance” moment? It feels like one
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->^Once again have to talk about Allura and her dad. She already threw away all her dad’s memories and his “essence” of him. Now she can’t even stay connected to him by piloting his lion ☹️. I genuinely get so sad every time I think about her. 🙁 All I do at 3 am is cry. 😕
->I originally got super sad about that, but then she became the blue one and I was really happy. But I was reallyyyy confused about the schematics of the switches. (still kinda am) like the lions don’t fit their personalities. And isn’t it the point that they get chosen for a reason?? Like when the blue one chose Lance in s1? And the red one chose Kieth, etc. ?? I guess it makes sense for them to call on other paladins when Shiro “dies” (his ass is not dead, I’m 100% sure of that) but Allura fits Black/Red better imo.
-> But then again, I did like how it was executed/explained. “Oh Lance ur the new red one cus you accepted Keith as ur leader and now you have to be the right hand. Get it cus red is Voltron’s right arm??” like yeah. And of course:
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->^Allurance!! I finally see it, now.
-> Also, my supposed question about “langst” was proven wrong, there’s more than just the “seventh wheel” episode.
“Not only am I not meant to be the leader, I guess… I guess now I’m not even meant to be a paladin”
He is really insecure about that isn’t he? Does any of this ever get resolved??
-> this season was huge for klance apparently. They have so many moments together. When they get dragged by evil elsa Lotor to that weird planet and have their lions talk face to face, the shoulder touch, them seeking each other out for/being the first to give the other comfort/reassurance, “Leave the math to Pidge” , Lance being the most upset that Keith isn’t at the parade thing, their teamwork in “Tailing a Comet”, “Yeah, who am I gonna make fun of?”
You guys just kept winning this season honestly slay.
-> The Lore drop that Coran did about the creation of Voltron/Original Paladins. Bro
->I’m still hung up on that. Honerva I could have saved you.
-> Gotta say though im all for an evil couple.
-> I loved all the S1 call backs to the original paladins “I’m a leg!” Like yeah 🩷 you are 💛 and the og blue paladin does the “lance in the intro” thing
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->^When they form Voltron for the first time in the flashback, the colors are brighter, much like the original 80s show’s colors, and the captions later read “Defender of the Universe”, which was the name of the original Voltron show. This is an especially fun detail because not only are they honoring the “original paladins/voltron” of the show’s lore, they are also doing so in reference to the original show itself, which I think is all so beautiful
->Baby Allura is soooo cute!
-> We get Shiro back! I knew he wasn’t dead. Low key I was scared he lost another arm or something but no! He’s okay 🖤🤍
-> I did some research and it turns out he is in fact 25, I don’t know whether to be happier or sadder for him. On one hand, thank fuck he’s not like 15-17 like the others, on the other hand, he should be at the club. He should be finding love, he should be at his 9-5 paying taxes and doing laundry not having his arm chopped off and replaced with magic and having to fight in the space coliseum and then escaping and having to pilot a giant robot and be a part of an intergalactic war. (I suppose that last part is true for all of them, but the rest is shiro-specific, and it all makes me a little sad)
-> call me crazy but he looked hotter when his hair was long
-> on that note, WHERE did he find a razor. Did he just use a sword or something?? Like in mulan??
-> in “Tailing a Comet”, they apparently meet alternate space reality!Kuvira from atla:lok , and ASR!Bataar Jr. I mean, really, down to the bun and the mole, as well as the controlling dictatorship-esque behavior and the “really, this is actually for their own good” attitude when it comes to said controlling behavior. Did the writers of each show just share ideas or??
-> im so serious with that last question. The thing that came out of the “quintessence rift” that the original paladins had to fight? A dark spirit from LoK: Book 2: Spirits. Whatever tf happened to zarkon when he got too close? When Unalaq got possessed by Vaatu. I mean really, were they just passing cards like go fish?
->I genuinely cried when Keith left for the Blade of Marmora (to save time, I’m gonna start calling them the “Blades” or “BOM”)
-> however, I feel like him leaving for the blades is gonna be really plot relevant later on
-> I think that’s when S3 ended im pretty sure. I don’t have further thoughts other than those I could’ve discussed if I could upload enough pictures for my S4 thoughts that accompanied them.
These are thoughts I’ve had compiled for a while. I finished S3 on 06/26/24 and S4 on 06/30/24. As of today (07/3/24) I am on S5E3.
I will continue to post my thoughts/Updates on the tag “laura’s first vld”
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boykisserbuckley · 2 years
Fanfic Origin Story
tagged by @bigfootsmom im in love w u
What was your first fandom (reading and/or writing)?
technically the first fic i ever read was hetalia but i didn’t know it at the time and have never been interested in hetalia otherwise? but it’s funny to say lmao anyway official first fandom i read for according to ao3 history was PJO, and the first i wrote for was voltron
What was the first story you ever wrote (even if it was never posted) and what made you decide to write it?
see above: first fic i wrote was for voltron. i’d never tried writing fic before but i impulsively joined a gift exchange and then i had to make something happen so it did!! it sucks, i hate it now, but it’s still on ao3 bc i refuse to delete it
What’s a piece of advice you would give to your younger fic-writing self?
your fics are for you, so write whatever you want and don’t be afraid to get weird with it
What’s an early fandom interaction that stuck with you (be it a nice comment, a friend you made, a fic that got a lot of feedback etc.)?
ohh in my brief stint in the young justice fandom, i met one of my very good friends @sh1tb0i and then i kept him and it’s been like. 5 years? so i’d say that stuck w me lol
also @renecdote is from my yj days too and then i coerced her into watching 911 so ur welcome everybody
Post a sentence or two from one of your older fics, and a sentence or two from a newer one (if you want).
shaking and crying but here’s a few lines from my first ever fic
“I don't want to tell them,” was all Lance answered, as he flopped against the other arm of the couch. He pulled the blanket with him, but Keith didn't reach for it back. Their hot chocolate was growing cold on the table between them, and the movie played on.
“Why not?” Keith pressed, fighting to keep the frustration out of his voice. “Are you ashamed of me? Of us? Is that it? I've heard you on the phone, avoiding the topic or calling me a friend, a roommate—”
“It’s not that,” Lance assured him.
vs the latest fic i posted
Buck doesn’t know how to move anymore. His muscles are cramping, everything swollen and aching and so, so dry. A thin, breathy whine slips past his teeth.
Something is prickling over his skin. A thousand ants, tiny bodies shifting between the hair on his arms, stiff with salt. Something else is biting him, teeth digging deep into his shoulder blade. He shivers, which doesn’t make sense. He wants out of this oven now. He’s forgetting how to breathe.
“Buck!” That voice calls again. Can that voice help him? Maybe they can turn the heat down. “Buck, where are you?”
like my prose back then wasn’t terrible ig? but that was almost 5 yrs ago and they’re waaay out of character and the plotline is vague lmao but my writing NOW is so tasty i’m in love with myself
anyway i’ll tag @sh1tb0i bc i called him out already, @renecdote @nymika-arts @yikesbuckley @lovebuck and @calnovas
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kidge-planet · 1 year
A friendly night, right... (Part 1/? )
A kidge fanfic!
TW for this chapter:
Canon universe, episode 1 season 8.
A/N: I tried to correct my mistakes but, if you see some, tell me!! ( English is not my first language, btw🥲)
The last day on earth. It was the last day on earth and Keith was still alone, on the top of the black lion.
It wasn’t bothering him that much, he liked to be alone… But, now that he had friends, he would have prefered to spend his time with them, maybe…
And everyone Had something to do tonight… I mean, that’s what he thought...
Keith POV:
I was sat on the top of the black lion, and I had already planned my evening:
watch the sunset, go back home,eat, sleep. Big plans. And I was ok with it, totally...
As the sun was almost gone, I heard gruntings and a voice comming closer to me: It was Lance…
I sighed. Didn’t he had plans for tonight? Other than breaking my OWN plan?
«Man! You can be a very hard guy to find when you want to!»
You know what happened next… Let me just skip this to tell you the part that you don’t know:
Lance and I were still sat on the top of the black lion, silent. He then turned towards me:
«Enough about my date, now! Tell me more about your sentimental life! And don’t lie to me, I can tell when you lie. So, do you have a girl on your mind lately? A guy?»
I blushed «What?! NO!»
«You’re LYYYINNNG! Just tell me already! I don’t see why you would be ashamed, Im Lancey! A pro!»
«A pro» I questionned, raising an eyebrow.
«Yeah! Just trust me!»
« You can be the pro of whatever you want, I’ll never tell you, lance»
«HO! So you’re admitting that you DO have someone in mind!»
I blushed harder « What?! No I-
«Yes you do! Tell me about that person!»
«I… It’s stupid, really, can we change the subject?»
«NOPE, You’re not getting rid of me that easily! Now speek, mullet!»
« I told you, It’s stupid...»
« Take that back! Love is not stupid!»
«In that case, It is, really, just let it go Lance.»
« Why would it be so stupid! Look Keith, I think you are overthinking it… Is is it like, the first time that you like someone?»
I looked back at the sunset, «Pretty much, yes. This is the worse feeling ever and I want to end this as fast as I can...»
Lance gasped at my words «YOU.TAKE. THAT.BACK. I get that you feel overwelmed but I don’t get why you feel like it is SOOOO bad!»
I frowned and clunched my fists, «BECAUSE. She’ll never like me back, that’s why.»
Lance stayed silent.
Then he spoke:
«How can you be so sure?..»
«She is perfect. She is smart, pretty, fun, coreageous and SO DAMN charismatic… I could go on for houres about what is perfect about her, really. Why would she even want me?...»
Lance frowned at me « I can’t let you say that! You are the black paladin, and that for a reason! And I hate to admit that but, I heard that some girls were thinking you were looking good… ( after me, of course).»
«Doesn’t matter what other girls think! She is one of a kind, really… And trust me, she might never give a shit about the fact that im the black paladin.»
Lance looked pissed; «What kind of girl would redject a PALADIN of Voltron! Wait, is it Acxa?! I saw the way you looked at her the other day!»
« Acxa?! NO!» I yelled as I was saking my head quick allong with my hands. Im not saying that Acxa is not nice looking or anything, She is just not the one that caught my eyes… And not my type.
Lance noded, surprisingly, he trusted me. Wait, can he really tell when I lie?…
Lance spoke again: «Ok, so… If it’s not Acxa… why would that girl not care that you are a paladin… The only way I see is that she is herself a- WAIT.»
I turned my gaze away as I blushed. I knew he had guessed by now.
« We have two girls in the team and even tho im pretty sure you are going to answer no ( you better), Is it Allura?»
«Are you fucking serious, Lance?» I slaped my forehead.
«OK, OK, get it! So… Pidge, right?»
I remained silent for a while before to speak again: «I told you it was stupid… Just, forget that, I don’t need you to tell me things I already know.»
«So you’re just… Giving up? That’s weird from you… Well actually, not, you like running away from your feelings, right?»
I raised an eyebrow, «What do you mean?»
« You ALWAYS try to keep your feelings away… The only emotion you have is anger, man. I mean, you sure grew and started to accept your feelings but huh, Im not sure that just… Runing away from your feelings for her will work forever. Love is a strong feeling that you can’t just wippe away. Trust me, many gyals redjected me and even if I was telling people that I was not feeling anything for them anymore, it wasn’t true. Well, It wasn’t true before I met Allura. Now, these girls doesn’t worth anything next to Allura. The fact is, Man, stop hurting yourself like that… AND STOP THINKING YOU DON’T WORTH ANYTHING! It’s not true and im sure Pidge knows that. She really likes you, I can tell. Now, get your ass out of here and fucking go get her!»
I sighed «Thanks but no. I have many reasons to not go.»
Lance raised an eyebrow: « Liiiiike?»
I blinked twice before to think of an answer, « Well… I don’t want to break our friendship...»
«WOW, that’s true, you do have a lot of reasons to NOT tell her...» Lance sarcastically said.
«Shut up. It’s still a good reason. As I said, she deserves better.»
«Better then the black paladin? Who even are you to decide what she deserves? I really don’t think she cares.»
«Sure, ok. But I know that she is better than me in every way. She should have a man that can be good enough, don’t you get it?»
«Are you done saying shit? Good, then no more talking and you take her out tonight. Before you start arguing, No, she doesn’t have anything planed tonight. She had her last family dinner on earth yesterday because her parents are working on the Atlas tonight and Yes, she is at the garrison right now. I won't let you give up on your first love when she is as amazing as Pidge.»
I panicked, «BUT-
«TSSSSSSS, No buts. Doesn’t need to be a date or something that brings you as a couple at the end of the day! Just, play it friendly for now, that’s how it alll starts. More you’ll spend time with her and make her feel confortable around you, more she’d want to be aroud and THEN, something can be possible.»
I stayed silent, increduly staring at him. «Just a friendly night?»
«Yeah, I know you want to spend time with her… just go ahead and stop running away! And who knows, maybe she likes your mullet!»
Maybe, for once, Lance was right…. Well, I don't know for the mullet part. I guess I hope she likes it but anyways... «But, what am I even supposed to do during a friendly night?...»
«… Friendly stuffs?»
Lance sighed, «Just Invite her to hang out and huh, I don’t know… eat? She is pretty simple, she hates fancy stuffs… Just take the black lion in the desert and order pizzas...»
«I guess I can do that… But, huh… I don’t really know how to ask, I’ve never done that before.»
Lance stared at me with a desperate gaze: «You know, you just ask?...»
«… But how?...»
«FINE, I’ll go with you! But then I’ve got to go get ready for my own plans, so we’re going now.»
«Wait- NOW?» I said as the anxiety started to grow.
«Yes, Come now, I know where she is, last time I saw her, She was with the girls in the comon room.» Lance got up.
I froze, «Girls?.. Wait who?! Are you telling me that I’ll have to ask her in front of OTHER PEOPLE?! Im not doing that!»
«HO PLEASE, what if there are some people?! At least that’ll give Nadia some new gosips...»
«Im repeating myself here but: IM NOT DOING THAT!»
«You really are getting on my nerves but ok, fine, just come and we’ll ask her for a private talk. Does that sound good to you or are you still going to play the baby here?»
« LET’S JUST GO.» I got up to join Lance.
We went back inside the Garrison and at every steps, I felt the anxiety grow,
Hell, what am I even doing! I thought I wanted to move on…
My thoughts got cut by Lance stopping in front of me and some laughings comming from a nearby room. I heard Romelle, Allura, Nadia, Ina and P-… Katie. I don’t even know, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALL HER NOW?! Guess I’ll stick with Pidge for now…
Lance turned toward me with a serious look, I could tell that I was getting on his nerves but He is the one wanting me to do that so he is obviously getting himself mad on his own here…
«Ok, We’re walking in there, we take Pidge to the side and you ask her, alright?»
«I Guess...» I looked to the side.
«Good, let’s go»
We both walked in, getting all of our eyes on us. That got me very unconfortable, especialy when I saw her eyes on me. Damn. I forgot how these eyes could kill me just at the sight of it… I shivered as we waked towards the girls.
«Hello laydies, how is your evening going?» Lance said in a flirty tone as he gazed at Allura.
Lance talked to the girls for a while before he came to the main topic: «SO! I’d like to tchat with you longer but I’ve got things to do… Anyways, My bro Keith and I did came here for a reason! Pidge, Keith here wanted to talk to you, in private.»
Great… Now, everyone had their eyes on me and I bet they all knew what I was planing…
At this moment, I wanted to kill Lance for saying «Keith wanted to talk to you» and nor m«We wanted to talk to you» This feels SO suspect!
«HO, huh, sure» Pidge said with a slight blush. I think it was mostly because everyone was now staring at her.
«Then let’s go!» Lance started to walk out and we both followed him.
Once we were out of the room, the three of us faced each other:
«Ok then, Keith, go ahead!»
I took a deep breath and spoke up :
«So, huh, I… Do you have some plans for tonight? Because, I don’t know, I have nothing to do tonight and I thought we could hang out? NOT A DATE, It’s a friendly night! You know, a night between friends in which we do friend’s things! But if you don’t want to it’s o-
Lance placed his hand in front of my mouth.
(Lance, if you read this, thank you for stopping me, I panicked)
«What this handsome guy is trying to tell you, Pidge, is that he wants to spend his last night on earth with you if you don’t have anything planed. You know, order something and talk together on the top of the black lion?»
Pidge was now a blushing mess, just like I was.
«I have nothing planed tonight… So yes, sounds fun. I’d love to, Keith.»
I was about to answer shits again but Lance saved the day, AGAIN:
«Great! Well, you’ll exuse us, we have things to do! He’ll come and get you in that same room at 6pm, sounds good to you, Pidgey?»
«Sure, yeah, Ok.»
«GREAT, GREAT, GREAT! Then bye now»
I took a last glance at her before Lance pulled me away, letting her standing alone, in the hallway. I saw how she was questionning me with her azel eyes, without saying a word…
Lance grabed my shoulders and looked at me, firmely :
«WHAT WAS THAT?!» He screemed in a whisper.
«I panicked, ok?! Now it’s done, can we move on?!»
He sighed, «Ok, how are going to get dressed tonight? And are you planing to be so awkward the rest of the night? Also, take a shower and wear some perfume, I can sens that you trained today...»
«One question at the time!»
«Ok, dress however you want, but not too much, It’s supposed to be a chill and nice night… For the awkward part, just relax now… It’s going to be fine, you know her for long now, Im sure it’s going to be ok. Be yourself... AND TAKE A SHOWER. I’ve got to go get ready for my date, so, make her laugh, be sweet to her, compliment her. Got it? And if you hurt her, im destroying you. Really. Bye!»
Lance said as he walked away. Ok, Im on my own now…
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elgamesh · 2 years
hottest male characters (VERY much self indulgent)
notes at the end :)
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masterlist / other lists / main fandom list
✧ ENDEAVOR | My Hero Academia
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✧ Cole Cassidy | Overwatch
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✧ Mirage | Apex Legends
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✧ Sousuke Yamazaki | Free!
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✧ Eraserhead | My Hero Academia
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✧ Nie Mingjue | Mo Dao Zu Shi
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✧ Jesus | The Walking Dead: New Frontier (Game)
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✧ Ganondorf | The Legend of Zelda
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✧ The Iron Bull | Dragon Age: Inquisition
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✧ Mink | Dramatical Murder
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✧ Haruki Nakayama | Given
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✧ Shiro | Voltron
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✧ Joe | SK8: The Infinity
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✧ Trevor Belmont | Castlevania (Netflix)
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✧ Momota Kaito | Danganronpa v3: Killing Harmony
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✧ Foreign God | Ennead (manhwa)
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✧ Harbor | Valorant
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✧ Graves | League of Legends
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✧ Carlos Oliveira | Resident Evil 3
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✧ Pyramid Head | Silent Hill
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✧ Ryu | Street Fighter 6
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✧ Vamp | Metal Gear Solid
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✧ Vincent Volaju | Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
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honorary mentions:
mauga, reinhardt, gabriel reyes (overwatch)
heracles, iskandar (fgo)
kaji (evangelion)
blanca (banana fish)
jayce (arcane/LoL)
tenma kenzo (monster)
barret (ffvii)
gladio (ffxv)
dick gumshoe (ace attorney)
kaeya (genshin impact)
nekomaru (sdr2), korekiyo (ndrv3)
mike (aot)
harwin strong (hotd)
jim hopper (stranger things, but tbf i’m just a big simp for davir harbour lol)
gilmore, caleb, fjord, mollymauk (critical role)
arthur morgan (rdr2)
geralt of rivia (the witcher)
leon kennedy, chris, nemesis (resident evil)
sebastian michaelis (kuroshitsuji)
mettaton ex (undertale)
griffith (berserk)
fandoms i’m NOT in / franchises i’m not familiar with:
apex legends
league of legends (besides arcane)
final fantasy
street fighter
the witcher (besides the 1st season of the show)
castlevania (besides the show)
cowboy bebop
rambling bc i can: this is not done as an statement but merely to show the world my taste and how h0rny i am for middle aged men. it’s personal taste. i genuinely don’t even know some of these characters cause i haven’t played/watched/whatever they are from. this is not about how much i love them but about how hot they are so im just simping. that being said i do LOVE most of these characters very much and i consider them my babies, my baby girls, my daddies, my sluts, etc. even if most are +30 years old beefy and hairy men. i very obviously have a type, yes. shush. it’s not my fault i have good taste. if you don’t then keep it to yourself, cause frankly i couldn’t care less!!!
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caelumsnuff · 1 year
What keeps you here (listening to Redacted, slightly engaging with fandom, writing for it)? I don’t mean that in the annoying ‘omg why are you here if you’re gonna complain’ way. As I think it’s heathy for a fandom to discuss what could be better about their fandom space and what works and doesn’t work for them in the media they’re consuming (and even as someone who enjoys 99% of this place, this fandom’s ‘don’t even say that you don’t like a thing’ is unlike any fandom I’ve ever been in, big or small).
I’m asking ‘cause I’ve been listening to Redacted since 2021 and it became a fixation, but recently I feel it fading a lot (I don’t find the narratives as compelling anymore with Quinn and Avior being the recent ones, HBS was just okay even tho nothing quality wise changed to me, even my enjoyment of the podcast has waned (and I listen to a ton of podcasts of all types so that should have been the one thing that stayed lol, but they are inconsistent then come back and talk about Pokémon Go only for 70% of the episode every episode lol so I think that’s what’s not helping).
So what brought you here and what keeps you here now? What do you think will keep you engaging with his work? What do you think will (or could be) what makes you step away (whether abruptly or gradually)? (Sorry for all the questions. I’m curious. Hope you have a lovely day!)
Thank you for the ask! I know this is long and a little word soupy perhaps, but i hope you can glean some coherent meaning from it.
Under the cut bc long.
I've been here since very very very early in the channel. Like...... 2020 early. I was getting back into listening to rp asmr after having a small interest in it a few years earlier, and i came across redacted, a lil baby VA. Redacted had some unique qualities in the rp asmr scene, and if we're being honest he still does.
My brain kinda decided to hyperfixate on Redacted, i think because he had plot heavy audios and that wasnt super common in this genre of rp. And in the beginning, the plots were actually decently good in terms of writing and whatnot.
At some point along the way, that fixation became something of a special interest eventually. Probably sometime around early 2022 when i decided to join the discord to finally see some fanart and maybe make friends with people in this fandom. That kinda sent me down the rabbit hole of realizing "oh shit yeah these people have wildly different interpretations of these audios", which started to irritate me in regards to a certain magical therapist and i ended up writing a fanfic about it after being afraid to write for literally most of my life. I got very mixed responses, but some people were really kind and expressed gratitude for my writing and that made me actually want to be a part of this fandom, even if i stay in my own little corner. After that point i started to engage with the content far more critically, and decided that i care about his videos too much to not talk about them and critique them.
I can't really tell you why i stay here, not exactly at least. I think plot-wise the videos have declined in quality greatly, which i started paying attention to. I have been known to enjoy bad media. Like a lot. I watched all of Voltron, all of Vampire Diaries, 13/15 seasons of Supernatural, the Twilight movies, and i fucking enjoyed them. Im just a fan of shit media. Its really fun to critique as well! But like..... I don't think Erik is an all around shit writer, i think he's really good at some things. Character building (the base of a character at least), universe building (for the most part), and the line writing is really good actually, i enjoy them. And i think that he's decent when writing darker content and plotlines, look at the Adam plotline, the Ivan plotline, Imperium AU etc. So i guess the answer is i enjoy critically engaging with it and actively critiquing the art, as well as being attached to the characters and the universe. I have kinda yoinked the characters and they are now my little barbie dolls to play with.
Tbh i ignore most of the fandom bc i just..... simply do not care what people i dont know think about me. I think that majority of this fandom has demonstrated not just a lack of critical thinking skills, comprehension of fandom etiquette, and media comprehension skills, but also a lack of basic human decency and kindness. I do not care what people like that think of me. I know who i am, my loved ones know who i am, and im not gonna let children on the internet stop me from making the art i enjoy.
I take breaks from listening to videos every once in a while (like 2 months at the beginning of this year), but i always end up coming back. I guess im curious as to where this all is going, and i really really do want to see this man get better at writing which..... hasnt happened yet but i guess im patient enough to wait lol. I think he hit a new low recently though. I think the Quinn storyline is the first time that the bad writing actually made me like... angry. Like i was MAD, like shaking laughing in my bed mad. It took me an hour to cool down like what the fuck was that man 😭 If i think about it too hard ill get all riled up again.
I.... don't know what would make me step away tbh. Idk what that would take, but i guess it'd have to be worse than the Quinn arc, which is setting a pretty high bar.
So yeah i think i stay here because i love the characters (or the ideas of them), as well as the universe, and i think writing fics for them is really good practice for me. There's also some very sweet people in this fandom who have been nothing but kind and encouraging to me, and i do not want to let these interactions i have with you guys fizzle out just yet. I may not know yall or directly interact with yall a lot, but i really do love you guys in this little corner of the fandom ive carved out.
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