#you do not want to be her she was not “living the dream” she was a victim what the fuck
emanfamily3 · 3 days
Save us before it's too late ‏🍉🥺
Please, don’t skip 🙏😭
I’m verified 🍉🇵🇸
Hello, I am Iman from Gaza 🍉, a science teacher, a mother of five children: Nada (11), Rahaf (8), Sarah (5), Sham (3), Zeina (9 months). Technology is a beautiful, beautiful life. When the war broke out, everything turned upside down. My school that she uses was bombed, my husband lost his job, our house burned down, and our children lost their schools, clothes, toys, dreams, and future. We lost ten members of the group and lived in a tent that did not protect us from the cold of winter or the heat of summer. We were displaced more than ten times to escape the hell of war and there was no safe place in Gaza! We would flee from another place until we were besieged and miraculously escaped death! Until we set up the tent on the Mawasi of Yu Khanis and lived in it. It was not suitable for human habitation. In the winter, the rain would drown the children and the tent would be flooded with rain, with the lack of stimulants that made my daughters suffer from influenza, colds, and diarrhea. They would shiver from the cold of winter and the winds almost tore the tent apart!! And we stayed in the tent until summer came with its dangerous, scorching sun and its many harmful insects, such as flies, mosquitoes, scorpions and mice. The heat almost melted my daughters' bodies, as they were symptoms of skin diseases, ulcers, hepatitis, epidemic and pollution, all this in a wretched tent that could not accommodate two heads, as it was the kitchen, the one that was gloomy and the one that was high enough for sleeping.
‏We suffer from fetching water long distances on foot, and it is not enough, and if we find it, it is not polluted and not fit for drinking or use.
‏In this tent, my little girl Zeina was born and she left the hospital to the tent under direct health conditions. We suffer from good morning to crazy in terms of selling prices and completing vaccinations and medicines, and my daughter stopped due to malnutrition.
‏Do you think the tent is safe? No, by God, other tents were bombed near us and my children and I were shot at by occupation naval boats while we were on the sea, but we survived!
‏Since the beginning of the war, we have been living on canned food and my children crave water, fruits, meat and dairy products, but they are expensive. They crave sweets that are not simple!
‏As for our house, its walls have been bombed and everything in it, including beds, children's clothes, their clothes and belongings, has been burned. They are always crying, wanting their clothes and their clothes!!
‏We have been suffering from power outages since the beginning of the war (a year ago) and gas outages. My children are working by collecting firewood to cook food in primitive ways. !
‏Save us from the hell of war before it is too late. We are growing slowly every day 😭 Please donate to my children, help us get out of Gaza and escape this deadly war 🙏🥹🍉
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wosoluver · 2 days
Oh, baby
Georgia Stanway x reader.
I know nothing about giving birth so bare with me. Also please don't kill me for the plot changes, Hope you like it!
Other players masterlist
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"Fuck!" you said feeling the warm liquid run down your legs. "No, no, no." You were staying over at her parents' house. Tomorrow would be the final match at the 2023 world cup and you would be gathered to watch the game there.
"Jo! We need to go, my water just broke!" you said grabbing her mother's attention. Her dad had gone to Australia to support her, but her mom refused leaving you, pregnant and alone. And you thanked the universe. You were 36 weeks, you were to give birth only next month. You had been feeling small contractions, that were apparently normal in the third trimester.
That was the only reason Georgia agreed to go.
A million thoughts went through your mind. Would the baby be okay? Would they have to do a C-section?
Would your fiancé be okay, knowing she missed the moment se was waiting so excited for? Were you even ready for this?
You started to cry immediately.
"Don't worry love, I'm calling her as soon as you're in the hospital."
"No please! You can't! You know her!" you said followed by a scream when you felt the sharp pain of a contraction hit you. "Please, please wait as much as we can. This is important for her, she needs to be a hundred percent focused."
"But seeing her daughter's birth is too..."
"I know but even if she knows, she'll won't get here in time. Please."
She only nodded agreeing with you. And you asked her to call your parents instead.
While you walked around the room, preparing yourself for the ride ahead, in attempt to stay sound, you thought about what had led you here.
You and Georgia had been together for almost six years.
You had met at Man City, both came from a small town and were around the same age, sharing the dream to become big players.
You started dating, and your relationship went through a lot.
You endured for years a long distance relationship, when you moved away to play in Spain and she stayed back in Manchester.
A couple of seasons later you transferred to Bayern, where your girlfriend soon followed suit.
And you both finally managed to start your life together.
She didn't want to wait any longer, all that time had been enough.
From living together to her proposing, life felt like pure bliss.
And after the 2022 euro's title, you felt like it was the right time to have a pause on your career.
It wasn't an easy decision, since the World Cup was around the corner.
But differently from your teammates, you now had a bigger dream, Georgia fully supported you, she herself had always wanted to be a mother.
You didn't expect for it to work so soon.
Along with the risks the doctors had told you, it could take more than one try.
Fortunately the whole pregnancy had been very healthy, and nothing gave you any reason to think something like this could happen.
You questioned yourself if you were doing the right thing, by not updating her on the matter.
Georgia's head was buzzing, Spain was winning by a goal. England had slightly recovered at the end of first half, but it wasn't enough.
She sat on the locker room, trying to cool down, zoning out a bit. All she could think of was winning this, to come home as a champion. For her girls.
She could have never imagined you had been in the hospital for the last couple of hours, let alone giving birth. So she didn't bother to look for her phone.
And before she knew, she was walking back to the field for the second half.
"Just one more push, yeah?"
And you did as a loud cry filled the room. And they placed her right on your chest.
You felt like you could pass out from how tired you were.
But you couldn't, yet.
"You did great darling." her mom cooed you in between tears.
"Is the game over yet?"
"Yes, they won second place." she handed your phone over.
You cried hard a the sound of that. She had been deprived of being champion and seeing her daughter's first moments in the same day, at the same time. You tried to recompose yourself while you pressed to facetime her.
ongoing call...
"Hey love, what took you so lon-" she managed to get out before shutting up at the realization. A big smile appearing in her tear stained face. "She's beautiful."
before she could say anything else, Lucy, who was prying at the video call, loudly announced to everyone.
"The baby is here!" and you could hear the girls cheering loudly. Running to try and congratulate you.
"You guys are so loud, geez." your soon to be wife said after a few moments, walking to a more private place, so you both could talk.
"I am so sorry." you said eyes filled with tears.
"We couldn't have known." she said giving you a reassuring smile. "I was going to show you this baby here," showing her silver medal at the camera. "But it seems like you're already holding our baby right there."
And for over ten minutes you two sat quietly, just admiring the angel you had brought into the world.
"Is she okay? I mean she clearly looks like it, but since she's early..."
"Better than expected actually. They said she's around 6.30 lbs and over 19 inches. Pretty big for a preterm. They'll run some tests in the morning, just to be sure." you said letting out a yawn.
"You need to get some sleep. And I'm getting on the first plane home."
"I love you, and I'm so proud of you."
"Oh baby, I'm the one who's proud. I love you. Both of you."
Maybe another part with G meeting baby Talia?
like & share pls!
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Chapter One
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Chapter One of Man of Honor
Series Masterlist ❖ Main Masterlist ❖ House Of The Dragon Masterlist
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 3k+ 
Summary: Things change, but not necessarily for the better.
Warnings: Angst angst angst, language, fluff, slow burn
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Four years after Cregan had sworn his oath to you by the heart tree, she entered your lives.
Arra Norrey.
A noblewoman of House Norrey. She was everything you wanted to be. Brown hair that flowed down her back, honey brown eyes, and a beautiful smile that could capture any man’s attention. And catch their attention it did. Particularly the attention of one man.
That was when everything changed and life as you knew it was turned upside down.
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At first it started out small. Cregan and Arra would go out on horseback and upon returning, Cregan would talk endlessly about how great of a rider she was and how he had not expected such skill from someone like her. He’d speak of her love for poetry and songs, mentioning that you should ask for her to sing sometime because her voice was so beautiful. He would bring up miniscule things like how she wasn’t the fondest of the cold, even though she lived in the North. How her needlework was impeccable. The list went on and on.
But then the comparisons started to happen. Cregan would say things about her and then mention how it reminded him of things you would do and how similar the two of you were. Other times, he would make comments stating how different you were from each other. He would offhandedly say things like “Arra sings all the time, why don’t you ever sing?” or “Arra said she learned how to make this delicious duck soup and offered to make it sometime. I’m sure she’d be more than happy to teach it to you.” You were sure that Cregan did not mean them in a malicious way, but those comments had begun to slowly chip away at your self-esteem.
You never sang around him because you hated the way your voice sounded and were always too nervous to sing for others. You knew how to cook, but you also knew how to hunt and survive in the desolate lands of the North. You knew how to skin a rabbit and take down a boar with one shot through its eye. You even knew how to wield a sword and do it while on horseback. You didn’t need some noblewoman from some noble house within the North to teach you anything. But even knowing all those things that you could do that Arra couldn’t, you still felt insignificant when compared to her. She had become the apple of Cregan’s eye, and nothing you did or could do, would be enough.
Over time the distance between the two of you grew and eventually you hardly spent any time at all, his time and energy spent towards Arra and their budding relationship. And then came the news that shattered your heart and solidified the future between the two of you. Cregan and Arra were betrothed. A meager year after she’d entered your lives, and they were now to be married in six moons.
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You remembered that day as clearly as a crystal on a rare sunny day. Cregan had approached you with a wide grin on his face and said that he and Arra’s parents had spoken and decided to betroth the two and bring two great houses in the North closer together. He had sounded so elated at the news and told you that he was anxious and hoped he would make a good husband. You had reassuringly smiled at him and told him that he would make a fine husband and that Arra was lucky for such a match. On the outside you presented a cool and collected close friend, but inside your heart was crumbling.
Forgotten was the oath you’d both spoken to each other beneath the weirwood tree all those years ago.
Forgotten was the promise of a future together.
Forgotten was the childhood pledge he’d made to you about becoming the Lady of Winterfell and holding Cregan’s heart, that privilege was now Arra’s.
It was now a mere dream that would no longer come to fruition and your heart grew heavy at the revelation that you had lost your chance at happiness with him. That night was the first time you had cried yourself to sleep since the death of your parents, and Cregan was not there to comfort you like he had been so many times before.
As time went on, you began to distance yourself from Cregan more and more, your heart not being able to take seeing him and Arra constantly interacting. Every time Cregan approached you to go hunting or spend time in the godswood, you’d declined, saying you had other duties to tend to or had promised to spend time with Sara, and you both knew how Sara was.
At first, Cregan had thought nothing of it, believing your excuses, but as time went on, he noticed how you would avoid making eye contact with him, and how you’d somehow slip away when he would enter a room. He’d had enough of your avoidance and wanted to confront you, but you had a talent of becoming invisible and made it impossible find for him to find you. So, he resolved to do the next best thing: speak to Sara about your behavior. The two of you were always close, though not as close as you and Cregan had once been. That had changed since Arra had arrived.
Sara had become your confidante, listening to you talk about Cregan when he and Arra grew close, and had even been there to hear your confession of your feelings towards Cregan. She was the only person who’d known about your and Cregan’s words in the godswood that day and had kept silent when you spoke of your heartache over the broken promise. She listened intently, and as much as she wanted to give Cregan an earful for his obviousness for your feelings, not once had she betrayed your trust. However, after weeks of your avoidance, Cregan had gone to her, she did not hold back on chastising him.
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That afternoon, Cregan had watched you abruptly end your conversation with his sister and stealthily disappear as he approached, something that had begun to irritate him. He had quickened his pace, hoping to somehow stop you, but it was no use, you’d once again slipped through his fingers.
He let out a small huff and Sara turned to look at him, an eyebrow raised at his demeanor.
“Care to tell me what you’re so worked up about, Cregan?” Sara asked, already knowing what the answer would be.
“I just - ugh - that damn woman,” he began, his voice laced with irritation. “She’s been avoiding me, and I have no idea why! But YOU clearly do.”
Sara hummed in thought before responding in a teasing tone.
“So, what if I do?”
“Tell me why. What have I done to illicit such treatment?” Cregan grumbled.
“You really don’t know?” She quipped back as she folded her arms across her chest.
“No! I wouldn’t be standing here asking for you to tell me if I knew, now, would I?” He retorted in annoyance, his patience beginning to wane.
“Wow,” Sara said as she shook her head. “You really are as thick as the hide on a cow, aren’t you?”
“I don’t have time for your petty insults,” Cregan snapped. “Tell me.”
“Well, I’m sorry your lordship,” she sarcastically replied, finding amusement from his rising temper. “It’s not my fault you’re my idiot of a brother who can’t see what’s right in front of him.”
“Enough with your riddles, please,” Cregan spoke, his tone changing from annoyance to a small plea.
“If you must know, it’s because of YOU.”
“Me? What have I done?” He questioned, confused as to what he did to cause such treatment from you.
“It’s more what you HAVEN’T done, dear brother,” Sara stated, pondering her next words carefully. “Do you not remember?”
“Remember what? What have I not done that I was apparently supposed to do or be doing?!” Cregan exasperatedly exclaimed.
“You’d think that something as big as this would be something you wouldn’t easily forget,” she began. “After all, Starks do not forget their oaths.”
Cregan let her words sink in, unsure of what she meant.
What could she possibly be talking about?
An oath?
What oath?
I never made - oh.
“Oh. Is that all you can say?!” Sara asked, the dumbfounded look on Cregan’s face enough to ignite her anger.
“I - we - we - we were children!” Cregan answered. “It was nothing but a game the two of us played! Just like any other game.”
Sara scoffed at his words.
“Maybe for you, but for her it was never a game,” she shot back. “Do you often make a habit of swearing oaths beneath the heart tree? Oaths of a false future?”
“Sara - I - again, we were children.”
“All of the North knows how serious oaths made in the Godswood are to be taken. Even children know not to do such things. Especially beneath the heart tree! Not oaths of marriage! And ESPECIALLY not oaths of marriage that are sworn to the old gods. You were both far from children when you’d spoken those words to her, and you know it.”
Cregan recoiled at her harsh tone, surprised that they had not attracted any prying eyes from how tense things were.
“But - but - I don’t understand,” he softly said. “What does that have to do with any of this?”
“You fucking imbecile!” Sara seethed. “It has EVERYTHING to do with this. You’re betrothed to another, with no thought to how it would make her feel. Not only that, but ever since Arra arrived, you’ve done nothing but ignore her. And even worse, compare her and Arra! Are you really that blind? Do you not see the hurt you’ve caused the poor girl? The pain she has had to constantly endure everyday seeing you with another woman? THAT is why she avoids you. THAT is why she wants nothing to do with you. Her heart breaks every time she sees you, Cregan. She sees the way you look at Arra and wishes you’d look at her like that. She has spent the last year suffering in silence because of YOU. YOU made an oath to her that you would take her as your wife and make her the Lady of Winterfell, but now that oath has been forgotten. I am just a Snow, and for that I am glad, because I would be ashamed to be a Stark who forgot an oath. Even one made as a so called child.”
“I - I did not know of her fondness towards me,” he whispered, his heart clenching at the Sara’s words.
“That’s a lie and you know it,” Sara spat out. “She has stood by you through everything. Your brother’s passing. Your father’s passing. Getting Winterfell back from your uncle and cousins. Every moment since childhood, she has been there, and you doubt her feelings for you?”
“I did not know she felt that way,” Cregan answered, looking down at his feet. “Felt more than just kinship.”
“Anyone could see that she felt more than kinship towards you. All the damn North could see it! Can you really say that you did not feel the same way?”
Cregan hesitated to meet his sister’s eyes. He could feel them burning a hole into his skull, and he was sure that had he not been the Lord of Winterfell, she would have struck him by now. Although he doubted that would prevent Sara from raining her wrath down upon him, consequences of hitting a lord be damned.
“I - I do not know,” he softly spoke as he finally looked at his sister. “What do I do?”
“That, I cannot answer for you. You must decide that for yourself, dear brother. If you really don’t feel anything for her, then go through with the marriage to Arra. But if you do feel more than you care to admit, then that is something that you must figure out on your own,” Sara said as she patted his shoulder and walked away.
Cregan watched as Sara walked into the snow-covered courtyard and a lump formed in his throat when he spotted you in the shadows on the other side. He let out a sigh as you met his eye and then unsurprisingly slipped into the darkness to hide away. At that moment Cregan realized that that was the first time you had met his gaze in a long time. For exactly how long it had been, he wasn’t sure, but it had been long enough that he felt an emptiness sweep over him when you tore yourself away from his vision and faded into the darkness.
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Cregan spent the next several days mulling over everything Sara had told him. Apart from speaking to his council regarding preparations for the upcoming winter and updates regarding the Wall, Cregan spent most of those days alone, often opting to go riding or sit in his study in quiet contemplation. Much of that was him going through every memory you two shared, trying to figure out where things had changed for you. However, during the evenings, in the solace of his chambers, he found himself just thinking about you.
Who you were as a person and how you had grown so close over the years. Arra had of course taken note of his sudden change in demeanor, and he had made up excuses like having important business to attend to with the maesters due to the coming winter being predicted as a longer and colder one. Arra had not pushed the matter, knowing that he had a lot on his shoulders as the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, especially when he was still quite young.
Some nights sleep would elude him, his thoughts weighing too heavily on his mind to allow him rest. On those nights he found himself wishing he could speak to you about everything. To confide in you as he once had. To talk about what he had done wrong and how to fix it. One such night, as he laid in his bed blankly staring at the ceiling, his thoughts drifted to a memory where you had been exceptionally happy.
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It was the afternoon before your fifteenth name day, and Cregan had been teaching you how to shoot. You had always been an avid learner and that morning you’d begged him to teach you the ways of the bow, and he had finally relented when you told him it could be his gift to you. He had rolled his eyes at your antics but nonetheless grabbed a bow and told you to meet him in the practice yard.
You had been so carefree back then and Cregan smiled as he remembered the way your eyes had lit up when he appeared with a bow and quiver of arrows. He had started by teaching you the basics, how to hold the bow and draw the arrow back to the proper position, and how to aim. At first, you had struggled, unable to draw the arrow far enough and maintain the hold to aim, so Cregan had come up you to fix your form.
“Your feet should be shoulder width apart with your shoulder pointed to the target,” he instructed, moving your feet into the proper position and your shoulder to line up with the target. “Good, now keep your back straight and push your hips forward. You should be comfortable enough to hold this position for a while. Your inner elbow should be parallel to the ground and when you draw the arrow make sure to pull your shoulders back and lift your elbow. Now bring the arrow back toward your face until the bow feels tight, but keep your arms relaxed. Don’t tense.”
You followed his instructions as best as you could, but he noticed that your stance was still a little off, so he went to stand behind you and pulled your shoulders back, before placing his hands on your hips, shifting you ever so slightly to bring your pelvis forward. At the time he had taken note of how you had sucked in a breath at the action but thought nothing of it as he held your waist and told you to release the arrow. You’d both watched with bated breath as the arrow soared through the air and landed dead center of the target. You jumped with glee and turned to face him; a giant grin plastered on your face.
“I did it!” You proudly exclaimed.
“That you did, my lady,” Cregan replied, your infectious smile drawing one of his own to his face. You continued to jump for joy and expectedly planted a kiss on his cheek, his face growing hot at your act of affection. You then turned back to the target and nocked another arrow, unaware of the blush that graced his face and continued spread across his cheeks and down his necks. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride as he watched you shoot arrow after arrow into the target, his smile staying on his face the entire time.
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Cregan abruptly sat up in bed at the memory. He’d remembered the way his body had reacted at being so close to yours. How he’d felt a tingle in his fingertips when he placed his hands on your hips. He recalled the way your body easily shifted into position as he moved you into place. He remembered how you moved with such grace as you kept shooting, your skill improving with each arrow.
As Cregan continued to think of the events of that day, and the more he recalled, the clearer things became. Not just for that day, but for every day before and after that.
The way the sun illuminated your eyes, showing a hint of mischief behind them, had always captured his attention. The way the cold bite of the North would reddened your nose and cheeks had always made him chuckle in amusement.
The sweet melody of your voice, especially when saying his name, had always made him feel warm inside.
The way you smiled so much brighter - a special smile reserved just for him - when seeing him had always made his heart thump loudly in his chest.
And the way your small hand always seemed to sit so snuggly in his large ones had always made his breath hitch.
It had always been there.
The way your cheery and sweet temperament balanced his more serious and brooding nature.
The way the two of you always worked so well together when it came to hunting or matters of running Winterfell.
The way you each knew when the other was having a bad day and needed extra comfort.
The way you could both communicate with just one look.
The two of you had always fit so perfectly together, like pieces of a puzzle, or two sides to a coin.
It had always been there.
And it had always been seen by those around the two of you. 
Except for him.
Until now.
Cregan’s eyes widened in realization. Your feelings were not one sided. Far from it. He felt the same way for you as you did for him.
You loved him.
And he loved you.
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wolverigrl · 23 hours
Request for Hugh story.
The reader gets a little jealous when Hugh has to spend some time with his ex wife and kids, so to show his girlfriend just how much he loves her. Hugh makes her romantic dinner just for them.
Hugh Jackman x reader
!A/N! I hope you like this requested story! <3
Warnings: jealousy, cheesy, nothing more!
It had been a year and a half since Hugh and I had started dating. The first year had been incredible - dream-like, really. But things had changed. It started slowly, creeping in like an unwanted shadow. His work, the endless promotion for his new movie, had taken over our lives. We barely saw each other anymore. And when he wasn’t jetting across the globe for press junkets, he was here in New York - spending time with his ex-wife and their kids.
I knew it was important for him to be there for them, to maintain that family bond. And I understood that. I tried to understand it. But lately, it felt like I was always waiting. Waiting for him to come home. Waiting for some kind of sign that I still mattered.
And today? Today was the final straw.
I had seen the photos online—Hugh and Deborra-Lee with their kids, laughing, looking so perfect together. Like nothing had ever changed between them. It wasn’t rational, I knew that. He had been married to her for years, and they shared a lot of history. But no matter how hard I tried to suppress it, the jealousy kept bubbling up inside me, threatening to spill over.
So when Hugh finally walked through the door that evening, his face lit up with a tired but warm smile, I couldn’t hold back anymore.
"Had a good day?" I asked, my tone far too sharp for what was supposed to be a casual question.
He dropped his keys on the counter and looked at me, confused by the edge in my voice. "Yeah... spent the day with the kids. It was nice. What about you?"
"Great." I replied, unable to mask the bitterness. "Saw the pictures. You all looked... happy."
Hugh's brows furrowed. "What do you mean? Of course, we were happy. I was spending time with the kids- "
"And your ex-wife." I cut him off, my arms crossing defensively. "You’ve been spending a lot of time with her, haven’t you?"
He stared at me, his confusion deepening. "Y/n, she's the mother of my kids. We’re not together, you know that. You have nothing to worry about."
"I don’t?" I scoffed, shaking my head. "Because it feels like I’m the last thing on your mind these days. I’m starting to forget what it’s like to even have you around."
Hugh stepped toward me, his voice soft but firm. "That’s not fair, y/n. You know how crazy things have been with the movie, and I’m trying to be there for the kids. It’s complicated."
"Yeah, it is complicated!" I snapped, my frustration boiling over. I could feel the words tumbling out of me, unstoppable now. "I would never ask you to choose between me and them, Hugh, but I’m not asking for much. I just want to feel like I matter too."
He ran a hand through his hair, clearly exasperated but trying to stay calm. "You do matter. You know you do."
"Do I?" I shot back, my voice cracking despite my best efforts to stay composed. "Because lately, it feels like I’m just here. Waiting for you to remember I exist!"
Hugh’s expression softened, his frustration giving way to something more vulnerable. "Love, come on... it’s not like that."
But I couldn’t listen anymore. The flood of emotions was too much, and I needed space. "I need to get out of here." I muttered, grabbing my coat and heading for the door.
"Y/n, wait!" Hugh called after me, but I didn’t stop. I couldn’t. I just needed air, space - anything to clear my head. The door clicked shut behind me, and I found myself walking aimlessly through the streets of New York, my emotions swirling in my chest like a storm.
The crisp night air hit my face as I wandered through the city. My mind raced as I replayed the argument over and over. Why had I let it get this far? Why hadn’t I talked to him sooner, before it all exploded like this? I knew he wasn’t intentionally pushing me away, but lately, it felt like I was invisible.
After an hour of walking and stewing in my own thoughts, I realized I needed to head back. I couldn’t avoid this forever. We needed to talk - really talk. And maybe I needed to apologize for being... well, dramatic. I sighed, turning back toward the apartment, my steps slower, more thoughtful.
When I finally reached the door, I took a deep breath, expecting tension. But as I stepped inside, I was met with something completely unexpected.
The lights were dim, and there was soft music playing in the background. I slipped off my shoes and walked towards the kitchen. The smell of something delicious - my favorite dish - wafted through the air. Candles flickered gently on the dining table, which had been set for two. The entire room felt warm and inviting, a strong contrast to the storm that had been brewing between us earlier.
I stood frozen in the corridor, blinking in disbelief. Hugh emerged from the kitchen, his eyes soft and apologetic as he wiped his hands on a towel.
"Hey." he said gently, his voice carrying a tenderness that tugged at my heart. "I, uh... I made dinner. I figured we could use some time, just the two of us."
I stared at him, the earlier frustration slowly melting away. "Hugh... you didn’t have to do all this."
"Yes, I did." he said, stepping closer. His eyes searched mine, and the sincerity in them made my chest tighten. "I’ve been so caught up in everything - work, the kids - that I forgot to make time for us. And that’s not okay. You’re right."
I bit my lip, guilt washing over me. "I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I just... I was feeling- "
"I know." he interrupted softly, his hands reaching out to gently hold mine. "And I get it. I should’ve been more present with you. I never meant to make you feel like you didn’t matter because you do, more than anything."
I swallowed hard, my heart swelling as I looked up at him. The anger, the jealousy - it all felt so small now. He had always been the man who showed up, who cared, even when life got overwhelming. And right now, he was standing here, showing me exactly how much I meant to him.
"I’m sorry." I whispered, my voice trembling as I squeezed his hands.
Hugh shook his head, his thumbs brushing over my knuckles gently. "I’m sorry too. I love you, y/n. I never want you to feel like you’re anything less than my priority."
The weight of his words settled over me, soothing the ache I’d been carrying for days. I let out a shaky breath, feeling the tension between us dissolve. "I love you too." I said softly, my heart swelling with the truth of it.
He smiled, that familiar, warm smile that made me feel like everything was going to be okay. "So... how about we start over? No more fighting. Just... dinner."
I nodded, smiling despite myself. "Yeah. I’d like that."
We sat down at the table, and the moment was so simple, so intimate. Hugh had made my favorite dish - pasta with that special sauce he always made when we had date nights at home. The food was incredible, but what made it even better was the way we kept stealing glances at each other, the quiet joy in the air as we ate.
By the time we were done, my heart felt lighter. We moved to the couch, and I leaned into him as his arms wrapped around me, pulling me close. I could feel the warmth of his chest, his heartbeat steady and reassuring.
"I missed this." I whispered, resting my head against him.
Hugh pressed a kiss to the top of my head, his lips lingering there for a moment. "I missed you. I hate that I made you feel like I wasn’t here. I’ll do better, I promise."
I tilted my head up to look at him, my eyes meeting his. The tenderness in his gaze made my heart skip a beat. "You always show up when it matters, Hugh. I just... I need to know you’ll keep doing that."
"I will," he murmured, his voice low and earnest. "You’re not an afterthought, Y/N. You’re my home."
Those words wrapped around me, filling the cracks that had formed over the past few weeks. I reached up, cupping his face as I kissed him softly, pouring every bit of love and gratitude I felt into that kiss.
When we pulled away, I couldn’t help but smile. "You really went all out, huh? Cooking, candles... the whole deal."
Hugh grinned, his eyes twinkling. "Well, I figured you deserved a little romance after putting up with me."
I laughed softly, leaning in closer. "I think we both deserved it."
He tilted his head down, kissing the top of mine softly. "I don’t ever want you to doubt how much I love you. I know I’ve been distracted, but I’m here now. And I’m not going anywhere."
My heart swelled at his words, the sincerity in his voice wrapping around me like a promise. I looked up at him, meeting his gaze. "I know." I whispered, reaching up to cup his cheek. "And I love you. I just... needed to hear it."
He smiled, a lazy, boyish grin that made my stomach flutter. "Then I’ll make sure you hear it more often."
He leaned down, brushing his lips against mine, slow and sweet, like he had all the time in the world just to kiss me. It wasn’t rushed or desperate. It was full of everything - love, reassurance, and that deep, quiet connection we shared. When we finally pulled away, our foreheads rested against each other, and I could feel his breath against my lips.
We stayed wrapped up together on the couch, the warmth of his body melting away any lingering tension. His arm was draped protectively around my shoulders, pulling me close, while I rested my head against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. It was comforting, grounding. Every time I shifted, he pulled me in just a little tighter, like he couldn’t stand the thought of even an inch between us.
"You know." he murmured, his fingers lazily tracing circles on my arm, "I’ve missed this. Just being here with you. No noise, no schedules. Just... us."
I smiled into his chest, feeling the softness of his words settle over me like a warm blanket. "I’ve missed it too. More than I realized."
We sat there for a while longer, the quiet of the apartment settling around us. Hugh shifted slightly, pulling a blanket over us and tucking it in around my shoulders. He kissed my forehead again, lingering as though he couldn’t help himself.
"And you know." he whispered softly, his voice like velvet against the night air, "you’re my favorite part of everything. Of coming home, of my whole day. You’re it."
My heart melted. I snuggled deeper into his embrace, closing my eyes as I felt the warmth of his love surround me. "You’re my favorite too." I whispered back, feeling safe, cherished, and so completely loved.
We stayed that way, wrapped up in each other, letting the world fade away. No more jealousy, no more distance. Just us, together. And in that moment, everything felt perfect - like this was exactly where we were supposed to be.
I'd appreciate feedback! <3
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padfootagain · 2 days
Love in Verses (XI)
Chapter 11: ‘Lived to see you throwing me aside.’
Hi! Here is another chapter! On the menu today: a dinner with Sam and Frank… I’ll let you guess how well this will go… (I hope my choice for Andrew's pic for this chapter gives you a clue...)
I hope you like this chapter! Tell me what you think!
Pairing: Hozier x fem!reader (professor!AU)
Warnings: slow burn, angst, hurt, hurt/comfort, tooth-rotting fluff in later chapters, some scenes in later chapters will have heavy sexual themes even if it’s not explicit nsfw description, so minors here
Summary: Your life seems perfect. You're engaged, your career is thriving as you become an assistant professor at Trinity College, and this Andrew Hozier-Byrne you're sharing an office with seems to be a nice guy you hope to call a friend soon. Life seems to be smiling at you... until everything goes sour. When your fiancé breaks up with you, your perfect world shatters. And when your colleague also gets his heart broken soon after, your shared office seems to be a curse rather than a blessing. But Andrew seems determined to mend your broken hearts... Will things finally go according to plan?
Word Count: 2933
Masterlist for the series – Hozier’s masterlist – Main masterlist
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Hesitate to call
Lived to see you throwing Me aside. That fought Like nettled fish inside me. Saw you throbbing In my syrups. Saw you sleep. And lived to see That all that all flushed down The refuse. Done? It lives in me. You live in me. Malignant. Love, you ever want me, don’t.
Louise Glück, The First Five Books of Poems
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Andrew checked his appearance in the mirror for what seemed to be the hundredth time.
He was nervous beyond reason, after all he was heading to a restaurant to see Sam. And after a long-term relationship, he shouldn’t have felt so troubled by it. But things were different now, things were… complicated, to say the least.
Still, he heaved a sigh, checked his appearance once more. He had let his hair loose, had put on contacts, was wearing a black shirt and some dark jeans. He looked tired, exhausted even. Work was a lot at the moment, he had a thousand things to do. He still struggled to sleep, was still tortured with thoughts and dreams of Sam, of her leaving, of her loving someone else.
November was ending, and with it, the remnants of Andrew’s and Sam’s plans. Plans…
A weekend in Kerry in September. Saimhan with friends. Now, Andrew should be packing. He should be choosing clothes, not for an evening in a restaurant, but for a weekend in Glasgow. A flight late at night leaving from Dublin, another one during the night between Sunday and Monday. And in between, a couple of days just for them, spent eating, visiting museums, seeing the sights, walking around the town. A night in a hotel, one she had chosen, spent on filling their hearts with love and their bodies with lust and desire.
He looked at his reflection again, stared right into his own hazel eyes. They were greener than usual, probably because wearing contacts made his eyes water. He would have been more comfortable with glasses, more relaxed as well, more himself, in a way.
He blinked tears away as a thought crossed his mind, a painful one he wished he could have kept at bay, but he didn’t have the strength for that. Beating himself up was a habit, since childhood. There were thoughts sometimes that formed in his mind that brought him pain, but he listened anyway. Sometimes they were quiet, sometimes they were deafening. These days they were loud and clear.
He went to get his coat, grab his car keys, get ready to leave. He petted Elwood, told him to be a good boy, that he would soon be home. The thought followed him outside his home.
Being himself was never enough for Sam to love him.
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Christ, Sam was so beautiful…
It was breaking his heart that they weren’t on a date. As he entered the restaurant, saw her sitting at a table waiting for him, Andrew was reminded of hundreds of evenings spent like this, going on a date in a restaurant, at the cinema, it didn’t even matter where. At the end, they didn’t go out much anymore. Sam always seemed to be too busy for that. At the time, Andrew thought it was only because of her job. Now, he wondered if maybe she had not already started to give up on them.
But he hadn’t. To this day, he hadn’t given up on them…
He kept on admiring her for a few more seconds, until the rest of the table was revealed to him, and the illusion waned. You were there too, facing Frank. The restaurant was posh, he felt a little uneasy in this atmosphere. He wouldn’t have chosen such a place for a date, but he had no doubt that Sam liked it.
He forced a smile as he approached, was greeted warmly by Frank, the first one who spotted him as he approached. You turned on your chair to greet him with a relieved smile, and his heart made a happy jump at the sight of you. He had an ally tonight, he wasn’t on his own…
“You’re late.”
He turned to Sam, his heart dropping again. Her tone was flat, emotionless, and he knew her enough to be aware that it was worse than annoyance. She was angry. He struggled to swallow.
“Yeah, sorry… Had some stuff to take care of before coming.”
She rolled her eyes, knowing it was a lie. Or well, it wasn’t a lie, but the real reason was simply that Andrew was always late. To everything. He couldn’t do much about it; if left unattended, he simply lost track of time. The alarms he had set up had done little to help him tonight. He didn’t add anything, merely took a seat.
“Ha, no worries!” Frank reassured him, and Andrew could tell that he was nervous and willing to make Andrew feel welcome. As a result, Andrew was highly uncomfortable.
“The food looks… interesting,” you commented, trying to drag the conversation away from Andrew, and he was grateful for it.
“The oysters are particularly good!” Frank recommended.
You said nothing, but Andrew frowned.
You… hadn’t you told him once that you weren’t such a fan of seafood?
Indeed, when you chose what to eat, you didn’t follow Frank’s advice at all.
Conversation drifted towards work, and your respective lives. Catching up or getting to know each other.
And Andrew understood Frank’s appeal tonight, as he watched him lead the conversation. He was louder than Andrew ever was, bright, clearly extraverted, longing for people’s attention. He was funny, charming. And handsome, that too, Andrew couldn’t deny that either. His complete opposite. Average height, muscles that threatened the fabric of his sleeves while he passionately talked about his work and moved his hands around, blond with electric blue eyes.
So… that was what Sam longed for? What had made you fall for him?
Andrew tried not to think this way. There was nothing he could do about his physical appearance, his ridiculous height, his gangly stature… there was no need to torture himself over that. He could show that he took care of Sam though. That he paid attention to her. That he loved her…
Because Frank didn’t seem to care all that much. Andrew saw it as you talked about your work, about how nervous you were as you got ready to give your students their first test of the year. And if Andrew was intently listening, Frank was clearly uninterested. He drew the conversation away from your job as soon as he could, offering encouraging words, and quickly moving on. You smiled, but you weren’t fooled. Andrew saw it in the way your gaze saddened, in the way the excitement that had been glimmering there died out instantly. His heart ached at the sight. And when Frank spoke again, Andrew didn’t care.
“Will you set a limit for the length required for the essay?”
Frank grew quiet, frowned. You turned to Andrew, clearly surprised by his question.
“Erm… I haven’t decided yet. I usually don’t.”
“Once a student gave me a twenty-pages long essay…”
“Twenty pages?!”
“Yeah… she was thorough, for sure.”
“Did you read the whole thing?”
“Of course. And now I set a limited word count.”
You chuckled, nodded.
“Maybe I should do that. What about your class about Yeats? Have you decided on a subject for an essay?”
“I’m still hesitating… I want to prepare one about Yeats’s involvement in the Irish Literary Revival… but I could choose one of his love poems about Maud Gonne too.”
You chuckled.
“Why do I feel like they’ll hear a lot about No Second Troy…”
“I love that poem.”
“Anyone who speaks of literature with you for more than ten minutes knows that,” you teased. “It’s a short poem to study, though.”
“Yeah… but that means they would really have to work on each line, instead of simply skipping whatever element they struggle with.”
“I feel like it would be easier for them to work on the more political side of Yeats’s work during exam season. The material is easier, and we’ll go thoroughly through the most important aspects of these texts in class. So… I think I’ll ask them to work on love poems at home.”
“Sounds like a good idea.”
You exchanged a smile. When Andrew looked up at Frank and Sam, they had stopped listening and were both eating their meal in silence. Sam was looking at something on her phone, a habit she had developed in the past couple of years.
She hadn’t asked him about his job. She hadn’t asked him if he wrote, how he felt, if he was suffering because of her. Perhaps she didn’t want to hear his answers. Perhaps she didn’t really care. Andrew was starting to have doubts. The more the evening was progressing, the more he realised that she didn’t seem to care. Sam and Andrew had spent years together, but she wasn’t listening as he spoke of his work, of the things he loved most on Earth.
Did she even care at all about him anymore? She used to listen to him talk about music and poetry for hours, back when they were students…
Or did she? She had never liked his own writing, but he thought she listened when he spoke of what he loved, still. She didn’t seem willing to make an effort these days… but then again, they weren’t together anymore. So, why would she?
“I’ve listened to your record, by the way!”
Andrew blinked, looked at you again.
“Duke Ellington and John Coltrane. I’ve listened to it.”
He raised a surprised eyebrow.
“Did you? Really?”
You nodded, an excited smile on your lips.
“Of course! I’m going to sound very basic, I think In a Sentimental Mood was my favourite… although I really loved My Little Brown Book too.”
His mouth broke into a bright grin.
“Grand! Like… that’s grand! I’m glad you liked it.”
Frank stared at you for a moment.
“Who are you talking about?” he asked, trying to slither in the conversation.
“Andy recommended me some music! I have a whole list at this point,” you teased, nudging him with your elbow and making him chuckle and blush.
“It’s Jazz,” Andrew explained. “Some of the greatest, honestly.”
Sam heaved a sigh, still focused on her screen.
“Oh… nice,” Frank nodded, although he didn’t sound convincing at all.
“I really liked it a lot,” you went on. “I don’t really have the vocabulary to describe it, like… on a technical point of view, you know? But I liked it. It was very… like… drawing me in, in a way. There was tension, and then once I was trapped in the song, there was so much emotion there… And it’s unusual for me to be so focused when listening to instrumental music. I have a busy brain, I get distracted easily.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. I have a busy brain too… but that’s what Blues and Jazz do to me. They kind of… shush my brain. Make it go quiet.”
“Yeah, exactly.”
“You like music, then, Andy?”
Andrew looked at Frank again, wanted to correct him and ask to be called Andrew… but he didn’t want to seem rude. He didn’t like it, though, how he used his nickname.
“Yeah, a lot.”
“Andy wanted to be a musician, back in the days,” Sam intervened, putting her phone down again.
“Really? What instrument do you play?”
“I sing, mostly… play guitar too.”
“But you didn’t make a career out of it? Not that it’s surprising, it’s a tough field to work in. Most people can’t make a living out of it. Like… there’s so much competition, so few who actually get to make it. It must be a tough life.”
“A few of his friends made it though, and he had the talent for it,” Sam went on. “But Andy is not one to compromise easily.”
Andrew stared at her with a raised eyebrow.
“What do you mean by that?”
She shrugged.
“You could have had a record deal, had you accepted to change a few things about your songs.”
Andrew huffed, he could barely believe his ears…
“There was never an opportunity for me to record my own songs, and you know that. I didn’t want to sing those… attempts at pop hits that felt soulless to me.”
“And you didn’t get a record deal.”
“I didn’t want that kind of deal. I wanted to record the songs I had written.”
She didn’t say a thing, but her thoughts were loud enough for Andrew to guess them.
And then you didn’t record any of those either.
“Why are you saying all that like you’re resenting me?” Andrew asked, and Sam shook her head.
“I don’t resent you, of course! It was your choice.”
“You do sound like it though…”
“I’m just pointing out that you’re not the kind of guy who compromises much.”
He raised an unimpressed eyebrow and huffed again.
“You’re one to talk…” he mumbled.
Andrew spent his time compromising. Had he not compromised when he wanted to take a job in London and had settled for Dublin instead because she didn’t want to move there? When she refused to move in with him and asked for more time to find herself? When she chose most of their topics of conversations? When he barely talked about his work?
He let out a long exhale, took a bite of the overpriced fish he had ordered. He didn’t even like the food…
Sam spoke again, about some stupid tv reality she had been watching with Frank, and you listened even though you hadn’t seen it. Meanwhile, Andrew wanted to talk about music with you again. He wanted to ask you about Duke Ellington, he wanted to ask you what songs you liked, he wanted to listen to you ramble about how music made you feel. Your thoughts were always interesting, he could have talked with you for hours… and sometimes he did.
But he shook himself. He wanted Sam. He wanted to have Sam back, and nobody was perfect. There were some things in Sam that annoyed him or disappointed him or that he didn’t understand but at the end of the day she was Sam, and that was enough for him.
He was quieter throughout the rest of the evening, trying to do some damage control over the couple of tensed moments that had occurred during the night.
But then the conversation settled on the wedding itself, and things turned ill all over again…
“And we need to settle on a cake too! Christ, everything is complicated when you’re planning a wedding!” Sam laughed, while Andrew was tightly closing his fists under the table, until his nails drew crescent marks into his palms, while you looked away in a hurry.
“You know… I thought we could choose a strawberry cake,” Frank said. “It’s a classic, most people like those…”
“Sam is allergic to strawberries,” Andrew answered without thinking.
An uncomfortable silence settled across the table.
“Oh… you didn’t tell me that, babe,” Frank told Sam, who frowned.
Clearly, she had told him before, but she said nothing.
“Well, we’ll choose something else!” Frank shrugged.
“What about your career, then?” you asked your ex, staring intensely at him.
“My career?”
“You… you used to say that you wanted to wait to get married because you needed to focus on your career.”
Slowly, Frank nodded.
“Yeah… that’s true. I used to want that. But… it’s different with Sam.”
Andrew saw the pain that shot across your features. There was so much anger that ran through his veins then…
“Right,” you nodded.
“Like… my work seemed the most important, but now… not anymore. Or… not in the same way. So, why wait?”
“Why wait, indeed…” you slowly nodded while Frank and Sam exchanged a tender gaze, one that made Andrew nauseous.
He looked down at the piece of cheesecake he had barely touched, decided not to eat it. He couldn’t get anything more down…
The meal ended in a quiet mood, with conversations spent mostly between Sam and Frank, but the couple seemed satisfied with this situation. When they disappeared in a cab together, Andrew felt emptier than ever. A shell without a pulse or any other semblance of life…
He turned around to look at you standing behind him in the street, right before the restaurant. Your frame was illuminated by both the white light coming from the restaurant’s sign and the orange hues of the streetlights.
He caught himself thinking that you were beautiful, had to push the thought away. But you were. You had dressed up tonight, undoubtedly to impress Frank, just like Andrew had tried to impress Sam with his careful choice of outfit. And Andrew was impressed, at any rate. You were gorgeous…
You offered him a humourless smile.
“Tonight was… a lot, right?”
He nodded, letting out a long exhale through his nose.
“You can say that…”
“I can’t say that it went… incredibly well.”
“No… it was… strange.”
“Let’s put it that way, yeah.”
“I’m not sure it helped us make any progress.”
“I’m not so sure either. On the contrary. But we tried, at least.”
Andrew nodded, looked at you as you heaved a sigh.
“You know what I want right now?”
He shook his head, tilting his head to the side as he waited for you to speak again, his hands now buried in his pockets.
“I really… really… want to get drunk. Like… hammered. Properly destroyed.”
Andrew exploded with laughter.
“You know what… sign me up! Getting very drunk sounds nice!”
“Let’s go to my place. I don’t want to be surrounded by people anymore,” you offered, and Andrew easily accepted.
As he followed you throughout the street, he reckoned that at least one thing in this evening could be pleasant, after all.
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Broken Trust, Breached Minds
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Summary: When confronted with a new job opportunity, you’re forced to choose between careers. As an enhanced human, a certain someone has already picked out your future, making you worried what she might think—or better yet, what she might do. Wanda Maximoff x Reader WC: 1,882 Warnings: Use of powers, angst, trust issues
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You stare at the bright computer screen, the email before you making your heart drop. We’d like to offer you a position with us. The job you passively applied to a few weeks ago actually got back to you, and not just to turn you down.
You didn’t think you’d actually get the job, it was solely a ‘doesn’t hurt to try’ attempt at applying. But here you are, reading the email containing the key to your dream career as a writer for the biggest entertainment company. It’s something you’ve dreamed of since you were little, before you made commitments to your current job.
Although less of a job and more of a lifestyle, you currently spend your days protecting earth as an Avenger. It’s fulfilling, yet something inside you yearns for a different career. You enjoy the time spent with the team, who’s more like family than anything else, but you know you’re destined for something different, something you’ve wanted for a long time now.
Terrified of what the team might think, you haven’t mentioned your application to anyone—let alone the job offer. The team is fairly aware of your passion for writing, but most of them assume it’s more of a hobby as most of your time is devoted to training. Everyone assumes just because you’re an enhanced superhuman, you only have one option in life.
The idea of being a professional writer fills you with bliss, spending hours exercising your mind as the endless flow of words finally have an outlet. Not having to worry about the city being in danger yet again, or the fear of not being prepared for your next mission. Getting to do something you truly love, and can never get tired of.
On the contrary, the idea of telling the team you’d prefer to write over saving the world makes you feel nauseous. Will they be supportive? Usually any person would pick being a superhero over anything else, but you’re different. Even though your powers are a great asset to the team and their Avenging, you feel you could be even more useful as a writer in the world of entertainment.
Plus, work should be something you love, right? You decide to entertain the idea of no longer being an Avenger, weighing if it’d be a good idea to test the waters and talk with someone about it. Eventually, you commit and attempt to build up your confidence as you head out to see what your closest friend might think.
When you leave your room, Wanda is sitting alone in the living room. She’s like an older sister to you, taking you under her wing when you first joined the team. Because both of you are enhanced, she played a key role in your training. Hours of time together brought you two closer, and now you already feel like you can tell her everything. That leaves a good chance she’d be supportive of you retiring as an Avenger. Still, you want to tread lightly—just in case.
“Hey, Wanda,” you say softly while approaching the strawberry blonde on the couch. She smiles warmly at you, shifting slightly to face you as you sit beside her. “Could I get your opinion on something?”
She nods. “Of course, what’s up?” Her eyebrows raise, signaling she’s really listening. You take a deep breath, thinking of how to phrase your words.
“I’m not one hundred percent on this, it’s just an idea… but what if I stopped going on missions?” You dance around the real subject, trying to gain an idea on where Wanda would stand with this. She sports a confused expression.
“And just train with us? If you’re going to train, why not go on missions too?” She asks curiously. 
You press your lips together, knowing the only way to be clear is to state your idea fully. “No, I mean… stopping all of it. No longer being a part of Avengers.” You cautiously watch as Wanda’s expression falls. Half of the story will have to suffice for now, because her unsure look makes you even more hesitant to speak.
“You’re enhanced, we need you on the team,” Wanda voices, your stomach flipping. Maybe you were wrong, maybe she wouldn’t support the idea.
“But what if I’m not really meant to be a superhero? I can’t control the fact I have these powers, but I can control what I do with my life.” You try to reason. Wanda shakes her head, looking to the floor as she tries to organize her thoughts.
“You do so much good every time we step out onto the battlefield, we can’t lose that. I don’t think anyone on the team would be okay with letting you go.” She expresses, putting a comforting hand on your knee.
“We can handle them,” You remark, knowing how persuasive the two of you could be. But that would only work if Wanda would agree to support this endeavor, and so far things weren’t looking too good. “Why is it that big of a deal if I’m not an Avenger? The rest of you are more than capable of holding your own.”
Wanda’s gaze finally meets yours again, her hand withdrawing. “Because enhanced super-humans usually don’t become writers. I don’t know why you’d quit such a good thing over that.” She discloses. You inhale sharply, not only taken aback by her sudden harsh tone, but at the mention of your new job offer.
She knows. How could she possibly know? Your mind reels, heart racing as Wanda’s words take you by surprise. She looks to the ground, the impact of her words finally resonating. That’s when it suddenly hits you; she read your mind.
“Wanda, I didn’t mention anything about being a writer.” You state, looking at her with a disappointed expression. It was something Wanda always held herself to, never using her powers on any of her friends. Especially the ability to read minds, it was a huge boundary she always kept.
You could see Wanda’s expression fall, but it was different this time. Like she knew she messed up. The sour taste of distrust rose in your throat as you watched Wanda break eye contact.
“You read my mind, didn’t you?” You assert, shaking your head in disbelief. Accessing your thoughts is a breach of any kind of privacy you still had these days, leaving you appalled at her actions. You thought she was one of your closest friends, but maybe you were wrong about that too.
“No, I-“ Wanda started, pausing as she tried to explain herself. But there was no use, what she did betrayed your trust and there was no going back. Any friend would want the full story, sure, but a true friend wouldn’t misuse their powers just for some extra understanding.
In a huff of frustration, you stand from the couch, not letting the woman even try to untangle her words. The anger inside of you leaves an urgent feeling, the decision you originally came here to make becoming even clearer. If not even your closest friend can support you, there’s no point in staying here a second longer.
You’ve been sitting in your bedroom, staring at that same email for the past hour. The drafted response accepting the position is typed out, ready to send with one click of a button. But your finger can’t seem to make that one simple motion.
The burning feeling in your chest won’t relent, leaving you weary about what step to take next. You want to take this job, more than anything. So why can’t you just hit send and accept it?
You’re a great asset to the Avengers, but don’t want to be a superhero anymore. Why can’t Wanda accept that? Why is she so against you following your passion? The questions that you can’t possibly answer swirl inside your mind, almost blocking out the sound of a soft knock on your door.
You let out an exasperated sigh, hoping that the strawberry blonde isn’t outside waiting to redeem herself. “Come in,” you call reluctantly. Sure enough, Wanda opens the door with a guilty expression.
You don’t let her get a word in before speaking up, “Look, if you’re here to try and justify things, I’m not in the mood for excuses.” Wanda takes a deep breath while clenching and unclenching her fists. It’s easy to tell she’s thinking hard about what to do next.
“Just give me five minutes.” Wanda pleads. You let out yet another sigh of resignation, moving aside on your bed so she can sit. It takes a moment for her eyes to find yours, and it’s easy to tell Wanda really wants to do this right.
“I only did it because I was worried,” She starts. You scoff, shaking your head. How were you supposed to take that as a valid excuse? Can you even trust what she’s saying right now?
“Is that the truth, or do I need to read your mind to find the real reason?” You jab in return. Wanda presses her lips together to relay a silent ‘fair enough’.
“The fact you were even considering leaving the Avengers made me worried, I wasn’t sure what possible reason could cause that. I wanted to be sure something wasn’t truly wrong,” She explains. Now it’s your turn to take a deep breath, the wall of anger you built up being knocked down a few bricks. 
“Why didn’t you just ask? I thought we were close enough for that.” You respond.
“I did too, so the fact you were hiding something made me worried. You never hide anything unless something’s up.” Touché. She’s not wrong; all those months of training side by side really allowed her to get to know you, more so than you thought. It’s not often you hide things from anyone, let alone Wanda. Maybe she had a reason to worry, but not enough to warrant misuse of her powers.
“Fine, yeah—I withheld part of the truth, but only because I was worried how you’d react. I know how you are about our powers.” You reason, thinking back to all those times where Wanda made a huge deal about your abilities. There were moments when you could’ve sworn Wanda saw herself as a villain, and therefore you by extension. She ingrained into you that you’re dangerous.
Wanda breaks eye contact as she rehashes those memories, nodding slowly while they replay in her mind. “I’m terrified to see you get hurt.” Her words are nearly a whisper, yet they leave you stunned to silence.
There’s only one thing able to escape your lips. “I think we chose the wrong career path for that.” The two of you both chuckle, finally meeting each other’s gaze once more. “Just because I'm enhanced doesn’t mean I shouldn’t live the life I want.” You breathe.
Wanda nods, this time more confidently. “I know. You’re going to make a great writer.” A grin spreads across your face, she’s supporting your choice. She wears a matching grin as you lean in to hug her, the two of you melting into a soft embrace. You get to go into your dream job with the support of the one person you care about most, that’s all you could ever hope for.
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paddockletters · 2 days
racing hearts | lando norris ft. jude bellingham
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paring: lando norris x reader jude bellingham x reader summary: Mia, a sports analyst caught between the worlds of football and F1, finds herself drawn to both Jude Bellingham and Lando Norris. Amidst the excitement of their glamorous lives, a pivotal moment forces her to confront her feelings, leaving her future uncertain and filled with possibility. author's note: Hope you liked it, teel me if you want a second part maybe... Well, as I always say... english is not my first language so pardon me if there are mistakes —feel free to tell me— and my requests are open!👀
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Mia sat in the bustling café near the stadium, nursing a flat white as she scanned the latest highlights from the football matches on her phone. A sea of fans swarmed outside, their cheers echoing through the streets of Birmingham, but her mind was far from the beautiful game—or so she told herself. She had an important interview with Jude Bellingham that afternoon, and deep down, she wasn’t quite sure how it would go.
As she scrolled through her feed, a message dinged in from Lando Norris, her recently acquired contact via social media. "Fancy a catch-up? Just finished practice and could do with a laugh. Let’s grab a bite!"
Mia grinned, recalling their effortless banter from the charity event a few weeks back. "Absolutely! How about that café by the stadium?"
Within moments, a new message appeared: "Deal! Just don’t spill your drink this time, yeah? Wouldn’t want you to drown on me."
She chuckled, recalling the time she’d nearly snorted coffee when he showed her a video of his latest racing antics. Lando had a way of making every conversation feel like a joyride—safe but exhilarating.
Having finished her drink, Mia slipped her phone into her bag just as a familiar voice broke through her thoughts.
“Oi! Mia!” Jude's voice was as warm as the sun peeking through the clouds outside. Dressed in a casual tracksuit, his presence was magnetic. Her nervousness melted away as he approached.
“Mister Bellingham! Thanks for meeting me,” she replied, standing to embrace him with a light hug. “You know it’s not every day I get to chat with a superstar.”
“A bit of an overstatement, isn’t it?” he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck, an endearing nervous habit. “But I’m chuffed to have you here! I’ve been looking forward to this.”
As they settled into a booth, Jude leaned in, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “So, are you going to tell me how close you are to Lando Norris, or should I be worried?”
Mia felt her cheeks heat up, but she brushed it off. “What? We’re just mates! He’s a laugh, you know? Good vibes all around!”
“Right, of course.” Jude raised an eyebrow, teasing. “Just keep your lips sealed about my dodgy free kicks, and we’re golden.”
They moved on to chatting about football, with Jude discussing his goals for the season and Mia sharing her experiences dissecting games for the network. As she listened, she was struck by his sincerity and genuine passion for the sport.
"Honestly, it’s not just about the glory, you know? It’s about the love for the game,” Jude said, his eyes gleaming with fervour. “Every time I step on that pitch, it’s like I’m living my dream.”
“I get that completely! You can see it in how you play, Jude. It’s inspiring,” Mia replied, feeling a sense of awe wash over her.
Just then, the bell above the café door jingled, and in walked Lando, all energy and charm. He spotted Mia and Jude instantly, making a beeline towards them, a cheeky grin on his face.
“Look who it is! The lovely Mia and Mr. Bellingham!” Lando said, sliding into the booth with the confidence of a man who knew he belonged. “What’s the secret meeting about? Planning world domination or just scheming how to beat me in a race?”
“Beat you in a race? I’d rather stick to football, thanks,” Jude quipped, grinning back as he leaned back, clearly at ease.
Mia watched the two banter back and forth, their easy camaraderie adding to her internal conflict. She felt a tug between their worlds—Jude's grounded seriousness and Lando’s lively and flamboyant spirit.
“Come on, Mia, you should ditch the footie for a day and give racing a go,” Lando insisted, playfully nudging her shoulder. “I’ll take you for a spin. Just try not to scream, alright? My driving’s top-notch.”
“And your humour is bottom-tier,” Jude interjected, but there was no bite to his words. They all laughed, but Mia noticed the intensity in Jude's gaze as he looked at her. It was surprising and new, igniting a flutter in her stomach.
“You should, though,” he said softly, turning serious for a moment. “It’s thrilling. You’d love it. The adrenaline is like nothing else.”
Just then, a flare of tension filled the air. Mia felt the atmosphere shift as she glanced between both of them—two incredible athletes with undeniable chemistry, each vying for more than just friendship.
Mia shifted in her seat, her heart racing with the unspoken tension between Jude and Lando. The café's vibrant atmosphere seemed to fade as she focused on the exchange unfolding before her.
“Maybe I’ll take you up on that someday,” Mia said, attempting to lighten the mood. She looked at Lando, who still wore his characteristic grin. “But I think I’m better off sticking to my day job—at least until I’ve had some more practice.”
“Fair enough,” Lando said with a wink. “But remember, I’m always here for a joyride if you change your mind.”
Jude cleared his throat, his tone turning more earnest. “And if you ever need a break from racing or football, you know where to find me. I’m always up for a chat or a quick kickabout.”
Mia smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. She admired both men for their dedication and passion, but the emotional stakes of their unspoken feelings were beginning to weigh on her.
“Thanks, both of you. That means a lot,” Mia said, her voice slightly trembling. “It’s not often I get to hang out with two of the most amazing athletes in their fields.”
They continued their conversation, but Mia’s mind was preoccupied with the growing realization of her feelings for both Jude and Lando. The way Jude’s eyes softened when he spoke, the genuine support he offered—he was everything she’d ever wanted in a partner, but there was also Lando, whose spontaneous charm and zest for life had quickly captured her heart.
As the afternoon wore on, Jude and Lando’s playful banter persisted, but Mia’s thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions. It wasn’t long before they had to part ways, each with their own commitments and schedules.
“See you around, Mia,” Jude said, giving her a friendly hug. “And good luck with everything. You’re doing great.”
“Thanks, Jude,” Mia replied, her heart aching slightly at the thought of parting from him. “I’ll catch up with you soon.”
Lando approached next, offering a mischievous grin. “Don’t let Jude scare you off football too much. And remember, there’s always a seat in my car if you need a break.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Mia said, feeling a pang of regret as she returned his hug. “Take care, Lando.”
As she watched them leave, Mia felt the weight of her dilemma settle heavily on her shoulders. Her feelings for Jude and Lando were genuine, but the intensity of their emotions and the complexity of her own heart made the situation increasingly challenging.
She stood by the window of the café, watching the crowd outside, her mind awash with thoughts and feelings. The choice she faced wasn’t just about choosing between two incredible men but also about finding her own path in this tangled web of emotions. The football season and F1 calendar would continue, and so would the world of sports, but for Mia, the real race was against the growing confusion within her heart.
Mia took a deep breath, her resolve hardening. She knew she needed time to figure things out—time to understand her own heart and desires. As she walked away from the café, her steps were lighter, her mind clearer, even as her heart remained caught in the exhilarating whirlwind of racing hearts.
The following weeks were a whirlwind for Mia as she juggled her work responsibilities with the emotional turbulence of her personal life. Between analyzing game footage for football matches and covering F1 races, Mia found little time for herself. Yet, the ongoing saga of her feelings for Jude and Lando was never far from her mind.
One crisp autumn morning, Mia was at the edge of her seat, covering a crucial football match. Jude's team had a major game, and she was busy preparing her pre-match report. Her phone buzzed with a message from Lando:
"Race day tomorrow. Let’s catch up before I hit the track. I’ve got something special planned."
Mia’s heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing Lando. She hadn’t seen him since their café meeting, and his playful promise of something special intrigued her.
She replied, "Sounds great! Where should we meet?"
“Meet me at the paddock early. I’ll have a surprise waiting for you,” Lando’s reply came swiftly.
The next day, Mia arrived at the F1 paddock, the excitement of race day palpable in the air. Lando greeted her with his usual exuberance. “Hey, Mia! Ready for the surprise?”
“Absolutely. What’s the plan?” Mia asked, trying to hide her anticipation.
“Just follow me,” Lando said with a grin.
He led her to a private area near the track, away from the hustle and bustle. A sleek, custom race car was parked there, its colors dazzling under the sun.
“This is for you,” Lando said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “I thought you might enjoy a spin in one of these beauties before the race.”
Mia’s eyes widened. “You’re kidding! Are you sure?”
“Trust me,” Lando replied, laughing. “It’s all safe. I promise.”
As they drove around the track, the speed and adrenaline were exhilarating. Lando’s presence beside her was both comforting and thrilling. They shared a few moments of laughter and awe, the world outside the car blurring into a streak of colors.
When they returned to the paddock, Mia felt a mix of elation and nervousness. Lando’s charm had rekindled her earlier feelings, making it harder to focus on her work.
Later that evening, as Mia prepared to cover the football match, she spotted Jude in the stadium’s VIP section. He was watching the game with intense focus, and Mia’s heart did a little flip. She took a deep breath and walked over to greet him.
“Hey, Jude!” she said, trying to sound casual despite her racing heart.
“Hey, Mia,” Jude responded warmly. “How was the day? I hope Lando didn’t drive you too crazy.”
“Not at all,” Mia said with a smile. “He gave me an unforgettable ride.”
As the match went on, Mia found herself caught between two worlds. Jude’s passion for football was magnetic, and his presence was comforting. She admired his dedication and the way he spoke about the game with such love and enthusiasm.
At the end of the match, Jude walked with Mia to the stadium’s exit, his hand lightly brushing against hers. “You’ve been working so hard. How about we grab a drink sometime soon, just the two of us?”
Mia hesitated, feeling the weight of her feelings for both Jude and Lando. “I’d like that,” she said softly. “I’ll let you know when I’m free.”
Later that night, as Mia lay in bed, her thoughts were a tangled mess of emotions. The thrill of the racetrack and Lando’s infectious energy contrasted sharply with Jude’s sincere and grounded nature. She felt torn, unable to fully embrace either relationship without feeling guilty or conflicted.
As the weeks went by, Mia began to realize that she needed to take a step back and focus on herself. She continued to enjoy her time with both Jude and Lando but knew that her decision would come in time.
In a heart-to-heart conversation with a close friend, Mia admitted her confusion.
“I care about both of them, but I need to figure out what I really want. It’s not fair to them or to myself if I don’t.”
Her friend nodded in understanding. “Sometimes, the best way to make a decision is to listen to your own heart and take a step back. You’ve got to find what truly makes you happy.”
With that advice in mind, Mia decided to embrace a period of self-discovery. She focused on her career and passions, allowing herself the space to understand her own desires without the pressure of choosing between Jude and Lando.
As time went on, Mia’s clarity grew. She realized that her journey was about more than just choosing between two incredible people. It was about finding herself and her own path in a world filled with excitement and uncertainty. And while her heart was still intertwined with both Jude and Lando, she knew that the future held possibilities she was eager to explore—both in love and in her own life.
As the winter months settled in, Mia’s internal struggle began to weigh heavily on her. Her career was flourishing, and she had become a respected figure in the sports world, but the personal turmoil involving Jude and Lando remained unresolved.
Jude and Mia’s friendship grew more complex. Jude had been patient and understanding, always present and supportive. Their conversations often lingered on deeper topics, and Jude’s gentle affection began to take on a more romantic tone. His heartfelt gestures and considerate actions made it increasingly difficult for Mia to ignore the feelings that were developing.
On the other hand, Lando’s presence was a whirlwind of excitement. He continued to charm her with his spontaneous adventures and infectious laughter. His adventurous spirit and playful demeanor had become a refreshing escape from the pressures of her daily life. Yet, the intensity of their interactions was unmistakable, and Lando’s occasional hints about their future together left Mia feeling both exhilarated and overwhelmed.
The tipping point came during a major sports gala in London, where both Jude and Lando were in attendance. Mia had been invited to cover the event, and the evening promised to be a glamorous affair. She arrived early to prepare, her thoughts occupied by the weight of her decisions.
As she mingled with guests and conducted interviews, Jude approached her with a serious look in his eyes. “Mia, can we talk?”
“Of course,” Mia replied, her heart racing as she followed him to a quieter corner of the venue.
Jude took a deep breath, his expression a mix of determination and vulnerability. “I know things have been complicated, and I respect that you need time. But I can’t keep pretending I’m okay with just being friends. I care about you deeply, and I want more. I need to know where you stand.”
Mia was taken aback by his honesty. “Jude, I—”
Before she could respond, Lando appeared, his usual grin replaced by a more somber expression. “Hey, Mia. Can I have a word with you too?”
Jude looked at Lando, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Sure, Lando. Go ahead.”
Lando led Mia to the edge of the gala hall, away from prying eyes. “I’ve been thinking a lot lately. I know I’ve been a bit of a whirlwind, and maybe I didn’t give you the space you needed. But I really care about you, Mia. More than I’ve let on. I know this is probably the last thing you need right now with everything going on, but I had to tell you."
Mia’s head spun as she looked between the two men. Both Jude and Lando had laid their feelings bare, and the pressure felt overwhelming. She had been avoiding this moment for weeks, trying to focus on her career and navigate the swirl of media attention, but now she had to face it head-on.
Rumors about her relationships had been flying for some time. Tabloids were constantly speculating, printing photos of her with Jude at a café, or Lando sneaking her into the paddock for a quick joyride. It was getting harder to ignore. The attention had shifted from her work to her personal life, and it was affecting her more than she liked to admit.
“I... I don’t know what to say,” Mia admitted, her voice wavering as she finally spoke. “This whole situation has been a lot, and I’ve been trying to figure it out myself. The media, the rumors... it’s been so intense. I care about both of you, but I’ve been struggling to even think clearly.”
Jude’s face softened, his usually confident demeanor giving way to concern. “I had no idea you were feeling like that. You don’t have to decide anything right now, Mia. But just know that whatever happens, I’ll respect your space and your choices.”
Lando shifted uneasily, his hands shoved in his pockets as he looked away for a moment. “Yeah, same here. I didn’t mean to add pressure. I just wanted you to know how I feel. We can take it slow—whatever you need.”
Mia felt her eyes welling up as the weight of the situation finally hit her. “Thank you, both of you. I just need some time to think about what’s best for me.”
Jude nodded, stepping back to give her space. “Take all the time you need, Mia. I’m here for you, no matter what.”
Lando gave her a small smile, the usual mischief in his eyes replaced with something softer. “I’ll be around, too. And hey, no matter what, we’re mates first.”
Mia let out a shaky breath, feeling both relieved and conflicted as she watched the two men walk away. The media could say what they wanted, but this decision was hers to make, and she knew it wouldn’t be easy.
With that, Mia felt a mixture of relief and sadness. She knew that her decision would not be easy, and the road ahead was uncertain. As the gala continued around them, she watched Jude and Lando walk away in opposite directions, each carrying a piece of her heart with them.
As she left the gala that night, the city lights shimmering in the distance, Mia knew one thing for certain: before she could choose between Jude and Lando, she had to choose herself first. And that was going to take more than just a headline or a rumor to figure out.
In the days that followed, Mia took a step back from both Jude and Lando, focusing on her career and personal growth. The break allowed her to gain perspective and eventually led to a deeper understanding of her own desires and needs.
Months later, at a quiet café where it all began, Mia sat alone, sipping her coffee. She looked out the window, reflecting on the tumultuous journey she had experienced. The thrill of the racing tracks and the passion of the football fields had left their marks on her, but it was the time she spent finding herself that truly shaped her path.
As the café door chimed open, Mia saw a familiar face—Jude. He approached her with a warm smile, and they exchanged a simple, heartfelt greeting.
“Hey, Jude,” Mia said, her voice steady and genuine. “It’s been a while. How are things with you?”
“Hey, Mia,” Jude replied, his smile tinged with a hint of sadness. “Things have been good, just keeping busy with the season. I’ve been thinking about you. How are you holding up?”
“I’m doing well,” Mia said, feeling a sense of calm. “I’ve been focusing on my work and taking some time for myself.”
Jude nodded, his eyes reflecting a mix of understanding and regret. “I’m glad to hear you’re finding your balance. I just wanted to let you know that I’m here if you ever want to talk or need anything.”
Mia smiled, appreciating his words. “Thanks, Jude. That means a lot.”
As Jude turned to leave, Mia’s phone buzzed with a new message. It was from Lando.
“Hey, Mia. I hope you’re doing alright. I know things have been complicated lately. I’m in Monaco, but I’d really like to catch up when I’m back. Maybe we can figure things out over coffee? Just let me know.”
Mia read the message and felt a surge of conflicting emotions. She was touched by Lando’s sincerity, but also felt the weight of her own unresolved feelings.
Sipping her coffee, Mia gazed out the window, contemplating the paths before her. Both Jude and Lando had made a significant impact on her life, each in their own way. She realized that no matter which direction she chose, it would come with its own set of challenges and opportunities.
With a thoughtful sigh, Mia responded to Lando’s message, “I’d like that. Let’s talk when you’re back. Thanks for reaching out.”
As she sent the message, Mia knew that the future was uncertain but full of possibilities. She was ready to explore what lay ahead, with the potential for new beginnings and meaningful connections. The decision of who to pursue—or whether to pursue either—was still to be made, but for now, Mia was open to whatever the journey would bring.
The café bustled with activity around her, a reflection of the vibrant life she was living, and Mia felt a renewed sense of hope and curiosity about the future.
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Late Nights
Pairing: Marcus Pike x gn!reader
Words: 673
Rating: G (mentions of anxiety spirals)
Summary: Your brain keeps you up and a certain FBI agent keeps you company.
Author: Mod Mouse
Notes: I wrote this after having a particularly bad anxiety night so I hope this helps others when the brain juice is no good. Also unrelated but I'm surprised I've never written for this Marcus before considering my love of art so I have a feeling I will write for him more!
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Late nights weren’t a new thing for the two of you. One a curator for the Smithosian’s American Art museum and the other an FBI agent dealing in art forgeries. There was always a case that needed extra work done after office hours. It was typical for the both of you to see the wee hours of the morning fueled by the strongest coffee. 
But today wasn’t one of those times. This time it was your own damn head keeping you up to the wee hours of the morning. At least with the reports you could control when you could fall asleep. But your brain was a fickle creature. Uncontrollable anxiety spiral was the choice for tonight. You had to distract your brain. 
The tv slowly played in your living room. A past favorite show playing as background noise to keep your mind from spiraling anymore. The warm cup of chamomile you held in your hands is your only hope for any semblance of medicine tonight. Absent-mindedly you watched the character repeat the same scenes that at this point you have memorized. 
The female protagonist goes on a date with a guy from her office. He says all the right things and she thinks to herself “I can’t be falling for him.” But the more they talk the more they both realize the same conclusion. Cheesy but you love it. 
You were so sucked into the comfort show that you didn’t realize your husband had walked into the living room. “Honey what’s got you up this late?” You turn to see Marcus standing at the edge of the hallway, flannel robe wrapped around himself. A Christmas present from your first Christmas as a couple all those years ago. 
“You know. Sometimes your brain mixes the wrong kind of cocktail,” You shrugged tiredly. 
Marcus frowned softly. He knew you too well not to notice the use of humor to deflect the situation. “Hun,” He said softly as he sat next to you on the couch. 
Your body unconsciously leaned into his side, like you’ve done for the whole time you’d been together. “Can’t fool you huh?” You chuckled with a sniffle as tears pricked your eyes. 
“Do you want to talk about it? Or you don’t have to. I’m more than willing to stay up with you,” Marcus offered gently, kissing your head. 
You took a minute to gather the scattered remnants of anxious thoughts before you replied. “Just do you ever have those moments where your brain decides to sow some throw away thought but then you hyperfixated on it which makes you spiral. Something like that,” You answer, sighing. 
“Can’t say I’ve ever had exactly that sort of thing happen, but I can imagine that it’s scary.” Marcus gently rubbed your side with his hand. 
“Ya it’s not fun,” You answer cuddling closer into his side. 
“Is there anything I can do?” Marcus asked. “Want me to break out those cookies you bought?” 
You giggled loving Marcus’ need for sweet popping through. “No, I think this tea and you will be enough for me tonight.” 
He smiled and leaned down to kiss your head. “Then that’s what I shall do for you.” Marcus held you close as you two watched your favorite show. The noise and the comfort of your husband is enough to finally allow you to close your eyes and sleep. 
Eventually Marcus noticed your breathing evening out. Carefully he turned off the TV, and set the half-full mug on the coffee table to deal with in the morning. Gently as to not wake you, he scooped you in his arms and carried you back to your shared bed. He laid you down on your side before sliding into the covers on his side. When the blankets covered your both, he leaned over and gently kissed your head. 
“Sweet dreams my little sunflower. I’ll protect you from those awful thoughts.” And with another forehead kiss, he pulled you close as the two of you fell back into a gentle sleep.
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All Works Taglist
@for-a-longlongtime @romanarose
Pedro Character Taglist
@littlemisspascal @burntheedges
@carusolikey @thebeldroramscal
@morallyinept @lady-bess
@pedrostories @rivnedell
@pascalsanctuary @readingiskeepingmegoing
Thanks to the lovely @saradika-graphics for the dividers!
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puckinghischier · 2 days
please expand on nico being a girl dad! the thought makes my heart melt 😭
he just exudes girl dad energy
like i can just see him watching youtube videos to learn how to do all these different lil hairstyles, practicing on your dog or something silly like that
he would also buy baby girl a new plush every city he went to, continuing the tradition even when she’s all grown up, because he always wants her to know he’s thinking of her when he’s not at home
when you’d bring her to the games he’d always make sure he’s matching his little girl in some way. whether it’s a pink bracelet to match the bow in her hair or purple laces on his skates to match the purple beanie you placed on her head
he always made it a priority to do a few pre-warm up laps with her, too. simply holding her while skating as a baby, but then, once she starts walking, buying her own set of pink, sparkly skates to wear on their mini skate sessions before doors open for fans
don’t even get me started on the way he would make sure all his teammates are dressed and decent before unleashing his little dark headed ball of energy into the locker room after games, knowing how much she loves seeing all her uncles, and how much his teammates love spoiling his baby girl. she would run straight to jack every time, since he takes the role of ‘funcle’ so seriously. she’s put his helmet on and walk around, trying to wack curtis with jack’s hockey stick (per jack’s instructions)
when it’s time for her first school dance, the entire team is over at their house, waiting on her date to come and pick her up, nico front and center. he tells her how beautiful she looks (as if she could be anything but, considering she’s the spitting image of her mama), and lets her know if she needs him at all, he’s only a phone call away, ready to come pick her up whenever she’s had enough. when her date finally does arrive, he takes one look at the hoard of giant hockey players sitting in her living room, not eased in the slightest when she tells him they’re harmless. she knows they’re just protective, though, not worried at all that they’ll do anything to ruin her special night.
and when she’s old enough to start driving? nico is researching every single vehicle on the market for safety ratings and features. he won’t have his little girl driving around in a metal death trap, that’s for sure. but he also wants her to have her dream care, because you only turn 16 once. so when he surprises her with the shiny, new mercedes suv, the look on her face is enough to make him want to shed a few tears, not believing time has gone by so fast
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What Carmy wants
IMPO it's pretty obvious that what he wants is Reparation by Opposition.
In Psychogenealogy and Transgenerational Therapy this means that when you come from a family that was the source of trauma, your responses can only be 3 potential ones: Repetition → status quo that only serves to perpetuate the trauma, Opposition → breaking the cycle but in spite, not as a reparation but as defiance, again: trauma response, OR REPARATION BY OPPOSITION → the only response that includes real healing and liberation from that trauma, which entails not perpetuating the toxic cycle, not acting in spite and just to challenge the status quo to prove "them" wrong or that they don't own us, etc. It's the only mature and healthy response, although the other two do not necessarily imply a conscious conflict. Some people can lead a seemingly "conflict-free" life even when perpetuating the status quo or opposing to it in an act of vengeance, like our case study here:
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He wants his legacy to be all he never had growing up:
A panic-less environment.
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Be square with everything and everybody.
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To make it good, he'd have to filter out the bad.
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I already went over this in terms of the show in general because I firmly believe those lines are nothing but a huge foreshadowing of the show's whole arc, and as usual, Storer hid it in plain sight:
That is why MEAT was in the background, in the frame, in the center, because what Carmy was saying was the whole "meat" of the show:
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However, as for Carmy, individually speaking, those lines are ANOTHER PIECE OF HARD EVIDENCE, we, Sydcarmy truthers can and should hold onto and go by, to back up our SYDCARMY ENDGAME claims and wishes. We are not delulu. Well, not because of believing in Sydcarmy endgame anyway...
There is no way on Earth Carmy can achieve all that with the C person. Someone who represents his past and triggers his trauma to the point of causing panic attacks, someone who he associates with the "old Carmy" he wants to outgrow to get to where he wants to be and spend the rest of his life in (his purpose). Of course, she represents the status quo for him, the literal girl next door who is totally familiar with his past family trauma and all the things he wants to leave behind. She is what his toxic family wanted for him. She is in no way, shape or form a symbol of progress or healing, you can read about that in pretty much ALL my C Person meta, here ↓
The only character on the whole show that represents change, evolution, growth, and progress, is:
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Every one of Carmy's breakthroughs, had her presence in them, in one way or another.
He started turning The Beef around when she came along, even when everyone was still opposing his leadership because he wasn't alone anymore:
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He accepted his shortcomings and vowed to change:
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He shared his dream with her because he trusted her fully, even when he had only met her for a few months at that point (he didn't even trust C with his right number even after knowing her for years)
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He shared her dream:
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He put everything in her hands and then couldn't live with the guilt of having let her down, which triggered ALL HIS DEMONS.
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She was also there when he gathered the strength to confront his abuser:
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Summing up, the only one who can bring out this Carmy we all want, including himself, is Sydney and he already knows that, he told her:
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Bonus track: What Syd always wanted and still does is this ↓
The great news is that what Syd and Carmy want are FULLY COMPATIBLE things.
which is the key to any healthy and lasting relationship love story. Not wanting the same things, none of us want the same things as our partners at all times, it's impossible and or childish because we are dynamic beings and individuals, and any relationship that annuls or censors our individuality can't or shouldn't last. Now, finding someone with whom you can be yourself, NOT LOGAN:
Being accepted by them and at the same time inspired and driven to change for the better, as opposed to remaining stuck in the past, THAT IS LOVE and that is at the very least PROMISING. A relationship based on that and on trust can only be a good one, no matter how toxic or hard it gets at times, as most relationships at some point do or might because that means that all the tools to "fix" it, are there, at hand.
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Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs 💋
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sencrose · 16 hours
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pairing: naoya zenin x f!reader, implied feelings involving naomaki
tags: dead dove do not eat. dubcon, angst?, reader is described as having a similar appearance to maki (mostly in hairstyle), incestuous undertones, physical abuse (against maki, sorry queen) established relationship, throatfucking, no prep, rough sex, pain during sex, (condescending) praise, hair pulling, internalized misogyny
wc: 3.2k
summary: You do not know what your husband sees in you. For better or worse, you learn.
a/n: back on my writing horrible things about naoya bullshit!! ngl this was weird to write but i also had a lot of fun with it. big thank you to @blueparadis for beta reading this for me <3 please read the tags and proceed with caution. ao3 link here
tagging: @pixelcafe-network @jellyfishsart
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You do not know what your husband sees in you. 
It is not that you are without merit, but you are, simply put, plain. A weed in a field of flowers in full bloom. The diet that follows after a bad bout of the stomach flu. A satellite in the night sky that might be mistaken for a star — until it glides past far too quickly to be one, much to an onlooker’s disappointment. 
You know what power the Zen’in clan holds. The kind of power where even the most upstanding of sons will poison their fathers just for a taste. The paranoia that comes with it, the rumors of potential traitors whispered between paper doors is enough to keep anyone on edge. 
With all of that in mind, you know in your heart of hearts you are not the type of person the next head of the clan would pursue. 
Yet you were told he picked you out by hand, out of the dozens of matchmaking papers given to him. Applicants that began and ended on ink, their names, birthdays, and occupations, were discarded without a care of who they were,, or who they could have been. 
What an honor, you were told. 
So you packed up your things with a judgemental eye, preparing yourself for the worst when you arrive. Would they let you keep a stuffed animal that was a birthday gift from a friend, or is that too childish? What about this shirt — is it conservative enough or will it bring unwanted attention?
You left most things behind. 
Every now and then, you recall a conversation you had with your mother shared over a plate of cut fruit, shortly before you received the news from the Zen’in clan. It comes to you whenever you see the young girls rushing through the corridors, hands holding a stack of sheets that tower over them. 
“Do you have any dreams?” she asked, carving the skin of an apple, the crimson peel spiraling under her skillful thumb, “Ambitions?”
She tended to ask this now and then. It’s natural, you assumed; a mother’s desire to know anything and everything there is to know about their child. 
It’s hard to remember or keep track of all the answers you’ve given her. All you know is that they’ve become less ambitious over the years. From huffing your chest out and saying you’ll be an astronaut who lives out in the stars with the profound confidence only a child could have, to something less spectacular, more mundane. 
You didn’t have much luck becoming a sorcerer, which shrunk your options. Maybe you’d go to school. Maybe get a degree, get some kind of corporate job, waste your life away in a gray office cubicle. 
But none of those are dreams. Obligations, perhaps.
“No, not really,” you replied, detached from the conversation. It was the truth. 
She patted you on the back, comfortingly. “Ah, that’s a good thing. You don’t want to be greedy.”
You still don’t know what she meant by that, but you also made no effort to ask for clarification. The words simmered low and steady until it burned and branded itself in your head.
As if to pull you out of your thoughts, your mother handed you a slice, an offering. Despite her words, you wondered if it was consolation. 
Even after some time has passed since your arrival, you do not know what your husband sees in you. You’re not sure he sees you at all. 
His touch is few and far between. 
To your surprise, on the night of your wedding you did not consummate your marriage. It happened two weeks after, and it was not what you expected from someone who had supposedly picked you out on his own accord. 
It was anything but gentle. You learned quickly that Naoya Zen’in is not a patient man.
Rough hands were grabbing anywhere, everywhere. If you didn’t know any better, you would think he was trying to devour you. 
Nothing placated him. When you gazed up at him teary-eyed with soft pleas to go slower, you only made things worse. Hands grabbed onto your form to flip you over, push your face into the sheets so he didn’t have to hear your protests. Fingers pressed deep into the dip of your waist, so hard you worried about bruises forming (they did). 
Once he got what he wanted out of you, he tossed you to the side. As if you were some random girl he just happened to pick up for the night, someone he hoped would be gone come morning. 
As if you weren’t his wife. 
It was the first time in a long time that you realized, maybe, you had wants. Desires. To do something instead of having something done onto you. 
But your mother’s words haunt you. 
You don’t want to be greedy. 
For the first time since arriving at the estate, you have a hint of what your husband sees in you.
You don’t think you’re supposed to see it. You don’t think you’re supposed to be here at all.  
A girl lies on the floor of the open courtyard, her head underneath Naoya’s heel.
It’s like looking into a mirror, though a bit distorted. The image is similar, but the puzzle pieces filling in the gaps are all different.
Her hair is much like yours, though the strands that frame her face hang like blades, sharpened, ready to cut anyone who gets too close. 
You don’t have that type of intensity around you. The pieces of hair that frame your face soften your features. Wispy, uncertain shapes that blow away with the slightest puff of wind. 
The similarities start and end there. 
Though she’s younger than you, she wears a hardened expression, one you always thought would come to you with age. You realize now that you must’ve had it easy when you see how she wears it like it’s all she’s ever known. 
Although you go unnoticed by your husband, the girl acknowledges your presence. Her gaze meets yours, fury ablaze in her eyes, along with something else you don’t recognize. Your legs react before you even realize, taking a step back. 
Even with her body pressed into the ground in submission, you can tell she is anything but. It’s written candidly on her face, teeth bared to the world, begging for flesh to dig into.
Your husband must be a blind fool. Even you can see from a distance that she’s a wild animal in human form, just waiting for a chance to break the chains of her enclosure. You feel it in her stare, how she strips you down to a state even Naoya hasn’t witnessed. You don’t like it. How her eyes hone in on you like a lion staring down its prey.
Then again, would you even be considered prey? Even a rabbit has a fighting chance at running away. You do not know how to run. Not towards a goal, and certainly not away from danger.
But you can still walk. Walk while you can and you can forget you’ve ever seen this. Stuff it back in the recesses of your mind, back where you wrote off wants and desires and greed all those years ago.
You don’t walk away fast enough.
When you hear her name slip from your husband’s lips, your stomach freefalls. 
You haven’t been at the estate for long, but you know of her. Everyone does. You just never had the chance to put a name to a face. Maki Zen’in, one half of the clan disappointment, alongside her twin sister. It goes without saying that you also know of the ties that connect them.
You know your husband is a cruel man. He has to be; it’s practically a requirement for someone of his power and status. But it’s hard to watch when it’s laid out so plainly in front of you. Even so, you stay.
You watch with a tightness in your chest as he pulls her up by the base of her ponytail before throwing her back onto the ground, gravel and dust dispersed in the air from the impact.
Anger lights a fire in his eyes. No matter what he does, he doesn’t seem to get the reaction he wants, or much of a reaction at all. She takes it in stride, only emitting hushed grunts when he kicks her. While you flinch at the volume of his voice rising, she boldly sneers at his frustration.
You meet her eyes again. 
She laughs. 
It isn’t to piss off Naoya. No, it’s directed at you. The bystander who’ll go on with her day like nothing ever happened, even after witnessing the horrific abuse doled out at the hands of her husband.
Even though she doesn’t hold an ounce of cursed energy in her veins, you know what she thinks of you. You hear it in the dry chuckle she lets out before Naoya kicks her again.
You’re cursed. 
How pitiful. 
You’re sure he’s ranting about something, maybe something Naobito did, but you can’t bring yourself to listen to him. All you can think about is the girl in the courtyard, with an ire in her eyes you’ve never seen before. When was the last time you looked like that? Felt something so intense it radiated off of your very being, so bright and radiant it couldn’t be ignored? Have you ever had that kind of fighting spirit in you?
A stagnant silence brings you back. You vacantly stare back at your husband. It was your turn to speak for once. You perk up at the opportunity, though you’re unsure how to seize it.
“Sorry. I just don’t know what I’m supposed to say.”
“Well that’s the thing, isn’t it? You don’t need to say anything. C’mere.”
He pulls you in closer, his hand petting your head. It’s the only time he shows any semblance of gentleness, a cruel way of lulling you into a false sense of security. You know what comes next. His hand presses against your head, lower, lower, until you’re nestled against his crotch. Naoya looks at you, expectantly. 
Your fingers wrap around the cotton ties that hold his hakama pants, pulling with a tug. From there, the fabric falls easily, more so once you reach around his waist to undo the tension from the straps. 
You steel yourself to do what you’ve always done, though something sits in the back of your mind. 
You get him to groan with a long stroke of your tongue on the underside of his cock. Build yourself up to taking his entire length into his mouth, inch by dreadful inch, but it’s hard. By the time you swallow him whole, you can feel his tip pressing against the back of your throat. You do your best to service him at a pace he’d be satisfied with, one you know is out of your skillset, dribbling spit and coughing softly whenever you go too deep.
But Naoya isn’t satisfied. He’s impatient, his fingers weaving through your hair, pulling tight before he quickens your pace to his own liking. It’s something you still haven’t gotten used to. The burning in your eyes, the gross wet sounds that leave your mouth as he bobs your head up and down like a toy.
“Fuck, you’re perfect. Take me in so well, don’t you?” His grip around your hair tightens.
He continues recklessly fucking your throat, ignoring all of the choked cough and garbled yelps you let out whenever he hits the back of your throat. All you can do is take it, ball your fists and fold your thumbs in, and hope that trick you learned about reducing your gag reflex isn’t just some urban legend.
Naoya removes yourself from him as roughly as he places you onto him. The rush of air is both a welcome one and sudden change, and you gasp and cough at the sensation.
“Wife,” He brandishes the title like a weapon, the blade of a dagger pressed against your neck.
“Tie your hair up for me, won’t you?” he poses it as a question, but you know you have no choice in the matter. 
Time freezes.
Your eyes shift and you find yourself fiddling with your fingers, hoping he will change his mind if you look up at him with a disarming plea in your eyes, but his gaze does not falter. His eyes only get darker, a dangerous amber that glows like a warning sign in the lowlight of your shared chamber, as he awaits you to fulfill his request. 
Maybe your husband doesn’t see you, but you have always seen him for who he is, even if you didn’t want to admit it. It shines more than ever, when he tilts his head and the corners of his lips upturn. A snake carefully wrapping itself around a rat, just one good squeeze away from keeping you in his clutches forever. Once again, you’re trapped and frozen with nowhere to go. Unfortunately, you play your part well without trying.
You shouldn’t be surprised. It probably runs in their blood.
Slowly, you tie your hair up, strands spilling between your fingertips as you pick them up again, gathering and pulling through the hair only halfway through the elastic, an unstable, floppy bun.
You don’t want to be greedy.
A ghost of unspoken words from your mother whispers against your ear, and maybe if you caught on a bit sooner, things would be different. What was she trying to tell you? What did she hold behind her tongue so cautiously?
Because that’s not how I raised you?
Because that’s not a woman’s place?
Because that’s not what makes a good wife?
But none of it sounds quite right.
And though the thoughts swirl and cloud your head, something else rings bright and clear through the murkiness. 
You want. You want to be wrong. You want it with an intensity you’ve never felt before in your life, a desire clawing its way out of your chest, desperate to see the light of day. 
It’s a good thing. You don’t want to be greedy.
Naoya gently tugs on the loop of hair with his fingers, almost intimately, and it makes your stomach curl. He pulls apart the strands in half to tighten it, until a ponytail reminiscent of the one you saw earlier today sits on top of your head. 
It is only in this moment the clouds in your mind disperse, the addendum your mother wanted to add clear as day.
Because all you will be left with is disappointment.
Even though you’re filled with unease, you follow his lead because it’s all you’ve ever known. He pulls on the waistband of your skirt before pushing his hand against your back, getting you in position to arch for him. 
His fingers drag against your slit, before sliding two of them inside your hole, ignoring any initial resistance. Another thing you learned about your husband is that he’s a determined man; to your dismay, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t fit, he’ll make it fit. Even the stretch of his digits is uncomfortable, scissoring them inside you just to hear you whine under his touch. You wince when he withdraws them, tighten up when you feel something hot and hard pressed against you.
There’s no getting used to his size. Even if he took the time to prepare you properly, you’re sure it would still hurt – if not at the initial penetration, then at the frenzied thrusts that come shortly after. His plump cockhead nudges teasingly against your hole, poking and proding before pulling away. He likes to keep you on your toes, hear you whimper when he surprises you a rough thrust. 
Something about him seems more impatient than usual.
He pushes himself into you, and you bite down on your lip as he splits your walls apart in one swift movement. Over the course of your marriage, you’ve learned to wait out the pain, keep your breathing steady until he starts to move. But his pace never stays slow for long. It’s only a short moment before his hips slam into yours faster and you have to weave through the sheets and grip for stability.
“Naoya, ‘s too much,” you whine, voice high pitched and on the edge of sounding needy.
Without warning his hands wrap around your ponytail and he pulls tight. The sharp pain makes you wince, arch your back until you’re pressed flush against his chest.
“Talking back, are we?” he quips back.
“No, no, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you say, hushed and quiet. 
You don’t think he accepts your apology, not when he tugs a bit harder and gives you a thrust so deep it knocks the air out of your lungs. Whether he accepts it or not, he’s still enjoying himself. You hear it in the groans he lets out whenever he hits you deep inside and you moan at the impact, feel it in the way his other hand kneads your breast before giving your nipple a tug.
“You like this, don’t you?”
You wonder if his words are actually directed towards you, but you don’t think too hard about your response, falling back on your default mode of placating him.
“Mhm,” you hum softly.
“Then you won’t mind if I go harder, right?” he asks, but he doesn’t give you a chance to respond. There’s no smooth transition, he simply goes straight into fucking you harder.
His pace is dizzying, the slap of skin-to-skin echoing throughout the room as he fucks you.
He only gets louder and more desperate as his hips slam into yours. You’re not sure you’ve ever seen him like this before. It makes your mind race, makes you wonder if he’s holding back his tongue to call out another name whenever he hums a bit too long in pleasure. Each sound he makes causes your heart to skip in terror and anticipation, but you never hear it. Still, it trembles. 
“Be a bit louder for me, ok?” he whispers in the shell of your ear. His hand traces down from your chest to your waist, lower until it reaches your aching clit. “I’ll even treat you tonight.”
The unexpected contact pushes you further into him, sends a shiver of tension up your spine. You don’t want to admit the pleasure boiling up in you, not like this, but your body doesn’t give you much of a choice. Your lips are the first line of defense to fall, high pitched moans you don’t recognize spilling so easily, naturally, as if it’s water leaking from a faucet.
Maybe he thinks you’re enjoying yourself just a bit too much, because the grip on your hair tightens once again. But it doesn’t stop the rush of warmth building up in your stomach, from your muscles tightening to prepare for your impending climax.
“Nao, I’m close, I’m close-”
Shame washes over you along with your orgasm, walls fluttering against his cock, as he fucks you through it. Naoya’s own climax follows shortly after yours, his hips thrusting harder until he stills with a shaky groan. 
Only once he removes himself from you, you collapse on to the bed, body spent. You cautiously reach for the hair tie, looking over at Naoya as you pull it out with a soft tug. He doesn’t stop you. 
You know what your husband sees in you.
You wish you didn’t see it too. 
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The chair
“Surprise baby!” Aimee happily revealed the clumsily wrapped box with a taped on bow from the store
“Hey now what’s all this..” Evan looked at the box with apprehension, he didn’t much care for being the center of attention- birthdays and celebrations where he was the focus honestly made him uncomfortable.
“It’s for you! For your big promotion! I know you’re going to be working from home more so I wanted to get you something you could use everyday! Well for work and fun” Aimee’s excitement was infectious.
Evan’s smile warmed seeing her evident satisfaction with both the idea and her wrapping job. He tore the paper off the top, and pulled the chair out of the box. It was a high-tech looking black office chair- but very roomy- it actually looked very comfortable.
“Thanks Aimee, that was very thoughtful of you.” Evan put aside his discomfort and gratefully gave Aimee a hug.
“Of course baby!! I got it online, it’s supposed to be the “chair of your dreams” haha, everyone says it changed their lives! I didn’t know chairs could do that, but I thought of course I want the best for my man!” Aimee grinned cheerfully
“Well I’ll set this up, and then I gotta actually *do* my new job, okay? How about getting us some dinner?” Evan turned his attention to the chair and Aimee left to order food
The chair came together in a matter of minutes, it was most of the way assembled, but Evan was shocked by the quality- it was an exceptionally well made chair for some online retailer. He took his first seat in the chair and felt unbelievably comfortable- he almost didn’t want to get up to roll it in front of the desk- so he didn’t! He scooted himself in the chair to the desk and powered on the computer. He poked around his work email and filled out some paperwork, but somehow an hour slipped by without noticing.
Aimee broke his focus by bring in the freshly arrived Chinese food to his desk
“Hey heyy, how do you like the chair?”
“it’s great ames! It’s really so comfortable!”
“Awww I’m so glad!!” Aimee noticed something under Evan’s button up.. some bloating? Or maybe just a trick of the light?
“Anyways babe, I gotta get some work done but thanks for getting the food” Evan’s gaze refixed itself on his monitor, and Aimee went to go eat in the kitchen.
after an hour or two had passed Evan had eaten all his Chinese takeout, which was fairly unusual for him- he ate at his desk often, but usually had leftovers to leave in his mini fridge adjacent to the desk.
Bored of work and needing a distraction he closed his work software, and opened his favorite game; deciding he’d just play for a bit before bed.
Evan slid on his headphones and directed all his attention to the game- until he felt a strange sensation from his abdomen, hunger? Evan frowned confused, but intent on finishing his game he reached for the fridge door while not even removing his eyes from the screen, and grabbed yesterday’s takeout. Playing with one hand, and stopping to eat with the other his performance suffered, but as time went on he felt more and more ravenous. Slowly his attention on the game came to a halt and he moved his chair to be in front of his fridge, digging through the contents looking for anything un-scavenged. Luckily prior evan had forgotten about a couple days worth of lightly picked over takeout- anxiety about his promotion had soured his appetite- but current Evan seemed utterly insatiable. His clothes had begun restricting his movement but the thought of that wasn’t even registering in his brain- he was utterly transfixed by his hunger.
“Aimee?? AIMEE!!! Are you out there? Can you bring me some food I’m starving!!” Evan shouted out to the house and received a hesitant “yeah?”
moments later Aimee popped her head into the room, holding a bag of chips
“Evan! what…happened?” She hurried over to his desk, and saw the face of her beloved boyfriend, budding with fat. Evan looked as though he had gained 40 pounds overnight, his shirt was straining to contain his new inches of fat, and doughy hips giving him plump lovehandles.
Aimee wasn’t sure what came over her but she felt completely weak as she gazed upon her boyfriend. “What are you hungry for? What can I get you?” She came up behind him and placed her hands delicately on his softened shoulders after handing him the chips.
Evan tore open the bag and began putting fistfuls in his mouth “Mexican” *mmph mph* “Lots of it” *mmph* “asap”
Aimee ran out of the room and down the street to the late-open Mexican restaurant and placed an order for catering. Impatiently she waited, her mind focused solely on Evan. Finally the food came and she ran back to the apartment, box stuffed to the brim with food.
When she swung open the apartment door she found Evan, in his chair, in the kitchen, in front of the fridge. “Oh my god Evan.” Her eyes fell on his body. His stomach had ripped open his shirt revealing his potbelly and thickening tits. His pants had miraculously stayed buttoned, but his ballooning thighs and inflating hips had to be burning in those confines. Aimee couldn’t help herself and rushed over with the food, unwrapping burritos and tacos, holding them up to his lips as he devoured one after the other.
Evan couldn’t help but moan in ecstasy at each bite, heavily panting for the half seconds he wasn’t eating. Until the pressure in his pants became uncontainable- and a deafening rip was heard by both of them- his ass and waist tore through the seams, immediately reliving the tension. He moaned again…
“Evan… I had no idea you were such a pig..” Aimee towered over him in the chair, putting his constant stream of food down for a moment. “The chair was just supposed to like, give you better hair or like whatever it is guys want!” She placed her hands on his pudge filled waist and pulled down the tattered remains of his pants. “But look at you. Look at how fucking fat you are… You like this don’t you?” She picked up his belly to reveal his throbbing member desperately seeking attention.
Evan’s eyes met Aimee’s, with a desperate, almost pathetic cry for attention.
“Oh don’t worry fat boy I’m gonna feed you” she caressed his engorged belly “but not without humiliating you bit”
She picked the burritos and Evan opened his mouth readily, this time with the beginnings of a double chin slowly becoming more prominent. Aimee fed him everything in the takeaway box, watching as his form steadily expanded. “You like it when I call you a fat boy huh”
Evan’s now buried member was leaking pre all over his belly and thighs. His face was rounded and begged for more
“You just want to give in to all your greedy fantasy huh… being a big gluttous pig with a fat heavy belly… no job but to eat and get bigger for me, isn’t that right?” Aimee traced her fingers over his body, looming over him, her tight athletes body intimidating him. Evan quivered. “Honey I think your breast are bigger than mine at this point.. let’s see if we can make them bigger…”
Aimee opened the freezer and pulled out the cake she’d bought him that was meant for the next days party. “This was for your big promotion party… but I’m guessing a big fatty like you is too hungry to resist?”
Evan’s drooling betrayed him.. his stomach loudly rumbled and he leaned forward desperately grabbing at it “P-Please Aimée I’ll do anything”
Aimee grabbed the chair, and wheeled him in front of the island, placing the cake in front of him, and supplying no utensils.
Evan couldn’t help himself but to dig in with his hands, putting fistful after fistful of cake inside him. Aimee rounded up the rest of the food in the kitchen and brought it before him, watching his weight unfold.
His belly expanded further, pushing his plush thighs as far apart as he could. His tightywhities began to groan and snap and his ass lifted him further out of the chair, and his hips grew more and more full. His sides developed into soft and thick rolls- forming creases and indenting where his breasts were. His bicep muscles transformed his arms into a fat boys- losing his muscularity in favor of fattening. His fingers and wrists got chubbier and chubbier with each fistful moved into his fattening lips. Panting and moaning making himself bigger and bigger and bigger..
Aimee watched with delight until he had cleared their entire home of sustenance. When he was done, he had gained so much width he had wedged himself into the arm rests.
“Look. At. You.” Aimee’s eyes full of amazement. “I mean look at you fatty… can you even stand up?”
Evan planted his pathetic chubby wrists on the arm rests and pushed up with all his might, only to relax back into the embrace of the chair panting like a dog.
Aimee gestured for his hands to attempt to help him out of the chair, grasping his new softness and yanking on her gargantuan boyfriend. “You gotta try too fat ass!!!!”
With a giant heave his massive ass uncoupled with the chair, leaving him heaving, holding onto the island for support.
“Fucking wow.” Aimee’s cruel tone only stiffened the erection Evan was hiding
“No no no Evan I’m running the show. We’re going to the bathroom”
Aimee grabbed Evan and he lumbered as she led him to the mirror.
Evan turned beet red. “I-I-I”
Aimee came up behind him “See how you can’t even see me standing behind you anymore?” She prodded his back rolls. Aimee snaked a hand around to his chest and cupped a tit. “Look at those tits baby.. you’re gigantic.. boys aren’t supposed to have tits you know.. or how about that belly? You’d look pregnant if you didn’t look so fat”
Evan reddened.
“Nothing to say for yourself? Have you gotten too fat to think about anything other than food?” She pinched his waist “You love it don’t you. You want to get bigger”
“I-I-I do..” Evan swallowed hard. He stared at his bloated reflection meekly.
“get on the bed fatty” she commanded
He shuffled to the bed frame, not used to his colossal weight. Sitting down the bed made awful creaking sounds. “There he is… my big pretty fat boy, all mine…”
fyi comments fuel me- if u liked pls lmk! Or lmk what else to write
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Some of my favorite Black characters that I want to talk up because I haven't seen them mentioned yet:
Captain Isabel Lovelace from the podcast Wolf 359!
It's an audio drama, and there's no official art of her, but she's played by a Black actress and portrayed as Black.
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She's the captain of a deep space research mission, but the company that sent her out there betrayed her, cut her off, and sabotaged the mission, so she's the last survivor of her crew. She was reported dead but refused to die. She's determined to survive, get home, and tear the company down that did this to her, even if they are trying Very Hard to prevent her from doing that. She's brave, smart, dedicated, and driven, has a lot of ingenuity and determination, and you can see the contrast of how this affected her, because earlier on before everything went bad she was upbeat and loved pranks and adventure. A big part of her arc revolves around philosophical questions about what it means to still be or not be the same person you were. She's a sci-fi archetype I love, the Captain, and her story is sooo interesting and her voice is lovely.
Speaking of sci-fi podcast ladies...
Nova NoStar from the podcast InCo is another character I love!
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Nova is an Information Courier, an InCo, in a Star Trek-like galaxy with lots of different alien species and inhabited planets. She is part interstellar messenger, part spy-for-hire, dealing in valuable information and secrets between planets. InCos are valuable but not trusted, and rarely put down roots anywhere - it's not a respectable profession, but for Nova, it was freedom. She lives in her small ship with only her health android for company, and she's snarky and brash and curt and lonely and bitter and hurting, and pushes people away to try to protect herself. (The health android is primarily for her mental health; it's kind of unclear if, as the story opens, she's been taking much of anything it says to heart. She's still reeling from the death of her closest and only real friend, and it shows in everything she does.)
Until she rescues a boy who was ejected into space in a murder attempt... a boy who claims to be the prince of a planet that shouldn't exist. This spurs Nova onto a quest, to find out what is going on with this planet she thought was a myth, why its existence is being hidden, and what her dead friend who she's still grieving knew about this--and what she was hiding. This leads her to making genuine real friends with the alien prince in a slowburn friendship that's VERY sweet, opening herself up again, caring again, being cared for again, having a community again. And also destabilizing an oppressive planetary monarchy that's been hiding the truth along the way. I love her and I love her story. Also all the characters in the podcast are voiced by one person and they're SO impressive.
Hot Chocolate: YESSSSSSS. Black people in space, that's what I'm talking about! They often forget that brown kids fantasize about space as well, so I'm always happy to see us out there. In fact, I have a D&D character named Eneil D. Tyson who dreams of making it to space 🚀. Anywho, These lovely characters sound awesome! I didn't know there were podcasts dedicated to stories that weren't already published books. I might have to check them out for inspiration.
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wilcze-kudly · 13 hours
What do you think of this?
Oh wow that's a lot of points. And it looks like the OP is living the cottagecore dream judging by all the cherrypicking and strawman building they're doing! Though I do think they make some good points, or at least they have the spirit. It's clear they're passionate about their ship and they want to defend it, which is understandable. I don't want this to come off as shading some random shipper, because I can respect their dedication and the gathering of references, even if they present points rather disingenuously and their use of references is incorrect.
In their first point, OP calls upon the very obvious reference of La Pietà, particularly Michelangelo's statue of it, as basis of their opinion that Katara is presented as Aang's mother.
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Now, Pietà is actually a term used to reference anything related to Mary mourning Jesus's death, so there are multiple statues and pieces of art depicting that biblical scene, however the most famous, and most refrenced one, is Michelangelo's statue, so much so that it had become synonymous with it.
While yes, the most obvious and straightforward interpretation of Pietà is a mother grieving her son, there are many other interpretations of it in fiction and art, due to how ancient the concept is.
One very obvious connection to be made is the similarity of Aang and Jesus. While atla is primarily based around non Christian media, the concept of a 'deity in a human body/human touched by god' suffering and dying to save humanity is hardly a novel concept. It just so happens that the Christian mythos is the most widespread iteration of this theme, with plenty of art and themes to reference.
La Pietà symbolises the death of a saviour, the destruction of a godlike deity by misguided humans. It shows us this deity's first and truest believer grieving their death.
The utilisation of a refrence to Jesus is also a nice reference to Aang's future revival, because that is also what happened to Jesus. The theme of rebirth is surprisingly prevalent in references to Pietà.
It's actually very interesting that this scene refrences Michelangelo's sculpture in particular, since one of the bigger controversies surrounding the statue at its time is how young Mary looked, much too young to be the mother of a 33 year old Jesus. Many believe that this depiction is meant to showcase Mary's purity, and some believe that this was a refrence to Dante's Divine Comedy, particularly a passage where Dante highlights not only Mary's role as Jesus' mother, but also her role as God's daughter and the spouse of the Holy Spirit (the Holy Trinity be weird like that). Presenting her as the pinnacle of human virtue.
This is an interesting angle, because (even though this concept eludes a large chunk of the fandom) Katara is young. She is a child. And she's also pretty damn virtuous. Throughout the show, Katara is compassionate, determined, hopeful, strong and a myriad of other things. She is who keeps the Gaang going in the Desert, she is the one who saves Aang, she shows compassion to the people of the Fire Nation. She represents and embodies the goodness and hope of humanity in a way many female characters can't.
If we're gonna refrence the Bible, we can compare Kataang to the Holy Spirit being so taken by Mary's virtue, to the point where an aspect of it becomes human like her, by her.
(Does this make Bumi II Jesus? Maybe)
Boiling this reference down to "momther" seems like a disservice to Katara, because Mary represents a whole lot more than just that too. Or maybe I'm just an ex Catholic from Poland which is like the seed of the Cult of Mary.Now, don't get me wrong, many of the aspects of Mary's story do have some icky undertones, but the concept of her in Christian mythos and in popculture has evolved extremely.
It's also important to note that atla isn't unique in referencing La Pietà, even for romantic couples. The statue was quite a big infulence on art, even without its symbolism, to the point where it's sometimes heralded as the start of a short time period named the High Renaissance (which sounds much more fun than it actually was. Alas, no weed in late 15th century Italy.) Many media used it as a shorthand for grief, loss and sorrow, utilising many different pairings. Yes, even romantic.
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What, are we gonna say that the Batman and the Joker had a mother/son relationship now?
Pietà means 'pity' or 'compassion' in Italian and I think this perfectly sums up the essence of the theme, particularly in modern art. It is meant to invoke the viewer's compassion, our pity, our sorrow.
And the scene where Katara, a 14 year old child caught in a war, cradles the dead body of Aang, another child, who is burdened with the weight of being a godlike saviour, should evoke pity, should it not?
Also Op references that one interview where Bryke say that Kataang is like having a crush on a babysitter, which, if anyone has the link to the full interview, I'd appreciate it, because I wanna have the full context before I make a call. It could be a clumsy explanation of a trope, it could be taken out of context, etc. Op does not provide enough of the material for me to formulate a proper opinion.
Op's second point is that they believe that Kataang anti's claim that Katara never had romantic feelings for Zuko and that Katara was like a sister to him. They provide the scene of Katara examining Zuko's scar as evidence of potential romantic feelings from Katara's side. As they say, it is unusual for Katara to inspect a wound so closely before proceeding to heal it. Now, I don't think Katara had any regular water with her in the catacombs, which may be an explanation.
And when we see Katara usually heal, it's because someone is dying/freshly wounded. Like you don't have to poke around in the bleeding lightning hole in Aang's back to go: huh maybe this needs medical attention. And in the cases of her using healing to reverse Jet's brainwashing there really wasn't anything to inspect.
Now as a professional burn scar haver, I can say that, especially in the first few years, a lot of doctors inspected my many scars by physical touch. This is, from my understanding (do forgive me for not remembering I was like a toddler) is to assess the damage to the skin, whether or not certain glands are working properly and regulating the skin, etc.
ButI guess next time I go to the dermatologist to have my scars examined and they inspect the burn on my hand they're actually tryna hold hands romantically. Good to know. I'm gonna get railed by so many doctors. 🥳
Another reason for Katara stalling could be because... well, she did bond with Zuko, but he still does have a history of being bad™️. Like as kind as girlie is, there probably was a bit of a "should I really use all my super special magic water on the guy who tried to kill me like a few months ago?" type of questioning there.
I believe the creators also mentioned that Katara did experiments on the spirit water and determined that it only works on people with a strong spiritual connection, so she may be pondering if the water would even work.
As for Zuko and Katara being sibling coded, I think it stems from Katara and Azula obviously being foils and the very blatant juxtaposition of the Fire Nation Royal Family and that of Katara and Sokka's.
These two families have very obvious similarities and their dynamics are often used as foils.
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So it isn't a leap for people to put forth the idea that Katara embodies everything Zuko wanted Azula to be as a sister and longs to have the relationship Sokka and Katara want.
We don't see much of Katara and Zuko's interactions after they make up, but we do occasionally see her poking fun at him, not unlike she does with Sokka, but that is just an observation. The gaang banter between each other a lot. But the ending to the Last Agni Kai, where Katara literally heals the damage Azula made to Zuko also does solidify this point, at least symbolically.
The Op claims that another anti Zutara take is that Zuko and Katara's elements do not mix and can't work well together, and prove it to be false by showing how well Zuko and Katara work in combat situations. And you know what? They have a point there! Zuko and Katara are very capable together and they are honestly incredibly fun to watch when they team up!
....and then OP slides their way into the false eqivalence fallacy, which is a habit they seem to pick up especially for the last 2 points.
OP brings up the 2023 film Elemental, to back up their point, however, instead of utilising the comparison of tropes, they substitute their point with simply describing the plot of the movie and making loose allusions to zutara as a ship.
When bringing up references, it's best to pick out common tropes/storylines/themes. For example, they picked out the symbolism of fire and water, which is an excellent first step. However, then they proceed to describe an event where the characters of the movie touch, creating steam, which, if they want to make this comparison, they need to connect somehow to Zutara.
I assume they wanted to imply that Zuko and Katara could also create something new by working together? However, they'd have to explain this comparison, because one of the predominant themes of Katara and Zuko's relationship is healing the old. The idea of healing Zuko's scar, the attempt at retribution for Kya, Zuko and Katara healing their relationship being symbolic of them healing the great pain the Fire Nation caused to the Water Tribe, etc.
Im not saying this comparison can't be made, I just want OP to elaborate because they just yeeted vague concepts at us and expected us to extrapolate.
Where the theme of creating something new lays more with Zuko and Aang's relationship, as Zuko describes in his coronation speech if I'm not mistaken.
I think Op could've pulled this comparison off if they'd gone more in depth, because there certainly is a proper comparison to be made. (I assume. I haven't watched Elemental. Op just presented their point poorly. They could've just lied to me I just want them to at least lie well).
In the last point, OP attempts to debunk the claim that Zuko and Katara have no chemistry. And once again, I agree with them! I think Zuko and Katara have very good onscreen chemistry. Their banter is fun to watch, they work well in action scenes and their emotional scenes always hit pretty hard for me.
Whether or not this chemistry is romantic chemistry or not is left up to interpretation. Because when we talk about chemistry between characters, it can refer to things other than romance. It's, in generalisation, something that makes us care (for good or bad reasons) about a relationship between characters. For example, Katara has good chemistry with Sokka and Toph. But it isn't necessarily romantic chemistry (though I am a big Katoph truther).
Now the term chemistry has been mainly taken over by romance because we can't have nice things, so I don't blame OP for looking at this rather nebulous concept purely through the lense of romance.
Side note, I think OP mixed up IRL romantic chemistry and the different types on onscreen chemistry when pulling up a definition, but that's beside the point. But I'd perfer thek to specify exactly which type of chemistry they mean, like are we talking 'weird pickup artist chemistry' or 'these characters make me feel something chemistry'.
However, I think OP once again presents a very lacklustre example of this chemistry and utilises false equivalency to prove their point.
Instead of bringing up Zuko and Katara's actual chemistry, OP utilises a different movie as a crutch. They compare the ending of the movie Tangled, where Flynn Rider is injured and later healed by Rapunzel to the admittedly very similar scene of the last Agni Kai.
Where I can see where they're attempting to go with this, they're trying to point out romantic tropes that could be applied to Zuko and Katara's relationship, they kinda miss the mark?
They bring up a narrative, when the point is meant to be about chemistry. Where a good narrative and storyline can enhance chemistry, romantic chemistry is often more about character interactions.
As I pointed out previously, Zuko and Katara do have chemistry as characters. Whrm pointing this chemistry out, utilise the many similarities and mild differences of their ideals and personalities, point out where these differences clash and where their similarities intersect. Dissect their interactions, how they influence each other.
It may not force the reader to consider romance as much as building your argument around an established romantic couple like Flynn and Rapunzel would, but it will present your points genuinely and allow readers to slowly come around to your points instead of forcing the conclusion on them.
Going "oh pair A did this, and pair B did this too. Pair A is a romantic couple, therefore pair B is also a romantic couple" is literally comparing apples and oranges and proves very little.
I see what OP is trying to do and I appreciate the effort, and even agree with some of their points, to an extent. I would also like to know where they got a lot of these ideas about what zutara antis think because it doesn't really add up with what I have seen from this side of the fandom, but maybe I'm just not as invested as I used to be in the ship wars.
I also don't want to send any harassment towards OP, please.
From just reading their post, they seem rather young and other than the first point, their post consists purely of just pointing out tropes they enjoy and applying those tropes to a ship they like. Yes, they presented their points kinda clumsily but they were simply expressing their preferences and opinions.
Where they presented some of their points in a manner that was a bit disingenuous and leading, this is also not a crime. And I don't think they wanted to intentionally mislead people, just express their own thoughts without going too in depth with them. Which is fine too, we're all just screaming into the void here on tumblr.
As arguments for Zutara go, tqhis si probably the least egregious I've seen in a while. It's benign, just someone talking about their preferences and not being used to presebting their arguments in this form.
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Yesterday i got the craziest message out of the blue .. My ex bf from 2011-2013's other ex gf who he was with before me hit me up to say that he got arrested?? And that her and like 5 other people are pressing charges against him for assault spanning across all different periods of time.. it's really wild idk how to feel. She said if i feel comfortable i can give my own testimony for when they go to court , even tho i dont live in england anymore.. Im like yeah honestly i will because like this dude is so unrelentingly violent and scary he legit almost killed me it was so extreme, i've known a lot of corrupt ppl but he is the only one i've always thought needs to be locked away from society like it's a murder scene waiting to happen not to mention he is just a straightup rapist
it's crazy too cus like 4 or 5 nights ago i had a dream that me and him and the girl who messaged me were all watching videos of ourselves in that time period like i even posted about it on here. i thought it was just a typical trauma processing dream not an actual premonition of something i would have to revisit irl
She said something about how she'd been looking back in her old fb messages with him to help paint a picture of the timeline so out of morbid curiosity today i checked to see if i still had ours. Sure enough i do, i've never looked at them retroactively before, but holy shit like... He is so much more of a monster than i even remembered, i dont get triggered easily anymore but it genuinely hurt my heart to see how horrible he was. Every conversation is just him snapping at me because i didnt respond to him fast enough or something so minor, and the whole time im just trying to apologize and de-escalate but it makes him more and more furious. the day before i was about to fly to london to move back in with him he was threatening to kill himself because i was going to my friends house to say bye to them. He was like "You're going to a party i just know it you're lying to me you'd never tell me you're really going to a party because you know i'm suicidal you've ruined my night you're a piece of shit" Like this was the NIGHT before i was about to leave everything behind just for him
i'm like rly shocked at everything i saw in that convo today im not even scratching the surface with this post. Anyways i guess it's cool that there is some justice happening right now and the people who survived him have been able to band together to try and ensure he can't hurt anyone else in the future. i rly wish none of us ever had to go thru any of that tho ugh i was so young i just really had no idea and it fucked me up for many many years afterwards. ive come a long way tho .
ill probly delete later cus idk who lurks this blog. i prefer not to show weakness :K But yeah.. just wanted to express this crazy unexpected life event and get it off my chest while its fresh
Peace and love !!!
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An Animalistic Disaster
CH-25: Alastor's in a..what?
Melody finds out the truth and you all react to episode five as some crazy new things are revealed.
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A.n: I'm sorry for the disappearence guys!!! A lot of stuff happened and I hit a writers block 🥲
Tw: mentions of domestic violence.
You felt a chill go through your spine at her voice. You didn't even realise when she came here. Vaggie flew out the window from your head noticing her.
" Oh, I was just talking to myself. Don't worry. Shouldn't you be in the bed? "
You laughed nervously, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible. You hoped she didn't think of you as a madwoman who talks by herself when she's alone. You wouldn't hear the end of it.
" Yeah I was about to..but you were taking too long and I heard talking, so I wanted to check it out."
She walked over and stood beside you, looking away into the wild from the window. " Was that one of your 'friends'?" She whispered chuckling a bit as you bonked her head narrowing your eyes " That guy is a bad influence on you."
A few moments went by in quietness as you both stayed silent. Crickets started to chirp as moonlight shone inside the kitchen, illuminating both of your faces.
" You know.... getting inspiration wasn't the only reason I decided to visit you.." Melody's somber voice suddenly broke through the silence. You stayed quiet, letting her continue.
" I needed a small break from my parents and my brother..."
You looked over at the dainty and frail girl. You looked at how loosely her nightwear hung from her body, almost giving her a ghostly appearance in the moonlight. Your eyes trailed from her tired eyes to her shoulders where there were some bruises...wait bruises?
You slowly lifted up your hand to trace your finger over it as she winced a bit. How didn't you notice it sooner?? " Melody....who did this? " She smiled sadly looking down. "You know who..."
You felt like your heart was being crushed in two. Were they also deliberately not feeding her enough or something? You fisted your palm tightly, feeling angry at them and yourself. Oh how you wished you could beat that shitty excuse of her parents up.
" You have it easy...you don't have your parents nagging after you all the time.. criticizing every little thing you do..you don't have a brother who's out to get you in trouble every living second..." Her voice broke a little. " You don't have parents who would hit you if you did something they didn't like..."
She was fully breaking into small sobs now. You didn't say anything and just pulled her closer to your body. Resting your chin above her head as you let her rant.
" You can live far away from your parents...alone and peacefully... you're free to do whatever you want..while I have to fight every day to pursue my dream... I'm jealous.... I'm jealous of you.."
You kissed top of her head as she sniffled. It almost felt like you two were kids again. And she was hiding from her parents by coming into your room as you comforted her. She's going through a lot as well. In some sense her words were true a little. You truly were living in luxury compared to her.
" You know, I always said you can come live with me.." you whispered softly as she looked up at you crying. "Y-you... know I can't do that...." She whispered in a broken voice. Even though you wanted to deny it, you knew it was the truth. No doubt if she came to live with you now, nasty rumours would be spread by her parents. And it'll be like she gave up on her dream, knowing how stubborn she could be, you knew she wouldn't listen either. But you still offered anyway.
You held her for a little longer as her sobs soon died down between your chest. You soon felt her getting limp between your arms. You had no idea how she was able to fall asleep so quickly. You assumed talking about all these made her tire out.
You picked her up and laid her down on the bed. She weighted like a kid. You looked down at her sadness evident in your eyes. You'll make sure she gains some weight by the time she leaves and make sure she at least has enough fun to forget about her situation. You laid down on the bed looking up at the ceiling.
Everyone has so many problems in their life. You think your life is hard but then you look around a bit and see people suffering more. Like the Hazbins for example....
You sighed, there's no use thinking depressed thoughts at this time of hour. You can't change people's past, but you wish you could at least help make it better for the future. That should be enough.
Your thoughts soon dragged you off to sleep.
You woke up to the smell of something burning in the kitchen as you sat up. " What's going on?!" You yelled as you started to get off from the bed. You quickly noticed Melody was missing.
You spotted her holding a burnt pancake in front of your stove with a sad expression. You sighed in relief seeing at least nothing caught on fire as you slowly walked over to her scratching your neck. "Come on now Mel... what're you doing..." She looked up at you sniffing. "I just wanted to do something for you...I guess I'm only good at sewing and nothing else.." you smiled softly at her and patted her head roughly, messing up her hair.
" Don't worry about that kiddo, go focus on your works instead. That's what you're here for right? I'll handle the breakfast." You practically pushed her to the separate room with her things.
"Hey I'm only a year younger than you!"
You clapped you hand after sending her away. " Now then, let's begin shall we?" You made use of the rest of the batter that was left to cook more pancakes. Melody was laying down on the lounge, scribbling away in her sketchpad to come up with ideas.
After a while you called her as you set the breakfast on the table. You served her with honey on top of the fluffy pancakes and laughed seeing her drool over them. While eating you told her about how you planned to take her out to town. She looked like she might burst from happiness.
You found the car outside just as you instructed. You left one of the windows open so Cherri could come in and let the others in through the door. Currently the whole crew was chilling inside, some resting on the bed or lounge and some finally cooking warm food.
" How long do you think we'll have to stay hidden...this sucks!"
Angel groaned from one of the chairs. " I don't know, get used it" Husk replied as a cat on top of the table. This form took less space to move around. " This girl can sketch beautifully!" Niffty was flipping through Melody's sketchbook. " Is she going to make all these dresses?"
" Um, guysss... shouldn't we make sure to..not touch or move anything?" Pentious rubbed his hands together looking around. " Or they might you know..get suspicious?"
" Quit being such a wuss." Cherri rolled her eyes bringing her head out from the fridge grabbing a box of juice and drinking it straight and dropping it. Before it could touch the ground Niffty came right in to catch it and throw it in the trash.
" Everything's gonna be fineee"
A distinct sound of something falling came from your room. Pentious blinked at Cherri with doubt and worry.
" What happened here?!"
Melody's voice rang out as soon as she stepped inside. You sighed, they had the common sense to lock the door at least.
" The floor is squeaky clean but most of  the foods are gone!" She yelled opening the fridge. Thankfully, you bought foods in this trip too expecting that much. She quickly went around to see if anything was stolen. You slowly started to unpack the groceries without caring much as Melody went around the house. You know nothing was, so you didn't have anything to worry.
" This is strange.... someone came in and just chilled here and ate our food..?" She deduced that from how the things on the bed and lounge seemed to have moved. She had a keen eye for noticing details. " Yeah... about that. " You mentally cursed yourself for the untidness of them. " Maybe it was the animals? Maybe they got in?"
" You're telling me an animal went through our fridge??" She opened the door to your fridge, pointing inside.
You didn't know what to say to that. You pulled her close and ruffled her blond hair. " C'mon, nothing happened right? Don't worry about it. I'll get to cooking okay?" You finger gunned at her while sorting through your cabinets and sweatdropping.
You could feel Melody digging a hole into the back of your head with her intense staring. It was clear she didn't believe your obvious lie but decided not to push it. Instead she went into the room beside yours and you sighed in relief.
"Dodged a bullet there...."
Another day went by like this. You were close to getting caught quite a few times. Like when Niffty came to you asking for more cleaning supplies and while you were about to hand her those, Melody came and saw you two. Melody walked outside to find you handing a scrubber and disinfectants to a small puppy.
Another time she actually caught you with Pentious cause he missed you too much and couldn't stay away, resulting in her screaming in fear. You tried to tell her he wouldn't hurt anyone but Melody wasn't having it. Pentious hung his head low as he slithered away as Melody came to check if you were truly alright.
Night soon fell as you two fell asleep.
Soon the was the day of the next two episodes which was about to be aired. Episode 5 and 6.
" Is there no way we can watch it together? " Charlie looked at you sadly. They were anxiously waiting for a long time for the next episodes to see their future. But it seemed like it might not be possible this time around. Melody was brainstorming in the other room and told you not to disturb. Her vacation was coming to a close and yet she still couldn't come up with an inspiration for a new dress. She almost looked mad scratching her hair with a pencil trying to come up with a design. You gave her hot chocolate earlier as she thanked you in a grim tome before going back to sketching. There were crumbled up papers all over the room as you carefully skipped over them.
" I don't think she is going to go out anytime soon. But she's currently cooped up in her room. Hm..."
You scratched your chin trying to come up with a plan.
" What if you all just watched it in your animal forms. I'll just tell Melody I'm watching a new show with my animal friends. She might be weirded out but she shouldn't suspect anything. I mean she haven't found out yet!"
" Found out what exactly? "
Her voice rang out behind you in a calm tone. Despite that you yelped. Panic and adrenaline rushed through your veins in the fear of being caught. Charlie screamed too holding her face as she turned into her ewe form with a puff of smoke. Vaggie quickly crouched down to pick her up. Alastor eyes just widened with his ears pulled back as her smile tightened locking eyes with Melody as he let out a few coughs.
" I guess the cat's out of the bag huh?"
All the hazbins sat or stood up around you in the kitchen after being called. Melody took all of them in looking wide eyed. You began telling your tale even though it sounded strange and weird. Melody didn't want to believe you at first, but after seeing Niffty transform again in front of her, she had to believe it.
" So, you guys were supposed to be... characters from this show..." Melody looked at her phone at the Hazbin hotel poster on Google. " And you guys came to life?"
" I'd say we were already alive dear. We just transferred from one reality to other." Alastor said attempting to correct her.
" Riiiight. (Y/n) ! You should have told me about these sooner! Is that why you asked for money back then?"
" Yeah..you can see how many people are there...and I certainly don't earn enough.." You said sheepishly scratching your neck, feeling guilty a bit.
Suddenly Niffty popped out from behind Melody suddenly and pulled her down to be face to face with her while smiling with glee." I saw your designs! They're really pretty but I think they'll look more dazzling if you added something to them. Can I try??"
She was practically buzzing with excitement as Melody handed the puppy girl that she has come to know as Niffty her notebook. " Be gentle with it alright?" Niffty practically grabbed it from her hands and produced a pencil out of nowhere as she startd scribbling down fast as a lighting. " And I'm done!" She yelled holding the book in front of her.
You and Melody peeked at the book behind Niffty back. Melody gasped in surprise as she took the book back looking at it with stars in her eyes. " This...this is it! It's perfect! I'll get to work right now!"
She practically stormed off to the other room holding Niffty's hand and slammed the door shut. She thought she could use her helping the making as well.
" Well...that went better then I expected"
You said crossing your arms. You honestly expected a lot more freaking out over all these.
" Shit we're going to be late! Alastor come on!" Charlie quickly tugged on his arm to get him moving. " I guess we'll can see the show later together then. " Vaggie yelled while following them and closing the door behind her. Now you looked at Angel and the others.
You sighed feeling relieved as you looked at the other people in the room. " I guess make yourself comfortable then. I'll start making today's lunch."
Later in that day, you all settled in front of your laptop again. Melody finished watching the previous episodes earlier so she was all caught up as well. With everything ready, you started episode 5 of the Hazbin hotel.
The episode started with Vaggie waking up on her and Charlie's bed. Then it shows that Charlie was going crazy about the hotel.
' We only have a couple months left before the angels come. Hahaha'
That manic laughter of Charlie was.... disturbing to say the least. The whole damn ground of the hotel shook.
' Maybe it's time.. '
' No. '
' -to ask.. '
' Don't say it. '
' your dad '
Lucifer!! She was going to call Lucifer! You sat up straight in your seat. Ohhhh, you've been waiting for this for so long. Finally you can see what the big boss of hell is like! Charlie didn't seem too excited about that. You didn't notice how Alastor's smile twitched a little at the mention of him. Niffty seemed a lot excited on the other hand.
' He let the extermination happen to begin with. '
So Lucifer's behind all this? Damn, he must be a cold fellow. Maybe a ruthless merciless ruler.
' After he and mom spilt, he never really wanted to see me. He calls... sometimes, but only if he's bored or like, needs me to do something. '
' Daddy issues '
Wait wait what? Lilith and Lucifer spilt up?? They're divorced? And he doesn't even look after her daughter?? Good god..you felt sorry for Charlie. Guess you both have shitty dad's now. Also Husk's mug was something, 'fuck Mondays '. Yeah, honestly, fuck that day.
Then the scene switched to Lucifer's room showing pictures of the Morningstar family. Hold on..was that..you paused to see better.
" Charlie you had an emo phrase???" You said struggling to hold your laughter.
" Heeeey, don't look at it!! It was a long time ago!"
Charlie felt herself flush as she quickly resumed the video as the whole crew laughed. You were also excited as fuck to see her dad. Finally after all this time...
' Now presenting...the magic-tastical backflipping rubber duck! '
Wait what?
The man's room was filled to the brim with rubber ducks. You don't know what you expected but it wasn't this. But you still couldn't stop a small smile from creeping onto your lips. He's going to be an quirky and interesting character for sure.
Lucifer acted like he was being applauded in front of a crowd before throwing a duck on their family portrait. His face saddened for bit looking at the picture as he looked away and Charlie's phone came through. He panicked for a bit.
' Hello, Charlie. H-hey, heyyy, CharChar..No! No, that's not good. '
Poor boy was trying hard to pick what to say. You couldn't help but chuckle a bit as Charlie looked at bit bewildered.
' Oh, this is the first time she's called you in years. This has to be perfect. '
That's it papa. Go for it!
' Heeeey, bitch! '
Lucifer what the fuck was that?? Everyone's eye widened hearing what he just said. He pretended he was busy with important things so he forgot what she was busy with. Kinda reminded you for your dad and how he doesn't really call you much either and when he does, it was with the same awkwardness but more shitty.
' Yeah, of course. Anything in my power is yours for asking. You just name it. '
He keeps her spoilt too. But Charlie's too kind hearted to use such powers you're sure.
' But this is really important to me. '
Aww, you didn't miss the way Angel and Pentious melted when Charlie said how important it was. Poor babies. Angel, Pentious and others also felt their heart leap. Charlie was really a kind hearted soul.
' My daughter wants to see me! Take that depression! '
You burst out laughing at this line. Poor guy is so excited to see her daughter. You were wrong about Lucifer after all. He's a softie and still cares about Charlie and Lilith.
" Man, I think I already love him.." you whispered softly forgetting for a moment that you were watching this with the damn cast with Charlie sitting next to you. You quickly whipped you head around. " I-i meant as a character! As a character I think he's cool!"
" Sure ya do Hun " Angel wriggled his eyebrows at you making you shirnk in embarrassment. " Don't worry, I wanna tap that too" he whispered in your ear making you squeak.
" That's Lucifer? The Lucifer?" Cherri looked at the paused screen crossing her arms. " I thought he'd be more flashy or cooler. This is lame."
" Yeah...I thought he'd be a real bad boy...hmph!" Niffty pouted as well.
Guess there were people who liked this Lucifer and those who didn't. Next everyone began to clean the hotel for Lucifer's arrival. Lucifer literally squeezed Charlie upon arrival as Alastor glared at him. What was his problem?
' You taking care of my little girl? You better be..'
Woah, that was chilling. So you guess he can get scary as well. He looked..kinda unimpressed by the hotel but was trying not to hurt her feelings.
' And you are? '
' Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you, sir. Quite a pleasure. '
He shook his hand with his cane and shakes his hand of on his suit like there were germs on it. You sideeyed at him and saw how his lips bent upwards in a smirk.
' You are much shorter in real life. '
" Why are you picking a fight with him?? You guys just met?? " You looked at Alastor's with eyebrows raised. " Nothing personal dear, I just don't like the fellow. Do carry on with the show" you didn't believe him for one bit but resumed it.
' Ha ha ha! It was actually my idea."
What's with the hip sway he did here?? Is he trying to be Shakira?
' Ha ha, fuck you. '
You gasped audibllly. " Alastor you swear???" You looked at him agape. You thought him to be well above swearing and to call these types of words vile or unprofessional or something.
" Yes dear. I do swear. Although I'm not particularly fond of it. Why is it such a suprise?"
You didn't have a good answer to that. It was just headcannoned in your head that way. You saw how Alastor was praising Charlie and pulling her closer just to piss Lucifer off. And it was working very well. God if he looked at you that way you would melt.
Unknown to you, he already does when you're not looking.
Charlie then introduced Vaggie to Lucifer.
' Looks like you could use some help
From the big boss of hell himself '
Ahhh, he was singing!! You loved it!! He was trying hard to impress Charlie.
' Who needs a busboy now that you've got the chef '
Was that.. alastor in a busboy outfit?? You loved everybit of it. Poor deer was flipped on a frying pan. You paused just to take a quick look at him.
' Who's been faithful as a nun? '
Nun Alastor awoke something in you. You can't say what but it did. You sneaked a look at him while blushing. You focused on the song again before your thoughts spiraled farther.
' I was stuck, thank you, sir! '
Why was Niffty stuck in a toilet in the first place...
' You're like the child that I wish that I had '
' uh,what? '
" Wait what??" You and Lucifer had the same expression. He sees her as his daughter? He can't be serious. Other people still had the same shocked expression. But judging by how the song is going, you were 99% sure he said that just to piss Lucifer off. The way he was patting Charlie's head was cute though.
' It's a little funny, you could almost call me Dad '
" Alastor, you can't be serious." You finally looked at him. He just chuckled and shrugged. " Isss it true you wish to be a father then?" Pentious asked with a finger on his chin.
" Goodness no. It isn't like that. "
" Then you said it just to piss Lucifer off didn't you? "
His smile only broadened at your question.
" Yeah, yeah you did. Now that that's out of the way-"
" Does that mean you didn't believe in all the things you said about me? Like how you believed in me?" Charlie looked a bit sad. She thought she found someone else who believes in her except Vaggie. Alastor chuckled a bit patting her head. He truly didn't believe in the redemption nonsense. He was just here for the entertainment! But he can't say that in front of all these people, that'd be quite rude of him. And his mom raised a gentleman.
" I'm sure you'll do just fine. Now let's get on with the show."
You liked seeing Lucifer's angelic wings, they were really pretty. The rest of the song went like that but in the end a girl butted in. It was mimzy wasn't it? You saw pictures of her before. She started throwing confetti on the sinners.
' Why is everybody gawking? Is it cuz I'm adorable? '
Yeah she's adorable but why was she here??
' Mimzy! '
The look of pure happiness on his face as he hugged the girl was unreal. You always throught he hated physical touch like that. But you guess he had exceptions. These two were apparently old friends who knew each other on earth. That was interesting.
' Oh, oh my stars '
Same Mimzy. Same. You would have had the same reaction to him. Charlie was beautiful. Lucifer was handsome and cute. Lilith was drop dead gorgeous. You were simping for the whole Morningstar family. Mimzy sat at the bar while Charlie, Alastor and Vaggie went to show Lucifer around.
Angel asked Mimzy about Al and she started to talk about how he came to power. That guy used to broadcast other overlords screams in his radio broadcast. Damn...
' But underneath it all. He's a total sweetie. Put on some jazz and pour a couple fingers of rye, and he becomes a kitten. '
You must have awwed out loud alongside Charlie cause you felt dead glares coming from Alastor's side. Oh he and Mimzy was going to have a talk later if he gets back. Vaggie was finding it hard to hold in a chuckle.
Husk went to talk with Alastor. That guy's face did a whole 180° before his body turned. What was he? An owl?
Husk tried to warn Alastor about how Mimzy didn't come here with good intention but Alastor paid him no mind.
' You may own my soul, but I ain't your fucking pet! '
' Hmhm! But you are! Haha! '
Alastor sees him as a pet...no wonder Husk dislikes the word pet so much.
" Big talk for someone who's also on a leash. "
'Ex-fucking-cuse me??? He's in a what?!?' The way you all collectively gasped except Alastor, husk and Niffty sent echoes throughout the room. Alastor felt his head spinning. Why, why, why??? Why this out of everything? Why did they had to reveal this about him?
Shadows danced in the walls behind him as he slowly turned towards Husk. This was all this damn cats fault. Because this stupid shitty cat doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut. He doesn't need any disobedient pets!
He didn't even notice when he reached out to Husk while extending his arm . He had to teach him a lesson. He had to. He didn't have to look around at others know what you all might have been thinking of him. The mighty radio demon on a leash? He'd be a laughingstock to all of them now.
You all leapt around in action quickly and started to pull him back as Husk backed away. Charlie stood in front of Husk in a protective manner as you, Pentious and Angel were trying to hold him off.
" Alastor, please wait!" You shouted out behind him. This whole thing was a disaster. The fact that someone like him was under a contract was baffling. Who even was it? When did that happen? Does it have anything to do with the time he was absent? There were a lot of questions and a lot less answers.
Both Alastor ears and tail was perked up as he snarled at Husk. After what felt like an eternity he finally stopped trying to break free. You released your grasp on him as he sank to his knees. His eyes wide blown wide open as he ran his fingers through his hair. His ears were tilted back as you saw him take a deep breath in.
Angel stood beside Husk protectively as Vaggie stood beside Charlie. You made sure Melody was well protected behind you as Alastor slowly stood up with his head down. Pentious was hiding behind Cherri as Niffty just started at him with big blinking eyes.
" Ah..I suppose I lost a bit of control there. My apologies. "
Alastor's slinky smooth voice ran throughout the room. He was again smiling just like before like nothing just happened.
" Listen here Pedazo de mierda sonriente( smiling piece of shit), I don't give a rat's ass about your soul is binded or not. But if you hurt any of our guests here, I'm going to make sure you regret ever being born. Don't forget you're just a human here!" Vaggie glared at him while producing a knife out of no where. You half wondered if she just kept it with herself always.
"  Not a another word about my soul if you value your life. " Alastor's sharp voice rang out looking down at her. He didn't want to be reminded of it every second. " I may be a human now, but I'm still powerful enough to overpower you easily."
Charlie quickly stepped in between things could go any farther and convinced Vaggie to put down the knife away before anyone got hurt. The situation became rather tense quickly. Alastor hated it. Alastor hated the looks they were giving him. It was like he could almost taste the thoughts. With shaky hands you resumed the episode.
Alastor linked a green chain around husk throat and threw him on the ground.
' If you ever say that again, I will tear your soul apart and broadcast your screams for every other disrespectful wrech who dares to question me '
' Lovely '
God this scene hurt to watch. Husk around you pulled his ears back grumbling as his tail came to wrap around himself. Charlie looked at scene horrified. Almost all of the people here including you forgot Alastor was an overlord. He is actually a cruel piece of shit. He's not just an old timey funny jokestar. He's a bad person and he enjoys torturing others.
Your heart almost broke seeing Husker shiver on the ground. Although another part of you was a little turned on when he was wrapping the chain around his hand. You already really well people on the internet was going to lose their mind over this.
It cut to Charlie talking with Lucifer now over a balcony.
' These are our people Dad, I...I have to try. '
' Our 'people', Charlie, are awful! They got gifted free will and look what they did with it! Everything's terrible! '
Lucifer really doesn't like the sinners huh. You mean..you couldn't blame him. You wouldn't have put much high thoughts about them either.
Suddenly some sinners who were after Mimzy started attacking the hotel. Lucifer was teasing Charlie about how it was all pointless and in the end they'll always just disappoint and let her down. ' Lucifer...I get it but couldn't you be a bit nicer for your daughter..' you thought with a tight lipped expression.
" A reminder to all, not to mess with the Radio demon. "
Alastor sprouted his tentacles now tearing into those sinners. He turned huge now stomping and making a mess of those unfortunate souls. Lucifer pointed at Alastor to tell her how bad sinners could be but Charlie refuted that.
Alastor just chomped on a sinners body and looked at Charlie.
' It may be a bit more sadistic than I'd hoped. But he's doing it for me! How come he can have faith in me, but my own father can't? '
' Ooh, drama. '
Ouch, that one hurt. That one hit too close to home for you. You vaguely remembered a memory close to it. And not Angel and Husk just having fun of this.
' Heheheh, sorry about the mess, but I'm sure the lil' bug will take care of it for ya. '
What do you mean you're sorry woman? You brought those sinners to the hotel and endangered everyone there. You were starting to get pissed off at the girl. She didn't even sound a least bit guilty.
' I think you should go Mimzy. Now. '
Thank you Alastor. At least he didn't stand up for this bullshit.
' Have fun with ya lil' princess and ya lil' hotel. See if I care.'
Did she think Alastor was interested in Charlie and that's why he was defending the hotel? Who knows. But you were glad to see her gone. Then the scene switched to Lucifer and Charlie talking. Charlie was trying to convince Lucifer but he saw no point in it. He looked almost broken while talking about heaven.
' You didn't know that when
I tried this all before '
Right, he is the first fallen angel. He's been through betrayal before because his dreams were too big.
' Now you're the only thing worth fighting for
More than anything
More than anything
I'll shelter and adore you more than anything '
Your heart squeezed within you. With tears threatening to burst out. God, Lucifer just wanted best for his daughter. He's just protective of her. Every line was shooting an arrow through your chest.
The scene switched to tiny Charlie. You and others awwed at this. Tiny Charlie was adorable. Vaggie wanted to pick her up.
' More than anything
More than anything
I need to save my people more than anything '
Everyone and including Alastor was looking at Charlie softly as she sang. Pentious had the same expression as the show beside you with teary eyes. He loved this wholesome scene so much.
' Looks like the apple doesn't fall far'
' Took you a while '
' I've missed that smile '
You were fully crying now. Did anyone mention how you were crying now? God you were so happy for her. But your heart also panged inside a bit. You also wanted to hear these things badly from your dad....you wished your dad was like him...you sniffed a bit at the bittersweet feeling that ran across your heart.
' Cause in the end
You're part of who I am'
'I'll support your dream
Whatever lies in store'
' And who could ask for more? '
You were torn between seeing Lucifer as a dad and a daddy figure. His wings were so beautiful too. Both you and Charlie were fully crying by the time the song ended as you were both hugging each other.
" I miss my father..." Charlie sniffed burying her face in your hair.
' Aww, that was sweet '
Just like Pentious in the show said, it was indeed sweet. Real Pentious was nodding too.
Lucifer said that he'll get Charlie a meeting in heaven and disappeared in magic.
' You ready? '
' I'm ready.  'cause you'll be with me. '
' In spirit, right? '
' In heaven. '
' Yay..!'
And with that the episode ended. Vaggie did not look excited to go there. She looked like she dreaded.
Vaggie gulped on her spot next to you. It was her turn now huh. They revealed secret stuff about Angel, Husk and even Alastor. Is the thing for her was going to be how she...was an Angel? They won't right...fuck but how the show was progressing, that seemed to be the only way it's headed. What would Charlie think. What would others think? Would they really be so forgiving in her case?
Thousands of worried thoughts were running through her head. But she hardly had any time to think as the small break between the episodes were over and everyone sat down for the next episode.
A.n :
Also finally we got the introduction for Lucifer!! Alright, question time , do y'all want Lucifer as a love interest or side character?
Don't worry, and no, just because Charlie is here to doesn't mean there's going to be any sort of incest involved. None of that shit.
And what do you guys think Lucifer is going to be if he's a love interest. Guess in the comments. Here's a hint, he and Vaggie will have something in common ~
Tag list: @legostars @glowinthedarkbones1150 @darifes @aria-tempest @rainbowcake1212 @luxylucylou
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