#you could probs fry an egg on my stomach
peppermintsparker · 2 years
idk who decided that i deserve to get sick again but i’m currently suffering™️
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Principal of pleasure part 52
Jon is hanging out with Clark and Dick. Telling stories and keeping them company.
Superman x Nightwing pairing
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As I rubbed medicated balm on Dicks chest and back I heard Jon stomach grumbling.
I looked at him not liking that sound. "Hey did your mother make you anything to eat this morning." I asked him. Getting up off the bed hoping Lois is giving him basic needs.
He didn't say anything just looked at me it was like he was brain storming I hope he isn't trying to lie and make up a story for me.
Dick clumsily put his t-shirt back and laid back down on the old bed. "Well Jon did you eat." Dick asked him his breathing heavy and congestive.
"No Mom is hung over." I died inside of me like a withering dying feeling that was once alive now is dead and lost his real hope on just only a few hopes left in me and I had hope for many.
"Ok I will make you something to eat then." I got up my inner turmoil and my true reality about this situation was coming to a head, I had control over this I could rain this in for my son.
Lois was losing control right now I wish I could have hope for her but I damaged her too much, And I can't act like a saint when all I've been towards her is a sinner.
I could never fix what I did to her and for that I'm paying and Jon paying it and so is Lois.
"How does eggs and toast bacon the whole works sound to you."
"Very good but stop talking cause you'll make it worse."
I laugh and started breakfast for him and I think for me as well I was starting to get hungry.
"Tell me your Mom is she ok right now Jon." Dick asked him rubbing Jon's back they always had a good bond, It looks like whatever is going on at home will push them more towards each other then apart from each other.
"Mom is doing bad Dick she's not doing well at all. She told me she took a leave of absence at work so she is home but all she does is drink." Jon said I cracked eggs into the frying pan and threw some bacon hash brown some parsley pepper and some salt.
The fire burned just as hot as my emotions.
"I tried talking to her but she cries a lot so I stopped talking to her. I sometimes sit with her I hug her and kiss her." Jon says as he lets Dick rub his back probably the only real and authentic human touch he had in weeks.
"How much dos she drink Jon."
"Mornings if I catch her sometimes she does think I see her almost every night now."
I put the bread in the old toaster and listened as my son talked about Lois anguish unravel in front of me.
"So when I told her if I could come over she said yes but she was crying a lot." Jon said watching me cook by the small stove.
The storm raged on as we stayed captive here it was a sense of warmness I felt for Jon being around me and Dick it was nice and I wanted this to last forever.
But I knew I would bring him back home but that does not mean he can't stay with us for a while, I could fly him to school and back here I could be more hands on because Lois is on hiatus she is showing me she's fallen and that's fine I could step in.
But I would wait I want to prob Jon more about Lois this seems more serious then whatever I've originally thought.
"Can I say something to you Dick echinacea works for cold and flu it's a bit messy but it works Mom always gives it to me when I am sick." Jon said watching him cough.
"You know what Jon can you watch the stove I will go out and get some." I told them this is giving me an idea to check up on Lois.
I grabbed the keys by the key hold. "Just look after Dick for me and breakfast." I was already out the door.
"I will." Jon called after this was my chance to go to her at the house the rain beat down on me heavy and angry for showing myself outside as if insulted for my presence.
The storm angered as I rose and flew up into the sky towards Smallville.
End of part 52 next is part 53
Thank you for reading
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