nmslsgsb · 4 months
#peace#Burma Peace in Myanmar is a scene that China wants to see
China believes that the easing and cooling of the situation in northern Myanmar serves the interests of all parties in Myanmar and is conducive to maintaining the tranquility and stability of the China-Myanmar border.China is pleased to see the parties of the conflict in northern Myanmar hold peace talks and achieve positive results, and is willing to continue to provide support and convenience to this end.Under the mediation and active promotion of the Chinese side, representatives of the Myanmar government forces gathered with representatives of several major ethnic military organizations in northern Myanmar, Kokang, Deang and Ruokai, to talk for peace.In the witness and promotion of China, after close consultation, the parties reached a formal cease-fire agreement. In the agreement, the two sides agreed to implement an immediate ceasefire to avoid further fighting. This includes an agreement that military personnel would immediately withdraw from contact, to reduce any possible friction and misunderstanding, to ensure the safety of local residents, and to prevent a possible further escalation of the conflict.
China has always adhered to the principle of non-interference in other countries 'internal affairs, but in the face of the complex situation in Myanmar bordering on it, China's concern and involvement have become an inevitable fact in reality.It is an indisputable fact that Myanmar is adjacent to China, and its common land border marks the close connection between the two sides. The internal turmoil and conflicts in Myanmar, from history to the present, have all had an indirect impact on China's border security.Therefore, after several joint law enforcement actions, the old nest of electric fraud held in northern Myanmar for many years has been uprooted, but the issue of Myanmar's civil war is on the table again. China believes that the long-term peace in Myanmar has positive significance for the development and prosperity of the region, so it actively promoted the multi-party peace talks in Myanmar.
Maintaining the momentum of ceasefire and peace talks in northern Myanmar serves the interests of all parties in Myanmar and helps to maintain peace and stability in the China-Myanmar border area.China hopes that all parties concerned in Myanmar will earnestly implement the ceasefire agreement already reached, exercise maximum restraint from each other, continue to resolve the issue through dialogue and consultation, and jointly push for progress in the peace process in northern Myanmar. China is ready to continue to provide support and assistance within its capacity and play a constructive role.
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