#you chase around this desert because you think that's where i'll be {god}
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withinycu · 2 years ago
@moralpuppet must leave the garden
He had given a warning when he had plunged his son into the world. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. A sword had no master it could be wielded by anyone and it would cut them down just the same.
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But that did not lessen the pain such actions caused. God had plunged a sword into the world knowing it was the only language the universe spoke. And had both shaped that language and been shaped by it. He was both the creator and the created. But that like everything meant nothing. One did not pour out the Great Mysteries into the bowls of beggars and expect them to be fed.
Instead God only offered a hand. Mea Culpa. "Does your leg hurt?" He asked.
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withinycu · 2 years ago
There had been a time when God had a simple name that could even be pronounced by human mouths. In those days that name could not be spoken without someone adding 'and his Asherah'. One did not exist without the other. And God ached for those days like an old man for their lost youth even though God. The angels themselves often seemed little more than clumsy dolls created by a child to fill the void the other half had created.
"Why?" Came the question again. Why do you not use what little mind I gave you to its fullest extant? Why do you not give in to the ache?
Why is never just why. Michael lets out a long breath, shaking their head. Looking within oneself is never easy, and especially not for Michael, who demands perfection from themselves. So why. Why? They look up again, sighing shakily. They're not sure if they could answer that.
"...I do not--I do not know, really." They swallow hard, and their emotionless mask breaks, their brow furrowing as they look down at their feet. "I have never considered what it might be like. To...love, to have someone, to...think about anything other than what I am as a protector. I have always felt this way, but facing such large and alien emotions...I..it scared me, in a way." It feels odd, saying it out loud. Michael can't recall the last time they were scared of anything. Why do they feel so on edge? "I do not look into myself too often. You know that."
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x-bee-x · 5 months ago
What's this? A fic from me in the DSMP category because there was canon lore? In 2024?
I was watching or getting ready to watch someone else, I had my follower list open at least, and saw Jack was live and there was something about logging onto the server later in his title and wait what. I knew as soon as I updated some friends about said happenings, I muted the Discord channel I sent it in in case people wanted to talk more about it and maybe sent spoilers later, and I was on here very little because I knew even though I'm not 100% in the fandom anymore and certainly not a fan of all the members, I would like to see it for myself. So I watched the vod the next morning and oh my god.
I did not expect to get literal chills the moment he logged on and the first thing we saw was the bench. And I almost cried when we saw Las Nevadas. And I did cry a bit when we saw Tech's house. Regardless of how much I care about the streamers who were part of that as of late, I did at one point, very much so. This was something I did not expect, it was so nostalgic and emotional and actually warmed my heart a bit seeing so many fans come together during and after it happened. This was a really unexpected and lovely way to tie things up, I thought they kind of were already in all areas for me at least, but I think that this was a good way to finally properly say goodbye.
No warnings
1,438 words
Tommy was. Somewhere.
He wakes up he thinks, he opened his eyes at least, running a hand through his blonde curls.
He didn't think he was alone this time. Or well, he wasn't always, Tubbo was there sometimes, but this was a different sort of person feeling.
He typed into his communicator for the heck of it.
"Wh-where have you fucking been?"
Been here for years mate.
Made loads."
He was.
He was in Las Nevadas?
This whole time. This whole time?
Tommy stood at the top of the hill at the entrance of the faux desert and sure enough.
Someone with one blue and one red eye, a head of buzzed hair with a headset on top, a blue short sleeved hoodie, and camouflage pants stood at the bottom.
"Let me bless you, my boy, it's been too long."
He threw a couple of diamonds at the feet of younger, who probably looked just as puzzled as he felt.
"Jack. Seriously.
What happened?"
"What do you mean? I've just been here. Playing roulette."
This whole time? This whole time.
"Wanna know where I've been?
Come with me."
"Hold on, can't leave on a loss, gotta get that big win."
Jack came out eventually, and they walked out of Las Nevadas and along the Prime Path together, he has somewhere to show him.
"It's good to see you."
"You too, man."
"I've been here."
"Here? Under the bridge?"
"Out in the distance. That way.
I've got a house. It's nice."
"I haven't seen anyone for a loooooong time.
Well, maybe Tubbo, every now and again."
Tommy and Jack walked, or well, Tommy walked, and all the sudden Jack's voice became quieter and quieter somewhere behind rather than beside him.
"Me either, casino's been empty.
Honestly, I just steal money from the safe's to gamble with. I could take it all if I wanted, but the thrill keeps me in there.
Gambler's addiction, they call it. One day I'll win big. 99% of people quit before then.
But not me. I'll make it. It's been years, but, it's coming."
He turned his head to the boy with heterochromia behind him, blonde waves bouncing lightly.
"You're not very good at catching up, are you?"
"Just telling my story, man."
Jack said while he jogged to be once again beside him.
"Never thought I'd be around these parts again. I moved far from here to get away from it.
It brings back too much. Joy, fun, sadness, pain. Too much of all of it.
But it's nice to see a familiar face."
The path they took to get to their destination was familiar, and this time he knew it was safe as well as convenient, no one with a mask he had to worry about being on the other side, or worse yet, chase him.
A bridge of cobblestone among the dark red brick and close to unbearable heat, from one swirling purple transparent gateway surrounded by obsidian to another, and they were spot out onto a soft cold white blanket.
"I don't live around here."
"Oh. I thought that's where we were going?"
"No, god no. Do you know how long it took for me to get back here?
I come here a lot though"
A house, a cabin to be exact, sat the same as them in the nearby distance.
It was cream colored with chestnut colored accents, a matching wooden roof and front door, and a chimney that stood tall and sat bare, no plumes of smoke emitted which once came from it.
"Cool. It's quaint. I like it.
Maybe I'll bye it when I win big!"
Tommy looked to the older boy with two colored eyes beside him, opened his mouth but decided against saying anything, then opened it again to say something after all.
"This is Technoblade's house."
"Oh. Maybe I won't do that then."
"How long do you usually sit here like this?"
"As long as I need to.
Sometimes minutes. Sometimes hours."
There were areas of fences close by on the surrounding property, the occasional bray or bah or grunt echoed through the air, and sat in the otherwise quiet.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure. Hit me."
Tommy fidgeted with the fingers on one hand in his lap as he found the right words and considered them being actually spoken.
"Do you ever.
Like, despite all the war, and the fighting, and all the- well, all the mess- how much it sent me a fucking mess.
Do you ever miss it? Those days? The people? Or, well, the way they were. The way it all was."
Jack looked at him, something like softness in his features.
"Sure. It was all a bit much at times, and I'm not sure I'd wanna do it all again.
But I miss it sometimes. It was fun, really."
"Yeah, I don't think I'd do it all again either. But. I don't know, I've tried to move on. My little cottage far away, my humble paradise. But that trails a lot into my mind."
"I think it trails onto all of our minds sometimes, wherever we all are.
But we all have to move on, find our own destiny sometime."
"Okay. Phew. I'm glad it's not just me."
"Chasing the win keeps me happy.
I like who I am now, probably more than I was. But that doesn't mean he was bad."
"You like being a gambler? Over an incompetent fight loser?"
Jack laughed, soft and genuine, and Tommy fidgeted a bit harder.
"I guess they're not great options are they."
"Sorry, that was a bit harsh, I don't see many people."
"One of them means I might win someday, I was never gonna win back then."
His face held that expression again, soft, almost sad maybe.
"I've still got my one life. One canon life.
And I intend to use it the best way I can."
"What do you mean? How do you wanna use it?."
"You know. I've not got a clue.
But I'll figure that out later.
For now, I've got my cottage, and my new pet! Oh she's adorable. Mareep, she's a little sheep I caught.
But you know, things are okay for me.
Tubbo and his fucking bees I see also every now and then. He's doing pretty well for himself. Selling fucking honey."
"Oh, that's good. I thought he exploded when I blew up everything.
I can't actually die I don't think, so I never know whether these things are bad for everyone else or not."
"I guess being the president of L'Manberg teaches you a few logistical things, aye?
Not that either of us would know anything about that."
"I haven't seen anyone else besides Tubbo."
"Yeah, you two are hard to separate."
"Tell me about it."
"I think I like it that way for now though.
The quiet life."
"Quiet is nice. This is nice."
"It's good to see an old face though. I know I said it before, but it really is."
Tommy pushed himself up and off the snow beneath them, a couple joints popped, Jack did the same, they stayed standing with the cabin behind them.
"Well, I can't stay for long, I've gotta do things like feed Mareep."
"Yeah, I got some places to see, now that I'm out.
Haven't left there in a while, probably should go check on some things."
"Is there anything else you wanna ask me? I have no questions for you."
Jack looked like he might have something to say, but was going through the roster of words in his mind, carefully considering them.
"Are you happy?
I guess that's really all I'd care to know."
Tommy opened his mouth to respond, closed it, gave a whisper of a smile, ran one of his hands along his pant leg in a partial fidget and a partial way to rid himself of the cold, then opened it again.
"Getting there."
They both nodded gently.
"I'm glad."
"It's good to see you, Jack."
"It's good to see you too, Tommy."
"I hope you get that big win someday.
Oh, and hey. Don't let anyone bye this house."
"I won't."
"I might not see you again. But I hope to lhear about it if you win big."
That's okay. You will. I can deal with just knowing that you're happy."
Tommy held out a hand.
"So long J Money."
Jack shook it.
"Bye Big T."
They both looked to the cabin once more, gave a two finger salute, and went their separate ways along the snowy path.
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loversinmalta · 4 months ago
Thinking of what Tommy might have went through/felt in the past 😟
🎵🎶Broken legs but I chase perfection
These walls are my blank expression
My mind is a home I'm trapped in
And it's lonely inside this mansion
Yo, my mind is a house with walls covered in lyrics, they're all over the place
You might get a glimpse of how I cope with all this anger in me
Physically abused, now that's the room that I don't want to be in
That picture ain't blurry at all, I just don't want to see it
And these walls ain't blank, I just think I don't want to see 'em
But why not? I'm in here, so I might as well read 'em
I gotta thank you for this anger that I carry around
Wish I could take a match and burn this whole room to the ground
Matter of fact, I think I'ma burn this room right now
So now this memory for some reason just won't come down
You used to put me in the corner, so you could see the fear in my eyes
Then took me downstairs and beat me 'til I screamed and I cried
Congratulations, you'll always have a room in my mind
But I'ma keep the door shut and lock the lyrics inside
Insidious is blind inception
What's reality with all these questions?
Feels like I missed my alarm and slept in (slept in)
And slept in
Broken legs but I chase perfection
These walls are my blank expression
My mind is a home I'm trapped in
And it's lonely inside this mansion
Inside this mansion
my mind is a house with walls covered in pain
See, my problem is I don't fix things, I just try to repaint
Cover 'em up, like it never happened
Say I wish I could change, are you confused?
Come upstairs and I'll show you what I mean
This room's full of regrets, just keeps getting fuller, it seems
The moment I walk into it is the same moment that I wanna leave
I get sick to my stomach every time I look at these things
But it's hard to look past when this is the room where I sleep
I look around, one of the worst things I wrote on these walls
Was the moment I realized that I was losing my mom
And one of the first things I wrote was I wish I would have called
But I should just stop now, we ain't got enough room in this song
And I regret the fact that I struggled trying to find who I am
And I lie to myself and say I do the best that I can
Shrug it off like it ain't nothing, like it's out of my hands
Then get ticked off whenever I see it affecting my plans
And I regret watching these trust issues eat me alive
And at the rate I'm going, they'll probably still be there when I die
Congratulations, you'll always have a room in my mind
The question is, will I ever clean the walls off in time?
Insidious is blind inception
What's reality with all these questions?
Feels like I missed my alarm and slept in (slept in)
And slept in
Broken legs but I chase perfection
These walls are my blank expression
My mind is a home I'm trapped in
And it's lonely inside this mansion
Inside this mansion
So this part of my house, no one's been in it for years
I built the safe room and I don't let no one in there
'Cause if I do, there's a chance that they might disappear and not come back
And I admit I am emotionally scared to let anyone inside
So I just leave my doors locked
You might get other doors to open up but this door's not
'Cause I don't want you to have the opportunity to hurt me
And I'll be the only person that I can blame when you desert me
I'm barricaded inside so stop watching
I'm not coming to the door so stop knocking, stop knocking
I'm trapped here, God keeps saying I'm not locked in
I chose this, I am lost in my own conscience
I know that shutting the wall down ain't solving the problem
But I didn't build this house because I thought it would solve 'em
I built it because I thought that it was safer in there
But it's not, I'm not the only thing that's living in here
Fear came to my house years ago, I let him in
Maybe that's the problem, 'cause I've been dealing with this ever since
I thought that he would leave, but it's obvious he never did
He must have picked the room and got comfortable and settled in
Now I'm in the position, it's either sit here and let him win
Or put him back outside where he came from, but I never can
'Cause in order to do that I'd have to open the doors
Is that me or the fear talking?
I don't know anymore
Lonely (lonely) it's lonely
Oh yeah, it's lonely
Inside this mansion🎶
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jamiesfootball · 1 year ago
Please tell us more about your original works!!
Honest to God, I was thinking of your stories earlier today and thought how lucky we are you spend any time writing fan fiction (and for the show that is my hyper fixation! How did I get this lucky?) because you’re so fucking talented you should writing real books.
you are always far far nicer to me than i deserve and I LOVE IT! (I LOVE YOU!!)
The wonderful thing about fanfiction is that writing for Ted Lasso has full-on cured my years-long writing slump. And I am looking at all of these book ideas, some of which have been kicking around in my brain for going on 10 years, and i'm like....yeah, yeah. I am going to work on those :D
So these are the ones I'm working on. They are in various states of progress.
My Babies! If any of these are getting finished first, it will be one of these three!
Barnacle - the placeholder name for my DETECTIVE STORY. A woman who has recently left a troubled marriage, our main character is a shell of the person she used to be. Wanting to put as much distance between her and the California life she left behind, she's rented a cabin in the middle of a small tourist town in the northern cold. When a man in the neighboring cabin is murdered during the night, she finds her mind stirred to action as the pieces of herself that she thought lost slowly come back to her. (And then she becomes a private investigator because I love detective stories and she solves crimes and makes friends and this is just the first one and I'm like. super excited about it.)
A Robot Named Future - this one is my long-brewing wip. It's about an AI robot from the not-to-distant future that gets rebooted ('wakes up') in a junkyard the very far distant future. Lots of scifi tropes, lots about the erosion of history and humans always being humans, and of course, food. Like a lot about food in this one.
Chasing Whispers in the Canyon (Western (sort of)) - Injured and AWOL military soldier Joanna is on the brink of death in the middle of the desert when she is saved by a tall, pale stranger. Her and the stranger -- an offputting, odd woman who's absolutely lethal with a pistol - hunker down together in a small town that seems on the verge of its own small war. When trouble comes for Joanna, the stranger risks drawing the attention of her own complicated past to save the woman who is possibly her only friend. (yes, the placeholder title is a song title. One song spurred all of this. I regret nothing)
The ones I'll get to one day!
Boots and Babes on the Boardwalk - I don't know why I titled it this way other than the alliteration (needs a new title). This one is about a partially closeted, mentally ill, middle aged gay man who's running his conservaative family's shady business. He just fell head over heels about another man, and that's serving as an impetus for him to actually look at his life. On temporary hiatus because the plot is a little wobbly
The Lens - Guy who recently went blind and had to drop out of an art program accompanies his still-seeing friend to a museum exhibit. Due to the awkward tension their circumstances have put between them, neither notices when his friend proceeds to lose the camera equipment he'd checked out from campus. With the museum closing in an hour and his friend's final grades on the line, these two piece together where in the museum his friend lost his camera. (this one is more like a novella or a long short story)
The Hoard - One night. One party. Five thieves. One pile of dragon treasure. (Think leverage but the treasure they are stealing belongs to a corrupt government via dragons).
Hawaiian Shirts and Bruised Eyes - A butch, lesbian stuntwoman who broke her arm on a motorcycle meets a nurse at the hospital who may just be the love of her life. The love of her life may also be a serial killer. It's hard to say.
The Frog Witch - vengeful disgraced witch lady seeks revenge against the people who wronged her with the help of a prince who has been cast out from his people. References to Euripedes' Medea.
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yourstreetserenade · 1 year ago
Sometimes I have fanfic ideas that I know could potentially be really hilarious and fun but I know I'll absolutely never get around to writing them.
My latest idea is Groundhog's Day-esque take on Valentine's Day from season 4. Let's say at the end of 'I Do' Brittany finds out that Santana and Quinn slept together which triggers tears and heartache and Brittany going home and wishing somehow, some way she could do things over again until she gets Santana back. I don't know, insert some magical wish scenerio, and bam, Brittany wakes up the next day, only it's not really the next day. It's Valentine's Day again. A do-over.
Brittany realizes what's happening and thinks maybe this is a sign from the universe. She's meant to win Santana's heart back (and thus, stop Quinntana from hooking up at the end of the night) only that's easier said than done. She has to relive Valentine's Day over and over and over again because each time she changes something or has a different interaction with a friend a domino effect occurs. Each time she relives the day over again she and Santana have some meaningful and charged interactions at the wedding but for one reason or another, Brittany is unable to change the outcome. Either she misses something or Santana misses something, or there's some miscommunication somewhere and Santana ends up walking into that hotel room with Quinn at the end of the night.
Let's say it goes on for like, a week. Brittany is forced to relive the Valentine's Day wedding/reception for an entire week. It starts off kind of amusing seeing how small actions cause ripple effects among her friends but as the days go on her frustration grows because ''oh my god, maybe the universe wants me to be miserable and I'm doomed to live this sucky day for all of eternity watching the girl I love end up with someone else at the end of the night.''
Maybe at the end of the neverending week Brittany finds herself alone at the hotel bar having a drink alone. She looks at the clock and she knows the timeline by now, she knows exactly where Santana is. She's sad about it but on this night, she's sorta resigned. Except after awhile someone joins her at the mostly deserted bar. Santana. She doesn't say where she just came from and Brittany doesn't ask because she doesn't want to hear how she just came from Quinn's.
They have a drink together though and fall back into who they are: BrittanyandSantana. They laugh and they talk, about the wedding, about love and about fate. If Will and Emma are meant to be together, they'll figure it out, you can't fight the universe stuff. Brittany asks ''what if the universe wants me to be miserable?'' and Santana shakes her head. Santana once said that Brittany ''was everything good in this miserable stinking world'' but what she really meant was that she's everything good in this miserable stinking universe. The universe wouldn't do that to Brittany.
Then, sort of paraphrasing their convo at the end of S2 Brittany asks ''what about you and I?'' to which Santana pretty much quotes Brittany ''all I know about you and I is that I love you, I love you more than anyone in this world, and because of that I think anything is possible.''
Maybe Brittany even laughs a sad little laugh. ''What if I told you I've been reliving the same day over and over again trying to win you back?''
Santana smiles and replies. ''I think you've had one too many drinks, Britt.''
Maybe Santana walks her home thinking Brittany is tipsy. Brittany doesn't protest because she enjoys the company. It's crisp and frosty so they're both adorably bundled up. At Brittany's door Santana says good night and goodbye. It's sweet and chaste but romantic. Like a couple of awkward kids dancing around their crushes. Before they part though Brittany tells her "just so you know, I'd do it. I'd live day after day trying to get you back. I'll never stop chasing after this with you."
Brittany goes inside and doesn't wait for a reply. She doesn't need one. This one night with Santana has reignited her determination. She'll relive this day for as long as she has to. She'd chase Santana for a thousand years if she has to.
Santana stands alone under the stars and has her own magical moment. Wanting to make her own deal with the universe. She got things wrong when she broke up with Brittany. Ever since then it's like the planets have been out of alignment since she let her go. She makes a wish to get Brittany back.
Flashforward to the next day. Valentine's Day yet again. Brittany wakes up and goes through the motions she's been going through for the past week. Breaks up with Sam. Diverts Puck away from Kitty. But also makes time for a goofy dance break with Mike. But something's different. This time during We've Got Tonight, Santana taps Mike on the shoulder and asks if she can cut in. Mike happily obliges.
Brittany is surprised. In all of the loops this has never happened before. Is this happening? Is this really it? They slow dance. It's beautiful and sweeping and WE CUT TO Santana and Brittany dancing and singing through the hallways until they reach Santana's hotel door. She opens the door for Brittany, takes her hand and together they walk in.
The next morning Brittany stretches and opens her eyes to find herself in the hotel room. She jumps up, shocked. This isn't part of the loop. This is new. The night before didn't just happen, it took. She spent the night with Santana and got to wake up in her arms in an entirely new day. Out of joy she does a goofy little celebration dance. Santana laughs "I was that good huh?" and Brittany is like "yes but you don't get it. I've been reliving the same day over and over trying to get you and me back on track. I lived that Valentine's Day wedding seven times. Us waking up together means I did it, we did it, we made things right with the universe."
Brittany isn't really clear on the how of it all and Santana doesn't understand anything but it's painted out for the reader to decipher that it was the Santana from the previous loop that made a wish that night and sent it up into the universe. In order for them to get back on track it couldn't just be because of Brittany's wish (which is why she was in limbo on a loop), Santana also had to wish for the same thing. Once they had both wished for the same thing the universe allowed time to move forward again. Brittany remembers all of the previous loops, Santana does not.
They lay there happy and in love and knowing where ever the universe takes them next they'll go there together. Brittany really knew what she was talking about when she once said "anything is possible" she literally hit pause on time until she and Santana came to their senses and found their way back to each. And end!
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blueicequeen19 · 3 years ago
You gotta do another part to Step Sister Desert, man. You can’t leave me hanging like that🥵
Part 1
Part 2
CNC! Fair warning!
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Part 3 🧁
I walked into JJ's house hellbent on finding my mother. It'd been two days and I hadn't seen or heard from her. All I knew is that she'd been with Luke. I throw all the doors open and come up empty handed. Thankfully the house is empty and I don't have to deal with JJ being a caveman. I make my way back to the front porch when the door opens and JJ stumbles in, dropping an empty beer can. I freeze as he starts to strip, thinking he's home alone. He unbuttons his shorts and I gasp as they hit the floor.
"Wait, wait! Stop! I'm leaving!" I shout, turning my face away so not to stare at the erection protruding from his printed boxers. Was that slices of pizza?
"Ahh, good. Just what I needed. A good fuck always gets me to sleep." JJ moves towards me and I round the kitchen table, keeping the distance between the two of us.
"I'm just looking for my mom. I haven't seen her in two days." I rush out as we continue to play a game of cat and mouse.
"And I care why?" JJ raises a brow at me in amusement. Maybe his dad disappearing for days is normal but not for me when it comes to my mother.
"Don't be a fucking dick. Just let me leave." I demand and he chuckles.
"What did I say would happen if you gave back here?" JJ's gaze darkens as we stop our chase, the table still between us.
"You're not touching me." I growl and he grins.
"Who said anything about touching? I said I'd fuck you stupid. I plan to deliver." He lunges over the table and I squeal, ducking underneath it. I scramble on my hands and knees, the door still open and so close but two hands wrap around my ankles and drag me back. I scream as I'm flipped over and his hand slaps over my mouth as he covers my body with his.
"Tell me, are you a virgin, little sister?" JJ smirks down at me as he starts to grind his erection against me. I stifle a moan, fighting to ignore the electrical current pulsing through my body. I shake my head and he nods.
"Good, I'd rather not get blood on my dick." JJ chuckles and I narrow my eyes at him, digging my nails into his shoulders.
"Take your hands and unbutton your shorts." JJ demands, his gaze threatening. "Play nice and I'll tell you where your mother is holed up." My tough exterior waivers as I look up at him.
"You're bribing me? Sex for information? You really are a piece of shit. Like father, like son." I spat and rage boils in his blue eyes before he forces a laugh.
"I bet you've never been fucked in the ass before have you?" I stiffen as I feel the threat in his words. I carefully slide my hands between us and undo my shorts then lift my hips to help move them down. He leans down like he's going to kiss me and I turn my head, the floor cold against my bare ass. His fingers toy with the thin fabric between my legs.
"If you're not soaking wet, I'll stop. But I know you feel it too. The anger that comes with being our parents children. You need a release too. One you won't be judged for because of how hard you need it. You're probably so numb that fucking is the only way you can feel anything." I gasp when his thick fingers dip into my panties and he rubs between my folds, finding me just as slick as he predicted. He chuckles and I go to slap him but he blocks it. I'm panting now, almost choked by desire. He's right. I do want this. I enjoy the game. The threats. Being manhandled by him. I want to see if he fucks as well as he talks. I open my mouth to speak but he cuts me off by shoving his two fingers inside me.
I cry out as he finger-fucks me ruthlessly while kissing and biting and sucking any of the flesh he can get ahold of.
"I'm going to fuck you on this floor. Then on the table. The counter. The shower. Then my fucking bed. You're going to cum until you cry."
"God, you're awfully full of yourself." I grunt, digging my fingers into his biceps as I feel myself clench around him.
"You're about to be full of me too." JJ smirks and I almost roll my eyes. He suddenly sits up on his knees and shoves his shorts down past his ass. I'm shocked by the size of him and how hard it is. The thick head is practically red and dripping as it bobs towards his stomach. I'm brought back to reality when he yanks my shorts the rest of the way off and then he's on top of me again.
"Condom!" I blurt just as he crowns me and he smirks that stupid fucking smirk.
"Please, we're family." JJ shoves his way inside and I groan loudly, a mild burning causes me to wince as I adjust to his size. He pushes until he's balls deep. I've never been so full.
"God, you're sick." I pant, then he starts to fuck me as hard as he can. There's nothing sweet or passionate about it. It's raw and claiming and furious. Punishing. I smash my lips to his as he rests on his forearms, his pelvis doing all the work. JJ groans low in his throat, the slap of our skin filling the air as he fucks me harder.
"Fuck, you feel good." He grunts, taking my bottom lip between his teeth. I wrap my legs around his waist, my head thrown back as I start to cum.
"One." I hear him mutter as my body shakes against his.
"What?" I mumble before I'm quickly flipped onto my stomach and he's inside me again, his chest pressed to my back. His thrusts are unrelenting. Surely bruising me as he fucks me into the floor. My second orgasm hits me hard and I press my cheek to the floor, trying to regain some train of thought.
"Two." He grunts, biting the skin of my shoulder blade. He's counting how many times I cum.
"Fuck, JJ." I groan as he sits back on his heels and I hear him spit between my cheeks. I tense as his thumb massages over my puckered flesh.
"Oh, I plan to. Hold on, baby."
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nobunagas-chatelaine · 3 years ago
Ikemen Sengoku reaction to your lovely moans during sex
Nobunaga Oda :
He is a man that will undeniably edge you, no matter the given scenario.
The first time he made love to you, he had to restrain himself from being too rough with you, but that resolution came crashing down when he heard those moans of yours.
"Hah, look at you; I haven't even started yet and here you are crying in ecstasy. Who would have known a fireball like you could make such noises ?"
He picks you up in his arms and slowly starts sucking on the sensitive flesh of your breasts, causing you to make more sounds of pleasure for the man infront of you.
Nobunaga tugs you down onto the mat along with him, a long night awaiting the both of you.
Life was unpredictable with you by his side.
Motonari Mouri :
Motonari fucked you with his long fingers, your breathing coming in short gasps of air but that too was gone after he crashed his lips on yours.
Kicho had came for a visit on Motonari's ship, and Kicho being Kicho had made some rather "Nice" comments regarding Motonari.
"That helpless brute can do nothing but steer a ship, come with me MC and I'll show you what love really is like."
You were stunned, because one you saw him as nothing but a brother warlord, two because from the corner of your eye you saw your lover rearing back his fist and punching Kicho directly on his face.
And now you were here, Motonari proving to you that he was infact better than any man and honestly, you weren't complaining.
Those long fingers of his ripped your voice from you, a lavish starter to the pirate who had now recently started to go down on your body.
"Yer making such sounds m'lady and then expect me to be a proper man ey? Nah, I'm forgetting yer rule of dinner before desert."
Masamune Date :
There were very less times when Masamune got drunk, but when he did....god knows how you dealt with him.
Azuchi Castle had recently held an amazing feast, but the kitsune beside you thought that it would be "funny" to swap your husband's water with sake.
Calling it funny was one hell of an understatement for within the next 5 minutes Masamune had suddenly swung you over his shoulder and announced that you two unfinished business at home.
The vassals were exchanging looks and Mitsuhide patted your back for whenever you and Masamune had unfinished businesses, somehow you couldn't walk the next day.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fast forward to his Manor, you were spread out on his futon crying and screaming the heck out of your lungs because the man infront of you was fucking you so good.
"One more orgasm out of you kitten, you can't possibly deny your husband that."
"Nevermind, I'll give you as many orgasms you want if that means you'll keep singing my name to the heavens darling."
Sasuke Sarutobi :
Hiding in a small cramped space, you and Sasuke contemplate your life decisions.
Kenshin had recently gone haywire, like usual, and challenged Sasuke to a duel where he wasn't allowed his sword or any ninja tricks. Somehow, the castle ceilings were also being fixed that so the ninja couldn't just ker-vanish himself out of there.
And right now, in the middle of nowhere you and him were camouflaging yourselves behind two huge Sherman trees.
Sasuke had his arms around your waist while you rubbed up on him unconsciously, that was until you noticed his growing bulge and the tightening of his arms around you.
"MC, w-what do you think you're doing? Hopefully you don't expect me to let you go so easily because I'm not going to play nice."
Before you could decipher the meaning of his words he is already thrusting in you from behind, too much for being Kenshin's Ninja. The sudden pleasure down there caused you to hold tight onto the tree and blabber out indistinctable words with an occasional sob of his name.
"You really had to be this naughty, let that man stop chasing us first. I'll give you a treat later ;)."
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fictionalwh0ree · 4 years ago
bro can you write another jj imagine smut maybe the two are pogues and he kind of reels her into all the crazy shit he does, maybe they do something crazy something involving a car and have rough car sex
based off the song ohmami ft chase atlantic ft. maggie lindemann because her feature lyrics are so 😵
revenge*-jj maybank
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summary: after rafe bothers you at work yet again, you and jj decide to get revenge... in his car.
word count: 1.6k
warnings: drugs, car sex, driving under the influence, drinking, fem!receiving (head and fingering), male!receiving (head), swearing, sort of public sex??
"hi, is there anything else i could get you?" you asked the group of boys in front of you.
"why don't you bring us a bottle of whiskey, whichever one you recommend," topper winked.
"i'm sorry, but i'm gonna need to see some i.d," you said, already knowing none of them were old enough to be drinking.
"oh, come on, honey. why don't you let us slide?" kelce said, pulling out his wallet to show the many bills he carried around.
"i can't do that," you stated simply.
"why not?" rafe asked.
"i'm not allowed to and i'd like to keep my job, thanks," you rolled your eyes.
"come on, one time won't hurt anyone, babe," topper said.
"if there's nothing else i can get you, i'll be on my way," you said through gritted teeth, avoiding eye contact. when you heard nothing, you began walking back to the bar, ready to leave since your shift had ended.
"prude!" you heard rafe yell from behind you, earning words of agreement from kelce and topper.
you walked straight out the back, to where your boyfriend, jj, would be waiting. when you saw him, some of your tension and anger dissolved, but jj still noticed something was up.
"what's wrong?" he asked, taking your hand.
"nothing. where's the twinkie?" you asked.
"wasn't working. seriously, what's wrong?" he asked.
"rafe and his stupid little pack of goons," you said angrily.
"they bothered you again?" he questioned, getting angry.
"yeah," you nodded.
"i swear to god i'm gonna kill them, y/n," he fumed.
"jj-" you began.
"they can't keep treating you like some dirt on the bottom of their shoes," he vented.
"it's fine, soon they'll be off to some prissy college and neither of us will have to see them," you said in attempts to calm him down. you grabbed his hand and began to drag him out.
"jj, let's go," you urged.
"hold on," he said, walking in the opposite direction.
"where are you going?" you asked.
"i have a plan," he smirked.
"that's never good," you muttered.
he walked to a car you recognized as rafe's and you knew what he was thinking.
"what the hell do you think you're doing?" you whisper-yelled.
"i think you know the answer to that, babe," he said
"jj, this is robbery. worse, grand theft auto! you could go to jail," you stressed.
"live a little, y/n," he said, reaching into rafe's open window and pulling the keys off the seat.
"idiot," he muttered, "he was practically asking for it. who leaves their window fully open with the keys in arms reach if they don't want their car stolen?"
he walked over to the drivers side and hopped in.
"jj!" you scolded.
"are you coming?" he asked.
"okay, see ya later," he said, beginning to drive off.
"wait!" you called.
he halted the car. you opened the door and sat down. jj had a shit-eating grin plastered onto his face.
"don't look at me like that," you mumbled, crossing your arms.
"so how long do we got before rafe leaves the club?"
"until, like 9 or 10."
"perfect. where should we go, princess?" he smiled.
"back to the club to return the car," you said.
"fine, i guess i'll pick the place."
he turned up the volume and let the music play loud. you began to ease up a little as jj began driving on a deserted highway.
"he deserves this, right?" you asked, turning to jj.
"yes, he does," jj confirmed.
"stupid self-entitled kooks and all their stupid money," you said beginning to rummage through rafe's car.
"atta girl," jj smirked.
"check over there," he pointed at the compartment under the dashboard.
"holy shit," you said in shock.
"what?" jj asked impatiently.
you held up a couple baggies of cocaine and a container of blue pills. after you read the label, you realized the pills were molly.
jj's eyes lit up and he laughed in excitement.
"you wanna do some?" he asked.
you weighed your options.
"eh. fuck it," you said, opening a baggie.
"you sure?" he checked.
"yeah," you confirmed, setting up three lines. you bent over, covered one of you nostrils and snorted the lines one by one. almost immediately you felt it taking effect. you were in a state of euphoria.
"you want some?" you asked jj.
"hold on, babe," he said.
"god, its so hot in here," you commented, stripping to your underwear and bra.
"you're lucky rafe's windows are tinted," jj smirked
"no, you're lucky rafe's windows are tinted," you said confidently.
"oh, yeah? why's that?" he said, pulling over.
he set up a couple lines on the dashboard and snorted them. you crawled onto the backseat, making sure to push your ass out towards jj's face. he planted a harsh slap on your ass, causing you to yelp. you sat down and pulled off your underwear. you spread your legs, exposing your pussy. rafe's car was pretty huge, allowing you and jj to have lots of space. he stood between the armrest and the backseats unbuckling his belt.
"uh uh. not yet," you shook your head. you placed your hand on jj's head and pushed him down onto his knees.
he smirked before beginning to trace your folds with his fingers.
"spit on it," you demanded.
he did as told before pushing two fingers in. he pumped them in and out mercilessly while your hands attempted to grip the seats. soft moans, whimpers and curse words exited your mouth non-stop. jj could already feel the boner pushing against his pants. jj abruptly pulled his fingers out. you looked at him with your brows furrowed. he smirked and began planting kisses up your inner thigh. he took his thumb and began rubbing painfully slow circles over your clit.
"jj," you whined
"patience, baby," jj teased, his hot breath fanning onto your dripping cunt.
he began kitty licking around your vagina before inserting his tongue. his thumb began circling your clit faster and faster. your head was thrown back in pleasure and your hands were tangled in his hair. you noticed a glint out of the corner of your eye. when you looked, you noticed it was a bottle of almost untouched vodka. you picked it up and unscrewed the lid with one hand, holding it by the neck. you poured the hard liquor down your throat, adding to your high. you felt yourself getting close as your breathing began getting more laboured and your moans got louder.
“i’m close,” you mumbled to the best of your abilities.
he moved faster, signalling that you could cum. you felt yourself release all over his tongue and he kept licking until your pussy was clean. you tugged at his shorts, wanting to return the favour. you moved over and pulled him onto where you were sitting, a slight stain left on the seat. you pulled his boxers down and saw his cock spring up. you ran your finger over his swollen tip causing him to hiss. you began to lower your head closer and closer. jj’s knee was bouncing up and down impatiently.
“you don’t have to,” jj breathed out.
“i want to,” you assured.
with that, you licked his tip before putting his dick in your mouth. you began bobbing your head, your speed changing based off of jj’s moans. he pulled your hair into a makeshift ponytail and started pushing your head lower onto it. the tip began hitting your gag reflex and involuntary tears brimmed your eyes. you soon felt his penis twitch in your mouth. he pulled your head off all at once and made eye contact.
“i wanna cum inside you,” he said, trying to regain his breath.
you smirked and got onto the seat, putting your feet on either side of his hips. you lowered yourself onto his dick, his hands were on your hips and your hands were gripping the back of the seat for support. you bounced up and down quickly, curse words and moans leaving both your mouths constantly. you leaned forward and connected your lips, your pace faltearing slightly. jj’s nails dug into your hips as he came closer to his orgasm. your hair was plastered to your forehead and so was his. your eyes were half-lidded and your moans were getting shorter as you got more and more tired.
“you look so pretty riding my cock, baby,” jj complimented.
he then came inside you, some of it streaming down his dick. you quickened your pace, chasing after your second orgasm that was oh so close. jj could tell you were getting tired so he began to bounce you himself. he once again took his thumb and massaged your clit. he pulled you in for a kiss and when you pulled away, he began whispering dirty phrases into your ears. it didn’t take long for you to finish all over his dick. you pulled yourself off and sat next to him. you were both panting hard and the windows of the car had become foggy. jj hopped back into the front seat after sliding his underwear and shorts on and pulling his shirt off. you put your underwear and shorts back on with the help of jj as your legs were weak and trembling. you got into the front seat and put away the drugs. you giggled to yourself a bit while the car started up again. you cracked open your windows and let the air of the highway cool you two down.
“that’ll show rafe who’s a prude,” you muttered to yourself as you looked out the window.
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pastafossa · 3 years ago
falling down the Nope rabbit hole for like the 5th time and I reeeally wanna hear your thoughts/take on the movie
also hope you are starting to feel better!
I'm feeling a little better tonight, thank you! I took yesterday and today off and wound up just spending 99% of it sleeping it off so much for my fanfic catchup list cause damn, that shit hits like a freight train. But we're coming around it now!
And oh my god, listen - I've wanted to see this since I saw the first trailer ages ago. I trust Jordan Peele to make a good movie out of the gate at this point, I'll see his movies without knowing a goddamn thing about them. AND IT PAID OFF, I LOVED THIS MOVIE SO MUCH. I'm going to try and do this without too many spoilers so people can see it.
For anyone reading: if you havent' seen this movie yet, go watch the trailer and then consider seeing it! It's an amazing scifi/horror film!
Like first off, on cinematography alone, this movie is stunning. The shots blew my mind (OJ opening the truck and looking up, the blood rain, Ghost charging across the pasture, the entire horse chase scene), and as someone who grew up in Los Angeles, I also can't easily recall anyone who's so wonderfully captured the dry, barren sort of beauty of the scrub/deserts in the area. It's the perfect place for a freaky scifi horror movie like this because it allows these huge, massive, open, terrifying shots that you can't get with a bunch of trees and buildings in the way. It's a reminder that there is nothing to stop you from falling up into the sky (which you know is relevant in this film).
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Second off, something I found hysterical is the number of times your chain gets yanked in this movie. These moments where you're sure you absolutely know what's going to happen because this is what you've been taught by the genre to expect and he just rips the rug out from under your feet. It's a move only someone who loves this sort of film can do because they KNOW you know what should happen and so they're able to play on your expectations before throwing in a twist.
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Third: THE HUMOR IN THIS GODDAMN MOVIE OH MY GOD. I did not expect to laugh as much as I did, but holy shit. Angel's a gem, and then the genre aware moments, moments when weird shit is going down where you'd absolutely want to go 'fuck this, not doing this, nope.' Even the HORSES do it. And of course OJ calmly closing that truck door after looking up is one of my favorite moments. I love Daniel Kaluuya to death and back for his expression because this will become a gif staple for me whenever I see a large bug outside.
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THE CHARACTERS. I loved our main cast, even if Holst was a dick. OJ was a fucking badass (AND ON HORSEBACK NO LESS), Em was 10 kinds of amazing (and gets an AKIRA MOTORCYCLE SLIDE OH MY GOD), Angel is a precious dumbass bless his heart. Jupe was also a dumbass but like... Jesus it's kinda hard not to understand considering how fucked up he was by what happened to him (also that scene - not the first one, but you know... *waves up* that scene is going to haunt me for a LONG time). BUT I AM STILL MAD AT HIM FOR THE HORSES, FUCK YOU FOR THAT JUPE.
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And FINALLY. The message. I love the message of spectacle, exploitation, and how it destroys, and I love how that carries into every part of this movie - OJ and Em's grandcestor, exploited as a black jockey, so much so that people don't remember his name despite him being IN THE FIRST MOVIE EVER. Their chase for fame/fortune is even the most understandable since they're also just trying to survive in a cutthroat business - Hollywood - that is all about exploitation. And an additional level of exploitation - despite Haywood's horses being used in western films, westerns are incredibly whitewashed and lack the true diversity the profession had. Meanwhile, Holt is chasing after the perfect film shot, exploiting the moment, even when it makes no sense. Jupe is over here thinking he can exploit and control the uncontrollable - even after being traumatized by exploitation that leads to literal death (for god's sake, STOP DOING STUPID SHIT WITH WILD ANIMALS). The TMZ reporter - HOLY SHIT the kings of exploitation, being more worried about his CAMERA.
And the beauty of it all - how do we save ourselves? Stop looking. Aka: the one thing humans just can't seem to do whenever there's some train wreck going on, even when it'll get us killed.
Anyway, that's *waves* my review of Nope, I've seen it once and now I'm really desperate for a rewatch and am eagerly awaiting it being available to buy so I can keep it on my metaphorical shelf! I have some things I want to look for in the second go round cause it's definitely a Watch More Than Once movie with all the clues and little things Peele slips in and I know I missed things. But it's now in my top 10 for both scifi and horror. FIVE STARS ANGEL. FIVE STARS.
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withinycu · 1 year ago
@pararennial must leave the garden
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"What need do you have of me?" Asked God genuinely curious and puzzled. She was descended from gods aplenty. He knew of the Greeks, of course, his favorite angel had taken refuge amongst them for a time. But he had also supplanted them and violently, absorbing some of their aspects as he did most who crossed his path. He was Elohim and Adonai, the singular multitude.
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shyrose57 · 3 years ago
It works very much like illusions. Ranbob can see him but can't touch him. While Dream can touch him (though it feel like more of a faint touch). The entire time Ranbob feels like he's dreaming but due to physical evidence, like notes left by Dream, he knows it isn't a dream. He's just kinda existing. But in actuality he's not completely "there", sometimes he is aware of what's going on (though he never remembers more often than not) but that's when Dream allows it, other than that he's either floating aimlessly in the void or dreaming. Not aware of what's happening. 
Definitely, Enderman tend to be 7 ft+. Infact when traveling and Enderman spot Ranbob, they always voice their worry about him being so short. They know he's a hybrid so he was always going to be shorter than them, but he shouldn't have been this short. His growth is permanently stunted. Its a miracle he even got those 2 inches to be honest. Ran was definitely caught off guard seeing Ranbob so short. But quickly dismissed it in favor of attacking him. But later on as time passes, he can't dismiss the unease and concern he gets when he thinks about the difference so easily as he did eailer. The Gladiators notice right away but don't comment on it, the Fishermen think Ranbobs height is normal so when they meet Ran and learn Enderman hybrids typically grow that big and bigger their caught off guard, Cletus and Charles attempt to question Ran what its like to be so tall but Benjamin stops them. 
He did, the Dream Mask has a small bit of it broken off due to it being dropped (Ranbob didn't break it. He suspects maybe when it was being transferred it got dropped in its holding box and thats what broke it). Ranbob picked it up because he meant to throw it away, but he forgot too. Giving Dream more time to get a hold on him. They talked about whatever came to mind at first since Benjamin didn't want to start off with the rough questions. But eventually the two did start to talk about what happened to Ranbob and who/what Dream was.
Dream does not consider it important enough because he thinks he's never going back there. So it falls into disrepair and gets all dusty with some mold even growing in the room. 
Dreams petty and likes being in control of everything. But Dream would just kinda wander, making sure no ones alive. Every now and again he'll get bored and just destroy something. The fishermen explored and read about the history of Mizu while they were there, then after Ranbob attacked them spent most of the time arguing about what to do with him. 
It just leads to Cletus being mean/rude to Ranbob and taking much longer than the others to be comfortable around him. If that's what you mean.
Yes! When it was down to just 4 people left alive in Mizu, Ran stumbled upon the 4th person dead, then it all kind of clicks in his head, as the only other person currently alive is a Council Member, that it has to be his brother. So he rushes off to find the Council Member so they can stop Ranbob, only to find Ranbob standing over his dead corpse. Thats when the chase around Mizu ticks off that ends with Ran fleeing Mizu. 
Cause while spiders are passive in daytime, creepers aren't, and don't burn in the light. Plus they are loud with their explodes (yet oddly quiet) which can give his position away.
Eh I'll say. Their not really super common because mixing them can cause serious side effects during and after mixture. But the healing, sleep aids, and infection mixtures are common as they've been figured out and can safely be made. Fun fact: Subbin actually has an entire community and an official place in the government for figuring out potion mixtures, making new ones, and making the mixing process as safe as possible. 
The group doesn't really use the mixtures much, expect for Rans sleep aid and a every now and again healing mixture when a Pit match goes wrong. Cause Grievous used to intern in a potion shop and learned all about them then.
He really did. 
Your right! Not many people traverse it. Because he was a Technoblade follower, and they typically get taught the bare basics of surviving in environments like the Nether, deserts, snow, caves, etc in their teachings. He got da book from his Idol teachers, everyone in his Idol group got a book as well. 
You can ask! I welcome any and all questions.
There's gold coins (I forget the actual in-game name oop) ore deposits in the Nether, so he mines that. Not any specific ones, cause there is still a language barrier and a mostly gesture barrier (expect for the universal ones like wait, ok/good, no harm, etc). 
They made a group decision to try to check the Nether on a whim. Though mostly cause one guy just wouldn't shut up about it. They found a broken portal and managed to repair it enough to enter.
The Fishermen and Ranbob where kinda confused (cause Ran hadn't fully told them about his time on the run.) But expressed sympathy at his house being burned down. Jackie and Grievous wanted to search it for anything usable, Ran didn't let em cause he thinks there's nothing left. Watson shoots Ran a sympathetic look and declared that he wants to keep moving to find shelter. Benjamin quickly agreeing and the group moves on.
---------Tip of The Iceberg-----------
He does not expect in all of their times he's still the God of the world. 
Honestly, most of them were fine. Bad was the only one who was mad and wasn't ok with it. The Masquerade, The Pit, Sam, Sapnap, Quackity, Foolish, Ranboo, Skeppy, Tubbo, Tommy, and Karl all say the Egg wrote it because they all have had experience with the Egg. The Haunted Mansion, The Wild West, George, Fundy, Eret, Jack, Niki, and Puffy all say XD because they've either had no experience with the Egg or believe in XD's existence. Philza and Technoblade actually go both ways. (If I forgot someone, oops). 
Technoblade, Phil, Niki, The Pit, The Wild West, Puffy, Sapnap, and Sam are all on the Frontline. While the others are all split between research into the egg (The Masquerade is in this one of course), and running tests. Fundy is a runner, delivering orders, requests, or new information. Foolish is on both the researching, testing, and frontlines, he is on the frontlines when needed but otherwise is researching and testing. Karl is typically somewhere with one of the many Traveler groups. Quackity, Eret, and Sam (when not on frontlines) are on planning duties. 
The Egg is strong enough to propose a real and constant threat to the groups. Everyone is typically on the move to avoid the reaching of the Egg and its Eggpire. 
Bad hasn't gotten what he wants, which is Skeppy. And as he has "opened his eyes" a bit he sees the hypocrisy, manipulation, and lies that surround the Egg and wants out. 
Ye ye Brothers AU sorry.
The fishermen get to their home, wake up the next day, and Ranbob is already making a field for wheat and potatoes. Benjamin fucking squawks and races out to make Ranbob stop. And Isaac eventually has to come out and help cause Ranbob is refusing to leave. Cletus laughs at Ranbob and makes fun of him but stops when he sees Charles sadly staring at him. A silent ask to stop. 
He does but Porkius is chill and let's the Gladiators do whatever they want as long as they are still in fighting condition for matches and gives them money every week. Plus he's chill and is kinda friends with them. But sometimes Porkius has them go to extravagant parties with him. They all hate going, not just Ran. Mostly cause the rich people are snobs and either 1. Constantly insult them in conversation than act surprised when they get mad at them and report it to Porkius. 2. Talk with them but talk exclusively about themselves and are insensitive to the Gladiators. But sometimes there's actually people at the parties who are genuinely curious and kind and want to get to know the Gladiators. Those conversations are pleasant and the Gladiators, no matter who it is, actively enjoy the conversation.
Ran has always been mischievous. Even witnessing murder, being traumatized, hunted constantly, and fighting non-stop hasn't changed that. If anything he got more mischievous over time. 
Something extra I wanted to share: 
-There is music in world and the player the Gladiators share get brought on the trip so they can play music the entire time. 
  -Ran and Grievous fight over who gets to pick music often.
    -Fun fact about why I did this: Every single part of this story and all others has been either created by or inspired by music. For example the Tip of The Iceberg AU was solely inspired by the song True North (by Vocal Line), while Brothers AU was made from Ruler of Everything (by Tally Hall) and partly Mind Electric (by Miracle Musical). So I wanted to include music somehow. (I actually have a entire playlist with music that I've used for certain parts of the Brothers AU.)
Brothers AU:
Interesting, interesting. What triggers these 'dreams'? Can Dream do it, or is it like just something that happens?
I'm assuming only the brothers would know what the Endermen are saying, but there's also body language, so how does everyone react to that behavior? Do one of the brothers ever tell them what's being said, or? What's everyone's thoughts on Ranbob's height, seeing as the Fishermen were surprised, and the Gladiators immediately noticed?
How does Benjamin feel about what he hears? Is he a bit skeptical at first, or fully believing Ranbob's words?
So the room's in disrepair, interesting. At some point, it's mentioned that they go back there, I think, so does that strike anyone as odd?
He destroyed stuff? Like just general items or artifacts? How did Ranbob feel, if/when he was aware?
Why didn't he assume it was the Council Member? What clues led him to his brother instead?
Oh, that's really interesting!
World building galore, fantastic!
Who was the one guy?
He thinks? Was there something left then?
Tip Of The Iceberg AU:
Still the god? He didn't expect that? Was someone else supposed to be? If so, who? What's his reaction to learning such?
Bad seems to be straying from the egg, does he intend to leave it? Or does it have a way to keep him?
Do we have any particular groups here? People who fight or work well together, and kind of drift to one another? What sort of dynamics do we get with all of this, especially since everyone's on the move constantly to avoid the Eggpire.
Brothers AU:
Benjamin: Whatcha got there?
Ranbob: Excessive labor when I should be resting.
Benjamin, gasping: NO!
What are the parties typically like? Do they behave or cause havoc? Switch it up? Anyone in particular they don't hate talking to there?
Always mischievous, just better at hiding it. Wait, that means Ranbob would have known he was like that, wouldn't he? He'd know exactly what to expect. Would anyone else? Either way, that should be amusing.
What kind of music do they have, and what does everyone prefer to listen to?
(Time to go on a song-spree!)
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allegra-writes · 5 years ago
Adore you
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Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: Smut, of course
The request:
More dom reader and subby pete pls!!! maybe something like a badass shield agent reader? and peter having a crush on her and there goes the smut? hope u like this idea, take ur time!!
I've been holding onto this for a couple of days now. I'm quite proud of how it turned out, I had to stop for air quite a few times as I wrote it so beware. This is my Christmas gift to you, consider me your Naughty Pagan Santa🔥
Series masterlist
"P-please" Peter's desperate plea broke the silence. His voice was hoarse, wrecked, no louder than a whisper and at first you weren't even sure he had spoken, but then he begged again, "Please, please!" 
You were torturing him, breaking him, shattering him to dust and then putting him back together again, building him anew to your liking, and he wasn't sure how much more he would be able to take without losing his mind. He felt your smile against his hip bone and dared looking down, teary red rimmed eyes meeting yours, ablazed and alluring, every bit as beautiful as the first time he had seen them. He had lost himself in those eyes more times than he could count, and yet he could map them to micrometric precision, dozens of pictures on his phone dedicated solely to them, to their idiosyncrasies and nuances under different lighting.  
He never thought he could have this, never thought he could have you: Y/n from biology. Agent 16, S.H.I.E.L.D. level 7. "I guess it's something we have in common," You had said, "we are both liars." Peter had wanted to argue that it wasn't the same thing, but it was hard to complain as you drove away from the angry mob of Mysterio stans you had saved him from. You had been fast, efficient, one quick drive to Manhattan, to the helipad of the ex-Avenger's tower (now property of S.H.I.E.L.D.) and before the day was over, you both were out of the city, out of the country, on that desert island just the two of you.
The feeling of your tongue, hot and wet on the v of his hips pulled him back into the present. You sucked a little pineapple cube, cold against his fevered skin, into your mouth, before chasing down the drop of juice the fruit had left behind with your tongue. Peter dug his fingers on the white, soft sand, searching in vain for purchase. He squirmed, a steady stream of 'pleasepleaseplease' falling from his lips, as you ate a piece of cantaloupe off his abs. 
You were using his body as a plate, eating fresh fruit off it, a new torment to add to the long list of wicked, delicious ways you had been playing with him all afternoon. You had been pleasuring him for a couple of hours now, and he was delirious with it, overstimulated. He felt immaterial, disembodied, undone. He was soft clay under your hands, under your mouth, under your tongue. Your touch was the only thing shaping his reality, shaping him. So what if the whole world knew Peter Parker was Spider-Man? He wasn't either of them anymore. Here on this island, laying under you, he wasn't the next Tony Stark or the last Avenger; he was just 'baby boy', and 'tiger' and whatever else you choose to call him. 
He was free. 
He didn't have to save any body, because you had saved him, didn't have to decide anything cause you gave the orders. You could take care of him, all he had to do was surrender to you. 
You crawled up his body, tiny slice of watermelon between your lips, and Peter immediately parted his, to let you glide it into his mouth. It tasted faintly of your strawberry lip balm, making his head dizzy with longing.
"Please" he croaked again, after swallowing the sweet, juicy fruit. 
"What do you need baby boy?" You breathed, hot against his ear.
"To kiss you" he panted, "please, let me kiss you"
You complied, and he finally got to taste your soft, warm mouth. Strawberry lipstick and cherries and himself and he loved it, loved that sharp bitter tang on your palate. His fingers buried themselves in your hair, pulling you closer to taste it better. Only when you pulled away, giggling a little maliciously, did he realize his mistake.
"Bad, bad boy" You leaned back, disentangling from his fingers, sitting up and away from him.
He paled,
"No, please, I'll do anything" He moved to get up too, but caught himself at the last second, your disapproving glare all that was needed to halt his movements. You smiled to yourself, he truly was insatiable. After coming so many times that afternoon, he still looked heartbroken at the prospect of this little game of yours ending. With his big brown eyes full of tears and bottom lip wobbling slightly, he was just too God damn adorable, and you… well, unlike him you were only human. 
But he still needed to be punished.
"You like what we do, baby boy?" You inquired, sitting back down, straddling him, pressing yourself against him, only the thin fabric of your bikini bottoms separating your core from his gorgeous, naked cock. "You like the way we play?" 
He nodded frantically as you started to rock on top of him, tearing a moan from his lips.
"Do you like the things I do to you?"
"Yes, ma'am" he groaned. You ranked your fingernails down his chest, down his stomach.
"Do you like it when I touch you?" 
"Yes! Oh god…"
You reached back, untying the scarf you had turned into a bandeau. Peters hands twitched, but he kept them by his sides.
"Do you like looking at me?"
"God, yes!" He cried, as you rubbed yourself down on him harder, faster, "I love it, love watching you! I - I love.." 
You stopped moving, making Peter whine loudly, fists hitting the sand like a little boy throwing a tantrum. 
"Do you want to touch me?"
"Yes! Please, please ma'am, please let me touch you…"
How could you ever say no to that? You nodded your permission and chucked as Peter's hands went straight to your breasts. 
"Can I…" Peter hesitated, not wanting to push his luck. But judging by the way your head lolled back, you seemed to be enjoying his touch, and that gave him courage. "Can I put my mouth on you, ma'am?" 
You smirked, looking down at him through half shut eyes,
"Such a greedy boy…" You scolded, but tugged him up to a sitting position anyway, capturing his lips again. The feeling of your nipples against the naked skin of his chest had him moaning into your mouth, and you swallowed it, devoured it, dominating the kiss as you were dominating him. Your hips started to move again, by their own volition, and his followed in kind, until you both were breathing hard. You broke the kiss, pulling at his soft curls, guiding his mouth to where you wanted it. He wasted no time at nibbling and sucking, rolling your nipples with the tip of his tongue, first one and then the other. He had a naturally talented tongue, and you couldn't wait to see what else he could do with it. 
"I'm going to ride your face until I come" you were proud of how steady and commanding your voice was, "and then, I'm going to ride your cock until you come…"
His answering broken sob let you know he was ok with that idea.
"And then… then I'm going to keep on ridding you… gonna go on… and on… I'm not going to stop until you give me all your come…"
"Yes, oh my god yes!"
"Until it's gushing out of me…"
"Yesyesyes…" Peter was close, so so close. Between the rocking of your hips and your words, he was seconds away from bursting, and you knew it. 
That's exactly why you stopped, and pushed him away from you, watching him fall back onto the sand. It was just for show, of course. He was way stronger than you and, if he wanted to, he could easily flip you, overpower you and have his way with you. That only made the adrenaline rush greater, knowing how powerful he really was, knowing he was giving up all that power willingly and placing it on your hands to do with it, with him, as you pleased.
To use him as you pleased.
...You had always loved big guns.
"I'm going to give you a choice now, tiger" You spoke over the cute little whimpers escaping his throat. He was so precious, so innocent, you almost felt bad for corrupting him like this. Almost. "I am going to do all the things I just promised, I won't stop you from coming again. And you can keep on touching me while I do those things to you… or you can keep on watching me, but not both"
He met your eyes and you could see the conflict behind his. He looked about ready to cry, fingers trembling where they rested on your thighs, brown orbs never leaving yours, imploring. You straddling his waist almost naked, free and unashamed under the clear summer sky, were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, he didn't want to give that up. But the thought of taking his hands away from your soft skin, from your lovely body, was almost physically painful.
"I-I can't" He stammered, a little pathetically but he was long past pride, "please, don't make me choose"
"Then I guess I'll have to choose for you"
You tried to pry his hands away, but he held on tighter.
"No! No, please, I wanna touch!"
You leaned over, taking your abandoned silk scarf from the sand, tying it around his head and over his eyes.
"But I wanna see you!" He complained petulantly. Such a brat… you were going to love breaking him.
"But you misbehaved, baby boy" You reminded him, "You touched me without permission, and now this is your punishment. I can't just let you off the hook now, can I? Can't let you think you can get away with anything…"
"One more word" he felt your hand squeeze his balls softly, warningly, "and you'll regret it" 
He snapped his mouth shut.
"Atta boy" You approved, rewarding him with a filthy open mouthed kiss before standing up. Peter didn't have time to protest before something, a piece of cloth hit him square in the face. He fisted it in his left hand, the wet patch letting him now right away it was your bikini bottoms. Peter pressed it to his nose, inhaling deeply. 
"Dirty boy" you tsked from somewhere near his pelvis, startling him. He felt your warm breath against his cock right before he felt your searing tongue, placing one long lick from base to red, angry tip. 
You laughed and then you were gone again, only to flick at his nipple a moment later, making him cry out. You kept on toying with him for a few minutes, a kiss here, a suck there, until finally, finally, he heard your knees hitting the sand at either side of his head as you slowly lowered yourself, hovering right above his mouth. 
He ventured a lick, but you backed away. He gave chase, straining his neck, but you always raised yourself just enough for him to be unable to make contact, until he frustratedly grabbed a hold of your thighs, using his superior strength to force you down onto his face.
"Holy fuck!" This time, it was your turn to curse as his tongue made it straight into your soft, velvety insides, delving deep, crashing unexpectedly with something cool and sweet. He twirled his tongue around until he was able to take it into his mouth, moaning as he bit down onto it. You had buried a strawberry inside your pussy for him to find. 
And you called him dirty. 
He swallowed and thrusted his tongue inside you again. You were sweeter than the strawberry and he wondered idly if his Spider half had anything to do with it, if he could somehow taste your pheromones or something. Or if it was simply you, delicious and addictive all of your own. 
You were making the most beautiful sounds, bucking your hips erratically, wave after wave of sugary nectar falling to his lips as his nose bumped against your clit with every one of your movements. And he was mad about it, mad about you, growling and moaning into your cunt. He couldn't possibly want you more than he did right then, cock so hard it hurt, pelvis grinding pitifully against nothing. But he wasn't important, this was all about you, about pleasing you, worshiping every inch of you. His amazon, his pagan goddess in a tropical paradise. Even back in Europe, hell, even way back in New York, all he had ever wanted was this: For you to let him adore you. 
Peter had never understood the need to submit, what was about being tossed and ordered around that appealed so much to those men on the internet. Not until he met you.
Because from the moment he met you, he wanted to belong to you, to be your slave and follow your every command, fulfil your every need. 
And now you were screaming, falling apart above him and he had done that, he was the one you were coming for. It made his head swim with pride and something else, something unnamed and powerful. He kept on lapping at your cunt, leisurely, slow like honey, until your legs stopped trembling. 
You pushed his curls, slick with sweat, away from his forehead tenderly.
"Good boy," You cooed, "I'm so proud of you, you did so good"
A warm feeling spread out in Peter's chest at your words. 
"Thank you, ma'am. Good enough for my punishment to be over?"
You laughed breathlessly as you pushed his hands away and stood up on slightly unstable legs.
"No, but nice try"
His pout was so cute you had to bend down and kiss it off his face. 
"Pretty please?" He insisted, once he felt you straddling his thighs. 
"Don't be difficult, baby. Don't you want to be good for me?"
"I d- OH" your hot hand around his shaft made him cry out, cutting his answer short. Had you known before a hand job was all it took to shut Peter Parker up… You would probably have done everything exactly the same, actually. 
Peter's head was already trashing from side to side as your hand moved, deliberately slow. Up and down, up and down, up and down…
Up… up, up, guiding him into your tight, exquisite heat. He heard you moan as you buried his cock inside you to the hilt, pelvis kissing yours. 
"You are… the best thing I've ever felt inside me" 
He groaned his agreement, hands flying to your waist, as you started to move, started sliding up and down his cock steadily, imitating the same unhurried rhythm you used with your hand. 
But your cunt felt so much better than your palm, all that wet, silky pressure over every lavish inch of him… up and down, up and down…
He felt you brace yourself on his abdomen, nails digging into firm flesh.
Up and down… up and down… Faster.
"Peter… oh, god, you feel so good… So good between my legs"
And you felt like heaven, he wanted to tell you, but he was reduced to cries and sobs, to clutching and grabbing at your skin, fingertips eagerly searching any part of your body they could reach. You took one of his hands and lowered it until his thumb was right above your clit, your own fingers showing him how to rub just right to make pleasure explode inside your loins. 
His eyes fluttered open underneath the blindfold. He didn't mean to, he truly didn't, he wanted to be good, he wanted to obey, but this? You riding him hard, coming from his cock and his fingers? It was a vision way too tempting to resist. He could see you clearly through the rainbow of silk threads, head thrown back in ecstasy, mouth open in a silent scream, little beads of sweat glimmering on your skin under the sun, sparkling almost as bright as the jewel colored water on the horizon behind you. And your cunt, juicy and red as the strawberries you favoured, stretched around his cock, taking it in over and over and over again, little contractions milking him, hungry for his come. 
So he gave it to you, surging deep inside you, hips thrusting up to meet yours. You almost fell back, but he caught you in his arms just in time. Raising to a sitting position still buried inside you, he gathered you to his chest, the makeshift blindfold falling from his face.
You smiled, a little drunkenly,
"Hey, stranger"
Closing your arms around his shoulders, you tucked your face into his neck. You were boneless, completely spent and sated, about to fall asleep, lulled by his soft caresses on your back, when you felt him start moving inside you again. 
Definitely insatiable.
Tired and overstimulated, you tried to get up, get away but his arms, strong as steel around you held you to him, as he rocked beneath you, pubic bone smashing into your oversensitized clit with every drag. Pushing against his shoulder also proved completely useless, his hold on you only tightening, as he started fucking up into you harder. 
You bit into his shoulder, making him groan.
"I think… think I like that punishment better…" He declared, grabbing your chin, holding you in place to kiss you, deep and dirty, only releasing your lips once your head was spinning, your lungs burning. You gasped for air.
"Naughty" You admonished, still struggling against him, albeit a little halfheartedly. He splayed one of his hands against your lower back, pressing you to him. The new pressure was delicious, the heat starting to build again, even if you didn't want it "You're so naughty"
He scraped his teeth softly on the hollow of your throat, only to sooth it with his tongue seconds later, his cock moving so deep you could feel it hit your cervix. You screamed, he was going to tear another orgasm out of you soon.
"Only holding you to your word" He whispered against your skin, making goosebumps erupt down your spine, "You promised not to stop… until I give you all my come"
To be continued...
PS: Let me know if you are reading this under the table during a horrible family reunion, I' love to bring you a little joy during these very difficult rimes... Love ya!!
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bilbotargaryen · 4 years ago
This is Deans Theme Song (in my head at least)
Insidious is blind inception
What's reality with all these questions?
Feels like I missed my alarm and slept in
Slept in
Broken legs but I chase perfection
These walls are my blank expression
My mind is a home I'm trapped in
And it's lonely inside this mansion
They're all over the place, there's songs on the mirrors
Written all over the floors, all over the chairs
And you get the uncut version of life when I go downstairs
That's where I write when I'm in a bad place and need to release
And let out the version of NF you don't wanna see
I put holes in the walls with both of my fists 'til they bleed
You might get a glimpse of how I cope with all this anger in me
Physically abused, now that's the room that I don't wanna be in
That picture ain't blurry at all, I just don't wanna see it
And these walls ain't blank, I just think I don't want to see 'em
But why not? I'm in here, so I might as well read 'em
I gotta thank you for this anger that I carry around
Wish I could take a match and burn this whole room to the ground
Matter of fact, I think I'ma burn this room right now
Somehow this memory for some reason just won't burn down
You used to put me in the corner, so you could see the fear in my eyes
Then took me downstairs and beat me 'til I screamed and I cried
Congratulations, you'll always have a room in my mind
But I'ma keep the door shut and lock the lyrics inside
Insidious is blind inception
What's reality with all these questions?
Feels like I missed my alarm and slept in, slept in, slept in
And slept in
Broken legs but I chase perfection
These walls are my blank expression
My mind is a home I'm trapped in
And it's lonely inside this mansion
'Cause I've this mansion
Yo my mind is a house with walls covered in pain
See my problem is I don't fix things
I just try to repaint, cover 'em up, like it never happened
Say I wish I could change, are you confused?
Come upstairs and I'll show you what I mean
This room's full of regrets, just keeps getting fuller it seems
The moment I walk in to it is the same moment that I wanna leave
I get sick to my stomach every time I look at these things
But it's hard to look past when this is the room where I sleep
I look around, one of the worst things I wrote on these walls
Was the moment I realised that I was losing my mom
And one of the first things I wrote was, "I wish I would've called"
But I should just stop now, we ain't got enough room in this song
And I regret the fact that I struggled trying to find who I am
And I lie to myself and say I do the best that I can
Shrug it off like it ain't nothing like it's out of my hands
Then get ticked off whenever I see it affecting my plans
And I regret watching these trust issues eat me alive
And at the rate I'm going they'll probably still be there when I die
Congratulations, you'll always have a room in my mind
The question is: Will I ever clean the walls off in time?
Insidious is blind inception
What's reality with all these questions?
Feels like I missed my alarm and slept in (slept in, slept in)
And slept in
Broken legs but I chase perfection
These walls are my blank expression
My mind is a home I'm trapped in
And it's lonely inside this mansion
'Cause I've this mansion
So this part of my house, no one's been in it for years
I built the safe room and I don't let no one in there
'Cause if I do, there's a chance
That they might disappear and not come back
And I admit I am emotionally scared to let anyone inside
So I just leave my doors locked
You might get other doors to open up but this door's not
'Cause I don't want you to have the opportunity to hurt me
And I'll be the only person that I can blame when you desert me
I'm barricaded inside
So stop watching
I'm not coming to the door
So stop knocking, stop knocking
I'm trapped here
God keep saying I'm not locked in
I chose this
I am lost in my own conscience
Why don't you know that shutting the world out ain't solving the problem
But I didn't build this house because I thought it would solve 'em
I built it because I thought that it was safer in there
But it's not, I'm not the only thing that's living in here
Fear came to my house years ago, I let him in
Maybe that's the problem 'cause I've been dealing with this ever since
I thought that he would leave, but it's obvious he never did
He must have picked the room and got comfortable and settled in
Now I'm in the position it's either sit here and let him win
Or put him back outside where he came from, but I never can
'Cause in order to do that I'd have to open the doors
Is that me or the fear talking?
I don't know anymore
It's lonely (inside, inside)
It's lonely
It's lonely
Oh yeah, it's lonely
Inside this mansion
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trans-snart · 5 years ago
So I couldn’t stop thinking about Joe & Nicky and Origin of Love, and that spiraled into a MIKA-specific playlist because that’s just the kind of gay I am. Enjoy!
It can be shuffled, of course, but the song order forms a narrative structure as well. Selected lyrics are under the cut for anyone interested!
Playlist title comes from the live performance of Lollipop where the lyrics were changed to "but now I'm 32 years old / and all that bullshit I was told / I lived my life and love was found / and love never let me down"
*I personally did not do any of the translating for the French or Italian, but please let me know if there’s an error that should be corrected! Click the titles for the full song translations!
Any Other World:
Take a bow, play the part of a lonely, lonely heart / Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in, to the world you thought you lived in
I tried to live alone / But lonely is so lonely, alone / So, human as I am / I had to give up my defenses
Words get broken, cut me open / Love confound me, kill me quickly / Breathe out, breathe in / Throw me living off the deep end while I’m sleeping / I'm a crazy fool, I'm a fool addicted / To the touch of you, to your poison kisses / What you got to lose? / What do you think this is?...
Offered up my wrist, and you thought you hit it / But your arrow missed, couldn’t kill me with it / All I asked of you was to free my pain / So you couldn’t do this to me again
It's your blood on me / And my blood on you / But to make you bleed / The only thing I wouldn't do...
We fight, we yearn / We never learn / And through it all / The hero falls
I wish there was a way / To give you a hand to hold / 'Cause you don't have to die in your glory / Die, to never grow old
It's a small cry that is screaming inside / It's a paper cut that is bleeding me dry / Porcelain, it's the state that I'm in / Hold me carefully, just one breath could shatter me
'Cause you and I, were one of a kind, unbreakable / How was I supposed to find / Out that I'd crumble
I Went To Hell Last Night:
I went to hell last night / Followed you there, I was standing by your side / The saddest thing I've ever seen / Made me angrier than I've ever been / But in the darkest place, a saving grace / After all we've been through / Though it kills me to say this / There's a little bit of God in you…
And one day you will see / Part of you is part of me / There's a little bit of God in everything
L’amour Fait Ce Qu’il Veut:
Pour ce salaud [For this bastard] / Je fais le tour de la terre [I go all around the world] / Jusqu'au Congo [To Congo] / Je m'enfuis dans le désert du Sahara [I flee into the Sahara Desert] / Tout en haut du sommet de l'Himalaya [Way up high from the Himalayan peak] / Sur la lune, à Cuba [To the moon, to Cuba]
Mais l'amour fait ce qu'il veut, fait ce qu'il veut de moi [But love does what it wants, does what it wants with me] / Mais l'amour, baby blue, fait ce qu'il veut de nous [But love, baby blue, does what it wants with us]
I See You:
I'm sitting across from you / I'm dreaming of the things I'd do / I don't speak, you don't know me at all / For fear of what you might do / I say nothing but stare at you / And I'm dreaming, I'm tripping over you
Truth be told, my problems solved / You mean the world to me but you'll never know / You could be cruel to me / Why go risking the way / That I see you?...
I'm standing across from you / I've dreamt alone, now the dreams won't do
Talk About You:
Walk through the jungle that used to be my town / Everything's different, you've turned it upside down / It happened to me, totally unprepared / Just the beginning, but I'm not even scared / ‘Cause living like this is risking all that I know / And if it kills me, that's the way I want to go
Cercherò una scusa per sentirmi fragile [I'll try to find an excuse to feel fragile] / Perché tu mi fai paura e non lo so nascondere [Because you scare me and I can't hide it] / Il cuore ha sempre ciò che vuole [The heart always has what it wants] / Ma io vorrei soltanto i graffi sulla schiena [But I just want the scratches on my back] / Nudi nel retrovisore [Naked in the rear-view mirror] / In macchina io e te con la radio accesa [You and me in the car with the radio on]...
Pensiamo troppo al domani [We think too much about tomorrow] / Ma oggi siamo qui e non ci troviamo più [But today we are here we no longer find ourselves] / Chissà cosa sarà domani [Who knows what tomorrow might bring] / Non vedo il panorama resti solo tu [I don't see the view, just you]
Feels Like Love:
Baby, look at us / Any fool could see / I was made for you / And you were made for me / Okay, tell me no / And we could play that game / Waste a lot of time, but still feel the same
We could walk away / And just like others would / Or we live our lives / Like we know we should / 'Cause it feels like / Yes, it feels like love...
This is how it is, after just one kiss / Do you really think I'm inventing this? / 'Cause it feels like love to me
Tiny Love:
I couldn't train a bunch of doves to spell your name / It's a 'don't-know-what-they're-missing' kind of love
Our kind of love, it gets better every day / Crazy colors in the grey, our love / Tiny love, it's a tiny love...
Oh, tiny love / So small that you can't find us / The world revolves around us / Oh, tiny love / This kind of love, it can't be no other way / One kind of love blows the other ones away
Step With Me:
Is this happening to me? / Have I lost all my defenses? / Should I wait around and see / What it's like to lose my senses? / Always looking for the chase / From the high ground to the ditches / But the chase I'll never miss / Now I know what happiness is...
Sun is shining up ahead / In 30 years we'll still be happy / Making movies in my head / Making Hollywood look tiny / Don't know why but all your words / Sound just like a melody / From the pieces that I've heard / I could build a symphony
Boum Boum Boum:
Pas la peine d'aller cavaler [An escapade isn't needed] / Y’a que ça qui m’fait voyager [This is what makes me travel] / Pas les cocotiers de Tulum [Not the coconut palms of Tulum] / Quand toi et moi on fait boum boum boum [When you and I are making boom boom boom]
Et tous les bourgeois du seizième [And all the sixteenth's bourgeois] / Se demandent pourquoi je t'aime [Wonder why I love you] / Pour le voir pas besoin d'un zoom [To see it, they don't need a zoom] / Quand toi et moi on fait boum boum boum [When you and I are making boom boom boom]
If I could, I know where I'd be / In a little town in Italy / Close your eyes, come away with me / Tomorrow we will be / Sitting by the seaside / Drinking up the sunshine / You're here, so why don't we go / Dancing in Sanremo? / We could be there in a couple of hours / To the place with the yellow flowers / Somewhere only we know / Sunset in Sanremo
To feel like this / Is one in a million / A suspended moment / Can we seal it with a tender kiss?
Sound Of An Orchestra:
You don’t even know everything I hear / Every move, every note, every time you’re near / If I close my eyes, promise I can see / A hundred people playing and it’s just for me / I can hear it, I can hear it, I can hear it, I swear / All the music you’re provoking, filling up the air
Tiny Love (Reprise):
This tiny love, it might be small / But it's the greatest of them all / This tiny love would disappear / You can't forget that it was here / We are tiny to the world, but in our hearts / We are giants with our tiny, tiny love…
And if it all goes bad / And our love sets like the sun / I'd give up a hundred thousand loves / For just this one
Origin Of Love:
You are the sun and the light / You are the freedom I fight / God will do nothing to stop it / The origin is you / You’re the origin of love...
Like every word that you preach / Like every word that you teach / With every rule that you breach / You know the origin is you
From the air I breathe, to the love I need / Only thing I know, you're the origin of love / From the God above, to the one I love / Only thing that's true, the origin is you...
Your love is air, I breathe it in around me / Don't know it's there, but without it I'm drowning
Love, you're the origin of love / (thank God that you found me)
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tysatan-moved-blog · 6 years ago
Insidious is blind inception
What's reality with all these questions?
Feels like I missed my alarm and slept in (slept in)
Broken legs but I chase perfection
These walls are my blank expression
My mind is a home I'm trapped in
And it's lonely inside this mansion
Yo, my mind is a house with walls covered in lyrics, they're all over the place
There's songs in the mirrors written all over the floors, all over the chairs
And you get the uncut version of life when I go downstairs
That's where I write when I'm in a bad place and need to release
And let out the version of NF you don't want to see
I put holes in the walls with both of my fists 'til they bleed
You might get a glimpse of how I cope with all this anger in me
Physically abused, now that's the room that I don't want to be in
That picture ain't blurry at all, I just don't want to see it
And these walls ain't blank, I just think I don't want to see 'em
But why not? I'm in here, so I might as well read 'em
I gotta thank you for this anger that I carry around
Wish I could take a match and burn this whole room to the ground
Matter of fact I think I'ma burn this room right now
So now this memory for some reason just won't come down
You used to put me in the corner, so you could see the fear in my eyes
Then took me downstairs and beat me 'til I screamed and I cried
Congratulations, you'll always have a room in my mind
But I'ma keep the door shut and lock the lyrics inside
Insidious is blind inception
What's reality with all these questions?
Feels like I missed my alarm and slept in (slept in)
And slept in
Broken legs but I chase perfection
These walls are my blank expression
My mind is a home I'm trapped in
And it's lonely inside this mansion
Inside this mansion
Yo my mind is a house with walls covered in pain
See, my problem is I don't fix things, I just try to repaint
Cover em up, like it never happened
Say I wish I could change, are you confused?
Come upstairs and I'll show you what I mean
This room's full of regrets, just keeps getting fuller it seems
The moment I walk in to it is the same moment that I wanna leave
I get sick to my stomach every time I look at these things
But it's hard to look past when this is the room where I sleep
I look around, one of the worst things I wrote on these walls
Was the moment I realized that I was losing my mom
And one of the first things I wrote was I wish I would have called
But I should just stop now, we ain't got enough room in this song
And I regret the fact that I struggled trying to find who I am
And I lie to myself and say I do the best that I can
Shrug it off like it ain't nothing like it’s out of my hands
Then get ticked off whenever I see it affecting my plans
And I regret watching these trust issues eat me alive
And at the rate I'm going they'll probably still be there when I die
Congratulations, you'll always have a room in my mind
The question is, will I ever clean the walls off in time?
Insidious is blind inception
What's reality with all these questions?
Feels like I missed my alarm and slept in (slept in)
And slept in
Broken legs but I chase perfection
These walls are my blank expression
My mind is a home I'm trapped in
And it's lonely inside this mansion
Inside this mansion
So this part of my house, no one's been in it for years
I built the safe room and I don't let no one in there
'Cause if I do, there's a chance that they might disappear and not come back
And I admit I am emotionally scared to let anyone inside
So I just leave my doors locked
You might get other doors to open up but this door's not
'Cause I don't want you to have the opportunity to hurt me
And I'll be the only person that I can blame when you desert me
I'm barricaded inside so stop watching
I'm not coming to the door so stop knocking, stop knocking
I'm trapped here, God keeps saying I'm not locked in
I chose this, I am lost in my own conscience
I know that shutting the wall down ain't solving the problem
But I didn't build this house because I thought it would solve ´em
I built it because I thought that it was safer in there
But it's not, I'm not the only thing that's living in here
Fear came to my house years ago, I let him in
Maybe that's the problem 'cause I've been dealing with this ever since
I thought that he would leave, but it's obvious he never did
He must have picked the room and got comfortable and settled in
Now I'm in the position it's either sit here and let him win
Or put him back outside where he came from, but I never can
'Cause in order to do that I'd have to open the doors
Is that me or the fear talking?
I don't know anymore
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