#you can't cite when they were the enemies in enemies to lovers
slowbison · 1 year
Heyy!! I love your writing and was wondering if I could request a Resident Evil 4, Leon S. Kennedy x male reader. Reader and Leon always had that little competition between them, always trying to be better than the other which lead to them not liking each other. They got sent to various missions together but always ended up fighting with each other on how to do things instead of focusing on the mission. It just didn’t work between them. Additionally, Reader is sarcastic and acts a bit like an a-hole sometimes, flirts with Leon in a joking way and Leon just can't stand that.
After Leon was sent to save Ashley Reader is sent to back up Leon (and Leon didn’t know that so he is kinda mad that they thought it would be a good idea to choose Reader for it) on his mission and after a long and annoying search, he ends up finding Leon in the village. At first, he thought Leon was some sort of villager and attacks him. He pins him to the ground but then realized who he is and reluctantly apologizes which just makes the situation worse between them.
When they find Ashley and then lose her later Leon gets injured badly because he just rushed in without thinking to save Ashley. But he couldn’t and they ended up fighting when the coast cleared. In reality, the reader isn’t mad about the fact that they lost Ashley again. He is mad that Leon got hurt in the process and Leon noticed that the reader was worried about him. That could lead to an angry make-out session. Enemies to lovers type thing
a/n: you plot stuff down like me (T-T)7 except yours makes more sense and less sporadic. for inspo on reader i used baptise/cassidy from overwatch (if ya know the game, i personally am a rein main, love the big guy)
Bottom! Leon S. Kennedy x Top! Male Reader
words: 3.7k
warnings: hand jobs, praising, nsfw, leon is going through it with reader
The air was moist when the car dropped you into the woods. You were assigned as a back up to an agent in ensuring the rescue of the president's daughter as the villagers proved to be much more troublesome than they thought. At first you weren’t interested in the mission, citing it as not challenging enough for your skills. But when they mentioned the agent already deployed was no other than Condor One, you agreed without any hesitation.
Condor One, or better known as Leon Kennedy, was your greatest rival yet amazing partner; if only you two could get along that is. The higher ups had always placed you and Leon as teammates due to the impressive career history. Both were top of the police academy, senses far sharper than the average agents and able to complete missions despite the numerous unknown factors. Which is why you were both often paired up. But what they didn’t know was how much fuel they fed the flames of competition between you two and how long time was spent arguing rather than maintaining focus on the task.
Leon for one, couldn’t stand your arrogance citing the times you would dismiss his suggestions with your own better option or making decisions on your own, leaving him to “pick up your mess”. Much less the many times you were more focused on teasing him or flirting in the middle of an intense situation.
On the other, you found it entertaining to annoy the blonde, enjoying the banter following after.
Worse was when you both started fighting over who gets to open the door first for the other, Chris lost brain cells hearing this story. Least to say that you both always miraculously managed to complete the mission, receiving high praise while the field agents tasked with providing information through both of the men's earpiece quietly cringed inside.
A smile grew on your lips as you made your way into the woods. “Now, where could you be, little puppy.”
The woods weren’t much of an issue to navigate as you walked up to a muddy path that led to what appears to be a desolated home. Cracks formed on the outer shell while flies circled around a heap of trash, possibly dead carcasses. You had been warned that these people didn’t treat strangers from the outside world kindly and kept your guard on as you moved closer.
With a gun in your hand, you entered the home and scanned around the dimly lit room. Blood splattered the wall, trailing to two dead bodies of what appears to be the cultists villagers mentioned from field operators' information. One appeared to be an old man whose throat was slit and the other riddled with bullet holes in the head. Picking up one of the empty shells on the ground, you found that it to be the same as your own ammo — meaning only one thing.
“Heheh, you’re still around here somewhere, huh?” You murmured, a slight grin on your face.
From the countless times you’ve spent working and being with Leon, you were rather knowledgeable with how the man shoots. Partially because you wanted to beat him at weapon handling in the academy, but from the many times your eyes lingered on every move he made.
The way his arms flexed as he held his gun, steadying it against the recoil or when he slightly pouted his lips to focus more on the target while your mind kept wondering how they’d feel if their attention was directed elsewhere…
Needless to say, you consider yourself an expert when it comes to the man and the knowledge proved useful today.
The grin dropped as soon as loud banging followed by heavy footsteps could be heard down the hall. Three rather angry looking villagers came crashing through a door, jabbing their axes and pitchforks at you before charging. You sighed, already having to deal with nuisances and shot at two of their kneecaps causing them to fall on the floor, quickly moving to punching the one still running square in the face — switching to your own combat knife, slitting the man’s throat.
The two villagers staggered their way to you, but you threw the now-dead third villager into them, crashing them both back onto the floor. You watched for a moment as they squirmed on the ground, reloading your gun before popping a bullet in between their heads, sending them to the next life. Sighing as it proved right that this mission wasn’t a match for your skills, but the thought of working with Leon lifted your spirits and made your way out of the home through the back door — marching into the forest.
Passing through the woods once more, going over a shoddy built bridge, you arrived at the main entrance of the village hidden behind a large door. Along the way you found more and more bodies, leading you closer to the man’s possible location. Hiding behind a pile of rocks, you watched as the villagers mindlessly yelled and prayed around a burning cross with a burn man tied.
Not wanting to watch for much longer, you moved further in, crouching as you rolled to hide behind a wall. Taking a moment to collect yourself, you sensed that there was a possible threat around the corner — most likely a villager.
Pausing for a moment to hear any movement made, an opportunity showed itself as the villager peeked at your corner only to be quickly pushed against the wall, gun clicking to the back of their head ready to shoot. You faltered as you realized who was at the end of the barrel, your grip on the gun easing, but a devious smile crawled on your face.
“Guess who, doll.”
The man tensed and immediately broke free from your hold, attempting to kick you at the side, one which you caught in your arm effortlessly.
“C’mon this ain’t no way to greet your partner Leon, dont’cha miss me?” You quipped, the man releasing his foot from your grasp. Leon huffed, moving back to peeking behind the wall, eyeing the villager’s for any reaction to the sudden noise.
“Just my luck I had to be paired up with you, was everyone out on break or what.” He spat, turning to finally address you.
Out of everyone they could have possibly sent out as assistance, he didn’t understand why they would send someone barely qualified to rescue the president's daughter. It just had to be a joke. You softly laughed, shaking your head at the man.
“Ouch, that hurts to hear Lee. I think we make quite the team, yeah? So long as you follow my lead, of course.”
Leon felt himself slowly losing his sanity the more he listened to you talk and moved to hide behind another home, you trailing after him. The first meeting didn’t seem to be going very well as the man decided to ignore your existence as he ran past homes, only turning to glare at you to ensure you were still real, smiling and waving as he turned.
So your brilliant mind decided that it was time to hit him with the old Y/n charm as you adjusted your clothing, wiping at the imaginary dirt. Clearing your throat and moving closer, whispering softly, “If it’s anything worth, you look great. Even if you got a little dirt on ya cheek.”
“Would you shut up for one second while I concentrate?” Leon hissed. You grinned, enjoying his reaction.
“If you’re having trouble, why don’t you leave this to me, doll? I’ll get us outta this shithole quick.”
“I don’t need your help, just shut up and stay-“
You quickly wrapped an arm around the man’s shoulder, pulling him close to your chest and fired your gun at the villager that had silently crept onto him — body falling lifelessly to the floor.
Leon snapped his head at the body before turning to meet your gaze on him, a sly smirk slowly spreading. “This is the part where you say thank you, sugar.”
The man grumbled before pushing you down, firing at the man on the floor who began convulsing, sprouting tentacles from his head. Ensuring the man was dead, Leon turned to face you with a smirk on his face.
“Guess we’re even now, huh darling?”
Your eyes slightly widened as the man referred to you with a pet name, something he never does and by the look on his face, he must’ve realized what he said. Though you could barely see it, a hit of red dusted his cheeks as he hid himself from you. You were about to tease the man some more when you heard the sound of many villagers walking in your direction, probably from the sounds of your arguing and guns.
“I’m afraid we’ll have to continue our little chat later, love. Maybe we could go out to dinner after all this.”
“I’d rather play bingo with these people than having to go on a date with you.”
“Oh?, never said it’d be a date, but if you insist.”
Leon let out an annoyed huff as he began firing at the villagers appearing, alternating between his combat knife to reserve ammunition. Overwhelmed by the sheer amount, you began busting through homes and fired at ones that broke in. The real challenge being a chainsaw wielding maniac that absorbed bullets like a sponge, barely reacting except for some staggering here and there.
Soon, the battle was over as many of the villagers lay dead at your feet as the last one standing was the chainsaw man who collapsed to the floor, blood painting the ground.
You and Leon shared a long stare as you both caught your breath from the long fight. Gaze landing on his lips while he scanned over your body before landing on your own mouth. You felt yourself pull closer to him and licked your lips while the other stayed still, eyes still focused on you. Only for the moment to be ruined, just as you were so close to him that his field operator Hunnigan, called asking for a progress report on the mission. You groaned as the blonde pulled away, speaking to the woman before turning to face you.
“Let’s go, they’ve got Ashley trapped in some big building up ahead.”
“Yeah, yeah, let’s get this over with. I’ve got a date to attend after this.”
Leon let out a defeated sigh and walked off, following the dirt path as you joined him at his side, chatting as you both dealt with more villagers. Though the talking stopped as you both ran into a tied up Spaniard who you later learned his name was Luis after being thrown into a wall and awakening tied up in a room.
A bit of jealousy flared within you as the man, eyes lingered far too long for your liking on Leon. Feeling dissipating once the man ran off, throwing the key which you caught and removed the chains from your hands as well as Leon’s. You couldn’t tell if you wanted to befriend that man or eliminate him as a possible contender for Leon.
Either way, it didn’t matter as you and Leon continued the search for Ashley after traversing the village, buying items from a strange hooded man, fighting an overweight mutant pet fish and finally arriving at a church where it’s believed to imprison the woman.
The first encounter, much like your own with Leon, was a short fight that ended with her screaming before calming down and thanking you both for rescuing her.
“I’m so sorry for attacking you. I-I thought you were one of them.” She said softly, wrapping her arms around herself.
“Yeah we look like decrepit old men and got the whole cultist gear going for us,” You scoffed, the woman meekly apologizing once more. Leon punched your shoulder and moved to place a gentle hand on the woman’s shoulder. “Don’t worry about him, he’s just an asshole. We’ll get you home, promise.”
Ashley gave a faint smile and nodded, seemingly feeling a little bit better at his words. You huffed, turning to walk out the church doors only to shut them at the sight of a large mob of villagers outside.
“If you two are done gossiping about me, we’ve got company.”
Leon rolled his eyes, warning Ashley to carefully follow them and equipped his gun. You pushed open the doors, alerting the mob that began shouting — a fight ensued.
The mob proved to be overwhelming as your group slowly backed into a corner after making it outside, forcing you all to run for cover. Ashley desperately tried to keep between you and Leon, but was caught by a few villagers that dragged her back to the crowd. A shrill scream was all you heard as they ran off with Ashley, most likely to another building to imprison her in.
“Ashley!” Leon yelled, aiming for one of the villagers that held her arms. You quickly turned to look at the man, alternating between hand-to-hand combat and firing your gun at villagers surrounding you. Your eyes widening as one of the knife wielding villagers rushed to impale the unsuspecting man.
“Fuck, Leon! Watch out!”
Leon turned to dodge and hissed as the blade struck the side of his torso, blood gushing from the wound. Swiftly roundhouse kicking the villagers around you, you went to pick up the man and ran as he fired shots at the mob chasing.
You both managed to lose the horde after hiding in a dense thicket, holding your breaths as the villagers ran over your head. Your arm wrapped around the injured man’s shoulder while the other held out a gun. Once the sounds of the horde began to die down, you directed your attention back to the man who let out soft groans of pain. A mixture of worry and anger swept over you as you helped him to his feet.
“What the hell was that Leon!” You spat at him, putting an arm around his waist, helping ease his balance. “You could’ve gotten stabbed! Use that damn head of yours smartass.”
Leon grit his teeth in anger before letting out a painful hiss. “Our mission is to save Ashley no matter the cost, you should’ve chased after them instead of being here, asshole.”
“Fat chance we’ll save her if we both get hurt and I’m not going to leave you here bleeding out.”
“Since when did you care about me?”
“I’ve always cared, I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”
“Goddamnit, you’re always so hard to tell. I can never figure-“
You crashed your mouths together, teeth clacking. Leon let out a surprised noise but he didn't let it deter him from returning the kiss — threading his fingers into your hair, licking into your mouth. The kiss turned increasingly desperate as you pulled him close, not wanting to separate from each other’s lips for even a moment. Though eventually, the lack of much needed air forced you apart, bumping your head against his as you stared into his eyes.
“Can you figure that out, puppy?” You quipped, trialing your hands over his ass, kneading the mound in your hands.
Leon pressed himself against your chest and hovered his lips over yours.
“Just shut up and kiss me.”
Not wanting to waste anymore time talking, you decided that your body could do it for you. Attacking his lips once more, tongues dancing together as you pressed him against a tree. Slotting your leg between his, feeling the blonde’s own hardness grind down on you. Leon’s soft muffled moans slipped past the gaps in the kiss, locking his arms behind your head to steady himself as he humped your leg.
The sound of the forest drowned in the background as the kiss got more heated, lips swollen, breathing heavy against each other — mind swimming in fog lustful daze. Trailing from his lips to his neck, you marked the man, leaving dark marks littered on his pale skin.
Leon clasped a hand on his mouth, hoping to suppress the drawled out moans and whining as he continued grinding on your leg.
“Shit, ah- not enough, need more please,” He whined, digging a hand into your shoulder before hissing at the pain from his side, blood still seeping into his clothes.
“Take it easy there doll. I've got you, I’ll make it quick alright?”
Leon groaned and nodded, pushing himself onto the tree — shoots of pain and pleasure coursing through him. Not wanting to prolong his suffering, you worked off his belt along with your own and brought the hard shafts together after freeing them of their confinement. Both letting out a soft groan as you started off with gentle stroking that got increasingly faster and tighter. Thumbing over the slits, letting the precum act as lube, making it
Leon threw his head back and arched his back, feeling the pleasure overwhelm the pain from the wound festering at his side.
“Yes, fuck yes, I’m close k-keep going please.. ah!”
Denying the man felt unacceptable, especially when he was begging so nice just for you. A satisfied grin emerged from your face as you continued working on bringing you both to climax.
“You look so damn pretty right now doll. Can’t wait to see what you’d look like when I fuck that tight ass of yours.” You panted into his ear, tugging at your cocks in your hand, leaving the blonde a sobbing mess in his hand.
“You’ll be good for me won’t you? I’ll make sure you can’t walk right for a week.”
A shudder traveled up Leon’s spine at the thought of returning back to the country only to be fucked into oblivion, feeling the ache of your thrusts all week. The fact it would be from his own rival no less, one that he swore up and down to never get involved with unless forced to. He didn’t know what was worse, the idea that he wanted nothing more than to submit to the same man that frustrated him to no-end or that is exactly what he felt missing in all the interactions shared with you.
Leon’s moan became louder as he started realizing the feelings he refused to acknowledge and buried his head into your neck, blush spreading across his face.
“I know you want it darling and I’ll make it a dream come true, now come for me.” You whispered into his ear, tightening your hand even more that proved to be enough for the man to spill.
The blonde concealed his broken cries into your neck as he came, coating your hand before dripping to the ground. You soon followed after and gently jerked the last few spurts of cum, stopping to wipe your hand on the tree, tucking you and him back into its restraints.
Leon panted heavily against your neck, heart rate dropping as he caught his breath. You placed soft kisses along his neck, moving your head over his.
“I’m serious when I say this Leon, let’s get that dinner and make it a date. I want us to be more than just.. rivals.”
Leon bit his lip in thought, conviction flicking between his eyes as he stared into yours. Gaze softening before speaking, “Alright then, but I’ve had enough seafood right now. I can still smell that thing’s breath.”
You laughed, bringing up a hand to rub a gentle thumb over his cheek. “I know this killer place downtown with a nice view, no seafood menu too.” You murmured, removing a strand of hair from his lips.
Leon softly smiled and leaned into your touch. “I’ll hold it to you then.”
A laugh escaped from both of you, only stopping when Leon hissed in pain, eyebrows furrowed as he bit back a groan. For a small moment, you both forgot that the man was still injured from a knife earlier and you quickly worked on fishing out some miraculous herbs. You weren’t too sure how they always helped heal such wounds, but it was the least of your concerns so long it worked. Digging out a large bandage to wrap around his torso, Leon stifled any pained noises.
You were slightly worried as the wound wasn’t anything deep, but it was a contender for possible stitches or better treatment than you could provide. Just how did the man ignore such pain during the heated moment shared between you two was beyond you. Unless..?
“Say you got a thing for pain or something?” You mused, a grin forming on your face as the man’s face flushed.
“What? No! I’m just used to getting hurt sometimes, this is nothing.” He huffed, pushing himself off the tree and adjusted his clothes, avoiding your pointed look.
“Is it also why you like it when I throw you on the ground back at the academy?”
Leon grit his teeth and shook his head, refusing to speak anymore unless he was to give away how he truly felt about being manhandled.
“Quit speculating and let’s get back to saving Ashley, again.”
You quietly laughed and made your way out of the thicket, returning back to focus on the operation. Though your mind couldn’t help wandering back to the man at times as you ran up to the new location they hid the girl in. Wanting nothing more but to end it quickly so you could spend more time with Leon than slaughtering villagers and cultists, even if you were good at it. A determined look set across your face as you watched from the door Leon helped free Ashley from her chains.
I’ll make sure we get out of here. No matter the cost.
a/n: yeah the reader is slightly psychotic when it comes to Leon at the end. i had thoughts of making a part two of this, but not all that sure. regardless of that, hope y’all liked this :]
if anyone’s interested, here’s a rough cut dialogue that i didn’t use.
“Think that merchant guy sells lube? Rather not hurt ya while we fuck doll, I can get pretty rough.” You grinned, watching the man’s cheeks burn.
“We are not fucking during a mission!”
“Damn, that was on my bucket list.”
Leon gave you a questionable stare.
“What? Why do you- forget it, I don’t want to know anymore.”
“C’mon, it’s a pretty good list and I just thought up a few more of what I could add.”
up next: reader request! Rocket x Male Reader. rocket isn’t fond of new people, more importantly a stranger that he’s to fight alongside with, but eventually comes around to you.
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
Well -- I think a lot of us on the internet were and are concerned about PerthChimon's chemistry. But there's a lot going on for Dangerous Romance, episode 1, that has gotten me HOOKED besides and beyond that chemistry issue, and I think what I saw today has got me at least less worried, if not intrigued, for reasons down below.
Firstly: we smell SOTUS on this show's breath, right? In a lot of ways, which I'll talk about below. I like the sinister turn that bullying and hazing has taken here -- weird to say that I like it, not by what's actually depicted, but by how it's been updated by its source inspiration in SOTUS and how the bullying is being leveraged so far as a storyline. As I'm always looking at teams behind shows for the Old GMMTV Challenge, I am noting that one of the directors of this show is Lit Phadung -- the screenwriter and director of SOTUS and SOTUS S. Despite the KristSingto chemistry issues of that franchise, Lit actually told a decent story in SOTUS, and an actually kind-of-compelling story of growth in SOTUS S and Our Skyy x SOTUS. So what we have in Lit is: a director who knows how to balance titchy issues of hazing along with actors with developing chemistry. Dangerous Romance is starting out FAR stronger than SOTUS, which is good for him, and which I'll get into more in a second.
One more note about the show's team. We got two of my favorite writers on the screenplay in Bee Pongsate and Pratchaya Thavornthummarut -- Bad Buddy, A Tale of Thousand Stars, etc. Big shit shows. I've talked with @chickenstrangers about this before, particularly in the context of when Bee and Pratchaya co-wrote 2gether -- when Bee and Pratchaya write together WITHOUT Backaof Noppharnach and Au Kornprom on their squad, the stories can get a little looser and messier. So I'm keeping my eye out for this. (Bee and Pratchaya wrote Vice Versa without P'Aof and Au, and... I know people have feelings about VV.) Anyway! Let's keep sharp eyes out for the writing.
I like where the screenplay is headed -- a battle of wits, enemies-to-lovers (ETL). I agree with @lurkingshan when she shared with me that ETL will need sexual tension.
Alright, so. On this. First off, this is my first show where I'm seeing Chimon in a starring role. I wrote to @neuroticbookworm and @lurkingshan as I was watching this: I WAS SURPRISED BY THE SASS LEVEL. Chimon's sashaying into this.
(Sailom: "Do you want to be my heroin(e)?" Welcome back, kinda, Kongpob, WITH SASS, SMARTS, and a hella survival streak.)
Secondly: these dudes are so young that they could be my children, but let me note that both Perth and Chimon are now YEARS-LONG veterans at GMMTV. Sure, they're wearing those damn high school uniforms again, but when they workshop, they have that many more years behind them to know what they're doing and what they need to achieve. I know there were some quibbles about Gawin Caskey's and Krist Perawat's chemistry in Be My Favorite, and I wonder if we might run into a similar issue here with DR. But that being said: what I appreciated about Gawin and Krist is that they had clearly workshopped the hell out of their partnership, with Krist really making strides beyond his early days with Singto in SOTUS (oh, the cringe). I ended up really loving GawinKrist together, and I think they managed Krist's character's slight aversion to sexual tension well within their pairing.
I don't smell cringe here with Dangerous Romance. I smell risk-taking. Perth = leather daddy? I'll fucking take it. And Chimon is grabbing faces and playing with fire against the big boy of school. I can't find the post (darn it! I will cite it when I find it!), but someone wrote that Sailom KNOWS he's smarter than Kang, and is willing to take risks to exploit that against Kang, and I am here for it. A battle of wits and wills.
I have my hopes seriously up that Perth and Chimon know what they need to do to make this GOOD. I think both of them have it in them to know what to do to make this ship not just successful, but dramatically compelling. I hope the screenplay can hold up to not eff it up. (I should have said this earlier, but I have NOT seen Never Let Me Go, and I understand that NLMG left folks feeling underwhelmed about PerthChimon. I am not tainted, so I will hold optimism for myself and anyone else who wants me to hold it for them!)
Other passing thoughts: I LOVE VIEW. I CANNOT WAIT FOR VIEW TO HAVE A STARRING ROLE! Her and Perth on screen together?! STRENGTH.
Euro is excellent -- I understand his turn in My Precious was great, too. Good to see you again, Marc Pahun. Let's see if Pawin can get a role that's not just being a high school side-buddy. I'm interested in Kang's daddy issues. I want to know what happened to Kang's mom. Papang as a potentially unethical doctor? Oh yeeeaaah.
HOPES ARE HIGH, FRIENDS! This was a banger of a first episode. I'm hanging a lot on PerthChimon succeeding -- I REALLY like what GMMTV is doing to mix ships up. More, more, more!
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josefavomjaaga · 1 year
Hi, I'm curious about what you mentioned on Alexander having a not-so-platonic crush on Hortense. Could you elaborate? (no need to answer right now if you can't!)
Well, mostly that’s me being malicious as usual 😁. But yes, people in Paris at the time did of course wonder what made the tsar – called by some the most handsome man of the era, according to Hortense’s biographer Marie-Hélène Baylac - go to Malmaison of all places during his time in Paris 1814. And they surely did not assume it had anything to do with 50-year-old Josephine, but with her daughter Hortense. Who may not have been as beautiful, but had the reputation of being very distinguished and rather … friendly, especially with men.
Hortense and the tsar met for the first time on 16 April 1814, according to a footnote by Jean Hanoteau in volume 2 of Hortense’s memoirs. Hortense makes a big point about how she at first behaved in a very dignified, almost cold manner to this enemy of France and how it took both Josephine’s persuasion and the efforts of several diplomats, Caulaincourt and Nesselrode among them, for her to befriend him. This is to some degree confirmed by the memoirs of her reader Louise Cochelet. However, that degree may not be very high, considering that Louise Cochelet’s memoirs were published and edited (rewritten?) by Hortense herself. Memoirs of contemporaries indicate that it was rather Louise Cochelet who ran after the new Russian masters of Paris and tried to win them over to the Beauharnais cause. Even if Hortense claims it in her memoirs, it seems doubtful that Louise (Hortense’s closest confidante, keeper of all her secrets down to the existence of a certain Duc de Morny) would have acted on her own accord.
In the end, it does not matter. A close friendship developped, that much is sure. As Hortense states in her memoirs:
What's most appealing about him is that his need for affection seems to be part of his character. He inspires confidence because he knows how to show it. [...] I liked his character. I felt friendship for him and it is painful to expect any service from those whom we would like to love for themselves. So I left my initial reserve and allowed myself a greater degree of abandonment [...].
Both had an interest in the spiritual, both were rather romantic and enthusiastic. According to Hortense’s memoirs, Alexander even pondered inviting both Hortense and her mother to Saint Petersburg. The tsar went out of his way for Hortense (as he later would for Eugène, when the latter reached Paris). It was probably he who bullied Louis XVIII into making Hortense a "Duchess of Saint-Leu", and into allowing her to keep her sons with her in France, when technically, she was of course a Bonaparte and should have been affected by the law that exiled all members of the family, just like her husband. Hortense’s sons were, after the little ex-King of Rome, the next pretenders to the imperial throne. So Louis XVIII had to agree to have his own rivals grow up right before his eyes, that’s surely asking a lot from a monarch.
When Josephine died, Hortense was so overcome with grief – she writes – that she did not see anyone. Except for one visitor: Tsar Alexander.
Finally, when Alexander left for London, his depart started a very personal and, from Hortense’s side, sometimes gushy correspondence between them. They also must have met during Hortense’s stay in Baden. Interestingly, both Hortense and Alexander at that time have troubles with their longterm lovers: Handsome Flahaut, the father of the Duc de Morny, does propose to Hortense after Napoleon’s fall, suggesting Hortense should officially divorce. Hortense however refuses, and her relationship to Flahaut takes a severe blow (he will soon find a bride elsewhere). Alexander, as to him, during the same year ditches his mistress Maria Antonovna Naryshkin. And he confides about this to – Hortense.
Baylac cites one of Hortense’s letters as follows:
[…] when I think of the sovereign who has shown an interest in me, who has looked after my affairs with kindness, I am grateful, I wish for his happiness, and that is all; but when I think of the man who showed me friendship and confidence, when I remember that he tried to love me, my troubles advise me to hope in providence; finally, he knew how to speak to my heart, for how many times since, feeling emotion or fear about the future, I have resigned myself by saying: My God, I trust in you! Ah, the one whose feelings are so similar to mine, he is a friend, a support that heaven has sent me.
It’s maybe not completely astonishing that the tone of this correspondence has made, as Baylac puts it, "certain biographers doubt the platonic nature of their relations".
This relationship, whatever its nature, continued until the Hundred Days. At this point, Eugène was in Vienna, taking part in the Vienna Congress. The secret police (allegedly?) intercepted (falsified? - it’s so hard to find the truth about what happened within all these intrigues!) several letters, at least one from Hortense, badly hidden in a brush she had sent to her brother. I have read that Hortense in one letter openly mocked the tsar. The intercepted letters were shown to Alexander, who then passed them on to Eugène – ostentatiously opened – before breaking off all relations with both Beauharnais siblings.
Interestingly, his friendship with Eugène was soon healed. With Hortense? Not so much. To my knowledge, never. Alexander obviously felt truly hurt by her, in a similar way as he felt hurt by Caulaincourt’s behaviour. Admittedly, I have not looked into Hortense’s years in Bavaria much, but it seems when the tsar and tsarina visited Bavaria, and the tsar insisted on Eugène being of the party (much to the chagrin of queen Karoline 😊), Hortense was very much not invited. (Though, truth be told, it seems she was only rarely invited to Munich ever.)
So, that’s the base for my maliciousness 😁. Make of it what you want. As i do not have much faith in Hortense’s professed virtue in general, I am probably not the best judge of character in her case.
Thank you for the Ask! 💝💝💝
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southslates · 4 years
lol don't you know the show ended when zuko tied katara to that tree? that was it. they never interacted again obviously. /s
Avatar had a pretty good run from The Boy in the Iceberg to The Waterbending Scroll! ;)
Nine iconic episodes ❤️
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zeynatura · 2 years
List of LGBTQ+ characters in Granblue Fantasy the mobage
Finally got myself to create this list that is most likely incomplete because thanks to the gacha nature of the game and me being F2P i haven’t experience all the characters' stories so some characters may be missing and some others may be incomplete, if you know of any character and how they’re queer do let me know, much appreciated if you cite the event, quest or fate episode.
The list consists of the characters name in alphabetical order, how or why are they lgbtq+, personal comments about them and the story, special mentions, headcanons and the token hetero couples as the minority. Beware of spoilers.
Will edit this post so come back to check the original.
[Long post below]
Aglovale - feels attracted to MC regardless of gender as seen on his Valentine's unit, Valentine's and White Day's lines, fascinated by Tor, (this is exactly how I imagine it)
Albert - whatever he and Yurius have is def not straight, their whole story is being best friends, fighting to save each other sometimes fighting one another, defending and trusting the other, the iconic scene of Yurius pointing Albert’s neck with his own sword making an oath to him exudes homoeroticism, Albert having tons of fangirls whom he ignores in Valentine's Day specially for MC regardless of gender
Albion - in love with Ares (wlw), destined to die as result to the contract with Luminiera
Alliah - gets married to MC regardless of gender, albeit only political she states there is no better prospect for her to spend the rest of her life with other than MC
Anne - in love with Grea (wlw)
Ange - wants to be a prince to all the girls (wlw)
Anthuria - in love with MC regardless of gender
Aoidos - queer musician
Apollonia - in love with Orchis Queen of Erste Kingdom
Ares - in love with Albion (wlw), got married and had kids yet wished she could have had that life with her instead
Arthur - what he and Mordred have is not straight, gives Vane and Lancelot's vibes, even their fathers were into one another like wtf Misters "i only cry in front of you" 
Arulumaya - in love with MC regardless of gender even to the point of fighting other crewmates that have feelings for MC (example her and Magisa both seeing a future with MC doing their best to make it a reality)
Athena - something about all her character development being around females + MC isn't straight
Ayer - feels attracted to MC regardless of gender as seen on his Valentine's and White Day's lines
Azazel - feels attracted to MC regardless of gender, too tsundere to openly admit he cares for MC
Baal - the musical connection he has with Aoidos is so gay, i love it, HoMusicians (homo + musicians, i tried ok)
Baldr - torn about choosing between Freyr and Maldr in the Astral War as he holds dear both, i will forever hate cygames for making Maldr marry Kona when he has more chemistry and on screen interaction with Baldr than her!
Balurga - trans man, the only one so far, gets mistreated by cygames so much, in game his identity gets respected specially after he cuts his own arm to assert his manliness
Barawa - detective in love with the thief he can't catch (Chat Noir)
Benjamin - Aoidos' previous personality, was on a very intense bdsm relationship with his male bandmates Justin (bass), and Valentin (drums) 
Brigette and Cordelia are girlfriends
Cagliostro - trans woman, feels attracted to MC regardless of gender, flirts with MC yet blushes when flirted back, love her, my queen
Cain - in love with MC regardless of gender, one of the few characters having an actual date with MC on White Day
Catura - wants to marry MC regardless of gender
Chat Noir - enemies to lovers with Barawa, crossdresser, feels attracted to MC regardless of gender
Clarisse - in love with MC regardless of gender (tho she missgenders Cag and i dislike her for that, i don't care she's her great+ niece)
Cupitan - has a strong attachment to Tristette, female Naruto (update: Cupitan and Tristette are girlfriends! Is like if Naruto and Sasuke finally got their gay ending)
Claudia - loves sweet girls
Domon > Sho >< Tsubasa - something about their rivalry and friendship is the perfect teenage gay gang/deliquent trope
Elmott - feels attracted to MC regardless of gender as seen on his Valentine's and White Day's lines
Enyo - obsessed with Athena
Eustace - feels attracted to MC regardless of gender as seen on his Valentine's and White Day's lines, he offering his ears so that we pet them on White Day has me in the clouds!
Farrah - has a crush on Katalina
Feather - gay but oblivious about it 
Ferdinand - perfect evil queer representation
Freesia - in love with the former queen of the Erste Kingdom, Orchis’ mother
Freyr - the most important people in his life are Baldr and Geo (mlm) subtext, context, stop trying to only consider explicit stuff representation text
Gabriel and Europa are girlfriends (and Europa will flirt with MC regardless of gender, for being a water primal beast she sure is thirsty)
Grimnir - has feelings for MC regardless of gender as seen on his Valentine's unit, Valentine's and White Day's lines 
Grea - in love with Anne (wlw)
Halluel - likes pretty girls (wlw)
Hekate - horny for, well, everyone really
Helel ben Shalem - her gender in the game is other as in she is a being above gender (love that)
Helel ben Sahar - which means he is as well (tho he already is in the list as Lucio)
Herja - feels attracted to MC regardless of gender as seen on her Valentine's and White Day's lines
Ilsa - flirts with MC regardless of gender
Jamil - devoted to MC regardless of gender, his feelings are too intense he thinks himself as unworthy of MC
Joel - in love with MC regardless of gender, the first character confessing their feelings directly to MC
Katalina - too oblivious to realize her feelings for Vira at first, but character development happens and with the help of Ares she promises to make Vira happy and be by her side as to not end up with the same regrets as Ares
Kou - flirts with MC regardless of gender
Ladiva - trans woman, adoptive mother of the crew, love is her power
Lancelot - practically married to Vane, never had a fight because they are so perfect for each other
Lamorak - he being nonbinary makes the three brothers of Wales officially all queer
Lich - something about their summon being male while their humanoid form is female is def not cis
Lobelia - another perfect evil queer representation
Lucio - got eaten by a shark because he was too busy flirting with Sandalphon, does the impossible for Sandalphon to notice him
Lunalu -  her Valentine’s Day lines originally could only be viewed if MC is a woman (gbf added an option to disregard MC’s gender when it came to most holiday lines). She often goes in complete rants about how pretty some women and men are while blushing, bicon.
Lyria - in love with MC regardless of gender
Magisa - in love with MC regardless of gender, thinks of MC as their fated person
Meg and Mari are girlfriends
Melissabelle - In the Popol Saga event Imagination Overdrive, when Lunalu loses her mind and the whole group of Harvin girls tries to bring her back to normal she specifically says "You're you, Lunalu. No matter what form you take, it doesn't change the fact you are the Lunalu i know and love." and this is enough to actually have Lunalu snap out of it. She could have easily said "we" but Melissabelle had to single her own feelings out. Also despite getting headaches from reading she decides to make an effort and read Lunalu’s favourite book and actively engages in her interests despite the fandom world being new to her!?!? that is love right there
Meteon - feels attracted to MC regardless of gender
Miach - either genderqueer or a poor fella forced to crossdress and live as the opposite sex, gotta have to wait for more of their story, tho i love that when Fediel, Jeanne and MC realized Miach was amab said nothing about it, only when Miach told Fediel about it she said that she doesn't find it weird 
Mireille and Risette are in love with each other (wlw)
Mordred - mister i won't cry because i have you (Arthur) to cry for me instead
Morgan - a Fairy with it/it's and they/them pronouns
Morilynn - the Accordant for the Horoscope "Thalassinus" but also the weapon themselves, official English pronouns are they/them, that paired with the fact they are not human but still want to learn about how to be a person seems very nonbinary coded to me
Necesaria - everything about him screams QUEER
Noa and Rackam are soulmates and i hate that cygames didn't let them share power yet they stablished they were the best option for it, instead had to go with the second best option who was Tiamat and i will forever grieve what could have been, thanks for making them gayer in the anime tho
Percival - feels attracted to MC regardless of gender as seen on his Valentine's and White Day's lines
Randall - in love with Feather to the point that he got dragged into the same figthing lifestyle as him, "i'll become the better fighter so that you finally look at me"
Repti - another perfect evil queer representation
Rosetta - likes attractive people regardless of gender
Seox - something about MC being the light of his life regardless of gender 
Shizel - she's a trans woman as stated in Erin's SSR fate episode
Silva - in love with Tweyen (wlw)
Societte - practically married to Yuel, adopted three traumatized teenagers with her
Sutera - feels attracted to MC regardless of gender as seen on her Valentine's and White Day's lines
Tor - homoeroticaly devoted to Aglovale
Tweyen - in love with Silva (wlw)
Vane - practically married to Lancelot, uses Lan-chan as a pet name, have been together since childhood
Vira - in love with Katalina, before she met Katalina her life was monotone and colorless, after meeting her she felt alive and happy for the first time
Yuel - promised to always be with Societte, taking care of Kou, You and Sui as their kids or little siblings
Yuisis - asked MC to have a family with her regardless of gender
Yurius - not only does he have Albert but also flirts with MC regardless of gender
Special mentions
The Kahua’s citizens because they’re all female, everyone born there are female as stated in the Paliuli Pararaiha’s event
Yggdrasil’s birthday message where it seems like she and MC are getting married regardless of MC’s gender, it is unknown if Yggy herself is conscious about it because she can’t talk, she communicates via mystical sounds
Dragons are genderless beings, meaning every dragon in the game is queer which includes: the Six Dragons (Wilnas, Wamdus, Galleon, Ewiyar, Lu Woh and Fediel), Orologia, Malinda, Deidre (but not Scathacha?), Vyrn, Ailill, Medb, Fafnir, Lindwurm, even papi Bahamut!
Basically the whole WMTSB main cast is LGBTQ+ and have multiple songs about it
Beelzebub - obsessed with Lucilius wanting both to stand beside him and surpass him (i wish i knew more about Bubz but i haven't reach the top of Tower of Babyl so idk his stance regarding MC in GBF, we know thx to GBFVS both MC and him are singularities, MC being born one and Bubz asking Lucifaa to make him one cause he was dying, and he agreeing to work with MC against Belial makes me think MC is the only person he sees on eye lvl, he looks up to Faa-san and looks down on everyone else), he was struck by Lucifer's power and beauty 🥲 (I cannot, so his murder was personal). He being a clone of Helel ben Shalem makes him pretty trans and his obsession of shaping his body as he desires.
Belial - devoted completely to Lucilius refering him as Faa-san (in GBVS he refers to him as Daddy), jealous of Lucifer (may have some sort of sympathy for him cause he not killing him directly instead guiding Beelzebub to do it for him and feeling pity as he decapitates and steals his body dictates he wants to hate Lucifer more than what he actually does), into MC regardless of gender, implied he is also fond of Sariel (obscuring it, can't let anyone know he has feelings that don't revolve around Faa-san), he removed from Sariel the chaos matter and spared him in a way that didn't cause much actual damage despite looking like it did, he seemed to have an interest in him earlier on given the quests leading up to his raid battle (which may have occurred prior to their conversation in the flashbacks in 000) showing him having him transferred to his jurisdiction (Belial is insecure about being "imperfect" compared to Lucifer and has some deal of ambivalence towards his intended purpose it's probably very interesting and possibly comforting to him that despite the inherent flaws in Sariel's makeup (re:the limiter being set too high) he manages to diverge from his intended purpose entirely because of his personality and desires); very interested in Beelzebub trying to get any form of reaction from him tho getting ignored most of the time and the rest making him annoyed, his summer summon talks about Bubz' body and how he looks better naked, loves flirting and teasing pretty much everyone
Lucifer - in love with Sandalphon
Lucilius - the other person he cared about besides himself was Lucifer
Sandalphon - in love with Lucifer
Sariel - being obsessively devoted to Belial, protecting him ("Don't touch him!") and outright saying he doesn't care if he's using him, seeming relatively apathetic towards pretty much everyone else (besides animals), and currently being in the beginning of an arc revolving entirely around finding out how to get to him in the weird between-dimensions void he and Lucilius are in, never forget when Belial ripped out his wings and Sariel while in pain was like “if that’s what you will”, he didn’t have individuality until Belial told him to. Sariel’s CV Akira Ishida said in an interview about 000 sidestory that Belial is "someone he loves, despite them being apart". (LuciSan and Beriel parallels)
Modern AU from Sincerely, Your Dearest Friend event
Miku, Lyria and Aoto are either in a polyam or queerplatonic relationship and I LOVE IT
Oribe and Fuwa are boyfriends
Personal headcanons
Cassius - aroace
Lucilius - demiroace
Nehan - aroace
Siegfried - aroace
Token hetero couples
Aliza and Stan
Deliford and his nameless wife
Krelkulkil and Keralbarra ;n; RIP
Lady Grey and her dead husband
Leona and Abel
Nectar and Shinsha (tho Nectar is a being beyond gender constructs and Shinsha loves him regardless, they just present as an hetero couple)
Nicholas and Marie
Romeo and Juliet
Sarunan and Honey (Honey is a spirit, I know she is fem but does that make them hetero?)
Scathacha and Naoise (Scathacha is a dragon but she presents as a fem erune, the game does clasify her as a 'female' instead of 'other' like the other dragons so idk)
Sturm and Drang (tho Sturm does have a date with MC regardless of gender)
Tabina and Attiyah
Vermeil and Ludmilla
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pub-lius · 3 years
Yo I haven't read Chernow's bios for a while and they were really my first introduction into the AmRev and shit but anygay- Could you give me a quick list of some of the reasons he's shitty at this? I know he is but it's been years and yeah
I am so. glad. you. asked. I have been compiling a mental list of his bs for the past year. (I'm only going to speak on Alexander Hamilton because it's the only one I've read so far).
Now, let me say a few nice things about the bastard before I talk about why I hate him. He goes really in depth, and I appreciate at least someone making the effort. He's clearly put a lot into his writing, and as a writer, I can appreciate that. He's also done a lot of research, and you can't not respect that. He's also very eloquent and clearly a very intelligent person. I don't think he shouldn't have written history books, since they are very influential books that have a lot of information, but they're still shit <3 (just my educated opinion)
Despite all the research he clearly does, he really wants you to believe whatever story he decides is the most entertaining. A lot of the time he will over exaggerate certain aspects, burying the facts of the matter in his ideal version of the events. Most authors prioritize the facts, and then give what they think might be the most accurate. Chernow still proposes alternative explanations, but in such small degrees that you've forgotten them by the end of the paragraph.
Speaking of paragraphs, he has too many. So many of them are repeating the same information, and not adding anything substantial. I know I'm not the best with brevity myself, but holy shit bro, shut up. His book could be easily cut in half if he just. stopped. talking. about. THE SAME THINGS
Also, for a man with such definite claims, he certainly cites a lot of other secondary sources. He does cite a lot of primary sources too, but there are. so many secondary sources in his notes and bibliography. I don't have as much of a problem with this, it just makes it hard to find definite evidence of the stories he tells.
We also need to talk about his glorification, of Hamilton and Washington specifically, more so Washington. He acknowledges some things Hamilton did wrong (at least at the point where I am in the book, which at the beginning of the 1790s, before a lot of Hamilton's controversy), but he largely glosses over them. He also exaggerates Hamilton's abolitionist beliefs. With Washington, he glorifies him a lot more. Now, Washington is very easy to glorify, since you can justify most things with "he was trying his best", but he still wasn't perfect, or even close. He was kind of a dickbag sometimes.
Also he has a weird obsession with giving Hamilton and Burr a lovers to enemies storyline, it's really annoying. Every five seconds he's like "here's what's CRAZY guys... while hamilton was having explosive diarrhea... burr was.... TAKING A PISS!!!!! ISNT THAT CRAZY THAT THEY WOULD BOTH USE A CHAMBERPOT AT THE SAME TIME AND THEN DUEL EACH OTHER??????" Which kind of makes it seem like Burr and Hamilton were more connected throughout their entire lives, when uh, they weren't. Like at all. And it makes it seem like Burr betrayed Hamilton, which explains why the musical makes him look like some kind of Judas.
Also I hate the way he talks about the women in Hamilton's life. Especially Eliza and Angelica. He makes it seem like they only existed to further Hamilton's empathetic, but horny character that he's trying to portray. The way he talks about them makes it seem like they weren't their own people. (i feel like i don't even need to mention how he dedicated half a chapter to Hamilton and Angelica's alleged emotional affair, but only a page to his relationship with John Laurens, who maintained, at the very least, a homoerotic "friendship" for like six years. whoops i did it anyway).
Now, part of me wants to go chapter-by-chapter calling out his bullshit, but these pretty much sum up the entire book (or at least the half I've managed to struggle through) because it is. SO. REPETITIVE. It's just the same things, but slowly moving through the timeline at a snails pace. I highly dislike Chernow's writing, and I don't recommend it if you already have a good understanding of whatever his book is about, but if you want to learn a lot of information from one source, go for it!! You'll learn a lot of really interesting things, just keep in mind that his writing isn't the most accurate, and to always fact check historical facts even if they're not Chernow. It's very important to try to be as accurate as possible when dealing with real people (unless ofc you're not portraying it as truth). Question everything, it's how you learn!!
I hope this helps, and thanks for the ask, bestie!!!
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