#you can see in the bottom doodles me trying to figure out how to draw him lmao
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mothoscope · 2 months ago
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Guess my favorite South Park character challenge.
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mqriuss · 3 months ago
girl crush or crush crush?
synopsis 。。。you know you've gone crazy when your diary starts getting littered with entries of your little crush on yuzuha everyday. wait, crush?
contents: yuzuha x fem!reader, wlw, high school setting, fluff
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entry 01:
since when did we have a shiba fan club? is hakkai really all that attractive? i mean i guess he looks pretty cool sometimes but come on, a fan club? anyway, i have to meet up with minari and emi for a group project tomorrow.
oh yeah and i have that portrait assignment, i'm really bad at drawing people's faces let alone realistically T^T i'll figure that out later.
update: the shiba fan club was for yuzuha-senpai?! emi told me that i'm "too engrossed" in my doodling... now that i think of it, the girls here talk so loud so how did i never find out about this? oh well, i still don't really see the point in a fan club but i guess it makes more sense for someone like her.
you look up from your diary upon hearing someone calling out for your classmate. "crap," you mutter to yourself when it turns out to be none other than his sister. you close your diary in an instant, shoving it into your desk drawer.
you really tried not to look when yuzuha and hakkai were standing by the doorway, chatting about something you couldn't make out from the back of the class. unfortunately, you often have a hard time seeing the board ever since your teacher randomized the seats last week, but this was the perfect spot for when you wanted to doodle in class... or even staring at the senior that everyone has a girl crush on.
each time you averted your gaze from her, it was as if there was some invisible force pulling your head in her direction. you always knew someone as pretty and cool as her existed in school, but you never paid too much attention to her up until now. well, every other girl here is pretty cute. how's yuzuha any different?
you don't know how to answer that either. maybe it was her charisma that was too hard to ignore, or the way her hair drapes and rests gracefully over her shoulders, or maybe it's the way she glares at any guy trying to hit on her, and the way she smiles—hold on, what the hell am i thinking?
thump. your heart drops as if it weighed a hundred something pounds. you think you might have been staring a little too hard because yuzuha notices you and sends a small smile your way with a wave.
your face feels hot much to your dismay, and you didn't really know how to act in the moment. the second you rose your hand to wave back, she was already looking away. yup, this is great.
"yuzuha-senpai waved at you?!" emi's whisper-yelling voice echoes in your ear from beside you out of nowhere, causing you to jump in your seat.
"ack!" you accidentally let out a bit too loud when your knee hits the bottom of your desk, garnering everyone's attention, including yuzuha's. in one swift movement, you put your head down against the table—partly to hide your pained expression but mostly to hide from her. your face contorts and you silently wince upon realizing you had practically smashed your head against the wooden surface.
"uh, y/n?" emi calls out to you hesitantly and she flinches a little when you look up momentarily to glare at her.
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entry 02:
there is no way i'm THIS out of touch.
yuzuha-senpai is the head of the kyūdō club??? that's like THE HOTTEST COOLEST thing i know about her (˶°ㅁ°)!!
my art club teacher is absent for today and tomorrow so the assignment's due date has been postponed to next week. maybe i can get minari to come with me and see yuzuha-senpai. is that too creepy? no, right? i'm sure her fans have done worse...
i kinda wish i was more like emi, good at sports like volleyball. i think yuzuha-senpai would be interested in girls like that. haha why does that even matter to me?
"well? what are you waiting for? go say hi!" minari encourages you, nudging your arm. it doesn't really have its intended effect on you as you vigorously shake your head.
"no way! i'm fine with watching from afar."
minari sighs, crossing her arms. you almost feel bad, considering that you couldn't wait till the end of classes to see yuzuha in her club. you just had to drag minari along to run around the whole school, just to get a glimpse of your senior.
"since when were you part of the shiba fan club, y/n?" your friend asks you quizzically.
"what? i'm not a part of any fan club," you deny her claims immediately. "i think the fan club's stupid, but i do think she's pretty..." you trail off, watching her carry a tray of today's lunch to a table with her friends.
"you wouldn't do this with me when i wanted to see shoji-kun at his basketball practice match." she pouts, following your gaze that was glued onto yuzuha.
"shoji's like, the lamest guy ever," you exclaim, rolling your eyes as you proceeded to rant. "i don't know what you see in him, he's so stuck-up and annoying. being athletic is all he's good at, that's not even a redeeming quality!"
you and minari freeze, your bodies stiff as if ice travelled from your toes up to your stomachs—the only thing you could move were your heads as you turn to each other before looking over your shoulders.
shoji. of course he's just not-so-conveniently standing right behind you.
"shoji, wow!" you force a grin, laughing out sheepishly. "i did not see you there—hey, you're looking two inches taller today. keep it up, man!" you blurt out random words, lightly punching his arm before grabbing minari (who is absolutely lovestruck) by the arm and dashing off.
in the distance, yuzuha lets out a quiet chuckle at the commotion you were previously making. some of her friends ask what's so funny and some look behind their shoulders.
"ah, are you looking at shoji?" one of her friends tease her, only to be met with an offended yuzuha.
"shoji's like, the lamest guy ever, why would i be looking at him?"
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entry 03:
i was (respectfully) watching yuzuha-senpai at the kyūdō club again today and she caught me staring!
this is all minari's fault by the way... while yuzuha-senpai was aiming her shot, minari sneezed so fucking loud. thank god there weren't that many people around, just yuzuha-senpai and a couple of other students. we still had to apologize for disturbing them though.
"you're y/n, right?" yuzuha asked, approaching you with a warm smile.
"how'd you know?" you tilted your head, confused. the both of you have never exchanged words till now.
"hakkai told me—well, more like i asked him," she clarified, chuckling as one of her hands move to settle on her hip. "i saw you that day in your classroom, and yesterday at the cafeteria."
"oh! that explains it," you chuckled, embarrassed as you rubbed the back of your neck. you couldn't believe she asked her brother for your name—you had to snap yourself out of it before you started acting too much like her fangirls.
yuzuha looked behind you then glanced around, "hey, where's your friend?" her question made your eyes widen and search for minari.
'did she seriously just leave me here?' you thought to yourself and sighed. "i... think she ditched me. i did sort of drag her here so she probably has somewhere else to be." you explained as you looked for an opportunity to leave as well.
yuzuha's lips curved into a lopsided grin as a soft chuckle escaped her. 'how could someone be so cool yet warm at the same time?' you thought as you feel heat rushing to your ears. for a moment, you didn't even care that your friend had abandoned you.
you were so lost in the sound of yuzuha's laughter that you didn't even notice she had walked back to her bag to fish out a camera.
"so," yuzuha whipped her head to look up at you, her ponytail swishing with the motion. "what brings you to the kyūdō club, y/n? interested in joining?" she asked jokingly, and wow, your name sounded so nice coming from her mouth.
"oh no, no, i'm just– uh," you stammered, shaking your head. thank god, the students were too preoccupied with whatever they were doing to notice you being an absolute loser in front of yuzuha. "i'm in the art club! my teacher is absent today though, so... i wandered around and ended up here." you explained, patting yourself in the back mentally for what you believe to be a genius excuse.
"art club? so you're good at drawing?" yuzuha sat on the floor, her back against the wall and she pat the spot beside her.
you nodded while moving to sit next to her. "i mean, i wouldn't say i'm that good at it."
"i think every good artist says that," yuzuha teased, giving your arm a little nudge.
you chuckled, "actually, i might be better at painting. even then, i'm better with backgrounds and animals than people."
"hey, that's still impressive!"
"i know, thank you but..." you paused and found yourself smiling at her compliments. "my current assignment isn't my strong suit at all, so i've been mulling over it for a while now." your chuckles died down as you hugged your knees up to your chest.
"lemme guess, you have to draw people?"
"worse. i have to draw their faces."
yuzuha threw her head back, hearty laughter spilling out—light but unrestrained. she doesn't know much about art and the struggles of an artist, but she found your exasperated tone and expression amusing and endearing.
"why don't you draw my brother? i think his face looks good at a 45 degree angle," she suggested, partly joking.
deep down, you wanted to say no. the words never formed—they would never come out with convincing excuses. maybe because you already knew who you wanted to draw for the assignment.
"hey, why don't you help me out with something?" yuzuha stood on her feet, offering you a hand.
"me?" you echoed, pointing to yourself and glancing at her outstretched arm.
"yes, you!" she affirmed, urging you to get up.
you slowly reached out, grabbing her hand as she pulled you up. "what do you need help with? are you sure i can help?" you asked, walking right behind her and looked around. surely the other club members would be more helpful?
"it's easy, i just need you to get a picture of me aiming for a shot." she gave you the camera, and positioned herself with the bow and arrow. "we're planning to make a poster for the club, you can get one up close and another from afar."
yuzuha's form was no less than perfect, her foot placement and her posture as she draws the bow and aims. it was no surprise coming from the head of the club herself, you were so entranced that you almost forgot to take a photo.
"how's this?" you walked up to her and showed her the photo you took.
"ooh, that's nice! you're a better photographer than hakkai," yuzuha remarked, chuckling as she patted your shoulder. "get one up close this time. stand here, almost in front of me." she instructed.
you positioned the camera to get shot of her from the stomach up. "you know, your face looks good at a 45 degree angle too, yuzuha-senpai," you blurted out, only to accidentally capture the moment yuzuha broke into a flustered grin. "oops, let's take that again." you chuckled, retaking the photo properly this time.
"great! thanks for your help, y/n." she smiled gratefully, as you returned the camera.
you nodded, "it's no problem." you found yourself trailing off, your lips pursed and eyes wandered. yuzuha had a feeling you had something to say. "actually... can i have these photos too?"
yuzuha was expecting you to say anything really, but not this. "oh, why do you want them?" she asked, her tone full of curiosity as she raised an eyebrow.
"well, i just got really inspired all of a sudden. i want to use these photos to practice drawing people and different stances." you explained, hoping that you didn't sound like an absolute creep to her because it's true—you really did want to use these photos as practice.
"you want to draw me for reference?" yuzuha's face lit up, grinning when you nodded. "give me your email—i'll send you the photos when i get home. you have to show me your drawings later!"
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entry 04:
i didn't ask for the photos as an excuse to exchange emails with her, i swear that never crossed my mind! but ever since then, i've been itching to send her messages occasionally. i probably shouldn't though... i don't know why i'm overthinking it.
other than that, i am absolutely done with this portrait assignment. why is drawing faces so hard?! i can't get the eyes to look the same, her eyebrows are way too asymmetrical, and i'm pretty sure her nose doesn't look like that. i complained about it to minari (who's a lot better at portraits than i am) and all she told me was to keep practicing like yeah no shit( ; ; )but i'm at my wit's end, girl.
"whatcha drawing?"
you jump in your seat, and suddenly you're getting deja vu. you shut your sketchbook immediately, crossing your arms over it.
"nothing!" you exclaim, your ears reddening as yuzuha, who's standing behind you, tries to look over your shoulder.
"i clearly saw you drawing some portraits, lemme see!" she insists, but you shake your head.
"no, no, it's so bad. it's just for practice." you plead, still shaking your head.
"you can't expect yourself to get good overnight," yuzuha chuckles, pulling the empty chair in front of your desk closer to sit before you. "alright fine, it's okay if you don't wanna show me." she lets you off the hook with a smile and you breathed a sigh of relief. "but can i see your other drawings? ones you're more confident about." she requests and normally you'd still be too shy, but it wouldn't hurt show off a little, right?
you open your sketchbook, careful not to open the one filled with portraits of yuzuha. instead, you turn to a page covered in doodles. right beside it is a painting you made a few weeks ago, a sunset adding a splash of pink and orange on a small piece of paper that you taped to the sketchbook.
"aw, these are so cute! i love this sunset painting," yuzuha praises and you couldn't help the proud grin that appeared and shy chuckles escaping your lips.
you watched as she goes over each doodle, most of them drawn during class when you got bored or couldn't focus. every now and then, she'd point to a specific drawing she's fond of—you noticed it was usually a cat or some other cute animal.
unbeknownst to you both, a few members of her fan club gathered by the door frame to get a glimpse of yuzuha sitting with some random girl from class 2-D. whispers of "who is she? how lucky! yuzuha-senpai is so pretty when she smiles" fly around, but they never reach you.
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entry 05:
dear diary, i am fucking horrified.
well, it happened a few hours ago but i still can't stop thinking about it. i stopped by the kyūdō club since yuzuha-senpai wanted to show me the poster they made. today, i found out the cool and charismatic girl crush of the school hated bugs with a burning passion.
i'm no different! i'm just a girl, okay? most bugs scare the hell out of me, so when did i gain the confidence to play hero all of a sudden?
one of the students stumbled backwards, pointing a trembling finger to the ground.
her yelling interrupted the previously serene backdrop of the club's dojo, and all hell breaks loose as most of the students recoiled in unison. you blinked, barely processing the situation until you followed the finger to the culprit—a glossy, twitching nightmare crawling across the floor.
"oh, hell no," you muttered under your breath, feeling your skin crawl. you caught sight of yuzuha curled up with her friends, backing up with a grimace.
"someone get it!"
'oh diary, i may be a little stupid and scared of bugs, but i didn't regret what i did at all.'
you grabbed a nearby shoe (you apologized to the owner afterwards), your body moving on its own as you approached the bug with stealth.
"i- i've got it!" you shouted, slamming the shoe down, albeit rather shakily. the roach scrambled across the floor, resulting in everyone's shrieks. your breath hitched as you chased after it, hitting the floor a couple times before the shoe finally landed on the target with a resounding smack.
silence fell. you stared at the bug for a second and only snapped back to reality after someone yelled out, "my shoe!"
"you actually did it," one of the club members said in awe.
"my hero!" yuzuha grinned and slung an arm over your shoulders, ruffling your hair, and your cheeks instantly flushed. you weren’t sure if it was from the heat or because your very pretty and cool senior was this close to you.
“it was nothing,” you chuckled sheepishly, flicking your wrist and waving her off.
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entry 06:
that's it. i've gone insane.
i think i've been drawing at least 5 portraits of yuzuha-senpai everyday and i know it's just for practice, but now i can't bring myself to use any other person for reference. is this what it's like to have a muse? i feel like a creep! i've been pretty transparent with her about it so i don't feel as bad, but still! thankfully, she doesn't think it's weird.
anyway, i've gotten better at drawing (her) portraits over time and i finally handed in my assignment yesterday. my teacher even noticed my improvement! i'll show it to yuzuha after it's been graded. god, i haven't even talked about today yet. where do i begin?
"y/n, do you have a crush on yuzuha-senpai?"
emi asked you out of the blue, making you cough and choke on your food. you were quite sure a grain of rice or two had travelled up to your nose.
"pft, a crush? what makes you think that?" you questioned and their faces dropped like you were stupid. "everyone's got a little girl crush on yuzuha-senpai. besides, i don't think i'm as bad as her fans." you added in defense, shrugging.
"true, 'cause you're worse."
"what?" your eyes widened at minari who was stifling her laughter. "you don't get to say anything, you literally have a crush on that lame ass shoji!"
"huh?" shoji magically appeared by the doorway, overhearing you—again.
"get outta here, man!" you groaned, showing him the way out with your pointer finger. you don't miss the way he rolled his eyes and shook his head before walking away.
"also, i'm not talking about a girl crush," emi corrected you, pausing to chew her food. "i'm talking about a crush." she emphasized.
"like," you blinked. "a crush crush?"
"yeah?" emi responded like it was common knowledge. you obviously knew what she was talking about, but a part of you didn't want to acknowledge it.
"it's okay, y/n. there's nothing wrong with liking girls, your secret's safe with us," minari chimed in, prompting you to raise an eyebrow at her.
"i didn't even say anything."
"oh, trust me—you don't have to," emi gave you a knowing look while minari snickered.
you sighed, finishing up the last of your bento, making sure not to leave a single grain of rice behind. you weren't completely oblivious. it's clear that you've been gushing over yuzuha the past few days, but you've been brushing it off as platonic admiration. even hakkai—ceo of not knowing how to talk to girls—had started exchanging a few words with you because he thinks his sister has a new best friend. he'll have to get used to your presence eventually, right?
the teachers? oblivious. your classmates? none the wiser. you could stare at her with sparkly puppy eyes and search for her around the school, and no one would suspect a thing. and yet, that one time you asked a guy from the student council a simple question about the school's festival, everyone swore you had a crush on him.
the only people who've caught on to your special admiration for yuzuha are minari, emi, and yuzuha's fan club.
and you're beginning to realize it too.
it's become a habit for you to absentmindedly draw portraits of yuzuha from different angles. for practice? maybe. because she's pretty? definitely. now you'd find chibi versions of you and yuzuha amongst the little critters, hearts and cupcakes on your sketchbook.
no one else knows, but you had a specific page bookmarked that you and yuzuha doodled on together. you remember that day, you were on cleaning duty and yuzuha visited you in class. you hadn't started cleaning when she stopped by though—you were working on a still life assignment instead. she told you that you looked so serious when you draw. as usual, she sat in the vacant seat in front of you, watching you do your thing and asked about your day. well, your days have started to feel like adding splashes of colour to mundane sketches ever since yuzuha came into your life.
"wanna draw something?" you remember offering as you turned to a blank page. the both of you spent thirty minutes doodling random cute things that day. you also recall her giving you ideas for your signature—it was such a simple activity, yet you had a lot of fun. maybe too much fun because you nearly forgot you were on cleaning duty. whenever yuzuha was around, your heart feels a little lighter, your mind a little clearer.
another time you realized your admiration for yuzuha might've been more than platonic was when you saw her interacting with her fan club members. you weren't jealous—not even a little bit, but you found yourself asking, "i wonder if she likes any of her fangirls?" sure, you were just curious, but why did it even matter?
the answer wasn't as complicated as you thought, you didn't want her to like any other girl.
you hoped that she'd admire you the same way you admired her. you hoped that maybe she’d like girls—girls like you. even when you were having a bad hair day and didn't have time to fix it in the morning. even when you didn’t get a good grade on your test. even when you made a fool of yourself getting caught drawing her in class with little stars around her. even when you tried to impress her and just looked lame. you hoped that there's a chance she’d be into you.
"alright, you're dismissed!" your art teacher clapped her hands, cueing your friends to start packing up. you remained in your seat, staring at an unfinished drawing of violets. "not going home yet, y/n?" your teacher called out to you, swinging her bag onto her shoulder.
"in a bit," you responded, nodding.
"i saw a bit of the violets you drew today; they look great. keep up the good work," she praised you and you thanked her bashfully. "don't miss your train!" she added as she walked out of the classroom.
normally, you'd rush to meet yuzuha at her club, but the thought of seeing her now made your heart both flutter and ache. you thought you could use some time to think through this whole crush thing, maybe even try to move on. it might be a little easier to be on your own than yearn for someone you can't be with.
you stayed back a few more minutes, trying to finish the drawing, but your pencil never got too close to the final lines. you took your sweet time packing your things before sauntering out of the nearly empty hallways.
club activities ended a few minutes ago, so yuzuha-senpai has probably gone home already.
you froze in your tracks, looking up to the voice that pulled you away from your thoughts. standing by the school gates, the wind brushing against her strawberry blonde hair, amber eyes that put the summer sun to shame, and her smile, although small, warm as a fireplace. you've been seeing this same person a lot the past few days, but every single time your eyes meet, it always feels like the first time.
"yuzuha-senpai?" you gaped and for a moment, she gave you a puzzled look. what's got you so surprised?
"you didn't come to see me earlier, so i asked minari where you were and decided to wait for you," she said, meeting you halfway.
"you were expecting me?" you breathed and yuzuha's smile widened into a grin. she reached out to seemingly remove something in your hair.
"of course, i was. i sorta got used to you visiting me after class." she admitted, gripping onto the straps of her school bag. "you know, i wanted to do it more often, but you always beat me to it."
and there it was—an easy demonstration on how to get you flustered and red all over. yuzuha couldn't help chuckling at your baffled expression. was it so odd that she wanted to see you as much as you did?
"s–sorry...?" you blurted out an apology and yuzuha blinked at you before breaking into another fit of laughter, a bit louder this time.
"why are you apologizing, silly? i don't hate it or anything." yuzuha moved beside you to link your arms together. "anyway, hakkai is going out with his friends today. i didn't feel like joining so, we should hang out."
"really? the two of us?" you echoed, glancing around with slightly widened eyes and raised eyebrows. was this seriously happening? this was way too much for you to process!
"yes, really. so, do you wanna go to an arcade? or are you too tired for that? we can go to a cafe if you'd like."
"sure," you responded quickly, but sounded a little unsure. "i mean, the arcade sounds great." you immediately elaborated, receiving another laugh from her.
"okay, let's go! i'll walk you home after we're done."
yuzuha's hand travelled down to hold yours, intertwining your fingers in a slow, experimental manner. your heart skipped a beat, and you tightened your hold just a little, hoping it was enough to tell her you didn't want to let go. not when this connection beyond friendly admiration finally felt possible.
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kristinhateslife · 11 months ago
Okay so last night I was having an "art style panic"? I guess you could call it that? But I was feeling really bad, so i started drawing other peoples art styles and picking points and peaces out of it!
I did this last night when I was really tired and i used a pen so the drawings may not be how i usually do my drawings haha
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Ok so first up we have @emjoyzhos-ej !! I recently just found your account but you have a very cool style!!
•Your skull shape is very unique, very rectangle
•your lines are very sketchy (most people I follow have this trait in their art..)
•when you color it looks like you mayy have rook inspiration from itsxroxannex? Idk i wrote that down, maybe it's not true but I guess i thought that last night
But I love your style! Your art is so cool and I had fun trying to replicate it!
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Next we have @milkybnnuy ! Omg so I really like you!! Your art is sooo good
•You draw a lot of fell, so i made the drawing of killer like how you made that one fell killer drawing
•when you color you have a very paintly-style and that's cool!!
•your skull shape reminds me of an egg (i guess thats why i said "egg head" last night)
Up in the top I wrote "I did not replicate your art properly enough," and that's true! Your art is so unique and different from what i usually drew so i had a hard time replicating it! But nonetheless, i had a fun time trying and hope you ain't disappointed lol
Btw- I really like the way you draw your fuzz on hoods!! So satisfying to look at!
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And now we go onto @voidzphere !
I've followed you for a while, and you're cool to be around and I like when you post! Though i had a hard time finding the art hidden around, I still was able to replicate it (luckily i chose to draw killer for this haha)
•so I see that you usually draw/post doodles, unless i just didn't scroll down far enough haha (plz tell me if you have drawn something big i wanna see)
•I noticed you have more pointy and thicker lines
•you have a certain way you draw your Skulls, I can't really put a shape or object here to describe it
Even though I couldn't find more drawings, I still tried! I hope you like it, friend, cause u cool
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Here is @cherrio-krispz ! I just started following you last night, like seriously I had to search you up just now to figure out who you were cuz I forgot, but when i saw your art I immediately recognized you
•you have a very recognizable style!
•again, i did not replicate well.
•very painty-like when color
•sketchy lines, seems like you don't do line art?
•I like ur skulls, they look like skulls
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•very cartoonish
• noticable art style
•thick lineart
I LOVE seeing posts when they come out!!! They're really really cool and make me feel so happy when I see them! Keep going because you're so cool!
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@spookeri haiiii
You're here tooo
i like ur art :)))))) a LOT . Same as the last guy, I get very excited when you post. Your DTIYS were fun, and yeye... Yeah
•Very flat colors
•flat lines
•cool looking skulls
•you have an "air-brush" shading style (i guess you could call it), which isn't a bad thing! Do what you want to do! But maybe try out cell-shading? Idk you don't have to, but idk i feel like cell-shading fits your art style
Also if you look in the bottom you can see a scratched out drawing, that was my first attempt haha
You can see it in the drawing below
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@wyllaztopia !! I like your art :)) you have a very noticeable style and when you post I get excited as well!
•clean lines
•you make skulls longer than how other people make their skulls in this last
•I liked replicating it
Idk what else to say ... Its just all really cool!!
And last but not the worst
My art style!
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My art style is
•easy to draw
•and funny lookin'
What did i learn from this whole thing i did? That everyone has a unique style, that even if they try to change it it still stays theirs and it's still unique
I also found out that everyone, small artists and big artists, has flaws! It's comforting to know that everyone has flaws so I know I'm just learning and getting better everyday
Another thing I got from this is that everyone's styles are always changing and warping. But thats fine! Because everyone's moving and changing, and the worlds always moving and changing!
So, don't be so hard on yourself if you're struggling to draw or find an art style, how you draw is unique to you and you'll like it one day
Just keep drawing everyday and you'll get there.
I suggest doing this challenge, on paper or digital, wether you color it or not, or post ot or not!
It's great to try out.
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sharkietheshork · 2 months ago
Here's some Overhaul doodles I drew in mah new 'DESIGNER JOURNAL' i got for christmas! plus one Magne drawing cause I got upset that she barely had proper screen time
I didn't draw much
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I was gonna draw more but i decided to abandon ship because of a crazy ass d r e am loll
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I've never really drawn Overhaul before, at least his head, and ngl this whole page was me trying to figure out how to draw his hair without it making it look like he has a bigg ass forehead- and- uh- well- yeeeeah.
He's definitally a Drama Queen, that green jacket WITH the purple fur??? like- AND he wears it with confidence??
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In this one I tried remaking my 'Egirl Overhaul' pic I drew for shits and giggles, If i can find where it is i'll post it for you all to see
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Overhaul: Kurono do NOT talk to me, I'm doing my mascara.
THIS MAN'S EYELASHES THO. WHY ARE THEY SO GOOD??? like either he has really good genetics or he purposely does mascara on just his bottom lashes
just- this cutie patootie...
who does-
child abuse
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Have some Magne because she deserves Justice
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here's one of my favourites I made
now, WHY did I draw Overhaul with two small sharks crawling over him like puppy dogs?
well, y'all about to loose yer damn mind
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soo context, I bought a overhaul action figure for christmas (since it was the only mha fig in the store but we ain't gon talk about that-) and my parents got me this shark excavation kit for christmas. aaand once I found how tiny the sharks were (the excavation area was so big tho?? tf Natintonal geographic?? waste???) I decided to give them to Overhaul! and they fit in his arms so perfectly I made it canon that he has sharks.
I. freakin love Sharks.
hope yah enjoyed
I'll defintally go and find the Egirl Overhaul pic. I think I drew Egirl Dabi & Shigaraki too, and MAYBE aizawa but I can't remember...
I belon infederal prison-
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lovelybarnes · 2 years ago
Ducks on Plaster- B. Barnes
pairings: bucky barnes x reader warnings: injuries, reader does not have artistic abilities, i haven’t written bucky in so long, i am so so sorry if this is awful about: request! (PF34) person a has a cast, and person b is doodling on it to cheer them up + (PK9) kissing scars, bruises, scratches, etc notes: projecting. i can indeed only draw ducks and they come out damn well
“Okay. You know I’m not a very good artist,” you say forewarningly, glancing up at him for emphasis, “so I do ask that you lower your expectations starting now.”
Bucky raises an eyebrow at you, chin lifting to assess the damage, but you place your hand over your work; fat, wobbly lines peeking out from under your fingers like dark, plastically foreboding veins.
“I’m not done yet,” you protest.
“People usually warn how shaky the board is just before they tell you to walk the plank.”
You wrinkle your nose, going back to your drawing. Your lines are haloed with sharpie bleed, the tip of your marker dented with little plaster crumbs. You persevere, twirling it between your thumb and forefinger to make one wonky eye. “That’s not an expression I’ve heard before.”
“Doesn’t it get the point across, though?”
You contemplate it, trying to concentrate on ellipsing the circles. “I guess, yeah.”
“Because my analogies work.”
“Again, I guess,” you shrug. Carefully, because you’re overly focused on your loops.
“That’s what I told Sam. But he says they have to be relatable.” Bucky shakes his head and smacks his lips. “You don’t have to have searched for a needle in a haystack to know that it’s fuckin’ hard to find.”
You frown at your creation, lifting your sharpie off the plaster as if insulted and then dipping to the opposite end of the cast to draw a curvy flower with petals fat at their ends leading to a small source. The ink is fading and scratchy, but it’s objectively better than your first attempt at another edge, its start inky and confident, petals losing their roundness and symmetry until they gave away to a lousy lump trailing off.
Renewed, you finish your first masterpiece.
“That one looks good,” Bucky offers, referring to the flower. It’s groovy-style, practice showed. “No artist, my ass.”
“You’re not supposed to look yet,” you chide quietly, not looking up.
“It’s right in front of me,” he reasons, but he looks away and flops down onto the bed, lifting his head to observe the focus lining your features, the tip of your tongue peeking out at the corner of your lips.
“It’ll be worth it,” you insist passively.
“Sure.” Bucky knows this very well. Likewise, you know very well how impatient Bucky is. “But I want to see.”
You roll your eyes, a canine pinning your lip from curving into a smile. You pull back with satisfied drama, making a show of pushing the cap back on the marker. You twirl it between your fingers, missing the second twist and making it fly to your side. “Done.” You dip down and press a kiss right above your little cartoon. “You can look.”
Bucky sits up, leaning over his arm to get a good look. An eyebrow goes up, its sharpness rounded by the blue that meets your eyes. “It’s a duck.”
He’s correct. A huge beak erupts from a bowling pin, prickly stalks shooting out from the bottom. “It's a duck,” you repeat, a lot more enthused about it. Your index taps rapidly against it. “Isn’t it cute? It’s the only thing I can draw.” You trace the petaled headband it flaunts. “It has a flower hat,” you say excitedly, nose wrinkling with pride. You glance at it once more. “A flower hat. I didn’t have any colors, but I figure, it’s fun. You can fill it in when you’re bored.”
Bucky nods. “I like it.”
“Of course you like it,” you say axiomatically. “It’s a duck with a flower hat. Look, he’s so happy.”
Bucky complies, amused lines at the pinches of his eyes visible from your angle. There are no delighted wrinkles that indicate it, but somehow he can see you’re right. The duck is happy. “It’s great,” he says, chiseled with a happy authenticity unlike him. Somehow, you pull all sorts of things he doesn’t expect from him.
“I can do a variety of costumes,” you continue, your voice an echo of a saleswoman’s, but you’re tendered with dulcet excitement, the twitch of your pen at his cast proof of how gladly gratuitous your service is. “Bunny ears, complete with the cotton-ball-tail, maid, with the little cap and feather duster, I can even do you!”
“How about we do that another time?” he requests, sitting up to hold your shoulders. His eyes are twinkling when you meet them, mind hazy with the sparkly trail his fingers leave as they drop down to your waist. “‘Cus you’ve been down there for so long and I only took time off to have you…” He pulls you toward him, and you go like a rag doll over his chest, not expecting his strength, never expecting his strength no matter how many times he shows it to you. “A little closer.”
You’re delighted, nuzzling your face into his shoulder the moment you land on his chest. You’re careful to not touch his injured leg as he settles you beside him. Like instinct, your chin gravitates to the nearest part of him, tilting a little to kiss the underside of his jaw. A bite of purple catches your attention, a grape-sized oval already haloed green.
“You have a bruise under your chin,” you tell him after a moment, a gentle thumb raising to graze it. The contact should hurt no matter how tenderly you do it, but it doesn’t. Nothing hurts with you. “How’d that happen?”
“Who can keep track?”
“Well, I’d like to,” you muse. He feels your nail hovering just above his adam’s apple when you lean up and press your kiss to his injury. It blooms everything but pain. 
“Well, if that’s the way you’re doin’ it…”
You chuckle, another kiss laid at the corner of his lips. He’s sure you can taste the metal from a fresh cut, but if you do, you don’t mind, punctuating your point with another kiss now fully on his lips, your index turning his face toward you. He’s thrilled to oblige.
He refuses to let you pull away completely when you finally do, trailing after you to press another, softer kiss against you. It’s only to taste you one last time; as if he’d been too caught up in its nectar to prepare himself to say goodbye.
“Aren’t days off nice?” you beot.
“Can’t say no right now.”
You wrinkle your nose at him, bumping your nose against his cheekbone in retaliation. “Right now?”
He drags a thumb along a naked stretch of skin he finds under your sweater, grinning boyishly. “Especially right now,” he corrects.
You lean in closer, air pregnant with your implicit secrecy from the walls. He can feel your heart thrum from your proximity. “It was my duck, right?”
He can’t help but laugh, nodding earnestly into the crook of your neck. “I love you,” he tells you like he needs to. Totally unrelated but so sewn into everything that it’s a requirement to put into the world before he can do anything else. He nudges your nose with his, humoring you. ”Mhm. What else could it be?” 
You crack through your theatrics, face breaking into a smile as you kiss him, thumbing a light crescent moon right beneath his right eye. He can already feel it heal with your glittering touch.
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freebooter4ever · 2 months ago
ok slow day on the blog so im about to get all soppy and artsy. Because a) this man drives me insane and i continously try to figure out why slash justify it to myself and b) i am so obsessed right now with that one leg muscle that kinda goes flat when you sit but also is a key part of how to structure the leg when drawing. Blah blah blah hockey butts yeah great but what if... hockey inner thigh....
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Ughhhhhhh kill me now.
Anyway im gonna adress a trend i have noticed in the pens fandom mostly displayed through passive aggression towards me or other creators...and that's the use of references. There seems to be this idea that using references is lazy or cheating or means that this person isn't making 'real' art. And im gonna call some bullshit. Every single artist since someone decided to paint their hand and try to recreate a cow on a cave wall with their thumb has used references. Talk to real commercial artists and they use WAY more references than you can imagine. My current job is super stylized and unique. But back when i worked in hyper realism on C*ll of Dooty and superheroes and stuff? Never not once did the illustrators not utilize references. Often us 3D artists were given a photo with a posed actor, which we used to pose the 3D model, which then was illustrated on top of directly by the illustrator. Those artists had to churn out hundreds of illustrations a month. They did not have time to get precious about it.
And lets talk about 'sourcing'. Yes, if you copy a photo directly almost pixel for pixel an artist should probably reveal their source. But so rarely is this the case. If you put any kind of spin on it - your own style, change the colors, add or subtract the background - that is YOUR art and there is no need to link to or include the damn 'source'. It's not a 'source' at that point. That would be like asking the amazing folks who photoshop artistic 'edits' together using photos and brushes to link to the original photos at the bottom of all their posts. This is just silly.
You want to know what commercial artists did before the internet? My old friend here has a studio from the 70s-2000s that has an entire wall full of neatly organized stacked drawers of printed references, a lot of it clipped from magazines and books. Each of them labeled by subject matter. And this artist worked in some of the most famous advertizing studios during that era.
So, coming back around to hockey thighs, because I know there are certain folks in the pe*ns fandom that get annoyed and angry at my daily drawings (which is so sad by the way, get a life). I have to admit this is the first time this has ever happened in a fandom so it threw me for a loop. But I also know there are younger artists out there who follow me so I want to explain my process a little. Most of my daily doodles are studies - its one of the reasons its been easier to do them during my illness than any more serious creative work. When i doodle i am looking at references and trying to recreate that as i see it. The key point being 'as i see it'. I am usually trying to learn things like: in this photo what about the lighting is compelling, and how can i make it more so? Or what is the focus of the drawing and how can i let the rest of it fade? Or whats the main gesture and how do i exaggerate that? And always, always im trying to study anatomy from new angles. For me its not enough to learn what a 'knee' looks like because the shape of the knee and the muscles around it change depending on how it's posed. And it is often those changes that make it so beautiful. Or in this case that beautiful sexy stretch of thigh between geno's knee and groin.
Often times if i imagine a 'pose' in my head, i will then go pull as many references as i can where the body's limbs are roughly arranged how i want it and then draw those over and over until i feel like i have enough of a grasp on that anatomy to recreate it for myself. So please, dont listen to the haters, use those references or dont use them freely. the haters are idiots who are projecting their own fear of inadequacy and learning to be creative onto you. <3
In my next essay i will discuss how baffled and humbled i am by the way my love for geno's face has utterly transformed my artistic eye...
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hearts4cheol · 1 year ago
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It's Just Basketball. // Lee Heeseung
Idol: Enhypen — Lee Heeseung Pairing: Lee Heeseung x gn!reader Genre: CollegeAU, enemies to lovers, basketball player Heeseung, He fell first she fell harder trope, angry Heeseung! Did I miss anything? Warnings: Cursing, pet names/nicknames, pinning, first kiss stolen, making out! Let me know if I missed anything Word count: 2.7k Please tell me if it's rushed <3
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I hate you so much, Lee Heeseung.
That's how you would like to start if you ever got a diary, it's one of the many things you have to say about him.
In context you hate everything about him, the way he laughs at everything you do, the way he stares at you non-stop during lectures, the way he would always try to get you to sit with him at lunch, you were fucking sick of it.
Even after countless rejections, he would come back again like a puppy, waiting to be given a treat.
And as unfortunate as you had been, today was just another one of those days, but unlike other days, today you were prepared. You had awoken earlier than usual, arriving at Uni just an hour before your lecture started since you knew most of the Uni was empty, you decided to go to the indoor basketball court and sit high on the bleachers.
Your original plan was to study, but once you got to the entrance of the court that plan was discarded and thrown away. The loud squeaking of shoes can be heard, as well as the loud thuds of the basketball being dribbled across the floor.
"Shit... I didn't know someone would be here..." you mumbled to yourself before gripping the notebook between your hands tighter, it's okay, it's simple, you can just ignore them and continue your plan.
You subconsciously nodded to yourself before slowly opening the entrance door, not bothering to pay attention to who was practising, you hurriedly made your way towards the bleachers, climbing the stairs to the very top. You carefully set your notebook down and take out the pencil that you were keeping in your pocket.
Sitting in a good seating position,  knees up and your back to the wall, making you face the court before grabbing the notebook once more and finally putting it against your lap.
Without even a single thought in your mind, your hand grasps the pencils and starts to create various lines, shapes, and cute doodles. You giggle at what you drew in the middle of your notebook, it was an 'attempt' to draw a puppy, your eyes soon light up at the brilliant realisation.
'Lee Heeseung' was what you wrote under the drawing.
Placing your pencil down, the sound of footsteps catches your attention as you look over your knees and see the approaching figure of none other than Lee Heeseung.
He was wearing a white hoodie with black sweatpants, his face was covered in sweat making some of his hair stick to his face. Your eyes widened and you quickly held the notebook close to your chest, you would not risk him seeing what you drew.
Because you knew Heeseung, you were sure he would either be mad or make fun of you for it. You didn't want either of those things to happen so you were definitely against showing him.
"You've been drawing for almost twenty minutes. Anything interesting?" He leaned so he could try to peek at your notebook. He's been watching you the whole time? When did he stop playing?
Words were caught in your throat as you tried to form a sentence, instinctively leaning back as your head bumped into the wall. Fuck. He was so close.
You bit your bottom lip as you felt his breath contact your face, words struggling to come out.
"It's none of your business." you confidently spoke as you rolled your eyes after taking a deep breath. Heeseung clicked his tongue, clearly unsatisfied with your answer.
Taking you by surprise, he rests the palm of his left hand on the wall, right next to your head. Eyes widened as you looked at him like he was crazy.
Heeseung's lips lifted into a smirk at your reaction.
That fucking smirk. You wanted to wipe it off of his face. You hated it.
"Why are you so scared to show me? Hm?" your breath hitched at his dangerously low voice, "were you making fun of me?". You breathed out nervously, his gaze never leaving yours as you were unable to give him an answer because truthfully, he was right.
"N-No! It's just none of your business!" Heeseung's smirk grew wider at your stutter, seeming amused. He didn't have THAT effect on you... Did he? He slowly leaned back, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he walked away.
You breathed out heavily, fuck, you weren't falling for him, you would never. But you were confused, why'd he leave?
Eyes widening you quickly checked the time. "Shit, I'm gonna be late to class!"
During class, you were writing down notes and answering your professor's questions, but apparently, your professor thought you would understand your topic more if you worked on a case study in pairs.
You were doomed, praying he wouldn't partner you with the person you despised.
He was calling out names, people walking over to sit with their partners.
"Okay, y/n and... Jay."
You let out a relieved sigh, and as you noticed Jay walking over to you with a smile, you returned it.
Jay wasn't the social type, but you have worked with him before so you felt pretty comfortable being partners.
"Hey y/n let's work hard, yeah?" you happily nodded as he sat down next to you, flipping through the pages of his notebook as you leaned closer.
The case study was simple, it was about how to solve the situation where a guy fell in love with a girl but she didn't love him back, so it mentally drained the guy and worsened his mental state. It was just a psychological case.
What you didn't know was that the case study explained the exact situation you are in right now.
Heeseung was not the jealous type, but when he saw Jay walking over to you and you smiling brightly, something in him just clicked. His face felt hot and he was staring at you the entire time, completely dismissing his partner.
It was unusual, for him, but what made him even more pissed was the fact that you wouldn't even look in his direction, it's like he didn't exist anymore.
You were definitely more comfortable with Jay than Heeseung, maybe because you liked being around his shy personality made him a very approachable person.
Working with Jay was the best, he made you laugh, gave you tips, and explained the things you didn't understand. It was way better than working with him. Way better.
"She can't forcibly like him back! We have to think about her side first, what if she has feelings for someone else?" Jay nodded at your point, seeming a little convinced. "That's true, we can't have her liking someone who is a potential psychotic nutjob."
You giggled at his reply, making him giggle back. It was impossible, how would you come to a solution where both sides of this case study were satisfied?
"Unless she somehow grows feelings for him, there's no way they would come to a mutual solution." you nodded, definitely agreeing with his explanation, it seemed the most logical out of everything you two have discussed.
You two continued writing down notes and possible solutions for this case study, laughing quietly and joking around when you two can.
From the other side of the room, Heeseung was 'working' with his partner on this as well, truthfully, he was staring at you the entire time, his face turning red every time you laughed with Jay or even smiled at him.
He was completely dismissing his partner for this so they were forced to do it alone.
A few minutes later, the professor clapped and announced the end of the lecture, you and Jay cleaned up your space and bid each other goodbye. You walked straight out of the room as Jay stayed back to ask the professor some questions.
When you walked out, footsteps could be heard behind you, but you ignored them as you do not want to deal with anyone at the moment.
The footsteps were way too familiar for you to notice, which was the exact reason why you ignored them.
"I know you know it's me." he spoke as he slowed his pace to walk beside you, “I don’t care, go away.” you finally spoke, eyes ahead of you, never meeting his. "I'm quite hurt that you ignored me y/n, I thought you liked me~" he fakes a hurt expression as he playfully placed a hand over his chest.
Rolling your eyes, you stopped walking and turned to lock eyes, "Will you please get it in that thick head of yours that I do not like you! I never will!" Heeseung looked taken aback by your quick reaction, it was not a good one, and you knew too damn well that you were spitting lies straight to his face.
Awkwardly placing his hands in his pockets, Heeseung gulped, you could see the clear actual hurt expression. You regretted your words, but no one needed to know that, as quiet and awkward as it was, you decided to turn around and leave.
You knew he wouldn't speak to you after this, but for how long?
Almost four days have passed, and you barely saw him at all, except when you were in class. You would steal glances towards him discreetly, wanting to see if he stares back at you.
But he doesn't budge, not even moving his head as his vision is fixed on the board in front of him. You silently scoffed, looking back to your professor.
Once your lecture was over, you stayed back. You weren't the first one out of the door like you usually were. Instead, you stayed back until everyone left and the door was closed, knowing damn well that Heeseung was always the last one to leave.
As soon as you saw him standing up, his bag slung over his shoulder, you hurried to block his way, your back resting against the door.
He stared at you with an unamused look, sighing loudly as he crossed his arms. "Are you gonna keep standing, or are you gonna let me leave?" His look was something you never expected, the bags under his eyes were dark, his eyes were droopy, and it's almost as if his irises were losing colour.
You cleared your throat, your eyes not leaving his. You hated to admit it, but you were worried about him. Your mouth opened slightly, the words that came out were unexpected to him.
“Have you been sleeping? At all?” he scoffed, a cocky smile appearing on his face as he looked away, clearly unamused. “What’s it to you? I thought you didn’t care.” His tone was harsh and stern, something you didn’t expect.
He stepped closer towards you, straightening your back against the door, you had nowhere to go, you were trapped.
Your breath hitched, feeling his deep breaths fanning over your face, his hazy eyes locked with yours, you couldn’t stop staring. He just looked so fucking hot.
Your hand rested on his shoulder, in an attempt to push him away, but of course, Heeseung being the athlete he is, he wouldn’t budge.
“I was gonna apologise… For what I said yesterday…” you managed to squeak out, you were sweating, was the room this hot? Or was it just you?
He raised an eyebrow, slightly tilting his head as he leaned in. “What are you apologising for? I thought you ‘do not like me’ and you ‘never will’, hm?” He carefully recites your words from the last time you saw each other.
Guilt was building up in your stomach, you shook your head, wanting to prove him wrong. “It wasn’t the truth…” Heeseung was finally amused, even though what came out of you wasn’t a confession, it sure was one for him.
“Oh really? So you admit to liking me, sugar?” The nickname rolled off his tongue like honey, it made your face even redder (if that was even possible), and made your breathing uneven. You liked the nickname so much.You were weirded out by how much you liked it, but it suited you so perfectly, especially coming from him.
A small pout formed on your face, slowly nodding.
What he does next surprises you. A hand rests on your waist while the other is pressed against the door, caging you in properly.
Your hands fall to your sides, staring at Heeseung with wide eyes. “What are you doing…?” he doesn’t answer for a bit, his gaze flicking back between your eyes and lips.
He lets out a deep breath, leaning in before stopping as your lips almost touch his.
“Testing something.” As if these words were a signal given to him, he leaned in and pulled you by your waist, closing the space between you two, lips pressed softly against yours.You were too shocked to even process the fact that Heeseung is kissing you, the Lee Heeseung.
Heeseung slowly pulled back, a big smirk on his face as he stared at your shocked expression, clearly enjoying it. “I’ll ask again, sugar.” the hand on your hip travelled up your body, sending shivers down your spine as it finally rested on your cheek, cupping it.
“I-...” Would he even give you a chance to reply? Of course not.
He moved faster than ever, lips on yours once again, but this time, you knew what you needed to do. You kissed him back, something you have been longing for, ever since you gave him the silent treatment.
Even though he would never admit it, Heeseung was angry with you, he hated you ignoring him, he hated barely seeing you for four days, and he certainly hated it when you rejected your own feelings towards him.
His movements were slightly rough, kissing you with heavy breaths as you did the same, his grip slightly tightened on you, lifting your head back a little bit so he could have more and easy access, you grunted in response, Heeseung moving his lips to occupy your neck, your breath hitched. The feeling of his lips against your skin sending you through the roof.
But what could you say, you were starting to like him exploring your neck.
Your craned neck started to ache from the position, but you couldn’t care less.His lips were back onto yours, your hands moved up his chest and cupped his face, pulling him in deeper.
You felt his teeth nibble at your bottom lip, his tongue entering your mouth as you gave him permission so easily, but that’s where he flipped. Slightly rough turned into rough and hungry kisses, his tongue tasting every inch of your mouth as you let out a small squeal.
“Heeseung I don’t think-” you pulled away, slightly out of breath as you looked into his eyes. He didn’t give you a chance to complete your sentence, his lips back onto yours in almost an instant. He was hungry, craving for your touch and taste for who knows how long.
The second kiss was more intimate than the first, the way he kissed you with so much passion, yet so much roughness made your knees buckle, but luckily for you, Heeseung lifted his knee between your legs so you could sit on it and not fall to the floor.
Your hands were now playing with his hair, kissing him back as you felt his tight grip on your cheek. You loved this, you hated denying your feelings before.
When you were just about to pull him in, Heeseung pulled back, lips detaching from yours as loud and heavy pants escaped both of your lips. “I don’t care about who sees us. Even if they do, it would teach them not to mess with what’s mine from now on”
You didn’t expect him to look and sound so hot right after making out with you, you were thankful that was your last class and no one had walked in on you possibly doing worse.
He stared at the marks he had given youth, smirking as he felt proud of himself.
“We’ll continue this at your dorm later tonight.”
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leonenjoyer69 · 10 months ago
I really love your art and your artstyle!!! I'm trying to learn to draw and I'm struggling to find a way to draw faces and especially eyes that I like, could you maybe share some tips on how you draw faces because omg I am so in awe of how cool your art looks! :D
Honestly, the best advice I can give is to study tf out of art styles you like, bc that's exactly what I did with TGS. The amount of pages I just stared at and tried to lowkey memorize is ungodly, and once I started drawing the characters and trying to emulate sage's style, I kinda just kept getting better from there. My ability to draw poses and full body stuff also got exponentially better VERY quickly, TGS is just magic like that, I swear.
Also, for eyes specifically, referencing each characters eyes and testing different expressions is kinda the way to go. I use my physical copy of Vol 1 a LOT for referencing (especially for Hyde and Lanyon)
(A LOT more under the cut lmao)
Also, just drawing headshots of the characters over and over helps too, especially in pen! I have literal DOZENS of random 5- 10 minute pen doodles. The nice thing about the pen stuff is that, yeah, youll mess up a lot and not be super satisfied with most of them, but it forces you to be a bit more careful about how you place things and steadier with you hand, at least in my experience.
(The sillies)
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See? Most of them really suck, but they made me pay a lot more attention to what I was doing and what I wanted to do. It also helped me grasp quirks of the characters and drawing expressions a lot better. Plus, this isn't even all of them, I've got a bunch more in a little envelope I made.
Also, looking on Pinterest for pose references probably would also help, or taking pics of yourself for reference, but I'm built different (stubborn and lazy) so I rawdog my anatomy and poses 🗣️🗣️
Otherwise, I can also give a little doodle example with Whole Jekyll on how I currently draw in pencil and such :3
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Start with circle, then give it a nice center line and chin
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Then I throw in the neck and shoulders (which tend to change a decent bit bc anatomy is hard), the eye line, which goes through the middle of the circle, and then I like to do a line down the chest to figure out which way I want him pointing, since he's at a tilt. I also change this quite often, along with where I want the face pointing lmao. Once I've figured out direction, I draw the nose starting at the bottom of the circle and up to the eye line. I also then draw the top of the eyes first. The eye line (and apparently the center line 💀) is of course a suggestion, and I tend to mess around with the eye shape until it looks mostly right.
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Then the bottoms of the eyes and the pupils get thrown in, which I have to redraw pretty often to try and make them match better. I also usually leave the eyes blank bc I'm lazy af and can't draw pupils too well, I will shade them tho and that makes them look better.
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Then bbg gets ears (which I usually start around the corners of the eyes and go down to just above the little curve of the jaw), eyebrows (also just mess around with these til they look right) and a mouth (I HATE drawing mouths 😋😋), then they get their hair (also have to redraw a bunch)
Also, to show Whole Jekylls other eye, I pinned his hair back, so there's a treat, Whole Jekyll enjoyers <3 bbg can fully see 😍 (Mind Lanyon probably forced him too)
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Then I shade his eyes, give him clothes and fix up any quick things that were bothering me (in this his nose) and go back with the edge of a rectangle eraser and get those guidelines and extra lines out (sometimes they're still a little visible, but maybe just don't draw them as heavy handed as I do 💀) and Bada Bing Bada boom! Doodle done :3 of course its not the best, but it doesn't have to be, thats the joy of doodles
Heres another good pic to kinda show how I use my guidelines (and how messy my doodles usually are, it's part of my charm guys, I swear--)
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Otherwise like, my progress shots for drawings look goofy af lmao, like--
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Messy af, incorrect proportions, wrong anatomy, eugh. just takes time (and a lot of redrawing) to get to the final pieces.
But yeah!!! Eyes are annoying, it just takes a lot of tweaking and repetition.
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Like, I redrew some of these eyes a decent few times and some of them are still off, like cmon Lanyon, why you gotta be so hard for me to draw 💔
Anyways!!! Thats probably the best I can offer right this second lmao, sometimes I kinda wish I could record drawing and stuff but I don't do stuff purely digital often enough to. I do have a full speed paint for that drawing of Jekyll in Hydes mind clothes tho, so idk maybe I'll share that if anyone wants me to lmao.
But yeah! Thank you so much for the ask and the kind words, I hope this helps! or is at least entertaining lmao
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babiemunson · 2 years ago
i'll protect you
steve finds eddie regressed for the first time.
pairing: regressor!eddie munson x cg!steve harrington
cws: mention of the upside down (& demodogs and vecna)
words: 766
i was thinking - "age regression" wasn't really a well known term in the eighties. so i wanted to try and write how steve would realistically respond to coming over to eddie's trailer and finding him regressed.
the government is taking longer than expected to clear eddie's name. figures - they're useless.
as a result, eddie has been ordered to stay in the munsons' new trailer until everything can get figured out. he's in hiding, basically.
steve pities the guy, of course he does. so mid-may, after eddie's wounds have finally healed and he's resigned himself to being bored to death in his trailer 24/7, steve decides to surprise him with a movie.
there's no answer to steve's knock. but he and eddie have grown comfortable enough around each other by now so that he can just let himself in. he opens the door and slips inside.
"eddie?" he calls.
again, no answer. but steve's hearing isn't too good nowadays. he'll just have to wander the house until he finds eddie.
"eddie," he calls again, sing-song. "it's steve. i've got a movie and popcorn."
there's still no answer, but steve catches the faint sound of humming. he pinpoints it as coming from eddie's bedroom.
"eddie, you can't hide forever, man. i miss you - there's no way i'm leaving without at least seeing your face."
steve knocks on eddie's bedroom door. when there's still no answer, he lets himself in.
eddie looks up from where he's sitting criss cross applesauce on the floor. he's got his shirt collar in his mouth and he's chewing on it. "'teve?"
steve inches closer. when no demodogs or tentacles jump out at him, he gets down on his knees. "whaaat are you doing? what is this?" he tucks one of eddie's curls behind his ear. "are you okay? is this- is this an upside down thing?"
at the mention of the upside down, fear flashes across eddie's face. he throws himself backwards and shakes his head vehemently. his collar slips from his mouth. "no up-ide down," he cries, tears springing to his eyes. "safe? 'teve safe?"
"i'm safe, buddy." steve's eyebrows knit together. "the upside down's all gone, right? we're all safe. i just- i don't know what's up with you. are you good?"
eddie swallows hard. he shoves his thumb into his mouth and nods after a few seconds. "safe," he mumbles. "'m small."
"small," steve repeats. he looks down at what eddie had been coloring when he walked in - a bright red dragon, breathing fire at a forest. "okay. well, this certainly isn't, like, the weirdest thing i've ever seen, so. hey, you drew this?"
eddie nods again, scooting a bit closer. he takes his thumb out of his mouth. "'s you," he says. "look. 'teve."
steve follows where eddie's pointing. at the bottom of the page, there's a doodle of a knight in shining armor. he has great hair. "that's me?"
"uh huh." eddie grabs steve's hand and holds it tight. "fighting the dragon. gonna save everyone, like a hero."
"a hero," steve muses. his throat closes up; he clears it. "that's really sweet, eds."
he doesn't know where the nickname came from, but eddie lights up, and lets out the warmest giggle. "you saved me, 'teve."
well, if steve had any hopes of keeping from crying, they've just been dashed. he feels tears prick at his eyes and decides to just let them fall. eddie's in no space to judge right now. "course i saved you," he says softly. "i'll always save you."
small, he thinks again, giving eddie a once over. the guy isn't physically small, but... he's definitely not acting 20 years old.
"are you... small... a lot, eds?" steve squeezes eddie's hand.
"mhm," eddie says, and starts chewing on his shirt collar again. "have bad dreams. they make my head fuzzy and i go small." he picks up a green crayon and draws spiky grass beneath the knight's feet.
"okay. that's okay." steve slips the hair tie off of eddie's wrist and uses it to pull his hair back into a low ponytail. "hey, nothing's gonna hurt you. i'm- i'm the knight, remember? i won't let any scary dreams hurt you. i promise."
eddie looks up at him, doe eyes shiny. "you do?"
"yeah." steve gives him a misty smile. he's suddenly overcome with the urge to shield eddie from whatever dangers this world has to offer. "i'll protect you."
eddie surges forward and wraps steve in a bear hug. "tank you, 'teve," he murmurs against steve's chest.
steve feels tears trickle down his cheeks. he brings a hand up and pets the back of eddie's curls. "you're welcome, eds."
and he knows deep in his heart it's true. he won't let anything hurt eddie, ever again.
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skulls-soul · 2 years ago
Ok so @galactic-knightmare as a au in we’re king boo and Luigi have a father-son relationship and I really needed to practice drawing king boo so what did I decide to do is use this AU as fuel and inspiration
So here’s a bunch of doodles of king boo and some boo’s as well as lovely little Ghost Prince Luigi. full warning though as u can see I don’t necessarily know how to draw baby Luigi and I’m still getting the hang of drawing king boo I did this without reference (because my phone was charging) so it’s not the best of the best but either way I figured I’d still share it because at the very least I think the interactions are cute
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These first couple of doodles are old their When the first few chapters were out so these were just to try and find out how exactly they would look. So it’s nothing but a bunch of faces and me trying to figure out how in the hell does baby anatomy work my favorite in this page has to be Luigi trying to climb onto king boo
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just more practice in general, you can see that I tried drawing king boo kind of levitating Luigi but I gave up on drawing baby Luigi halfway and then jumped to adult Luigi but with these doodles I had an actual reference of what king boo looks like
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Here i start doodling little scenes of what I imagine has happened in the AU so kind of little head cannons I just realize that (I made Luigi a little bit of a problem child when it comes to washing) and you know what I stand by it I don’t think he would like it when he hast to put his bandanna or hat or himself to wash
On the top right Luigi is a little upsetti spaghetti because he’s constantly being changed into a bunch of different outfits because of course the boos need to find out which clothing actually fit him (although king boo is pretty sure that’s just an excuse) you can see that I have a little list and it’s basically just what I imagine Luigis first three words to be I think it’s Canon that the first word he says is papa and boo but I imagine that the third thing/1st phrase he’d ever say is “stop it” (or at least try’s to say it)
you can see just a bunch of different scenarios in we’re king boo would say stop it Because of course I had to give examples
There’s king boo with a flashlight with Luigi on top of him this is from the shenanigans chapter in where one of the ghosts find a flashlight and starts basically flashing everyone even poor Luigi got blinded :(
Then there’s ghosts who are just tossing the painting around of the boo’s that did the whole shenanigans I imagine king boo says stop it but won’t do anything else
And then at the very bottom right you can see Luigi running away after being told that he needs to take a bath
Although my favorite Has to be the drawing to the left of the ghost that you capture in the first Luigi mansion‘s game that was taking a bath helping Luigi out also the little bubble mustache (don’t worry Lu one day)
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Top left you can see three ghosts stealing baby clothing from some wire hangers because that’s where I believe they get them 
Just below that there is a painting of king boo and baby Luigi I imagine that king boo wanted to have a serious painting but someone gave Luigi sugar beforehand so he couldn’t stay still so this ended up the outcome although the king doesn’t hate it and probably prefers it this way because he can see Luigi being his silly goofy self
To the right of that is one of the ghosts from the Mario party games holding maracas
And then at the bottom is an entire scene of what I imagine Luigi‘s first birthday to be like. him with shorts and a frilly shirt some ghosts dancing to the left and to the right you can see a pin yada or the poison mushrooms from the games and three ghosts doing the how low can you go game then there’s a floating violin and piano 
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And last but certainly not least A Polaroid photo of Luigi eating his birthday cake with icing all over his face I tried doing another little false mustache but clearly failed that’s ok though
Btw you can find the fanfiction of this on ao3 it’s called phantom interference
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chibi-pix · 1 year ago
Chibi Doodles!
$15 chibi commissions!
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Heyo, lovelies!
So, I think I'm gonna try and finally get past my anxiety and open up to do commissions. Mama was helping me gauge prices and as a chibi can typically take one to two hours to draw, she feels $15 is reasonable.
As a note, though, while it can take me that long, it may look like it's taking longer due to other projects I have going for me or other things in life.
But, let's get going with some information, right?
To start, while you may have seen previous posts of mine, but these are examples of my chibis.
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Now, I don't know if I can legally do fan art for commissions. I don't know all the rules and conditions and whatnot for that. But I am more than happy to do OCs and even try to chibify you or a loved one.
In fact, the chibi with the bandana and pink and purple outfit is based on my sister. The green and black haired one next to her is an OC of mine. The bottom two are fan arts I've done.
Though, I possibly can do fan art. I think some commission artists do, too. Hmm.
Payment is important. Due to a mutual hate between Paypal and myself, I am not (and kinda can not) use that. However, I am able to work with Venmo for payment.
If there are questions about other potential payment methods such as Zelle, feel free to ask me.
The price also covers ONE (1) chibi, fully coloured and lightly shaded (I think that's what people call cell shading?). If you are wanting two chibis together, we will need to talk about that to figure out pricing.
The Process!
It starts out simple. You contact me in messages. Easy. And you inquire about a character/person and send references. Picture references are preferable for me to work from.
From there, I can work on the base of it. Now, this is equivalent, to me, to what people call a sketch. For my works, it's like these examples.
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And I will show you the base.
If you request specifically for me to not show you the base so you can be surprised by the end result, I will try to remember to oblige. Otherwise, by default, I will show you the base.
From there, I will line, colour, and shade the chibi.
You can choose to have a solid background (white or coloured) or transparent background.
You can also choose to have a "scenery" circle (seen in the completed examples) behind them or not.
If the scenery circle is chosen, please specify or give an idea of what you'd like and I can talk with you to see if that is within my ability.
All chibis are saved as a PNG file.
When I am done, I will inform you. It is then that I would accept payment; after the payment is received, I will send you your chibi.
You can choose to have your chibi sent here or to your email. If sent to email, please be sure to provide it.
Will and Will Not Draw!
Like many artists, there are things I will and will not draw.
This section is subject to change as needed.
Will draw:
Original characters
chibis based from photos (within reason)
Minimal nudity (butts and breasts; if you request this, for safety reasons, I will prefer to email you the results)
Minimal blood
Will NOT draw:
Full gore
Explicit nudity (genitals)
Overly detailed things.
These chibis are small and simple. Extremely tiny details are not easy; I will consider, if asked, to simplify, though.
May consider drawing:
These are things I may consider; please talk to me about them first.
Furries (I am not skilled, but I can attempt)
Some mech and armour (again, not skilled, but I can attempt depending on what is asked of me)
If you have any further questions about what I can and cannot/will not draw, please feel free to message me about them. And again, I do not know of the legalities of drawing fan art of existing fandom characters for profit. So, I don't know how to go about that.
The Recap!
So! Let's recap and summarize.
Payments are through Venmo.
Chibis cost $15 each.
A base WIP will be sent before continuing.
Payment is needed before I send the final product.
Refer to the list and ask any questions needed as to what I will and won't draw.
If you're unsure of something or curious, feel free to ask. It never hurts to ask.
This post and all guidelines and such are subject to change as needed.
As a final note. I am NOT obligated to accept every person who commissions me. I do not have to justify myself as to why I am declining the commission request.
Added note!
Due to existence outside of the computer, I do apologize if I do not respond right away. I may sometimes not be responsive due to being away with errands or sleeping. These things may also affect art timing. So, please be patient with me if I do not respond instantaneously.
Feel free to directly message me here on Tumblr. Or on discord, username " chibipixmama " about chibis, whether you're ordering or have questions.
If needed, you can contact me at [email protected], too.
With all that said and done, hopefully this is good enough and goes well.
Thank you for checking this post out and maybe I'll see y'all!
Until then!
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sunshinemoonrx · 2 years ago
Cai, Bedwyr and company
So pretty much ever since this post about the original folkloric magical-warrior Arthur, I've been doodling designs for other characters surrounding him (and that real good art I rb'd yesterday kicked my ass into wanting to upload them finally).
Of the companions of the Welsh version of Arthur, Cai (or Cei/Kei) has to top the list. Most magical guy in the world. Per Culhwch & Olwen dude has heat and cold powers, he can grow giant, he can survive underwater for nine days. He fought a giant cat once. (It's actually kind of interesting that he later was adapted into the boorish, incompetent Sir Kay because of how amazing he originally was; it's the classic anime rival bit where you can show how cool your new OC, Lancelot or whoever, is by having him be better than the existing best guy)
I was already leaning into the "slutty magical anime boys" aesthetic and, with characters like this who only appear once the legendary Welsh versions of the 9th century on get into full swing, I felt more license to go further with that (whereas my Arthur and Trwyth look slightly more down-to-earth because they appears even earlier as small-scale local figures).
So my concept for Cai is that since he can generate heat from his skin so intense no rain can touch him without evaporating, by anime girl character design logic obviously he has to leave his back and shoulders and thighs uncovered since that's where I'm having his wings of magical flame project from.
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The hair gave me a little trouble--I briefly thought I could give him two-coloured hair to reflect his heat/cold thing, but then I remembered one of the popular HeroAca guys is a two-colour-hair fire-ice-powers guy so I hard-swerved away from treading on those toes. In the end I settled on the MILFy ponytail at the bottom since it'd keep his hair clear of his back, since again, it's very logical and strategically important for the skin there to be bare.
The gloves and metal bands, meanwhile, are meant to be like a shadow the hedgehog power-limiter kinda deal, where he can take them off to unleash his full elemental power. That works with gloves but not really the boots, but I didn't want to lose the symmetry, but then! A piece of medieval Welsh poetry gave me inspiration for another function, and a way to make the design hornier I guess.
One of the Triads of Britain refers to the Three Fettered Men of the Isle of Britain: "Because horses could not be obtained that were suited to them, owing to their size; so they put fetters of gold around the small of their legs, on the cruppers of their horses, behind their backs".
Cai isn't one of the three, but in addition to his main epithet "Cai Wyn" ("worthy Cai", or "Cai the Fair", so it's important he's hot you see), he's also known as "Cai Hir" ("Cai the Tall"), which may be a reference to his ability to grow giant, and fits the 'reasoning' in the Triad. So the bands on his legs became fetters of gold, and my idea is he releases his power by breaking the chain to do his Ultraman rise.
A "crupper", meanwhile, seems to be like, an ass-harness? Sure, that fits the vibe we've ended up at. I figured that can be what he slings his sword from, and then spent...a while trying to figure out the logistics of that. So y'know I had to draw his hips and ass a bunch. For science.
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As you can see, there's a couple of attempts to render the leotard as chainmail; one story, Rhonabwy's Dream, describes Cai as wearing mail of pure white rings with pure red rivets, which sounds gorgeous but I dunno how to draw white chainmail so I mostly gave up. He can wear one over the other, I guess?
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In Culhwch, Cai (who is the best sword-maker in the world, naturally) forges a sword for the giant Wrnach Gawr, then kills him with it and takes it, so I figured that'd be a cool weapon to give him. Cai asks if he'd like it to be white-bladed or dark-blue-bladed, and Wrnach answers "whichever way you prefer"; we never find out what that is, so I thought an asymmetrical design incorporating both would be fun.
Anyway, here's another friend: Bedwyr! Precursor to Sir Bedivere, Bedwyr is Cai's constant companion, who "never feared a quest that Cai went on". Do Not separate them. He's the Fast Guy; though he has one hand, he can draw blood three times faster than anyone can with two; by the time you notice he's stabbed you once, he's stabbed you another seven times, etc. He's also noted as the most beautiful man in all the land (except Arthur, and one other guy whose name never comes up anywhere else).
I had kinda wanted to give Cai lots of hair volume but was thwarted by the bare-back thing so I made that Bedwyr's thing, and he's gotta be a spear guy given the above (another fun thing is his spearhead can fly off and stab guys on its own then come back to him). Another Triad calls Cai one of the "Three Diademed Battle-Leaders of the Isle of Britain", but adds after giving the three that "And one was diademed above the three of them: that was Bedwyr son of Bedrawc." So that's why they both have little tiaras, and while I flip back and forth on the look I settled on making Bedwyr's a little fancier and Cai's simpler to conform with the poem.
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So that's how we arrive at what I consider my final designs for these two lovebirds (one poet tells us Bedwyr's death left Cai "heartbroken"); in the end I prefer the sword-harness just looking like a simple belt from the front, and I added some boots? Thigh-socks? Something?? to Bedwyr to break up the design a bit. The asymmetry of them to conform with his tunic's skirt is inspired by Marin from Saint Seiya, who really rocks the asymmetrical leggings.
And on the right is an initial go at Gwenhwyfar, precursor to Guinivere (and I try to respect the Welsh spellings and pronounciations generally, but I may sometimes refer to her as just "Gwen" in this case). I was inspired by a fragmentary dialogue between her and an antagonistic warrior Melwas (who spends half the dialogue trying to fight Cai actually), where he calls her "Gwenhwyfar of the deer's glance", which brought a vision of a spooky lanky cryptid lady with all-black too-long eyes to mind.
The battle of Camlann was said to be brought about by conflict between Gwenhwyfar and her sister Gwenhwyfach, and a blow struck by the latter to the former, but they might also be like...reflections of the same person's good and bad sides or something?? It's all very murky. In any case, I couldn't stop thinking of Gwen as someone who punches dudes, and the main other instance of that in Welsh legends are their versions of "witches", who wear armour and kill with iron claws. Gwen's mother is a member of the Roman nobility, so I thought fuck it, let's get real wacky and ahistorical and dress her like a cestus-wielding gladiator. Roman influence, iron claws, punching dudes, it all comes together.
Oh, and her father is a giant, so I drew a little Arthur to scale at the bottom to show she's inherited some of that too. I wanna draw her more and refine this, make her spookier (one Triad presents her as being three people? Or Arthur just had three wives with the same name? It might just be a pun? Unclear???) But for now, here's one final page of assorted stuff, presented a couple ways up for clarity:
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So there's another Bedwyr; below him, the Cath Palug, the giant cat Cai fights in the poem Pa Gur, which I do intend to do a big funky monster design for, but much like Trwyth in the first post, I had fun doing a human one too. What, am I not gonna draw a catgirl when I can draw a catgirl?
From the other angle, there's Melwas, foe of Cai and Gwen mentioned above. He describes himself as young, and Gwen calls him a "lad of black and yellow", so I made him a twink with dyed hair, but I'll do a more full design later. Probably not before doing Cai's fight with the Cath Palug though.
Caledfwlch, the pre-Excalibur, I drew before, but I did a more ostentatious version here based on its description in Rhonabwy's Dream, where drawing it is like flames leaping forth from the jaws of the serpents whose designs were on it, so blinding no-one could look at it. I like to imagine it having the more humble look until the critical moment when it reveals its true form.
Aaaaand then there's Arthur on a motorbike. (You may have noticed there's one of these way further up in this post in one of the Cai pages) This is just me continuing to think about that idea from the last post about him popping back up in the modern day. Mostly what I orbit around is that he'd defeat whatever evil wizard he was summoned to deal with and then people would be like "so your job is done?" and he'd be like "what? no, the world is clearly in grave peril" and start running around destroying fossil fuel infrastructure. In fact I have a real hankering to make that a comic, but I'd need to be like, an actual artist for that.
So anyway the idea is he gets the spirit of his horse (Llamrei) to inhabit the bike, enabling it to do sick physics-defying stunts. Here's another for the road in fact:
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(Wow, Cat, do you like Kamen Rider or something?)
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thegongoozlerreacts · 1 year ago
Welcome Home: Instruction (??) Update
we're back with another Welcome Home post yay!!! so context for the title, what do i mean by 'instruction'?
a little while ago, after the Halloween update, i checked in on the Welcome Home website to see if the Christmas update has come
it hasnt and there still isnt any Christmassy things on the site bUT it doesnt mean there's nothing new! when i first checked there were 4 instructions left around the site, but since those were the only changes i didnt make a new post
however!! there is now new things regarding those instructions!!! and i will be exploring those today!!! im excited
spoilers under the cut
now before this new update, there were 4 seemingly random instructions left around the site
on the main page in the 'Website Updates' section, was a single sentence "Write Hello."
on Sally's section of The Neighborhood page, there was a sentence above her picture "Reverse this image of Sally."
on the stickers page, there was a sentence above the neighbors section "Write "OK.""
and last but not least, there was a sentence at the very top of The Playfellow Exhibition page "Turn The Playfellow Exhibition upside down."
these were the only changes left on the site, and at first i thought it was something that we, the viewers/audience, were supposed to do
like to turn the exhibition upside down, maybe they meant to access the staff-only version of it? there IS a thing at the bottom of that page that says 'its in here' only for it to lead to nowhere
and maybe we're supposed to write 'hello' and 'ok' on the password entry ? since its the only place where you can write anything on the site (because the guestbook is closed) (i did try that but it didnt work)
and for reversing the image of Sally, some people have tried like, reversing it horizontally or color-reversing it which makes her blue and could be a connection to the possible 'nighttime' version of her
but with this new update!! its clear that the instructions werent meant for us, they were meant for Wally!
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it doesnt lead to anything unlike the bug videos or the audio doodles, but still! an interesting revelation that the instructions werent meant for us at all!
lets check out the rest of them!
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now THIS is very interesting
also since it cant be seen clearly, when you hover your mouse over the image (or open the image to see the tab title), a line of text says 'I did not understand you. Does this help you?'
i wonder if Wally knows who it is thats leaving these messages? or if he's just like 'ah someone wants me to do something, i should help them' or smth???
i think its funny that no one quite understands what they mean by 'reverse this image' but this is an interesting interpretation! literally showing the backside of the drawing
since i cant really figure out how this is supposed to help lets move on to the next instruction
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wow Wally has made a mess of things but like i like how he used the stickers to spell out 'OK'
oh look he acknowledges it
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since its probably not clear, but the text says 'I did not write it. I did something else. I know who these neighbors are. Do you like them too?'
well now im REALLY interested to see how the exhibition page looks, since it said to 'turn it upside down' how will Wally accomplish that, i wonder
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he took that very literally it seems all instances of the phrase 'The Playfellow Exhibition' has been turned upside down, cute also hey look! a Christmas thing!
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ooh the text is very interesting!
it says 'I did not know what to do. I think I am correct. Is it Homewarming where you are? Happy Homewarming.'
hmm based on the way its capitalized and the Christmas tree, 'Homewarming' is probably the equivalent of Christmas in their world, like how they dont have Valentine's Day but they have Mail-In-Time Day and its not Halloween its the Macabre Menagerie of Monstrous Mischief Making
hmm but that seems to be the only Christmas/Homewarming thing on the site
there is no other instruction or change to the site as far as i can see, and all thats left is to speculate the purpose of these changes
who gave these instructions to Wally? what are they trying to accomplish by doing these things? will there be more on this Homewarming holiday?
i have no idea what the answer to these questions are but wow!! very interesting
welp thats all for the update and all for today, byebye!
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w0lfsbanes · 2 years ago
Hey! So this isn't exactly an art request but more of a question! I'm really, really dying to get into art, and I've never done ANY sort of art or sketching or drawing or anything before. I have a sketchbook and some pens but when I sit down to try and start learning or doing anything I just?? Don't know how???? Or where to start????? Do you know of a good place to start? Or how did you start when you first got into it? Your blog has been such a cute, wonderful place for me recently and idk id really love any advice you could give!
oh this is the absolute sweetest anon i’ve ever gotten!!! 😭 i’m so glad my little trash corner can provide some serotonin!!!
honestly starting to draw is one of the most difficult parts, to a point where even now its hard for me to do anything because unless i have a very specific image in my head, starting is so overwhelming. but when you’re just starting out with art in general, the best advice i can give is:
1. practice lines and shapes! there are plenty of references online of exercises that legit art students use! searching something like ‘artist warm ups’ brings some good examples!
2. pinterest is your best friend for pose references tbh. my favourites are by Kibbitzer!
3. even if its just a little doodle, practicing every day can really help. i’m being a complete hypocrite here because i do not draw everyday myself lmao but if you can help it, try to!
4. look at other artists’ art! i’ve learned so much just by studying other people’s art tbh. i’ve been on tumblr since i was 11 (almost ten years now) and over that time there have been so many amazing artists i’ve looked up to! studying their art, looking at their use of shapes and colours, seeing what medium and/or digital brushes they use, etc. help to figure out what it is you’d like to portray with your own art! i’ll provide a list of favourite artists of mine!
@reallunargift / @lunargift-art
@schmitskatz / @pappadu (beloved mutual!)
@nordickies / @anski-art (another beloved mutual!!)
@laoness / @ask-useless-german (a dear close friend of mine who i love very much!)
@ask-thenetherlands (another dear close friend of mine who i love very much!)
… and so many more that i cannot pinpoint at the moment but bottom line is there are so many amazing artists here on tumblr that i admire to no end, and they’ve been my inspiration when it comes to developing my own art!
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thebrokenmechanicalpencil · 18 days ago
This is more thoughts about Comet and mystery girl. Because I have entire playlists built for romance stuff and I’m literally dying.
So like- hear me out-
Yk Jazz???? That dude Comet cannot stand??? The one who also happens to be an expert in earth culture???? (Idk if they are still interacting at this point since Comet is now clearly a human and no longer Cybertronian and that might prompt questions)
What if Comet had to go to him and very discretely ask how earth flirting works. Or how to dance. Or what the slang means. Or how to tell if someone likes you. And Jazz is like “oh my gosh he talks????” And then proceeds to talk for like three hours about earth and Comet is once again regretting life choices.
I was actually going to make a little goofy post about this but lost motivation half way through it.
I always draw the twins with the most extra eyebag looking things and underline the bottom of the eye (and the top if I can) and my sister pointed it out that I don’t really do it for anyone else.
My sad excused was me fumbling and going “oh well obviously Sunstreaker does eyeliner in the morning and they don’t believe in sleep.” And that’s one of my useless and stupid head-cannons I have. Sunstreaker has eyeliner and then does Sideswipe’s so they match.
Where am I going with this?
Sunstreaker is the one who decides to look into earth fashion and hunts down the perfect outfits for Comet to wear. He’s learns how Comet should style his hair and what is in style right now and all of the best brands.
He’s the one that’s like, “hmmm… do a twirl? Yeah no we’re going to try the red.” He helps him get all ready and handsome for when he goes to meet up with Mystery girl.
And sideswipe reads right????
What if he starts trying to read earth romance novels so he can try and give actual advice to Comet. He gives him pep talks and is like “ok yeah so I was reading this book and I think she you guys should go iceskating.”
(Sideswipe accidentally picks up a book with spice in it and is forever scarred and is like “I hope you know how much I love you”)
I also feel like he would totally try and set him up on dates. I see him filling the “wingman” role a bit better than Sunny strictly because Sunstreaker is just as socially awkward.
I will most likely have more thoughts but those have been the ones dancing around my head. Especially because you said Comet doesn’t know how to flirt and whatnot. He’s just oblivious to her hitting on him.
You don’t have to use any of these but I just had to share.
The way I grinned.
So I'm just gonna yep, these are..Yep being added to the hoard. This is all so perfect you have no idea. Our worms are in sync again because Sunny helping Com with his clothes and style were something I was thinking about. The others though are so perfect.
To explain the thing with Jazz getting curious about Comet, well lets say this. The twins and Com tried really hard to hide him. Until Comet gets himself exposed somehow, which leads to only the need to know bots knowing what he is. Optimus knows, Prowl, Jazz (Because he had suspicions and decided to just wait for him to A reveal his true colors or B just prove his only crime would be lying about his species.) Ironhide would probably know too, and Ratchet because he would have to deal with Comet and his antics when the twins are injured and get a crash course in his biology when Comet arrives torn to pieces from an encounter. By the time he is on Earth the team of bots is so small he just assumes an easy form and switches between what is needed, unafraid because all the mechs in his corner are present to cool off any aggression from any in the unaware. I'm still figuring out how to deal with the human government on this. Could lead to quite a few protective twins and dead generals. And if his presence would break their treaty.
ANyWAY back to his romantic life, I love all of this, share all you want, I NEED to do some doodles of the girl and the boy now, the worms are calling. If Im lucky we might get a brotherly twin sketch.
UGH its all so good!
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tetzoro · 8 months ago
OH AIMSIES MY PRECIOUS AIMSIESSSS !! HOW ARE YOU DOING MY LOVEEE ?? I MUST KNOW !!! guess who ( you already know by the size of the paragraph i fear… :3 !! ) BUT WAHHH !! THERE IS SOSO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT !!!!!!!! T^T
PLS oh my gosh you’re so right, it is like we are lil penpals !! i literally sit in my notes app typing out my little (not so little) response giggling and kicking my feet because EEEP !! I JUST ADORE TALKING TO YOU AIMSIES !! :> your goal is to get me to watch one piece you say ?? omg…and what if i told you… i actually did start one piece a while ago :3 i already have a zoro figure and he looks so darn silly HELP ( ive been roped in by the zoro lovers. nobody save me because i love it here !!!!!)
AHHHH IVE BEEN DOING GOOD !! im finally feeling more into spirit and doing things to make myself happy <3 i started a bunch of new animes and im totally loving them AGHHH !! im sorry that day was rough for you, im hoping you’re better by now because you deserve all of the happiness in the WORLD !! <3
oh my goodness for REAL !! bokuto fics are soso difficult to find… im struggling over here !! when i was in my akaashi phase ( still am to this day oh how i love my keiji <3) i scrolled all the way to the bottom of the akaashi x reader hashtag. like, i read every single one ever posted on tumblr. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE ???? IDK !!! T^T but omg… im letting you cook… someone grab me a bib and a silverware set >:3
RAHH HELP KUROO BETTER RUN AND RETURN WITH THOSE DOODLES !! i will make sure he remembers his promise teehee <3 tinky tried to draw some catsonas of you and kuroo… it didn’t work out too well. i had to console the big guy SOB pls he is too silly !! </3 HELP PLS I KNOW i went up to tsumu after that and smacked him back because ?!?!?! HE WAS BURNT TOO ??? he cant just do that and expect to get away with it !! he was cursing up a storm it was actually hilarious PLS T^T
OHHHHH YOU AND KUROO, KUROO AND YOU, AIMSIES AND KUROO KUROMY !! MY BELOVEDS FOREVER !!!!!! that is so sweet that he sometimes feeds you SOB !! imagine he’s feeding you your yummy funnel cake and you get some whipped cream on your lips, so he pauses what he’s doing… then you’re looking at him like “ ???”, and he tells you that you have something on your face… so while you’re trying to find it he just grabs your chin and kisses it off leaving u a blushy little mess <333 IM MELTING you guys are SO cute WAHHH T^T AND THE ROMANTIC MOVIES !! oh plz, he is just a secret little emotional lil guy, but he wants to share that with you !! i bet you sometimes when he’s watching those movies with you, he’s secretly thinking about taking you on some of those dates, or wanting to recreate some of those precious romantic scenes <3 he is just so enthralled with you and wants to be with you in every lifetime !! HOW PRECIOUS !!!!!!! <3
WAHHH AIMS YOUR KILLING ME HERE !! THE COWBOY BOKUTO SCENARIO ?? im levitating he is sososososososo CUTEEEEE T^T my lil protecter forever SOB !! him with a cowboy hat… im drooling SOMEONE grab me that lasso !! I NEED TO CATCH THAT COWBOY !!
HELP OH MY GOSH i just looked up those animes you mentioned PLSPLSPLS “say i love you” he is LITERALLY kuroo’s reincarnation thats so silly im giggling !! AND WAHH wotakoi : love is hard for otaku looks so DARLING !! if it has a dub version i must watch it <3 i looked at some screencaps of it and just by the atmosphere i too can TOTALLY see you and tetsu in it !! IS IT OFFICE ROMANCE ?? YOU GUYS ARE SO OFFICE ROMANCE !!!!! :3
EEEP me and tinky time !! YIPEEE !!!!!! so, for pets in our lil universe we have a fishy that we love so dearly ( his name is bubblto. yes, bokuto named it after himself </3) but for the future we want to get a golden retriever puppy !! kou is such a dog person and that’s always been my dream dog :3 ( in me and akaashi’s universe, we have kitties !! which applies to my real life teehee :> ) but YES !! kou reminds me so much of a golden retriever so its only fitting we got one and named it something cute when the time comes :3
YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS !! MY OTP KUROMY QUESTION !! : do you and kuroo collect anything ?? if so, do you both by eachother things to add to one anothers collection ?? be it plushies, legos, buttons, i must know !! <3
OMIGOSH AIMSIES !! it is time… my ask does not end here because i am here with a yapfest. THE HAIKYUU MOVIE AND MORE !! ( my apologies in advance i feel so bad that im typing so much… forgive me </3)
for starters, THE HAIKYUU MOVIE AHHHHH !! STARTS SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS !!! i walked into that theater with my plushies and nekoma sweater ready to rock and roll <3 i walked out of that theater a new women. i was a bit sad there wasn’t much of kou, but kuroo made up for it because sweet LORD he looked so good :3 his laughs… the man pecs… his snarky comments… omg i was in heaven and im sure you were too. DAICHI CALLING HIM A DICK WAS SO FUNNY HELP T^T and omg !! i was so happy to see tendou there as well <3 EVERYONE LOOKED SOSOSO GOOD !! i must know what your favorite scenes were 😋
on other terms, can we talk about sanemi. sanemi shinazugawa love of my absolute life ??? pls aims he is so beautiful !! ive loved him since day one and im so happy that you love him too <3 we can giggle about him together !! my selfship with him is screaming in delight with the new season !! the dub couldn’t come any faster !! T^T HIS MAN BOOBS. sorry… im getting ahead of myself. i just thought id share that i’d like to kneed them like a cat… hes so delicious🙂‍↕️
ALSO AIMSIES WHEN THE HECK WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME THAT BAKUGO WAS ONE OF YOUR BLORBIES AS WELL. we are the same i swear it !!!!!! katsuki is so precious, idk if you read the manga but the latest chapter was so :((( he is so precious NOBODY COULD EVER MAKE ME HATE HIM !! EVER !!
please excuse my yapfest i just had so much to talk about >_< i hope you’re doing well aimsies !! currently frolicking through the tall grass with you as we twirl under the sun, with our favorite men off to the side as they watch us with love and delight <3 we must have a picnic soon !! me you kou & kuroo !! SOB i missed you soso much </3 thank you for always being soso kind to me aimsies. there’s a lil tear slipping down my face because you are just so sweet and fill me with so much love !! YOU ARE A SHINING STAR !! i’m currently sending this letter off with a big smooch for you hoping it finds you well <3 until next time teehee !! MWUUUUAH <3
- :3 & tinky
MY BELOVED :3 !!! oh i am so sorry for how long this took me to respond. ive been reading it and rereading it ever since you sent it to me and i hope you know i cherish you with all of my heart ! it always makes me smile whenever i see you bloop into my asks <3
also we have the same brain methinks (or we share a lil braincell) bc i too type it all out in my notes app before i answer you :3
HOLD ON THO — you’ve watched a little one piece ?! oh i need you to come back and tell me all about it i fear … AND THE ZORO FIGURE ! i need to show u mine :> i have a few but i want more !!
im glad you’ve been doing well lovely <3 i know you watched windbreaker (still on my watch list sobsob im SO behind with anime rn) but what other animes have you been watching ??? did you watch ultraman rising … omg …
anytime you gush about me and kuroo i hope you know i literally ascend … jumping over the moon and dancing between the stars bc im so overjoyed LOL it means so much to me :’) i hope you know you were apart of the kuromy wedding mhm mhm you were right up there beside me with ur tinky ! we couldn’t have the day without u ;( !
you and bokutos pets are SAUR CUTEEE !!!! the lil fishie and golden retriever oh my heart … you guys are everything ! you and akaashi universe you say tho ??? is this a separate selfship or all together now hehe please i must know !
oh we def collect stuff ^_^ kuroo likes collecting cuff links for his suits. he has all sorts of ones and got hooked after his grandfather bought him his first set. he had so many different ones for so many different occasions ! (and not to mention so many that go with those silly ties) i definitely feed into it and try to find him cool & unique ones ! as for me.. i have my lil anime figure collection … i place them around the house aesthetically and he always indulges me 🙂‍↕️ im very picky about them but he knows what i like and will buy me the coolest ones at con !
TINKY TIME !!!!! okay so weddings on the brain i fear … do you and bokuto get married? if so, what’s the theme? aesthetic? colors? location ? WAAAAHH i wanna know all ! i love celebrating love sm im so nosy
NOW TO THE TASK AT HAND. the haikyuu movie. stop omg ur so cute going in with all your gear on !! an icon !! i wore my lil nekoma jersey to the second showing hehe had to rep man i fear i was over the moon for it though. that movie was so good i saw it three times and it wasn’t ENOUGH. i need to watch it again and again. kuroo caught sm strays in the movie BAHHAHA poor baby :((( made me think of a lil high school sweetheart au i fear ..
SANEMI AND BAKUGO PLS IM GIGGLING . you have taste my friend, excellent taste. i love them both so much but i haven’t given them nearly enough attention lately :( big sigh ! i miss them both dearly … need you to gush about them with me more !!!
SOB I LOVE U SO MUCH ! we are on our lil picnic rn and im feeding u strawberries and telling you all about the honeymoon teehee. thank you for being patient with me, i promise i wont take as long to respond next time ! june is just a v busy month for lil ole me !!!!! SMOOCHING U ALL OVER UR CUTE LIL FACE ! i hope life has been treating you well my dear
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