#you can make furry novelties
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fitsofgloom · 7 months ago
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You'll Never Lose Your Novelty
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idiopath-fic-smile · 5 months ago
If you are still taking Halloween fic requests:
Member of a monster-themed novelty band Grantaire x Actual Vampire Enjolras
i'd apologize for the ensuing silliness but you can probably gather that is a hallmark of the fledgling "monster-themed novelty band x actual literal monster" genre. this is part one; i may write more tomorrow
“Grantaire,” Joly panted, “come quick, it’s a party emergency!”
Grantaire, who might as well have lived inside a glass case labeled BREAK IN CASE OF PARTY EMERGENCY, flipped himself right side up from where he’d been about to attempt a keg stand, and nodded solemnly, clapping his hands together. The blood rushed back to his head in a giddy wave.
“What do you need?” he asked.
Joly nodded at Bossuet to explain as the three of them barreled down the hallway.
“Here’s the thing,” said Bossuet, “we hired a band tonight, but the lead singer got way too high and now he thinks he needs to liberate all the notes from his guitar.”
Grantaire cocked his head to one side. “Does that explain why someone’s spent the past hour loudly and determinedly playing scales?”
“I don’t pretend to understand the inebriate’s mind!” Joly shouted, gesticulating wildly. The effect was slightly undercut by the bottle of gin in his hand.
“Point is,” said Bossuet, still walking at an almost-run, “we already rounded up Eponine and Bahorel. We need you guys to take the stage and salvage what’s left of tonight. C’mon, Bahorel says your sound is really getting there.”
“We’re not a band,” Grantaire insisted. “We’re a support group that keeps getting noise violations. We’ve never even played a gig.” He knew he probably sounded whiny but it had been a long week. His minimum possible math requirement was kicking his ass. “Besides, I had plans for tonight. I was gonna get laid.” Or at least, he was going to do his damnedest. Believe in yourself. Manifest your dreams. No I in team.
Bossuet simultaneously peered at Grantaire and pulled him through a door. “Is that why you’re dressed as…god, I don’t know, what do you call all this?”
“I thought he was an Animorph,” announced Joly. “Like, at a midpoint in the transformation to some kind of hairy animal.”
Grantaire coughed.
“Sorry,” said Joly easily. “A Sexy Mid-Transformation Animorph.”
“Shit, take in some culture once in a while, this is embarrassing,” said Grantaire. He gestured at the wolf ears on his headband, the fur glued to the cuffs of his shirtsleeves, the canine nose he’d drawn over his own with Eponine’s eyeliner pencil, the strategically ripped shirt and jeans. “I’m a Sexy Wolfman,” he said. “Obviously.”
He and Eponine, who had watched Ginger Snaps every day for the past month, had agreed to go as a pair of werewolves, but then Eponine had abandoned their pack of two to go make out with Cosette, which he really should’ve seen coming. He couldn’t even hold it against her; Eponine had been “casually” memorizing Cosette’s general weekly schedule for the past couple of semesters, when she wasn’t watching Cosette moony-eyed from the other side of the Quad. It was all probably very cute.
“Well, Wolfman,” said Bossuet, nudging Grantaire in the direction of the makeshift stage, where Bahorel was taking a seat behind the drums and Eponine was—reluctantly, by the look of it—re-tuning her borrowed bass. “You three have about thirty seconds to think of a band name.”
Grantaire picked up the electric guitar and raised his eyebrows at Eponine, whose lupine makeup was now marred by bright red lip marks, like something from a cartoon. Her own lips were smeared crimson, which was to be expected, but.
“She stopped to kiss you multiple times on the cheek?” he muttered.
“Shut up,” said Eponine, visibly blushing. “How’s your quest for a meaningless hookup?”
Grantaire let out a long breath. “Not even the furries are biting,” he admitted as Eponine snickered.
“Band names, people,” said Bahorel. He adjusted a cymbal. “I don’t have all night.”
“Hello,” Grantaire intoned into the microphone. “We are Not Even the Furries Are Biting! This first song—”
“Gonna kill you and make it look like an accident,” Eponine crooned low in his ear. “The embarrassing kind. Toilet-related.”
The thing was, in their capacity as a very loud sort-of group therapy session, with October 31st on the horizon, they had actually been talking about the appeal of wolves as a metaphor for the parts of oneself that felt wild or lonely or unlovable. To that effect, they’d been toying with a couple songs.
Maybe, thought Grantaire, this would not be a complete and total clusterfuck.
They played “I was a Teenage Werewolf” by The Cramps. They played “I’m The Wolf Man” by Round Robin. They played “Werewolf” by The Frantics. Any time he, Bahorel, or Eponine ran into a snag���a fumbled note, a missed beat, a patch that wasn’t perfectly memorized—Grantaire attempted to cover for them by throwing back his head and wailing, as if he was losing more and more of his grip on his humanity.
They were just finishing the first verse of The Black Keys’ “Howling for You” when Grantaire saw him: a tall, handsome stranger lingering at the back edge of the room, with intense eyes and an even more intense air of stone-cold sobriety. He wasn’t smiling, wasn’t frowning, just—looking. Disapprovingly? Apathetically? Saddled with a bad case of heartburn? It was hard to tell.
The chorus started up, and Grantaire sang along with Eponine and Bahorel:
“Da da da da da, da da da da da da—”
Grantaire grinned as more and more of the crowd joined in—pulled along less by the band’s general prowess or charisma and more by a drunk college student’s inherent love of an easy earworm, but Grantaire wasn’t splitting hairs at this point.
“Da da da da da, da da da da da—”
A sea of bobbing, singing partygoers, and there on the fringes, Offensively Sober Guy stood perfectly still, watching Grantaire so intently that Grantaire almost forgot the words to the refrain.
Or rather, the word.
Or rather, the single repeating syllable.
To Offensively Sober’s left, two guys attempted to clink their beer bottles together and somehow lost their balance, careening into him. He maintained his impeccable posture as if they weren’t even in the room, never breaking his stare. It was honestly a little creepy.
For reasons Grantaire would later not be able to fully reconstruct, he decided the funniest thing to do would be to wink and smirk and generally pretend like Sober was really, really into him.
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weirdmageddon · 2 years ago
I'm taking the plunge because why not:
What are some headcanons regarding small, silly things that happened during the 3 year trips on the Golden Yard and Meteor?
oh lets go i love this sort of ask. no meteor crew stuff sorry im kinda tired but
on the prospitian ship:
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the crocodiles are never recovering from that shit bro. un-stonks
alchemizing sessions. probably with mundane household devices like toothbrushes or something. patterned toilet paper. davesprite absolutely remakes the sbahjifier for himself but i think he also likes to hand draw them from time to time. also john and jade alchemizing bathing suits and going swimming on lolar and hanging with the turtles. casey can come too. floaties on casey
the sbahj canon diverges. so many sbahj in-jokes exclusive to the prospitian ship. unfortunately the retcon make it so none of this ever happens :(
he’d never say it but davesprite likes it when john and jade fall asleep on him doing whatever, it makes his presence feel wanted and appreciated by the people he sacrificed his self and humanhood for good for. sorry for immediately going into davesprite but good god is he tragic. oh yeah heres more. he’s still part dave and shares the same history with john and jade that alpha timeline dave does. john gave him his shades on his 13th birthday in december 2008, he sent john the con air bunny and jade a physical copy of sbahj as furries in the mail. he is identical to alpha dave in relation to his friends before the timeline splits off. dont forget that 4/13/2009 was also his first time meeting his online friends john and jade in person, even after 4 months chronologically of sburb grinding—nearly a year with all the time shenanigans—and going back to day 1, since john and jade were dead in his timeline
tries not to cry cries anyway but only when he knows theyre asleep. pov when the weight of everything suddenly hits you (you are an emotionally repressed 14 year old)
also because he’s fucking fluffy and absolutely knows it and probably thinks to himself “yeah this is the best possible use for these otherwise pointless breast feathers” and yall already know he craves cloth mother plus probably has nesting instincts
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adding on to that also i think people forget sprites are actually fucking LONG and his wingspan is fucking huge he could be a pillow and a blanket at the same time
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i wrote davesprite jade cuddles and john thinking about mushrooms and davesprite thinking about how they contribute to the ecnonony
^ john toked too hard on the lowas mushrooms by accident one time
it feels like pajama parties would be a common occurence just the vibes im getting. literally jade is seen sitting on a pile of squiddles and theres plushies fucking everywhere you know they got up to plushie mayhem. do you think they ever alchemized them. look how lived in that room is they all contributed something
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jade resumes gardening :) but theres no sun :( but she alchemizes some plastic plants :D but its not the same :(
canonically the imps in johns house just gave up tormenting him and started hanging out and having snacks on movie night
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imagine looking up into the sky and seeing a giant casey the size of a planet sleep. jade resizes stuff for fun like this just to introduce some novelty to their lives
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this is something
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davesprite has beavis and butthead do america (1996) in his collection somewhere in his apartment on lohac
yall theyre watching johns fuckin spongebob dvd box collection. you KNOW john owns the spongebob squarepants movie (2004). and the best thing is it brings all of them together without any of them objecting. they all love spongebob
when the episode jellyfish jam comes on johns like “wow, pretty much this exact scenario happened to me with the imps.” (arthur flashback sfx)
DAVESPRITE: yeah well you didnt have a giant sound system did you
jade warps dave’s bro’s sound system from lohac and sizes it up. they put on stadium rave and the entire fucking house shakes
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cybertron-smash-or-pass · 11 months ago
you know the transformers fan to objectum pipeline always blows my mind, particularly how short it is
Oh dude absolutely. This series is built for people to speedrun objectumization the same way space jam speed runs the furry pipeline.
Like. You get a whole metric fuckin of series to choose from with incredibly entertaining, distinctive, and well designed characters. There's variety in tone so the net gets cast to a really wide range. Most shows have good character writing so it's super easy to get attached. And since there's a lot of variance in design too, it's not particularly hard to find SOMEONE to be attracted to in robot form.
But you can't really ignore how they turn into vehicles. It's just an intrinsic part of their species, of their character. And it's really easy to go from "oh this is a weird novelty." To "man if I was dating this robot he could give me rides all the time haha" to "wouldnt it be nice to take a little nap in back of his altmode? He could even give me hugs by squeezing the seatbelt <3" to "oh dear god I'm attracted to a truck"
And it goes even further because not only do they turn into vehicles, but they're based off a toyline. It's so easy to get your hands on the figures, and more often than not in the current era of tf, they're built to be media-accurate. They capture the character and all their personality that you've come to love really well. Definitely helps that there's probably a figure for every possible fave you might have, well-known or wildly obscure. If you fantasize about snuggling up with shockwave, holding hands with acidstorm, or giving ratchet a lil forehead kiss, guess what! You can!
There are so many ways Transformers leads to objectum territory it almost feels intentional. Helps that the series has been for the weirdos since the start (like c'mon if they weren't trying to make the robots attractive they wouldn't have had two different bot on human romances in g1 alone), but its still very funny to think about.
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seeyouonsaturn · 3 months ago
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ask game
This is the hardest question to answer. What do you mean you expect me to THINK?
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Sentinel is the first Cybertronian to discover that petting a furry creature that's sleeping on your lap is an amazing cure for stress. He is also the first Cybertronian to have the age-old curse of "cannot move because creature is asleep on lap" bestowed upon him. And he actually doesn't move. Sometimes, at least. Even he has his weak moments. Let her sleep.
Trixie's comparatively small and long fingers/claws are actually really useful for cleaning out whatever bits of dirt and junk can get stuck in the narrow ridges between a bot's frame parts. During a relaxed moment, if she's feeling nice, she'll be picking around Sentinel's frame just casually cleaning him. Always looking shiny and perfect is important to him, and Trixie's got those social grooming instincts, so this works out well for them. He does return the favor by giving her baths (you know, like a pet. Totally like a pet.) She can do that herself easily. She does not want to. She'll pout if he doesn't have time for it, until he either relents or makes Airachnid do it (rip Airachnid). Spoiled creature.
Sentinel will take Trixie on flights sometimes. She was not a fan at first (he's a show-off with it and not exactly slow and gentle); it's a little terrifying trying to hold onto his back at those speeds, and he did NOT like the claw marks she left in his paint while struggling to keep her grip. But once she knew him well enough to trust him, it really grew on her. Ideally he'll hold her in his arms and carry her, because it's more romantic that way (and there's no clawing), but he definitely also has a damn baby sling for her for when they're going at a time when others will see. Looks more like he's taking his pet out for enrichment that way. Trixie had to be forced into it at first, complaining that it's humiliating, but she won't admit that the stupid thing is actually really comfy.
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Livewire: ok but god Livewire has been on the brain today. I need to see them be happy and healthy. I need to see them be the most boring domestic couple that's ever existed. [These are all post-canon when they're in a proper relationship and back on Cybertron]
Livewire likes to go bother Ratchet when he's working late. She'll just walk in and sit on his desk or something and yap at him. Sometimes he even tolerates it. Most of the time this ends with him shooing her out of the room so he can work in peace, but then the silence turns out to make it even harder to concentrate. Somewhere along the way he got used to her. (Get the fuck out of the operating room though you can't be in here istg)
Once she gets her job back, she takes every opportunity she can to stop by wherever he currently is just to say hi and get a quick kiss. Even if she really has to go out of her way for it. He complains about it; she could be spending her breaks doing far more important things (or Primus forbid she's not even on a break, she just snuck away), but she knows he loves it. Who wouldn't want to feel desired like that. Hell, all the sneaking around sometimes makes him feel like a newspark with a crush.
Livewire handles the side effects that come with aging without reluctance or complaint, and with at most some mild teasing (but affectionately). She said she wants that old man and she meant it. You think she's backing out once the novelty wears off and the old joints start acting up? She's not a coward. She's committed to this and she's seeing it through.
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beechersnope · 1 year ago
trick of treat!! pairing of ur choice 🫶🫶🫶
um. have dando furry p*rn i guess (dog/cat hybrids). 😭
Daniel watched Lando wander up the long driveway from the security cameras, pressing the button on the gate to let her into the courtyard, then the lock on the front door when she reached the steps. She had a starry-eyed wonder in her face, an enchantment borne from innocence. To her, everything in Daniel’s life must have been a novelty. He almost felt guilty about inviting her here, now that he’d seen just what effect his lifestyle had on the poor girl.
Lando’s tail was twitching uncontrollably when Daniel finally entered the foyer to meet her for the first time. Daniel wondered to himself if she’d never learned to control her instincts the way his kind were trained to practically from birth, or whether she was just so overwhelmed that she wasn’t aware that her body was betraying her.
“Would you like a cup of tea, lemonade?” Daniel asked with a friendly smile. “Water?”
“Water would be great, thanks,” Lando replied in a breathy voice. She followed him into the kitchen, her hands barely peeking out from under the sleeves of her sweater, making her look even smaller than she was. She waited for Daniel to hand her the glass and then took a careful sip before opening her mouth to speak once more. “Look, I’m—I’m not really sure that I should be here,” she told him.
Daniel raised an eyebrow and leaned back against the countertop. He crossed his arms over his chest, keenly conscious of the way Lando’s pupils dilated in response to the threat that her biology perceived him as. “You can always leave if you aren’t comfortable,” he replied. “I won’t be offended.”
Lando shook her head minutely. “It’s not you,” she said, her voice even quieter now. “It’s just…. Well, you should have seen the way people looked at me on the train.”
“Hat didn’t help?” Daniel asked, nodding toward the knit beanie covering her ears.
“I picked it up before I took a cab up here,” Lando explained. Her flush deepened with every word. “I don’t know that it would’ve made much of a difference anyway, though. I mean, you can smell me, can’t you?”
Daniel had been able to smell her the second that she’d set foot inside his home, but it felt rude to say as much, so he settled for a simple nod in agreement. “There’s not anything repulsive about it, contrary to the stereotypes,” he informed her. “It’s just different than what we’re used to.”
Lando glanced down at her feet, her fingers still picking at the sleeves of her sweater. “Some people don’t like different,” she pointed out.
“And some people do.” Daniel pushed away from the countertop, taking a step toward Lando instead. She didn’t look outwardly alarmed by his closeness, but he could detect a shift in her pheromones indicating that on some level, at least, she was a little bit afraid of him. “That’s actually why I wanted to speak with you.”
Lando squinted up at him, her eyebrows drawing together in confusion. “What do you mean?” she asked. “I thought this was about a job.”
“It is,” Daniel assured her. “And I do think your design work is quite good, but….”
“I’m a producer,” Daniel admitted. “I actually…I wasn’t entirely honest about the reason I wanted to bring you here.”
“What are you trying to say?” Lando demanded. Her pupils were blown out now, her long tawny tail bristling as it swished back and forth over her shoulders. Daniel had the sense that she was just mere seconds from bolting straight out the front door if he didn’t give her an explanation that felt satisfactory.
“I’ve seen your videos,” Daniel said.
Lando’s tail poofed out to twice its size as her expression went cold. “I’m leaving,” she said stiffly.
Daniel had to grab her arm to keep her from going. “Wait,” he pleaded. “Just wait, okay? I didn’t want to be entirely honest with you at first because I thought you wouldn’t meet with me if I told you up front that I was subscribed to you.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better about you lying to me?” Lando asked. She made an attempt to tug her arm away from Daniel’s vise-like hold, but to no avail. “Seriously?”
“I did want to talk to you about a job,” Daniel explained hastily. “It just isn’t the one I told you about in our emails.”
Lando suddenly stopped, turning her head to focus on Daniel again with a newly curious expression. Curious like a cat, Daniel thought to himself with a touch of humor.
“What job?” Lando asked in a slow voice.
Daniel cautiously let go of her wrist and gestured to the open door to his study. “I’d be happy to explain the details,” he told her. “I’ll pay for your ride home either way.”
Lando waited another second, sucking in a deep breath and holding it for a moment before finally nodding and proceeding into Daniel’s study. She seated herself in the armchair on the side of the desk facing the door, curling her legs up under herself and twisting into a position that would have been uncomfortable for anyone of canine persuasion. She seemed more at ease now that she was seated than she had in Daniel’s kitchen, however, and he took that as a positive sign as he sat himself down on the other side of the desk.
“Like I said before,” Daniel began again, “I’m a producer.”
“Okay…” Lando replied uncertainly. She put a finger to her lips and began gnawing at one of her fingernails without any care for how it might look to Daniel, who chose to ignore it as he continued.
“I make porn,” Daniel said bluntly. He watched as Lando’s expression rapidly changed from confusion to shock. “Specifically, knotting porn. And I want to hire you for a new VOD series.”
Lando blinked a few times as she stared at Daniel in disbelief. “But I’m…. Cross-species penetration is illegal in porn.”
“Not as of three weeks from now.” Daniel had expected that Lando wouldn’t be the type to have her thumb on the pulse of legislative politics, so he’d pulled up the press release on his phone before she’d arrived. He passed it to her, watching as the light of realization dawned on her.
Fairly soon, people were going to start cashing in on videos of young feline women like Lando lifting their tails to take canine knots. Daniel was planning on being the first out of the gate.
“Why me?” Lando said after she’d read her fill. She lifted her head, allowing her eyes to meet Daniel’s once more.
“I was impressed with your solo work,” Daniel told her. “And if you don’t mind my being a bit crass about it, you seemed a little more enthusiastic about the uh, size, of your toys than most of the other girls on KittyCams.”
Lando went beet red, perhaps remembering the way she’d forced a knotting dildo inside herself just last week—as close as anyone could get to the real thing before the new legislation went into effect. Daniel had been impressed with her tenacity when he’d watched the video, even if the dildo had been a few shades smaller than what she could actually expect to encounter if she took Daniel up on his job offer.
“I’m…flattered,” Lando managed. She’d somehow compacted herself even more in Daniel’s armchair, making herself a fraction of her true size. “But I’ve never…I haven’t ever slept with a canid before.”
Daniel’s eyes widened, his head cocking to the side as he processed her statement. That was a surprise to him; he’d assumed she was rather experienced judging from the amount of canid-on-felid roleplay that her customers seemed so partial to.
“Would you like to?” Daniel asked, before he could think better of it.
Lando sat up slightly. “What?”
Daniel braced his hands on the desk and leaned forward, toward Lando. “Would you like to?” he repeated, emphasizing every single word.
Lando’s quiet ‘yes’ didn’t come as such a surprise.
Daniel had seen Lando naked more times than he could count in the last month, but it was different seeing her like this, having her here in front of him, painfully real and close enough to touch. She was olive-toned everywhere except her nipples, a dark brown, and Daniel followed the milk lines down her torso with his tongue before ending up between her thighs.
She was already wet enough for his fingers, but Daniel ate her out anyway, lapping over her clit and dipping his tongue inside her until she was shaking, mewling, and crying. She was tight when he finally pushed into her with his fingers, and for a moment, Daniel was worried that she wouldn’t be able to take his cock, but then he recalled her videos, the way she’d split herself open on more than this with relative ease.
Still, he knew it wouldn’t be easy to knot her in the end. Slow and steady, he reminded himself.
One of the things Daniel had liked most about Lando’s videos was her voice. The way she yowled from the back of her throat, raw and husky, when he finally bottomed out inside her made every hair on the back of his neck stand up. He could feel himself getting rougher with every thrust, nearly sending her into the headboard every time he slammed into her.
“Can I come inside you?” Daniel asked through harsh, panting breaths as he fucked her.
Lando nodded, her pupils slitted now, eyes heavy-lidded and sleepy.
“Can I knot you?” Daniel asked again, unable to keep the desperation out of his voice.
Lando answered with a throaty mewl as she bucked up into him, her clawed fingernails digging into Daniel’s lower back, pulling him into her like she needed him even deeper.
When Daniel felt his knot starting to pull at the entrance to her pussy, he slowed down the pace of his thrusts, using Lando’s frantic gasping as a gauge for just how much she could take. He fucked her shallowly as the base of his cock swelled larger and larger. He was about halfway there when Lando’s eyes suddenly flew open, her tail flailing wildly underneath her.
“Take it out,” she begged. “It’s too big.”
“I can’t,” Daniel said gently. “It’ll hurt you if I try. Just breathe, okay? You’re almost there.”
He pushed himself into her as deeply as he could, trying to relieve some of the pressure. He reached down between them with one hand and gently rubbed at her clit, trying to force her to relax just a little.
Lando’s pussy was almost painfully tight around his knot as it swelled even further, and he could tell she’d hit the breaking point when her fingers suddenly dug into his sides, drawing blood. Tit for tat, he supposed. She was justified in hurting him a little, too.
Daniel laid on top of her and remained as still as possible as he flooded her with come, listening to the frantic beating of her heart as they both waited it out. He felt a bit dizzy afterwards, overcome with a torrent of endorphins, but Lando still hadn’t come once since he’d eaten her out, and Daniel wanted to give her a treat before she had to go.
“Sore?” he asked after pulling out of her, leaving her pussy gaping open as soon as his knot was yanked free.
Lando nodded. “Just a little achy,” she informed him.
Daniel carefully turned her over onto her stomach and then probed at her with his fingers before slipping them back inside. “This okay?” he asked.
Lando closed her eyes and nodded again, her cheek pressed against the pillows. “Mhmm.”
“Good.” Daniel pressed hard against her G-spot, making her tail whip around wildly as she let out a loud yowl. “I know you can squirt like this,” Daniel told her as he continued to massage the same spot with his fingers, moving them in a rhythmic motion he practically had memorized. “I’ve seen you do it.”
It was less than thirty seconds before Lando’s cunt tightened up around his fingers as she drenched Daniel’s hand and his sheets. He pulled out of her with a satisfied smirk and helped Lando roll back over again.
“See you in three weeks?” he asked, wanting to confirm what he already knew.
Lando let out a loud, shuddering breath. “I think I need a bit more practice, actually,” she told him. “How about Tuesday?”
“Tuesday’s perfect.”
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irradiate-space · 2 years ago
Notes on Rebuilding Fandom
(a condensed write-up of my notes from a Pemmi-Con NASFiC panel)
The greying of fandom. Falling attendance. Conventions closing or going on "temporary" hiatus post-pandemic. This discussion tries to examine the issues and come up with some solutions. Should we even try and consider just bowing out gracefully?
I think the major irony of this session was where it was held. The 2023 Pemmi-Con North American Science Fiction Convention was, people tell me, quite poorly run. The panel discussion included many specific actions that other cons commonly do, which Pemmi-Con did not do.
(The question of whether it was this con specifically, or whether this con-running crew is competent to run any con, is a conversation that I'll leave to correspondents more embedded in the Canadian SFF fandom scene. I'm relatively new to the organized SFF fandom, and I'm lacking context.)
So let's talk about the state of the Speculative Fiction Fandom:
Fans today are more often interested in specific fandoms, not general-content or genre fandom
Fanzines are dying out; there's a history of bad-apple editors and editors who retire
Yet there are many conventions which are topical to Speculative Fiction, or topical to Fandom-writ-large, which are growing rapidly and drawing record crowds.
The question opening the panel was, "how can we get kids-these-days to be the sort of fans we were?" which I added 🤔😅🙃 to, and so did many members of the audience and panel.
The response question was, "how can we adapt organized fandom to meet kids-these-days where they are?" Many expressed the sentiment that fandom changes over time, so the organized fandom must change to adapt.
Also raised was the question of demographics. Yes, Fandom is greying. It will continue greying, one year per year, until we defeat death and become immortal. To keep the average age low, recruitment is necessary. But how do you recruit younguns to get interested in the Traditional Speculative Fiction Fandom events?
A number of strategies were identified in the panel:
Rebuild mutual support: It used to be the case that con-organizing organizations were many. Now they are few. With this dwindling in number has come a dwindling of mutual-support opportunities. It used to be the case that different orgs would help each other run events. This is a dwindling case. Someone has to offer first; let your org do it.
Make in-person events attractive: Before the Internet, it was harder to be a Fan. Without an established in-person fannish presence, you were a loner. Fandom conventions were the sole way to sate your urge for fannish socialization. Nowadays, Fandom is like any other niche social group: It's really easy to find compatriots from the comfort of your home, and you don't have to travel to have a meeting of the minds. Look at the successful in-person events to determine what draws people: novelty, merch sales and swaps, in-person competitions, event exclusives, photoshoots.
Outreach: You're running a generic con? Great! Find all the specific cons and specific fandom groups and ask them to panel and attend. If you're running a scifi con and haven't invited the local chapters of the 501st, the Rebel Legion, the 405th, the Royal Manticoran Navy, the 1701st, Mandalorian Mercs, cause-players, any local university clubs, and any local anime or furry conventions, then you're doing organizing wrong.
Advertise: This one is multifaceted, and had a lot of comments in response to Pemmi-Con. Notable points: Publish your schedule early enough that people can buy tickets and book a hotel room because they know there's a panel they want to attend. Publish your schedule early enough that your panelists know they're going to be paneling. Do badge swaps, table swaps, and pamphlet swaps with other cons, so that you can advertise at each other's con. Do this especially at cons local to your city, and at Big Cons. Continually expand your comms infrastructure until every attendee has a reasonable chance of seeing every important update.
Multimedia: If you're going to have hybrid panels, make sure that the remote panelists have good audio before the session starts. Provide slide deck editing services, to make sure that text can be read from the back of the room. Position your projectors so that the display is large enough and not canted.
Experiment with format: Not everyone wants to go to spend a weekend in panels getting lectured by grey-haired white people, or sing the same filk songs again. Mix it up. Pemmi-Con had a legitimately interesting innovation: a pinball tournament. One of the most-popular John Scalzi events at Chicon 8 was the dance he DJ'd. Anime con photoshoots are hugely attended. Board game conventions are similarly popular. Host an AMV contest. Run a room that's just a TV clip show. Have a library room, like the Carolina Manga Library. In addition to Masquerade, run a cosplay critique panel, and run it on multiple days so that people can bring different costumes to it. Do the fukcing Ribbon Game.
Look to the future: A lot of Traditional SFF Fandom is about the past. But some of the most-highly-attended panels at Anime and Games cons are about the future: things which are in the pipeline for next season or next year. Already-funded Kickstarters. Already-signed series. Do that at your Traditional SFF panels.
Train the next generation: Recruit volunteers, and when they tell you they have a better way to do things, don't turn them down immediately. If there's a reason, explain the reason. If their idea is good, adopt it. They're trying to make things better. If you drive out the next generation of con-runners, there won't be a next generation of cons.
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watching-pictures-move · 1 year ago
Movie Review | Night of the Werewolf (Naschy, 1981)
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I sometimes think about Paul Naschy and weep with admiration. He made a dozen movies where he realized every man’s dream: being surrounded by beautiful women and running around in a big spooky castle dressed up as a werewolf. You know that meme about what peak performance looks like? One needs only to pull up any number of screenshots from these movies of Naschy garbed in billowy shirts and pantaloons, looking like an angry teddy bear to understand. The man is an inspiration.
Now, this is only the second of these that I’ve seen after The Beast and the Magic Sword, and I’d say it’s about as good as that one. The other movie has the novelty of its Japanese setting, and this one has the novelty of pitting Naschy’s recurring werewolf protagonist against Elizabeth Bathory, in the same spirit of those comics where Batman fights Dracula or whoever, our beloved hero against another famous character, preferable one in the public domain. Both of these movies were late in the series, so I assume these were ways to distinguish the premises from earlier instalments.
Now, this has a lot of things I love in movies: a medieval execution opening, a rustic country setting, a nice castle, lots of wind, lots of billowing curtains, lots of fog (it doesn’t matter whether it’s indoors or outdoors), sexy vampire ladies played by an assortment of Spanish beauties who emote through intense stares, widened eyes and bared fangs depending on the situation, and of course, a werewolf with cute little teddy bear ears. Any movie that has all of these things is automatically a good movie (and I suspect the larger budget on this relative to the rest of the series allowed for them all to be squeezed into the same movie), but what I can appreciate that Naschy knows how to put it all together in an entertaining package and bathe most of the scenes in a golden glow that makes it all a touch more alluring.
If anything, I’m a little moved by the conviction with which he plays all this, as he seems to sincerely believe in the power of the material. When Hollywood was tripping over itself to depict werewolves with state of the art special effects, Naschy opts for the old school approach of dissolves and furry makeup. Even the spicier elements (sex, blood) are in sufficient quantities for flavour but not so much that they overwhelm. And while Naschy is perhaps not a great actor, he commits to the emotional throughline and underlying tragedy of the material, even attempting to emote from underneath his werewolf makeup.
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starsong-dragonheart · 1 year ago
You know that whatever it is, it's definitely not a dog. You can understand how your little sister got confused, though. The furry creature she's hugging to her chest while it wiggles and wags its tails and licks her cheek is honestly less weird looking than some purebred dogs you've seen - as long as you don't look too closely. Those tails have been wagging so fast since she brought it home that it's easy to miss that there are... two of them? Three? It's hard to tell, and you're not entirely sure that it's not adding or subtracting tails on the fly. The floppy ears look normal at first glance, but they bend in ways they really shouldn't if you look too long. The fur is long enough that you're pretty sure you're the only one who's noticed that its front legs seem to have an extra joint just before they reach its shoulders, and everybody expects puppies to be wiggly bundles of energy, so the way its spine keeps undulating in too many places at once is a lot less noticeable.
Honestly, you'd probably have missed or explained away all of the weird bits just like the rest of your family if you hadn't felt that familiar shimmer of sensation along your nerves as soon as your sister carried it into the house. You weren't entirely sure what this thing actually was, any more than you had been the first time, but you knew that if you didn't warn the poor thing soon, it would meet the same fate as the one you'd brought home years ago. After the novelty wore off, someone would notice the ways the "puppy" wasn't quite... right, and when your parents decided to investigate and do something about the weirdness (in your case, they thought it was sick and wanted to take it to the vet), the creature would somehow escape and disappear - or at least that's what Dad had told you happened last time, before they somehow forgot it had ever happened at all.
You don't have to fake interested delight as you step over to your sister's side and extend a hand for the "puppy" to sniff.
"Wow, Jenny, it's so cute! And so friendly! Do you think it will let me pet it?"
The "puppy" sniffs your fingers delicately, then gives a happy yelp and starts writhing in Jenny's arms, trying to launch itself into yours. With a giggle, she holds it up towards you.
With a laugh, you gently take the friendly little creature and hold it close, giving it gentle scritches behind those too-mobile ears. Making sure you don't drop the ecstatic grin, you tuck your face down as if to kiss its head and quickly begin to whisper.
"Only one tail, get rid of the extra foreleg joint just below your shoulders, make the spine a bit more rigid, and don't turn your ears all the way inwards at each other, dogs can't do that."
The "puppy" whips its head upwards to meet your eyes as you lift your head, then lunges up your arms to give exuberant puppy kisses all over your face. You can feel the forelegs and spine changing under the fur, and there's now only one very floofy tail whipping back and forth. You suppress a sigh of relief. With the obvious tells gone, you've at least managed to buy the little dear some time to figure out how to pass as a normal dog.
A child has brought home a “puppy” and is insisting on keeping it. The “puppy” is most certainly NOT a puppy, but seems pretty content with the situation anyway.
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buzzdixonwriter · 25 days ago
One Day In Alexandria [FICTOID]
At two meters in length, the tongue would have drawn attention to itself even if not covered with think pink fur.
“Did some whale get drunk?” a European tourist asked.  “Because that’s what my tongue feels like when I’m hungover.”
The Egyptians around her looked perplexed.  First, because none of them spoke her language; second, because all the Egyptians in this particular group were good Muslims who didn’t know diddly-squat about hangovers.
The tourist smiled for a selfie with the tongue, grinning and flashing a peace sign before hurrying on to the next novelty.
“What are we going to do with this?” the crowd began asking themselves.  “Whose is this?  How did it get here?”
“It fell off the back of a truck,” said a grandmother.
“Did you see it fall off a truck?” the schoolteacher asked.
“No, but where else could it have come from?”
“Knowing where it came from can give us a clue as to whose it is.  If it fell off a truck, what kind of truck?   Garbage truck?  A moving van?  Maybe it was strapped to the top of somebody’s car.”
“Why would anyone strap a giant furry tongue to the roof of their car?” the grandmother said.  “That doesn’t make sense.”
“Maybe they bought it for their home,” said the young seamstress.
“Who would want a giant furry tongue in their home?” said the grandmother.
“Well, it does feel nice,” the seamstress said, stroking the pink fur.
“It is a product of the decadent West,” said the imam who just showed up.  “That or Satan, take your pick.”
He didn’t know anything about the tongue, in fact just became aware of its existence when he pushed his way through to see it, but was not the sort to let a good size crowd go to waste when he could preach to them.
“Shun the tongue,” he said.  “When you make your daily prayers ask Allah to forgive you.”
“Forgive us for what?” the seamstress said.  “What have we done wrong?”
Not for the first time the imam envied Catholic priests’ confessionals; he would love to have saucy young women like the seamstress come and confess their sins to him.
Of course, that would mean taking a vow of celibacy, not that Catholic priests were notorious for their celibate lifestyle.
Nonetheless, the imam didn’t swing that way.
“Pray for strength against temptation,” he said to the seamstress.  “You are tempted, aren’t you?  Hmm?  Just a little, no?”
“No,” said the seamstress.  “The tongue feels nice, the same way soft wool or a fur collar feels nice, nothing more.  Why, what did you have in mind?”
Not for the first time the imam envied American Evangelical pastors for their ability to bang female congregants then blame the women for seducing them when caught.  Sometimes he felt apostasy against the Q’ran would be a small price to pay to get his hands on some plump American booty.
“It is a sin to allow oneself to be tempted even if one isn’t aware one is being tempted.”
“That’s like saying it’s a sin to be wet without knowing you’re wet,” said the schoolteacher.
“Yes!  Precisely!”
“It’s a tongue,” the grandmother said.  “A big, furry tongue.  What’s sinful about it?”
The imam instantly imagined all the uses he could conceive of for using the tongue with the seamstress. Ironically, the seamstress was thinking the same thing about the tongue herself, only with her husband, not the imam.  If the imam had known this, he would have left them proceed with his blessing, provided they let him watch.
A small armored car pulled up and a squad of soldiers hopped out.  Their captain pointed at the tongue and the squad quickly loaded it in the back of the vehicle then climbed in after it.
“Wait, what’s this all about?” said the schoolteacher.
“Nothing to see here,” said the captain.  “Show’s over.  Everybody go home.”
With that he climbed in and drove off.
The crowd looked at one another and shrugged, drifting off in twos and threes.
“Some tongue,” the grandmother said, waddling back home.
Only the imam remained there, looking at the spot where the tongue once laid, fantasizing about what might have been.
 © Buzz Dixon
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fancyflowerfestival · 3 months ago
Pet Travel Tips: What Your Vet Near Me Wants You to Know
Traveling with pets can be one of the most rewarding experiences, but it also comes with its own unique challenges. Whether you're heading to the beach, a cabin in the woods, or even just a weekend visit to Grandma's house, it's essential to ensure your furry friends are safe and comfortable. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore a plethora of pet travel https://jsbin.com/sasumiwogu tips that your vet near me wants you to know.
Understanding the Basics of Pet Travel Why Traveling with Pets is Becoming Popular
Over the years, traveling with pets has transitioned from being a novelty to a norm. Families are recognizing their pets as integral members of their households and are eager to include them in vacations and day trips. This trend has led to an increase in pet-friendly accommodations and services.
Common Concerns about Traveling with Pets
It's natural for pet owners to have concerns when considering taking their pets on trips. Will they be comfortable? Is it safe? These questions often lead us back to our local vet for advice.
Preparing for Your Trip: A Step-by-Step Guide
Visit Your Vet: Schedule an appointment with your vet near me. Make sure your pet is healthy enough for travel.
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Check Vaccination Records: Ensure all vaccinations are up-to-date; some destinations require proof.
Microchip Your Pet: Consider microchipping or at least using a collar with an ID tag.
Pack Essentials: Make a list of items you'll need, such as food, water bowls, leashes, and first-aid kits.
Plan Rest Stops: Factor in breaks for exercise and bathroom needs.
Pet Travel Tips: What Your Vet Near Me Wants You to Know
Traveling can be stressful not only for you but also for your pets. Here are some practical tips that your vet near me suggests:
Choosing the Right Transportation Method Car Travel vs Air Travel: Which is Better? Car Travel: Most pets fare better when traveling by car because they can see their surroundings and feel more secure. Air Travel: If you're flying, check airline regulations regarding pet travel; many airlines have specific requirements. Safety First: Securing Your Pet During Transit
Always use a crate or seat belt harness designed for pets during car rides. It keeps them safe while allowing you peace of mind.
Creating a Comfortable Space for Your Pet
Make sure your pet has enough room in their carrier or travel area. Add familiar items like blankets or toys that smell like home.
Health Considerations Before Traveling With Pets Consulting Your Vet: Health Checks Are Crucial
Before embarking on any journey, consulting your local vet is vital. They can provide insights into whether your pet is fit for travel and may recommend additional vaccinations depending on your destination.
Pet Medications and Health Supplies Checklist Prescription medications First aid kit including bandages Flea and tick prevention Regular food suppl
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animalartcards · 3 months ago
Gifts for Dog Owners: Thoughtful Presents They’ll Love
Finding the perfect gifts for dog owners can be a delightful experience, especially when you focus on items that celebrate their furry friends. Whether it's for a birthday, holiday, or just because, there are plenty of creative and meaningful options available.
Personalized Dog Art
A unique and heartfelt gift idea is personalized dog art. It’s a beautiful way to honor the bond between a pet owner and their dog. From custom portraits to whimsical illustrations, this type of gift brings a personal touch that any dog lover will cherish.
Themed Greeting Cards
For smaller occasions or add-ons, presents for dog owners like dog-themed greeting cards are a perfect choice. They combine artistry with sentiment, showcasing adorable designs and heartfelt messages that resonate with pet lovers.
Practical and Fun Accessories
You can never go wrong with practical gifts like dog collars, leashes, or travel-friendly dog bowls. For a more fun option, consider novelty items such as dog-shaped mugs, paw-print blankets, or tote bags featuring their beloved breed.
Why Choose Unique Dog Gifts?
Customized or themed gifts show that you’ve put thought into the present, making the recipient feel special. They also create lasting memories and become cherished keepsakes, especially if they highlight the unique personality of their dog.
When searching for the best gifts, explore options like those available at Animal Art Cards. Their creative designs and high-quality products are sure to delight any dog owner.
Make your next gift unforgettable by choosing something that celebrates the unconditional love between a dog and their owner.
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pappypaws · 4 months ago
8 Essential Tips for a Stress-Free Alone Time for Your Dog
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Dogs are loyal companions and thrive in the presence of their human friends. However, it’s not always possible to stay with them all day. Whether you’re going to work, running errands, or attending an event, leaving your dog alone can sometimes lead to stress or separation anxiety. This experience is tough not only for the dog but also for the owner who worries about their furry friend's well-being. Fortunately, options like pet boarding in Noida can provide a safe and nurturing environment for your dog when you're away. Additionally, with a structured approach, you can create a stress-free environment for your dog during alone time. This blog provides detailed, actionable tips to ensure your dog remains happy, calm, and safe when left alone.
1. Start with Gradual Training: Building Confidence Over Time
Dogs, like humans, need time to adapt to new situations. If your dog has never been left alone, sudden and long absences may confuse or distress them. Begin with gradual training to get your dog used to being alone.
Start by leaving your dog alone for very short periods, like 5-10 minutes. Observe how they react and slowly increase the time. For instance, you can leave them for 15 minutes on the second day, 30 minutes the next, and so on. During these sessions, ensure your dog has something engaging to do, such as a chew toy or a puzzle.
Gradual training allows your dog to learn that your absence is temporary and that you always return. By reinforcing this idea with consistency and patience, you can help build their confidence, reducing separation anxiety over time.
2. Create a Safe and Comfortable Space
Just as humans feel more relaxed in familiar environments, dogs need a safe and cozy space where they can retreat when alone. This space acts as their sanctuary, offering comfort and security in your absence.
What makes a space safe?Choose a quiet corner or room where your dog won’t feel overwhelmed by noise or distractions. Remove any potential hazards, such as electrical wires, toxic plants, or sharp objects.
What makes it comfortable?Equip this area with your dog’s favorite bed or blanket, their toys, and a water bowl. If your dog is crate-trained, you can use the crate as their safe space. Ensure it’s spacious enough for them to move around comfortably.
By giving your dog a designated area, you create an environment where they feel secure and less likely to exhibit destructive behaviors.
3. Provide Mental Stimulation to Prevent Boredom
Boredom is a common reason dogs become stressed or engage in destructive activities when left alone. A bored dog may chew on furniture, dig at doors, or bark excessively. Providing mental stimulation is a powerful way to keep their mind engaged.
Interactive Toys:Puzzle feeders, treat-dispensing toys, or Kong toys stuffed with peanut butter can keep your dog entertained for hours. These toys challenge your dog’s brain and reward them for solving the puzzle.
Chew Toys:Dogs naturally love to chew. Providing durable chew toys helps them satisfy this instinct while also reducing boredom. Choose toys appropriate for your dog’s size and chewing habits.
Rotate Toys:Instead of leaving out all toys at once, rotate them periodically to keep things fresh and exciting. This novelty prevents your dog from losing interest.
Engaging your dog’s mind not only prevents boredom but also tires them out mentally, making them more relaxed and less anxious.
4. Ensure Proper Exercise Before You Leave
A well-exercised dog is a relaxed dog. Physical activity helps release pent-up energy, reducing the likelihood of restlessness or anxiety while you're away.
Morning Walks:Before leaving, take your dog for a long walk or jog. This not only tires them out physically but also provides mental stimulation as they explore their surroundings. For active breeds, you might need 30-60 minutes of exercise to sufficiently tire them out.
Play Sessions:If walking isn’t enough, add a play session of fetch, tug-of-war, or other activities your dog enjoys. Games that challenge both their body and mind are especially effective.
By ensuring your dog has burned off their energy, you increase the chances they’ll spend their alone time resting or napping instead of feeling anxious.
5. Stick to a Predictable Routine
Dogs are creatures of habit and thrive on routine. Having a predictable schedule reassures them and reduces stress when you’re not around.
Feeding Times:Feed your dog at the same time every day. A regular feeding schedule helps maintain their physical health and creates a sense of stability.
Walking and Playtime:Schedule your dog’s walks and play sessions at consistent times. This predictability allows your dog to know what to expect, even when you're away.
Departure Routine:Develop a simple and consistent routine before leaving. For instance, you could give your dog a treat, turn on calming music, and say a cheerful goodbye. Following the same pattern every time signals to your dog that your departure is normal and not cause for concern.
Routines help dogs feel secure, reducing anxiety and promoting calm behavior.
6. Use Calming Aids for Anxiety
Despite your best efforts, some dogs may still struggle with separation anxiety. In such cases, calming aids can be a helpful tool to create a more relaxed environment.
Calming Sprays and Diffusers:Products containing dog-appeasing pheromones can help soothe anxious dogs. These sprays mimic natural pheromones that create a sense of safety and calm.
Anxiety Wraps:Anxiety wraps, like the ThunderShirt, apply gentle pressure to your dog’s body, which can have a calming effect. Many dogs find these wraps comforting.
Herbal Remedies:Certain herbal supplements, like chamomile or valerian root, can help reduce stress. Always consult your veterinarian before introducing any new products.
Calming aids are especially useful during the initial stages of training or for dogs with a history of severe anxiety.
7. Leave Background Noise
Dogs often feel less alone when there is background noise. Leaving the TV, radio, or a music playlist on can mimic the sounds of human presence, providing reassurance.
Music for Dogs: Some music is specifically designed to calm dogs. These playlists, available on streaming platforms, use soothing tones and rhythms to create a relaxing atmosphere.
TV Shows: Certain TV channels, like DogTV, are designed to keep dogs entertained with visuals and sounds that appeal to them.
White Noise Machines: If your dog is sensitive to outside noises, a white noise machine can help drown out sudden sounds like traffic or neighbors, reducing stress.
Experiment with different options to see what works best for your dog. Background noise can make a significant difference in their comfort level.
8. Keep Departures and Returns Calm
How you handle leaving and returning home can greatly influence your dog’s behavior. Dramatic goodbyes or greetings can heighten their anxiety.
Departures: Keep your goodbyes short and sweet. Avoid prolonged cuddles or apologetic tones, as these can signal to your dog that something unusual is happening. Instead, leave in a calm and confident manner.
Returns: When you come home, avoid making a big fuss. Wait until your dog is calm before greeting them warmly. This teaches your dog that your comings and goings are routine and not events to be anxious about.
By maintaining a calm demeanor, you help your dog remain calm as well.
Bonus Tips for Enhanced Comfort
Monitor with Technology
Pet cameras can provide peace of mind when you’re away. With features like live video, two-way audio, and treat dispensers, these devices let you check on your dog and interact with them remotely.
Hire a Dog Walker or Pet Sitter
If you’re regularly away for long hours, consider hiring a dog walker or pet sitter. This breaks up your dog’s day and ensures they get exercise, companionship, and bathroom breaks.
Enrich Their Environment
Scatter small treats around your dog’s safe space before you leave. This “treasure hunt” gives them something fun and rewarding to focus on.
Recognizing Stress in Your Dog
Even with all precautions, some dogs may still struggle with alone time. Watch for these signs of stress:
Excessive barking or howling
Chewing on furniture or personal items
Pacing or restlessness
Accidents indoors, despite being house-trained
If these behaviors persist, seek advice from a veterinarian or professional dog trainer to address the underlying issues.
Creating stress-free alone time for your dog requires planning, consistency, and understanding. By gradually training them, providing a safe and stimulating environment, and sticking to a routine, you can help your dog feel secure and content during your absence. If you’re unable to be with your dog for extended periods, consider exploring pet boarding in Noida to ensure they are well cared for and comfortable. Remember, every dog is unique, so it’s important to observe your pet’s behavior and adjust these tips to suit their individual needs. With time and effort, you can make alone time a positive experience for both you and your furry friend.
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andrewshingho · 4 months ago
Custom Bobbleheads Made From Your Photos – A Fun, Personalized Keepsake for Every Occasion!
Looking for the ultimate personalized gift that’s both unique and fun? Custom Bobbleheads Made From Your Photos are the answer! Whether you want to immortalize a special moment, surprise a loved one with a quirky gift, or celebrate a beloved pet, our custom bobbleheads will bring your photos to life in a way that’s guaranteed to bring a smile. These one-of-a-kind creations are perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, or simply as a fun decoration for your home or office.
Why Choose Custom Bobbleheads Made From Your Photos?
Personalized & Fun: A custom bobblehead made from your photo is not only a fun and whimsical gift, but also a deeply personal way to celebrate a special memory. Every detail is crafted to reflect the personality and essence of the person, pet, or moment you're capturing.
Perfect for Every Occasion: Whether you’re celebrating a wedding, a birthday, an anniversary, a promotion, or even just an ordinary day, a personalized bobblehead made from your photos is a memorable and thoughtful gift.
Fast Turnaround: We know how important it is to get your gifts on time. Our streamlined process ensures that you receive your custom bobblehead quickly, without compromising on quality or attention to detail.
Quality Materials: Made with durable, high-quality materials, our custom bobbleheads are designed to last. From the tiniest details to the vibrant colors, we ensure your bobblehead is crafted with the highest standard of craftsmanship.
Fully Customizable: From facial expressions to outfits and accessories, you can fully customize your bobblehead to capture the spirit of the photo you’ve chosen. Add fun props or tailor every aspect to make the gift uniquely yours.
How It Works:
Upload Your Photo: Start by uploading a clear photo of the person, pet, or moment you’d like to turn into a custom bobblehead. High-resolution images work best to ensure the details are captured accurately.
Customize Your Bobblehead: Choose the pose, outfit, accessories, and any other elements that reflect the personality of your subject. Want to add a funny prop or change their hairstyle? The possibilities are endless!
Review and Approve: Once we’ve designed your bobblehead, we’ll send you a preview for approval. You can make adjustments until it’s perfect, ensuring that every detail is just right.
Fast and Reliable Delivery: Once you’re happy with the design, we’ll craft and ship your bobblehead to you quickly, so you can surprise your loved one or enjoy your new creation as soon as possible.
Why You’ll Love Our Custom Bobbleheads:
Personal Touch with Every Gift: A custom bobblehead made from a photo is more than just a fun novelty item – it’s a thoughtful, personalized gift that reflects the unique personality of the person or pet it’s based on. It’s a heartfelt gesture that will be treasured for years to come.
Perfect for Any Event: A custom bobblehead is ideal for any celebration, from birthdays to weddings, to holidays and retirements. It’s a versatile gift that’s sure to make any occasion even more memorable.
Celebrate Your Furry Friends: Pets are family, too! Create a custom bobblehead of your dog, cat, or any pet you adore, and keep them close in a fun, creative way.
Decorate Your Space: A custom bobblehead doesn’t just make a great gift – it’s also a unique and charming addition to your desk, bookshelf, or any space that could use a little personality. Show off your custom figure as a fun conversation starter!
A Collectible Keepsake: Over time, your custom bobblehead will become a cherished collectible. Whether it’s a portrait of a loved one, a memorable moment, or a cute pet, it’s a keepsake that grows in sentimental value as the years go by.
Perfect For:
Gift Giving: Birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, graduations – a custom bobblehead is a unique and thoughtful gift for any occasion. It’s a gift that’s guaranteed to stand out.
Corporate Gifts: Looking for a fun way to reward employees or clients? A personalized bobblehead is a creative and amusing way to say thank you, commemorate a work milestone, or celebrate a special achievement.
Commemorate Life’s Special Moments: Create a custom bobblehead to celebrate your wedding day, the birth of a child, a promotion, or any event that’s worth remembering. It’s a unique way to capture those special memories.
Family and Friends: Whether it’s a family reunion, a wedding, or simply a fun surprise, a custom bobblehead is a gift that will delight anyone who receives it. It’s a fun, personal, and unexpected way to show you care.
Celebrate Your Pets: We know how much your pets mean to you. A custom bobblehead of your dog, cat, or any other beloved animal is a fun way to capture their personality and keep them with you always.
Why Choose Us?
Fast Service and Quick Delivery: We understand how important timing is when it comes to gifts. That’s why we work quickly to design and ship your custom bobblehead, ensuring it arrives just when you need it.
Affordable & High-Quality: You don’t have to break the bank to get a custom bobblehead that’s both fun and high-quality. We provide affordable pricing without sacrificing craftsmanship.
Satisfaction Guarantee: Our goal is your complete satisfaction. If you have any concerns or need assistance with the customization process, our friendly customer support team is always available to help you every step of the way.
Durable and Detailed: Crafted from durable materials, our bobbleheads are designed to stand the test of time. Every custom figure is made with care, ensuring your keepsake remains in perfect condition for years to come.
Start Designing Your Custom Bobblehead Today!
There’s no better time than now to turn your favorite photos into personalized, fun, and memorable keepsakes. Whether it’s for a gift, a celebration, or just a quirky decoration for your home or office, Custom Bobbleheads Made From Your Photos are the perfect way to bring a smile to anyone’s face. Start designing your custom bobblehead today and create a one-of-a-kind piece that will be cherished for years to come!
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arniarts · 6 months ago
The Trend of Pet Fashion: Why Your Furry Friend Deserves Stylish Attire
In recent years, pet fashion has become more than just a novelty; it’s now an integral part of pet ownership. With the rise of online pet clothing stores, finding the perfect outfit for your furry friend has never been easier. Online Pet Clothing Store One such store that stands out is Mekanshi, offering a vast array of stylish and comfortable clothing for pets of all shapes and sizes.
The Importance of Pet Clothing
Pet clothing serves several purposes beyond mere aesthetics. Here are some reasons why investing in stylish outfits for your pets can be beneficial:
Protection from the Elements: Just like humans, pets can be susceptible to harsh weather conditions. Dog sweaters and jackets provide warmth during cold seasons, while breathable fabrics can keep them cool in the summer.
Health Benefits: Certain breeds with short fur or minimal body fat may require additional protection. Clothing can help regulate their body temperature and protect their skin from harmful UV rays.
Fashion Statement: Let’s face it—who doesn’t love dressing up their pets? Pet clothing allows owners to express their pets’ personalities, and it can be a great conversation starter among fellow pet lovers.
Special Occasions: From birthdays to holidays, dressing up pets for special events adds to the fun and creates memorable moments.
Why Choose Mekanshi?
Mekanshi offers a unique selection of pet clothing that combines quality, comfort, and style. Here’s what makes them a go-to choice for pet owners:
Diverse Range of Products: Whether you’re looking for cute dresses for your cat or durable jackets for your dog, Mekanshi has something for everyone. Their collection includes everything from everyday wear to special occasion outfits.
Quality Materials: All products are made from high-quality, pet-friendly materials. This ensures that pets not only look good but also feel comfortable in their outfits.
User-Friendly Shopping Experience: The online store is easy to navigate, allowing pet owners to find what they need quickly. With clear sizing guides and detailed product descriptions, you can shop with confidence.
Affordability: Mekanshi believes that every pet deserves to look fabulous without breaking the bank. Their competitive pricing ensures that pet fashion is accessible to all.
Tips for Dressing Your Pet
While shopping for pet clothing can be fun, here are a few tips to ensure your pet is comfortable and stylish:
Know Your Pet's Size: Always refer to the sizing chart provided by the retailer to avoid ill-fitting clothing.
Consider Your Pet’s Comfort: Choose outfits made from soft, breathable materials. Avoid anything too tight or restrictive.
Take It Slow: If your pet is new to wearing clothes, introduce them gradually. Start with simple items like bandanas or light sweaters before moving on to full outfits.
Investing in fashionable and functional pet clothing not only enhances your pet's style but also contributes to their overall well-being. Online Pet Clothing Store With a plethora of options available online, finding the perfect outfit is just a click away. Check out Mekanshi for a stunning selection of pet clothing that your furry friend will love!
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cuddlyspetsupply · 6 months ago
Fun Cat Apparel: Purr-fect Outfits for Cat Lovers Everywhere
Are you a cat lover who enjoys expressing your feline obsession in your fashion choices? If so, Fun Cat Apparel is here to help you make a stylish statement while celebrating your love for your furry friends. Whether you're dressing up for a casual day out, a fun gathering, or just relaxing at home, this unique trend in clothing and accessories is the perfect way to embrace your inner cat enthusiast.
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Why Fun Cat Apparel?
Cats have been adored by humans for centuries, and it's no surprise that they’ve found their way into our wardrobes. Fun Cat Apparel isn't just a novelty; it's a way of life. From cute and quirky designs to sophisticated and elegant looks, there’s a style for every cat lover out there.
One of the reasons why Fun Cat Apparel is so popular is its versatility. Whether you want a bold and colorful look or a subtle nod to your feline friend, the wide range of designs allows you to express your personality in a way that feels true to you. Graphic tees with witty cat puns, cozy cat-themed hoodies, and even accessories like cat-ear headbands and paw-printed socks make up this delightful trend. Plus, you can find styles suitable for all ages and preferences, making it a fun and inclusive option for everyone.
Popular Styles and Trends
When it comes to Fun Cat Apparel, the options are truly endless. Let's explore some of the most popular styles that are trending right now:
Graphic Tees: These are a staple in any cat lover's wardrobe. Featuring playful images of cats, clever puns, or artistic renditions of your favorite feline breeds, graphic tees are easy to pair with jeans, shorts, or skirts. Whether you're lounging at home or heading to a casual outing, a fun cat-themed tee is always a good choice.
Sweaters and Hoodies: Cozy up with a warm cat-themed sweater or hoodie that not only keeps you comfortable but also gives off a relaxed, fun vibe. Hoodies featuring cute cat faces, paw prints, or embroidered ears on the hood are particularly popular, offering both style and a sense of playful coziness.
Accessories: From cat-shaped jewelry to adorable beanies with little cat ears, there’s no shortage of accessories to complement your outfit. Cat-ear headbands are a favorite for those looking to add a touch of feline flair without going all out. And don’t forget the socks! Cat-themed socks can be the subtle finishing touch for any outfit.
Cat Pajamas: For those who want to embrace their love for cats even in their sleep, there’s an array of cat-inspired pajamas and loungewear available. These pieces are often adorned with cute kittens, moonlit cats, or funny phrases, making them perfect for a cozy night in.
How to Style Your Cat Apparel
Styling Fun Cat Apparel is all about balance. If you’re going for a bold, graphic top, consider pairing it with neutral pants or a simple skirt. Alternatively, you can embrace the theme fully by mixing and matching cat-themed pieces, like wearing cat socks with a cat-print hoodie for a playful, head-to-toe look. Accessories, such as cat-ear headbands or a cat-shaped purse, can tie the whole outfit together without overwhelming the look.
If you're worried about going overboard, don’t be! Fun Cat Apparel is all about celebrating your love for cats in a playful and quirky way. The key is to have fun with it and not take it too seriously.
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Final Thoughts
Fun Cat Apparel is more than just a fashion trend – it’s a way for cat lovers to show their passion for their favorite animals while looking stylish and feeling comfortable. Whether you’re a casual cat fan or a full-fledged "cat person," there’s a piece of Fun Cat Apparel that will make you smile and show off your purr-sonality.
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